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Read Our Research On:

  • How Teens Do Research in the Digital World
  • Part IV: Teaching Research Skills in Today’s Digital Environment

Table of Contents

  • Part I: Introduction
  • Part II: The Mixed Impact of Digital Technologies on Student Research
  • Part III: The Changing Definition of “Research”
  • Part V: Teachers’ Concerns About Broader Impacts of Digital Technologies on Their Students
  • Methodology

Given these findings about how students today define “research” and approach the research process, teachers are faced with identifying and teaching middle and high school students the skills they will need to be smart information seekers in the digital age. The data indicate that teachers in this study place tremendous value on research skills, with most reporting assigning a research paper to their students in the 2011-2012 academic year and spending class time teaching various research skills to their students.  These lessons are aimed at addressing deficits they see in today’s students.  Most notable among these is the inability to judge the quality of information, a skill the vast majority of teachers deem “essential” for their students’ future success.

Most teachers in the study assigned a research paper in the 2011-2012 academic year

Among the teachers in the study, the majority assigned at least one research paper to their middle and high school students in the 2011-2012 academic year.  As the graphic below suggests, among this sample of teachers, short essays and journaling are the most commonly assigned writing tasks, with more than half of the sample (58%) having their students write short essays, short responses, or opinion pieces at least once a week and 41% having students journal on a weekly basis.

Research papers—along with multimedia assignments and creative writing in the form of plays or short stories—are not assigned by many teachers on a frequent basis, but are assigned at some point during the academic year by most of the teachers in our sample.  Just over three-quarters of these teachers report having students complete a research paper (77%) or a multimedia project (77%) at some point during the current academic year.  Two-thirds (66%) have students complete a creative writing assignment during the year as well, such as writing poetry, a play, a short story, or piece of fiction.


Some teachers are more likely than others to assign a research paper; not surprising given the different skills and subjects being taught.  Fully 94% of the English teachers in this sample assigned at least one research paper in the past academic year, compared with 83% of history/social studies teachers, 68% of science teachers, and 36% of math teachers.  Almost nine in ten teachers who participated in the NWP Summer Institute (88%) reported assigning a research paper in the 2011-2012 academic year.

Most teachers rate their students “good” or “fair” on a variety of specific research skills

Despite the overall perception that the internet and digital technologies have a “mostly positive” impact on students’ research habits, in most cases the AP and NWP teachers surveyed rate the specific research skills of their students “good” or “fair.”  Very few teachers rate their students “excellent” on any of the research skills asked about in the survey.

Overall, teachers gave students the highest ratings on their ability to use appropriate and effective search terms and understanding how online search results are generated.  Yet even for these top items, only about one-quarter of teachers rated students “excellent” or “very good.”  And in focus groups, many teachers suggested that despite the current generation of middle and high school students being raised in the “digital age,” they are often surprised at how poor their students’ search abilities are.

It kills me to see students typing in whole questions: “What does it mean to leave a digital footprint on today’s society?” into Google. The funny thing is they actually get disappointed when it doesn’t spit back an answer. I have actually found this to be a great lesson on synonyms – helping them to come up with other key words that might be helpful in their search as well. We will also spend some time looking at how advanced searches work.  – National Writing Project teacher

Reflecting teachers’ concerns about the impact of the internet on students’ expectations of “instant information,” the skill they rate students lowest on is “patience and determination in looking for information that is hard to find.”  Fully 43% of the teachers participating in the survey said that overall they would rate their students “poor” in this regard, and another 35% rate their students “fair” when it comes to patiently pursuing information they need.

A majority of survey respondents also described their students as “fair” or “poor” when it comes to:

  • Using multiple sources effectively to support an argument
  • Assessing the quality and accuracy of information they find online, and
  • Recognizing bias in online content

These relatively low ratings (of what are by and large honors and advanced students) may reflect teachers’ expectations of the skill level they would like to help their students reach, yet survey results indicate that teachers see room for students to improve in most, if not all, of these areas.


Two patterns emerge in looking at the ratings teachers give their students on their research skills.  In the case of all but one skill asked about, more teachers of the lowest income students rate their students “poor” than do teachers of higher income students.  The only exception to this pattern is “Patience and determination in looking for information that is hard to find” on which teachers across different socioeconomic levels rate their students equally.

A second consistent pattern that emerges is that teachers with more classroom experience (16 years or more) perceive their students’ skills more positively across the board.  Teachers who have been in the classroom for 15 or fewer years, in contrast, seem to have more negative views of their students’ research skills and more of them rate their students “poor” on every skill asked about.

When it comes to patience and determination finding information, the lowest marks come from English teachers, 50% of whom rate their students “poor” in this regard.  Looking just at National Writing Project teachers, 53% of this group give their students the lowest rating of “poor.”


What research skills should be taught?

Both the survey and focus group asked teachers which research skills, in particular, are critical for the current generation of middle and high school students to learn. In focus groups, the most commonly cited skills were how to evaluate the quality of information, how to recognize what information is and is not relevant to the question at hand, and how to synthesize information from multiple sources into a coherent piece of work.

They need to know how to find information and how to judge how appropriate and accurate the material is. They need to be able to assess the biases in their sources. They need to be able to find the material that will help them.  –AP US History teacher

[the most critical skill is]

The Internet is empowering, but it’s empowering everyone’s opinion and everyone wants to get their information out there, and we need to try to teach the students to be more discriminators – have greater discrimination about the quality of the information they’re accessing.  – Teacher at College Board School

I teach tenth grade and twelfth grade Social Studies. It’s becoming much more important that the students – it’s wonderful to have the access to information – but now more than ever, I feel that they need to be smart consumers of information. And I feel students are progressively losing their ability to sort out what’s good information, what’s reliable information, and basically filter…As schools go on and Internet access becomes more prevalent and computers standard in the classroom, teaching is changing from not just teaching you how to process and restate and think about information, but also we’re going to have to teach them the skill to know how to filter this information.  – Teacher at College Board School

Survey findings echo these sentiments.  The vast majority of teachers surveyed feel that “courses or content focusing on digital literacy  must  be incorporated into every school’s curriculum,” indicating just how critical they feel the ability to locate and assess information in the digital world is. About half of the teachers in the study (47%) say they “strongly agree” and another 44% “somewhat agree” with this proposition, meaning that 93% of teachers support this curriculum change.  NWP Summer Institute teachers are particularly likely to take this view, with 59% saying they “strongly agree” that this curriculum change is needed.  Also expressing strong views on this question are teachers of students living below the poverty line, 60% of whom “strongly agree” such courses are needed.

Moreover, asked to place a value on various skills today’s students may need in the future, “judging the quality of information” tops the list, along with “writing effectively.”  These two skills were described as “essential” by 91% of the teachers who participated in the survey.  Other skills relevant to the current digital culture also ranked high, with large majorities of teachers saying that “behaving responsibly online” (85%) and “understanding privacy issues surrounding online and digital content” (78%) are “essential” to their students’ later success in life.

While evaluating the quality of information tops the list of essential skills, 56% of survey participants also feel that “finding information quickly” is essential to success.  Another 40% describe this skill as “important, but not essential,” indicating that while teachers place tremendous value on teaching their students to assess the quality of information, they also appreciate the importance of speed in today’s fast-moving digital world.  Those who have been teaching longer (16 years or more) are slightly more likely than those teaching 15 years or fewer to describe this skill as “essential” (60% of more experienced teachers v. 52% of newer teachers) but otherwise no notable differences exist across subgroups of teachers.

Among the skills included in the survey, those viewed as less essential to students’ success are “presenting themselves effectively in online social networking sites” and “working with audio, video, or graphic content.”  Fewer than one in three teachers saw either of these skills as “essential” to their students’ later success, though substantial percentages do describe each of these skills as “important, but not essential.”


When should these skills be taught, and by whom?

While the AP and NWP teachers in the study generally agreed on what skills are needed and that these skills should be a part of standard curricula, there was less consistency in their opinions of when these skills should be taught and by whom.  Asked at what point in their educational careers students should learn these critical research skills, many focus group participants felt they should be taught in elementary school, and that students should  already possess these skills prior to entering middle school or high school.  Others felt that elementary students may not be ready to learn the nuances of bias, fair use, and salience, and that these more advances skills are better taught later in a student’s career.

The question of who should be mainly responsible for this part of the curriculum was also open to debate in focus groups, with some teachers openly acknowledging that they do not currently feel qualified to teach some of these skills.  Some reported that their school’s English department takes the lead in developing research skills, and that their own role is mainly reinforcing these skills.  Yet others suggested these skills need to be taught by all teachers across the curriculum, and that library staff can be a key part of that process.

The first thing students need to learn is to discern the quality of a source. After that, they need to be able to compile information from various sources and synthesize their own work, in their own words. Students must cite all sources for their work. This should start in the elementary grades, and does in my district.  – AP Chemistry teacher

Credibility, validity, purpose, and reliability are all important aspects to consider when viewing an electronic resource. Also, students need to be aware of how recent web based information is by knowing how to check publishing dates. I think some of these skills can be taught as early as 3rd or 4th grade from the standpoint of ‘how do you know when something is true?’  –AP Biology teacher

Teachers must take the time, and take on the responsibility of teaching students how to search more wisely on the internet. I do not think enough time is devoted to this task because everyone thinks it is someone else’s job to do it…Regardless of what is done, these skills have to be explicitly taught.  – National Writing Project teacher

I find that my students do not have sound research skills in place in the 8th grade…and I’m not so certain that it is the best use of their time to tackle an isolated weighty research project. My instincts tell me to develop ongoing research expectations, in smaller, manageable chunks, so that they receive more guidance on more of the work/research. I’d rather know that my students had a chance to get better at the process of reading and researching for one focused idea than raking them through a project just to rake them through a project. There is less of chance that a student would plagiarize and an even better chance that they would learn what the difference is between work that is plagiarized and that which is not.  – National Writing Project teacher

I demonstrate how to do good research in my class and then I assign projects and papers where they have to research. I do source checks before the projects are due to make sure students are on the right track. I really rely on skills they learned in their English classes.  –AP Biology teacher

I try my best to teach students how to choose credible sources, but I rely on the expertise of others for the ins and outs of this very difficult to navigate lesson. Thank goodness there are so many resources to help me with this, but I admit. I have to do more.  – National Writing Project teacher

Current approaches to teaching critical research skills

Asked about different approaches they use to develop effective research skills in their students, two different tracts emerge—first, spending class time teaching and developing these skills, and second, designing assignments that require students to use new or different approaches.

In terms of devoting class time to this area, fully eight in ten of the AP and NWP teachers who participated in the survey report spending class time discussing how to assess the reliability of online information, and seven in ten spend class time generally discussing how to conduct research online.  Fewer teachers, but still a majority, say they spend class time helping students improve search terms and queries, yet just one-third devote class time to helping students understand how search engines work and how search results are actually generated and ranked.

Figure 19

A second strategy these middle and high school teachers use is intentionally constructing or shaping research assignments in ways that either direct students to the best online resources, or require students to expand the repertoire of sources they use.  Nine in ten survey respondents report directing their students to specific online resources they feel are most appropriate for a particular assignment, and 83% develop research questions or assignments that require students to use a variety of sources, both online and offline.  Substantially fewer teachers, just 29%, assign work to students in which they forbid the use of online sources.

Suggestions in the focus groups that English teachers generally take the lead on teaching these skills were echoed by survey results.  English teachers in this sample are the most likely to report implementing each one of these lessons/approaches, followed closely by history/social studies teachers.  For example, 93% of English teachers in the sample report developing assignments that require students to use a variety of sources, followed by 91% of history/social studies teachers, 77% of science teachers, and 47% of math teachers.  Similarly, when it comes to spending class time discussing how to assess the reliability of information, English teachers take the lead (94%), followed by history/social studies teachers (90%), then science teachers (69%) and math teachers (46%).

The merits of these latter strategies—structuring or shaping assignments in ways that required students to use particular sources or more varied sources—was discussed at length in focus groups.  Many teachers reported requiring students to utilize offline resources in an effort to familiarize them with materials they might not otherwise use.  Others said they stress to their students the importance of paying attention to website domains, and encourage or require them to use .gov, .org or .edu sites.  And many teachers reported banning the use of particular online sources, most commonly those with user-generated content such as Wikipedia, or telling students exactly which online resources are most useful or even permissible for particular assignments.

At the same time, teachers felt that eliminating the use of all online resources or even particular online resources in assignments is unrealistic and can be counterproductive.  Because students are already reliant on these sources when they arrive in middle and high school, and have a comfort level with them, many teachers feel a better approach is to teach students how to use these tools effectively.  Indeed, in student focus groups, teens acknowledged that even when they are “not allowed” to use Wikipedia in their research, it is still often their “first stop” in completing an assignment.  Students feel that Wikipedia’s fairly short encyclopedic entries provide them with a quick “overview” of a topic from which to orient their research process, and some teachers agreed.  Thus, rather than attempt to control which websites students utilize in completing school assignments, or even their very use of online resources, the underlying philosophy for many is teaching their students to be better information consumers in the digital arena.

