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How to Write an Effective ACT Essay

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By Eric Eng

Students taking an exam.

The ACT essay, also known as the writing portion of the ACT, may seem daunting at first. However, with the correct understanding, planning, and writing techniques, it’s possible to assemble a strong essay. In this guide, we’ll go through each step of the process to help you master the art of ACT Essay writing.

Understanding the ACT Essay Prompt

Understanding the prompt is the first step toward crafting a successful ACT essay. The ACT writing test propels you to analyze and create an argument around a complex issue. To do this effectively, you need to decipher what the essay question is asking of you.

When you receive the ACT essay prompt, it is essential to take the time to carefully read and comprehend it. Pay close attention to the language used and the specific instructions given. This will help you grasp the central theme or topic that the prompt is addressing.

Once you clearly understand the prompt, you can begin to analyze its components. Look for keywords or phrases that indicate the nature of the issue being discussed. These keywords can provide valuable insights into the perspectives you will encounter later in the prompt.

A woman with her things

Decoding the ACT Essay Question

You’ll state a contemporary issue and then three perspectives related to it. Your task is to analyze and evaluate the perspectives, express your viewpoint, and explain the relationship between your philosophy and those given. Getting the hang of this process requires you to break down the prompt and analyze the views critically.

When decoding the ACT essay question, paying attention to the statement regarding the contemporary issue is crucial. This statement sets the stage for the perspectives that follow. Take the time to reflect on the significance of the issue and its relevance in today’s society.

The three perspectives in the prompt offer different viewpoints on the given issue. Each view presents a unique argument or stance; your job is to critically evaluate them. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective, and identify any underlying assumptions or biases that may influence the arguments presented.

Critical Elements of the ACT Essay Prompt

The ACT essay prompt has three critical elements – the statement of a contemporary issue, the three perspectives, and your task. All these elements provide a blueprint for your essay. Understanding how to extrapolate the details and nuances of each perspective will enable you to construct a compelling argument.

The statement of a contemporary issue serves as the foundation for your essay. It is essential to comprehend the context and significance of the issue to effectively address it in your writing. Consider the implications and potential consequences of the problem and how it may impact various stakeholders or society as a whole.

The three perspectives presented in the prompt offer different viewpoints on the issue. Each view may highlight other aspects or consequences of the issue, providing you with various arguments to consider. Analyze each perspective critically, identifying the evidence and reasoning to support the arguments.

Your task in the ACT essay is to evaluate the perspectives and state your viewpoint. This requires you to form a well-reasoned argument that takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of the perspectives provided. Additionally, you must explain the relationship between your viewpoint and those given, highlighting any similarities or differences in reasoning or evidence.

By understanding the critical elements of the ACT essay prompt and decoding its nuances, you will be better equipped to craft a thoughtful and persuasive essay. Take the time to analyze the prompt thoroughly, consider multiple perspectives, and construct a well-structured argument. Remember, practice makes perfect, so hone your skills by tackling various essay prompts to improve your performance on the ACT writing test.

Planning Your ACT Essay

Planning your ACT essay is a crucial step in the writing process. It not only helps you organize your thoughts but also allows you to create a logical progression in your argument, resulting in a high-scoring essay.

When approaching the planning stage, there are several key factors to consider. Understanding the prompt thoroughly ensures that your essay addresses the specific requirements and stays focused on the given topic. Take the time to carefully analyze the prompt, identifying keywords or phrases to guide your writing.

Importance of Brainstorming

One effective technique to kickstart your planning process is brainstorming. This free-thinking exercise allows you to generate ideas and arguments about the prompt. Grab a pen and paper, or open a blank document, and jot down every relevant thought that comes to mind.

Don’t worry about organizing your ideas or evaluating their validity during brainstorming. The goal is to create a pool of potential content that can be refined and collected later. By allowing yourself to explore different angles and perspectives, you increase the chances of finding unique and compelling arguments for your essay.

Consider different viewpoints, examples, and evidence that support your main argument. Consider personal experiences, historical events, literary references, or scientific studies that can strengthen your position. The more ideas you generate during this stage, the more options you will have when crafting your essay.

Creating an Effective Essay Outline

Once you have completed the brainstorming process, it’s time to create an outline for your essay. An outline serves as the skeleton of your essay, providing a clear structure and ensuring a logical flow of ideas.

Start by organizing your thoughts into different sections: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader’s attention, provide background information, and present your thesis statement. The body paragraphs should each focus on a specific argument or supporting evidence, giving detailed explanations and examples to support your claims. Finally, the conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis concisely and impactful.

Consider using a topic sentence within each body paragraph to introduce the main idea, followed by supporting evidence and analysis. This approach helps create a coherent and cohesive essay, allowing readers to follow your thought process easily.

A female student looking for her university

Remember, the outline is a flexible tool that can be adjusted as you refine your essay. It helps you stay organized and ensures that you cover all the necessary points in a logical order. By creating a well-structured outline, you set yourself up for a smoother writing process and a more polished final essay.

In conclusion, planning your ACT essay is an essential step that should not be overlooked. By thoroughly understanding the prompt, brainstorming ideas, and creating an effective outline, you lay the foundation for a well-structured and persuasive essay. So take the time to plan your essay carefully, and watch as your ideas come to life on the page.

