Encouraging Women with the Truth of God's Word

Keeping Faith in God During Hard Times

As I look out my window, I see the pouring rain drenching the deck and flooding the grass. The sound isn’t the peacefulness I enjoy when it barely drizzles. The sound is harsh, unrelenting, and out of control. The wind is forcing the leafless trees to move where they don’t want to go and will inevitably uproot the ones that aren’t deeply rooted. The wind chimes tremble and shake and blare at the storm.

The storm brewing outside reminds me of the storms of life. So often we want peace and calm in our lives, but life happens. And it’s anything but the peace and calm we long for. We have marital struggles, family struggles, health struggles, job struggles, financial struggles and on and on. Times are tough and we need God. So, how do we keep faith in God during hard times?

On occasion, friends who knew what I was going through have wondered about my strength in hard times. Recently a friend, knowing about a struggle, said “You always have a smile on your face!”. Others have said, “I don’t know how you can lead a Bible study with all you’re going through!” Even more have said, “how are you holding it together?”

Obviously, I don’t have any special ability to hold it together or to endure tough times. My struggles are real and they hurt, a lot! But I know the key to having faith in God, even in the midst of the storms. It’s easy and it’s not. This type of faith takes time and practice. You can’t wait until the most difficult thing in your life happens to implement it. We don’t want to have more difficult times to practice with, so it’s best to go ahead and practice these techniques when things are going okay.

  • Pray and ask God to increase your faith in Him . I know this is hard. I’ve experienced seasons when the pain was too much to indure. I was too hurt to pray. Seasons where every prayer was a tear-filled cry for help. I’ve experienced times when I was so spiritually oppressed that I felt like a dark cloud hovered over me and prayer just seemed impossible. The only way to break out of those seasons is to do the hard thing…pray. Start with asking God to remove the oppression and to help you. He will answer even the shortest smallest, one-word prayer…even the one word uttered through tears from a cracked voice. It may take days or weeks to get beyond the smallest prayer for help. Once it does, ask Him to increase your faith and trust in Him and in His plan. If you’re angry, tell Him. He already knows and He is more than able to handle our emotions. “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7).
  • Along with praying yourself, ask others to pray for you. I know you don’t want to burden your friends and that they have their own things going on, but we need to pray for one another. We can’t be afraid to ask others for prayer. The Bible tells us to pray for one another because prayer matters. Ephesians 6:18 says “Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert in this with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.” I have specific friends who I ask to pray for me and specific circumstances. There are a few who I ask fairly regularly and a larger group of friends who I ask when my need is great. I encourage you to find a few people you know and trust and ask them to pray for you and over your circumstance in the hard times (and really anytime).
  • Read, memorize, and meditate on Scripture . I increase my faith by focusing on the truth of God’s Word. When I’m really nervous or upset, I read the Bible. I pull out my phone and read it when I’m waiting in the doctor’s office or court. Instead of allowing the circumstances and problems of this world to steal my focus and peace, I choose to turn my focus toward the truth. Psalm 33:4 states, “For the word of the Lord is right, and all His work is trustworthy.”  Sometimes, I read wherever I left off in the Bible. Other times, I read a familiar passage or something that is speaking to me at that time. I often read and focus on God’s promises that apply to specifically to me and my situation. The thing is, God’s Word is true and the truth helps us to understand our circumstances a little better. God’s Word sheds light in this dark world and helps us to see things more clearly. “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path” (Ps. 119:105).
  • Remember God’s faithfulness and God’s work in the past. The longer you’ve been a believer, the easier this is. More time with God equals more time to observe and recognize His goodness and faithfulness in your life; more time to see prayers answered. God is faithful. “But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen and guard you from the evil one” (2 Thes. 3:3). To remember His faithfulness, consider the His work in and around your life. Think of something that couldn’t have happened without God’s intervention or a time when you felt God close to you. For example, there was a time when I was in an ambulance with internal bleeding. As a nurse, I knew how bad the situation was. I prayed to myself and felt a wave of perfect peace come over me. Now, it’s a time I can look back on and remember that if God was with me and gave me peace through that, He will do it again in any situation. Another way that I remember God’s faithfulness is through journaled prayer requests and answers. As you consider God’s faithfulness, thank Him for your past and present blessings and answers. Thankfulness will help you to trust God in hard times.
  • Praise God. Even if you’re in a difficult season, praise God. I remember going to church and praising God after my third miscarriage. I didn’t feel well physically and I was spiritually and emotionally drained. But I chose to praise God and He refreshed me. You could use music, singing, lifting your hands, kneeling…it doesn’t matter, but focus on God and praise Him. Remind Him and yourself of His attributes. He’s sovereign, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, holy, beautiful, loving, etc. As you praise God, you’re confirming who He is to yourself. You’re increasing your recognition that His works are wonderful and that He has your best interests in mind. You’re making yourself aware of His goodness and His plans. And you’re telling God that even in this storm, I trust You. “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart rejoices, and I praise Him with my song” (Ps. 28:7).

To have faith in God during the hard times, we have to be rooted in God. We have to know Him before we will trust Him and His plans. We serve a good God who doesn’t seek to cause us harm. While His ways aren’t our ways, they are better and higher than we can comprehend. Having deep roots will allow Him to hold onto us, even when everything else is trying to pull us apart. “The man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed. He will be like a tree planted by water: it sends its roots out toward a stream, it doesn’t fear when heat comes, and its foliage remains green” (Jer. 17:7-8).

I mentioned the storm outside my window, but I was safe, warm, and dry inside. That is the safety that God offers us, even through the storms of life. He is our refuge and our strength and He’s always with us, helping us (Psalm 46:1).


Love it! I’ve said many of times God always knows.

Another great post. Very touching, meaningful, and an insightful reading please keep up the good work and YES, I will continue to pray for you and your family. 💙❤💙

Thank you so much:) We appreciate your prayers:)

It’s important not to lose faith even when there’s nothing else left

I love these reminders. Thank you for sharing.

I hope they’re encouraging when times get tough:)

I love this article. Keeping the faith can be hard during trying to times but you’re suggestions will distinguish definitely help.

Thank you for this reminder. Things can get tough, but we have to remember to have faith.

Yes, but it can be difficult to remember when we’re in difficult seasons.

Great insight, I think many people struggle to ask others for prayer when they need it most so this was a great reminder ❤️

When our burden is heavy, it’s often difficult to share.

Your article is beautifully written and very encouraging. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Going through a nasty relationship breakup but I know that God removed someone bad from my life before it went too far, and I know God has better times waiting for me.

I am so glad you put these posts out, I love to read them to remind me that God is there for us.

Thank you:) Challenging seasons can encourage us to rely on God.

These are such great tips and encouragement for focusing on the positive.

Thank you…perspective often has more power than we realize:)

Great article! But he said to me “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor 12:9-10

A reminder for me, just in time! Thank you!

I struggle to remember my faith during hard times. Trusting and knowing that I am on my right path is something I am working on. Beautifully written.

During hard times, we tend to focus on our circumstance rather than on the One who has control over the circumstance. It’s something I’m working on too:)

I have to admit I’m not a Christian despite being brought up as one. However, my parents are and last year we were all tested with various illness and deaths within the family. It’s hard, but I find that my parents are stronger believers now than they’ve ever been.

Thank you for sharing:) When we go through rough times, we recognize that we can’t do anything on our own. Those times can pull us away from God or encourage us to lean on Him for our strength. It sounds like your parents are leaning on Him and allowing Him to strengthen them through their tough times.

You are very encouraging

This is my 11-year old daughter…It’s pretty awesome that she looked at my blog and said I’m encouraging:)

You are so encouraging

Thank you, Holly:)

I struggle a lot with mental illness and it’s easy to lose sight of all the good God has done in my life during difficult times. I need to do a better job of focusing on Him and His goodness, in both the good times and bad. Great article!

Thank you for sharing. It is easy for us to focus on the things of this world; it takes time to renew our minds and to focus on the goodness of God. Please let me know if and how I can pray for you.

[…] one of the comments on her posts, Beth Grider said, “during hard times, we tend to focus on our circumstance rather than on the […]

Thank you Beth! I have been struggling with my faith during the difficulties involved with my Husband’s Alzheimer’s. Your writings are such an encouragement to me. To hear from another person who has been through their share of struggles that I can identify with is helpful. Thanks for being honest & real. I have had to change communities to where my husband is in memory care and it has been hard for me to plug in to another Church and find the support I need. Feeling isolated and my faith is being tested. God bless your ministry!

Hello Heather, Thank you for your encouragement. I’m so sorry that you’re struggling with your faith and that you’re going through this difficult season. It’s very challenging to watch our loved ones suffer and Alzheimer’s is difficult for the family as well as the person who has the disease. I am praying that God leads you to a place where you can deepen your roots in Him and His Word. You need a community of believers to walk with you…I’m sending hugs. “Blessed is the woman who trusts in the LORD, and whose trust is the LORD. For she will be like a tree planted by the water that extends its roots by a stream and does not fear when the heat comes; But its leaves will be green and it will not be anxious in a year of drought, Nor cease to yield fruit” (Jer. 17:7-9)

I take much comfort from all the posts , struggling with a complex life and world in London December 2022 …wondering at 52 as a single mum estranged from her family who are Christian , dad side Hindu will always love them all but feel so alone right now, praying for them and connections and peace

Hello Emma, I’m so sorry for your struggles. God is near to the brokenhearted and He is with you. He sees you and He loves you dearly. Hold on to Him and trust Him in this season. I’m praying for you.

What a wonderful incite, I am blessed and encouraged after going through it. May God continue to strengthen you in Jesus name.Amen.

Thank you:)

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How to have Faith in the Midst of Adversity?

essay about keeping the faith in the midst of problems

How can we keep trusting God when we don’t have the answers and haven’t had a breakthrough yet? We pray and pray but things haven’t gotten better… only worse. What do we do?

A word that was on my heart last year was trust. Trusting in the Lord and His promises is what can carry us but we also have to pair it with faith . Faith will produce hope in our lives that won’t go away.

The Bible’s definition of faith is: the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of realities not seen (Hebrews 11:1 NIV). Meaning that we believe that God is making a way even when we don’t see the evidence of it.

essay about keeping the faith in the midst of problems

So how can we apply this to our lives?

As Christians, we have two options when we are faced with adversity. First, can either worry and have fear about what may happen. Second, we can have courage because of our faith. Brian Houston from Hillsong Church says, “To survive life’s harshest blows your faith must be robust, and resilient.”

I’m not just using these cliche words that have no real meaning. These words seriously have power when we apply it in our lives. Let me show you how…

Instead of saying things will never get better, start believing that God is making a way. He can carry out the impossible. Drop the negative mindset and worry and replace it with unshakable faith.

It takes a lot of courage to place your needs and future in God’s hands. But, this doesn’t mean that we quit trying! It means we do everything we can and realize God will provide the rest. We won’t ever be perfect but we can give our all and He will carry us the rest of the way. (Corinthians 12:9)

Another way we can apply this practically is by believing God’s promises for your life. What are some of His promises?

  • To give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).
  • God will bless you and give you what you need (2 Corinthians 9:8).
  • God will provide away out of temptation if you are struggling to do the right things (1 Corinthians 10:13)
  • God will deliver you from all troubles (Psalm 34:19). Remember that your trouble and trials are temporary.

Do good. How are the ways we can do good?

  • Don’t worry but pray about everything and you will receive peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7).
  • Give to your church around 10% of your income and trust me God will return more than you give (Proverbs 3:9-10).
  • Use your gifts to help others (1 Peter 4:10-11).
  • Love God and love others (see the definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

My hope for you is that you are strengthened by these truths. Remember God is fighting for you even when you feel like He is silent. My favorite verse below speaks to being courageous and staying encouraged in the face of adversity.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV

Stick this verse on your mirror, memorize it, or save it on your phone to remind you to be strong and courageous! Or find another verse that encourages you that will keep your faith strong when tough times come. Do what you must to remind yourself that God is bigger than our troubles.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, please give me the strength to make it through the hard times I’m facing now and that I will face in the future. Show me how to really believe in You and Your promises for my life. Help me to keep up my faith and keep doing good. I know You are helping me fight my battles even when I don’t see it yet. In Jesus’ name, amen.

What is your favorite verse for having faith? Let me know below!

Stay hopeful!

essay about keeping the faith in the midst of problems

I’m just an Okie girl, wife, and Momma who loves coffee and spreading hope! We could all use a little more hope in our lives!

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Proverbs 3:5 is one of those verses that I meditate upon in times of adversity. Such a great reminder of His sovereignty ❤️

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That’s a great verse! ❤

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Isaiah 41:8-16 one of the most encouraging verses it awakens my faith each time!

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The perfect article for me tonight. Thank you for this encouragement

Thanks AI! I’m glad it encouraged you and I hope you are doing well!

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How to keep your faith up—even when life is difficult.

Daniel Dowling

The strongest, most inspiring people in history are the ones who chose to love regardless of their circumstances. What gives some people the ability to love where others fail? Faith. Faith is the decision to love, no matter the circumstances. And the more you choose love, the greater your faith will grow.

It’s easy to lose hope in this upside-down world full of poverty, war, and pain. Love, under these conditions, can seem pointless—even weak. But it's just the opposite. Love can be difficult. But if you ask me, it's our greatest purpose. Here are five ways I try to keep faith when it seems impossible:

Ask God, the universe, or whatever higher force you believe in for the strength to love to your full potential. I try to keep an open dialogue with the source of all love to guide me through difficult times.

2. Be generous to others.

Sometimes the greatest strength we can receive comes through helping others in need. Love is always there for us to draw upon, and it’s easiest for me to see when I decide to share it freely with others.

3. Get inspired.

Let inspiration help you stay connected through faith. When I'm feeling hopeless, I read about the lives of people who’ve demonstrated faith in amazing ways.

4. Surround yourself with people you admire.

We are how we spend our time. So if you want to walk the path of faith, pave it with as many faithful people as you can. I choose friends who refuse to settle in their relationships and careers and who challenge me to love like it’s my last day on earth. (Finding those types of friends has been hard. Focusing on being that kind of friend has helped.)

5. Get the ball rolling first thing in the morning.

First thing in the morning, I carve out 10 minutes to meditate on faith, and ask for everything I need to love like crazy. That starts my day with the momentum I need to make even the hardest decisions.

Faith is the decision to love when it seems impossible. And if you’re anything like me, you sometimes wake up with the weight of the world on your shoulders. Rather than give in and settle for less, set a daily intention to love—no matter how hard it may be.

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Holding On To Your Faith in the Midst of Doubts

Doubts come even to strong believers. In the book of John we see how Jesus responded to doubt and why we should be holding on to faith in the midst of doubt.  #Biblestudy #John #WomensBibleStudy #GoodMorningGirls

Doubt is the unique problem of a believer. 

We have to believe in something, in order to doubt it.  So usually in the New Testament when it focuses on doubt, it is referencing believers.

Within the context of faith, doubt may arise when our burdens feel too heavy to lift.

Doubt may arise when expectations go unmet or when there seems to be no answer to a challenging situation.

Doubt may arise when we feel lonely, rejected or depressed or when we face struggle after struggle, with no end in sight.

Doubt may arise when we are walking with the Lord faithfully and then tragedy hits.

Doubt may arise when small lingering trials go on and on and we wonder where God is in the midst of it all.

Doubt arises because of our humanity and while it may be human – it is not okay to remain in a state of doubt.  The good news is, even in our doubts, the God we are not sure of,  is certain to meet us right where we are.   And so that brings us to today’s passage in John chapter 20.

After Jesus died on the cross, the disciples were gathered together in the upper room and Jesus appeared to them.  This is what happened next…

John 20:24-29

24  Now  Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin,  was not with them when Jesus came.  

For some reason, Thomas missed the first appearance of Jesus to the disciples in the upper room.  Perhaps Thomas pulled away from everyone in his sadness and disconnected for a few days.  As a result of him not being with his brothers-in-Christ, he missed out on seeing Jesus.

25  So the other disciples told him, “ We have seen the Lord .”

Thomas was not enthused to hear that they saw Jesus and he doubted it. He replied:

 “ Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails , and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe. ”

This was a high demand.  He not only wanted to see the nail marks but he wanted to touch Jesus’ wounds as well.  Without doing this, he said he would never believe.

Why did Thomas doubt?

Perhaps Jesus’ death on the cross was so bloody and gruesome that it was hard to believe he could be alive.  He may have thought, how does anyone just rise from that!

It’s interesting to note,  that Thomas is not one to humor the other guys or pretend that he believes, just to please them.  He is honest that he does not believe them and is left surrounded by his rejoicing friends, while he doubts.

26  Eight days later , his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. 

Jesus allowed time to pass before he would remove Thomas’ doubts.  The first time Jesus appeared to the disciples would have been on Easter Sunday and now he is appearing the following Sunday again.  This gives us the first example of Jesus meeting with believers on Sundays.

Although the doors were locked , Jesus came and stood among them and said,  “ Peace be with you. ”

John emphasizes that the doors were locked.  Most likely the disciples were still a bit fearful and were remaining safe with the door locked.  It was good that they were all together.  Jesus had prayed before his death that they would grow in unity and oneness. He wanted them together.  But this meant that Jesus did not enter the normal way and so he tells them to have peace.  He does not want them to give way to their fears.

27  Then he said to Thomas,   “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.”

Jesus did not scold Thomas.  He already knew what Thomas needed to believe and so he graciously offered him evidence.  Jesus did not have to show his scars but he loved Thomas and so he gave him what he asked for.  But then he requires of him to stop disbelieving and believe.

28  Thomas answered him, “ My Lord and my God! ”

Thomas did not just see Jesus with his eyes – he saw Jesus with his soul and he could not help but to cry out that he is Lord and God!

