

Physical health education scheme of work for primary 6.

health education scheme of work for primary 6

Physical Health Education (PHE) is a crucial aspect of the primary school curriculum, aimed at promoting the overall well-being of students. The scheme of work for Primary 6 is designed to provide a comprehensive framework for the development of physical health, fitness, and sportsmanship among students.

This article aims to provide a detailed insight into the First, Second, and Third Term PHE Scheme of Work for Primary 6, highlighting the key activities and learning objectives.

The First Term of the PHE Scheme of Work for Primary 6 focuses on building a strong foundation in physical health and fitness. It begins with a revision of previously learned concepts, followed by engaging activities such as Creative Rhythmic exercises, Field events including Long jump and High jump, and team sports like Volleyball, Basketball, and Football. The term culminates in a comprehensive examination to assess the students’ understanding and progress.

Moving on to the Second Term, the focus shifts towards honing specific sports skills and understanding the importance of maintaining sports facilities and equipment. Activities such as Hockey, Table tennis, Gymnastics, and Recreation are incorporated to enhance the students’ physical abilities and coordination. Additionally, topics like Physical fitness and the cardinal points of a compass are introduced to provide a holistic approach to physical education.

In the final term, the emphasis is on broader aspects of physical health, including Food and Nutrition, Martial Arts (specifically Judo), Swimming strokes, and understanding pathogens, diseases, and prevention.

The students are also introduced to the concept of communicable and non-communicable diseases, along with the issues and challenges in Physical and Health Education. The term concludes with a thorough examination to evaluate the students’ grasp of the diverse topics covered throughout the year.

Table of Contents

First term physical health education scheme of work for primary 6.

2Creative Rhythmic
3Creative Rhythmic
4Field Event (Long Jump)
5Field Event (High Jump)
6Volleyball Game
7Mid-term Break
8Personal Healthcare
9Basketball Game
10Football Game

Check All Primary Schemes of Work Below

Primary 1 Scheme of Work

Primary 2 Scheme of Works

Primary 3 Scheme of Works

Primary 4 Scheme of Works

Primary 5 Scheme of Works

Primary 6 Scheme of Works

Second Term Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6

2Hockey Game
3Table Tennis Game
4Maintenance of Sports Facilities and Equipment
5Physical Fitness
6Physical Fitness
7Mid-term Break
9Gymnastics Activities with Apparatus
11Four Cardinal Points

Check All Jss Scheme Of Work Bellow

J S S 1 Scheme of Work

J S S 2 Scheme of Work

J S S 3 Scheme of Work

Third Term Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6

2Food and Nutrition
3Food and Nutrition (continued)
4Martial Arts: History of Judo
5Rules of Judo and Skills
6Swimming Strokes
7Mid-term Break
8Pathogens, Disease, and Prevention
9Diseases: Meaning, Signs, and Symptoms
10Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases
11Issues and Challenges in Physical and Health Education

Check All SSS Scheme Of Work Bellow

S S S 1 Scheme of Work

S S S 2 Scheme of Work

S S S 3 Scheme of Work

The Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6 provides a well-rounded approach to developing students’ physical abilities, health awareness, and sportsmanship. By incorporating a wide range of activities and topics, the scheme aims to instill a deep understanding of the importance of physical health while nurturing a love for sports and fitness.

It not only equips the students with essential physical skills but also educates them about the significance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Overall, the scheme of work serves as a vital tool in shaping well-rounded individuals with a strong foundation in physical health and well-being.

health education scheme of work for primary 6

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Gymnastics Elbow stand By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Use digital device to watch a video clip on elbow stand and observe the placement of the hands.

·         Draw the picture on learner’s book that show the elbow stand.

·         Discuss the benefits of an elbow.

·         Appreciate the benefits of an elbow.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Use digital device to watch a video clip on elbow stand and observe the placement of the hands.

-Draw the picture on learner’s book that show the elbow stand.

-Discuss the benefits of an elbow.

What is an elbow? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 198-199 Value based sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Gymnastics Elbow stand By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Practice warm up and cool down activities such as bear crawl and Cross-Body shoulder stretch.


·         Appreciate the spirit of sports through dedication and commitment

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Identify warm up activities.

-Practice warm up and cool down activities such as bear crawl and Cross-Body shoulder stretch.

How do you perform warm up activity in elbow stand? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 199-201 Value based sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Gymnastics Elbow stand By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Describe the placement of the forearm during the elbow stand.


-Demonstrate the elbow stand balance.


-Practice elbow stand kicks.

What is the other name for the elbow stand? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 201-204 Value based sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Gymnastics Dive forward roll into squat stand By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Explain the meaning of dive forward roll into squat stand.


·         Use digital device to watch a video clip and observe the body position, arm and leg movement.


·         Practice warm up activities.


·         Appreciate feedback from the teacher and others


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Explain the meaning of dive forward roll into squat stand.


-Use digital device to watch a video clip and observe the body position, arm and leg movement.


-Practice warm up activities


What is dive  forward roll into squat stand? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg.  205-207 Value based sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Gymnastics Dive forward roll into squat stand By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Describe the dive forward roll squat stand.





The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Describe the dive forward roll squat stand.


-Demonstrate a dive forward roll into squat stand.


-Practice dive roll, tuck forward roll and handstand forward roll.

When can you use the dive forward roll in real life situations? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 207-209 Value based sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Gymnastics Fence vault By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define a fence vault.

·         Use digital device to watch a video clip on fence vault and observe the body position, arm and leg movement.

·         Practice the warm up and cool down activities.

·         Appreciate the importance of following safety instructions.


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define a fence vault.


-Use digital device to watch a video clip on fence vault and observe the body position, arm and leg movement.


-Practice the warm up and cool down activities.



What is a fence vault? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 210-211 Value based sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Gymnastics Fence vault By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Outline the drills used to practice the fence vault.

·         Demonstrate the fence vault.

·         Practice side vault, box top and fence vault.

