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  • Volume 2024, Issue 8, August 2024 (In Progress)
  • Volume 2024, Issue 7, July 2024
  • Advance articles
  • Browse content in A General and Mathematical Physics
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  • A00 Classical mechanics
  • A01 Electromagentism
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  • A12 Rigorous results
  • A13 Other topics in mathematical physics
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  • A22 Monte-Carlo simulations
  • A23 Molecular dynamics simulations
  • A24 Other numerical methods
  • Browse content in A3 Nonlinear dynamics
  • A30 Dynamical systems (conservative systems)
  • A31 The other dynamical systems such as cellular-automata and coupled map lattices
  • A32 Quantum chaos
  • A33 Classical chaos
  • A34 Other topics in nonlinear dynamics
  • Browse content in A4 Statistical mechanics - equilibrium systems
  • A40 Critical phenomena, phase diagrams, phase transitions
  • A41 Spin-glass, random spins
  • A42 Classical spins
  • A43 Quantum spins
  • A44 Neural networks
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  • A46 Quantum statistical mechanics
  • A47 Other topics in equilibrium statistical mechanics
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  • A53 Reaction-diffusion systems
  • A54 Pattern formation, fracture, self-organizations
  • A55 Synchronization; coupled oscillators
  • A56 Nonlinear and nonequilibrium phenomena
  • A57 Nonequilibrium steady states
  • A58 Other topics in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
  • Browse content in A6 Quantum physics and quantum information
  • A60 Foundation of quantum mechanics (quantization, geometric phase, entanglement, quantum measurement, locality, contextuality etc)
  • A61 Quantum information (quantum computation, quantum cryptography, quantum communication etc)
  • A62 Quantum phase transition
  • A63 Quantum many-body systems
  • A64 Other topics in quantum mechanics
  • Browse content in A7 Thermodynamics and thermodynamic processes
  • A70 Mathematical theory of thermodynamics
  • A73 Other thermal processes
  • Browse content in B Theoretical Particle Physics
  • Browse content in B0 Gauge field theories
  • B00 Gauge theory in general
  • B01 Lattice gauge field theories
  • B02 Spontaneous symmetry breaking
  • B03 Confinement
  • B04 Chern Simons theories
  • B05 Quantization and formalism
  • B06 Other topics in gauge field theories
  • Browse content in B1 Supersymmetry
  • B10 Extended supersymmetry
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  • B14 Dynamics of supersymmteric gauge theories
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  • B16 Supersymmetric field theory
  • B17 Other topics in supersymmetry
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  • B20 String duality
  • B21 AdS/CFT correspondence
  • B22 Black holes in string theory
  • B23 Brane and its dynamics
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  • B58 Supersymmetric Standard Model
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  • B64 Lattice QCD
  • B65 Perturbative QCD
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  • B72 Inflation
  • B73 Cosmology of theories beyond the Standard Model
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  • B75 Solar and atmospheric neutrinos
  • B77 Other topics in astroparticle physics
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  • Browse content in C Experimental Particle Physics
  • Browse content in C0 Standard Model and related topics
  • C00 Quantum chromodynamics
  • C01 Electroweak model, Higgs bosons, electroweak symmetry breaking
  • C02 Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark-mixing matrix
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  • C04 Neutrino masses, mixing, and oscillations
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  • Browse content in C1 Hypothetical particles and concepts
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  • C18 Heavy vector bosons(W',Z'), leptoquarks, etc
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  • Browse content in C2 Collider experiments
  • C20 Hadron collider experiments
  • C21 Lepton collider experiments
  • C22 Electron-proton collider experiments
  • C23 Other topics
  • Browse content in C3 Experiments using particle beams
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  • C31 Experiments using charged lepton beams
  • C32 Experiments using neutrino beams
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  • C42 Reactor experiments
  • C43 Underground experiments
