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Everything You Need to Know About Analysing ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ for English | Summary, Context, Themes & Characters

Closeup shot of a little Mockingbird - Featured Image for To Kill a Mockingbird Analysis

One of the classics of American literature, ‘ To Kill a Mockingbird’ has been assigned to you for your English class and you need to conduct an essay analysis. Whether you’re looking for a summary of the themes in To Kill a Mockingbird or a quick refresher of the key characters or context, we’ve got you! 

You’ll also be able to download a copy of our analysed textual examples, as well as a sample paragraph so you can ace your tasks.

Let’s take a look together! 

To Kill a Mockingbird Summary Key Characters in To Kill a Mockingbird Symbols in To Kill a Mockingbird Context Themes Explored in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird

Summary of To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel that centres around the Finch family and is told through the perspective of Jean (nicknamed Scout), within the town of Maycomb, Alabama. Atticus, Jean’s father, is a prominent lawyer and the family lives relatively comfortably despite the impacts of the Great Depression. 

Alabama Monroe Country Courthouse - Inspired Setting for Maycomb in To Kill a Mockingbird

Image sourced from Wikimedia Commons

Scout, her brother Jem and their friend Dill spend the summer together where Dill eventually becomes fascinated by the Radley’s house where Boo Radley, a mysterious and ghostly figure that is the topic of much speculation and stories for the children of Maycomb .

Scout and Jem find gifts in the knothole of a tree on the Radley property, but Nathan Radley chases the children off the property and eventually seals up the knothole. When a fire breaks out, Jem tells Atticus that Boo is caused it. 

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The climax of the novel arrives when Atticus agrees to defend Tom Robinson, a Black man who has been accused of raping a white woman. As a result, Scout and Jem get bullied by other children in their conservative, racist town.

At a pivotal moment, Mrs Dubose, the neighbour of the Finch family, harasses the children and Jem lashes out by destroying her garden.

As punishment, Atticus tells Jem to read to Mrs Dubose every day, explaining to the children that she is addicted to morphine and trying to overcome her addiction. Thus, despite the children’s initial indignation, Atticus teaches them an important lesson in empathy and perspective. 

When Tom Robinson’s trial begins, he is held in the local courthouse where a group of people gather planning to lynch him. Atticus confronts the group the night before the trial, where Jem and Scout sneak out of the house to join him.

Recognising one of the men, Scout gently asks him how his son is doing, unknowingly shaming him and causing the group the disperse. 

To Kill a Mockingbird - Trial Scene

At the trial, the siblings choose to sit with the town’s Black citizens as Atticus presents clear evidence that Mayella and Bob Ewell are lying about the rape.

Atticus demonstrates that the injuries on Mayella’s face are wounds from Bob when he found her with Tom. However, despite the convincing evidence indicating Tom’s innocence, the all-white jury convicts him. 

Tom is killed later on when he tries to escape prison. Additionally, despite his success at the trial, Bob Ewell feels that he has been made a fool and takes revenge.

First, he harasses Tom’s widow before finally attacking Jem and Scout as they walk home from a party. However, the children are saved by Boo Radley who fatally stabs Ewell during the struggle.

Boo carries an injured Jem home and Atticus insists that Ewell tripped over a tree root and fell on his knife to protect Boo.  The novel ends with Scout walking Boo home and reflecting on the events of the novel and the complexities of humanity. 

