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  • Cherwell Local Plan Review

Consultation has concluded

**This Consultation has now closed and we are currently logging and processing the responses received**

Cherwell Local Plan Review – Community Involvement Paper 2 Developing our Options (29 September 2021 – 10 November 2021)

Following the Issues Consultation in 2020, we have now published the our Options Paper for your feedback. Please read this in conjunction with the editorial errata (corrections sheet).

The Options Paper contains:

  • a draft vision for the district over the next 20 years
  • draft objectives that the Local Plan should achieve.

There are also sections on key issues that the plan will need to address such as:

  • how we may develop a sustainable local economy, meet the challenge of climate change, and encourage active, healthier lifestyles, and
  • detailed discussions about Banbury, Bicester, Kidlington, Upper Heyford and rural parts of the district.

As well as the consultation document we have also prepared parish profiles for the whole district. These profiles include the key information that we currently hold about each area. You may also wish to comment on these and there is space to do so in the main feedback form.

We know that not everyone feels comfortable reading or responding to information online. You can view printed copies of the Options Paper at Bodicote House and the local libraries within Cherwell during advertised opening hours. Alternatively, copies of the document can also be requested by contacting [email protected] or by post to: Planning Policy Team, Planning Policy, Conservation and Design, Cherwell District Council, Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA.

All comments should be received no later than 11.59pm on Wednesday 10 November 2021.

Cherwell Local Plan Review- Feedback Form

We welcome your comments on the Cherwell Local Plan Review Community Involvement Paper 2: Developing our Options. This is a really important stage in the preparation of our Local Plan and your feedback on the options and questions contained within the document will help us to shape the future plan. If you have not already viewed the document, we suggest that you do so before starting this form. The document can be viewed here (opens in a new tab).

Thank you for choosing to make your comments online. As we try to reduce the amount of paper and other resources that we use, this is really appreciated. If you have any issues in completing this form, please contact the planning policy team via: [email protected]

Cherwell Local Plan Review- Sustainability Appraisal

This feedback form is intended to collect views on the Interim Sustainability Appraisal . This document has been prepared to support the preparation of the Cherwell Local Plan Review and help stakeholders and others make informed comments. As it is not a Draft Sustainability Appraisal, it does not assess all available options. Further information on the scope of the document is set out within the introductory chapters.

Call for Sites Form (2021)

As part of preparing the Cherwell Local Plan Review, we need to consider sites that may be suitable for development. Please complete this form if you would like to submit a site (land and/or buildings) for consideration, of at least 0.25 hectares in area, or which might be capable of accommodating at least 5 dwellings or at least 500 square metres of employment floor space or a site for gypsies and travellers or travelling showpeople. 

You do not need to own the site to submit the form. For example, you may know of a site close to where you live or work that could be suitable. However, all sites must be accompanied by a map. 

I n order to complete this form you will need to provide a map showing the boundaries of the site in either jpeg or pdf form. We will be unable to consider sites where boundaries are not clearly identified.

Application to propose a Local Green Space for designation

The designation of land as Local Green Spaces can be made through local and neighbourhood plans. Local Green Space allows communities to identify and protect green areas of particular importance to them. Designating land as Local Green Space should be consistent with the local planning of sustainable development and complement investment in sufficient homes, jobs and other essential services. You can find out more about Local Green Spaces in the National Planning Policy Framework  (paragraphs 101-103). 

As part of the Local Plan Review we will be considering sites that could be designated as Local Green Spaces. You do not need to own the site to put if forward for designation. 

P lease note that in order to complete this form you will need to provide a map showing the boundaries of the site in either jpeg or pdf form. We will be unable to consider sites where boundaries are not clearly identified.

  • Consultation Starts 29 September 2021
  • Closing date 10 November 2021

Cherwell Local Plan Review- Consultation Documents

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Parish Profiles (include maps of sites submitted in the rural areas)

Proposed local green spaces, important links.

  • Cherwell Local Plan Review Evidence Base
  • Community Involvement Paper Consultation (31 July 2020 - 14 September 2020)
  • Adopted Cherwell Local Plan (Part 1) 2015
  • Adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 (Part 1) Partial Review - Oxford's Unmet Housing Need
  • Adopted Cherwell Local Plan 1996
  • Oxfordshire Plan 2050
  • Arc Spatial Framework- Creating a Vision
  • Cherwell District Council Privacy Policy

This consultation is open for contributions.

Consultation Close

Under review.

Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.

Final report

The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.

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Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 10 September 2024, 6:30pm - Start video at 0:02:21 - Cherwell District Webcasting

Overview and scrutiny committee tuesday, 10th september 2024 at 6:30pm  .

