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Program for Research in Markets & Organizations

HBS faculty conduct research on a wide variety of topics. In the application you must indicate your top three choices of research areas, in order of preference, from the topics listed below. Top applicants will be matched with faculty-designed research project based on their indicated interests.

1. Corporate Social Responsibility research explores business impact of delivering economic, social, and environmental benefits to stakeholders.

2. Business and Government researchers study the economic, political, social, and legal environment in which businesses operate. Drawing from perspectives of economic theory, political science, and history, they examine the “rules” and policies established by government and other non-business institutions that affect business in the United States; turn to history to understand the origins of today’s business environment as well as some of the alternatives that have emerged from time to time; and study other countries’ business environments and their historical development. This group of scholars is deeply interested in the impact of globalization and the way rules are emerging to govern international economic transactions as globalization proceeds.

4. Performance Measurement and Outcomes scholars study drivers and effectiveness of performance measurement and management control systems.

5. Market Design seeks to translate economic theory and analysis into practical solutions to real-world problems.

6. Finance researchers strive to understand how managers and firms make value-enhancing decisions; and how financial institutions, markets, and instruments contribute to this process.

7. Globalization scholars concentrate on the effectiveness of management practices in global organizations; cross-cultural learning and adaptation processes; the challenges of taking companies global; emerging-market companies with global potential; and international political economy and its impact on economic development.

8. Health Care research studies how potential application management principles and best practices from other industries can be applied; how the process of innovation can be improved; how principles of strategy and consumer choice can be utilized; how information technology can expand access, decrease costs, and improve quality; and devising approaches in developing nations can impact global health.

9. Human Behavior and Decision-Making research focuses on individual and interactive judgment and decision making, with applications to organizational behavior, consumer behavior, behavioral operations, and behavioral economics. Research topics include the psychology of conversation, ethical decision-making (including cheating and self-deception), the impact of rituals on mourning and consumption, team and organizational dynamics and performance, whether money makes people happy, when and why people disclose information, and health behavior change.

10. Leadership research explores questions of organization change, power and influence, innovation management, and the crucial role leadership plays in organizational success. The topic of leadership spans all academic units at HBS and fosters a collaborative and multi-disciplinary approach.

11. Social Enterprise research seeks to understand the challenges associated with driving sustained, high-impact social change. Current research focuses on leadership of socially mission-driven organizations; the role of business leaders and corporate citizenship in driving social change; business models that address poverty; management of high-performing K-12 public school districts; and financing models for the non-profit sector

12. Technology and Innovation research focuses on value creation of platforms and two-sided markets; use of open architecture and leverage of its collective value; development and execution of innovation strategies; innovative attributes of executives and firms; development of new markets through the creation of disruptive innovations that displace earlier technologies; development of innovations in sectors; and the impact of innovation on economic growth.

13. Other. It is impossible to capture all that HBS faculty study. If you have a specific interest in an area not listed above, please select this category to describe an area of research within the disciplines of economics, sociology, psychology, policy, or history that is relevant to business academia.

Good Research Topics

Top 100 Research Topics in Commerce Field for Students

Discover 100 research topics in commerce field with our comprehensive guide. From financial markets to consumer behavior, explore diverse ideas to inspire your next project or study. 

Commerce is packed with interesting research opportunities. From financial markets to consumer behavior, this blog post lists topics that can spark your curiosity. Let’s explore the world of commerce together!

Table of Contents

What is commerce?

Commerce is the exchange of goods and services between people, businesses, or governments. It includes:

  • Trade : Exchanging goods or services for money.
  • Distribution : Getting products to consumers.
  • Marketing : Promoting and selling products.
  • Finance : Managing money and transactions.
  • Transportation : Moving goods and people.
  • Communication : Sharing information.

Commerce connects producers with consumers and drives economic growth.

100 Research Topics in Commerce Field PDF

Importance of research in the commerce field.

Research is crucial in commerce for:

Understanding ConsumersRevealing customer needs and habits
Identifying TrendsSpotting market changes
InnovationCreating new products and services
Improving EfficiencyEnhancing business operations
Managing RisksDeveloping risk strategies
Informed DecisionsProviding data for planning
Advancing KnowledgeExpanding business insights

In essence, research guides businesses to succeed in a changing market.