29  Jesus said to him,  “Have you believed because you have seen me?  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Jesus offers a special blessing to those of us who believe without seeing.  We all live over 2,000 years after Jesus walked this earth and yet we suffer no loss from not getting to walk with him in the flesh.

You see the testimony of the disciples should have been enough for Thomas.  Jesus wants us to be satisfied with his word and the testimony of other believers and not yearn for special experiences, in order to trust in Him.

And so John closes this chapter with these words:

30  Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book;   31  but these are written so that you may  believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

Jesus did many other signs but John did not record them because he knew that the purpose of his book had been accomplished.  By reading the book of John from beginning to end, we have sufficient evidence to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  In the book of John, we see Jesus turn water into wine, heal the nobleman’s son, heal the lame man, feed the 5,000, walk on water, heal a blind man, raise Lazarus from the dead and raise himself from the dead!

Some will accuse us of having blind faith, but it’s actually unbelief that is blind.

Faith sees!

But even for those of us who do believe, there are days when we wrestle with the deepest darkest questions of life.  There are times when I’ve wondered why God allows things to be so hard for believers who are trying to obey his Word…and I’m reminded of the father in Mark 9, whose son was demon possessed.  Jesus said he could heal the boy and the boy’s father exclaimed in desperation:

“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

I so relate to this father. When we see our children suffer, it can shake our faith to the core. This father believed.  He truly believed and yet he begged the Lord to help him overcome his unbelief!

Have you been there – you believe and yet you feel unbelief creeping in?

When you are tempted to doubt – quickly run to the cross!    When we take a look at the cross, it is there we find the evidence of God’s deep, deep love for us.

When trials come and doubts begin to enter your mind,  remember that we have such a limited perspective of life.  God has a plan and purpose that we may not see just yet.

We must fight doubt with faith.

Remain in God’s Word.  Stay tight with Jesus.  When we are tight with Jesus – there is nothing that can shake our faith and we can have a solid, deep abiding faith because we know that our loving God is in complete control.

**Chime In**

Have you gone through seasons of doubt? What caused you to doubt and how did you overcome it?


My biggest trial was 18 yrs ago, when my ex-husband & his mother took all 4 of my children from me & turned them from God. I almost went crazy, but God gave me peace in my heart & my faith grew stronger. I push my children in God’s hand & prayed they would all return to Him before me. I still miss the dearly, but they r in God’s hands & God leads me to live without them. It’s not easy, but by God’s grace I keep on.

Dear Juliette,

This is heartbreaking. 🙁 I pray that one day they turn to the Lord and that your relationship with them can be restored. Much Love, Courtney

Juliette…. Your situation IS MINE TOO!!! 7 uears ago my ex did the same thing with his mother and our 3 kids only they are hard core Mormon with a twist of incest. I too worry a lot about my kids. He was never participated in the kids lives until his mother decided they were old enough to be her kids. I am extremely heart broken as well but I believe the kids will be ok. I feel a deep sadness but I am at peace as well. It has been a tough journey but I know God and Jesus make this easier for me. Your strength gives me hope too. (((Hugs)))

Is there a video today?

Hi Deborah,

No, I am just posting a devotional this week rather than a video.

Much Love, Courtney

My faith was shaken to the core last March when my youngest son passed away. I tried to return to church several times but the music or the sermons always left me leaving in tears. I stopped going to church because I didn’t want to keep crying. I wanted to go to find love and comfort. I still haven’t returned and next month will be the first anniversary of his passing. I never doubted that God was with me but I just wanted to be alone in my grief. Finding this website has brought me back into The Word and I thank you. I know God directed here.

Dear Bobbi,

I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot even imagine the pain you must feel losing your son. I am so glad you found us here and joined in and I pray that you continue to heal and find comfort in God’s Word.

My grown daughter has not had a friend for four years. She’s doesn’t go out many places because she has epilepsy, and our small town doesn’t offer much for her age to do. She stays alone and lonely in her apt every day after work. She has about given up on having a friend, a family, and God. I’ve been praying for years and haven’t seen any results, so yes, my faith has doubts. The Bible says how we should not be alone so it’s hard to understand why God doesn’t help her. I know God loves her, but she is drawing farther and farther away from Him. I am thankful she keeps hanging on, but hate that she has such an alone, lonely life. “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

Hello Hurting Mom,

Thank you for sharing, I am a mom of a toddler girl and it would break my heart too if she were lonely for friendship.

Several years ago I was in a similar place myself. So very lonely in a very big city. I was born and raised in a small town so this was so challenging for me, I felt like I was invisible. During this season I read in a devotional “if you don’t have a friend, then be a friend”. They offered some ideas and ways to do that -volunteer at a local charity, food pantry, animal shelter, read stories to kids at the library, hospitality/greeting/coffee and donut team at church, or visit the elderly at a nursing facility. So I jumped online and found an opportunity to read stories to elementary aged kids at a local public school during their after-school program. Now I’ll be honest, I didn’t meet a friend at this opportunity, but getting out of the house and not focusing on my loneliness helped my spirit so much, it helped fill this gap of loneliness in this particular season for me. And it helped me keep the faith, to stay in the Word, and not allow dark thoughts to creep in. Being alone is exactly where the enemy wants us, to feel sadness and despair.

I pray that your daughter will feel the peace and comfort of Jesus during this season.

I struggled with infertility for many years, finally my husband and I decided to do an embryo adoption. I prayed to God to only let me get pregnant if the child would be healthy. I got pregnant with triplets anf prayed every single day for healthy babies and a safe delivery. I had identical boys twins and a girl, we were thankful that they were healthy and spent only two weeks in the NICU. They are now 2 months old and we just find out that the girl has down syndrome I feel devastated and feel that all my prayers and faith were in vain.

Sending prayers and hugs. That is a challenging diagnoses that will take time to process. I have recently started following a Christian author/speaker named Rebekah Lyons. She has two children with Down’s Syndrome. I know there are no easy fixes to what you are going through, but perhaps she might encourage you. May God bless you and your family.

I know a lot of very smart Christians, and it seems like a lot of these people are modern day Thomas’s. They believe, but they have to argue with their own inner dialogue in order to believe. I often find myself with thoughts like “but what if it’s not God’s will?” Because, ultimately, his will decides what he does. And when I don’t get the answers I want, or they take a while… or never happen, that is what I say to myself. But really, that’s just a form of doubt.

My doubts do not come from believing who God is or THAT He is. My doubts come from knowing He can do anything but doesn’t always choose to. In my head I definitely understand why He doesn’t choose to move on our behalf (or seemingly) in some things-for our own good. But my heart sometimes just can’t take it. It all stems back to when I lost our first baby to miscarriage after 4 years of trying to conceive. I even understand why He allowed the miscarriage (I was not walking with Him and nothing else could have brought me to my knees like losing that baby I wanted more than anything). Fast forward about 8 years, And 2 living children. I had another pregnancy with scary issues. I just couldn’t pray for the baby in my womb. Because I knew if He willed that the baby wasn’t going to make it nothing I prayed would change that. (Thankfully she is now 12!) So this is where I always end up. Back to the knowing He can but knowing He chooses not to. And even tho I see the lessons in the bad times and things (there have been other huge ones over the years also) it’s really hard to know that my prayers don’t really make a difference. I’m coming back (clawing my way back really) from another time of my faith just being shaken to the core…..trying to prepare and learn so that the next time the bad thing WON’T shake my faith.

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Barb Raveling

Tips, Tools, & Bible Studies to Renew Your Mind

Bible Study: Keeping the Faith in the Storms of Life

December 25, 2012 By: Barb Raveling

Keep the Faith

It’s easy to get caught up in our problems and think, my life is a wreck and it’s not going to change.  Our eyes are on the problems and we begin to lose hope. When that happens to me, my best and often only hope is to get into the Word and see my problems from a biblical perspective.

Do you ever get tired of the struggles of life? This Bible study will help you gain hope as you go to God for help with life's problems.

1. Read Mark 4:35-41 . Why do you think Jesus was able to sleep through a wild storm like that?

2. Sometimes life can feel like a storm. Problems arise and threaten to capsize our boats. We worry. We stew. But nothing seems to help. Are you going through one of those situations right now? If so, describe it. If not, what’s your biggest trial right now?

3. The disciples were afraid their boat would capsize. What’s your worst fear with the situation you’re in?

4. If your fear comes true, do you think God will think it’s terrible? Why or why not?

5. Read Mark 4:38 . Do you ever feel like God doesn’t care about your problem?

6. Why do you think Jesus didn’t calm the storm before the disciples had a chance to get really frightened and stressed out?

7. Read Mark 4:39 . Could God instantly solve your problem like He did for the disciples?

8. Why do you think He hasn’t done that? (See also Hebrews 12:5-14 .)

9. How is your trial affecting your relationship with God and others?

10. More often than not, our natural response to trials is to get all upset and worried. Or we’ll do something to get our minds off the trial – drown our sorrows in ice cream for example or waste a bunch of time on the Internet. What kinds of things are you doing to cope with your current trial?

11. Read Mark 4:17b, 19 and Hebrews 12:11 . Do you have to be careful how you respond to trials? Why or why not?

12. Read Hebrews 12:1-2, 11 and Romans 12:2 . What will you need to do if you want to grow closer to God and more like Him as a result of this trial?

13. Read Mark 4:38-40 , Psalm 46:1-2 , and Romans 8:28 . What do you think God is trying to tell you about your trial?

14. Is this one of those situations where you can’t do anything and just need to trust in God, or do you think God wants you to do something you’re not currently doing? If it’s the latter, what do you think He wants you to do?

  15. Read Daniel 3:17-18 . Are you willing to worship God even if things don’t turn out the way you want them to turn out with this trial?

To download a printable study , click here: Keeping the Faith in the Storms of Life Bible Study

Image courtesy of Dan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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December 27, 2012 at 1:01 pm

When I’ve gone through the storms, it’s just been by repeating to myself the simple truths that I’ve heard all my life – but yet are so powerful. 1. God is good, he loves you, and he wants what’s best for you. 2. God is wise. 3. God is powerful. Just repeating that to myself over and over again is an intense therapy session.

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December 28, 2012 at 8:12 am

Love this Loren! Is it o.k. if I post it? I put it on my blog. I credited you and linked your blog to it. If you don’t approve I’ll remove it. Thank You!

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December 29, 2012 at 9:57 am

That’s a great idea, Loren. I’ve been doing a similar thing lately. I remind myself of these truths: 1. My home is in heaven. 2. My hope is in heaven. 3. My God is in heaven. 4. My treasure is in heaven. 5. My reward is in heaven.

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December 27, 2012 at 1:55 pm

It’s amazing what reading our Bible and connecting with God does when going through the storms of life. Great study Barb!

December 29, 2012 at 9:58 am

I feel the same way, Dan. He makes all the difference.

December 28, 2012 at 5:43 am

This was my Christmas gift Barb. Thank You! God Bless! (((HUGS)))

Hope you had a great Christmas, Elizabeth – I love the fact that an opportunity to fellowship with God and discuss life with Him is a gift. I feel the same way!

December 29, 2012 at 2:23 pm

His gifts are so many and so great, “if” I take the time to remember. Unfortunately I was in a bad mood about life that morning and you took the time to share the reminder of where my thoughts belonged! And my JOY is in Heaven! :o)

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Jesus Christ Is Your Victory

Keeping your faith high in the midst of bad times.

Have you ever felt like when going through life’s trials that you’ve been abandoned completely by God? Have you ever felt like there’s a huge wall erected between God and you in the context of Him not seem to be able to listen to your prayer requests? Have you ever felt like you’re struggling all alone in your current circumstances, regardless of how hard you’ve tried and prayed? Have you felt quite disappointed by God in the sense that He has let you down time after time? 

Have you ever been frustrated with God or discouraged because of what He allows to happen or didn’t make happen? Have you ever felt like the only way of getting His attention to your problem is to keep telling Him the same thing over and over through prayer whenever you have the chance to do so since it seems like God doesn’t truly understand what you’re going through? How often things don’t come out as expected despite how much you’ve trusted God? Lastly, have you ever questioned whether God truly loves and cares about you as a result of your constant struggles?

I’m sure that you can relate to most of those questions above, perhaps all of them. One thing that needs to be really stressed on is that there’s a big distinction between what our human feelings would want us to believe and what the Word of God is intended to make us believe. With this in mind, our human feelings can be very misleading and disheartening.

Even though, we’re commanded by God to trust Him in everything ( Proverbs 3:5-6 ); nevertheless, that’s not always the case at all, especially when things start taking a turn for the worse. As human beings, no matter how hard we may try to study the Word, to depend on it, to let it dominate our lives, no matter how strong our faith in God is, no matter how mature we are in Him; however, when serious troubles hit, our faith will be challenged as a result. In fact, our faith in God doesn’t eliminate doubt, worry, panic, and fear, but what it does is to empower us to overcome them. 

Human Feelings And Reality

There’s a strong bond between reality and how we feel as human beings. Reality plays an overwhelming role in determining our reaction to whatever problems we’re facing in life. And reality also has a significant influence on our conception about life’s issues. That’s the reason why it’s so easy for us to allow reality to influence our faith in God in an immense way.

Lot of times, we allow reality to find its way in us through our own feelings by feeding us with all types of bad beliefs which are predicated on fear, doubt, desperation, unbelief, exasperation, and worry. The big issue is that our human feelings are always on a collision course with faith. 

Human feelings will try to convince you that God has forsaken you a long time ago, there’s no more hope, just give up, there’s no way you can overcome your current struggle, stop waiting on God, then maybe it’s time for you to try something else while there’s a breakthrough right around the corner. As a result, a life that’s based purely on human feelings is a very miserable, unstable, and insecure one.

The question is how do you keep your faith up while experiencing these very discouraging feelings? The main issue is that these feelings are bursting forth out of our very own human nature, which renders them to very influential and powerful in many ways, especially in the area of our thinking.

Keep in mind, faith always defies human feelings and reality. While we’re not supposed to deny reality; however, we need to understand that it has absolutely no bearing on what God is able to do, what He’s willing to do, and what He’s about to do if we trust Him. Most importantly, faith isn’t based on what reality says. Since there a is constant struggle between how we feel and faith; thereby, we have to keep on working on our faith continually by trusting God by taking His Word at face value.

In that case, the empowerment of the Spirit of God is very critical if we want to have an edge over our human feelings that are weighing us down, which can potentially become a very serious impediment regarding us being able to exercise our faith in God in such a fashion that pleases Him ( Hebrews 11:6 ). While you are into a panic mode worrying about what might happen, God is working on something that will take your walk with Him to a totally new level.

Faith And The Word of God

First, faith isn’t based on human feelings but rather on the Word of God ( Romans 10:17 ). So there’s an inseparable bond between the Word and faith. Apart from the Word, faith is purposeless and useless. Most importantly, the Word of the living God is the core foundation of our faith. Moreover, the Word is also the very element that maintains and sustains our faith since the power of God is hidden through His Word. Our faith is the means that enables us to tap into that power.

When going through life’s storms, we still have to fight the good fight of faith in order to keep the steadfastness of our faith. When trusting God, what you really have in the equation is Him; His Word which is the very embodiment of whom He is; us; and our circumstances; not what our human feelings would want us to believe.

The truth is that God being there with us as a loving and caring Father cannot be measured by how we feel but by our faith in Him on the ground of what He says in His Word ( Deuteronomy 31:6 ;  Hebrews 13:5 ;  Psalms 94:14 ). Moreover, God doesn’t operate on the basis of feelings but according to the principles laid out in His Word. So how you feel in relation to bad circumstances you’re dealing with doesn’t really have that much of an impact on God.

What truly matters to God is when you choose to rise above the circumstances you’re facing by putting all your trust into Him, irrespective of how terrifying and desperate they may look.   Therefore, the Christian life that we must live has nothing to do with human feelings but what God says in His Word. Believing and embracing that vital truth should compel you not to focus intensely on how desperate the circumstances may be but on what God is able to do in response to what you’re going through right now.

Keeping your faith high in the midst of bad times is a matter of bypassing your own human feelings by relying on God. The point is that you can spend your whole time complaining and whining about your difficulties or hardships, the big problem is that nothing will ever happen. You can explain what you’re going through to your family members, your friends, and the very thing they are more prone to do is to be pitiful to you by saying, “ Oh, I’m so sorry for you “, and “ Oh, I feel very bad about that “. As Charles Stanley says, “The more pity they give you, the bigger the problem gets, and the more you’ll doubt God.”

Well, since we are human beings with emotions and feelings, when troubles hit, the very first thing that will be affected significantly is our feelings. God knows that, but we have the responsibility to move beyond that because our strength to endure difficult times is based on us willing to trust Him, regardless of how we feel. In other Words, we cannot let our minds to dwell on difficulty or troubles continually. Brothers and sisters, let us allow the Word of God to become the very energy in boosting our faith.

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Faith is Enough to Overcome Any Challenge

  • Whitney Hopler Crosswalk.com Contributing Writer
  • Updated Feb 23, 2007

Faith is Enough to Overcome Any Challenge

Editor's Note : The following is a report on the practical applications of Fern C. Willner 's new book,   When Faith is Enough: A Safari of Destiny that Reveals Principles to Live By , (Believe Books, 2006).  

Here’s how you can use the faith God gives you to overcome any challenge you’ll ever face:

* Live by the Spirit. Don’t rely on your own limited strength. Instead, plug into God’s unlimited strength by asking the Holy Spirit to guide and empower you. Trust that He will help you obey God’s leading in all situations.

