My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Speech and Essay Samples

Don’t know where to start? Get inspired by our  FREE speech and essay examples .

Use them to get the creative juices flowing . Don’t copy any of these examples! Since these speeches are available for anyone to download, you can never be sure that another student has not used them, and that they will pass plagiarism evaluation tools, such as Turnitin or Plagscan.

Whether you find a sample that is on your given topic or a closely related discussion, all of the speeches can help you get organized and focused.

Review multiple speeches to learn:

  • How the presenter laid out the talking points and the number of points used
  • What references and statistics they used to solidify their arguments
  • How long the speech was for a given topic
  • How the topic was introduced and summarized
  • How the speaker engaged and interacted with the audience

By using these speech examples as an outline, you’ll have a fully formed presentation in no time ! We also have this page with gun control speech examples , in case you’d like to see different examples on the same topic.

Persuasive Speeches

  • Birth Control Persuasive Speech
  • We should stand up for our gun rights
  • The truth about gun control
  • The controversy over gun control
  • Speech against stricter gun control
  • It’s up to society to solve gun problems
  • Guns don’t kill people
  • Does banning firearms help prevent homicides
  • Criminals will be criminals
  • What to do about Deadbeat Parents
  • Why state aid applicants need to be drug tested
  • Subculture is Mainstream
  • Eating Healthy
  • Teachers should be paid more
  • Digital Piracy
  • Minimum Wage
  • Drug Testing for State Aid
  • Drug testing welfare
  • Why snakes make good pets
  • Why you need to quit drinking soda
  • Why Everyone Should Learn to Play an Instrument
  • Why Android is better then IOS 2
  • Why Android is better then IOS 1
  • Video Games Do Not Cause Violence
  • Soda and Obesity
  • Plastic Surgery 2
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle
  • Human development depends primarily on environmental factors
  • Donating Blood
  • Birth Control Persuasive Speech Example with Outline
  • Social Media Persuasive Speech Example with Outline
  • Texting and Driving Persuasive Speech Example with Outline
  • Persuasive Speech on Sleep
  • Persuasive Speech about Bullying
  • Persuasive Speech on Organ Donation

Informative Speeches

  • Guns and gun control - Texas
  • Gun violence and control
  • Gun control on campuses
  • Wind Energy
  • About Serial Killers
  • Eating Disorder
  • Robin Williams 2
  • Dream Types
  • Separation of Powers of the Federal Government
  • Memory Loss
  • Internet Black Market
  • Blood Donation
  • Alcohol in Winter
  • About Guitar
  • Social Media Informative Speech Example with Outline
  • Texting and Driving Informative Speech Example with Outline
  • Informative Speech on Sleep
  • Informative Speech about Bullying
  • Free Organ Donation Informative Speech
  • Free Informative Speech on Caffeine and Its Effects
  • Five Side Effects of Global Warming
  • Global Warming Is Real

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365 essays for english learners.

1 America: Land of Opportunity

2 The Fourth of July

3 The U.S. Federal Government

4 Christmas: A Holiday of Traditions

5 New Year's Day: A Holiday of New Beginnings

6 Martin Luther King Jr Day: To Remember a Civil Rights Leader

7 Valentine's Day: A Holiday of Love and Friendship

8 St. Patrick's Day: A Holiday to Celebrate the Irish

9 Passover: A Jewish Holiday of Remembering

10 Easter: An Important Christian Holiday

11 Mother's Day: A Holiday to Honor Motherhood

12 Father's Day: A Holiday to Honor Fatherhood

13 Memorial Day: A Holiday to Remember Fallen Soldiers

14 Labor Day: A Holiday to Honor Workers

15 Columbus Day: A Holiday to Remember an Explorer

16 Halloween: A Holiday for Costumes and Candy

17 Veterans Day: A Holiday Honoring All Soldiers

18 Chanukah: A Holiday of Lights

19 Thanksgiving: Families Coming Together

20 Lottery: A Chance at Millions

E2Language Blog

  • PTE Study Plan & Strategy
  • PTE Describe Image Task
  • Mastering the PTE Write Essay Task
  • Re-order Paragraphs and Reading Strategies
  • PTE Listening – Tips and Practice for Success
  • OET Study Plan & Strategy
  • OET Writing Overview & Tips
  • Tips and Practice for Success
  • OET Listening Preparation & Practice Tips
  • OET Reading
  • Academic Writing Sample for Task 1
  • Tips & Topics for IELTS Speaking
  • TOEFL test changes 2023
  • Time to Prepare for TOEFL
  • Take a Free TOEFL Mock Test
  • TOEFL Reading Time Management
  • How to Succeed at TOEFL Reading
  • TOEFL Listening
  • TOEFL Speaking
  • TOEFL Writing Academic Discussion
  • TOEFL Integrated Writing
  • Top 10 English Essay Writing Tips
  • Synonyms and Other Writing Techniques

Top 10 English Essay Writing Tips | Complete Guide For a High Score

Are you looking to improve your essay writing skills and achieve a high score on your next English essay? In this post, we will explore the best essay writing tips and cover different essay types, the essay structure, an essay outline and much more to help you succeed on an upcoming English essay. These 10 tips are perfect for school, college or university essays, as well as English exams like IELTS, PTE and TOEFL. We have included some helpful resources including a companion pdf that has a sample English essay and a few essay prompts. Every great English essay is improved with feedback so visit and sign up for free to access expert feedback from our experienced teachers. 

1: Understand How to Answer the Essay Prompt

2: follow the correct essay structure, 3: plan your english essay, 4: explain your reasons, 5: use synonyms in you english essay, 6: paraphrase, don’t copy, 7: vary your sentence structure , 8: use linking words, 9: proofread out loud, 10: seek feedback, more help with english essay writing.

  • Start Now. It’s Free ✌️

  Watch our video below to see an in-depth explanation of the Top 10 English Essay Writing Tips.

In order to successfully write an essay, it is important that we fulfil the essay requirement by understanding the essay prompt and what it’s asking of us. We need to begin by identifying what type of essay the question is calling us to write. Here are three different essay types that are commonly used:

  • Opinion essays
  • Problem/solution essays 
  • Advantages/disadvantages essays

Here are possible questions to look out for to help you identify these three different essay types, and the requirements to fulfil for each.

Opinion Essays: Possible Questions and Requirements

In our sample English essay provided here , the essay prompt asks: In the past, almost all office workers did their job in their company’s offices five days a week. Nowadays, however, many employers allow more flexible work arrangements, and employees often choose to work from home a few days per week. What are the advantages and disadvantages of employees working from home?

This is a discussion essay where we can outline the disadvantages and advantages of the topic.

The essay structure shown below is simple, but extremely effective at presenting your ideas in a clear and organised way. It is important to use this format so it makes it easy for your teacher or assessor, whoever is marking your essay, to follow your ideas. You need to follow this structure:

Simple Outline of Essay Structure: Introduction, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion

In your introduction, you simply tell the reader what the essay is about. In your body paragraphs, you should present your arguments, and then support your arguments. This is where you show evidence through the use of examples and also explain your reasons in detail. In your conclusion, you summarise what was said in the essay.

