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5 Characteristics of a Good Influencer

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Influencers have revolutionized the way consumers discover, support, and engage with brands. But not all are created equal. In this blog, we’ll introduce you to the five most important characteristics of a good influencer so you get the best possible partners from your next campaign.

The top 5 characteristics of a good influencer

1: authenticity.

You can’t read an article about influencer marketing without a discussion of authenticity . And that’s for a good reason. While it’s easy to dismiss “authenticity” as mere marketing jargon, it has long been considered a key among successful and influential public figures, influencer marketers included.

“The public has a sixth sense for detecting insincerity; they know instinctively when words ring true.” Bruce Barton, early 20th-century advertiser

Barton is expressing a fundamental truth in communications. Due to extensive exposure to commercial messages, modern audiences have been trained to continually evaluate what they see and hear for any signs of misinformation or inauthenticity. Those in the public eye who say one thing and do another, whether brands, public officials, celebrities, or even influencers, are subject to criticism, sanctions, or cancellation.

This effect may explain a great deal about today’s audiences’ overall level of distrust of media and traditional advertising. This modern-day commercial dynamic also amplifies the persuasive power of influencers, who, if they’re truly authentic, practice what they preach.

It’s this quality that makes influencers perfectly suited to the role of spokesperson, likely more so than celebrities, in fact. When evaluating product endorsements, consumers value relatability two times higher than the popularity of the spokesperson, one study found. Another 63% percent of polled consumers said they trusted the word of influencers over how brands portray themselves in messaging.

And they appear to be more persuasive than their real-life peers, as well, with influencers responsible for 94% higher sales compared to recommendations from friends and family.

2: Expert content creation

You don’t need an advanced degree or specialized training to become an influencer. However, to develop a sizable and authentic following, one must be able to produce content that stands out from the veritable ocean of content competing for consumers’ attention.

In developing, maintaining, and engaging loyal audiences, today’s influencers must master an array of disciplines—writing, photography, community management, project management, and marketing — synthesizing them into their distinct voice and perspective.

And while this content can be consumed almost instantaneously, its creation is anything but straightforward. Creating posts can take influencers anywhere from a few minutes to a few months, depending on the project. This includes work like location scouting, outfit selection and styling, hashtag research, writing, and rewriting copy with brand partners—all the way to the logistics involved in planning and organizing photo shoots.

“It’s easy to see a final YouTube video and to think that it looks so simple,” said Lucie Fink, a veteran influencer interviewed by Forbes . “But the actual act of putting a video together from start to finish is a full-on process that has taken me years to master.”

The result of this labor of love is some of the most skillfully created and well-targeted content on the internet.

When influencers are compared to brand-based content creation—in the broader industry of content marketing—the results speak for themselves.  According to a survey from the Content Marketing Institute , most (53%) marketers deemed their content marketing efforts “moderately successful,” with an additional 22% describing the performance as “minimally” successful. The top reason cited for poor performance: not having enough time to devote to content creation.

These results stand in contrast to influencer marketing, which proliferated in large part due to word of its explosive performance. One study found businesses using influencer marketing generated $6.50 in revenue for each dollar invested—only the bottom 18% of companies failed to generate revenue altogether.

3: Community management

Beyond cultivating their following, much of an influencer’s job is fostering an authentic relationship between them and their audience. Answering their followers’ questions, holding competitions, and managing passionate disagreements are all daily parts of the job.

Fashion influencer Elle Ferguson cites her time spent interacting with her community as responsible for her success.

“I always answer my DMs. That community has enabled me to build my brand. So I take probably three hours, morning and evening, to reply to my DMs on Elle Effect and Elle Ferguson because essentially they’re my customers – it’s so important to ensure that relationship is strong.” -Elle Ferguson

Influencer marketing, above all, is based on the strength of the influencer-follower relationship. Authentic influencers like Ferguson take an active role in their followers’ lives, commenting, liking, and clarifying—all of it leading to a powerful bond.

Much like authenticity, maintaining trust between influencers and audiences is strictly necessary; good influencers are keenly aware of that. After all, trust guides our every decision, in the information we have faith in, the people we surround ourselves with, and also in who we trust to guide us through difficult decisions. 

Around 81% of polled consumers respondents said that they need to trust brands to “do what is right.” However, the same Edelman survey found that one-third of consumers purchase from many brands they don’t trust .

Trust is not only central to the influencer and audience relationship; it’s a necessity for this trust to extend to the brand/influencer relationship as well. That means providing audiences with transparency around sponsored content, being fair in product reviews and content, admitting one’s mistakes, and selectively approaching sponsors who fit with their audience and their needs, among other practices.

The consequences for breaking that trust is high, as anyone familiar with the celebrity apology news cycle understands intuitively. Forty-five percent of consumers polled in the above Edelman survey said they’d never regain confidence in a brand after unethical behavior, and 40% said they would stop buying from that brand altogether.

a good influencer making a video in an apron

If authenticity is the glue that binds influencers and audiences, then passion is the fuel. And much like authenticity, passion can’t be faked.

For their followers, influencers represent aspirational role models. Whether they pursue fashion, woodworking, home decor, or cooking—influencers allow people to watch relatable, likable people pursue their dreams and creativity right in front of them.

That’s why the passion, excitement, and creativity demonstrated by influencers are infectious and persuasive. Followers not only get to learn more about a passion of theirs; they’re able to follow along each step of the way, ask questions, share their stories , and even receive encouragement in their shared creative passion.

The best influencers can convey this passion equally in sponsored content and original content. And this passion needs to go both ways: to their followers and their brand partners. Without love for their field, influencers won’t find a following. And without a genuine interest or passion for a brand’s products, their campaign won’t benefit from the persuasive amplification that makes truly authentic influencer marketing so successful.

Key takeaway: What makes a good influencer ultimately comes down to authentic relationships.

At its best, influencer marketing appears effortless. To followers, the influencer relationship is intuitive, reassuring, and aspirational. To the brand, their relationship brings exciting new audiences. And it’s all made possible thanks to hard work, creativity, and a tireless commitment to authenticity.

Learn more about influencer marketing: Influencer Marketing 101

Updated: June 2024

Frequently asked questions.

An influencer is anyone who can sway public opinion or action, typically through use of social media channels such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Twitch.

A content creator typically needs to have at least 1,000 followers or subscribers to be considered an influencer.

Influencers usually create content to share on social media, engage with their followers, and cultivate a community of like-minded individuals.

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What Makes A Person A Good Influencer Essay?

Hey there! So you want to know what makes a person a good influencer, huh? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this essay, we’ll dive deep into the qualities and characteristics that set apart the exceptional influencers from the rest of the pack. Whether you’re aspiring to be an influencer yourself or just curious about the phenomenon, this article will give you all the insights you need. So, let’s get started!

In today’s digital age, where social media reigns supreme, being an influencer has become a coveted title. But what exactly makes someone a good influencer? Is it the number of followers they have? Or is it something more profound? Well, my friend, it’s a little bit of both. While having a large following certainly helps, what truly sets a person apart is their ability to connect with their audience on a deeper level. It’s about building trust, authenticity, and creating meaningful content that resonates with people. A good influencer knows how to tell stories that captivate, educate, and inspire. They have a unique voice and a genuine passion for what they do. So, if you’re ready to discover the secrets of being a great influencer, buckle up and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!

A good influencer is someone who possesses certain qualities and skills that make them effective in inspiring and influencing others. These individuals are typically knowledgeable, authentic, and relatable, allowing them to connect with their audience on a deeper level. They are also skilled communicators, able to convey their message clearly and persuasively. Furthermore, good influencers are passionate about their niche and have a genuine desire to help and make a positive impact on others. Overall, being a good influencer requires a combination of expertise, authenticity, communication skills, and a genuine desire to inspire and help others.

What Makes a Person a Good Influencer Essay?

What Makes a Person a Good Influencer Essay?

In today’s digital age, influencers have become a prominent figure in the online world. These individuals have the power to sway opinions, inspire others, and create trends. But what exactly makes a person a good influencer? Is it their follower count, their content, or something deeper? In this article, we will explore the qualities and characteristics that define a good influencer and how they can make a significant impact on society.

The Power of Authenticity

In the world of influencers, authenticity is key. People are drawn to influencers who are genuine and real. They want to see someone who is not afraid to show their true selves and share their experiences, both the ups and downs. A good influencer understands the importance of being authentic and strives to create content that resonates with their audience.

Authenticity builds trust, and trust is the foundation for any successful influencer. When followers trust an influencer, they are more likely to engage with their content, believe their recommendations, and even make purchasing decisions based on their suggestions. Authenticity also helps influencers establish a loyal and dedicated following, as people feel a genuine connection with someone who is open and honest.

The Role of Quality Content

While authenticity is crucial, it is not the only factor that contributes to being a good influencer. Quality content is equally important. An influencer must be able to create engaging and valuable content that captures the attention of their audience. This can include a combination of well-written articles, captivating videos, stunning photography, or thought-provoking podcasts.

Good influencers understand their target audience and tailor their content to meet their needs and interests. They provide informative and entertaining content that adds value to their followers’ lives. Whether it’s sharing personal stories, offering expert advice, or reviewing products and services, the content must be relevant and relatable.

Building a Strong Personal Brand

In addition to authenticity and quality content, a good influencer knows the importance of building a strong personal brand. They have a clear understanding of who they are, what they stand for, and the message they want to convey. They have a unique voice and style that sets them apart from others in their niche.

Building a personal brand involves consistency in both content and aesthetics. A good influencer maintains a cohesive visual identity across their platforms, using colors, fonts, and imagery that align with their brand. They also ensure consistency in their messaging, maintaining a consistent tone and voice throughout their content.

A strong personal brand helps influencers establish themselves as an authority in their field. It allows them to attract a specific audience who resonates with their values and interests. A well-defined personal brand also opens up opportunities for collaborations and partnerships with brands that align with their image and values.

The Impact of Engagement

Engagement is another crucial aspect of being a good influencer. It’s not just about the number of followers an influencer has; it’s about the level of interaction and connection they have with their audience. Good influencers actively engage with their followers, responding to comments, answering questions, and fostering a sense of community.

Engagement goes beyond just the content itself. It involves actively participating in conversations, asking for feedback, and genuinely listening to their audience. By engaging with their followers, influencers can better understand their needs and preferences, allowing them to create content that resonates and adds value.

The Power of Influence

As the term implies, influencers have the power to influence others. A good influencer recognizes this power and uses it responsibly. They understand that their words and actions have an impact on their audience, and they strive to use their influence for positive change.

Good influencers use their platform to raise awareness about important issues, promote inclusivity and diversity, and inspire their followers to take action. They understand the responsibility that comes with their role and use it to make a difference in the world.

In conclusion, there are several qualities that make a person a good influencer. Authenticity, quality content, a strong personal brand, engagement, and responsible influence are key factors that contribute to their success. By embodying these qualities, influencers can make a positive impact on their audience and society as a whole. So, if you aspire to be a good influencer, focus on developing these qualities and use your platform to inspire and empower others.

Key Takeaways: What Makes a Person a Good Influencer

  • Authenticity is crucial – Being genuine and true to yourself helps build trust with your audience.
  • Strong communication skills – Effective communication allows influencers to connect and engage with their followers.
  • Expertise in a specific niche – Being knowledgeable in a particular area helps establish credibility and attract a target audience.
  • Consistency in content creation – Regularly producing high-quality content keeps followers engaged and interested.
  • Building a community – Engaging with and fostering a supportive community enhances an influencer’s impact and reach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: what qualities make a person a good influencer.

There are several qualities that make a person a good influencer. Firstly, they must have excellent communication skills. Influencers need to be able to convey their ideas and messages effectively to their audience. This includes being able to articulate their thoughts clearly, using persuasive language, and engaging with their audience through various platforms.

Secondly, a good influencer must have credibility. This means that they are knowledgeable and experienced in their field of expertise. People are more likely to trust and follow someone who has proven themselves to be an authority in their niche. Influencers should continuously educate themselves and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in their industry.

Question 2: How important is authenticity in being a good influencer?

Authenticity is crucial in being a good influencer. People can easily detect when someone is being fake or insincere. Audiences are drawn to influencers who are genuine, relatable, and transparent. Being authentic means staying true to oneself and not compromising values or beliefs for the sake of popularity or financial gain.

When influencers are authentic, they are able to build trust and establish strong connections with their followers. They are seen as real people who genuinely care about their audience’s well-being and interests. Authenticity also allows influencers to stand out from the crowd and differentiate themselves from others in the industry.

Question 3: How important is engagement with followers for a good influencer?

Engagement with followers is vital for a good influencer. It is not enough to simply post content and expect people to interact with it. Influencers must actively engage with their audience by responding to comments, messages, and questions. This shows that they value their followers and appreciate their support.

Engagement also helps influencers build a community and foster a sense of belonging among their followers. By actively participating in conversations and discussions, influencers can gain valuable insights into their audience’s preferences, needs, and concerns. This allows them to create content that resonates with their followers and provides them with genuine value.

Question 4: How does consistency contribute to being a good influencer?

Consistency is key to being a good influencer. Followers appreciate influencers who consistently deliver high-quality content and maintain a regular posting schedule. This builds trust and reliability, as followers know what to expect from the influencer.

Consistency also helps influencers establish their personal brand and niche. By consistently sharing content related to their area of expertise, influencers become known for their expertise and become a go-to resource for their audience. Consistency also allows influencers to stay top of mind and maintain a strong presence in the ever-changing world of social media.

Question 5: How does a good influencer inspire and motivate their audience?

A good influencer inspires and motivates their audience by sharing their personal stories, experiences, and successes. They use their platform to encourage their followers to pursue their dreams, overcome challenges, and strive for personal growth. By being relatable and sharing authentic stories, influencers can inspire their audience to take action and make positive changes in their lives.

In addition, a good influencer provides valuable insights, tips, and advice that can help their audience achieve their goals. They offer practical strategies and actionable steps that their followers can implement in their own lives. By providing value and empowering their audience, influencers become trusted mentors and sources of inspiration.

5 Characteristics of a Good Influencer

Final Summary: What Makes a Person a Good Influencer Essay?

So, what does it take to be a good influencer? We’ve explored the qualities and characteristics that make someone stand out in the world of influence. From authenticity and relatability to expertise and engagement, these traits are the building blocks of a successful influencer. But it’s not just about having these qualities; it’s about how they are utilized and harnessed to create meaningful connections with an audience.

A good influencer knows how to leverage their platform to inspire, educate, and entertain. They understand that their audience is looking for content that adds value to their lives, whether it’s through informative tutorials, heartfelt stories, or entertaining anecdotes. By staying true to themselves and their passions, influencers can cultivate a dedicated following that trusts and believes in them. They go beyond just promoting products or services and instead focus on building genuine relationships with their audience.

In conclusion, being a good influencer is a delicate balance of being relatable, knowledgeable, and engaging. It’s about creating content that resonates with your audience and adds value to their lives. By being authentic and passionate, you can become a trusted source of inspiration and information. So, whether you’re aspiring to be an influencer or simply looking to support one, remember the qualities that make them great and appreciate the effort they put into connecting with their followers.

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“The influencer marketing industry is on track to be worth up to $15 billion by 2022.” Searching for influencers to endorse your brand begins with an understanding of what kind of influencer is needed and what qualities to look for. In order to find success, marketers must determine what makes a good influencer, and how to partner with them to increase their exposure.

What is the difference between an effective and ineffective influencer?