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  • Browse content in C5 Other topics in experimental particle physics
  • C50 Other topics in experimental particle physics
  • Browse content in D Nuclear Physics
  • Browse content in D0 Fundamental interactions and nuclear properties
  • D00 Nuclear forces (including two nucleon problems)
  • D02 Weak interactions in nuclear system (including neutrino-nuclear interactions)
  • D03 Electromagnetic interactions in nuclear system
  • D04 Nuclear matter and bulk properties of nuclei
  • D05 Few-body problems in nuclear system
  • D06 Effective interactions in nuclear system
  • Browse content in D1 Nuclear structure
  • D10 Nuclear many-body theories
  • D11 Models of nuclear structure
  • D12 General properties of nuclei --- systematics and theoretical analysis
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  • D14 Hypernuclei
  • D15 Mesic nuclei and exotic atoms
  • Browse content in D2 Nuclear reactions and decays
  • D20 General reaction theories
  • D21 Models of nuclear reactions
  • D22 Light ion reactions (A<=4)
  • D23 Heavy-ion reactions (low and intermediate energies)
  • D24 Photon and lepton reactions
  • D25 Hadron reactions
  • D26 Fusion, fusion-fission reactions and superheavy nuclei
  • D27 Reactions induced by unstable nuclei
  • D28 Relativistic heavy-ion collisions
  • D29 Nuclear decays and radioactivities (including fission)
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  • D31 Quark-gluon plasma
  • D32 Hadron structure and interactions
  • D33 Hadrons and quarks in nuclear matter
  • D34 Lattice QCD calculations in nuclear physics
  • Browse content in D4 Nuclear astrophysics
  • D40 Nucleosynthesis
  • D41 Nuclear matter aspects in nuclear astrophysics
  • D42 Nuclear physics aspects in explosive environments
  • Browse content in D5 Other topics in nuclear physics
  • D50 Other topics in nuclear physics
  • Browse content in E Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • Browse content in E0 Gravity
  • E00 Gravity in general
  • E01 Relativity
  • E02 Gravitational waves
  • E03 Alternative theory of gravity
  • E04 Higher-dimensional theories
  • E05 Quantum gravity
  • Browse content in E1 Basic astrophysical processes
  • E10 Astrophysical processes in general
  • E11 Radiative processes and thermodynamics
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  • E13 Kinetic theory and plasma
  • E14 Hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics
  • E15 Relativistic dynamics
  • Browse content in E2 Stars and stellar systems
  • E20 Stars and stellar systems in general
  • E21 The sun and solar system
  • E23 Interstellar matter and magnetic fields
  • E24 Star formation
  • E25 Stellar structure and evolution
  • E26 Supernovae
  • E27 Galaxies and clusters
  • E28 Extragalactic medium and fields
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  • E30 Compact objects in general
  • E31 Black holes
  • E32 Neutron stars
  • E33 Pulsars
  • E34 Accretion, accretion disks
  • E35 Relativistic jets
  • E36 Massive black holes
  • E37 Gamma ray bursts
  • E38 Physics of strong fields
  • Browse content in E4 Cosmic rays and neutrinos
  • E41 Cosmic rays
  • E42 Acceleration of particles
  • E43 Propagation of cosmic rays
  • E44 Cosmic gamma rays
  • E45 Neutrinos
  • Browse content in E5 Large scale structure of the universe
  • E50 Large scale structure in general
  • E51 Superclusters and voids
  • E52 Statistical analysis of large scale structure
  • E53 Large scale structure formation
  • E55 Cosmological simulations
  • E56 Cosmological perturbation theory
  • Browse content in E6 Observational cosmology
  • E60 Observational cosmology in general
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  • E63 Cosmic background radiations
  • E64 Dark energy and dark matter
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  • Browse content in E7 Particle cosmology
  • E70 Particle cosmology in general
  • E72 Baryon asymmetry
  • E73 Cosmological phase transitions and topological defects
  • E74 Cosmology of physics beyond the Standard Model
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  • E76 Quantum field theory on curved space
  • Browse content in E8 Inflation and cosmogenesis
  • E80 Inflation and cosmology in general
  • E81 Inflation
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  • Browse content in F Experimental Astrophysics
  • Browse content in F0 Cosmic ray particles
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  • H21 Instrumentation for ground observatory
  • H22 Instrumentation for space observatory
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Note to readers, funding statement, review of particle physics.

