The four seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter

The four seasons have very different characteristics.

Seasons are periods of the year with distinct weather conditions and day lengths.

Autumn (Fall)

Seasons are not the same everywhere, what causes the seasons, additional resources, bibliography.

Seasons are periods of the year with distinct weather conditions and day lengths. 

The four seasons — winter, spring, summer, autumn — can vary significantly in characteristics and can prompt changes in the world around them. Here, we explore the seasons of the year in more detail. 

Attributes of the seasons may vary by location, but there are still broad definitions that cross most of the boundaries.

In the spring , seeds take root and vegetation begins to grow. The weather is warmer and often wetter. Animals wake or return from warmer climates, often with newborns. Melting snow from the previous season, along with increased rainfall, can cause flooding along waterways, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  

In the summer , temperatures may increase to the hottest of the year. If they spike too high, heat waves or droughts may cause trouble for people, animals, and plants. For example, in the summer of 2003, the high temperatures claimed more than 30,000 lives, according to Encyclopedia Britannica . Rainfall may increase in some areas, as well. Others may receive less water, and forest fires may become more frequent.

When does summer start?

In the Northern Hemisphere, summer starts on June 1 and runs to August 31

What is the hottest summer on record?

Historically, the heatwave during the Dust Bowl Summer of 1936 was considered the hottest summer on record, but in 2021 the average summer temperature of the contiguous U.S. was 74.0 degrees Fahrenheit (23.3 degrees Celsius), 2.6 degrees above average, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

In the autumn , or fall, temperatures cool again. Plants may begin to grow dormant. Animals might prepare themselves for the upcoming cold weather, storing food or traveling to warmer regions. 

Various cultures have celebrated bountiful harvests with annual festivals. Thanksgiving is a good example. "Thanksgiving in the United States is a historical commemoration but it has a spiritual dimension strongly associated with homecoming and giving praise for what has been bestowed upon us," Cristina De Rossi, an anthropologist at Barnet and Southgate College in London, told Live Science.  

Why is it called autumn instead of fall?

Both 'autumn' and 'fall' are words used in the English language to describe the season that starts on 1 September in the Northern Hemisphere, with fall being commonly used in American English. According to , the word autumn comes from the old French word 'autompne', which itself originated from the Latin 'autumnus'. The roots of the Latin name are obscure, but it was first recorded in the English language from the late 1300s.

Winter often brings a chill. Some areas may experience snow or ice, while others see only cold rain. Animals find ways to warm themselves and may have changed their appearance to adapt. "In a similar way to the Autumnal theme, Winter festivals celebrate the return of the light during a time of deepest physical darkness," said De Rossi. The Indian festival of Diwali, for example, which takes place between October and November, celebrates the triumph of righteousness, and light over darkness. 

Is winter the longest season?

Although it is easy to imagine the seasons neatly fitting into four equal lengths, according to NPR this isn't quite the case, they are all slightly different — and their duration changes depending on which hemisphere you are in. 

Due to the elliptical orbit of Earth around the sun, at certain points in the year the planet is moving faster and shortening the season. However, the distance from our star has less impact on Earth's seasons than the planet's tilt, which means that summers are warm in the Northern Hemisphere despite being further from the sun. As it is moving slower, the spring-summer season is also actually longer, by about seven days.

The timing and characteristics of the seasons depend upon the location on Earth . Regions near the equator experience fairly constant temperatures throughout the year, with balmy winters barely discernible from warm summers. This is because it gets fairly constant light from the sun, due to its position on the outer curve of the Earth, according to the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program.

For areas to the north and south, the seasons can change more significantly. People closer to the poles might experience icier, more frigid winters, while those closer to the equator might suffer hotter summers. 

According to Time and Date : 

– Spring: March 1 to May 31;

– Summer: June 1 to August 31;

– Autumn (Fall): September 1 to November 30

– Winter: December 1 to February 28 (February 29 in a leap year).

Other factors can also affect the weather and temperature over the seasons; some areas experience dry summers as temperatures spike, while others might call summer their "wet season." A wet season is when a majority of a country or region's annual precipitation occurs, according to the Met Office . Mountainous regions might experience more snowfall than plains within the same latitude, while oceanfront property could see an increase in violent tropical storms as the weather shifts.

The time of year a region experiences a season depends on whether it is in the northern or southern hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere experiences winter while its northern neighbors encounter summer; the north sees the slow blossom of spring while the south brings in the autumn harvest.

A diagram demonstrating how the seasons are caused by the Earth’s axial tilt

The cycle of seasons is caused by our planet's tilt toward the sun . The Earth spins around an (invisible) axis. At different times during the year, the northern or southern axis is closer to the sun. During these times, the hemisphere tipped toward the star experiences summer, while the hemisphere tilted away from the sun experiences winter, according to NOAA .

At other locations in Earth's annual journey, the axis is not tilted toward or away from the sun. During these times of the year, the hemispheres experience spring and autumn.

The astronomical definition of the seasons relates to specific points in Earth's trip around the sun. The summer and winter solstice, the longest and shortest day of the year, occurs when Earth's axis is either closest or farthest from the sun. The summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs around June 21, the same day as the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, according to NOAA. The south's summer solstice occurs around December 21, the winter solstice for the north. In both hemispheres, the summer solstice marks the first day of astronomical summer, while the winter solstice is considered the first day of astronomical winter.

Equinoxes are another significant day during Earth's journey around the sun. On these days, the planet's axis is pointed parallel to the sun, rather than toward or away from it. Day and night during the equinoxes are supposed to be close to equal. The spring, or vernal, equinox for the northern hemisphere takes place around March 20, the same day as the south's autumnal equinox. The vernal equinox in the southern hemisphere occurs around September 20, when people in the north celebrate the autumnal equinox . The vernal equinox marks the first day of astronomical spring for a hemisphere, while the autumnal equinox ushers in the first day of fall.

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But changes in the weather often precede these significant points. The meteorological seasons focus on these changes, fitting the seasons to the three months that best usher them in. December to February marks meteorological winter in the Northern Hemisphere and meteorological summer in the southern. March, April, and May are lauded as spring or autumn, depending on the location, while June through August are the months of summer for the north and winter for the south. September, October, and November conclude the cycle, ushering in fall in northern regions and spring in southern, according to NOAA.

The seasons can bring a wide variety to the year for those locations that experience them in full. The weather in each one may allow people to engage in activities that they cannot perform in others — skiing in the winter, swimming in the summer. Each season brings with it its own potential dangers, but also its own particular brand of beauty.

Explore the seasons in more detail with this educational material from Lumen Learning . Earth is not the only planet with seasons, if you would like to learn more about seasons on other planets check out this article from NASA .  Discover what causes the seasons with this informative piece from the National Weather Service . 

  • De Paor, Declan G., et al. " Exploring the reasons for the seasons using Google Earth, 3D models, and plots. " International Journal of Digital Earth 10.6 (2017): 582-603. 
  • Khavrus, Vyacheslav, and Ihor Shelevytsky. " Geometry and the physics of seasons. " Physics Education 47.6 (2012): 680. 
  • Yolen, Jane. Ring of Earth: A Child's Book of Seasons . StarWalk Kids Media, 2014. 

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Why Do We Have Seasons on Earth?

Why Do We Have Seasons

The Earth experiences seasons due to its axial tilt , not because of its distance from the Sun. The simple answer to why we have seasons is that it’s the angle of Earth’s axis in relation to its orbit around the Sun that causes seasons to change.

  • When a hemisphere tilts toward the Sun, sunlight strikes directly and it’s warmer.
  • When the hemisphere tilts away from the Sun, sunlight strikes indirectly. The energy passes through a lot more atmosphere before it hits the ground, so it’s colder.
  • The Sun’s energy hits the equator pretty much the same year round. Temperature does not vary much, but there are wet and dry seasons due to heating/cooling of the oceans to the north and south.

The Misconception About Distance from the Sun

A common misconception is that the Earth is closer to the Sun in the summer and further away in the winter. In reality, the Earth is actually closest to the Sun in January , a point known as perihelion (about 91.4 million miles away), and farthest in July, known as aphelion (about 94.5 million miles away). Even though there is a difference of millions of miles, this difference in distance does not significantly affect the seasons.

The distance from the Sun partially explains why summer may be hotter in the Southern Hemisphere. But, the ratio of ocean to land also plays a significant role.

The True Causes of Seasons: Axial Tilt and Parallelism

Seasons are primarily the result of the Earth’s axial tilt—a fixed angle of about 23.5 degrees relative to the plane of its orbit around the Sun. This tilt remains constant as the Earth orbits the Sun, a phenomenon known as axial parallelism. The North Pole always points in the same direction relative to the stars, towards Polaris, the North Star.

When the North Pole tilts towards the Sun, the Northern Hemisphere experiences summer because sunlight strikes this hemisphere more directly. Conversely, when the South Pole tilts towards the Sun, the Southern Hemisphere enjoys summer, while the Northern Hemisphere experiences winter. Because of axial parallelism, the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere and Southern hemisphere are comparable, but opposite to one another.

Other Factors Contributing to Seasonal Changes

The Earth’s tilt is the most significant reason for the seasons. But, several other factors also contribute to seasonal temperature changes:

  • Distribution of Land and Water : Continents and oceans absorb and release heat differently, influencing weather patterns and seasons.
  • Ocean Currents : Ocean currents transport warm or cold water, affecting the climate of nearby landmasses.
  • Altitude : Higher altitudes often experience cooler temperatures year-round.
  • Atmospheric Circulation : The movement of air masses redistributes heat across the planet.

What Is a Season?

A season is a period of the year characterized by specific weather conditions and daylight hours, resulting from Earth’s orbit around the Sun and its axial tilt. The primary seasons—spring, summer, autumn (fall), and winter—each have distinct weather patterns and daylight hours.

The Significance of Seasons

Seasons have a significant impact on the environment and human activities. They affect plant growth cycles, animal behavior, and agriculture. Human cultures organize calendars and celebrations around the progression of seasons.

