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15 Biggest Environmental Problems of 2024

15 Biggest Environmental Problems of 2024

While the climate crisis has many factors that play a role in the exacerbation of the environment, some warrant more attention than others. Here are some of the biggest environmental problems of our lifetime, from deforestation and biodiversity loss to food waste and fast fashion.

1. Global Warming From Fossil Fuels

2023 was the hottest year on record , with global average temperatures at 1.46C above pre-industrial levels and 0.13C higher than the eleven-month average for 2016, currently the warmest calendar year on record. The year was marked by six record-breaking months and two record-breaking seasons.

What’s more, carbon dioxide (CO2) levels have never been so high . After being consistently around 280 parts per million (ppm) for almost 6,000 years of human civilisation, CO2 levels in the atmosphere are now well above 420 ppm, more than double what they were before the onset of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Administrator Rick Spinrad, the steady annual increase is a “direct result of human activity,” mainly from the burning of fossil fuels for transportation and electricity generation but also from cement manufacturing, deforestation , and  agriculture .

This is undoubtedly one of the biggest environmental problems of our lifetime: as greenhouse gas emissions blanket the Earth, they trap the sun’s heat, leading to global warming.

Monthly mean carbon dioxide CO2 measured at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii. Image: Global Monitoring Laboratory

Increased emissions of greenhouse gases have led to a rapid and steady increase in global temperatures, which in turn is  causing catastrophic events all over the world – from Australia and the US experiencing some of the most devastating bushfire seasons ever recorded, locusts swarming across parts of Africa, the Middle East and Asia, decimating crops, and a heatwave in Antarctica that saw temperatures rise above 20C for the first time. S cientists are constantly warning that the planet has crossed a series of tipping points that could have catastrophic consequences, such as  advancing permafrost melt in Arctic regions, the Greenland ice sheet melting at an unprecedented rate, accelerating sixth mass extinction , and increasing deforestation in the Amazon rainforest , just to name a few.

The climate crisis is causing tropical storms and other weather events such as hurricanes, heatwaves and flooding to be more intense and frequent than seen before. However, even if all greenhouse gas emissions were halted immediately, global temperatures would continue to rise in the coming years. That is why it is absolutely imperative that we start now to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, invest in renewable energy sources, and phase our fossil fuels as fast as possible.

You might also like: The Tipping Points of Climate Change: How Will Our World Change?

2. Poor Governance

According to economists like Nicholas Stern, the climate crisis is a result of multiple market failures .

Economists and environmentalists have urged policymakers for years to increase the price of activities that emit greenhouse gases (one of our biggest environmental problems), the lack of which constitutes the largest market failure, for example through carbon taxes, which will stimulate innovations in low-carbon technologies.

To cut emissions quickly and effectively enough, governments must not only massively increase funding for green innovation to bring down the costs of low-carbon energy sources, but they also need to adopt a range of other policies that address each of the other market failures. 

A national carbon tax is currently implemented in 27 countries around the world , including various countries in the EU, Canada, Singapore, Japan, Ukraine and Argentina. However, according to the 2019 OECD Tax Energy Use report, current tax structures are not adequately aligned with the pollution profile of energy sources. For example, the OECD suggests that carbon taxes are not harsh enough on coal production, although it has proved to be effective for the electricity industry. A carbon tax has been effectively implemented in Sweden ; the carbon tax is U$127 per tonne and has reduced emissions by 25% since 1995, while its economy has expanded 75% in the same time period. 

Further, organisations such as the United Nations are not fit to deal with the climate crisis: it was assembled to prevent another world war and is not fit for purpose. Anyway, members of the UN are not mandated to comply with any suggestions or recommendations made by the organisation. For example, the Paris Agreement , a historic deal within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), says that countries need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly so that global temperature rise is below 2C by 2100, and ideally under 1.5C. But signing on to it is voluntary, and there are no real repercussions for non-compliance. Further, the issue of equity remains a contentious issue whereby developing countries are allowed to emit more in order to develop to the point where they can develop technologies to emit less, and it allows some countries, such as China, to exploit this. 

3. Food Waste

A third of the food intended for human consumption – around 1.3 billion tons – is wasted or lost. This is enough to feed 3 billion people. Food waste and loss account for approximately one-quarter of greenhouse gas emissions annually ; if it was a country, food waste would be the third-largest emitter  of greenhouse gases, behind China and the US. 

Food production accounts for around one-quarter – 26% – of global greenhouse gas emissions. Our World in Data

Food waste and loss occurs at different stages in developing and developed countries; in developing countries, 40% of food waste occurs at the post-harvest and processing levels, while in developed countries, 40% of food waste occurs at the retail and consumer levels. 

At the retail level, a shocking amount of food is wasted because of aesthetic reasons; in fact, in the US, more than 50% of all produce thrown away in the US is done so because it is deemed to be “too ugly” to be sold to consumers- this amounts to about 60 million tons of fruits and vegetables. This leads to food insecurity , another one of the biggest environmental problems on the list. 

You might also like: How Does Food Waste Affect the Environment?

4. Biodiversity Loss

The past 50 years have seen a rapid growth of human consumption, population, global trade and urbanisation, resulting in humanity using more of the Earth’s resources than it can replenish naturally. 

A 2020 WWF report found that the population sizes of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians have experienced a decline of an average of 68% between 1970 and 2016. The report attributes this biodiversity loss to a variety of factors, but mainly land-use change, particularly the conversion of habitats, like forests, grasslands and mangroves, into agricultural systems. Animals such as pangolins, sharks and seahorses are significantly affected by the illegal wildlife trade, and pangolins are critically endangered because of it. 

More broadly, a recent analysis has found that the sixth mass extinction of wildlife on Earth is accelerating. More than 500 species of land animals are on the brink of extinction and are likely to be lost within 20 years; the same number were lost over the whole of the last century. The scientists say that without the human destruction of nature, this rate of loss would have taken thousands of years. 

In Antarctica, climate change-triggered melting of sea ice is taking a heavy toll on emperor penguins and could wipe out entire populations by as early as 2100 , according to 2023 research.

You might also like: The Remarkable Benefits of Biodiversity

5. Plastic Pollution

In 1950, the world produced more than 2 million tons of plastic per year . By 2015, this annual production swelled to 419 million tons and exacerbating plastic waste in the environment. 

plastic packaging waste; plastic pollution; beverage single-use plastic bottles in landfill. Photo: PxHere

A report by science journal, Nature, determined that currently, roughly 14 million tons of plastic make their way into the oceans every year, harming wildlife habitats and the animals that live in them. The research found that if no action is taken, the plastic crisis will grow to 29 million metric tons per year by 2040. If we include microplastics into this, the cumulative amount of plastic in the ocean could reach 600 million tons by 2040.

Shockingly, National Geographic found that 91% of all plastic that has ever been made is not recycled, representing not only one of the biggest environmental problems of our lifetime, but another massive market failure. Considering that plastic takes 400 years to decompose, it will be many generations until it ceases to exist. There’s no telling what the irreversible effects of plastic pollution will have on the environment in the long run. 

You might also like: 8 Shocking Plastic Pollution Statistics to Know About

6. Deforestation

Every hour, forests the size of 300 football fields are cut down. By the year 2030, the planet might have only 10% of its forests; if deforestation isn’t stopped, they could all be gone in less than 100 years. 

The three countries experiencing the highest levels of deforestation are Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Indonesia. The Amazon, the world’s largest rainforest – spanning 6.9 million square kilometres (2.72 million square miles) and covering around 40% of the South American continent – is also one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems and is home to about three million species of plants and animals . Despite efforts to protect forest land, legal deforestation is still rampant, and about one-third of global tropical deforestation occurs in Brazil’s Amazon forest, amounting to 1.5 million hectares each year . 


Agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, another one of the biggest environmental problems appearing on this list. Land is cleared to raise livestock or to plant other crops that are sold, such as sugar cane and palm oil . Besides for carbon sequestration, forests help to prevent soil erosion, because the tree roots bind the soil and prevent it from washing away, which also prevents landslides. 

You might also like: 10 Deforestation Facts You Should Know About

7. Air Pollution 

One of the biggest environmental problems today is outdoor air pollution .

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that an estimated 4.2 to 7 million people die from air pollution worldwide every year and that nine out of 10 people breathe air that contains high levels of pollutants. In Africa, 258,000 people died as a result of outdoor air pollution in 2017, up from 164,000 in 1990, according to UNICEF . Causes of air pollution mostly comes from industrial sources and motor vehicles, as well as emissions from burning biomass and poor air quality due to dust storms. 

According to a 2023 study, air pollution in South Asia – one of the most polluted areas in the world – cuts life expectancy by about 5 years . The study blames a series of factors, including a lack of adequate infrastructure and funding for the high levels of pollution in some countries. Most countries in Asia and Africa, which together contribute about 92.7% of life years lost globally due to air pollution, lack key air quality standards needed to develop adequate policies. Moreover, just 6.8% and 3.7% of governments in the two continents, respectively, provide their citizens with fully open-air quality data.

In Europe, a recent report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) showed that more than half a million people living in the European Union died from health issues directly linked to toxic pollutants exposure in 2021.

More on the topic: Less Than 1% of Global Land Area Has Safe Air Pollution Levels: Study

8. Melting Ice Caps and Sea Level Rise

The climate crisis is warming the Arctic more than twice as fast as anywhere else on the planet. Today, sea levels are rising more than twice as quickly as they did for most of the 20th century as a result of increasing temperatures on Earth. Seas are now rising an average of 3.2 mm per year globally and they will continue to grow up to about 0.7 metres by the end of this century. In the Arctic, the Greenland Ice Sheet poses the greatest risk for sea levels because melting land ice is the main cause of rising sea levels.

Representing arguably the biggest of the environmental problems, this is made all the more concerning considering that last year’s summer triggered the loss of 60 billion tons of ice from Greenland, enough to raise global sea levels by 2.2mm in just two months . According to satellite data, the Greenland ice sheet lost a record amount of ice in 2019: an average of a million tons per minute throughout the year, one of the biggest environmental problems that has cascading effects. If the entire Greenland ice sheet melts, sea level would rise by six metres .

Meanwhile, the Antarctic continent contributes about 1 millimetre per year to sea level rise, which is one-third of the annual global increase. According to 2023 data, the continent has lost approximately 7.5 trillion tons of ice since 1997 . Additionally, the last fully intact ice shelf in Canada in the Arctic recently collapsed, having lost about 80 square kilometres – or 40% – of its area over a two-day period in late July, according to the Canadian Ice Service .  

Over 100,000 images taken from space allowed scientists to create a comprehensive record of the state of Antarctica’s ice shelves. Credit: 66 North/Unsplash

Sea level rise will have a devastating impact on those living in coastal regions: according to research and advocacy group Climate Central, sea level rise this century could flood coastal areas that are now home to 340 million to 480 million people , forcing them to migrate to safer areas and contributing to overpopulation and strain of resources in the areas they migrate to. Bangkok (Thailand), Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), Manila (Philippines), and Dubai (United Arab Emirates) are among the cities most at risk of sea level rise and flooding.

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9. Ocean Acidification

Global temperature rise has not only affected the surface, but it is the main cause of ocean acidification . Our oceans absorb about 30% of carbon dioxide that is released into the Earth’s atmosphere. As higher concentrations of carbon emissions are released thanks to human activities such as burning fossil fuels as well as effects of global climate change such as increased rates of wildfires, so do the amount of carbon dioxide that is absorbed back into the sea. 

The smallest change in the pH scale can have a significant impact on the acidity of the ocean. Ocean acidification has devastating impacts on marine ecosystems and species, its food webs, and provoke irreversible changes in habitat quality . Once pH levels reach too low, marine organisms such as oysters, their shells and skeleton could even start to dissolve. 

However, one of the biggest environmental problems from ocean acidification is coral bleaching and subsequent coral reef loss . This is a phenomenon that occurs when rising ocean temperatures disrupt the symbiotic relationship between the reefs and algae that lives within it, driving away the algae and causing coral reefs to lose their natural vibrant colours. Some scientists have estimated coral reefs are at risk of being completely wiped by 2050. Higher acidity in the ocean would obstruct coral reef systems’ ability to rebuild their exoskeletons and recover from these coral bleaching events. 

Some studies have also found that ocean acidification can be linked as one of the effects of plastic pollution in the ocean. The accumulating bacteria and microorganisms derived from plastic garbage dumped in the ocean to damage marine ecosystems and contribute towards coral bleaching.

10. Agriculture 

Studies have shown that the global food system is responsible for up to one-third of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, of which 30% comes from livestock and fisheries. Crop production releases greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide through the use of fertilisers . 

60% of the world’s agricultural area is dedicated to cattle ranching , although it only makes up 24% of global meat consumption. 

Agriculture not only covers a vast amount of land, but it also consumes a vast amount of freshwater, another one of the biggest environmental problems on this list. While arable lands and grazing pastures cover one-third of Earth’s land surfaces , they consume three-quarters of the world’s limited freshwater resources.

Scientists and environmentalists have continuously warned that we need to rethink our current food system; switching to a more plant-based diet would dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of the conventional agriculture industry. 

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11. Food and Water Insecurity

Rising temperatures and unsustainable farming practices have resulted in increasing water and food insecurity.

Globally, more than 68 billion tonnes of top-soil is eroded every year at a rate 100 times faster than it can naturally be replenished. Laden with biocides and fertiliser, the soil ends up in waterways where it contaminates drinking water and protected areas downstream. 

Furthermore, exposed and lifeless soil is more vulnerable to wind and water erosion due to lack of root and mycelium systems that hold it together. A key contributor to soil erosion is over-tilling: although it increases productivity in the short-term by mixing in surface nutrients (e.g. fertiliser), tilling is physically destructive to the soil’s structure and in the long-term leads to soil compaction, loss of fertility and surface crust formation that worsens topsoil erosion.

With the global population expected to reach 9 billion people by mid-century, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) projects that global food demand may increase by 70% by 2050 . Around the world, more than 820 million people do not get enough to eat. 

The UN secretary-general António Guterres says, “Unless immediate action is taken, it is increasingly clear that there is an impending global food security emergency that could have long term impacts on hundreds of millions of adults and children.” He urged for countries to rethink their food systems and encouraged more sustainable farming practices. 

In terms of water security, only 3% of the world’s water is freshwater , and two-thirds of that is tucked away in frozen glaciers or otherwise unavailable for our use. As a result, some 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water, and a total of 2.7 billion find water scarce for at least one month of the year. By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortages. 

You might also like: Global Food Security: Why It Matters in 2023

12. Fast Fashion and Textile Waste

The global demand for fashion and clothing has risen at an unprecedented rate that the fashion industry now accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions, becoming one of the biggest environmental problems of our time. Fashion alone produces more greenhouse gas emissions than both the aviation and shipping sectors combined , and nearly 20% of global wastewater, or around 93 billion cubic metres from textile dyeing, according to the UN Environment Programme.

What’s more, the world at least generated an estimated 92 million tonnes of textiles waste every year and that number is expected to soar up to 134 million tonnes a year by 2030. Discarded clothing and textile waste, most of which is non-biodegradable, ends up in landfills, while microplastics from clothing materials such as polyester, nylon, polyamide, acrylic and other synthetic materials, is leeched into soil and nearby water sources. Monumental amounts of clothing textile are also dumped in less developed countries as seen with Chile’s Atacama , the driest desert in the world, where at least 39,000 tonnes of textile waste from other nations are left there to rot.

fast fashion waste

This rapidly growing issue is only exacerbated by the ever-expanding fast fashion business model, in which companies relies on cheap and speedy production of low quality clothing to meet the latest and newest trends. While the United Nations Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action sees signatory fashion and textile companies to commit to achieving net zero emission by 2050, a majority of businesses around the world have yet to address their roles in climate change.

While these are some of the biggest environmental problems plaguing our planet, there are many more that have not been mentioned, including overfishing, urban sprawl, toxic superfund sites and land use changes. While there are many facets that need to be considered in formulating a response to the crisis, they must be coordinated, practical and far-reaching enough to make enough of a difference. 

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13. Overfishing

Over three billion people around the world rely on fish as their primary source of protein. About 12% of the world relies upon fisheries in some form or another, with 90% of these being small-scale fishermen – think a small crew in a boat, not a ship, using small nets or even rods and reels and lures not too different from the kind you probably use . Of the 18.9 million fishermen in the world, 90% of them fall under the latter category.

Most people consume approximately twice as much food as they did 50 years ago and there are four times as many people on earth as there were at the close of the 1960s. This is one driver of the 30% of commercially fished waters being classified as being ‘overfished’. This means that the stock of available fishing waters is being depleted faster than it can be replaced.

Overfishing comes with detrimental effects on the environment, including increased algae in the water, destruction of fishing communities, ocean littering as well as extremely high rates of biodiversity loss.

As part of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 14) , the UN and FAO are working towards maintaining the proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels. This, however, requires much stricter regulations of the world’s oceans than the ones already in place. In July 2022, the WTO banned fishing subsidies to reduce global overfishing in a historic deal. Indeed, subsidies for fuel, fishing gear, and building new vessels, only incentivise overfishing and represent thus a huge problem. 

You might also like: 7 Solutions to Overfishing We Need Right Now

14. Cobalt Mining

Cobalt is quickly becoming the defining example of the mineral conundrum at the heart of the renewable energy transition . As a key component of battery materials that power electric vehicles (EVs), cobalt is facing a sustained surge in demand as decarbonisation efforts progress. The  world’s largest cobalt supplier is the Democratic Republic of Congo  (DRC), where it is estimated that up to a fifth of the production is produced through artisanal miners.

Cobalt mining , however, is associated with  dangerous workers’ exploitation and other serious environmental and social issues. The environmental costs of cobalt mining activities are also substantial. Southern regions of the DRC are not only home to cobalt and copper, but also large amounts of uranium. In mining regions, scientists have made note of high radioactivity levels. In addition, mineral mining, similar to other industrial mining efforts, often produces pollution that leaches into neighbouring rivers and water sources. Dust from pulverised rock is known to cause breathing problems for local communities as well.

15. Soil Degradation

Organic matter is a crucial component of soil as it allows it to absorb carbon from the atmosphere. Plants absorb CO2 from the air naturally and effectively through photosynthesis and part of this carbon is stored in the soil as  soil organic carbon (SOC). Healthy soil has a minimum of 3-6% organic matter. However, almost everywhere in the world, the content is much lower than that.

According to the United Nations, about 40% of the planet’s soil is degraded . Soil degradation refers to the loss of organic matter, changes in its structural condition and/or decline in soil fertility and it is often the result of human activities, such as traditional farming practices including the use of toxic chemicals and pollutants. If business as usual continued through 2050, experts project additional degradation of an area almost the size of South America. But there is more to it. If we do not change our reckless practices and step up to preserve soil health, food security for billions of people around the world will be irreversibly compromised, with an estimated 40% less food  expected to be produced in 20 years’ time despite the world’s population projected to reach 9.3 billion people.

Featured image by Earth.Org Photographer Roy Mangersnes

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Top 11 Environmental Sustainability Issues We Need to Address

The earth has faced numerous environmental sustainability issues and crises from time immemorial, and even our ancient ancestors have known the answer to the question, “Why is environmental sustainability important?” Environmental issues examples abound.  

A study published in the journal  Procedia  noted that “abrupt population decline” might have occurred in the far past due to the ancient “eruption of the super volcano Toba on the island of Sumatra about seventy thousand years ago.” The Roman Empire saw the deforestation of much of the Mediterranean during its centuries-long expansion. And in the space of three decades, the Soviet Union destroyed the Aral Sea in a matter of decades due to the diversion of water. 

The environmental issues we face today are radically different than those humanity had to deal with in previous generations, and this post will offer a list of  environmental problems and solutions  we can address today. 

Trash and pollution on beach

#1: Climate Change

Largely considered the most urgent and impactful contemporary environmental crises by scientists and other experts, climate change is the most high-profile challenge facing the world today. For years, public figures such as Al Gore and Greta Thunberg have sounded the alarm regarding growing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, which pundits fear could lead to a lingering increase in global temperatures for centuries to come.  Georgetown University  states, “Scientists predict that if the increase in greenhouse gas emissions continues unabated, temperatures will rise by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of this century.” Georgetown also noted that “the five warmest years on record have occurred in the last decade. 

Unfortunately, the way forward on climate change isn’t easy to chart. In 2019,  U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres  stated, “We need more concrete plans, more ambition from more countries and more businesses. We need all financial institutions, public and private, to choose, once and for all, the green economy.” Unfortunately, not all nations have gotten on board with this way of thinking. For instance,  Carbon Brief  noted that China has regularly been responsible for a tenth of all human-prompted climate change. 

#2: Natural Resource Use

One of the top environmental problems facing the world is the challenge of natural resource use. Virtually all economic activity ties into  natural resource use , and many environmental activists decry not only the rapid exploitation of various inputs, but also the growing gulf between the wealthy and the less advantaged. For instance, the use of water by one community can threaten the existence of another and even permanently alter nature itself.  

Managing this challenge will require forward-thinking planning and taking into account the environmental impact. As the  U.N. Environment Programme  states, “We are facing a historic choice about how we use resources and the report scopes the potential of innovation, rethinking economic growth and the role of cities in building more resource efficient economies.” 

#3: Waste Production

Waste management and production  is a key point that numerous environmental issues articles highlight. Dramatic pictures of refuse-choked waterways and giant floating patches of oceanic waste have highlighted the dangers of improperly disposed plastic. Similarly, electronic waste represents both an environmental danger and a missed opportunity given the inherent value of computers, peripherals, cellular phones, and other electronics that get tossed rather than recycled. In fact, the  EPA  states that only about one-quarter of all e-waste gets recycled.  

And then there’s the challenge of food waste. Not only do consumers in developed countries throw away large amounts of food due to its appearance, but substantial losses also occur early on in the growth cycle.  The Journal of Agricultural Science  notes that “among crops, the total global potential loss due to pests varied from about 50% in wheat to more than 80% in cotton production. The responses are estimated as losses of 26–29% for soybean, wheat and cotton, and 31, 37 and 40% for maize, rice and potatoes, respectively.” The need for environmentally friendly pest-remediation measures is more important than ever to avoid further stressing the planet.  

#4: Water Pollution

Earth has been called the Blue Planet due to the proliferation of water on its surface, but far less of that liquid is potable than the casual observer might think. According to the  World Wildlife Federation , “Only 3% of the world’s water is fresh water, and two-thirds of that is tucked away in frozen glaciers or otherwise unavailable for our use. As a result, some 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water, and a total of 2.7 billion find water scarce for at least one month of the year.” 

To make things even worse, water pollution puts potable water supplies at risk.  “The United Nations World Water Development Report 2017”  found that “globally, it is likely that over 80% of wastewater is released to the environment without adequate treatment. … Increased discharges of inadequately treated wastewater are contributing to the further degradation of water quality in surface and groundwater. As water pollution critically affects water availability, it needs to be properly managed in order to mitigate the impacts of increasing water scarcity.” 

#5: Deforestation

Data from  NASA  shows that forests cover nearly a third of the world’s landmass, and they play an incredibly important role in the wider environment. For example, forests: 

  • Remove carbon dioxide from the air 
  • Prevent erosion  
  • Protect against floods 
  • Encourage biodiversity 
  • Provide timber and other related resources (e.g., mushrooms, maple syrup, usable barks, berries) 

Unfortunately, developing nations too often resort to practices such as slash-and-burn clearing and failing to care for the soil afterward, which perpetuates a vicious cycle requiring the clearing of yet more trees. 

#6: Overfishing

While fishing supports human populations across the globe and isn’t inherently harmful to the wider world, poor fishing practices can cause lasting harm. How? When more fish get harvested than current populations can produce, a deficit develops. If such deficits continue unabated, fisheries can become economically unviable, endangered, and even extinct.  

Sometimes this occurs not due to the specific targeting of a species, but because of incidental and unintentional catches. In addition to the elimination of harmful subsidies, the establishment of technologically advanced fishing methods, fishing rights, and public education can safeguard at-risk fisheries. 

Environmental concepts

#7: Ocean Acidification

Few laymen are aware that the ocean absorbs almost a third of the carbon dioxide released into the world. Even fewer know that increased carbon emissions can also impact water quality, altering the pH of the ocean itself. The  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  has noted that the past 200 years has seen “approximately a 30 percent increase in [ocean] acidity,” which directly impacts so-called “shell building” creatures. Studies have linked reef bleaching, reef death, mollusk death, and ecosystem disturbance to this increasing acidification.  

#8: Air Pollution

The  World Health Organization  (WHO) defines air pollution as “fine particles in polluted air that penetrate deep into the lungs and cardiovascular system, causing diseases including stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and respiratory infections. Industry, transportation, coal power plants and household solid fuel usage are major contributors to air pollution.”  

Like many environmental risks, air pollution doesn’t impact every corner of the world the same. Whereas many western corporations have learned what is environmental sustainability in business, the same can’t be said for other areas. WHO reports that, “in the Western Pacific Region alone, around 2.2 million people die each year” from air pollution. 

#9: Water Scarcity

Water scarcity threatens the well-being of communities and ecosystems worldwide. The availability of fresh water is rapidly declining, putting millions of people at risk. Aquatic ecosystems, vital for biodiversity, are also suffering as water sources dry up. 

Collective action is essential in addressing water scarcity. Sustainable water management practices, such as efficient irrigation and responsible consumption, can help conserve water. Rainwater harvesting and recycling graywater are practical measures. Educating communities about water conservation is crucial, empowering individuals to make informed choices. 

International cooperation is vital in tackling water scarcity on a global scale. Sharing best practices and promoting collaborations can lead to effective water management strategies. By working together, we can ensure equitable access to water resources and create a sustainable future. 

#10: Sustainable Food Production & Demand

Food production and demand present significant challenges to achieving environmental sustainability. As the global population continues to grow, the need for food escalates, putting strain on agricultural systems and the natural environment. 

Sustainable farming practices are vital. Conventional methods harm soil, water, and biodiversity. Organic farming, permaculture, and regenerative agriculture promote soil health, water conservation, and reduced chemical use. These practices contribute to resilient ecosystems and healthier food systems. Addressing food waste is crucial. Globally, one-third of all food produced is wasted , squandering resources and increasing emissions. Better supply chain management, consumer education, and innovative initiatives can minimize waste and its environmental impact. 

Collaboration is essential. Individuals can support local and organic producers, reduce waste, and choose sustainable options. Businesses should adopt sustainable practices. Policymakers must enact regulations and incentives for sustainable agriculture. 

Education and awareness drive change. Promoting knowledge about sustainable farming and responsible consumption empowers individuals to make informed decisions. 

