research abstract about abm strand

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International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)


Self-Perception of ABM Students towards Their Academic, Social and Emotional College Preparedness

Remedios p. magnaye, volume 1, issue 2, december 2020.

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This study assessed the self-perception of the selected Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students on their academic, social and their emotional college preparedness. The students’ demographic profile was also tested for significant difference in the three constructs of the college preparedness. Through a self-made questionnaire in a 4-scale Likert style, data were gathered from the 255 randomly selected ABM students of one private higher education institution in Batangas Province in the Philippines. Self-perception showed a college-prepared student academically, socially and emotionally. However, there are various constructs of their academic and social-emotional preparedness that need further improvements. The statistical test of significance indicated that the various constructs of academic, social and emotional preparedness have no difference by age, type of school, family income and order of birth. A significant difference was shown in the respondents’ sex and social preparedness but not on academic and emotional preparedness. Similarly, there was significant difference in the various constructs of academic, social and emotional preparedness in terms of the students’ GWA in high school. For this, high schools should develop collaborative teaching and learning strategies focus on reading and writing. In addition, colleges and universities may provide pertinent course information through their websites to guide the students on the various details of their chosen undergraduate courses. Indeed, to prepare students for college alone is insufficient; a college-ready student should complete a degree with a life-ready perspectives.

Keywords: college-ready students, college preparedness, academic preparedness, social preparedness, emotional preparedness

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Deangelo, L., & Franke, R. (2016). Social Mobility and Reproduction for Whom? College Readiness and First-Year Retention. American Educational Research Journal, 53, 1588- 1625. DOI: 10.3102/0002831216674805

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Sulaiman, M., Mat, Z., Husain, F., Nizah, M., Latiff, L. & Sulaiman, A. (2016). The Impact of Teamwork Skills on Students in Malaysian Public Universities. The Social Sciences, 12: 1682-1686. DOI: 10.36478/sscience.2017.1682.1686

Umali, J. (2013). Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Selected ACCS of the University Of Makati Students. A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the University of Makati.

Cite this article:

Magnaye, R.P. (2020). Self-Perception of ABM Students towards Their Academic, Social and Emotional College Preparedness. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 1- 18. DOI:

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The Most Interesting ABM Research Topics For Students

ABM Research Topics For Students

ABM is an acronym for Accounting, Business, and Management. This strand is one of the academic tracks in the K-12 program, which aims to teach vital concepts and skills related to business and finance. This strand provides future leaders and entrepreneurs with an opportunity to learn essential career skills. For instance, they learn how to interact with clients and strategize money-making moves. Like most courses, ABM students must write research and dissertation papers. The topic you choose for your paper will determine your success and how smoothly your research goes. So, are you looking for a research topic related to the ABM strand?

What Is the Best Research Title for ABM Students?

Interesting research titles for abm students, perfect quantitative research topics for abm students, awesome research topics related to abm strand, abm research titles for student authors, educative qualitative research topics for abm students, abm research titles about accounting, abm research titles about business, abm research titles about management, topics on research problems related to abm strand, business research topics for abm students, well-thought grade 12 abm research topics.

We have prepared some great research topics for ABM students below, including ABM strand quantitative research topics for ABM students and ABM strand ABM research topics. Hopefully, this article will help you find a suitable research title for ABM students.

Research about ABM can be interesting because you have so many examples of quantitative research titles about the ABM strands to choose from. Some of the ABM strand research topics you can never go wrong with include:

  • Career paths in business management and accountancy
  • The fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management strand
  • Essential skills you develop when working with a mentor in business management and accountancy
  • Expanding a business: Guidelines for choosing the ideal market
  • The role of globalization on consumer behavior
  • The correlation between globalization and business behavior
  • What is the future of globalization? Will it continue to grow or wear off in the future?
  • What are big-box stores, and how can they move toward success in the current business sector?
  • The concept of competitive intelligence and its role in business environment success
  • The best ways to gather and analyze data about your business environment
  • Corporate lobbyists: Their role in America’s future
  • Business Vs. General Ethics: the difference and laws
  • A guide for defining and attracting a target audience
  • Crisis management: a guide for businesses
  • How do monopolies impact the corporate sector?

