CCRN Practice Test

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Take this free CCRN practice test to get a sample of the types of questions on the actual Critical Care Registered Nurse certification exam.

The CCRN exam is a 3 hour exam covering 150 multiple choice questions. The CCRN exams focus on three general populations: adult, pediatric and neonatal patients.  Within the three general populations, the following subject categories are covered: Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Endocrine, Hematology / Immunity, Neurology, Gastrointestinal, Renal, Multisystem, Mental Health and Professional Care and Ethical Practice. Each exam is age specific and a large percentage of each test focuses on clinical judgment. A smaller percentage of each test covers professional caring and ethical practice, which can address any age in the life span, in any of the tests.

For complete practice, check out the CCRN Practice Exam Kit with 750 questions and fully explained answers.  CCRN FAQ's V


Hematology / immunology.

CCRN Practice Exam Kit


Behavior / psychological, multisystem, professional caring and ethical practice.

CCRN Practice Exam

CCRN 101

10 Essential CCRN Practice Questions to Ace Your Certification Exam

Looking to conquer the CCRN exam? Your success hinges on practice, and quality CCRN Practice Questions can be your secret weapon.

This article distills critical concepts into targeted practice scenarios, giving you an effective tool for mastering the essentials of critical care nursing.

Prepare to elevate your knowledge and confidence, one question at a time.

1. Understanding the CCRN Exam Structure

2. cardiovascular critical care questions, 3. pulmonary care questions for the ccrn, 4. neurological patient management questions, 5. endocrine and renal issues practice questions, 6. gastrointestinal system critical care questions, 7. multisystem problems and practice questions, 8. pharmacology and medication management questions, 9. ethical and moral scenarios in critical care, 10. exam strategies and time management tips, ccrn practice questions: adult ccrn exam eligibility, how to study for the adult ccrn exam, ccrn practice questions: faqs.

Before diving into the ocean of CCRN practice questions, let’s take a moment to navigate the waters of the exam structure. The CCRN exam is a comprehensive assessment tailored for nurses who wish to specialize in critical care, and it’s vital to understand that this isn’t just any test—it’s a gauntlet designed to challenge and validate your expertise.

  • Exam Format: Prepare yourself for 150 multiple-choice questions that will test your prowess in clinical judgment and critical thinking.
  • Time Allotment: You’re given three hours to complete the exam, making time management a skill just as crucial as any other.
  • Content Categories: The questions are curated across various spheres of critical care, each aiming to probe different aspects of your knowledge base.

Remember, the CCRN exam is not just about memorization; it’s about application. Each question is an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to make sound decisions in pressure-cooker situations—a day in the life of a critical care nurse. Develop familiarity with the exam’s structure by making practice questions a staple in your study diet.

When it comes to the heart of the matter—literally—cardiovascular care is a pivotal component of the CCRN exam. This is where your pulse quickens as you apply your proficiency to questions that get to the heart of critical care nursing.

  • Hemodynamics: Expect scenarios testing your understanding of blood pressure management and cardiac output.
  • Cardiac Events: Myocardial infarction care steps and dysrhythmia interpretations will test your emergency response acumen.
  • Vascular Disorders: Questions may include management principles for conditions such as deep vein thrombosis or aneurysms.

Let’s face it, acing these questions requires more than a passing knowledge—it requires precision that comes only from practice. So, ensure your study plan includes a hefty dose of cardio-centric CCRN practice questions to fortify your preparation.

In the realm of pulmonary care, you’ll need to breathe deeply and focus on the details. The CCRN exam assesses your ability to manage respiratory distress, understand gas exchange, and ventilate your patients both literally and figuratively.

  • Ventilation Methods: Be prepared to answer questions on mechanical ventilation settings and indications.
  • Respiratory Distress: Prescription of appropriate interventions for conditions like ARDS and asthma is a must.
  • Oxygenation Assessment: Interpreting blood gases and recognizing signs of hypoxemia will be among the challenges ahead.

Inhale the knowledge, but remember to exhale the stress. Use targeted practice questions to sharpen your skills—just think of it as ‘respiration for your education.’

Your neural pathways must be just as sharp as the needles you wield. The neurological patient management section of the CCRN exam explores your understanding of the brain and nervous system’s impact on critical care.

  • Mental Status Assessment: Be proficient in evaluating levels of consciousness and changes in cognitive function.
  • Neurological Emergencies: Rapid recognition and intervention in events like seizures or strokes can be life-saving.

Your ability to handle these scenarios with both compassion and competence is what makes you an exceptional critical care nurse. Diving into dedicated resources and including neuro-focused CCRN practice questions in your study blueprint is non-negotiable.

Disturbances in the endocrine and renal systems can cascade into critical scenarios before you can say ‘dialysis.’ That’s why the CCRN exam includes questions designed to filter out anything but the most knowledgeable nursing candidates.

  • Electrolyte Imbalances: Can you identify and correct issues such as hyperkalemia or hyponatremia?
  • Renal Replacement Therapies: What about selecting and managing appropriate renal replacement modalities?
  • Endocrine Crises: The ability to manage and mitigate diabetic ketoacidosis or adrenal crises will be under scrutiny as well.

This isn’t just textbook trivia—it’s the real-life drama you’ll confront in the critical care unit. There’s no sugar-coating it: You need to be equipped with both knowledge and experience, which comes from tackling tough CCRN practice questions that sharpen your critical thinking skills.

It’s easy to get tied-up in knots over gastrointestinal issues, which are complex and often messy—literally. Within the CCRN exam, expect questions that make you probe the depths of your understanding.

  • Liver Failure: Recognition and management of hepatic encephalopathy, for instance, will require your sharp intellect.
  • Gastrointestinal Bleeding: You must demonstrate how you would stabilize a patient with acute upper GI bleeding.
  • Nutrition Support: Critical care also involves decisions about enteral and parenteral nutrition for the critically ill.

Remember, knowledge of the GI system isn’t just about following your gut – it’s about making informed, life-saving decisions that are second nature because of your meticulous study and practice.

The reality of critical care is that it rarely involves single-system issues. The multisystem component of the CCRN exam mirrors the complexity of the patients you will encounter—individuals with problems just as intertwined as the systems within their bodies.

  • The Sepsis Conundrum: Recognizing and managing this systemic response to infection is a primary challenge.
  • Trauma Management: From initial assessment to stabilization, you’ll need to be adept at handling myriad traumatic injuries.
  • Interdependencies: Demonstrate your understanding of how failing one system can impact others, from renal function during heart failure to respiratory compromise in sepsis.

Imagine yourself in the thick of a critical scenario: Your decision at that moment is the result of countless hours tackling various CCRN practice questions. Each question you’ve practiced is a thread in the safety net you’re weaving for your future patients—and for your professional confidence.

As a critical care nurse, your role extends to being an astute pharmacologist. CCRN Practice Questions will challenge your mastery over a complex array of medications. These questions require a perfect blend of precision and prudence—attributes that are second nature to a seasoned critical care nurse.

  • Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Understand the journey of a drug through the body and its biochemical effects.
  • Medication Calculations: Accuracy here is non-negotiable. Expect questions that verify your dosage calculations are flawless.
  • Adverse Effects and Drug Interactions: Recognize signs of adverse reactions and manage potential drug-to-drug interactions.

Brush up on these principles through study resources, and remember, every practice question is a chance to refine your skills. Let the pharmacology and medication management knowledge seep into every fabric of your nursing prowess.

Ethical dilemmas in critical care often come without a precedent, and the CCRN exam will not hesitate to present you with such moral quandaries. The questions aren’t merely there to trip you up—they’re sculpted to gauge your judgment and your resolve to uphold the nursing code of ethics.

  • Patient Autonomy: Learn to balance patient choice with clinical judgment.
  • End-of-Life Care: Navigate these sensitive scenarios with empathy and understanding of palliative care principles.
  • Allocation of Resources: You may face questions that test your ability to make tough calls in resource-limited settings.

When you engage with these multifaceted CCRN practice scenarios, focus on the layers beneath the obvious choice. It’s about calibrating your moral compass to the standards of critical care excellence.

The final sprint towards CCRN certification is about more than knowing the content; it’s about how you play the game. Every minute and every question counts, so approach your CCRN practice questions with these strategies.

  • Understand the Question: Take a moment to break down the scenario.
  • Eliminate Obvious Wrongs: Narrow down your choices by discarding implausible options.
  • Time Allocation: Distribute your exam time wisely to allow attention to all questions.

Invest your study hours in practice questions that simulate the real deal, and remember, a calm mind solves more problems than a rushed one.

Are you ready to take the leap towards CCRN certification? First, let’s ensure you have everything lined up for eligibility.

  • Licensure Requirement: You must hold a current, unencumbered RN or APRN license—absolutely no exceptions.
  • Clinical Practice Hours: A specific number of hours in direct care of acutely/critically ill patients are necessary.

Check out the full list of requirements , and if all boxes are ticked—forge ahead!

To cross the threshold into critical care certification, an earnest study ritual layered with ample CCRN practice questions will go a long way. Hone your exam readiness with these focused efforts.

  • Tailored Study Plan: Your study plan should be as unique as your learning style—adapt it to your strengths.
  • Identify Weak Spots: Use practice questions to unearth areas needing more review.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: There’s no substitute for the real application of knowledge.

Find solace in the fact that countless resources, such as the comprehensive CCRN review , are there to support your study journey.

You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers. Let’s dispel some of the cloudiness surrounding the CCRN exam.

  • How Do I Register? The process is online, streamlined for easy access.
  • What’s the Passing Score? It’s not a set number—scoring is statistically based.

For a full list of FAQs, consider referring to the official sources for the latest and most accurate information.

Whether you’re a seasoned RN or freshly entering the critical care arena, the journey to CCRN certification is a formidable one. These CCRN practice questions aren’t just stepping stones; they’re the building blocks of your expertise in a field where knowledge equals patient survival.

Revisit these questions often, for they’re not just queries—they’re snapshots of the lives you’ll touch and the challenges you’ll overcome as a certified critical care nurse.

Career Employer Test Prep

Free CCRN Practice Test 2024 – 220 Critical Care Nurses Qs

Table of Contents

At the beginning of this page, there’s a button granting complete access to the Adult Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) practice test. Directly beneath it, you’ll find access to an extensive practice test designed for an in-depth review. These tests are vital for showcasing your abilities, identifying areas needing improvement, and honing your study approach.

To further bolster your preparation, especially in areas needing extra focus, we have designed specialized quizzes. These are meticulously tailored to cover specific sections of the CEN exam, offering a focused and effective study session.

Adult Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) Domain Exams

The Adult Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) exam is a specialized test designed for nurses who provide direct care to acutely/critically ill adult patients. The CCRN certification is offered by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) and signifies that a nurse has attained a certain level of expertise in this area. The exam tests the knowledge required to care for patients with acute, severe, and life-threatening conditions. It is structured around specific domains of care, reflecting a comprehensive scope of acute/critical care nursing practice. 

Below is a breakdown of the exam domains:

Domain 1: Cardiovascular

  • Percentage of Exam: 17%
  • Focus: Topics include understanding cardiovascular disorders, interventions, monitoring, and pharmacology.

Welcome to your CCRN Domain 1: Cardiovascular


Time is Up!


Domain 2: Respiratory

  • Percentage of Exam: 15%
  • Focus: Covers respiratory system assessments, diseases, interventions, and mechanical ventilation management.

Welcome to your CCRN Domain 2: Respiratory

Domain 3: Endocrine/Hematology/Gastrointestinal/Renal/Integumentary

  • Percentage of Exam: 20%
  • Focus: This domain integrates multiple systems, focusing on the pathophysiology, management, and treatment of conditions affecting these bodily systems.

Welcome to your CCRN Domain 3: Endocrine/Hematology/Gastrointestinal/Renal/Integumentary

Domain 4: Musculoskeletal/Neurological/Psychosocial

  • Percentage of Exam: 14%
  • Focus: Encompasses care for patients with musculoskeletal, and neurological disorders, and the psychological/social aspects of acute and critical care.

Welcome to your CCRN Domain 4: Musculoskeletal/Neurological/Psychosocial

Domain 5: Multisystem

  • Focus: Addresses complex multi-system issues, shock states, and organ dysfunction syndromes.

Welcome to your CCRN Domain 5: Multisystem

Domain 6: Professional Caring and Ethical Practice

  • Focus: This domain focuses on the nurse’s role in advocacy, ethical practices, collaboration, systems thinking, and clinical inquiry.

Welcome to your CCRN Domain 6: Professional Caring and Ethical Practice

Cardiovascular17%Topics include understanding cardiovascular disorders, interventions, monitoring, and pharmacology.
Respiratory15%Covers respiratory system assessments, diseases, interventions, and mechanical ventilation management.
Endocrine / Hematology / Gastrointestinal / Renal / Integumentary20%This domain integrates multiple systems, focusing on the pathophysiology, management, and treatment of conditions affecting these bodily systems.
Musculoskeletal / Neurological / Psychosocial14%Encompasses care for patients with musculoskeletal, and neurological disorders, and the psychological/social aspects of acute and critical care.
Multisystem14%Addresses complex multi-system issues, shock states, and organ dysfunction syndromes.
Professional Caring and Ethical Practice20%This domain focuses on the nurse’s role in advocacy, ethical practices, collaboration, systems thinking, and clinical inquiry.

Exam Details:

  • Total Questions: 150 (125 scored + 25 unscored pretest questions)
  • Exam Duration: 3 hours
  • Format: Multiple-choice, computer-based test
  • Eligibility: Candidates must meet clinical practice requirements, typically having worked a certain number of hours in direct care of acutely/critically ill adult patients.