There are two main markers of a stellar influencer: authenticity and engagement.  A good influencer knows how to connect with their audience authentically. Authenticity is key to understanding how an influencer creates content. Effective influencers only partner with brands that they personally support, because they’ve worked hard to build a relationship with their large crowd of followers and won’t do anything to betray that trust. A good influencer will not only research if a product or service is helpful but also determine if it is worth sharing with their audience.  Good influencers also understand the importance of their engagement rate and are more likely to foster genuine relationships with their followers, rather than rely on vanity metrics . As Inc. notes, vanity metrics along with other forms of misleading data cannot contribute to business growth, and can only show brand visibility. Engagement rate is a quantitative (but essential) aspect used to determine the quality of an influencer. Engagement rate is a sign of audience activity based on factors like shares, comments, and likes. Although this varies on different social platforms , it is essential to know if an influencer’s following is earned and legitimate.  Business Insider’s 2019 Influencer Marketing Report categorizes two ways to determine an influencers’ efficacy when it comes to engagement rate: reach and niche. According to BI, “ Reach . As a general rule, targeted reach, cost-effectiveness, engagement, authenticity, and accessibility all increase as follower count decreases.” Noting that important aspects within reach go hand in hand with the second factor, “ Niche . Brands can leverage relevant niche influencers to more intentionally target audiences. To maintain a solid engagement rate, a good influencer knows exactly what kind of content their audience is looking for and consistently interacts with them. This becomes important as brands prioritize their return on investment (ROI) through influencer marketing by looking for performance metrics, which include engagement rate. In that vein, B2C notes that, compared to social ads and email marketing, influencer marketing results in higher engagement rates. When it comes to working with a good influencer, make sure they are able to share engagement rates clearly, and that the quality of published content in past brand campaigns has performed well. But the question remains: can the influencer being considered for a partnership prove that they can contribute to a brand’s bottom line?

How marketers identify good influencers to work with

As influencer marketing reaches a wide range of audiences across the world, brands have seen the surge in online engagement, and are moving from other forms of digital marketing to influencer marketing. Marketers are starting to utilize influencer marketing software solutions to identify influencers and find guidance on managing brand partnerships . In terms of identification, here are some key attributes to consider in search for a good influencer.

Influencer-Brand Values. Identifying influencers who have a personal interest in and accordant values with a brand is a starting point for successful long term brand-influencer partnerships. PR Daily states, “The influencer you choose to associate with should be someone who shares like-minded values and tone of voice.” Along with like-minded values, the tone of voice in which an influencer expresses their interest during brand endorsements is another benefiting factor to induce audience engagements. Consistent Quality Engagement. Brands recognize good influencers through their production of quality content and engagement with audiences. Knowing their engagement rates allows influencers to create content that produces the most audience engagement, setting a foundation of communication and trust. Think with Google notes that six out of ten YouTube subscribers are more likely to base purchasing decisions on their favorite creator than their favorite TV personality.

Proven Partnership Performance. Influencers who demonstrate passion and authenticity in brand endorsements are likely to encourage their audience to engage in their campaigns. Forbes notes that VPX sports (manufacturer of Bang energy drinks) utilized ideal influencers on long-term contracts. Also known as “Elites,” these influencers shared a combination of personal interest and quality engagements that applied to the Bang energy drink brand. As a result, they were able to increase their social media presence along with market shares over their competitors.

Examples of good influencer and brand partnerships

Here are a few examples of successful influencer-brand partnerships through different influencer marketing strategies. Personal Storytelling Helps Convey Key Messaging

Jenn Haskins and CVS Beauty Sponsorship

Contests Are a Great Way to Drive Engagement

Karl Conrad and Xiaomi Giveaway

Karl Conrad and Xiaomi Giveaway

Karl Conrad , a travel and tech YouTuber released a tech unboxing and giveaway on YouTube sponsoring Xiaomi Electronics . To enter the giveaway, Conrad instructed viewers to subscribe to his channel, leave a comment, and follow him on other social platforms. Conrad’s video received over five thousand comments, and his engagement skyrocketed with comments and new subscribers. Conrad announced fifteen winners in his latest tech unboxing and giveaway video . Conrad’s and Xiaomi’s partnership provided a win-win opportunity that resulted in product exposure for Xiaomi’s brand, as well as engagement for Conrad’s channel. Good influencers are easier to find when confirming that they value authenticity, prioritize engagement rates, personally believe in the brand, produce quality engagements, and have a passion for forging genuine connections. Equipped with this expertise, brands will have no trouble building a successful long-term influencer partnership.

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What is an Influencer? – Social Media Influencers Defined [Updated 2024]

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According to our Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report , the influencer marketing industry will be valued at $24 billion by the end of 2024. Why? Because 85% of our survey respondents believe in the effectiveness of influencer marketing.

It's important to understand that influencers are not merely marketing tools but rather social relationship assets with which brands can collaborate to achieve their marketing objectives. Let's discuss their role, types, benefits, and selection in detail.

What Is an Influencer?

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An influencer is someone who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience. Influencers are usually active on social media platforms like Facebook, X, TikTok, and Instagram.

Typically, each influencer is known for a specific niche—be it fashion, travel, gaming, beauty, cooking, fitness, or any other interest area. They create content around their niche, and people who follow them are interested in that particular topic.

According to Justin Welsh , a successful entrepreneur,

" An influencer is an individual who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience ."

For example, James Charles is a beauty influencer with a significant following on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. He makes content around makeup hacks, beauty tips, makeup tutorials, and product reviews. People who follow him are interested in beauty and makeup, and they trust his recommendations for products or brands.

@jamescharles this one’s gonna be a no from me I’m sorry 😭 #makeuphack ♬ original sound - James Charles

Social media influencers are individuals who have built a social media following due to their knowledge, expertise, or interest in a specific topic. Think gaming influencers who built a following after regularly posting game walk-through content or new video game reviews. Unlike celebrities, they built their influence solely from being present on social media and creating content on their preferred topic.

They regularly post about that t opic on their preferred social media channels and generate large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people who pay close attention to their views. Brands love social media influencers because they can create trends and encourage their followers to buy products they promote.

For instance, Rifah (@mynameifrifah) is a makeup artist and social media influencer. She mostly creates skincare and beauty content, which has helped her build a huge following and influence in this space. She has amassed over 271k followers on TikTok and 56k followers on Instagram.

View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Cosmetic Scientist & MUA (@mynameisrifah)

Influencers do just what their name suggests; they influence people. They do so by creating content for brands, running branded giveaways, attending events, sharing personal experiences, or building a community for brands. Influencers also create a positive brand reputation online by advocating for a product or service and recommending it to their followers.

For example, Isabelle Graff, a beauty influencer, worked with Pixi Beauty to promote their products. She created a video showing a full face of makeup using only Pixi Beauty products and gave her honest reviews about them. Since she's a trusted micro-influencer, her followers are likely to buy the products she recommended.

Sometimes, influencers also encourage their followers to take action, such as buying a product or signing up for an event by sharing their discount codes. For example, Jesse James West is a Gym Shark influencer who shares his code with his followers, encouraging them to purchase Gym Shark products at a discounted rate.

There are several types of influencers that you can separate based on a number of categories. Sometimes, people confuse the definition of an influencer because their understanding is only limited to one type of influencer. So it’s important to make a clear distinction between these types to better understand what an influencer is.

The most common methods of distinction are by following size, by types of content, and by level of influence.   You can also group influencers by the niche in which they operate. This means that influencers who may appear in a low category by one measure may seem more influential when looked at in another way. 

For example, many mega-influencers are also celebrities. Yet both these groups often have less real influence on their audience because they need more expertise in a dedicated narrow niche . Some micro and even nano-influencers can tremendously impact followers in their specialist niche. They may significantly benefit a brand that’s selling a product targeting that sector.

By Following Size

Influencers type's Follower Numbers

Types of influencers by follower count

In modern-day influencer marketing, it's not necessary to have hundreds of thousands of followers to be considered an influencer. Even individuals with less than 10k followers can be influencers. Here's how we can categorize influencers based on their follower count.

Mega Influencers

Follower Count: 1M+

Mega-influencers are individuals with at least a million followers on their social networks. Most of them are celebrities who have gained their fame offline, such as movie stars, sportspeople, musicians, and even reality television stars. However, some mega-influencers have gained their vast following through their online and social activities. Content creators such as PewDiePie and MrBeast are some examples of mega-influencers.

MrBeast Mega Influencer

Due to their large following, mega-influencers give you the ability to reach millions of people instantly. As a result, working with them tends to get expensive. According to our report on Influencer Rates , you can expect to spend upwards of $10,000 per post when you partner with a mega-influencer. So, in most cases, they’re only viable for major brands with huge budgets.

Macro Influencers

Follower Count : 100k - 1M

Macro-influencers are individuals with between 100k and 1 million followers . While they still have a significant reach, they’re a bit more accessible than mega-influencers. Note that they’re still expensive to work with compared to smaller influencers. But you might be able to find ones that charge somewhere between $1,000 and $5,000 per post, depending on the platform.

This group tends to consists of two types of people. They are either B-grade celebrities, who haven't yet made it to the big time. Or they are successful online experts, who have built up more significant followings than the typical micro-influencers. The latter type of macro-influencer is likely to be more impactful for brands that want to launch an influencer marketing campaign.

For instance, It Cosmetics partnered with macro-influencers like Melodie Perez (@diaryoftroubledskin) to promote their CC+ Cream. The influencer has built a solid audience of 261k followers who mostly tune into her skincare and beauty content.

View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Melodie Perez (@diaryoftroubledskin)

Macro-influencers generally have a high profile and can be excellent at raising awareness. There are more macro-influencers than mega-influencers, so it should be easier for a brand to find a macro-influencer willing to work with them. They are also more likely to be used to working with brands than micro-influencers, making communication easier.

However, you do need to be careful with this level of influencer. This is the category most likely to engage in influencer fraud – some have only reached their position thanks to the followers they have purchased.


Follower Count: 10k - 100k

Micro-influencers have a smaller but more engaged following. Brands usually have a micro-influencer marketing strategy to reach niche audiences, such as pet owners or mommy bloggers. According to Sidney Pierucci , Founder of ESPLMedia, micro-influencers are ideal candidates for brand reach. She explains, " Because they are personally invested in their crafts, micro-influencers are trusted sources of recommendations for followers ."

They are are individuals with between 10,000 and 100,000 followers. They’re mostly emerging influencers and everyday people who have become known for their knowledge or interest in a specific niche. As a result, they have a sizeable following made up of people who share an interest in said niche. At the same time, they’re still relatable to their followers, which results in higher level of engagement. This makes them ideal for brands looking to partner with influencers in a given niche.

They’re also perfect for smaller businesses looking to execute influencer marketing on a budget, as they don’t charge as much as their more influential counterparts. According to our Influencer Rates report, you won’t have to spend more than $1,000 per post to work with most micro-influencers. In fact, they’ll typically charge around $100 to $500 per Instagram post.

In some cases, you can still find micro-influencers who will create content for free when you gift them products. Sana Jardin got the following TikTok video promoting their perfumes when they sent some samples to Elise Loves Smells, an influential perfume content creator with nearly 38k followers.

@eliselovessmells @Sana Jardin you are BEST. Gifted with no obligation to post, these are my honest and enthusiastic opinions! #sanajardin #sandalwood #sandalwoodtemple #perfumetok #carlosbenaim #nicheperfume #perfumetok #fragranceenthusiast #perfumeaddict ♬ Sweet Sunset - Tollan Kim & dulai


Follower Count: Less than 10k

The newest influencer type to gain recognition is the nano-influencer. These people only have a small number of followers, but they tend to be experts in an obscure or highly specialized field. You can think of nano-influencers as being the proverbial big fish in a small pond.

Nano Influencers have between 1,000 and 10,000 followers. Regardless, these are keen and interested followers who are w illing to engage with the nano-influencer and listen to their opinions.

While many brands would consider nano-influencers as inconsequential, they can be highly impactful for brands selling highly specialized and niche products. For instance, Rituel De Fille is a makeup brand that maintains a dark and magical aesthetic. Everything from their packaging design to their product names are intended to appeal to individuals who have an interest in both magic and makeup. 

So partnering with a nano-influencer like @thehappyghoul_ was the perfect way to promote their Creature of Light Illuminating Serum. The makeup artist matches the brand’s persona, mostly creating content on dark aesthetic makeup. She has under 2k Instagram followers but most of them share the same interest, which means they’re likely to be interested in the makeup brands and products she promotes.

Check out the Nano vs. Micro-Influencer Marketing: What’s the Difference?

nano influencer

Alternatively, brands selling non-niche products can still leverage nano-influencers for product seeding campaigns. Of course, this would require activating several nano-influencers to maximize reach and raise brand awareness.

By Content Type

Types influencer's content types

Types of influencers by content type

Influencers may also differ based on the type of content they make. Here are the standard categories.

The original modern-day influencers are bloggers who create long-form content on their own websites or blogs. They rose to prominence in the early 2000s , long before we had Instagram and Facebook, and YouTube hadn’t yet attained mainstream reach. These bloggers became influencers as they gained readership for blog posts sharing their personal experiences or providing valuable tips and instructions in their areas of expertise.

Eventually, major fashion houses started inviting fashion bloggers to shows while brands grasped for valuable ad space on prominent blogs. As video content and social media became more popular, blogging gradually returned to obscurity. 

However, many prominent bloggers still have a significant readership, making them ideal partners for brands that want to focus on in-depth and long-form content. They also make for excellent partners in your affiliate program as they drive clicks and purchases directly from their blogs. 

For instance, Nomadic Matt is a highly popular blogger creating content about all things travel. He created the following blog post on travel backpacks and listed links to buy each product featured in the post. When readers make a purchase through the links he shares, he earns a commission.

blog example

These are influencers who primarily create video content using YouTube as a platform. The style of video may vary depending on the influencer and the niche they specialize in. So you may have a travel influencer creating travel vlogs, a gaming influencer sharing game walk-throughs, a comedy influencer putting together a skit, a beauty influencer sharing makeup tutorials, and so on.

YouTubers build their influence by sharing their expertise and taking a unique approach to tackling a topic. For instance, makeup influencer Bailey Sarian has gained over 7 million subscribers on YouTube by discussing true crime, mysteries, and dark history while she does her makeup. 


With YouTube offering a platform for longer videos, they’re perfect for sharing in-depth reviews, discussions, and demos. This makes them ideal for brands that want to reach audiences in the consideration stage, where they’re learning more about the product before they decide to make a purchase.

As podcasting has gained popularity in recent years, it has also given rise to podcasters. These are influencers who primarily create audio-focused content where they talk (literally) about specific topics in their chosen niche. Their content may involve a solo speaker, an interview-style discussion, or a panel of people participating in a conversation.

While most podcasts lack a visual element, they draw in a highly engaged group of listeners who tune in to hear what they have to say. In fact, there are 460 million podcast listeners globally, according to the latest podcast statistics . Moreover, 62% of U.S. consumers listen to podcasts. 

This makes podcasting influencers an excellent option for brands that want to raise awareness about their products or services. Brands like Athletic Greens, LMNT, and Momentous have sponsored episodes on Huberman Lab, a podcast by Andrew Huberman. 

podcaster influencers

You could also co-create content with relevant podcasters to get your brand in front of the right audience. Think interviews and panel discussions or even creative podcast series that will help you appeal to the podcaster’s existing listener base.

Social Posts Only

Finally, you can also find social media influencers who create content exclusively on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook. Many of the previous types of influencers also maintain a presence on these major social platforms to cross-promote their content. The key difference with influencers who create social posts only is that they focus exclusively on the main social media platforms.

While they may maintain a presence across several platforms at a time, they don’t go beyond these main social media platforms. That means they don’t create blog posts, YouTube videos, or podcasts. 