* Believe even when you don’t see answers to your prayers. Remember that God is always at work, but sometimes He’s working behind the scenes until the right time to reveal His answers to your prayers. Believe in who Jesus really is and in what He has done for you. Recall God’s promises from Scripture. Ask God to give you the confidence to continue to listen to God’s guidance and act on it.

* Be patient. Know that your faith must sometimes be tried to produce patience in you and help you mature. Don’t lose your vision simply for a lack of patience. Trust God as you wait. Remember that God is never late.

* Realize that true faith originates from God – not just good intentions. Don’t take claims based simply in good-intentioned emotion seriously. Know that when sincere or zealous statements of faith have no divine origin, they don’t bear witness to the truth, and they don’t bring real comfort. Understand that it’s much better to face reality – no matter how hard that may be – and speak the truth in love than to speak without God’s leading and just tell someone what he or she wants to hear.

* Don’t worry about provision. Be assured that God will not only meet your needs, but He’ll do so abundantly. Pray specifically about whatever practical needs you have, and trust God to respond.

* Don’t substitute sacrifice for obedience. Realize that your greatest sacrifice to God is not enough to justify disobedience.

* Stay focused. Expect your faith to waver if you allow other concerns to distract you from God’s guidance. Focus on your God-given goals instead of the past, and on God’s promises rather than your circumstances. Invite God to remind you of how much He loves you, and let that motivate you to stay steadfastly focused on what He wants for you.

* Let fear jumpstart your faith. Whenever you experience something that troubles you, realize that God may intend that experience to be a roadblock to help you change direction in your life. Turn to God with all your heart when He’s trying to get your attention, and ask Him to direct your steps.

* Stand firm when you encounter evil. Know that faith born in the light may be tested in darkness as you go through attacks from evil. Be strong, pray, and keep believing when darkness temporarily hides victory from view.

* Remember that faith without love is worth nothing. Realize that any attempt to follow Jesus’ example of ministry will be ineffective unless you also follow His example of love. Don’t let any of your sacrifices or service for God be in vain. First, get your motivation right by getting your heart right with God. Then – out of true love for God and gratitude for His love for you – give to others.

* Let faith give you quiet confidence. Recognize that strength comes not from power, but from the quiet confidence of an indwelling faith. Expect that every time you submit your needs to Jesus, you’ll experience the confidence that only He can give you. Rely on that confidence to do whatever God leads you to do.

* Act in faith when it’s not convenient. Whenever you sense God leading you to do something that doesn’t make sense in your current circumstances, be willing to follow His leading despite that. Remember that it’s rarely convenient to walk by faith, and that God may challenge your faith when He wants to encourage you to grow. Choose to hold God’s call in higher regard than the circumstances surrounding you.

* Let faith build understanding in your relationships with others. Know that you can share a bond with other people through faith, which will transcend all your differences and unify you like nothing else. As you interact with others, take the time to truly get to know them, and let God’s love flow through you into their lives.

* Fight so that the enemy doesn’t steal your faith. Be alert to ways Satan is trying to discourage you and tempt you to turn away from God. Stay connected to God through frequent prayer , and build relationships with other believers who will regularly encourage you. Remember that good is more powerful than evil.

* Don’t give up under pressure. Be assured that God will give you faith sufficient for whatever you need you’ll face. Never give up in the midst of tough circumstances; just pray for the faith to handle them well.

* Remember God’s promises. Understand that, while you may be unfaithful to God, God will always be faithful to you. Read God’s promises in the Bible and know that you can count on Him. Persevere in tough circumstances, trusting that God will deliver on His promises to you.

* Recognize that faith works by love. Realize that the power behind faith is love. Let love inspire you to reach beyond your own inadequate abilities and resources and into the realm of God’s help. Be willing to try whatever God wants you to try, trusting that He’ll help you along the way. Remember that nothing is impossible with God. Expect that you may even experience a miracle as God’s love flows through you.

* Know that faith is never in vain. Don’t judge your faith by the apparent failure or success of your work. Remember that faith is not based on what you can see. When you don’t see the results you’d hoped for when you prayed about something, remember that God still has in answer. When your current circumstances don’t indicate anything to assure you that God is working, wait for the right time and know that God will reward your faith.

* Understand that faith is not limited by time or space. Realize that God is always near even when He seems distant. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, be assured that God sees you and cares. Know that someone is always interceding for you in prayer – either Jesus in heaven, or another person who cares about you. Recognize that prayers from another dimension (heaven) or another location (even across the globe) are just as powerful as those uttered by someone in the same room with you.

* Expect God to reward your faith. Know that God will never send you out to accomplish something without generously providing everything you need in order to do it. Understand that God will sometimes surprise you with extra blessings when He sees you respond faithfully to His guidance.

* Remember that faith is worthwhile. Be patient during times when your faith is tested by hardships. Remember that the effort you must make to follow God’s leading is always worth it.

* Let faith motivate you to give. Remember how much God has given to you, and let your gratitude for His generosity motivate you to give to other people. Know that God sees when you give with pure motives, and will reward you in heaven for doing so.

* Don’t trade your faith for comfort. Know that you’ll regret any time you back away from something God wants you to do, just because it makes you feel uncomfortable. Instead of focusing on temporary, earthly rewards, focus on the eternal rewards that God will give you if you’re faithful to follow where He leads.

* Don’t sacrifice obedience on the altar of common sense. Understand that faith’s security lies in obedience. Rather than basing your decisions on circumstances you can see, seek wisdom from God, who has the benefit of a complete perspective on every situation. Rely on God’s guidance instead of your own limited understanding.

* Bolster your faith with daily guidance from God. Don’t neglect regular prayer time during which you seek divine direction. Know that God always has something to say to you; make time to listen to Him.

* Let your faith transform your weakness into strength. Read, study, and meditate on God’s Word, the Bible, often. Realize that the substance of faith is inherent in God’s Word. Expect that when you receive His Word in faith, you’ll also receive the strength you need to live it out.

* Realize that you can’t reach a positive goal by taking negative steps. Understand that faith can either be strengthened or defeated by your actions. Decide to trust God, even when you don’t understand or like what He’s doing in your life. Don’t give in to wrong feelings and act outside of God’s will. Ask God to help you stay positive.

* Know that your faith will affect future generations. Remember that the greatest gift you can give your children, grandchildren, and the others that come after them is a heritage of faith. Hold onto your confidence in God, realizing that doing so will benefit not only you, but others who will be inspired by your example.

* Realize that God can multiply a single act of faithful giving. Expect that, when you lovingly give even a small gift to help someone in need, God will use it in ways that go beyond what you can imagine. Be willing to let your possessions go when God asks for them, knowing that the little gifts you give may become great.

* Let the knowledge that God truly sees and cares about you strengthen your faith. Realize that, through your relationship with God, you are truly known and truly loved. Let His deep personal love for you increase your hope for the future and bolster your faith.

* Be active, not passive. Don’t squander your time and energy on activities that don’t relate to God’s purposes for your life. Don’t be idle and then pity yourself when others receive opportunities you would like. Ask God to give you the self-discipline you need to grow in your faith and serve diligently.

* Link your faith together with other believers’ faith. Build meaningful relationships with other believers. Participate in and contribute to a healthy church. Know that when believers are linked together in active faith, they form a chain of deliverance. Be obedient enough to give to others in need, and humble enough to receive from others for your own needs.

* Remember that faith is founded on, and maintained by, an intimate relationship with God. Recognize that faith isn’t measured by anything else but the quality of your relationship with God. Make building a close relationship with God your top priority in life, and know that God will respond by giving you more and more faith.

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essay about keeping the faith in the midst of problems

Going By Faith

Christian Encouragement for Everday Life

Keeping Faith in Trials, Temptation and Tough Times

January 24, 2011 By Jen 107 Comments

how to keep faith in tough times

We toss and turn at night, wondering how these things work their way into our thoughts, into our dreams.

It starts to feel like we’re in a batting cage struggling to hit the balls being fired at us. It gets exhausting.

This is life in the world. It requires a continuous and active choice to choose God. To keep faith. To say, “I’m sorry.” To move ahead in hope rather than despair.

It’s the battle of living by faith .

Last week I had to do this over and over again. Unfortunately I allowed temptation to work on my mind and made choices based on emotions, feelings of “Who needs this?” and more, but I don’t write that to wallow in defeat.

I write that because there is so much hope ahead.

Jesus Christ is the good shepherd. When we ask Him into our heart, He showers us with His unconditional love and devotion. He does not leave us. He sees us start over again and again. He sees us struggle with the desire to grow closer to God .

We have nothing to fear.

Keeping Faith in Hard Times

Going by faith — or, really living by faith — is about the free-will choice to trust God and choose His way over our own .

And it’s about keeping that faith, not just in times of peace, but in times when life feels grindy. In times when we want to give up or choose another path.

I’d love to say I get this right all the time, but I don’t.

In fact, just after writing two blog posts about living by faith and genuinely desiring it in my life, I felt riddled with jabbing trials and temptations.

In each situation it seemed like I could see the problem clear enough to choose otherwise. I could see there was a way out, but then temptation blew in over and over.

It whispered all the thoughts my “self” wanted to hear. Words like “just give up,” “feel bad” or “who needs that crap.” (Sorry — that’s how temptation sounds in my ear at times.)

And why are these defeating thoughts even tempting? Maybe because it feels like “someone understands” — Yes, right, just give up; I totally should!

But who is the “someone who understands”? Would God draw near in a trying time and whisper, “Just give up”?

Stay Strong in the Word

Even — and maybe even especially — when we most desire to live God’s way, battles attempt to set up camp in our heart.

In this same week, the Bible Verse of the Day dealt with keeping faith in tough times. GoingByFaith Facebook followers saw the updates:

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

And then came this one…

“[Trials and Temptations] Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” (James 1:2-3)

We wonder what “out” could come our way half-heartedly. We want to believe it, but we don’t know if we can.

And right there… right in that moment… that’s where a spiritual battle begins. In that exact moment, keeping faith means everything. Can I believe God ? Or should I believe what I see based on the day-to-day world.

There’s that moment to choose. And often we have to go against everything that feels natural within us to choose good.

7 Bible Verses for Keeping Faith When Feeling Weak

Here’s the best part — Bible verses for keeping faith in weakness.

The LORD is my light and my salvation–whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life–of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. (Psalm 105:4)

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me. (Acts 27:25)

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. (1 Corinthians 16:13)

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23)

Please let me know if I can pray for you during challenging times.

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January 24, 2011 at 12:21 pm

What a timely and good post – although I’m sorry to hear you’ve been experiencing trials and temptations.

I find the battle to keep my hope and optimism in trials and temptations is a challenge.

As soon as I feel that heavy ‘bleuch’, I fight to keep my hope and my joy. The awareness that the Devil is out to destroy, steal our joy, hope, faith and all.

When I lose those and peace, then I am in a vulnerable spot.

I love that you quoted Psalm 23 and Jesus the Shepherd here. I exhaled with relief. When we’re going through tough times we can react like a sheep in a field wandering off (we get confused, distracted, derailed), yet the confidence we can have in knowing that Jesus is our Shepherd, watching over us, caring with a passion and going to find us again, is a restorer of peace and hope.

When it all feels ‘yuck’ I have to say those verses from Philippians “Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is true? “(my abridged version).

Get eyes off the struggles, on the lovely, on the Lord. Lifts us back up

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January 15, 2018 at 11:27 pm

thanks for the support in encouragement words I need prayers too to support my faith and I believe that God will answer me.

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July 29, 2018 at 6:41 pm

Thank you for your input, God is great. Let us keep praying.

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January 24, 2011 at 3:29 pm

Hey there, sorry to hear its still kicking off for you. You’re so right when you note how, after a victory or a precious time with God, a temptation can come in like the wind and knock us over. One minute we’re on the mountain top in faith, the next, we walking the valley floor.

But there is that whole choice thing and especially is ignoring what our feelings tell us. My feelings can lie so badly “God doesn’t care” or “if God did care then this…. wouldn’t happen” All lies. So you’re right to point us back to the Word that tells us the truth and points us back to God. At the moment, things are tough on the family front and yet, inspite of stuff going on God keeps telling me to keep my eyes focused on Him and reminding me that “the truth shall set you free”. Whilst He’s saying this for a family member, I think God also says this because He knows His Word is powerful enough to set us free from lies about our situation, how we should behave and to just give up.

In addition to reading the Bible and thinking on it, I also find talking with other Christians to be highly uplifting in that we can spur one another one, to persevere and press in.

So to you Jen I say, Keep going chick. Keep believing, keep reading His word and keep praying. If you fall down, just pick yourself up and keep going. Great post and thanks.

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January 25, 2011 at 10:10 am

Thanks for your thoughtful comments @Karen and @BunnyB — I agree fully to stay in the Word and trust in God, especially in down times!

Though I love sharing the uplifting messages we watch, read and receive every week, it’s important to keep it real — we all struggle. And yet in our weakness, we see the strength of God.

Blessings 🙂

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August 21, 2016 at 12:28 am

I need people praying for my mind and my body for total healing I’m facing a Divorce and my ex he is very messy please pray my stregnth

August 26, 2016 at 7:24 pm

Thank you for reaching out for prayer Gloria. Yes, I will pray for you, it must be so difficult to go through that. Praying for the Lord’s warm embrace to cover you. God bless you.

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December 16, 2018 at 9:51 pm

thank you for reaching for a prayer, Gloria. Yes , i will pray for you, i know it is very difficult at these times, do give up so easily because you are not the only one facing this difficult situation it is also affecting your ex as you have mentioned. Strength, understanding and courage is what you need to stand firm with your decisions, also you are a christian and these could be a challenge for you, to except forgiveness to be part of you in your marriage especially during this time, an advise to you is too keep faith at your right hand and you should be free.

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January 28, 2011 at 12:01 pm

Sometimes it’s just as important t keep the faith in good times too, and it can even seem more challenging. When we’re “drunk” in comfort we must never forget where our true comfort comes, from the Lord God and not from the TV, tax-return, or vacation in Hawaii. Of course every good gift is from God, and we can take comfort in that, but the point is that we shouldn’t forget God in good or bad times, be we should always hope in Him and keep faith, worshiping Him in our deeds, words and heart. Because when the vacations, TV’s, money, hardships, temptations, and difficult trials go away, God’s love is there to stay for all who will open the gates to life. “Open up you gates. Open wide, you aged doors and the glorious King will come in.” (Psalm 24:7)

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May 19, 2011 at 4:34 am

Thanks brothers and sisters for your blogs,they are uplifting and moral boosting when we feel down and out.if we keep the faith there,s always light at the the end of the tunnel.Our God is a loving God.We should continue loving each other as he loved us.The biggest gift that Jesus left us was love,

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May 5, 2012 at 12:55 pm

Did u get my email i sent recently about my husband? I didn’t c a reply on ur site or in my email. Ty, Lord bless…

May 5, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Dear Jackie…thank you for reaching out. Just sent you an email. Keep your faith. God is good, he will never leave you or forsake you.

I don’t know if this will be of any comfort, but when I experienced hospice and the death process with my grandfather, I learned more about God’s plan. http://goingbyfaith.com/end-of-life-beginning-of-life/

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June 14, 2012 at 9:39 pm

How to maintain faith when the devil is out there trying hard to destroy the mind of your wife, as she is under major depression… The devil talks, acts and manipulate your life thru your wife? Is there any faith at all to confront this? Help me!

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June 29, 2012 at 1:34 pm

All i can say is thank you so much for your encouraging words. I try to encourage myself like the word tells me too..but what do you do when you are just to extremely physically..spiritually..and emotionally drained to encourage yourself? So i decided to search for encouragement, and i found you. 2011> I got a call from my sister in the U.S Army crying telling me she needed me to relocate from Georgia to Colorado Springs to help her because her health was so poor she could no longer care for her 1yr old daughter. I sold everything i had in my house at a giant yard sale. I left my job as a manager, pack me and my 4 kids up and drove 2days to Colorado to take care of her. 2 months later she told me her EX husband wanted her back, but he said the house was too crowded and that we would have go..so she told me and my 4 kids to go. we slept in my truck. while living in my truck my husband of 4 years which at that time we were just separated, told me he wanted a divorce, and that he had gotten a girl pregnant with twins. I finally have saved up enough money to come home to Ga..i didn’t know ANYONE in Colorado, I just wanted to come home…but as i’m home..it hurt worse, because I’ve come back to nothing.

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July 12, 2012 at 11:47 pm

Infact,i realy appricate ur love for other. Thanks keep it up and the Lord wil see you through.(AMEN)

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July 26, 2012 at 9:05 pm

These stories of faith and strength have really touched my heart. I myself have a difficult time having true faith in the Lord and my thoughts are often covered with doubt. I am trying hard though to combat all this doubt and negativity and truly trust in the Lord. Just to share my story I am about to start my college education in August and I am facing some obstacles. Its been really hard in terms of funding and I am just praying that I get my student visa as my intentions are good and I have the potential to succeed. Recently I have been faced with alot of tough decisions and I can only truly do one thing…trust in the lord and keep faith. If it is to be it will be and the Lord knows best I just have to keep faith. For everyone else who is going through a rough patch just remember the Lord. He gives you no more than you can bare and it is all a part of the christian walk to a better life with Christ.

July 30, 2012 at 9:45 pm

Mark — praying for you. And yes, God prevails over all evil, so keep seeking Him through this time and rely on Him, not on your own understanding, as the bible tells us. Thought: Have you read “The Bait of Satan” — it may be just in time.

Danielle — this is heartbreaking. Sister, I’m so sorry. You asked what do you do when you are just too physically, spiritually and emotionally drained to encourage yourself.