Writing the ACT Essay

Writing the ACT essay is a crucial part of the exam, allowing you to showcase your analytical and writing skills. With your understanding of the prompt and your essay outlined, you are now ready to start writing. However, it’s important to remember that the ACT essay is not just about putting words on paper but crafting a well-structured and persuasive argument that effectively addresses the given topic.

The ACT essay includes an introduction, two to three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each section is vital in presenting your ideas and supporting your thesis statement.

Crafting a Strong Introduction

The introduction is your first impression on the reader, so it’s crucial to make it engaging and compelling. Your introduction should briefly overview the topic and provide context for the reader to understand the issue’s importance. Additionally, it should include a thesis statement that clearly expresses your viewpoint and sets the direction for the rest of your essay.

Consider using a hook to grab the reader’s attention when crafting your introduction. This could be a thought-provoking question, a surprising statistic, or a compelling anecdote. By starting your essay with an intense and captivating introduction, you can immediately capture the reader’s interest and encourage them to continue reading.

A close up of a student taking an exam.

Building Your Argument in Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of your ACT essay are where you develop and support your thesis statement. Each body paragraph should contain one argument in support of your thesis, backed up by evidence. It’s essential to choose your arguments carefully and present them in a logical and coherent manner.

Using relevant examples is an effective way to support your argument. These examples can be drawn from various sources, such as literature, history, current events, or personal experiences. By incorporating specific details and providing concrete evidence, you can strengthen your argument and make it more persuasive.

In addition to examples, logical reasoning is another powerful tool to support your argument. By presenting a clear and logical chain of thought, you can demonstrate the validity of your thesis statement. This can be achieved through deductive or inductive reasoning, as well as by addressing potential counterarguments and refuting them.

Concluding Your Essay Effectively

Your conclusion is the final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader. It should not be a mere repetition of your thesis statement and arguments but a synthesis of your main points and a reflection on their broader implications.

In your conclusion, restate your thesis in light of the arguments you presented in the body paragraphs. However, it goes beyond a simple restatement and offers a fresh perspective or insight. Consider discussing the significance of your argument in a larger context or suggesting potential avenues for further exploration and thought.

Remember, a firm conclusion should give a sense of closure to your essay while leaving the reader with something to ponder. By ending your essay on a thought-provoking note, you can leave a lasting impression and demonstrate your ability to think critically and analytically.

In conclusion, writing the ACT essay requires careful planning and execution. By crafting a solid introduction, building a persuasive argument in the body paragraphs, and concluding effectively, you can create a compelling essay that showcases your skills and impresses the reader.

Essential ACT Essay Writing Skills

Effective ACT essay writing employs specific skills. These skills can be developed with practice, including using persuasive language, incorporating evidence, maintaining logical flow, and much more.

When using persuasive language, it is essential to understand that robust and influential language is crucial in making your arguments compelling. This means using vocabulary that conveys certainty and conviction. By carefully selecting your words and phrases, you can effectively persuade your readers to agree with your viewpoint.

In addition to persuasive language, incorporating evidence is another critical skill that can significantly enhance the strength of your argument. Proof refers to specific examples, facts, or data that support your arguments. You can substantiate your claims and make your essay more convincing by providing concrete evidence. Remember, the more reliable and relevant your proof is, the stronger your argument becomes.

Furthermore, maintaining a logical flow in your essay is essential for clarity and readability. A well-structured essay ensures that your ideas are presented logically, allowing readers to follow your thought process efficiently. This involves providing each argument logically leads to the next, and all arguments collectively support your thesis. By organizing your essay in a coherent manner, you can effectively convey your message and make it easier for your readers to understand your perspective.

A students on his desk

Moreover, it is essential to note that effective ACT essay writing also requires strong analytical skills. Analyzing the given prompt and understanding its nuances is crucial for developing a well-rounded argument. You can identify the key points and formulate a clear thesis statement by carefully examining the prompt. Additionally, analyzing and addressing the counterarguments in your essay demonstrates your ability to critically evaluate different perspectives.

In conclusion, mastering the essential ACT essay writing skills is a continuous process that requires practice and dedication. You can significantly improve your essay writing abilities by using persuasive language, incorporating evidence, maintaining logical flow, and honing your analytical skills. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep writing and refining your skills to achieve success on the ACT essay.

Reviewing and Revising Your ACT Essay

Reviewing and revising your work is the last step in crafting a great ACT essay. This is an opportunity to enhance your essay’s clarity, coherence, and cogency.

Importance of Proofreading

Proofreading ensures that your essay is free from grammatical and typographical errors. It also allows you to check the structure, flow, and clarity of your writing.

Tips for Effective Essay Revision

Look at the overall argument, check each paragraph for clarity and purpose, and ensure each sentence is concise and precise. You can polish your ACT essay to its maximum potential with these revision tips.

In conclusion, an effective ACT essay involves understanding the prompt, planning your essay, using essential writing skills, and reviewing your work. By mastering these areas, you can confidently write an impressive ACT essay.

If you want to discuss the matter to a greater extent or inquire about college admissions, look no further! Our experts here at AdmissionSight can help you! Here at AdmissionSight, we have over a decade’s worth of experience guiding students through the competitive admissions process to get accepted to the top universities in the world. Feel free to set up an appointment today to book your initial consultation .