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  • Council Chamber Watch video at start of webcast Share video at start of webcast
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:00:53 Share video at 0:00:53
  • Minutes of Previous Meeting
  • O&S Performance Report Quarter 1 2024 - 2025
  • Appendix 1 - Business Plan & Monitoring Measures Quarter 1 2024_25
  • Appendix 2 - Annual Delivery Plan Quarter 1 2024_25
  • Appendix 3 - EDI Action Plan Quarter 1
  • Cllr Chris Brant Cllr Chris Brant : View profile Watch video at 0:02:53 Share video at 0:02:53
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:03:59 Share video at 0:03:59
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:04:24 Share video at 0:04:24
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:06:00 Share video at 0:06:00
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:07:03 Share video at 0:07:03
  • Paul France Paul France : View profile Watch video at 0:07:17 Share video at 0:07:17
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:07:34 Share video at 0:07:34
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:07:39 Share video at 0:07:39
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:08:42 Share video at 0:08:42
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:08:52 Share video at 0:08:52
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:10:07 Share video at 0:10:07
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:11:11 Share video at 0:11:11
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:11:45 Share video at 0:11:45
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:12:05 Share video at 0:12:05
  • David Peckford David Peckford : View profile Watch video at 0:12:24 Share video at 0:12:24
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:14:13 Share video at 0:14:13
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:14:17 Share video at 0:14:17
  • Cllr Barry Wood Cllr Barry Wood : View profile Watch video at 0:14:21 Share video at 0:14:21
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:17:46 Share video at 0:17:46
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:17:56 Share video at 0:17:56
  • David Peckford David Peckford : View profile Watch video at 0:18:28 Share video at 0:18:28
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:20:59 Share video at 0:20:59
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:21:04 Share video at 0:21:04
  • David Peckford David Peckford : View profile Watch video at 0:21:08 Share video at 0:21:08
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:22:17 Share video at 0:22:17
  • David Peckford David Peckford : View profile Watch video at 0:22:39 Share video at 0:22:39
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:23:03 Share video at 0:23:03
  • Cllr John Broad Cllr John Broad : View profile Watch video at 0:23:20 Share video at 0:23:20
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:26:13 Share video at 0:26:13
  • David Peckford David Peckford : View profile Watch video at 0:26:44 Share video at 0:26:44
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:28:30 Share video at 0:28:30
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:28:49 Share video at 0:28:49
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:29:25 Share video at 0:29:25
  • Cllr John Broad Cllr John Broad : View profile Watch video at 0:29:48 Share video at 0:29:48
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:30:01 Share video at 0:30:01
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:30:35 Share video at 0:30:35
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:31:40 Share video at 0:31:40
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:31:50 Share video at 0:31:50
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:32:37 Share video at 0:32:37
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:32:43 Share video at 0:32:43
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:33:09 Share video at 0:33:09
  • Cllr Barry Wood Cllr Barry Wood : View profile Watch video at 0:33:21 Share video at 0:33:21
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:36:18 Share video at 0:36:18
  • Cllr John Broad Cllr John Broad : View profile Watch video at 0:36:36 Share video at 0:36:36
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:37:07 Share video at 0:37:07
  • Allocations Scheme report
  • Appendix 1 - Revised CDC Housing Allocation Scheme 2025
  • Appendix 2 - Summary of proposed key changes
  • Appendix 3 - ECIA Allocations scheme
  • Cllr Chris Pruden Cllr Chris Pruden : View profile Watch video at 0:39:18 Share video at 0:39:18
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:39:23 Share video at 0:39:23
  • Cllr Rob Pattenden Cllr Rob Pattenden : View profile Watch video at 0:39:27 Share video at 0:39:27
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:42:03 Share video at 0:42:03
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:42:30 Share video at 0:42:30
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:44:00 Share video at 0:44:00
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:44:46 Share video at 0:44:46
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:44:49 Share video at 0:44:49
  • Paul France Paul France : View profile Watch video at 0:45:04 Share video at 0:45:04
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:46:02 Share video at 0:46:02
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:46:09 Share video at 0:46:09
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:46:12 Share video at 0:46:12
  • Council Chamber Watch video at 0:46:26 Share video at 0:46:26
  • Cllr Nigel Simpson Cllr Nigel Simpson : View profile Watch video at 0:46:29 Share video at 0:46:29
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:46:58 Share video at 0:46:58
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:48:42 Share video at 0:48:42
  • Paul France Paul France : View profile Watch video at 0:48:53 Share video at 0:48:53
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:49:27 Share video at 0:49:27
  • Cllr John Broad Cllr John Broad : View profile Watch video at 0:49:35 Share video at 0:49:35
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:50:33 Share video at 0:50:33
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:50:36 Share video at 0:50:36
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:50:43 Share video at 0:50:43
  • Cllr Barry Wood Cllr Barry Wood : View profile Watch video at 0:51:01 Share video at 0:51:01
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:54:10 Share video at 0:54:10
  • Cllr Andrew Crichton Cllr Andrew Crichton : View profile Watch video at 0:54:21 Share video at 0:54:21
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:54:34 Share video at 0:54:34
  • Cllr Andrew Crichton Cllr Andrew Crichton : View profile Watch video at 0:54:41 Share video at 0:54:41
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:55:21 Share video at 0:55:21
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:55:47 Share video at 0:55:47
  • Cllr Andrew Crichton Cllr Andrew Crichton : View profile Watch video at 0:55:53 Share video at 0:55:53
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:56:19 Share video at 0:56:19
  • Paul France Paul France : View profile Watch video at 0:57:09 Share video at 0:57:09
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:58:35 Share video at 0:58:35
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 0:58:36 Share video at 0:58:36
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 0:58:42 Share video at 0:58:42
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 0:59:25 Share video at 0:59:25
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:01:08 Share video at 1:01:08
  • Cllr Andrew Crichton Cllr Andrew Crichton : View profile Watch video at 1:01:13 Share video at 1:01:13
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 1:01:41 Share video at 1:01:41
  • Paul France Paul France : View profile Watch video at 1:02:27 Share video at 1:02:27
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 1:04:00 Share video at 1:04:00
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:04:02 Share video at 1:04:02
  • Cllr Andrew Crichton Cllr Andrew Crichton : View profile Watch video at 1:04:05 Share video at 1:04:05
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:04:24 Share video at 1:04:24
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 1:05:11 Share video at 1:05:11
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:06:22 Share video at 1:06:22
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 1:06:30 Share video at 1:06:30
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:06:33 Share video at 1:06:33
  • Council Chamber Watch video at 1:06:43 Share video at 1:06:43
  • Cllr Nigel Simpson Cllr Nigel Simpson : View profile Watch video at 1:06:45 Share video at 1:06:45
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 1:06:57 Share video at 1:06:57
  • Cllr Nigel Simpson Cllr Nigel Simpson : View profile Watch video at 1:07:03 Share video at 1:07:03
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 1:07:05 Share video at 1:07:05
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:07:08 Share video at 1:07:08
  • Cost of Living 23.24 Review Final
  • Appendix 1 - Cost of Living Review 2023 - 2024
  • Appendix 2 Cost of Living Slides
  • Cllr Rob Pattenden Cllr Rob Pattenden : View profile Watch video at 1:08:03 Share video at 1:08:03
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:09:17 Share video at 1:09:17
  • Cllr John Broad Cllr John Broad : View profile Watch video at 1:09:31 Share video at 1:09:31
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:10:45 Share video at 1:10:45
  • Nicola Riley Nicola Riley : View profile Watch video at 1:10:50 Share video at 1:10:50
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:11:13 Share video at 1:11:13
  • Cllr Phil Chapman Cllr Phil Chapman : View profile Watch video at 1:11:23 Share video at 1:11:23
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:11:32 Share video at 1:11:32
  • Work Programme 2024 - 2025
  • Cllr Barry Wood Cllr Barry Wood : View profile Watch video at 1:14:09 Share video at 1:14:09
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:15:30 Share video at 1:15:30
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 1:15:57 Share video at 1:15:57
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:16:35 Share video at 1:16:35
  • Cllr Lynne Parsons Cllr Lynne Parsons : View profile Watch video at 1:17:48 Share video at 1:17:48
  • Cllr Andrew Crichton Cllr Andrew Crichton : View profile Watch video at 1:17:50 Share video at 1:17:50
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:17:54 Share video at 1:17:54
  • Cllr Frank Ideh Cllr Frank Ideh : View profile Watch video at 1:18:41 Share video at 1:18:41
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:18:53 Share video at 1:18:53
  • Cllr John Broad Cllr John Broad : View profile Watch video at 1:19:06 Share video at 1:19:06
  • Cllr Dr Isabel Creed Cllr Dr Isabel Creed : View profile Watch video at 1:19:19 Share video at 1:19:19
  • Council Chamber Watch video at 1:20:56 Share video at 1:20:56
  • Webcast Finished Watch video at 1:21:03 Share video at 1:21:03
  • Minutes of Previous Meeting , opens in new tab
  • O&S Performance Report Quarter 1 2024 - 2025 , opens in new tab
  • Appendix 1 - Business Plan & Monitoring Measures Quarter 1 2024_25 , opens in new tab
  • Appendix 2 - Annual Delivery Plan Quarter 1 2024_25 , opens in new tab
  • Appendix 3 - EDI Action Plan Quarter 1 , opens in new tab
  • Allocations Scheme report , opens in new tab
  • Appendix 1 - Revised CDC Housing Allocation Scheme 2025 , opens in new tab
  • Appendix 2 - Summary of proposed key changes , opens in new tab
  • Appendix 3 - ECIA Allocations scheme , opens in new tab
  • Cost of Living 23.24 Review Final , opens in new tab
  • Appendix 1 - Cost of Living Review 2023 - 2024 , opens in new tab
  • Appendix 2 Cost of Living Slides , opens in new tab
  • Work Programme 2024 - 2025 , opens in new tab