For instance, you’ll find an influencer who built a following exclusively from creating TikTok videos. Or one who grew their influence from regularly creating Instagram content and then branched out to use TikTok. 

Keith Lee is a TikTok creator who primarily creates food-related TikTok videos. He’s the creator behind the viral Chipotle hack, which resulted in the food chain adding a new temporary item to their menu. He has garnered over 16 million followers on TikTok and 2.2 million followers on Instagram, where he maintains a secondary presence. 

social posts influencers

By Influence Level

Influence level

Types of influencers by influence level

Some influencers have more influence than others, and it's not always dependent on follower count. These people already have a great reputation in their niche, which helps multiply their influence. There are two types of influencers based on influence level.


As the original influencers, celebrities still play a key role in the influencer marketing landscape today. These are individuals who have achieved mainstream fame through their achievements in music, sports, acting, and fashion among others. Since they maintain a presence on key social networks, they’ve managed to amass a significant following across these channels.

Example: Bella Hadid is a model with over 61 million followers on Instagram. 

Although brands have somewhat moved on from traditional endorsements, they’re finding new ways to partner with celebrities in alignment with the current trends. This involves creative partnerships where celebrities get involved in product design and development. It also involves product placements, reviews, unboxing videos, and more.

One creative partnership involves Nike inviting famous athlete, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce for a tour of their “Air Immersion” exhibit. The collaboration served as a promo for the #NikeOnAir event in Paris, with the tour video getting an impressive audience reception.

View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Nike (@nike)

The key to making this type of partnership work is the choice of celebrities, as many celebrities may need more credibility with the target audience. For instance, Justin Bieber may be highly influential if he recommended a fashion brand bu t would have little chance of influencing the buying patterns of those looking for a retirement village.

Celebrities may have many fans and gigantic social media followings. However, it is debatable exactly how much real influence they hold over those who follow them. That’s why it’s important to find the right alignment based on the product or service you want to promote and the audience you want to reach.

Opinion Leaders or Industry Experts

What if Bill Gates told you which computer brand to buy or Warren Buffet suggested a stock to invest in? The opinions of these influencers hold significant weight regardless of their social media follower count. They're usually very selective about their partnerships but can build immense trust for a brand. These are i ndustry experts and thought leaders such as journalists can also be considered influencers in their respective industries. These key opinion leaders have gained respect because of their qualifications, position, or experience about their topic of expertise. 

These experts include:

  • Journalists
  • Industry experts
  • Consultants and professional advisors

If you can gain the attention of a journalist in a national newspaper, who in turn talks positively about your company in an article, then you’re l everaging their influence in much the same way as you would a blogger or a social media influencer. There is a bonus in this situation in that the journalist will most probably write the report for free.

One thing to be aware of when working with key opinion leaders is that many have built up their reputation in an offline setting and may not have a large or active social following. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re not the right fit. In fact, their recommendations may have more credibility within their industry, meaning that you can instantly gain trust and boost brand awareness.

Example : Dan Fletcher , CFO of Planful, is a SaaS and finance thought leader. 

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People with Above Average Influence on Their Audience

In many ways, the best influencers have built their reputation online for being an expert in some particular niche. They are similar to key opinion leaders but usually have gained their reputation more informally through their online activity. And they have created that reputation through the quality of the social posts they make, the blog posts they write, the podcasts they speak, and the videos they create on their YouTube channels.

Although nobody has yet created a generic term for these people, the British agency, PMYB, has come up with their trade-marked name - Chromo-Influencers. These are the agency's highest-performing influencers, based on 46 crucial factors that impact consumer behavior.

These influencers have the best communication skills and engagement with their audience. They have enticed their followers and become recognized as experts in their field.

Their follower numbers very much depend on their subject of expertise. However, you will find that these people have incredibly high followings in comparison to others in their niche.

Influencers have an important role to play in marketing today. Todd Cameron , a marketing executive, explains their role perfectly by saying,

" Influencer marketing is the first real consumer-driven marketing channel. It's real people talking to real people ."

Here's how that helps brands.

Increase Brand Awareness

The most common way influencers help brands is by increasing their brand awareness. When an influencer recommends a product or promotes it, their followers are likely to check it. Tamara McCleary , CEO at Thulium, explains,

" A long-term influencer program will allow your brand to create true brand advocates, powerful brand evangelists, and raving fans. "

An example of a brand that does this is Hello Fresh. The meal kit delivery company partners with influencers to let their followers know about their service and how it can benefit them.

@hellofresh #HelloFresh is here to save the day 📦💚 @Ms Shi & Mr He ♬ original sound - HelloFresh US

Increase Revenue Generation

Influencers also drive sales for brands by promoting their products or services. Our guide on influencer marketing ROI explains this concept in detail.

Michael Kuzminov , Chief Growth Officer (CGO) at HypeFactory, also explains how influencers accomplish this,

" By leveraging the trust-building prowess of influencers, capitalizing on cost-effective strategies and embracing adaptability, businesses can tap into this dynamic approach to drive sales, engage audiences and forge lasting connections in an era of economic unpredictability ."

For example, BenQ, a technology company, collaborated with over 30 influencers in partnership with the Influencer Marketing Factory to generate sales for its portable projector.

BenQ campaign influencers

BenQ campaign influencers

Amplify Marketing and Product Launch Campaigns

According to Rand Fishkin , Founder of Moz,

" An influencer promoting and amplifying your message, your brand, to their audience means credibility. It means additional reach, and it means you get an outsized modifier to the conversion process ."

Brands often work with influencers when launching new products to generate buzz. Similarly, influencers may help amplify marketing campaigns by creating and sharing branded content, including product reviews and giveaways.

Take Rhode Skin as an example. The brand works with beauty influencers to introduce its new products, such as blushes.

Reach Niche Audiences

Brands tend to work with micro and nano-influencers to reach niche audiences. For example, a macro beauty influencer will have generic beauty content that caters to a broad audience. However, if a brand creates products specifically for skin concerns like rosacea, they'll likely work with a smaller influencer who either has rosacea herself or has an engaged audience with similar concerns.

For example, Nigel Seeb is a nano-influencer who shares content around his passion for traveling and coffee. He is also vocal about LGBTQ+ rights and has collaborated with Lyft on their Pride Month campaign. 

There are a few ways brands can find influencers .

  • Influencer Platforms : An influencer platform is like a hub that connects brands with influencers. Brands can filter influencers based on content type, audience, follower count, location, and other factors. Check out our guide on influencer marketing for creators for more .  
  • Influencer Marketing Agencies: Brands may also reach out to influencer marketing agencies and let them handle the entire process, from finding the right influencer to managing the campaign.
  • Social Media: Many brands follow specific hashtags and browse through social media platforms to discover potential influencers.
  • LinkedIn: Brands looking for thought leaders and industry experts find them through LinkedIn.

Brands can approach influencers themselves or through intermediaries, such as a marketplace or agency. In most cases, a DM or email works. Some influencers have agents or managers, so brands can communicate with them instead.

What to Offer Influencers: Creating an Engaging and Appealing Offer for Influencers

What you offer an influencer depends on your budget and end goal. For example, as a small business, you may not have enough resources to pay an influencer thousands of dollars. So, you can send them your product or offer your service for free. Check out our guide on product seeding to learn more.

Here are some other options you can offer influencers:

  • Commission-based Pay: You can negotiate a commission for every sale that comes in through the influencer's code. It's a win-win situation for both parties.
  • Sponsored Content: Brands pay influencers to create and publish sponsored posts on their social media platforms. It could be a simple shoutout, product review, tutorial, or influencer takeover.
  • Brand Ambassador: For brands that want to foster long-term relationships with influencers, they can offer them brand ambassadorship. These influencers then create content regularly as a part of the brand ambassador program . 
  • Exclusive Access: Some brands offer exclusive access to events or products for influencers as part of a collaboration. For example, Topicals, a skincare brand, took influencers on a trip to Bermuda. The influencers had to create content for the brand during the trip to feature their product in the picturesque tourist location. 

The good news is that you don't need any formal education to become an influencer. As for the skills, you can develop them over time. Here are the ones you'll need.

Content Creation Skills

This one's a no-brainer. Since you'll be creating content on a regular basis, you should be adept at it. Some skills in this regard include photography, videography, writing, editing, storytelling, and so on.

Pinterest and fellow influencers' profiles can offer quite a bit of inspiration. Additionally, you should be proficient in basic content creation tools like Capcut and Canva. Learn from YouTube tutorials and in-platform guides. Also, learn how to maximize your social media account's features and analytics.

Marketing and Communication Skills

Communication is obviously key in any type of marketing, including influencer marketing. Kamiu Lee , VP of Strategy at Bloglovin, says,

'' Savvy influencers know to treat their following like their closest friends — and build trust with their audience. It is because of this relationship that influencer marketing, when executed correctly, works to affect purchasing behavior, particularly for the younger generations. ''

Communication skills like public speaking and networking also come in handy. You should also hone your marketing skills, such as data analysis, SEO, branding, and social media marketing. For example, as a TikTok influencer, you should know how to set your aesthetic, measure content performance, plan campaigns, and engage with your followers.

Interpersonal Skills

Influencers have to work with two parties: brands and audiences. For the former, they need networking and negotiation skills to pitch their ideas and negotiate contracts. As for the latter, relationship-building is the way to go. For instance, you must respond to comments and DMs in the same tone as the rest of your content. Our social media community management guide will be of help to you.

Influencers also have to be team players. Often, brand collaborations include multi-influencer campaigns and trips. During these events, influencers have to work with their fellows towards a common objective. 

Some people are swept into the influencer life through virality. Khaby Lame, an influencer with over 163 million followers on TikTok and 81 million on Instagram is a good example. He used to make funny videos, which gained massive traction in Italy, and eventually, he built his brand from there.

However, for most people, it takes time and deliberate effort to become an influencer. Here's a step-by-step process on how to become an influencer .

Find a Niche

First step: choose a niche. It could be something you're good at or interested in. For example, if you're the designated chef at family gatherings because of your worthy-of-passing-down-generations recipes, cooking could be your niche.

Your niche can also be something you're passionate about, such as travel or fashion. It may be something you studied at college, like finance. For example, Humphrey Yang is a finance YouTuber because of his past expertise as a financial advisor.

Post Content

After selecting your niche, start posting content around it. For example, if your niche is gardening, start with basic planting and maintenance tips. You can also create a series on different gardening techniques or show your own garden transformation. Look for social media post ideas on other influencers' pages. Trending hashtags also hint at what people are interested in.

Another way to post content is through trends and challenges. Many TikTok influencers like Charli D'Amelio rose to fame through dance challenges. Similarly, on Instagram, there are trends like " What I eat in a day ," where influencers share their meals and recipes.

For example, Karissa Dumbacher, a food influencer, created a video on what she ate in a day while working on a cruise. This type of content, even if not exactly niche-related, helps build a connection with your audience. Check out our Instagram post ideas for inspiration.

Helpful Tips

Here are some handy tips to make your content visible.

  • Complete your profile bio so your audience knows what type of content to expect.
  • Post consistently. Social media algorithms favor creators who post regularly.
  • Be authentic, and show your personality rather than stealing someone else's content ideas.
  • Add hashtags to your posts for higher visibility.
  • Engage with your followers through comments, DMs, polls, and story replies.

Create a Strategy

Once you start getting followers and engagement, create a strategy for your account. For example, you can create an editorial calendar to plan your content in advance. We have a list of social media calendar tools that can help you with this.

Check your social media analytics to determine which type of content does the best. Plus, ask your audience what they want to see more of. If you need help, hire a freelance editor or social media manager to assist you.

Try to stay ahead of your posting schedule so that any unseen events do not affect your content flow. Schedule your content in advance using one of the free social media scheduling tools in our list.

Build a Community

Community building simply means not letting your followers feel like they exist in a vacuum. Instead, make them feel heard. If they ask something in the comment section, respond to them. Hop on live streams for real-time chatting or put up a Q&A session on your stories.

Steph Hui, a fashion influencer , does a good job of this. She responds to the top comments to keep the conversation going.

You can also work with other creators and collaborate on content together. It helps broaden your community since you get exposure to their followers, and they get exposed to yours. 

Check out our selection of community building tools for inspiration. 

Work With Brands

You've finally reached the fun part. After your profile has gotten decently active, you can reach out to brands yourself. Don't go on a blasting spree, though. Work with brands that your audience relates to and would be interested in.

Most brands, particularly startups, have a set budget for influencer marketing. The amount of it they plan to spend on you will depend on your reach and influence. Some common ways in which brands work with influencers are PR gifting, sponsored posts, guest posts, brand trips, giveaways, and product releases.

For example, Steph Hui is an Olaplex partner. She shares content about their products and how to use them in your hair care routine.

Similarly, she gets invited to brand events, too. For example, Oscar De La Renta invited her to their pre-spring 2025 show. They also dressed her up in their collection and styled her for the event.

She also gets PR gifts from brands like Maison Margiela Fragrances, which she posts about on Instagram and TikTok. The point is that there's more to working with brands than just sponsored posts. It's up to you to build yourself to that level. 

How much an influencer earns depends on the following factors:

  • Follower Count and Engagement: Influencers with more followers and higher engagement levels charge more per post than their smaller-account counterparts
  • Project Type: One-time or smaller projects like sponsored posts or gifting will pay less than larger projects like brand partnerships or ambassador programs
  • Niche: Influencers in certain niches, such as beauty or fashion, tend to earn more than those in other industries due to the high demand for collaborations in these areas
  • Negotiation Skills: The ability to negotiate rates with brands can also impact an influencer's earnings.
  • Brand Size: Smaller brands don't have the same budget as larger, established brands, so they may offer lower rates. Our Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report found that over 47% of brands spend under $10k on influencer marketing, while almost 21% spend anywhere from $10k to $50k.

How much brands spend on influencer marketing

How much brands spend on influencer marketing

  • Product Type: Certain types of products, such as luxury or high-end brands, may also bring in higher payments for influencers.

Our detailed guide on how much creators make covers creator earnings by audience size, engagement, and industry. Alternatively, you can use our Instagram Money Calculator or TikTok Money Calculator to estimate your earnings.

Going forward, brands will spend more on influencer marketing, as over 59% of our survey respondents reported increasing their budgets. In such a landscape, influencers can command higher earnings. The influencer economy is constantly expanding, creating more opportunities for creators.

We've covered the basics of becoming an influencer and how much you can earn. Learning from the types of influencers we've mentioned, you can monetize your online presence even with a few thousand followers. We have covered the examples of quite a few influencers in this guide whose growth trajectory and content strategy you can emulate for your own success.

What is an influencer?

As we have established in this article, an influencer is someone who has:

  • the power to affect others' purchasing decisions because of their authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with their audience,
  • a following in a distinct niche, with whom they actively engage. The size of the following depends on the popularity of their niche.

Influencers in social media have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic.

What does an influencer do?

Contrary to the popular belief of some, an influencer is not somebody who spends all their time on social media, taking selfies and trying to sound important. Influencers have to genuinely influence the behavior of their followers. They have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. They make regular posts about that topic on their preferred social media channels and generate large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people who pay close attention to their views.

How many followers do you need to be an influencer?

The number of followers you need to be an influencer very much depends on the niche in which you operate. Mega influencers have many followers on their social networks, often more than 1 million followers on a platform. People with followers in the range between 100,000 and 1 million followers on a social network are macro-influencers. Most influencers are micro-influencers with between 10,000 and 100,000 followers. In really specialist niches, you have nano-influencers with between 1,000 and 10,000 followers.

How does an influencer get paid?