·         Have fun and enjoy practising the fence vault gymnastic movement.


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Outline the drills used to practice the fence vault.


-Demonstrate the fence vault.


-Practice side vault, box top and fence vault.

When can you use a fence vault in everyday life? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 212-214 Value based sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Gymnastics Partner balances By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Explain the meaning of partner balances.


·         Display the character of a sport person.


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Explain the meaning of partner balances.


-Describe the physical activities taking place on learner’s book.


-Use digital device to watch a video clip on partner balances and observe the different types of partner balances.


What is partner balance? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 214-215 Value based sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Gymnastics Partner balances By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Explain the meaning of counter balance.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Explain the meaning of counter balance.


-Practice warm up and cool down activities such as side reach and torso twists.



What is counter balance? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 216-217 Sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Gymnastics Partner balances By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         State the safety measures to observe when performing the counter balance and the counter tension.

·         Demonstrate pair and trio balances.

·         Practise trio partner balances.


·         Display an attitude to work in a team

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-State the safety measures to observe when performing the counter balance and the counter tension.


-Demonstrate pair and trio balances.


-Practise trio partner balances

What is counter tension? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 218-220 Sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Gymnastics Six action sequence By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Describe each of the six actions in the sequence on learner’s book.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Describe each of the six actions in the sequence on learner’s book.


-Use digital device to watch a video clip on gymnastic sequences and observe the sequence of several gymnastics’ actions.


-Practice warm up and cool down activities.


What is six  action sequence? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 220-222 Sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Gymnastics Six action sequence By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Outline the drills to perform six action sequence.


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Outline the drills to perform six action sequence.


-Demonstrate a six action sequence.


Which gymnastics actions are combined to come up with a six action sequence? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 222-223 sports channels, Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Health and Fitness Speed By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define speed.


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define speed.


-Use digital device to watch a video clip on how to improve speed.


-Practice warm up and cool down activities such as collect tails.

What is speed? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 226-227 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Health and Fitness Speed By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Name the components of health fitness that are taken care of by activities for developing speed.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Name the components of health fitness that are taken care of by activities for developing speed.


-Demonstrate the drills to perform to enhance speed.


Why is speed important in games? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 227-229 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Health and Fitness Speed By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         List games and sports in which speed is very important.

·         Perform the interval sprints, jumping jacks and weight running.

·         Have fun and enjoy performing speed drill games.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-List games and sports in which speed is very important.


-Perform the interval sprints, jumping jacks and weight running.



How do you improve speed? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 229-232 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Health and Fitness Power By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define power.

·         State the importance of power in games and sports.

·         Practice warm up and cool down activities.

·         Appreciate the importance of power in games and sports.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define power

State the importance of power in games and sports.


-Practice warm up and cool down activities.


What is power?


What is the importance of power in games and sports?

KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 232-233 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Health and Fitness Power By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         List three sports where athletes need a lot of power.

·         Create drills that improve power.

·         Practice and perform physical exercise to enhance muscular strength.

·         Appreciate the importance being physically fit.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-List three sports where athletes need a lot of power.


-Create drills that improve power.


-Practice and perform physical exercise to enhance muscular strength.

Which activities can help you develop power at home? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 233-238 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Health and Fitness Co-ordination By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define co-ordination.

·         Discuss ways to improve co-ordination.

·         Practice warm up and cool down activities.

·         Respect each other’s opinion.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define co-ordination.


-Discuss ways to improve co-ordination.


-Practice warm up and cool down activities.

What is co-ordination? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 238-239 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Health and Fitness Co-ordination By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Outline the drills to practice to improve co-ordination.

·         Practice and perform different drills that help improve co-ordination.

·         Appreciate feedback from the teacher and others.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Outline the drills to practice to improve co-ordination.


-Practice and perform different drills that help improve co-ordination.

Why does an athlete need to be agile? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 239-240 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Outdoor Activities Leadership styles By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Identify types of leadership styles in sports.


·         State the qualities of a good leader.


·         Role play the scenario on learner’s book.


·         Appreciate different kinds of leadership.


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Identify types of leadership styles in sports.


-State the qualities of a good leader.


-Role play the scenario on learner’s book.


What are the qualities of a good leader? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 244-247 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Outdoor Activities Lightning the camp fire By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define firewood.

·         Discuss importance of stones around a fire place.

·         State the precautions to observe when starting a camp fire.

·         Draw the picture on learner’s book.

·         Appreciate importance of observing precautions when starting a camp fire.


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define firewood.


-Discuss importance of stones around a fire place.


-State the precautions to observe when starting a camp fire.


-Draw the picture on learner’s book.

What precautions should you take when starting a camp fire? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 247-248 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Outdoor Activities Lightning the camp fire By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Identify the materials that can be used to light a camp fire.

·         Demonstrate how to arrange firewood for a better camp fire during a camping activity.

·         Appreciate the importance of lightning a camp fire.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Identify the materials that can be used to light a camp fire.


-Demonstrate how to arrange firewood for a better camp fire during a camping activity.


How can you manage a camp fire during an outdoor activity? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 248-250 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Outdoor Activities Choosing and constructing shelter By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define shelter.


·         Discuss why it is necessary to know how to make a shelter during an outdoor activity.

·         Practice warm up and cool down activities such as jog on the spot.

·         Appreciate the importance of making a shelter during an outdoor activity.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define shelter.


-Discuss why it is necessary to know how to make a shelter during an outdoor activity.

-Practice warm up and cool down activities such as jog on the spot.


What is a shelter?

Why is it  necessary to know how to make a shelter during an outdoor activity?

KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 251-252 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Outdoor Activities Choosing and constructing shelter By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Explain the factors needed to consider when choosing a site for setting up a shelter.

·         Model a simple shelter they would use in a camp.

·         Have fun and enjoy modelling a simple shelter.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Explain the factors needed to consider when choosing a site for setting up a shelter.

-Model a simple shelter they would use in a camp.