Additional Important Information:

  • Preparation: AACN provides a variety of resources to help candidates prepare, including review courses, practice tests, and comprehensive study guides.
  • Validity: CCRN certification is valid for three years. Recertification requires meeting continuing education requirements or retaking the exam.
  • Impact: Achieving CCRN certification is an acknowledgment of the nurse’s expertise in critical care and can enhance job prospects, professional credibility, and personal satisfaction.

Adult Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) Exam Breakdown

The Adult Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) exam is a specialized certification designed for nurses who provide direct care to acutely/critically ill adult patients. Administered by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), the CCRN certification is recognized as a significant credential that denotes expertise in the field of critical care nursing. The exam covers a broad range of topics necessary for the care of critically ill patients, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrine, hematology/immunology, neurological, gastrointestinal, renal, and multisystem issues, as well as behavioral and psychological issues.

Exam Breakdown:

  • Eligibility Requirements: Candidates must meet certain clinical practice requirements, typically involving a specific number of hours of direct care to critically ill patients.
  • Clinical Judgment (80% of the exam): Covers the care of adult patients in areas such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrine, etc.
  • Professional Caring and Ethical Practice (20% of the exam): Focuses on advocacy, moral agency, caring practices, collaboration, systems thinking, response to diversity, clinical inquiry, and facilitation of learning.
  • Format and Length: The CCRN exam is a computer-based test consisting of 150 multiple-choice questions, with 125 scored questions and 25 unscored pretest questions. Candidates have three hours to complete the exam.
  • Review Courses: AACN offers review courses and workshops, both in-person and online, to help candidates prepare.
  • Practice Exams: Practice exams are available to simulate the test-taking experience.
  • Textbooks and Study Guides: A variety of textbooks and study guides tailored to the CCRN exam content are available.
  • Online Resources: AACN’s website provides a wealth of resources, including exam handbooks, detailed content outlines, and test-taking strategies.

Achieving the CCRN certification is a testament to a nurse’s commitment, expertise, and specialized knowledge in the field of critical care nursing. It not only enhances professional credibility but also may lead to improved job prospects, higher salaries, and greater responsibilities within the healthcare setting.

How to Become CCRN Certified

critical care nursing practice questions

To become certified as an Adult Critical Care Nurse (CCRN), you must go through a process managed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), which is the body responsible for the certification. Here’s a step-by-step guide to obtaining your CCRN certification, including the types of resources and links where you can find further information:

1. Meet the Eligibility Requirements

The AACN has specific eligibility requirements for CCRN certification. These typically include:

  • Licensure: You must hold a current, unencumbered U.S. RN or APRN license.
  • Practice Hours: You must have completed a certain number of hours of direct care to critically ill adult patients, usually within the last two years. The exact number of hours can vary, so it’s important to check the latest requirements on the AACN website.

2. Prepare for the Exam

  • Study Materials: The AACN offers a variety of study materials, including review courses, textbooks, and practice questions. Investing in a comprehensive study guide that covers the exam content outline is crucial.
  • Review Courses: Consider taking a review course offered by the AACN or other reputable providers. These courses can be found online or in person and are designed to help you understand the breadth of knowledge required for the exam.

3. Apply for the Exam

  • Application: You can apply for the CCRN exam through the AACN website. There is a fee to take the exam, so make sure you are fully prepared before you apply.

4. Schedule and Take the Exam

  • Scheduling: Once your application is accepted, you will receive information on how to schedule your exam. The CCRN exam is offered at various testing centers throughout the year.
  • Examination: The exam itself is computer-based and consists of multiple-choice questions that cover a wide range of topics related to adult critical care.

5. Maintain Your Certification: 

  • Renewal: CCRN certification is valid for three years. To renew your certification, you must meet the continuing education requirements or retake and pass the exam. The AACN provides guidelines on how to maintain your certification.

Our Experience Teaching CCRN Candidates To Pass The Exam

At Career Employer, developing our Adult Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) practice tests has been a remarkable endeavor, marked by significant achievements and challenges alike. Motivated by the exam’s broad spectrum of topics, our goal was to cater to the unique requirements of our learners.

We have carefully crafted our approach to ensure that every student is fully equipped to excel in the exam. Our commitment to providing a comprehensive educational experience shines through in the detailed and wide-ranging content of our practice materials, highlighting our dedication to our students’ success.

Teaching Adult Critical Care Nurses (CCRN) certification is a fulfilling yet challenging endeavor from a lecturer’s perspective. The CCRN certification, offered by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), is designed for nurses working at the bedside of acutely/critically ill patients. As an educator, the goal is not only to cover the extensive material required for the certification but also to ensure that the nurses can apply this knowledge practically, enhancing patient care quality.

Key Perspectives

  • Comprehensive Understanding: Educators need to have a deep and broad understanding of critical care nursing, including patient care, ethical considerations, and the latest evidence-based practices. It’s essential to stay updated with the latest research and guidelines to pass this knowledge effectively to the students.
  • Curriculum Development: Developing a curriculum that covers all the necessary content areas for the CCRN exam, such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrine, and more, is crucial. This involves selecting appropriate study materials, case studies, and simulation exercises that reflect real-world critical care scenarios.
  • Engagement Strategies: Adult learners have different learning styles and commitments outside the classroom. Lecturers need to employ various teaching strategies, such as interactive lectures, group discussions, and hands-on practice, to keep students engaged and accommodate their learning needs.
  • Evaluation and Feedback: Continuous assessment through quizzes, simulations, and practice exams is vital to gauge the learners’ understanding and readiness for the certification exam. Constructive feedback helps identify areas needing improvement, fostering a supportive learning environment.
  • Support and Encouragement: Preparing for the CCRN certification can be stressful for nurses. Educators play a crucial role in providing emotional support, encouragement, and guidance throughout the preparation process. This includes advising on study plans, stress management techniques, and test-taking strategies.

Teaching Resources

  • AACN (American Association of Critical-Care Nurses): The primary resource for CCRN certification information, including exam content outline, eligibility criteria, and application process. AACN Website
  • CCRN Review Courses: Many organizations and institutions offer review courses designed to prepare nurses for the CCRN exam. These courses can be found through a simple search or directly on educational websites related to critical care nursing.
  • Practice Exams and Study Guides: Resources like the AACN’s review materials, practice exams, and study guides specifically designed for the CCRN exam are invaluable. They help identify weak areas and familiarize candidates with the exam format.
  • Professional Journals and Articles: Subscribing to or accessing professional journals such as the “Critical Care Nurse” and “American Journal of Critical Care” provides insights into the latest best practices and research in critical care nursing.
  • Peer Study Groups: Encouraging the formation of study groups among the candidates can facilitate peer learning and support, making the preparation process more interactive and less isolating.

Educators teaching CCRN certification courses must blend their expertise in critical care nursing with effective teaching strategies to guide their students toward success. The role involves not just imparting knowledge but also inspiring confidence and competence in future critical care nurses.