When I get there, here’s what I remember: Turn it over to the Lord. (Over and over and over). Give it to Him because He’s the one who can give us the right kind of strength, the supernatural strength that goes beyond ourselves and our human limitations. We get burned out. We can only take ourselves so far. It’s not something we can understand and so we can only trust in Him. Keep taking every thought captive, and keep trusting Him to guide your feet and get you through one more day. When we seek Him, he uses our lives for mighty, mighty purposes. There is a reason you’re here, and I pray for your protection.

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September 8, 2012 at 7:16 am

I am going through a difficult time. Did something stupid and turned to God. I am facing jail time. Could lose my children, family, job. I try to be strong but doubt sets in. I am so afraid. I keep praying, reading the Word and praising and thanking God. Will He help me because I did wrong? Is there any hope for me? I feel changed in my heart. I feel like the ice has melted. I am now more patient and loving towards others. Do you think God causes things to happen to bring you back to him?

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September 11, 2012 at 9:40 pm

May God bless all that contributed to this site , i got some relief…… I have always wanted to be a source of hope

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October 3, 2012 at 6:44 am

GOD bless you God really does use people, this was very helpful the Lord commands us to be strong and courangeous. Joshua 1v9

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October 8, 2012 at 8:25 am

….know that im weak ..and surrender to God..then Rebuke…:) claim that we are together with Christ overcome the world…:) keeping faith..

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October 24, 2012 at 10:31 pm

I as well, life is throwing my past in front of my future. when you do bad things and make bad choices it starts to haunt you. especially when you sit back and realize life and regain composure and structure back into your life. you seek GOD and you hope and pray you can be forgiven, however many people need to hear this and confirm it through their priest, pastor, or a church member. pray for me ,GOD BLESS you all. your in my prayers

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November 14, 2012 at 12:18 pm

Reading this blog is bringing me peace I am going through tough times right now and as many of you said before the devil is working hard to bring us down by twisting our minds, thoughts and hearts….but we all must continue to look to God for he has all the answers

God bless you all

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December 5, 2012 at 2:18 pm

i am blessed. God bless you as you abide in Him come what may

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December 14, 2012 at 9:30 pm

Rejoice when you go through trials. It’s in James 1: 2-4. I’m about to go on a great adventure God has prepared for me. He’s been preparing me for it for a long time now. I have to go through a trial now to learn how to handle it later; kind of like how you have to learn how to drive a truck to be a truck driver. I’m learning to drive a truck tonight, metaphorically. Does anyone have any good verses that show that God is bigger than everything? Like, that shows He’s bigger than the humans He created? I could use that right now.

December 15, 2012 at 12:23 am

Hi @Ngaifong! I love how, through the Spirit, God’s word builds us up and gives us the courage we need to face trials with a pure heart. Praying for you. There are some verses in this post http://goingbyfaith.com/overcome-anxiety-what-10-verses-from-the-bible-keep-teaching-me/ including:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

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December 16, 2012 at 11:41 am

I am so glad I found this site. I am currently going through the most difficult tribulation in my life. I wish to express myself on this site because everyone with exception of my immediate family has abandoned me. Friends I thought were friends became strangers. I was set up by my childhood best friend in a way that I could never imagine for the sole purpose of being exonerated from criminal charges. This person tested my sympathy as he pretended that his life was in danger in order to place me in a situation God knows I would have never been involved in. From the time we were just teens we were best of friends considered ourselves brothers for many years. As years passed we ended up taking separate pathways in life he was unfortunate and found himself in trouble with the law throughout the years. I blindly observed my life excel and the Lord blessed me in many ways. Now I’m fighting for my life for the sake and mercy of my son as everything I have earned and been blessed with is on the line to include my freedom. The other reason I was targeted was because he had a criminal record and was my friend and there were some who disagreed of our relationship due to my career status and felt it necessary to end our relationship, but why in such an evil way. I ask myself that every day, and I will never know the answer. I have climbed many mountains in my life, gone through many tribulations, defeated many challenges, proved many wrong, and now its all been wipped way with the push of a button. I have never been what I am being accused of, never would have been, had no reason to be but I made a mistake orchestrated by someone else and God knows this would have never occurred. One never knows or believes that such a betrayal could happen to you, but I am living proof that anybody can manipulated and lied to for the sole reason of inflicting malice and pain into someone for no reason at all. I pray to God every single day and ask to forgive them for what they have done to me and my family and ask him to give me the strength and peace as I go through this storm. My life long career dream has transformed into my nightmare and my dreams are only nightmares. I pray that they find it in their hearts to accept that I am not the person they created for one day of my life for their personal fufilment and exoneration of another person who indeed brought himself into trouble which did not need to be created for him. The lord is my shepherd and I am his chikd

December 16, 2012 at 12:11 pm

I am so glad I found this site. I am currently going through the most difficult tribulation in my life. I wish to express myself on this site because everyone with exception of my immediate family has abandoned me. Friends I thought were friends became strangers. I was set up by my childhood best friend in a way that I could never imagine for the sole purpose of being exonerated from criminal charges. This person tested my sympathy as he pretended that his life was in danger in order to place me in a situation God knows I would have never been involved in. From the time we were just teens we were best of friends considered ourselves brothers for many years. As years passed we ended up taking separate pathways in life he was unfortunate and found himself in trouble with the law throughout the years. I blindly observed my life excel and the Lord blessed me in many ways. Now I’m fighting for my life for the sake and mercy of my son as everything I have earned is on the line to include my freedom. The other reason I was targeted was because he had a criminal record and was my friend and there were some who disagreed of our relationship due to my career status and felt it necessary to end our relationship, but why in such an evil way. I ask myself that every day, and I will never know the answer. I have climbed many mountains in my life, gone through many tribulations, defeated many challenges, proved many wrong, and now its all been wipped way with the push of a button. I have never been what I am being accused of, never would have been, had no reason to be but I made a mistake orchestrated by someone else and God knows this would have never occurred. One never knows or believes that such a betrayal could happen to you, but I am living proof that anybody can manipulated and lied to for the sole reason of inflicting malice and pain into someone for no reason at all. I pray to God every single day and ask to forgive them for what they have done to me and my family and ask him to give me the strength and peace as I go through this storm. My life long career dream has transformed into my nightmare and my dreams are only nightmares. I pray that they find it in their hearts to accept that I am not the person they created for one day of my life for their personal fufilment and exoneration of another person who indeed brought himself into trouble which did not need to be created for him. The lord is my shepherd and I am his child I know he his walking with me every step of the way, but at times many thoughts run through my mind which seem to sink me down and I have to constantly speak to God and ask him to strengthen me and forgive them for what they have done. I was betrayed by a person my mother once considered a son and treated him as one of her own..I was judged by authorities based on the fact I knew this person….and they did not approve of it, but there were other ways to cease this if they deemed it wrong in leui of destroying my life and family….why judge someone based on someone else for the purpose of destroying all my accomplishments…I will never know…they should think about everyone else like mothers, wives, brothers, and more importantly children prior to inflicting so much pain and sorrow on someone for no reason at all….they have repossessed everything I’ve ever earned in my life, destroyed my character, ended my career, but the one thing they will never take is my faith in God……because nobody can lie to him and he knows right from wrong, good and evil, and the ones who commit evil will not hide from him….a part of my life has died forever….and I will forever bare this scar that will never heal completely…..I was a good cop……..lord knows…

February 13, 2013 at 8:46 am

Hi Jesse — thanks for posting this. It sounds like a deep trial of faith, and you and your family will remain in our prayers that the truth will prevail and you will be exonerated.

You mentioned at the end that nobody can lie to God, and this is exactly where the truth hits our life. Jesus said that whoever is bent on securing his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for Jesus’ sake, and for the sake of the Good News, will secure it (Mark 8:35). While I don’t know the details of your situation, it’s great to hear that you know you’re living for something more than this life.

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March 27, 2013 at 1:16 am

Thank God i finally found this site.I really need your prayers as i am preparing for my school plans. I am supposed to start school in August but still have to get enough funding and also apply for my study permit. I hope everything will goes well because i really want it so bad.

Be Blessed.

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April 5, 2013 at 2:40 pm

Hi Jennifer,I experience those same things to,anxiety,fear,depression.What i do is pray.I also read encouraging articles on faith and grace.I also think it is when we are drawing close to God and to Christ that we are attacked by the spiritual forces of darkness.The enemy doesnt want us to trust God,so its freak out time for them when we draw near to God.God promises that if we draw near to Him,satan will flee.Satan tries to cut off that connection.Nip it in the bud so to speak.Its when we need to be determined all the more to draw near to our God.Thanks for your blog,its another way to find comfort and encouragement from people of like minds.

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June 10, 2013 at 8:00 pm

Im going through my own trials and tribulations. I chose to leave a man who controlled everything about me….the way I talk, what version of the bible I should read, how t dress, clean, etc. I was unhappy but he was my provider financially. I left him with nothing literally. I have no phone to communicate with anyone. I have no car. The car I had he bought and he wanted it back, I lost my job and have no way to continue paying for school, I lost my place so I had to move in with my parents after 10 years…Im 28 years old. Im trying to keep faith, that things will get better but honestly I feel lost. I dont know what Im going to do with nothing. My faith is dfinitely being tested. Ive found myself considering options that goes against my morals. LORD i ned help

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July 18, 2013 at 5:58 pm

After reading some of the tests, what I am allowing myself to deal with is a light affliction. God opened a door for me, however the person behind the door wanted me out of the job, it has been more than a year and I am still there. God is my source for everything.

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August 17, 2013 at 3:30 am

Trust Jesus, that’s what I feel the Spirit just keeps telling me 🙂 Trust Jesus- Through tough times-

Trust that He is the Lord of creation and can get you through this- lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Cling to Jesus, trust that He is our Shepard and that He will get us through tough times 🙂

Its so true about Jesus being our strength through our weakness- “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

I can tell you that I’m struggling though this time but sharing this is so cool- I just sense that I’m totally unable to do anything to change this situation I find myself in but its defiantly strengthening my trust in Jesus Christ to just say ”I choose to trust you Jesus Christ” even tho my mind and emotions feel I’m in trouble- Jesus is putting trust in my heart and giving me the strength in Him to continue!

Praise You Jesus Christ-

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October 9, 2013 at 9:54 am

i have been out of work since getting laid off in february.i feel as if everything but the kitchen sink has been thrown at me.there is evil and temptation in this fallen world.i have prayed hard like never before and have asked for absolution through heart felt repentance.and now i feel a sudden peace and a relaxed state of mind i never thought i had.we can overcome our worldly ways but we must walk by faith and not by sight.the lord is my shield of strength .i can do nothing without him.i thank thee with all of my heart.

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November 15, 2013 at 10:33 am

When I am down and discouraged, I have a Psalm like to read. It helps comfort me and lets me know, I am not in this situation alone.

The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.” Psalms 91: 14-16NLT

“Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him and he will help you.” Psalms 37:3-4 NLT

“Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret abouy their wicked schemes.” Psalms 37:7 NLT

“For the strength of the wicked will be shattered, but the Lord takes care of the godly. Day by day the Lord takes care of the innocent, and they will receive an inheritance that lasts forever. They will not be disgraced in hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough.” Pslams 37:17-19 NLT

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT

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November 18, 2013 at 8:12 pm

I ask that everyone that reads this keeps me lifted in prayer. I born again believer, recently accepted Christ as my everything. Blessed with his presence but I kinda sstruggle with putting all my faith & him giving all my troubles to him especially times like this when I really need to seek him on keeping faith.

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November 25, 2013 at 8:59 am

Pray fervently for others and myself.

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December 31, 2013 at 12:43 am

Thank you for taking the time to write this article. Today I had finally excepted god as my savor but I to have hard times with temptation and I feel at my weakest with everything going on in my life lately. But I really do like your choose of strong words. I hope everything goes well and may this new year be a positive life change for the better.^_^

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February 7, 2014 at 9:22 am

thanx for the article it really makes me feel better. im going thru a tough at the moment my husband walked out on me during xms. i hv a two year old baby ad i hv been looking for a job i cnt find it im behind on rent might face eviction. ad i hv no idea wat my baby will eat tomorow or the other day its like all doors r just closed on me sometyms i feel like committing suicide

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March 20, 2014 at 3:04 am

Florence, please take suicide off the table and do not consider it. Jesus died for your sins; do not reject that by taking your own life. What would become of your baby? Turn to and rely solely on the Lord. Pray fervently and earnestly that He will open doors for you, and that you will have a clear path to employment and some financial security. Seek out blogs like this for encouragement and direction.

My world was turned upside down three years ago with a perfect storm of events. We are still struggling every day. The death of my precious dog set off this chain of events. My mother was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. My son decided it was time to end his ten year marriage. Mother died after 8 months and went to be with the Lord. Sons divorce was ugly beyond measure w/ his wife using my two grandsons as her weapons of choice. I began to probate my mother’s estate and got strong resistance from my two older sisters. The probate is done now and they haven’t spoken to me in over a year. I handled the estate in the manner in which my mother intended. My conscience is clear. Then, my husband’s business failed. His father had it before him and for 47 years it had provided a very good living to two generations. My husband contemplated suicide. We were/are both depressed, despondent over all this mess. We are $400,000 in debt from the collapse of business, our bills are behind and now my husband’s father is ill. The hits just keep coming. I pray every day that God will help me see that I don’t have the means to deal with this and will turn to him. I pray for mercies and grace to help us crawl out from under this mess. It has been three years. After a rather charmed life, we are both being tested beyond anything I ever thought I’d have to endure. I know this burden will not take me down because I know God will not give me more than I can handle. I pray for the courage and faith to simply let go and let God. It is a walk of faith and a surrender of any ideas I might have had that I am in control.

Florence, I hope your situation has improved. Please put your faith in God and pray with every fiber of your being that doors of opportunity will open. I will pray for you also.

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March 21, 2014 at 9:18 am

God bless you for your wonderful message to the world. I have really had a hard time “Keeping Faith in Trials, Temptation and Tough Times” but the Lord who sees his servants and never let them fall a prey unto the wicked one redeems and always establishes their feet upon a rock. By the discovering of your website, I have also learnt to keep up the faith and be steadfast so that the glory of God would be shown around the life of his children.

Bless you Jenny

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June 28, 2014 at 3:37 am

It’s amazing how the enemy uses the same tactics on each one of God’s children especialy as you say to attack just after a high, but I am moved by your words here:

“It requires a continuous and active choice to choose God.”

I think this shows a lot of growth and maturity in your faith walk, the realisation that enduring faith is a moment by moment experience which needs re-affirming through good and bad. I recently had this realisation myself but worded it a bit differently, I said:

we continuously go through a cycle of learning to lean ever deeper into the bosom of the Father.

So I guess what I’m saying is that I see this faith walk as waves or cycles that go higher and higher, closer and closer lifting us up and deeper into the beloeved arms of our saviour. This stops me from beating myself up knowing that it is a process and I am on my way there, I am still not perfect but being perfected and that’s OK.

Thanks and shalom

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July 23, 2014 at 12:47 am

Please pray for me, I am going through depression and stress, I feel that I failed in life and the Lord. Cause I made bad decisions. That I wish I can changes. Now my life might be on the line. Please Pray that God can get me through this, sometimes I feel like just ending my life.

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August 8, 2014 at 12:42 pm

The greatest thing in life is to always remember that God is with us and he will never abandon us. Lets keep doing good at every opportunity and thank God in all circumstances. Trials, temptations and tough times will always come and go. It took Joseph 16 years to see his dream come true, and this happenned in a foreign land where he never thought he will set feet even in his dreams. It took the woman with the issue of blood many years to battle with her disconfort but when her time was due a second was too long for her to completely heal without even requesting for it verbally. Her FAITH on that particular day was enough. A second, a month, a minute or a year are just a period of time. Lets keep our faith high and God who is the master of circumstances will set us free. We just have to surrender to him and the rest will be history. HE IS OUR GOD.

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August 30, 2014 at 8:21 am

Although I do try to keep Faith in trials, temptation, and tough times, sometimes I would like to have a break. . My whole life has been / is trials, temptation, and tough times. If not my whole life, then the greater majority of it, which makes it more profound than any breaks, if indeed there were any. . My sufferings have always been over-lapping from as far back as the age of memory. Yes, there were some happy or light occasions, but they were always over-shadowed by some kind of difficulty or challenge. I guess that I came out stronger, but it’s still mentally and physically exhausting….which is another difficulty or challenge in itself to over-come. . Yet, I realize that what I went through and what I am going through, is not as terrible as unfortunately some others have to deal with in their lives.

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February 8, 2015 at 6:04 pm

By praying and believing. Asking god to help me believe when my faith is very weak as it is now. I am experiencing a lot of doubt and tempted to just want to throw in the towel. Reading inspiring articles such as this one help a lot to know I am not alone. I guess I’ll just be happy for baby steps for now in the right direction. Thank you.

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February 10, 2015 at 12:17 pm

I just overcomed one of my trials to be a leader of a prayer . God used my very mother and and it was hard, I tossed all night about to give up but God answered my prayer TO HAVE strong faith and hope ,but just as the tide turn that’s when God clarified everything. I have to keep in mind that if we want to be a disciple we have to take up our cross and always trust in God and HUMILITY IS A KEY INGREDIENT OF A LEADER. I WAS INSPIRED FROM THIS WEBSITE

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February 17, 2015 at 5:22 am

Thank you Jen for this share. One thing that I will always cherish about the Word of God is that it shall forever remain relevant even after thousands of years, for there are circumstances that are happening all over the world needing that very Word. Going through the difficulty that I am going through right now, I have been encouraged and I sincerely thank you. I will make it through the day after all. God bless you! 🙂

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May 9, 2015 at 2:14 pm

Thank You. I find this a tonic for the race ahead. We live in an ever changing world. We are never aware of the Omnipotence of God especially when we pride our self of His Grace. We need to be HUMBLE!