Reckoning the Seasons: Solstices and Equinoxes

Seasons are often reckoned based on solstices and equinoxes . A solstice is when the Sun is at its greatest distance from the equator, marking the start of winter or summer. An equinox occurs when day and night are of equal length, signaling the beginning of spring or autumn.

However, this method does not work everywhere. Near the equator, the length of day and night remains nearly constant year-round, and temperature variations are minimal, leading to less pronounced seasons. Conversely, regions near the poles experience extreme variations in daylight hours and temperatures, leading to a different understanding and experience of seasons.

Are There Seasons on Other Planets?

Other planets with a significant axial tilt also experience seasons. The nature and length of these seasons depends on differences in axial tilt, orbital eccentricity, and rotation period.

Here’s a brief overview of how seasons work on a few other planets:

Mars has seasons similar to Earth’s because its axial tilt is roughly the same, at about 25 degrees. However, Martian seasons are nearly twice as long because Mars takes about 687 Earth days to orbit the Sun. Additionally, Mars has a more elliptical orbit than Earth, which means the difference between perihelion and aphelion is greater. This causes more variation in seasonal temperatures than Earth experiences.

Venus has an axial tilt of just about 3 degrees, which is almost upright. This minimal tilt means that Venus does not experience significant seasons. Its thick atmosphere also leads to a strong greenhouse effect, making its surface temperature extremely hot and relatively constant throughout its year.

Jupiter has an axial tilt of just over 3 degrees, so it experiences only slight seasonal changes. However, because it is a gas giant, the concept of seasons doesn’t apply in the same way as it does to terrestrial planets. Jupiter’s rapid rotation (about 10 hours for a full spin) leads to extreme weather and temperature patterns that differ greatly from what we define as seasons on Earth.

Saturn’s axial tilt is about 27 degrees, similar to Mars and Earth, so it does experience seasons. However, each season lasts for more than seven Earth years because Saturn takes about 29.5 Earth years to complete one orbit around the Sun. Like Jupiter, Saturn is a gas giant, and its seasonal changes are not as obvious in terms of surface conditions. Scientists observe changes in its atmospheric conditions and the tilt of its spectacular ring system.

Uranus has an extreme axial tilt of about 98 degrees, essentially rolling on its side as it orbits the Sun. This leads to extreme seasonal variations, with each pole getting 42 Earth years of continuous sunlight, followed by 42 years of darkness.

Neptune, much like Uranus, has a significant axial tilt at 28 degrees. It experiences seasons that last for over 40 Earth years each. Due to its great distance from the Sun, the seasonal changes are not very intense in terms of temperature. However, they cause shifts in wind speed and atmospheric conditions.

  • Khavrus, V.; Shelevytsky, I. (2010). “Introduction to solar motion geometry on the basis of a simple model”. Physics Education . 45 (6): 641–653. doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/45/6/010
  • Lerner, K. Lee; Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth (2003). World of Earth Science . Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson-Gale. ISBN 0-7876-9332-4.
  • Meeus, J.; Savoie, D. (1992). “ The history of the tropical year “. Journal of the British Astronomical Association . 102 (1): 40–42.
  • Petersen, J.; Sack, D.; Gabler, R.E. (2014). Fundamentals of Physical Geography . Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-1-285-96971-8.
  • Rohli, R.V.; Vega, A.J. (2011). Climatology . Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. ISBN 978-1-4496-5591-4.

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Short Essay on My Favourite Season [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Here in this lesson, you are going to learn to write short essays on the topic ‘My Favorite Season.’ Here, I will write three different sets of sample essays on this topic that will cover different word limits important for various exams. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on my favorite season in 100 words, short essay on my favorite season in 200 words, short essay on my favorite season in 400 words.

Feature image of Short Essay on My Favourite Season

My favourite season of the year is summer. It begins in April and ends in June. During the summer season, days are long and nights are short. The skies are clear and the sun is bright. We get month-long summer vacation and can stay at home with our parents and family without having to worry about school. We usually go to visit our grandparents in the village during the summer season.

In the village, I get the opportunity to play with the neighbourhood kids in mango and guava orchards that surround my grandparents’ place. They teach me new games and I always have a great time with them. Summer is also the season of mangoes. We get to eat so many varieties of juicy, delicious mangoes. 

My favourite season of the year is winter. The Winter months are very cold as the temperature drops low. It also snows in the northern, high-altitude parts of the country. We wear a lot of warm clothes and eat hot foods to keep us warm. Our metabolism increases during the winter season and thus, we can eat a lot of delicious food. Hot drinks like tea, coffee and hot chocolate are also welcomed. 

During the winter season, we usually go on a week-long vacation to hill stations to enjoy the snow. I make snowmen with my parents and siblings and go ice staking as well. There, at night, we create small bonfires to warm ourselves and chit-chat with each other. Winter is also the season of festivities as we celebrate Diwali, Christmas and New Year in winter.

My mother always bakes cakes for us on Christmas and they are warm and delicious. When I don’t have school, I like staying in bed covered in a thick quilt and reading my favourite storybooks. I also go out to play cricket and badminton with my friends every afternoon as it warms my body and keeps me active. Due to the cold weather, we don’t sweat much and can play for a long time. Because of all these reasons, I like the winter season.

Out of the four predominant seasons, my favourite is the monsoon or the rainy season. It starts to rain heavily all over the country by July. As it rains, the water washes away all the dust from plants and trees, making them look green and beautiful again. As the rain hits the dried-up ground, the smell of wet earth fills the atmosphere and makes our hearts dance.

New seedlings begin to sprout and grasses and plants begin to grow all around us. Our surroundings are covered in green and look very mesmerising. As India is an agricultural country, the rainy season is very important for us. Rains irrigate fields and help crops grow. Without rain, most of our major crops will fail, causing loss of business and even starvation. As my grandparents and uncles are farmers, I have experienced the joy that the rainy season brings to farmers very closely. 

I also like the rainy season because when it rains heavily, I do not need to go to school. Sometimes, even my parents take leave and then our whole family gets to enjoy the day together. My mother makes delicious fritters with tea which we enjoy while playing board games like ludo and carrom. My father is very fond of flowering plants and we have a lot of plants in our garden. During the rainy season, our garden looks majestic with hundreds of blooming flowers in many different colours.

My friends often come over to my house and we enjoy playing in the garden when the rain stops. We make paper boats and put them in water puddles. Sometimes, we also compete to see whose boat would go farther. Sometimes our parents allow us to go outside when it is raining and then, we enjoy jumping in puddles, getting drenched and playing in rain. It is very fun to play in the rain. After that, my mother makes hot soup for us to warm us up. 

When it rains at night and electricity is cut, we get to enjoy our food in candlelight. After dinner, we go straight to bed and tell each other ghost stories. I and my siblings always try to scare each other. When it rains for days, I like to sit by the window and read my favourite books while watching the rain. The rainy season is very special for me and when it ends in September, I wish for it to come quickly next year. 

So hopefully, after going through this session, all your confusion regarding this topic has been cleared. Post your doubts if you have any, in the comment section below. I will try my level best to address your queries. Keep browsing our website for more such content. 

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Essay on My Favourite Season Spring

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Season Spring in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Season Spring


Spring, the season of rebirth and renewal, is my favourite season. It’s a time when nature awakens from winter’s slumber.

Beauty of Spring

Spring’s beauty is unmatched. Flowers bloom, trees regain their greenery, and birds chirp melodiously, creating a beautiful symphony.

Activities in Spring

Spring is the perfect season for outdoor activities. I enjoy picnics, hiking, and playing sports under the clear blue sky.

Spring’s charm lies in its perfect balance of temperature, beauty, and activities. It’s a season that brings joy and rejuvenation.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Season Spring

The aesthetic appeal.

The aesthetic appeal of spring is unparalleled. The season is a visual spectacle with blooming flowers of various hues painting a vibrant picture against the backdrop of lush green landscapes. The sight of new leaves sprouting, replacing the winter’s barrenness with life and vitality, is a sight to behold. The gentle spring breeze that carries the sweet fragrance of blossoms further enhances the sensory experience.

Symbolism and Personal Reflection

Spring is not just a season but a symbol of hope and new beginnings. The transition from winter’s desolation to spring’s vitality is a metaphor for personal growth and resilience. It serves as a reminder that after every hardship comes ease, mirroring the cycle of life itself. This symbolism resonates with me deeply, making spring my favourite season.

Experiencing Spring

Spring also brings a comfortable climate, neither too cold nor too hot, perfect for outdoor activities. It’s a time when nature invites us to step outside and appreciate its beauty, encouraging exploration and adventure. The chirping of birds, the buzzing of bees, and the pleasant weather make spring an ideal time for hiking, picnicking, and other recreational activities.

In essence, spring is the season of optimism and joy. It’s the season when nature awakens, and life is renewed, filling our hearts with hope and our minds with positivity. The aesthetic appeal, the symbolic significance, and the opportunity to engage with nature make spring my favourite season.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Season Spring

The allure of spring.

Spring, the season of rejuvenation and rebirth, has always held a special place in my heart. Unlike the harsh winter or the scorching summer, spring provides a temperate climate, a perfect blend of cool breezes and warm sunlight. It is the season that brings the promise of life, transformation, and growth, and hence, is my favourite season.

The Symphony of Nature

Symbolism of spring.

Symbolically, spring represents a fresh start, a new beginning. It signifies the victory of life over death, warmth over cold, and hope over despair. It’s a reminder that after every hardship comes ease, and after every end, there is a new beginning. This symbolism resonates deeply with our human experiences, making spring a source of inspiration and optimism.

The Impact on Mood and Well-being

Research has shown that the arrival of spring has a positive impact on our mood and overall well-being. The increased exposure to sunlight boosts the production of serotonin, the ‘feel-good’ hormone, lifting our spirits and alleviating stress. The pleasant weather encourages outdoor activities, promoting physical health and fostering social connections. The sight of nature in full bloom has a therapeutic effect, providing mental peace and sparking creativity.