Key Characters in To Kill a Mockingbird

Jean Louise ‘Scout’ Finch Jean Louise ‘Scout’ Finch is the main character and we first met her when she is 6 years old, although it is narrated by an older Scout who is reflecting and looking back on her life. Through her, we learn about the town, her family and what it was like to live in the early 1930s during the Great Depression and the racial tensions that existed during that time.  
Atticus Finch Atticus Finch is a single father in To Kill a Mockingbird who is appointed as the defence lawyer for a Black man who is accused of raping a White woman. Throughout the novel, Atticus teaches the children about empathy and how to view situations from different people’s perspectives instead of judging them harshly. 
Jem Finch Jem Finch is Scout’s older brother who looks up to their father a lot. As an older brother, Jem accompanies Scout for a lot of her adventures and it is evident that the two are close. Being older, we watch Jem mature and often understand issues that Scout still does not. 
Tom Robinson Tom Robinson is the Black man who Atticus defends during the rape trial. During the trial, there is compelling evidence that Tom is innocent and that the Ewells falsely accused him of rape. Despite this, Tom Robinson is found guilty due to the jury’s racial prejudice. 
Boo Radley Arthur ‘Boo’ Radley is the Finch’s mysterious neighbour which the children in the town often speculate and make up scary stories about him. While he was a teenager, Boo was part of a gang of boys who caused trouble in Maycomb by drinking and gambling. As a result of this, he was locked in his home for many years and not allowed out. However, he has a soft spot for the children, leaving them gifts in the knothole of a tree and saving Jem when he is attacked by Bob Ewell. 

Symbols in To Kill a Mockingbird

Mockingbird In “To Kill a Mockingbird,” the symbolic significance of the mockingbird resonates deeply. It represents innocence and goodness . Atticus Finch’s advice to his children, Scout and Jem, to never harm a mockingbird metaphorically extends beyond the bird itself. The innocent characters like Tom Robinson and Boo Radley are likened to mockingbirds, as they bring no harm but are subjected to cruelty and injustice due to societal prejudices .
The Radley Place The ominous Radley house and its reclusive occupants, particularly Boo Radley, symbolise the fear of the unknown . The town’s gossip and myths surrounding the Radleys serve as a reflection of the community’s prejudiced attitudes. Boo Radley, initially feared and misunderstood, eventually becomes a symbol of compassion and kindness, challenging the town’s preconceived notions.

These symbols intricately weave into the narrative, adding layers of depth to the novel’s themes of innocence, prejudice, empathy, and the complexities of morality and human behavior.

To Kill a Mockingbird is set in Alabama during the 1930s, allowing Harper Lee to explore the impact of racism and the Great Depression on people. While slavery had been abolished in 1890, most White Americans continued to hold racial prejudices against them.

Segregation laws meant that Black people were separated from White people. This is reflected in Maycomb where they live in a separate part of town and even sit in a separate area during Tom Robinson’s trial. 

Characters from To Kill a Mockingbird

Image sourced from Britannica

Additionally, Lee demonstrates the racism in America during this time through the town’s response to Atticus agreeing to defend Tom and his subsequent trial. From the children being harassed, the attempted lynching of Tom and finally being found guilty by the jury despite overwhelming proof of his innocence, the novel demonstrates how racism affected Black people in all aspects of their lives during this time. 

While the novel was set in the 1930s, Lee wrote it during the 1960s when the Civil Rights Movement was happening . The legal system continued to be discriminatory towards Black people, thus many of the racial themes that Lee explores in the novel would easily be recognisable to the public when the book was published.

The continued relevance of To Kill a Mockingbird during the 21st century can still be seen in the Black Lives Matter movement in America and ongoing racial injustices. 

Martin Luther King Jr giving a speech

Image sourced from Minnesota Historical Society

Themes Explored in To Kill a Mockingbird

As you read through To Kill a Mockingbird, you will encounter themes such as:

  • Empathy and courage
  • Loss of innocence 

The Complexities of Humanity

To Kill a Mockingbird explores the complexities of humanity and how both good and evil can exist at the same time within people. Told through the perspective of Scout between the ages of 6-9, readers are offered an opportunity to watch Scout mature while also learning alongside her. 

Social Prejudice

Themes of social prejudice are also strong within the novel, featuring various social outcasts from Mrs Dubose who is a morphine addict, Boo Radley and the Black citizens of Maycomb.

Through these characters, Lee is able to explore the different prejudices society often holds and encourages us to be empathetic to people we may think of as unpleasant or weird due to their differences or behaviours. Instead, we are encouraged to see a different point of view and “climb into his skin and walk around in it”. 

The Enduring Relevance of the Text

While To Kill a Mockingbird was set in the 1930s and written in the 1960s, many of the themes continue to remain relevant more than 50 years later. It is likely that your English classes will ask you to consider why we continue to study this book and what it teaches us about social prejudices.