At Career Employer, our Adult Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) certification practice tests represent the pinnacle of a dedicated effort by a team of experts, each bringing a wealth of knowledge and extensive experience in preparing candidates for the CCRN exam. Their deep understanding has successfully guided over 1000 critical care nurses to achieve their CCRN certifications, focusing specifically on the nuanced demands of medical assistants.

Our team consists of experienced professionals, each with a minimum of ten years of specialized expertise in critical care nursing. This guarantees that our practice materials are not only crafted by the foremost authorities in the field but are also supremely effective in equipping candidates for success in their certification pursuits. Our unwavering dedication to quality ensures that those who use our resources are thoroughly prepared and confident in achieving their certification objectives.

Effective Study Strategies and Methods

To effectively prepare for the Adult Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) exam, a comprehensive approach involving various resources and strategies is recommended. Here are some effective study strategies and resources:

  • Understand the Test Plan: Familiarize yourself with the exam blueprint or test plan, which outlines the content areas and their weight on the exam. Concentrate on Clinical Judgment and Professional Caring and Ethical Practice components. The AACN provides a detailed test plan in the Exam Handbook on their official website​.
  • Utilize Free Study Guides: Websites like Union Test Prep offer free study guides for different sections of the CCRN exam. These guides can help you review key concepts and identify areas where you need further study. The guides cover a wide range of topics from cardiovascular care to professional caring and ethical practice​​.
  • Practice with Exam Questions: Engage in regular practice with questions that mimic the style of the CCRN exam. This can help assess your knowledge, identify strengths, and uncover areas for further study. AACN’s online CCRN Practice Exam and Questions provide a realistic exam-day experience with practice questions and rationales​​.
  • Form a Study Group: Collaborating with peers can enhance your learning experience. Sharing resources, discussing difficult topics, and studying together can build confidence and provide diverse insights into the study material​.
  • Learn from Certified Nurses: Talking to nurses who have already passed the CCRN exam can provide valuable insights and tips. They can share their study strategies, resources they found helpful, and offer guidance on areas to focus on​​.
  • Register for the Exam: Committing to an exam date can serve as a powerful motivator to structure your study plan and keep you on track. As shared by a nurse who passed the CCRN exam, registering for the exam forces you to set a deadline and work towards it​​.
  • Prioritize Key Areas: Focus more on the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, as they constitute a significant portion of the exam. Understanding hemodynamics, ABGs, vent settings, and being familiar with pharmacology essentials are crucial for success​.
  • Review Ethical Practices: Do not underestimate the importance of Professional Caring and Ethical Practices. This section may not directly relate to clinical knowledge but is a substantial part of the exam, covering ethical dilemmas, unit policies, and literature​.
  • Use Recommended Resources: Resources like Nicole Kupchik’s Ace the CCRN practice questions and Laura Gasparis’s videos are highly recommended by those who have successfully passed the exam. These resources can provide clarity on complex topics and offer practical tips for exam preparation​​.
Exam Fees for AACN MembersUSD 230
Exam Fees for Non-membersUSD 335
Membership BenefitsDiscounts, access to educational resources
Free Preparation ResourcesPractice tests, lessons, flashcards, study guides
Paid Review CoursesPrices range from USD 90 to USD 269
Eligibility RequirementsUnencumbered RN/APRN license, clinical practice hours
Certification BenefitsExpertise validation, job opportunities, salary increases

The Adult Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) exam costs vary depending on whether you are a member of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). For AACN members, the exam fee is USD 230, while non-members must pay USD 335. This information suggests there’s a significant discount for AACN members, highlighting the benefit of membership beyond the reduced exam cost, including access to continuing education and critical care journals​​.

  • AACN Members: USD 230.
  • Non-members: USD 335​.
  • Membership in AACN offers additional benefits, including discounted exam fees​.
  • Free resources are available including practice tests, lessons, flashcards, and study guides.
  • Comprehensive online courses, like those offered by Mometrix, cover a wide range of topics from clinical judgment areas to specific assessments​.
  • Nicole Kupchik’s review courses, praised for engaging delivery and effectiveness, are available in various formats with prices ranging from about USD 90 to USD 269​.
  • Current, unencumbered RN or APRN license required.
  • Two options for meeting clinical practice hours, focusing on direct care of critically ill patients​.
  • Validates expertise in critical care nursing.
  • Potentially leads to better job opportunities and salary increases.
  • Many organizations offer incentives for CCRN-certified nurses​.

This format provides a concise overview of the key points related to the CCRN exam costs and preparation, highlighting the financial aspects, available resources, eligibility criteria, and the benefits of obtaining the certification.

Reliable Study Materials and Resources

Preparing for the Adult Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) certification exam can be a comprehensive process, but there are several high-quality resources available online that cater to a variety of learning preferences, from comprehensive review courses to free study guides and practice questions. Here’s a summary of some of the best resources you can utilize:

  • AACN’s Adult CCRN Certification Review Course: This in-depth preparation course is designed to support acute/critical care nurses on their certification journey, offering knowledge, strategies, and tools to confidently prepare for the exam. The course features a flexible, modular format tailored to individual learning needs, covering critical clinical and professional practice topics addressed in the CCRN Adult certification exams. More details can be found on the AACN website​​.
  • Union Test Prep’s Free Study Guide: If you’re looking for a no-cost resource, Union Test Prep provides free study guides for the CCRN test to review crucial concepts and help you focus your studies on areas of need. They also offer practice questions and flashcards for each section. This could be a valuable resource for those beginning their study journey or looking to supplement other materials​.
  • Pocket Prep’s AACN CCRN (Adult) Exam Prep: For those who prefer mobile study aids, Pocket Prep offers an exam prep app with 1000 study questions, detailed explanations, and personalized practice quizzes. It’s designed to help identify your weak spots and turn them into strengths with various quiz types, including timed quizzes and mock exams​.
  •’s CCRN/PCCN Certification Review Course: This self-paced online course reviews critical knowledge needed to deal with severe conditions encountered as a critical care nurse. It covers various essential topics and includes a certification review practice test, helping you earn contact hours in the process​.
  • Nicole Kupchik’s CCRN Review Courses: Lastly, Nicole Kupchik offers CCRN review courses both in-person and on-demand online. Her courses are known for explaining concepts in an easy-to-understand manner using stories, mnemonics, and rhymes. The on-demand online course or the study guide and practice review question book bundle can be a great investment.

Each of these resources offers a unique approach to preparing for the CCRN certification exam. Depending on your learning style, schedule, and budget, you might find one or a combination of these resources to be particularly helpful.