What are the factors to consider when choosing a site for setting up a shelter? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 252-255 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Fainting By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define fainting.

·         Identify causes of fainting.

·         Practise warm up and cool down activities.

·         Appreciate positive ways of coping with stress in daily life.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define fainting.


-Identify causes of fainting.


-Practise warm up and cool down activities.

Have you ever felt dizzy?


What are the causes of fainting?

KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 256-257 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Fainting By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         State the safety procedures to observe when attending to a person who has fainted.

·         Practise how to assist a person who has fainted.

·         Appreciate the importance of learning first aid of fainting.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-State the safety procedures to observe when attending to a person who has fainted.


-Practise how to assist a person who has fainted.


What should you do if you start experiencing the signs and symptoms of fainting? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 257-259 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Insect bites and stings By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Explain how an insect bite occurs.

·         Practice the warm up and cool down activities of an insect bites and stings.

·         Appreciate the teacher’s feedback.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Explain how an insect bite occurs.


-Practice the warm up and cool down activities of an insect bites and stings.


How does an insect bite occurs? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 259-260 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Insect bites and stings By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Identify the signs and symptoms of insect bites and sting.

·         Draw insects that are common in their locality.

·         Have fun discussing the observations with their classmates.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Identify the signs and symptoms of insect bites and sting.


-Draw insects that are common in their locality.


What are the signs and symptoms of insects bites and stings? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 260-262 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Insect bites and stings By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         State the difference between an insect bite and a sting.

·         Demonstrate how to take care of an insect bite.

·         Practise first aid procedure for insect bite and stings.

·         Appreciate importance of learning first aid of bites and stings.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-State the difference between an insect bite and a sting.


-Demonstrate how to take care of an insect bite.


-Practise first aid procedure for insect bite and stings.


What is the difference between an insect bite and a sting? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 269-263 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Snake bite By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define poisonous and non-poisonous snakes.

·         List down traditional ways in their locality that were used to care for snakes.

·         Demonstrate how to care for a snake bite.

·         Practise how to assist a casualty of a snake bite.

·         Advocate the importance of learning first-aid.


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define poisonous and non-poisonous snakes.


-List down traditional ways in their locality that were used to care for snakes.


-Demonstrate how to care for a snake bite.


-Practise how to assist a casualty of a snake bite.

How would you tell if you have been bitten by a snake? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 263-265 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Bandages and dressings By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Explain the meaning of dressing a wound.

·         Define bandage.

·         Identify the different types of bandages and dressing first aid.

·         Draw the things found in a first aid box.

·         Appreciate the use of a first aid box.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Explain the meaning of dressing a wound.

-Define bandage.

-Identify the different types of bandages and dressing first aid.


-Draw the things found in a first aid box.

What is a bandage?


How to identify different types of bandages?

KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 266-267 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Bandages and dressings By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define a triangular bandage.

·         List the materials used to make a triangular bandage.

·         Practice how to use the triangular bandage.

·         Appreciate the importance of using a triangular bandage.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define a triangular bandage.


-List the materials used to make a triangular bandage.


-Practice how to use the triangular bandage.

How do you use a triangular bandage? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 268-270 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Slings and splints By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define slings and splints.

·         State the functions of a splints and a sling in first aid.

·         Practice warm up and cool down activities.

·         Appreciate the functions of a splints and a sling in first aid.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define slings and splints.


-State the functions of a splints and a sling in first aid.


-Practice warm up and cool down activities.



What are the functions of a  splints and a sling in first aid? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 270-271 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Slings and splints By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         List the materials required to improvise a sling.


·         Practise how to tie the reef knot on a triangular bandage.

·         Have fun and enjoy practising tie the reef knot.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-List the materials required to improvise a sling.


-Practise how to tie the reef knot on a triangular bandage.


What materials do you require to improvise a sling at home? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 272-273 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Two and four-handed seat By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Explain two-handed seat carry.

·         Differentiate between the two-handed seat carry and four handed seat carry.

·         Demonstrate the two and four handed seat carry method.

·         Display positivity in accepting feedback from the teacher.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Explain two-handed seat carry.


-Differentiate between the two-handed seat carry and four handed seat carry.


-Demonstrate the two and four handed seat carry method.

What is two and four handed seat carry? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 274-276 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Two and four-handed seat By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Identify situations whereby the two-handed seat carry may be used.

·         Outline the steps to carry two and four-handed seat.

·         Practise the four handed seat carry.

·         Advocate social justice by respecting and appreciating the abilities of others.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Identify situations whereby the two-handed seat carry may be used.


-Outline the steps to carry two and four-handed seat.


-Practise the four handed seat carry.


How do you perform two-and four handed seat? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 276-278 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Bone fractures and dislocation By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define a bone fracture.

·         Identify causes of fractures.

·         Practice warm up and cool down activities such as tag game.

·         Display respect for others opinion when discussing bone fractures and dislocation.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define a bone fracture.


-Identify causes of fractures.


-Practice warm up and cool down activities such as tag game.


What is a bone fracture?


How do you identify a broken bone?

KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 279-280 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Bone fractures and dislocation By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Identify the signs and symptoms of fractures.

·         Draw human skeleton and the areas prone to dislocation.

·         Appreciate the teacher’s feedback

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:


-Identify the signs and symptoms of fractures.

-Draw human skeleton and the areas prone to dislocation.

Where do dislocation occur in the human body? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 280-282 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio

Sports related injuries Bone fractures and dislocation By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

·         Define dislocation.

·         Identify symptoms of dislocation.

·         Demonstrate how to splint a fractures arm for first aid.

·         Appreciate the importance of learning bone fracture and dislocation first aid.

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

-Define dislocation

Identify symptoms of dislocation.


-Demonstrate how to splint a fractures arm for first aid.