This depends on the social platforms where the influencer operates. Some of the common ways influencers get paid are:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Display advertising
  • Sponsored posts / images / videos and brand campaigns
  • Courses, subscriptions, and eBooks
  • Photo and video sales
  • Acting as brand representatives or ambassadors
  • Payments to a Patreon account for exclusive content
  • Co-created product lines
  • Promoting their own merchandise

Influencers have both reach and influence on their audience. This makes an ideal situation for brands trying to reach a matching target audience.

Do influencers pay for followers?

While some people undoubtedly pay for followers online, genuine influencers don't have to. Indeed, you should treat any evidence of any more than a few fake followers as a tremendous red flag. Alright, many large celebrity accounts have their share of fake followers, created by bots without the celebrities knowing. They wouldn't have paid for these fake followers – the bots prowl on celebrity accounts to look credible. However, real influencers with more manageable follower numbers check that the bulk of their followers are genuine.

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Influencers' positive social value, and how to develop a responsible influencer partnership.

Forbes Communications Council

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By 2022, brands are predicted to spend $15 billion on influencer marketing. Since it has proven itself in terms of profit, accusations directed at the strategy’s legitimacy (i.e., “fad”) have been replaced by jabs at its social value — for example, when influencers are described as talentless or detrimental to our self-esteem.

There are ways influencers benefit society. Yes, the industry has some cleaning up to do: Issues of authenticity and oversaturation come to mind. In spite of these growing pains, I believe influencers are ultimately part of a positive digital trend. I’ve seen it, not just as someone who works in the industry , but as a follower — someone who enjoys influencer content.

So what’s there to love about influencers?

1. Influencers expose us to diverse models of what it means to be cool. 

In my opinion, influencers are a product of the equalizing power of social media, meaning people (not brands and not the media) get to decide who they want to follow. The result is a spectrum of diverse influencers who better reflect our society.

On Quora, I constantly receive questions like “Why do (insert topic) influencers exist?” They exist because there are communities of people who belong to that niche! And that’s wonderful. Influencers offer yet another mode for people to engage in online communities. Whether it’s senior fashionistas, video game prodigies or mental health bloggers, influencers make space for, and lend visibility to, a diverse range of interests and identities.

2. Influencers can bring attention and awareness to important causes.

Many top online influencers are engaged in some kind of social advocacy. In fact, in our software, it’s easy to identify entire niches (meaning thousands of influencer profiles) dedicated to sustainability, well-being, even social justice. We’ve had such good experiences with charitable influencers that we started a pro bono program to match nonprofits with concerned influencers for volunteer campaigns.

Influencers’ goodwill posting isn’t for nothing either — it gets results. The exposure can propel a call to action and spur meaningful dialogue on the topic — and most importantly, it costs the organization nothing because the influencers post out of the goodness of their hearts.

3. It’s a good thing when creatives can profit from their work.

Here’s the truth: The monetization of content allows creators to continue making stuff we enjoy. Granted, what we consider “valuable” content is totally subjective (refer to point No. 1). No one can debate the fact that influencers are today’s creatives: copywriters, designers, models, makeup artists, comedians, photographers, curators. Social media wouldn’t be the same without the content that inspires, educates and entertains us. Producing this content requires time and resources, though.

With a booming influencer economy, there’s a growing incentive to master creative skills. Kids are getting e-gaming scholarships to go to college, and TikTok is bringing back performance arts . TikTok clubs (subscription required) have even begun to pop up in U.S. high schools. It may not be what we’re used to, as older generations, but it is refreshing to see creative industries grow in this way.

4. Influencers make marketing suck just a little bit less.

At its worst, marketing is brands pushing products that people don’t need with tactics they don’t like. Influencers, however, have the capacity to ameliorate our experience with ads. They play the role of initial “filters” when it comes to products and services. Like advocates for their followers, responsible influencers judge the quality of brand offers and reject things that won’t appeal to their audiences. Contrary to popular belief, this happens quite a bit. To retain their credibility, successful influencers absolutely vet their offers.

In terms of tactics, influencers are creating content people actually want to see. Unlike traditional advertisements, influencer content is “ nonintrusive .” Finally, because audiences have opted in to following them, influencers represent a much more consensual access point to consumers (as opposed to buying personal data from third parties).

With great power comes great responsibility.

Of course, for all the good they’re capable of, influencers can also do bad. Often it’s other influencers who call them out!

We all have a role to play. Brands can also do their part by investing in responsible influencers and dropping those who aren’t contributing to the social good.

What do responsible influencer partnerships look like?

• Niche Compatibility: Brands that wish to embrace responsible influencer marketing should seek influencers who correspond to their corporate social responsibility (CSR) missions — for example, sustainability influencers for outdoors brands.

• Cocreation: Involve influencers in CSR objectives and solicit their input to build more authentic, long-term programs.

• Dig Deeper: When vetting an influencer, responsible brands will take into account the “big picture” by evaluating the quality of dialogue (not just the number of comments) and previous partnerships. If an influencer has a history of carelessness in either aspect, that’s a red flag. Conversely, an influencer who is genuine about a cause will show it via the questions they ask of brands. Don’t shy away from nosy influencers; responsible ones vet their partners, too.

• Ensure Quality; Review Content. Creative freedom is everything, but brands must have publication review policies. It’s not too much to ask for, and I’m sure everyone’s feeds would be better off. Have a lot of content to review? Collaborative software helps.

• Positive Collaboration For Lasting Impressions:  Measure the social value of content by tracking conversations and sharing actions such as tagging friends or bookmarking for future use.

• Brands Must Act When Needed: Just like any other form of endorsement, influencer marketing implies ethics and long-term vision. Sometimes, this requires silently ending relationships (due to anticipated problems) or issuing public commentary (in extreme scenarios).

As someone who works in the industry, I want to develop the positive trends: diversity, charity, creativity, nonintrusive advertising. Ultimately, influencers aren’t a fad, so we need to invest in the beneficial aspects of influencer marketing and mitigate the detrimental ones.

Vivien Garnès

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Impact and Influence: The Effects of Influencer Culture on Society

An influencer

Influencers are an integral part of the online space, creating communities, working with brands to showcase products and forming human connections online. Influencer culture shapes our everyday norms, from shopping habits to trends to beliefs to lifestyles. 

In our 2024 Trust in Influencer Marketing report , we surveyed 1,200 American consumers to see how impactful influencer marketing was in their daily purchases. The give-and-take between influencers and their followers is stronger than ever. Influencers shape what people buy and the trends they follow, while people turn to influencers for recommendations and lifestyle tips. This has a big impact on what people buy: 50.7% of people said they bought a product after seeing an influencer use it. This proves how important influencers are in any solid marketing strategy.

The report has more interesting findings. Turns out, influencers are reaching a whopping 83% of adults, which goes to show how big a part they play in the digital marketing world.

More than half of the people we surveyed find influencer content more interesting than your regular, scripted ads. Plus, 61% of people trust posts from influencers more than those from famous TV, film, or sports stars. Being authentic in marketing matters. Influencers sharing their personal experiences come across as more trustworthy and believable.

That trust translates into sales. Influencers can talk about a makeup product, causing it to be sold out everywhere. The power of influencer culture is no joke, and it’s here to stay.

Influencers vs. celebrities

Influencers have become digital celebrities but differ quite a bit from TV, film and other celebrities. Because influencers have grown their audience, creating connections and trust, their followers are more apt to purchase based on what an influencer recommends versus a big celebrity. The Trust in Influencer Marketing report found that 61% of respondents trust a sponsored post from an influencer more than a traditional celebrity endorsement, highlighting the shift in trust toward influencers.

While a popular actor or singer may influence, their impact is much less compared with large influencers who have become celebrities in their own right. 

Influencers are often invited to events that normally were only shared with traditional celebrities. They’ve even become the face of major sporting events or interviewers at awards ceremonies. Brands are seeing the true influence that influencers can have and how powerful they can be.

How influencers impact society

Influencer culture has had a profound impact on various aspects of society:

Influencers often set or popularize trends in fashion, beauty, fitness, food, and more. Their followers look to them for the latest styles, products, or practices, leading to viral trends that can spread globally.

Influencers often share their daily routines, diets, workout regimens, and personal experiences, influencing their followers’ lifestyles. For instance, a health and fitness influencer may inspire followers to adopt healthier eating habits or start a new fitness routine.

Consumer habits

Influencers play a significant role in shaping consumer habits. They often promote products or brands to their followers, influencing their purchasing decisions. This is why influencer marketing has become a powerful tool for businesses. Studies have shown that consumers often trust recommendations from influencers as much as, or even more than, those from friends or family.

On a broader scale, influencer culture has impacted societal norms and expectations. It has contributed to the “selfie” culture and the emphasis on personal branding. It has also sparked conversations about authenticity, as some influencers have been criticized for promoting unrealistic standards or lifestyles.

Mental health

The influencer culture has also impacted mental health, with issues like the fear of missing out (FOMO), social media addiction, and lowered self-esteem linked to the constant consumption of picture-perfect lifestyles often portrayed by influencers. 

On the other hand, mental health advocates have emerged on social media to offer co mmunities to people with the same challenges. Influencers can create supportive online communities where people feel understood and less alone. These communities can be especially beneficial for individuals dealing with mental health issues who may not have access to such support in their offline lives.

The rise of influencers has also created new economic opportunities. Influencers can monetize their platforms through brand partnerships, sponsored content, and merchandise, contributing to the gig economy.

While influencer culture has its positives, it’s also important to be mindful of its potential downsides, such as promoting unrealistic standards, consumerism, and the potential for misinformation.

Predicted growth and diversification

Influencer culture is expected to continue to grow and change. For example, TikTok took off during the pandemic in 2020 and continues to be one of the fastest platforms to grow on for influencers. In 2023 alone, TikTok reached 1.92 billion users . You never know when the newest app will come out or change to the current significant platforms (Instagram, TikTok and YouTube) that could change the influencer game entirely.

AI will continue to grow and enhance influencer marketing as we know it. The ability to use AI for content creation, ideation, analytics and so much more will continue to grow as the AI capability grows. This will be integral for both influencers and brands working with influencers.

Influencer culture will continue to evolve and change over the years, but it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. For now, keep an eye on AI and how that will shift influencer marketing as we know it. 


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what makes a person a good influencer essay

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How to Write a Descriptive Essay on an Influential Person in Your Life

How to Write a Speech About Someone I Admire

How to Write a Speech About Someone I Admire

A descriptive essay on an influential person can be about someone who has had a positive or negative impact on your life. This person can be a teacher, a coach, a family member, a friend, an employer, a political figure, a historical figure or even a fictional character. The key element of writing this type of essay is to reflect on how and why the person has influenced you.

Focus Your Essay

As in any essay, when writing about an influential person in your life you should include a thesis statement. In this case, the thesis statement declares how or why this person has influenced you life. For example, if writing about your soccer coach, you may write, "Through his advice and the example of his character, my soccer coach has inspired me to never be lazy, to get back up after a fall, and to be a confident leader." The thesis statement gives you, the writer, a focus and direction so that you are not only describing a person, but exploring the causes and effects of that person's impact on you.

Start With an Anecdote

Instead of starting the essay with an explicit physical or personal description of the person, you can more meaningfully reveal who the individual is by sharing a personal story. For example, if you are writing about your sibling, you can begin the essay with a specific memory of a moment or experience you shared in which your relationship or your sibling's strengths and weaknesses are revealed through actions. This is an engaging way to entertain the reader while imparting valuable information about the person you are describing.

Describe the Person

At some point in the descriptive essay, you need to describe the influential person. This description -- which can include physical attributes, biographical information and personality traits -- should be related with concrete language. The description should paint a vivid picture of all that matters about the person. The writer needs to be judicious in which descriptive material she selects for inclusion in the essay; the information should be determined by the overall point being made in the essay. For example, if your thesis statement is about how Abraham Lincoln is your hero because of all his accomplishments relative to the social and political conditions of the time, descriptions of his favorite hobbies or hair color may not be pertinent. The description serves to give a deeper and more vivid portrait of the influential person, but should ultimately serve the higher cause of the thesis statement and the effect of the person on the writer.

Describe Your Relationship

When writing about an influential person, you have to talk not just about the person, but also about the reason the person has made an impact on your life; this means you have to talk about yourself, what specific things you have learned from this person, and how those lessons affect you today. An important strategy for successfully describing the relationship between the person and the writer is to give specific examples. For example, don't just say, "my grandmother is generous"; give specific examples of her generosity: "she always makes sure everyone is fed before eating," or "she sold her jewelry to help pay for a car so that I could drive to work." These specific examples are more powerful and evoke more empathy than general descriptive words such as "kind" or "generous."

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Soheila Battaglia is a published and award-winning author and filmmaker. She holds an MA in literary cultures from New York University and a BA in ethnic studies from UC Berkeley. She is a college professor of literature and composition.

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‘Someone Who Has Made an Impact On Your Life’ Essay Sample

EssayEdge > Blog > ‘Someone Who Has Made an Impact On Your Life’ Essay Sample

“Describe a person who has influenced you” is the opening phrase of several personal statement prompts that go on to ask that you provide details of what that influence was. The major mistake made in these personal statement essays is that candidates make the essay about the individual and that individual’s achievements and character, which is all fine, but not if it is at the expense of detailing how that person has influenced you. The other mistake candidates make in response to this prompt is that they answer with the intuitive “first response,” which is usually a parent. And there is nothing wrong with offering a parent as the influential person – but only if in so doing, you can show that it was your parent who provided you with the abilities and interests that set you apart and can contribute to the target program.

As is the case with most personal statement essays, the success of your essay is determined before you begin writing – by what you decide to offer as content. In this essay there are many approaches to use – parents, siblings, teachers, coaches, friends, political leaders, celebrities – all of these categories can be tapped when it comes to the choice of who it was that influenced you. Let’s discuss how to write an essay about someone who influenced you and avoid the most typical mistakes.

The Trap to Avoid in Your “Who Has Influenced You the Most in Your Life” Essay

The trap to avoid is the trap of selecting a person without thinking through what you can offer as the influence. What is the strongest aspect of your candidacy? Your creativity? Your communication skills? Your technical background? Your professional background? The answer to this question – “What is the strongest aspect of your candidacy?” – is what should determine your subject matter for personal statement essays about a person who influenced you.

If your strength, say, is your background in a particular field, in your personal statement about a person who influenced you, identify the person who steered you in the direction of that field.

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By doing this, you will use your essay about a person who influenced your life not only as a means to describe someone with positive traits you would like to emulate, but someone whose influence in your life was critical in letting you develop those skills that most set you apart as a candidate.

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You certainly had someone who changed your life, even if you feel it difficult to remember who it was. This essay topic is fantastic because it lets you look at yourself from a different angle, so try to analyze your life and express it in writing. Our experts edit essays 24/7 , so if you need professional guidance and advice, you’re welcome.

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what makes a person a good influencer essay

Sample Essays: Influential Person

what makes a person a good influencer essay

Please select from the following sample application essays:

Essay 1: Wellesley | Essay 2: Harvard | Essay 3: Harvard

Note: The following essays were not edited by EssayEdge Editors. They appear as they were initially reviewed by admissions officers.

Sample Essay 1

Wellesley, Influence of mother

It took me eighteen years to realize what an extraordinary influence my mother has been on my life. She's the kind of person who has thoughtful discussions about which artist she would most want to have her portrait painted by (Sargent), the kind of mother who always has time for her four children, and the kind of community leader who has a seat on the board of every major project to assist Washington's impoverished citizens. Growing up with such a strong role model, I developed many of her enthusiasms. I not only came to love the excitement of learning simply for the sake of knowing something new, but I also came to understand the idea of giving back to the community in exchange for a new sense of life, love, and spirit.