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9 places in Kabardino-Balkaria every adventurer needs to visit (PHOTOS)

An amazing journey through the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria.

An amazing journey through the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Together with local tour guide Artyem Babaritsky, we show you why this is one of the most underrated regions of Russia. According to Artem, the nature on the territory of Kabardino Balkaria is more “rigid” and “serious” than in the neighboring republics of the Caucasus. This is comparable to a human face: one moment it is kind and smiling (while we are in the Karachay-Cherkessia) and then suddenly this kind face starts to frown and becomes more severe.

cherwell district council business plan

The most famous attraction of the republic – and the Caucasus in general – is Mount Elbrus, the highest peak of the European continent. With a mighty height of 5,642 meters above sea level, Elbrus is actually a dormant volcano. Its permanent icecap feeds 22 glaciers, which, in turn, give rise to the Baksan, Kuban and Malka rivers.

Naturally, if you’re into mountain climbing, this is a peak that you will want to conquer at least once in your lifetime. Here are some detailed accounts of what it entails.

And this is what you’ll see along the way.

Not into mountain climbing? Not to worry! In summer, you can still reach an altitude of 3,658 meters from the bottom of the Azau Valley, thanks to a small network of cable cars and ski lifts. This will give you a bird’s eye view of the entire Main Caucasus Ridge – an extremely impressive sight to behold. And, of course, you’ll be right at the foot of the Elbrus glacier.

cherwell district council business plan

In winter, skiers and snowboarders can shred some sweet gnar on 23 kilometers of slopes serviced by 6 ski lifts. The winter sports area is situated between the elevations of 2,350 and 3,840 meters. There are plenty of accommodation options for a comfortable stay and a good selection of cafes and restaurants to refuel your energy supplies.

2. Dzhily-su

cherwell district council business plan

Translated from the local language, “Dzhily-su” means “warm waters”. The Tract is located on the slopes of the heart of the Caucasus at an altitude of about 2,400 meters above sea level, where you can enjoy the breathtaking view of Mount Elbrus on a clear day. On the territory of Dzhily-su, there are many unique mineral springs that aid in healing from various diseases and strengthening the body.