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May 31, 2015 at 6:12 am

Surround urself w strong believers

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June 1, 2015 at 3:54 pm

I want to share this , even I the dark valley he is still faithfully to me.Because of his favour I still alive his love I still have hope of good tings he promised to give me. I lost my house a two months ago, I lost my job 3years back , I been trying to save this house , I lost my 56.000 robbed by a person who was he Helping to save my house he took my money and never buy the house back,today I am renting in house that s very expensive not safe for me . 2. On the 18th May 2015, they broke in and took every thing I very got , I praised my lord I was inside the house with my son , they got in the rooms took linen and shoes but God hide us cover us 3.on the 24 of may 2015 I was buried my father whom I only knew him for 8 years My car is with people dat I ask money from them , i give thembecause I was looking for money to rent ,by His grace I will get he money. Now I don’t have anything I work hard for years but now no material things all r gone hard for me but all give all him,he s God of all situations. But in all this I sing a song and witnesses love of God I still say he is my father his is my Provider and he is my rock. I am leaving by faith He gave my children jobs I thank him for that . Tomorrow I am going for a training of three days that will give me money , He hears my prayers I will praise him all the time , Don’t give up in wht ever you are facing he is with you. I WILL PRAISE AND GIVE HIM GLORY ,NO GOD WILL BE LIKE HIM.I WILL PRAISE NO OTHER GOD ONLY HIM

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June 28, 2015 at 11:15 am

I am really thankful to have found this site. Your articles have been a wonderful encouragement in an area that I am being strengthened in. I was just wondering how I can get ahold of the comments. It shows how many there are but I cannot access any of them. Thank you for the Word you share. Blessings.

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June 30, 2015 at 5:19 am

Please pray for my son Ronald he has had a cough for 3 months took him to doctor gave him antibiotics and still has cough our health insurance expires today from his dad, my husband who passed away unexpectedly he was hit by a car while on vacation. We are so scared and hopeless since he passed I worry about finances as being alone is totally new to me, now the worry of my sons cough. Please pray for my son to be in excellent health and for this cough to go away never to return. I feel like God doesn’t hear my prayers and I worry so much all the time I feel hopeless alone and unloved by God. Please help me/us

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July 11, 2015 at 6:20 pm

Thank you so much for a wonderful inspiring spiritual courage, i was undergoing some challenges in life, falls forces from my church where i fellowship every sabbath, my God you are faithful am blessed this morning…….

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July 29, 2015 at 4:35 am

lord u are truly our king u are above all i am sorry whole heartedly for my sins forgive me……..you are my rock and my fortress…you are my saviour…i honor your name and thank you for all the blessings you hae given me….amen..save us from all evil…for you are my GOD.

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August 15, 2015 at 3:37 am

Thank you……..i really needed this been feeling really down.

August 8, 2016 at 6:10 pm

How are things going Rena? Praying for you even now. We all struggle. We all have trials. God bless you.

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May 25, 2018 at 8:02 am

Thank you for encouragement. I’m in a respirate situation right now I have 3 weeks left for my 2 kids back to school we have an outstanding balance and also need a payment for school to start I don’t know where to get money for payment we have nothing.. But I want to put my faith and trust to God fully for I know his bigger than any financial problem I have. Thank you father God for I know you are always with me and you know my needs and the needs of others Amen..

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August 20, 2016 at 8:12 pm

Very inspiring especially when you’re down

August 20, 2016 at 8:47 pm

God bless you Audrea. Sending you a big hug! I pray the Lord wraps His arms around you in a way you can feel His presence and comfort.

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August 21, 2015 at 6:48 am

On the floor. Thank you. Satan destroys my good days. The bitter sweet symphony of life

August 8, 2016 at 6:48 pm

Hi Robin… How are things? Satan will try to convince you of many things, but remember he is called the Father of Lies for a reason. Have you ever read the book The Bait of Satan? It’s an interesting perspective on how to stay out of the trap.

I’m praying for you Robin. God bless you.

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September 8, 2015 at 5:00 am

This is really a message that has given me peace and hope MaycFos bless you.

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October 4, 2015 at 10:19 am

I needed to hear this today .I have been going through a tough time in my life .I keep praying and fighting to do gods will .me and my fiance are growing every day and God s how’s us something new .we have had bad demonic dream s for about 2 months now not every nite just every other we pray and the more God shows us the stronger the battle gets .we are under attack with enemy .I know God has great things for us and his blessing is all over us .so no mater how bad it may seem the power of God reveals in our life.Staten is a liar and thief trying to steel our joy and blessings .if anyone reads this just know that the . Power is real and so is the battle .the victury is in our life and in the face of God through Jesus Christ our savour .

August 8, 2016 at 6:50 pm

Amen Michael! And please know I’ll be praying for you both.

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October 11, 2015 at 1:59 pm

Thank you soo much!

God is good! Thanks for stopping by Patricia 🙂 God bless you

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June 14, 2016 at 6:08 am

Thank u so much fo words and testimonies on living by faith during hard times..i just want to encourage someone that God loves u and there is nothing u can go through that surprises him He is aware of it hold on to Him ..provebs 3 v5 says trust …thats a command that we find in the unchanging word…when we continue to trust Him he is going to direct all yr ways … I was in hard time fo a long time applying fo a job could not get it but one day God remembered me was called to an enterview ..in the natural was not qualified fo the job but by Gods favour they employed me …as a chef God sent a patient man to teach me from stage one…God is faithful i can cook now and i share Gods word with the whole stuff…if He did it fo me He can do it fo u….continue to trust Him He is faithful

August 8, 2016 at 6:52 pm

Amen, and thank you Godfrey! God provides for our needs and prepares us in all the right ways. He is faithful indeed.

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June 20, 2016 at 5:41 pm

Please keep me in your prayers. I am at the lowest point in my life as I have ever been. I have been praying WITHOUT ceasing for my son, and now he’s reached the lowest point of his life too. I’m scared; I’m scared for him, but not for myself. I know I am ready to go, but he isn’t. Please pray for him. He’s facing a lot in his life, and may loose everything, even his life. Please pray that God will open his heart, give him the faith to trust Him, save him, and give him the strength he needs to face these battles. Please pray that I can be of encouragement; I’m so down now that I don’t think I can. Sometimes I pray for God to take me out, but I know he leaves me here for a reason, even though I don’t understand why! I can’t help my son! Only God can, and so far, he has chosen not too. Why? Why? I don’t understand. Have I done something to cause God to turn his back on me? I’ve searched, and searched my heart, and I am so confused! If only I could save my son myself, but I know I can’t .. Oh, please, Dear Lord, save my son .. before it is too late.

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August 7, 2016 at 11:46 am

Holy Spirit please comfort and keep KJo with Your power, strength and love flowing through her. Lord Jesus let her and her son be more than conquerors in life right now in Your precious name. Father God please take her burdens and move Your strong right arm for her and her son. Let Your heavenly armies crush their enemies under Your feet and defeat this evil moving against them. In the name of Jesus please have mercy on her and her son. Amen.

KJo, I hope that you can enlist others to help with your situation and your son. If you are facing his death and it can be prevented use others stronger than you to help. Yes, the word says that “vain is the help of man” and “my help cometh from the Lord” but any help from Christians would be good. If your son is on drugs there are streetwise people who can FORCE him to stop and cut him off from his supply. Keep praying, everyone prayer for her please and Lord have mercy on what sounds like an awful situation. Pick her up and carry her Jesus!

August 8, 2016 at 7:04 pm

Elizabeth this is so beautiful! Thank you for joining in to pray for KJo, your gift of prayer and encouragement is a true blessing.

I also wanted to tell you… I’ve been inactive on the blog for several years while my kids were babies and since just coming back a couple weeks ago, I’ve been going through hundreds of comments, starting with the oldest. Your recent comment drew me here, to this comment specifically, and I thank you for that. God knows. God bless you.

August 8, 2016 at 7:00 pm

Dear KJo, Thank you so much for reaching out with this prayer request. How are you and your son today?

God hears the prayers of our hearts. He listens to us when we cry out to Him. It says in Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

Please know that I will be praying for you and will post for more prayer on the facebook page. God bless you. Lifting you up in prayer!!

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December 24, 2016 at 2:35 pm

Dear Kjo….., I read you post with such compassion as I am also going through the hardest test of my faith just now. I have always been a believer and Christian and trust in the Lord’s promises and the truth of the Bible…but this time I’m facing a ‘mountain’….my beautiful son has been diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. Our sister in law is in stage 4 cancer and my brother is surviving prostate cancer. I have always been the strong one who has given Biblical verse and encouragement….but now it is becoming so much harder. I know I am not alone and there are friends praying for me and my family, but I need something to hold on to.

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July 20, 2016 at 5:50 am

Thank you! i need this in this moment

August 8, 2016 at 7:05 pm

Love how God works like that! He gives us what we need when we need it. God bless you Kim. Thanks for reaching out 🙂

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July 28, 2016 at 4:15 am

A timely message…I like it

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July 28, 2016 at 11:27 am

Thank you for the encouragement! It’s a good thing when we can encourage one another. No time to quit!

No time to quit… love it!! God bless you Pamela.

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August 13, 2016 at 1:09 am

I came across this encouraging piece whilst having my quiet time this morning. I don’t usually feel compelled to stray away from my routine, BIOY alpha readings but I think God wanted me to Google matters more on my heart!

I’ve been going through, what feels like, non-stop trials since my baptism in Nov 2014. I was warned of spiritual attack, but I was adamant now that I was wearing the armour of God I would somehow get through them better than anyone else!

But the trials kept on coming! My then church disapproved of my forming a relationship with one of their male congregation. They made it so difficult that, in the end, we sadly left.

I wasn’t getting along, or bonding with any colleagues in my new job.

My friends were falling dramatically by the wayside. Little hurts and disappointments made by those I thought were my nearest and dearest. From two, huge social circles I now, thankfully, have 2 special girls remaining.

Trouble and abuse from my neighbours followed by frustrating mediation meetings.

And now sadly, this week, I’ve had to undergo a miscarriage by surgical means.

Now I’m just tired. I do know however, God is right beside me, taking me through but sometimes it’s difficult to have hope amidst so many setbacks. It’s hard to thank him and ask for forgiveness when you’re hurting and feel abandoned.

And it’s hard to see the little blessings he slips into your life; to show you that he loves you more than anything.

The biggest blessing that has come out of these trials is now my husband! No man or church can interfere with the plans that God has in mind for you and for that I am grateful.

As I sign off now; I feel God giving me a new hope and a new strength for the future and I thank you again for an inspiring post. God bless!

August 13, 2016 at 12:31 pm

God bless you too Jennifer.

Thanks for sharing this. I know others will read it, relate to it and find encouragement knowing it’s not “just” them going through spiritual hardship. You touch on an interesting point that sometimes in all the trials we miss the great little (or no so little) things God is doing in our lives. Thanks for that reminder today. You are in my prayers!

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September 1, 2016 at 7:14 pm

Hello to y’all… I am a new gal …. I browsed threw some comments, or testimonies… I will say y’all are strong willed, keep ur faith…. I am struggling with my income.. My, hubby, n I had a car given to us from my dad… I was very happy, n blessed… Joisey (my car) ran good… The she started giving us issues… My dad told me that he fixed what needed fixed. .. We’ll my hubby was getting new tires put on, n they noticed one control arm on the front was bad . . So when we buy tires the arm cause s that tire to go bald… So my hubby gets frustrated… I keep telling him, to keep his faith in God… He does, but bad vehicles, take over… I pray night, n day.. I was raised in church… There is nothing that OUR LORD CNT DO!! AMEN… I thank the lord for something before it comes… I sent my plate renewal out late.. We r still waiting for it… We got appointment with JD Byrider in the morning. Plz pray that the lord guides us there, n that we will become blessed with a nice vehicle, with cheap payments… We deserve a new vehicle that will last us for years…. Thanks for reading my testimony… If y’all need prayer, already done.

September 2, 2016 at 5:47 am

Thanks for sharing your encouragement and what’s going on for you today. I’ll keep you in prayer that God guides you and your husband toward what He has in store for you! God bless you sister 🙂

September 2, 2016 at 5:53 am

Sharing the good news! Love it 🙂 Thanks sister God bless you

September 1, 2016 at 7:28 pm

Dear Kjo, God is with u, n ur son, because of your prayers… Don’t stop praying for him, no matter how difficult it gets… I will ask the lord to send someone by in his path to open his eyes, n encourage him to turn to God… I was raised in church … I am alive because of my lord n prayer…. YOUR SON, N U WILL BE HEALED, N SAVED…

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November 5, 2016 at 9:31 pm

I’m struggling with temptation of seeking another woman everytime the need comes around my wife and I have been married for over a year now and we still haven’t made love let alone even seen each other naked. 2yrs ago she lost her dad it might be that and the fact that we don’t have any medical aid and that money is also a problem . I recently had to go to the sex shop for a toy for men just to release myself from tempting a prostitute iv never thought that it can get so bad. I’m a farmer and she lives in town and works in town she stays with her mom we never get alone time 2gether and I’m being patient I love her very much I want to give her everything and be a good husband I feel like a failure and I don’t feel that I have anything more to give in life putting food on the table isn’t enough for a lady. My mother in law told me a week after our marriage that I’m not right for her daughter it is hurting me very much I’m struggliung with that. I love God and I’m trying to be a good christian. The draught in South Africa is severe too it doesn’t help me financially either but I want to keep moiving forward.

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January 12, 2017 at 12:42 pm

9 weeks of praying asking ,begging for help nothing if I give up who’s to blame all the people who look the other way even the ones in heaven sad so sad

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January 17, 2017 at 2:54 pm

This site is awesome for me. I am glad to have found it by following God’s will and not mine. I have suffered anxiety and fear most of my life and this site helps me deal with it. I have dealt with addictions all my life and am now in recovery. This site will help me maintain my sobriety and led me to increase my involvement in ministries at my parish. I also read books on this topic, recently one about resisting happiness. I am a member of a mens group that has brought me closer to God and has taught us that ” He must increase but I must decrease.” John 3:30. I am thankful for the encouragement I get on this site. Bless you all!

January 19, 2017 at 8:32 am

Thank you so much for sharing Rick! I’m glad this is helpful and will keep you in prayer!

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May 14, 2017 at 8:23 pm

I’m struggling with anger and bitterness… it’s like it’s deeply rooted in me,I’ve tried so many times to uproot it but it’s like I’m loosing the battle… right now I feel so defeated and depressed… If only i can know the best way to deal with it completely out of my heart…I need prayers please…I’ve been asking God to fill with holy spirit but most of the times its like there’s something blocking it…can you e-mail me please I think I need help

May 15, 2017 at 6:42 pm

I’m praying for you! It’s interesting that you mentioned feeling like something is blocking it… I used to feel that way at times. Keep praying, keep faith, keep reading the living word. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” I believe God–our Father who knows and created us–can uproot those places in the heart we cannot reach. I find when I’m feeling “blocked” it’s that I’m really feeling distant from the Lord and praying, reading and staying in the Word brings me back in touch in my heart. Not sure if that’s what you’re experiencing but I hope it helps.

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August 17, 2017 at 5:37 am

My name is Lebogang Sishuba. And i’m in South Africa. I don’t have all the full details of the story i’m about to share with you but I would really appreciate your advise to this.

My big brother has been going through such a difficult time. He’s been suspended at work, he’s becoming emotionally dectached to his marriage, he’s almost like he’s shutting the world out. He loves God and prays a lot but since everything looks like it’s spiraling out of control I don’t seem to know how to pray for him or what to say to him especially now that I fear that he’s not interested in anything nor even saving his marriage.

I know he needs professional help but he wont listen to do this. How can I assist him and his wife?

Concerned little sister, Lebogang

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August 17, 2017 at 9:01 am

I have read so many comments here but still doesn’t understand why? I been on this battle field with the same test for ever, being homeless. My kids and I had a house fire in 2010 that’s when it all started. We been homeless twice since. I finally gotten on my feet no help barely from no one and purchase me a home . Now trying to do what is right still praying serving the Lord I am thinking anyway. On my job trying to still catch up pay for everything living pay check to pay check and a guy came in held me at gun point. I am afraid of my life not mentioning still trying to catch up. I couldn’t go back to work sorry I am not cut out for that kind of stuff. Now I lost this home. Now I am back to square one but worse shape no job, home, now in debt. Lights and water been off for days and weeks!! Why God? What did I do to deserve this and not hear from you. I am asking what directions to go in. People has did many of things but to try to find somewhere for you and three kids to go and no help helpless!!!

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June 27, 2019 at 8:42 pm

Kimberly – sorry to hear about your problem – the question we always ask ourselves is why does God allow these things to happen & where is God during these harsh times. We never know the answers to these questions why but during these times we still must stand strong and faithful. I right now am going through a time of stress – desperation – fear – hope – anxiety I could go on but I’ll stop. During times as these people say these are tests. But honestly who wants to be tested what we want are solutions – we want results we want God to take that stressful situation off us. We want that peace of mind. But often times we don’t. But we know that God is a true God who never leaves us no matter what we’re going through. Yes I know what you’re going to say if that’s true then why does God allow things like to happen to me. I’ve no answer for that pressing question and neither does any pastor or anyone else. Many times the things that come against us aren’t always our fault. No one can really say why bad things happen to good people. But regardless of our situation we must still stand strong in faith. God always provides a way when there seems like there is no way. The only thing I can say to you Kimberly is please stay firm and strong in God. Don’t focus on your problems focus more on God. Do you have a Bible read as many scriptures on fear – worry and allow God to speak to your heart. Trust me you’ll know when it’s God speaking to you. You must be strong not just for yourself but for your kids. They copy what they see and if they see you worried – fearful – depressed then they grow up fearful – worried and think this is how to handle life’s problems. Fear and worry according to the bible are sins. Is there a church that you can go to? They may be able to help you as far as home services that can help me get temporary housing. And maybe even help you find work. I hope this helps you and your family find the peace you seek. I leave you with these scriptures.