I’d take the choice out of it. I’d tell them which sources to access, because the bottom line is, I’m so pressed for the time that rather than risk them going out and finding the wrong information, I tell them what sources to access and then you give them five sources and you say, ‘These are the approved sources. Do not go outside this realm.’ And ultimately that’s probably self-defeating because they’re not always going to be given that narrow focus like that, but I don’t teach in a theoretical world.  – Teacher at College Board School

We almost do the opposite in our classroom. I’m a special education teacher and we tell them what sources we don’t like and so now they can tell us what sources we don’t like that they shouldn’t use.  – Teacher at College Board School

I assign work that requires them to use online resources such as JSTOR, EBSCO, Proquest, and other databases to which our school subscribes.  –AP English Language teacher

Credibility and usefulness of sources is a part of every conversation about research/inquiry projects that we undertake. This can take many forms. For some assignments I have mandated that kids solely get research from articles found in one of the databases the school subscribes to. For other projects we discuss this idea of credibility and I walk around and look at where they’re headed for research and if I need to step in and start a conversation about a particular source my student and I have that discussion.  – National Writing Project teacher

Many focus group participants also reported assigning a large research project to be completed over the course of the full academic year, which they can break into smaller steps to help students develop an understanding of the various pieces that go into successful research as well as the time that must be devoted to each.  In designing these research assignments, focus group participants suggested the following elements are particularly important:

  • Showing students how to develop a focused research question and a plan of what they should be looking for, to help them “sort through the noise”
  • Requiring students to utilize more than online resources
  • Teaching students how to properly cite the sources they use, particularly online sources
  • Developing a student’s ability to determine the timeliness, relevance, and quality of the online information they find
  • Teaching students how to appropriately paraphrase and synthesize information

In all of my classes, we are visiting the library/lab on some kind of regular basis whether it’s for a persuasive essay, speech, research paper, etc. Students mark up the article, find the author’s argument/thesis, create their own, find opposing views, find supporting views, etc. These are all research skills—break it down (analyze) to write it down (synthesize).  –AP English Language teacher

Much of searching for information today is about evaluation of sources. Students often stick to what they know and they often do not expand on utilizing their search skills, so yes, I teach them about it. They tend to stick to Google. I challenge them to use various sources and explore databases. When teaching this I often explore various false sites with them. Sometimes I establish various credibility tests. I find fun material and they have to determine if it is credible or not and why. I pull material from various websites, to tabloids, to internet email hoaxes, to credible sources. They decide if it is credible material or not and how to determine if something is credible. We explore various criteria for exploring if something is credible. I also teach this with visual literacy and we explore doctored images, etc. I love pulling an image of a website that states that something happened to their favorite celebrity. They debate what is true and how to find the truth.  – National Writing Project teacher

At least half of my curriculum is devoted to doing research online. We spend a lot of time noticing differences between sources, but without judgment. Instead of asking about the credibility of sources, we spend a lot more time wondering if a particular source is of value to my writing. A personal reflection in a blog might provide the perfect turn of phrase to quote in your own argument. We also spend a lot of time teaching student how to cite their sources, and in this process we talk about reliability and the need to have more than one source, no matter where it comes from. I could go on for some time about this. It is the heart of my work with students, but it isn’t something that easily fits into a set of lessons. There are slowly evolving critical lenses that I see my students beginning to use when they are immersed in self directed, passion-based projects. The simple ways of determining credibility just don’t make sense. Who is to say that a podcast is less reliable than a Wikipedia page. A lot depends on your purpose, your critical use, and the other sources that surround any one source. It’s too complicated to teach outside of the ongoing practice of doing research.  – National Writing Project teacher

Usually when we are doing some kind of research in my class I will scaffold it enough where students have a pretty good idea where to go, but the issue also becomes what do they do when they get to where they need to be. I read an interesting study about how people read websites, much different based on age and much different than we read print. I usually bring this study up with the kids so we can have conversations about how to best use our time and find the best information.  – National Writing Project teacher

I usually preface a long-range research assignment with a challenge of my own. I’ll remind them of our discussion about “Is Google Making us Stupid?” where they essentially said that their generation is being dismissed too quickly by the pundits who say they can’t think deeply. When I remind them that a lot of people say that their generation wants instant gratification of information, that raises some hackles. If they’re aware of the obstacles of an in-depth assignment, they’re more prepared to challenge those assumptions. I guess I’d say that a big part of my teaching is attuning my students to how we think as we move through the research process. Make those negative assumptions part of the discussion and a lot of the students see that as a call to move past them. My students aren’t shallow, lazy and stupid, and they don’t want to be thought of as such.  – National Writing Project teacher

Challenges to teaching research skills in today’s digital environment

In general, the AP and NWP teachers in the study feel their students are very receptive to learning effective research skills, but point out that teaching these skills is not without challenges.  By far, the most commonly cited challenge is simply a lack of time to devote to developing effective lessons and teaching skills in class.  Teachers repeatedly noted the difficulty in covering these skills in addition to the other content they are required to cover.  They also note that they themselves must become savvy information consumers before they can impart these skills to their students.

Among other challenges teachers report facing are pay walls separating them and their students from the best information online and digital access issues among their students.  Teachers stressed that the best, most credible resources on the internet are often available only by subscription, thus many schools and students do not have access to what is truly the highest quality information in a particular field.  In addition, they point out that for many of their students, research time is restricted by a lack of internet access at home and/or limited library hours.

The biggest challenge in any AP class in my experience is time. The volume and depth of the material is so extensive that finding the time to teach effective research is very difficult.  – AP US History teacher

Time. There is never enough time to get through all of the standards and spend adequate time teaching research skills also. It takes a lot of time to do justice to teaching research skills.  – AP Biology teacher

Time and access to technology are always hurdles to teaching anything. A lot of times we assign a research assignment and turn the students loose into the world to research on their own. Too often, parents do not even know what is going on in regards to this. Maybe we should work harder on getting them involved in this process. Most students are receptive to methods that will speed their research but not with what will make it better. This is another obstacle to overcome.  – AP US History teacher

The other problem is the…limited number of resources that are available for free; most of the primary resources, most of the better resources have to be paid for by subscription.  – Teacher at College Board School

[other teacher]

If we had laptops in every room, we would be able to champion tat cause of ‘this is how you do research’ more, rather than just showing them our laptop….They have to do the research at home and they’re kind of on their own. We give them pointers, but…  – Teacher at College Board School

The survey also indicates that these teachers face a variety of challenges   in effectively incorporating online content and digital tools into their classrooms, some of which may hinder their ability to teach students how best to conduct research online. Virtually all teachers surveyed report working in a school that employs internet filters (97%), formal policies about cell phone use (97%), and acceptable use policies or AUPs (97%).  The degree to which teachers feel these different policies impact their teaching varies, with internet filters cited most often as having a “major impact” on survey participants’ teaching (32%).  One in five teachers (21%) say cell phone policies have a “major” impact on their teaching, and 16% say the same about their school’s AUP.


Looking more closely at subgroups of the teachers surveyed, it becomes clear that those  teaching in urban areas and those teaching the lowest income students are feeling the impact of these types of restrictions more so than those living in other community types and those teaching students from mainly upper and upper middle income households.  In particular, teachers of students living in poverty are at least  twice as likely  as those teaching the most affluent students to report these policies having a “major” impact on their teaching.


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research skills for teachers

1st Edition

Research Skills for Teachers From research question to research design

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Understanding research principles and developing a small-scale research project is increasingly required of both pre-service and in-service teachers at early childhood, primary and secondary levels. In Research Skills for Teachers Beverley Moriarty provides an accessible guide to every aspect of education research appropriate to the needs of the beginner. The book helps readers identify their area of research interest and then focus their topic into something manageable yet original and sustainable. There are comprehensive, readable explanations of key concepts and technical terms, and realistic examples throughout show how ideas can be put into action. The text adopts an iterative approach, encouraging readers to revisit research questions, research design and methodology as they progress through the stages of planning and execution. The book provides clear guidance on core issues including: *Understanding and completing a literature review *Quantitative and qualitative approaches * Developing interviews and surveys * Analysing data * Ethical issues and dilemmas Featuring an accessible, step-by-step approach and rich with case studies and exercises, this is an essential tool for anyone embarking on a career in teaching. 'I found this text highly accessible, authoritative and well structured... The examples and boxes provided are effective ways to organize a complex and often opaque process for novice researchers, especially pre-service teachers... The frameworks, notebook activities and tables are intuitive and useful.' Dr Alexandra McCormick, Sydney School of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney

Table of Contents

Beverley Moriarty is a senior lecturer in the School of Teacher Education at Charles Sturt University. She has taught Research Methods for CSU's Master of Education and Graduate Certificate in Educational Research programs. She has published book chapters on intersystemic research and collaboration and journal articles on research design in education research.

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How to Read and Interpret Research to Benefit Your Teaching Practice

Teachers can find helpful ideas in research articles and take a strategic approach to get the most out of what they’re reading.

Photo of teacher working at home

Have you read any education blogs, attended a conference session this summer, or gone to a back-to-school meeting so far where information on PowerPoint slides was supported with research like this: “Holland et al., 2023”? Perhaps, like me, you’ve wondered what to do with these citations or how to find and read the work cited. We want to improve our teaching practice and keep learning amid our busy schedules and responsibilities. When we find a sliver of time to look for the research article(s) being cited, how are we supposed to read, interpret, implement, and reflect on it in our practice? 

There has been much research over the past decade building on research-practice partnerships . Teachers and researchers should work collaboratively to improve student learning. Though researchers in higher education typically conduct formal research and publish their work in journal articles, it’s important for teachers to also see themselves as researchers. They engage in qualitative analysis while circulating the room to examine and interpret student work and demonstrate quantitative analysis when making predictions around student achievement data.

There are different sources of knowledge and timely questions to consider that education researchers can learn and take from teachers. So, what if teachers were better equipped to translate research findings from a journal article into improved practice relevant to their classroom’s immediate needs? I’ll offer some suggestions on how to answer this question.

Removing Barriers to New Information

For starters, research is crucial for education. It helps us learn and create new knowledge. Teachers learning how to translate research into practice can help contribute toward continuous improvement in schools. However, not all research is beneficial or easily applicable. While personal interests may lead researchers in a different direction, your classroom experience holds valuable expertise. Researchers should be viewed as allies, not sole authorities.

Additionally, paywalls prevent teachers from accessing valuable research articles that are often referenced in professional development. However, some sites, like Sage and JSTOR , offer open access journals where you can find research relevant to your classroom needs. Google Scholar is another helpful resource where you can plug in keywords like elementary math , achievement , small-group instruction , or diverse learners to find articles freely available as PDFs. Alternatively, you can use Elicit and get answers to specific questions. It can provide a list of relevant articles and summaries of their findings.

Approach research articles differently than other types of writing, as they aren’t intended for our specific audience but rather for academic researchers. Keep this in mind when selecting articles that align with your teaching vision, student demographic, and school environment.

Using behavioral and brain science research, I implemented the spacing effect . I used this strategy to include spaced fluency, partner practices, and spiral reviews (e.g., “do nows”) with an intentional selection of questions and tasks based on student work samples and formative/summative assessment data. It improved my students’ memory, long-term retention, and proficiency, so I didn’t take it too personally when some of them forgot procedures or symbols.

What You’ll Find in a Research Article

Certain elements are always included in a research article. The abstract gives a brief overview. Following that, the introduction typically explains the purpose and significance of the research—often through a theoretical framework and literature review. Other common sections of a research article may include methodology, results or findings, and discussion or conclusion.

The methodology section explains how the researchers answered their research question(s) to understand the topic. The results/findings section provides the answer(s) to the research question(s), while the discussion/conclusion section explains the importance and meaning of the results/findings and why it matters to readers and the field of education at large.

How to Process Information to Find What You’re Looking For

To avoid getting overwhelmed while reading research, take notes. Many articles are lengthy and filled with complex terminology and citations. Choose one relevant article at a time, and jot down important points or questions.

You could apply many strategies to read research, but here’s an idea that takes our time constraints and bandwidth as teachers into account:

  • First, read the title and full abstract, then scan and skim the introduction. You’ll be able to see if it’s relevant to your interests, needs, and whether you need to continue reading. 
  • After you’ve decided if the research is relevant to your classroom and professional development, jump straight to the discussion/conclusion section to see the “so what” about the research findings and how they could apply to your classroom. Review the findings/results section after for more details if needed.

Decipher the Details in the Data 

As a math, science, or English language arts teacher, you might come across figures, tables, or graphs that could spark ideas for your lessons. Some of these visuals and data may seem complex and difficult to understand. To make sense of them, take it slow and read through the notes and descriptions carefully.             