How to choose a research topic in the commerce field?

Choosing the right research topic is essential for a successful commerce project. Here’s a simple guide:

Identify Your Interests

  • Passion : What excites you in commerce?
  • Background : Consider your strengths and studies.
  • Career Goals : Align with your future plans.

Conduct a Literature Review

  • Existing Research : Find gaps.
  • Trends : Look for new interests.
  • Feasibility : Check data availability.

Define Your Research Question

  • State the problem clearly.
  • Ensure it’s specific and researchable.
  • Think about its impact.

Narrow Down Your Topic

  • Avoid broad subjects.
  • Focus on a specific aspect.
  • Consider your project’s scope.

Evaluate Your Topic

  • Assess its value to the field.
  • Consider ethical issues.
  • Ensure it fits your goals.

Follow these steps to choose a topic that’s both interesting and valuable.


100 Research Topics in Commerce Field

Check out 100 research topics in commerce field:-

Financial Markets

  • Cryptocurrency vs. Traditional Banking
  • AI in Stock Market Predictions
  • Global Events’ Impact on Emerging Markets
  • Psychology and Investment Decisions
  • Traditional vs. Digital Trading Platforms

Consumer Behavior

  • Social Media’s Effect on Purchases
  • Trust in E-commerce
  • Impact of Loyalty Programs
  • Cultural Differences in Buying
  • Role of Reviews in Shopping

Marketing Strategies

  • Influencer Marketing Effectiveness
  • Personalization in Ads
  • Enhancing Retail Customer Experience
  • Content Marketing for Brands
  • Omnichannel Marketing Strategies

International Trade

  • Trade Tariffs and Supply Chains
  • Free Trade Agreements’ Impact
  • Cross-Border E-commerce Challenges
  • Trade Policies and Economic Stability
  • Brexit’s Effect on Trade

Human Resource Management

  • Remote Work and Productivity
  • AI in Recruitment
  • Employee Engagement in Hybrid Work
  • Diversity and Inclusion Programs
  • Trends in Employee Benefits

Supply Chain Management

  • Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency
  • Managing Supply Chain Disruptions
  • Sustainability in Supply Chains
  • Global Supply Chain Challenges
  • Just-in-Time Inventory Systems


  • Startups in Emerging Markets
  • Social Entrepreneurship’s Impact
  • Government Support for Startups
  • Success Factors for Tech Startups
  • Business Incubators’ Effectiveness

Accounting and Finance

  • IFRS and Global Accounting
  • Forensic Accounting in Fraud Prevention
  • Corporate Financial Reporting Trends
  • Tax Reform Impacts on Businesses
  • Cloud Accounting Solutions

Business Ethics

  • Corporate Social Responsibility’s Impact
  • Data Privacy Ethics
  • Ethics in Corporate Governance
  • Ethical Sourcing Challenges
  • Whistleblowing Policies

Technology in Commerce

  • Machine Learning and Customer Analytics
  • Augmented Reality in E-commerce
  • Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency
  • Cybersecurity in Online Transactions
  • Mobile Payment Advancements

Retail Management

  • Automation in Retail Operations
  • Visual Merchandising Impact
  • Managing Seasonal Sales Peaks
  • Store Layout and Spending
  • Sustainable Retail Practices

Business Strategy

  • Competitive Analysis in the Digital Age
  • Strategic Partnerships for Growth
  • Scenario Planning in Strategy
  • Corporate Restructuring Effects
  • Business Model Adaptation
  • Monetary Policy and Economic Growth
  • Income Inequality and Spending
  • Government Stimulus and Recovery
  • Unemployment Trends and Stability
  • Globalization’s Economic Impact

Risk Management

  • Financial Risk Management Strategies
  • Risk Assessment in Projects
  • Natural Disasters and Business Continuity
  • Cyber Risk Management
  • Enterprise Risk Management

Business Law

  • Regulatory Changes and Business
  • Intellectual Property Law’s Role
  • International Business Legal Challenges
  • Contract Law in E-commerce
  • Consumer Protection Laws

Innovation and Technology

  • 5G Technology Impact
  • Innovation Labs and Growth
  • IoT in Supply Chain Management
  • Fintech Innovations
  • Digital Transformation in Business