While segregation may be a thing of the past, themes like racism’s impact on the justice system can still be seen in movements like Black Lives Matter. Additionally, while the book deals with racism specifically, social prejudices like how we interact with people from different backgrounds, those with a disability or LGBTQ+ people can also be examined through this book. 

Events to Keep in Mind

While Tom Robinson’s case is the climax of the novel, there are various characters and events that you should keep a lookout for as well!

From the children going to the Black church, their interactions with Mrs Dubose and Boo Radley — there are various events where the children build empathy and challenge their own opinions of other citizens in the town , providing an opportunity for the readers to learn alongside them too. 

How to Analyse To Kill a Mockingbird in 3 Steps

Usually, when students try to write their essay for To Kill a Mockingbird, or any other text, they’ll try to work on their thesis first when responding to an essay question — however, we recommend starting with your analysis!

Doing this will allow you to expand your knowledge of the text before thoroughly answering anything about it. Once you’ve analysed your text, then you can draw ideas from it and properly build your thesis.

We’re going to walk you through writing up an essay analysis for To Kill a Mockingbird in three simple steps!

Step 1: Choose your example

When picking an example ensure that you are able to identify a technique in the text.

Here, we have chosen to look at Atticus’s statement to the Court and jury at Tom Robinson’s trial:

“We know all men are not created equal in the sense some people would have us believe – some people are smarter than others, some people have more opportunity because they’re born with it, some men make more money than others, some ladies make better cakes than others… But there is one way in this country in which all men have been created equal… That institution, gentlemen, is a court.”

This is quite a long quote from To Kill a Mockingbird, so remember when you’re actually writing up your analysis for your essay, you don’t actually need to include the complete quote — just excerpts.

We’ve got a list of 50 quotes that you should check out from To Kill a Mockingbird!

Step 2: Identify your technique(s)

Ensure that the technique you choose for your quote supports your analysis or helps you to build your argument.  

To enhance your response, you want to discuss techniques that have a lot more depth — you should keep an eye out for any literary techniques such as metaphors, similes and motifs!

For the above quote, there is repetition, cumulative listing, inclusive language and allusion. 

Step 3: Write the analysis

When writing the analysis, focus on the effect of the technique and how it supports your argument. In this case, we are going to analyse how the quote addresses the theme of racial prejudices. 

The opening of “we know all men are not created equal” subverts the American declaration of independence , as Atticus utilises cumulative listing to demonstrate all the ways in which men and women are not equal.

However, he also reminds the jury during this trial that the law is a “way in this country in which all men have been created equal”, alluding to the American Declaration of Independence and the core values of the nation . Analysis for this quote may look like: 

Atticus, aware that the jury is likely to find Tom Robinson guilty despite strong evidence of his innocence due to the racial prejudices the White jury is likely to hold tries to challenge this t hrough the inclusive language of in “we know all men are not created equal”, Atticus presents the jury and the defence as being on the same side. Furthermore, the allusion to the core American values when he states “in this country there is one way all men have been created equal”, creates an appeal to both the jury’s sense of justice and core American values. 
Need to write a Feature Article on ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’? Look no further than this incredible in-depth guide to help you ace your writing!

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Check out other texts we’ve created guides for below:

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Read also: how to write a feature article for English ! 

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Tiffany Fong is currently completing a double degree in Media and Communications with Law at Macquarie University. She currently contributes to the university zine, Grapeshot where she enjoys writing feature articles, commentary on current affairs or whatever weird interest that has taken over her mind during that month. During her spare time, Tiffany enjoys reading, writing, taking care of her plants or cuddling with her two dogs. 

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101 To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Titles & Examples

If you struggle to find “To Kill a Mockingbird” essay topics on prejudice, race, the characters’ courage, or any other issue, look no further. Our team has prepared a list of titles and essay writing tips for this book.

🏆 Best To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Topics & Examples

📌 most interesting to kill a mockingbird essay titles, 👍 good to kill a mockingbird research topics, ❓ to kill a mockingbird essay questions.

Before we will talk about the do’s and don’ts in essay writing, let’s clarify the types of essay.