Tips for Exam Day

  • AACN’s Adult CCRN Certification Review Course: This in-depth preparation course is designed to support acute/critical care nurses on their certification journey, offering knowledge, strategies, and tools to confidently prepare for the exam. The course features a flexible, modular format tailored to individual learning needs, covering critical clinical and professional practice topics addressed in the CCRN Adult certification exams. More details can be found on the AACN website.
  • Union Test Prep’s Free Study Guide: If you’re looking for a no-cost resource, Union Test Prep provides free study guides for the CCRN test to review crucial concepts and help you focus your studies on areas of need. They also offer practice questions and flashcards for each section. This could be a valuable resource for those beginning their study journey or looking to supplement other materials​​.
  • Pocket Prep’s AACN CCRN (Adult) Exam Prep: For those who prefer mobile study aids, Pocket Prep offers an exam prep app with 1000 study questions, detailed explanations, and personalized practice quizzes. It’s designed to help identify your weak spots and turn them into strengths with various quiz types, including timed quizzes and mock exams​​.
  •’s CCRN/PCCN Certification Review Course: This self-paced online course reviews the critical knowledge needed to deal with severe conditions encountered as a critical care nurse. It covers various essential topics and includes a certification review practice test, helping you earn contact hours in the process​.
  • Nicole Kupchik’s CCRN Review Courses: Lastly, Nicole Kupchik offers CCRN review courses both in-person and on-demand online. Her courses are known for explaining concepts in an easy-to-understand manner using stories, mnemonics, and rhymes. The on-demand online course or the study guide and practice review question book bundle can be a great investment​.

Post-Exam: Next Steps

After passing the Adult Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) exam, there are several steps and strategies you can pursue to advance your nursing career and continue your professional development.

  • Engage in Continuous Learning: The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) offers various educational resources and courses, such as the Essentials of Critical Care Orientation (ECCO) and the ECCO Course Syllabus. These courses cover a wide range of critical care topics, including team competence, evidence-based practice, cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders, neurologic, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine, hematological, and multisystem disorders. They are designed to help nurses improve their knowledge and skills in critical care nursing, ensuring they can provide the highest level of care to their patients​​.
  • Renew Your Certification: Keeping your certification current is crucial. The AACN provides guidelines and resources for renewing your certification, ensuring you stay updated with the latest practices in critical care nursing​.
  • Pursue Advanced Certifications or Specializations: Consider pursuing further specializations or certifications that can enhance your expertise and career opportunities. For instance, you can explore becoming a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) in areas like adult gerontology, Pediatric, or Neonatal care. Achieving these certifications demonstrates a high level of competence and can lead to advanced practice roles​.
  • Join Professional Networks: Participate in professional communities and forums related to critical care nursing. These platforms offer valuable networking opportunities, share best practices, and stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the field.
  • Contribute to Research and Education: With your expertise, you can contribute to nursing education and research, helping to advance the field. This can involve mentoring new nurses, participating in research projects, or developing educational programs and materials.
  • Career Advancement: Use your certification as a stepping stone for career advancement. This could mean taking on leadership roles, such as charge nurse or nurse manager positions, or specializing further in areas of interest within critical care nursing.
  • Stay Informed About Legislative Changes: Keeping abreast of changes in healthcare policy and nursing legislation can help you advocate for your profession and your patients more effectively.

By following these strategies, you can maximize the benefits of your CCRN certification, contribute significantly to your field, and continue to grow professionally.

  • “How to Prepare for the CCRN/CCRN-K/CCRN-E Exam.” American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, .
  • “CCRN Study Guide.” Union Test Prep, .
  • “9 CCRN Exam Tips.” Arkee Blu, 4 July 2019, .
  • Arkee Blu, .
  • “What Is the CCRN Certification and Why You Should Do It?” CCRN Academy, .
  • “CCRN.” Union Test Prep, .
  • “Adult CCRN.” Mometrix University, .
  • “Top CCRN Review Courses.”, .
  • “CCRN (Adult).” American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, .
  • “Adult CCRN Certification Review.” American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, .
  • “AACN CCRN (Adult).” Pocket Prep, .
  • “Adult Critical Care Registered Nurse CCRN Progressive Care Certified Nurse PCCN Certification Review Self-Paced.”, .
  • “How I Passed the CCRN on the First Try.” Reddit, .
  • “Essentials of Critical Care Orientation (ECCO) Course Syllabus.” American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, .
  • “Essentials of Critical Care Orientation.” American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, .
  • “Clinical Nurse Specialist Certification.”, .
  • “CCRN Test Requirements.” Reddit, .
  • “CCRN Exam Tips and Tricks.” YouTube, .
  • “What’s the Adult CCRN Exam Like?” Springer Publishing Company, .

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CCRN Practice Test

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Adult CCRN Practice Test

The Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) is a certification granted by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). Answer the CCRN practice questions below to begin your studies!

The CCRN certification shows that you have the special knowledge required for acute and critical care nursing. More than 95,000 acute and critical care nurses currently carry this certification.

Practice 185 CCRN test questionsQuizlet
Practice 104 CCRN exam questionsQuizlet
Practice 92 CCRN questionsQuizlet
Practice 41 exam questionsQuizlet
Practice 120 CCRN questions in PDF format.CACCN
Starts on page 19 of PDF.Life Bridge Health

Adult CCRN Test Outline

The CCRN exam is split into two sections (clinical judgment and professional caring and ethical practice). The majority of the questions will be in the clinical judgment section.

Quick Facts:

  • Number of Questions: 150
  • Time Limit: 3 Hours
  • 2 Sections: Clinical Judgment (80%) and Professional Caring and Ethical Practice (20%)
  • Other Info: 25 of the 150 Questions are Unscored. Multiple Choice Questions.

Clinical Judgment (80%)

This portion of the exam consists of 5 subtopics:

  • Cardiovascular (17%)
  • Respiratory (15%)
  • Endocrine, Hematology, Gastrointestinal, Renal, Integumentary (20%)
  • Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Psychosocial (14%)
  • Multisystem (14%)

Professional Caring and Ethical Practice (20%)

  • Advocacy/Moral Agency
  • Caring Practices
  • Response to Diversity
  • Facilitation of Learning
  • Collaboration
  • Systems Thinking
  • Clinical Inquiry

An image showing an overview of the Adult CCRN exam

Adult CCRN Requirements

If you would like to sit for the adult CCRN exam, you must have your RN or APRN license. You must also meet 1 of these requirements:

  • An RN or APRN with 1,750 hours caring for acute/critically ill patients in the span of the last two years with 875 of those hours in the previous year.
  • An RN or APRN with 2,000 hours caring for acute/critically ill patients in the span of the last five years with 144 of those hours in the previous year.

If you would like more information about the exam, read the official CCRN handbook .

Registration and Fees

There are two types of first-time certification tests available for people who want to become CCRN certified:

  • Computer-Based Testing
  • Pen-and-Paper Testing

Computer-based testing is offered for nurses in the United States and is easy to register for. You just go online, apply for the exam, pay, schedule the exam, and pick where you would like to take it. Here is the registration link .

Pen-and-paper testing is available through PSI. To apply for this test, you fill out a form and honor statement, pay the application fee, send it to the ACCN, receive the confirmation, and schedule your exam date and site. Here is a link to the different PSI testing centers .

Reference the table below for fees associated with the CCRN exam.

Computer-Based Exam$250$365
Renewal by Exam$175$280

CCRN certification is only granted for three years , so recertification tests are required to ensure the latest practices and continued knowledge are being put into practice as a CCRN. This also has a small application fee.