Corporate Finance

  • Mergers and Acquisitions Impact
  • Venture Capital in Startups
  • Corporate Financial Management Trends
  • Capital Structure Decisions
  • Financial Forecasting Techniques

Business Communication

  • Internal Communication and Engagement
  • Social Media’s Effect on Reputation
  • Crisis Communication Strategies
  • Business Communication Tools Trends
  • Cross-Cultural Communication in Teams

Strategic Management

  • Strategic Alliances and Market Position
  • Competitive Advantage in Strategy
  • Strategic Management Frameworks
  • Long-Term Planning in Strategy
  • Strategy Implementation Challenges

Business Development

  • Scaling a Small Business
  • Market Research for Development
  • Networking and Business Growth
  • Business Development Strategies
  • Success Factors in Expansion

Emerging Trends in Commerce

Here are the key commerce trends:

Digital Transformation

  • E-commerce : Online shopping growth.
  • Mobile Commerce : Shopping on smartphones.
  • Omnichannel : Blending online and in-store.
  • Digital Payments : Cashless transactions.

Technology and Innovation

  • AI : Automation and recommendations.
  • Blockchain : Secure transactions.
  • VR/AR : Immersive shopping.
  • IoT : Connected devices.


  • Sustainable Practices : Eco-friendly actions.
  • Ethical Sourcing : Fair production.
  • Circular Economy : Recycling and waste reduction.
  • Conscious Consumerism : Demand for green products.

Customer Experience

  • Personalization : Customized products.
  • Journey Mapping : Tracking customer interactions.
  • Loyalty Programs : Rewarding repeat customers.
  • Omnichannel Support : Consistent help everywhere.

Other Trends

  • Gig Economy : Freelance work rise.
  • Subscriptions : Recurring payments.
  • Data Analytics : Using data for decisions.
  • Experience Economy : Memorable experiences.

Businesses need to adapt to stay competitive.

Tips for writing a commerce research paper

Here’s a simplified guide to writing a strong commerce research paper:

Research and Planning

  • Pick a Specific Topic : Focus on a precise area.
  • Review Existing Research : Identify gaps and build your foundation.
  • Formulate a Clear Research Question : Direct your study.
  • Outline Your Paper : Organize your content.

Writing and Structure

  • Introduction : State your question, objectives, and significance.
  • Literature Review : Analyze and highlight research gaps.
  • Methodology : Describe your research methods.
  • Findings : Present your results clearly.
  • Discussion : Interpret results and link to existing research.
  • Conclusion : Summarize findings and offer conclusions.

Style and Format

  • Use Formal Language : Write objectively.
  • Follow Citation Style : Stick to APA, MLA , or another required style.
  • Proofread : Check for errors.
  • Format Correctly : Adhere to guidelines for font, spacing, etc.

Additional Tips

  • Include Visuals : Use graphs and charts if helpful.
  • Support Claims : Use reliable sources.
  • Ensure Logical Flow : Keep ideas organized.
  • Get Feedback : Have others review your draft.

These tips will help you craft a clear and effective commerce research paper.

How to choose a research methodology for a commerce field?

Choosing the right research methodology is key to a successful commerce research project. Here’s what to consider:

Research Question

  • Exploratory : Use qualitative methods like interviews for new insights.
  • Descriptive : Opt for surveys or observations to detail phenomena.
  • Explanatory : Employ experiments to establish causal relationships.

Research Objectives

  • What are your goals?
  • Do you want to generalize findings or explore individual cases?
  • Consider how deep your understanding needs to be.

Data Availability

  • What data do you have access to?
  • Can you collect primary data or use existing secondary sources?

Time and Resources

  • Assess the project’s time constraints.
  • Evaluate available financial and human resources.

Ethical Considerations

  • Ensure methods follow ethical guidelines.
  • Respect participant privacy and confidentiality.

Research Design

  • Choose a specific design (e.g., case study, experiment, survey).
  • Consider its strengths and limitations.

Data Analysis

  • Select appropriate analysis techniques.
  • Make sure methods match your research questions and data type.

Note : Combining qualitative and quantitative methods (mixed methods) can provide a more complete picture.