When working on “To Kill a Mockingbird” essay thesis, you can focus on the facts of the book or concentrate on your attitude towards its key issues and characters. According to your approach, we can divide essays into two main areas:

  • Objective essay: you set out your personal thoughts on a chosen issue and provide supporting arguments and evidence;
  • Subjective essay: you express your point of view on a specific topic without claiming the truth and strengthening it with facts.

For example, when you choose a “To Kill a Mockingbird” essay topics on goodness, you will state that Atticus is a kind and fearless. No doubt that this character has a positive role.

On the other hand, when you describe Mayella, you will have to choose: will you condemn her or express pity.

As for the essay content, it can be divided into many subcategories:

  • Philosophical essay
  • Critical essay
  • Literary analysis
  • Historical essay, etc.

There are also a few key literary types:

  • Feature article, etc.

Do’s & Don’ts When Writing To Kill a Mockingbird Essays

Now, it’s time to talk about what you should write and what to avoid in your paper. First of all, you have to remember that all “To Kill a Mockingbird” essay titles should reveal the essence of the issue.

Recommendations for essay writing:

  • Do mark your essay subject at the beginning of the text. “To Kill a Mockingbird” essay hooks will help you to catch the reader’s attention. Don’t forget to emphasize the central issue in the conclusion.
  • Do support the style of presentation by your emotions, vision, and opinion. Use the “question-answer” in paragraphs. Make the transitions between paragraphs harmonious and smooth.
  • Do use quotes, historical facts, and observations to argue the thesis statement, solve the main issue, and describe the key subject of the paper.
  • Do stick to the central thesis of your essay. Avoid deepen into philosophical reflections — tell about concrete facts and examples. Here’s an example: don’t include the facts from the author’s biography if you focus on the events of the book and factors that affect discrimination.
  • Do proofread the paper. Read carefully your essay several times and think if your readers will understand your expressions.
  • Do not use specific terminology in “To Kill a Mockingbird” essay. For example, when you write about discrimination, you don’t necessarily have to provide its dictionary definition or use complex law, historical and psychological literature, and samples. Just your own language. However, it doesn’t mean that your opinion should seem ungrounded.
  • Do add your emotions to the paper. Let your readers feel that you believe in your ideas when defending the essay thesis.
  • Don’t choose the header before you write an essay. First, you should write an essay, and only then compile the title of your paper.

Well, now you know about the essay types, what to do, and what to avoid in your essay. Of course, you may ask: “What to write in my own essay?”

The key to success is to start. Check “To Kill a Mockingbird” essay examples on our website to get inspiration. Even the topic seems to you too complicated, start your research, and then you will be able to express new and original thoughts.

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IvyPanda . 2024. "101 To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Titles & Examples." March 1, 2024.

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IvyPanda . "101 To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Titles & Examples." March 1, 2024.

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To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird , by American author Harper Lee, was published during the civil rights movement and uses its characters to explore the consequences of hatred and prejudice. Read the overview below to gain an understanding of the work and explore the previews of analysis and criticism that invite further interpretation.

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To kill a mockingbird topic overview.

"To Kill a Mockingbird, An Introduction to." Contemporary Literary Criticism Volume 194, Gale, 2005.

Lee's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel  To Kill a Mockingbird  has remained enormously popular since its publication in 1960. Recalling her experiences as a six-year-old from an adult perspective, Jean Louise Finch, nicknamed "Scout," describes the circumstances involving her widowed father, Atticus, and his legal defense of Tom Robinson, a local black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. In the three years surrounding the trial, Scout and her older brother, Jem, witness the unjust consequences of prejudice and hate while at the same time witnessing the values of courage and integrity through their father's example. Lee's first and only novel,  To Kill a Mockingbird  was published during the Civil Rights movement and was hailed as an exposé of Southern racist society. The heroic character of Atticus Finch has been held up as a role model of moral virtue and impeccable character for lawyers to emulate.  To Kill a Mockingbird  has endured as a mainstay on high school and college reading lists. It was adapted to film in 1962 as a major motion picture starring Gregory Peck.