#11: Decreasing Biodiversity

Human activities, such as habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, invasive species, and overexploitation, contribute to the decline of biodiversity. As species disappear, ecosystems suffer, losing crucial functions like pollination and nutrient cycling. 

The consequences of decreasing biodiversity affect both ecosystems and humanity. Ecosystems become vulnerable to disruptions and lose their ability to provide essential services. Communities relying on biodiversity for agriculture, fisheries, and tourism face food insecurity, economic instability, and cultural loss. The loss of keystone species and ecological disruptions can also lead to the spread of diseases and the collapse of ecosystems. 

Conservation efforts are essential to address declining biodiversity. Protecting and restoring habitats, including through the establishment of protected areas, is crucial. Sustainable land-use practices and mitigation of climate change impacts are also necessary. Collaboration between governments, organizations, and communities, including indigenous peoples, is vital. Education and international cooperation play key roles in raising awareness and sharing best practices. 

Reading about the challenges facing the environment can feel daunting and solving the issues of Spaceship Earth may seem impossible. Yet there’s still hope! NREP SM   certified  professionals and other environmental workers are making strides each and every day to safeguard the globe.  

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Top 111 Environmental Issues Research Topics to Explore

The environment is experiencing a series of problems that have never been seen before. Climate change , which is about to occur, the terrifying rate at which biodiversity is decreasing, and pollution as a ubiquitous problem, among others, have made environmental issues some of the main concerns in today’s world. 

It is important to carry out research and create awareness on these critical topics in order to achieve positive transformation and develop sustainable solutions. 

This list contains 111 thought-provoking and pertinent environmental research topics that will be invaluable for students, academics, policymakers, or anyone else who cares about protecting our planet’s future. 

Whether you are investigating the complexity of ecosystem networks and human activities’ effects on them or looking for new ways of preserving the environment, these issues are perfect for exploring the intricacies of our natural world with an eye toward making it more sustainable.

Importance of Environmental Research

Table of Contents

Studying the environment is extremely important. By doing careful research, we can better understand the connections between human actions and nature. Environmental research helps us in several key ways:

  • Growing our Knowledge 

It expands what we know about complex ecosystems, climate patterns, diverse life forms, pollution issues, and how different parts of the environment are linked together. This knowledge lays the groundwork for making good decisions.

  • Identifying Environmental Dangers

Research helps spot new environmental threats, such as new types of pollution, habitat loss, or the effects of climate change, by closely examining data and evidence. Knowing about these threats means we can take action to prevent or reduce potential harm.

  • Finding Sustainable Solutions

By examining what causes environmental damage, researchers can create new solutions for sustainability—using resources wisely and protecting the environment. Solutions could involve new technologies, policy changes, or changing human behaviors.

  • Guiding Policies and Decisions

Environmental research gives policymakers, governments, and organizations the scientific proof and facts needed to make smart choices about environmental rules, conservation efforts, and sustainable development plans.

  • Raising Public Awareness

Research findings shared through simple communication play a huge role in raising the public’s awareness of environmental issues. This can influence public opinion and motivate people to be more environmentally responsible.

By investing in environmental research, we gain extremely valuable insights into our planet’s complex workings. This allows us to develop strategies to tackle environmental threats, protect diverse life, and promote sustainability for present and future generations.

Recommended Readings: “225 Social Work Research Topics For College Students – Ideas For College Students “.

Top 111 Environmental Issues Research Topics

Here is our list of the top 111 environmental issues research topics, organized into different categories; let’s take a look. 

Climate Change and Global Warming

  • How melting ice at the North and South poles raises sea levels.
  • How cutting down forests makes climate change worse.
  • Ways to reduce the pollution from cars and trucks.
  • What happens to oceans when they become more acidic?
  • Reviewing if global agreements, like the Paris Agreement, really work.
  • How bad weather harms communities and buildings.
  • Ways to switch to cleaner energy like wind and solar power.
  • How farm animals produce gas that’s bad for the environment.
  • Big cities are becoming hotter than surrounding areas.
  • Finding ways for places to handle extreme weather.

Biodiversity and Conservation

  • Why is losing homes for animals and plants a big problem?
  • Why saving some animals and plants can save whole ecosystems.
  • Ways to stop people from selling endangered animals and plants.
  • Programs to help animals and plants in danger of disappearing.
  • How can tourists help protect nature and help local people?
  • Why can animals and plants from other places be a problem?
  • Why is having many different plants and animals important?
  • How pollution makes water dangerous for plants and animals.
  • How some native people can help protect the environment.
  • Making special areas where nature is kept safe.

Pollution and Waste Management

  • What happens when too much plastic gets into the oceans?
  • Ways to use less plastic and make more things out of recycled plastic.
  • How dirty air hurts people’s health.
  • What happens when old electronics get thrown away?
  • Dirty water from factories and farms goes into rivers.
  • Cleaning up places that are dirty from old factories.
  • Why loud noises can hurt animals and people.
  • Getting rid of dangerous waste safely.
  • What happens when too many lights at night hurt nature?
  • Making chemicals that don’t hurt the environment.

Water Resources and Management

  • How to save water in places where it’s very dry.
  • What happens when there’s not enough water for farmers?
  • Medicine and soap are getting into the water.
  • Making dirty rivers and lakes clean again.
  • How wetlands can help clean water and stop floods.
  • Using less water in cities and on farms.
  • Why climate change makes water harder to find.
  • Sharing water with people who live nearby.
  • What happens when drilling deep into the ground for gas?
  • Making sure everyone has clean bathrooms.

Land Use and Agriculture

  • How farming can make the ground worse.
  • Ways to farm without making climate change worse.
  • Cities were growing too big and covering up nature.
  • Making dry places into places where things can grow again.
  • Growing trees where crops are grown too.
  • Why is having only one kind of plant a bad idea?
  • The ground is getting dirty from bug killers and metals.
  • Making rules about where things can be built.
  • People who have always lived in a place protecting nature.
  • Growing food in cities to help everyone eat.

Renewable Energy and Technology

  • New ways to get energy from the sun.
  • How wind can make electricity without pollution.
  • Machines using the power of ocean waves.
  • Getting heat from underground to make electricity.
  • Better batteries to save energy from the sun and wind.
  • Poor countries having a hard time getting clean energy.
  • Smart ways to use electricity in homes and cities.
  • Mixing clean energy into what we already use.
  • Big dams hurting animals and plants.
  • Making energy from things that were once alive.

Environmental Policy and Governance

  • Checking if projects hurt nature before they start.
  • How laws can make businesses pollute less.
  • How groups speaking up for nature can change laws.
  • Fair treatment for everyone when fixing problems.
  • Countries work together to fix problems they share.
  • Why is it hard to stop people from selling animals and plants?
  • Listening to people who have lived in a place for a long time.
  • Taxes and rewards for making less pollution.
  • Companies take care of the planet they use.
  • What people know and feel about nature and rules.

Human Health and Environment

  • How getting nature dirty can make people sick.
  • Breathing in dirty air makes people cough.
  • How bug killers and other chemicals can hurt people.
  • Having clean water to drink, cook, and wash with.
  • Bugs spread sickness faster when it gets hotter.
  • Feeling sad or worried when bad things happen to nature.
  • Everyone has the same chance to see a doctor.
  • Feel better when there are parks and trees around.
  • Jobs that are bad for people and the planet.
  • Teaching doctors and nurses about nature and sickness.

Environmental Education and Communication

  • Learning about nature helps take care of it.
  • Making people care about nature by talking to them.
  • Teaching kids in school about taking care of nature.
  • How TV and news tell people about problems in nature.
  • Regular people help scientists with their work.
  • Telling stories about nature to make people care.
  • Using social media to talk about nature and problems.
  • Sharing stories about nature to make people care more.
  • Making sure everyone knows about nature, even if they’re far away.
  • Checking if teaching about nature works well.

Sustainable Development and Green Economy

  • Using things again and again to make less trash.
  • Using money to help make things better for nature.
  • Jobs in clean energy and helping nature.
  • Making cars and trucks that don’t make bad air.
  • Using only what’s needed so as not to make extra trash.
  • Making things better for people who don’t have much.
  • Making cities with trees and parks to help with heat and rain.
  • Traveling in a way that doesn’t hurt nature.
  • Using machines that don’t make the air dirty.
  • Helping neighborhoods without hurting nature.

Ecosystem Services and Natural Resource Management

  • How does nature help people, and what is it worth?
  • Paying to keep nature safe and healthy.
  • Using nature to help with big weather changes.
  • Fishing and taking care of oceans and rivers.
  • Bugs that help plants make food and other plants.
  • Trees and grasses that stop water from washing away land.
  • Cleaning up land and water that’s dirty.
  • Using what people knew about nature long ago to help now.
  • Parks and trees help people and nature in cities.
  • Fixing a broken nature can help with big problems.
  • People who lived somewhere for a long time took care of nature.

These topics cover a wide range of environmental issues and offer ample opportunities for research and exploration within each category. Feel free to select a topic that aligns with your interests and expertise for further investigation.

Tips For Choosing the Right Environmental Issues Research Topics 

With so many big environmental issues to study, picking the perfect research topic can feel really hard. But by thinking about a few key things, you can find a topic that fits what you like and your goals and can make an important impact. Here are some helpful tips to guide you:

  • Find Your Passion: Choose a topic that truly excites and motivates you. When you really care about the subject, you’ll work on the research with joy and hard work, leading to better results.
  • Look at Current Events: Search for topics that are in the news right now or being talked about a lot in the science world. Studying current issues can make your research more impactful and relevant.
  • Study Local Problems: Examine environmental problems in your local area or region. Focusing on issues that directly affect your community can provide useful insights and solutions tailored to your situation.
  • Check for Links Across Topics: Many environmental issues connect to multiple subjects, such as science, economics, policy, and social studies. Exploring these links across different topics can lead to unique and insightful research angles.
  • Find Knowledge Gaps: Review existing research to identify areas that need more study. Filling these gaps in knowledge can greatly advance our understanding of environmental challenges.
  • Consider What’s Realistic: Consider whether your chosen topic is possible based on your resources, access to information, and the size of the research. Finding a balance between dreaming big and being realistic is key.
  • Ask for Help: Talk to professors, researchers, or professionals to gain valuable advice on selecting an impactful research topic.

Remember, the right environmental research topic should excite you and give you a chance to make meaningful progress on environmental issues . 

By carefully considering these tips, you can find a topic that fits your goals and makes an important contribution to environmental sustainability.

Closing Up 

The environmental problems we face today are very complicated, but through hard work researching and finding solutions, we can build a path toward a more sustainable future. 

The 111 research topics in this big list offer a wide range of opportunities to explore the complex workings of nature deeply and find ways to tackle major issues like climate change, the loss of plant and animal species, pollution, and overuse of resources.

Whether you are a student wanting to make an important contribution, a researcher driven by curiosity, or someone passionate about protecting the environment, these topics provide a solid foundation for exploration and discovery. 

By combining different subjects, working together, and using the power of scientific study, we can gain extremely valuable insights and create new strategies to reduce environmental damage and promote harmony between humans and the natural world.

Environment research is not just for academics; it is crucial work that could shape policies, influence behaviors, and inspire collective action toward a greener, stronger planet. 

As we begin these research journeys, let’s feel a sense of urgency and be firm in our commitment to uncovering solutions that protect the delicate balance of our ecosystems for future generations.

How do I choose an environmental research topic that is relevant and impactful?

Look for topics that align with current global priorities like the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals or issues frequently discussed at major environmental conferences. You can also consult experts to gauge the potential impact of your chosen topic.

Can I combine multiple environmental issues into one research topic?

Yes, absolutely! Many environmental challenges are interconnected, so exploring the relationships between different issues can lead to insightful research. For example, you could look at the links between deforestation, biodiversity loss, and climate change.

Are there any underrepresented or emerging environmental topics to consider?

Yes, there are several underrepresented or new issues that need more attention, such as environmental justice, impacts of microplastics, environmental effects of cryptocurrency mining, and the role of traditional ecological knowledge in conservation.

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  • 20 August 2024

How ‘green’ electricity from wood harms the planet — and people

  • Melba Newsome 0

Melba Newsome is a freelance journalist in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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A truck takes wood to an Enviva wood-pellet plant in Garysburg, North Carolina. Credit: Mehmet Demirci/Redux/eyevine

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The town of Hamlet, North Carolina, seemed to hit the jackpot in September 2014. After the community had endured decades of economic despair and high poverty rates, the world’s largest producer of wood-based energy, Enviva Biomass, announced plans to open a major facility nearby that would turn wood into dense pellets that can be used as fuel. The project promised 80 well-paying jobs for residents in Hamlet and the surrounding area. It seemed like a win for both local people and the planet.

The company’s plant, which opened in 2019, is part of a global expansion in the use of wood — or solid biomass — to generate electricity. Pellet companies advertise their products as a renewable-energy source that lowers carbon emissions, and the European Union agrees, which has spurred many countries, including the United Kingdom, Belgium and Denmark, to embrace this form of energy. As with similar projects worldwide, Enviva Biomass, which is based in Bethesda, Maryland, said that its operations in Hamlet would displace fossil fuels, grow more trees and help to fight climate change.

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But opposition is building on many fronts. An expanding body of research shows that burning solid biomass to generate electricity often emits huge amounts of carbon — even more than burning coal does. In February 2021, more than 500 scientists and economists signed a letter to US president Joe Biden and other world leaders urging them to not support using wood to generate energy, arguing that it harms biodiversity and increases carbon emissions. Although pellet companies advertise that their operations consume low-quality wood, this claim has come under increased scrutiny, with mounting evidence of significant deforestation around wood-pellet plants.

Residents living near wood-pellet facilities are increasingly complaining about the harmful impacts from air pollution, traffic and noise coming from the wood-pellet operations. And in many cases, these facilities are located near marginalized communities lacking political power.

In Hamlet, 45% of the population identifies as Black, and in the tiny community closest to the mill, about 90% of people are Black, says Debra David, a local resident and activist. She calls the Enviva operation a clear case of environmental racism — layering environmental burdens on an already vulnerable population. David rattles off the names of poultry farms, a chemical company, a natural-gas plant and gravel mines in or near the town. “We are very much overloaded here,” she says.

Enviva did not respond to multiple requests to comment about concerns raised in this article relating to the Hamlet plant and its other operations.

The green gold rush

The big push towards biomass began with the European Commission’s 2009 Renewable Energy Directive, the legal framework for developing renewable energy in all sectors of the EU economy . It became known as the 20-20-20 climate and energy package, and mandated three goals to reach by 2020: reduce EU greenhouse-gas emissions by 20% from 1990 levels; increase the renewable portion of EU energy consumption to 20%; and improve EU energy efficiency by 20%. The directive was initially hailed by environmentalists for taking concrete steps towards limiting global warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels — the international goal set by the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

As part of the 20-20-20 package, the EU set standards to reduce carbon emissions by using more biofuels. Since then, EU countries have handed out substantial subsidies to the wood-pellet industry, which have amounted to billions of Euros in the past few years. An assessment from Trinomics, a consultancy firm based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, found that ten EU countries that were analysed in the study spent more than €6.3 billion (US$6.9 billion) in subsidies for solid biomass energy to produce electricity in 2021 (see go.nature.com/3m4mbm2 ).

The support for wood biomass relies on the idea that carbon emitted by burning biomass will be absorbed by the regrowth of vegetation that replaces the trees used by the industry. But in the past decade, a growing number of scientists have challenged this assumption.

Aerial view of a biomass wood pellet production plant shows huge piles of felled logs and sawdust

Enviva’s wood-pellet manufacturing facility in Garysburg, North Carolina. Credit: Erin Schaff/The New York Times/Redux/eyevine

John Sterman, the director of the System Dynamics Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management in Cambridge, is one of the researchers who signed the 2021 letter. In 2018, Sterman and his colleagues did a life-cycle analysis of the effects of replacing coal with wood to generate electricity ( J. D. Sterman et al . Environ . Res . Lett . 13 , 015007; 2018 ). They found that this substitution could exacerbate climate change until at least 2100, mainly because it takes decades for trees to regrow on harvested land and to remove enough carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Sterman and his colleagues calculated that it would take between 44 and 104 years for new trees to absorb as much CO 2 as the amount generated by wood bioenergy that displaces coal. Despite claims that it helps the fight against global warming, he says, “our conclusion is no, it actually makes climate change worse”.

In 2019, the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC) reviewed the EU’s policies and concluded that they are failing to recognize that removing forest carbon stocks for bioenergy leads to an initial increase in emissions (see go.nature.com/3wkqupk ). “Using biomass emits even more CO 2 to the atmosphere per energy generated than even fossil fuels,” says Michael Norton, a co-director of the environment programme at the EASAC secretariat in Vienna.

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Eventually, biomass energy will produce less carbon than fossil fuels do. But the time it takes to make up for the extra initial emissions, says Norton, “is so long as to worsen climate change for decades to centuries — hardly an effective climate strategy given that we are already overshooting Paris agreement targets”.

Researchers have pointed out other problems with the way wood pellets are accounted for in carbon-emission assessments. In particular, the EU accounts for greenhouse-gas emissions associated with biomass at the point of production, not the point of combustion. That allows EU countries relying on biomass to avoid including emissions from this source in their tallies and creates an incentive to use biomass energy, say Sterman and other researchers.

In 2023, the EU announced that it was considering changing its climate policies concerning energy produced from wood biofuels. Forest advocates and biomass opponents were thrilled — but the EU eventually decided that biomass from wood will remain classified as renewable energy.

When trees fall in the forest

Beyond climate concerns, some researchers also warn that the wood-pellet industry harms forests and promotes deforestation. On its website, Enviva says that it produces pellets from low-value wood, such as trees that are unsuitable for other industries, tops and limbs that cannot be processed into lumber, deformed trees and by-products from other industries, such as sawdust. The company says it “does not source from old growth forests, protected forests, or forests that are harvested for land use conservation”.

But many environmental groups and media outlets have photographed stacks of mature hardwood trees waiting to be delivered to Enviva processing plants — and the clear-cut woods left behind. The Dogwood Alliance, a non-profit conservation organization in Asheville, North Carolina, estimates that Enviva facilities in North Carolina consume about 50,000 acres of forest each year, raising questions about Enviva’s practices.

Christopher Williams, an environmental scientist at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, analysed satellite data of forest cover near several Enviva pellet mills. In a report conducted for the Southern Environmental Law Center, a non-profit organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia, Williams found that rates of forest loss from 2001 to 2016 near three Enviva mills were more than double that of a region with similar forests that was not located near a mill (see go.nature.com/4fsb79w ).

“We found that the area of forest-lands cleared each year increased markedly after the initiation of pellet-mill operations,” said Williams.

Along with increasing scrutiny and criticism of the biomass industry in the past few years, some companies have run into economic headwinds. Citing debts exceeding US$2.6 billion, Enviva filed for bankruptcy in March.

A resident of Gloster, Mississippi, wearing a face maskstandins next to a vehicle with a biomass production plant in the background

In 2020, the Drax pellet plant in Gloster, Mississippi, paid a US$2.5-million penalty for air-pollution violations. Credit: Eric J. Shelton/Mississippi Today

According to the industry publication Biomass Magazine , there are now more than 100 wood-pellet plants in the United States, scattered across the country. But the world’s largest wood-pellet producers, such as Drax, based in Selby, UK, and Enviva, have staked their futures in the southeast and south of the United States.

Enviva now operates ten US wood-pellet facilities — one each in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia; two in Mississippi and four in North Carolina. Besides the issues of the industry’s environmental impact, there are also concerns about the effects of these operations on the health of people living nearby.

Many residents in the four counties of North Carolina where Enviva plants are located, say the wood-pellet operations have placed a heavy burden on the health of vulnerable communities.

Wood-pellet facilities in the south are about 50% more likely to be located in “communities already besieged by polluting industries and environmental injustices”, says Heather Hillaker, an attorney at the Southern Environmental Law Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. “So, you have all the cumulative impacts as well as the disproportionate impacts on these communities.”

Despite concerns raised about the wood-pellet industry, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) permitted the construction of Enviva’s Hamlet facility, and its subsequent requests for expansion.

Breathing problems

David describes the near-constant smell of rotten eggs that comes from living downwind of the plant, but she mostly worries about the long-term health consequences of the poor air quality. She says she started having breathing problems not long after the facility began its round-the-clock operations. At one point, her oxygen levels dipped so low that she needed supplemental oxygen daily. Now, she uses an albuterol rescue inhaler and a once-daily inhaled asthma treatment. And she says she’s not alone.

“There are 12 families in my area and 8 of them have albuterol pumps and take asthma medicine,” says David. “One lady had her child checked at four months old and she tested [positive] for asthma. That wouldn’t be happening in a newborn if this air wasn’t infected with dust.”

“The Hamlet facility is a prime example that, historically, these wood-pellet manufacturing facilities were permitted based on incorrect information about their emissions of volatile organic compounds,” says Hillaker.

“It took many, many years of submitting comments, public comments, pursuing, in some cases, lawsuits or administrative challenges to get the agencies and the companies to acknowledge the reality of the VOC [volatile organic compounds] emissions and address it through appropriate control technologies,” says Hillaker.

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Environmental organizations and communities with local wood-pellet operations have brought complaints against operators with varying levels of success. A suit filed against Enviva in North Carolina in 2019 led the state’s DEQ to require the company to invest in more-sophisticated pollution-capture devices on its smokestacks — although those living near the plants say they have not noticed a big difference in air quality.

A federal suit in Texas against another biomass company, Woodville Pellets, alleging violations of the federal Clean Air Act, led to an agreement in which Woodville paid a penalty of more than $500,000 and installed new pollution controls. As part of the agreement, Woodville Pellets denied the allegations and maintained that the agreement does not constitute an admission of liability.

After Drax’s pellet plant in Gloster, Mississippi, paid a $2.5-million civil penalty for air-pollution violations in 2020, the company settled similar claims in Bastrop, Louisiana, and Urania, Louisiana, for a total of $3.2 million in September 2022, although the company denied that it committed any violations.

Drax told Nature that it has “engaged an independent, third-party to conduct an air toxics impact analysis. Those results support that there are no adverse effects to human health from the facility and determined that no modelled pollutant from the facility exceeded the acceptable ambient concentration”. It adds that the company seeks “100% compliance with our permits and has installed additional technology to manage emissions”.

In response to concerns about carbon emissions from biomass energy, Drax says that multiple governments, as well as scientists, classify biomass as carbon neutral.

A path forward

In the heart of south Georgia lies the rural town of Adel, with a population of 5,500. The residents of the city’s west side, most of whom are Black, have lived alongside polluting industries for decades. But three years ago, the community found itself embroiled in two climate-justice battles.

The first one started in 2021, when Georgia’s Environmental Protection Division issued a permit to the Renewable Biomass Group, a wood-pellet production company, for a facility that would produce 450,000 tonnes of wood pellets per year. The company had not even broken ground for its facility when, in October 2021, another biomass company, Spectrum Energy, applied to construct and operate a wood-pellet manufacturing facility that would produce 600,000 tonnes each year, which would make it one of the largest in the world.

Concerned Citizens of Cook County (4C), a social and environmental justice organization in Adel, and 14 other public-interest organizations opposed the permit for the Spectrum plant. “We were already overburdened with multiple industries and legacy pollution,” says Treva Gear, a community activist and the founder of 4C.

Opponents of the plants said that the proposed Spectrum wood-pellet facility would further harm the neighbourhood of Black and Hispanic residents and threaten the health and welfare of local people.

In 2022, the state approved the permit for Spectrum to commence two phases of construction and operation. In December 2022, Spectrum reached out to Adel community organizers and their lawyers, at the Southern Environmental Law Center, to seek a compromise.

Although initially reluctant to bargain, Gear says that they realized that negotiation might be their best hope, because they doubted the state regulatory agency would take their side in the dispute. The two sides reached an agreement in which Spectrum pledged to mitigate potential noise and visual concerns. The agreement also includes the potential for adding more air-pollution control measures.

In an e-mail response to a request for comment about the plant’s impacts, Spectrum president Michael Ainsworth said that Spectrum’s participation in the settlement was voluntary, despite having already received a favourable ruling from the Georgia’s Environmental Protection Division. “Spectrum also agreed to be transparent with the community and to share more information than required by the regulations and also to share information more often than required,” wrote Ainsworth.

Community activists such as Gear are taking solace in winning these concessions because they can see that the deck is stacked against them with the increasing global demand for wood pellets.

“We reached a settlement agreement that put us in a position to have probably the cleanest wood-pellet plant in the world,” she says.

It’s a victory for the local community, but as the biomass industry continues to expand globally, these kinds of battle will become more common as debates over the impacts of wood pellets heat up.

Nature 632 , 726-728 (2024)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-024-02676-z

Melba Newsome has a fellowship from the Alicia Patterson foundation, which provided support for this story.

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environmental health pollution

What is environmental health?

Examining a massive influence on our health: the environment..

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We've been reporting on environmental health for 20 years. But what is environmental health? You've got questions, and we have answers.

Environmental health is a branch of public health that monitors the relationship between human health and the environment, examining aspects of both our natural and human-made environment and their effect on human wellbeing.

What is an example of environmental health?

Living near factories or heavy traffic worsens air quality and leads to health impacts on the lungs and heart.

Credit: Kouji Tsuru / Unsplash

Environmental health is a broad area of study — everything from the climate to the food we eat to the air we breathe plays into environmental health. A few specific examples include:

  • Air pollution: Living near factories or heavy traffic worsens air quality and leads to health impacts on the lungs and heart such as asthma and increased risk of heart attacks or stroke.
  • Water contamination: Drinking lead-contaminated water can cause IQ loss, behavioral issues, learning disabilities and more. Infants and young children are most at risk.
  • Toxic chemicals in consumer products: Phthalates, a class of chemicals that are widely used in consumer products, are known endocrine-disruptors, meaning they hijack your body’s hormones and can cause a wide array of health impacts including increased risk of cancer and fertility issues.

What is the role of environmental health?

The role of environmental health research is to examine areas of the environment that impact our health so that we can make personal and policy changes to keep ourselves safe and improve human health and wellbeing.

Why is environmental health important?

Credit: Viki Mohamad / Unsplash

Environmental health impacts every one of us.

We reap the benefits of clean air, clean water, and healthy soil. If our environment is unhealthy, with toxic chemicals saturating our resources and pollution abundant, then our health also suffers.

It is also an important field of study because it looks at the “unseen” influences on your health.

Many individuals may not associate their health problems with air or water quality, or with what clothes they wear, makeup and household goods they use, or food they eat.

That’s because not every example of environmental health problems are obvious: some chemicals, for example, build up slowly over time in your body: a small dose may not seem to bring harm, but repeated small doses can lead to later impacts.