Spring and Literature

In conclusion, spring is more than just a season; it’s a celebration of life. It’s a time when nature paints a picture of hope and resilience, inspiring us to embrace change and growth. The beauty of spring, both physical and symbolic, has a profound effect on our lives, influencing our moods, health, and even our cultural expressions. For me, spring is not just my favourite season; it’s a reminder of the endless possibilities that life offers, a testament to the power of renewal, and a symbol of the beautiful cycle of life.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Essay on Summer Season: 100, 250, and 450 Words for School Students

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  • Feb 27, 2024

Essay on Summer Season

Summer Season is a time of joy, long vacations, and excitement. This most-awaited warm season brings with it physical and emotional comfort for everyone. Tropical and sub-tropical countries like India, Mexico, Thailand, etc. experience warm weather with long days and clear skies. 

During the summer season, students are asked to write an essay on summer season. Such topics require you to highlight your personal experiences of how you spent your summer season. You can talk about the places you visited, skills or hobbies you learned, the food you ate, etc. You must know that an essay on summer season is academic writing, where your teacher will evaluate your writing skills based on your ability to express your thoughts, ideas and experiences creatively. On this page, we will be providing you with some samples of essay on summer season in 100, 200, and 300 words.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Summer Season in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Summer Season in 250 Words
  • 3.1 Trips in Summer Season
  • 3.2 New Hobbies to Learn
  • 3.3 Benefits of Summer Season

Master the art of essay writing with our blog on How to Write an Essay in English .

Essay on Summer Season in 100 Words

‘This summer season, I visited my maternal grandmother’s house. In Hindi, me and my sister call her ‘nani’ —every summer season we pay our visit to her and enjoy the natural beauty of the village. Everything about my grandmother’s home and village excites me. From the morning echoes to the evening breeze, days are filled with excitement and cherished memories. 

One of the best things I liked about the hot summer season was eating large watermelons with the entire family. Our grandfather used to buy us watermelons, which my mother served to all of us. I plan to visit my grandmother’s house every summer season.’

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Essay on Summer Season in 250 Words

The summer season is the time of the year when we get time off work, study, school, and our daily routine. It is a time to enjoy, learn new hobbies, build interest, and focus on goals. This summer season I visited a hill station called Dharamshala in the state of Himachal Pradesh. This city is known for two things; the home of the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama and its scenic beauty. 

Summer seasons are a break from our daily school and work routine. It allows us to cast aside the regular work schedule and spend some quality time with our loved ones. This break from routine is crucial for mental and emotional well-being, providing a chance to recharge and return with renewed energy.

The summer season is a great opportunity to explore new places and learn about new cultures. From scenic road trips to cold breezes on the beach, the summer season offers the ideal backdrop for exploration. 

We can indulge in recreational activities and hobbies that we are not able to focus on due to daily life hustle. The summer season can also encourage us to indulge in outdoor activities, as the warm weather and longer days are good for our physical and mental health. 

Summer season can be considered a season of joy, exploration, and rejuvenation. It offers a respite from the demands of daily life, allowing us to reconnect with ourselves, our families, and the world around us.

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Essay on Summer Season in 450 Words

The summer season holds an important place in our lives as it allows us to reconnect with ourselves and the people around us. In tropical and subtropical countries like India, the summer season lasts for around 2 months, from May to June. This is the hottest time of the year as the sun is vertically overhead on the Tropic of Cancer, the imaginary line 23.5 degrees north. 

Summer vacation provides relief from daily school and work life and an opportunity to spend quality time with our friends and family. During these hot summer months, a lot of people visit hill stations, beaches, their relatives, and other popular tourist places.’

Trips in Summer Season

Everybody loves traveling. What else can be the best time than the summer season to visit the ice-capped Himalayas or the backwaters of Kerala, there are plenty of places to visit. The summer season is important for both children and adults. Children wait all year long for the summer season, as they want to enjoy life, play outdoors, and eat ice creams and fruits. 

During the summer season, schools also organize trips, where students travel to cold places and enjoy fun activities like mountain climbing, hiking, trekking, etc. Some of the popular summer trip destinations are:

  • Mahabaleshwar

New Hobbies to Learn

‘Learning new hobbies and indulging in creative activities is a great way to spend your summer season. A lot of parents encourage their children to learn new hobbies, like joining music lessons, art classes, football and cricket coaching, etc. Practicing new hobbies during the summer season can greatly improve our skills and we can stand out from the crowd. Here are some fun-loving hobbies to learn during the summer season.’

  • Yoga and meditation
  • Outdoor activities
  • Photography 
  • Music Lessons
  • Dance classes
  • Art Classes
  • Piano lessons

Benefits of Summer Season

‘Summer season is not just about long trips and new hobbies. There are many benefits of the summer season. Summer season provides a break from the routine and allows individuals to relax, unwind, and recharge. We can explore new places with our friends and family, allowing us to spend quality time with our loved ones. Traveling during the summer season can expose us to different perspectives and broaden our horizons.

We can enhance our knowledge and creativity by visiting educational trips, workshops, or cultural experiences. The combination of relaxation, new experiences, and increased social interactions can positively impact mental health. The long summer season can result in increased productivity and prevent burnout.

Summer season is an important time of year for all the reasons mentioned above; relief from our daily schedule, quality time with family and friends, focus on our goals, learning new hobbies, etc.’

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Ans: The summer season is the time of the year when we get time off work, study, school, and our daily routine. It is a time to enjoy, learn new hobbies, build interest, and focus on goals. This summer season I visited a hill station called Dharamshala in the state of Himachal Pradesh. This city is known for two things; the home of the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama and its scenic beauty.

Ans: Writing an essay on summer season is a great way to express your thoughts, ideas, and experiences in creative and imaginative ways. It can also serve as a way to communicate your thoughts with the audience.

Ans: Understanding the topic and setting your tone accordingly is the first step when writing an essay. Your audience will better understand and connect with your essay if the tone in your writing is understandable to them. To support your arguments, provide appropriate evidence and reasons. Checking for grammatical errors is also important. Once the final draft is complete, go through the entire essay and read it aloud.

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A season is a period of the year that is distinguished by special climate conditions

Earth Science, Astronomy, Meteorology, Geography, Physical Geography, Physics

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A season is a period of the year that is distinguished by special climate conditions. The four seasons— spring , summer , fall, and winter —follow one another regularly. Each has its own light, temperature , and weather patterns that repeat yearly.

In the Northern Hemisphere , winter generally begins on December 21 or 22. This is the winter solstice , the day of the year with the shortest period of daylight. Summer begins on June 20 or 21, the summer solstice , which has the most daylight of any day in the year. Spring and fall, or autumn, begin on equinoxes, days that have equal amounts of daylight and darkness. The vernal, or spring, equinox falls on March 20 or 21, and the autumnal equinox is on September 22 or 23.

The seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are the opposite of those in the Southern Hemisphere . This means that in Argentina and Australia, winter begins in June. The winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is June 20 or 21, while the summer solstice , the longest day of the year, is December 21 or 22.

Seasons occur because Earth is tilted on its axis relative to the orbital plane, the invisible, flat disc where most objects in the solar system orbit the sun . Earth’s axis is an invisible line that runs through its center, from pole to pole . Earth rotates around its axis .

In June, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, the sun’s rays hit it for a greater part of the day than in winter. This means it gets more hours of daylight. In December, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, with fewer hours of daylight.

Seasons have an enormous influence on vegetation and plant growth. Winter typically has cold weather , little daylight, and limited plant growth. In spring, plants sprout , tree leaves unfurl , and flowers blossom . Summer is the warmest time of the year and has the most daylight, so plants grow quickly. In autumn, temperatures drop, and many trees lose their leaves.

The four-season year is typical only in the mid-latitudes. The mid-latitudes are places that are neither near the poles nor near the Equator . The farther north you go, the bigger the differences in the seasons. Helsinki, Finland, sees 18.5 hours of daylight in the middle of June. In mid-December, however, it is light for less than six hours. Athens, Greece, in southern Europe, has a smaller variation. It has 14.5 hours of daylight in June and 9.5 hours in December.

Places near the Equator experience little seasonal variation . They have about the same amount of daylight and darkness throughout the year. These places remain warm year-round. Near the Equator , regions typically have alternating rainy and dry seasons .

Polar regions experience seasonal variation, although they are generally colder than other places on Earth. Near the poles, the amount of daylight changes dramatically between summer and winter. In Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost city in the U.S., it stays light all day long between mid-May and early August. The city is in total darkness between mid-November and January.

Seasons in Alaska Sometimes, seasons are determined by both natural and artificial activity. In the U.S. state of Alaska, people like to say there are three seasons: "winter, still winter, and construction season."

Meteorological Seasons Meteorologists, scientists who study the weather, divide each of the seasons into three whole months. Spring begins March 1, summer begins June 1, autumn begins September 1, and winter begins December 1.

Ritu A ritu is a season in the traditional Hindu calendar, used in parts of India. There are six ritu: vasanta (spring); grishma (summer); varsha (rainy or monsoon); sharat (autumn); hemant (pre-winter); and shishira (winter).

'Tis the Season The word 'season' can be used to signify a time of year when an activity or process is allowed to happen. Seasons can be natural, like hurricane season, which is the time of year when hurricanes are most likely to develop. Seasons can also be artificially created, like hunting season, which is the time of year a community allows people to hunt certain wild animals.

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Autumn Essay | Favourite Season Autumn Essay in English

June 18, 2021 by Prasanna

Autumn Essay: Autumn is one of the four significant seasons in a year. Autumn changes the season from summer to winter since it falls between them. Autumn comes at different times in different places of the world. In India,  this season tumbles from the period of September to November. Each season has its own highlights. Autumn is otherwise called ‘fall’ in light of the fact that the leaves from the trees begin falling in Autumn. Because of the absence of downpour, leaves begin evaporating and afterward they fall and the new leaves come up in winter.