The AMB strand is vast because it involves three subjects, each with several sub-classes. Therefore, choosing a research title for the ABM strand can be challenging as numerous options exist. While many opt for a quantitative research topic about ABM strand pdf, we prepared the following more examples of topics you can use:

  • The advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing for a business
  • Is outsourcing an ethical business practice?
  • A comprehensive guide for negotiation tactics
  • Insider trading: what is it, and why is it an offense
  • The nature of insider trading and punishments for it
  • What would be the ideal punishment for severe corporate crimes?
  • Wages and employee productivity: What are the correlations?
  • Guidelines for managing employee retention
  • The role of staff motivation in employee productivity and retention
  • The impact of a low-cost economy on companies and their employees
  • The benefits and drawbacks of a low-cost economy on companies
  • How to navigate the startup world
  • Teenage businesses: a booming phenomenon
  • Are small businesses the basics of economics?
  • How do third-world countries navigate the business world?

Quantitative research focuses on collecting numerical data and examining stats. Quantitative research for ABM students includes methods like target group surveys. Choosing a quantitative research title for the ABM strand requires keenness. Here are a few quantitative research title examples for ABM students:

  • How social media and the internet have changed the corporate world
  • Evolutionary aspects of corporate crisis management
  • What are the most and least popular services in the corporate world
  • Business strategies in the banking sector
  • Negotiation and diplomacy: a guide for business owners
  • Creating a balanced ecology for increasing production
  • Branding: The concept and its place in the modern market
  • What challenges do small enterprises face in corporate America?
  • Is internet advertisement taking over the world of advertising?
  • The psychology behind consumer decision making
  • How has feminism influenced the way women consume products and services
  • Is advertising in schools an ethical practice?
  • Do companies need to offer psychologists for their employees?
  • How can companies incorporate and encourage eco-friendly policies and practices in their organizations?
  • Should minimum wage be canceled?

Choosing an ABM research title can be hard. However, with some inspiration, you will find a place to start. This section will help you select a research topic about the ABM strand. So here is our collection of ABM strand research topics.

  • The rise, fall, and policies of Eastman Kodak
  • Do ethics and morality exist in the current business-oriented world?
  • The contributors to the high mobile phone sale rates in recent years
  • The Apple Company: How has the company maintained its position in the device market?
  • Corporate rituals: what are they, examples of the oldest and most rigid ones still in practice
  • The role of brainstorming in idea production and business solutions
  • The role of a franchise agreement for franchise and franchise holders
  • Elements to consider when selecting a sector to expand your business
  • Alcohol companies should be obliged to donate to alcohol recovery centers: An explanation
  • Brad awareness: How to create a globally recognizable brand
  • The financial crisis: what should global and local businesses expect?
  • What is the future of commerce and retail in the current digital era?
  • Are bank mergers a wise strategy or a recipe for failure?
  • Does bankruptcy mean the end of a business?
  • Should banks consider bank mergers? If so, when would be the right time?

An ABM research title with the author feels should be well thought out. Here are a few more creative ABM research topics for your consideration:

  • Effective competing strategies for local businesses
  • How are local businesses influencing the global economy?
  • What is the role of employee unions in the United States?
  • Should companies encourage their employees to join employee unions?
  • How can large businesses help local companies break through the global market without fear of competition?
  • Global businesses: how is the internet promoting globalization?
  • Does organizational environmental pollution affect consumer trust levels?
  • How can businesses incorporate their consumers into eco-friendly practices?
  • What are the consequences of overworking employees in the workplace?
  • How can you transform your leadership to create a successful business?

Qualitative research answers the whys and hows of a topic. It tests people’s reactions to products and studies client or consumer behaviors. Qualitative research also employs case studies, interviews, and focus groups to gather information on qualitative research topics .

  • How can you make a museum exhibition marketable?
  • Tobacco companies: Should they be mandated to donate to cancer treatment avenues?
  • What are the advantages of owning a recognizable and respectable brand?
  • How can you package your brand, so people receive it positively and widely?
  • Company image: How does it affect consumer behavior and modern corporate culture?
  • Why do certain niche companies gravitate towards hiring youths?
  • Why do certain companies prefer female employees to men and the contrary?
  • How has the Chinese market benefit from globalization?
  • How do business clusters move globalization?
  • Should alcohol companies pay higher taxes?