  • BPA absorbed through plastic containers, cans, receipts, etc. lingers in the body and the build-up over time increases risk of cancer, diabetes, liver failure, and more.
  • PFAS are known as ‘forever chemicals ’— they don’t break down and are widely used, so small exposures are frequent and contribute to immune system and reproductive damages, heightened cholesterol levels, and more.
  • Mercury from eating seafood and shellfish can impact neurological development of fetuses in the womb, and populations that regularly consume mercury-heavy seafood have shown mild cognitive impairment.

Also, individual susceptibility can differ: for example, one member of a household can experience illness, asthma, migraines, etc. from chemicals found in their water supply while another member of the same household is just fine, such as the case in a young girl’s reaction to benzene in her water from living near fracking wells.

Certain variables play a role in susceptibility and level of adverse health effects such as age, gender, pregnancy, and underlying health conditions. Studies suggest fetuses, infants and children are much more at risk to experience lifelong health problems from toxic chemical exposure.

Rate, duration, and frequency of exposure to toxic chemicals and other influences from our environment all factor into our health.

Good environmental health = good human health.

What environmental health problems affect our health?

Two women extracting from a well in Senegal.

Credit: JordiRamisa

There are many environmental health issues that affect human health. These include:

Air pollution — nine out of 10 people currently breathe air that exceeds the World Health Organization’s guideline limits for air pollution worldwide. This mainly affects people in low and middle-income countries, but in the United States, people that live in cities, or near refineries or factories, are often affected as well.

Air pollution also ramps up during wildfire season.

Read more: Breathless: Pittsburgh's asthma epidemic and the fight to stop it

Water pollution — as of 2014, every year more people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war. Water is the ‘universal solvent’, meaning it can dissolve more substances than any other liquid on Earth. Thus, it is too easy for toxic chemicals to enter our water supply.

Read more: Sacred Water: Environmental justice in Indian Country

Lack of access to health care — yes, this is an environmental health issue! Having an accessible health care system is part of one’s environment. Difficulty getting health care can further impact one’s health.

Poor infrastructure — from “food deserts” to lack of transportation services, living in an area with poor infrastructure can impact your health.

Read more: Agents of Change: Amplifying neglected voices in environmental justice

Climate change — climate change-induced heat waves, increased frequency and severity of large storms, droughts, flooding, etc. have resulted in health problems and even death.

Chemical pollution — chemical pollution can be sneaky: the chemicals in your everyday products, from shampoo to deodorant to your clothing to the food you eat, can directly affect your health. These chemicals are often not on the label or regulated at all.

Read more: Exposed: How willful blindness keeps BPA on shelves and contaminating our bodies

How can we improve our environmental health?

Credit: instaphotos

Educate yourself. Environmental health is a broad topic, so this can seem overwhelming. Start by taking stock of your own personal environment. Look up air pollution monitoring in your area. Get your water tested to see its chemical makeup. Evaluate the products you use in your life — personal products like shampoo and deodorant, household cleaners, air fresheners, the foods that you eat — and see what you’re bringing into your home.

Explore the Environmental Working Group's guides to check your products for toxic chemicals.

We have additional guides to help you learn more about environmental health. Find guides to plastic pollution , environmental justice , glyphosate , BPA , PFAS and more in the Resources tab at the top of our website.

As individuals we have the power to improve some of our environmental health, but there is a pressing need for systemic change and regulation on a policy level.

We’re actively working with scientists to share their research and knowledge with politicians to advocate for science-backed policy change. But we need your help. Contact your representatives to let them know that environmental health is important to you — whether it’s air pollution in your area, contaminated water, plastic pollution, food deserts in your area, or chemicals in consumer products.

Subscribe to Above the Fold , our daily newsletter keeping you up-to-date on environmental health news.

  • Op-Ed: Building a culture of health in the era of climate change - EHN ›
  • Pollution and our mental health - EHN ›
  • Agents of Change: Amplifying neglected voices in environmental ... ›
  • Environmental toll of plastics - EHN ›
  • Environmental Health News ›
  • Amplifying neglected voices in environmental health - EHN ›
  • Air pollution exposure during pregnancy linked to reduced lung function in kids: Study - EHN ›
  • Are microplastics invading the male reproductive system? - EHN ›
  • Meet the teenager upending food and nutrition research - EHN ›
  • WATCH: You have questions about plastics, we have answers - EHN ›

environmental health pollution

About the author(s):

Gwen Ranniger

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New York City’s Trees Work Hard. Still, They Could Use a Little Help.

A chemical reaction involving emissions from cars and buildings can negate their environmental benefits. New research shows what big cities can do about it.

People walking on a foot path in a park with large trees on either side.

By Austyn Gaffney

Oak trees with leaves like outstretched hands and thick, stately trunks reduce the effects of extreme heat around New York City’s five boroughs by shading sidewalks and sucking up planet-warming carbon.

These workhorses also naturally emit a chemical called isoprene. Alone, it is harmless. But when isoprene meets nitrogen oxides, a group of gasses emitted when fossil fuels are burned to power buildings and vehicles, the chemical reaction creates ground-level ozone, a harmful pollutant that can cause respiratory issues.

“The trees themselves don’t create any problems, in fact they solve a lot of problems for us in cities,” said Andrew Reinmann, associate professor of environmental science at the City University of New York and an author of a new study examining the isoprene emissions of city trees. “The problem is cars and fossil fuel combustion in cities that can essentially start to negate or take away some of the benefits that trees are providing us.”

The study, published in July in Environmental Science and Technology , looked at citywide data for every six-by-six-inch square of tree canopy across the five boroughs. The researchers analyzed the types of trees and modeled what could happen to ground-level ozone pollution if the city grew enough trees to cover 40 percent of its land.

In one scenario, if the city only planted oaks, ground-level ozone in Manhattan could increase more than 30 percent. In a second scenario, continuing to plant a mixed canopy like the one that exists today could increase peak ground-level ozone by about 10 percent, depending on the borough.

New York City repeatedly violates federal health-based air quality standards for ozone on hot days, according to the study. Every year more than 400 New Yorkers are estimated to die from ground-level ozone pollution , and more than 4,300 adults and children in the city visit emergency rooms for ozone-related asthma.

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Top 150 Environmental Science Research Topics

Environmental Science Research Topics

Hey there, fellow explorers of the environmental world. Ready to dive into the kingdom of Environmental Science? We’ve got an epic list of the Top 150 Environmental Science Research Topics waiting for you. 

From climate change mysteries to wildlife wonders, this treasure covers it all. Ever wondered about the impact of pollution on our oceans or how to protect endangered species? Curious about sustainable energy or the future of our planet’s forests? We’ve got you covered.

Whether you’re a student seeking inspiration for a killer research paper or just passionate about saving our planet, these topics are your launchpad into discovering, exploring, and understanding the world around us. Get ready to free your inner environmental scientist and make a difference one topic at a time.

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Understanding The Concept Of Environmental Science

Table of Contents

Environmental science is a multidimensional field that examines relationships between human beings and the environment. It delves into understanding, protecting, and sustaining our planet’s health. Here’s a quick glance.

What is Environmental Science?

  • Interdisciplinary Study: Environmental science combines elements of biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and social sciences to understand environmental issues comprehensively.
  • Study of Systems: It focuses on ecosystems, examining how various components interact and influence each other within the environment.

Key Components

  • Biodiversity: Understanding and conserving the variety of life forms on Earth.
  • Climate Change: Examining the impacts of human activities on the Earth’s climate system.
  • Pollution: Investigating the sources, effects, and mitigation strategies for air, water, and soil pollution.
  • Resource Management: Exploring sustainable practices for using and conserving natural resources.

Importance of Environmental Science

  • Critical Problem-Solving: Addresses pressing issues like habitat loss, water scarcity, and global warming.
  • Policy Formation: Provides scientific data to guide environmental policies and regulations.
  • Community Engagement: Educates and involves communities in environmental conservation efforts.

Careers in Environmental Science

  • Environmental Scientist: Conducts research to identify and solve environmental problems.
  • Conservation Biologist: Focuses on protecting and managing natural resources.
  • Environmental Engineer: Designs systems to address environmental challenges.

Future Challenges

  • Sustainable Development: It includes Balancing economic growth via environmental conservation.
  • Climate Resilience: Adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
  • Global Cooperation: Addressing environmental issues requires international collaboration.

Environmental science plays a pivotal role in shaping policies, technologies, and behaviors that contribute to a sustainable future. Understanding its significance empowers us to take proactive steps in preserving our planet for generations to come.

Updated 2024: Top 150 Environmental Science Research Topics

Now we are presenting an extensive collection of current and relevant subjects shaping the field. Covering climate change, biodiversity conservation, pollution, renewable energy, and much more, this curated list reflects the latest trends and pressing issues in environmental science. Dive into these topics to explore cutting edge research opportunities and contribute to the solutions that our planet urgently needs.

Top 10 Research Topics On Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

  • Coastal Protection Measures
  • Resilient Infrastructure Development
  • Sustainable Agriculture in Changing Climates
  • Community-Based Adaptation Initiatives
  • Water Resource Management Strategies
  • Urban Heat Island Mitigation
  • Forest Conservation and Restoration
  • Climate-Resilient Housing Solutions
  • Biodiversity Conservation for Adaptation
  • Renewable Energy Integration for Climate Resilience

Top 10 Research Topics On Biodiversity Conservation

  • Endangered Species Protection Programs
  • Habitat Restoration Initiatives
  • Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity
  • Conservation Genetics and Species Preservation
  • Sustainable Management of Ecosystems
  • Role of National Parks in Biodiversity Conservation
  • Community-Based Conservation Efforts
  • Biodiversity Hotspots and Priority Areas
  • Wildlife Corridors and Connectivity Conservation
  • Invasive Species Management Strategies

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Renewable Energy Sources

  • Solar Energy: Advancements and Applications
  • Wind Power: Harnessing Renewable Energy
  • Hydroelectricity: Sustainable Hydropower Technologies
  • Biomass Energy: Sustainable Fuel Sources
  • Geothermal Energy: Earth’s Renewable Heat Source
  • Tidal and Wave Energy: Harnessing Ocean Power
  • Biofuels: Sustainable Alternatives for Transportation
  • Solar Photovoltaic Technology: Efficiency and Innovation
  • Wind Turbine Technology: Evolution and Efficiency
  • Sustainable Energy Policies and Implementation

Top 10 Research Topics On Pollution Control And Mitigation

  • Air Pollution Control Strategies
  • Water Pollution Remediation Techniques
  • Soil Contamination Management
  • Industrial Pollution Prevention Methods
  • Waste Management and Recycling
  • Noise Pollution Reduction Measures
  • Emission Reduction in Transportation
  • Green Chemistry for Pollution Control
  • Urban Planning for Pollution Mitigation
  • Policy Frameworks for Pollution Control

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Sustainable Agriculture Practices

  • Organic Farming Techniques and Benefits
  • Agroforestry: Integrating Trees in Agriculture
  • Permaculture: Sustainable Farm Design
  • Soil Health Management in Agriculture
  • Precision Agriculture for Resource Efficiency
  • Crop Rotation and Diversification
  • Water-Efficient Irrigation Methods
  • Integrated Pest Management Strategies
  • Sustainable Livestock Farming Practices
  • Climate-Smart Agriculture Techniques

Top 10 Research Topics On Urban Environmental Management

  • Urban Green Spaces and Biodiversity
  • Waste Management in Urban Areas
  • Air Quality Monitoring and Improvement
  • Sustainable Urban Transportation
  • Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategies
  • Stormwater Management in Cities
  • Noise Pollution Control Measures
  • Green Building and Sustainable Architecture
  • Community Engagement in Urban Sustainability
  • Urban Resilience and Adaptation Strategies

Top 10 Research Topics On Water Resource Management

  • Urban Water Conservation Strategies
  • Water Recycling and Reuse Methods
  • Sustainable Groundwater Management
  • Drought Management and Preparedness
  • Efficient Agricultural Water Use
  • River Basin Management and Restoration
  • Stormwater Management Techniques
  • Water Quality Monitoring and Protection
  • Community-Based Water Resource Management
  • Technology for Water Efficiency

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Air Quality Improvement

  • Urban Air Pollution Control Measures
  • Industrial Emission Reduction Strategies
  • Indoor Air Quality Management
  • Impact of Transportation on Air Quality
  • Green Technologies for Air Purification
  • Role of Vegetation in Air Quality Improvement
  • Clean Energy Transition and Air Quality
  • Air Quality Monitoring and Assessment
  • Public Health Interventions for Air Pollution
  • Policy Initiatives for Air Quality Enhancement

Top 10 Research Topics On Ecosystem Restoration

  • Wetland Restoration Strategies
  • Reforestation and Afforestation Programs
  • Coral Reef Rehabilitation Efforts
  • River and Stream Restoration Initiatives
  • Urban Green Spaces and Restoration
  • Degraded Land Restoration Techniques
  • Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration
  • Ecological Restoration in Mining Areas
  • Restoring Biodiversity in Disturbed Ecosystems
  • Restoring Indigenous Ecosystems and Habitats

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Environmental Policy And Governance

  • Climate Change Policies and Agreements
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations
  • National and International Conservation Laws
  • Green Taxation and Incentive Programs
  • Sustainable Development Goals Implementation
  • Biodiversity Conservation Policies
  • Water Resource Management Policies
  • Waste Management Legislation
  • Air Quality Control and Regulations
  • Forest Protection and Governance

Top 10 Research Topics On Wildlife Conservation And Management

  • Wildlife Population Monitoring Techniques
  • Conservation Genetics for Endangered Species
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict Resolution
  • Wildlife Trafficking and Illegal Trade
  • Habitat Fragmentation and Conservation
  • Protected Area Management and Expansion
  • Wildlife Migration Patterns and Conservation
  • Conservation of Keystone Species
  • Captive Breeding and Reintroduction Programs
  • Wildlife Forensics and Crime Investigation

Top 10 Research Topics On Ocean And Coastal Studies

  • Coral Reef Conservation and Restoration
  • Marine Biodiversity Monitoring
  • Coastal Erosion and Management Strategies
  • Ocean Acidification Impacts and Mitigation
  • Marine Pollution: Causes and Solutions
  • Oceanography: Understanding Marine Systems
  • Sustainable Fisheries Management
  • Tsunami and Storm Surge Studies
  • Marine Protected Areas and Conservation
  • Seabed Mining Impacts and Regulations

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Environmental Health And Toxicology

  • Air Quality and Human Health
  • Water Contamination and Public Health
  • Pesticides and Human Exposure
  • Heavy Metals and Health Impacts
  • Endocrine Disruptors in the Environment
  • Occupational Health in Hazardous Environments
  • Environmental Carcinogens and Risks
  • Risk Assessment in Toxicology
  • Environmental Impact on Reproductive Health
  • Neurotoxicity of Environmental Pollutants

Top 10 Research Topics On Green Technology Innovations

  • Smart Grid Technology for Energy Efficiency
  • Energy-Efficient Building Designs
  • Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation
  • Advanced Waste-to-Energy Technologies
  • Nanotechnology in Environmental Remediation
  • Green Chemistry : Sustainable Manufacturing
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology
  • Vertical Farming and Urban Agriculture
  • AI and IoT in Environmental Monitoring
  • Biodegradable Materials and Packaging

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

  • Coastal Zone Adaptation Measures
  • Agriculture Resilience to Climate Change
  • Water Resource Management under Climate Change
  • Infrastructure Adaptation for Extreme Weather
  • Forest and Biodiversity Resilience Strategies
  • Health Sector Adaptation to Changing Climates
  • Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Adaptation
  • Climate-Resilient Energy Infrastructure

And there you have it, folks, our ultimate list of 150 Environmental Science Research Topics. We’ve covered everything from climate change and biodiversity to pollution and renewable energy. But hey, this isn’t the end; it’s just the beginning of your eco-journey. Dive into these topics, explore what sparks your interest, and dig deep into making our planet a better place. Whether it’s studying ways to protect endangered species or finding innovative solutions for a greener tomorrow, there’s a topic here for everyone. So, grab your thinking cap, pick a topic, and let’s get cracking on saving the planet one research topic at a time.

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List of Environmental Issues Examples: 30 Biggest Threats

Decades of careless human actions are destroying habitats and endangering the lives of future generations.

However, many may be unaware of the specific environmental issues that have led to these changes.

Let’s examine the 30 biggest environmental issues facing our planet today and why they should matter to you.

List of 30 Biggest Environmental Issues Today

1. genetic modification, 2. soil contamination and degradation.

Environmental problems caused by man-made chemicals are clear. For example, there has been a 90% reduction in the Monarch butterfly population in the United States which can be linked to weed killers that contain glyphosate .

3. Waste Production

Much of this waste ends up in landfills, which generate enormous amounts of methane.

4. Waste Disposal

Methane output from landfills can be reduced by harvesting it for power generation .

5. Population Growth

The planet’s population grows by 1.13% per year , which works out to 80 million new people yearly.

6. Water Pollution

On a global scale, 2 million tons of sewage, and agricultural and industrial waste enter the world’s water every day.

7. Drinking Water Contamination

Much of the US drinking water is contaminated by chemicals, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, bleach, and pesticides.

8. Deforestation

Furthermore, deforestation is estimated to produce 15% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions . What’s worse is that biomass power plants also contribute to greenhouse emissions.

9. Urban Sprawl

Satellite images produced by NASA have also shown how urban sprawl contributes to forest fragmentation, which often leads to total deforestation.

10. Overfishing

Fisheries have to constrict harvesting further and further to ensure that fish populations can keep up with harvesting – creating further hardships on fishing communities.

11. Acid Rain

12. ozone layer depletion.

Ozone depletion is caused by the release of chemicals, primarily chlorine and bromide , into the atmosphere.

13. Ocean Acidification

It is estimated that ocean acidity will increase by 150% by 2100 if efforts aren’t made to halt it.

14. Air Pollution

Air pollution is becoming an increasingly dangerous problem, particularly in heavily-populated cities.

15. Lowered Biodiversity

Continued pollution and land overuse have resulted in lowered biodiversity .

16. The Nitrogen Cycle

With most of the focus being placed on the carbon cycle, the effects of human use of nitrogen often slip under the radar.

The problem is that when these plants die and decay they reduce the amount of absorbed oxygen in the water which is terrible for the other aquatic life.

17. Natural Resource Depletion

Increased resource use is linked to a number of other environmental issues , such as air pollution and population growth.

18. Transportation

19. polar ice caps.

While in 2022 the Arctic ice pack seems to be rising to some extent, it is still far below the median expected range. The Greenland ice sheet continues with moderate levels of summer melting.

If this pattern continues there could be significant coastal flooding in the next 100 years and contamination of drinking water in low-lying areas.

20. Climate Change

The thing to remember about climate change is that it is not an entity on its own. It is an overarching term that describes all of the issues that ultimately cause global warming .

21. Public Health Issues

The increased population makes it easier for viruses and bacteria to adapt and spread rapidly.

22. Rainforest Loss

The other thing to remember is that the rainforest is incredibly biodiverse. The oxygen produced by the rainforest is mostly used by the animals and people who live in the rainforest.

23. Ecosystem Destruction

Even our efforts to harvest renewable energy sources like the sun, the wind, and running water end up causing ecosystem destruction .

Read More: What is the Definition of Flora and Fauna ? This beginner’s guide to flora and fauna will answer all your questions.

24. Waste from Renewable Energy

They also contain toxic metals like lead and mercury that can’t be put in a landfill when the solar panel is done working. Solar panel retirement is a global pollution problem .

25. Food Safety

The global food supply gets less safe as the population grows.

We can’t just stop mining . We need the mineral resources that we extract from the ground for everything we produce including wind turbines and solar panels.

27. Nuclear Waste

However, it produces waste. Not a ton of waste. All of the spent uranium in the history of the United States nuclear power program would fit in a single football field.

28. Nanoparticles

Atmospheric nanoparticles are produced by burning biomass, coal, and other fuels that create exhaust. Larger nanoparticles settle out onto the ground and into water. The smallest nanoparticles can be inhaled.

29. Light Pollution

Sea turtles are one of the most commonly discussed victims of light pollution .

30. Space Pollution

The race to increase satellite presence in earth’s orbit has created a mass of unrecoverable machinery that is orbiting our planet at 17,000 miles per hour.

What Are the 5 Major Environmental Problems?

There are more environmental problems that affect our lives like deforestation, but these 5 impact us daily.

What Are the Causes of Environmental Problems?

Local environmental issues, final thoughts.

This list of environmental issues is long, but it’s not comprehensive. There are more problems than we have the space to discuss.

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500+ Environmental Research Topics

Environmental Research Topics

Environmental research is a crucial area of study in today’s world, as we face an increasing number of complex and pressing environmental challenges. From climate change to pollution, biodiversity loss to natural resource depletion, there is an urgent need for scientific inquiry and investigation to inform policy, decision-making, and action. Environmental research encompasses a broad range of disciplines, including ecology, biology , geology, chemistry , and physics , among others, and explores a diverse array of topics , from ocean acidification to sustainable agriculture. Through rigorous scientific inquiry and a commitment to generating evidence-based solutions, environmental research plays a vital role in promoting the health and well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. In this article, we will cover some trending Environmental Research Topics.

Environmental Research Topics

Environmental Research Topics are as follows:

  • Climate change and its impacts on ecosystems and society
  • The effectiveness of carbon capture and storage technology
  • The role of biodiversity in maintaining healthy ecosystems
  • The impact of human activity on soil quality
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine life
  • The effectiveness of renewable energy sources
  • The impact of deforestation on local communities and wildlife
  • The relationship between air pollution and human health
  • The impact of agricultural practices on soil erosion
  • The effectiveness of conservation measures for endangered species
  • The impact of overfishing on marine ecosystems
  • The role of wetlands in mitigating climate change
  • The impact of oil spills on marine ecosystems
  • The impact of urbanization on local ecosystems
  • The impact of climate change on global food security
  • The effectiveness of water conservation measures
  • The impact of pesticide use on pollinators
  • The impact of acid rain on aquatic ecosystems
  • The impact of sea level rise on coastal communities
  • The effectiveness of carbon taxes in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of habitat destruction on migratory species
  • The impact of invasive species on native ecosystems
  • The role of national parks in biodiversity conservation
  • The impact of climate change on coral reefs
  • The effectiveness of green roofs in reducing urban heat island effect
  • The impact of noise pollution on wildlife behavior
  • The impact of air pollution on crop yields
  • The effectiveness of composting in reducing organic waste
  • The impact of climate change on the Arctic ecosystem
  • The impact of land use change on soil carbon sequestration
  • The role of mangroves in coastal protection and carbon sequestration
  • The impact of microplastics on marine ecosystems
  • The impact of ocean acidification on marine organisms
  • The effectiveness of carbon offsets in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of deforestation on climate regulation
  • The impact of groundwater depletion on agriculture
  • The impact of climate change on migratory bird populations
  • The effectiveness of wind turbines in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of urbanization on bird diversity
  • The impact of climate change on ocean currents
  • The impact of drought on plant and animal populations
  • The effectiveness of agroforestry in improving soil quality
  • The impact of climate change on water availability
  • The impact of wildfires on carbon storage in forests
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green energy subsidies
  • The impact of nitrogen pollution on aquatic ecosystems
  • The impact of climate change on forest ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of community-based conservation initiatives
  • The impact of climate change on the water cycle
  • The impact of mining activities on local ecosystems
  • The impact of wind energy on bird and bat populations
  • The effectiveness of bioremediation in cleaning up contaminated soil and water
  • The impact of deforestation on local climate patterns
  • The impact of climate change on insect populations
  • The impact of agricultural runoff on freshwater ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of smart irrigation systems in reducing water use
  • The impact of ocean currents on marine biodiversity
  • The impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green buildings in reducing energy use
  • The impact of climate change on glacier retreat and sea level rise
  • The impact of light pollution on nocturnal wildlife behavior
  • The impact of climate change on desert ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of electric vehicles in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of ocean pollution on human health
  • The impact of land use change on water quality
  • The impact of urbanization on bird populations
  • The impact of oil spills on marine ecosystems and wildlife
  • The effectiveness of green energy storage technologies in promoting renewable energy use
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater availability and water management
  • The impact of industrial pollution on air quality and human health
  • The effectiveness of urban green spaces in promoting human health and well-being
  • The impact of climate change on snow cover and winter tourism
  • The impact of agricultural land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • The effectiveness of green incentives in promoting sustainable consumer behavior
  • The impact of ocean acidification on shellfish and mollusk populations
  • The impact of climate change on river flow and flooding
  • The effectiveness of green supply chain management in promoting sustainable production
  • The impact of noise pollution on avian communication and behavior
  • The impact of climate change on arctic ecosystems and wildlife
  • The effectiveness of green marketing in promoting sustainable tourism
  • The impact of microplastics on marine food webs and human health
  • The impact of climate change on invasive species distributions
  • The effectiveness of green infrastructure in promoting sustainable urban development
  • The impact of plastic pollution on human health and food safety
  • The impact of climate change on soil microbial communities and nutrient cycling
  • The effectiveness of green technologies in promoting sustainable industrial production
  • The impact of climate change on permafrost thaw and methane emissions
  • The impact of deforestation on water quality and quantity
  • The effectiveness of green certification schemes in promoting sustainable production and consumption
  • The impact of noise pollution on terrestrial ecosystems and wildlife
  • The impact of climate change on bird migration patterns
  • The effectiveness of green waste management in promoting sustainable resource use
  • The impact of climate change on insect populations and ecosystem services
  • The impact of plastic pollution on human society and culture
  • The effectiveness of green finance in promoting sustainable development goals
  • The impact of climate change on marine biodiversity hotspots
  • The impact of climate change on natural disasters and disaster risk reduction
  • The effectiveness of green urban planning in promoting sustainable cities and communities
  • The impact of deforestation on soil carbon storage and climate change
  • The impact of noise pollution on human communication and behavior
  • The effectiveness of green energy policy in promoting renewable energy use
  • The impact of climate change on Arctic sea ice and wildlife
  • The impact of agricultural practices on soil quality and ecosystem health
  • The effectiveness of green taxation in promoting sustainable behavior
  • The impact of plastic pollution on freshwater ecosystems and wildlife
  • The impact of climate change on plant-pollinator interactions and crop production
  • The effectiveness of green innovation in promoting sustainable technological advancements
  • The impact of climate change on ocean currents and marine heatwaves
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and cultural practices
  • The effectiveness of green governance in promoting sustainable development and environmental justice
  • The effectiveness of wetland restoration in reducing flood risk
  • The impact of climate change on the spread of vector-borne diseases
  • The effectiveness of green marketing in promoting sustainable consumption
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems
  • The impact of renewable energy development on wildlife habitats
  • The effectiveness of environmental education programs in promoting pro-environmental behavior
  • The impact of deforestation on global climate change
  • The impact of microplastics on freshwater ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of eco-labeling in promoting sustainable seafood consumption
  • The impact of climate change on coral reef ecosystems
  • The impact of air pollution on human health and mortality rates
  • The effectiveness of eco-tourism in promoting conservation and community development
  • The impact of climate change on agricultural production and food security
  • The impact of wind turbine noise on wildlife behavior and populations
  • The impact of light pollution on nocturnal ecosystems and species
  • The effectiveness of green energy subsidies in promoting renewable energy use
  • The impact of invasive species on native ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of climate change on ocean acidification and marine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green public procurement in promoting sustainable production
  • The impact of deforestation on soil erosion and nutrient depletion
  • The impact of noise pollution on human health and well-being
  • The effectiveness of green building standards in promoting sustainable construction
  • The impact of climate change on forest fires and wildfire risk
  • The impact of e-waste on human health and environmental pollution
  • The impact of climate change on polar ice caps and sea levels
  • The impact of pharmaceutical pollution on freshwater ecosystems and wildlife
  • The effectiveness of green transportation policies in reducing carbon emissions
  • The impact of climate change on glacier retreat and water availability
  • The impact of pesticide use on pollinator populations and ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of circular economy models in reducing waste and promoting sustainability
  • The impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of plastic waste on terrestrial ecosystems and wildlife
  • The effectiveness of green chemistry in promoting sustainable manufacturing
  • The impact of climate change on ocean currents and weather patterns
  • The impact of agricultural runoff on freshwater ecosystems and water quality
  • The effectiveness of green bonds in financing sustainable infrastructure projects
  • The impact of climate change on soil moisture and desertification
  • The impact of noise pollution on marine ecosystems and species
  • The effectiveness of community-based conservation in promoting biodiversity and ecosystem health
  • The impact of climate change on permafrost ecosystems and carbon storage
  • The impact of urbanization on water pollution and quality
  • The effectiveness of green jobs in promoting sustainable employment
  • The impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of plastic pollution on terrestrial ecosystems and wildlife
  • The effectiveness of sustainable fashion in promoting sustainable consumption
  • The impact of climate change on phenology and seasonal cycles of plants and animals
  • The impact of ocean pollution on human health and seafood safety
  • The effectiveness of green procurement policies in promoting sustainable supply chains
  • The impact of climate change on marine food webs and ecosystems
  • The impact of agricultural practices on greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
  • The effectiveness of green financing in promoting sustainable investment
  • The effectiveness of rainwater harvesting systems in reducing water use
  • The impact of climate change on permafrost ecosystems
  • The impact of coastal erosion on shoreline ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green infrastructure in reducing urban heat island effect
  • The impact of microorganisms on soil fertility and carbon sequestration
  • The impact of climate change on snowpack and water availability
  • The impact of oil and gas drilling on local ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of carbon labeling in promoting sustainable consumer choices
  • The impact of marine noise pollution on marine mammals
  • The impact of climate change on alpine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green supply chain management in reducing environmental impact
  • The impact of climate change on river ecosystems
  • The impact of urban sprawl on wildlife habitat fragmentation
  • The effectiveness of carbon trading in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of ocean warming on marine ecosystems
  • The impact of agricultural practices on water quality and quantity
  • The effectiveness of green roofs in improving urban air quality
  • The impact of climate change on tropical rainforests
  • The impact of water pollution on human health and livelihoods
  • The effectiveness of green bonds in financing sustainable projects
  • The impact of climate change on polar bear populations
  • The impact of human activity on soil biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of waste-to-energy systems in reducing waste and emissions
  • The impact of climate change on Arctic sea ice and marine ecosystems
  • The impact of sea level rise on low-lying coastal cities and communities
  • The effectiveness of sustainable tourism in promoting conservation and community development
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous peoples and their livelihoods
  • The impact of climate change on sea turtle populations
  • The effectiveness of carbon-neutral and carbon-negative technologies
  • The impact of urbanization on water resources and quality
  • The impact of climate change on cold-water fish populations
  • The effectiveness of green entrepreneurship in promoting sustainable innovation
  • The impact of wildfires on air quality and public health
  • The impact of climate change on human migration patterns and social systems
  • The impact of noise pollution on bird communication and behavior in urban environments
  • The impact of climate change on estuarine ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of deforestation on water availability and river basin management
  • The impact of climate change on plant phenology and distribution
  • The effectiveness of green marketing in promoting sustainable consumer behavior
  • The impact of plastic pollution on freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of climate change on marine plastic debris accumulation and distribution
  • The effectiveness of green innovation in promoting sustainable technology development
  • The impact of climate change on crop yields and food security
  • The impact of noise pollution on human health and well-being in urban environments
  • The impact of climate change on Arctic marine ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of green transportation infrastructure in promoting sustainable mobility
  • The impact of deforestation on non-timber forest products and forest-dependent livelihoods
  • The impact of climate change on wetland carbon sequestration and storage
  • The impact of plastic pollution on sea turtle populations and nesting behavior
  • The impact of climate change on marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the Southern Ocean
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable agriculture
  • The impact of climate change on oceanographic processes and upwelling systems
  • The impact of noise pollution on terrestrial wildlife communication and behavior
  • The impact of climate change on coastal erosion and shoreline management
  • The effectiveness of green finance in promoting sustainable investment
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and traditional knowledge systems
  • The impact of climate change on tropical cyclones and extreme weather events
  • The effectiveness of green buildings in promoting energy efficiency and carbon reduction
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine food webs and trophic interactions
  • The impact of climate change on algal blooms and harmful algal blooms in marine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green business partnerships in promoting sustainable development goals
  • The impact of climate change on ocean deoxygenation and its effects on marine life
  • The impact of noise pollution on human sleep and rest patterns in urban environments
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater availability and management
  • The effectiveness of green entrepreneurship in promoting social and environmental justice
  • The impact of deforestation on wildlife habitat and biodiversity conservation
  • The impact of climate change on the migration patterns and behaviors of birds and mammals
  • The effectiveness of green urban planning in promoting sustainable and livable cities
  • The impact of plastic pollution on microplastics and nanoplastics in marine ecosystems
  • The impact of climate change on marine ecosystem services and their value to society
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable forestry
  • The impact of climate change on ocean currents and their effects on marine biodiversity
  • The impact of noise pollution on urban ecosystems and their ecological functions
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
  • The effectiveness of green policy implementation in promoting sustainable development
  • The impact of deforestation on soil carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of climate change on marine mammals and their ecosystem roles
  • The effectiveness of green product labeling in promoting sustainable consumer behavior
  • The impact of plastic pollution on coral reefs and their resilience to climate change
  • The impact of climate change on waterborne diseases and public health
  • The effectiveness of green energy policies in promoting renewable energy adoption
  • The impact of deforestation on carbon storage and sequestration in peatlands
  • The impact of climate change on ocean acidification and its effects on marine life
  • The effectiveness of green supply chain management in promoting circular economy principles
  • The impact of noise pollution on urban birds and their vocal communication
  • The impact of climate change on ecosystem services provided by mangrove forests
  • The effectiveness of green marketing in promoting sustainable fashion and textiles
  • The impact of plastic pollution on deep-sea ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of climate change on marine biodiversity hotspots and conservation priorities
  • The effectiveness of green investment in promoting sustainable infrastructure development
  • The impact of deforestation on ecosystem services provided by agroforestry systems
  • The impact of climate change on snow and ice cover and their effects on freshwater ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green tourism in promoting sustainable tourism practices
  • The impact of noise pollution on human cognitive performance and productivity
  • The impact of climate change on forest fires and their effects on ecosystem services
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable seafood consumption
  • The impact of climate change on insect populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The impact of plastic pollution on seabird populations and their reproductive success
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable public sector spending
  • The impact of deforestation on soil erosion and land degradation
  • The impact of climate change on riverine ecosystems and their ecosystem services
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable fisheries
  • The impact of noise pollution on marine mammals and their acoustic communication
  • The impact of climate change on terrestrial carbon sinks and sources
  • The effectiveness of green technology transfer in promoting sustainable development
  • The impact of deforestation on non-timber forest products and their sustainable use
  • The impact of climate change on marine invasive species and their ecological impacts
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable private sector spending
  • The impact of plastic pollution on zooplankton populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and their services
  • The effectiveness of green education in promoting sustainable behavior change
  • The impact of deforestation on watershed management and water quality
  • The impact of climate change on soil nutrient cycling and ecosystem functioning
  • The effectiveness of green technology innovation in promoting sustainable development
  • The impact of noise pollution on human health in outdoor recreational settings
  • The impact of climate change on oceanic nutrient cycling and primary productivity
  • The effectiveness of green urban design in promoting sustainable and resilient cities
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine microbial communities and their functions
  • The impact of climate change on coral reef bleaching and recovery
  • The impact of deforestation on ecosystem services provided by community-managed forests
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater fish populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable tourism
  • The impact of noise pollution on human stress and cardiovascular health
  • The impact of climate change on glacier retreat and their effects on freshwater ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green technology diffusion in promoting sustainable development
  • The impact of plastic pollution on sea grass beds and their ecosystem services
  • The impact of climate change on forest phenology and productivity.
  • The effectiveness of green transportation policies in promoting sustainable mobility
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous peoples’ livelihoods and traditional knowledge
  • The impact of climate change on Arctic ecosystems and their biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of green building standards in promoting sustainable architecture
  • The impact of noise pollution on nocturnal animals and their behavior
  • The impact of climate change on migratory bird populations and their breeding success
  • The effectiveness of green taxation in promoting sustainable consumption and production
  • The impact of deforestation on wildlife corridors and ecosystem connectivity
  • The impact of climate change on urban heat islands and their effects on public health
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable forestry practices
  • The impact of plastic pollution on sea turtle populations and their nesting success
  • The impact of climate change on invasive plant species and their ecological impacts
  • The effectiveness of green business practices in promoting sustainable entrepreneurship
  • The impact of noise pollution on urban wildlife and their acoustic communication
  • The impact of climate change on alpine ecosystems and their services
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable agriculture and food systems
  • The impact of deforestation on soil carbon stocks and their effects on climate change
  • The impact of climate change on wetland methane emissions and their contribution to greenhouse gas concentrations
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable forestry and timber production
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine mammal populations and their health
  • The impact of climate change on marine fisheries and their sustainable management
  • The effectiveness of green investment in promoting sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation
  • The impact of noise pollution on bat populations and their behavior
  • The impact of climate change on permafrost thaw and its effects on Arctic ecosystems
  • The impact of deforestation on ecosystem services provided by sacred groves
  • The impact of climate change on tropical cyclones and their impacts on coastal ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green technology transfer in promoting sustainable agriculture and food systems
  • The impact of plastic pollution on benthic macroinvertebrate populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater invertebrate populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The effectiveness of green tourism in promoting sustainable wildlife tourism practices
  • The impact of noise pollution on amphibian populations and their communication
  • The impact of climate change on mountain ecosystems and their biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable agriculture and food systems
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous peoples’ food security and nutrition
  • The impact of climate change on plant-pollinator interactions and their ecosystem roles
  • The impact of plastic pollution on freshwater ecosystems and their services
  • The impact of climate change on oceanic currents and their effects on marine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green investment in promoting sustainable transportation infrastructure
  • The impact of noise pollution on human sleep quality and mental health
  • The impact of climate change on marine viruses and their effects on marine life
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable packaging and waste reduction
  • The impact of deforestation on ecosystem services provided by riparian forests
  • The impact of climate change on insect-pollinated crops and their yields
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable waste management
  • The impact of plastic pollution on estuarine ecosystems and their services
  • The impact of climate change on groundwater recharge and aquifer depletion
  • The effectiveness of green education in promoting sustainable tourism practices
  • The impact of climate change on coral reefs and their biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable clothing and textile production
  • The impact of deforestation on riverine fish populations and their fishery-dependent communities
  • The impact of climate change on mountain water resources and their availability
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable tourism accommodations
  • The impact of plastic pollution on deep-sea ecosystems and their biodiversity
  • The impact of climate change on sea-level rise and its effects on coastal ecosystems and communities
  • The effectiveness of green energy policies in promoting renewable energy production
  • The impact of noise pollution on human cardiovascular health
  • The impact of climate change on biogeochemical cycles in marine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable personal care and cosmetic products
  • The impact of deforestation on carbon sequestration and its effects on climate change
  • The impact of climate change on wildfire frequency and severity
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable energy-efficient technologies
  • The impact of plastic pollution on beach ecosystems and their tourism potential
  • The impact of climate change on marine mammals and their habitat range shifts
  • The effectiveness of green urban design in promoting sustainable and livable neighborhoods
  • The impact of noise pollution on urban human and wildlife communities
  • The impact of climate change on soil microorganisms and their roles in nutrient cycling
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable electronics and e-waste management
  • The impact of deforestation on watershed services and their effects on downstream ecosystems and communities
  • The impact of climate change on human migration patterns and their impacts on urbanization
  • The effectiveness of green investment in promoting sustainable water management and infrastructure
  • The impact of plastic pollution on seabird populations and their nesting success
  • The impact of climate change on ocean acidification and its effects on marine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
  • The impact of noise pollution on terrestrial carnivore populations and their communication
  • The impact of climate change on snow and ice dynamics in polar regions
  • The effectiveness of green tourism in promoting sustainable cultural heritage preservation
  • The impact of deforestation on riverine water quality and their effects on aquatic life
  • The impact of climate change on forest fires and their ecological effects
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable home appliances and energy use
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine invertebrate populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The impact of climate change on soil erosion and its effects on agricultural productivity
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable construction materials and waste reduction
  • The impact of noise pollution on marine mammal populations and their behavior
  • The impact of climate change on ocean circulation and its effects on marine life
  • The effectiveness of green investment in promoting sustainable forest management
  • The impact of deforestation on medicinal plant populations and their traditional uses
  • The impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and their carbon storage capacity
  • The effectiveness of green urban planning in promoting sustainable and resilient cities
  • The impact of plastic pollution on seabed ecosystems and their biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable palm oil production
  • The impact of noise pollution on bird populations and their communication
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater quality and its effects on aquatic life
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable food packaging and waste reduction
  • The impact of deforestation on streamflow and its effects on downstream

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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research the environmental problems

Bringing environmental justice to disadvantaged communities

New national academies report co-chaired by ohio state professor.

Not all communities in the United States face the same risks for environmental problems such as air pollution, noise and wastewater.  But how can federal agencies fairly identify which areas deserve the most help?

A new consensus study report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) offers recommendations for developing tools that can help answer that question.

“Our job was to create methods to identify disadvantaged communities that most need federal resources to address environmental justice issues,” said Harvey Miller , professor of geography at The Ohio State University and co-chair of the NASEM committee that wrote the report.

“This will shape where billions of federal dollars go to address these problems.”

The new report, Constructing Valid Geospatial Tools for Environmental Justice , is the result of hundreds of hours of work over two years by the 11-member committee, Miller said. NASEM selected Miller to co-chair the committee along with Eric Tate, professor of public affairs at Princeton University.

Harvey Miller

“I sincerely hope that this report helps to move our nation forward toward a future with environmental justice for all.”

Geospatial tools – the focus of the report – are designed to integrate different kinds of health, social, environmental and economic data to come up with a composite score – a single number that can tell policymakers whether a community should receive special consideration for environmental funding.

One such tool is the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) developed by the White House Council on Environmental Quality in 2022 in response to the Justice 40 initiative from the Biden administration.

 Justice 40 requires that at least 40% of the overall benefits from federal climate and infrastructure investments go to disadvantaged communities.

The committee didn’t review only CEJST, but also considered a variety of existing environmental justice tools to identify what kinds of data were needed to build the best possible versions, Miller said.

“We summarized the state of the science on this and came up with what we believe is the best scientific approach for making these decisions,” he said.

For the report, census tracts were used to define communities. Committee members discussed the facets of disadvantage and data sources and how they could be brought together to create tools that will calculate a composite index score for each census tract. That score would determine whether a particular tract is eligible for Justice 40 funding.

The report includes a list of recommendations for developing the best possible tool, including creating and sustaining community partnerships that provide opportunities to identify local environmental justice issues.  The authors also recommended how to identify the indicators and datasets for measuring environmental issues, and determining whether tools that are developed reflect community lived experiences.

Another key recommendation is to choose economic measures that go beyond the federal poverty level to reflect wealth and variations in the cost of living.

“The wealth gap between high-income and low-income households is larger than the income gap, and that has an important impact on environmental justice issues,” Miller said.

The report also recommends using indicators that measure the impact of racism in policies and practices that have led to the disparities seen today.

“There are big variations in who is exposed to stressors in the environment like pollution, noise and toxic waste sites,” Miller said.

“And it is generally lower-income and minority populations that bear the brunt of environmental justice issues. Part of it is that they often can’t move away from the problem, like higher-income people can.”

While this report focuses on environmental justice, Miller said the committee’s approach could be used to develop tools in a variety of contexts.  The problem of deciding where to spend federal dollars to get the most impact is common to many different issues, and having a method to develop the right tools is important.

“We wanted to create a framework where when the government creates a tool to help decide where to make investments, people can look at it and know it is legitimate, it measures what it says it is measuring in the real world, and it is transparent how it was constructed,” he said.

The report was created under the sponsorship of the Bezos Earth Fund.

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August 27, 2024

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Bringing environmental justice to disadvantaged communities

by The Ohio State University

farm area

Not all communities in the United States face the same risks for environmental problems such as air pollution, noise and wastewater. But how can federal agencies fairly identify which areas deserve the most help?

A new consensus study report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) offers recommendations for developing tools that can help answer that question.

"Our job was to create methods to identify disadvantaged communities that most need federal resources to address environmental justice issues," said Harvey Miller, professor of geography at The Ohio State University and co-chair of the NASEM committee that wrote the report. "This will shape where billions of federal dollars go to address these problems."

The new report, titled "Constructing Valid Geospatial Tools for Environmental Justice," is the result of hundreds of hours of work over two years by the 11-member committee, Miller said. NASEM selected Miller to co-chair the committee along with Eric Tate, professor of public affairs at Princeton University.

"We are at a hinge point in history, and the choices we make now will reverberate for generations," Miller said in a personal note that was published as part of the final report. "I sincerely hope that this report helps to move our nation forward toward a future with environmental justice for all."

Geospatial tools—the focus of the report—are designed to integrate different kinds of health, social, environmental and economic data to come up with a composite score—a single number that can tell policymakers whether a community should receive special consideration for environmental funding.

One such tool is the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) developed by the White House Council on Environmental Quality in 2022 in response to the Justice 40 initiative from the Biden administration. Justice 40 requires that at least 40% of the overall benefits from federal climate and infrastructure investments go to disadvantaged communities.

The committee didn't review only CEJST, but also considered a variety of existing environmental justice tools to identify what kinds of data were needed to build the best possible versions, Miller said.

"We summarized the state of the science on this and came up with what we believe is the best scientific approach for making these decisions," he said.

For the report, census tracts were used to define communities. Committee members discussed the facets of disadvantage and data sources and how they could be brought together to create tools that will calculate a composite index score for each census tract. That score would determine whether a particular tract is eligible for Justice 40 funding.

The report includes a list of recommendations for developing the best possible tool, including creating and sustaining community partnerships that provide opportunities to identify local environmental justice issues. The authors also recommended how to identify the indicators and datasets for measuring environmental issues, and determining whether tools that are developed reflect community lived experiences.

Another key recommendation is to choose economic measures that go beyond the federal poverty level to reflect wealth and variations in the cost of living.

"The wealth gap between high-income and low-income households is larger than the income gap, and that has an important impact on environmental justice issues," Miller said.

The report also recommends using indicators that measure the impact of racism in policies and practices that have led to the disparities seen today.

"There are big variations in who is exposed to stressors in the environment like pollution, noise and toxic waste sites," Miller said. "And it is generally lower-income and minority populations that bear the brunt of environmental justice issues. Part of it is that they often can't move away from the problem, like higher-income people can."

While this report focuses on environmental justice , Miller said the committee's approach could be used to develop tools in a variety of contexts. The problem of deciding where to spend federal dollars to make the most impact is common to many different issues, and having a method to develop the right tools is important.

"We wanted to create a framework where when the government creates a tool to help decide where to make investments, people can look at it and know it is legitimate, it measures what it says it is measuring in the real world, and it is transparent how it was constructed," he said.

Provided by The Ohio State University

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20 Biggest Current Environmental Problems of 2024


Our environment is constantly changing, and we cannot deny that fact. However, as it transforms, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it.

With a massive influx of natural disasters, warming and cooling periods, different weather patterns, and much more, people need to be aware of the environmental problems our planet faces today.

Global warming has become an undisputed fact about our current livelihoods; our planet is warming up, and we are definitely part of the problem.

However, this isn’t the only environmental problem we should be concerned about.

Across the world, people are facing a wealth of new and challenging environmental problems every day. Some are small and only affect a few ecosystems, but others drastically change the landscape of what we already know.

The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for the sake of future generations. ~ John Paul II

“Environmental issues are defined as problems with the planet’s systems (air, water, soil, etc.) that have developed as a result of human interference or mistreatment of the planet.”

Our planet is poised on the brink of a severe environmental crisis. Current environmental problems make us vulnerable to disasters and tragedies, now and in the future.

We are in a state of planetary emergency, with environmental challenges piling up high around us, unless we address the various issues prudently and seriously.

20 Major Current Environmental Problems

Global environmental problems include the following factors;

1. Pollution

There are 7 key types of pollution – air, water, soil, noise, radioactive, light, and thermal . These are the primary causes that affect our environment; they are interlinked and influence each other. Therefore we need to tackle all of them together.

Pollution of air, water , and soil requires millions of years to recoup. Industry and motor vehicle exhaust are the number one pollutants. Heavy metals, nitrates, and plastic are toxins responsible for pollution . 

Oil spills, acid rain, and urban runoff cause water pollution, while air pollution is caused by various gases and toxins released by industries and factories and the combustion of fossil fuels; soil pollution is majorly caused by industrial waste that deprives the soil of essential nutrients.

2. Soil Degradation

Globally, food security depends on the factor of whether or not soils are in good condition to produce crops.

According to UN estimates , about 12 million hectares of farmland yearly get seriously degraded.

Soils get damaged due to reasons such as erosion, overgrazing , overexposure to pollutants, monoculture planting, soil compaction, land-use conversion, and many more.

Nowadays, a wide range of soil conservation and restoration techniques exist, from no-till agriculture to crop rotation to water retention through terrace-building.

3. Global Warming

Climate changes like global warming are the result of human practices like the emission of greenhouse gases.

Global warming leads to rising temperatures of the oceans and the earth’s surface causing natural disasters that include flooding, melting of polar ice caps, rising sea levels, and unnatural precipitation patterns such as flash floods, hurricanes, wildfires, drought, excessive snow, or desertification .

4. Overpopulation

The planet’s population is reaching unsustainable levels as it faces a shortage of resources like water, fuel, and food. Population explosion in less developed and developing countries is straining the already scarce resources.

rural to urban migration

Intensive agriculture practiced to produce food damages the environment through the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides. Overpopulation is also one of the crucial current environmental problems .

5. Natural Resource Depletion

Another crucial current environmental problem is the depletion of Natural resources . Humans use so many natural resources that they would need  almost 1.5 piles of earth  to cover all our needs.

This will further increase in the future due to massive industrialization in Asian countries like India and China. Increased use of natural resources leads to several other environmental issues, such as industrialization, population growth, and air pollution.

Natural resource depletion will lead to an energy crisis over time. The chemicals emitted from many natural resources contribute to climate change.

Fossil fuel consumption results in the emission of greenhouse gases, which is primarily responsible for global warming and climate change. 

Globally, people are trying to shift to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, biogas, and geothermal energy. The cost of installing the infrastructure and maintaining these sources has plummeted in recent years.

6. Generating Unsustainable Waste

The huge waste production due to our hyperconsumption is a major environmental threat. As per the study, the average person produces 4.3 pounds of waste daily, and the US alone accounts for 220 million tons a year. 

This hyperconsumption results in non-biodegradable trash in plastic packaging, toxic e-waste, and harmful chemicals leaching into our waterways.

When this waste ends up in landfills, it generates enormous amounts of methane, which ranks as one of the worst greenhouse gases because of its high potential for global warming. It creates severe explosion hazards.

Since modern technology allows us to access digital environments, many things that you need can be fulfilled in the cloud. Consider your purchases carefully.  

7. Waste Disposal

The overconsumption of resources and the creation of plastics create a global waste disposal crisis. Developed and less developed countries are notorious for producing excessive waste or garbage and dumping their waste in the oceans.

Nuclear waste disposal has tremendous health hazards associated with it. Plastic, fast food packaging, and cheap electronic wastes threaten the well-being of humans . Waste disposal is, therefore, one of the urgent current environmental problems .


8. Deforestation

Our forests are natural sinks of carbon dioxide, produce fresh oxygen, and help regulate temperature and rainfall. At present, forests cover 30% of the land, but every year tree cover is lost, amounting to the country of Panama due to the growing population demand for more food, shelter, and cloth. Deforestation means clearing green cover and ensuring land is available for residential, industrial, or commercial purposes.

9. Polar Ice Caps

The issue of the melting of polar ice caps is a contentious one. Although NASA studies have shown that the amount of ice in Antarctica is increasing, this is only one-third of what is being lost in the Arctic.

There is enough evidence that shows sea levels are rising, and the melting of Arctic ice caps is a major contributor. Over time, the melting of polar ice caps could lead to extensive flooding, contamination of drinking water, and major changes in ecosystems.

10. Loss of Biodiversity

Human activity leads to the extinction of species and habitats and biodiversity loss. Ecosystems, which took so many years to perfect, are in danger when any species’ population is decimated.

The balance of natural processes like pollination and human activities is crucial to the survival of the ecosystem. Another example is the destruction of coral reefs in various oceans, supporting rich marine life.

11. Climate Change

Climate change is another environmental problem that has surfaced in the last few decades. It occurs due to the rise in global warming due to increased atmospheric temperature by burning fossil fuels and the release of harmful gases by industries.

Climate change has various harmful effects, but not limited to the melting of polar ice, change in seasons, occurrence of new diseases, frequent occurrence of floods, and change in overall weather scenario.

12. Ocean Acidification

It is a direct impact of excessive production of CO2. Humans produce 25% of total atmospheric CO2 . The ocean acidity has increased over the last 250 years, but by 2100, it may shoot up by 150%. The main impact is on shellfish and plankton in the same way as human osteoporosis.