“It’s an amazing sensation when you lie in a warm mineral bath and dozens of small bubbles rise around you. Also, Dzhily-su is the land of waterfalls that bear beautiful male names like Sultan, Emir and Shah. Thanks to the unusual energy, esoterics are particularly fond of this place, because there are natural sand castles, amazing stone mushrooms and the energetic mountains Sirkh and Tuzluk,” Artyem says.

cherwell district council business plan

The road to Dzhily-su is considered one of the most beautiful in all of Russia: It’s a serpentine-like asphalt mountain road that follows along a huge cliff, over which you will see many eagles circling. If you decide to do the trip on your own, Artyem warns that you must get hold of an off road vehicle, because many of the roads that you will need to take are dusty gravel roads. 

3. Chegem Canyon, Gorge, Waterfalls and Paragliding 

cherwell district council business plan

This is one of the main tourist attractions of Kabardino-Balkaria and it’s not hard to see why.

“The views that stretch along the Chegem gorge are simply amazing. The Chegem gorge is quite big. You will begin your encounter with this area with the beautiful Chegem waterfalls that cascade down the rocky slope. Right at the foot of the rocks, there is a small market where local women sell various hand woven wool products. There is a ‘ladder of happiness’ consisting of two 222 steps, leading to the source of the waterfalls at the top of the cliff. Climbing it is not at all difficult, the views are amazing and there is a cozy cafe at the top, as well as at the bottom, where you can enjoy dishes of national cuisine,” Artyem says.

In winter, the Chegem waterfalls freeze and have a certain wild beauty to them. Some locals say that, perhaps, they are even more beautiful than in the summer. Ice pillars and columns of frozen jets and streams of water, like giant twisted candles, or stalactites, hang down all the way to the river.

cherwell district council business plan

There is no more asphalt road beyond the waterfalls, but you can still continue along the gorge on gravel, along the turbulent Chegem River. The road is very dusty, so Artyem advises visitors to drive along it in a car with closed windows and the air conditioning on. After about 30 kilometers, you will arrive at a paragliding station.

According to Artyem, the Chegem paragliding station is famous for its powerful, ascending wind currents. Thanks to them, paragliders can soar in the sky from morning to evening. On the territory of the station, there is also a zip line and a few other adrenaline-filled activities for those looking for some thrills. 

4. El-TyuByu

cherwell district council business plan

If time permits, you can continue moving along the Chegem gorge and arrive at the village of El-TuByu, a place with enormous history. This mysterious ancient Balkarian village is the focal point of the history of the entire Balkaria. Ancient watchtowers, remains of Greek temples and anomalous phenomena attract both adventure seekers and connoisseurs of beauty. The main highrise, the Balkarukov Tower, is also dubbed the ‘Tower of Love’. Legend has it that Akhtugan Balkarukov built it to defend against the relatives of the beautiful Kerime, stolen by him from Dagestan.

Not far from the village, two ancient defensive Greek stairs go up a rocky wall. They rise to a height of about 30 meters and lead to a small area surrounded by walls up to two meters high and about half a meter thick. A bit above the Greek stairs are the ancient Balkar mausoleums, where local nobility were buried in the VIII-XVIII centuries. Artyem advises to go with a tour guide, because there is just so much incredible history in this village. 

5. Valley of the Narzans

cherwell district council business plan

The Valley of the Narzans is a balneoclimatic resort area. It is located in the foothills of the northern slope of the Skalisty Ridge of the Greater Caucasus, in the Khasaut River valley, at an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level (near the border with Karachay-Cherkessia).

What is Narzan water? It takes six years for the water from the melting snow in the mountains to become Narzan water. It needs this time to find its way through the fissures and cracks in the underground rocks, become enriched by more than 20 minerals and salts, congregate in the underground lakes and then appear on the surface as a spring. In the local language, its name sounds like “Nart-san-e”, which means “a drink of brave warriors”.

Visitors can come with empty bottles and fill them with different kinds of mineral water. The territory of the valley also has cafes with local delicacies and plenty of souvenir stands, where the local women sell traditional knitwear, mountain honey and other arts and crafts and delicacies from the region. 

6. Shadkhurei Karst Lakes

cherwell district council business plan

The two lakes - Lower and Upper Shadkhuei - are still little researched. Underwater currents, turmoils and a large network of underwater canals prevent scientists from doing deeper research. The estimated depth of each lake is more than 200 meters, though there is no data yet on the actual depth.

“This is a great place to spend some time, especially during the summer months. The water temperature is kept at the same level all year round – about +15 degrees Celsius. The two lakes are located close to each other and fascinate visitors with their magical colors, luring them into their emerald water,” Artyem says.

In Artyem’s experience, only with rare exceptions, no visitor can resist the urge to plunge into the water. Even without bathing accessories, both ladies and gents make it their priority to jump into the turquoise waters. Around the lakes there are a few gazebos so you can easily stay for the whole day, have a picnic and swim in the lakes to your heart’s content.

7. Chateau Erken

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A little piece of Europe in the middle of the Caucasus Mountains, Chateau Erken is a majestic pseudo castle in the Romanesque style (it was actually built in the 1990s) surrounded by about 1,000 hectares of vineyards.

“If you want to have a relaxing day, try experiencing the fairy tale that is Chateau Erken. It stands right on the water and is absolutely stunning. There is also the option to do some wine tasting inside,” Artyem says. 

8. Upper Balkaria, Blue Lake and Aushiger Thermal Springs

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These three places make for an easy day trip, because of their proximity to one another. Start your journey at the Blue Lake . The deep blue waters of this stunning lake, hidden in Russia’s Caucasus mountains, are shrouded in mystery. It’s uninhabited by fish and avoided by locals, but, in recent years, it’s become a popular site for tourists.