Are you wondering about the ABM research title about accounting to choose? Your choice of a qualitative research topic about the ABM strand will determine the course your research takes. Find a qualitative and quantitative research title about the ABM strand in accounting in the following list.

  • Blockchain: How will this improve the future of accounting?
  • The impact of COVID-19 on global accountancy firms
  • Cryptocurrency: Is this the solution to all current financial issues in the consumerist society?
  • Discretionary accruals: Meaning and important ethical considerations
  • The role of interest rates on the success of accounting firms
  • What would accounting firms look like if interest rates did not exist?
  • Do global companies have better accountancy workforces than local ones?
  • Should local vendors adopt similar accountancy practices as global companies?
  • The role of an efficient accountancy workforce in a company’s success
  • Should more global companies jump on the cryptocurrency trend?

Another core subject in the ABM strand is business. It is arguably one of the easiest of the three elements in the ABM strand. However, students still struggle to find a good ABM research topic for business. So, we prepared this research title about business section for you to find a business research title example (research title about business quantitative and quantitative). Find an example of a business research title from the list below:

  • Are businesses that were formed during the COVID-19 pandemic still thriving?
  • How was launching a business during the pandemic different from any other year?
  • AI business models: are they the most integrated business approach model currently?
  • How important is language in communicating business goals and reaching your target audience?
  • Business ethic theories: do modern businesses follow them as rigorously as conventional ones?
  • How do internet-related businesses like Amazon affect other businesses and the general public?
  • How to build consumer loyalty in a competitive sector
  • Consumer crisis: What is it and how to manage it
  • What are the best ways to minimize the risks of low-quality products or ones that do not meet industry standards?
  • The value of determining your target market at the conception of a business

Most students panic whenever they choose an ABM research title about management because they lack options. That should not be an issue again because we are here to help. Find an excellent qualitative or quantitative management and advertising research title for ABM students in the section below:

  • Career and talent management: Differences and correlations
  • Critical elements that affect business management, process planning, and project management
  • The role of organizational leadership in small company management
  • Construction management: How is it useful and how to do it effectively
  • Brand management: What would happen if businesses did not practice effective brand management?
  • The best customer risk management practices and why should always have a plan set in place
  • An explanation of the concept of consumer management in the current business sector
  • How effective management impacts the concept of perfect competition.
  • The impact of business management on worker loyalty and productivity rates
  • Critical factors to consider when choosing the right management team for a business
  • What is subliminal advertising, and what should you know about it?
  • How does subliminal advertising work?
  • Is product placement a good advertising strategy?
  • What is the future of telemarketing in the current corporate world?
  • Is telemarketing a thing of the past or a relevant form of advertising?

From ABM research topics quantitative to overall topics related to ABM, there are many approaches you can take for your research. The good thing is you will always benefit from an example of a research title about the ABM strand. Below are a few examples.

  • Why do copycat products enter the market so easily?
  • How can companies fight for their copyright and prevent copycat products from entering the market?
  • Can companies redeem themselves after a corporate crime crisis?
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in making a company more socially accountable
  • An explanation of the concept of corporate social responsibility
  • Corporate crime: What to know about this and how to come back from such a challenge
  • The idea of data security in the current business world
  • How to protect your data from data corruption, unauthorized access, and other data security issues
  • Employee coaching Vs. Employee management: What is the difference and how to organize each practice
  • Do businesses still adhere to this ethical principle?

An example of a research title about the business will help you get started. However, you must be keen on the research title about ABM that you select. Find a suitable business research topic for ABM students here:

  • Disruptive innovation in business: What are it and essential things you should understand
  • Is intellectual capital the key to unlocking your potential?
  • The basic components of intellectual capital
  • What is the most effective way to match a person to a role in a company?
  • Is job sculpting the key to unlocking people’s potential in the workplace?
  • Moral principles and regulations that govern business operations in your country
  • A guide to the various types of mergers
  • Key reasons that motivate companies to turn to merge
  • The Starbucks effect in the real estate sector?
  • Do people consider the presence of a Starbucks in their environment when making real estate decisions?
  • The value of strategic planning when establishing the direction of a small business before its launch
  • Labor strikes: What companies do they affect, and what are their consequences?
  • The value of company ethics and how companies should establish them
  • A guide for setting company ethics for a startup
  • The consequences of labor strikes in the general corporate economy

Most ABM students are usually in the 12 th grade. At this academic level, students have the cognitive ability to grasp ABM strand concepts. An ABM research project is a stepping stone for 12 th -grade students to move toward the next level of studies. Therefore, choosing a good topic is mandatory.