A simple and clear plan is very important to making sure your ideas are well-organised and easy to follow for when you write the actual essay. Below you will see a plan for the main body of a sample English essay . There are two advantages and two disadvantages outlined, each with a supporting reason.

Essay Outline for a Sample Advantages/Disadvantages Essay about Working From Home

Taking a few moments to plan can be the difference between a good essay and an excellent, well-organised one. Teachers can easily pick up on unplanned essays. Students who decide to jump straight into writing without creating an essay outline first will often go off-topic during their essays. Sometimes the ideas are randomly inserted in certain places, resulting in a disorganised and low-scoring essay. The writing may leave assessors confused and looking for your arguments and reasons. 

Don’t make this mistake, and get into the habit of planning, even if it’s just a few quick bullet points.

Explaining your reasons gives your writing more support. It is important that you provide proof through the use of evidence and examples to support your ideas or arguments. Without any explanations, not only will your ideas lack strength, but your paragraphs will also be too short. 

Referring back to our sample English essay , we can see a well-explained example below. 

Examples of Reasons Explained in a Paragraph Outlining Disadvantages of Work-From-Home

In the image above, the phrase ‘For instance’ introduces an example. In this case, it is an example of how an employee can struggle to separate their office and home life, including knowing when to stop working and take a break. Then, we can see the writer provides an explanation by including the phrase, ‘This could lead to’ and then describing the effects and consequences of the previously mentioned example. 

Explaining reasons with evidence and examples can be the hardest part of writing for some as it forces us to extend our ideas. Start with an example, and then reflect on the possible upsides or downsides of it. Ask yourself ‘What are the effects or results of this example or evidence I’m giving?’ which should then help to form your explanation.

When you are writing any type of essay, there will always be a set of keywords or phrases that get repeated throughout your writing because they are linked with your topic. Using synonyms, or different words that say the same thing, allows us to avoid sounding repetitive, which can often make our essay seem boring. Using synonyms is a quick and easy way to improve your writing. 

In our sample English essay , the idea of ‘working from home’ was used a lot. Here are some synonyms we included throughout our essay for this idea: ‘work flexibly’, ‘remote work’, ‘flexible work arrangements’ and even rephrasing the idea as ‘this change in work culture’. Using synonyms creates variety in our writing and improves the range of our vocabulary, which can easily help you to score higher on an essay. 

If you need to, you can use a thesaurus to find synonyms for words. Just make sure the synonyms still sound natural.

Depending on your essay topic, you may need to include research, or facts found through research on the internet. In any type of essay, it would not be acceptable to copy phrases or sentences, word for word. If you struggle with paraphrasing, we recommend that you start with synonyms first so you can build on the skill of replacing words and then slowly move into rephrasing and rewording entire phrases, sentences and then sections of text.  A great place to start is paraphrasing the essay prompt in your essay introduction. You need to be able to write it in your own words so you can show how well you can use language. In the image below, we can see how the essay prompt from our sample English essay has been paraphrased to create an interesting essay introduction.

Paraphrasing an Essay Prompt about Work-From-Home into an Introduction

Paraphrasing might seem like a difficult skill to master at first, but with practice, it will become much easier.

To demonstrate your essay writing skills, it is important to include a wide range of sentence structures, including simple, compound and complex sentences. Using these sentence types will not only show off your skills and knowledge, but also prevent the text from sounding boring. 

A simple sentence contains only one independent clause. An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb and can be a sentence on its own.

You can see an example of a simple sentence from our sample English essay below. Notice how this example broke up a group of longer sentences and created a sense of impact.

Another upside to working from home is the career opportunities it offers. People can now work for companies in other places. This means they can live anywhere and still do their job well. It also means they can apply for better jobs that might not be close to home.

A compound sentence contains two independent clauses, joined by a conjunction such as ‘and’ or ‘but’. Below is a compound sentence from our sample English essay.

I think workers should be allowed to work from home, but only for up to two days a week.

A complex sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent clause, which cannot be a sentence on its own. This type of sentence demonstrates a higher level of complexity.

Without being away from home all day, employees can better manage their work and personal commitments.

To vary your sentence structure even further, you can swap the order around with some complex sentences by putting the dependent clause at the beginning or putting it at the end. The sentence still makes sense, even if it’s reordered, which can help if you keep repeating the same sentence structures.  

It is also important where you use different sentence types. Too many complex sentences in a row can be hard to follow. Too many simple sentences can make it feel like your ideas are not connected. On the other hand, shorter sentences can help to break up a group of longer sentences.

Using linking words is an easy and effective way to make your writing sound more like an essay. They help create structure and flow so that your reader can clearly follow your ideas. Linking words show the connections between ideas and paragraphs and also increase clarity in your essay, so that everything reads smoothly. Usually we use them at the beginning of sentences. 

Let’s look at three examples of linking words found in our sample English essay . 

Consequently, this means many people can work from home for a few days each week.

The linking word, ‘consequently’, shows a cause and effect relationship between statements.

On the other hand, remote work is not only socially isolating, but less teamwork could mean that the company won’t do as well.

‘On the other hand’ shows contrast when you’re introducing a different or opposing idea.

In conclusion, having the choice to work from home has changed the traditional work style.

‘In conclusion’ tells you that the ideas are about to be summarised and concluded. 

There are many different types of linking words. Some linking words are used to show cause and effect, others for examples, while some can be used to show the sequence of ideas.

Everyone knows that they should revise their writing at the end, but often this step can get overlooked when you are rushing to finish off an English essay. It is understandable. You have just planned and written an entire essay, while having to think about synonyms and transition words and sentence structure and everything in between. Going back over your work thoroughly can save you from losing marks. The best way to do this is to proofread your writing out loud.

When just quickly glancing over your writing with your eyes, it is easy to miss some of the careless mistakes that have been made, especially if you are rushing to complete an essay that has a time limit. However, if you take some time to proofread aloud, you can start to pick up on things that sound incorrect.  We recommend that you read every piece of writing out loud, so you can easily listen for mistakes. Try it next time you write an essay.

As you practise your essay writing skills, it is important to ask people around you for feedback on how to improve. Of course, having teachers look over your writing will be the most constructive for your skill development. However, it is always great to have your classmates, family members and even friends read your writing. Having a fresh set of eyes can help to catch errors but also provide valuable feedback on your writing. 

As always, if you are looking for expert feedback, especially for a high stakes English exam, be sure to sign up to . Our experienced teachers and ex-examiners can help you to improve your writing!

Need more help with your English essay writing? We have you covered! For help with general English essay writing, head to and sign up for free. You can access method lessons, practice items, live classes with expert teachers and more. We have everything you need to help you quickly achieve success on your next high stakes essay. 

essay for english speaking practice

Author Bio: E2 is the world’s leading test preparation provider. Our expert teachers are fully accredited English teachers, with TESOL, British Council or other relevant certification, and years of examiner or teaching experience.