After soaking in the lake’s beauty, continue onwards to Upper Balkaria, which is just several kilometers away along the Cherek gorge. This is a small ancient village that almost seems like it’s hiding from the outside world. Architectural monuments, defensive towers, graves and ground crypts have been preserved there. Upper Balkaria serves as an excellent example of Balkarian life and culture. You’ll learn a lot about the ancient auls (Caucasian mountain or desert settlements) and Balkarian settlements from different historical periods. 

On the left bank of the Cherek River, in the village of Aushiger, there are a few healing hot springs. The territory of the health resort includes a healing lake, an open reservoir and indoor baths.

9. Adyr-su Gorge

cherwell district council business plan

“This place can be reached by car, mostly by asphalt road. Then, the car drives into a special lift, together with people and climbs up along the cliff. What a sight this is! There is a border control here, so it’s a good idea to have some ID on you,” Artyem cautions.

After driving along a relatively easy dirt road, you will get to a mountain climbing base. From there, you can take part in some light trekking, 4 kilometers there and back. Adventurers also have the opportunity to make a wish in the Valley of Desires, see waterfalls, go to the glacier and the huge, magical mountain Ulu Tau, which means “Mother Mountain”. Finish up the hike at the Silver Spring.

“Here, you can always encounter wild mustangs, they always come to graze on the beautiful meadows of lush grass and drink the healing water from the spring. The spring is the source of incredible strength - locals say that whoever plunges into it three times will be healed of many diseases,” Artyem boasts.

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Business plan 2022-2023

Our strategic priorities:, function onload(f) { if (onload.loaded) window.settimeout(f, 0); else if (window.addeventlistener) window.addeventlistener("load", f, false); } function setupsections(){ var $headings = $('.editor > h3'), content = {}; $headings.each(function(i){ content[i] = $(this).nextuntil('h3'); content[i].hide(); $(this).append(' + ').css({"background-color": "#f0f2f0","padding": ".9375rem 1.5rem .75rem","cursor": "pointer"}).click(function(){ content[i].toggle(); }) }) onload.loaded = true; }; onload.loaded = false; onload(setupsections);, housing that meets your needs.

  • Support the delivery of affordable and green housing.
  • Ensure minimum standards in rented housing.
  • Work with partners supporting new ways to prevent homelessness.
  • Support our most vulnerable residents.
  • Deliver the Local Plan.

Supporting environmental sustainability

  • Work towards our commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030.
  • Promote the green economy.
  • Support waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
  • Work with partners to improve air quality.

An enterprising economy with strong and vibrant local centres

  • Support business retention and growth.
  • Work with partners to support skills development and innovation.
  • Work with others to support growth.
  • Work with partners to promote the district as a visitor destination and attract investment in our town centres.
  • Work with businesses to ensure compliance and promote best practice.

Healthy, resilient and engaged communities

  • Support and encourage active lifestyles and health and wellbeing.
  • Support development of leisure services and facilities meeting the needs of residents.
  • Support community and cultural development.
  • Work towards our commitment to equalities, diversity and inclusion.
  • Work with partners to address the causes of health inequality and deprivation.
  • Work with partners to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour.

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( )
Къабарты-Малкъар Республика ( )
Кабардино-Балкарская Республика ( )
Coordinates: 43°24′E / 43.583°N 43.400°E / 43.583; 43.400
  Total12,470 km (4,810 sq mi)
Population ( )
  Total 904,200
( )
  • Part of a series on the Circassians Адыгэхэр Circassia
Part of on the

(Adyghe) (Kabardian)
(until 1945)

Kabardino-Balkaria ( Russian : Кабарди́но-Балка́рия ), officially the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic , [note 1] [10] [11] [12] is a republic of Russia located in the North Caucasus . As of the 2021 Census , its population was   904,200. [13] Its capital is Nalchik . The area contains the highest mountain in Europe, Mount Elbrus , at 5,642   m (18,510   ft) . Mount Elbrus has 22 glaciers that feed three rivers — Baksan , Malka and Kuban . The mountain is covered with snow year-round.

Natural resources

Administrative divisions, demographics, vital statistics, ethnic groups, external links.

Cherek-Balkarskaya gorge Abai k'ala.jpg

The republic is situated in the North Caucasus mountains, with plains in the northern part. The republic shares an international border with Georgia .

  • Area : 12,500 square kilometers (4,800   sq   mi)
  • internal : Stavropol Krai (N/NE), North Ossetia–Alania (E/SE/S), Karachay–Cherkessia (W/NW)
  • international : Georgia ( Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti , Zemo Svaneti ) (S/SW)
  • Highest point : Mount Elbrus (5,642   m)
  • Maximum N->S distance : 167 kilometers (104   mi)
  • Maximum E->W distance : 123 kilometers (76   mi)

Kabardino-Balkaria is traversed by the northeasterly line of equal latitude and longitude.