Finding research data and sources for commerce field

Here’s how to find reliable data for your commerce research:

Primary Data Sources

  • Surveys : Conduct your own surveys.
  • Interviews : Talk to experts or stakeholders.
  • Observations : Watch and record real-world behavior.
  • Experiments : Run controlled tests.

Secondary Data Sources

  • Government Databases : Use data from government agencies.
  • Industry Reports : Access reports from industry groups.
  • Academic Databases : Search for papers on JSTOR, Google Scholar, etc.
  • Company Reports : Review annual and financial reports.
  • Online Databases : Check platforms like Statista and Data.gov.
  • Refine Your Search : Use specific keywords.
  • Check Data Quality : Ensure reliability and accuracy.
  • Cite Sources : Reference all data used.
  • Consider Ethics : Follow data protection laws.

These steps will help you find and use reliable data for your research.

Ethical considerations in commerce research

Ethical considerations are crucial in commerce research to ensure integrity and protect participants. Here’s a summary of key points:

Key Ethical Principles

  • Informed Consent : Ensure participants understand the research and its risks before agreeing.
  • Confidentiality and Anonymity : Protect participant data and keep it private.
  • Data Privacy : Handle personal and sensitive information with care.
  • Conflict of Interest : Disclose any biases that could affect the research.
  • Research Integrity : Be honest and transparent in all aspects of research.
  • Participant Welfare : Avoid any harm to participants.

Specific Ethical Concerns

  • Market Research : Get honest responses without influencing participants; safeguard consumer privacy.
  • Financial Data : Manage sensitive financial information securely.
  • Employee Data : Ensure privacy and confidentiality in HR research.
  • Research Sponsorship : Avoid bias from funding sources.

Following these ethical guidelines helps maintain trust and advance knowledge in commerce research.

What are the best projects for commerce students?

Here are some project ideas in commerce:

  • Analyze a company’s financial performance.
  • Study GST’s impact on small businesses.
  • Explore cryptocurrency’s effect on finance.
  • Investigate fraud prevention in banking.
  • Assess financial inclusion in rural areas.
  • Look into consumer behavior for sustainable products.
  • Evaluate social media marketing for SMEs.
  • Develop a brand strategy for a new product.
  • Review customer relationship management.
  • Analyze influencer marketing’s effect on purchases.
  • Assess employee engagement in IT.
  • Study diversity and inclusion impacts.
  • Review work-life balance in multinational companies.
  • Evaluate performance appraisal systems.
  • Explore HR’s role in digital changes.
  • Study the effects of demonetization in India.
  • Examine growth in emerging markets.
  • Investigate government’s role in economic development.
  • Explore globalization’s impact on small businesses.
  • Look into inequality and poverty in India.

Business Management

  • Develop a business continuity plan for SMEs.
  • Study supply chain management in e-commerce.
  • Explore entrepreneurship in rural areas.
  • Review corporate social responsibility.
  • Analyze AI’s impact on business.

Emerging Trends

  • Investigate digital marketing and e-commerce.
  • Explore fintech innovations.
  • Study sustainable business practices.
  • Look into AI applications in business.
  • Analyze the sharing economy’s impact.

Choose a topic that interests you and fits your career goals.

How to choose a research topic for a PhD in commerce?

Selecting a PhD research topic in commerce involves thoughtful planning. Here’s a streamlined approach:

  • Explore Passions : What areas in commerce excite you?
  • Consider Your Background : Build on your existing knowledge.
  • Align with Career Goals : Choose a topic that fits your future aspirations.
  • Find Research Gaps : Look for areas with limited research.
  • Analyze Trends : Understand current developments in commerce.
  • Formulate Questions : Identify unanswered questions in your field.

Consider Methodology and Data

  • Assess Feasibility : Ensure you can access needed data and resources.
  • Choose Methodology : Decide between quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods.
  • Ethical Considerations : Ensure your research adheres to ethical guidelines.

Consult with Experts

  • Seek Guidance : Get feedback from professors and mentors.
  • Network : Gain insights from industry professionals.

Develop a Clear Research Question

  • Formulate a Focused Question : Ensure it is specific and researchable.
  • Contribute to Knowledge : Ensure your question adds value to the field.
  • Consider Impact : Think about the potential effects of your research.