There will be a passing point/cut score for the exam. This cut score is determined by using a modified Angoff method.

A Score Evaluation Committee (SEC) will review each question and assign a difficulty rating for each question. The SEC will then work with a psychometrician to establish the cut score.

The cut score is currently set at 83 for the adult CCRN exam ( source ).

Studying for the Adult CCRN Exam

To help ease your mind, out of the nearly 16,000 yearly CCRN test takers around 79% of them pass the test and become CCRN certified. So, your chances of passing are good.

In fact, of the 125 practical test questions (not including the 25 statistical questions for the rest of the 150), you only need to get about 83 of them correct.

Here are some tips we recommend when studying for the CCRN exam:

  • Get a Baseline: Answer some CCRN practice questions to get a baseline for where you stand.
  • Use Your Baseline to Develop A Study Plan: Use your baseline to figure out which areas you struggled with the most. This will help you study more efficiently.
  • Pick a Study Method: You should pick a study method that works for you. Some students may choose to self-study, while other students may choose to invest in a prep course or prep book.
  • Give Yourself Enough Time: Do not try and cram for this exam. You will stress yourself out and not learn the material. The CCRN exam is an important exam, and the material you learn will help you in your career as a nurse.
  • Take a Final Exam: Take a simulated exam before you head into the real thing. This will help you become more comfortable with the materials as well as confirm if you are ready for the exam or not.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many questions are on the adult ccrn exam.

There are 150 total questions on the Adult CCRN exam. Of the 150 questions, 125 of them are scored.

What is the time limit for the Adult CCRN exam?

You will be given 3 hours to take the Adult CCRN exam.

What is a passing score for the Adult CCRN exam?

The cut score is currently set at 83 for the Adult CCRN exam.

How much does it cost to take the Adult CCRN exam?

If you are a member, you will pay $250 to take the exam. Nonmember can expect to pay $365.

Does the Adult CCRN exam certification expire?

The certification is good for 3 years. After 3 years, you will need to renew it.

critical care nursing practice questions

  • Authored By: Jan Olson
  • Last Updated November 15, 2023


Certification Practice Exams

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Test Prep Review

CCRN Adult – Critical Care Nursing Adult Exam Review

The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) offers critical care nurses an opportunity to validate their skills and knowledge through certification examination. The Critical Care Nursing Certification (CCRN) is for registered nurses who provide direct patient care to acutely/critically ill adult, pediatric, and neonatal patients.  

There are three specialty topics of the CCRN: Adult CCRN, Pediatric CCRN, and Neonatal CCRN. This article highlights the Adult CCRN examination and the eligibility, design, and delivery of the certification.

CCRN Adult Exam Study Guide and Flashcards

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Eligibility to sit for the CCRN examination includes:

  • An unencumbered and current Registered Nurse (RN) or Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) license; and
  • 1,750 hours in direct care of acutely/critically ill patients in the past two years, with 875 hours of direct care of acutely/critically ill patients the year before the examination application; or
  • 2,000 hours in direct care of acutely/critically ill patients over the past five years, with 875 hours of direct care obtained in the year before the application; and
  • Practice verification by your clinical supervisor or colleague (RN or physician).

Application methods

Paper application.

The paper application is for group registrations, individuals wishing to take the paper and pencil exam, and those who are testing outside of the United States. Complete the registration form found in the CCRN manual, including the application fee, and allow two to three weeks for processing.

Online application

Register online at the AACN website. Complete the registration information and submit the application fee. Your registration is processed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Scheduling of your exam

Successful applicants receive an email confirmation from AACN. Within five to ten days after receipt of the confirmation email, you will receive an approval-to-test postcard and email from the testing service. Follow the directions in the approval to schedule your exam. You have 90 days from receipt of the authorization to schedule your certification with the testing center.

The exam is offered twice a day, Monday through Friday, at over 300 testing facilities nationwide.

The application fee is payable in U.S. funds by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover Card. Check or money order is available for mail-in applications. The application fee is $235.00 for AACN members and $340.00 for non-members.

Online CCRN Adult Prep Course

If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online CCRN Adult Prep Course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The CCRN Adult Course includes:

  • Review Lessons Covering All the Topics
  • 900+ CCRN Adult Practice Questions
  • Over 80 Instructional Videos
  • More than 550 Electronic Flashcards
  • Money-back Guarantee
  • Free Mobile Access

The CCRN Adult Prep Course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their CCRN exam; click below to check it out.

  • CCRN Adult Online Course

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Test design

Based on AACN’s Synergy Model for Patient Care, the exam assesses your ability to integrate your knowledge, skills, and abilities delivering acute/critically ill patient care. Consisting of 150 multiple-choice questions, examined subject matter covers clinical judgment (80%), and professional caring and ethical practice (20%).

The exam assesses your integration of knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience delivering direct pediatric patient care and consists of 150 multiple-choice questions. The test contains questions covering clinical judgment (80%) and professional caring and ethical practice (20%) based on AACN’s Synergy Model for Patient Care.

The clinical judgment content has five sections:

  • Cardiovascular (18%)
  • Pulmonary (17%)
  • Endocrine/Hematology/Gastrointestinal/Renal/Integumentary (20%)
  • Musculoskeletal/Neurology/Psychosocial (13%)
  • Multisystem (14%)

Twenty percent of the exam questions are drawn from the following areas:

  • Advocacy/Moral agency
  • Caring practices
  • Response to diversity
  • Facilitation of learning
  • Collaboration
  • Systems thinking
  • Clinical inquiry

The skills, knowledge, and abilities assessed include your clinical judgment, advocacy/moral agency, caring practices, collaboration, systems thinking, response to diversity, facilitation of learning, and clinical inquiry.

Regardless of the test-delivery method (computer or pen and pencil), you have three hours to complete the exam.

Arrive on time for your testing appointment and leave your personal belongings at home or in your car. Two valid forms of identification are required when you check-in, and you are not allowed to bring anything with you into the testing center.

At your testing station, all materials needed for the exam are provided, and you have an opportunity to take a familiarization pre-test before beginning your exam. After the pre-test, your exam begins.

During the exam, you can annotate questions to review. Try not to spend too much time on each item, so you have time to double-check your work. When you have completed the exam, and you are satisfied with your responses, submit your exam for evaluation, and report to the test proctor for your score report.

Your score report indicates your pass or fail status with information on your performance in each content area. The passing score is determined by a standard that is based on the difficulty of the exam. If you did not pass the exam on your first attempts, you can retake the exam at a discounted rate.

Four weeks after your testing window closes, AACN will mail your certificate.

Preparing for the exam

The Adult Critical Care Nursing Certification identifies you as a care provider with specialized knowledge and experience required to provide acute and critical care to patients at a highly-skilled and experienced level. CCRN certification can lead to increased responsibility, career advancement, and personal satisfaction.