What is the difference between a fracture and a dislocation? KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book 6 Pg. 282-284 Observation Peer assessment and feedback Self – assessment and feedback

Practical’s  Written Tests Portfolio


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Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Pry 6

Scheme of Work Team

Basic Science and Technology- Physical Health Education scheme of work for Primary School. PHE for Pry 6/Basic 6 –


TOPIC: Revision of previous year’s work and Readiness test


Creativity Rhythmic

Learning objectives.

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1- Explain rhythmic activities

2- Mention types of rhythmic activities (marching, galloping, hopping, singing, dancing) etc.

3- Demonstrate rhythmic activities (marching, galloping, hopping, and singing, dancing)


1- Pupils, in small groups explain the meaning of rhythmic activities.

2- Pupils as a class mention types of rhythmic activities (marching, galloping, hopping, singing, dancing) etc.

3-Pupils in pairs demonstrate rhythmic activities such: as singing, dancing, marching etc.


1- Digital Literacy

2- Leadership & Personal Development.

3- Collaboration & Communication.

2- Audio visual

4- Critical Thinking & problem solving


Audio visual resources

– Flash Card – Music

  • Dancing Costumes


1- Discuss meaning rhythmic activities

2- List types of rhythmic activities (marching, galloping, hopping, singing, dancing) etc.

1- Pupils as a group discuss the meaning of rhythmic activities and site examples

2- Pupils as an individual list types of rhythmic activities (marching, galloping, hopping, singing, dancing, swinging, rolling) etc.

3- Pupils In small group demonstrate rhythmic activities such as; galloping, marching, hopping

Audio visual

– Flash Card

– Poster

– Dancing costumes

Athletics- Field events (Long jump)

1- Demonstrate jumping activities, e.g. jump and reach, jump and touch, jumping on the spot

2- Discuss the concept of long jump.

3- List basic phases in long jump events (approach run, take-off, flight, landing, and recovery

4- Demonstrate long jump phases on the field

1- Pupils in pairs demonstrate jumping activities, e.g. jump and reach, jump and touch, jumping on the spot

2- Pupils in a small group discuss the concept of long jump event

3- Pupils as a group list basic phases in long jump events (approach run, take-off, flight, landing, recovery

4- Pupils in groups demonstrate the basic phases in Jumps events on the field (Long jump).

Audio visual resources:

  • Long jump pit
  • Measuring tape
  • Take-off board

WEEK 5 – 6

Athletics-Field event (High jump)

3- List basic phases in high jump events (approach run, take-off, flight, landing, and recovery.

4- Demonstrate long high phases on the field

1- Pupils In pairs demonstrate jumping activities, e.g. jump and reach, jump and touch, jumping on the spot

2- Pupils in a small group discuss the concept of high jump event

3- Pupils as a group list basic phases in high jump events (approach run, take-off, flight, landing, recovery

4 * Pupils in groups demonstrate the phases in high Jumps events on the field

Meaning of athletics


Volleyball game

Personal Health care

1- Mention different ball games

2- Differentiate between facilities and equipment in volleyball games

3- Demonstrates basic skills in volleyball game

4- Investigate the advantages playing volleyball game

5- Recommend the safety measure in playing volleyball game

1- Identify materials needed for personal health care

2- Explain meaning of personal health care

3- Justify the importance of personal health care

4- Compare between clean teeth and dirty teeth

5- Investigate the causes, and prevention of dental problems

1- Pupils as an individual mention different types of ball games

2- Pupils in small groups differentiate between facilities and equipment in volleyball games Such as: playing court, balls, nets, net supports (poles/stand) canvas, jerseys, shocks, gloves, kneel cap.

3′ Pupils in a small group demonstrate basic skills in volleyball game

4 – Pupils as a class investigate the advantages of playing volleyball game

-Pupils in small groups analyse the importance of drugs and share with the class.

1- Pupils as a class identify materials needed for personal health care

2- Pupils in pairs explain the meaning of personal healthcare

3- Pupils in groups justify the importance of personal health care

4- Pupils in a small group compare between clean teeth and dirty teeth from the picture shown to them.

5- Pupils as a class investigate the causes and prevention of dental problems

– Audio visual materials

Flip charts

  • Diagram of the tooth
  • Materials for personal health e.g. toothbrush and past, etc.

Audio visual materials

Court of play

Basketball game

1- Differentiate between facilities and equipment in basketball games

2- Demonstrates basic skills in basketball game

3- Investigate the advantages playing basketball game

4* recommend the safety measure in playing basketball game

1- Pupils in small groups differentiate between facilities and equipment in basketball games Such as: playing court, balls, backboard and the stand, canvas, jerseys, shocks, kneel cap.

2- Pupils in a small group demonstrate basic skills in basketball game

3- Pupils as a class investigate advantages of playing basketball game

4- Pupils in groups, recommend safety measure in playing basketball game

Audio visual material

Basketball court

Board support

Football game

1- Compare between facilities and equipment in football and other ball games

2- Demonstrates basic skills in football game

3- Investigate the advantages playing football game

4- Recommend the safety measure Imagination

1- Pupils in small groups compares between facilities and equipment in football and other ball games Such as: football pitch, balls, nets, canvas/footwear, jerseys, shocks, gloves, shine guard,

2- Pupils in as small groups demonstrate basic skills in football game

3- Pupils as a class investigate the advantages of playing football game

4- Pupils in groups, recommend the safety measure in playing football game

Football field/pitch

– Chart – Stopwatch

– Pictures – Whistles

– Video clip

  • Shine guard
  • Footwear/soccer boot
  • Stocking/socks/hose








Hockey game

1- Narrate brief history of hockey

2- Compare between facilities and equipment in Hockey and other ball games

2- Demonstrates basic skills in hockey ball game

3- Investigate the advantages playing hockey game

4- Recommend the safety measure in playing football game

1- Pupils as a class discuss the history of hockey game

2- Pupils in small groups compares between facilities and equipment in football and other ball games Such as: hockey pitch, balls, nets, canvas/footwear, jerseys, shocks, gloves, shine guard.

2- Pupils in a small group walk down to display basic skills in hockey game.