Lady typing an essay. Title: Use Synonyms and Other Writing Techniques

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8 Tips to Write Better Essays in English

Learning a foreign language is an overwhelming experience, especially if it’s one of the most widely spoken languages in the world – English.

Many people are under the impression that learning to read and speak in English is enough without realizing that written English skills are an equally vital asset to have.

From improving academics to boosting career prospects – the ability to write in English not only lets you communicate and express yourself better in today’s globalized world but also makes you more confident.

An effective way to improve your writing skills is to write essays. Wondering where to begin? We bring you eight useful tips to write better essays in English.

1. Keep a Vocabulary Notebook

Using the right vocabulary is an essential element of writing essays. When you make efforts to expand your vocabulary, you will be able to pick accurate words to take your writing to the next level.

Instead of coming across new words and forgetting about them, it’s a good idea to make a note of them in your vocabulary notebook. Doing this helps you remember the meanings of new words and you can also refer to it while writing essays.

So, give yourself a target to learn at least ten new words every day, which you can jot down in your diary and take baby steps in building a strong vocabulary.

2. Refer to Credible Sources

Research forms the first step in writing any kind of essay. The stronger your research, the better is the quality of your essay.

At a time when we have access to a wide range of data, it’s important to evaluate research sources carefully and only refer to credible ones. For example, Wikipedia is not a reliable source and should not be attributed to while writing essays.

Take the effort to read through published journals, research studies, scholarly papers, academic databases, and encyclopedias published within the last 10-15 years. It’s also important to assess the credibility of the author while evaluating the source.

3. Draft a Basic Outline

Once you’ve done your research, don’t rush to write. Take a moment to draft a basic outline for your essay and organize your research and findings.

“Is that necessary,” you ask? Very much.

Working on an outline lets you approach the essay in an organized manner. It serves as the skeleton of your paper while ensuring you’re not missing out on any information and that your points flow logically.

Most essays are categorized into – introduction, body, and conclusion.

The introduction is where you introduce the topic and give context. The body paragraphs need to include your arguments and research methodology (if any). The conclusion needs to reiterate the thesis statement and tie all the points together.

4. Hook the Reader

With attention spans getting shorter with time, it’s become all the more important to start with a bang and hook the reader from the beginning to ensure they are invested in your writing.

Essay hooks refer to the first one or two sentences of your essay which have the power to make or break the reader’s interest. The key is to write a hook that grabs the reader’s attention and reels them in.

From an alarming statistic and relevant quote to using humor and asking a rhetoric question – there are various tactics you can employ to keep the reader engaged.

If you’re unable to think of an impactful essay hook, don’t waste too much time on it. Finish the rest of your essay and come back to write a compelling hook later.

5. Use the Pomodoro Technique

It’s not easy to write an essay in one go, especially if it’s not in your first language.

A smart way to approach essay writing is to use the Pomodoro technique. This technique asks you to set a timer for 25 minutes to finish your task in question and then take a 5-minute break. After four cycles of repeating this, you get to take an extended 20-minute break.

So, start with breaking down the assignment into smaller tasks such as research, outlining, writing the different paragraphs, citing references and proofreading. You can then set the timer, start working on the essay as per the technique and track your progress.

Using this technique keeps distractions at bay and helps you stay more focused.

6. Pay Attention to Grammar Rules

You may raise interesting points in your essay, but poor grammar disrupts the reading experience and should be avoided at all costs.

Be careful when adding punctuations, check your sentence formations, avoid passive voice as much as possible and know the difference between adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs.

So  abide by grammar rules to deliver a well-written and cohesive essay.

7. Write with Clarity

You might be tempted to use complex metaphors and jargons to impress the reader, but the truth is, none of that guarantees “good” writing.

One of the most important ingredients of effective writing is clarity. You don’t want to leave the reader confused and puzzled after reading your essay. So, use simple words, stop beating around the bush and explain concepts with the help of examples because clear writing always wins.

8. Reread the Essay

Finally, make it a point to proofread your essay (multiple times) to ensure you have covered all the aspects, cited references accurately and not made any silly errors.

It’s a good idea to read your essay out loud so you’re able to identify errors and awkwardly formed sentences with ease. You should also get a friend or family member to read your essay, to spot mistakes or discrepancies that you may have overlooked.

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Thanks a lot all we can derive from reading is the technique to write with clarity, good research and involvement of readers in writing.

Thank a lot dear EnglishClub, it’s help me a lot

I think it is very good site for learn essay writing

As a teacher trainer this contribution is helpful

Thanks for the tips! I’ll have an essay tomorrow and this will surlely prepare me!

Thank you so much

Thanks Please I will like to know more

thank you so much for your amazing informations



Nice one but I don’t understand yet

Knowledge supporter is who u are, keep d good work nd ur reward is from God nd thanks.

thanks alot for your tips…your tips will help me alot while examss!!!

Thank you so much for information ☺️

Thank you ☺️

Thank you 💯💯💯💯💯💯

My hobby is home garden

ur intentinon and thoughts was very nce its useful to somny pepole to learn english tysomuch adela belin

Thanks you for helping

This did help a lot! Thank you very much 🥰

Good tips, I should give it a try, after all, we all improve by exercising hard so I’ll just do the same thing, but right now I gotta focus on what matters, and what I need now is to read as much as I can to know how to spell the words right. Is grammar so important in this task, I mean can’t I just pick the things up because of my experience in listening skill ?

Thanks for the information!

This is a nice explanation ,,,,,proud of you!

Is very interesting for me I really apreicete you help

Thanks so much for these useful tips!! Now, I need to start preparing my essay (“starting” has been always the stone on my way :$)

Please, what is the difference between an essay and an article?

Are they same?

Thanks in advance,

Thanks & best regards English Club

Helpful updated tips to share with our students!! thankssss

I want to know if it is only at the University or if we may take the course online.

Thank you verry much for important advices

thank for your key points, this is really helpful

Thank you and best wishes,

Very pragmatic and helpful essay. Thank so much English club

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190+ Creative English Speaking Topics to Speak to Anyone

Clapingo Team

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Spoken English Fluency: The Key to Success

Benefits of practicing english speaking topics, 190+ english speaking topics for learners, 1. daily life and personal experiences, 2. hobbies and personal interests, 3. travel and adventure, 4. education and learning, 5. health and wellness, 6. culture and entertainment, 7. career and professional development, personalized coaching to save the day.

An image of English speaking topic book

English is widely accepted to be the language of business. Globally, approximately over 1.5 billion people speak English as their first or second language. It is therefore no wonder that English speaking proficiency is directly related to employability and other opportunities.

Let's face it, when it comes to learning and improving spoken English, practicing basic English speaking topics plays a pivotal role. It goes beyond mastering grammar and vocabulary; it empowers individuals to express themselves confidently, engage in meaningful conversations, and connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

In this blog, we will list a wide range of English speaking topics fluency. By diversifying your conversations and exploring various subjects, you can enhance your language skills, broaden your knowledge, and develop the ability to express your thoughts and opinions effectively.