Only 79% of CCRN examinees pass on their first attempt. The exam is comprehensive and intense, and guidance on developing your study plan will help you succeed on your first try. Use Mometrix Test Preparation’s study guide , flashcards , and Online Course , to direct your studies. The study guide, flashcards, and Online Course cover each topic, vocabulary word, and characteristics included in the CCRN exam. A 100% money-back guarantee ensures your satisfaction.

  • CCRN Practice
  • CCRN Pediatric
  • CCRN Neonatal

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Free Adult CCRN® Practice Questions

Test your knowledge with free Adult Critical Care Registered Nurse certification exam practice questions and gauge how prepared you are for exam day, complete with detailed rationales.

critical care nursing practice questions

How to Register for the PCCN Exam

There are two application options for the Progressive Care Certified Nurse (PCCN) examination.

After applying, you will receive a confirmation email stating that you successfully applied. Approximately 5-10 days after the confirmation email is sent, qualifying candidates will receive an approval-to-test email and postcard from AACN’s testing service, PSI/AMP. The email and postcard will include an exam identification number, instructions for scheduling the exam, and a 90-day window for scheduling and taking the exam.

In-person Testing

On the day of your exam, you should arrive at the testing center 15-30 minutes earlier than the scheduled exam time. Arriving later than 15 minutes after the scheduled appointment time will result in your exam being canceled.

Once you arrive, you will need to show a valid, government-issued photo ID. If your ID is invalid or you forget to bring it, you will not be able to take the exam.

Before the exam begins, you will be asked to leave all personal items (cell phone, books, papers, notes, food, jacket, hat, etc.) in your car. You will then be asked for your AACN customer number, and a digital photograph of you will be taken.

You will then be given a practice exam to help you familiarize yourself with the computer system. Once the practice exam is complete, the real exam will begin.

You are permitted to take breaks during the exam, but the timer will not be stopped while you are away.

Live Remote Proctoring

You should log into your AACN account 15-30 minutes before your exam is scheduled to begin. Once you are logged in, the proctor will guide you through the check-in process. You will not be allowed to wear headphones, and you must ensure that your testing area is free from food, your cell phone and other electronic devices, notes, and reference materials.

How the PCCN Exam is Scored

The PCCN exam is scored using a modified version of the Angoff method. This means that AACN panelists are given information such as test results and other panelists’ rating results to determine the cut score. The cut score is a raw number that is based on how the AACN panelists established the difficulty ratings for each question.

To pass the exam, you will need to achieve a cut score of 68.

If you take the computer-based exam, you will receive your score report as soon as you finish the exam. If you take the paper-and-pencil version of the exam, you will receive your score report by mail 6 to 8 weeks after exam day.

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PCCN Online Prep Course

If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online PCCN prep course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The PCCN course includes:

  • 104 Lessons Covering Every Topic
  • 750+ PCCN Practice Questions
  • Over 90 Video Tutorials
  • More than 900 Electronic Flashcards
  • Money-back Guarantee
  • Free Mobile Access

The PCCN prep course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their PCCN exam. Click below to check it out!

Check Out Mometrix's PCCN Flashcards

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How hard is the PCCN exam?

The pass rate for this exam is 67%, so this is considered to be a moderately difficult exam.

How many questions are on the PCCN exam?

There are 125 multiple-choice questions on the exam, 25 of which are unscored.

How long is the PCCN exam?

The time limit for the exam is 2.5 hours.

What is the passing score for the PCCN exam?

To pass the exam, you must achieve a cut score of 68.

How much does the PCCN exam cost?

The examination fee is $250 for AACN members and $365 for non-members.

critical care nursing practice questions

By Kate Nockunas

Kate has been Mometrix’s Nursing and Medical Editor for over four years. She has a bachelor’s degree in Communications from Vanderbilt University, a bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Marymount University, and a master’s degree in Education from Johns Hopkins. Kate is a critical care registered nurse who still works occasionally in the ICU and PACU.

Nursing Certifications – Home

by Mometrix Test Preparation | Last Updated: August 21, 2024

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  • Saturday, September 14, 2024
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Critical Care Nursing Questions and Answers with Rationale

Critical care nursing questions and answers part 1.

1) A nurse has developed a nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance for a client who sustained an inhalation burn injury. Which of the following nursing intervention should include in the plan of care for this client?

a. Monitor oxygen saturation every 4 hrs. b. Encourage coughing and deep breathing every 4 hrs. c. Elevate the head of bed d. Asses respiratory rate and breath sounds every 4 hrs.

2) A client who is involved in a motor vehicle crash presents to the emergency department with severe internal bleeding. The client is severely hypotensive and unresponsive. The nurse anticipates which intravenous solution will most likely be prescribed to increase intravascular volume, replace immediate blood loss and increase blood pressure?

a. 5%D in lactated Ringer’s solution b. 0.33%normal saline c. 0.225%normal saline d. 0.45%normal saline

3) A nurse in the telemetry unit is monitoring a client for cardiac changes indicative of hypokalemia. Which of the following if noted in cardiac monitor, would indicate the presence of hypokalemia? a. Tall, peaked T wave b. ST segment depression c. Widening QRS complex d. Prolonged PR interval

4) A nurse is performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)on a client who has had a cardiac arrest. An automatic external defibrillator is available to treat the client. Which of the following activities will allow the nurse to assess the client’s cardiac rhythm? a. Hold the defibrillator paddles firmly against the chest b. Apply adhesive patch electrodes to the chest and move away from the client c. Apply standard ECG monitoring leads to the client and observe the rhythm d. Connect standard ECG electrodes to a trans telephonic monitor

5) A client who sustained an inhalation injury arrives in ER. On initial assessment the nurse notes that the client is very confused and combative. The nurse determines that the client is most likely experiencing? a. Anxiety b. Fear c. Pain d. Hypoxia

6) A nurse attempts to relieve an airway obstruction on a 3year old conscious child. The nurse performs this maneuver correctly by standing behind the child, placing her arms under the client’s axillae and around the client and positioning her hands to deliver thrusts between. a. Groin and the abdomen b. Umbilicus and the groin c. Lower abdomen and the chest d. Umbilicus and the xiphoid process

7) The ER nurse is monitoring a client who received treatment for a severe asthma attack. The nurse determines that the client’s respiratory status had worsened if which of the following is noted on assessment? a. Diminished breath sounds b. Wheezing during inhalation c. Wheezing during exhalation d. Wheezing throughout the lung fields

8)The nurse is performing CPR on a 7year old child. The nurse delivers how many breaths per minute the child? a. 6 b. 8 c. 10 d. 20

9) A client in cardiogenic shock has a pulmonary artery catheter (Swan-Ganz type) placed. The nurse would interpret which of the following cardiac output (CO)and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) readings as indicating that the client is most unstable?

a. CO 5l/min PCWP low b. CO 2l/min PCWP low c. CO 4l/min PCWP high d. CO 3l/min PCWP high