13. The Nitrogen Cycle

We often ignore the effects of the use of nitrogen by humans. Nitrogen is a crucial component of all life. Problems occur when the  nitrogen cycle is not balanced .

A process through which it is converted or ‘fixed’ to a more usable form is called fixation. The fixation happens biologically and through lightning or can be done Industrially. People have learned to convert nitrogen gas to ammonia (NH3-) and nitrogen-rich fertilizers to supplement the amount of nitrogen fixed naturally.

It is estimated that agriculture may be responsible for about 50% of the nitrogen fixation on earth through the cultivation of nitrogen-fixing crops and the production of human-made fertilizers. When used more than plant demand, nitrogen can leach from soils into waterways and contribute to eutrophication.

Excess nitrogen levels in water can hamper marine ecosystems by overstimulating plant and algae growth. This blocks the light from getting into deeper waters, thus damaging the rest of the marine population.

The problem can also occur during nitrification and denitrification. Nitrous oxide (N2O) can be formed when the chemical process is incomplete. N2O is a potent greenhouse gas contributing to global warming .

14. Ozone Layer Depletion

The ozone layer is an invisible layer of protection around the planet that protects us from the sun’s harmful rays.

The depletion of the crucial Ozone layer of the atmosphere is attributed to pollution caused by Chlorine and Bromide found in Chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs). Once these toxic gases reach the upper atmosphere, they create a hole in the ozone layer, the biggest of which is above the Antarctic.

CFCs are banned in many industries and consumer products. The ozone layer is valuable because it prevents harmful UV radiation from reaching the Earth. This is one of the most important current environmental problems.

15. Acid Rain

Acid rain occurs due to the presence of certain pollutants in the atmosphere. Acid rain can be caused due to combustion of fossil fuels or erupting volcanoes, or rotting vegetation which releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere.

Acid rain is a known environmental problem that can seriously affect human health, wildlife, and aquatic species.


16. Water Pollution

Clean drinking water is becoming a rare commodity and an economic and political issue as the human population fights for this resource.

Water pollution

One of the options suggested is using the process of desalinization. Industrial development is filling our rivers, seas, and oceans with toxic pollutants, which are a major threat to human health .

17. Overfishing

Overfishing affects natural ecosystems severely and leads to an imbalance of ocean life. Around 64% of global fish stocks are estimated to be overfished. Overfishing causes fishing fleets to migrate to new waters that would further deplete the fish stocks.

Moreover, it negatively affects coastal communities that rely on fishing to support their living.

18. Urban Sprawl

Urban sprawl refers to the migration of the population from high-density urban areas to low-density rural areas, which results in the spreading of the city over more and more rural land.

Urban sprawl results in land degradation , increased traffic, environmental issues and health issues. The ever-growing demand for land displaces the natural environment consisting of flora and fauna, instead of them being replaced.

19. Public Health Issues

The current environmental problems pose many risks to the health of humans and animals. Dirty water is the world’s biggest health risk and threatens the quality of life and public health.

public health issues

Runoff to rivers carries with it toxins, chemicals and disease-carrying organisms. Pollutants cause respiratory diseases like Asthma and cardiac-vascular problems. High temperatures encourage the spread of infectious diseases like Dengue.

20. Genetic Engineering

Genetic modification of food using biotechnology is called genetic engineering . It results in increased toxins and diseases as genes from an allergic plant can transfer to the target plant. Genetically modified crops can cause serious environmental problems as an engineered gene may prove toxic to wildlife. 

Another drawback is that increased use of toxins to make insect-resistant plants can cause resultant organisms to become antibiotic-resistant.

The need for change in our daily lives and the movements of our government is growing. So many factors come into play, such as voting, governmental issues, and the desire to stick to a routine, and as a result, many people don’t consider that what they do will affect future generations.

If humans continue moving forward in such a harmful way towards the future, then there will be no future to consider. Although it’s a fact that we cannot physically stop our ozone layer from thinning (and scientists are still having trouble figuring out what is causing it exactly), there are still so many things we can do to try and put a dent in what we already know. 

Raising awareness in your local community and within your families about these issues can help contribute to a more environmentally conscious and friendly place for you and your future generations to live.

research the environmental problems

About Rinkesh

A true environmentalist by heart ❤️. Founded Conserve Energy Future with the sole motto of providing helpful information related to our rapidly depleting environment. Unless you strongly believe in Elon Musk‘s idea of making Mars as another habitable planet, do remember that there really is no 'Planet B' in this whole universe.

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Journal of Environmental Issues and Climate Change

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About the Journal

Journal of Environmental Issues and Climate Change (JEICC) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles in English are focused on natural and climatic elements of environmental studies. The journal emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches that combine techniques from environmental and social analysis, climatology, biology, environmental issues, biodiversity, and ecology. The mission of JEICC is to offer a forum for global scientists to promote, exchange, and discuss numerous new concerns and advancements in various fields of natural and environmental science. Researchers and scientists are welcome to submit work to us if they want to advance science or society by introducing novel methods or insights. Readers have free access to all the resources. The aim of the Journal of Environmental Issues and Climate Change (JEICC) is to share knowledge and spread awareness about our environmental issues and climate change.

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Publication in JEICC is FREE . Thus, it does not require any payment of page or publication charges by authors. JEICC is an open-access journal, which means all its contents are freely available over the internet to any reader.

Current Issue

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In Progress Issue: February 2023

Journal of Environmental Issues and Climate Change (JEICC)  is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles in English, triannually in February, June and October, that are focused on natural and climatic elements of environmental studies. The journal emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches that combine techniques from environmental and social analysis, climatology, biology, environmental issues, biodiversity, and ecology.

Rural Households’ Livelihood Diversification Activities: A Case Study from Borena District, North Central Ethiopia

An analysis of the quality of dhaka's potable water and sanitation services, flood vulnerability assessment of a semi-arid region: a case study of dutse in jigawa state, nigeria, the the inhibitory efficacy of plants extracts in the management of root knot nematode (m. incognita) infected crops, impact of slaughterhouse effluents on groundwater quality: evidence-based assessment in tudun-wada and kawo residential suburbs, kaduna, nigeria, gis-based spatial assessment of post covid water quality status of turag river for water resource conservation in bangladesh, assessment of heavy metal residues in soil and vegetables along urban-peri-urban gradient of lagos state nigeria, impact of productive safety net program on rural household food security in somali regional state: a case of kebri dehar district, ethiopia.

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  • For Readers
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  • Livelihood Diversification as a Strategy to Overcome Food Insecurity Challenges in North Central Ethiopia: The Case of Borena District 489
  • The Perception of Urban Dwellers on the Impact of Brickfields' Smoke Emissions on Socioeconomic Conditions and Human Health: A Case Study of Pabna, Bangladesh 445
  • Rural Households’ Livelihood Diversification Activities: A Case Study from Borena District, North Central Ethiopia 411
  • Isolation of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria from Abattoir Waste Water: A Case Study of Makurdi Metropolis 401
  • Smart Technologies for a Sustainable Service Supply Chain: A Prospective Perspective 394

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  • Publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton in Collaboration with Lembaga Riset dan Inovasi Masyarakat Madani
  • Address :  Jl. Betoambari, Kota Bau-Bau, Sulawesi Tenggara 93717.
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50 Best Environmental Science Research Topics

May 31, 2023

Environmental science is a varied discipline that encompasses a variety of subjects, including ecology, atmospheric science, and geology among others. Professionals within this field can pursue many occupations from lab technicians and agricultural engineers to park rangers and environmental lawyers. However, what unites these careers is their focus on how the natural world and the human world interact and impact the surrounding environment. There is also one other significant commonality among environmental science careers: virtually all of them either engage in or rely on research on environmental science topics to ensure their work is accurate and up to date.

In this post, we’ll outline some of the best environmental science research topics to help you explore disciplines within environmental science and kickstart your own research. If you are considering majoring in environmental science or perhaps just need help brainstorming for a research paper, this post will give you a broad sense of timely environmental science research topics.

What makes a research topic good?

Before we dive into specific environmental science research topics, let’s first cover the basics: what qualities make for a viable research topic. Research is the process of collecting information to make discoveries and reach new conclusions. We often think of research as something that occurs in academic or scientific settings. However, everyone engages in informal research in everyday life, from reading product reviews to investigating statistics for admitted students at prospective colleges . While we all conduct research in our day-to-day lives, formal academic research is necessary to advance discoveries and scholarly discourses. Therefore, in this setting, good research hinges on a topic in which there are unanswered questions or ongoing debates. In other words, meaningful research focuses on topics where you can say something new.

However, identifying an interesting research topic is only the first step in the research process. Research topics tend to be broad in scope. Strong research is dependent on developing a specific research question, meaning the query your project will seek to answer. While there are no comprehensive guidelines for research questions, most scholars agree that research questions should be:

1) Specific

Research questions need to clearly identify and define the focus of your research. Without sufficient detail, your research will likely be too broad or imprecise in focus to yield meaningful insights. For example, you might initially be interested in addressing this question: How should governments address the effects of climate change? While that is a worthwhile question to investigate, it’s not clear enough to facilitate meaningful research. What level of government is this question referring to? And what specific effects of global warming will this research focus on? You would need to revise this question to provide a clearer focus for your research. A revised version of this question might look like this: How can state government officials in Florida best mitigate the effects of sea-level rise?

 2) Narrow

Our interest in a given topic often starts quite broad. However, it is difficult to produce meaningful, thorough research on a broad topic. For that reason, it is important that research questions be narrow in scope, focusing on a specific issue or subtopic. For example, one of the more timely environmental science topics is renewable energy. A student who is just learning about this topic might wish to write a research paper on the following question: Which form of renewable energy is best? However, that would be a difficult question to answer in one paper given the various ways in which an energy source could be “best.” Instead, this student might narrow their focus, assessing renewable energy sources through a more specific lens: Which form of renewable energy is best for job creation?

 3) Complex

As we previously discussed, good research leads to new discoveries. These lines of inquiry typically require a complicated and open-ended research question. A question that can be answered with just a “yes” or “no” (or a quick Google search) is likely indicative of a topic in which additional research is unnecessary (i.e. there is no ongoing debate) or a topic that is not well defined. For example, the following question would likely be too simple for academic research: What is environmental justice? You can look up a definition of environmental justice online. You would need to ask a more complex question to sustain a meaningful research project. Instead, you might conduct research on the following query: Which environmental issue(s) disproportionately impact impoverished communities in the Pacific Northwest? This question is narrower and more specific, while also requiring more complex thought and analysis to answer.

4) Debatable

Again, strong research provides new answers and information, which means that they must be situated within topics or discourses where there is ongoing debate. If a research question can only lead to one natural conclusion, that may indicate that it has already been sufficiently addressed in prior research or that the question is leading. For example, Are invasive species bad? is not a very debatable question (the answer is in the term “invasive species”!). A paper that focused on this question would essentially define and provide examples of invasive species (i.e. information that is already well documented). Instead, a researcher might investigate the effects of a specific invasive species. For example: How have Burmese pythons impacted ecosystems in the Everglades, and what mitigation strategies are most effective to reduce Burmese python populations?

Therefore, research topics, including environmental science topics, are those about which there are ample questions yet to be definitively answered. Taking time to develop a thoughtful research question will provide the necessary focus and structure to facilitate meaningful research.

10 Great Environmental Science Research Topics (With Explanations!)

Now that we have a basic understanding of what qualities can make or break a research topic, we can return to our focus on environmental science topics. Although “great” research topics are somewhat subjective, we believe the following topics provide excellent foundations for research due to ongoing debates in these areas, as well as the urgency of the challenges they seek to address.

1) Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Although climate change is now a well-known concept , there is still much to be learned about how humans can best mitigate and adapt to its effects. Mitigation involves reducing the severity of climate change. However, there are a variety of ways mitigation can occur, from switching to electric vehicles to enforcing carbon taxes on corporations that produce the highest carbon emission levels. Many of these environmental science topics intersect with issues of public policy and economics, making them very nuanced and versatile.

In comparison, climate change adaptation considers how humans can adjust to life in an evolving climate where issues such as food insecurity, floods, droughts, and other severe weather events are more frequent. Research on climate change adaptation is particularly fascinating due to the various levels at which it occurs, from federal down to local governments, to help communities anticipate and adjust to the effects of climate change.

Both climate change mitigation and adaptation represent excellent environmental science research topics as there is still much to be learned to address this issue and its varied effects.

2) Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is another fairly mainstream topic in which there is much to learn and research. Although scientists have identified many forms of sustainable energy, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, questions remain about how to best implement these energy sources. How can politicians, world leaders, and communities advance renewable energy through public policy? What impact will renewable energy have on local and national economies? And how can we minimize the environmental impact of renewable energy technologies? While we have identified alternatives to fossil fuels, questions persist about the best way to utilize these technologies, making renewable energy one of the best environmental science topics to research.

3) Conservation

Conservation is a broad topic within environmental science, focusing on issues such as preserving environments and protecting endangered species. However, conservation efforts are more challenging than ever in the face of a growing world population and climate change. In fact, some scientists theorize that we are currently in the middle of a sixth mass extinction event. While these issues might seem dire, we need scientists to conduct research on conservation efforts for specific species, as well as entire ecosystems, to help combat these challenges and preserve the planet’s biodiversity.

4) Deforestation

The Save the Rainforest movement of the 1980s and 90s introduced many people to the issue of deforestation. Today, the problems associated with deforestation, such as reduced biodiversity and soil erosion, are fairly common knowledge. However, these challenges persist due, in part, to construction and agricultural development projects. While we know the effects of deforestation, it is more difficult to identify and implement feasible solutions. This is particularly true in developing countries where deforestation is often more prevalent due to political, environmental, and economic factors. Environmental science research can help reduce deforestation by identifying strategies to help countries sustainably manage their natural resources.

Environmental Science Topics (Continued)

5) urban ecology.

When we think of “the environment,” our brains often conjure up images of majestic mountain ranges and lush green forests. However, less “natural” environments also warrant study: this is where urban ecology comes in. Urban ecology is the study of how organisms interact with one another and their environment in urban settings. Through urban ecology, researchers can address topics such as how greenspaces in cities can reduce air pollution, or how local governments can adopt more effective waste management practices. As one of the newer environmental science topics, urban ecology represents an exciting research area that can help humans live more sustainably.

6) Environmental Justice

While environmental issues such as climate change impact people on a global scale, not all communities are affected equally. For example, wealthy nations tend to contribute more to greenhouse-gas emissions. However, less developed nations are disproportionately bearing the brunt of climate change . Studies within the field of environmental justice seek to understand how issues such as race, national origin, and income impact the degree to which people experience hardships from environmental issues. Researchers in this field not only document these inequities, but also identify ways in which environmental justice can be achieved. As a result, their work helps communities have access to clean, safe environments in which they can thrive.

7) Water Management

Water is, of course, necessary for life, which is why water management is so important within environmental science research topics. Water management research ensures that water resources are appropriately identified and maintained to meet demand. However, climate change has heightened the need for water management research, due to the occurrence of more severe droughts and wildfires. As a result, water management research is necessary to ensure water is clean and accessible.

8) Pollution and Bioremediation

Another impact of the increase in human population and development is heightened air, water, and soil pollution. Environmental scientists study pollutants to understand how they work and where they originate. Through their research, they can identify solutions to help address pollution, such as bioremediation, which is the use of microorganisms to consume and break down pollutants. Collectively, research on pollution and bioremediation helps us restore environments so they are sufficient for human, animal, and plant life.

9) Disease Ecology

While environmental science topics impact the health of humans, we don’t always think of this discipline as intersecting with medicine. But, believe it or not, they can sometimes overlap! Disease ecology examines how ecological processes and interactions impact disease evolution. For example, malaria is a disease that is highly dependent on ecological variables, such as temperature and precipitation. Both of these factors can help or hinder the breeding of mosquitoes and, therefore, the transmission of malaria. The risk of infectious diseases is likely to increase due to climate change , making disease ecology an important research topic.

10) Ecosystems Ecology

If nothing else, the aforementioned topics and their related debates showcase just how interconnected the world is. None of us live in a vacuum: our environment affects us just as we affect it. That makes ecosystems ecology, which examines how ecosystems operate and interact, an evergreen research topic within environmental science.

40 More Environmental Science Research Topics

Still haven’t stumbled upon the right environmental science research topic? The following ideas may help spark some inspiration:

  • The effects of agricultural land use on biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • The impact of invasive plant species on ecosystems.
  • How wildfires and droughts shape ecosystems.
  • The role of fire ecology in addressing wildfire threats.
  • The impact of coral bleaching on biodiversity.
  • Ways to minimize the environmental impact of clean energies.
  • The effects of climate change on ocean currents and migration patterns of marine species.

Environmental Justice and Public Policy

  • Opportunities to equalize the benefits of greenspaces for impoverished and marginalized communities.
  • The impact of natural disasters on human migration patterns.
  • The role of national parks and nature reserves in human health.
  • How to address inequalities in the impact of air pollution.
  • How to prevent and address the looming climate refugee crisis.
  • Environmentally and economically sustainable alternatives to deforestation in less developed countries.
  • Effects of environmental policies and regulations on impoverished communities.
  • The role of pollutants in endocrine disruption.
  • The effects of climate change on the emergence of infectious diseases.

AP Environmental Science Research Topics (Continued)

Soil science.

  • Effects of climate change on soil erosion.
  • The role of land management in maintaining soil health.
  • Agricultural effects of salinization in coastal areas.
  • The effects of climate change on agriculture.

Urban Ecology

  • How road construction impacts biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • The effects of urbanization and city planning on water cycles.
  • Impacts of noise pollution on human health.
  • The role of city planning in reducing light pollution.

Pollution and Bioremediation

  • The role of bioremediation in removing “forever” chemicals from the environment.
  • Impacts of air pollution on maternal health.
  • How to improve plastic recycling processes.
  • Individual measures to reduce consumption and creation of microplastics.
  • Environmental impacts of and alternatives to fracking.

Environmental Law and Ethics

  • Ethical implications of human intervention in the preservation of endangered species.
  • The efficacy and impact of single-use plastic laws.
  • Effects of religious and cultural values in environmental beliefs.
  • The ethics of climate change policy for future generations.
  • Ethical implications of international environmental regulations for less developed countries.
  • The impact and efficacy of corporate carbon taxes.
  • Ethical and environmental implications of fast fashion.
  • The ethics and efficacy of green consumerism.
  • Impacts of the hospitality and travel industries on pollution and emissions.
  • The ethical implications of greenwashing in marketing.
  • Effects of “Right to Repair” laws on pollution.

Final Thoughts: Environmental Science Research Topics

Environmental science is a diverse and very important area of study that impacts all aspects of life on Earth. If you’ve found a topic you’d like to pursue, it’s time to hit the books (or online databases)! Begin reading broadly on your chosen topic so you can define a specific research question. If you’re unsure where to begin, contact a research librarian who can connect you with pertinent resources. As you familiarize yourself with the discourse surrounding your topic, consider what questions spring to mind. Those questions may represent gaps around which you can craft a research question.

Interested in conducting academic research? Check out the following resources for information on research opportunities and programs:

  • Research Opportunities for High School Students
  • Colleges with the Best Undergraduate Research Programs
  • College Success
  • High School Success

Emily Smith

Emily earned a BA in English and Communication Studies from UNC Chapel Hill and an MA in English from Wake Forest University. While at UNC and Wake Forest, she served as a tutor and graduate assistant in each school’s writing center, where she worked with undergraduate and graduate students from all academic backgrounds. She also worked as an editorial intern for the Wake Forest University Press as well as a visiting lecturer in the Department of English at WFU, and currently works as a writing center director in western North Carolina.

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What really matters for successful research environments? A realist synthesis

Rola ajjawi.

1 Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia

Paul E S Crampton

2 Research Department of Medical Education, University College London, London, UK

3 Monash Centre for Scholarship in Health Education (MCSHE), Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia

Charlotte E Rees

Associated data.

Table S2. MeSH terms and a selection of key terms utilised in the database searches.

Table S3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria with respect to topic, recentness and type of article.

Table S4. Refined inclusion and exclusion criteria to include contextual parameters.

Table S5. Studies by type: qualitative, quantitative and mixed‐methods.

Research environments, or cultures, are thought to be the most influential predictors of research productivity. Although several narrative and systematic reviews have begun to identify the characteristics of research‐favourable environments, these reviews have ignored the contextual complexities and multiplicity of environmental characteristics.

The current synthesis adopts a realist approach to explore what interventions work for whom and under what circumstances.

We conducted a realist synthesis of the international literature in medical education, education and medicine from 1992 to 2016, following five stages: (i) clarifying the scope; (ii) searching for evidence; (iii) assessing quality; (iv) extracting data, and (v) synthesising data.

We identified numerous interventions relating to research strategy, people, income, infrastructure and facilities (IIF), and collaboration. These interventions resulted in positive or negative outcomes depending on the context and mechanisms fired. We identified diverse contexts at the individual and institutional levels, but found that disciplinary contexts were less influential. There were a multiplicity of positive and negative mechanisms, along with three cross‐cutting mechanisms that regularly intersected: time; identity, and relationships. Outcomes varied widely and included both positive and negative outcomes across subjective (e.g. researcher identity) and objective (e.g. research quantity and quality) domains.


The interplay among mechanisms and contexts is central to understanding the outcomes of specific interventions, bringing novel insights to the literature. Researchers, research leaders and research organisations should prioritise the protection of time for research, enculturate researcher identities, and develop collaborative relationships to better foster successful research environments. Future research should further explore the interplay among time, identity and relationships.

Short abstract

This realist review shows when and why interventions related to research strategy; people; income, infrastructure and facilities; and collaboration result in positive or negative research environments. Findings indicate that protected time, researcher identities and collaborative relationships are important for fostering successful research environments.


Research environments matter. Environmental considerations such as robust cultures of research quality and support for researchers are thought to be the most influential predictors of research productivity. 1 , 2 Over 25 years ago, Bland and Ruffin 1 identified 12 characteristics of research‐favourable environments in the international academic medicine literature spanning the period from the mid‐1960s to 1990 (Box 1 ). Although these characteristics are aspirational in flavour, how they interplay to influence research productivity within increasingly complex institutional structures is not yet known. Indeed, although existing reviews have begun to help us better understand what makes for successful research environments, this research has typically ignored the contextual complexities and multiplicity of environmental characteristics 1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 and has focused on narrow markers of productivity such as the quantity of research outputs (e.g. ref. 7 ) The current realist synthesis, therefore, aims to address this gap in the research literature by reviewing more recent literature ( 1992–2016 ) and exploring the features of successful research environments in terms of which interventions work, for whom, how and in what circumstances.

Characteristics of successful research environments 1

  • Clear organisational research goals
  • Research productivity as a priority and at least equal priority to other activities
  • A robust research culture with shared research values
  • A positive group climate
  • Participative governance structures
  • Non‐hierarchical and decentralised structures
  • Good communication and professionally meaningful relationships between team members
  • Decent resources such as people, funding, research facilities and time
  • Larger group size, moderately established teams and diversity
  • Rewards for research success
  • Recruitment and selection of talented researchers
  • Research‐oriented leaders with research expertise and skill

The contextual background for understanding successful research environments

Against a backdrop of the mass production of education, reduced government funding for research and ‘new managerialist’ cultures in higher education, 8 , 9 increased scrutiny of the quantity and quality of research, the research environments in which research is produced and the impacts of research has become inevitable. 10 Indeed, in higher education institutions (HEIs) globally, research productivity is being measured as part of individual researcher and research group key performance indicators. 7 In many countries, such as Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand and the UK, 11 HEI research is measured on a national scale through government‐led research assessments. Such research measurement has contributed to the allocation of funding to universities and differentiation of universities in the competitive marketplace, with some solidifying their institutional identities as ‘research‐intensive’ and others emphasising their relative ‘newcomer‐to‐research’ status (e.g. previously ‘teaching‐intensive’ universities). 9 , 12 , 13 Such institutional differentiation also parallels that of individual academics within universities, who are increasingly encouraged to take either ‘research‐active’ or ‘education‐focused’ career pathways. 8 , 9 It is these broader national and institutional constraints that inevitably impact on research environments at the level of units, centres, departments and schools within universities (the level of ‘research environment’ that we focus on in this paper). Table S1 provides definitions of key terms.

Key features of research environments identified in previous reviews

Evans defines a research environment as including: ‘shared values, assumptions, beliefs, rituals and other forms of behaviour whose central focus is the acceptance and recognition of research practice and output as valued, worthwhile and pre‐eminent activity.’ 14 Previous reviews have tended to focus on interventions aimed at individual researchers, such as research capacity building, 4 , 5 , 7 and with individual‐level outcomes, such as increased numbers of grants or publications. 4 , 5 , 7 These reviews have typically concluded that research capacity‐building interventions lead to positive research outcomes. 4 , 5 , 7 Furthermore, the reviews have identified both individual and institutional enablers to research. Individual enablers included researchers’ intrinsic motivation to conduct research. 6 , 7 Institutional enablers included peer support, encouragement and review, 7 mentoring and collaboration, 4 , 5 research leadership, 5 , 6 institutional structures, processes and systems supporting research, such as clear strategy, 5 , 6 protected time and financial support. 5 Although these reviews have begun to shed light on the features of successful research environments, they have significant limitations: (i) they either include studies of low to moderate quality 4 , 5 or fail to check the quality of studies included, 7 and (ii) they do not explore what works for whom and under what circumstances, but instead focus on what works and ignore the influence of the context in which interventions are implemented and ‘how’ outcomes come about. Indeed, Mazmanian et al. 4 concluded in their review: ‘…little is known about what works best and in what situations.’

Conceptual framework: a realist approach

Given the gaps in the research literature and the importance of promoting successful research environments for individuals’ careers, institutional prestige and the knowledge base of the community, we thought a realist synthesis would be most likely to elucidate how multiple complex interventions can influence success. Realism assumes the existence of an external reality (a real world), but one that is filtered (i.e. perceived, interpreted and responded to) through human senses, volitions, language and culture. 15 A realist approach enables the development and testing of theory for why interventions may or may not work, for whom and under what circumstances. 16 It does this through recognising that interventions do not directly cause outcomes; instead, participants’ reactions and responses to the opportunities provided by the intervention trigger outcomes. This approach can allow researchers to identify causal links in complex situations, such as those between interventions and the contexts in which they work, how they work (mechanisms) and their outcomes. 17 Although the context–mechanism–outcome (CMO) approach is not necessarily linear, it can help to provide explanations that privilege contextual variability. 18

Aligned with the goals of realist research, this synthesis aims to address the following research question: What are the features of successful research environments, for whom, how and in what circumstances?