So, whether you are a beginner looking to build a strong foundation or an advanced learner aiming to refine your fluency, this comprehensive list of will provide you with the necessary resources and inspiration to take your English-speaking abilities to new heights.

Practicing English speaking topics helps individuals avoid boredom and monotony, making the learning process more enjoyable.

It expands vocabulary and enhances language proficiency, allowing individuals to express themselves effectively on different English speaking topics .

Engaging with diverse English speaking topics fosters critical thinking skills and encourages individuals to share their opinions confidently.

We now list for you a range of English speaking practice topics to improve your spoken English. The category of topics covers a wide range of scenarios to prepare you well for any encounters in the personal or professional space that would need you to speak in English.

If you want to practice any of these topics with a 1-1 real human, click here. ​

Photo by: Ivan Shilov on Unsplash

English speaking topics on daily life and personal experiences are important because they allow you to effectively communicate your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in various social situations. It helps you connect with others, share your stories, and build stronger relationships in both personal and professional settings. The following table lists some English speaking practice topics to hone your spoken English on in your daily life and gives some example sentences.

1. My Morning Routine

Sentence 1: "Every morning, I start my day with a refreshing cup of coffee."

Sentence 2: "I like to go for a jog in the park as part of my morning routine."

2. A Memorable Family Vacation

Sentence 1: "During our family vacation to Nainital, we enjoyed looking at the mountains."

Sentence 2: "One of the most memorable family vacations was when we visited the Taj Mahal."

3. My Favorite Hobby or Pastime

Sentence 1: "In my free time, I enjoy playing the guitar and composing my own music."

Sentence 2: "One of my favorite hobbies is gardening, and I love growing flowers and vegetables in my backyard."

4. A Childhood Memory

Sentence 1: "One of my fondest childhood memories is building sandcastles at the beach with my siblings."

Sentence 2: "I still remember the excitement of my first day of school as a child."

5. Cooking Adventures and Favorite Recipes

Sentence 1: "Last weekend, I tried a new recipe for homemade pizza, and it turned out delicious."

Sentence 2: "I enjoy experimenting with different spices and creating unique dishes in the kitchen."

Click the button below to practice topics 1-1 with an expert speaker.

Practicing English to talk about your hobbies and interests helps you communicate your passions and connect with others who share similar interests, leading to meaningful conversations and new friendships. Feel free to choose any of these topics as a starting point for engaging English conversations about your hobbies and interests.

1. Photography

Statement 1: "I love capturing beautiful landscapes during sunset."

Statement 2: "Photography allows me to express my creativity through images."

2. Playing a Musical Instrument

Statement 1: "I have been practicing the guitar for five years now."

Statement 2: "Playing the piano helps me relax and unwind after a long day."

3. Painting and Artistic Expression

Statement 1: "I enjoy experimenting with different painting techniques."

Statement 2: "Art allows me to express my emotions and thoughts visually."

4. Gardening

Statement 1: "I have a small vegetable garden where I grow my own produce."

Statement 2: "Taking care of plants brings me a sense of joy and fulfillment."

5. Cooking and Culinary Adventures

Statement 1: "I love trying out new recipes from different cuisines."

Statement 2: "Cooking allows me to explore my creativity in the kitchen."

essay for english speaking practice

Talking in English about travel and adventure helps you share your exciting experiences, explore new places, and have conversations that ignite a sense of curiosity and cultural discovery.

1. Trekking in the Himalayas

Sentence 1: "I recently trekked to Everest Base Camp in the Himalayas. The views were amazing!"

Sentence 2: "I hiked in Himachal Pradesh and saw beautiful snow-capped mountains."

2. Wildlife Safari in Indian National Parks

Sentence 1: "I went to Ranthambore National Park and saw a Bengal tiger."

Sentence 2: "Jim Corbett National Park was thrilling with elephants and leopards."

3. Exploring the Backwaters of Kerala

Sentence 1: "I cruised through Kerala's backwaters on a houseboat, it was peaceful."

Sentence 2: "I loved the landscapes and meeting locals along the backwaters in Kerala."

4. Heritage Sites and Monuments in Rajasthan

Sentence 1: "The Amber Fort in Jaipur was impressive, and I enjoyed exploring Rajasthan's history."

Sentence 2: "Seeing the Taj Mahal in Agra was a dream come true, it's a beautiful monument."

5. Beach Destinations in Goa

Sentence 1: "I relaxed and tried water sports on the beaches of Goa like Calangute and Baga."

Sentence 2: "Goa has a lively nightlife with beach parties and live music."

Photo by: Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

Practicing English for speaking about education and learning allows you to discuss various subjects, gain knowledge, and express your ideas. It helps improve intellectual growth and build effective communication skills. Here are 50 simple English speaking topics on learning and education for English learners to practice:

1. I enjoy reading books and learning new things.

2. My favorite subject in school is science because I love conducting experiments.

3. I like to solve puzzles and brain teasers to improve my critical thinking skills.

4. Learning English is important for communication with people from different countries.

5. I often watch educational videos online to expand my knowledge.

6. Math is challenging, but I find it interesting to solve problems.

7. I practice writing in English by keeping a journal and writing about my daily experiences.

8. I listen to English podcasts to improve my listening skills.

9. I ask questions in class to clarify my understanding of the topic.

10. Group discussions help me to express my ideas and opinions confidently.

11. I use flashcards to memorize vocabulary words and their meanings.

12. I enjoy learning about different cultures and traditions from around the world.

13. I participate in debates to enhance my persuasive speaking skills.

14. I watch English movies with subtitles to improve my language comprehension.

15. I use language learning apps to practice English grammar and vocabulary.

16. I practice pronunciation by listening to native English speakers and repeating after them.

17. I take notes during lectures to help me remember important information.

18. I read news articles in English to stay updated on current events.

19. I attend English conversation clubs to practice speaking with others.

20. I set achievable goals to track my progress in language learning.

21. I use online language exchange platforms to practice speaking with native English speakers.

22. I enjoy learning through hands-on activities and experiments.

23. I challenge myself to read books that are slightly above my current reading level.

24. I use mnemonic techniques to remember difficult words or concepts.

25. I practice English speaking with a language partner over video calls.

26. I use online resources to improve my English grammar and writing skills.

27. I participate in language competitions to showcase my language proficiency.

28. I watch TED Talks in English to learn about various topics and improve listening skills.

29. I write essays on different subjects to enhance my writing skills.

30. I create flashcards with pictures to associate them with English words.

31. I join English language clubs or communities to practice speaking in a supportive environment.

32. I use English-language news websites to read articles and improve reading comprehension.

33. I practice English pronunciation by recording my voice and listening for improvement.

34. I use language-learning apps that provide interactive exercises for grammar and vocabulary.

35. I participate in role-playing activities to practice real-life English conversations.

36. I watch English TV shows or movies with subtitles to improve listening and reading skills.

37. I challenge myself to learn at least five new English words every day.

38. I practice listening to English songs and try to understand the lyrics.

39. I read children's books in English to build vocabulary and improve reading fluency.

40. I use English language-learning websites to access resources and practice exercises.

41. I watch educational YouTube channels to learn new concepts and improve language skills.

42. I practice summarizing articles or stories in English to improve reading comprehension.

43. I join online forums or discussion boards to interact with other English learners.

44. I use English-language apps for daily vocabulary exercises and word games.

45. I listen to English podcasts or audiobooks while commuting or doing household chores.

46. I practice speaking English in front of a mirror to work on pronunciation and fluency.

47. I use language learning websites to connect with language exchange partners around the world.

48. I write short stories in English to practice creativity and storytelling skills.

49. I practice giving presentations in English to improve public speaking abilities.

50. I take English language lessons.

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Engaging in English conversations about health and wellness enables you to explore topics related to well-being, share experiences, and learn about strategies to maintain a healthy lifestyle, promoting overall physical and mental wellness. Here are 50 English speaking topics related to health and wellness for English learners:

1. I try to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

2. I go for a walk every day to stay active and improve my fitness.

3. Drinking enough water is important for staying hydrated and maintaining good health.

4. I like to practice yoga to relax my mind and stretch my body.

5. It's important to get enough sleep to rejuvenate our bodies and minds.

6. I enjoy going for a jog in the park to get some fresh air and exercise.

7. I try to limit my intake of sugary foods and drinks for better dental health.

8. Meditation helps me to reduce stress and improve my mental well-being.

9. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and boosting energy levels.

10. I make sure to wash my hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs and infections.

11. I take breaks from sitting and stretch my body to prevent stiffness and improve circulation.

12. Eating a nutritious breakfast helps me start the day with energy and focus.

13. I enjoy spending time in nature as it promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

14. I practice deep breathing exercises to calm my mind and reduce anxiety.

15. Taking regular breaks from screens and technology is important for eye health.

16. I try to include a variety of colorful vegetables in my meals for a range of nutrients.

17. I practice mindfulness to stay present and appreciate the little joys in life.

18. Adequate rest and relaxation are crucial for overall health and well-being.

19. I try to avoid processed foods and opt for whole, natural foods instead.

20. Daily stretching helps to improve flexibility and prevent muscle tightness.

21. I make sure to wear sunscreen when I go outside to protect my skin from harmful UV rays.

22. Getting regular check-ups with the doctor helps me monitor my health and catch any issues early.

23. I enjoy listening to calming music to unwind and reduce stress.

24. I like to try new healthy recipes to keep my meals interesting and nutritious.

25. Spending time with loved ones and engaging in social activities positively impacts mental health.

26. I practice good posture to prevent back pain and maintain a healthy spine.

27. I try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity into my daily routine.

28. I limit my intake of sugary beverages and opt for water or herbal tea instead.

29. I prioritize self-care activities like taking a warm bath or practicing self-reflection.

30. I avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke for better respiratory health.

31. I make time for hobbies and activities that bring me joy and reduce stress.

32. I aim to get at least 8 hours of quality sleep each night for optimal rest and recovery.

33. I practice positive affirmations to boost self-confidence and maintain a positive mindset.

34. I choose stairs over elevators whenever possible to incorporate more movement into my day.

35. I practice good oral hygiene by brushing my teeth twice a day and flossing regularly.

36. I try to limit my screen time before bed to promote better sleep quality.

37. I engage in regular cardiovascular exercises like cycling or swimming for a healthy heart.

38. I take breaks from work or studying to give my mind a chance to rest and recharge.

39. I enjoy practicing a hobby like painting or playing an instrument for creative expression.

40. I try to manage stress through techniques like journaling, deep breathing, or meditation.

41. I choose whole grains over refined grains for better nutrition and sustained energy.

42. I listen to my body's hunger and fullness cues to maintain a balanced approach to eating.

43. I practice gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of my life.

. I make time for leisure activities that help me relax and unwind, like reading or gardening.

45. I try to include regular strength training exercises to build muscle and improve overall fitness.

46. I use natural remedies and essential oils for minor ailments and to support my well-being.

47. I limit my consumption of processed snacks and opt for healthier alternatives like nuts or fruits.

48. I engage in activities that challenge my mind, such as puzzles or learning a new language.

49. I try to maintain a positive support network of friends and family for emotional well-being.

50. I practice deep relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, to reduce tension and promote calmness.

Let's now move on to the rather exciting English speaking topics for beginners in the field of culture and entertainment.

Talking in English about culture and entertainment allows you to discuss various aspects of art, music, movies, traditions, and customs. It helps you appreciate different cultures, share your interests, and learn about diverse forms of entertainment.

1. Traditional Festivals and Celebrations

Sentence 1: "During Diwali, people light lamps and celebrate with fireworks to symbolize the victory of light over darkness."

Sentence 2: "Holi is a colorful festival where people play with water and colored powders to celebrate the arrival of spring."

2. Music and Dance

Sentence 1: "Bollywood music is popular in India and many people enjoy dancing to its energetic beats."

Sentence 2: "Classical Indian dance forms, like Bharatanatyam and Kathak, are known for their graceful movements and expressions."

3. Indian Cuisine

Sentence 1: "Indian cuisine is known for its rich flavors and spices, such as curry, biryani, and masala chai."

Sentence 2: "Popular Indian dishes include samosas, butter chicken, and dosas, which are enjoyed by people around the world."

4. Traditional Clothing and Fashion

Sentence 1: "Saris are traditional Indian garments worn by women, while men often wear kurta-pajama for special occasions."

Sentence 2: "The vibrant colors and intricate designs of Indian textiles make them unique and admired globally."

5. Indian Cinema and Bollywood

Sentence 1: "Bollywood movies are popular in India and feature a mix of drama, romance, music, and dance."

Sentence 2: "Actors like Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan have a huge fan following and are known for their iconic performances."

Now that we have covered culture and entertainment, let us shift our focus to learning some English speaking topics for beginners in career and professional development. Many of us face

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You can discuss topics related to job skills, career growth, networking, and personal success. It helps you gain insights, learn from others' experiences, and explore opportunities for professional advancement. Here are 50 simple English speaking practice topics related to the field of career and professional development for English learners:

1. I am working on improving my communication skills to excel in my career.

2. I believe setting clear goals is important for professional success.

3. I enjoy attending workshops and seminars to enhance my knowledge and skills.

4. Networking is a valuable tool for expanding professional connections and opportunities.

5. I am developing my leadership abilities to advance in my career.

6. Continuous learning is essential for staying updated in today's competitive job market.

7. I am exploring different career paths to find the one that aligns with my passions.

8. Time management skills are crucial for maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines.

9. Building a strong professional network can open doors to new career opportunities.

10. I am working on improving my problem-solving skills to overcome challenges at work.

11. Professional development courses help me stay relevant and grow in my field.

12. I believe in the importance of seeking feedback to improve my performance.

13. I am honing my presentation skills to confidently deliver impactful presentations.

14. Developing a positive work ethic is key to achieving long-term career success.

15. I am learning to adapt to change and embrace new technologies in my industry.

16. I am researching different companies and industries to find the right career fit.

17. Effective teamwork is essential for accomplishing goals and fostering a positive work environment.

18. Developing strong negotiation skills can lead to successful outcomes in business.

19. I am working on enhancing my problem-solving abilities to tackle complex tasks.

20. I believe in the power of lifelong learning for personal and professional growth.

21. I am improving my resume and cover letter writing skills to stand out in job applications.

22. Developing strong time management skills helps me stay organized and meet deadlines.

23. I am seeking mentors in my field to guide and support my career growth.

24. Continuous self-improvement is important for advancing in my chosen profession.

25. I am gaining industry-specific knowledge through online courses and certifications.

26. I am attending career fairs to explore job opportunities and network with potential employers.

27. Effective communication skills are vital for building strong professional relationships.

28. I am developing my critical thinking skills to make informed decisions in my career.

29. I believe in the importance of maintaining a work-life balance for overall well-being.

30. I am enhancing my problem-solving skills by seeking innovative solutions to challenges.

31. Professional development workshops provide valuable insights and skills for career growth.

32. I am practicing active listening to better understand colleagues and clients.

33. I am improving my organizational skills to increase productivity and efficiency at work.

34. Effective time management allows me to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.

35. I believe in the power of continuous learning to stay ahead in my career.

36. I am developing my networking skills to connect with professionals in my industry.

37. I am researching potential employers to find companies that align with my career goals.

38. Building a strong personal brand can enhance my professional reputation.

39. I am seeking opportunities to take on leadership roles and develop my management skills.

40. I am working on improving my public speaking skills for effective presentations.

41. I am expanding my knowledge through reading industry-related books and articles.

42. I am developing my problem-solving abilities to overcome obstacles in my career.

43. I believe in the importance of adapting to change to thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

44. I am seeking feedback from supervisors and colleagues to grow and improve in my role.

45. I am exploring different career paths to find the one that aligns with my strengths and interests.

46. Continuous professional development helps me stay updated in my field and improve my skills.

47. I am enhancing my interpersonal skills to build strong relationships

with coworkers and clients.

48. I believe in the power of setting ambitious goals to drive my career growth.

49. I am improving my teamwork and collaboration skills to contribute effectively to group projects.

50. I am developing a growth mindset to embrace challenges and seek opportunities for learning.

Some of these English topics for speaking can help you prepare for interview or job-related situations. You can also read this blog for some additional guidance on presentations in the workplace. 

To conclude, personalized coaching and guidance are crucial for new English learners seeking to improve their speaking skills. By exploring various topics and joining a reputable spoken English tutoring program , individuals can enhance their language development significantly. At Clapingo , we offer 1:1 personalized attention and instruction in your native language, ensuring a comfortable and effective learning experience. Take the next step in your language journey and book a demo with Clapingo today. Our experienced tutors are ready to help you build confidence and fluency in your English conversations. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your full potential - schedule your demo with Clapingo now!

Which topic is the best for speaking English?

The best English topic for speaking depends on your interests and knowledge. Choose a topic that encourages discussion and select topics with relevant vocabulary for your needs.

What can I talk about for 5 minutes?

For a 5-minute conversation, you can talk about various topics such as a quick personal introduction, sharing a memorable travel experience, discussing a favorite book or movie, describing a hobby or interest, or talking about a recent news article.

How can I practice English speaking daily?

You can practice English speaking daily by engaging in conversations with native speakers or language partners, joining English-speaking clubs or communities, watching movies, TV shows, or listening to podcasts in English, using language learning apps or websites, and practicing speaking aloud while doing everyday tasks.

How can I improve my English speaking conversation?

You can improve your English speaking conversation by focusing on pronunciation and intonation, building vocabulary through reading and word games, using idioms and expressions to sound more natural, practicing active listening and responding appropriately, and seeking feedback and learning from your mistakes.

You may also want to read.

​ How to Improve English Speaking Fluency ​

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10 Tips to Write Better Essays in English

If writing an essay sounds a little bit scary, just think of it as a chance to improve your writing skills .

Nobody expects your first essay to be perfect. Just make sure you learn something new every time you write an essay, and you will  grow your abilities.

We’re going to help you out with ten tips for writing better essays while you’re learning English .

1. Create a Word Bank

2. act like a reporter, 3. create topic sentences, 4. argue both sides, 5. read backwards, 6. use an online thesaurus and a dictionary, 7. combine and separate sentences, 8. have a native english speaker edit your essay, 9. review the whole essay with your friend, then rewrite it, 10. use online apps, and one more thing....

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This is an interesting approach to writing your essay. First, choose a topic and write a thesis . A thesis is the main argument of your essay. For instance, if your topic is reading, your thesis might be “Reading makes you smarter.”

Once you have a thesis, think about your main topic and find words that relate to it in different ways. Then, branch out (broaden, diversify) your list to words that aren’t as closely related to your main topic.

For the example above, your primary list might include words like “books,” “reading” and “intelligent.” Your other “branched out” list might include “Harry Potter,” “reading by a fire” or “test scores.”

This process will help expand your vocabulary over time. Using these words when you write will also make your essay more vibrant (energetic, colorful).

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When you are first assigned the topic, go ahead and really explore the possible options for your thesis. Ask questions. Get curious. The more questions you ask before you start writing, the more information you will have to use in the essay.

A strong essay is one that covers a lot of content in a succinct (short, to-the-point) way. This process of acting like a reporter will give you valuable quotes, resources and vocabulary to begin the writing process.

For instance, if you’re writing about a new diet plan , you might ask questions like, “Who is the best candidate for this diet plan?,” “How can someone get started?” and “What is the hardest part of this plan?”

A topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph, and it summarizes the rest of the paragraph. You can create them first to help you stay on track when writing your essay.

For the thesis “Reading makes you smarter,” one paragraph’s topic sentence might be, “Newspapers make you more aware of current events.” Another paragraph’s topic sentence could be, “Reading plays and classic literature will make you more cultured.”

If you’re writing about the three main issues facing writers today, you could write three full sentences that each address one main issue. Set these aside. Then, when you start writing the essay, refer to your topic sentences to create a solid structure that begins at point A and ends at point C.

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If you have to write a longer or more complex essay, it might help to outline both sides of the argument before you start writing. When you write the essay, you will need to choose one side to focus on. But as you prepare, having a side-by-side list of points can be helpful in developing your thesis.

Also, by arguing for the opposite side of your opinion, you will learn which points you need to better address in your essay. You will learn more about the topic, and you will gain more vocabulary words to enrich the essay.

As an example, you might be writing an essay arguing that people should drink less coffee. To argue both sides, you’ll need to consider the opposite side: the benefits of coffee. How will people quit if they are addicted? What about the antioxidants in coffee? Aren’t those good for you? Really explore the entire concept (both sides of the argument) before you write.

Proper grammar is difficult for even the most fluent English speakers. Because you are learning English, you actually have an advantage. Many native speakers learned improper grammar from the start. It’s difficult to undo the damage caused by a lifetime of writing improperly.