10)A client is undergoing fluid replacement after burned on 20% of her body 12 hr. ago. The nursing assessment reveals a Blood pressure of 90/50mmHg, Pulse rate of 110b/t, and urine output of 20ml/hr. The nurse reports the findings to the physician and anticipates which of the following prescriptions?

a. Transfusing One packed red blood cells b. Administering a diuretic to increase the urine output c. Increasing the amount of IV Lactated Ringer’s solution d. Changing the IV lactated Ringer’s solution to dextrose in water

11) A nurse is performing an assessment on a client who was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning. Which of the following assessments performed by the nurse would primarily elicit data related to a deterioration of the client’s condition?

a. Skin color b. Apical rate c. Respiratory rate d. Level of consciousness

12)A nurse suspects that a pulmonary embolism has developed in a postpartum client with femoral thrombophlebitis. The immediate nursing action would be to:

a. Monitor vital signs b. Elevate the head of the bed 30 to 40degrees c. Initiate an intravenous line if one is not already in place d. Administer oxygen by face mask as prescribed at 8-10l/min

13)A nurse is planning care for a client with intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring. Which of the following interventions would be contraindicated in the plan of care?

a. Using strict aseptic technique when touching the monitoring system b. Assessing the insertion site for signs and symptoms of infection c. Leveling the transducer at the lowest point of the ear d. Checking all stopcocks and connections for leaks

14) A client with a history of silicosis is admitted to the hospital with respiratory distress and impending respiratory failure. The nurse plans to have which of the following items readily available at the client’s bedside?

a. Chest tube drainage system b. Intubation tray c. Thoracentesis tray d. Crash cart

15) A client in shock is receiving dopamine hydrochloride by intravenous infusion. The nurse should have which of the following medications available for local injection if IV infiltration and medication extravasation occur?

a. Vitamin K b. Phentolamine c. Atropine sulphate d. Protamine sulphate

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  2. CCRN Practice Test (Updated 2024)

    CCRN Practice Test Take this free CCRN practice test to get a sample of the types of questions on the actual Critical Care Registered Nurse certification exam. The CCRN exam is a 3 hour exam covering 150 multiple choice questions. The CCRN exams focus on three general populations: adult, pediatric and neonatal patients.

  3. NCLEX Critical Care Nurse Question Flashcards

    Prepare for the NCLEX exam with Quizlet and learn critical care nursing questions and answers with flashcards.

  4. Critical Care Final Exam Practice Questions

    A nurse is caring for a client who had a traumatic brain injury with increased intracranial pressure. Which healthcare provider prescription should the nurse question?

  5. Critical Care Exam 1 Questions Flashcards

    The nurse is managing the hospice care for the patient (Jill) and her family. Over the next 2 months Jill's physical condition deteriorates and she is unable to get out of bed.

  6. Critical Care Nursing

    Test and improve your knowledge of Critical Care Nursing with fun multiple choice exams you can take online with

  7. 10 Essential CCRN Practice Questions to Ace Your Certification Exam

    CCRN Practice Questions to ace your critical care nursing exam. Master key concepts with our comprehensive prep material and tips.

  8. Free Study Guide for the CCRN (Updated 2024)

    There are many critical care nursing concepts that do not fall neatly in the category of a body system. Instead, these ideas revolve around the care you give overall as a critical care nurse. Use this Professional Caring and Ethical Practice study guide to review how to give professional and ethical nursing care.

  9. How to Prepare for the CCRN Exam

    As your prepare for your exam, AACN's online CCRN Practice Exam and Questions can assist you in assessing your level of knowledge, identifying your strengths and uncovering areas for further study. This subscription-based resource provides a realistic exam-day experience with practice questions written in the style of actual exam questions.

  10. Free CCRN Practice Test 2024

    Prepare for your CCRN exam with our free practice test featuring 220 critical care nursing questions. Ace the CCRN Practice Test today!

  11. Can You Answer These 10 Free CCRN Practice Questions?

    Getting ready to take the Critical Care Nursing Exam? Test your knowledge with these 10 Free CCRN Sample Questions and see if you're prepared!

  12. Free Adult CCRN Practice Tests

    Adult CCRN Practice Test. The Critical Care Nurses Certification (CCRN) is a certification granted by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). Answer the CCRN practice questions below to begin your studies! The CCRN certification shows that you have the special knowledge required for acute and critical care nursing.

  13. Free CCRN® practice questions

    If you liked these free Adult Critical Care Nurse (CCRN®) questions and want to continue your prep for the Adult Critical Care Registered Nurse certification exam, then explore our products below and plan to pass with Springer Publishing Exam Prep.

  14. Test: Critical Care Nursing Practice Exam

    Quiz yourself with questions and answers for Critical Care Nursing Practice Exam, so you can be ready for test day. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material.

  15. Certification Practice Exams

    AACN's new practice exams for CCRN, PCCN, CMC, CSC, ACNPC-AG, ACCNS-AG and ACCNS-P credentials provide the most realistic certification exam preparation available, featuring practice questions that mirror the style of actual exam questions. Designed to meet your individual learning needs, our subscription-based service and easy-to-use ...

  16. Online Critical Care Nursing Practice Tests and Quizzes

    CCU is probably one of the most difficult topics in Nursing. But with our Critical Care Nursing comprehensive quizzes and tests, you'll find it easy to learn.

  17. CCRN Adult

    Based on AACN's Synergy Model for Patient Care, the exam assesses your ability to integrate your knowledge, skills, and abilities delivering acute/critically ill patient care. Consisting of 150 multiple-choice questions, examined subject matter covers clinical judgment (80%), and professional caring and ethical practice (20%).

  18. Ace CCRN Certification: Study Guides

    Test your knowledge with free Adult Critical Care Registered Nurse certification exam practice questions and gauge how prepared you are for exam day, complete with detailed rationales.

  19. Free PCCN Practice Test (updated 2024) PCCN Certification Review

    The Progressive Care Certified Nurse (PCCN) exam is administered by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), which is the largest specialty nursing organization in the world. The PCCN examination tests applicants' knowledge of caring for acutely ill adult patients. Click "Start Test" above to take a free PCCN practice test!

  20. Critical Care: Cardiac Practice Questions

    The nurse in a medical unit is caring for a client with heart failure. The client suddenly develops extreme dyspnea, tachycardia, and lung crackles and the nurse suspects pulmonary edema. The nurse immediately asks another nurse to contact the health care provider and prepares to implement which priority interventions: Select all that apply.

  21. Critical Care Nursing Questions and Answers with Rationale

    Critical Care Nursing Questions and Answers Part 1 1) A nurse has developed a nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance for a client who sustained an inhalation burn injury.

  22. Critical Care Calculation Practice Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Dopamine 400 mg/250 mL to be administered at 5 mcg/kg/min. The client weighs 189 lbs. Calculate rate of infusion in mL/hr., Norepinephrine 8 mg/500 mL NS to be administered at 0.05 mcg/kg/min. The client weighs 205 lbs. Calculate rate of infusion in mL/hr., Propofol 1000mg/100mL to be administered at 15 mcg/kg/min. The client ...