Evaluate Significance

  • Assess Implications : Consider both academic and practical impacts.
  • Contribute to the Field : Ensure your research will advance the field of commerce.

Following these steps will help you choose a meaningful and impactful PhD research topic.

In a nutshell, exploring research topics in commerce is both exciting and valuable. Whether you’re looking at finance, marketing, or business strategies, there’s a lot to learn.

These topics help us grasp how businesses operate and adapt, opening doors to fresh ideas and innovations. Staying curious and informed keeps you ahead in a constantly changing world.

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21+ Best And Interesting Research Topics For Commerce Students In 2023

Research Topics For Commerce Students

Research is the systematic quest for knowledge, a crucial component in the academic journey. It holds immense significance for commerce students, as it provides insights into the complex world of business, economics, and finance. Understanding the importance of research in commerce studies can unlock countless opportunities for growth and innovation.

Choosing a research topic in commerce is a vital step. It’s the compass that guides your academic expedition. In this blog, research topics for commerce students, we delve into the intricacies of this process, offering 21+ captivating ideas for 2023.

Our topics span various subfields, from Accounting and Finance to Marketing and Sales Management. We will also share valuable tips for successfully completing your commerce research and tackling the challenges commerce students face during their research journey.

Stay tuned with us to explore the exciting research topics for commerce students.

What Is Research?

Table of Contents

Research is like being a detective, but instead of solving crimes, you’re solving puzzles about the world. It’s a careful and organized way to find out more about something. Imagine you have a big question, like “How do plants grow?” or “What makes people happy?” Research helps you gather information, like reading books, asking experts, or doing experiments to find answers to your questions. It’s like putting together pieces of a jigsaw puzzle until you see the full picture, and it’s how we learn new things about the world around us.

Importance Of Research In Commerce Studies

Here are some importance of research in commerce studies:

1. Informed Decision-Making

Research in commerce studies provides the information needed to make smart choices, ensuring decisions are based on facts rather than guesswork, which is essential for success.

2. Keeping Up with Trends

Commerce research keeps you updated on what’s new and popular, helping you adapt your products or services to stay appealing and competitive in the market.

3. Solving Problems and Being Creative

Research encourages creative problem-solving, offering fresh ideas and solutions to navigate challenges and improve how you do business.

4. Understanding Your Customers

Your customers’ likes and needs can help you make your products and services better, which will make them happy and keep them coming back.

5. Planning for the Future

Commerce research serves as a crystal ball, helping you prepare for future challenges and opportunities, ensuring you’re ready for what lies ahead.

How To Choose A Research Topic In Commerce?

Choosing a research topic in commerce is a crucial step in the research process. Your topic should be interesting to you and relevant and significant in the field of commerce. Here are seven key considerations to help you select the right research topic:

  • Identify Your Interests: Start by exploring your own interests and passion within the field of commerce. Choosing a topic that genuinely excites you will make the research process more enjoyable and productive.
  • Review Current Trends: Stay updated on the latest trends and developments in commerce. A relevant and timely topic is more likely to capture the attention of your audience and contribute to the existing knowledge.
  • Narrow Down Your Focus: Commerce is a broad field; therefore, it’s essential to narrow down your research focus. Consider specific aspects of commerce, such as e-commerce, international trade, or marketing strategies.
  • Research Feasibility: Assess the availability of resources, data, and information for your chosen topic. Ensure you can access the necessary research materials to support your investigation.
  • Consider the Impact: Think about the potential impact of your research. Will it address a particular problem, provide practical solutions, or offer valuable insights to the commerce community?
  • Consult with Advisors : Talk to your academic teachers or mentors for help. Based on their knowledge, they can give you useful advice and help you narrow down your study topic.
  • Pilot Research: Before finalizing your topic, consider conducting preliminary research or a pilot study to gauge the depth and scope of the chosen subject. This can help you refine your focus further.

Tips For Successfully Completing The Commerce Research

Here are some tips for completing the commerce research:

Tip 1: Define Your Research Question Clearly

To complete your commerce research successfully, start by defining your research question clearly. This question will guide your entire study and help you stay focused on what you want to investigate. Ensure it’s specific and well-defined to avoid getting lost in irrelevant information.