Learn how to write essays in the Autumn season. The sample essay is available here for students of Class 4th to 12th, so that they can use it as a reference to write their own essay. Read the article here and learn everything about autumn, what is the specialty of the season, in which months the season falls, what are the fruits famous in this season, etc.

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Long Essay on Autumn Season 600+ Words in English

The Autumn season begins before the beginning of winters as a rule in the long stretch of September. In particular, the fall season ranges from September and November on the northern side of the equator. This season is otherwise called the fall season in numerous nations. Autumn season initiates with its own excellence and brings snapshots of bliss and satisfaction. This season adds uncommon excellence in nature and the climate when contrasted with different seasons.

During the Autumn season, you can see the excellent tones on the tree leaves like distinctive yellow, rich ruddy earthy colored, ochre and the pieces of the trees and plants perfectly shaded and splattered around all over the place. Indeed, you can encounter the best of nature during this season as you can see the changing shades of the trees that abandon rich green to shades of red, orange and earthy colors. Numerous individuals make travel arrangements during this season as it is quite possibly the most charming period of the year alongside displaying the most wonderful parts of nature.

Likewise, during fall, there are assorted assortments of desserts accessible in the market like confections, caramelized apples, bonbons, fudges and significantly more. What’s more, you can have the delectable fruit desserts, pumpkin pies and any sort of pie you want. Indeed, it’s not just about food and desserts, another fascinating thing about the Autumn season is we can wear in vogue garments that display extraordinary style explanations and numerous creators concoct the elite plans for their Autumn Assortment.

Subsequent to encountering the burning sun in the summers, fall brings cool breezes and assists us with getting soothed from the extraordinary warmth. The environment bit by bit begins chilling off and the warmth waves become less serious in this way empowering individuals to emerge from their homes and appreciate the nights.

Autumn is agreeable to Poor individuals who work the entire day extremely difficult to get everyday dinners. They particularly face very tough challenges in winter, summer and blustery conditions for supporting and everyday work. Autumn is awesome of all seasons with a ton of bliss. There are a couple of disadvantages too this season. This season isn’t ideal for development. We don’t see a lot of yields developed in this season. Ranchers fizzle in cultivating in this season because of the absence of water and downpour. Despite the fact that carrots, cauliflower, onion, Spanish, radishes and so forth are developed in some sum. In the event that we can satisfy the necessity of water, Autumn is an excellent climate to develop. There is no hailstorm or snowfall in fall to obliterate crops.

The best thing we see all around is normal magnificence and satisfaction. We see a yellow climate in the town and wilderness regions. Trees get ready to develop new leaves, falling old leaves. Sensitivity and cold are some normal infections in pre-winter. We ought to know about climate change to be protected from infections. It’s hard to keep clean open spaces of our home and nursery in the fall. Trees normally fall leaves and the ground turns out to be brimming with leaves. Fall may make dust with tree leaves however then again, It gives an extremely alluring perspective of where tree leaves have assembled.

Taking everything into account, the Autumn season brings a great deal of energy and enthusiasm among individuals as it is the season to enjoy the wonders of nature. By and large, it is an exceptionally lovely season for its climate, celebration and air. No season can supplant the talented excellence of the fall season. The kids have a good time in pre-winter. They can move, play uninhibitedly without stressing over the climate. Cricket turns into the most famous outside game to play in the fall. Poor to rich, creatures to people, the fall season is love for all.

Autumn Season Essay

FAQ’s on Autumn Essay

Question 1. Why is autumn the best season?

Answer: Autumn is the favourite season for many of us. This is the season where we can see the falling of colourful leaves from the trees. Also, this season is a very moderate season where we can survive easily since it is neither too cold nor too hot. Therefore, this climate soothes everyone.

Question 2. When does autumn come?

Answer: Autumn comes after summer and before winter. This season is an indicator that winter is coming. The leaves fall off from the trees during this season turning into various colours such as yellow, red or brown.

Question 3. What is the importance of Autumn?

Answer: Autumn addresses the protection of life and its fundamental necessities. During this time, creatures plan for the colder time of year by putting away food and making comfortable hibernation spaces. Ranchers work on their fall gather by gathering a save of yields.

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Essay on Summer Season – Samples, 10 Lines to 1500 Words

Short Essay on Summer Season

Essay on Summer Season: Summer is a season that brings with it a sense of freedom and joy. The warm weather, longer days, and abundance of outdoor activities make it a favorite time of year for many. In this essay, we will explore the beauty and significance of the summer season. From lazy days at the beach to vibrant sunsets, summer is a time to relax, recharge, and make lasting memories. Join me as we delve into the magic of summer in this essay.

Table of Contents

Summer Season Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of the summer season. You can mention how it is one of the most awaited seasons of the year and why it is so popular among people.

2. Describe the weather: Talk about the weather during the summer season. Mention how the days are long and hot, and how the nights are warm and pleasant. You can also discuss the occasional summer storms that bring relief from the heat.

3. Outdoor activities: Highlight the various outdoor activities that people enjoy during the summer season. This can include going to the beach, having picnics in the park, going on hikes, or playing sports like volleyball or soccer.

4. Vacations and travel: Discuss how summer is the perfect time for vacations and travel. Many people take advantage of the warm weather to go on road trips, visit new places, or even go on international holidays.

5. Summer festivals and events: Mention the various festivals and events that take place during the summer season. This can include music festivals, food festivals, and cultural events that bring communities together to celebrate the season.

6. Food and drinks: Talk about the delicious summer foods and drinks that people enjoy during this season. This can include barbecues, ice cream, cold drinks, and fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season.

7. Fashion and trends: Discuss the summer fashion trends and styles that people follow during this season. Mention how people switch to lighter and brighter clothing to stay cool in the hot weather.

8. Conclusion: Wrap up your essay by summarizing the main points you have discussed about the summer season. You can also mention why summer is your favorite season and how it brings joy and happiness to people’s lives.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the summer season can be a fun and enjoyable task. By following these tips and including relevant information, you can create a well-rounded and engaging essay that captures the essence of this beloved season.

Essay on Summer Season in 10 Lines – Examples

1. The summer season typically lasts from June to August in the Northern Hemisphere. 2. It is characterized by longer days, warmer temperatures, and plenty of sunshine. 3. Many people look forward to summer as a time for vacations, outdoor activities, and relaxation. 4. Beaches, pools, and water parks are popular destinations during the summer months. 5. Summer is also a time for festivals, concerts, and other outdoor events. 6. Farmers markets are abundant with fresh fruits and vegetables during the summer season. 7. Barbecues, picnics, and outdoor dining are common ways to enjoy the warm weather. 8. Summer fashion includes light and airy clothing, sandals, and sunglasses. 9. In some regions, summer can bring extreme heat waves and the need for air conditioning. 10. Overall, summer is a time of fun, adventure, and making memories with friends and family.

Sample Essay on Summer Season in 100-180 Words

Summer is the hottest season of the year, typically lasting from June to August in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time of long days, warm weather, and outdoor activities. The sun shines brightly, and the days are filled with opportunities for swimming, hiking, and picnicking.

One of the best things about summer is the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season. From juicy watermelons to sweet strawberries, there is no shortage of delicious treats to enjoy during this time of year.

Many people take advantage of the warm weather to go on vacation, whether it be to the beach, the mountains, or a foreign country. It is a time to relax, unwind, and recharge before the hustle and bustle of the fall and winter seasons.

Overall, summer is a time of fun, relaxation, and enjoyment. It is a season that brings people together to create lasting memories and enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors.

Short Essay on Summer Season in 200-500 Words

Summer is a season that brings with it a sense of excitement and joy. It is a time when the days are long, the sun is shining, and the world seems to come alive with color and energy. The summer season is a time for relaxation, adventure, and making memories that will last a lifetime.

One of the best things about summer is the warm weather. After months of cold and dreary winter days, the arrival of summer brings with it a sense of relief and rejuvenation. The sun shines brightly in the sky, warming the earth and bringing a sense of vitality to everything it touches. The warm weather of summer is perfect for outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, and picnicking. It is a time to shed the layers of winter clothing and bask in the sun’s rays, feeling the warmth on our skin and the cool breeze in our hair.

Another wonderful aspect of summer is the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season. From juicy watermelons to sweet strawberries, summer is a time to indulge in the delicious flavors of nature. Farmers’ markets are filled with colorful produce, and gardens are bursting with ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini. Summer is a time to savor the tastes of the season, whether it’s biting into a juicy peach or enjoying a refreshing glass of lemonade.

Summer is also a time for vacations and travel. Whether it’s a weekend getaway to the beach or a cross-country road trip, summer is the perfect time to explore new places and create new memories. Families pack up their cars and head to the mountains, the coast, or the countryside, seeking adventure and relaxation in equal measure. Summer vacations are a time to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life and reconnect with nature, loved ones, and ourselves.

In addition to all the fun and relaxation that summer brings, it is also a time for personal growth and self-discovery. The long days of summer provide ample opportunity for reflection, introspection, and self-improvement. Whether it’s starting a new hobby, reading a book, or taking a yoga class, summer is a time to focus on personal development and self-care. It is a time to slow down, take a deep breath, and appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

In conclusion, the summer season is a time of warmth, abundance, and adventure. It is a time to savor the simple pleasures of life, whether it’s a ripe peach, a cool dip in the pool, or a lazy afternoon in the sun. Summer is a season of growth, exploration, and joy, and it is a time to make the most of every moment. So let’s embrace the summer season with open arms and open hearts, and let’s make this summer one to remember.

Essay on Summer Season in 1000-1500 Words

Summer is a season that brings with it a sense of joy and excitement. It is a time when the days are long, the sun is shining, and the world seems to come alive with vibrant colors and sounds. For many people, summer is a time of relaxation and enjoyment, a time to bask in the warmth of the sun and take advantage of the many outdoor activities that the season has to offer.