3- Pupils as a class investigate the advantages of playing hockey game.

4- Pupils in groups, recommend the safety measure in playing football game.

Hockey field

Hockey balls

Hockey stick

Footwear / canvas

Table Tennis game

1- Discuss brief history of Table Tennis

2- Categorize types of facilities and equipment in Table Tennis

3- Design a Table Tennis board.

4- Demonstrates basic skills and techniques of Table Tennis game

1- Pupils as a class discuss the brief history of Table Tennis.

2* Pupils as a class categorize type of equipment used in Table Tennis game

3- Pupils in group design a Table Tennis board (Project) with sightseeing from other groups.

4* Pupils in pairs demonstrate the basic skills used in Table Tennis.

– Table tennis board

– The bats

– The celluloid eggs

– The nets

– Net supports

– Charts

– Pictures

– Canvas – Whistles

– Jerseys – Stopwatch

Maintenance of sports facilities and equipment

1- Differentiates between sports facilities and equipment

2- List sports facilities and equipment

3- Investigate reasons for keeping sports facilities and equipment

1- Pupils in pairs differentiate between sports facilities and equipment (facilities are in movable equipment are movable)

2- Pupils in a small group, list sports facilities and equipment

3- Pupils as a group investigate reasons for keeping sports facilities and equipment

Missiles e.g. javelin

Relay batons

Table T. board


Physical Fitness

1- Discuss the concept of physical Fitness

2- List the components of Physical fitness.

3- Differentiate between health and performance related physical components

1-Pupils as a group discuss the concept of physical Fitness

2- Pupils in pairs list two components of physical fitness (health and skill performance fitness)

3- Pupils in group differentiate between health and performance related physical components (agility, flexibility, power, and balance.

1- Demonstrates physical fitness enhancement activities e.g. jogging, sit and reach, squat jump, frog jump, bench dip, V-sit, elbow balance

2- Identify fitness enhancement activities

3- Investigate the benefits of fitness enhancement activities such as: power, agility, flexibility and balance

1- Pupils as a class demonstrates physical fitness enhancement activities e.g. Jogging, sit and reach, squat jump, frog jump, bench dip, V-sit, elbow balance, etc.

2- Pupils in pairs identify fitness enhancement activities e.g. Power, agility, flexibility, balance, muscular strength

3-Pupils in a small group investigate the benefits of physical fitness enhancement activities such as: power, agility, flexibility, balance and muscular strength.

2- Audio visual m

– Beam

– Stopwatch

– Yoga mats

– Benches

– Bench dip

– Whistles


1- Discuss the definition of gymnastics.

2- Identify types of gymnastics activities e.g. agility/floor activities, stunts etc.

3- Leadership & Personal Development.

1- Pupils as a pair discuss the definition of gymnastics.

2- Pupils in a small group identify types of gymnastics e.g. agility/floor activities, stunts, activities on rope, vaulting activities.

3- Pupils in a group execute gymnastics activities such as: cart wheel, crap spring, backward roll, forward roll, and hand stand etc.

Beam balance

Gymnastics activities with apparatus

1- Describe gymnastics activities with apparatus

2- Demonstrate gymnastics activities with apparatus e.g. rope skipping

3- Execute gymnastics activities with apparatus e.g. walking on beam, rope climbing

1- Pupils in pairs describe apparatus and gymnastics

2- Pupils in groups, demonstrate gymnastics activities with apparatus such as: rope skipping, horse climbing, jumping on trampoline, through vault

3- Pupils in a small group execute gymnastics activities with apparatus e.g. walking on beam, rope climbing, head standing on a mattress, astride vault.

1- Discuss definition of recreation.

2- Identify the two components of recreation

3- Analyze between indoor and outdoor recreation

4- Tabulate indoor and outdoor recreation

  • Pupils in pairs discuss the definition of recreation
  • Pupils as a group identify the two major components of recreation activities
  • Pupils in a small group analyze between indoor and outdoor recreational activities.
  • Pupils In groups tabulate indoor and outdoor recreational activities

Audio visual material:


Introduction to Direction four cardinal points

1- Describe four cardinal point

2- Design four cardinal point

3- Give significance of four cardinal points

-Pupils in pairs create a plan for keeping safe at home

1- Pupils in a small group describe four cardinal points

2- Pupils as an individual design one cardinal point each in the class as a projects.

3- Pupils as a group give the significance of four cardinal points

1- Collaboration & Communication

3- Digital Literacy

4 – Critical Thinking & problem solving

Audio visual materials;

Four cardinal point

Flash cards



Food and Nutrition

1- Discuss concept of food and nutrition.

2- Mention sources of food nutrient

3- Highlight the nutritional deficiency diseases

4- Investigate the characteristics of these deficiency disease

1- Pupils in a pairs discuss the types and concept of nutrition

2- Pupils in a small group mention the sources of food nutrient

3- Pupils as a class highlight the nutritional deficiency diseases e.g. kwashiorkor, rickets, pellagra, scurvy

4- Pupils in groups investigate the characteristics of these deficiency disease

Audio visual materials:

1- Mention the food nutrient

2- Explain the effects of family size on nutrition

3- Investigate the characteristics of nutritional deficient person

1* Pupils in a small group mention the food nutrient

2- Pupils in pairs explain the effects of family size on nutrition

3- Pupils in a small group investigate the characteristics of nutritional deficient person

Martial Arts

History of Judo

1- Discuss brief history of judo

2- Itemize equipment of judo

3- Analyze the importance of judo

1- Pupils as a group discuss the brief history of judo

2- Pupils in a small group itemize judo facilities and equipment, e.g. Mat (tatami), a belt, Judogi (judo suit)

3- Pupils in a group analyze the importance of judo.