Tip 2: Plan Your Research Timeline

Create a research timeline to manage your time effectively. Break down your project into smaller tasks with deadlines. This will help you stay on top of things and avoid rushing at the last minute, giving you more time to do thorough research and analysis.

Tip 3: Gather Reliable Sources

For a successful commerce research project, gather information from reliable sources. Use academic journals, books, reputable websites, and official reports. Citing credible sources will strengthen your research and demonstrate your knowledge.

Tip 4: Analyze and Interpret Data

After gathering information, don’t just show it; look it over and figure out what it means. Explain what the results mean and how they connect to your study question. If they help you get your point across, use charts, graphs, or lists.

Tip 5: Revise and Proofread Your Work

Before submitting your research, take the time to revise and proofread. Check for spelling, grammar, and formatting errors. Ensure your paper flows logically and presents your research in a well-structured manner. A polished final product will leave a positive impression on your readers.

In this section, we will discuss 21+ best and interesting research topics for commerce students in 2023:

I.  Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance involve the management of money and resources within an organization. Here are three project topics in this category:

1. Financial Statement Analysis

Financial statement analysis projects focus on evaluating a company’s financial health by examining its balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. It helps in making informed investment decisions or assessing a company’s creditworthiness.

  • Ratio analysis
  • Trend analysis
  • Comparative analysis
  • Common-size analysis
  • DuPont analysis

2. Budgeting and Forecasting

Budgeting and forecasting projects aim to create accurate financial plans for the future. This is crucial for organizations to allocate resources effectively and achieve financial goals.

  • Zero-based budgeting
  • Rolling budgets
  • Forecasting methods (e.g., time series analysis)
  • Budget variance analysis
  • Flexible budgeting

3. Risk Management and Insurance

These projects explore strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate financial risks within a business. It also involves examining the role of insurance in managing various types of risk.

  • Risk assessment
  • Hedging strategies
  • Catastrophic risk management
  • Types of insurance (e.g., property, liability, health)
  • Claims management

II. Business Management

Business management involves overseeing and coordinating various aspects of an organization to achieve its goals. Here are three project topics in this category:

5. Strategic Management

Strategic management projects delve into creating and implementing long-term plans to achieve a company’s vision and objectives. It includes assessing the competitive environment, formulating strategies, and ensuring their execution.

  • SWOT analysis
  • Porter’s Five Forces
  • Strategy formulation models (e.g., Ansoff Matrix)
  • Strategy execution and control
  • Corporate social responsibility in strategy

6. Leadership and Team Management

Projects in this area explore leadership styles, team dynamics, and how effective leadership can enhance team performance and organizational success.

  • Transformational leadership
  • Conflict resolution
  • Motivation and empowerment
  • Building high-performance teams
  • Leadership ethics

7. Change Management

Change management projects focus on planning and implementing organizational changes. It involves understanding the psychology of change, communication strategies, and overcoming resistance.

  • Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model
  • Change communication plans
  • Employee resistance and engagement
  • Change metrics and evaluation
  • Change leadership roles

III. Economics

Economics examines how societies allocate resources and make choices. Here are three project topics in this category:

8. Microeconomics of Consumer Behavior

Projects in this area explore how individuals make choices regarding consumption, budgeting, and the impact of factors like prices and income on these choices.

  • Utility theory
  • Consumer preferences
  • Budget constraints
  • Price elasticity of demand
  • Consumer surplus

9. Macroeconomic Policy Analysis

For these projects, you have to look at how fiscal and monetary policies, among other things, affect the economies of different countries. It looks at how they affect progress and economic stability.

  • Monetary policy tools (e.g., open market operations)
  • Fiscal policy tools (e.g., taxation)
  • Inflation targeting
  • Exchange rate policies
  • Economic growth models

10. Environmental Economics

Environmental economics projects explore the economic aspects of environmental issues, including resource allocation, externalities, and the design of policies to address environmental challenges.