One of the most noticeable aspects of summer is the change in the weather. The days are longer, the temperatures are higher, and the sun shines brightly in the sky. This change in weather has a profound effect on the natural world, as plants begin to bloom, animals become more active, and the landscape takes on a lush and vibrant appearance. The warm weather also means that people can spend more time outdoors, enjoying activities such as swimming, hiking, and picnicking.

One of the most popular activities during the summer months is going to the beach. Whether it is a sandy beach on the coast or a tranquil lake in the countryside, there is something about the water that draws people in during the summer. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the feel of the sand between your toes, and the warmth of the sun on your skin all combine to create a sense of relaxation and contentment. Whether you are swimming, sunbathing, or simply strolling along the shore, the beach is a place where you can escape from the stresses of everyday life and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature.

Another popular summer activity is camping. Whether you are pitching a tent in a remote wilderness area or setting up camp in a designated campground, camping is a great way to connect with nature and experience the great outdoors. Sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, and telling stories under the stars are all part of the camping experience, and they create memories that will last a lifetime. Camping also allows you to disconnect from the distractions of modern life and reconnect with the natural world, providing a sense of peace and tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere.

In addition to outdoor activities, summer is also a time for festivals and celebrations. From music festivals to county fairs, there are countless events that take place during the summer months, offering a chance to enjoy live music, delicious food, and unique cultural experiences. These events bring people together from all walks of life, creating a sense of community and camaraderie that is often lacking in our busy, modern world. Whether you are dancing at a music festival, browsing the booths at a craft fair, or watching a fireworks display on the Fourth of July, summer festivals are a time to let loose and have fun.

Of course, summer is also a time for relaxation and rejuvenation. With the warm weather and longer days, it is the perfect time to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and focus on self-care and well-being. Whether you are taking a vacation, spending time with loved ones, or simply enjoying a quiet evening at home, summer is a time to slow down and appreciate the simple pleasures of life. Whether you are reading a book in a hammock, sipping a cold drink on the porch, or watching the sunset from a rooftop terrace, summer is a time to recharge your batteries and find peace and serenity in the world around you.

In conclusion, summer is a season that brings with it a sense of joy, excitement, and possibility. From the warm weather and longer days to the outdoor activities and festivals, there is something about summer that captures the imagination and lifts the spirits. Whether you are swimming at the beach, camping in the wilderness, or dancing at a music festival, summer is a time to embrace the beauty of nature, connect with others, and create memories that will last a lifetime. So as the days grow longer and the temperatures rise, take the time to enjoy all that summer has to offer and make the most of this magical season.

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  • Rainy Season Essay


Essay on Rainy Season

India is known for its rainy season. The major portion of our country falls in the tropical region. It means that we enjoy a tropical season where the southwest winds carry down clouds from June till September. Torrential rain occurs in this season in my city. This season behaves differently in different locations in India. Rajasthan gets the least rain whereas Meghalaya receives the highest rain every year. It all depends on the topography of our country. 

The Himalayan Ranges stop the moisture-containing winds and transform them into clouds. These clouds then travel down to the northeastern states to shower their blessings. Monsoon winds from the oceans reach different states and shed loads of water as rain on the other states.

We enjoy our rainy season for 3 to 4 months every year. Heavy clouds are formed in the sky when the southwest monsoon winds invade with a lot of moisture from the sea. By losing temperature, these clouds start getting heavier. Once the motion of the clouds slows down due to increased weight, raindrops form, and shower from the sky. The cool breeze and rain make our atmosphere quite enjoyable. 

Dark clouds and lightning are the symbols of heavy rainfall. Thunderstorms are also quite common in India. Due to our diverse landforms and huge area, the behaviour of the rainy season is also diverse. We have learned how to harvest rainwater and tackle droughts. Villages and cities are also learning how to harvest it and recycle it for future use and to naturally increase the level of the water table in the earth.

In our villages, farmers start working on the fields before the rainy season hits. Using the natural water supply, the farmers irrigate their lands and grow various crops relevant to this season. Rain fills our ponds, rivers, and streams. It also gets settled down and increases the freshwater reserve underground. This freshwater reserve is then used as a drinking and irrigation source for the rest of the year. A major part of the northern and southern states in India prefers the rainy season for growing different crops and vegetables.

My city turns out quite beautiful and soothing. After the hot gloomy days of summer, the rainy season hits and removes the dusty look of my city. The trees seem very happy when their leaves are washed clean. The environment becomes greener and pleasant. Excessive rainfall also causes water logging. The municipal corporation takes care of the logged water and drains it out using pumps. Due to excessive construction and dumping of natural water reserves, water logging is common these days.

The rainy season is important for our crops. It also keeps the surrounding flora healthy and thus takes care of the fauna living with it. Without it, our planet will turn barren. Life will not survive as we see around us. The onset of the rainy season brings freshness and peace of mind. We all eagerly wait for it during the summer days. A rainy day is always the most exciting day for a child playing outside. You will also find rainbows in the sky quite amazing. 

Ways To Stay Safe During The Rainy Season

Monsoon indeed gives relief from the scorching sun and hot and dry climate but it also brings lots of diseases with it. Due to heavy rains, humid climate and strong winds, many infectious diseases are spread among people. Some of the common health problems during the rainy season are swine flu, colds, viral fever and stomach infections.

Underneath are some tips which must be followed by everyone to keep themselves healthy and safe during monsoon season:

Use rain gears: While going out in the rainy season, people must use their rain gear like waterproof boots, hooded raincoats and umbrellas. As children have a weak immune system, they should not step out in the rain without proper rain equipment otherwise they might catch a cold.

A warm shower: People are advised to take a warm shower if they are drenched. This will help their bodies to get stabilized and return to the normal temperature. Also, they should use hot water for bathing as the temperature is very low during the monsoons.

Basic safety: Children or adults who are doing outdoor activities like swimming should go inside the campus if they hear any thunder and even if it has not started raining yet. They should avoid open areas like playgrounds and metal objects like light poles when they hear thunder.

Avoid stagnant water: Stagnant water is a breeding place for mosquitoes that spreads diseases like malaria and dengue. To avoid this situation, people should regularly empty the still water sources like pet water bowls, planters trays and plates and inflatable pools around the homes.

Keep away from floodwaters: Wading in flood water, especially barefoot, is a fun activity for kids. Children should not go in floodwater as they might get infected by a bacterial disease called leptospirosis. Also, they should disinfect their toys that are contaminated by this water before playing with them.

Cleanliness is important: During the rainy season, people catch a common cold. They should always sanitize their hand before doing any work or eating. People should always wash their hands and feet when they come home, especially after getting in contact with floodwater.

Don't eat junk food: As the monsoon brings many diseases with it, therefore, everyone should avert eating junk or oily food. They should eat homemade food as it will help them in boosting their immunity. People can also eat fruits and green vegetables after washing them properly.

Avoid sharing things: Viral fever is a communicable disease. Therefore, people suffering from viral fever should not share their things with other people as they may also get infected. 

  Significance Of Rain

A human needs freshwater to maintain his immune system and digestive system. The availability of fresh water helps in supporting the existence of human life. The toxins of the human body come out in the form of urine and sweat.

All plants, grass, trees and flowers need water for their survival and flourishment. When the rainy season comes, the rainwater gets stored in the ground which is used by the seeds for their growth and nourishment.

The rainy season changes the atmosphere of the surroundings. The temperature gets lower and the environment becomes cool. The rainfall increases the water level in the rivers and lakes so that animals can use this water for drinking. The soil soaks the rainwater which plants use to convert solar energy into nutrition.

People can store this rainwater by using the technique of rainwater harvesting. From the rooftop, the water moves down through the pipe and gets collected in the tanks or cisterns. 

Rainwater can also become a source for generating electricity which is known as hydroelectricity. Due to rainfall, there is an increment in the water level of the ponds and lakes. People also make small ponds to collect this rainwater and use this water to generate electricity.


FAQs on Rainy Season Essay

1.Why is the rainy season important?

The rainy season is one of the most important seasons in the year that helps our farmers to cultivate lands and grow new harvests. India is a country where the prime occupation is agriculture. It means that many crops depend on the rainwater collected in the ponds, canals, rivers, and beneath the soil. The elevated water table in the rainy season also becomes the prime source of drinking water in many rural areas in different states. Apart from the agricultural benefits, this season also relieves the flora and fauna from the scorching heat of the summer days. New plants grow and the food chain becomes more fortified again. Plants are the base of a food chain as they establish the base by producing food. This is why the rainy season is so important for every living being.

2.Why does the Rainy Season differ from One State to the Other?

Due to the diverse topographical features of India, the rainy season varies from one state to the other. Winds containing heavy moisture accumulate and get obstructed by the Himalayan Ranges. This is the first phase of the formation of clouds. In other states, moisture containing clouds originate in the oceans and shower torrentially for a few months. Even though many states fall in the same tropical region, the rainfall varies a lot. Rajasthan gets very little rainfall whereas West Bengal receives a lot of rainfall during the monsoon season. It is all about the geographical significance of our country that determines the amount of rainfall in every state. Meghalaya receives heavy rainfall across the year due to its intertwined position among the Himalayan Ranges.

3.How Rainwater is being harvested in the cities?

Rainwater is harvested by digging ponds in shallow places in rural areas. In cities also, shallow ponds accumulate rainwater and contribute to the escalation of the water table beneath the superficial soil. Due to the over-construction of concrete buildings, it is hard to accommodate water leading to water-logging and floods in different cities. Nowadays, big communities and complexes are learning to use rainwater and store or let it pass in the soil by using different means. It not only makes the water table regain its level but also makes a metropolitan complex sustainable in terms of water usage.