Uniform (costume)

Martial arts

Rules of judo and Skills

1- State rules of judo

2- List terminologies in judo game

3- Demonstrates the judo basic skills

  • – Pupils in a group state rules of judo
  • Pupil in pairs list terminologies in judo game, eg. Judo suit (Kim.) decision, dojo (Waza), technique (Jikan), time out (Tatami) mat Etc.
  • Pupils in small groups demonstrates judo basic skills such as gripping, movement, falling, chocking, throws, locks.
  • Pupils in pairs, role-play and present each of the career opportunities in computer.

Video clips

Swimming Strokes

1- Discuss meaning swimming

2- Demonstrate swimming strokes

3- Explain most difficult easiest swimming stroke

1- Pupils in pairs discuss the meaning of swimming

2- Pupils in a small group demonstrate swimming strokes. Front/free style butterfly, breast, back

3- Pupils as a group explain most difficult easiest swimming stroke

1- Collaboration & Communication.

2- Leadership & Personal Development

Swimming kits

Swimming Pool

Pathogens, diseases and prevention.

  • Mention types of pathogen e.g. bacterial, virus.
  • Distinguish between disease and pathogen
  • Investigate ways of preventing diseases

1- Pupils in pairs discuss the concept of disease and pathogen

2- Pupils in a group mention types of disease and pathogen e.g. small pox, tuberculosis, fiver, cholera etc.

3- Pupils in a small group distinguish between disease and pathogen

4- Pupils in group investigate ways of preventing diseases

Audio visual Materials:

Meaning, signs and symptoms

1- Discus concept of disease

2- Identify between signs and symptoms of diseases

3- Compare between sickness and illness

1- Pupils in a small group discuss concept of disease

2- Pupils as a group identify between signs and symptoms of diseases

3- Pupils in pairs compare between sickness and illness

: – Audio visual Materials:

Meaning of communicable and non-communicable diseases

1- Define communicable and non-communicable diseases

2- List kinds of communicable diseases

3- Give concepts of non-communicable diseases

4- Identify types of non-communicable diseases

1- Pupils in pairs define communicable disease

2- Pupils in a small group list kind of communicable diseases

3- Pupils as a class give concepts of non-communicable disease

4- Pupils in group identify types of non-communicable diseases

 Website resources

  • Video dips on communicable and non-communicable diseases
  • Video resources

Video Link: You Tube Covid 19 pandemic-

Issues and Challenges in PHE

1- Discuss Issues and Challenges in sports

2- Mention different types of issues and challenges drugs

3- List different types of drugs

4- Highlight the uses of drug

5- Investigate the effects of drinking and smoking

6- Summarize the effects of drugs effects of drug on athlete.

1- Pupils in pairs discuss Issues and Challenges in sports

2- Pupils in a small group mention different types of issues and challenges drugs e.g. human trafficking, drug abuse, doping, winning at all cost, match fixing.

3- Pupils as an individual list different types of drugs

4- Pupils in groups highlight the uses of drug

5- Pupils as a group investigate the effects of drinking and smoking

6- Pupils in group summarize the effects of drug on athlete.


1- Website Resource:

  • Samples of herbal medicines
  • Samples of alcohol and tobacco

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Scheme of Work For Physical & Health Education (PHE) JSS 1 (1st, 2nd & 3rd Term) (2024)

Physical and Health Education also known as PHE is a subject taught in Junior secondary schools and higher institutions in Nigeria. For the sake of this post, we shall be focusing on Physical and Health Education as subject offered in Junior secondary schools with regards to the government approved scheme of work for PHE JSS 1 first term to third term.

What is Physical and Health Education? This is a subject taught in both from primary school up to higher institutions that is focused on the development of the human physical fitness and well-being.

This post will intimate teachers of the government approved scheme of work for Physical and Health Education (in Junior secondary school 1, that is, JSS 1 first term, second term and third term. It provides in clear terms, what is expected by WAEC as a body in preparing pupils for Physical and Health Education in their Junior West African Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WAJSSCE).

Ideally, the scheme of work for Physical and Health Education for JSS 1 first term, is a continuation from the scheme of work for Physical and Health Education (PHE) in Primary school, the scheme of work otherwise known as Curriculum has been systematically arranged for ease of progression and proper understanding for students in JSS 1. There has to be a flow, that is, a continuation from the previous class in order for students to better understand the subject.

Inline with the directive from the ministry of education, it is adamant that all Junior secondary schools in Nigeria operate using the same scheme of work whether it is a private secondary school or public (government owned) junior secondary school. The ministry of education in order to align with the demands of WAEC as a body, makes compulsory the submission of the government approved scheme of work for all subjects offered in Junior and senior secondary school as parts of the requirements for approving the operation or license to run a secondary school in Nigeria.

What a scheme of work is? Simply, a scheme of work is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of academic subjects. The scheme of work for secondary schools in Nigeria, whether Junior or Senior secondary school, maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practicals, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, quizzes, homework and even up to midterm breaks for the academic session ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session.

To further emphasize the importance of this document, the scheme of work is the complete guide on all academic activities enforced by the Federal government of Nigeria through the ministry of education on all Junior secondary schools in Nigeria as it relates not just to the subjects but the academic session as a whole. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.

For example, the scheme of work for PHE JSS 1 (Junior Secondary School one) is the same for both private and public secondary schools in Nigeria, that is, the scheme of work for a private school is the same with that of public or government owned secondary schools, principals and teachers in secondary schools in Nigeria are to adhere to the approved scheme of work as mandated by the ministry of education as a move against this could spell sanctions from the government.

The importance of this subject cannot be overemphasized, this is one of the few courses that is offered from Primary school to the university level. Physical and Health Education (P.H.E) is one of the most interesting subjects because it applies to real life activities, teaches you on important daily diets and recommended exercise for various parts of the body for keeping fit. The scheme of work provided here would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics and subtopics but also, devise more practical ways of imparting the practical knowledge on the students since P.H.E is a mixture of theory and practical, indoor and outdoor activities.