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Enter your email to unlock an extra $25 off an sat or act program, by submitting my email address. i certify that i am 13 years of age or older, agree to recieve marketing email messages from the princeton review, and agree to terms of use., sample act essay prompt (and how to tackle it).

Are you taking the ACT with Writing? No need to stress! The ACT essay follows a predictable format, which means you can practice and prepare beforehand. Take a look at a sample ACT writing prompt and learn five key steps to penning a high-scoring essay.

writing the ACT essay

Keep in mind: The ACT writing essay is optional. Currently, only 27 colleges and universities require the ACT with Writing. You can see the complete list  here . If there is any chance that you might apply to one of those schools, you should register for the ACT with Writing. Not sure where you will apply? You should strongly consider signing up for the essay and keep your options open.

ACT with Writing: Sample Prompt

This example writing prompt comes straight from our book ACT Prep :

Education and the Workplace

Many colleges and universities have cut their humanities departments, and high schools have started to shift their attention much more definitively toward STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and away from ELA (English, Language Arts). Representatives from both school boards and government organizations suggest that the move toward STEM is necessary in helping students to participate in a meaningful way in the American workplace. Given the urgency of this debate for the future of education and society as a whole, it is worth examining the potential consequences of this shift in how students are educated in the United States.

Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the shift in American education.

ELA programs should be emphasized over STEM programs. Education is not merely a means to employment: ELA education helps students to live more meaningful lives. In addition, an exclusively STEM-based program cannot help but limit students’ creativity and lead them to overemphasize the importance of money and other tangible gains. ELA programs should be eradicated entirely, except to establish the basic literacy necessary to engage in the hard sciences, mathematics, and business. Reading and writing are activities that are best saved for the leisure of students who enjoy them. ELA and STEM programs should always be in equal balance with one another. Both are necessary to providing a student with a well-rounded education. Moreover, equal emphasis will allow the fullest possible exposure to many subjects before students choose their majors and careers

Write a unified, coherent essay in which you evaluate multiple perspectives on the issue of how schools should balance STEM and ELA subjects. In your essay, be sure to:

  • analyze and evaluate the perspectives given
  • state and develop your own perspective on the issue
  • explain the relationship between your perspective and those given

Your perspective may be in full agreement with any of the others, in partial agreement, or wholly different. Whatever the case, support your ideas with logical reasoning and detailed, persuasive examples.

How to Write the ACT Essay

Your job is to write an essay in which you take some sort of position on the prompt, all while assessing the three perspectives provided in the boxes. Find a way to anchor your essay with a unique perspective of your own that can be defended and debated, and you are already in the upper echelon of scorers.

Step 1: Work the Prompt

What in the prompt requires you to weigh in? Why is this issue still the subject of debate and not a done deal?

Step 2: Work the Perspectives

Typically, the three perspectives will be split: one for , one against , and one in the middle . Your goal in Step 2 is to figure out where each perspective stands and then identify at least one shortcoming of each perspective. For the example above, ask yourself: 

  • What does each perspective consider?
  • What does each perspective overlook?

Read More: What's a Good ACT Score?

Step 3: Generate Your Own Perspective

Now it's time to come up with your own perspective! If you merely restate one of the three given perspectives, you won’t be able to get into the highest scoring ranges. You’ll draw from each of the perspectives, and you may side with one of them, but your perspective should have something unique about it.

Step 4: Put It All Together

Now that you have your ideas in order, here's a blueprint for how to organize the ACT essay. This blueprint works no matter what your prompt is.

Step 5: (If There's Time): Proofread

Spend one or two minutes on proofreading your essay if you have time. You’re looking for big, glaring errors. If you find one, erase it completely or cross it out neatly. Though neatness doesn’t necessarily affect your grade, it does make for a happy grader.

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Should You Take the ACT With Writing?

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What’s Covered:

What is the act writing section, is the act writing section required, how will the writing section help you, how much does the writing section cost, how will the act impact my college chances.

Colleges are becoming increasingly test-optional, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Many institutions are making exceptions to testing requirements or dropping the test altogether.

But if you’re able to take the ACT, should you also take the Writing section? Here’s what you need to consider.

The Writing section is an optional 40-minute essay that students take at the end of the multiple choice section of the ACT. This section evaluates students’ ability to communicate clearly and think critically from various perspectives on the given topic. 

The prompt you will be given presents a summary of an issue or topic, along with three statements depicting three different perspectives on that issue. Your task is to describe each of the perspectives while developing your own argument about the prompt. Your completed essay should be around 400 words long. 

The Writing section is testing your ability to present your own perspective on an issue and analyze the relationship between your perspective and at least one of the other given perspectives. You must develop and support your ideas with explanations and examples, while  organizing your ideas clearly and logically.

Two people will individually grade your essay on a 1-6 scale in four different domains: Analysis, Development Support, Organization, and Language Use and Conventions. These scores are then averaged and scaled for a final numerical score between 2-12. 

It depends. Schools have varying policies about the Writing Section. Generally, more selective schools may require or recommend a writing score, while less selective ones may not (though there certainly are exceptions). It’s worth noting that most schools no longer require the ACT with Writing, though many schools recommend it.

However, in light of COVID-19, most schools have adopted test-optional policies and don’t require or recommend that you submit any test scores at all. Of course, it’s always best to have a strong test score to support your application if possible, but if you’re unable to take the ACT with Writing (or the entire ACT) this year, don’t worry. 