4. What is the southwest monsoon and which factors influence this monsoon?

The heavy rainfall brought by the winds of the southwest to southern Asia is known as the southwest monsoon. This monsoon comes in June, strikes the Malabar coast and leaves the country in November. In India, food production depends on this monsoon. The factors that influence the southwest monsoon are listed below:

Tropical easterly jet

Intertropical convergence zone

Subtropical jet stream

Formation of low pressure over the Tibetan Plateau

High pressure in the south of the Indian ocean

Paragraph Buzz

  • Rainy Season Essay and Paragraph for School Students

The rainy season is a leading season in the country. Here are a few short and long paragraphs and essays on ‘Rainy Season’. You should share these with your kids to learn.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Rainy Season: Short Essay/Paragraph in 100 Words

The rainy season is my favorite season because it comes right after the hot summer. I hate too much hot, and the rainy season comes with rain and so much pleasure. The whole natural environment gets refreshed at the starting of the rainy season.

This season is the best time for tree plantation and I plant so many trees every year at this time. Most of the time this season starts in July and remain next three months. It is one of the longest seasons in the year. This is a very lucky season and most of the people love this season a lot.

Rainy Season: Short Essay/Paragraph in 150 Words

In the Hindi month of Asadha and Shawan, the rainy season gets started in India. It’s July according to the Gregorian calendar. There are so much rainwater and fresh air in this season. That’s why the environment becomes very clear and enjoyable. People love this season a lot. Personally, I love a rainy time a lot and get wet in the rain.

The whole natural environment including trees, flowers, and other plants become so much green and full of life. They look so alive and beautiful. Most of the trees get new leaves and look very attractive. There are lots of festivals that people celebrate in this season.

My mother cooks so many types of delicious food this season. I love eating them. A rainy day is really enjoyable for me, I love reading books at this time. Book reading is one of my favorite hobbies . Overall, the rainy season is really amazing.

Rainy Season: Short Essay in 200 Words

I always think that the rainy season is the best season, because of its natural beauty. Most people refer to this season as their favorite one. Yeah, it’s my favorite season. After a long hot summer, people become restless for some cold air and clear rains. At that time, the rainy reason comes with so much pleasure and blessings.

It makes the whole environment cool and looks beautiful. Sometimes it becomes really boring for a long time rain, but most of the time I enjoy the rainy day. My mother cooks Khichuri and Biriyani on a rainy day that is the best dish cooked by my mom.

We don’t go to school if there are heavy rains outside. Most of the time we go to the roof to enjoy the rain. A few of my friends dance and sing, it is really great fun together on the roof. We mostly do this at the beginning of the season.

But gradually after a few weeks, we don’t care so much about rain. Overall, this season is really amazing and enjoyable. I love this season a lot because everything gets life with a touch of rainwater. That is an amazing scene for everyone.

My Favorite Season: Rainy Season: Essay in 250 Words

Introduction: The rainy season is an interesting season among all seasons in the year. This season comes with so much happiness to me. Personally, it’s my favorite season. The whole environment becomes clean and beautiful at this time. Rain starts from the month of June or July. Most the time this season last for three months. Sometimes it comes with heavy rain and sometimes really less raining.  

Importance of Rainy Season: There is so much importance for this season. Rain helps farmers to have water on their fields and grow crops. That is a really crucial matter for the whole country. The supply of food could face a problem if there is not enough rainwater. Rainwater is like blessings to the farmers.

Most of the village celebrate several types of Puja and prayer and ask God for rain. This season is the best time for planting trees. We did a few campaigns on tree plantation last year at the starting of rains. This year I will plant a few trees in front of my house. Rainwater help tree to grow faster and stay alive.  

My Experience: Personally, I have a really good experience in the rainy season. I love this season a lot. When I was living in a village, I used to visit the field and nearest beautiful lake in the rain time. A few of my friends joined me every time. Now in raining time, I go to the roof with friends.  

Conclusion: The rainy season is a really important season in our life. It comes with so many blessings, happiness, and cleanliness.    

Rainy Season: Essay in 300 Words

Introduction: Rainy season comes right after the hot summer. Summer season becomes really boring and hard to survive. People face so many problems as a like skin problem, too much hot weather, and little disease because of hot weather. And finally, the season of rain comes right after the hot summer with so much fresh air and clean water. The entire environment gets a new life and people feel really relaxed.  

Advantages of Rainy Season: There are so many advantages to this season. Farmers need rainwater to grow their crops. This season provides lots of rainwater that helps farmers a lot. Most of the time the save water for the future as well.

Now people can lift water from the underground, but rainwater is the best source of water for farmers. It gives relief from hot summer. Rain removed all the heat from the weather and environment, that’s why everyone likes this season.  

Disadvantages of Rainy Season: With so many advantages, there are few disadvantages also available in the rainy season. Especially in the villages, where the roads are not good. The road becomes dirty and full of mud. People can’t walk or go outside easily. The transports stuck into the mud and it becomes really too much hassle.

Sometimes, because of heavy rain, waterlog become one of the biggest problems for the down areas. All the water gets stuck into a specific place and it becomes hard for the people to live a normal life. A flood could be a massive disaster because of heavy rain.    

Why I Like This Season Most: I like this season because of a few reasons. It’s my favorite season without any doubt. I love raining, in the rain I went to the roof with a few of my friends. We dance, sing, and enjoy the time a lot. I love reading books at the time of raining. When I enjoy the cold air and refresh the environment, it makes me really happy. That’s why I like this season so much.

Rainy Season: Essay in 400 Words

Rainy Season Essays and Paragraphs in 400 Words

Introduction: The rainy season is the most important season of the whole year. This season comes with so much excitement and changes in the weather. In the summer, people get bored because of too much heat and hot weather.

It becomes really hard to survive. People face so many problems like skin problems, diseases because of too much heat. And rainy season comes right after this hot summer with so much fun, freshness, and cool environment.

Sometimes people arrange a picnic in this season. This season is full of fruits, especially mangoes, jackfruits, litchi, etc. I love eating fresh fruits and that’s why I love this season.  

Good sides of the rainy season: The main advantage of this season is it removes all heat from the weather. People get so much relief. It’s the best time to plant trees. Rainwater helps trees, plants, vegetable, and crops to grow properly. There are green grasses out in the fields and that’s why this is the favorite month for the cattle. We get cow milk twice a day in this season. The cows get proper food and give more and more milk that is really awesome for us. Every natural place as like rivers, canals, ponds become full of water and farmers use these water to grow their crop. Rainwater is highly important for growing crops in the field. Without enough water, farmers can’t grow their crops that could be food disaster for the entire country. So we can realize that the rainy season is highly important for farmers.  

Bad sides of the rainy season: Along with lots of good sides, there are few bad sides of the rainy season. If the season comes late, that could be really hard for farming. And if there is too much rain that leads the situation into a flood. Flood is a natural disaster and could make life really hard. The roads become really dirty and full of mud, because of heavy rain. People can’t come outside and they can’t go to work. The work power gets wasted and lots of people can’t make money to contribute to their family.  

Why do I like this season a lot: After all these advantages and disadvantages, it’s my favorite season. I love raining and that’s the biggest reason behind it.  

Conclusion: The rainy season has so much good side and contribution to the environment. It’s such an amazing time of the year that all people enjoy and love.    

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What Is a Monsoon?

A dark storm cloud fills the sky above a tall, layered rock formation in a field of tall yellow and green grasses.

Although many of the most well-known monsoons are in Asia, the U.S. Southwest also regularly experiences monsoon season. This photo shows a storm during monsoon season in Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. Credit: National Park Service/Stewart Holmes

When people think of a monsoon, they often think of heavy rains that pour down for weeks. While a rainy season is part of a monsoon, a monsoon is more than just rain. In fact, monsoons can also cause dry weather. Monsoons are caused by a change in the direction of the wind that happens when the seasons change. In fact, even the word monsoon comes from the Arabic word mausim, which means “season.”

What causes a monsoon?

A monsoon is caused by a seasonal shift in the winds. The winds shift because the temperature of the land and the temperature of the water are different as seasons change. For example, at the beginning of summer, the land warms up faster than bodies of water. Monsoon winds always blow from cold to warm. In the summer, warm air rising off the land creates conditions that reverse the direction of the wind.

Red and blue arrows demonstrate the movement of air from cool ocean to warm land in the summer and cool land to warm ocean in the winter.

This diagram shows how seasonal temperature differences between the land and ocean can create the right conditions for a monsoon. Credit: NOAA/JPL

Why does a monsoon cause rain?

The monsoons that cause heaviest rainfall are summer monsoons near the Indian Ocean. Warm water in the ocean evaporates, rising into the air. This causes the wind to change direction and moisture blows toward the land in countries such as India and Sri Lanka. The warm, moist air then condenses and becomes rain . The result is a period of humidity and heavy rainfall that can last for months.

When the wind changes direction in the winter, it is called a winter monsoon. Winter monsoons in these regions near the Indian Ocean are usually dry.

Where do monsoons happen?

While many of the most well-known monsoons are in Asia, monsoons can happen anywhere there is a seasonal difference in temperature between the land and water. This is usually in tropical and subtropical climates .

The North American Monsoon is a seasonal change in wind that occurs as the summer sun heats the land of North America. During much of the year, the strongest winds over northwestern Mexico, Arizona and New Mexico are dry air blowing from the west.

As the land heats up in the summer, the wind begins to change direction and blows from the south. This new wind blows moist air from the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of California into the region, resulting in thunderstorms and rainfall.

In general, the North American Monsoon begins each year in Mexico in June. The winds blowing from the south move the monsoon to the U.S. Southwest in July. By mid-September, winds are once again blowing from the west, marking the end of the monsoon.

Two maps of the Western U.S. and Northern Mexico are side by side. In the first map, arrows from left to right show dry air moving from west to east in ordinary spring weather patterns. In a separate map image on the right, green arrows show summer monsoon patterns and tropical moisture causing a change in wind direction.

During typical conditions in the spring, the U.S. Southwest experiences strong, dry winds blowing from the west. During a summer monsoon, the region experiences winds from the south, which carry moisture from the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California. This can cause heavy rainfall and thunderstorms. Credit: NOAA/JPL

How do we watch monsoons from space?

With weather satellites, of course! Weather satellites, such as those in the GOES-R series are constantly keeping an eye on Earth’s weather. The GOES-16 satellite captured this imagery of a monsoon moving into the U.S. Southwest in August 2018.