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Particle Data Group, R L Workman, V D Burkert, V Crede, E Klempt, U Thoma, L Tiator, K Agashe, G Aielli, B C Allanach, C Amsler, M Antonelli, E C Aschenauer, D M Asner, H Baer, Sw Banerjee, R M Barnett, L Baudis, C W Bauer, J J Beatty, V I Belousov, J Beringer, A Bettini, O Biebel, K M Black, E Blucher, R Bonventre, V V Bryzgalov, O Buchmuller, M A Bychkov, R N Cahn, M Carena, A Ceccucci, A Cerri, R Sekhar Chivukula, G Cowan, K Cranmer, O Cremonesi, G D'Ambrosio, T Damour, D de Florian, A de Gouvêa, T DeGrand, P de Jong, S Demers, B A Dobrescu, M D'Onofrio, M Doser, H K Dreiner, P Eerola, U Egede, S Eidelman, A X El-Khadra, J Ellis, S C Eno, J Erler, V V Ezhela, W Fetscher, B D Fields, A Freitas, H Gallagher, Y Gershtein, T Gherghetta, M C Gonzalez-Garcia, M Goodman, C Grab, A V Gritsan, C Grojean, D E Groom, M Grünewald, A Gurtu, T Gutsche, H E Haber, Matthieu Hamel, C Hanhart, S Hashimoto, Y Hayato, A Hebecker, S Heinemeyer, J J Hernández-Rey, K Hikasa, J Hisano, A Höcker, J Holder, L Hsu, J Huston, T Hyodo, Al Ianni, M Kado, M Karliner, U F Katz, M Kenzie, V A Khoze, S R Klein, F Krauss, M Kreps, P Križan, B Krusche, Y Kwon, O Lahav, J Laiho, L P Lellouch, J Lesgourgues, A R Liddle, Z Ligeti, C-J Lin, C Lippmann, T M Liss, L Littenberg, C Lourenço, K S Lugovsky, S B Lugovsky, A Lusiani, Y Makida, F Maltoni, T Mannel, A V Manohar, W J Marciano, A Masoni, J Matthews, U-G Meißner, I-A Melzer-Pellmann, M Mikhasenko, D J Miller, D Milstead, R E Mitchell, K Mönig, P Molaro, F Moortgat, M Moskovic, K Nakamura, M Narain, P Nason, S Navas, A Nelles, M Neubert, P Nevski, Y Nir, K A Olive, C Patrignani, J A Peacock, V A Petrov, E Pianori, A Pich, A Piepke, F Pietropaolo, A Pomarol, S Pordes, S Profumo, A Quadt, K Rabbertz, J Rademacker, G Raffelt, M Ramsey-Musolf, B N Ratcliff, P Richardson, A Ringwald, D J Robinson, S Roesler, S Rolli, A Romaniouk, L J Rosenberg, J L Rosner, G Rybka, M G Ryskin, R A Ryutin, Y Sakai, S Sarkar, F Sauli, O Schneider, S Schönert, K Scholberg, A J Schwartz, J Schwiening, D Scott, F Sefkow, U Seljak, V Sharma, S R Sharpe, V Shiltsev, G Signorelli, M Silari, F Simon, T Sjöstrand, P Skands, T Skwarnicki, G F Smoot, A Soffer, M S Sozzi, S Spanier, C Spiering, A Stahl, S L Stone, Y Sumino, M J Syphers, F Takahashi, M Tanabashi, J Tanaka, M Taševský, K Terao, K Terashi, J Terning, R S Thorne, M Titov, N P Tkachenko, D R Tovey, K Trabelsi, P Urquijo, G Valencia, R Van de Water, N Varelas, G Venanzoni, L Verde, I Vivarelli, P Vogel, W Vogelsang, V Vorobyev, S P Wakely, W Walkowiak, C W Walter, D Wands, D H Weinberg, E J Weinberg, N Wermes, M White, L R Wiencke, S Willocq, C G Wohl, C L Woody, W-M Yao, M Yokoyama, R Yoshida, G Zanderighi, G P Zeller, O V Zenin, R-Y Zhu, Shi-Lin Zhu, F Zimmermann, P A Zyla, Review of Particle Physics, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics , Volume 2022, Issue 8, August 2022, 083C01, https://doi.org/10.1093/ptep/ptac097