Breaking The Cycle of Fear: Fear Will Sabotage Your Destiny 1. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ If you allow fear to remain active in your life, it will take hold of your thoughts, paralyze your forward momentum and suffocate your God-Given Destiny. Through Christ, God has given us Power to overcome every obstacle the enemy attempts to set in our way. No matter the circumstance, God has given us Power to break the spirit of fear from off of our lives and the Strength to fight against and be victorious over the tactics of the enemy in every area of our lives. God has given you Power. Face and conquer fear with God’s Word. 2. “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians‬ ‭5:1‬ When you are in Christ, it is your choice to surrender to the bondage and stronghold of fear. When you are in Christ, you are given the Keys and Authority to overcome the enemy in every area of your life. When you are in Christ, He has set you free. The key is if you are in Christ. It’s your choice to walk in the freedom of Christ or live in the bondage and entanglement of the past. Be released from the yoke of bondage and be free in Christ completely. Remember not the former things push and press toward the things that God has in store for you. You have a great Destiny in store for you. Don’t allow fear to sabotage and steal your Destiny.

3. “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.” ‭Isaiah‬ ‭10:27‬ Fear will wrap itself around your Destiny, choking the very life out of your dreams and your plans for the future. But those who are in Christ, have Full Access to Christ [The Anointed One]. Christ, The Anointing will break you free from under the weight and bondage of the past. If you trust God, He will keep you protected under His Covering as you surrender to Him. The Anointing of Christ will destroy every yoke and burden that’s weighing you down. Step forward in faith, trusting and knowing that God will cover and heal you, destroying the pain of the past. 4. “And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭2:22‬ ‭ Fear will cause you to implement new ideas in an old way. God wants you to implement, the new ideas that He has given you, His Way. You cannot put new wine, (new ideas, new businesses, new revelation) into old bottles – an old framework. Allow God to reshape your mind and renew your vessel to execute His Ideas, His Way. Sometimes fear can cause us to be complacent, in fear of not excelling or thriving. Fear will plateau your potential. Pray and sit before God so that He can give you a new perspective on what to execute His Way. 5. “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:24‬ You cannot serve two masters. In this text, Jesus teaches on serving God or idolizing money (mammon – the exaltation of riches to a God-like status). There is nothing wrong with money. Money is a tool – it is not God. But when you choose to idolize money and exalt it in your heart to a “god-like” status then you’re choosing to worship money over surrendering to The True and Living God. An overwhelming fear of lack or the fear of being in poverty will torment you, if you allow these thoughts to rule over your “thought life”. When fear rules your thought life, your actions begin to follow after your fears. Your fears begin to shape your actions and you begin to solely trust in your own “power and ability”, to obtain wealth, rather than trusting in God. When you solely trust in your ability to produce rather than believing what God said He’ll provide your fear begins to deceive you and causes you to become self reliant on your power rather than trusting God’s Hand to flow through you. We are to be diligent and good stewards over the supply that God gives us. We are to work as unto the Lord, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:23‬ . We are to submit to The One who Supplies all your need and not serve fear as master of our hearts. Trust God and know that He’ll take care of you. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians‬ ‭4:19‬ 6. “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James‬ ‭1:8‬ Fear will threaten your stability. When faith and fear are at war, fear competes for a space that only God can fill. When you choose to allow fear to occupy in a dry and void place (a place that’s not flourishing and fed by God’s Word), fear becomes your god and drowns out every other voice… even God’s. Fear will speak louder than The Word of God, if you allow it to rule and have dominion in your heart. When you fill your void places with God’s Word, He will saturate your heart with His Peace and give you Power to replenish your faith tank again. A double minded man is one who clings to two opinions – faith and fear and will be unstable in every path that he chooses. You cannot walk in faith while clinging to fear. Trust God and give Him your all. 7. “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:7‬ Fear is carnal. Your flesh wants to fight God while your spirit wants to surrender and worship Him. It’s up to you to put your flesh under subjection and align it with the Word of God. When you trust God and Command fear to leave, you’re declaring that God has dominion over you and fear has to subject itself to Christ. It is your choice, with the help of God, to fight fear with His Word or to be subdued by its grip. 8. In Luke‬ ‭10:19‬, Christ declared “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” When you are in Christ, every trick and trap that the enemy has set up for your defeat – Christ has given you power to conquer the enemy’s devices and his plan. In Christ, you are not defeated. Christ knows your starting point and He knows where you’ll finish. He’s crafted you to prosper. He uniquely created you to win. You have the Authority to Command fear to leave and to triumph over its head. “I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” ‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬ God wants to give you good success and He expects you to prosper. “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:8‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Focus and meditate upon Christ over fear. 9. “(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:4‬ Fear will disarm your war chest. Your war chest is God’s Word. His Word is Power and releases you from generational strongholds and the soul ties of fear. Fear will entangled your soul into speaking its language. Speak God’s Word and cancel out the voice of the enemy. When you release God’s Word in your home, you’re inviting God to dwell and to fully activate the gifts, talents and abilities within your family. Whether you’re a family of 1 or of many, God’s Word will produce results, if you allow Him to have dominion in your heart. Fear can speak death or stagnate your Destiny or faith can dominate and rule within your heart causing you to excel in everything that you say and do. Releasing fear and functioning in fear will both stifle and stagnate your Destiny, paralyzing you from trying new things and even obeying the voice of God. Shed fear and Engage God. 10. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ Fear inhibits your ability to Trust God. When your fears triumph over your ability to trust and lean upon God you begin to set yourself up for failure, no matter the area. To trust in God, completely, requires a selfless obedience. If you’re willing to give your whole heart to Him, in every area, He’ll direct your footsteps. When fear rules your thought life it will impact your faith life causing it to wither. Being entangled by fear will limit you. Fear will magnify your inabilities, weaknesses and shortcomings, stunting your growth, Destiny and development. While faith allows you grow by acknowledging, surrendering and addressing your shortcomings to God. When you walk by faith and trust God with every aspect of your life, you begin to declare, with your actions, that God is Lord over your life and fear has no residence in your heart. Trusting God requires your participation. If you hold on to the weight and condemnation of the past, it will crush you. Condemnation is magnifying the past sin, transgression, mistake or misstep over God’s loving Grace to forgive you of all of your sin. God is greater than your mistake. Release it and trust God. 11. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭54:17‬ Fear will cause you to magnify the enemy’s weapon. God is greater than any weapon that the enemy can form. God created you to prosper and He has given you dominion over any and every weapon that’s formed – even financial. Every financial weapon and catastrophe has no dominion over your house. According to Malachi 3:11, God will rebuke the devourer. Financial devourer, strongholds and derailments do not have authority to operate in the life of a Christian. Although, financial mistakes and missteps happen, God has given you His Authority, Grace and Favor to steward and govern your finances well and with integrity. “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” Deuteronomy‬ ‭8:18‬. Although the weapon is formed, it does not have to impact your house. Financial setbacks and missteps are not permanent pits. God has given you the power, authority and insight to conquer and overcome fear in every area, even in your finances. 12. “So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” ‭Isaiah‬ ‭59:19‬ When the enemy comes in like a flood God will raise up a standard. No matter the area where fear attempts to manifest itself, God’s Word will overcome it. With Christ, you have the Authority to defeat fear whenever it raises its head. Even if fear tries to come in like a tidal wave, God can calm the storm. Fear does not have to rule you, dominate or torment you, God has given you authority, through the Blood of Christ to rule, dominate and tread on fear’s head. Fear can attract defeat. The threat of fear and it’s taunting impact can magnify itself above your situation. Fear looms. It attempts to boast itself over your head like a tidal wave – waiting to crash and crush you by its weight and destructive force. It’s up to you to embrace God’s Peace or accept defeat – choose the former. God can cause the storm to cease. He can cause the waves to be at peace. When fear rises, read and apply God’s Word Daily and He will give you peace beyond understanding. He is Peace. “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:7. Amen.

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October 30, 2017 at 7:18 am

Thanks for your encouragement I request you to pray for me financial breakthrough, permanent job and debts God bless.

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February 11, 2018 at 10:53 am

I have been thought lot i have lost 3 people of my family and my hasban and family member put me down all the time i pray every day asking bigging the lord to help me i pray not to lose myfaith it very hard. For i can not work and i need a financial help .i tri to be a good person help whin needed i am in need and help to allways put god first in my life please help me find a way. O lord.

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April 2, 2018 at 7:19 am

I can understand trials went trough 2 bad ones, but what I leard was the first one made me stronger for the next one and if we do not teel what we went through how is anyone to learn from

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May 12, 2018 at 6:52 am

I’m so glad that I have found this side….so please pray for me as my life is going through many trials n temptation n tough time ….I don’t know what to do but I will trust in God

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July 30, 2018 at 2:18 pm

Please pray with and for me for the Lord to fix a situation. Without disclosing too many personal details, it involves caring for a disabled family member and all of the burdens that have gone with it. Life feels like a merry go round of insanity, and I want to get off. Please pray for God’s wisdom, guidance, discernment and favor as I face another mountain. Life has been mountain after mountain. I need green pastures to lay down in.

Thank you. In Jesus name, God bless

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April 17, 2024 at 11:29 pm

I will pray for you. I recently lost my dad to Parkinson’s in December of 2023. I actually lost my job while I was on protected leave. Prior to that I took care of my dad and worked a full time job. It was very challenging especially toward the end when he wanted me Tobe next to him 24/7. I LOST MYSELF. Lost my hair. Lost my job. And almost lost my mind. What you are going through is extremely hard and I will pray for you. Just know GOD CHOSE YOU and you will be rewarded later in life for your sacrifice. If you need someone to vent to please reach out! God bless you.

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January 13, 2019 at 4:37 pm

God is Good all the time and am 100% sure he can’t allow us to be tempted beyond our strength for sure am going through a very hard time in life than anyone else .but am sure God will fight for me all the battles

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February 23, 2019 at 11:53 pm

Please pray for me to have more faith. I struggle with depression and just want to quite.

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July 30, 2019 at 1:22 am

I have gone through a divorce for 4 years and was married for 29 years, and I am here to help strengthen those who have or are going through this. Satan comes to seek,kill and destroy what God has put together. Remember that God is the Potter and we are the clay, our ex’s know what good we have and i say this because when you love like you’ve NEVER been hurt is when God sees you left it in his hands. Of you lean on to your understanding you will fail. I learned that when you pray and pray for a certain situation, God sees you didn’t have faith the first time you asked him for help cause you would of believed the first time you asked. I pray daily waiting for God’s answer and I believe he makes the broken strong and I landed in the hospital, for a self inflicted stab wound, a blood clot,amd now 3weeks with a jead hemorrhage, the devil will give you those punches to take you out but you be strong in Jesus name and he will renew your strength. I had many good times with my ex-wife but satan has a slithering mind to try and sidetrack you. I pray for the world and myself so god can do wonders in your life, I went through things like, cocaine, drinking, anger and that is what Satan wants, bit strong and of good courage, when satan wants your family to see and use your past against you remind him of his future. God bless you all and God is the finisher of all.

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May 5, 2020 at 3:09 am

You need it more than ever in tough times, so never get distracted and believe in God with all heart.

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March 23, 2024 at 3:58 am

Super helpful during a difficult night. Thanks to you and all those who commented. Hoping for all of us to have the faith we need every single time the bad stuff knocks on the door and enters with out our consent.

April 17, 2024 at 11:22 pm

I need prayer. I was laid off from job in December 2023 and have been having difficulty finding employment. Each month goes by and I tell myself it’s just not the right time, not my time,but HIS timing. Patience is wearing thin but I still manage to hold on to the faith a breakthrough is coming; I feel it. I need prayer that doubt will not overcome me. Thank you!

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5 Tips for Stronger Faith while Facing Times of Crisis

Picture of 5 Tips for Stronger Faith while Facing Times of Crisis

"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness." Yet sometimes, when the world seems to be in crisis all around you, resting in the Lord seems nearly impossible. With worldwide pandemics, civil unrest, and violence on every news headline today, how can you turn your focus to the Lord and find your hope in Him? In the wake of COVID, you may find that your stress and anxiety levels are higher than normal. How should you respond?

 As a believer, you have practical tools you can use to get help when you need it. Here are five steps to take to keep your faith strong, even in times of crisis. Whether the crisis is a global one or simply the stress of managing your college experience, these practical steps will help you get through the storm with your faith intact.

  • Pray (Build Your Faith)

As a believer, your ultimate hope relies not in the people and circumstances around you, but rather in the God who is above it all. Prayer is one of the most powerful resources we have, yet it's one we tend to ignore. During crises, prayer is vital.

Sometimes, especially when facing serious issues, you may feel as though you have no words left. That's not a problem for God. Remember, Romans 8:26 says that the Holy Spirit makes intercession on behalf of us. When you don't even know how to pray, pray what is on your heart, and know that you have an intercessor who is standing in the wings for you.

When you feel trapped with the same prayer day after day, ask your intercessor to help. Find prayers in the scripture and pray those on your own behalf. Praying will build your faith and help you to keep your eyes focused on the Lord, even in times of crisis.

  • Meditate (Calm Your Stress)

Meditation is powerful, especially for the Christian. Meditation is not some whimsical clearing of your mind. It is rather a spiritual discipline when you close out the world around you and focus your mind and heart on prayer and Bible study. It is taking the time to reflect on God's attributes and interactions in the world, based on what you learn in Scripture. It is thinking deeply about the truths you are learning in your own Bible study.

So how do you do this? Find a quiet place with your Bible and a notebook and pen. Acknowledge God's presence and choose to focus your mind on Scripture. Practice memorizing a passage or studying it in depth using commentary. Use the time to copy a favorite passage into a notebook. Think deeply about a small passage and how it applies to what you are dealing with in life. Clear your mind of other cares and concerns while you are practicing meditation.

  • Talk to Someone (Family or Professional)

Times of crisis are extremely taxing on you emotionally and spiritually. Sometimes, you are going to need someone else to help you sort out what you are feeling and experiencing. It is OK, even as a Christian, to look for help.

Talking to someone else can help you prioritize your life. It can help you determine what's important and vital to your faith, and what is not. You may find a trusted family member, such as your parent or sibling, can help you sort out your thoughts and feelings. A pastor may be the right person to turn to.

Sometimes, if your anxiety and feelings of turmoil are extremely high, you need professional counseling. There is no shame for a Christian in protecting your mental health by getting professional counseling or therapy.

  • Read Your Bible (Calm Your Anxiety)

When the news around you feels overwhelming, turn it off and grab your Bible. The Bible is the ultimate source of comfort, especially in a troubled world. The Psalms, where King David cried out to the Lord over and over, can be especially calming.

As you immerse yourself in God's word, you will find your anxieties start to calm. The more familiar you become with the Scripture, the less worried you feel about what is going on around you. Yes, there are times when the world feels like it is in crisis, but ultimately as a Christian, you know where to find hope.

  • Stay Active (Exercise)

Taking care of your physical body can actually improve your spiritual and mental health. Exercising releases endorphins, which are the "feel good" hormones that boost your mood. In times of crisis, you can exercise regularly to work through your feelings.

When it comes to exercise, choose something you enjoy doing that gets the heart pumping. You don't have to go to the gym, though that's always a nice option if you want to work out with others. Simply strap on your running shoes and go for a walk or a jog. You will find that your mind and heart clear and you're ready to tackle the next crisis after you get a little exercise.

Next Steps for You

We live in a world that is challenging. Sometimes it can feel like we are simply waiting for the next crisis. As a Christian, your hope should be in the Lord, not in the world around you. So, what are the next steps?

When you're feeling overcome by the amount of suffering around you, turn your eyes up. Evaluate your spiritual health, and make sure you are spending time in God's word to ground yourself and put your focus where it needs to be. Take care of your physical health as well, and don't be afraid to get professional counseling if it's needed. Soon you will find that you're able to weather the challenges of today's life with peace and hope because your hope comes from outside this world.

If you’d like to learn more about keeping your faith during times of trouble or want to learn more about a biblically-based,  Christ-centered education at Geneva , we’d love to chat with you. For more information on how  Geneva College  can help you pursue your education goals, please phone us at 855-979-5563 or email [email protected].

Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

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You are here, recent articles, from the series: luke previous page | next page, lesson 36: what to do when life gets stormy (luke 8:22-25).

One of the most awful experiences of my life occurred when I was in the Coast Guard. Sixty mile-per-hour gale-force winds were churning up 20-30 foot seas and we had to rescue a man and his daughter whose sailboat was dead in the water somewhere beyond Catalina Island. Our 82-foot cutter would roll until the screws came out of the water and green water came over the above-deck porthole. I would think, “We’re going over this time!” Then, we would roll the other direction. Sometimes we would crash head on into a gigantic wave and the whole boat would shudder as if it was going to come apart at the seams.

I tried to calm my fears by thinking, “You never read about the Coast Guard losing any boats in storms, so maybe we won’t go down.” I was so seasick that when I wasn’t afraid that we would die, I wished that I could. It took us nine hours from the time we left Long Beach until we had the sailboat safely in Avalon harbor.

Storms aren’t fun, either at sea or in real life. Yet we learn lessons through storms that we never would learn if life were always calm. The Christian faith is not just to get us to heaven when we die. It teaches us how to live in the here and now, especially when life gets stormy. Luke 8:22-25 relates the miracle of Jesus calming the storm at sea as the first of a series of miracles that culminate in Peter’s confession (9:20). These miracles have much to teach us (as they taught the disciples) about who Jesus is and what that means to us in the trials of life. This miracle shows us that …

Since Jesus is Lord over all, we must trust Him in the storms of life.