The ACT Writing Section has actually never been super important because it wasn’t factored into the composite score (unlike the Essay on the old 2400-point SAT). It’s highly possible that the ACT Essay may even get discontinued, given the College Board’s recent decision to eliminate the SAT Essay after June 2021. Some schools have stopped considering the SAT/ACT Essay altogether, including the University of California system, which used to require the essay.

Some states, however, may require the ACT with Writing for state testing purposes, or offer the full test for free to students. These states include: 

  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • South Carolina

If your state requires the test with writing, you will take the ACT with Writing during a school day for free. If your school offers the full test for free, you should strongly consider taking advantage of the opportunity.

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Demonstrating a strong Writing score to college admissions committees may slightly boost a student’s chances, especially if the student has an otherwise weak English background (that may be apparent is other aspects of the application). However, generally colleges do not value a strong Writing score as heavily as English grades and the strength of the application essays. 

If you’re homeschooled or an international student, getting a high score on the ACT with Writing may give you a larger boost (and the Writing section could be required in non-COVID years for you). Because these students have a less standardized curriculum, the Writing section gives admissions officers another way to evaluate their writing and language skills.

During COVID-19, it really isn’t necessary to take the Writing section, unless one of your schools still requires it (which would be a very rare situation). If you’re able to prepare properly and test safely, taking the Writing section can give you a small boost, however.

In non-COVID years, we recommend that you take the Writing Section if any of your schools require or encourage it. If you’re not sure where you’re applying, you should take it just to be safe.

The ACT Writing section costs an additional $15, making the overall test $70 with the Writing section. If the cost poses a challenge for students, they may qualify for a fee waiver . 

To qualify, students must be in 11th or 12th grade, be taking the test in the U.S., U.S. territories, or Puerto Rico, and meet at least one of the indicators of economic need found on the ACT fee waiver form . However, students may not apply for a waiver themselves, rather, their high school must apply for them. We suggest you work with your school counselor to determine eligibility. 

Of course, there is also a time cost for preparing for and taking the ACT with Writing. Students are also encouraged to prepare for the essay section by reading through the grading rubric and some example essays, as well as trying a few practice essays to simulate the exam day. 

The ACT is just one factor of the college admissions process. A strong score can boost a student’s chances and get their application read, but will not guarantee admission. Selective colleges use a metric called the Academic Index (AI) to evaluate the strength of applicants’ grades and test scores. If your AI is below a certain threshold (varies by school), certain schools may not even review your entire application. 

We’ve designed a free Admissions Chances Calculator to help you understand the impact of your ACT score. The calculator will plot out your score against other applicants to give you an idea how you compare to others. In addition, we provide tips on improving other aspects of your application, including grades and extracurriculars.

You can also use this tool to search for schools based on preferences like location, major, cost, and more. Try it out to help you refine your college strategy!

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Mastering the art of crafting an impressive act essay.

How to write a good act essay

When it comes to taking the ACT, the essay section can be a daunting task for many students. Crafting a stellar ACT essay requires a combination of critical thinking, writing skills, and knowledge of what the examiners are looking for. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to help you ace the ACT essay section.

Understanding the Prompt: The first step in writing a top-notch ACT essay is to carefully read and understand the prompt. Take the time to analyze the prompt, identify the key points, and determine the perspective you want to take. Make sure to address all parts of the prompt in your essay to demonstrate your understanding of the topic.

Crafting a Strong Thesis: A well-crafted thesis statement is essential for a successful ACT essay. Your thesis should clearly state your perspective on the topic and provide a roadmap for the rest of your essay. Make sure your thesis is specific, concise, and supported by evidence from the reading passages provided.

Mastering the ACT Essay Format

When crafting your ACT essay, it is crucial to pay attention to the format in order to present your ideas clearly and effectively. Here are some tips to help you master the ACT essay format:

  • Introduction: Start your essay with a clear introduction that introduces the topic and presents your thesis statement. The introduction should also provide some context for the issue being discussed.
  • Body Paragraphs: The body of your essay should consist of three paragraphs, each presenting a separate argument or point of view. Make sure to support each argument with specific examples and evidence.
  • Transition: Use transitional phrases to smoothly move from one paragraph to the next. This will help to maintain the flow of your essay and make it easier to follow.
  • Conclusion: End your essay with a strong conclusion that restates your thesis and summarizes the main points of your argument. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your ACT essay is well-organized and effectively communicates your ideas to the reader. Practice writing essays in this format to improve your writing skills and boost your ACT essay score.

Understanding the Prompt

Before you start crafting your ACT essay, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the prompt. Take the time to carefully read and analyze the prompt provided. Understand the main topic or issue being discussed, the specific question or directive you need to address, and any relevant context or background information provided.

Highlight key words or phrases in the prompt that can guide your essay writing. Pay close attention to any specific requirements or instructions included in the prompt, such as the need to take a specific stance, provide examples, or address multiple perspectives.

By thoroughly understanding the prompt, you’ll be better equipped to craft a focused and coherent response that directly addresses the question at hand. This will help ensure that your essay is well-structured, relevant, and meets the expectations of the ACT examiners.