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The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,143 new measurements from 709 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetric particles, heavy bosons, axions, dark photons, etc. Particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as Higgs Boson Physics, Supersymmetry, Grand Unified Theories, Neutrino Mixing, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Cosmology, Particle Detectors, Colliders, Probability and Statistics. Among the 120 reviews are many that are new or heavily revised, including a new review on Machine Learning, and one on Spectroscopy of Light Meson Resonances.

The Review is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 includes the Summary Tables and 97 review articles. Volume 2 consists of the Particle Listings and contains also 23 reviews that address specific aspects of the data presented in the Listings.

The complete Review (both volumes) is published online on the website of the Particle Data Group ( pdg.lbl.gov ) and in a journal. Volume 1 is available in print as the PDG Book . A Particle Physics Booklet with the Summary Tables and essential tables, figures, and equations from selected review articles is available in print, as a web version optimized for use on phones, and as an Android app.

In the Supplementary Data section below, links for downloading individual sections of the Review have been provided for readers’ convenience.

The 2022 edition of the Review of Particle Physics should be cited as:

R.L. Workman et al. (Particle Data Group), Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2022 , 083C01 (2022)

DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptac097

For the online version see: https://pdg.lbl.gov/

The publication of the Review of Particle Physics is supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE–AC02–05CH11231; by an implementing arrangement between the governments of Japan (MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) and the United States (DOE) on cooperative research and development; by the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN); by the Physical Society of Japan (JPS); and by the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN). Individual collaborators receive support for their PDG activities from their respective institutes or funding agencies.

Supplementary data

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Theoretical particle physics articles from across Nature Portfolio

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Investigation of damping coefficients for elastic collision particles utilizing the acoustic frequency sampling method

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  • Dengchao Sun

theoretical physics research papers

Anomalies in particle physics and their implications for physics beyond the standard model

The standard model of particle physics describes the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions. We review the status of experimental hints for new physics, which, if confirmed, would require the extension of the standard model with new particles and new interactions.

  • Andreas Crivellin
  • Bruce Mellado

theoretical physics research papers

High-precision regressors for particle physics

  • Fady Bishara
  • Jennifer Dy


News and Comment

theoretical physics research papers

Entanglement between a pair of top quarks

The ATLAS Collaboration at CERN used data from 13 TeV proton–proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider to observe for the first time entanglement between a pair of top quarks.

  • Iulia Georgescu

theoretical physics research papers

Consequences of the renormalization group for perturbative quantum chromodynamics

The renormalization group is a key ingredient in methods of improving perturbative computations in particle physics. Here I briefly discuss its role in perturbative quantum chromodynamics and particularly the running of its coupling constant.

  • Diogo Boito

theoretical physics research papers

Supersymmetric renormalization group flow

Supersymmetric quantum field theories have special properties that make them easier to study. This Comment discusses how the constraints that supersymmetry places on renormalization group flows have been used to study strongly coupled field theories.

  • Jaewon Song

theoretical physics research papers

The microscopic structure of quantum space-time and matter from a renormalization group perspective

The correct microscopic theory of quantum gravity may be an interacting, scale-invariant, ‘asymptotically safe’ model. This Comment discusses the renormalization group’s role in defining asymptotic safety and understanding its consequences.

  • Astrid Eichhorn

theoretical physics research papers

A post-particle future

  • Mark Buchanan

theoretical physics research papers

Mesoscopic Schwinger effect

The production of particle–antiparticle pairs in a vacuum — the Schwinger effect — requires extreme conditions that are out of reach of tabletop experiments. A mesoscopic simulation of this phenomenon has now been carried out in graphene devices.

  • Roshan Krishna Kumar

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Landscape of Calabi-Yau string geometries.

Quantum physics and Einstein’s theory of general relativity are the two solid pillars that underlie much of modern physics. Understanding how these two well-established theories are related remains a central open question in theoretical physics.  Over the last several decades, efforts in this direction have led to a broad range of new physical ideas and mathematical tools.  In recent years, string theory and quantum field theory have converged in the context of holography, which connects quantum gravity in certain space-times with corresponding (conformal) field theories on a lower-dimensional space-time. These developments and connections have deepened our understanding not only of quantum gravity, cosmology, and particle physics, but also of intermediate scale physics, such as condensed matter systems, the quark-gluon plasma, and disordered systems.  String theory has also led to new insights to problems in many areas of mathematics.