The GOES-16 weather satellite captured this imagery of water vapor moving into the U.S. Southwest in August 2018. This is a typical monsoon pattern for this region. Thunderstorms are represented by dark blue, green and red, while dry air is deep orange. Credit: NOAA

Monitoring monsoons in the U.S. Southwest is very important. More than 50% of the annual rain in Arizona and New Mexico falls during summer monsoon season, from July to September. Tracking the movement of a monsoon from space helps people down on Earth to plan for safety during storms, and also to anticipate the storm’s impact on their water supply.


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Seasons in moscow.

weather season essay

Overall climate conditions of Moscow are considered as moderate continental. However number of features should be taken to account. Relief, urban land, parks and forest plantations provide features of the weather in different parts of the city.

I.e. regions protected by steep slopes of Sparrow Hills are having milder and warmer weather than neighborhood. In general severe frosts and exhausting heat aren’t usual in Moscow. However lately weather deviations become more frequent. There is probability of thaw at December and at summer cooling and showers are possible.

Spring in Moscow

weather season essay

In term of weather conditions March in Moscow is completely winter month. Range of air temperatures stays below 0 °C (32 °F) with drops to –15 °C (5 °F) at night. Cold weather alternates with short thaws and streets become slushy. Only at last decade of March actual spring comes to the city. Temperature shifts to positive range (above 32 °F) and snow thaws away.

However there always chances of early or late spring. In first case temperature rises to about 15 °C (59 °F) while late spring adds some snow at April. At May even night frosts are ceasing. Amount of daylight hours is increasing. There were year when May was hot with about 30 °C (86 °F). Last several days of the month are usually slightly colder, cloudy and rainy.

Climate of the Spring Months

weather season essay

Max average t°: 0 °C (32 °F)
Min average t°: -8 °C (18 °F)
Water t°: +3 °C (37 °F)
Sundial in the day: 4 hours
Snowy/Rainy days: 10 days
Precipitation: 35 mm (1.4")

Max average t°: +10 °C (50 °F)
Min average t°: +1 °C (34 °F)
Water t°: +5 °C (41 °F)
Sundial in the day: 5 hours
Rainy days: 9 days
Precipitation: 37 mm (1.4")

Max average t°: +19 °C (66 °F)
Min average t°: +8 °C (46 °F)
Water t°: +12 °C (54 °F)
Sundial in the day: 8 hours
Rainy days: 9 days
Precipitation: 53 mm (2.1")

Spring Holidays

weather season essay

March 8: International Women’s Day

April 1st: April Fool’s Day April 2nd: Day of Unity April 12: Cosmonautics Day April 26: Day in memory of the victims of radiation accidents and catastrophes April 30: Labor Day holiday

May 1st: Labor Day May 9: Victory Day

Summer in Moscow

weather season essay

Period of summer weather in almost perfectly matches calendar. Sometimes it even lasts through first half of September when Indian summer comes. Weather conditions of June are uncertain. There is probability of cool and hot days and thunders. When cooling occurs night temperatures may drop to 5 °C (41 °F) and daytime heat may reach 30 °C (86 °F).

July is hot month when air warms up to 33 °C (91 °F) at day and never cools lover 17 °C (63 °F) at night. There are occasional showers but they are short. August is characterized by alteration of warm (up to 29 °C; 84 °F) and cold (below 20 °C; 68 °F) days. By the end of August average marks are lower for autumn is approaching.

Climate of the Summer Months

weather season essay

Max average t°: +21 °C (70 °F)
Min average t°: +11 °C (52 °F)
Water t°: +16 °C (61 °F)
Sundial in the day: 9 hours
Rainy days: 8 days
Precipitation: 58 mm (2.3")

Max average t°: +23 °C (73 °F)
Min average t°: +13 °C (55 °F)
Water t°: +19 °C (66 °F)
Sundial in the day: 8 hours
Rainy days: 10 days
Precipitation: 88 mm (3.5")

Max average t°: +22°C (71 °F)
Min average t°: +12 °C (54 °F)
Water t°: +20 °C (68 °F)
Sundial in the day: 7 hours
Rainy days: 9 days
Precipitation: 70 mm (2.7")

Summer Holidays

weather season essay

June 1st: International Children's Day June 6: Pushkin’s Day (Day of Russian language) June 12: National Russia’s Day June 22: Day of Memory and Grief (beginning of WW II)

July 8: Day of Family, Love and Fidelity July 28: Day of the Baptism of Rus

August 22: State Flag Day of the Russian Federation August 27: Day of Russian Cinema

Autumn in Moscow

weather season essay

Autumn in Moscow have wide range of temperatures. At September and early October temperature may rise up to 25 °C (77 °F) if Indian summer occurs. However constant gradual decreasing of temperature and daylight is happening too. Rains become more frequent and longer but lose intensity.

At October weather become damp and dull with occasional night frosts yet at daytime air still warms up to 15 °C (56 °F). November is colder and even duller with probability of snow. Though snow cover thaws quickly for ground haven’t cooled down. This will last until late November.

Climate of the Autumn Months

weather season essay

Max average t°: +16 °C (61 °F)
Min average t°: +7 °C (45 °F)
Water t°: +13 °C (55 °F)
Sundial in the day: 5 hours
Rainy days: 8 days
Precipitation: 58 mm (2.3")

Max average t°: +9 °C (48 °F)
Min average t°: +3 °C (37 °F)
Water t°: +6 °C (43 °F)
Sundial in the day: 2 hours
Rainy days: 10 days
Precipitation: 45 mm (1.8")

Max average t°: +2 °C (36 °F)
Min average t°: -3 °C (26 °F)
Water t°: +3 °C (37 °F)
Sundial in the day: 1 hour
Rainy/Snowy days: 10 days
Precipitation: 47 mm (1.8")

Autumn Holidays

weather season essay

The first weekend of September: Day of the city of Moscow

September 1: Day of Knowledge September 3: Day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism September 27: World Tourism Day

October 1st: Day of Older Persons October 30: Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression

November 4 – Day of Unity. November 5 – Day of Unity Holiday. Last Sunday of November: Mother’s Day

Winter in Moscow

weather season essay

Actual winter in Moscow is moderately cold with occasional thaws which may last from several days to half of a season. Overall weather is cold yet uncertain. Temperature range is wide between -5 and –20 °C (+23…-4 °F). Climate changes causing abnormal high temperatures and unpredictable shifts of average range (within mentioned range).

Weather at January and February are usually formed under impact of Arctic or Siberian anticyclones. At this time range of average drops to -10 and –25 °C (+14…-13 °F). Snow cover reaches 700 mm (27.5”). Most of precipitation falls in form of snow however rains are possible too during thaws.

Climate of the Winter Months

weather season essay

Max average t°: -5 °C (23 °F)
Min average t°: -10 °C (14 °F)
Water t°: +3 °C (37 °F)
Sundial in the day: 1 hour
Snowy days: 15 days
Precipitation: 54 mm (2.1")

Max average t°: -9 °C (16 °F)
Min average t°: -16 °C (3 °F)
Water t°: +3 °C (37 °F)
Sundial in the day: 1 hour
Snowy days: 12 days
Precipitation: 40 mm (1.6")

Max average t°: -6 °C (21 °F)
Min average t°: -14 °C (7 °F)
Water t°: +3 °C (37 °F)
Sundial in the day: 2 hours
Snowy days: 10 days
Precipitation: 38 mm (1.5")

Winter Holidays

weather season essay

December 9: Heroes of the Fatherland Day December 12: Constitution Day of the Russian Federation December 31: New Year’s Eve

January 1-6,8: New Year holidays January 7: Christmas January 25: Tatyana's Day (a holiday for all students)

February 8: Day of Russian Science February 23: Day of the Defender of Fatherland

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Here’s How the Forecast for Tropical Storm Helene Is Shaping Up

When the storm’s center was located on Tuesday, it gave meteorologists a crucial next step in firming up the storm’s forecast.

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Judson Jones

By Judson Jones

Judson Jones is a meteorologist and reporter for The Times.

  • Sept. 24, 2024, 3:56 p.m. ET

When potential tropical cyclone 9 officially became Tropical Storm Helene late on Tuesday morning, forecasters who had been watching the storm’s recent development from a swirl of thunderstorms in the western Caribbean Sea were able to begin piecing together more information about how big Helene might grow — and where it might go next.

Helene’s center was identified late on Tuesday morning, and that can have a significant influence on the forecast track of the storm. It gives forecasters and computer models a more accurate place to start from. And so the puzzle pieces began to fit together enough for forecasters to have some confidence in saying that Helene will likely turn into a major hurricane before making landfall along Florida’s Big Bend.

The storm’s center can wobble and move before it strengthens into a hurricane, said John Cangialosi, a senior hurricane specialist with the National Weather Service, on Tuesday. The track guidance from weather models is very tightly clustered, which typically means forecasters would have strong confidence in where the storm will go. Until now, it has not been easy to locate a center, and those models might be off slightly. So forecasters warned in an update on Tuesday to prepare for the possibility that the entire guidance could shift east or west.

Some models show the storm growing weaker and tracking west, and others much stronger and east. At the same time, most show something in between and point at the Big Bend. All of these solutions are on the table, and a high-altitude hurricane hunter flight took off from Florida early on Tuesday afternoon to investigate the steering currents and hopefully provide data that will help the later computer models.

The storm is also forecast to become a major hurricane, meaning that it could be a Category 3 or higher, with wind speeds of at least 111 miles per hour. This, too, could change, with some outliers showing a more vigorous storm and some showing a weaker hurricane or even a tropical storm.

One thing forecasters are growing confident of, Mr. Cangialosi said, is that this storm will be a vastly large hurricane, possibly similar in size to Irma and Katrina, which caused widespread damage. That means the storm surge, wind and rainfall effects will extend well away from the center, particularly on the east side.

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Spring Season Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on spring season.