For example, researchers C. Kirabo Jackson and Alexey Makarin created a graph to show that middle school math teachers who had online access and support to use high-quality materials saw a positive impact on math test scores, especially when they used the materials for multiple lessons. The notes below the graph explain how the data was collected and which school districts were involved in the study.

Lastly, after reading the findings/results section, you’ll understand the gist of the research and if it’s applicable to your needs. Reading beyond these sections depends on your schedule and interests. It’s perfectly normal if it takes additional time to digest these sections.

When it comes to reading research, teachers don’t have to go it alone. School and district leaders can involve us in discussions about research findings and their practical implications for our school during professional learning community meetings or professional development sessions before the start of the school year. Even if only a few teachers participate in this process, sharing the main points with peers and the principal can have a significantly positive impact on improving direct instruction for students.

Empowering students to develop research skills

February 8, 2021

This post is republished from   Into Practice ,  a biweekly communication of Harvard’s  Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning

Terence Capellini standing next to a human skeleton

Terence D. Capellini, Richard B Wolf Associate Professor of Human Evolutionary Biology, empowers students to grow as researchers in his Building the Human Body course through a comprehensive, course-long collaborative project that works to understand the changes in the genome that make the human skeleton unique. For instance, of the many types of projects, some focus on the genetic basis of why human beings walk on two legs. This integrative “Evo-Devo” project demands high levels of understanding of biology and genetics that students gain in the first half of class, which is then applied hands-on in the second half of class. Students work in teams of 2-3 to collect their own morphology data by measuring skeletons at the Harvard Museum of Natural History and leverage statistics to understand patterns in their data. They then collect and analyze DNA sequences from humans and other animals to identify the DNA changes that may encode morphology. Throughout this course, students go from sometimes having “limited experience in genetics and/or morphology” to conducting their own independent research. This project culminates in a team presentation and a final research paper.

The benefits: Students develop the methodological skills required to collect and analyze morphological data. Using the UCSC Genome browser  and other tools, students sharpen their analytical skills to visualize genomics data and pinpoint meaningful genetic changes. Conducting this work in teams means students develop collaborative skills that model academic biology labs outside class, and some student projects have contributed to published papers in the field. “Every year, I have one student, if not two, join my lab to work on projects developed from class to try to get them published.”

“The beauty of this class is that the students are asking a question that’s never been asked before and they’re actually collecting data to get at an answer.”

The challenges:  Capellini observes that the most common challenge faced by students in the course is when “they have a really terrific question they want to explore, but the necessary background information is simply lacking. It is simply amazing how little we do know about human development, despite its hundreds of years of study.” Sometimes, for instance, students want to learn about the evolution, development, and genetics of a certain body part, but it is still somewhat a mystery to the field. In these cases, the teaching team (including co-instructor Dr. Neil Roach) tries to find datasets that are maximally relevant to the questions the students want to explore. Capellini also notes that the work in his class is demanding and hard, just by the nature of the work, but students “always step up and perform” and the teaching team does their best to “make it fun” and ensure they nurture students’ curiosities and questions.

Takeaways and best practices

  • Incorporate previous students’ work into the course. Capellini intentionally discusses findings from previous student groups in lectures. “They’re developing real findings and we share that when we explain the project for the next groups.” Capellini also invites students to share their own progress and findings as part of class discussion, which helps them participate as independent researchers and receive feedback from their peers.
  • Assign groups intentionally.  Maintaining flexibility allows the teaching team to be more responsive to students’ various needs and interests. Capellini will often place graduate students by themselves to enhance their workload and give them training directly relevant to their future thesis work. Undergraduates are able to self-select into groups or can be assigned based on shared interests. “If two people are enthusiastic about examining the knee, for instance, we’ll match them together.”
  • Consider using multiple types of assessments.  Capellini notes that exams and quizzes are administered in the first half of the course and scaffolded so that students can practice the skills they need to successfully apply course material in the final project. “Lots of the initial examples are hypothetical,” he explains, even grounded in fiction and pop culture references, “but [students] have to eventually apply the skills they learned in addressing the hypothetical example to their own real example and the data they generate” for the Evo-Devo project. This is coupled with a paper and a presentation treated like a conference talk.

Bottom line:  Capellini’s top advice for professors looking to help their own students grow as researchers is to ensure research projects are designed with intentionality and fully integrated into the syllabus. “You can’t simply tack it on at the end,” he underscores. “If you want this research project to be a substantive learning opportunity, it has to happen from Day 1.” That includes carving out time in class for students to work on it and make the connections they need to conduct research. “Listen to your students and learn about them personally” so you can tap into what they’re excited about. Have some fun in the course, and they’ll be motivated to do the work.

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Research Skills for Teachers

Research Skills for Teachers

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Understanding research principles and developing a small-scale research project is increasingly required of both pre-service and in-service teachers at early childhood, primary and secondary levels. In Research Skills for Teachers Beverley Moriarty provides an accessible guide to every aspect of education research appropriate to the needs of the beginner. The book helps readers identify their area of research interest and then focus their topic into something manageable yet original and sustainable. There are comprehensive, readable explanations of key concepts and technical terms, and realistic examples throughout show how ideas can be put into action. The text adopts an iterative approach, encouraging readers to revisit research questions, research design and methodology as they progress through the stages of planning and execution. The book provides clear guidance on core issues including: *Understanding and completing a literature review *Quantitative and qualitative approaches * Developing interviews and surveys * Analysing data * Ethical issues and dilemmas Featuring an accessible, step-by-step approach and rich with case studies and exercises, this is an essential tool for anyone embarking on a career in teaching. 'I found this text highly accessible, authoritative and well structured... The examples and boxes provided are effective ways to organize a complex and often opaque process for novice researchers, especially pre-service teachers... The frameworks, notebook activities and tables are intuitive and useful.' Dr Alexandra McCormick, Sydney School of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney


Chapter | 9  pages, introduction, chapter 1 | 25  pages, getting started: from research problem to research question, chapter 2 | 26  pages, more about research questions, chapter 3 | 25  pages, chapter 4 | 35  pages, understanding and completing a literature review, chapter 5 | 43  pages, understanding research designs, chapter 6 | 33  pages, research methods, chapter 7 | 17  pages, understanding paradigms, chapter 8 | 46  pages, data analysis, chapter 9 | 13  pages, thinking about findings and implications for practice and future research, chapter 10 | 26  pages, conducting and reporting research.

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Teaching Research Skills to K-12 Students in The Classroom

students taking notes in the classroom

Research is at the core of knowledge. Nobody is born with an innate understanding of quantum physics. But through research , the knowledge can be obtained over time. That’s why teaching research skills to your students is crucial, especially during their early years.

But teaching research skills to students isn’t an easy task. Like a sport, it must be practiced in order to acquire the technique. Using these strategies, you can help your students develop safe and practical research skills to master the craft.

What Is Research?

By definition, it’s a systematic process that involves searching, collecting, and evaluating information to answer a question. Though the term is often associated with a formal method, research is also used informally in everyday life!

Whether you’re using it to write a thesis paper or to make a decision, all research follows a similar pattern.

  • Choose a topic : Think about general topics of interest. Do some preliminary research to make sure there’s enough information available for you to work with and to explore subtopics within your subject.
  • Develop a research question : Give your research a purpose; what are you hoping to solve or find?
  • Collect data : Find sources related to your topic that will help answer your research questions. 
  • Evaluate your data : Dissect the sources you found. Determine if they’re credible and which are most relevant.
  • Make your conclusion : Use your research to answer your question! 

Why Do We Need It?

Research helps us solve problems. Trying to answer a theoretical question? Research. Looking to buy a new car? Research. Curious about trending fashion items? Research! 

Sometimes it’s a conscious decision, like when writing an academic paper for school. Other times, we use research without even realizing it. If you’re trying to find a new place to eat in the area, your quick Google search of “food places near me” is research!

Whether you realize it or not, we use research multiple times a day, making it one of the most valuable lifelong skills to have. And it’s why — as educators —we should be teaching children research skills in their most primal years. 

Teaching Research Skills to Elementary Students

In elementary school, children are just beginning their academic journeys. They are learning the essentials: reading, writing, and comprehension. But even before they have fully grasped these concepts, you can start framing their minds to practice research.

According to curriculum writer and former elementary school teacher, Amy Lemons , attention to detail is an essential component of research. Doing puzzles, matching games, and other memory exercises can help equip students with this quality before they can read or write. 

Improving their attention to detail helps prepare them for the meticulous nature of research. Then, as their reading abilities develop, teachers can implement reading comprehension activities in their lesson plans to introduce other elements of research. 

One of the best strategies for teaching research skills to elementary students is practicing reading comprehension . It forces them to interact with the text; if they come across a question they can’t answer, they’ll need to go back into the text to find the information they need. 

Some activities could include completing compare/contrast charts, identifying facts or questioning the text, doing background research, and setting reading goals. Here are some ways you can use each activity:

  • How it translates : Step 3, collect data; Step 4, evaluate your data
  • Questioning the text : If students are unsure which are facts/not facts, encourage them to go back into the text to find their answers. 
  • How it translates : Step 3, collect data; Step 4, evaluate your data; Step 5, make your conclusion
  • How it translates : Step 1, choose your topic
  • How it translates : Step 2, develop a research question; Step 5, make your conclusion

Resources for Elementary Research

If you have access to laptops or tablets in the classroom, there are some free tools available through Pennsylvania’s POWER Kids to help with reading comprehension. Scholastic’s BookFlix and TrueFlix are 2 helpful resources that prompt readers with questions before, after, and while they read. 

  • BookFlix : A resource for students who are still new to reading. Students will follow along as a book is read aloud. As they listen or read, they will be prodded to answer questions and play interactive games to test and strengthen their understanding. 

research skills for teachers

  • TrueFlix : A resource for students who are proficient in reading. In TrueFlix, students explore nonfiction topics. It’s less interactive than BookFlix because it doesn’t prompt the reader with games or questions as they read. (There are still options to watch a video or listen to the text if needed!)

research skills for teachers

Teaching Research Skills to Middle School Students

By middle school, the concept of research should be familiar to students. The focus during this stage should be on credibility . As students begin to conduct research on their own, it’s important that they know how to determine if a source is trustworthy.

Before the internet, encyclopedias were the main tool that people used for research. Now, the internet is our first (and sometimes only) way of looking information up. 

Unlike encyclopedias which can be trusted, students must be wary of pulling information offline. The internet is flooded with unreliable and deceptive information. If they aren’t careful, they could end up using a source that has inaccurate information!

research skills for teachers

How To Know If A Source Is Credible

In general, credible sources are going to come from online encyclopedias, academic journals, industry journals, and/or an academic database. If you come across an article that isn’t from one of those options, there are details that you can look for to determine if it can be trusted.

  • The author: Is the author an expert in their field? Do they write for a respected publication? If the answer is no, it may be good to explore other sources.
  • Citations: Does the article list its sources? Are the sources from other credible sites like encyclopedias, databases, or journals? No list of sources (or credible links) within the text is usually a red flag. 
  • Date: When was the article published? Is the information fresh or out-of-date? It depends on your topic, but a good rule of thumb is to look for sources that were published no later than 7-10 years ago. (The earlier the better!)
  • Bias: Is the author objective? If a source is biased, it loses credibility.

An easy way to remember what to look for is to utilize the CRAAP test . It stands for C urrency (date), R elevance (bias), A uthority (author), A ccuracy (citations), and P urpose (bias). They’re noted differently, but each word in this acronym is one of the details noted above. 

If your students can remember the CRAAP test, they will be able to determine if they’ve found a good source.

Resources for Middle School Research

To help middle school researchers find reliable sources, the database Gale is a good starting point. It has many components, each accessible on POWER Library’s site. Gale Litfinder , Gale E-books , or Gale Middle School are just a few of the many resources within Gale for middle school students.

research skills for teachers

Teaching Research Skills To High Schoolers

The goal is that research becomes intuitive as students enter high school. With so much exposure and practice over the years, the hope is that they will feel comfortable using it in a formal, academic setting. 

In that case, the emphasis should be on expanding methodology and citing correctly; other facets of a thesis paper that students will have to use in college. Common examples are annotated bibliographies, literature reviews, and works cited/reference pages.

  • Annotated bibliography : This is a sheet that lists the sources that were used to conduct research. To qualify as annotated , each source must be accompanied by a short summary or evaluation. 
  • Literature review : A literature review takes the sources from the annotated bibliography and synthesizes the information in writing.
  • Works cited/reference pages : The page at the end of a research paper that lists the sources that were directly cited or referenced within the paper. 

Resources for High School Research

Many of the Gale resources listed for middle school research can also be used for high school research. The main difference is that there is a resource specific to older students: Gale High School . 