My mother's enthusiasm for learning is most apparent in travel. I was nine years old when my family visited Greece. Every night for three weeks before the trip, my older brother Peter and I sat with my mother on her bed reading Greek myths and taking notes on the Greek Gods. Despite the fact that we were traveling with fourteen-month-old twins, we managed to be at each ruin when the site opened at sunrise. I vividly remember standing in an empty ampitheatre pretending to be an ancient tragedian, picking out my favorite sculpture in the Acropolis museum, and inserting our family into modified tales of the battle at Troy. Eight years and half a dozen passport stamps later I have come to value what I have learned on these journeys about global history, politics and culture, as well as my family and myself.

While I treasure the various worlds my mother has opened to me abroad, my life has been equally transformed by what she has shown me just two miles from my house. As a ten year old, I often accompanied my mother to (name deleted), a local soup kitchen and children's center. While she attended meetings, I helped with the Summer Program by chasing children around the building and performing magic tricks. Having finally perfected the "floating paintbrush" trick, I began work as a full time volunteer with the five and six year old children last June. It is here that I met Jane Doe, an exceptionally strong girl with a vigor that is contagious. At the end of the summer, I decided to continue my work at (name deleted) as Jane's tutor. Although the position is often difficult, the personal rewards are beyond articulation. In the seven years since I first walked through the doors of (name deleted), I have learned not only the idea of giving to others, but also of deriving from them a sense of spirit.

Everything that my mother has ever done has been overshadowed by the thought behind it. While the raw experiences I have had at home and abroad have been spectacular, I have learned to truly value them by watching my mother. She has enriched my life with her passion for learning, and changed it with her devotion to humanity. In her endless love of everything and everyone she is touched by, I have seen a hope and life that is truly exceptional. Next year, I will find a new home miles away. However, my mother will always be by my side.

The topic of this essay is the writer's mother. However, the writer definitely focuses on herself, which makes this essay so strong. She manages to impress the reader with her travel experience, volunteer and community experience, and commitment to learning without ever sounding boastful or full of herself. The essay is also very well organized.

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Sample Essay 2

Harvard, Favorite fictional character

Of all the characters that I've "met" through books and movies, two stand out as people that I most want to emulate. They are Attacus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird and Dr. Archibald "Moonlight" Graham from Field of Dreams. They appeal to me because they embody what I strive to be. They are influential people in small towns who have a direct positive effect on those around them. I, too, plan to live in a small town after graduating from college, and that positive effect is something I must give in order to be satisfied with my life.

Both Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham are strong supporting characters in wonderful stories. They symbolize good, honesty, and wisdom. When the story of my town is written I want to symbolize those things. The base has been formed for me to live a productive, helpful life. As an Eagle Scout I represent those things that Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham represent. In the child/adolescent world I am Mr. Finch and Dr. Graham, but soon I'll be entering the adult world, a world in which I'm not yet prepared to lead.

I'm quite sure that as teenagers Attacus Finch and Moonlight Graham often wondered what they could do to help others. They probably emulated someone who they had seen live a successful life. They saw someone like my grandfather, 40-year president of our hometown bank, enjoy a lifetime of leading, sharing, and giving. I have seen him spend his Christmas Eves taking gifts of food and joy to indigent families. Often when his bank could not justify a loan to someone in need, my grandfather made the loan from his own pocket. He is a real-life Moonlight Graham, a man who has shown me that characters like Dr. Graham and Mr. Finch do much much more than elicit tears and smiles from readers and movie watchers. Through him and others in my family I feel I have acquired the values and the burning desire to benefit others that will form the foundation for a great life. I also feel that that foundation is not enough. I do not yet have the sophistication, knowledge, and wisdom necessary to succeed as I want to in the adult world. I feel that Harvard, above all others, can guide me toward the life of greatness that will make me the Attacus Finch of my town.

This essay is a great example of how to answer this question well. This applicant chose characters who demonstrated specific traits that reflect on his own personality. We believe that he is sincere about his choices because his reasons are personal (being from a small town, and so forth). He managed to tell us a good deal about himself, his values, and his goals while maintaining a strong focus throughout.

Sample Essay 3

Harvard, Family illness: Mother's fight with cancer

I am learning, both through observations and first-hand experiences, that there are many mishaps in life which seem to be unexplainable and unfair, and yet have devastating consequences. Disease fits into this category. Its atrocity does not stem from the fact that it is a rare or uncommon occurrence, since illness and disease pervade our lives as we hear numerous stories of sick people and come into contact with them each day. However, there is a marked difference between reading in the newspaper that a famous rock star or sports icon has tested H.I.V. positive and discovering that your own mother has been diagnosed with cancer.

Undoubtedly, the most influential people in my life have been my mother and father. It is to them that I credit many of my accomplishments and successes--both inside and outside of school. Throughout my childhood, my parents have always fostered and encouraged me in all my endeavors. At all my sporting events, spelling bees, concerts, and countless other activities, they have always been front row and center. My parents, in conjunction with twelve years of Catholic training, have also instilled in me a sound belief in a loving, caring God, which I have come to firmly believe. It therefore should not come as a surprise that the news of my mothers sickness would greatly alter my entire outlook on life. Where was my God?

My mother, in fact, had been aware of her condition in the spring of my junior year in high school. She deliberately did not inform my sister or me of her illness because she did not want to distract us from our studies. Instead, my mother waited for the completion of her radiation therapy treatments. At this time, she brought me into her room, sat me down on the same wooden rocking chair from which she used to read me bedtime stories, and began to relate her story. I did not weep, I did not flinch. In fact, I hardly even moved, but from that point onward, I vowed that I would do anything and everything to please my mother and make her proud of me.

Every subsequent award won and every honor bestowed upon me has been inspired by the recollection of my mother's plight. I look to her as a driving force of motivation. In her I see the firm, enduring qualities of courage, strength, hope, and especially love. Whenever I feel discouraged or dispirited, I remember the example set by my mother and soon become reinvigorated. Instead of groveling in my sorrow, I think of all the pain and suffering that my mother had to endure and am revived with new energy after realizing the triviality of my own predicament. For instance, last year, when I was playing in a championship soccer game, my leg became entangled with a forwards leg on the other team, and I wound up tearing my medial cruciate ligament. I was very upset for having injured myself in such a seemingly inane manner. Completely absorbed in my own anguish, I would not talk to anyone and instead lamented on the sidelines. But then I remembered something that my mother used to say to me whenever something like this happened: If this is the worst thing that ever happens to you, I'll be very happy, and you'll be very lucky. Instantly, many thoughts race through my mind. I pictured my mother as a young thirteen-year-old walking to the hospital every day after school to visit her sick father. She had always told me how extremely painful it had been to watch his body become emaciated as the cancer advanced day by day and finally took its toll. I then pictured my mother in the hospital, thirty years later, undergoing all the physically and mentally debilitating tests, and having to worry about her husband and her children at the same time. I suddenly felt incredibly ashamed at how immature I had been acting over my own affliction. I gathered my thoughts and instead of sulking or complaining, helped coach my team to victory.

I am very happy to say that my mother is now feeling much better and her periodic checkups and C.A.T. scans have indicated that she is doing very well. Nevertheless, her strength and courage will remain a constant source of inspiration to me. I feel confident to greet the future with a resolute sense of hope and optimism.

The majority of the suggestions for this essay highlight the danger inherent in relying on an overly poignant topic, in this case the writer's mother's bout with cancer. Part of why the reactions to this piece are so passionate (and why there are so many of them) is because had the applicant just taken a slightly different approach, he could have had a powerful and touching composition on his hands. It is always frustrating when a piece with so much potential misses the mark. In this case, the material and emotion are all there. Had he spent more time and written with more sincerity, this essay might have been a real winner.

I wish this kid had started the essay with his mom sitting him down in the rocking chair. That would have been a powerful beginning. In general, using the introduction of the essay to paint a scene or mood can be very effective.

He should begin with the most simple and striking sentence possible, such as "On January 5, 1995, my mother learned that she had cancer." Use real times and exact places. Let the most dramatic point go where it belongs, at the end of the sentence--also known as the stress point.

Because this topic is so personal, I yearn to know more about the student's reaction to his mom's cancer, how he and his family dealt with it over time. As written, things just seem a bit too tidy.

The author describes a valuable life lesson, but I find the writing style to be artificial and a bit maudlin. I imagine he resorted to the thesaurus more than once.

The writer tells us a sad story about his mother with cancer and how he has strived to do his best because of what his mother has been through. The topic can be a tear jerker, but this essay lacked the depth and richness that other essays with similar topics possess.

The experience obviously impacted the student very much. But what students do not realize is that they do not have to share such personal issues within the confines of a college essay.

I don't believe the "epiphany" in the conclusion as it's described. It's too easy and convenient to be believable. He begins his description with "For instance," which negates almost everything that follows. When he sees his mother in his mind, he "instantly" thinks this and "suddenly" does that, and finally "helped coach his team to victory." He "coached" the team. "Cheered" maybe. "Coached?" No way.

This essay smells of contrivance. Yes, his mother's bout with cancer affected him. Just not in the way he wants me to believe. This is the "lasting sanctifying effect" essay. Look at what the writer is actually saying (using his own words): I used to be "absorbed in my own anguish" and "lament" my bouts with adversity. But, "instantly" or "suddenly" (take your pick), I became a young man "confident to greet the future with a resolute sense of hope and optimism." Why not say, "I used to be a thoughtless, immature teenager. My mother got cancer. I'm now a thoughtful, mature adult. You should admit me to _____." His essay is no less subtle.

Return to: Lesson One: College Essay Questions

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Influencer Qualities To Look For To Promote Your Brand

April 27, 2022 (Updated: May 4, 2023)

what makes a person a good influencer essay

Working with an influencer can provide new possibilities for your brand and expose it to a wider audience. Finding an influencer to market your content isn’t the hard part. What’s hard is finding a good influencer with the right qualities who meshes with your brand culture. These marketing partners can have a positive impact on your business. In this article, we discuss topics like:

Why Should I Use an Influencer?

  • 12 Influencer Qualities To Look For

Influencer FAQs

Influencer marketing can improve your brand’s reputation and increase content visibility. It can be a way to get more inbound links to your website, increase traffic, and create more conversions. Influencers already connect with your target audience on platforms where they spend time, making it easy to capture their attention.

People may also trust influencers more than they trust the brands themselves. Consumers may feel that a brand is just trying to sell them something and they’re not being honest about the quality of service. But an influencer, though paid, provides an honest opinion. People may also try to avoid direct advertising. If your audience voluntarily follows an influencer, they’re often exposed to your advertising without realizing it.

Related: Everything You Need To Know About Brand Influencer Marketing

12 Influencer Qualities To Look For in Partners

There is more to finding an influencer than running a social media search and contacting someone in the right niche or with many followers. Some influencer qualities that can be good for your brand include:

1. Likability

The best influencers are  likable  people. Look for someone who takes the time to build a positive personal reputation and brand. If they already do this for themselves, they’re more likely to use the same skills and approach when representing your company. Good influencers are pleasant. They get along with their followers and make the attraction of new ones look effortless. If you’d like to test a potential influencer for likeability, look at how they respond to negative feedback. Are they courteous? Are they sassy? Do they respond at all?

Good influencers genuinely like and care about their niches and markets. Do you want someone who represents your brand only for the money? Or would you rather have someone who uses your services in real life and likes them? Passionate influencers care about the background and growth of their niches. They know everything about the history and voluntarily stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

3. Engagement

The best influencers engage with their audience, no matter the size. They take time to answer questions and start conversations. They also stay active on their respective platforms and publish content consistently. Engaging influencers are valuable because they’re prepared to talk about your brand often. Look at how they respond to their community. Do they write thoughtful comments or provide likes? How quickly do they respond to business offers and their followers? Those who engage with empathy and sympathy may be more  likable , which may increase their visibility.

4. Authenticity

Influencer passion and authenticity go together. Passionate influencers may feel more authentic to followers, and vice versa. This trait focuses on telling the truth and being honest with an audience. Authentic influencers tell their followers what they really think about a brand, product, or service, whether it’s positive or negative. These people may have larger followings because they tell the truth and people can trust their opinions. This can help your brand because if authentic influencers say something is worthwhile, their audience can believe it.

5. Mind for Marketing

It’s helpful when influencers are good self-marketers. They understand the skills and best practices to work in the promotion industry. If your influencer understands marketing principles, they’re not just taking your money and throwing together some low-quality content. Those with a marketing or sales background can more subtly promote and share your content with followers. They understand the tricks of digital marketing and terms you may ask them to use in your campaigns, like content creation and curation .

If you’ve found a great influencer for your brand who isn’t as confident in their marketing skills, educate them with some great resources from CopyPress. Our Content Marketing Pyramid eBook can help teach how different types of content work together to build a brand and help you or your influencers become better marketers and publishers. This can help them help you become the brands and accounts your target audience wants to follow.

“CopyPress gives us the ability to work with more dealership groups. We are able to provide unique and fresh content for an ever growing customer base. We know that when we need an influx of content to keep our clients ahead of the game in the automotive landscape, CopyPress can handle these requests with ease.”

what makes a person a good influencer essay

Kevin Doory

Director of SEO at Auto Revo

6. Authority

Even if an influencer is passionate about their niche, they may not gather any followers if they don’t have authority. It’s important that they have accurate knowledge and expertise in their content area. People pay attention to authoritative influencers because they provide facts. Authority and authenticity work together to make the influencer appear truthful to the audience. This is good for brands because their authority becomes your authority through a partnership. Another way to test an influencer’s authority is by looking at their website. Clean, professional sites with minimal ads and no content and grammar mistakes may signal an authoritative influencer.

7. Popularity

Sometimes, even having authority isn’t enough to make someone a mega influencer in certain niches. They may know everything there is to know about a topic, but don’t have the same type of clout as a celebrity or other more established influencer to rack up many followers. Popularity for influencers is like popularity in high school or in social circles. Arbitrary factors like good looks, access to the right products, or working from a desirable location may affect an influencer’s popularity.

Luckily, influencers can become more popular by building their reputations and authority through research, strategy, and hard work. While this isn’t the most important trait for an influencer, it can be helpful if you’re looking to see quick returns for your partnership or reach a large audience.

8. Visibility

Good influencers understand the importance of being seen by the right people. They know how to draw a crowd, a large follower pool, and an audience. These people understand how to use social media to their advantage and guide people to the right content. They know the best times of day to publish content to reach their audience. Highly visible influencers also understand the balance of posting consistently to stay visible but without flooding their followers’ feeds with content.

9. Brand Persona Fit

One of the most important traits for a quality influencer is finding someone who fits with your brand. Even if there’s a person in your niche who’s great at what they do, if they don’t match with your brand, they might not be your influencer. Someone who’s a good fit already has followers who are part of your target audience. Their values and goals align with your company, and their style fits your products and services. For example, you may not choose to hire a content marketing influencer to work with your file-sharing software  brand, because they wouldn’t mesh.

Consider looking at the other brands an influencer represents. Do any of them contradict your values and goals? If so, this may be a point of discussion for your interviews and preliminary meetings before signing them to a deal.

10. Tech Knowledge

Though it might sound obvious, look for an influencer who’s tech-savvy. They know the best practices of their chosen social media platforms. They also know how to work a camera, edit photos and video , and have a grasp on automated posting. Having technical knowledge relates to authority and marketing insights. It benefits your brand because they also have authority in the marketing world. They know the importance of using high-quality images, video, and content.