Major rivers include:

  • Terek River (623   km)
  • Malka River (216   km)
  • Baksan River (173   km)
  • Urukh River (104   km)
  • Chegem River (102   km)
  • Cherek River (76   km)
  • Argudan River
  • Kurkuzhin River
  • Lesken River

Map of the republic Kabardino-balkaria map.png

There are about 100 lakes in the Republic, none of which is large. Just over half (55) are located between the Baksan and Malka Rivers, the largest each of an area of no more than 0.01 square kilometers (0.0039   sq   mi) . Some of the lakes are:

  • Tserikkel Lake (area 26,000   m 2 ; depth 368   m)
  • Lower Goluboye Lake
  • Kel-Ketchen Lake (depth 177   m)
  • Upper Tserikkel Lake (depth 18   m)
  • Sekretnoye Lake
  • Tambukan Lake (area 1.77   km 2 ; depth 1.5 to 2   m), partially within Stavropol Krai.
  • Mount Elbrus (5,642   m), a volcanic mountain and the highest peak in Europe , Russia , and the Caucasus

Other major mountains include:

  • Mount Dykhtau (5,402   m)
  • Mount Koshtantau (5,151   m)
  • Mount Shkhara (5,068   m)
  • Pushkin Peak (5,033   m)
  • Mount Mizhergi (5,025   m)
. You can help by . )

Kabardino-Balkaria's natural resources include molybdenum , tungsten , and coal .

The republic has a continental-type climate.

  • Average January temperature : −12   °C (10   °F) (mountains) to −4   °C (25   °F) (plains)
  • Average July temperature : +4   °C (39   °F) (mountains) to +23   °C (73   °F) (plains)
  • Average annual precipitation : 500–2,000   mm.
. You can help by . )

It is known that modern-day Circassians also called Kassogs were inhabiting Kabardino Balkaria since at least the 6th century BCE, then known as Zichia. [14] On 1 July 1994 Kabardino-Balkaria became the second republic after Tatarstan to sign a power-sharing agreement with the federal government, granting it autonomy. [15]

The head of government in Kabardino-Balkaria is the Head . The current Head is Kazbek Kokov . [16] The legislative body of the Republic is the Parliament comprising 72 deputies elected for a five-year term. [3] [17]

The republic adopted a new constitution in 2001 which prevents the republic from existing independently of the Russian Federation. [18]

  • Nalchik (Нальчик) (capital)
  • Baksan (Баксан)
  • Prokhladny (Прохладный)
  • Baksansky (Баксанский)
  • Chegem (Чегем)
  • Chereksky (Черекский)
  • Tyrnyauz (Тырныауз)
  • Leskensky (Лескенский)
  • Maysky (Майский)
  • Prokhladnensky (Прохладненский)
  • Terek (Терек)
  • Nartkala (Нарткала)
  • Zolsky (Зольский)

Life expectancy at birth in Kabardino-Balkaria Life expectancy in Russian subject -Kabardino-Balkaria.png

Historical population
Source: Census data

Population : 904,200   ( 2021 Census ) ; [13] 859,939   ( 2010 Russian census ) ; [19] 901,494   ( 2002 Census ) ; [20] 759,586   ( 1989 Soviet census ) . [21]

Life expectancy : [22] [23]

Average:76.5 years73.8 years
Male:72.6 years69.9 years
Female:79.9 years77.3 years

Balkars in 1936 1936 god. Zhaboev M. iz seleniia Nizhnii Khulam za igroi v "Sybyzgy", na prazdnike v chest' 15 -letiia Kabardino-Balkarii.jpg

Average population (x 1000)Live birthsDeathsNatural changeCrude birth rate (per 1000)Crude death rate (per 1000)Natural change (per 1000)Fertility rates
20058828,9919,034- 4310.210.2-0.01.13

Note: TFR 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 source. [26]

Kabardino-Balkaria includes two major ethnic communities, the Kabardins (Circassians), who speak a North-West Caucasian language , and the Balkars who speak a Turkic language . According to the 2021 Census , [27] Kabardins make up 57.1% of the republic's population, followed by Russians (19.8%) and Balkars (13.7%). Other groups include Cherkess (3.0%), Turks (1.9%), Ossetians (0.8%), Romani (0.5%), and a host of smaller groups, each accounting for less than 0.5% of the total population.

1926 Census 1939 Census1959 Census1970 Census1979 Census1989 Census2002 Census2010 Census2021 Census
Number %Number %Number %Number %Number %Number %Number %Number %Number %
122,23754.2%152,23742.4%190,28445.3%264,67545.0%303,60445.5%364,49448.2%498,702 55.3%490,45357.2%502,61557.1%
and .

in 2002 seems unlikely high.

Religion in Kabardino-Balkaria as of 2012 (Sreda Arena Atlas)
Other 4%
Native faiths 1.8%
and 4.4%
Other and undeclared 1.8%

Mosque in Kabardino-Balkaria Verkhniaia Balkariia. Mechet'..jpg

According to a 2012 survey which interviewed 56,900 people, [30] 70.8% of the population of Kabardino-Balkaria adhered to Islam , 11.6% to the Russian Orthodox Church , 3.8% were non-Orthodox Christians , and 1.8% followed Adyghe (Kabardian) folk religion and other indigenous faiths. In addition, 12% of the population declared to be " spiritual but not religious " and 5.6% was atheist or followed other religions, including Jehovah's Witnesses . [30]

  • Caucasian Avars
  • List of the Chairmen of the Parliament of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
  • Minor hydro-electric plants of Kabardino-Balkaria
  • Mount Imeon
  • ↑ Russian : Кабарди́но-Балка́рская Респу́блика , romanized :   Kabardino-Balkarskaya Respublika ; Kabardian : Къэбэрдей-Балъкъэр Республикэ , romanized:   Ķêbêrdej-Baĺķêr Respublikê ; Karachay-Balkar : Къабарты-Малкъар Республика , romanized:   Qabartı-Malqar Respublika

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Anzorey is a rural locality and the administrative center of Leskensky District of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russia. Population: 6,551 (2010 Russian census) ; 6,931 (2002 Census) ;

Kashkhatau is a rural locality and the administrative center of Chereksky District of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russia. Population: 5,295 (2010 Russian census) ; 5,211 (2002 Census) ; 4,412 (1989 Soviet census) .