If you’re looking for some more resources to aid in the research process, POWER Library’s e-resources page allows you to browse by grade level and subject. Take a look at our previous blog post to see which additional databases we recommend.

Visit POWER Library’s list of e-resources to start your research!

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Conducting research is a process. To be an effective researcher requires the ability to generate appropriate research questions; develop strategies to find, evaluate, and use resources; design methodologies to support original studies; and credit the work of others. 

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Jenny Grant Rankin Ph.D.

Teaching Research Skills That Transfer to Future Projects

Exploratory research teaches skills that have lifelong use..

Updated August 1, 2024 | Reviewed by Monica Vilhauer

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This post is the fourth in a series.

When helping students become researchers, the goal is not only to equip students to tackle a current research project but also to ensure the learned skills will stay with them for future endeavors. Students must understand which research staples must be applied under any circumstances (like critically evaluating sources or following ethical guidelines) while maintaining the flexibility to try different approaches and make new connections. Students at Laguna Beach High School (LBHS) are learning to do just that.

In Part I of this series I spoke to Jun Shen, the passionate teacher and ed-tech coordinator who runs LBHS’s Authentic Exploratory Research (AER) program . AER is an independent research course inspired by Palo Alto Unified School District’s Advanced Authentic Research program . The program pairs students with adult mentors (such as LBUSD staff, industry experts, and academics) who assist the teens in researching their big questions in fields of their choice.

Former LBHS student Carter Ghere was the third teenager to give us an account of his experience in AER and the findings that his AER research produced. A benefit to meeting with Ghere was that he has since moved on to projects outside the AER program, such as promoting physical and mental health . The research skills Ghere honed in AER, combined with his passion for his new endeavors, show us how students can learn research skills in a way that has lasting benefits.

Jenny Grant Rankin: What can teachers do to help students research effectively, not only for current projects but also for future research endeavors?

Carter Ghere: Teachers can encourage students to think about minor aspects of the project that greatly influence the thesis rather than just the thesis question itself. When I researched car design and why it varies, I had to consider each factor that could help me build a strong argument. What started as research on cars very quickly turned into research into socioeconomics, societal upbringing, and government involvement in diplomatic events and conflict. Automotive design changed because manufacturers were competing against each other to sell more cars or improve efficiency, but mass appeal is the biggest driving aspect of change, so I had to research what changes mass appeal and where interests originate from. Laterally, researching aspects of influence opens up much research to apply to your projects, instead of searching for the answer most people already know. Teachers can teach their students how to see the hidden influences, draw conclusions themselves to strengthen their arguments, and accelerate the research process. Knowing how to do research effectively carries over a lifetime, making every new learning endeavor exciting for students instead of monotonous.

JGR: What was the most significant thing you learned about conducting research?

CG: Relevance and impact. The biggest thing I learned while I was conducting research was keeping in mind how your study affects the current information already available. It’s easy to research and quote what most people know, but genuinely effective research isn’t commonly known or even thought of; the research is supposed to question the current knowledge to create new knowledge.

JGR: What was the most significant thing you learned about communicating research or other work?

CG: Knowing your audience is the biggest thing I learned about communicating my work. Putting myself in the shoes of someone reading my work helped me curate my research to better explain my findings to someone who may need to learn about my topic or why this is important. The last thing you want your audience to feel is confusion; a clear, simple explanation of your findings helps the reader draw their connections and relate them to what they already know.

JGR: What lessons learned in AER do you find yourself applying in your current efforts to promote mental health?

CG: The research experience I have from AER accelerated the work I’ve done beyond high school. In terms of research and the actual information I give out, I know that what I’m discovering isn’t new, but the personal opinion that I have is, and that’s what AER taught me. The thoughts that I have on the subject matter of lifestyle and self-development have more relevance than just plain information.

Learning through apprenticeship and embracing the guidance of a mentor profoundly expanded my understanding. This experience made me realize the vast opportunities I still have to learn and grow. At AER, I had the chance to engage in research, connect with experts in the field, develop personal convictions that I am passionate about, ensure these ideas resonate with others, and communicate them effectively.

Ghere demonstrates what we want students to be able to do with the knowledge and skills we teach: to remember, apply, and develop them perpetually. Ideally, as in Ghere’s case, students also use their research skills to help others and improve our world. To continue reading, look for Part V .

Jenny Grant Rankin Ph.D.

Jenny Grant Rankin, Ph.D., is a Fulbright Specialist for the U.S. Department of State.

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Research Skills for Teachers: From Research Questions to Research Design

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Research Skills for Teachers: From Research Questions to Research Design Paperback – March 17, 2020

Understanding research principles and developing a small-scale research project is increasingly required of both pre-service and in-service teachers at early childhood, primary and secondary levels. In Research Skills for Teachers, Beverley Moriarty provides an accessible guide to every aspect of education research appropriate to the needs of the beginner. The book helps readers identify their area of research interest and then focus their topic into something manageable yet original and sustainable. There are comprehensive, readable explanations of key concepts and technical terms, and realistic examples throughout show how ideas can be put into action. The text adopts an iterative approach, encouraging readers to revisit research questions, research design and methodology as they progress through the stages of planning and execution.

The book provides clear guidance on core issues including:

- Understanding and completing a literature review - Quantitative and qualitative approaches - Developing interviews and surveys - Analysing data - Ethical issues and dilemmas

Featuring an accessible, step-by-step approach and rich with case studies and exercises, this is an essential tool for anyone embarking on a career in teaching.

  • Print length 336 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Open University Press
  • Publication date March 17, 2020
  • Dimensions 6.06 x 0.76 x 9.25 inches
  • ISBN-10 033524937X
  • ISBN-13 978-0335249374
  • See all details

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Open University Press (March 17, 2020)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 336 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 033524937X
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0335249374
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.08 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.06 x 0.76 x 9.25 inches
  • #10,630 in Education & Teaching (Books)

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research skills for teachers

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How Can Teachers Improve Their Skill By Doing Research?

Teaching has gone a long way from the traditional lecturer-listener system. Today, teachers are not just lecturers, but guides; students are not just listeners but co-explorers of knowledge. Education has become more interactive and experiential for both parties. Thus, teaching skills have also evolved, with more techniques available for teachers to use.

The wide variety of education-centered skills may seem overwhelming for a teacher. Fortunately, there is one method that helps a teacher see the aspects of his or her teaching that need improvement. This method is research, particularly Classroom Action Research.

In its broadest sense, research is itself helpful when a teacher is trying to introduce concepts to students. Teachers who do their own research on the topics they teach, instead of depending on textbooks, can gain a much better understanding of those topics. As a result, they can be more effective in sharing the knowledge with students.

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is more specific than basic research, and it is more concerned on the teaching process itself than on the topics taught. In a nutshell, a CAR is a form of practitioner research on the current situation of a class. That means that the practitioner - the teacher - is the one who conducts active research on what his or her class truly needs.

The CAR method has different versions, from basic observations to fully scientific studies. A good CAR, however, involves several systematic steps.

First, of course, is the identification of a specific research question based on a premise. The question may seek a current description of the class, as in "Do students fulfill their home reading assignments?" Or it may discover whether a certain teaching technique is effective or not, as in "Are audio-visual presentations helpful in student performance?" The important thing is that the question should be a top concern of the teacher.

Next step is to research on previous studies on the same question. In scientific research, this is called review of related literature.

Third step is to lay out a research strategy, or the action that is purposefully done for the research. This could be as simple as conducting quizzes that are especially created to help answer the research question.

Next are the implementation of the strategy and the collection of results.

After that, the teacher now has data to analyze. The quiz results, for example, can show patterns and even clear answers to the original research question. They may indicate how many students provided correct answers to home reading questions, or how much of the audio-visual presentations they have remembered, and so on.

Now that the teacher has solid evidence on what works or what doesn't, he or she can take action based on it. This action could be continued use of a teaching technique that has been proven effective, or replacement of a technique that did not show success. Another action item might be to conduct another CAR on a different teaching skill.

The seventh step is sharing with other teachers the findings of the study. Since the CAR is a practitioner research, meaning done by one teacher for a particular class, it may produce unique results that can be discussed among the teaching staff.

Throughout all these steps, it is important to be specific and systematic to get accurate results.

Classroom Action Research is truly helpful for teachers to find out what the students need. But more importantly, it is a tool for them to identify what they themselves need to improve on when it comes to their teaching skills. This identification is the first step towards better teaching, and consequently, a better quality of education.

Teacher as Researcher

  • Teacher Glossary of Terms in Teaching
  • Tools For Accessing Literature
  • Research Directory
  • An Action Research Approach To Curriculum Development
  • Research Skills

How to Teach Online Research Skills to Students in 5 Steps (Free Posters)

Please note, this post was updated in 2020 and I no longer update this website.

How often does this scenario play out in your classroom?

You want your students to go online and do some research for some sort of project, essay, story or presentation. Time ticks away, students are busy searching and clicking, but are they finding the useful and accurate information they need for their project?

We’re very fortunate that many classrooms are now well equipped with devices and the internet, so accessing the wealth of information online should be easier than ever, however, there are many obstacles.

Students (and teachers) need to navigate:

  • What search terms to put into Google or other search engines
  • What search results to click on and read through (while avoiding inappropriate or irrelevant sites or advertisements)
  • How to determine what information is credible, relevant and student friendly 
  • How to process, synthesize, evaluate , and present the information
  • How to compare a range of sources to evaluate their reliability and relevancy
  • How to cite sources correctly

Phew! No wonder things often don’t turn out as expected when you tell your students to just “google” their topic. On top of these difficulties some students face other obstacles including: low literacy skills, limited internet access, language barriers, learning difficulties and disabilities.

All of the skills involved in online research can be said to come under the term of information literacy, which tends to fall under a broader umbrella term of digital literacy.

Being literate in this way is an essential life skill.

This post offers tips and suggestions on how to approach this big topic. You’ll learn a 5 step method to break down the research process into manageable chunks in the classroom. Scroll down to find a handy poster for your classroom too.

How to Teach Information Literacy and Online Research Skills

The topic of researching and filtering information can be broken down in so many ways but I believe the best approach involves:

  • Starting young and building on skills
  • Embedding explicit teaching and mini-lessons regularly (check out my 50 mini-lesson ideas here !)
  • Providing lots of opportunity for practice and feedback
  • Teachers seeking to improve their own skills — these free courses from Google might help
  • Working with your librarian if you have one

💡 While teaching research skills is something that should be worked on throughout the year, I also like the idea of starting the year off strongly with a “Research Day” which is something 7th grade teacher Dan Gallagher wrote about . Dan and his colleagues had their students spend a day rotating around different activities to learn more about researching online. Something to think about!

Google or a Kid-friendly Search Engine?

If you teach young students you might be wondering what the best starting place is.

I’ve only ever used Google with students but I know many teachers like to start with search engines designed for children. If you’ve tried these search engines, I’d love you to add your thoughts in a comment.

💡 If you’re not using a kid-friendly search engine, definitely make sure SafeSearch is activated on Google or Bing. It’s not foolproof but it helps.

Two search engines designed for children that look particularly useful include:

These sites are powered by Google SafeSearch with some extra filtering/moderating.

KidzSearch contains additional features like videos and image sections to browse. While not necessarily a bad thing, I prefer the simple interface of Kiddle for beginners.

Read more about child-friendly search engines

This article from Naked Security provides a helpful overview of using child-friendly search engines like Kiddle.

To summarise their findings, search-engines like Kiddle can be useful but are not perfect.

For younger children who need to be online but are far too young to be left to their own devices, and for parents and educators that want little ones to easily avoid age-inappropriate content, these search engines are quite a handy tool. For older children, however, the results in these search engines may be too restrictive to be useful, and will likely only frustrate children to use other means.

Remember, these sorts of tools are not a replacement for education and supervision.

Maybe start with no search engine?

Another possible starting point for researching with young students is avoiding a search engine altogether.

Students could head straight to a site they’ve used before (or choose from a small number of teacher suggested sites). There’s a lot to be learned just from finding, filtering, and using information found on various websites.

Five Steps to Teaching Students How to Research Online and Filter Information

This five-step model might be a useful starting point for your students to consider every time they embark on some research.

Let’s break down each step. You can find a summary poster at the end.

Students first need to take a moment to consider what information they’re actually looking for in their searches.

It can be a worthwhile exercise to add this extra step in between giving a student a task (or choice of tasks) and sending them off to research.

You could have a class discussion or small group conferences on brainstorming keywords , considering synonyms or alternative phrases , generating questions etc. Mindmapping might help too.

2016 research by Morrison showed that 80% of students rarely or never made a list of possible search words. This may be a fairly easy habit to start with.

Time spent defining the task can lead to a more effective and streamlined research process.

Set task, clarify, then start research

It sounds simple but students need to know that the quality of the search terms they put in the Google search box will determine the quality of their results.