11. Creativity

Creativity is a broad trait in influencer marketing that may mean something different to each company. Consider how the influencer edits their content. Do they use different methods of engagement to interact with followers? Do they take advantage of new technology like stories and live streams? Good hallmarks of creativity may show in original and interesting content. Humor may also be an important trait if your brand is relatable and human-focused.

12. Platform Presence

The type of platforms influencers use is another important trait. Consider influencers that use social media channels where your target audience spends time. For example, if you’re pursuing a younger generation of consumers, you may pick influencers from Instagram or TikTok. Business audiences may rely on influencers with heavy clout on LinkedIn.

You may consider influencers who use platforms where your company already has a powerful presence. This can allow for collaborations and cross-promotion among accounts. Another option is to find influencers on platforms where you have a smaller presence. This can help you gain followers and visibility through your partnership. Many influencers work on multiple channels, so you may find one who works well across platforms that can help with both options.

Review these questions to learn more about influencers and their roles in content marketing:

What Is an Influencer?

influencer instagram profile on cell phone

Image via Unsplash by @erik_lucatero

Influencers are social media personalities, bloggers,  vloggers , and other notable people who have sway or guidance over an audience. In the digital world, they usually have a specific set of followers in a niche. That audience views the influencers as an authority on what’s good, popular, or trendy in that area. An influencer can represent your brand and build a long- or short-term partnership with your business.

Related: Influencers: What They Are and How They Can Help Your Business

What Are the Different Types of Influencers?

You can understand what type of influencer may be best for your business by learning the categories into which they fall. Some influencers may span niches and categories based on their interests and expertise. Decide what type of audience you’re trying to reach to help decide in which categories to look for your influencers. We can break  influencer groups  down into two broad segments:

Follower Count

Grouping influencers by follower count is important if your focus is on customer reach. Follower count categories include:

Nano  Influencers

Nano influencers typically have between 1,000 and 10,000 followers. They’re highly engaged with their audience and are vocal advocates for the brands, products, and services they love. These influencers can help businesses with limited marketing budgets. They’re also helpful for companies testing products or services in new or adjacent niches.


Micro-influencers may have between 10,000 and 100,000 followers. They still engage with their audience like nano  influencers, but they may specialize in a particular niche. These influencers are helpful for generating more focused leads and may have more marketing knowledge than those with fewer followers.

Macro Influencers

Macro influencers may have between 100,000 and one million followers. They have a broader appeal than some other influencers and may have a claim to fame, like being an internet celebrity or content creator. These influencers may engage less with their audience because of their volume of followers. Macro influencers can help bring widespread awareness to a product or brand. They can increase your company’s engagement and brand reputation.

Mega Influencers

Mega influencers have over one million followers. These people may be conventional celebrities, like sports stars, musicians, and actors. Your chances of collaborating with a mega influencer may be more likely if you have a large marketing budget.

Grouping influencers by niche can help you find ones that promote products and services like yours. Some popular influencer niches include:

Technology influencers make content for people interested in hardware devices and software programs. They may live stream on platforms like Twitch and YouTube to share product demos or reviews. In the B2B sector, these influencers may work with computer, mobile device, and software companies.

Bogging and  Vlogging

While blogging and  vlogging may not seem like a niche because they’re not specific topics, these influencers are some of the most popular with brands. Because their interests vary, they’re often visible to different curated audiences. They may be familiar with search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing tactics that can help you build brand awareness and improve your website referral traffic.


Photography influencers care about art and the technology they use to shoot their photos. They may work with camera and accessory companies. Local photographers may partner with nearby businesses to shoot their campaigns, or even with the visitors’ bureaus for towns to take their promotional photos.

Travel influencers spend their time jetting around the globe. They encourage people to travel to certain places or find “hidden spots” for things like photos and food around the world. There’s often a thin line between travel influencing and photography influencing. This is because both are popular on visual platforms like Instagram , YouTube , and TikTok . Travel influencers may partner with hotel or residence chains, airlines and car services, luggage manufacturers, clothing brands, restaurants, and museums.

Where Can I Find Influencers?

There are multiple ways to  find influencers for your brand online . Some of the most common include:

  • Scouting social media channels like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn
  • Searching social media platforms for specific hashtags, groups, or trending discussion topics in your niche
  • Contacting influencers through social media direct messaging
  • Using targeted Google searches to find influencers on specific platforms, in certain niches, or in your geographic location
  • Browsing competitors’ social media feeds to find their influencers or people trying to get sponsored with them
  • Following blogs and  vlogs  in your niche to vet creator content and see if they could be viable influencers
  • Using influencer tools and databases to learn about available talent and secure their contact information
  • Self-recruiting through your own website and social media pages that prompt applications

Many influencer qualities work together to help you find just the right ambassador for your brand. Need help creating content that will resonate with your audience? You’ve come to the right place! CopyPress has a team of expert writers, editors, and QA specialists who are able to create content that your audience will appreciate and that will give your brand greater visibility online so you can gain additional leads that convert. Start a call today to talk with us about your business needs and goals.

Author Image - Christy Walters

CopyPress writer

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Stock image of someone typing on a laptop, open screen, with holographic icons of houses hovering above the keyboard. Concept for how to use real estate social network in content marketing.

Alex Lickerman M.D.


The importance of good influences, why control isn't what we really need at all..

Posted April 8, 2010

what makes a person a good influencer essay

Some boys use their fathers to push against as they struggle to establish their own independent identities. I used mine as a role model.

My decision to do this was largely, though not entirely, unconscious . I wanted his approval and love, of course, and I was always clever—so emulating him seemed a good way to get it. But as I was clever, I also discerned the parts of him that were worth emulating: his decency, his commitment to honesty, his intellectual curiosity, his disdain for the influence of peer pressure (I presume shown to me for the express purpose of preparing me to resist it), and his zealous devotion to our family.

As far back as I can remember, he enforced the idea that I should think for myself and never do something just because others were doing it (never drawing attention to the irony of his own attempt to shape my thinking with this advice). He's been without a doubt one of my greatest good influences (the other being my mother). His influence, generated by what he said and did (and by the congruence between them), had as much an effect—if not more—over my development as my peers. Much of what's good in me came from him, and I count myself lucky to have had him. As I've mulled over the beneficial effects of his influence over me, I've found myself wondering about the power of influence in general.


Control over our lives is something we all want. But in a universe in which everything is mutually interdependent, none of us has absolute control over anything except ourselves (and even over ourselves our control is indirect and partial only). Instead, what we all have in abundance is influence , the power of which seems to function linearly: the closer personally and physically others are to us, the greater our influence over them, and vice versa. Even more interestingly, unlike our attempts to control , our attempts to influence don't require our conscious intent. Which is why our ability to influence others is so much more important that our ability to control them: we're always exerting influence simply by being who we are, saying what we say, and doing what we do. The only real choice we have in the matter is whether or not the influence we exert is good or bad.


You never know who's watching you. And someone always is, whether your child, your sibling, your spouse, your friend, or a stranger in another car on the road. Emotions and inner life states are transmitted like viruses along the vectors of our words and actions, even from the quietest and smallest. Nothing can encourage us like someone else's good example. They're frankly few and far between—but they're there if you look for them. Want to create value with your life? Become a good influence.

Stop and think. What better service can you provide someone else besides being a good example to them? Not with conscious intention, which always seems contrived and has little power to encourage, but by simply (oh, ironic word) becoming the examples you yourself want to see. As I wrote in a previous post, How To Communicate With Your Life , when you've actually become something, others see it in almost everything you do.


Life is a constant battle to maintain a high life-condition. In medical school, we were taught that one way to recognize a patient is depressed is by examining our own mood once we've finished interacting with them. If we feel depressed ourselves, a good chance exists they are, too. A principle of Nichiren Buddhism—the oneness of life and its environment—addresses this phenomenon: our own inner life state finds itself mirrored in and mirrored by our environment. In other words, everyone's life-condition tends towards the average of those around them. If I'm up and you're down, we'll each tend to pull one another toward our own inner states, usually both moving toward the mean between them. Some people have exceptionally resilient life-conditions that are like rigid magnets, pulling others up (or down) powerfully without tending to move much themselves under the influence of the life-conditions of others. While we may all aspire to possess that strength (to the positive, obviously), most of us haven't achieved it.

Others are still able to pull out of most of us varying positive or negative characteristics. Our children may pull out wise protectors or fed-up disciplinarians. Our co-workers may pull out inspiring leaders or complaining gossips. Some people are simply toxic, complaining constantly, gossiping mercilessly, even purposely sabotaging others. On days we're strong enough not only to avoid being pulled into similar patterns of behavior but also help them avoid such negative behaviors as well, we can serve as good influences over them. On days we're weaker ourselves and therefore more susceptible to negative influences, we should avoid such people as best we can. It's quite easy when we're feeling low to spiral even lower under the influence of someone else's negativity.


This is what we all really want to do, both for ourselves and others. The more good influences with which we surround ourselves, the happier we'll be; the more people we "convert" into good influences (by our own good influence), the more value we will have created, which will also add to our happiness . Yet converting someone from a bad influence into a good one is among the hardest of tasks: changing someone's basic approach to life from negative to positive isn't likely something any one person has the power to do. At least, not consistently. The only way, it seems to me, to turn a bad influence into a good one is by consistently being a powerful good influence yourself. Which, of course, requires you to challenge your own negativity and constantly win over it, and that is the hardest of tasks.

what makes a person a good influencer essay

And also the most worthwhile. I can think of no better epitaph than "He helped others to better themselves." If that's what they end up saying about me, I will have been able to consider my life a success. It's certainly what I'm going to say about my dad.

If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to explore Dr. Lickerman's home page, Happiness in this World .

Alex Lickerman M.D.

Alex Lickerman, M.D. , is a general internist and former Director of Primary Care at the University of Chicago and has been a practicing Buddhist since 1989.

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Strengthen Your Ability to Influence People

  • Benjamin Laker
  • Charmi Patel

what makes a person a good influencer essay

Right from the start.

There are two kinds of influence. If you aspire to be a leader, you must understand transformational and transactional influence.

  • Transactional influence is often used in top-down, hierarchical organizations and is focused on the tasks to be done. This kind of leader is often direct and to the point.
  • Transformational influence is rooted in empathy and is often seen in more flat organizations. This kind of leader relies on encouragement and support to motivate and inspire others.
  • As traditional, top-down organizations flatten, transformational influence is becoming increasingly more important.
  • To master the art of influence, you need to: 1) building a rapport and trust with your team; 2) become an active listener; 3) commit to your team; and 4) set an excellent example.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Do you aspire to be in the C-suite, leading people and driving change? If you do, you’ll need to master the art of influence — a skill which, like any other, can be learned.

  • Benjamin Laker is a professor of leadership at Henley Business School, University of Reading. Follow him on Twitter .
  • Charmi Patel is an Associate Professor in International Human Resource Management at Henley Business School.

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Tips for an Admissions Essay on an Influential Person

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  • Ph.D., English, University of Pennsylvania
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It's not unusual for a college admissions essay to talk about a person who played an important role in your development. Whether this is a parent, a friend, a coach, or a teacher, such essays can be powerful if they avoid common pitfalls.

Key Takeaways: An Essay on an Influential Person

  • Don't just describe a person you admire. Be analytical and reflective to explain why you admire them.
  • Essays focused on parents or celebrities are common and often not the best choice for your focus.
  • All good application essays are about you , even when you are writing about someone else, so make sure the admissions folks are getting to know you through your essay.

With the pre-2013 Common Application , one of the essay prompts stated, "Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence." While you won't find this question among the seven 2020-21 Common Application essay prompts , the current application still allows you to write about an influential person with the "topic of your choice" option . Some of the other prompts also leave the door open for writing about an influential person.

Do Much More than Describe the Influential Person

Any essay on an influential person needs to do much more than describe that person. The act of describing requires very little critical thought, and as a result, it doesn't demonstrate the kind of analytical, reflective, and thoughtful writing that will be required of you in college. Be sure to examine why the person was influential to you, and you should analyze the ways in which you have changed because of your relationship with the person.

Think Twice About Essays on Mom or Dad

There is nothing wrong with writing about one of your parents for this essay, but make sure your relationship with your parent is unusual and compelling in some way. The admissions folks get a lot of essays that focus on a parent, and your writing won't stand out if you simply make generic points about parenting. If you find yourself making points like "my Dad was a great role model" or "my mother always pushed me to do my best," rethink your approach to the question. Consider the millions of students who could write the exact same essay.

Don't Be Star Struck

In most cases, you should avoid writing an essay about the lead singer in your favorite band or the movie star who you idolize. Such essays can be okay if handled well, but often the writer ends up sounding like a pop culture junkie rather than a thoughtful independent thinker.

Obscure Subject Matter is Fine

Be sure to read Max's essay on an influential person. Max writes about a rather unremarkable junior high kid he encountered while teaching summer camp. The essay succeeds in part because the choice of subject matter is unusual and obscure. Among a million application essays, Max's will be the only one to focus on this young boy. Also, the boy isn't even a role model. Instead, he's an ordinary kid who inadvertently makes Max challenge his preconceptions.

The "Significant Influence" Need Not Be Positive

The majority of essays written about influential people focus on role models: "my Mom/Dad/brother/friend/teacher/neighbor/coach taught me to be a better person through his or her great example..." Such essays are often excellent, but they are also a bit predictable. Keep in mind that a person can have a significant influence without having an entirely "positive" influence. Jill's essay , for example, focuses on a woman with only a few positive qualities. You could even write about someone who is abusive or hateful. Evil can have as much "influence" on us as good.

You Are Also Writing About Yourself

When you choose to write about a person who has had an influence on you, you will be most successful if you are also reflective and introspective. Your essay will be partly about the influential person, but it is equally about you. To understand someone's influence on you, you need to understand yourself — your strengths, your short-comings, the areas where you still need to grow.

As with the college admissions essay, you need to make sure a response reveals your own interests, passions, personality, and character. The details of this essay need to reveal that you are the type of person who will contribute to the campus community in a positive way.

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What is influencer marketing?

Creative picture capturing the colors of sunset sky with mobile phone

Sphere of influence. Once it was Mary Kay cosmetics and coiffed ladies driving pink Cadillacs. Now it’s waist trainers, hair growth gummy vitamins, and green protein powder supplements. The most glamorous and charismatic among us have always influenced how others aspire to live—including the products people buy to support their lifestyle dreams. But only recently, with the advent of social media , has influencing people become an actual job.

Influencer marketing is a collaboration between popular social-media users and brands to promote brands’ products or services. These partnerships have been going on informally since the dawn of social media. By 2009, they were sufficiently commonplace for the US Federal Trade Commission to step in and regulate them through the so-called Mommy Blogger law . (China, India, and the United Kingdom have introduced similar regulations.)

Since then, the market has grown astonishingly quickly: since 2019, it has more than doubled on the strength of platforms such as Instagram and YouTube (in Western countries) and Pinduoduo and WeChat (in China). In 2023, the influencer marketing economy was valued at $21.1 billion.

McKinsey anticipated the rise of influencer marketing in 2014 with the completion of a survey  involving 20,000 European consumers. The analysis at the time noted that most of influencer marketing’s impact came from so-called power influencers. But the survey also identified an emerging—and largely untapped—market of less active influencers with smaller followings. In recent years, we’ve seen this phenomenon play out with the rise of micro- and nano influencers.

Brands tap into influencer marketing because it works for them, consumers, and influencers alike. Social media already had a significant impact on consumer purchase decisions when McKinsey carried out its 2014 survey. In 2022, an analysis of more than 2,000 influencer marketing posts found that the strategy does yield a positive ROI for brands .