Spring refers to the season of the year between winter and summer. Its beginning marks the end of Winter Season. Also, the end of Spring signals the start of the Summer season . Furthermore, when it is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it is Autumn in the Southern and vice-versa. Also, during Spring Season days and nights are probably 12 hours. Spring is certainly a time of happiness and joy. Most noteworthy, in many cultures Spring celebrations occur with rites and festivals.

Spring Season Essay

Natural Events

The axis of the Earth increases its tilt relative to the Sun in early Spring. Also, the length of the daylight increases for the relevant hemisphere. Furthermore, the hemisphere gets warm which results in new plants to spring forth. Hence, the season is called Spring . Another important occurrence is the melting of the snow. Frosts also get less severe.

As Spring advances, many flowering plants bloom. In some areas of Northern hemisphere, Spring begins in February. Furthermore, temperate areas have a dry Spring which brings flowering. Also, in sub-arctic regions, Spring does not begin until May.

Spring certainly is the result of warmth. Furthermore, this warmth is due to the changing of Earth’s axis relative to the Sun. Unstable weather can also occur at Spring. This happens when warm air invades from lower latitudes, while cold air pushes from the Polar Regions . In Spring, flooding is common in the mountainous areas. This is because of the snowmelt acceleration by warm rains.

In recent years, a new Spring phenomenon known as season creep has been observed. Most noteworthy, due to season creep, signs of Spring are now occurring earlier than expected. This trend is prevalent in many regions of the World.

Health Benefits of the Spring Season

Spring Season certainly brings with itself many health benefits. One important benefit of the Spring Season is the mental boost. Winter season can cause depression and anxiety in many people. Spring replaces those feelings with fresh and positive energy. People are able to come out of winter hibernation. Most noteworthy, the Spring Season is a period of rejuvenation and joy.

Probably many individuals consume Winter comfortable foods during Winter Season. This certainly results in increased weights for many individuals. Spring is a time for eating diet food . During Spring Season healthy fresh local food is available. Above all, many vitamin-rich vegetables reach their prime during Spring. Some of these vegetables are asparagus, kale, and peas.

Spring Season is a healthy season. The season certainly helps in making homes healthy. Sunshine and fresh air enter indoor after a long Winter Season. Most noteworthy, people get to breathe high amount of fresh oxygen during Spring Season. Furthermore, ample Sunshine during Spring is good for the skin. This is because; Sunlight is an excellent way to get vitamin D .

Spring Season significantly increases the motivation to do the workout. Furthermore, cold weather is a period of less physical activity. So, when Spring comes, people get excited about physical activity. The beautiful warmth of the Sun encourages probably everyone to exercise. Hence, Spring improves the physical fitness of individuals.

In conclusion, Spring Season is certainly the best season anywhere on Earth. A lot of activities can be easily carried out in Spring Season. This is due to the beautiful comfortable weather at this time of the year. Without hesitation, one can call Spring as the king of all seasons.

FAQs on Spring Season

Q1 What is season creep?

A1 Season creep is a phenomenon which has come up in recent years. Above all, due to season creep, signs of Spring are occurring earlier than usual. Furthermore, season creep is prevalent in many regions of the World.

Q2 Name some vitamin-rich vegetables which reach their prime during Spring?

A2 During Spring Season many vitamin-rich vegetables certainly reach their prime. Most noteworthy, some of these vegetables are asparagus, kale, and peas.

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What is ‘hoa hoa hoa’ season? How the Twilight soundtrack evokes cold weather nostalgia

Inspired by the aesthetics of the first movie of the twilight saga and its soundtrack, particularly ‘eyes on fire’ by blue foundation, article bookmarked.

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Social media have dubbed the arrival of fall as “hoa hoa hoa season,” referencing the song “Eyes on Fire” by Blue Foundation from the Twilight movie soundtrack

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With fall having arrived in full force, many social media users have taken to declare that “hoa hoa hoa season” has arrived.

Inspired by the aesthetics of the first movie of the Twilight saga and its soundtrack, particularly “Eyes on Fire” by Blue Foundation, scoring sweeping shots of foggy pine trees and cold grey skies, vocals singing “hoa hoa hoa” at the beginning of the song have in recent years become emblematic of cold weather nostalgia. This year, social media users are saying goodbye to the long-reigning Brat Summer and welcoming “hoa hoa season.”

Thousands of people worldwide have used the song as well as clips and photos of foggy weather to meme-ify their nostalgia for the cloudiness and cool temperatures that roll around each year. For some “hoa hoa hoa season” sparks the desire to don cozy sweaters, drink hot chocolate, and settle in for a marathon of the Twilight saga .

“No song can bring me as much nostalgia as this one,” one user wrote.

“Me to the weather: ‘Where have you been, Loca?” another jokingly referenced a line from the original film.

“Watching Twilight in September is a legit yearly ritual for us.” someone else added.

For others, it’s an expression of longing for the greenery of the Pacific Northwest, particularly the state of Washington where the movie was filmed.

“I want to move where it’s always HOA HOA HOA weather,” one person wrote.

“My heart just broke a little because this exists outside of cinema and I’m not there,” another commented.

Others joked that the phrase had somehow grown to encapsulate the feeling of fall’s arrival.

“It’s so foggy outside the whole way back to my house I was singing hoa hoa hoa in my head,” one person remarked, while another added: “Finally someone who knows what I mean when I say ‘I feel the hoa hoa in the air.’”

The song has become a quintessential symbol of fall weather, so much so that Blue Foundation - the band behind the hit song - has noted that the song has taken a life of its own since its release over a decade ago. Initially created as a part of the band’s third full-length album Life of a Ghost, the song reached unprecedented heights of popularity when it was included in the Twilight soundtrack. Little did they know its inclusion would also cement the song as a vital piece of pop-cultural nostalgia.

“It has never really been an objective of ours to be considered a part of any genre,” Bo Rande of Blue Foundation told Far Out Magazine . “I think our main goal has always been to sound and feel as unique as possible.”

He recalled that while creating the album, he’d actually felt stagnant and blocked, with the success of “Eyes On Fire” ultimately being a surprise. “It was not part of any five-year plan, and it was a coincidence it ended up in the Twilight moment.”

Although none of the band members could have predicted the haunting track becoming such an intrinsic part of the Twilight phenomena and subsequent nostalgia for the movies, they felt like they were onto something when creating the track.

“I had that feeling with ‘Eyes on Fire’,” another bandmember Tobias Wilner admit. “[I thought] ‘It’s kind of this weird, slow song, but I kind of dig this song.’ It’s simple, but it’s raw. It has some hunting vibes about it, and it’s moody, so I had a feeling, but I didn’t expect it to be blowing up like that. No one knew at that time that Twilight would be so big.”

Nothing could have prepared them for the second life the song took, with typical TikTok meme-ification leading to an influx of “hoa hoa hoa season” videos and eventually solidifying that song reminded many across the world of the arrival of fall. Thanks to Twilight and fall weather nostalgia memes, new generations have become new fans, ensuring the song’s enduring relevance.

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Mostly Sunny

How well is Deshaun Watson seeing the field this season?

  • Updated: Sep. 24, 2024, 7:52 p.m.
  • | Published: Sep. 24, 2024, 7:19 p.m.

Cleveland Browns vs, New York Giants, September 22, 2024

Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson scrambles against the New York Giants in the second half of play. Joshua Gunter,

  • Mary Kay Cabot,

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Deshaun Watson has taken plenty of criticism for missing some open receivers during Sunday’s 21-15 upset by the Giants, but just how well is he seeing the field this season?

With Watson being sacked a career high eight times and hit a total of 17, it’s tough to separate the protection breakdowns from the errant throws, but Kevin Stefanski took the onus off of his embattled quarterback and spread the blame around equally for the collective meltdown.

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weather season essay

Severe summer weather cost $7-billion in insured losses in Canada’s most destructive season on record

weather season essay

Stranded cars on the Don Valley Parkway as water recedes following heavy rain that caused flooding in Toronto, on July 16. Christopher Katsarov/The Canadian Press

Summer of 2024 is now Canada’s most destructive season on record for insured losses due to severe weather events, the latest estimates from the Insurance Bureau of Canada show.

Damages for a group of storms and wildfires across the country combined to more than $7-billion in insured losses, topping the $6.2-billion cost of the Fort McMurray, Alta., wildfire in 2016.

That’s 10 times higher than the average $701-million a year for severe weather losses between 2001 and 2010, the report said.

“This has been a devastating summer for hundreds of thousands of Canadians,” said IBC president and chief executive officer Celyeste Power, in a release.

Wildfire in Jasper, Alta., flooding in southern Ontario and Quebec, and an Alberta hailstorm resulted in about 228,000 insurance claims, which is up 406 per cent compared with a two-decade average, she added.

“These events are escalating at a shocking rate and Canada is simply not prepared,” she said.

Flooding in regions of Quebec amounted to $2.5-billion in insured damage while flooding in Toronto and other parts of southern Ontario cost $940-million. In Alberta, Calgary’s hailstorm caused $2.8-billion in losses and Jasper wildfires saw insured losses of $880-million. All four severe weather events occurred in the months of July and August.

The agency said it has been asking provincial and federal governments to respond to climate change as a crisis and collaborate in reducing disaster risk.

It added the federal-provincial debates on how best to reduce emissions have overshadowed efforts to co-ordinate and invest in climate adaptation.

“Insurers are now paying out more in claims for a single event than the $1.9-billion that the federal government has allocated to climate adaptation over the past decade,” said Craig Stewart, vice-president of climate change and federal issues at IBC.

He emphasized the need to support resilient building so insurance is available and affordable for homeowners. That means upgrades to stormwater infrastructure, and programming to help fire- and flood-proof new and existing homes.

The bureau says severe weather in 2023 caused more than $3.6-billion in insured damage across Canada.

Editor’s note: (Sept. 24, 2024): A previous version of this story incorrectly stated the cost of the 2016 Fort McMurray, Alta., wildfire. This version has been updated.

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