At the end of this brief story, the disciples remark with awe, “Who then is this, that He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him?” That is the question Luke wants us to consider: “Who then is this?” The clear answer is,

1. Jesus is Lord over all.

In the beginning, Jesus spoke and created the universe. Thus it was no big deal for Him to speak to the wind and waves of His creation and have them obey Him. Yet for the disciples, who were still growing in their awareness of who Jesus is, it was an amazing miracle. We all know that Jesus is Lord and we can repeat the phrase easily. But we often do not really know Him as Lord in the practical, daily situations we encounter. So the Lord often does for us what He did for the disciples:

A. The Lord led them into this storm.

Jesus said, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” Did He know what He was getting them into? Surely He did. He knows all things and so He knew they would encounter this storm. Although the disciples were veteran fishermen who knew this lake, they probably didn’t anticipate the storm. The Sea of Galilee is about 13 miles long and 7 miles wide. It sits in a depression that is almost 700 feet below sea level, surrounded by mountains that rise to about 2,000 feet above sea level on the eastern side. When winds funnel down those hills, it can create sudden, violent storms. It was one of those unexpected storms that hit that evening—unexpected to the disciples, but not to the Lord Jesus. It must have been quite a storm, because even these seasoned fishermen feared for their lives. But even though it was so terrible, the sovereign Lord led them directly into it!

When serious trials hit, I often hear people say, “The Lord didn’t cause this trial; He only allowed it.” Somehow they think that they are getting God off the hook. Sometimes they will even say, “Satan, not God, caused this tragedy.” They think that by blaming Satan or by saying that God only allowed it, they preserve His love. But they do so at the expense of His sovereignty.

But the Bible clearly affirms that God is both loving and sovereign. You will not derive any comfort in trials by denying God’s sovereignty. True, God may use Satan to bring trials, as He did in the case of Job. But God clearly states, “I am the Lord, and there is no other, the One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the Lord who does all these” (Isa. 45:6b-7). You will find comfort in trials only if you affirm both God’s absolute sovereignty and His unfailing love. Note several features of life’s storms as seen in this storm:

          Storms hit suddenly and without warning.

When we lived in California, we woke up to a news station. Sometimes their morning traffic report would mention a fatal accident and I would think, “That guy left home this morning to go to work, never thinking that he had just minutes to live. His family perhaps said a perfunctory good-bye, never imagining that they would never talk to him again.” Life’s storms are like that: Right now everything is smooth sailing. In a matter of hours, without warning, you’re in the middle of a crisis.

Such a storm not only tests and develops your character; it reveals it. Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, was talking to a young missionary who was about to start work in China. “Look at this,” he said. He pounded his fist on the table. The tea cups jumped, and the tea spilled. While the startled young man was wondering what was going on, Taylor said, “When you begin your work, you will be buffeted in numerous ways. The trials will be like blows. Remember, these blows will bring out only what is in you.”

So the time to develop resources to face the sudden storms that inevitably will strike is before they hit. If you don’t spend time with the Lord in the calm of life, you won’t know how to trust Him in the storms.

          Storms hit believers.

This storm hit those with Christ in their boat as well as those without Christ in their boat. Mark 4:36 records that other boats were with them. If this were a fairy tale, we might read that when the storm arose, the other boats were swamped, but the boat with Christ in it sailed as smooth as glass. The fact is, Christians are not magically exempted from the storms of life. Just because you’re in Jesus’ boat doesn’t mean that it’s going to be smooth sailing. Christians are not exempt from trials.

Some think, “Yes, that’s true. But I’m serving Christ.” They think that being committed earns them special protection from storms. But observe:

          Storms hit obedient believers who are serving Christ.

In fact, this storm did not hit the disciples because they had been disobedient but, rather, because they had been obedient! Jesus said, “Let’s go over to the other side” (8:22). These men, who had committed their lives to serve Christ, obeyed. And He led them straight into a storm! And in the same way, obediently serving Christ may place you smack-dab in the middle of storms you would have avoided if you had stayed on the shore.

I have often found that the most severe times of testing have come right after I have taken a new step of obedience. Just after Marla and I returned to Dallas so that I could complete my seminary training, we were mugged at gunpoint and I had to get four stitches in my hand. While my hand was still bandaged, I slipped in the mud and cut my other hand on a thermos I was carrying. We also encountered several other trials around the same time. Shortly after we moved to California to begin in the pastorate, our six-month-old daughter, Christa, had to be hospitalized with a congenital hip problem that meant being in a body cast for two months and wearing a leg brace for several years. The very day we decided to move to Flagstaff, we learned about a major problem with our house that entailed months of difficulties. Shortly after I began here I had to deal with some major problems in the church that resulted in a lot of turmoil. The point is, being obedient to the Lord does not exempt you from storms; it often leads you right into storms! Not only did the Lord lead the disciples into this storm. Note what happened next:

B. The Lord checked out and seemed to leave them alone in the storm.

This is the only incident in the Bible that mentions Jesus sleeping, and what a time to fall asleep! It would be one thing if Jesus had said, “Men, a storm is coming. Peter, you stay on the helm! John, make sure that sail is secure! James, get that gear tied down!” If Jesus had been actively involved, giving orders, telling them, “Hang in there, guys, we’re going to make it,” the storm would have been difficult, but bearable. But just when they needed Jesus’ calm leadership and assurance, where was He? Sacked out in the back of the boat, oblivious to their dire need!

Have you ever felt like that in the midst of a trial? You get into it and it seems as if the Lord checked out and left you all alone! You’re bailing like crazy, but the waves are winning. You’re about to go under, and you wonder, where is the Lord?

C. In reality, the Lord was with them in the storm.

He’s always there, even though sometimes it seems as if He’s not. But often He waits until we are at our wit’s end so that we sense how great our need really is. But even before the disciples called on Him, Jesus was there with them in the boat, going through the storm with them. He has promised, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you” (Heb. 13:5). As Paul triumphantly affirms, no trial can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom. 8:38-39).

I love the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who obeyed the Lord and found themselves in a storm of a different sort, thrown into Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace. As he peered into the flames, Nebuchadnezzar was astounded and said to his officials, “Was it not three men we cast bound into the midst of the fire?” They answered, “Certainly, O king.” He replied, “Look! I see four men loosed and walking about in the midst of the fire without harm, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods!” (Dan. 3:24-25). I believe the fourth man was the Lord Jesus. He didn’t leave those faithful men alone in their trial, but went and stood with them in the flames.

Whenever you’re in a storm, even though you may think at first that the Lord is not there, He is there! The first thing we must do in the storms of life is to affirm that Jesus is Lord, even over the storms. Then,

2. We must trust Jesus the Lord in the storms of life.

This lesson comes through with Jesus’ question, “Where is your faith?” (8:25). If there is ever a time when it seems as if panic would be legitimate, it’s when you’re in a major storm and your boat is being swamped. And yet Jesus rebuked not only the storm, but also the disciples’ lack of faith! The fact is,

A. Storms often expose how we are not trusting in the Lord.

We all can fake it in calm waters. We can impress others with how together we seem to be. And, the disciples could cope with normal storms quite well. They had been in storms on this lake many other times. They were experts at handling their boat in rough waters. At first they probably thought, “No problem, we can handle it.” But this storm brought them to the end of themselves and showed them how they were trusting in themselves. Often, a crisis shows us a side of ourselves we were blind to. The Lord uses it to reveal new areas where we need to learn to trust Him. We all must come to know our weakness so that we will rely on the Lord’s strength. Storms often show us things that we don’t see in calmer times:

          Storms reveal our distorted view of the problem.

The disciples excitedly cried, “Master, Master, we are peris h ing!” They thought they all were going to drown. But wait a minute! Who was on board with them? God’s promised Messiah! To think that God’s long-awaited Messianic kingdom could sink to the bottom of the Sea of Galilee was absurd! But in their panic, the disciples had a distorted view of the problem.

Not all fear is wrong, but Jesus rebuked the disciples because their fear was excessive. Some fear is useful because it leads us to take prudent caution for our safety. Sometimes fear makes us spring into immediate action to save our own lives or the life of a loved one who is in danger. But fear is excessive and wrong when it causes us to panic so that we are not thinking carefully in light of God’s promises. If we’re so focused on the problem that we cannot see God’s control over it, then we’re not trusting Him.

          Storms reveal our distorted view of ourselves.

“Master, Master, we are perishing!” That “we” probably included Jesus, but I’m not sure that He was their uppermost concern. They weren’t saying, “Hey, guys, if we don’t get out of this storm, the Messiah will die!” First and foremost they were fearing for their own lives.

Storms have a way of exposing our self-focus. We can put on a front of caring about others until we realize that it’s going to cost us. Suddenly, it’s every man for himself! Self-pity is another sure sign that we have a distorted view of ourselves. Any time we’re feeling sorry for ourselves, we’re too focused on ourselves. We need to stop and get the big picture of what God is doing.

          Storms reveal our distorted view of the Lord Jesus.

The disciples ask in awe, “Who then is this?” (8:25). That was their problem—they really didn’t realize who Jesus is. If they had known, they would not have been so amazed at what happened. They underestimated His power.

We do the same thing when we panic in a crisis. We try to solve our problem by figuring everything into the equation—except the supernatural power of Christ. Our distorted view of the problem and of ourselves clouds our vision so that we fail to see the marvelous person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Although Luke does not mention it, Mark’s account tells us that the disciples (I would guess, Peter) also said, “Lord, don’t You care that we’re perishing?” In a time of severe trial, it’s easy to doubt the Lord’s loving care for us. That’s why, by faith, we must always affirm two things in our trials: God’s sovereignty and His love (1 Pet. 5:6-7).

Thus we often think that we’re trusting in the Lord until a storm hits. It reveals to us how we’re not really trusting Him.

B. Storms should drive us to trust in the Lord of the storm.

The disciples may have protested, “We were trusting in the Lord! We called to Him for help!” But they were not really calling to Jesus in faith or He wouldn’t have rebuked them by asking, “Where is your faith?” What they needed most in this dire situation was to trust in the living God.

That’s also what we need most in our trials. Sad to say, trusting God has fallen on hard times. Many “Christian” psychologists scoff at pastors who tell people that they need to trust God, as if that is worthless advice. But trusting God in a crisis is not useless advice! It is what has sustained the saints in many horrible trials down through the centuries. If you don’t know how to trust God in the storms of life, you need to learn because we are commanded to walk by faith and to be built up in faith (Col. 2:6-7).

          The better we know the Lord, the better we can trust Him.

“Who then is this?” is the crucial question. Clearly, this Jesus is fully human. He had a body that got so exhausted that He could sleep in the midst of this storm. The full humanity of Jesus Christ should be of tremendous comfort to us when we are suffering from the limitations of our bodies. “We do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin” (Heb. 4:15).

But not only is our Lord fully human, He is also fully divine. He merely had to speak the word and the howling winds ceased and the surging waves were instantly as smooth as glass. Just as Jesus’ full humanity encourages us because He understands, so His full deity should encourage us because He is powerful to act on our behalf. Nothing is too difficult for the living God. Not a breath of wind or a drop of water can defy His sovereign will. The better we know Him, the better we can trust Him in our trials.

          The bigger the storm, the more the Lord will be glorified when we trust Him.

We need always to keep in mind that the chief end of man is not to use God for our own happiness, but to glorify God no matter what happens to us. This storm revealed the glory of Christ in a way that would have been hidden had it not happened. The disciples got a glimpse of His majestic power, that “He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him.” The bigger the problem, the more our almighty Lord will be glorified when we trust Him.

Corrie Ten Boom, author of The Hiding Place and survivor of the German concentration camps, said that people often came up to her and said, “Corrie, my, what a great faith you have.” She would smile and respond, “No, it’s what a great God I have.” Our faith in trials should point people toward our great God.

          The more we trust Him in this storm, the more we will know Him and be able to trust Him in the next storm.

The winds and the water obey Jesus without question, but we always have a choice. Sadly, we often fail to obey and trust Him. But notice that first the disciples feared the storm; then, they feared the Lord. Their fear of the storm was due to their lack of faith. Their fear of the Lord stemmed from their new awareness of His awesome power.

Faith in the Lord is not an automatic thing. It is something that we must choose to exercise, often in the face of overwhelming circumstances that seem to scream at us, “God doesn’t care about you. He doesn’t even exist or you wouldn’t be in this trial.” Faith sometimes must go back to previous situations where God has shown Himself faithful and say, “I rest there.” Often we have to go back to the history recorded in Scripture, where we read of God’s faithfulness to His people in horribly difficult situations. If you actively trust the Lord Jesus in your current trial, your faith will be strengthened to trust Him in the next storm.

I’ve heard Bible teachers say, “With Christ in the boat, you can smile at the storm.” Certainly there is a sense in which that’s true. But I don’t want to give you an overly rosy picture. We need to face squarely the fact that sometimes Jesus doesn’t calm the storm. Sometimes the boat does sink, even if we’re trusting in Jesus. John the Baptist wasn’t delivered from prison; he lost his head. Peter was miraculously delivered from prison, but James was put to death (Acts 12:1-17). So what should we do if we trust in the Lord, but the boat sinks? The miracle doesn’t come.

The answer is, “We trust in the Lord Jesus as we go under. We go down singing the doxology.” John Hus was burned at the stake for his faith, but he went out singing. Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer were burned at the stake together. As the fires were lit, Latimer cried out, “Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man. We shall this day light such a candle by God’s grace in England as I trust shall never be put out!” Hudson Taylor lost his beloved wife Maria as they both sought to take the gospel to inland China. But he stood at her grave and sang, “Jesus, I am resting, resting, in the joy of what Thou art; I am finding out the greatness of Thy loving heart.”

Do you know Jesus in that way? If not, don’t wait until the storm hits. Seek Him now! Trust Him as your Savior, your only hope for heaven. Trust Him daily in the small problems you face. Then, whether He instantly calms the storm or whether your boat sinks, you will know peace that the world can’t know, the peace that comes from trusting in Jesus, the Lord over all of life’s storms.

Discussion Questions

  • Since the world is watching when storms hit us, to what extent can we show our grief? Should we fake that we are calm?
  • A child is molested and murdered; a critic asks, “How can God be both sovereign and loving?” Your answer?
  • What has helped you fight feelings of self-pity in a time of trial?
  • Why is “Trust in the Lord” not worthless advice?

Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 1998, All Rights Reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation

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How to Trust God, Even in Difficult Times

  • God is Faithful , Trust

essay about keeping the faith in the midst of problems

Life is not predictable. There are ups and downs along the way. Many of us want to trust God. When times are good, it can feel easier. But when times feel difficult, it is even more important to trust God. God’s unchanging character can give us a firm foundation when things feel unsteady and uncertain.

Life can be going along smoothly for a season. Your job is satisfying. Your friends and family are enjoyable. Your goals, finances, health and outlook seem bright. Then, all of a sudden, life throws a curveball. Someone you know gets sick. You lose your job. A friend or family member betrays you. The things you felt secure in all of a sudden feel shaky and uncertain.

How do you trust that God is good in these circumstances? How do you trust Him when you do not understand what is happening? When you cannot see a resolution? These are valid questions, and God wants to help you navigate them.

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What Does It Mean to Trust God?

To trust is to believe in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of something. So, when it comes to trusting God, that means believing in His reliability, His Word, His ability and His strength. The Bible says that God cannot lie. That He always keeps His promises. That He loves you and has good in store for you. Trusting in Him means believing what He says about Himself, about the world and about you is true.

Trusting God is more than a feeling; it’s a choice to have faith in what He says even when your feelings or circumstances would have you believe something different. Your feelings and circumstances matter and are very much worth paying attention to. God cares about them both. But those things alone are not reliable enough to base your life on. They can change at any moment, even in an instant. God, on the other hand, does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and therefore is worthy of your trust.

Trusting God is not about ignoring your feelings or reality. It is not pretending that everything is OK when it isn’t. Trusting God is living a life of belief in and obedience to God even when it’s difficult.

How to Trust God

Now that you know what it means to trust God, how exactly can you do that in your everyday life?

If you trust someone, you feel comfortable being honest with them about anything. God is much more reliable than even your most trustworthy friend. When things feel difficult, He doesn’t ask you to keep those feelings to yourself.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7, New International Version)
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book. (Psalm 56:8, New Living Translation)

Because God loves you, you can show your trust in Him by talking about all your feelings and circumstances with Him — the good and hard — through prayer . Don’t let your emotions rule your life; bring them to God so He can help you address them. He is not disappointed or frustrated by your struggles, doubts or pain. He cares about you, and you can trust Him with those things.

When you trust, you go to God and His word when life is hard. You also act on obedience (doing what God says in His Word) and trust that He will ultimately take care of the rest. In trust, you do not look for security in other things; you look to God to hold you securely in difficult circumstances. You won’t do this perfectly, but God is kind and patient with you while you learn to trust Him.

“My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” He said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.”
Going a little farther, He fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from Him. “Abba, Father,” He said, “everything is possible for You. Take this cup from Me. Yet not what I will, but what You will.” (Mark 14:34-36, NIV)

Jesus Himself felt overwhelmed by what was before Him, and He went straight to His Father.

He cares for your hurts. He pays attention. How comforting it is to know that the God of the universe is also paying attention to you. Knowing that God is for you will strengthen your trust in Him during times of hardship and the unknown.

Here are seven practical ways to trust God in your everyday life:

1. Seek Truth in Scripture

Scripture, or the Bible, is God’s Word. God knows you need somewhere to go when you feel unsure. That place is His Word. It is unchanging and completely trustworthy.