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  • ↑ Law #13-RZ
  • ↑ Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Article   136
  • 1 2 Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Article   91
  • ↑ Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Article   78
  • ↑ Official website of the Head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Biography Archived October 28, 2014, at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)
  • ↑ "Об исчислении времени". Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). Archived from the original on June 22, 2020 . Retrieved January 19, 2019 .
  • 1 2 Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Article   76
  • ↑ Official throughout the Russian Federation according to Article   68.1 of the Constitution of Russia .
  • ↑ "Head of Kabardino-Balkarian Republic reported to the President on the situation in Mount Elbrus region" . President of Russia . September 2, 2017 . Retrieved February 17, 2020 .
  • ↑ "Russia's federal constituent entities" . Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation . Retrieved February 17, 2020 .
  • ↑ Skutsch, Carl (November 7, 2013). Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities . Routledge. ISBN   978-1-135-19388-1 .
  • 1 2 Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Всероссийская перепись населения 2020 года. Том 1 [ 2020 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1 ] (XLS) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • ↑ Kazhdan, A. P.; Talbot, A-M. M.; Cutler, A.; Gregory, T. E.; Ševčenko, N. P., eds. (1991). The Oxford dictionary of Byzantium . New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN   0-19-504652-8 . OCLC   22733550 .
  • ↑ Solnick, Steven (May 29, 1996). "Asymmetries in Russian Federation Bargaining" (PDF) . The National Council for Soviet and East European Research : 12.
  • ↑ Путин опять увольняет губернаторов, а на их место назначает однофамильцев или бывших губернаторов. А-а-а! Как не запутаться? Вот шпаргалка . Meduza (in Russian) . Retrieved September 26, 2018 .
  • ↑ Constitution, Article   94.
  • ↑ Bell 2003 , p.   78.
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  • 1 2 3 "Arena: Atlas of Religions and Nationalities in Russia" . Sreda, 2012.
  • ↑ 2012 Arena Atlas Religion Maps . "Ogonek", № 34 (5243), 27/08/2012. Retrieved 21/04/2017. Archived .
  • Bell, Imogen (2003). The Territories of the Russian Federation 2003 . Europa Publications. ISBN   1-85743-191-X .
  • Совет Республики Парламента Кабардино-Балкарской Республики.   Закон   №13-РЗ   от   4 августа 1994 г. «О государственном гимне Кабардино-Балкарской Республики», в ред. Закона №13-РЗ от   13 апреля 2015 г   «О внесении изменений в статьи   2 и   4 Закона Кабардино-Балкарской Республики "О государственном гимне Кабардино-Балкарской Республики"». Вступил в силу   18 августа 1994 г. Опубликован: "Кабардино-Балкарская правда", №148, 12 августа 1994 г. (Council of the Republic of the Parliament of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.   Law   # 13-RZ   of   August   4, 1994 On the State Anthem of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic , as amended by the Law   # 13-RZ of   April   13, 2015 On Amending Articles   2 and   4 of the Law of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic "On the State Anthem of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic" . Effective as of   August   18, 1994.).
  • Парламент Кабардино-Балкарской Республики.   №28-РЗ   1 сентября 1997 г. «Конституция Кабардино-Балкарской Республики», в ред. Закона №40-РЗ от   19 октября 2015 г.   «О поправках к Конституции Кабардино-Балкарской Республики». Вступил в силу   со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Кабардино-Балкарская правда", №177, 9 сентября 1997 г. (Parliament of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.   # 28-RZ   September   1, 1997 Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic , as amended by the Law   # 40-RZ of   October   19, 2015 On the Amendments to the Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic . Effective as of   the day of the official publication.).
  • Дударев, В. А.; Евсеева, Н. А. (1987). И. Каманина (ed.). СССР. Административно-территориальное деление союзных республик (in Russian). Moscow. {{ cite book }} : CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( link )
  • (in Russian) Official website of the Head of the Republic
  • Pictures of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
  • BBC News . Kabardino-Balkaria Profile
Considered by most of the international community to be part of . Administratively subordinated to . Administratively subordinated to .
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Cities and towns



  1. Our Business Plan 2022-2023

    cherwell district council business plan

  2. Business

    cherwell district council business plan

  3. Business

    cherwell district council business plan

  4. Planning and building news

    cherwell district council business plan

  5. Cherwell District Council

    cherwell district council business plan

  6. Planning and building news

    cherwell district council business plan


  1. Performance management

    Cherwell District Council have revised the annual business plan for 2018/19 detailing the key objectives they are working towards delivering for all service areas. This is reviewed Monthly. ... diversity and inclusion framework outlines how we plan to create an inclusive community and workplace in Cherwell, through fair and equitable services ...

  2. Our performance 2023-2024

    Cherwell District Council's annual report that summarises our performance and key achievements from April 2023 to March 2024. ... We assess progress based on our four key business plan priorities, measured through 27 performance goals. ... Proposed a new Climate Action Plan for Cherwell to achieve carbon net zero by 2030 and support the ...

  3. Our Business Plan 2023-2024

    Cherwell District Council have revised the annual business plan for 2018/19 detailing the key objectives they are working towards delivering for all service areas. This is reviewed Monthly. Our Business Plan 2023-2024 | Business Plan 2023-2024 | Cherwell District Council

  4. Our Business Plan

    Cherwell District Council have revised the annual business plan for 2018/19 detailing the key objectives they are working towards delivering for all service areas. This is reviewed Monthly. ... Business plan priorities for 2024-2025 Housing that meets your needs. Support the delivery of affordable and green housing.