From our observations, the search for the government approved curriculum or scheme of work for P.H.E in Junior secondary has been on the rise, reason being that it is one of the most important subjects offered in Junior secondary schools in Nigeria. It is also an important admission requirements for admission into any higher institution in Nigeria. The fact that the scheme of work for P.H.E in Junior secondary school one (JSS 1) be it 1st, 2nd and 3rd term is the same irrespective of whether the school if public or private, it makes it much easier and brings about uniformity in the educational sector.

This blog post is a bit lengthy because it provide in full details, as regards the current curriculum for P.H.E for the complete session that is, 1st term, 2nd term and 3rd term, and this includes the government approved scheme of work for all topics and sub-topics for Physical and Health Education for JSS 1 first term, second term and third term.

For those interested in starting up a school either in Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Imos, Delta state, Akwa Ibom, Kano or any state in Nigeria, it would be wise to go through the government approved guidelines for establishing a secondary school in Nigeria as this would guide you through the process and give you first hand information on all requirements that must be put in place before your school can be approved or termed Government Approved.

Physical and Health Education (P.H.E) scheme of work for JSS 1 first term cover topics and sub topics on: Definition, nature, scope and objectives of physical education, Physical fitness and body conditioning programmes. Please see full details below.

Physical and Health Education (P.H.E) scheme of work for JSS1 2nd term cover topics and sub topics on the followings; Shot put, Ball games (soccer), Volley Ball. kindly scroll down to see details in full.

P.H.E scheme of work for  JSS 1 third term cover topics on Contract and no-contact sports, Personal school and community health, Sewage and refuse disposal, Source of water. The full curriculum for PHE JSS 1 third term has been provided in a listed format below.

Please note that the full scheme of work for P.H.E In JSS 2 (1st term to 3rd term) provided here are the currently government approved scheme of work applicable to all Junior secondary schools in Nigeria irrespective of whether it is private or public secondary school, so you can trust the source of the information.

What You Stand To Gain From This Post

  • You will have in your possession, the Physical and Health Education scheme of work for JSS 1 (first term)
  • The approved Physical and Health Education scheme of work for JSS 1 (Second term)
  • The government approved P.H.E scheme of work for JSS 1 (Third term)

Physical and Health Education Scheme of Work For JSS 1 (1st Term 2nd Term and 3rd Term)

Phe scheme of work for jss 1 (1st term).

  • Definition, nature, scope and objectives of physical education
  • Physical fitness and body conditioning programmes
  • Recreation, leisure and dance activities


  • Ball games (soccer)
  • Volley Ball


  • Contract and no-contact sports
  • Personal school and community health
  • Sewage and refuse disposal
  • Source of water
  • Food nutrition and health
  • Pathogens diseases and their prevention

This is the government approved P.H.E scheme of work for JSS 1 from first to third term currently in Nigeria, However, you can download the free PDF file for record purposes.

You could help others by sharing this post via Facebook and other social media platforms at your disposal.

If you have any questions as regards Scheme of Work For Physical and Health Education for JSS 1 (First Term, 2nd Term and 3rd Term) please feel free to do that via the comment box below and we shall respond accordingly, thank you.

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Lagos state scheme of work for physical and health education,                                          topics.

  • Physical fitness : measuring physical fitness Components e.g. (I). Agility

                       (II). Power

(III). Flexibility (IV). Balance

  • Gymnastic: stunts

 (I). Sit up

(II). Crab walks

 (III). Cart wheel

scheme of work

 (IV). Head stand

  • Recreation : Leisure and dancing activities Dance: local dances and examples, reason why People dance, costume.
  • Computer games : Meaning and types of Computer games, component of computer game

e.g. mouse, keyboard, monitor, ups, control pad Etc.

  • Martial art : Karate – history, importance, rules And regulations of karate, Taekwondo history Importance, rules and regulation official and their Duties, skills of taekwondo.
  • Swimming : Basic swimming skills, basic swimming Strokes
  • Pathogens, diseases and prevention Communicable diseases e.g. HIV/AIDS measles, Small pox, cholera, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc. Prevention of communicable diseases.
  • Issues and challenges in physical and health Education: Drug education

(I). Drug abuse

(II) Danger of self medication

(III). Qualities needed For protection against drug addiction

9-13.              Revision and Examination


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Year 11 Health and Wellbeing PSHE

Year 11 Health and Wellbeing PSHE

PSHE, Citizenship, RE,  SMSC Lessons + Teaching Resources

Last updated

15 August 2024

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Resources included (10)

Virginity Testing + Hymenoplasty  PSHE

Virginity Testing + Hymenoplasty PSHE

Sugar Health  + Processed Food PSHE

Sugar Health + Processed Food PSHE

Neurodiversity PSHE

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Fertility + Menstrual Health PSHE

Fertility + Menstrual Health PSHE

Compulsive Behaviours PSHE

Compulsive Behaviours PSHE

Mob mentality, riots, criminality PSHE

Mob mentality, riots, criminality PSHE

Personal Safety + Risk on Streets PSHE

Personal Safety + Risk on Streets PSHE

Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

Year 11 Health and Wellbeing PSHE

NEW 2024 EC Publishing PSHE Scheme of Work for Year 11 Term 1 - Health and Wellbeing. Fits both the 2020 and the draft 2024 guidance, created for the all-new EC Publishing 2024 Complete PSHE Package.

This scheme of work includes: PSHE DfE / PSHE Association statutory content mapping British Values mapping Protected Characteristics mapping Detailed explanation of all lessons in the scheme, including scaffolding and assessment opportunities, additional challenge opportunities, learning intentions and objectives, approximate timings, key terminology and opportunities to build upon prior knowledge.

Includes full scheme of work and all lesson plans.

This scheme is taken from the new EC Publishing Complete PSHE Package which can be found at the EC Publishing website. Everything is editable and easy to pick up and run with and includes future DfE updates too.

This has been written to cover the 2020-24 PSHE guidance from the DfE and PSHE Association for RSE, including all of the draft 2024 updates.

You can contact us at [email protected]

Who are EC Resources? EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK.