Plot and Major Characters

To Kill a Mockingbird  is set in the small, rural town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the early 1930s. The character of Atticus Finch, Scout's father, was based on Lee's own father, a liberal Alabama lawyer and statesman who frequently defended African Americans within the racially prejudiced Southern legal system. Scout and her brother Jem are raised by their father and by Calpurnia, an African-American housekeeper who works for the family. Scout and Jem meet and befriend seven-year-old Dill Harris, a boy who has arrived in Maycomb to stay with his aunt for the summer. Lee has stated that the character of Dill is based on young Truman Capote, a well-known Southern writer and childhood friend. Together with Dill, Scout and Jem make a game of observing "Boo" Radley, a town recluse who has remained inside his house for fifteen years, trying to provoke him to come outside. Local myth holds that Boo eats live squirrels and prowls the streets at night, and the children's perception of him is colored by such tales. In the fall, Dill returns to his family in the North and Scout enters the first grade. Scout and Jem begin to discover mysterious objects, designed to intrigue children, hidden in a tree on the Radley property.

When Tom Robinson, an African-American man, is accused of raping Mayella Ewell, Atticus is appointed as the defense attorney. Mayella and her shiftless father, Bob Ewell, live in abject poverty on the outskirts of town. The family is known as trouble and disliked by townspeople. Despite this, Atticus's defense of Tom is unpopular in the white community, and Scout and Jem find themselves taunted at school due to their father's defense of a black man. Atticus consistently strives to instill moral values in his children, and hopes to counteract the influence of racial prejudice. The children view their father as frustratingly staid and bookish, until he is asked by the sheriff to shoot a rabid dog that is roaming the street. After Atticus kills the dog, Scout and Jem learn that their father is renowned as a deadly marksman in Maycomb County, but that he chooses not to use this skill, unless absolutely necessary. Scout's aunt, Alexandra, unexpectedly arrives to reside with the Finch family, announcing it is time someone reined in the children. She makes it her mission to counteract Atticus's liberal influence on the children and to instill ladylike virtues in the tomboyish Scout.

The night before the trial of Tom Robinson is to begin, a group of local men threaten a lynching, but Scout inadvertently disrupts their plan when she recognizes the father of a schoolmate in the crowd of would-be lynchers. When the trial begins, Atticus tries to protect his children from the anger and prejudice they would hear; however, Scout, Jem, and Dill sneak into the courtroom and sit in the balcony with the black community. Mayella and her father testify that Tom raped Mayella after he was asked onto their property to break up an old chifforobe into firewood. Atticus, however, proves Tom's innocence by demonstrating that while Mayella's face was beaten and bruised on her right side, Tom's left arm had been rendered completely useless by an earlier injury. Therefore, Atticus concludes, Tom could not possibly be the left-handed assailant who struck Mayella on the right side of her face. Atticus further suggests that it was Bob, Mayella's father, who beat her, and that, in fact, no rape occurred. Before the jury departs to deliberate, Atticus appeals to their sense of justice, imploring them not to allow racial prejudice to interfere with their deliberations. However, after two hours, the jury returns with a guilty verdict, sentencing Tom to be executed for rape. Later, Tom is shot to death during an attempt to escape from jail.

The following fall, Bob Ewell, incensed by Atticus's treatment of him during the trial, attacks Scout and Jem with a knife as they are walking home from a school Halloween pageant. Boo Radley, secretly observing the scene, intervenes in the scuffle, and Bob Ewell is stabbed and killed in the process. Called to the scene, the Sheriff and Atticus agree to not report Boo's involvement to the police, because a trial against him would likely be prejudiced. Intimately aware of issues of prejudice due to the Tom Robinson case, Atticus and the children agree to report that Ewell fell on his knife in the scuffle, sparing Boo the consequences of a legal trial. Scout realizes in retrospect that Boo has never been the threatening figure the children had imagined, and that he was responsible for leaving the mysterious gifts for them to find on his property. After walking Boo home, Scout stands on the porch of his house looking out, finally seeing the world through a wider perspective.