  5. PDF Cherwell Business Plan 2022 to 2023

    Support community and cultural development. Work towards our commitment to equalities, diversity and inclusion. Work with partners to address the causes of health inequality and deprivation. Work with partners to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour. Cherwell District Council business plan 2022 - 2023.

  6. PDF Cherwell District Council Business Plan 2021-2022

    Cherwell District Business Plan 2021-2022 Delivery themes: Healthy Places Work collaboratively to create sustainable, thriving communities that support good lifestyle choices. Continuous Improvement Make the best use of our resources and focus on improvement, innovation and staff development to maintain and enhance services. Including Everyone

  7. PDF Cherwell District Council Business PLan 2020 -21

    • Increase recycling across the district; Protect our natural environment and our built heritage; • Work with partners to improve air quality in the district; • Reduce environmental crime. Cherwell District Council. Business Plan. 2020-2021. Where communities thrive, and businesses grow. Strategic Priorities: Themes: Customers . To ...

  8. Oxfordshire council pledges to improve housing in district

    The commitment comes following the council's executive meeting on Monday, September 9, which saw its new Housing Strategy 2025 - 2030 approved for a public consultation.

  9. Cherwell Local Plan Review

    Cherwell Local Plan Review - Community Involvement Paper 2 Developing our Options (29 September 2021 - 10 November 2021) ... Cherwell District Council, Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA. All comments should be received no later than 11.59pm on Wednesday 10 November 2021. ...

  10. Our Business Plan 2023-2024

    Our priorities. We are proud to celebrate our 50th year serving the Cherwell district. Established on 1 April 1974, Cherwell District Council was formed by merging four local districts under the Local Government Act 1972. Our 2023-24 business plan includes the following four priorities.

  11. Cherwell District Council

    Cherwell District Council | 3,181 followers on LinkedIn. We are the district council for north Oxfordshire, with 48 councillors representing 16 wards. | Representing and providing services to the residents and businesses of Banbury, Bicester, Kidlington and the rural parishes of north Oxfordshire. We aim to achieve the following priorities: - Housing that meets your needs - Supporting ...

  12. PDF Health Improvement Partnership Board

    Cherwell District Council Councillor Chewe Munkonge Oxford City Council 3. Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments Cllr Georgina Heritage Cllr Rizvana Poole Councillor Rob Pattenden 4. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 5. Petitions and Public Address There were no petitions and public address. 6. Notice ...

  13. Kabardino-Balkaria

    Kabardino-Balkaria (Russian: Кабарди́но-Балка́рия), officially the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, [note 1] [10] [11] [12] is a republic of Russia located in the North Caucasus.As of the 2021 Census, its population was 904,200. [13] Its capital is Nalchik.The area contains the highest mountain in Europe, Mount Elbrus, at 5,642 m (18,510 ft).

  14. Overview and Scrutiny Committee

    Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 10 September 2024, 6:30pm - Start video at 0:02:21 - Cherwell District Webcasting We use cookies to remember your preferences, collect information about how you use the site, and connect to third-party services.

  15. Forward plan

    Decision maker: Executive, Council. Decision due: 16 Dec 2024. Lead officer: Shona Ware. Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/08/2024. Anticipated restriction: Open - 5. Banbury Vision 2050 Consultation Engagement Report and Action Plan. Decision maker: Executive. Decision due: November 2024. Lead officer: Robert Jolley, Andy Bowe

  16. Nalchik

    Nalchik (Russian: Нальчик IPA: [ˈnalʲtɕɪk]; Kabardian: НалщӀэч, Nalṣ̂ăčʼ IPA: [naːɮɕʼakʲ]; Karachay-Balkar: Нальчик IPA:) is the capital city of Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, situated at an altitude of 550 meters (1,800 ft) in the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains; about 100 kilometers (62 mi) northwest of Beslan (Beslan is in the Republic of North Ossetia ...

  17. Bicester

    Bicester (/ ˈ b ɪ s t ər / ⓘ BIST-ər) is a historical market town, garden town, and civil parish in the Cherwell district of northeastern Oxfordshire in south-central England that also comprises an eco town development at North West Bicester and a self-build village at Graven Hill. Its local market continues to thrive and is now located on Sheep Street, a pedestrian zone in the ...

  18. PDF Members are summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be

    24/102. County Council and District Council matters • To receive reports from County and District Councillors • To discuss the Cherwell Local Plan Review and producing a Neighbourhood Plan • To receive an update from the meeting with the Highways Engagement Team 24/103a. Planning matters; New applications

  19. Annual Service Delivery Plan

    Cherwell District Council have revised the annual business plan for 2018/19 detailing the key objectives they are working towards delivering for all service areas. This is reviewed Monthly. ... aims and ambitions of our Council as contained in the Council's Business Plan. As this is our Council's initial Annual Delivery Plan, introduced ...

  20. 9 places in Kabardino-Balkaria every adventurer needs to visit (PHOTOS)

    A bit above the Greek stairs are the ancient Balkar mausoleums, where local nobility were buried in the VIII-XVIII centuries. Artyem advises to go with a tour guide, because there is just so much ...

  21. Business plan 2022-2023

    Cherwell District Council have revised the annual business plan for 2018/19 detailing the key objectives they are working towards delivering for all service areas. This is reviewed Monthly. Business plan 2022-2023 | Business plan 2022-2023 | Cherwell District Council

  22. Kabardino-Balkaria

    Kabardino-Balkaria (Russian: Кабарди́но-Балка́рия ), officially the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, is a republic of Russia located in the North Caucasus. As of the 2021 Census, its population was 904,200. Its capital is Nalchik. The area contains the highest mountain in Europe, Mount Elbrus, at 5,642