Please visit our Tes store for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship. We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email [email protected]

Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here: Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE One Year of Citizenship and British Values Complete KS3 RE Complete Careers and Employability AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack

Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.

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Lesson note on Physical and Health Education Primary 6 (Basic Six) Third Term

Welcome, great EduPodian. Are you searching for Lesson Note on Physical and Health Education Primary 6 (Basic Six) Third Term or Third Term Physical and Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6 ? If yes, then Search no more! You are in the right place. Click Here to download the lesson note now!  You can scroll down to view the scheme and other details.


This Lesson Note on Physical and Health Education Primary 6 (Basic Six) Third Term  covers weekly prepared lesson notes and each of them is rich in classwork, curriculum compliant, and syllabus based.

The lesson note is well-detailed with adequate evaluation to ensure that the learning objectives are achieved.

The scheme of work used in preparing the lesson note is based on the latest unified NERDC/UBE curriculum which is suitable for all schools in all the States in Nigeria.

Keep reading, you will find the Link to Download the complete lesson note in Ms-Word (Microsoft Word) Editable format below.

Physical and Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6 (Basic 6) Third Term

WK 1. Physical fitness WK 2. Gymnastic: stunts WK 3. Recreation WK 4. Computer games WK 5. Martial art WK 6. Swimming WK 7. Pathogens WK 8.Issues and challenges in physical and health WK 9. Revision WK 10. Revision


NOTE: We have Primary and Secondary School Lesson Notes for ALL SUBJECTS, Pry1 – Pry6  and JSS1 – SS3 (1st, 2nd & 3rd term) . To see the Available Subjects, place your order and Download any of the Lesson Notes, Click Here for Primary School Notes or Click Here for Secondary School Notes .


Do you want the  Complete Lesson note on Physical and Health Education Primary 6 (Basic Six) Third Term, if yes, then Click Here to order and Download the notes online now!

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Why should you purchase Physical and Health Education Lesson Note for Third  Term Basic 6 (Primary 6)?

The content of the lesson note is well-structured with adequate evaluation.

The lesson note will help the teacher know the topics to teach and how to teach them to achieve learning objectives.

It will instill confidence in the teacher when delivering the lesson note in the classroom and inspire respect from the students.

It will help you to avoid over-reliance on textbooks giving you more time to focus and teach.

For the students, it will serve as a study guide helping them to stay ahead of the class.

For Parents who wish to home-school their children, this is a helpful compendium.

NOTE: The complete Lesson note on Physical and Health Education Primary 6 (Basic Six) Third Term  is available, CLICK HERE to Download It. 

Lesson note on Physical and Health Education Primary 6 (Basic Six) Second Term

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Second Term Physical and Health Education Plan Lesson Notes Primary 6 (Basic 6) Scheme of Work, 2021 Edition






WEEK 2 – HOCKEY GAME  History of Hockey Game | Basic Skills in Hockey | Hockey Facilities and Equipments | Advantages and Safety Measures Primary 6/Basic 6 Term 2 Week 2 Physical and Health Education
WEEK 3 – TABLE TENNIS History of Table Tennis in Nigeria | Basic Skills in Table Tennis | Table Tennis Facilities and Equipments Primary 6 (Basic 6) Term 2 Week 3 Physical and Health Education
WEEK 4 – MAINTENANCE  Maintenance of Sport Facilities and Equipments | Reasons for Maintenance of Sport Facilities and Equipments Primary 6 (Basic 6)  Term 2 Week 4 Physical and Health Education  
WEEK 5 – PHYSICAL FITNESS  The Concept and Components of Physical Fitness Primary 6 (Basic 6)  Term 2 Week 5 Physical and Health Education
WEEK 6 – PHYSICAL FITNESS ENHANCEMENT  Physical Fitness Enhancement Activities Primary 6 (Basic 6)  Term 2 Week 6 Physical and Health Education
WEEK 8 – GYMNASTIC, FLOOR ACTIVITIES  Meaning and Types of Gymnastics | Basic Gymnastic Activities – Floor Activities Primary 6 (Basic 6) Term 2 Week 8 Physical and Health Education  
WEEK 9 – GYMNASTIC WITH APPARATUS  Meaning and Types of Gymnastics | Basic Gymnastic Activities – Floor Activities Primary 6 (Basic 6) Term 2 Week 8 Physical and Health Education
WEEK 10 – RECREATION  Meaning and Importance of Recreational Activities | Components of Recreational Activities Primary 6 (Basic 6) Term 2 Week 10 Physical and Health Education
WEEK 11 – INTRODUCTION TO DIRECTION Introduction to Direction | The Significance of Four Cardinal Points Primary 6 (Basic 6) Term 2 Week 11 Physical And Health Education  
WEEK 11 – TERM 2 Second Term Examination Physical and Health Education Basic 6
Relevant Materials –  First Term Scheme of Work and Plan Lesson Note Physical and Health Education Week 1 to Week 13 Links (Primary 4, 5 and 6)
Download –  New Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work for Primary Schools 1 – 6, 2021 Edition Free Pdf Download
NEXT TERM Third Term Physical and Health Education Plan Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work for Primary 6 (Basic 6)
PREVIOUS TERM First Term Physical and Health Education Plan Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work for Primary 6 (Basic 6)

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About the author.

health education scheme of work for primary 6

Alabi M. S.

Michael is Principal Education Officer at LASUBEB. With 15+ years experience in teaching and learning, He loves talking about Plan Lesson Notes and Quality Assurance in Education. He also believes teachers inspire our future. CRN (ClassRoomNotes) is a website FOR TEACHERS BY TEACHER, and He aims to continuously inform and encourage teaching! All materials are subject to TERMLY review.

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Primary 6 or Basic 6 Scheme of Work

Scheme of work for,  primary six .

Primary  or Basic 6

  • Primary  6 Scheme of Work First Term
  • Primary 6 Scheme of Work Second Term
  • Primary  6 Scheme of Work Third Term

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