There are a LOT of tips and tricks for Googling but I think it’s best to have students first master the basics of doing a proper Google search.

I recommend consolidating these basics:

  • Type in some simple search terms using only the important keywords
  • If the initial results aren’t what you want, alter the search terms and get more specific  (get clues from the initial search results e.g. you might see synonyms that would work or get ideas from the “People Also Ask” section)
  • Use quotation marks if you want your keywords in an exact order, e.g. “raining cats and dogs”
  • use your best guess with spelling (Google will often understand)
  • don’t worry about punctuation
  • understand that everyone’s results will be different , even if they use the same search terms (depending on browser history, location etc.)

📌 Get a free PDF of this poster here. 

How to Google: A Basic Guide for Students by Kathleen Morris (free poster)

Links to learn more about Google searches

There’s lots you can learn about Google searches.

I highly recommend you take a look at  20 Instant Google Searches your Students Need to Know by Eric Curts to learn about “instant searches”.

Med Kharbach has also shared a simple visual with 12 search tips which would be really handy once students master the basics too.

The Google Search Education website is an amazing resource with lessons for beginner/intermediate/advanced plus slideshows and videos. It’s also home to the  A Google A Day classroom challenges. The questions help older students learn about choosing keywords, deconstructing questions, and altering keywords.

Useful videos about Google searches

How search works.

This easy to understand video  from to explains more about how search works.

How Does Google Know Everything About Me?

You might like to share this video with older students that explains how Google knows what you’re typing or thinking. Despite this algorithm, Google can’t necessarily know what you’re looking for if you’re not clear with your search terms.

What about when the answer comes up in Google instantly?

If you’ve been using Google for a while, you know they are tweaking the search formula so that more and more, an answer will show up within the Google search result itself. You won’t even need to click through to any websites.

For example, here I’ve asked when the Titanic sunk. I don’t need to go to any websites to find out. The answer is right there in front of me.

Google search about the Titanic

While instant searches and featured snippets are great and mean you can “get an answer” without leaving Google, students often don’t have the background knowledge to know if a result is incorrect or not. So double checking is always a good idea.

As students get older, they’ll be able to know when they can trust an answer and when double checking is needed.

Type in a subject like cats and you’ll be presented with information about the animals, sports teams, the musical along with a lot of advertising. There are a lot of topics where some background knowledge helps. And that can only be developed with time and age.

Entering quality search terms is one thing but knowing what to click on is another.

You might like to encourage students to look beyond the first few results. Let students know that Google’s PageRank algorithm is complex (as per the video above), and many websites use Search Engine Optimisation to improve the visibility of their pages in search results. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the most useful or relevant sites for you.

As pointed out in this article by Scientific American ,

Skilled searchers know that the ranking of results from a search engine is not a statement about objective truth, but about the best matching of the search query, term frequency, and the connectedness of web pages. Whether or not those results answer the searchers’ questions is still up for them to determine.

Point out the anatomy of a Google search result and ensure students know what all the components mean. This could be as part of a whole class discussion, or students could create their own annotations.

An important habit to get into is looking at the green URL and specifically the domain . Use some intuition to decide whether it seems reliable. Does the URL look like a well-known site? Is it a forum or opinion site? Is it an educational or government institution? Domains that include .gov or .edu might be more reliable sources.

When looking through possible results, you may want to teach students to open sites in new tabs, leaving their search results in a tab for easy access later (e.g. right-click on the title and click “Open link in new tab” or press Control/Command and click the link).

Searchers are often not skilled at identifying advertising within search results. A famous 2016 Stanford University study revealed that 82% of middle-schoolers couldn’t distinguish between an ad labelled “sponsored content” and a real news story.

Time spent identifying advertising within search results could help students become much more savvy searchers. Looking for the words “ad” and “sponsored” is a great place to start.

Teach students how to look for advertisements in Google search results

4) Evaluate

Once you click on a link and land on a site, how do you know if it offers the information you need?

Students need to know how to search for the specific information they’re after on a website. Teach students how to look for the search box on a webpage or use Control F (Command F on Mac) to bring up a search box that can scan the page.

Ensure students understand that you cannot believe everything you read . This might involve checking multiple sources. You might set up class guidelines that ask students to cross check their information on two or three different sites before assuming it’s accurate.

I’ve written a post all about teaching students how to evaluate websites . It includes this flowchart which you’re welcome to download and use in your classroom.

How to evaluate websites flowchart Kathleen Morris

So your students navigated the obstacles of searching and finding information on quality websites. They’ve found what they need! Hooray.

Many students will instinctively want to copy and paste the information they find for their own work.

We need to inform students about plagiarism  and copyright infringement while giving them the skills they need to avoid this.

  • Students need to know that plagiarism is taking someone’s work and presenting it as your own. You could have a class discussion about the ethics and legalities of this.
  • Students also need to be assured that they can use information from other sources and they should. They just need to say who wrote it, where it was from and so on.

All students can benefit from learning about plagiarism, copyright, how to write information in their own words, and how to acknowledge the source. However, the formality of this process will depend on your students’ age and your curriculum guidelines.

Give students lots of practice writing information in their own words. Younger students can benefit from simply putting stories or recounts in their own words. Older students could investigate the difference between paraphrasing and summarising .

There are some free online tools that summarise information for you. These aren’t perfect and aren’t a replacement from learning the skill but they could be handy for students to try out and evaluate. For example, students could try writing their own summary and then comparing it to a computer summary. I like the tool SMMRY as you can enter text or a URL of an article. Eric Curts shares a list of 7 summary tools in this blog post .

Students also need a lot of practice using quotation marks and citing sources .

The internet can offer a confusing web of information at times. Students need to be shown how to look for the primary source of information. For example, if they find information on Wikipedia, they need to cite from the bibliography at the bottom of the Wikipedia article, not Wikipedia itself.

There are many ways you can teach citation:

  • I like Kathy Schrock’s PDF document which demonstrates how you can progressively teach citation from grades 1 to 6 (and beyond). It gives some clear examples that you could adapt for your own classroom use.

Staying organised!

You might also like to set up a system for students to organise their information while they’re searching. There are many apps and online tools to curate, annotate, and bookmark information, however, you could just set up a simple system like a Google Doc or Spreadsheet.

The format and function is simple and clear. This means students don’t have to put much thought into using and designing their collections. Instead, they can focus on the important curation process.

Bring These Ideas to Life With Mini-Lessons!

We know how important it is for students to have solid research skills. But how can you fit teaching research skills into a jam-packed curriculum? The answer may be … mini-lessons !

Whether you teach primary or secondary students, I’ve compiled 50 ideas for mini-lessons.

Try one a day or one a week and by the end of the school year, you might just be amazed at how independent your students are becoming with researching.

Become an Internet Search Master with This Google Slides Presentation

In early 2019, I was contacted by Noah King who is a teacher in Northern California.

Noah was teaching his students about my 5 step process outlined in this post and put together a Google Slides Presentation with elaboration and examples.

You’re welcome to use and adapt the Google Slides Presentation yourself. Find out exactly how to do this in this post.

The Presentation was designed for students around 10-11 years old but I think it could easily be adapted for different age groups.

Recap: How To Do Online Research

Despite many students being confident users of technology, they need to be taught how to find information online that’s relevant, factual, student-friendly, and safe.

Keep these six steps in mind whenever you need to do some online research:

  • Clarify : What information are you looking for? Consider keywords, questions, synonyms, alternative phrases etc.
  • Search : What are the best words you can type into the search engine to get the highest quality results?
  • Delve : What search results should you click on and explore further?
  • Evaluate : Once you click on a link and land on a site, how do you know if it offers the information you need?
  • Cite : How can you write information in your own words (paraphrase or summarise), use direct quotes, and cite sources?
  • Staying organised : How can you keep the valuable information you find online organised as you go through the research process?

Don’t forget to ask for help!

Lastly, remember to get help when you need it. If you’re lucky enough to have a teacher-librarian at your school, use them! They’re a wonderful resource.

If not, consult with other staff members, librarians at your local library, or members of your professional learning network. There are lots of people out there who are willing and able to help with research. You just need to ask!

Being able to research effectively is an essential skill for everyone . It’s only becoming more important as our world becomes increasingly information-saturated. Therefore, it’s definitely worth investing some classroom time in this topic.

Developing research skills doesn’t necessarily require a large chunk of time either. Integration is key and remember to fit in your mini-lessons . Model your own searches explicitly and talk out loud as you look things up.

When you’re modelling your research, go to some weak or fake websites and ask students to justify whether they think the site would be useful and reliable. Eric Curts has an excellent article where he shares four fake sites to help teach students about website evaluation. This would be a great place to start!

Introduce students to librarians ; they are a wonderful resource and often underutilised. It pays for students to know how they can collaborate with librarians for personalised help.

Finally, consider investing a little time in brushing up on research skills yourself . Everyone thinks they can “google” but many don’t realise they could do it even better (myself included!).

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5 simple steps to teaching Google search tips and internet research skills for students. This 2019 post and free eBook shows how to research effectively for kids in primary school, middle school and high school. These tips are summarized in a free research skills poster for your classroom.

14 Replies to “How to Teach Online Research Skills to Students in 5 Steps (Free Posters)”

Kathleen, I like your point about opening up sites in new tabs. You might be interested in Mike Caulfield’s ‘four moves’ .

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What a fabulous resource, Aaron. Thanks so much for sharing. This is definitely one that others should check out too. Even if teachers don’t use it with students (or are teaching young students), it could be a great source of learning for educators too.

This is great information and I found the safe search sites you provided a benefit for my children. I searched for other safe search sites and you may want to know about them. and .

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Hi Alice, great finds! Thanks so much for sharing. I like the simple interface. It’s probably a good thing there are ads at the top of the listing too. It’s an important skill for students to learn how to distinguish these. 🙂

Great website! Really useful info 🙂

I really appreciate this blog post! Teaching digital literacy can be a struggle. This topic is great for teachers, like me, who need guidance in effectively scaffolding for scholars who to use the internet to gain information.

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So glad to hear it was helpful, Shasta! Good luck teaching digital literacy!

Why teachers stopped investing in themselves! Thanks a lot for the article, but this is the question I’m asking myself after all teachers referring to google as if it has everything you need ! Why it has to come from you and not the whole education system! Why it’s an option? As you said smaller children don’t need search engine in the first place! I totally agree, and I’m soo disappointed how schooling system is careless toward digital harms , the very least it’s waste of the time of my child and the most being exposed to all rubbish on the websites. I’m really disappointed that most teachers are not thinking taking care of their reputation when it comes to digital learning. Ok using you tube at school as material it’s ok , but why can’t you pay little extra to avoid adverts while teaching your children! Saving paper created mountains of electronic-toxic waste all over the world! What a degradation of education.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Shohida. I disagree that all schooling systems are careless towards ‘digital harms’, however, I do feel like more digital citizenship education is always important!

Hi Kathleen, I love your How to Evaluate Websites Flow Chart! I was wondering if I could have permission to have it translated into Spanish. I would like to add it to a Digital Research Toolkit that I have created for students.

Thank you! Kristen

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Hi Kristen, You’re welcome to translate it! Please just leave the original attribution to my site on there. 🙂 Thanks so much for asking. I really hope it’s useful to your students! Kathleen

[…] matter how old your child is, there are many ways for them to do research into their question. For very young children, you’ll need to do the online research work. Take your time with […]

[…] digs deep into how teachers can guide students through responsible research practices on her blog (2019). She suggests a 5 step model for elementary students on how to do online […]

Writing lesson plans on the fly outside of my usual knowledge base (COVID taken down so many teachers!) and this info is precisely what I needed! Thanks!!!

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Qualities of a Good Teacher: The 14 Qualities That Top Our List

female teacher smiles at camera

When you think back on your own education, there’s probably a teacher who stands out as an exceptional source of encouragement and inspiration. Maybe it was a college professor who inspired you to change your career field — or, maybe it was a kindergarten teacher whose simple acts of kindness made a positive difference in your childhood. But no matter what grade you were in or what subject you were studying, chances are your favorite teacher possessed many of the skills and characteristics that are featured on this list, which breaks down the qualities of a good teacher in detail.

In This Article:

What makes a good teacher, the top 14 qualities that make a good teacher, a good teacher starts with a solid education, keeping your teaching skills fresh with professional development, 15 soft and hard skills important for teachers to develop, the journey to becoming a good teacher.

Read on as we explore the top character traits and teaching skills that educators need in 2032 and beyond. We’ve also included an overview of the credentials, degrees, and qualifications that are required to become a teacher, both in California and out of state. Whether it’s a skill you need to brush up on, a credential you need to earn, or maybe even a character trait you want to work on developing, this guide offers dozens of ideas for areas where you can start improving as an educator — and start improving your resume at the same time.