A good topic will help you find your ground and write a research paper that stands out. Creativity is an essential quality when picking research topics. However, if you do not trust your creativity, you need not worry. Here are some ABM-related research topics for 12 th -grade students:

  • Do undocumented workers have rights?
  • Ware the risks of employing undocumented workers in your business?
  • What belief system is work ethic, and does it have disadvantages?
  • The element of work ethic when selecting employees for your startup
  • How to encourage and maintain work-life balance for your employees
  • Can a work-life balance help promote productivity in your workplace?
  • Is business leadership a learned skill or an in-born talent?
  • How much power should stakeholders have in your business?
  • How do stakeholders affect the success of a business?
  • Why should the corporate sector educate the public on international investment?
  • Global competition: is this a successful strategy for local companies or a recipe for success?
  • International unemployment is a global phenomenon
  • How can local companies help resolve the issue of global unemployment?
  • How can large and successful companies create more employment opportunities?
  • Forms of ethical conflicts in the business world and how to avoid them

Let’s Help You with ABM Research Topics Selection and Writing

Whether you want to choose an ABM research title about accounting, advertising, management, or other focus areas, you can always depend on us for help. In addition to that, our team is ready to create satisfactory content on any ABM research topic you have. Let’s do this!

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Attitude toward Business and Business Intention of ABM and STEM Students of Senior High School of Divine Word Colleges in Ilocos Region, Philippines: The Role of Education

Technium Social Sciences Journal (vol. 21/2021)

22 Pages Posted: 21 Jun 2021

Damianus Abun

Divine word college of laoag, theogenia magallanes, saint benedict college of northern luzon, mary joy encarnacion, divine word college of vigan, frelyn b. ranay, chester m. tacmo, bryan t. bello.

Date Written: June 9, 2021

The purpose of this study was to determine the level of attitude of ABM and STEM students toward business and their business intention and to find out if there is a difference of attitude toward business and business intention of both strands (ABM and STEM). To establish the theories of the study, the literature was reviewed. The study used descriptive correlational research design and to gather the data, the validated questionnaires were used. The population of the study was grade XII ABM and STEM students of the Divine Word Colleges in the Ilocos Region. The study found that their attitude toward business and their business intention is high and based on Pearson r correlation, it was found that there is a significant correlation between attitude toward business and business intention and therefore, the hypothesis is accepted. However, based on the F-test which measures the difference between the attitude of ABM and STEM students’ attitude toward business and their business intention, the study found that there is no significant difference between both strands when it comes to their attitude toward business and their business intention.

Keywords: attitude, cognitive, affective, business intention

JEL Classification: JOSS

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Damianus Abun (Contact Author)

Divine word college of laoag ( email ).

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This research focused on the advantages of mathematical skills in ABM strand of grade 11 and 12 students of General Mariano Alvarez Technical High School.

The study used the phenomenology type of research design that focus on the experience of the students, especially the grade 11 and 12 students about the advantages of mathematical skills in taking the ABM strand, how their interests affect their career choices, and the connection of ABM strand in their chosen career in the future. The researchers used interview as one of the data gathering instrument. Survey in the form of questionnaire, we are also gather a qualitative and validated data. It was divided into two main sections; the profile and the questionnaire proper.

This research shows that 1.) 64.29% of the students who are under ABM chose the said strand because of they already have their mathematical skill. However, the remaining 35.71% of the ABM students have their own bases for choosing the strand. 2.) Grade 11 students under ABM strand use common strategies.


The study suggests that the students must be given academic support and motivations by teachers and parents to improve their skills that may help the students to have a better performance in the chosen strand. Students must also, at least, have the basic math skills in order to cope up with the requirements that the course entails.


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