We followed five stages of realist synthesis: (i) clarifying scope; (ii) searching for evidence; (iii) assessing quality; (iv) extracting data, and (v) synthesising data. 19 Our methods also follow the RAMESES ( r ealist a nd m eta‐narrative e vidence s ynthesis: e volving s tandards) reporting guidelines. 20

Clarifying the scope

We first clarified the scope of our realist synthesis by identifying relevant interventions based on the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 environment assessment criteria. The REF is a national exercise assessing the quality of research produced by UK HEIs, its impact beyond academia, and the environment that supports research. The assessment criteria indicated in the REF2014 environment template included the unit's research strategy , its people (including staffing strategy, staff development and research students), its income, infrastructure and facilities (IIF), as well as features of collaboration . 21 These guided our search terms (see stage 2 below). We chose to use these quality markers as they informed the UK national assessment exercise, upon which other national exercises are often based. In addition, these criteria were explicit, considered and implementable, and were developed through consensus. Like other realist syntheses, 18 , 22 , 23 ours considered a multiplicity of different interventions rather than just one and some of the papers we reviewed combined multiple interventions.

Based on previous reviews, 1 , 4 , 5 , 7 our initial programme theory speculated that interventions aligned to having an explicit research strategy, staff development opportunities, funding and establishing research networks would be effective for creating successful research environments (Fig. ​ (Fig.1 1 gives further details of our initial programme theory).

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Initial programme theory

Searching for empirical evidence

We devised search terms as a team and refined these iteratively with the help of a health librarian experienced in searching. We split the research question into three key concepts: (i) research environment; (ii) discipline, and (iii) research indicator (i.e. positive or negative). We then used variations of these terms to search the most relevant databases including MEDLINE, ProQuest, Scopus, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) and Web of Science. Table S2 illustrates the MeSH terms and provides a selection of key terms utilised in the database searches.

We were interested in comparing research cultures across the disciplines of medical education, education and medicine for two key reasons. Firstly, the discipline of medical education consists of a rich tapestry of epistemological approaches including biomedical sciences, social sciences and education, and medicine. 24 , 25 Secondly, there have been disciplinary arguments in the literature about whether medical education should be constructed as medicine or social science. 24 , 26

We agreed various inclusion and exclusion criteria with respect to topic, recentness and type of article (Table S3 ), as well as refined criteria to include contextual parameters (Table S4 ). We chose 1992 as the start date for our search period as 1992 saw the first published literature review about productive research environments in the academic medicine literature. 1

Study selection

The first top‐level search elicited 8527 journal articles across all databases. Once duplicate results had been removed, and ‘topic’ and ‘recentness’ study parameters reinforced, 420 articles remained. The searching and selection process is summarised in a PRISMA ( p referred r eporting i tems for s ystematic reviews and m eta‐ a nalyses) diagram (Fig. ​ (Fig.2). 2 ). Three research assistants and one of the authors (PESC) initially assessed relevance by reviewing abstracts using preliminary inclusion criteria. If any ambiguities were found by any of the reviewers, abstracts were checked by one of the other two researchers (RA and CER). Where divergent views existed, researchers discussed the reasons why and agreed on whether to include or exclude. A 10% sample of these 420 abstracts were double‐checked by an additional two researchers, including a number of articles previously excluded, for quality control purposes.

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PRISMA flow diagram of the selection process

Assessment of quality

We assessed the journal articles for relevance and rigour. 20 We defined an article's relevance according to ‘whether it can contribute to theory building and/or testing’. 20 Following the relevance check and ‘type’ exclusions to original research papers, 100 articles remained, which were then assessed for rigour. Although we chose to narrow down to original research, we kept relevant articles such as systematic reviews and opinion pieces to inform the introduction and discussion sections of this paper.

We defined rigour as determining ‘whether the method used to generate the particular piece of data is credible and trustworthy’. 20 We used two pre‐validated tools to assess study quality: the Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument (MERSQI) to assess the quality of quantitative research, 27 , 28 and the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) qualitative checklist for qualitative and mixed‐method studies. 29 Both tools are used to consider the rigour of study design, sampling, type of data, data analysis and outcomes/findings, and have been employed in previous reviews. 23 , 30

Following the quality assessment, 47 articles remained and were then subjected to data extraction and synthesis. Five papers were excluded as they did not contribute to our theory building or lacked CMO configurations (CMOCs). We kept notes of the reasons for excluding studies and resolved doubts through discussion (Fig. ​ (Fig.2 2 ).

Data extraction

Two data‐rich articles containing multiple CMOCs were inductively and deductively (based on the initial programme theory) coded by all of us to ensure consistency. We then discussed any similarities and differences in our coding. As is inherent in the challenges of realist approaches, we found differences in our identifications of CMOCs, which often related to how one particular component (e.g. time) could be an outcome at one moment and a mechanism the next. This alerted us to overlapping constructs, which we then explored as we coded remaining papers. To collect data across all remaining papers, we extracted information relating to: study design, methods and sample size; study setting; intervention focus; contexts of the intervention; mechanisms generated in the results, and outcomes. The key CMOCs in all 42 articles were identified primarily from the results sections of the papers. The process of data extraction and analysis was iterative with repeated discussion among the researchers of the demi‐regularities (i.e. patterns of CMOCs) in relation to the initial programme theory and negotiations of any differences of opinion.

Data synthesis

Finally, we interrogated our data extraction to look for patterns across our data/papers. We used an interpretative approach to consider how our data compared with our initial programme theory in order to develop our modified programme theory.

Characteristics of the studies

The 42 papers represented the following disciplines: medical education ( n = 4, 10%); 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 education ( n = 18, 43%), 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 and medicine ( n = 20, 48%). 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 63 , 64 , 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 , 71 , 72 There were 26 (62%) qualitative studies, 11 (26%) quantitative studies and five (12%) mixed‐methods studies (Table S5 ). The studies were from countries across the globe, including Australia ( n = 10, 24%), the USA ( n = 7, 17%), the UK ( n = 6, 14%), Canada ( n = 4, 10%), South Africa ( n = 4, 10%), Denmark ( n = 2, 5%), Turkey ( n = 2, 5%) and others ( n = 7, 17%) (e.g. Belgium, China, Germany, New Zealand and the Philippines). The research designs varied but common approaches included qualitative interviews, surveys, documentary/bibliographic analysis, case studies and mixed‐methods studies. Study participants included academics, teachers, health care professionals, senior directors, PhD students, early‐career researchers (ECRs) and senior researchers. Table S6 lists the individual contexts, interventions, mechanisms and outcomes identified from individual papers.

Extending our initial programme theory

A key finding from our realist synthesis was that the same interventions fired either positive or negative mechanisms leading to positive or negative outcomes, respectively, depending on context. Surprisingly, the CMOCs were mostly consistent across the three disciplines (i.e. medical education, education and medicine) with local contexts seemingly interplaying more strongly with outcomes. Therefore, we present these disciplinary contexts here as merged, but we highlight any differences by disciplinary context where relevant.

Having a research strategy promoted a successful research environment when it enabled appropriate resources (including time) and valuing of research; however, it had negative consequences when it too narrowly focused on outputs, incentives and rewards. In terms of people , individual researchers needed to be internally motivated and to have a sense of belonging, and protected time and access to capacity‐building activities in order to produce research. Lack of knowledge, researcher identity, networks and time, plus limited leadership support, acted as mechanisms leading to negative research outcomes. The presence of IIF was overwhelmingly indicated as necessary for successful research environments and their absence was typically detrimental. Interestingly, a few papers reported that external funding could have negative consequences because short‐term contracts, reduced job security and the use of temporary junior staff can lead to weak research environments. 40 , 67 , 71 Finally, collaboration was crucial for successful research mediated through trusting respectful relationships, supportive leadership and belongingness. Poor communication and competitive cultures, however, worked to undermine collaboration, leading to isolation and low self‐esteem, plus decreased research engagement and productivity. Table ​ Table1 1 highlights illustrative CMOCs for each intervention extending our initial programme theory.

Positive and negative context–mechanism–outcome configurations (CMOCs) for each intervention

InterventionPositive CMOCsNegative CMOCs
Research strategyThe institution and (C) must appropriately resource ( and money), measure, (M) to support collective research engagement, team productivity and (O) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , e.g. ‘Encouraging faculty members to obtain advanced degrees as well as providing them with a conducive and enabling environment for research are important policy decisions that have to be considered by the school administration’ Within research cultures of incentives and rewards (C), narrow strategic focus on outputs (I) can operate as a demoralising disincentive (M) decreasing research productivity (O) , , , , e.g. ‘The instrumentalist emphasis on quantity of research output and compliance with quality measures operated as a demoralising disincentive that curtailed, rather than improved, productivity for many’
PeopleResearch learners, ECRs and practitioner‐researchers (C) require (M) feeling empowered, enabled in their (M); (M); incentives (M); networks (M) and access to capacity building activities (M) and (M) to increase their outputs, grant applications, and publications (O) , , , , , , , , , , , , e.g. ‘for the majority of women interviewed their high performance in research was generated by their and this was generally reported to be a far more significant motivating factor than organisational imperatives’ For practitioner researchers and academics (C) (M), limited research knowledge and skills (M), (M), lack of incentives (M) and (M), and (M) leads to reduced research engagement and productivity (O) , , , , , , , e.g. ‘Primary care practitioners lack the research skills/training and to bid for or undertake research. As one dentist stated, “There is a feeling that you have to be an academic to do research… The system is set up to deliver primary care, not to do research”’
Income, infrastructure (I) and facilitiesWithin university (C), research grants and incentives (I), research infrastructure and space (I) leads to increased (M) among faculty members and improved university status and recognition (M) leading to increased research productivity (O), more grants (O) and improved quality (O) , , , , , , , , e.g. ‘We got [income from the Research Assessment Exercise 2008]… we've been able to use that money and people have felt the benefit quite a lot…’ In university and industry settings, lack of funding and access to resources leads to lack of (M) and greater job insecurity (M), leading to weak research environments, reduced engagement, poor‐quality research (O) and reduced productivity (O) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
e.g. ‘owing to the lack of extramural funding, other important factors such as and extra funding for travel costs to scientific meetings were not provided’
CollaborationFor all researchers (C) having (M), and (M) leads to great research productivity; better quality research; involvement in research activities; sustained research careers; and thriving research cultures (O) , , , , , , , , , , , , , e.g. ‘Research networks and with others, including supervisors and research mentors, are widely regarded as essential both during and after doctoral study, particularly in the early stages of an academic career and the formation of an ’ Within universities (C), poor communication (M), competitive cultures (M), and (M), lead to (M), and (M) resulting in decreased research engagement and productivity (O) , , , , , , ,
e.g. ‘There's a sort of separation between the people that are involved in the research and it's the main part of what they do, and us that have teaching as their main responsibility… so ’

CMOCs indicated in bold highlight the three cross‐cutting themes of time, identity and relationships.

ECRs = early‐career researchers.

Key cross‐cutting mechanisms: time, identity and relationships

As Table ​ Table1 1 shows, the same intervention can lead to positive or negative outcomes depending on the particular contexts and mechanisms triggered. This highlights greater complexity than is evident at first glance. Cross‐cutting these four interventions were three mechanisms that were regularly identified as critical to the success (or not) of a research environment: time; researcher identities, and relationships. We now present key findings for each of these cross‐cutting mechanisms and discuss how their inter‐relations lead to our modified programme theory (Fig. ​ (Fig.3). 3 ). Note that although we have tried to separate these three mechanisms for ease of reading, they were often messily entangled. Table ​ Table2 2 presents quotes illustrating the way in which each mechanism mediates outcomes within particular circumstances.

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Modified programme theory. ECR = early‐career researcher

Time, identity and relationships as cross‐cutting mechanisms mediating successful research environments

Quote no.MechanismQuote
1Time: efficient use of time‘I never say I need more time because you could use that as an excuse for anything… But I think support in terms of being quite smart at aligning research activity to other activity you're involved in is quite important’
2Identity: internal motivation‘[For teacher researchers] inherent satisfaction and reward from research, rather than external praise and feedback, was certainly an indication of moving towards a research identity’
3Relationships: leadership‘From an institutional perspective, much depends on the perceived value of research and how it is actively supported by management, for example, in terms of study leave, time allocated for research and the impact of financial savings’
4Time and identity‘I say personal determination and resilience is a big factor because there are people who have been given some time and have then not delivered… I mean some of them are keen, they will say they have got no time and you know that is an interesting question about whether you make time or whether you have to wait for time to be given to you’
5Identity and leadership‘…research leadership as a “process through which academic values and identities are constructed, promoted and maintained”. Leadership is, therefore, central to establishing a healthy and vibrant research culture’
6Time and relationships‘We recognise that the sense of community developed over time would not have been possible without mutual trust and respect. This has been instrumental in creating a safe environment for both academic and personal development, and has in turn made it “possible to share problems without feeling uncomfortable”. Without a sense of trust it would also have been impossible for us to become more confident both in ourselves, as emerging academics, and in our work’

Time was identified as an important mechanism for mobilising research outcomes across our three disciplines. Time was conceptualised severally including as: protected time; workload pressures influencing time available; efficient use of time; flexible use of time; making time, and time in career. The two most commonly considered aspects were protected time and workload implications. Protected time was largely talked about in the negative across a variety of contexts and disciplines, with lack of protected time leading to lack of researcher engagement or inactivity and reduced research productivity. 32 , 35 , 37 , 41 , 44 , 47 , 49 , 61 , 62 , 63 , 67 Also across a variety of contexts and disciplines, and acting as a positive mechanism, available protected time was found to lead to increased research productivity and active research engagement. 31 , 36 , 40 , 48 , 49 , 63 , 65 With regard to workload, limitations on the time available for research imposed by excessive other workloads led to reduced research activity, lower research productivity, poor‐quality research and reduced opportunity to attend research training. 40 , 41 , 47 , 49 , 60 , 67 Juggling of multiple responsibilities, such as clinical, teaching, administrative and leadership roles, also inhibited research productivity by diminishing the time available for research. 35 , 40 , 49 The alignment of research with other non‐research work was described as driving efficiencies in the use of time leading to greater research productivity (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 1).

Identity was also an important mechanism for mobilising research outcomes across our three disciplines. Interpretations included personal identities (e.g. gender), professional identity (e.g. as a primary practitioner or a primary researcher), and social identity (e.g. sense of belongingness). Researcher identity was often referred to in relation to first‐career practitioners (and therefore second‐career researchers). Sharp et al. 48 defined these as participants recruited into higher education not directly from doctoral study but on the basis of their extensive ‘first‐order’ knowledge and pedagogical expertise. These were also practitioners conducting research in schools or hospitals. Identities were also referenced in relation to early, mid‐career or senior researchers. Academic staff working in academic institutions needed to develop a sense of researcher identity, belongingness, self‐efficacy for research and autonomy to increase their satisfaction, competence and research activity. 39 , 40 , 44 , 46 , 51 , 67 For first‐career practitioners (i.e. teachers, doctors), the research needed to be highly relevant and aligned to their primary identity work in order to motivate them. 53 , 59 , 62 , 65 This alignment was described as having a strong research–teaching nexus. 40 , 48 Linked to this concept was the need for first‐career practitioners to see the impact of research in relation to their primary work (e.g. patient‐ or student‐oriented) to facilitate motivation and to develop a researcher identity (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 2). 36 , 37 , 41 , 49 , 53 , 54 , 67 Where research was seen as irrelevant to primary identity work (e.g. English language teaching, general practice), there was research disengagement. 37 , 48 , 52 , 59 , 67


For all researchers and across our three disciplines, relationships were important in the mediating of successful research environments. 31 , 34 , 38 , 39 , 41 , 44 , 57 , 60 , 66 , 67 Positive research relationships were characterised by mutual trust and respect, 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 54 , 66 , 72 whereas others described them as friendships that take time to develop. 51 Mutually supportive relationships seemed to be particularly relevant to ECRs in terms of developing confidence, self‐esteem and research capacity and making identity transitions. 35 , 43 , 48 , 58 , 67 Relationships in the form of networks were considered to improve the quality of research through multicentre research and improved collaboration. 33 , 60 Supportive leadership as a particular form of relationship was an important mechanism in promoting a successful research environment. Supportive leaders needed to monitor workloads, set the vision, raise awareness of the value of research, and provide positive role‐modelling, thereby leading to increased productivity, promoting researcher identities and creating thriving research environments (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 3). 31 , 34 , 37 , 38 , 40 , 41 , 43 , 44 , 46 , 48 , 49 , 53 , 55 , 62 Research leadership, however, could be influenced negatively by the context of compliance and counting in current university cultures damaging relationships, creating a loss of motivation, and raising feelings of devalue. Indeed, the failure of leaders to recognise researcher identities led to negative research productivity. 36 , 37 , 38 , 43 , 46 , 48 , 49

Intersections between time, identity and relationships within successful research environments

Time and identity.

Time and identity intersected in interesting ways. Firstly, time was a necessary enabler for the development of a researcher identity. 37 , 38 , 41 , 48 , 49 , 54 , 59 , 61 , 63 , 65 , 67 , 69 Secondly, those who identified as researchers (thus holding primary researcher identities) used their time efficiently to favour research activity outcomes despite a lack of protected time. 35 , 43 Conversely, for other professors who lacked personal determination and resilience for research, having protected time did not lead to better research activity. 43 This highlights the fact that time alone is insufficient to support a successful research environment, and that it is how time is utilised and prioritised by researchers that really matters (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 4).

Identity and relationships

Interventions aimed at developing researcher identity consistently focused on relationship building across the three disciplines. The interventions that supported identity transitions into research included formal research training, 44 , 48 , 52 , 68 mentoring, 41 , 48 , 57 , 65 , 72 writing groups, 72 and collaboration with peers and other researchers, 39 , 41 , 43 operating through multiple mechanisms including relationships. The mechanisms included self‐esteem/confidence, increased networks, external recognition as a researcher, belongingness, and self‐efficacy. 35 , 41 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 52 , 57 Furthermore, our data suggest that leadership can be an enabler to the development of a researcher identity. In particular, leadership enabled research autonomy, recognition and empowerment, and fostered supportive mentoring environments, leading to researcher identity development and research productivity (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 5). 34 , 38 , 46 , 48

Time and relationships

Relationships were developed and sustained over time (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 6). Across the three disciplines, the role of leaders (managers, directors, deans) was to acknowledge and raise awareness of research, and then to prioritise time for research against competing demands, leading to effective research networks, cohesion and collaboration. 31 , 34 , 38 , 43 , 46 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 53 , 55 , 70 Second‐career PhD students who did not invest time in establishing relationships with researchers in their new disciplines (as they already had strong supportive networks in their original disciplines) found that they had limited research networks following graduation. 48

Summary of key findings

Our initial programme theory was based on previous literature reviews 1 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 and on the REF2014 criteria. 10 , 21 However, we were able to develop a modified programme theory on the basis of our realist synthesis, which highlights novel findings in terms of what really matters for successful research environments. Firstly, we found that key interventions led to both positive (subjective and objective) and negative (subjective and objective) outcomes in various contexts. Interestingly, we did not identify any outcomes relating to research impact despite impact nowadays being considered a prominent marker of research success, alongside quantitative metrics such as number of publications, grant income and h‐indices. 21 Secondly, we found that disciplinary contexts appeared to be less influential than individual, local and institutional contexts. Finally, our modified programme theory demonstrates a complex interplay among three cross‐cutting mechanisms (time, researcher identity and relationships) as mechanisms underpinning both successful and unsuccessful research environments.

Key findings and comparisons with the existing literature

Our research supports the findings of earlier reviews 1 , 5 , 6 , 7 regarding the importance of having a clear research strategy, an organisation that values research, research‐oriented leadership, access to resources (such as people, funding, research facilities and time), and meaningful relationships. However, our research extends these findings considerably by flagging up the indication that a clear linear relationship, whereby the presence of these interventions will necessarily result in a successful research environment, does not exist. For example, instituting a research strategy can have negative effects if the indicators are seen as overly narrow in focus or output‐oriented. 38 , 40 , 46 , 47 , 64 Similarly, project money can lead to the employment of more part‐time staff on fixed‐term contracts, which results in instability, turnover and lack of research team expertise. 40 , 67 , 71

Our findings indicate that the interplays among time, identity and relationships are important considerations when implementing interventions promoting research environments. Although time was identified as an important mechanism affecting research outcomes within the majority of papers, researcher identity positively affected research outcomes even in time‐poor situations. Indeed, we found that identity acted as a mechanism for research productivity that could overcome limited time through individuals efficiently finding time to prioritise research through their motivation and resilience. 35 , 43 Time was therefore more than just time spent doing research, but also included investment in developing a researcher identity and relationships with other researchers over time. 37 , 38 , 41 , 48 , 49 , 54 , 59 , 61 , 63 , 67 , 69 Relationship‐building interventions were also found to be effective in supporting difficult identity transitions into research faced by ECRs and those with first‐career practitioner backgrounds. Supportive leadership, as a particular form of relationship, could be seen as an enabler to the provision of protected time and a reasonable workload, allowing time for research and for researcher identity formation. 34 , 38 , 46 , 48 Indeed, our realist synthesis findings highlight the central importance of researcher identity and thus offer a novel explanation for why research environments may not flourish even in the presence of a research strategy, resources (e.g. time) and valuing of research.

Researcher identity is complex and intersects with other identities such as those of practitioner, teacher, leader and so on. Brew et al. 39 , 73 , 74 explored researcher identification and productivity by asking researchers if they considered themselves to be ‘research‐active’ and part of a research team. Those who identified as researchers prioritised their work differently: those who were highly productive prioritised research, whereas those in the low‐productivity group prioritised teaching. 73 Interestingly, highly productive researchers tended to view research as a social phenomenon with publications, presentations and grants being ‘traded’ in academic networks. Brew et al. 39 explain that: ‘…the trading view relates to a self‐generating researcher identity. Researcher identity develops in the act of publication, networks, collaborations and peer review. These activities support a person's identification as a researcher. They also, in turn, influence performance measures and metrics.’ Although the relationships among identity, identification and productivity are clearly complex, we explored a broader range of metrics in our realist synthesis than just productivity.

Methodological strengths and limitations

This is the first study to explore this important topic using realist synthesis to better understand the influence of context and how particular interventions lead to outcomes. We followed RAMESES 20 guidelines and adopted a rigorous team‐based approach to each analytic stage, conducting regular quality checks. The search was not exhaustive as we could have ‘exploded’ the interventions and performed a comprehensive review of each in its own right (e.g. mentoring). However, for pragmatic reasons and to answer our broad research questions, we chose not to do this, as suggested by Wong et al. 20 Although all members of the team had been involved in realist syntheses previously, the process remained messy as we dealt with complex phenomena. The messiness often lies in untangling CMOCs and identifying recurrent patterns in the large amounts of literature reviewed.

Implications for education and research

Our findings suggest that interventions related to research strategy, people, IIF and collaboration are supported under the ‘right’ conditions. We need to focus on time, identity and relationships (including leadership) in order to better mobilise the interventions to promote successful research environments.

Individuals need to reflect on how and why they identify as researchers, including their conceptions of research and their working towards the development of a researcher identity such that research is internally motivated rather than just externally driven. Those who are second‐career researchers or those with significant teaching or practitioner roles could seek to align research with their practice while they establish wider research networks.

We recommend that research leaders support individuals to develop their researcher identity, be seen to value research, recognise that research takes time, and provide access to opportunities promoting research capacity building, strong relationships and collaboration. Leaders, for example, may introduce interventions that promote researcher identities and build research relationships (e.g. collaborations, networking, mentoring, research groups etc.), paying attention to the ways in which competitive or collaborative cultures are fostered. Browne et al. 75 recently recommended discussions around four categories for promoting identity transition: reflection on self (values, experiences and expectations); consideration of the situation (circumstances, concerns); support (what is available and what is needed), and strategies (personal strategies to cope with change and thrive). With the professionalisation of medical education, 76 research units are increasingly likely to contain a mixture of first‐ and second‐career researchers, and our review suggests that discussions about conceptions of research and researcher identity would be valuable.

Finally, organisations need to value research and provide access to resources and research capacity‐building activities. Within the managerialist cultures of HEIs, compliance and counting have already become dominant discourses in terms of promotion and success. Policymakers should therefore consider ways in which HEIs recognise, incentivise and reward research in all its forms (including subjective and objective measures of quantity, quality and impact) to determine the full effects of their policies on research environments.

Future research would benefit from further exploration of the interplay among time, identities and relationships (including leadership) in different contexts using realist evaluation. 77 Specifically, as part of realist approaches, longitudinal audio‐diaries 78 could be employed to explore researcher identity transitions over time, particularly for first‐career practitioners transitioning into second‐career researchers.


RA and CER were responsible for the conception of the synthesis. All authors contributed to the protocol development. RA and PESC carried out the database searches. All authors sifted for relevance and rigour, analysed the papers and contributed to the writing of the article. All authors approved the final manuscript for publication.

Conflicts of interest

Ethical approval.

not required.

Supporting information

Table S1. Definitions of key terms.

Table S6. Contexts, interventions, mechanisms and outcomes identified in individual studies.


we thank Andy Jackson, Learning and Teaching Librarian, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK, for his advice and help in developing our literature searches. We also thank Laura McDonald, Paul McLean and Eilidh Dear, who were medical students at the University of Dundee, for their help with database searches and with sifting papers for relevance and rigour. We would also like to thank Chau Khuong, Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, for her work in designing Figs ​ Figs1 1 and ​ and3 3 .

SIU researcher wins $624,500 NSF-CAREER grant to develop microbes to mitigate plastic waste

Southern Illinois University | Saturday, August 31, 2024

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 A man is seated in a lab, smiling while looking at the camera. In the background are others, wearing lab coats, and talking.

Lahiru Jayakody, associate professor in the School of Biological Sciences, holds a plastic water bottle in his lab at SIU. Jayakody has won a prestigious NSF-CAREER grant to engineer microbes with the ability to break down various types of plastics. (Photo by Russell Bailey)

August 27, 2024

by Tim Crosby

CARBONDALE, Ill. – Can a microbe be used to eat our way out of the growing problem of plastic waste in our environment? A Southern Illinois University Carbondale researcher thinks it might be possible, and he’s using a large federal grant to investigate.

Lahiru Jayakody, associate professor in the School of Biological Sciences and Fermentation Science Institute, is looking at engineering a novel microorganism with the ability to break down various types of plastics into their basic building blocks, or monomers. The process would provide a way to handle waste plastics polluting the environment, while also providing the monomer precursors for other valuable chemicals.