Whether they’re teaching advanced calculus or how to count to 10, effective teachers share certain universal traits in common. For example, all great educators have the ability to listen actively — not only to their students, but also to their colleagues, school administrators, and students’ family members. We’ll talk more about active listening and why it matters below, along with several other traits that teachers should try to exemplify.

According to Robert Lee, Ed.D., Dean of the Sanford College of Education , “A good teacher possesses qualities such as strong communication skills, empathy, and a passion for lifelong learning. These attributes not only foster a positive and engaging classroom environment but also enhance student success and inspire a love of learning. Good teachers also possess a deep understanding of their subject matter and can take that knowledge and make it culturally relevant for students as they develop engaging lessons. Good teachers inspire and motivate students to reach their full potential while creating an inclusive learning environment where each student is seen, valued, cared for, and respected.”

While some are less tangible than others — and potentially, more challenging to cultivate — all of them are equally worthwhile for teachers to actively develop and practice. Read on as we break down more than a dozen of the most important traits for educators, including:

  • Active listening
  • Adaptability
  • Collaboration
  • Focus on growth
  • Lifelong learning
  • Preparedness

teacher working with a student

You don’t need to have a specific personality type to be an inspiring and effective teacher. However, there are some useful traits you should work on developing or strengthening if your goal is to be a more engaging and successful educator.

1. Adaptability

Adaptability is a must for teachers, who need to continuously evaluate what’s working for their students — and even more importantly, what isn’t working. Being adaptable and flexible allows you to flow between different theories of learning and modes of teaching — something we’ll discuss momentarily — without becoming immobilized by stress or indecision.

Empathy is the ability to understand what another person is feeling or experiencing — put simply, putting yourself in another person’s shoes. As a teacher, it’s vital to practice empathy instead of making assumptions — for instance, making efforts to understand and address the root issue that’s causing a student to fall behind their peers, perform more poorly than they used to, or lash out in class.

3. Patience

Patience is important both to possess and to model for your students — who, as we discussed in our post on theories of learning, may view you as a role model and emulate your behavior. Having a reserve of patience will make it easier for you to work through each student’s unique struggles and challenges, which may be difficult or slow-going to overcome.

4. Engagement

Students are perceptive from an extremely young age and can easily tell when teachers are bored by or apathetic toward their own material. If you want to generate engagement and enthusiasm in your class, it’s imperative to exemplify those traits yourself, showing your students an infectious passion for learning — and all the exciting discoveries and hobbies that it can unlock for them!

5. Active Listening

Active listening is vital if you want to effectively diagnose and help overcome students’ unique obstacles and challenges. Seek feedback, encourage honesty, provide ways for students to contact you easily, and be attentive whenever you listen, always trying to read between the lines and assess body language while you’re communicating. Learn more about how and why you should improve your active listening skills .

6. Lifelong Learning

The best educators aren’t just interested in teaching — they also have a passion for lifelong learning, which is reflected in their enthusiasm and engagement as instructors. Continued learning and professional development deliver invaluable insight, keeping professionals “sharp” and reminding teachers of the real-world challenges that their students may be facing — creating a pathway for greater empathy. Discover more about the importance of lifelong learning and how different theories of learning could help you teach — or understand — new information.

7. Free of Bias

As an educator, you’ll be responsible for teaching an extraordinarily wide range of students. To combat inequality and discrimination and ensure fairness, you need to assess your students’ needs in a way that is free from bias — something that requires you to continuously check in with your own judgments and assumptions about others.

8. Respectful Attitude

Even in classrooms of adult learners, there’s still an inherent imbalance of power that exists between students and teachers. It’s imperative for educators to be mindful of this imbalance and ensure that students feel respected and heard for the people they are and what they contribute to the classroom.

9. Creativity

Creativity goes hand in hand with adaptability — another key trait we explored on this list. Whether you teach first graders or doctoral students, you’ll need the ability to innovate, think outside the box, and find novel solutions to challenges, which will empower you to meet a wider range of students’ needs. Being creative as an educator will also help you to foster creativity in your students — an essential skill they’ll need for countless career paths.

10. Collaborative

From parent-teacher conferences and department meetings to teaching dozens or hundreds of students every day, education is an intensely collaborative field by nature, involving a constant interplay between students, teachers, administrators, and family members. If your goal is to become an educator or transition into an educational leadership position, you’ll need strong collaborative skills to ensure you can work well with others consistently.

11. Preparation

In line with being flexible and adaptable, it’s important to be prepared for a wide range of scenarios and challenges in the classroom. You can increase your overall level of preparedness as an educator by learning about your students’ strengths and challenges, and ensuring that you consider how each of your students could be affected by your lesson plans.

12. Promote a Growth Mindset

In 2006, psychologist Carol Dweck introduced the concept of “growth mindsets” vs. “fixed mindsets” in her book Mindset: The Psychology of Success. According to Dweck, individuals with a fixed mindset perceive assets like intelligence as being determined early in life, which can cause obstacles or challenges to seem insurmountable or overwhelming. In contrast to a fixed mindset, individuals who have a growth mindset believe that traits like intelligence and creativity can be developed with practice.

13. Meet Students Where They Are

Your students will come to you from different backgrounds, skill sets, and challenges — and you need to be ready to meet them, whichever point they’ve reached in their learning. That means having the ability to accommodate students who learn at different paces, using different styles and methods, within the same classroom or group. This is another area where traits like adaptability, empathy, and patience come into play for educators.

14. Cross-Discipline Teaching

Drawing on multiple subjects and disciplines shows students how businesses operate — and how problem-solving works — in the real world, grounding their learning in practical real-life scenarios.

If you don’t possess all of these traits already, don’t panic — just be mindful that there may be some areas where you could benefit from a little practice. Whether your goal is to tune up weak skills, refine strong ones, or develop new abilities, a degree or credential program provides the perfect opportunity to acquire the qualifications and experience you need to go further in your chosen career path.

Here are just a few of the teaching credentials or degrees that graduate and undergraduate students can pursue at National University. Each option combines rigorous coursework and research with an academic seminar or field experience component, where the student has the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of — and ability to apply — the subject material they’ve covered throughout the program.

Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education (BAECE)

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education at National University is an NCATE-accredited degree program that may be completed online or on-campus. Coursework covers topics such as Early Cognition; Early Language and Literacy; Observing, Assessing, and Planning; Children with Special Needs; Designing Emergent Curriculum; and Nature, Numbers, and Technology. For additional details about the program, explore the BAECE program page or contact our admissions office to request more information.

Master of Arts in Education (MAE)

The Master of Arts in Education , or MAE, is an NCATE-accredited program with the option to conveniently complete coursework online. The MAE is designed for students who want to acquire field experience, conduct original research, and build on their undergraduate degree with a rigorous, high-level study of the historical, philosophical, psychological, and social foundations of today’s education industry. Program coursework includes topics such as Early Childhood Education Learning and Development; Foundations of Adult Learners; Community Development in Higher Education; Media Rich Instruction; Identity, Inclusion, and Equity; and Applied Critical Thinking. To learn more about the online or on-campus MAE program at National University, get in touch with our enrollment counselors today.

Inspired Teaching and Learning with a Preliminary Teaching Credential

National University offers both Single Subject and Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials , along with a wide variety of additional teaching credentials to help you reach your goals. The credential you need depends on the classes or grade levels you intend to teach and in what state, along with other factors. For example, according to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), you’ll need a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential to become an elementary school teacher, whereas anyone who “want[s] to teach in high school in California must earn a Single Subject Teaching Credential.” Finally, “Individuals who want to teach special education students in California must earn an Education Specialist Instruction Credential,” per CTC guidelines.

According to the online education resource Teaching-Certificate , “Although the…California Commission on Teacher Credentialing used to require 150 hours of professional growth to renew a clear credential, clear credentials may now be renewed without verifying any professional or continuing education requirements.” However, that doesn’t mean educators should overlook opportunities for continued learning. While no longer a CTC requirement, continuing education has several benefits for teachers and school administrators, like increasing your marketability, providing you with professional networking opportunities, and creating a path to learn and practice new skills — while keeping your old ones up-to-date.

Before we look at these skills in closer detail, it’s important to point out that the CTC requirements above are specific to California, and that the continuing education or professional development requirements for educators may differ in your state. For example, the state of Nevada requires educators to complete “15 hours each calendar year of professional development or the equivalent of in-service training.” Be sure to check with the credentialing organization in your state, like California’s Commission on Teaching Credentialing, to ensure you meet the criteria for maintaining and renewing your teaching license.

woman sitting at a desk learning

As an educator, you meet a new group of students every year — and every year, there are new developments around the science and psychology of learning. In short, students’ needs change over time, like the way that social media and mobile devices have become key learning tools among Gen Z students compared to previous generations. The student population is also becoming more diverse , not only in terms of race but also disability, along with international students and online students .

The bottom line for educators? In the face of a changing industry and student population, along with the growing importance of educational technology, teachers need to develop — and maintain — a wide range of skills to keep up. So what are the essential hard and soft skills of a teacher, and what sorts of credentials and qualifications does an educator need to obtain? Here are 15 examples, including seven hard skills and eight soft skills for teachers to master.

  • Ability to practice varied teaching modes and methods
  • Administrative skills
  • Communication
  • Classroom management skills
  • Computer and technological skills
  • Educational degrees and qualifications
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Leadership skills
  • Knowledge of the curriculum
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Teaching certificates and credentials
  • Time management skills
  • Writing and grammar skills

8 Important Soft Skills for Teachers

Important soft skills for teachers include time management skills, leadership skills, having a strong work ethic, problem solving abilities, high emotional intelligence, and possessing the knowledge and adaptability needed to employ a variety of teaching modes and methods.

1. Communication — Verbal, nonverbal, and written communication are fundamental for any educator. Not only does clear communication enable you to learn about your students, how they learn, and what challenges or motivates them most — it also empowers you to dialogue with parents and families, share information with your colleagues and administrators more productively, and create a more inclusive environment for students from diverse backgrounds.

2. Time Management —You expect your students to complete their assignments on time — so it’s vital that you model the same skills. Effective time management, which you can read tips about here , will help you ensure that tasks like grading papers, composing quizzes, and meeting with students are completed in a timely fashion that aligns with your curriculum and lesson plan calendar.

3. Strong Work Ethic — Teachers can be expected to carry heavy workloads. It’s essential to possess a strong work ethic to help you manage the demands of the role.

4. Problem Solving — From unexpected technical issues to bullying and conflicts between students, teachers are frequently confronted with unplanned situations that need to be resolved so that learning can continue. You’ll need robust problem-solving skills to ensure that you’re prepared to address a wide range of impediments to learning.

5. Leadership — From the renowned scholar leading a master’s-level course, to the kindergarten teacher leading their class together in a singing exercise, teachers are leaders for their students. You’ll need strong leadership skills to keep your students organized, engaged, and on-task while demonstrating respectful attitudes toward their instructors and peers.

6. Variety of Teaching Methods — Teachers need the ability to employ a variety of teaching methods to meet students’ equally varied needs, ranging from teacher-directed (like lectures and worked examples) to student-directed (like collaborative and project-based learning). For example, it’s important to be familiar with traditional methods of learning vs. inquiry-based learning . You can learn more about teaching methods and how to implement them in our guide to theories of learning.

7. Variety of Teaching Modes — Educators should be familiar with — and develop teaching strategies that are adapted to — the various VARK “modalities of learning,” an acronym that refers to “Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic” modes of learning. You can read more about VARK modalities here .

8. Emotional Intelligence — Emotional intelligence is a broad term that describes a person’s ability to understand, analyze, and manage their own emotional responses. Emotional intelligence is critical for teachers, who need to maintain professionalism and demonstrate leadership even when placed under high-pressure, high-stress situations.

7 Important Hard Skills for Teachers

Examples of important hard skills for teachers to develop and hone include computer skills and technological competence, classroom management skills, administrative skills, writing and grammar skills, and thorough knowledge and understanding of the curriculum. Educators also need to obtain the appropriate certificates, credentials, degrees, and additional qualifications, which we’ll discuss briefly below.

1. Computer and Technology Skills — Computers and other technology play increasing roles in education, a topic we explored in our article on educational technology . Technological proficiency is vital for teachers in any subject, especially if you plan on teaching online or media-rich courses.

2. Classroom Management — Conveying information is only part of your job as an educator. You’re also responsible for managing your classroom and student behavior, particularly for educators who teach younger children. Classroom management skills are essential for maintaining an inclusive, safe, and welcoming environment that supports learning for all of your students.

3. Administrative Skills — Administrative skills include skills such as strategic thinking, strong organization and time management, and the ability to lead effectively while communicating clearly. These types of skills are useful for both school administrators and educators, with several (like time management) receiving their own places on this list!