Plus, there’s no shortage of would-be influencers. In a 2019 survey of several thousand millennials and Gen Zers , 54 percent said they would become influencers if they could. Although we don’t know how long the market will be this hot, social media continues to be very popular. And brands and individuals are making the most of this gold rush while business is still booming.

Beyond shiny hair and a megawatt smile, what makes someone an influencer? And how does influencer marketing work? Read on to learn more about this rapidly growing phenomenon and where it’s headed.

Learn more about McKinsey’s Growth, Marketing & Sales Practice .

Circular, white maze filled with white semicircles.

Looking for direct answers to other complex questions?

What is an influencer.

Influencers are people with sizable social-media followings who can influence their followers’ behavior as consumers. Although anyone can be an influencer, the internet—like the world more broadly—tends to favor the rich, the famous, and the glamorous. Check out this 2021 list of the world’s top 50 social-media influencers . Recognize any names? You probably do: most of the people on the list are huge celebrities.

However, not all social-media accounts represent humans, and the same is true for influencers. Animal influencers are a thing as well . So are AI influencers . The most famous robot influencer is the permanently 19-year-old Lil Miquela , whose account (created by a start-up in Los Angeles) has a following that’s three million strong.

What does an influencer marketing deal look like?

Such a partnership often combines these two models:

  • An influencer is paid a flat rate per post to feature a product or service. This is known as a brand deal. The flat rates can be three to five figures, even for an influencer without millions of followers or a global profile. Celebrities can charge six figures or more per post.
  • An influencer posts about a product or service, with a link to a purchase gateway. Every time a viewer buys the product by clicking through the link or using a promo code, the influencer earns an affiliate commission.

Learn more about McKinsey’s  Growth, Marketing & Sales Practice .

How much are influencers paid?

Because each influencer has a unique audience, a unique follower list, and unique engagement metrics, each influencer marketing deal is also unique. Swimsuit model and influencer Alexa Collins, who has more than two million followers, told Insider that she charges at least $1,000 for a sponsored story on her Instagram account. Tyler Chanel—a micro sustainability influencer with more than 13,000 followers—says that she charges brands at least $100 for a sponsored story. Some social-media influencers regard $100 per 10,000 followers as an acceptable formula. But there are no hard-and-fast rules. One social-media influencer talked with Insider about pulling in about $5,000 each month just through affiliate links, which traffic web users to an advertiser’s website. Brand deals can bring big paychecks for influencers, too. Another influencer, who had 275,000 followers at the time, said that she made $700,000 in six months just from brand deals .

What’s the difference between influencer marketing and celebrity endorsements?

Brands have used celebrities to sell products since long before athletes first appeared on cereal boxes. But influencer marketing and celebrity endorsements are not quite the same thing . Celebrity endorsements typically involve a company making a huge investment in someone, but it’s hard to specify the exact return on that investment. With influencer marketing, it’s easier to figure out the ROI because companies can closely monitor likes, shares, online conversations, and so forth.

What’s a micro influencer?

Influencers come in five different sizes—nano, micro, medium, macro, and mega—depending on how many followers they have :

  • Nano influencers have fewer than 10,000 followers.
  • Micro influencers have from 10,000 to 50,000.
  • Medium influencers have from 50,000 to 100,000.
  • Macro influencers have more than 500,000.
  • Mega influencers breathe rarified air: they have over one million followers.

You might assume that brands want to work only with macro influencers, but that’s not always the smartest business decision. Micro influencers might produce more relatable content than their macro counterparts, who use professional photographers, stylists, makeup artists, and all kinds of consultants to put a post together. While macro influencers may advertise a lifestyle that seems unattainable to many people, micro influencers, on the other hand, can represent accessibility to their followers.

Of course, there are obvious benefits to working with macro influencers: with their mass followings, they can help brands reach hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.

What platforms are most popular for influencer marketing?

In a 2022 survey of more than 2,000 global brands, about 80 percent reported using Instagram for influencer marketing. TikTok is gaining steam: in the same study, conducted in 2023, 56 percent of participating brands reported using that platform for influencer marketing campaigns.

Although Instagram and TikTok are the most popular platforms for influencer marketing, brands shouldn’t ignore the potential of the alternatives. Maybe your brand already has in mind a specific influencer with an impressive number of YouTube subscribers. Like more traditional forms of marketing, influencer marketing should be tailored to a brand’s specific audience.

Also, research conducted by the influencer marketing platform Upfluence shows that certain platforms might attract specific influencers, depending on how many followers the influencer has. Micro and medium influencers tend to prefer Instagram, for example, while macro and mega influencers migrate toward TikTok.

What makes a successful influencer marketing campaign?

Authenticity is the basis of any successful influencer marketing campaign. Forming relationships with influencers who are already relevant to a brand’s message is vital. Influencers might be popular for their content on sustainability, cooking, body positivity, healthy lifestyle, and so on. Does your brand fit in well with a particular influencer and that influencer’s brand? Influencer marketing should be about more than scoring posts endorsing your products; it should be about building real relationships with creators—you want them truly behind your brand.

What’s more, partnering with a diverse group of influencers can help your brand engage with larger audiences. For example, Alessandra Sales—the vice president of growth at Ipsy—told McKinsey  that her experiences working with transgender creators helped her redefining-beauty brand connect with the transgender community.

How has the pandemic changed influencer marketing?

The evidence clearly shows  that the COVID-19 pandemic has created a new normal. Although many of us are traveling again, going out more, and maybe even venturing into the office, things probably will never be quite the same . The pandemic has changed the way we view public health, food , shopping, and much besides.

More people are shopping digitally now. No surprises there: with lingering health concerns and new, lower risk tolerance levels, it’s easier and safer to buy those new shoes from your couch. In one study, conducted in May 2020 , Visa data showed that 13 million people in Latin America made their first-ever e-commerce transaction during the pandemic, when consumers wanted contactless forms of shopping. In addition, McKinsey’s ongoing global survey shows that consumers are consistently opting for digital, reduced-contact ways of receiving services or products . Influencers have an ever-larger role to play in the new shopping normal: 34 percent of survey participants said that they have shopped on Instagram because of influencer endorsements.

How will the metaverse affect influencer marketing?

The metaverse  is a relatively new, somewhat complicated concept. We characterize it as an evolution of the internet: it is the emerging 3-D digital space that allows people to have lifelike experiences online via virtual reality and other technologies. In the metaverse, people interact with peers, content, cryptocurrency, brands, and other “worlds.” The platforms you might already know include Animal Crossing , Fortnite , Minecraft , Roblox , and The Sims .

What’s the future of marketing in the metaverse? It turns out that people are willing to pay for virtual goods: direct-to-avatar sales of such items have created a $54 billion industry . Gucci, for instance, sold a digital version of its Dionysus bag for over $4,000—significantly more than the price of the real-life one. Nike has been selling virtual sneakers called Nike Cryptokicks , and Chipotle offered vouchers for real-life burritos to the first 30,000 visitors to the company’s virtual restaurant on Roblox .

Influencers are getting more and more involved with the metaverse. The rapper Snoop Dogg, for example, has released a music video created in The Sandbox metaverse, as well as a “Snoopverse” (on the same platform), where fans can access exclusive performances and content. The potential for brand–influencer collaboration in the metaverse appears as limitless as the metaverse itself.

What are the opportunities and challenges of influencer marketing?

Many brands can benefit by partnering with influencers. But influencer marketing isn’t without risk . Large, well-known companies might use influencer marketing to establish or maintain a sense of trust among consumers by adding an element of personability. But big brands can also find it harder to appear authentic in an influencer recommendation  because it was clearly paid for. An influencer touting a smaller, lesser-known brand can seem more genuine.

Smaller brands may face their own challenges in the future. As influencer marketing overwhelms the online market, it may be harder to stand out amid the noise. Katie Freiberg, former head of growth marketing at the lingerie company ThirdLove, told McKinsey :

As the market becomes more saturated, it’s much harder for brands, especially smaller brands, to differentiate themselves. Direct-to-consumer [D2C] brands have used this as a way to really build their brands and their voices. As bigger companies come into the space and start using influencers, D2C brands are going to be forced to figure out the next new thing.

Freiberg also points out that big businesses working with many influencers can have difficulty managing such networks. Even if your brand carefully chooses a creator who upholds your brand’s values, you can’t always be sure that person will act professionally online and not harm your brand’s reputation.

As always, brands must be smart about how they conduct business on the internet or in the metaverse. But despite the risks, partnering with the right influencers in these spaces can help brands grow exponentially.

Click here to learn more about McKinsey’s Growth, Marketing & Sales Practice —and check out influencer-marketing-related job opportunities if you’re interested in working at McKinsey.

Articles referenced include:

  • “ When will the COVID-19 pandemic end? ,” July 28, 2022, Sarun Charumilind , Matt Craven , Jessica Lamb , Adam Sabow , Shubham Singhal , and Matt Wilson
  • “ Marketing in the metaverse: An opportunity for innovation and experimentation ,” McKinsey Quarterly , May 24, 2022, Eric Hazan , Greg Kelly , Hamza Khan , Dennis Spillecke , and Lareina Yee  
  • “ How US consumers are feeling, shopping, and spending—and what it means for companies ,” May 4, 2022, Kari Alldredge , Tamara Charm , Eric Falardeau , and Kelsey Robinson
  • “ How European shoppers will buy groceries in the next normal ,” December 2, 2020, Gizem Günday, Stijn Kooij, Jessica Moulton , Marek Karabon, and Jorge Omeñaca
  • “ Reimagining marketing in the next normal ,” July 19, 2020, Arun Arora , Peter Dahlström , Eric Hazan , Hamza Khan , and Rock Khanna
  • “ Discussions in digital: Influencer marketing is ready for its close-up ,” April 15, 2020, Dianne Esber  and Jane Wong
  • “ Getting a sharper picture of social media’s influence ,” McKinsey Quarterly , July 1, 2015, Jacques Bughin

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what makes a person a good influencer essay

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Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience. Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

In everyone’s life there is a person who is considered to be the closest one in the whole world. For me this person is my mother. My mother influences every step of my life: how I live and interact with other people. She is an inspiration for my achievements and guidance into the successful future. She has always helped me to overcome any difficulties that I faced since early childhood trying to give me hopes for better future. My mother combines the best features which a person may have; she is a clever, kind and open woman with beautiful appearance and rich inner world.

My mother is Dominican; she is quite a pretty and well educated woman. Despite her age she looks young and beautiful. My mother is not very tall though her height underlines her regular features. She has short curly black hair and shining brown eyes. I want to note that her eyes deserve additional attention because they are so kind and frank that one cannot but notice her open and friendly character at once, during the first seconds of communication with her.

I like her smile most of all in the world. It is so beautiful that when she smiles I cannot but smile too. Her light complexion and big blushed cheeks especially emphasize her charming smile. My mother’s skin is very soft and tender; when I hold her hands in mine I feel that I am protected from the whole world and I feel the happiest person. I like the way my mother dresses. She always tries to keep pace with fashion though her style is unique and individual.

She is slim and has a wonderful figure; her clothes lay a stress on her beautiful features. I would like to note that my mother is a wonderful person not only out but also inside. To my way of thinking she is the reflection of light; not in vain her name Lucia is translated from Italian as “light”. She is an open, responsive and light person who is always there to help and support me at difficult moments of my life.

For me my mother is the cleverest person in the world. I can speak a lot about my mother because she is considered to be my reflection and my hero. One day I had to clean my room before the arrival of my relatives. My mother asked me: “Please, do something with your box of old posters. It takes a lot of space.” I was in hesitation but answered: “Ok. I’ll try…” She knew that they were very important for me to throw them out. I was really upset because they took too much place in my room.

Next day when I returned home from school I found out that my box disappeared. I was in despair. Suddenly my mother asked me to bring something from our attic. I went there and found out that all the walls in the room were decorated with my posters. That moment I felt really happy. I cried: “Thank you, mom!!!” Her idea to use my old posters as a decoration was just wonderful. I can surely say that my mother is the cleverest person.

My mother is really the kindness person in the world. When I was small, my mother made a special present for me. I came after school and she gave me a puppy. “He is so cute” I said. “This is for you! Take care of him. He is very small and helpless. He really needs your care.” – said my mother watching how happy I was. It is difficult to describe my feelings that day. It was my dream and my puppy became a member of our family. Two days later I got to know that my mother found this small creature near the store. It was hungry and miserable. My mother could not but took puppy home, washed and fed him. Now this puppy is a strong big dog which lives with my family and we love him very much. I can say without hesitation that my mother is the kindness person in the world.

My mother is a very wise person who can always find solution to any problems. I understand that her life experience helps her to make right decisions. But there are some situations when her opinion completely contradicts my own. And as a result she always appears to be right. Her logical thinking helps our family to live in harmony and happiness. We have never quarreled because of some trifles and my mother taught me to find a half way with people even when you cannot agree with their views.

For example, when my cousin and I quarreled who would do the work about the house, my mother offered to work in the form of a game. The speed and high quality of work enabled us to win a price. “I bought two tickets for the concert. If you combine your efforts, you would enjoy the play of your favorite group this evening.” The work was shared equally and done in time. This idea was really wise. I consider that my mother knows the way out of any difficult situation!

Of course it is impossible to describe all the features of my mother in the short piece of writing but I would like to say that this person takes the first place in my life. I would be always thankful to her for all she has done for me. I am pretty sure that she is the reason for all my achievements and victories. Her qualities helped me to understand how people should behave in life. She taught me a lot and now I can easily overcome any problems I face. My mother is the only hero of my life.

She combines only positive features which a person can have. I am really proud to have such a mother as mine. I consider her the greatest person in my life who helped me to become the person I am now and influenced every step of my thoughts and behavior. She is the only inspiration for all actions and decisions of mine. I am really proud of her!

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 27). Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience.

"Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience." IvyPanda , 27 Sept. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience'. 27 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience." September 27, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience." September 27, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience." September 27, 2021.

what makes a person a good influencer essay


7 Qualities of a Good Influencer

“How do I find the right influencers for my business?”

It’s a question we get a lot.

Finding influencers isn’t the hard part. But GOOD influencers who will actually increase revenue and exposure in your area? Well, that’s another story…

There’s more to look for in an influencer than geographic location.  Think about it like this.

This person is going to be representing your brand and hopefully building a partnership with your business. Essentially, they’re going to be a spokesperson in their circle for YOUR company. People are going to associate the things they say with YOUR brand.

So what exactly should you be looking for in an influencer?

Here are 7 traits to look for when using influencer marketing and questions to ask for each.

1. Personable

Someone who is agreeable, sociable, and pleasant. You don’t want your social media marketing campaign backfiring because an influencer representing your brand doesn’t get along with their followers.

Sneak a peek at their profile and notice the way they interact in their community.

  • Do they connect with their followers?
  • Are they friendly and warm?
  • How do their followers respond?
  • If they have negative feedback, how do they handle it?

They don’t have to agree with EVERYTHING you believe in, but definitely keep in mind the main values behind your business and make sure it lines up.

If your business is health-conscious, would you want someone perpetually posting about heavy drinking or smoking representing your brand?

Probably not. Ask yourself,

  • Does this person seem to have similar values as the business?
  • Are they vocal about their opinions?
  • How do their opinions align with what your company believes in?
  • Do they support other brands? If so, do these brands contradict or compete with yours?

3. Relatable

Notice the connection a potential influencer has with others.

Relatability and empathy are qualities that make up a great influencer because they have the ability to put themselves in the shoes of the people they’re speaking to.

  • Does it seem like their followers seem to relate to the content they share?
  • Do they have sympathy towards others’ experiences?
  • Is there genuinity and authenticity in their posts?

