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Essay On Indecent Dressing | Impacts And Solution

Indecent dressing, a growing concern in our society, is a term that describes attire deemed inappropriate or offensive within certain cultural or societal norms. This behavior, particularly among young people, has raised eyebrows and sparked heated debates in various quarters.

Table of Contents

Essay About The Impact of Indecent Dressing on Society

The implications of indecent dressing.

One of the most significant impacts of indecent dressing is the devaluation of women. When women dress indecently, it tends to objectify them, reducing them to mere objects of sexual desire rather than respected individuals with their own identities and capabilities.

Another consequence is the negative perception it creates. People who dress indecently are often perceived negatively, seen as individuals with low moral standards and a lack of self-respect. This perception may even translate into their personal and professional lives, affecting opportunities and relationships.

Indecent Dressing impacts essay

Indecent dressing can cause social dislocation, creating a divide between those who comply with societal norms and those who do not. This division can lead to social unrest and discrimination. In places such as work or school, indecent dressing can be a distraction, impeding focus and productivity. It may shift the attention away from the task at hand, resulting in a decline in performance.

Finally, indecent dressing is often seen as a violation of cultural norms. Most cultures have distinct dress codes reflective of their values and beliefs, and flouting these codes can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings.

The Road to Solutions

Addressing the issue of indecent dressing requires a multi-pronged approach. Education is the cornerstone; individuals need to be taught about the appropriate ways to dress for different settings and the implications of not doing so.

The implementation of dress codes in schools, workplaces, and other public places can ensure everyone dresses appropriately. These codes should be fair and considerate, taking into account cultural diversity and personal comfort.

Looking up to role models can significantly influence people’s dressing choices. Celebrities, leaders, and influential figures who dress decently can inspire others to do the same.

Lastly, enforcement of laws and regulations can deter people from dressing indecently. However, such measures should be applied with sensitivity, ensuring they do not infringe on personal freedom and rights.

In conclusion, the issue of indecent dressing extends beyond the surface, impacting societal values, personal dignity, and cultural harmony. Addressing it requires collective effort, understanding, and respect for societal norms and individual differences. By doing so, we can foster a society that respects diversity and upholds human dignity.

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The Psycho-Social Aspect of Indecent Dressing: Influence of Gender, Dress Pattern and Physical Attractiveness on Sexual Harassment

Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 19, Issue 3, Ver. IV, PP 14-19.

6 Pages Posted: 24 Aug 2022 Last revised: 10 Jul 2023

Alhaji Ahmadu Ibrahim, Ph.D.

Yobe State University Damaturu

Date Written: March 1, 2014

The study investigated the Psycho-social Aspect of Indecent Dressing: Influence of Gender, Dress Pattern and Physical Attractiveness on Sexual Harassment among University Undergraduates Students. 100 Undergraduate students of Yobe State University participated in the study. The dress pattern Questionnaire (DPQ) was used to measure dressing pattern (Decent x Indecent), photographs were used to assess physical attractiveness and the Sexual Harassment Questionnaire (SHQ) was used as the dependent measure. The results were statistically significant for Gender F (1,100) = 5.885, P < 0.05 and Dress Pattern, F (1,100) = 719, P < 0.05. The implication of this finding is that those students who dress indecently and who are females whether attractive or unattractive are highly prone to Sexual Harassment.

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write an expository essay on consequences of indecent dressing

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It is increasingly becoming obvious that indecent dressing has gradually taken over the dress pattern of students in higher institutions of learning.Research reveals that these wrongful and improper dressings of undergraduate students have a high tendency to impact negatively on their academic performance as the output of male lecturers, most especially, can be reduced when they concentrate on watching such provocative dressings during lectures. Female students, on the other hand, spend so much money on buying such useless dresses instead of spending them on their academic work. Their indecent dressing also makes them patronize discotheques, night clubs, brothels and hotels where they can have fun at the expense of their studies. There is also the possibility that some male lecturers, or even female lecturers, will fall victim to such seductive dressings, resulting in sexual favors between the lecturers on one side. This is clearly a barrier to quality education; as a result, students will be unable to perform to the expectations of their prospective employers, resulting in a loss of revenue to the state.Quite apart from that, poor performance of students as a result of indecent dressing can belinked to unemployment of half-baked graduates. This is so because students who dress indecently have divided attention to their studies and are therefore unable to receive adequate practical training, which is a prerequisite for employment (after graduation) by most companies. And because such companies are not ready to spend extra money training such partially groomed graduates, they latter find themselves joining the unemployed graduate crew. However, this is not surprising given the wide gap between policy formulation and implementation that is typical of most Nigerian administrators.Indecent dressing, even though it is not accepted as normality, is seen to be gaining ascendancy. With this increase in moral decadency, one wonders what will become of society tomorrow with the caliber of students that are being trained. If rules are made for people, they are supposed to be adequately informed about why such rules are made. It is therefore, against this backdrop that this study aimed to investigate the causes and implications of indecent dressing among undergraduate students in Nigeria.

  • To investigate the various forms of indecent dressing among Nigerian undergraduates.
  • To determine the causes of indecent dressing among undergraduate students in Nigeria
  • To investigate if indecent dressing has any significant impact on the academic performance of undergraduates
  • To propose potential solutions to reduce the prevalence of indecent dressing among Nigerian undergraduates.
  • What are the different types of indecent dressing in Nigerian universities?
  • What are the causes/motive of indecent dressing among undergraduate students in Nigeria?
  • Do you think indecent dressing has any significant impact on the academic performance of undergraduates?
  • What are the potential solutions for reducing the level of indecent dressing among Nigerian undergraduates?


Undergraduate:  An undergraduate is a college or university student who is not a graduate student.

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A Christian Analysis of Indecent Dressing in South West Nigeria

Profile image of Caleb Ogunkunle

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