4. Writing and Grammar Skills — It isn’t just English or creative writing teachers who need a firm grasp of grammar and spelling. You’ll need strong writing skills for routine tasks like emailing parents and administrators, correcting students’ assignments, sharing demonstrations on the board, and possibly even requesting grants or other funding.

5. Certificates and Credentials — In addition to earning your degree, you’ll also need to earn certain certificates and credentials depending on factors like where and what you’d like to teach. For example, to quote the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), “Individuals who want to teach in high school in California must earn a Single Subject Teaching Credential .” For more detailed information on that subject, we recommend exploring our overview of multiple and single subject teacher education credentials available at National University.

6. Qualifications and Degrees — Most teaching positions require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, with certain types of teaching positions or academic employers requiring a master’s or even doctoral degree. National University offers a range of accredited online and on-campus degree programs in education to help prepare you for a career in teaching or school administration, like preparing you for professional exam requirements. Learn more about the process of becoming a teacher, or explore the state’s requirements for becoming a teacher in California.

7. Curricular Knowledge — It’s essential to have extensive and in-depth knowledge of your curriculum so that you can lead meaningful discussions and help your students connect larger ideas together. For example, you’ll need to be fluent in any foreign language that you intend to teach.

These are just a few of the many examples of good teacher qualities and skills to possess — no matter what subject you teach or at what grade level. Discover more about what it takes to become an educator by applying to a credential or degree program at National University today.

woman sitting on her porch with a laptop

Teaching begins with learning. Do both at the same time by earning your teaching degree or credential from National University. Through the Sanford College of Education, we offer a wide range of teacher credentials, associate’s degree programs, bachelor’s degree programs, and master’s degree programs — all with regional accreditation, financial aid options for students, and the ability to complete coursework partially or 100% online.

Follow your passion while making an impact on young (or not-so-young) minds. Talk to our admissions counselors about applying to National University and enrolling in our BAECE, MAE, or other teaching credentials and degree programs.

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Teaching public policy research skills to tomorrow’s leaders

When students learn the fundamentals of public policy research, they also acquire tools to evaluate how institutions operate and how those same tools can be used to solve problems in their communities. This blended learning approach can level up these skills

Christopher Kromphardt

.css-76pyzs{margin-right:0.25rem;} ,, mark anthoney, cassidy branch.

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College students increasingly need to understand the role that data plays in public policy decisions as they seek to be engaged participants in civic life . As it turns out, most Americans agree with us that an awareness of how data-driven research affects policymaking can prepare young people for the future. Nearly 80 per cent of respondents within each generation – from the Silent Generation to Gen Z – agree that young people should be provided with “training to help them understand the political system or solve problems in their communities”, according to a January 2024 PRRI survey .

What do young people learn when they are trained in the fundamentals of public policy research ? First, they come to know the structure of the political system through its important public policymaking institutions. They also acquire policy research tools to evaluate how these institutions operate; later, these same tools can be used to solve problems in their communities.

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We combined our team’s expertise in public policy research and instructional design to facilitate a six-week fully online summer policy research institute (SPRI) at the University of Iowa from 2020 to 2022. The SPRI’s purpose was to train any university student, regardless of their experience or location, in how research supports public policy and about key mindsets and practices associated with public policy research.

A blended learning institute for training young people

The SPRI combined multiple learning methods, such as asynchronous online lessons combined with live sessions. The SPRI’s blend, described as “bi-chronous” online learning, involved asynchronous and synchronous online approaches . Participants were required to participate in two hours of synchronous/live classes and at least one hour of asynchronous learning per week. Students were encouraged to spend more time, but three hours was the minimum .

SPRI’s blend was informed by best practices in instructional design . First, we used backwards design to define learning objectives before developing learning experiences. The SPRI’s learning objectives and content align with the Entering Research (ER) conceptual framework, a popular approach for research trainees’ development . We tackled six core topics: research ethics , research communication , research team roles and responsibilities, research design, qualitative research methods, and quantitative research methods.

Second, we struck a balance between asynchronous and synchronous online learning experiences. Each week, students completed a custom-built asynchronous learning module – which consisted of curated readings, videos (original and from YouTube) and quizzes – followed by a synchronous active-learning session held over Zoom. For the live sessions, we adapted ER content and developed original content to be delivered by instructors and guest speakers associated with our university’s Public Policy Center, whose expertise ranged broadly across areas including health, education and criminal justice policy. One example of a training activity we facilitated was the “three-minute research story” ER activity to practise strategies for communication about technical subjects . In weekly synchronous “sharing sessions”, students delivered short presentations describing a policy research project of their choosing. Finally, several students published policy briefs they had coauthored with faculty mentors on the centre’s website.

This balance illustrates how our blend used scaffolded activities to support and enhance learning. After starting with fundamental understandings of core research and public policy concepts, we advanced to real-world applications. We devoted special attention to supporting learning transfer; we took students step by step towards how to apply information gleaned from the SPRI within directed research experiences.

Evaluating using a blended approach to teaching public policy research

Given the six-week timeline and the diversity of our participants’ backgrounds and experience levels, we sought evidence that showed the SPRI had achieved its learning objectives.

One metric of the SPRI’s success is its alignment with learning science principles. Our approach to integrating videos, readings and quizzes with structured live sessions drew on insights from the learning sciences. We worked to guide students as they formed connections with new information that expanded on their prior knowledge (building associations) to present content in both words and visuals (dual coding) and to organise information into manageable units (chunking). Also, we worked to stimulate deep mental processing, where meaningful learning took place through activities such as reflection , discussions, debates and receiving expert feedback . Here, it’s important to note that success in blended learning may require instructors to embrace student-centred, active learning designs, as opposed to an instructor-centred, content-driven approach.

We also used the ER learning assessment to evaluate how students perceived their learning gains. They reported consistent moderate or better gains across the ER learning objectives. Students reported greatest average gains in research ethics and equity and inclusion awareness and skills , followed by research comprehension and communication skills; researcher confidence and independence; practical research skills, and researcher identity. Our students also reported that, on average, they were very likely to recommend the SPRI to another student and were more likely to continue research after SPRI.

Overall, this evidence suggests that SPRI is a model that others can use to prepare students for the future. Through public policy research, young people develop the skills to understand the political system and solve problems in their communities.

Chris Kromphardt is assistant programme director and lecturer in data analytics and policy at Johns Hopkins University. He held previous positions in the Public Policy Center and department of educational policy and leadership studies at the University of Iowa.

Mark Anthoney is lead instructional designer in distance and online education, and Cassidy Branch is interim manager of research services in the Public Policy Center, both at the University of Iowa.

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10 Key Findings in Hiring Trends for H1 2024

  • Posted on: August 15, 2024
  • Topic: Higher Education

Are your programs meeting labor market demands?

Within a fast-changing job market, it is critical for higher education institutions to align their academic programs with the education and skills that employers are seeking in new hires. This takes on heightened importance as institutions revisit their academic portfolio in the post-pandemic environment.

Our latest report analyzes notable domestic hiring trends based on job postings data from H1 2024. Through JobsEQ, Hanover analyzes real-time job postings data to assess the extent to which current and proposed academic programs align with labor market demands. 

Our report, 10 Key Findings in Employer Hiring Trends , discusses the skills most sought-after by employers in January – June 2024 and confirms the occupations that experienced the:

  • Largest number of job postings
  • Highest hiring rates
  • Fastest growth

Download the report today!

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Align your academic programs with labor market demands.

Are your programs meeting labor market demands download the report, 10 key findings in employer hiring trends , to discover the skills most sought-after by employers in january to june 2024.

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Research shows teachers, school staff can save lives with suicide intervention training

by Kaelei Whitlatch

Teachers and staff trained in suicide intervention skills can save lives, research shows

IOWA CITY, Iowa — Teachers, bus drivers and other school staff can impact the lives of kids with suicide prevention training , according to research from one University of Iowa professor.

These trusted adults, or natural helpers, trained using methods like the ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) can make a difference as they see their students nearly every day.

Yung-Wei Dennis Lin, UI associate professor in the department of Counselor Education, has been researching connections between staff and students. He said when employees intervene, it can influence students' ways of thinking. After an interaction, they can then work together to create a personalized safety plan based on each student's needs.

"A lot of students [if] they're thinking about suicide, they need someone to understand them," Lin said. "Utilize their relationship to understand a little bit more to hear their story, [ask] 'what make you think about suicide, tell me. I'm willing to listen.'"

Tanager School-Based Supervisor Dawn Neff said some students feel more anxious and depressed heading into the new school year, so having staff ready to welcome and support them can make an impact.

"If there are more trusted adults that they can maybe make healthy and safe connections with, that just gives them a better chance at having those positive connections happening, healthy resources," Neff said.

Now, Lin said the results of his suicide prevention research is influencing staff and their students, some to the point of tears.

"The teacher told us [the researchers], 'I just helped a student remove a shotgun from their house and saved their students life.' They were crying, very touching," Lin said.

As more kids face mental health challenges, Lin said it can be helpful to have a known, caring role model to lean on.

"Students spend so much time in schools. If we can train those natural helpers with the skills, students trust them already, they can go to them to talk about their suicide concerns," Lin said. "We're saving lives."

Lin said he's continuing his research to fit the needs of kids 7 years old and under through play therapy. That's using playtime as a method of communication and support.

research skills for teachers

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  • Patterns, sequences and structure
  • Properties of numbers

Geometry and measure

  • 3D geometry, shape and space
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  • Vectors and matrices
  • Measuring and calculating with units
  • Pythagoras and trigonometry
  • Angles, polygons, and geometrical proof

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  • Handling, processing and representing data
  • Probability (spec_group)

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Curriculum-linked problems - Secondary Teachers

Successful mathematicians  understand curriculum concepts, are fluent in mathematical procedures, can solve problems, explain and justify their thinking, and have a positive attitude towards learning mathematics. 

For problems arranged by curriculum topic and age group, see our  Secondary Curriculum Mapping Document . The tasks, with short descriptions, also appear in the collections below, organised using the same curriculum headings.  For problems arranged by mathematical thinking skills, see our Mathematical Thinking  page. For problems arranged by mathematical mindsets, see our Mathematical Mindsets  page.


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Shadow Health®

Put the patient at the forefront of the learning experience with high-fidelity screen-based simulations with Shadow Health’s Digital Clinical Experiences™.

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Learn more about the nurse educators behind Shadow Health's simulations.

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Tina, Lucas and Tanner  are just three of the Digital Standardized Patients™ that are part of Shadow Health’s simulations for undergraduate and graduate nursing programs.

These ​​Digital Clinical Experiences™ are a vital part of the education of more than 700,000 nursing students across the country – giving them the opportunity to practice as often as they need with realistic, simulated patients.

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Of all the vital functions of nurses, palliative and hospice care is one of the most impactful. When patients are approaching end-of-life situations, the conversations nurses have with both patients and their families are difficult, sensitive, and at times contentious.


Using the Digital Clinical Experiences™ as Evidence for the Accreditation Process

Learn how Shadow Health’s Digital Clinical Experiences™ can demonstrate high quality education outcomes for nursing programs to use as evidence during the accreditation process.


The Value of Virtual Patient Scenarios

Learn how virtual patient scenarios like Shadow Health can provide positive clinical judgment skill development for your students. Research suggests that high-fidelity simulations can be more realistic and challenging than traditional methods.


Measuring Efficiency in Nursing Student Patient Care Skills Using the Digital Clinical Experiences (DCE) ™

Discover how the Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experiences™ help 82% of learners increase efficiency. Our research-backed program helps improve data collection, therapeutic communication, and care planning.