To Kill a Mockingbird  also can be read as a coming-of-age story featuring a young girl growing up in the South and experiencing moral awakenings. Narrated from Scout's point-of-view, the novel demonstrates the now-adult narrator's hindsight perspective on the growth of her identity and outlook on life. In developing a more mature sensibility, the tomboyish Scout challenges the forces attempting to socialize her into a prescribed gender role as a Southern lady. Aunt Alexandra tries to subtly and not-so subtly push Scout into a traditional gender role--a role that often runs counter to her father's values and her own natural inclinations. However, as events around the trial become ugly, Scout realizes the value of some of the traditions Alexandra is trying to show her and decides she, too, can be a "lady."

To Kill a Mockingbird  explores themes of heroism and the idea of role models as well. Lee has stated that the novel was essentially a long love letter to her father, whom she idolized as a man with deeply held moral convictions. Atticus is clearly the hero of the novel, and functions as a role model for his children. Early in the story, the children regard their father as weak and ineffective because he does not conform to several conventional standards of Southern masculinity. They eventually realize that Atticus possesses not only skill with a rifle, but also moral courage, intelligence, and humor, and they come to regard him as a hero in his own right.

More Articles

Symbolism and racism in to kill a mockingbird.

In the following essay, originally published online in 1996 as "Symbolism in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird ," Smykowski analyzes Lee's use of symbolism to explore issues of racism in the novel.

Reconstructing Atticus Finch

Lubet questions the standard perception of Atticus Finch as a role model for lawyers. Lubet provides an analysis of the trial portrayed in To Kill a Mockingbird from the perspective of today's legal defense methods and ethics, particularly in regard to rape trials.

Humor and Humanity in To Kill a Mockingbird

[Tavernier-Courbin discusses Lee's unexpected use of humor in To Kill a Mockingbird .]

Discovering Theme and Structure in the Novel

Schuster comments on the theme and structure of To Kill a Mockingbird .

Esselman describes Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird as a vivid, sensitive portrait of the South that deals with themes of racism, justice, and maturation.

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To Kill A Mockingbird - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee that deals with racial injustice and moral growth in the American South. Essays could explore its themes, character analyses, literary significance, and the societal reactions it provoked upon its release. Discussions might also delve into its relevance in contemporary conversations about race, justice, and morality. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about To Kill A Mockingbird you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

To Kill A Mockingbird

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Power in to Kill a Mockingbird

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Plot Analysis of to Kill a Mockingbird

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Equality: Past, Present, and Future in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’

Most Americans would agree that our country needs to work on achieving true equality, but the process of getting there has been challenging. America is divided because people have their own views and experiences and are not always willing to change, or agree. Inequality dates back to when our country was founded, and the way things were then affects how they are now. Most people think they know what equality means but they don't. Equality is the state in which […]

Scout Finch in “To Kill a Mockingbird”

Sometimes when people discriminate against one thing, they’re still open to another. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, this issue is expressed all throughout the story. For the time and place “To Kill a Mockingbird” takes place in, there was some way people would find a difference of another person and compare it to themselves. Examples of discrimination were racism and sexism; consequently, Scout learned multiple lessons from discrimination. Discrimination will alter someone’s life in ways of humiliation and […]

To Kill a Mockingbird Loss of Innocence

How are birds represented in society? Eagles represent strength. Parrots represent intelligence. How about a mockingbird? A mockingbird represents the beauty of song and intelligence. In the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, a mockingbird represents innocence. It represents those who are innocent and helpful but are put down by evil. It is a sin to kill a mockingbird because they do not harm us, but only create beautiful songs for us. The theme of the mockingbird is […]

Originally published :July 11, 1960
Author :Harper Lee
Pages :281
Genre :Southern Gothic; Bildungsroman
Characters :Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, Jean Louise 'Scout' Finch

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How To Write an Essay About To Kill A Mockingbird

Introduction to harper lee's to kill a mockingbird.

"To Kill A Mockingbird," a novel by Harper Lee, is a profound work that explores themes of racial injustice, moral growth, and the loss of innocence in the Deep South during the 1930s. Begin your essay by introducing the setting of Maycomb, Alabama, and the central characters: Scout Finch, her brother Jem, and their father Atticus Finch. Outline the novel’s primary themes and the significance of its title. This introduction should provide a brief yet comprehensive overview, setting the stage for a deeper analysis of the novel's complex themes and character dynamics.