Holographic entanglement wedge

The interface of quantum physics and gravity is currently leading to exciting new areas of progress, and is expected to remain vibrant in the coming decade.  Researchers in the Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP) have been at the forefront of many of the developments in these directions.  CTP faculty members work on string theory foundations, the range of solutions of the theory, general relativity and quantum cosmology, problems relating quantum physics to black holes, and the application of holographic methods to strongly coupled field theories.  The group in the CTP has close connections to condensed matter physicists, astrophysicists, and mathematicians both at MIT and elsewhere.

Strange metals and AdS_2

In recent years a set of new developments has begun to draw unexpected connections between a number of problems relating aspects of gravity, black holes, quantum information, and condensed matter systems. It is becoming clear that quantum entanglement, quantum error correction, and computational complexity play a fundamental role in the emergence of spacetime geometry through holographic duality.  Moreover these tools have led to substantial progress on the famous black hole information problem, giving new avenues for searching for a resolution of the tension between the physics of black holes and quantum mechanics.  CTP faculty members Netta Engelhardt and Daniel Harlow have been at the vanguard of these developments, which also tie into the research activity of several other CTP faculty members, including Aram Harrow , whose primary research focus is on quantum information, and Hong Liu , whose research connects black holes and quantum many-body dynamics.

Minimal area metric on punctured torus.

Holographic dualities give both a new perspective into quantum gravitational phenomena as encoded in quantum field theory, and a way to explore aspects of strongly coupled field theories using the gravitational dual. CTP faculty have played a pioneering role in several applications of holographic duality. Hong Liu and Krishna Rajagopal are at the forefront of efforts that use holography to find new insights into the physics of the quark-gluon plasma. Liu was among the first to point out possible connections between black hole physics and the strange metal phase of high temperature superconductors, and in recent years has been combining insights from effective field theories, holography, and condensed matter physics to address various issues concerning far-from-equilibrium systems including superfluid turbulence, entanglement growth, quantum chaos, thermalization, and a complete formulation of fluctuating hydrodynamics. Gravitational effective field theories play a key role in the interpretation of gravitational wave observations. Mikhail Ivanov works at the intersection of these fields with the aim of testing strong field gravity at a new precision frontier.

False vacuum bubble.

Even though we understand string theory better than we did in decades past, there is still no clear fundamental description of the theory that works in all situations, and the set of four-dimensional solutions, or string vacua, is still poorly understood.  The work of Washington Taylor and Barton Zwiebach combines physical understanding with modern mathematical methods to address these questions, and has led to new insights into how observed physics fits into the framework of string theory as well as the development of new mathematical results and ideas. Alan Guth ‘s foundational work on inflationary cosmology has led him to focus on basic questions about the physics of the multiverse that arises naturally in the context of the many string theory vacua, and which provides the only current natural explanation for the observed small but positive cosmological constant.

Tensor network for the non-invertible duality symmetry in lattice gauge theory.

Symmetry has long been a guiding principle in the study of quantum field theory and gravity. Shu-Heng Shao ’s research focuses on generalizations of global symmetries in field theory and lattice systems. These new symmetries and their anomalies lead to various new dynamical constraints on (de)confinement, scattering amplitudes, renormalization group flows, and more. They also unify different conjectures in quantum gravity and holography. The microscopic lattice realizations of these new symmetries are naturally expressed through tensor networks, indicating an intriguing link to quantum information theory. 

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Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical

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Unveiling the physics of acoustic insulation: multilayer flow resistivity estimation

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  • M. Sadouki   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-8234-4768 1  

This paper presents a computational methodology aimed at precisely estimating the physical law governing equivalent flow resistivity in multilayer rigid porous materials, with a specific focus on applications in acoustic insulation systems. While existing models are capable of predicting sound transmission through individual layers, they lack a direct theoretical analytical link between the flow resistivity of multilayer materials and the properties of their constituent layers. To address this gap, the study harnesses equivalent fluid theory, which integrates visco-inertial interactions between the material structure and the interstitial fluid. By establishing simplified expressions for the transmission coefficient of a bilayer medium under low-frequency Darcy conditions, the paper introduces a novel approach to estimation. Furthermore, it formulates a concise relationship between the resistivity of the bilayer medium and the resistivity and thickness of each layer, which extends to multilayer configurations. Experimental validation with bilayer samples demonstrates significant agreement between the directly obtained equivalent flux resistivity and the theoretically predicted values, with relative errors ranging from 3 to 18%. The significance of this paper lies in its practical implications for acoustic insulation systems, where accurate predictions of acoustic performance are crucial. The research introduces a reliable physical relationship for estimating the equivalent flow resistivity of a multilayer as a function of the flow resistivity of each constituent layer and its thickness, offering theoretical correlation with empirical data and providing an alternative to labor-intensive experimental methods and software. This contribution to acoustics facilitates accurate prediction and characterization of the acoustic properties of multilayer materials, thereby aiding in the design of effective noise control systems.