“health assessment has really improved my assessment skills, and how to do different types of focused assessments that i do not ordinarily do. it also makes me think deeper about how the different systems interact with one another, and reminds me that all are vitally important.” - nursing student, “pharmacology helped to improve my therapeutic communication as well as interview effectively so i could get the necessary information needed to properly care for my patient.” - nursing student, “shadow health provides many helpful tactics to help assess a patient in real life. i tried to assess someone before i even took a look at health assessment and i was clueless. after looking at these assignments, things became so much more easier on me. i started imagining myself working on tina jones and pretty much bringing the assignment to life.” - nursing student, “shadow health has helped me gain better assessment skills. this is something that all new nurses should have the chance in participating in to get more comfortable with the question/answer part of assessments. gerontology is helpful in the fact that we will be facing or maybe have already faced the elderly patient with cognitive deficits. the way in which we need to addressed certain questions and situations will be different. i appreciate the practice.” - nursing student, “this mental health assignment helps to explain mental status exam better, and allows you to practice assessment skills that are needed for nursing. you also get to encounter different types of patients with unique mental illnesses which is very helpful” - nursing student, “i feel that shadow health is a great way to practice providing care virtually and prepare for real-life experience because it has really made me think about how to ask questions and work on getting better at asking questions. i would recommend others to use the pediatrics dce as it does challenge critical thinking skills.” - nursing student, “i love being able to practice my skills prior to being in an actual clinical settings. certain assessment findings require follow up, and i struggle with that currently but health assessment allows me to have the time to correctly formulate my thoughts. i think this is a great learning tool” - nursing student, “shadow health is a wonderful tool that all nursing students should use. i love this way of learning because it is very interactive. i find pharmacology assignments are a very simple and easy way to learn medications. they give me the opportunity to learn patient interaction and teaching, as well as, medication management and my personal education of the different types of medications, what they're used for, side effect, and dosages.” - nursing student, “i am glad we were given the chance to practice on a geriatric patient because when it comes to real life i find myself nervous but eager to help. this simulation gave me the chance to practice my therapeutic communication skills.” - nursing student, “i find this mental health dce has helped me in many aspects of my nursing career. i am a returning student but i am still a practicing nurse and shadow health has improved my skills as a nurse, in and out of the classroom.” - nursing student, “through shadow health, i have gotten way better at my patient interviews and am able to gain the client's trust and establish a great rapport with the pediatric client and their family in the clinical setting. ” - nursing student, “i found this very valuable to my learning. i liked how i was responsible for the teaching and conversations with the patient. it pushed me to recall my knowledge and put it in to practice.” - nursing student, “i believe the maternal health simulation helped me learn how to improve on my education and how to teach a mother what to do in all parts of labor. i learned that i need to work on helping a timid patient feel more comfortable during my assessment.” - nursing student, “taking shadow health's leadership simulation has forced me to think beyond the scope of everyday delivery of nursing care. it forces me to think as a leader and how to handle interprofessional communications. in addition, it has helped with talking to and solving everyday problems with patients in a very professional manner without hurting anyone while adhering to organization's policies and procedures.” - nursing student, “as i continue to complete assignments within shadow health i am increasing my understanding of many aspects of nursing. i am utilizing aspects of nursing that i haven't had the opportunities to do in my clinical setting so far. an example from the leadership assignments is the use of sbar while communicating to a health care provider.” - nursing student, “the advanced pathophysiology exercises review the knowledge that i learned in the patho course which reinforces my skills in clinicals as a nurse practitioner.” - nursing student, “i absolutely love my shadow health assignments. i am so thankful for the visual animations of certain processes. the advanced pathophysiology dce has seriously been helpful to me to be able to understand fully certain concepts, even though i've been a nurse for 16 years.” - nursing student, “the advanced diagnostics exercise helps me think critically in finding the right diagnostic test to support my differential diagnosis. this simulation will help me through my np program and be able to utilize in the clinical settings.” - nursing student, “advanced diagnostics is a really great learning experience. it really aids in the clinical thinking processes and helps with understanding how to diagnose” - nursing student, “utilizing shadow health has greatly assisted me not just being more proficient at the patient interview, but also being more comfortable in my interview skills of asking appropriate and relevant questions toward the patient's care. the advanced pharmacology interactive sessions are also extremely helpful in visualizing the actual patient and body system involved making it more personal.” - nursing student, “i love shadow health. it helps me with patient assessment questions, prescribing and critical thinking about how to best treat my patient. it also makes me think about improving on my assessment and communication skills with patients. i would highly recommend this product in that the virtual reality patients made me feel like i was the provider. thank you shadow health for solidifying my reason for becoming an aprn.” - nursing student, “i really enjoy the content provided by shadow health and feel that i am getting a lot of experience and gaining knowledge by using this advanced health assessment program. i was able to further develop my assessment skills through this assignment and further develop my ability to put together a plan of care based on my assessment.” - nursing student, “this aha simulation is as real as it gets to actually examining and interacting with a patient. i learned to ask more probing questions to define, qualify, and quantify answers of the patient to facilitate a differential diagnosis.” - nursing student.

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research skills for teachers


  1. How to Teach Research Skills to Elementary Students

    research skills for teachers

  2. Research Skills for Teachers

    research skills for teachers

  3. Research Skills in the Classroom

    research skills for teachers

  4. Research Skills are critical for today's students. This complete 7

    research skills for teachers

  5. 50 Mini-Lessons For Teaching Students Research Skills

    research skills for teachers

  6. 6 Ideas for Teaching Research Skills

    research skills for teachers


  1. Part IV: Teaching Research Skills in Today's Digital Environment

    Almost nine in ten teachers who participated in the NWP Summer Institute (88%) reported assigning a research paper in the 2011-2012 academic year. Most teachers rate their students "good" or "fair" on a variety of specific research skills. Despite the overall perception that the internet and digital technologies have a "mostly ...

  2. Introducing Research Skills to Elementary Students

    Teaching academically honest research skills helps first graders learn how to collect, organize, and interpret information. Earlier in my career, I was told two facts that I thought to be false: First graders can't do research, because they aren't old enough; and if facts are needed for a nonfiction text, the students can just make them up.

  3. 50 Mini-Lessons For Teaching Students Research Skills

    It outlines a five-step approach to break down the research process into manageable chunks. This post shares ideas for mini-lessons that could be carried out in the classroom throughout the year to help build students' skills in the five areas of: clarify, search, delve, evaluate, and cite. It also includes ideas for learning about staying ...

  4. How teachers can use research effectively in their classroom

    This article discusses four key considerations for using research well in the classroom, along with initial resources and practical guides to support teachers to engage with research. 1. Research comes from a variety of sources. The educators in our survey told us about the challenges they face in accessing research.

  5. Research Skills for Teachers: From research question to research desig

    Understanding research principles and developing a small-scale research project is increasingly required of both pre-service and in-service teachers at early childhood, primary and secondary levels. In Research Skills for Teachers Beverley Moriarty provides an accessible guide to every aspect of education research appropriate to the needs of the beginner. The book helps readers identify their ...

  6. Using Research to Improve Teaching

    Additionally, paywalls prevent teachers from accessing valuable research articles that are often referenced in professional development. However, some sites, like Sage and JSTOR, offer open access journals where you can find research relevant to your classroom needs. Google Scholar is another helpful resource where you can plug in keywords like elementary math, achievement, small-group ...

  7. (PDF) Developing teachers' research capacity: the essential role of

    I argue in this article that it is essential for educationists, including teachers and teacher. educators, to take back control of the education policy agenda by producing authorita-. tive ...

  8. Improving 21st-century teaching skills: The key to effective 21st

    Western education research suggests that teachers who are provided with specific feedback and opportunities to practice these changes in the classroom are able to increase the effectiveness of their teaching (Allen et al., 2011; Jones et al., 2013; Rivers et al., 2013). However, there are worthy examples from LMIC contexts as well.

  9. Empowering students to develop research skills

    Empowering students to develop research skills. February 8, 2021. This post is republished from Into Practice, a biweekly communication of Harvard's Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning. Terence D. Capellini, Richard B Wolf Associate Professor of Human Evolutionary Biology, empowers students to grow as researchers in his Building the Human Body course through a comprehensive ...

  10. Research Skills for Teachers

    In Research Skills for Teachers Beverley Moriarty provides an accessible guide to every aspect of education research appropriate to the needs of the beginner. The book helps readers identify their area of research interest and then focus their topic into something manageable yet original and sustainable. There are comprehensive, readable ...


    enable students to become effective users of self-learning and research skills (Ministry of Education, 2009). Literature review Unlike many ideas in education which vanish once confronted by new competing ideas, teacher research (TR) that was proposed by Stenhouse has proven itself and the call for teacher engagement in research has become

  12. Strategies for Teaching Research Skills to K-12 Students

    How it translates: Step 1, choose your topic. Setting reading goals: As a class, come up with 3-5 questions related to your book's topic before you start reading. After you read, use the text to answer the questions. How it translates: Step 2, develop a research question; Step 5, make your conclusion.

  13. The role of research in the professional development of graduate teachers

    Research can play an important role in supporting teachers to: identify and understand practice problems; advocate for change; demonstrate their impact in the classroom. This is especially important as graduate teachers step out of their comfort zone and begin teaching in an unfamiliar setting. For graduate teacher Blake Cutler, discussing ...

  14. How To Teach Online Research Skills: A Guide for Educators

    Teaching online research skills gives students the tools to successfully find and evaluate information available through the internet. These abilities are important for both academic and personal use and can help students maximize their use of online tools. Students who learn to effectively research topics through search engines and online ...

  15. Research Skills

    Research Skills. Conducting research is a process. To be an effective researcher requires the ability to generate appropriate research questions; develop strategies to find, evaluate, and use resources; design methodologies to support original studies; and credit the work of others. Examples: Those new to research or to the University can learn ...

  16. Teaching Research Skills That Transfer to Future Projects

    Laterally, researching aspects of influence opens up much research to apply to your projects, instead of searching for the answer most people already know. Teachers can teach their students how to ...

  17. Research Skills for Teachers: From Research Questions to Research

    In Research Skills for Teachers, Beverley Moriarty provides an accessible guide to every aspect of education research appropriate to the needs of the beginner. The book helps readers identify their area of research interest and then focus their topic into something manageable yet original and sustainable. There are comprehensive, readable ...

  18. PDF Improving the Research Skills of Teachers Through Revitalized Research

    with improved process in the teaching and research skills of participants. This action research has served an evidence-based data as to whether the Revitalized Research and Development Program or RRDP is effective in improving the research skills vis-à-vis teaching skills of teachers. 2. Methods 2.1 Research Design

  19. How Can Teachers Improve Their Skill By Doing Research?

    Education has become more interactive and experiential for both parties. Thus, teaching skills have also evolved, with more techniques available for teachers to use. ... Teachers who do their own research on the topics they teach, instead of depending on textbooks, can gain a much better understanding of those topics. As a result, they can be ...

  20. How to Teach Online Research Skills to Students

    5 simple steps to teaching Google search tips and internet research skills for students. This updated 2020 post and free eBook shows how to research effectively online for kids in primary school, middle school and high school. These tips are summarized in a free online research skills poster for your classroom.

  21. PDF Teacher Professional Development in Research Skill of Teacher in Non

    of skills necessary for doing research. To evolve teacher competency, research skill development approaches and coaching were used for the teacher professional development. There was a way to enhance teachers' research skills that teachers should be educated by the specific area expertise, instructional specialist, group and dyadic

  22. (PDF) Research Skills and Attitudes of Master Teachers in a Division

    However, in the Research Capability Training cum Coll oquium for Master Teachers (MTs) conducted on. September 2-4, 2015 by the Planning and Research Unit of DepEd Zambales, it was revealed that ...

  23. Qualities of a Good Teacher: The 14 Qualities That Top Our List

    According to Robert Lee, Ed.D., Dean of the Sanford College of Education, "A good teacher possesses qualities such as strong communication skills, empathy, and a passion for lifelong learning. These attributes not only foster a positive and engaging classroom environment but also enhance student success and inspire a love of learning.

  24. Teaching public policy research skills to tomorrow's leaders

    College students increasingly need to understand the role that data plays in public policy decisions as they seek to be engaged participants in civic life.As it turns out, most Americans agree with us that an awareness of how data-driven research affects policymaking can prepare young people for the future. Nearly 80 per cent of respondents within each generation - from the Silent Generation ...

  25. 10 Key Findings in Hiring Trends for H1 2024

    Within a fast-changing job market, it is critical for higher education institutions to align their academic programs with the education and skills that employers are seeking in new hires. This takes on heightened importance as institutions revisit their academic portfolio in the post-pandemic environment.

  26. Teachers and staff trained in suicide intervention skills can save

    IOWA CITY, Iowa — Teachers, bus drivers and other school staff can impact the lives of kids with suicide prevention training , according to research from one University of Iowa professor. These ...

  27. Curriculum-linked problems

    Successful mathematicians understand curriculum concepts, are fluent in mathematical procedures, can solve problems, explain and justify their thinking, and have a positive attitude towards learning mathematics.. For problems arranged by curriculum topic and age group, see our Secondary Curriculum Mapping Document. The tasks, with short descriptions, also appear in the collections below ...

  28. Nursing Simulation for Nursing students

    Bringing Real-World Experience to Simulation Design. Tina, Lucas and Tanner are just three of the Digital Standardized Patients™ that are part of Shadow Health's simulations for undergraduate and graduate nursing programs.. These Digital Clinical Experiences™ are a vital part of the education of more than 700,000 nursing students across the country - giving them the opportunity to ...

  29. Wordling with Elementary Students: Developing Discrete Literacy Skills

    Research has shown that engaging in metalinguistic activities can have a positive impact on reading. This article details some of the component skills of metalinguistic awareness (in this case, primarily phonology, morphology, and semantics) and explores how word puzzles can be employed as a means of authentic practice for elementary age students.

  30. Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP)

    ***IMPORTANT UPDATE: The recently passed 2024-25 budget for the State of California ( includes the cancelation of the Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) effective at the end of the 2023-24 academic year. All unused Student Funds and Administrative Cost Allocation Funds (ACA), along with any Interest Earned must be returned to the Commission.