Jayakody recently received a prestigious five-year CAREER grant of up to $624,500 from the National Science Foundation to pursue the work at SIU starting Sept. 1. Along with equipment and supplies, the grant also will fund one postdoctoral researcher, two doctoral students, one undergraduate researcher and local high school students.

Also known as the Faculty Early Career Development Program, CAREER grants seek to support early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their departments or organizations. 

“It is really a dream to receive such a highly competitive award,” said Jayakody, thanking his students for providing the vital preliminary data that helped garner the grant.

Goals for the project include developing an efficient microbial process to selectively deconstruct mixed plastic waste and to find ways to funnel the resulting compounds to create high-value chemicals.

A global issue

Anywhere between 19 million and 23 million tons of petroleum-derived plastics enter landfills and the oceans each year. The growing problem is having a substantial impact not only on the environment but on human health. Some studies suggest humans ingest up to 40 pounds of plastic during their lifetime, due to its ubiquitous presence in the environment and its use as packaging for food and water. 

Jayakody has been on the cutting edge of finding innovative ways to deal with this issue. His research team’s other ongoing projects include investigating a way to upcycle waste coffee and tea into microbes to be used to generate a biodegradable alternative to some plastics, as well as µBites (which means “microbites”), which uses specialized yeast to turn waste biomass and plastic into proteins that can be consumed as alternative food sources. 

Jayakody hopes to pioneer an innovative, sustainable microbial-based biological system that would convert the carbon in current common petroleum-based plastics – such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) polyurethane (PU), polycarbonate (PC) – into high-value platform chemicals. Such biochemicals might eventually be used to replace petroleum-based polymers altogether.

“This would remarkably reduce plastic pollution and greenhouse gas emissions,” Jayakody said.

The key aspect to making this new cycle work is a new bug that will do all the work: Erwinia renovo LJJL01. Created from a related bacterium engineered to efficiently break down PET plastics into their original monomers with secreted plastic-degrading enzymes, the new microbe will selectively break down mixed plastic into its original monomers and convert them into high-value chemicals.

To do this, the researchers will use high-tech genomics, RNA sequencing, proteomics, metabolomics and other techniques aimed at identifying the molecular mechanisms that optimize plastic-degrading enzyme secretion.

“We will develop synthetic biology tools and metabolic engineering approaches to tailor an efficient strain for plastic upcycling,” Jayakody said. “The final goal is to develop a microbial strain for consolidated bioprocessing of plastic.”

The project will fill the knowledge gap on microbial engineering approaches for polymer deconstruction and the creation of innovative chemicals, Jayakody said.

“We’re going to learn more, in-depth knowledge about this novel bacterium and its incredible metabolic capacity, its chemical toxicity tolerance and other factors,” he said. “And from that, we’ll generate a unique dataset that will help us develop a new host capable of advancing the process.”

Preparing for the future

Creating such a process would in turn require educating up-and-coming scientists and engineers in this new approach. The project, therefore, comes with a strong educational component.

Jayakody’s work will establish advanced synthetic microbiology and biotechnology educational programs at SIU. The efforts are centered on developing the workforce required to combat plastic pollution.

Much of the work will take place in the BioLaunch Core Facility at the McLafferty Annex on the west side of campus. Announced in 2022, the state-of-the-art, 7,500-square-foot facility was one of eight new wet lab spaces funded by the Rebuild Illinois capital program.

“We want to provide rich, synergistic, interdisciplinary research experiences for graduate and undergraduate students, postdoc and industry, including ethnic minorities and first-generation college students, and promote career opportunities,” Jayakody said.

He also will create educational innovations for the plastics industry and genetic engineering efforts and reach out to the local community and its younger students to make them aware of the evolving, new technologies in upcycling waste plastic.

“We’ll strive to create a deeper awareness of plastic waste’s impact on health, the environment and the economy and engage the public to adopt better policies to battle global plastic waste,” he said. “Since this is foundational yet transitional research, we’re eager to secure additional funding, industrial support and investor backing to further develop the technology.”

Risk vs. reward

Jayakody said SIU has been extremely supportive of his work, which has helped the project move forward.

“This research involves high-risk, high-reward, hypothesis-driven work that demands dedication to achieve our set goals,” he said. “I have great confidence in my research team’s and our collaborators’ ability to handle the scientific challenges, and I have consistently received excellent support from the SIU administration to smoothly run the projects.” 

(Note to editors: Lahiru Jayakody’s name is pronounced La-HIGH-roo JAY-ya-kody.)

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55 Remarkable Environmental Topics for Research Proposal

Explore the collection of great environmental research topics from field experts.

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Environmental Research Topics: Features, Importance & Great Ideas

Environmental investigations entail investigating the natural world’s structure and function, the association between humans and the environment, and how people’s values, beliefs, and attitudes affect that association. Environmental research topics thus cover a wide range of subjects, including climate change, biodiversity, pollution, renewable energy, and sustainability.

How to Choose Environmental Topics for Research

Environmental investigations is a very broad field that offers a wide range of areas to investigate. So how can you choose a good one for your paper? First, always pick an issue from the area you are interested in. What is environmental science direction you’d like to develop? Working on your paper will be easier since you’ll be motivated to explore something you care about. From there, sort through your environmental topics for research to determine the following:

  • Relevance – does the proposal theme address an environmental issue with significant societal implications, such as pollution or climate change?
  • Originality –  does the investigation subject offer a new perspective on existing knowledge?
  • Feasibility – are the environmental topics to research realistic and achievable based on the scope and your available resources?
  • Scope – how broad is the matter of investigation? It shouldn’t be too broad or too narrow; it should be the right size to provide a comprehensive investigation.

When choosing environmental science research paper topics, avoid those that are too complex or require more resources and time than you can provide. Remember also to consider data availability, literature, funding, time, and ethical issues involved.

environmental research topics

Environmental Topics for Research Paper Are Not Created Equal

Environmental science topics are created differently depending on your discipline, purpose, scope, and methodology. Thus, the approach used to formulate them differs as they will serve different purposes. For example, some are explanatory and will try to explain how something happens or works. Others will try to seek more knowledge about a subject(exploratory). Then, you might also encounter a few that compare and contrast two phenomena or situations.

When assessing investigation issues, carefully evaluate your goals and interests before committing to a specific one. Otherwise, you might get stuck. Luckily our research proposal writing services are always here to help you help to get out of even the most challenging situation!

The Most Actual Environmental Science Topics for an Excellent Proposal

Natural and human-made systems that shape our planet and affect its inhabitants are one of the most interesting areas to write a paper about. Check out these environmental topics for research paper to produce an engaging proposal.

1. Consequences of Climate Change Human Societies.

2. Challenges of Renewable Energy Technologies.

3. Recycling Initiatives and Their Implications on Reducing Pollution.

4. Challenges of Sustainable Management of Freshwater Resources.

5. The Impact of Low Air Quality on Human Health.

6. Effectiveness of Conservational Policies in Addressing Environmental Issues.

7. Impacts of Sustainable Transportation in Reducing Urban Ecological Footprint.

8. Effect of Marine Pollution on Marine Ecosystems.

9. Challenges Facing Sustainable Farming Practices.

10. Impacts of Electricity Generation on the Environment.

11. Ecological Hazards of Electronic Waste.

12. Tourism’s Negative Effect on Ecosystems.

Environmental science research topics are often flexible and can be broadened or narrowed down depending on the scope of your study.

Interesting Environmental Justice Topics

Environmental justice involves advocating for fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people in implementing environmental laws and policies. Here’re exciting environmental justice topics for a good proposal.

1. Effect of Hazardous Waste Facilities on Minority Communities.

2. The Influence of Air Pollution Exposure on the Health of Marginalized Populations.

3. Effect of Unequal Distribution of Parks and Green Spaces in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods.

4. Relationship Between Indigenous Communities and Conservation Efforts.

5. Influence of Climate Change on Vulnerable Communities.

6. Differential Impacts of Natural Disasters on Marginalized Populations.

7. The Importance of Environmental Education in Empowering Disadvantaged Communities.

8. Barriers to Equitable Access to Healthy and Sustainable Food Options in Marginalized Communities.

9. Geographical Inequalities in Accessing Clean Water.

10. The Intersection Between Food Justice and Ecological Concerns.

11. The Link Between Exposure to Pollutants Hazards and Adverse Health Outcomes in Socially Disadvantaged Groups.

12. Barriers to Equitable Distribution of Resources and Assistance During Post-disaster Recovery in Marginalized Communities.

The above can provide great options for a research proposal about environmental problems and how they affect specific populations.

Insightful Environmental Economics Research Topics

Environmental economics research topics aim to understand the human activities impacting on the natural environment and human welfare. So if you are looking for decent quantitative research ideas , consider the following offered by our experienced investigator.

1. Effectiveness of Economic Incentives in Promoting the Adoption of Renewable Energy Sources.

2. Effect of Pollution Regulations on Automobile Manufacturing Industry Competitiveness.

3. Factors Promoting Economic Growth in Green Industries and Sustainable Sectors.

4. The Economic Influence of Urban Sprawl on Environmental Quality.

5. Economic Implications of Water Scarcity.

6. Economic Incentives for Conserving Biodiversity.

7. Economic Benefits of Investing in Renewable Energy Technologies.

8. The Economic Viability of Strategies to Reduce Plastic Pollution.

9. Effectiveness of Carbon Pricing Mechanisms in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

10. Economic Consequences of Natural Disasters.

11. Economic Importance of Disaster Preparedness and Resilience.

12. Economic Benefits of Transitioning From a Linear to a Circular Economy Model Focused on Resource Efficiency and Waste Reduction.

13. Role of Green Finance & Sustainable Investments in Supporting Eco-Friendly Projects and Businesses.

14. Efficient Water Pricing Mechanisms to Encourage Conservation.

Captivating Environmental Biology Research Topics

Environmental biology research topics will often try to assess the interaction between living organisms and their natural or human-modified environments. Check out these interesting issues to investigate for your biology research proposal .

1. Ways in Which Climate Change Affects the Distribution and Habitat Suitability of Plants.

2. Relationship Between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health.

3. Role of Keystone Species in Maintaining Ecosystem Processes.

4. Human Factors Contributing to the Decline of Endangered Species.

5. Ecological Effect of Invasive Species on Local Ecosystems.

6. Factors Contributing to Pollinator Decline.

7. Ecological Consequences for Plant-Pollinator Interactions and Food Security.

8. Ecological Effects of Microplastics in Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems.

9. Shifts in the Timing of Seasonal Events in Animals in Response to Climate Change.

10. Ways in Which Changes in Land Use Impact Biodiversity.

11. Ways in Which Deforestation Impacts Ecological Communities.

12. Effects of Agricultural Pollutants on Ecosystems.

13. Challenges of Ecotoxicological Risk Assessments.

14. Ways in Which Wildlife Populations Adapt to Urban Environments.

15. Effects of Conservation on Human-Wildlife Interactions.

16. The Impact of Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels on Coral Reef Ecosystems.

17. The Influence of Marine Tourism on Marine Biodiversity.

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DOWNLOAD Here More Environmental Research Proposal Ideas!

Importance of choosing the right environmental research paper topics.

Choosing the proper investigation issue is crucial for the success and impact of your paper. Topics related to environment issues tend to be complicated and demand a thorough understanding of the natural and social dimensions of the problem. But with the right choice, the writing process is much easier and gives a better chance to produce a quality paper.

Poor environmental research paper topics will waste your time, resources and even cause frustration when investigators struggle to meet the word count. So, choose your subjects of investigation wisely or request expert help if you need extra support.

new environmental research proposal topics

While the above topics for environmental research papers might prove useful, sometimes picking a subject of investigation and working on a proposal can be daunting. But you shouldn’t worry. We have a large team of experienced writers ready to work on your paper and final paper. You only need to send your instructions, and they’ll embark on the task.

We’re here to help with your proposal. So drop us a line anytime you may need professional assistance!

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180 Environmental Research Topics & Questions to Write about

Environment affects us all, whether we want it or not. Political leaders and students alike discuss ways to tackle environmental topics & issues. Some might argue about the role humans play in all this. The fact remains that our environment is a delicate matter. That’s why we must educate ourselves on the issues related to it.

In this article by custom writing experts, you’ll find a list of environmental research questions to scrutinize and write about. The environmental essay topics in the collection below are related to economics, health, sociology, law, and even psychology. These ideas might be helpful either for school or for college students.

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics
  • 🌡️🌍 Climate Change Topics
  • 🏭🌱 Sustainability
  • 🔬🌻 Environmental Science
  • 🌳⚖️ Environmental Law
  • 🧑🌿 Environmentalism

🔬 Top 10 Environmental Research Topics

  • 📖 Environmental Research Questions

🔝 Top 10 Environment Essay Topics

  • The life cycle of tornados
  • History of environmental studies
  • Positive impact of birdwatching
  • Drinking water and the environment
  • Christianity’s impact on the climate crisis
  • Climate’s effect on mountain ecosystems
  • How aviation contributes to global warming
  • Early commercial adaptation of thermal energy
  • What does nuclear meteorology investigate?
  • Fruitarianism’s benefits for the environment

🌡️🌍 Environmental Research Topics on Climate Change

Throughout history, the Earth’s climate always fluctuated. Ice ages were followed by warmer periods. However, the increase in temperature we perceive today is unusual. Because of this, climate change is one of today’s most pressing problems. Below we have compiled a list of 25 global warming topics. Have a look!

  • What is the difference between climate change and global warming?
  • Investigate how humans influence the climate.
  • Which regions suffer the most due to the rising sea levels?
  • How did the average weather in your region change over the past 20 years?
  • Why are coral reefs endangered?
  • How do melting glaciers impact the environment?
  • Examine what natural disasters are linked to climate change.
  • What does ocean acidification mean?
  • What are the effects of global warming?
  • Analyze the phenomenon of climate refugees.
  • How does global warming affect biodiversity?
  • Discuss the most significant causes of climate change.
  • Why are hurricanes becoming more intense?
  • What are the most significant agricultural problems caused by climate change?
  • How does the excess of CO2 impact the environment?
  • What actions lead to a CO2 increase in the atmosphere?
  • Discuss how hydraulic fracturing affects nature.
  • Explain how the greenhouse effect works.
  • What can each of us do to stop global warming?
  • How is ozone depletion related to climate change?
  • What was the purpose of the Paris Agreement?
  • Investigate how deforestation affects the climate.
  • Can we reverse global warming?
  • Examine why some people don’t believe in climate change.
  • What is the correlation between tree planting and climate change?

research the environmental problems

🌲 Environmental Research Topics on Ecology

Ecology is a branch of biology that investigates how organisms coexist. The environment shapes the way different species interact with each other. Essential factors can be living, such as nutrition, or nonliving, like water. Here are 25 prompts for your ecology essay:

  • Examine the ecological research methods.
  • What defines the number of organisms living in a community?
  • How does an ecosystem work?
  • Why do plants and animals go extinct?
  • Do non-native snakes threaten the U.S. ecosystem?
  • Explain the elements of population growth.
  • What would the world look like without bees?
  • How do organisms adapt to their environment?
  • Analyze how photosynthesis occurs.
  • What different relationships can organisms form with their surroundings?
  • Discuss the research methods of bird behavioral ecology.
  • How do organisms survive under extreme conditions?
  • Why do some birds migrate?
  • Investigate why some animals benefit from living alone.
  • What can humans do to prevent pandas from extinction?
  • How do plants help combat climate change?
  • What’s the correlation between water management and ecology issues?
  • How does commercial fishing affect the oceans?
  • What are the most prominent current environmental threats?
  • How does the ecological footprint method work?
  • What are the long-term consequences of plastic use?
  • Analyze how nutrient cycles work.
  • What impact does human waste have on marine ecosystems?
  • Examine the different types of healthy bacteria.
  • How do cacti grow in the desert?

🏭🌱 Sustainability Topics for an Essay

According to the UN World Commission , sustainable development “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Simply put, sustainability means fulfilling the demand without exhausting any resources. Today, it plays a vital role in protecting the environment.

  • Give an example of sustainable practice.
  • Analyze the process of recycling.
  • Investigate what sustainability wants to achieve.
  • Explore the history of the green movement.
  • What can a country do to become greener?
  • Why do we need the concept of sustainable development?
  • Examine the ways of recycling water.
  • How can you make food sources more sustainable?
  • What does zero-waste mean?
  • Talk about the issues related to eco-friendly packaging.
  • Discuss ways of saving more energy.
  • What are the greener alternatives to plastic?
  • Examine the different sources of renewable energy.
  • How can a person live more sustainably?
  • Explain the three pillars of sustainability.

Effective ways to protect the environment.

  • How does green construction work?
  • What’s the connection between sustainability and climate change?
  • What can we do to reduce water pollution?
  • Discuss the impact of globalization on sustainable agriculture.
  • What is responsible consumption?
  • Why should we not use plastic?
  • Describe how wind turbines produce electricity.
  • How can technology become green?
  • What is social sustainability?
  • What are the most critical sustainability issues today?

🔬🌻 Environmental Science Topics for an Essay

Environmental science combines various approaches to study nature. In doing so, it tries to find solutions for ecological issues. Research goes into areas such as pollution and alternative energy. If you want to write about it, have a look at our topics:

  • What are the environmental impacts of production and consumption?
  • Examine ways of improving agriculture.
  • What are the critical elements of environmental science?
  • Discuss the advantages of green engineering.
  • What are the different types of pollution?
  • Determine the primary goals of environmental science.
  • What are invasive species?
  • Investigate the benefits of reforestation.
  • Describe the Amazon rainforest and its role in the environment.
  • Explore the various types of agriculture.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of GMOs.
  • What effects does a biodiversity loss have on humanity?
  • How do dams and channels affect ecosystems?
  • What is the connection between social and environmental sciences?
  • Why is overpopulation a problem?
  • Explain the process of desertification.
  • How does mining cause environmental disasters?
  • Investigate the Gaia Hypothesis.
  • What are the causes of acid rain?
  • How is our health affected by pollution?

Franklin Roosevelt quote.

  • Explain the importance of energy efficiency.
  • Explore the link between globalization and ecological problems.
  • Why are fossil fuels harmful to the environment?
  • What are ecological niches?
  • Analyze the pros and cons of nuclear energy.

🌳⚖️ Environmental Law Topics for Papers

Environmental law aims to protect nature. It’s the legal foundation of human interaction with their surroundings. Besides, it formulates how we should utilize natural resources. Take a look at these compelling topics for your paper:

  • How is waste regulated in your community?
  • What laws address contaminant cleanup?
  • Why do we need chemical safety regulations?
  • Examine legal ways to curb hunting and fishing.
  • Describe environmental protection in the US and in the Hawaii state.
  • Discuss the Rio Declaration.
  • Why can environmental laws be controversial?
  • What are the advantages of emission certificates?
  • Investigate the process of emissions trading.
  • How does your country regulate air quality?
  • What makes the laws concerning water quality vital?
  • What are the general principles of environmental law?
  • When can a piece of land be declared a natural reserve?
  • Should there be a binding international environmental constitution?
  • Explore the history of environmental law.
  • What purposes do wildlife reserves serve?
  • Discuss the legacy of Kyoto Protocol.
  • Analyze the marine pollution prevention efforts in Australia.
  • What are environmental assessment mandates?
  • Investigate economic incentives for environmental protection.
  • Discuss why ecotourism needs to be regulated.
  • Why is it difficult for some countries to become green?
  • Establish a connection between free trade agreements and ecological problems.
  • Do businesses have to incorporate environmental law?
  • Compare several international agreements on ecological issues.

🧑🌿 Environmentalism Topics to Write About

Movements aiming to protect nature are at the core of environmentalism. The idea first gained traction in the 1960s. Notable organizations include PETA and Greenpeace. If you’re interested in environmentalism, consult this topics list:

  • Investigate the history of environmentalism.
  • Discuss the negative impacts of urban sprawl.
  • What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is celebrated worldwide on April 22.

  • Describe the key concepts of environmentalism.
  • What are the different types of green movements?
  • Compare the goals of various NGOs.
  • What does the WWF do?
  • Describe the main achievements of nature activists.
  • Explain what apocalyptic environmentalism is.
  • Who is Greta Thunberg?
  • Discuss the impact of the Fridays for Future movement.
  • Explain emancipatory environmentalism.
  • Investigate the Animal Liberation Front.
  • Analyze the central concerns of ecofeminism.
  • Why are environmental movements important?
  • Who was John Muir?
  • Explain what ecoterrorism is.
  • Does going green equal saving the environment?
  • Who were the first nature activists?
  • Discuss the influence of green political parties.
  • What is environmental justice?
  • Explain how civic environmentalism works.
  • Are the actions of Greenpeace always justified?
  • What are some examples of good nature activism tactics?
  • Analyze the effect environmentalist movements have on politics.
  • Types of marine pollution
  • Concepts of ecofeminism
  • Causes of grassland degradation
  • Advantages of hydroelectricity
  • Organic farming support in the US
  • Energy conservation in the US
  • What does photochemical smog depend on?
  • Seasonal behavior of urban heat island
  • Nuclear and radiation accident categories
  • Can baffle spray scrubbers control pollution?

📖 Top 10 Environmental Research Questions

  • What are the causes and effects of air pollution?
  • What are the most dangerous effects of climate change?
  • What are the most severe diseases caused by water pollution?
  • Is global warming real?
  • How does deforestation affect people and animals?
  • Do carbon offset programs work?
  • How to prevent and control soil pollution?
  • How does plastic pollution affect marine life?
  • What are the most threatened biodiversity hotspots?
  • What should we do about overpopulation?

We hope this article helped you decide what your paper will be about. If the topic you’ve chosen is still not perfect, feel free to customize it! Good luck, and have fun with your essay.

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🔍 References

  • Environmental Issues Guide: Giving Compass
  • Climate Change: National Geographic
  • Climate Change and Global Warming: NASA
  • What Is Ecology?: Khan Academy
  • Ecology: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • What Is Sustainability and Why Is It Important?: Environmental Science
  • Environmentalism: Learning to Give
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  • Share to email

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Environmental Issues Research Paper

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This sample environmental issues research paper features: 6700 words (approx. 22 pages), an outline, and a bibliography with 39 sources. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. This is how your paper can get an A! Feel free to contact our writing service for professional assistance. We offer high-quality assignments for reasonable rates.


Cultural beliefs and the environment, social construction and the environment, social construction and social movements, political economy and the environment, environmental issues: method and application, risk perception and environmental health, mobilization around toxic waste sites: love canal.

  • Bibliography

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Environmental issues can be discussed within a number of different contexts. For anthropology and sociology, culture and society become important factors in understanding environmental issues. By incorporating a perspective that includes environmental history, aspects of environmental change, dialogue and culture, and future concerns, a more complete understanding of the relationship between sociocultural actions and the natural environment can be developed. In an effort to understand the nature of environmental problems, one must develop an understanding of the cultural paradigms that guide human behavior and interaction with the natural environment. Many perspectives seek to explain this relationship. Social scientists look toward dialogue and cultural perspectives to trace the history of environmental concern.

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Historically, humans have understood their role to be one of dominion over nature. This is explained in numerous classic works and referenced in many religious and spiritual texts as well (Bell, 2008; Dunlap & Mertig, 1992). Cultural paradigms exist that serve to guide our interactions with the environment. Most stem from the anthropocentric belief that the world is centered around people and that human society has the right to maintain dominion over nature. Structural beliefs provide the foundation of these understandings.

The belief that a free market system provides the greatest good for the greatest number of people leads us to place economic decision-making processes in private hands. Frequently, private decisions have public consequences, but these public consequences are not accounted for in production costs or covered by market costs. Instead, the costs are passed on to consumers in the form of taxes and higher base prices for goods and services. Esteemed environmentalists Al Gore Jr. and Robert Kennedy Jr. have argued that if the external costs of production were assumed by manufacturers, then the ultimate benefit would be a system that accounted for waste created in the production process. This is evident in their research on global warming. Coal-fired power plants are promoted as one of the cheapest forms of creating energy. This is misleading, because the health effects of pollution caused by coal are not included in the costs of production. Others argue that those costs would have to be passed on to the consumer. However, they are passed on now in the way of pollution and medical expenses for illnesses associated with environmental contaminants. Coal is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases, thus leading to the overall societal costs of global warming.

Another cultural belief is that the natural world is inexhaustible. Extraction of natural resources happens at an incredible rate without a consideration to limits. Society’s constant dependence on nonrenewable energy forces mining and the refining of coal and oil to keep up with these demands. Consumer goods are deliberately planned to become obsolete within a relatively short time, and consumers are pressured to buy replacements. This process has been conceptualized in research focused on the treadmill of production. Production and utility processes, using natural resources, dominate the modes of production. The reliance on the treadmill model provides perpetual extraction and production, increasing the fragility of the natural environment.

Another cultural value resides in a lasting faith in technology. Culturally, we believe that technology can meet any challenge. Humans are seen as ingenious creatures able to devise solutions for any problem. However, technology itself is not sufficiently controlled and can create more problems that contribute to environmental degradation. This can lead to a situation known as culture lag, used here to describe a situation in which technology has outpaced the cultural ability to respond to the consequences of using a given technology.

The philosophy of the growth ethic argues that growth equals progress. Successful cultures are often defined by their levels of progress. Urban sprawl exemplifies the connection between progress and environmental destruction. Urban ecologists argue urban sprawl follows the concentric circle urban planning mode of the early 20th century. Residents were encouraged to develop space for residential purposes further away from city centers. This was culturally promoted as prime real estate, and individuals continued to purchase land as a showing of class standing. Urban sprawl results in the loss of green and open space, increased use of natural resources, and more vehicle miles traveled as commuting distance continues to increase.

Materialism is a cultural value that also contributes to how environmental problems emerge. Americans tend to measure success in terms of the consumption of material things. Globally, the most valued nation is one that can command and use the largest fraction of the world’s resources. Currently, the United States supports 5% of the world’s population and uses 25% of the world’s natural resources. This is evidence that the cultural emphasis on the consumption of material goods is in direct correlation with natural resource use.

Two final cultural values that impact environmental practices are individualism and an anthropocentric worldview. Cultures that emphasize individual rights and personal achievements tend to have a greater environmental impact. We place benefits to the self over what is best for the collective. Subsequently, the anthropocentric worldview is centered around human beings, thus inferring that human begins are superior to other beings and have natural rights to use the environment to ensure the progress of human beings as a species.

Subsequently, these cultural beliefs form the principles that overwhelmingly guide cultural interactions with nature. Theoretically, they serve as paradigms that explain the emergence of environmental issues. The following section provides specific theoretical underpinnings of environmental issues.

Theory and the Environment

Theory addressing environmental issues has been situated in the social constructionist and political economy approaches. Within these approaches, attention has been paid to developments of subfields in social science research, such as social movements and the environment, environmental health, and environmental justice.