Developing a Strong Thesis

One of the most important elements of a stellar ACT essay is a strong thesis statement. Your thesis is the central claim that you will be arguing for throughout your essay. It should be clear, specific, and concise, outlining the main point you will be making in your essay.

When developing your thesis, make sure to consider the prompt and the specific issue or topic at hand. Your thesis should directly address the question or problem presented in the prompt, and provide a clear stance on the issue. Avoid vague or generalized statements, and instead strive for a thesis that is focused and impactful.

Remember that your thesis sets the tone for the rest of your essay, so take the time to craft a strong and compelling statement that will guide your writing and help you stay on track as you develop your argument.

Structuring Your Essay

Structuring Your Essay

When crafting your ACT essay, it’s essential to have a clear and organized structure. A well-structured essay will not only help you express your ideas effectively but also make it easier for the reader to follow your arguments.

Start with a strong introduction that clearly states your thesis and provides a brief overview of the points you will discuss. This sets the tone for the rest of the essay and gives the reader a roadmap of what to expect.

Next, develop your body paragraphs, each focusing on a specific supporting point that relates back to your thesis. Make sure to provide evidence and examples to back up your claims and demonstrate critical thinking skills.

Conclude your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces your thesis. This is your last chance to leave a lasting impression on the reader, so make it count!

Remember, a well-structured essay is not only about what you say but also how you say it. Pay attention to transitions between paragraphs, logical organization of ideas, and a cohesive flow throughout the essay. This will ensure that your ACT essay is not only well-written but also well-received by the readers.

Using Examples to Support Your Ideas

When crafting your ACT essay, it’s crucial to support your ideas with relevant examples. Providing examples not only strengthens your argument but also helps to illustrate your points clearly to the reader.

Choose Examples Wisely: Select examples that are specific, detailed, and directly relate to the topic at hand. Generic examples may weaken your argument, so be sure to choose examples that are compelling and relevant.

For instance, if you’re discussing the impact of technology on communication, providing a specific example of how social media has changed how people interact can strengthen your argument.

Provide Evidence: Back up your examples with solid evidence to lend credibility to your essay. Statistics, studies, and expert opinions can all serve as valuable evidence to support your claims.

Quoting a study that shows a correlation between excessive screen time and decreased face-to-face communication can add weight to your argument about the negative effects of technology.

Explain the Significance: After presenting your examples, be sure to explain their relevance to your thesis statement. Clearly connect the examples back to your main argument to show how they support your overall point.

By tying your examples back to your thesis, you ensure that your essay stays focused and cohesive, making a stronger case for your position.

Editing and Proofreading Your Essay

Editing and Proofreading Your Essay

Once you’ve finished writing your ACT essay, it’s crucial to spend some time editing and proofreading it. This step is essential to ensure that your essay is clear, coherent, and error-free.

Start by reviewing your essay for overall structure and organization. Make sure your introduction and conclusion are strong and that your body paragraphs flow logically. Check for any gaps in your argument and make sure each paragraph contributes to your overall thesis.

Next, focus on sentence-level editing. Look for awkward phrasing, unclear sentences, and grammatical errors. Consider reading your essay out loud to catch any awkward or confusing passages.

Finally, proofread your essay for spelling and punctuation errors. Pay attention to commonly misused words, such as “there,” “their,” and “they’re.” Make sure your punctuation is consistent and appropriate.

Editing and proofreading may seem tedious, but they are essential steps in crafting a stellar ACT essay. Taking the time to polish your writing can make a significant difference in the clarity and effectiveness of your essay.

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Should I Take the SAT/ACT Essay? 5 Things You Need to Know

More colleges are dropping the sat/act essay requirement: 5 things you need to know.

Note: As of January 2021, the CollegeBoard has announced that it will be discontinuing the SAT Essay after the June 2021 SAT administration. 

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You may have heard that an increasing number of schools have dropped the requirement to submit SAT or ACT essay scores with college applications. This can naturally leave room for confusion, so we thought we’d summarize the main points to know:

1) The essay portion of the SAT and ACT is optional.

Most colleges do NOT require students to submit scores from this portion of the test. However, a small handful of schools do require it.

2) The number of schools that *DO* require essay scores is shrinking.

Over the past year or so, Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Dartmouth, the University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, CalTech, the University of San Diego, Duke, and Brown have dropped the requirement.

Reasons cited include admissions offices saying the scores do not help them with assessing applicants, to the likelihood that requiring the scores disadvantages lower-income students, since it often costs students extra to take the test, outside of school.

3) It *can* still be beneficial to take the essay portion of the SAT or ACT.

After all, you may want to leave the option open to apply to colleges that still require it. Moreover, some schools that no longer require the scores will still look at them if students submit them, and if you think you will do well on the test, that could certainly add a small boost to your application.

4) As of early 2019, the main schools that still require the SAT and ACT essay are the United States Military Academy (West Point) and the University of California school system (e.g. UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz) .

5) Make sure to check the individual policy of each school you apply to, since they can vary. Each school’s individual policy should be findable on their website.

For example:

  • Duke states that submitting SAT or ACT essay scores is now “optional but recommended.”
  • However, Caltech will not look at the scores even if you submit them .
  • Meanwhile, some schools will now require students to submit other written materials in lieu of the score. Princeton, for example, is asking students to submit a graded writing sample , preferably from an English or history class. And, Brown recommends submitting a graded paper from a humanities or social sciences class.