As you learn the English language, make a serious effort to practice your grammar and sentence structure. One way to spot improper grammar in your own English writing is to read each sentence backwards (start with the last word and end with the first). This way, you won’t be fooled by how the words sound when you read them in your head.

Is everything in the correct tense (past, present, future, etc.)? If you’re writing about plurals, are the possessive nouns plural? Are the apostrophes in the right places? Does every sentence end with a punctuation mark (period, question mark, exclamation point)? Reading the text backwards makes you focus on the rules of grammar instead of the flow of the sentence.

You might have learned a large number of fancy words when studying for an entrance exam. But before you start using them in academic essays, be very sure you know what they mean in the context of your essay. This is where the dictionary can come in handy .

  • Learn words in the context of sentences
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A thesaurus is another valuable tool when writing an essay. A thesaurus tells you synonyms, or words that have the same or a similar meaning to the word you look up. It’s important because it can add some volume to your essay and increase the impact of your words.

For example, if you’re writing about cooking, the words “stir” and “add” might come up a lot. This repetition is boring for a reader.

So instead of constantly saying, “Add the tomato” and “add the eggs,” a thesaurus will teach you to say things like “whisk in the eggs” or “gently fold in the tomatoes.” See? It sounds a lot better and adds interest to your essay.

Visual Thesaurus is a resource that works just like a regular thesaurus, but it also shows you the connections between the words. For example, if you type in the word “stir,” you’ll immediately see a whole circle of other words connected to “stir” with lines. From there, you can click on any of the words in the circle (like “move,” in this case) and then see all the words related to that word. This helps you find and learn new words quickly, and it’s also fun!

Once the essay is written, go back through the writing to find any sentences that seem too long or wordy. Break these into two or more sentences.

For example, the following sentence is too long, which makes it unclear:

If you want to write in another language, you need to practice writing in creative ways, like writing on a blog, writing fun poems or texting a friend who speaks the language you’re learning every day.

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Instead, you could write it as two clearer sentences (with less repetition of the word “writing”):

If you want to write in another language, you need to practice in creative ways every day. For example, you could start a blog, create fun poems or text a friend.

Do the opposite with sentences you find too short.

Also, look for sentences that are very closely related to one another. If two sentences seem like the thoughts are connected, you can combine them with a semicolon ( ; ).

For example, the following sentences are very closely related:

Learning to write in another language can be really difficult, especially when you’re first getting started. That’s why it helps to practice every day.

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That’s why you could write it this way:

Learning to write in another language can be really difficult, especially when you’re first getting started; daily practice is helpful.

Meet up with a friend who is fluent in English (or, at least, more fluent than you). This friend can edit your essay and point out any repetitive errors.

If they find mistakes that you make often, you will be able to watch more closely for that error as you write future essays. This friend will also be able to point out grammatical or spelling errors that you might have missed.

If you don’t have any friends who are fluent in English, you can use a website like Conversation Exchange . This is a free site where native English speakers will correct your writing. In exchange, you correct the writing of someone learning your native language.

Once you and your friend have both reviewed your essay and marked any mistakes, rewrite the whole thing. This step is important. Just noting that you made some mistakes will not help you learn how to avoid them in the future.

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By rewriting the essay with the corrections in mind, you will teach yourself how to write those sections properly. You will create a memory of using proper grammar or spelling a word correctly. So, you will be more likely to write it correctly next time.

Lastly, there are some fantastic online resources that can help improve your writing. For instance,  Hemingway Editor  can review your document to find any confusing or wordy sentences. You can rewrite these to make them easier to understand.

You could also head over to  Essay Punch  to find resources, tools and support that can help improve your writing skills.  Grammar Book  is a great resource for practicing proper grammar and spelling.

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Since many online resources are readily accessible, feel free to experiment with your options. Try to find the ones that cater best to your learning habits and needs.

The advice in this post is mainly for improving your essay writing over time. However, if you want a more professional opinion for an important essay, you can also use Scribendi . Scribendi is an online essay editing resource that helps with academic and admissions essays. If you’re applying to a school or are writing an important paper, you may want to consider their services to make sure your essay is the best it can be.

Learning a new language is certainly an ambitious (challenging) task. There are so many small details to learn, and the process takes a lot of time and commitment. But with practice and study, you will improve.

It takes even more effort to become a strong writer in a new language, but these tips will help you get started.

Hopefully, you were able to find one or two tips that you believe will help you improve your essay writing abilities. Over time, try to use all of these strategies (or at least more than one) in your writing routine. Good luck!

If you like learning English through movies and online media, you should also check out FluentU. FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials , as you can see here:


If you want to watch it, the FluentU app has probably got it.

The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. There are captions that are interactive. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples.


FluentU lets you learn engaging content with world famous celebrities.

For example, when you tap on the word "searching," you see this:


FluentU lets you tap to look up any word.

Learn all the vocabulary in any video with quizzes. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning.


FluentU helps you learn fast with useful questions and multiple examples. Learn more.

The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You have a truly personalized experience.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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Importance Of English Language Essay

500 words importance of english language essay.

The English Language is becoming more and more common in the world. As a result, increasingly people are dedicating time to study English as their second language. In fact, many countries include it in their school syllabus to teach children this language from a young age. However, the true value of this language is that it helps remove many barriers from our life. Whether it is to find a new job or travel the world. In other words, it helps to progress in life both on a personal and professional level. Thus, the Importance of English Language Essay will help you understand all about it.

importance of english language essay

Importance Of English Language

Language is our major means of communication; it is how we share our thoughts with others. A language’s secondary purpose is to convey someone’s sentiments, emotions, or attitudes. English is one such language in the world that satisfies both the above purposes. English has been regarded as the first global Lingua Franca. It has become part and parcel of almost every existing field. We use it as the international language to communicate in many fields ranging from business to entertainment.

Many countries teach and encourage youngsters to acquire English as a second language. Even in nations where English is not an official language, many science and engineering curriculum are written in English.

English abilities will most certainly aid you in any business endeavours you choose to pursue. Many large corporations will only hire professional employees after determining whether or not they speak good English. Given the language’s prominence, English language classes will be advantageous to you if you want to work for a multinational organization and will teach you the communication skills needed to network with professionals in your area or enhance your career.

The English Language opens an ocean of career opportunities to those who speak this language anywhere in the world. Similarly, it has turned into an inevitable requirement for various fields and professions like medicine , computing and more.

In the fast-evolving world, it is essential to have a common language that we can understand to make the best use of the data and information available. As a result, the English Language has become a storehouse of various knowledge ranging from social to political fields.

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Reasons to Learn the English Language

As the importance of the English Language is clear now, we move on to why we must learn the English Language. First of all, it is a global language. It is so common that one out of five people can speak or understand this language.

Further, learning the English Language can help in getting a job easily. As it has become the language of many fields, it automatically increases the chances of landing a good job in a good company.

In addition, it helps with meeting new people. As it is the official language of 53 countries, learning it helps to break the language barriers. Most importantly, it is also the language of the Internet.

Another important reason to learn this language is that it makes travelling easier. Being a widely used language globally, it will help you connect with people easily. Similarly, it is also essential in the world of business.