4. Responsive

Don’t get carried away thinking an influencer has to be posting content every single day, but make sure they are active on their designated social media platform.

Also, notice how well they communicate with you once you’ve expressed interest in a partnership.

  • Do they actively engage with their followers?
  • Are they responding with thoughtful comments, not just likes?
  • How quickly do they respond, to you and their followers?

5. Consistent

Consistency and reliability create a solid foundation between an influencer and a business, not just with you but on their social media.

Ideal influencers tend to have a theme on their page, making it more appealing to followers.

  • Do they post consistent, high-quality content?
  • Do they regularly utilize all features of their social media platforms like stories, videos, boomerangs, etc.?

6. Tech Savvy

To consistently post high-quality content that has a theme, an influencer needs to be tech-savvy.

From editing photos to automating posting , you want to find influencers that know their way around their chosen social media platform.

  • Is their content well-made?
  • Do they use high-quality pictures?
  • Do they have a consistent aesthetic to their page?
  • Is their page interesting to look at?
  • Do they edit their photos well?

7. Creative

Social media can be a creative outlet for a lot of people. Between all the different editing tools and updates, the possibilities are endless.

Look for an influencer who edits like a boss and stays on top of new updates. The best influencers are always experimenting with new apps to keep their content fresh.

  • Is their content original and creative?
  • Are you interested in their posts or does it seem generic and dull?
  • Do they use clever captions with their pictures?

Finding the perfect influencers can be tricky and time-consuming

Having a clear understanding of your goals and values of your business is essential.

Taking the time to establish criteria and find influencers who fit your brand is so important. The influencer will be representing your company in what will hopefully be an ongoing relationship. 

And not to toot our own horn, but that’s kind of why the concept behind Localfluence is so genius.

Both influencers and businesses come to us, then we set them up with the right fit.

We offer influencers opportunities to try new products or support their favorite local spots, simply by signing up and answering a few questions. We work with businesses to develop the right incentives that will dramatically boost sales and online exposure at a minimal cost.

Just call us your local marketing matchmaker.

Click here to see how to take your business to the next level. 

How Businesses are Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Hero — Influential Person

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Essays About Influential Person

What makes a good influential person essay topics.

When it comes to writing an influential person essay, the topic you choose can make all the difference. A good essay topic should be thought-provoking, engaging, and unique. It should also be something that allows you to showcase your writing skills and express your thoughts and feelings. So, What Makes a Good influential person essay topic? Let's take a look at some recommendations.

When brainstorming and choosing an essay topic, it's important to consider your personal connection to the influential person. Think about someone who has had a significant impact on your life, whether it's a family member, teacher, mentor, or public figure. Consider what qualities or actions make this person influential to you and how they have shaped your beliefs or values.

Additionally, think about the impact that the influential person has had on others or society as a whole. Is there a specific event or accomplishment that sets this person apart and makes them worthy of admiration? Consider the broader implications of their influence and how it has shaped the world around them.

A good essay topic should also be something that allows you to delve into the complexities of the influential person's character and the impact they have had. It should provide ample opportunity for reflection and insight, allowing you to explore the nuances of their influence and the lessons they have imparted.

In , a good influential person essay topic should be personal, impactful, and thought-provoking. It should allow you to showcase your writing skills and express your unique perspective on the person's influence.

Best Influential Person Essay Topics

  • The unsung hero: A tribute to the person who quietly impacts lives without seeking recognition.
  • Overcoming adversity: How a mentor or role model has inspired you to overcome challenges.
  • The power of empathy: Exploring the influence of a compassionate and understanding individual.
  • Breaking barriers: The impact of a trailblazer who has shattered stereotypes and paved the way for others.
  • A legacy of leadership: Examining the leadership qualities of an influential figure and their lasting impact.

Influential Person essay topics Prompts

  • If you could have a conversation with an influential person, living or deceased, who would it be and why?
  • Reflect on a specific moment or event that illustrates the influence of an important person in your life.
  • How has an influential person's impact on your life shaped your values and beliefs?
  • Explore the lessons and wisdom imparted by an influential person and how they have influenced your personal growth.
  • If you could embody the qualities of an influential person, who would you choose and why?

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  • Helping Others
  • Someone Who Inspires Me
  • Role Models

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Why Identity Matters and How It Shapes Us

Verywell / Zoe Hansen

Defining Identity

  • What Makes Up a Person's Identity?

Identity Development Across the Lifespan

The importance of identity, tips for reflecting on your identity.

Your identity is a set of physical, mental, emotional, social, and interpersonal characteristics that are unique to you.

It encapsulates your core personal values and your beliefs about the world, says Asfia Qaadir , DO, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at PrairieCare.

In this article, we explore the concept of identity, its importance, factors that contribute to its development , and some strategies that can help you reflect upon your identity.

Your identity gives you your sense of self. It is a set of traits that distinguishes you from other people, because while you might have some things in common with others, no one else has the exact same combination of traits as you.

Your identity also gives you a sense of continuity, i.e. the feeling that you are the same person you were two years ago and you will be the same person two days from now.

Asfia Qaadir, DO, Psychiatrist

Your identity plays an important role in how you treat others and how you carry yourself in the world.

What Makes Up a Person's Identity?

These are some of the factors that can contribute to your identity:

  • Physical appearance
  • Physical sensations
  • Emotional traits
  • Life experiences
  • Genetics 
  • Health conditions
  • Nationality
  • Race  
  • Social community 
  • Peer group 
  • Political environment
  • Spirituality
  • Sexuality 
  • Personality
  • Beliefs 
  • Finances 

We all have layers and dimensions that contribute to who we are and how we express our identity.

All of these factors interact together and influence you in unique and complex ways, shaping who you are. Identity formation is a subjective and deeply personal experience.

Identity development is a lifelong process that begins in childhood, starts to solidify in adolescence, and continues through adulthood.

Childhood is when we first start to develop a self-concept and form an identity.

As children, we are highly dependent on our families for our physical and emotional needs. Our early interactions with family members play a critical role in the formation of our identities.

During this stage, we learn about our families and communities, and what values are important to them, says Dr. Qaadir. 

The information and values we absorb in childhood are like little seeds that are planted years before we can really intentionally reflect upon them as adults, says Dr. Qaadir.

Traumatic or abusive experiences during childhood can disrupt identity formation and have lasting effects on the psyche.


Adolescence is a critical period of identity formation.

As teenagers, we start to intentionally develop a sense of self based on how the values we’re learning show up in our relationships with ourselves, our friends, family members, and in different scenarios that challenge us, Dr. Qaadir explains.

Adolescence is a time of discovering ourselves, learning to express ourselves, figuring out where we fit in socially (and where we don’t), developing relationships, and pursuing interests, says Dr. Qaadir.

This is the period where we start to become independent and form life goals. It can also be a period of storm and stress , as we experience mood disruptions, challenge authority figures, and take risks as we try to work out who we are.

As adults, we begin building our public or professional identities and deepen our personal relationships, says Dr. Qaadir.

These stages are not set in stone, rather they are fluid, and we get the rest of our lives to continue experiencing life and evolving our identities, says Dr. Qaadir.

Having a strong sense of identity is important because it:

  • Creates self-awareness: A strong sense of identity can give you a deep sense of awareness of who you are as a person. It can help you understand your likes, dislikes, actions, motivations, and relationships.
  • Provides direction and motivation: Having a strong sense of identity can give you a clear understanding of your values and interests, which can help provide clarity, direction, and motivation when it comes to setting goals and working toward them.
  • Enables healthy relationships: When you know and accept yourself, you can form meaningful connections with people who appreciate and respect you for who you are. A strong sense of identity also helps you communicate effectively, establish healthy boundaries, and engage in authentic and fulfilling interactions.
  • Keeps you grounded: Our identities give us roots when things around us feel chaotic or uncertain, says Dr. Qaadir. “Our roots keep us grounded and help us remember what truly matters at the end of the day.”
  • Improves decision-making: Understanding yourself well can help you make choices that are consistent with your values, beliefs, and long-term goals. This clarity reduces confusion, indecision, and the tendency to conform to others' expectations, which may lead to poor decision-making .
  • Fosters community participation: Identity is often shaped by cultural, social, political, spiritual, and historical contexts. Having a strong sense of identity allows you to understand, appreciate, and take pride in your cultural heritage. This can empower you to participate actively in society, express your unique perspective, and contribute to positive societal change.

On the other hand, a weak sense of identity can make it more difficult to ground yourself emotionally in times of stress and more confusing when you’re trying to navigate major life decisions, says Dr. Qaadir.

Dr. Qaadir suggests some strategies that can help you reflect on your identity:

  • Art: Art is an incredible medium that can help you process and reflect on your identity. It can help you express yourself in creative and unique ways.
  • Reading: Reading peoples’ stories through narrative is an excellent way to broaden your horizons, determine how you feel about the world around you, and reflect on your place in it.
  • Journaling: Journaling can also be very useful for self-reflection . It can help you understand your feelings and motivations better.
  • Conversation: Conversations with people can expose you to diverse perspectives, and help you form and represent your own.
  • Nature: Being in nature can give you a chance to reflect undisturbed. Spending time in nature often has a way of putting things in perspective.
  • Relationships: You can especially strengthen your sense of identity through the relationships around you. It is valuable to surround yourself with people who reflect your core values but may be different from you in other aspects of identity such as personality styles, cultural backgrounds, passions, professions, or spiritual paths because that provides perspective and learning from others.

American Psychological Association. Identity .

Pfeifer JH, Berkman ET. The development of self and identity in adolescence: neural evidence and implications for a value-based choice perspective on motivated behavior . Child Dev Perspect . 2018;12(3):158-164. doi:10.1111/cdep.12279

Hasanah U, Susanti H, Panjaitan RU. Family experience in facilitating adolescents during self-identity development . BMC Nurs . 2019;18(Suppl 1):35. doi:10.1186/s12912-019-0358-7

Dereboy Ç, Şahin Demirkapı E, et al. The relationship between childhood traumas, identity development, difficulties in emotion regulation and psychopathology . Turk Psikiyatri Derg . 2018;29(4):269-278.

Branje S, de Moor EL, Spitzer J, Becht AI. Dynamics of identity development in adolescence: a decade in review . J Res Adolesc . 2021;31(4):908-927. doi:10.1111/jora.12678

Stirrups R.  The storm and stress in the adolescent brain .  The Lancet Neurology . 2018;17(5):404. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(18)30112-1

Fitzgerald A. Professional identity: A concept analysis . Nurs Forum . 2020;55(3):447-472. doi:10.1111/nuf.12450

National Institute of Standards and Technology. Identity .

By Sanjana Gupta Sanjana is a health writer and editor. Her work spans various health-related topics, including mental health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness.


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    Author's argument. Although traditional celebrities have had great influence on our society's pop culture. trends in the past, in recent years, new social media stars have been able to gain more audience. and influence pop culture to greater extents than the traditional celebrity. This is elucidated by.

  6. What is an Influencer?

    An influencer is an individual who has the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of his/her authority, knowledge, position or relationship with his/her audience. Micro influencers are normal everyday people who have become known for their knowledge about some specialist niche.

  7. Influencers' Positive Social Value, And How To Develop A ...

    1. Influencers expose us to diverse models of what it means to be cool. In my opinion, influencers are a product of the equalizing power of social media, meaning people (not brands and not the ...

  8. Impact and Influence: The Effects of Influencer Culture on Society

    The give-and-take between influencers and their followers is stronger than ever. Influencers shape what people buy and the trends they follow, while people turn to influencers for recommendations and lifestyle tips. This has a big impact on what people buy: 50.7% of people said they bought a product after seeing an influencer use it.

  9. Answering the Question "Who Has Most Influenced You?"

    Whatever your answer, bring the influential person to life for your interviewer. Avoid vague generalities. As with an admissions essay on an influential person, you'll want to provide colorful, entertaining, and specific examples of how the person has influenced you. Also, keep in mind that a strong answer provides a window into your life and ...

  10. How to Write a Descriptive Essay on an Influential Person in Your Life

    Focus Your Essay. As in any essay, when writing about an influential person in your life you should include a thesis statement. In this case, the thesis statement declares how or why this person has influenced you life. For example, if writing about your soccer coach, you may write, "Through his advice and the example of his character, my ...

  11. 'Someone Who Has Made an Impact On Your Life' Essay Sample

    EssayEdge > Blog > 'Someone Who Has Made an Impact On Your Life' Essay Sample. "Describe a person who has influenced you" is the opening phrase of several personal statement prompts that go on to ask that you provide details of what that influence was. The major mistake made in these personal statement essays is that candidates make the ...

  12. Sample Essays: Influential Person

    Essay 1: Wellesley | Essay 2: Harvard | Essay 3: Harvard. Note: The following essays were not edited by EssayEdge Editors. They appear as they were initially reviewed by admissions officers. Sample Essay 1 Wellesley, Influence of mother. It took me eighteen years to realize what an extraordinary influence my mother has been on my life.

  13. Making a Positive Impact on Others: The Power of Influence

    Making a positive impact on others is not limited to times of ease and prosperity. In fact, some of the most profound impacts occur when individuals face adversity or challenges. When someone extends a helping hand during a difficult period, it can be a lifeline of hope and resilience.

  14. Influencer Qualities To Look For To Promote Your Brand

    There is more to finding an influencer than running a social media search and contacting someone in the right niche or with many followers. Some influencer qualities that can be good for your brand include: 1. Likability. The best influencers are likable people.

  15. The Importance Of Good Influences

    This is what we all really want to do, both for ourselves and others. The more good influences with which we surround ourselves, the happier we'll be; the more people we "convert" into good ...

  16. Strengthen Your Ability to Influence People

    To master the art of influence, you need to: 1) building a rapport and trust with your team; 2) become an active listener; 3) commit to your team; and 4) set an excellent example.

  17. Social Media Influencer Essay

    Influencer marketing is one of the most popular online marketing strategies for brands today. It is a simple idea: get influential people to spread the word about your brand or business through blogs and social media. However, if you want your influencer marketing campaign to be a success, then you need to choose your influencers wisely.

  18. Tips for an Admissions Essay on an Influential Person

    All good application essays are about you, even when you are writing about someone else, so make sure the admissions folks are getting to know you through your essay. With the pre-2013 Common Application , one of the essay prompts stated, "Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence."

  19. What is influencer marketing?

    But only recently, with the advent of social media, has influencing people become an actual job. Influencer marketing is a collaboration between popular social-media users and brands to promote brands' products or services. These partnerships have been going on informally since the dawn of social media.

  20. Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience. Essay

    In everyone's life there is a person who is considered to be the closest one in the whole world. For me this person is my mother. My mother influences every step of my life: how I live and interact with other people. She is an inspiration for my achievements and guidance into the successful future. She has always helped me to overcome any ...

  21. 7 Qualities of a Good Influencer

    1. Personable. Someone who is agreeable, sociable, and pleasant. You don't want your social media marketing campaign backfiring because an influencer representing your brand doesn't get along with their followers. Sneak a peek at their profile and notice the way they interact in their community.

  22. Influential Person Essays

    In , a good influential person essay topic should be personal, impactful, and thought-provoking. It should allow you to showcase your writing skills and express your unique perspective on the person's influence. Best Influential Person Essay Topics. The unsung hero: A tribute to the person who quietly impacts lives without seeking recognition.

  23. Identity: Importance, Influences, and How to Reflect on It

    The Importance of Identity. Having a strong sense of identity is important because it: Creates self-awareness: A strong sense of identity can give you a deep sense of awareness of who you are as a person. It can help you understand your likes, dislikes, actions, motivations, and relationships. Provides direction and motivation: Having a strong ...