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Should You Take the ACT With or Without Writing?

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Because ACT Writing is optional, many students are unsure whether they need to add the extra 40 minutes to the test. However, there's a simple answer to whether you should take the ACT with writing or without writing: it depends on whether the colleges you want to apply to require a writing score.

This guide will walk you through how the ACT writing section got started, how to determine whether you should take the ACT with or without Writing, and some other considerations you may want to keep in mind.

What Is ACT Writing?

Since 2005, students have had the choice between two different versions of the ACT: the ACT and the ACT with Writing. The writing test is an optional 40-minute essay task that students can elect to take at the end of the multiple choice test.

ACT, Inc. added the Writing section in response to the 2005 SAT overhaul, which added a Writing section that included both grammar multiple-choice questions and an essay. The addition of the writing task to the ACT was meant to keep the two tests equivalent and easily comparable. Nonetheless, the SAT's essay was required and the ACT's was optional .

This discrepancy between how the two tests incorporated their essay portions caused a fair amount of confusion for students and colleges. Ultimately, each college set its own policy about the two tests' Writing sections : some simply ignored SAT Writing scores and didn't require the ACT Writing, others considered SAT Writing but didn't require Writing with the ACT, and a third group considered SAT Writing and required the Writing with the ACT.

To complicate the situation further, the SAT's essay has now been discontinued . This caused many schools to change their policy about ACT Writing as well. Very few schools now require ACT Writing. Nonetheless, the basic facts remain the same: whether you take the ACT with or without Writing depends on whether the schools you're applying to require it.

The Key Consideration: Which Colleges Require ACT Writing?

With the trend of more schools becoming test optional (especially as a result of the coronavirus pandemic), more and more schools were already not requiring SAT or ACT Writing. When the SAT ended its essay, nearly all schools that required or recommended ACT Writing changed their policies.

Currently, most schools either don't look at your ACT Writing scores at all, or they'll consider them, but they won't have a large impact on your application (and not doing ACT Writing won't hurt your application). Check out our updated list of the schools that require or recommend ACT Writing for the most up-to-date information.

You can also look up schools' most up-to-date standardized testing policies on their individual websites: just search for "[school name] ACT writing requirement" online.

A Few Other Things to Keep in Mind

Although whether the schools you're interested in require you to submit the ACT with Writing should be the primary factor in your decision about which version of the test to take, there are a couple of other pros and cons worth taking into account.

A Good ACT Writing Score Can Boost Your Chances of Admission—Slightly

Even if a school doesn't require the test, a high score on the ACT Writing may give your application a slight boost , since it serves as an indication of strong writing and analysis abilities. This is basically just a way of providing some extra information and will generally have only a minor benefit (similar to submitting both ACT and SAT scores ).

The main circumstances in which it would be worth submitting the ACT with Writing even if it isn't required would be if you're applying to especially competitive schools or schools that recommend the Writing section .

Also be aware that some schools simply won't look at your Writing score, even if you send it. Make sure to read each school's policy carefully so you know what's worth spending time on.

Costs of Taking the ACT With Writing

So far I've focused on reasons you would want to take the Writing section, but there are also some costs associated with doing so.

Registration Fee

There is an extra fee ($25) to take the writing portion of the test.

Extra Study Time

If you take the Writing section you will need to study for the Writing section, which means investing extra hours into ACT prep .

However, ACT Writing is relatively straightforward once you know how it works, so even just a few hours of prep (say, reading through the rubric and some examples and trying a practice essay ) can be very helpful.

Both of these costs are relatively minor and neither should prevent you from applying to schools that do require ACT Writing . If the added fee is a serious issue, you may qualify for a fee waiver , which covers the writing section as well as the general registration.


Final Verdict

Let's go through each possible situation you might be in and whether you should take the ACT Writing.

If even one of the schools you want to apply to requires the ACT with Writing...

...take the ACT with Writing. You won't be able to get in without it, so it's worth the slightly higher fee and extra time commitment.

If you're applying only to schools that won't consider ACT Writing scores...

...skip taking the ACT with Writing. If schools won't even consider it, it's just a waste of time and money.

If you're looking at schools that don't require ACT Writing and aren't very competitive...

...only take the ACT with Writing if your application shows major weaknesses in English language skills.

If you're applying to more competitive schools or schools that recommend ACT Writing...

...take the ACT with Writing, unless the cost and stress profoundly outweigh the potential benefit of more information for colleges.

If you're not sure where you want to apply...

...take the ACT with Writing. It will save you from having to retake the test if you realize you need to submit ACT Writing scores later.

No matter what your situation, make sure to double check whether the schools you're applying to require you to submit ACT Writing scores . There's nothing worse than thinking you're completely finished with standardized testing, only to realize that you have to take the test all over again.

What's Next?

Just realized you need to take ACT Writing ? Check out our complete guide to the new Enhanced Writing test and tips on how to get a 12 on the essay .

If you're more focused on other sections of the test , check out our ultimate prep guides for ACT Reading , English , Math , and Science .

Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points?   We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must use to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

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Alex is an experienced tutor and writer. Over the past five years, she has worked with almost a hundred students and written about pop culture for a wide range of publications. She graduated with honors from University of Chicago, receiving a BA in English and Anthropology, and then went on to earn an MA at NYU in Cultural Reporting and Criticism. In high school, she was a National Merit Scholar, took 12 AP tests and scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and ACT.