It does not matter whether you are an employee or employer, it benefits everyone. Students who wish to study abroad must definitely study this language. Many countries use their schools and universities. So, it can offer a good opportunity for students.

Why and where do we need the English language?

  • Use of English on the Internet – Because of the tremendous rise of information technology, particularly the internet, English is the language of choice for Internet users. The internet has also played an important role in promoting and spreading the English language throughout the world, as more and more people are exposed to it, and English has also become the language of the internet.
  • Use of English in Education – English has become one of the majorly used languages to understand, learn and explain concepts from various fields of knowledge. The majority of instructional tools, materials, and texts are written in English. The global educational systems at colleges all over the world need English as a foreign language.
  • Use of English for Travel purposes – As we all know, English has been named as the official language of 53 countries and over 400 million people in the world speak English, the English language comes in handy for communicating with everyone when anyone travels around the world be it for tourism, job opportunity, settlement, casual visits, etc.
  • Use of English for Communication – The most important function of a language is to allow people to communicate effectively. For many years, English has been the most widely known and valued language on the planet. In other words, English becomes an efficient tool for communicating with people all over the world.

Conclusion of Importance Of English Language Essay

We use the English Language in most of our international communications. While it is not the most spoken language in the world, 53 countries have named it their official language. Moreover, about 400 million people globally use it as their first language. Thus, being the most common second language in the world, it will be beneficial to learn this language to open doors to new opportunities.

FAQ on Importance Of English Language Essay

Question 1: How does the English Language help you get a job?

Answer 1: the  English Language is the language of many things like science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Thus, if you know English, it will increase your chances of landing a good job in an international company.

Question 2: Does the English Language help in connecting with people globally?

Answer 2: Yes, it does. It is because English is the official language of 53 countries and we use it as a lingua franca (a mutually known language) by people from all over the world. This means that studying English can help us have a conversation with people on a global level.

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Basic English Conversation: 100 Daily Topics

Basic English Conversation 100 Daily Topics-01

Today, we would like to share with you the 100 Basic English conversations . The topics level for English beginners. If you are a newbie in learning English, they are suitable for you. And as I mentioned in some articles, practicing with conversation is one of the best methods to improve your English.  The following lessons cover 100 daily topics that you will speak about in your daily life. 

40 English Conversations 

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101 English Conversations: English Speaking Practice with Conversation in 3 Steps

How to practice english speaking on your own and at home.

I’m sure that you often look up this keyword on Google search “ English speaking practice “, “ How to practice English speaking “, “ English Speaking Tips “, or “ how to improve speaking skill “…to find out a suitable method for your own. Today, I’m very happy to share with you  5 simple ways to practice speaking at home…

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Writing Part 1 Example Essay

B2 First Exam

Here is our full essay.

Learn about how we planned it here:

Planning the Essay

The Introduction

The Conclusion

Here is the B2 First Part 1 essay example I will be referring to in this section:

In your English class you have been talking about education. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework.

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

Some parents teach their children at home rather than sending them to school. Is this a good or bad thing for the children?

Write about:

having a parent as a teacher

making friends

.......................... (your own idea)

140 - 190 words

Model Answer

I've put together everything with some sequencing words for cohesion. I also did some editing to make it shorter :

3 Reasons Not to Homeschool Children

Some families homeschool their children instead of using the traditional educational system. However, does this do more harm than good ? After considering the impact of having a parent as a teacher on a child, their ability to make friends, and the quality of education they receive, it can be said that homeschooling is in fact bad for a child.

One problem with homeschooling is that the child's teacher is also their parent. Teachers are usually strict and it's common for children to look forward to leaving school to get away from them. However, when children are homeschooled, it is harder for them to leave school behind. For this reason, it is best for a child to be sent to a school outside of the home.

Another challenge is making friends since homeschooled students have less contract with other children their age. They may feel alone, resulting in sadness and depression. This can be avoided by sending children to school where they can find others similar to them and feel less lonely.

Lastly, the quality of education children receive at home may not be as good as the education they get at school. Educators are trained and have degrees which makes them professionals , however this is usually not the case with parents. Due to this, children should be sent to school instead .

In conclusion, homeschooling creates many problems which all negatively impact a child. S ending them to school is clearly the best option for them.

[word count: 244 ]

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A Brief History of Reading Research in The English Language

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Published: Aug 1, 2024

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Image of Alex Wood

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  • Alopecia Areata Linked to Psychiatric, Autoimmune Comorbidities

Edited by Shrabasti Bhattacharya

August 01, 2024

Patients with alopecia areata (AA) had a higher prevalence of several psychiatric and autoimmune comorbidities at baseline and were at greater risk of developing those comorbidities after diagnosis.


  • Researchers evaluated 63,384 patients with AA and 3,309,107 individuals without AA (aged 12-64 years) from the Merative MarketScan Research Databases.
  • The matched cohorts included 16,512 patients with AA and 66,048 control individuals.
  • Outcomes were the prevalence of psychiatric and autoimmune diseases at baseline and the incidence of new - onset psychiatric and autoimmune diseases during the year after diagnosis.
  • Overall, patients with AA showed a greater prevalence of any psychiatric disease (30.9% vs 26.8%; P < .001) and any immune-mediated or autoimmune disease (16.1% vs 8.9%; P < .0001) than those with controls.
  • In matched cohorts, patients with AA also showed a higher incidence of any new-onset psychiatric diseases (10.2% vs 6.8%; P < .001) or immune-mediated or autoimmune disease (6.2% vs 1.5%; P <.001) within the first 12 months of AA diagnosis than those with controls.
  • Among patients with AA, the risk of developing a psychiatric comorbidity was higher (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR], 1.3; 95% CI, 1.3-1.4). The highest risks were seen for adjustment disorder (aHR, 1.5), panic disorder (aHR, 1.4), and sexual dysfunction (aHR, 1.4).
  • Compared with controls, patients with AA were also at an increased risk of developing immune-mediated or autoimmune comorbidities (aHR, 2.7; 95% CI, 2.5-2.8), with the highest for systemic lupus (aHR, 5.7), atopic dermatitis (aHR, 4.3), and vitiligo (aHR, 3.8).


"Routine monitoring of patients with AA, especially those at risk of developing comorbidities, may permit earlier and more effective intervention," the authors wrote.

The study was led by Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA, MPH, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard University, Boston. It was published online on July 31, 2024, in JAMA Dermatology .


Causality could not be inferred because of the retrospective nature of the study. Comorbidities were solely diagnosed on the basis of diagnostic codes, and researchers did not have access to characteristics such as lab values that could have indicated any underlying comorbidity before the AA diagnosis. This study also did not account for the varying levels of severity of the disease, which may have led to an underestimation of disease burden and the risk for comorbidities.


AbbVie provided funding for this study. Mostaghimi disclosed receiving personal fees from Abbvie and several other companies outside of this work. The other four authors were current or former employees of Abbvie and have or may have stock and/or stock options in AbbVie.

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.

Send comments and news tips to [email protected] .


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