Analyzing Central Themes and Characters

The body of your essay should delve into the critical themes of "To Kill A Mockingbird." Explore the theme of racial injustice, as seen in the trial of Tom Robinson, and discuss how this reflects the broader societal prejudices of the time. Another key theme is the moral development of Scout and Jem as they navigate a world of complex ethical choices and learn from their father's example of integrity. Discuss the character of Atticus Finch as a moral compass of the novel and a symbol of decency and justice. Use specific examples from the text to illustrate how these themes are developed through the narrative and character interactions. Each paragraph should focus on a specific theme or character analysis, providing a comprehensive understanding of Lee's narrative.

The Novel's Social and Historical Context

In this part of the essay, place "To Kill A Mockingbird" within its broader social and historical context. Discuss the significance of the novel being set in the Great Depression and its reflection of the racial tensions in the American South during that period. Additionally, consider the impact of this novel when it was published in 1960, at the dawn of the Civil Rights Movement, and its continued relevance in contemporary discussions about race and justice. This contextual analysis will enrich your essay, demonstrating the novel's enduring significance as both a product of its time and a timeless commentary on human behavior and societal issues.

Concluding Reflections

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points and reiterating the novel's significance in American literature. Reflect on the lessons that "To Kill A Mockingbird" imparts about empathy, understanding, and moral courage. Consider the novel's impact on readers and its contribution to ongoing conversations about racial injustice and moral integrity. A strong conclusion will not only encapsulate your analysis but also underscore the novel's relevance to modern readers, encouraging them to reflect on its themes in the context of today's world.

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The Theme of Justice in Lee’s to Kill a Mockingbird

  • Categories: To Kill a Mockingbird

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Words: 1014 |

Published: Jun 29, 2018

Words: 1014 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Works Cited

  • Bloom, H. (Ed.). (2007). Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Chelsea House Publishers.
  • Burnside, J. (2015). To Kill a Mockingbird – what was, until recent developments, Harper Lee’s only novel – has been a staple of school reading lists for generations. The Guardian.
  • Crawford, B. (2013). Race, Rights, and the Mockingbird Next Door: The Importance of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. Southern Cultures, 19(3), 105-120.
  • Goodhart, S. (2013). Teaching 'To Kill a Mockingbird' With The New York Times. The New York Times.
  • Johnson, C. D. (1994). To Kill a Mockingbird: Threatening Boundaries. Twayne Publishers.
  • Jolley, M. (2015). To Kill a Mockingbird: The Right Time to Read. The Conversation.
  • Lee, H. (1982). To Kill a Mockingbird. Warner Books.
  • Lubet, S. (1999). Reconstructing Atticus Finch. Michigan Law Review, 97(6), 1339-1362

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"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee is a timeless classic that has been appreciated by many across generations. Published in 1960, it tells the story of a young girl named Scout Finch who grows up in the fictional town of [...]

Harper Lee's classic novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird," explores the journey of Scout Finch as she navigates the complexities of childhood innocence, racial injustice, and societal expectations. Throughout the narrative, Scout [...]

As a youthful and curious child, the small town that Scout Finch lived in seemed like the world. Since the book To Kill a Mockingbird was set in the south during the course of the 1930s, where she lived included a lot of [...]

In conclusion, the Ewells in To Kill a Mockingbird serve as a microcosm of the injustices and inequalities that plague Maycomb County. They exemplify the racial and social divisions that exist within the town, highlighting [...]

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  1. To Kill a Mockingbird

    To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel that centres around the Finch family and is told through the perspective of Jean (nicknamed Scout), within the town of Maycomb, Alabama. Atticus, Jean's father, is a prominent lawyer and the family lives relatively comfortably despite the impacts of the Great Depression. Image sourced from Wikimedia Commons.

  2. To Kill a Mockingbird Sample Essay Outlines

    Following each question is a sample outline to help get you started. Topic #1. The theme of the mockingbird is an important one in To Kill a Mockingbird. Write a paper on the mockingbird theme in ...