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FACT SHEET: Protecting America from Connected Vehicle Technology from Countries of   Concern

Chinese automakers are seeking to dominate connected vehicle technologies in the United States and globally, posing new threats to our national security, including through our supply chains. The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to ensuring that our automotive supply chains are resilient and secure from foreign threats.   Today, President Biden is announcing strong action to protect America from the national security risks associated with connected vehicle technologies from countries of concern. The Department of Commerce is issuing a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that would, if finalized as proposed, prohibit the sale or import of connected vehicles that incorporate certain technology and the import of particular components themselves from countries of concern, specifically the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Russia.   The announcement is the next step in a process President Biden announced in February, 2024. This NPRM incorporates public feedback submitted in response to the Department’s advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) issued on March 1, 2024, which sought public comment on the national security risks associated with certain technologies used in connected vehicles.   Connected vehicles provide many benefits — from promoting vehicle safety to assisting drivers with navigation — but they also pose new and growing threats. These technologies include computer systems that control vehicle movement and collect sensitive driver and passenger data as well as cameras and sensors that enable automated driving systems and record detailed information about American infrastructure. Now more than ever, vehicles are directly connected into our country’s digital networks.   As the Department of Commerce has found, vehicles’ increasing connectivity creates opportunities to collect and exploit sensitive information. Certain hardware and software in connected vehicles enable the capture of information about geographic areas or critical infrastructure, and present opportunities for malicious actors to disrupt the operations of infrastructure or the vehicles themselves. Commerce has determined that certain technologies used in connected vehicles from the PRC and Russia present particularly acute threats. These countries of concern could use critical technologies within our supply chains for surveillance and sabotage to undermine national security.   The Department of Commerce’s proposed rule would prohibit the import or sale of certain connected vehicle systems designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied by entities with a sufficient nexus to the PRC or Russia. Specifically, the rule covers “vehicle connectivity systems” (VCS) — that is, systems and components connecting the vehicle to the outside world, including via Bluetooth, cellular, satellite, and Wi-Fi modules — and “automated driving systems” (ADS), which allow highly autonomous vehicles to operate without a driver behind the wheel. The rule includes restrictions on imports or sales of connected vehicles using VCS and ADS software, as well as imports of VCS hardware equipment. The Department of Commerce is also proposing procedures to let certain parties, such as small producers of vehicles, receive exemptions from the prohibitions on an exceptional basis, in order to minimize unanticipated and unnecessary disruption to industry.   The prohibitions on software would take effect for Model Year 2027, and the prohibitions on hardware would take effect for Model Year 2030, or January 1, 2029 for units without a model year. These restrictions will help address national security risks posed by connected vehicle technologies from countries of concern.   As the Department of Commerce develops the final rule, the Administration encourages interested stakeholders to share input with the Department so that their views can be taken into consideration. The Department will continue to consult closely with industry, U.S. allies and partners, and other stakeholders throughout the regulatory process to ensure any actions maximally protect U.S. national security, while minimizing unintended consequences or disruptions. The Biden-Harris Administration is focused on comprehensively addressing the threats caused by foreign automobiles and supply chains. In May of this year, President Biden directed an increase from 25% to 100% on the tariff rate on Chinese electric vehicles under Section 301. The Inflation Reduction Act tied eligibility for the $7,500 EV tax credit to final assembly in North America and sourcing key battery minerals and components from the United States or trade partners. These prior actions underscore the Administration’s commitment to ensuring that the American auto industry is leading in quality and innovation, and that U.S. automakers have the opportunity to compete on a level playing field as they develop the next generation of automobiles.  

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  1. My Guide to Every Section on the ACT (including the Essay) : r/ACT

    This youtube video contains every strategy I used to get a good score on the section. This was by far the hardest section for me, and even after studying the most for it, I got 4 wrong on the actual test. However, these strategies helped me improve from 7-8 wrong to 3-4 wrong, which made a huge difference in my score.

  2. Cracking the ACT Essay

    We reject each perspective and get philosophical with the prompt, of course while using selective word choice and vocabulary. Step 1 - Make the thesis and plan the essay. Your thesis, as we should reject the perspectives in favor of our, totally distinct alternative.

  3. Is it worth doing the essay writing in the ACT : r/ACT

    CNZeal. •. Only 7 schools in US require ACT writing, including West Point. But from my standpoint, if you don't want to go to one of these 7 schools, it is just not worth it because you cannot send an ACT score without the writing part and if you screwed on the writing but got a high overall score it'll hurt. Reply reply.

  4. ACT Writing Tips: 15 Strategies to Raise Your Essay Score

    Planning. Time: 8-10 minutes. #1: Decide on your thesis, choosing one of the three sides. You can try to form your own, fourth perspective, but since you have to compare your perspective with at least one other perspective, you might as well argue for one of given perspectives and save some time for writing.

  5. How to Write an ACT Essay: Step-by-Step Example

    Stage 1: Planning. Time: 8-10 minutes. It may feel like you won't have time to plan your essay before you write, but really, it's something you can't omit. Trust us. Organizing your thoughts as you write will cost you way more time than if you take the time to plan out your essay before you begin writing.