The Bible records ways God has responded in difficult times in the past. It reminds you that He is trustworthy whatever your circumstances. Many people in Scripture even reference other parts of Scripture to encourage themselves and those around them.

The truth of Scripture frees you from the expectations of earning your salvation (John 8:32). It also frees you from the unrealistic scenarios that you run to in worry. If you don’t run to the Word to remind you of truth in difficult times, it is easier for you to be led into lies about your life and who God is.

You need a strong foundation of Scripture to stand on, especially when you feel uncertain. The Bible is God’s unfailing, unchanging Word. You can cling to its truth when life throws you a curveball.

2. Confess Unbelief

Be honest. Allow God to remind you who He is and what He promises, and then be honest with Him. You can tell God how you feel and in what areas of your life you are struggling to trust Him.

First, it is good to acknowledge that His character is good and trustworthy. You can agree with Him that all He says is true. You can also tell Him when it’s difficult for you to believe.

According to Mark 9, a man brought his son to Jesus for healing from being possessed by a demon. He asked Jesus to heal him “if you can.” Jesus asked the man if he did not believe that Jesus could heal, and this was his reply.

Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24, NIV)

He believed, but it was a difficult thing to believe. So He asked for help.

It is one thing to know the truth. But it is sometimes hard to believe it when life takes unexpected turns. You’re human. You’re able to confess to God when your feelings and beliefs are not lining up with His Truth. You can ask Him to help you believe what He says is true.

This helps you accept that God is bigger than you could ever understand. Confession helps you to humble yourself and allows you to grow in trust. He hears your requests and answers them. He wants to help you grow your faith.

3. Share Your Concerns With Your Community

You are not facing these difficult times alone. The Lord is walking with you every step of the way. He also gives you other believers to walk with.

Paul was a follower of Jesus and a leader in the early church. He shared this with a fellow believer as encouragement.

I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. (Philemon 1:6, NIV)

Paul reminded his friend that partnership is important and helps us have a greater understanding of God and His plan.

When you are struggling, share those concerns with another follower of Jesus whom you trust — someone you know is pursuing a relationship with God regularly and who knows God’s Word. You do not have to share struggles with everyone, but find those people who will encourage you and share the truth with you — not just tell you what you want to hear.

Fellow believers can remind you of God’s character through encouragement and accountability. They can pray for and support you. They can remind you of the truth when you’re struggling. Community reminds you that you are never alone, even in hard times.

4. Remember God and Spend Time With Him

God is bigger than your circumstances. Difficult times may feel like they last forever, but they are temporary. God is present amid the bad times as well as the good. He is always faithful.

God wants you to go to Him with your circumstances. He also wants you to come to Him simply to spend time with Him. You should not let your circumstances shape your relationship with God. God can shape your view of your circumstances.

Spend regular time with God. Establishing a consistent time with the Lord when things feel good will help you to continue to go to Him when things feel rough. If you have not established that, it is never too late to start.

Read His Word. Spend time in prayer acknowledging who He is. Meet with other believers and set your eyes on things that are bigger than your circumstances. Serve those around you. These simple practices will help you see God outside of difficult things, which will establish trust in your heart that He will move in your circumstances.

5. Look for Things to Be Grateful For

Difficult circumstances feel all-consuming at times. It is really hard to see past them to other good things going on. But God’s grace is in all things. In your waking up. In a sunny day. In a call from a friend. He is in all of it.

But those good times often get overshadowed by other more complicated things going on. In the face of those difficulties, God shares His will for you and how you should respond to them.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV)

God calls you to give thanks. He is always working in your life and in the world. In the moments when everything appears to be falling apart, it can be hard to see how the Good Father is at work, but know His mercy is consistent.

Giving thanks fights the lie that everything is horrible. Even in tragic circumstances, there will be light and grace. God is present and is making Himself known. You need only to look. Trust grows as you look for God’s presence in what feels dark and heavy. He never leaves.

6. Walk in the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit lives in anyone who trusts in Jesus. The Holy Spirit is your constant helper, pointing you to Jesus.

When Jesus was telling His followers that He was going to be killed, He knew that they would be worried. They would feel scared about being left alone. So He shared this with them to give them comfort.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (John 14:26, NIV)

The Spirit comforts and reminds you of the truth. The Spirit will also lead you in obedience. He will bring direction to you.

A common struggle in difficult times is feelings of helplessness and worry about an unknown future. The leading of the Spirit can ease struggles by guiding you to acts of obedience. He does not always give you the big picture, but He will show you the next step.

Walking closely with the Spirit will not only give you direction but will remind you that you are not alone. God is not distant. He is with you in difficulty. He is making a way for you.

Go to “How Do I Hear God’s Voice?” to learn more about how to follow the Spirit’s leading.

7. Wait on the Lord

The Holy Spirit will lead you to what you should do. Sometimes what you need to do is wait. Faithfully continue to seek the Lord, but wait on His timing. Wait on Him to act on your behalf. Wait on Him to do what you cannot do yourself.

In the book of Isaiah, God responds to the Israelites who thought that God had turned away from them. He reminds them that He does not sleep or take a break. He always sees them and is always working for their good.

They who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31, English Standard Version)

He will help you wait with endurance. Waiting on the Lord reminds you that you are not in control. Thank goodness! He is bigger than any of your circumstances. He will sustain you and grow your faith in the waiting.

God is never neglecting your life. If He seems to be silent , remember His promise that He is always hearing your prayers and responding.

When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. (Psalm 34:17, ESV)  

When Trust Falters

God is trustworthy even when you don’t see your prayers answered or problems solved right away. Life is unpredictable and difficult at times, and that difficulty may persist for longer than you had hoped. It may even bring you to the end of your strength. So, what do you do then?

Wait, trust and remember that God loves you. You can trust Him to sustain you, provide for you and be with you even in the midst of your hardship. Jesus guaranteed His followers that they would face hard times (John 16:33), but He promised that He would always be with them (Matthew 28:20).

God is completely trustworthy, but He does not ask you to trust Him blindly. He wants you to learn to trust Him as you get to know Him. You can get to know God through personal time with Him and through His Word. Spend time exploring aspects of His trustworthiness in verses of Scripture.

In the book of Romans, one of the early followers of Jesus, Paul, writes to believers about the present life. He reminds them that this life will have hardship and that our bodies will fail, but God is still working for our good.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28, NIV)

In times of doubt, remember His promises. Remember who He has always been. Even in doubt and uncertainty, if you keep going to Him, He will continually show Himself to be trustworthy.

If you struggle with why God allows difficulty, read the article “Why Does God Allow Suffering?”

For more resources on trusting God, check out:

  • “Trusting God in the Unknown”
  • “21 Bible Verses on Trusting God”

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My Faith Is What's Helping Me Get Through This Pandemic

Why would God allow the coronavirus to happen? Here's how I found my answer.

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I don’t know how long I’ll have your attention before you swipe or scroll to something else. So I’ll get straight to the point, because as we all attempt to social distance in the middle of one of the largest pandemics the world has ever seen, our tender hearts and fragile minds need this now more than ever:

I know, I know. Faith is a word that might feel cliché to some—a word that appears on charming rustic home decor and within inspirational quotes on Pinterest. But now more than ever, faith is the reliable constant I cling to as I wake up every morning deeply concerned about my daughter, my loved ones, and the fate of the world. And I’m not alone.

In Cartersville, Georgia last week, hundreds gathered around a local hospital to pray for COVID-19 patients fighting for their lives, as well as the medical staff on the front lines. In Brazil, residents in quarantine went viral for singing a hymn from their balconies. And millions around the globe are logging on to attend church virtually; my own church in New Jersey reports viewership has jumped over 2,000 percent since social distancing began.

Of course, many are arguing that it isn’t faith, but science, that we need right now. And to that I say: Why can’t we have more of both ? Billy Abungu, M.D., an internal medicine doctor based in the Bronx, New York, agrees that faith and science do not have to function as polar opposites.

“When a patient sits in my examination room with the high likelihood that they might be the next casualty of this disease, I feel a duty to offer some measure of encouragement, while respecting their faith—and many are open,” says Abungu. “Cases like that offer me the opportunity to speak beyond medical diagnoses in the traditional sense. You would have to search far and wide to find even the harshest faith skeptic who would turn down an opportunity for a moment of prayer, especially now.”

15 percent of individuals who rarely or never pray say they have turned to prayer as a way to cope.

According to a recent study from the Pew Research Center , Americans have indeed shifted their religious habits in response to this pandemic; 55 percent of adults studied report praying for the virus to stop spreading. But even more notably, 15 percent of individuals who rarely or never pray say they have turned to prayer as a way to cope, while 24 percent of Americans who don’t associate with any religion admit to doing the same.

The fact that more and more of us are turning to God right now isn’t all that surprising. Dr. Timothy Keller , the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan and a New York Times best-selling author, says that historically during times of chaos, many have turned to faith, even if we don’t quite understand the reasoning.

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“We do not know what God’s reason for allowing a particular sickness is, but we know what it isn’t— it isn’t that He doesn’t love us,” says Keller, who is also the co-founder and chairman of Redeemer City to City , which trains leaders to start churches in global cities. “In faith, it all comes down to whether or not we trust God. And the best proof of His love and trustworthiness is the price He himself paid to rescue us from suffering and death.”

Okay, so my faith leads me to believe that God loves me, which means He cares. And because He cares, I can find comfort in my belief that somehow, He’s present during every second of this crisis; that none of us are in this alone. Still, that doesn’t magically make all the discomfort we’re all feeling go away—or explain why this is happening in the first place.

Here’s where I should explain that I didn’t always believe in what–or Who–I couldn’t see.

"I had a religious routine at best, but never a true personal relationship with God."

Growing up, the main reason I used to tag along with my grandma to our local Catholic church in the Bronx was because of the guarantee that afterwards, we’d take a trip to the Kingsbridge Donut Shop. While I did enjoy the reverence in that ornate stained-glass cathedral, identifying as Catholic was more because of my Latina family’s traditions than a decision I thoughtfully made. I had a religious routine at best, but never a true personal relationship with God; my knowledge of the Bible was stored in the same mental compartment as folktales and Greek mythology.

It wasn’t until after I graduated from college that I experienced a heart transformation that led me to think more about that word: faith. Over a macaroni and cheese dinner, a friend casually offered this suggestion as I agonized over my seemingly insurmountable student loan debt: “Give it to God.”

Last time I checked, I couldn’t call Sallie Mae and say “Hi, you will no longer receive payments from me, because Jesus paid it all.” But that’s not what she meant. Instead, she was suggesting an invitation to experience God right where I was: Scared, anxious, and unsure of my future. (Sound familiar to anyone right now?) So in defiance of the skeptical voice inside of me, I visited her non-denominational Christian church—and as simple as that, I began to slowly warm up to the concept of faith.

But my transition didn’t happen overnight. In the beginning, I would get wasted at the club on a Saturday night, then go to church Sunday morning. For years, much of my identity was still focused on my relationship status, career, or appearance, rather than God. Fast forward a decade later, and now, I’m probably the least likely person you’d envision as a pastor’s wife. In fact, I even have a tattoo—one of many—on my right forearm that says “No Apologies”—an ode to my once reckless lifestyle.

"Somehow, this will become a breeding ground for beautiful outcomes that would not have otherwise taken shape."

Now, in 2020—amidst a pandemic—those words take on a new meaning as I unapologetically put my trust in God. If there’s one thing my faith has taught me, it’s that this isn’t the first crisis our society has encountered—and that in this and the many that have come before it, God has always been present.

“Among all the great religions of the world, Christianity uniquely declares that the Creator God of the universe did not stay away from the chaos and suffering of life on earth,” Keller says. “He was born as a mortal and knew weakness hunger, injustice, torture, and death—all in order to atone for sin.”

Still, there’s no “oops” in the economy of God, as my husband Lionel often says. So if God is powerful and all-knowing, many of us are wondering right now: Why would He allow this pandemic to occur ?

“It’s impossible for the human mind to fully grasp divine reasoning,” says Priscilla Shirer , Bible teacher and author of Fervent . “Even though hindsight will sometimes provide a window of clarity about difficult times, we will often be left without any sure understanding of why bad things happen–especially when they happen to good people.”

She adds that even if we mere mortals never fully comprehend God’s plans for us, there is one sure thing we can cling to: If God allows something, there is a reason...even for something as horrific as the coronavirus. “It will not have been in vain,” Shirer says. “Somehow, this will become a breeding ground for beautiful outcomes that would not have otherwise taken shape.”

Some of those outcomes might be already taking shape. Social distancing and more time at home has meant families are creating memories they wouldn’t have otherwise, whether it’s by shared meals, group TikToK challenges , or tackling academic course loads. (Teachers really should be paid more, huh?) Beyond that, with so many people staying home, both crime rates and pollution have decreased. Not to mention, as Shirer adds, “Many people are already taking advantage of the opportunity to realign priorities, rediscover lost passions, adjust misplaced perspectives, and rebuild relationships that have been neglected in the business of everyday life.”

Still, even with those silver linings, true faith is much easier said than done—for myself included. During this pandemic, I had to cancel my daughter’s first birthday party (which would have had an epic "Oh, The Places She Will Go!" Dr. Seuss-inspired theme, by the way), along with the California getaway my husband and I had been planning for an entire year. (I was finally going to get some real sleep, y'all!) Now, I’m learning an intricate new dance of what it’s like to be a public school teacher working from home with both my baby and husband all day. Add to that the fact that any time my husband leaves the house, I offer a dramatic goodbye as if he’s going off for war—before he returns for a Lysol-drenched homecoming.

But what is this list of woes compared to those who have lost a loved one to the coronavirus, or had to shut down a business, or lost their sense of safety because “coughing while asian” can be a bait for racism ? And how can I balance trudging through my own daily trenches of anxiety while practicing this faith I profess?

“The truth is that none of us knows what we're doing, and admitting that in the presence of God could be the most authentic act of faith we could practice,” says Emily P. Freeman , author of The Next Right Thing and host of The Next Right Thing Podcast . “This is not a time to look too far into the future, or even the next few weeks or months. This is a time to think in terms of moments. Leaning into your faith during this pandemic means asking yourself, ‘What is my next right thing?’ ”

Rich Villodas is the pastor of New Life Fellowship , just five minutes away from Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York, which has been widely-featured on the news as a heartbreaking picture of the outbreak’s devastation and our medical system’s limitations. He points out that—as evident by all of those people tuning in to church via live stream—there’s strength in numbers.

“Faith is not to be a private, isolated conviction we hold on to. It is best deepened in community,” Villodas says. Obviously, social distancing makes that particularly difficult right now, but: “My suggestion to people who want to build their faith is simple. Invite a friend or two to share the troubles of your soul, and pray with each other, trusting that God is near.”

"Even if I cannot see it or fully comprehend it, God is working out all things for a greater good."

For me, my faith also offers peace because of God’s words. Early on in my spiritual journey, I wanted to decide how I viewed the Bible. Was it a tool used to condemn others? A buffet table where I could just take what I wanted, but leave what didn’t taste good? Or was it the Truth from God Himself? I decided that my own belief was the latter.

I’m not here to Bible thump, but to share my own journey to faith: Once I decided where I would hold God’s Scripture in my life—front and center—I began to look at each passage of the Bible differently. Now, that has helped me understand that this novel coronavirus doesn’t get the final say; God does. That even if I cannot see it or fully comprehend it, God is working out all things for a greater good. And it’s possible some things aren’t even meant for me to fully grasp on this side of eternity.

The thing is, we all worship or idolize something. For some, it might not be God or religion at all, but leisure, or financial security, loved ones, health, or career. Whatever your relationship is with faith, I hope I can encourage you to consider that we were made for much more than what this virus can take from us. For me, at least, it’s faith that's holding me together as I rock my daughter to sleep each night, silently praying for a better tomorrow for all of us.

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Headshot of Stephanie L. King

Stephanie L. King has had an obsession with words since she was seven and chronicled her life in a red and blue Bugs Bunny diary. She’s a poet who wrote for The Wall Street Journal and The Patriot News in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, before transitioning careers to become an English Language Arts teacher to talented urban middle schoolers. She’s also the brand new mom to a baby girl named Ella Grace and considers the sweetest fruit of her life her husband, Lionel. The reason for the slob on her pants? Her English bulldog, Ice. She lives in New Jersey, where she’s grateful for parking—but she will always be a New Yorker at heart.

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How Can I Have Faith in Times of Crisis?

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John Piper Twitter @JohnPiper

Don’t devour one another, god decides the future, the emotional roller coaster of bible reading, god rules babylon, how does love fulfill the law, seemingly insignificant providence.

  • Topic: Faith

How can I have faith in times of crisis?

You must cultivate and preserve a confidence in God when you are not in a crisis. If we wait until a crisis comes then we won't have the resources or the depth necessary to maintain our faith well.

Cultivate a deep confidence in the love and power of God day by day. Develop daily disciplines of communion with Christ so that you grow steadily. Grow so that when crisis comes your roots will be sunk deep in grace and the fiber in your tree will be solid. Then you won't be as fragile as so many Christians seem to be when crisis comes.

Good times tend to lull us into sleep and spiritual indifference as though our faith will just take care of itself when the crisis comes, which simply isn't the case. But that is why so many Christians, instead of casting themselves on the Lord with a deep and quiet confidence in the midst of crisis, shake their fists in God's face and say "Where are you?" They haven't come to know that God is sovereign, loving, and caring in the hard times as well as the good.

We must nurture our faith with the full biblical portrait of a God who is sovereign over both evil and good, so that when either one comes our confidence in him will not be shaken.

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  26. How Can I Have Faith in Times of Crisis?

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