  3. 101 To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Titles & Examples

    101 To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Titles & Examples. 10 min. If you struggle to find "To Kill a Mockingbird" essay topics on prejudice, race, the characters' courage, or any other issue, look no further. Our team has prepared a list of titles and essay writing tips for this book. Table of Contents.

  4. To Kill a Mockingbird Essays and Criticism

    PDF Cite Share. Most critics characterize Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird as a novel of initiation and an indictment of racism. The novel's point of view, in particular, lends credence to these ...

  5. To Kill A Mockingbird Themes, Symbols, Motifs & Character Analysis

    Originally published in Readings on To Kill a Mockingbird, edited by Terry O'Neill, Greenhaven Press, 2000, pp. 52-56. In the following essay, originally published online in 1996 as "Symbolism in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird ... Lubet provides an analysis of the trial portrayed in To Kill a Mockingbird from the perspective of today's ...

  6. Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird: A+ Student Essay Examples

    Harper Lee's Depiction of Racial Inequality in America in Her Book, to Kill a Mockingbird. 5 pages / 2345 words. In this American classic, a sleepy Southern town is rocked by the trial of a young black man accused of rape. This seemingly simple story, written in 1960, is now regarded as a hallmark of critical writing.

  7. What does the trial outcome in To Kill A Mockingbird reveal about

    The tragic outcome of the Tom Robinson trial illuminates and emphasizes the harmful prejudiced society of Maycomb, Alabama, and identifies the small town as a racist community. During the trial ...

  8. Consequences of the 'Guilty' Verdict: A Reflection on Justice

    For Tom Robinson, the consequences were stark and immediate. The 'guilty' verdict condemned him in a society where racial bias outweighed the pursuit of truth. However, for the town of Maycomb and society at large, the consequences were nuanced and far-reaching. The trial laid bare the stark reality that racial prejudice influenced the justice ...

  9. To Kill A Mockingbird

    176 essay samples found. To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee that deals with racial injustice and moral growth in the American South. Essays could explore its themes, character analyses, literary significance, and the societal reactions it provoked upon its release. Discussions might also delve into its relevance in contemporary ...

  10. The Theme of Justice in Lee's to Kill a Mockingbird

    Published: Jun 29, 2018. Justice and its relationship with prejudice is the central theme of the timeless 1960 novel, Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Its focal point is the trial of Tom Robinson, an African-American erroneously charged with the rape of a white girl, Mayella Ewell. Racial prejudice is, of course, thoroughly explored in the ...

  11. To Kill a Mockingbird: Critical Essays

    Use this CliffsNotes To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide today to ace your next test! Get free homework help on Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. In To Kill a Mockingbird , author Harper Lee uses memorable characters to explore Civil Rights and racism in the segregated southern United ...

  12. Analysis: To Kill a Mockingbird

    Start your 48-hour free trial and get ahead in class. Boost your grades with access to expert answers and top-tier study guides. Thousands of students are already mastering their assignments—don ...

  13. To Kill a Mockingbird: Study Help

    Use this CliffsNotes To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide today to ace your next test! Get free homework help on Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. In To Kill a Mockingbird , author Harper Lee uses memorable characters to explore Civil Rights and racism in the segregated southern United ...

  14. Essay on Importance of the Trial in To Kill a Mockingbird

    Importance of the Trial in To Kill a Mockingbird. The trial of Tom Robinson is central to our understanding of racial and social prejudice in Maycomb. Harper Lee uses Tom Robinson's 'crime' to bring tensions in the town to a head and the author uses the trial as a way of making the ideas behind such tensions explicit for the reader.

  15. To Kill a Mockingbird: Critical Essays

    Use this CliffsNotes To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide today to ace your next test! Get free homework help on Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. In To Kill a Mockingbird , author Harper Lee uses memorable characters to explore Civil Rights and racism in the segregated southern United ...

  16. To Kill a Mockingbird Suggested Essay Topics

    Essays and criticism on Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird - Suggested Essay Topics. ... Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 ...

  17. To Kill a Mockingbird Themes

    The main themes in To Kill a Mockingbird are prejudice, moral complexity, and innocence. Prejudice: Maycomb's citizens display many forms of prejudice, including racism, classism, and sexism. Lee ...