  6. How to Do Well on the ACT Essay

    The ACT essay is scored by two independent graders on a scale of 1-6 across four different domains: Ideas and Analysis, Development and Support, Organization, and Language Use and Conventions. The scores from each grader are added together for each domain, resulting in a domain score ranging from 2-12. These four domain scores are then averaged ...

  7. How to Write an Effective ACT Essay

    Understanding the prompt is the first step toward crafting a successful ACT essay. The ACT writing test propels you to analyze and create an argument around a complex issue. To do this effectively, you need to decipher what the essay question is asking of you. When you receive the ACT essay prompt, it is essential to take the time to carefully ...

  8. Writing Test Prep

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  9. Sample ACT Essay Prompt (and How to Tackle It)

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    Writing Sample Essays. Write a unified, coherent essay about the increasing presence of intelligent machines. In your essay, be sure to: clearly state your own perspective on the issue and analyze the relationship between your perspective and at least one other perspective. develop and support your ideas with reasoning and examples.

  11. The Complete Guide to ACT Grammar Rules

    Quick Overview. The English rules tested on the ACT can be grouped into two categories: Usage and Rhetoric. Usage skills are what are typically called "grammar rules," such as punctuation, subject/verb agreement, and verb tenses. Rhetorical skills have to do with style, organization, and writing logic.

  12. How important is the ACT essay? : r/ApplyingToCollege

    On my recent ACT, I earned a really good composite score of 34 (E: 34 M: 35 R: 30 S: 35) but I earned a not-so-good essay score of 8. I have a perfect GPA, I'm taking all of the AP classes I can, and I have a lot of extracurriculars, but I am a little concerned about whether or not my essay score will have an impact on my chances of getting into certain schools.

  13. Should You Take the ACT With Writing?

    The ACT Writing section costs an additional $15, making the overall test $70 with the Writing section. If the cost poses a challenge for students, they may qualify for a fee waiver. To qualify, students must be in 11th or 12th grade, be taking the test in the U.S., U.S. territories, or Puerto Rico, and meet at least one of the indicators of ...

  14. (Updated) ACT Essay Scoring: Completely Explained

    On June 28th, 2016, however, ACT, Inc. announced that starting in September of 2016, the Writing test would no longer be scored on a scale of 1-36, due to the confusion this had caused. This change to out-of-12 ACT Writing scores is still different from the pre-September 2015 ACT essay scoring, since that system relied on graders giving the ...

  15. PDF Preparing for the ACT 2024-2025

    2024l2025 Preparing for the A C T ® Test What's Inside y Full-length practice ACT test, including the optional writing test y Information about the multiple-choice and writing sections y Test-taking strategies y What to expect on test day Esta publicación también se puede ver o descargar en español

  16. ACT Essay Prompt Collection : r/ACT

    ACT Essay Prompt Collection. Some of these have been taken from third party sites. Some of them are ACT official prompts. I tried my best to compile everything I could find of the 3 Perspective style and I reformatted many to look similar to what one would expect on test day or to make up for bad scans/pictures. Questionable sources marked with *.

  17. How to Craft a Stellar ACT Essay

    Understanding the Prompt: The first step in writing a top-notch ACT essay is to carefully read and understand the prompt. Take the time to analyze the prompt, identify the key points, and determine the perspective you want to take. Make sure to address all parts of the prompt in your essay to demonstrate your understanding of the topic.

  18. Should I take the ACT with writing? : r/ApplyingToCollege

    You'll likely be fine without it. If you're unsure, you can go ahead and take it. The score has virtually no bearing on your main composite score, so even if you get a poor writing score, it likely wouldn't matter. Also, you mentioned superscore. Not many selective schools superscore the ACT. Some do, but not the majority.

  19. Should I Take the SAT/ACT Essay? 5 Things You Need to Know

    1) The essay portion of the SAT and ACT is optional. Most colleges do NOT require students to submit scores from this portion of the test. However, a small handful of schools do require it. 2) The number of schools that *DO* require essay scores is shrinking. Over the past year or so, Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Dartmouth, the ...

  20. Should You Take the ACT With or Without Writing?

    ACT, Inc. added the Writing section in response to the 2005 SAT overhaul, which added a Writing section that included both grammar multiple-choice questions and an essay. The addition of the writing task to the ACT was meant to keep the two tests equivalent and easily comparable. Nonetheless, the SAT's essay was required and the ACT's was optional.

  21. Free ACT Practice Test

    Free ACT Official Online Practice Test. Take official ACT practice tests in all 4 subject areas. Know exactly what you missed and what you didn't with a score report. Access related resources to improve your skills based on what you missed. Retake the test as many times as you want. Get the ACT Online Practice Test.

  22. How important are ACT writing scores? : r/ACT

    The ACT Writing section score is not part of your Composite score. It is a separate score. The lowest score is a 2 and the highest is a 12. The essay score is factored into an ELA sub-score (which is the essay, reading, and English scores averaged out) but no one looks at the ELA score to be honest. So the ACT essay score would not affect the ...

  23. FACT SHEET: Protecting America from Connected Vehicle Technology from

    The Inflation Reduction Act tied eligibility for the $7,500 EV tax credit to final assembly in North America and sourcing key battery minerals and components from the United States or trade partners.

  24. Reddit

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