Social constructionists focus on the construction of social problems and how this allows individuals to assign meaning and give importance to the social world. Sarbin and Kitsuse argued that “things are not given in the world, but constructed and negotiated by humans to make sense of the world” (1994, p. 3). When interests are at stake, claims are made around an activity in order to define the interests as problems. The process of claims making is more important than the task of assessing whether the claims are true (Hannigan, 1995).

Hannigan provides a three-step process for the construction of environmental problems: assembling, presenting, and contesting. He argues that each step develops the claimsmaking activities of environmental activists and antagonists. Environmental problems are different from other social problems, because claims are often based on physical, chemical, or biological scientific evidence (Hannigan, 1995). In nearly all cases of environmental problems, even though such problems are based on scientific evidence, the burden of proof falls on the claims-makers, the environmental actors.

When a claim about an environmental problem is presented, state and corporate actors emerge most often to challenge the validity of these problems. Although these actors are willing to construct the issue as a “problem,” support to alleviate the problem is often lacking. If it supports the alleviation of the problem, most probably through funding remedial efforts or research, the state or corporation is seen as taking responsibility for the problem. If the state is seen as responsible, its perceived legitimacy decreases, which may lead to decreased trust. On the other hand, if a problem is not acknowledged, then trust in government may also decrease, because the perception arises that the interests of the state are not the best for the people.

The power of individuals in roles and positions to define these claims is ultimately what allows problems to be defined as problems. Claims may be made by others not in a position of power, but they are often not seen as valid because of the lack of power associated with the role. Different claims of environmental problems then lead to different definitions of the problems.

Definitions of problems are framed to illustrate specific viewpoints of what the problem is. Goffman used the term frame in order to explain interpretations of occurrences. Frames can serve as explanations or guideposts to individual or collective action (Snow & Benford, 1988). Snow and Benford describe framing as an activity performed by social movements to express their viewpoints and “to assign meaning to and interpret relevant events and conditions in ways that are intended to mobilize potential adherents and constituents—to garner bystander support and demobilize antagonists” (p. 198).

By framing events in certain ways that assign meaning to them, actors can attempt to mobilize support and delegitimize opposing viewpoints. Because different frames may emerge surrounding the same problem, individuals may choose to adopt one or the other on the basis of the reliability of the frames. One factor in determining reliability is trust in the actors who present the frame. Constituents may mobilize around one frame because trust in that explanation and the organization that presents it is high (Robinson, 2009). This impacts how individuals interpret the seriousness of environmental problems and subsequently whether issues will be acted on and in what manner.

The framing process can serve to mobilize constituents for or against a particular cause. Mobilization against frames that are presented by actors emerges when the audience of the frame has low trust in the source of the frame. Social movement literature has acknowledged the emergence of mobilization over environmental issues where lack of trust is present. Examples include institutional recreancy, lack of trust in government agencies and officials, and the combination of the two (Brown & Mikkelsen, 1990; Cable & Cable, 1997; Freudenburg, 1993; Gaventa, 1980; Gibbs, 1982).

Charles Tilly provides a model for mobilization that bridges some of the ideological views of frame analysis with collective action and resource mobilization theory. Tilly’s (1978) definition of mobilization is “a process by which a group goes from a passive collection of individuals to an active participant in public life” (p. 69). A further extreme of this model is resource mobilization theory, which gives even less importance to ideological factors and, instead, emphasizes the need for available resources. The combination of ideologies, resources, and the power of frame presentation contribute to mobilization. Using this analytical framework, the emergence of environmental problems and mobilization around these problems can be better understood.

Environmental problems in communities provide a setting to further explore this connection. Community organizing around local problems has a long history in the United States. Many forms of community organizing exist. These have included writing and literacy circle newsletters in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Saul Alinsky’s model of radical politics to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people (1971), and neighborhood block clubs. The goals to spread awareness, ensure social justice, and understand that city hall can be fought vary in scope and magnitude but have often proved to be effective models for organizing.

Citizen action in response to toxic waste at Love Canal has emerged as the premier example of community organizing over environmental issues. The story of neighborhood organizing and the quest for a clean, healthy environment is acknowledged in most major studies on environmental issues. The specifics of this case follow in a later section where the application of environmental issues is discussed.

Theories of political economy of environmental issues focus on the development of political and economic practices and policies that contribute to environmental problems. Primarily, the focus has been on the creation of the capitalist mode of production that leads to overwhelming environmental destruction. Furthermore, the development of capitalism promotes a political environment that is friendly to more profitable, but less environmentally friendly, practices.

In addition to physical environmental realities that production processes cause, issues of health and economic injustice exist. Bryant and Mohai (1992) asked whether a safe environment is a civil right. They argue that people of color see environmental degradation interrelated with economic and political justice. This is the fundamental idea behind environmental justice in both action and theory. Another issue in environmental justice arises because people of color and lower income are less likely to have access to health insurance; thus, they become more ill if exposed to environmental hazards without means of treatment. Therefore, these populations share more of the negative environmental burden and have fewer resources to resolve the given problems.

The connection between health and economic justice is not a new relationship. Since World War II, there has been an increase in the development of the petrochemical industry. Coinciding with an increased demand for synthetic chemicals was an increased demand for disposal sites for waste byproducts of these chemicals. Many disposal sites were created in vacant plots of land, without the regulated disposal standards in place today. Expensive land used for the disposal sites of the 1940s and 1950s became the residential suburban developments of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. With the post–World War II increase in population, many families were moving into suburban neighborhoods. Families felt safe from the problems of the cities, but they were not aware that many residential properties were built near the abandoned chemical waste sites of prior decades.

The problems of environmental contamination were first addressed publicly in Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962). Her warning of chemical contaminants silencing biological life was not heeded at the time her book was published. These issues were not addressed until the 1970s with the first Earth Day in 1970, followed by the passing of numerous pieces of environmental protection legislation and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Through this period of uncertainty, unclear scientific findings overwhelmed policymakers and the public, leading to confusion about how to develop environmental policies and actions.

Environmental problems have manifested most directly in the form of pollution. Evidence of environmental destruction is seen in the form of air, water, and land pollution that has a direct impact on the health of the human population. One of the most direct links between pollution and negative health effects has been identified since the creation of the petrochemical industry in the 1940s. Since this time, we have seen more cases of cancer and respiratory illness in the human population. The rate remains high even when controlling for mitigating factors, such as the effects of advanced medical technology in treating these illnesses, and lifestyle factors, such as diet and smoking. This case was made with the infamous discovery of toxic waste at Love Canal, New York, in 1978.

Literature in this area addresses the possible effects of exposure to toxins on one’s health. However, few studies have provided irrefutable evidence supporting the research hypothesis (association exists) or the null hypothesis (no association exists). Scientists know that chemicals can have adverse effects on the human condition when ingested, but they argue that some indirect exposures through air, soil, water, or residential habitation in proximity to such toxins have not provided similar consequences. The basic disagreement emerges in how one views risk, either through the precautionary principle or through risk assessment and evaluation. Proponents of the precautionary principle argue that if the chance of danger is present, then precaution should be used to avoid exposure. Risk assessment would argue the opposite—that the risk must be known before action is taken to avoid exposure. The difficulty is that science has not provided irrefutable evidence on the dangers of many chemical substances; therefore action for their removal from products and the environment has been slow. Recently, Devra Davis took on this phenomenon in The Secret History of the War on Cancer (2008). She outlined the lack of scientific responsibility in reporting findings connecting cancer and chemical exposure.

Most reports have not described exposures accurately, or they have failed to completely identify a causal factor (National Research Council, 1991). The Committee on Environmental Epidemiology was formed to assess the progress on hazardous waste assessment since the creation of Superfund and the Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. The committee concluded that no conclusive reports could be used to base policy on, because there are no measures in place to accurately depict exposure assessments. Their conclusions continue: There exists no comprehensive inventory of waste sites, no site discovery program, no minimum data set on human exposures, and no policy for immediate action if exposure exists (National Research Council, 1991). The report indicates that “the nation is not adequately identifying, assessing, or ranking hazardous-waste site exposures and their potential effects on human health” (p. 21).

Environmental toxins have long been thought to be causally related to the incidence of disease. Air pollution, specifically with carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, has been studied in association with asthma and pulmonary disorders (Carnow, Lepper, Shekelle, & Stamler, 1969). Water pollution, particularly with trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene, sparked a concern about childhood and adult leukemia in Woburn, Massachusetts (Brown & Mikkelsen, 1990). Similarly, numerous studies have been conducted that investigate the exposure-ailment connection (Landrigan, 1990; Neutra, Lipscomb, Satin, & Shusterman, 1991; Paigen, Goldman, Mougnant, Highland, & Steegman, 1987). These studies use descriptive and case-control methods and field investigations consisting of surveys and physical examinations, resulting in quantitative analyses in order to test hypotheses.

Descriptive studies portray disease patterns in populations according to person, place, and time, and they include time-series analyses (National Research Council, 1991). For example, a study performed by the National Cancer Institute used maps of cancer incidences and toxic waste sites, concluding that the high incidence of bladder cancer in northwestern Illinois counties was significant and leading to the implementation of an incidence study using survey methods (National Research Council, 1991).

A cohort study was employed with North Carolina residents who consumed raw polluted river water contaminated by an industrial site from 1947 to 1976. Residents’ rates of all forms of cancer were more than twice those expected in the general population (National Research Council, 1991). Once exposure ceased, rates returned to the expected level, adjusting for latency.

The epidemiologic case-control study carried out in Woburn, Massachusetts, yielded an association between leukemia and drinking from contaminated wells. The EPA could not pinpoint the source of contamination; therefore, it could not infer conclusively that the cases of leukemia were due to the proximity of a hazardous waste site (Lagakos, Wessen, & Lelen, 1986).

Griffith, Duncan, Riggan, and Pellom (1989) analyzed EPA and cancer mortality data from 13 U.S. sites where there were major incidences of cancer between 1970 and 1979. They found evidence that contaminated ground water was used for human consumption at 593 waste sites in 339 U.S. counties in 49 states. Significant associations were found between several cancers and exposure to contaminated water in white males; these included cancers of the lung, bladder, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, and rectum (Griffith et al., 1989). Higher incidences of cancers of the lung, bladder, breast, stomach, large intestine, and rectum were found in white females in these counties (Griffith et al., 1989), when compared with females in counties that did not have hazardous waste sites. However, this study has been criticized based on its use of populationbased incidences of cancer rather than individual-level estimates. Researchers inferred that proximity to hazardous waste sites caused cancer.

Wong, Morgan, Whorton, Gordon, and Kheifets (1989) performed an ecologic and case-control analysis to evaluate whether there was an association between groundwater contamination with dibromochloropropane (DBCP) and mortality from gastric cancer and leukemia. The only positive association that was found was in farm workers. No relationship was found for gastric cancer or leukemia with DBCP contamination of drinking water.

Neutra et al. (1991) found that individuals living near toxic waste sites had one or more bothersome symptoms that those living in control areas did not have. However, rates of cancer and birth defects were not found to be statistically significantly different for these individuals than for those in the control neighborhoods. Symptoms such as worrying, depression, and nervousness were more likely to be the result of knowledge of the site and its contaminants than the result of chemical exposure. Although some practitioners argue that residents near these sites do show higher incidences of asthma and psychological disturbances than individuals in control groups, the findings remain highly controversial (Neutra et al., 1991).

For the most part, these studies consist of survey and field investigation methodologies, relying on self-report methods. One problem with explaining associations that rely on self-report methods is that if residents want to be relocated or have other agendas, then the degree to which symptoms are reported may increase. Many residents felt that this was what some homeowners were hoping for at Love Canal. This remains one of the most critical problems with state and federal agency studies that seek to provide evidence of community risk.

With the increase in studies in this area, the public has been partially reassured by having the knowledge that at least concerns are being recognized. Specifically, cancer rates are still high, but the fear of human-made chemicals has largely been dispelled. Most recently, the organic food movement has been gaining legitimacy. Yet, many still doubt the health benefits behind this movement. Studies concerning environmental racism have been more prevalent, focusing on the incidence of lower-income, nonwhite families living near toxic waste sites. This focus has taken attention away from specific health problems. Instead, the focus has been on issues of political economy and equity. This is not a criticism of environmental justice but rather a call for the convergence of natural science and sociology in order to address both issues. Other variables to be considered in these studies may include racial composition of counties, social class of counties, concentration of low-income occupations in counties, new housing starts in counties, and the percentage of welfare recipients per county.

The uncertainty of science had created cross-discipline dialogue. Social scientists have addressed environmental issues in studies of risk assessment, disaster relief (both natural and technological), toxic exposure, and other datadriven areas. Because of the risk of chemical exposure due to toxic waste, landfills emerged as one of the most imminent public health threats with the discovery of Love Canal. However, even in cases where studies to show an association between illness and exposure to toxic chemicals have been inconclusive, the message has been that these chemicals cause cancer and needed to be eradicated.

An important role of science is to inform the public of findings, usually through the media. Epidemiologic studies deal with human populations and are often questioned based on the legitimacy of the data and the willingness of the agency or corporation funding the research to share findings with the public. These studies are also usually based on relatively small populations and a small number of events; this results in a lack of significant findings, because sample sizes are too small to generate statistically reliable conclusions. Researchers are asked to report conclusions to various interest groups that may have a stake in the research problem. The pressure of the public arena and media, with emerging concerns and consequences for public health and the environment, has led to a decrease in the willingness to share data and be criticized if the data do not fit the public agenda. Politics and public perception surpass what science is able to provide. Science’s inability to prove negatives has led to public policy that tries to control what cannot be established. This uncertainty shapes policy to err on the side of protection; yet in many communities the risks are endured regardless.

Findings often snowball into hard line conclusions and the perception of a problem when one may not exist, or vice versa. Risk perception and the realization of risks are two different things. Risk perception may encompass what one believes might occur or an understanding based on secondary information. Risk realization occurs when one is physically affected by the agent or situation and a decision to act is based on that encounter. The problem arises in this discrepancy. Perception is what people perceive to be happening. With different information from different scientific experts, the public is left to decide on their own who or what is right, based on the health and well-being of themselves and their families.

Freudenburg (1993) discussed the concept of risk and recreancy in public decision making. He argues that an increase in institutional responsibility for risk management has created a system where responsibilities are often overlooked. This concept proposes increased frequency in institutional decision making in risk analysis. Freudenburg (1993) coined the term recreancy to identify the institutional failure to follow through on a duty or responsibility or broadly expected obligations to the collective. Questions are now raised by individuals deciphering scientific studies for themselves, but they now question the role of institutional actors. Without correlational data from an alternative institutional source that they trust, citizens do not know where to turn for clear answers about data regarding environmental toxins.

Community-based studies by community organizers have emerged in an attempt to address the failure of institutions to provide real, understandable answers regarding human health and exposure rates. Specifically, recent literature calls for more involvement of the scientific community in the decision-making process. A resurgence of popular epidemiology, since Lois Gibbs’s attempt in 1978– 1979, has found individuals using lay methods to determine association. Even if they don’t result in strong, scientific evidence, community-based studies at least provide the groundwork and show a need for more in-depth studies. Brown and Mikkelsen’s 1990 study is a strong example of this method. The question of whether there was a connection between childhood leukemia and known contaminated well water divided the community, but it forced epidemiologic studies.

Coinciding with these revelations, other studies were being conducted that attempted to link other contaminated sites with adverse health effects. As Gots (1993) stated, most were laboratory studies in simulated environments. Examples of human studies existed only in the sociological and epidemiological literature (Brown & Mikkelsen, 1990; Gibbs, 1982; Landrigan, 1990; Neutra et al., 1991). Incidences of chemical scares were also prevalent. Headlines concerning the dioxin scare at Times Beach, Missouri; contamination of apple crops with the synthetic growth regulator Alar; and use of Agent Orange created the fear that human-made chemicals cause disease. Evidence existed that these specific chemicals may cause health problems in humans, but data on the incidence of illness relative to exposure and on synergistic effects of these chemicals were missing. Furthermore, there was even less information available about other potential threats to health, such as airborne and waterborne contaminants, environmental sensitivity disorders, and living in proximity to hazardous waste sites. To establish a causal relationship between exposure and chemicals, obtaining valid measures and estimates for exposure is essential.

Environmental Movements

Contaminated Communities; The Challenge of Social Control; Environmental Problems as Conflicts of Interests; Disasters, Collective Behavior, and Social Organization; Love Canal: Science, Politics, People, and Power; and Powerlessness are just a few of the book titles that describe the scope and emergence of the mobilization surrounding environmental problems. Since the publication of Silent Spring, the struggle to define, understand, and resolve environmental problems has inundated environmental literature as well as the agendas of environmental organizations at both the national and local levels.

The environmental movement in the United States can be traced back to the early conservationists at the turn of the 20th century, whose focus was on control of natural resources for technological and societal use. Accompanying this was a movement toward the preservation of the natural environment simply for nature’s sake and separate from any use and/or value that human society had placed upon it.

The contemporary environmental movement embraced both of these traditions while focusing on building a political alliance to ensure the passage of legislation that would protect both nature and human health. As evidenced by the multitude of legislative victories the environmental movement claimed during the 1970s, the environmental movement was gaining prominence as one of the most successful efforts of social movement organizers.

Politically, momentum began to shift back toward the wise-use movement throughout the 1980s. Environmental problems were framed in opposition to capitalist goals. Politicians took an either/or stance: jobs or the environment. With one’s economic livelihood seemingly at stake, it is no wonder that concern for the environment was diminished in the public agenda. The environmental health movement is arguably one area that continued to keep environmental issues in the public’s consciousness. One of the classic and influential cases in environmental organizing, Love Canal, illustrates the interconnectedness of politics, science, and the environment.

To understand the factors contributing to the emergence, awareness, and mobilization around environmental problems, the scope and focus of the problem must be considered. This analysis focuses on the emergence of and mobilization around toxic waste sites found in residential communities. Literature addressing toxic waste sites in communities place Love Canal, New York, as the first community to encounter such a problem that received national media attention. Although community protests were occurring around the toxics issue as early as 1970, no other site received the same degree of national media attention (Szasz, 1994).

In 1978, Love Canal was declared a federal disaster area, but the final homeowner evacuation was voluntary, not mandatory, even though the state had said a health emergency may exist. Given the possibility of ill-health effects, residents were given the choice about whether to stay or move. Because of the lack of strong correlational evidence, public health officials were not able to substantiate a link between exposure to chemicals and disease (Robinson, 2002).

The questionable contaminated area was evacuated and became known as the Emergency Declaration Area (EDA). It was divided into seven sampling areas. Two studies were performed to assess the habitability and safety of the area. The first study was completed in 1982 by the New York State Department of Health (DOH), the EPA, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Problems arose about the study’s conclusion, which was that the EDA was as habitable as comparable control areas. The Congressional Office of Technology Assessment found that the study lacked information to determine whether unsafe levels of contamination existed and that it did not make clear what next steps should be taken. Thereafter, DOH and EPA conducted a second study on habitability; it was released in 1988. Habitability and safety have been studied in regard to numerous hazardous waste sites, but actual rates of illness have not been linked to exposure to toxic substances from nearby chemical waste sites.

The Superfund Act, passed in 1980, was written specifically in response to the known hazardous waste site at Love Canal. Policymakers recognized that industry used land-based disposal methods, that industrial sites were contaminated, and that an increase in clean air and water standards led to a decrease in land-based regulated disposal (Barnett, 1994). The problem was that there was neither an informed way of counting or tracking these sites, nor evidence of an adverse ecosystem and human effects (Barnett, 1994).

Since Love Canal, no other neighborhood has received the same degree of attention, although many have encountered toxic waste contaminants in their communities (Brown & Mikkelsen, 1990; Bryant & Mohai, 1992; Cable, Walsh, & Warland, 1988). No conclusive, significant correlation between chemicals and cancer has been found at Love Canal or at the other identified exposure sites. Nor has any truly verifiable evidence been found that exposure to, and living near, any other toxic waste site causes disease, though disorders have been loosely associated with chemical exposure, such as asthma, respiratory disease, nerve damage, miscarriages, and cancer.

People living near these sites must often decide on how much they want to expose themselves to risk. Once the presence of a waste site is known, they must decide, without data to guide their decisions, whether to stay in their homes or leave. This has historically interfered with the availability and collection of valid data. When a study is conducted, residents request to be informed of the results and progress of the study. Because most epidemiological studies require longitudinal or cohort analysis in order to be reliable and valid, it is advantageous to have a stable, nonmobile population. This begs ethical questions, on behalf of the researchers, to disclose data relating to exposure before the study is completed. Researchers cannot both verify exposure findings and expect residents to remain so that they can carry out the remainder of the study. Thus, individuals, families, and communities are asked to base their decisions on claims that cannot be substantiated one way or the other.

Toxic waste sites continue to be discovered in communities. In many cases, the resulting community struggles are extended battles. The operative phrase in many cases is “once a site is discovered.” The chemicals in Love Canal were buried 30 years before it was known to the community that their houses, school, and playground were built on top of and surrounding a chemical site containing 22,000 tons of waste. This is not to say that the problem didn’t exist before its discovery by residents; it just wasn’t defined as a problem. From the time the chemicals were buried to the discovery of the site by residents 30 years later, residents noticed dogs with burned noses, children with skin rashes, and increased rates of miscarriages, leukemia, and nerve and respiratory disorders. But they were not aware that these rates were out of the ordinary. The effects of the problem did not change, but the way the problem was represented did. The shift was in an awareness of the existence of the problem.

In addition to the chemical disaster at Love Canal, other environmental issues have been the subject of various social movement activities, as well as political legislation. In each instance, public perception influences how and whether the problem is acted on by those with the power to make a difference.

Culturally and socially, environmental problems represent problems of social organization, communication, and socialization. Social scientists can look toward the phenomenon, visible in the reaction to environmental problems, to begin making sense of culture and society at large. Our understanding of environmental issues as primarily social constructions offers insight into how these issues are created, maintained, and resolved.

For example, in many cases where chemical contamination is the focal issue of community groups, the level of risk is perceived by affected individuals rather than established by science. It is the social processes in a community that lead to risk determination, not the natural science interpretations of an issue. Individuals have been socialized to trust science for valid information. When the determination of risk is uncertain, individuals are left to determine the level of risk for themselves by other means. In most cases, this determination is made through contact with state or federal government officials, through collaboration with other community members, or through other sources of information, such as the media. This framework helps to explain disagreements over the seriousness of most environmental issues, from global climate change to mountain-top coal removal.

The subjective reality of environmental problems becomes visible in terms of how the issue is circulated in cultural discourse. Each stakeholder constructs different means of projecting information for public consumption. When presented in the media, the perception is that information is true and accurate. Most often the determination of risk takes place in the form of a public meeting. In this situation, public officials are in control of the meeting, drawing on public anticipation surrounding the specific issue and information to be released. At Love Canal, for example, officials kept the information to be discussed at the meeting private until the meeting in order to build anticipation and increase their power over the dissemination of information.

At both the cultural and social level, power is maintained through these exercises. Often, the state controls the dissemination of information that individuals perceive to be true and accurate. However, different modes of collaboration among community members can create a different means of risk determination. The sharing of common experiences among community residents can lead to a broader sense of mobilization. Once commonalties are recognized, residents begin to determine their own level of risk. Risk perception is based on the potential danger of a problem. The sources that individuals base their information and understanding on are numerous. Each source has developed a frame of events and information on which they base their version of reality. Whether from the media, science, the state, or local knowledge, such frames serve as a means to display a problem in terms of a specific group. Social movement development, in relation to the environment, offers a powerful tool for individuals looking to construct the frame of a given environmental reality.

The ways in which environmental realities have been constructed influences how they will be acted on socially, culturally, and politically. Cultural discourse then circulates in the public sphere and becomes normative. Environmental issues become part of the public dialogue. This dialogue serves to help develop an understanding about the factors that coalesce to create, maintain, and resolve social processes that influence environmental problems.

Community-level interaction is an interesting social space from which to witness environmental understanding. Community-based, environmental problems affect individuals in many ways. Some communities mobilize and form environmental organizations to address a specific problem. Others, with existing community organizations, add environmental problems to their agenda. Environmental problems can vary in scope, size, and duration.

Mobilization in these communities may occur due to individuals’ fear that nothing is being done to ensure the safety of their children and families. It may also occur on the basis of frustration and an inability to understand what and why this is happening in their community. In addition, community groups often mobilize as a result of a lack of trust in government. The mobilization of individuals to resist the state’s discourse challenges the power of the state. The level of trust in government is a key factor in determining the level of power the state can maintain during the presentation of its frame. For example, if trust in government is low, then a stronger frame needs to be developed to legitimize the government’s position. Government often emerges as the key stakeholder, as the actor that will have the power to create change.

Previous research addresses the state’s desire to maintain legitimacy at the same time that community groups seek to resist state discourse. Admitting that there is a problem shows that the state is capable of mistakes, and thus, the state’s legitimacy can be questioned and it is vulnerable. The goal in the rhetoric of the state is not to raise questions, thereby maintaining legitimacy.

Most environmental problems are categorized by place: global, local, or national. These categories are not mutually exclusive. For example, ozone depletion is a global problem because of the total atmospheric effects the ozone layer has on the biosphere from ultraviolet rays. Yet the problem can be seen as being local in an area where heavy smog is causing ozone depletion and high surface area ozone levels, such as in a highly urban area like Los Angeles.

Similarly, the discovery of toxic waste sites across the United States can be seen as a national problem. But in the specific communities where these sites are discovered, it is a local problem affecting individuals directly. The problem is no longer seen as away from them; it is now part of their community. This developing framework of environmental issues has helped individuals become aware of the multitude of impacts that these problems have. Social scientists have been able to develop an understanding of the environment that moves away from the depiction of the earth as something separate from human society, but, instead, the earth is a system with interrelated consequences and realities. One of the most vivid paradigm shifts has been the movement away from an anthropocentric worldview and toward an environmental worldview. This shift can be represented in the movement from the human environmental paradigm (HEP) to the new environmental paradigm (NEP).

Social scientists focus on this shift as a way to explain a cultural movement that has embraced a way of understanding the impact that society has on the environment. Arguably, once the NEP is part of the natural discourse of environmental issues, they become more easily recognized as problems that have risen from a system out of balance. This approach focuses on sustainable development and other modes of development that provide environmentally sensitive growth models. These efforts move toward a culture that is sensitive to a responsibility that ensures less devastating environmental impact in the future. As environmental sociologists and other environmental researchers seek answers for a sustainable society, we must consider the devastating impacts of our current modes of production. New modes of production that take into consideration innovative, green energy solutions will provide a stronger sustainable economy and environment for culture and society.


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