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Direct measurements of the flow resistivity and transmission coefficients of the monolayer and bilayer samples were conducted at the Mecanum laboratory in Sherbrooke, Canada.

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M. Sadouki: investigation; methodology; writing—original draft; supervision; writing—review.

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Let us consider a bilayer rigid porous medium comprising two homogeneous slabs with distinct acoustic parameters. The problem's geometry is illustrated in Fig. 

figure 9

Geometry problem of the porous bilayer medium

9 . The first porous slab, with a thickness of L 1 and resistivity σ1, occupies the region 0 ≤ x ≤ L 1 , while the second slab, with a thickness of L 2 and resistivity σ 2 , occupies the region L 1  ≤ x ≤ L (where L = L 1  + L 2 ).

A short sound pulse is incident normally on the medium from the left (free fluid—region (1)). This pulse generates an acoustic pressure field \(p(x,\omega )\) and an acoustic velocity field \(v(x,\omega )\) within each layer. The expressions for the acoustic fields in each medium (1, …, 4) are given by (in the unit of \({e}^{j\omega t}\) ):

Medium (2) and (3)

where, \(\widetilde{R}\) , \(\widetilde{T}\) are the reflected and transmitted coefficients, respectively. \(\widetilde{{A}_{i}}\) and \(\widetilde{{B}_{i}}\) are a function of pulsation to be determined, \(k=\omega \sqrt{{\rho }_{0}/K}\) represents the wave number in free fluid, \({Z}_{i}=\sqrt{{\rho }_{0}K{\alpha }_{i}\left(\omega \right)/{\beta }_{i}\left(\omega \right)}\) and \(\widetilde{{k}_{i}}=\omega \sqrt{{\rho }_{0}{\alpha }_{i}\left(\omega \right){\beta }_{i}\left(\omega \right)/K}\) denote the characteristic impedance and the wave number, respectively, of the acoustic wave in each layer of the medium ( i  = 2,3). To derive the transmission coefficient in the frequency domain, it is assumed that the pressure field and velocity are continuous at the boundaries of each layer ( \(x = 0, x = {L}_{1} and x = L\) ):

(where ± superscript denotes the limit from the left and right, respectively), and \({\phi }_{i}\) , \(i\) = 1, …, 4 represents the porosity of each region. By utilizing these expressions ( 23 – 28 ) and Eqs. ( 29 and 30 ), the transmission coefficient can be expressed as [ 37 ]:

By substituting the expressions of dynamic tortuosity and dynamic compressibility from Eqs. ( 1 ) into the equations for very low frequencies, Eqs. ( 33 ) can be rewritten as follows:

Replacing the expressions for \({Y}_{i}\) and \({k}_{i}\) in the bilayer transmission coefficients and expanding the transmission coefficient (Eq.  31 ) in a Taylor series, a first approximation can be obtained as the frequency approaches zero (ω → 0):

1.2 Generality in the case of multi-layer porous material

For a multi-layer porous medium with N homogeneous slabs, each with distinct acoustic parameters, the transmission coefficient can be derived similarly. Let each layer i (where i  = 1, 2, …, N ) have a thickness \({L}_{i}\) and resistivity \({\sigma }_{i}\) . The total thickness L of the medium is the sum of the individual layer thicknesses: \(L={\sum }_{i=1}^{N}{L}_{i}\) .

At very low frequencies ( \(\omega \to 0\) ), the expressions for dynamic tortuosity and compressibility can be simplified further:

The transmission coefficient for a multi-layer porous material at very low frequencies is then given by:

This expression indicates that the transmission coefficient primarily depends on the flow resistivity and thickness of each layer.

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Sadouki, M. Unveiling the physics of acoustic insulation: multilayer flow resistivity estimation. Indian J Phys (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12648-024-03391-1

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Received : 13 April 2024

Accepted : 12 August 2024

Published : 27 August 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s12648-024-03391-1

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