  • The Tragedy of the Commons
  • Carbon pricing mechanisms
  • Cost-benefit analysis of environmental projects
  • Emission trading systems
  • Sustainable Development Economics

IV. E-Commerce and Information Technology

E-Commerce and Information Technology focus on online business operations and the use of technology in modern commerce. Here are three project topics in this category:

11. E-Commerce Website Development

Projects in this area involve designing, developing, and optimizing e-commerce websites, considering user experience, security, and effective product listings.

  • User interface design
  • Shopping cart functionality
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Mobile-responsive design
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

12. Cybersecurity in E-Commerce

These projects address the critical need for cybersecurity in the e-commerce sector, including risk assessments, encryption, and fraud prevention strategies.

  • Data encryption protocols
  • Payment card security standards (PCI DSS)
  • Phishing and identity theft prevention
  • Penetration testing
  • Regulatory compliance (e.g., GDPR)

13. Big Data and Analytics in E-Commerce

Big data projects explore the collection and analysis of large datasets to gain insights into consumer behavior, optimize supply chains, and improve decision-making.

  • Data mining
  • Customer segmentation
  • Predictive analytics
  • Recommendation engines
  • Market basket analysis

V. Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Entrepreneurship and small business management focus on the creation and operation of small businesses. Here are three project topics in this category:

14. Business Plan Development

Projects in this area involve creating comprehensive business plans that cover market analysis, financial projections, and strategies for success.

  • Market research and validation
  • Financial forecasts
  • Marketing strategies
  • Operational plans
  • Exit strategies

15. Startup Financing and Funding

These projects explore various sources of capital for startups, such as venture capital, angel investors, loans, and crowdfunding.

  • Pitching to investors
  • Equity financing
  • Debt financing
  • Crowdfunding platforms
  • Bootstrapping strategies

15. Small Business Marketing Strategies

Marketing projects focus on cost-effective strategies for small businesses, including digital marketing, social media, content marketing, and customer relationship management.

  • Social media advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Customer retention strategies

VI. Global Business and International Trade

Global business and international trade explore the dynamics of commerce on a global scale. Here are three project topics in this category:

16. Market Entry Strategies for Foreign Markets

Projects in this area examine the different methods and considerations for entering and expanding into international markets, including exporting, franchising, joint ventures, and mergers and acquisitions.

  • Market research and selection
  • Entry mode analysis
  • Legal and cultural considerations
  • Global branding

17. Global Supply Chain Management

These projects delve into the complexities of managing global supply chains, optimizing logistics, and mitigating risks associated with international sourcing and distribution.

  • Supply chain visibility
  • Inventory management
  • Logistics and transportation
  • Vendor relationship management
  • Risk mitigation strategies

18. International Trade Policy and Agreements

This area explores the role of government policies and international agreements in shaping trade relations between countries and regions.

  • Trade barriers (e.g., tariffs, quotas)
  • Regional trade agreements (e.g., NAFTA, EU)
  • Dispute resolution mechanisms (e.g., WTO)
  • Trade liberalization
  • Trade compliance and documentation
  • Export-import regulations
  • Trade finance and letters of credit

VI. Law and Commerce

Law and commerce explore the legal framework businesses operate within. Here are three project topics in this category:

19. Business Contracts and Negotiation

Projects in this area examine the principles of contract law, negotiation strategies, and the drafting of effective business contracts to protect the interests of all parties involved.

  • Elements of a contract
  • Contract enforcement
  • Contract negotiation tactics
  • Boilerplate clauses
  • Remedies for contract breaches

20. Intellectual Property Rights

These projects focus on understanding and protecting intellectual property rights, including trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets, to safeguard a company’s innovations and creative works.

  • Trademark registration
  • Patent application process
  • Copyright infringement
  • Trade secret protection
  • IP licensing and litigation

21. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Examining the ethical dimensions of commerce, these projects address corporate social responsibility, ethical decision-making, and the legal aspects of ethical business practices.

  • Ethical theories (e.g., utilitarianism, deontology)
  • CSR strategies
  • Whistleblowing and ethical reporting
  • Environmental regulations
  • Ethical codes of conduct

VI.  Marketing and Sales Management

Marketing and sales management focus on promoting products and services and driving revenue growth. Here are three project topics in this category:

22. Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy

Projects in this area explore the use of digital channels and social media platforms for marketing, including content creation, advertising, and audience engagement.

  • Social media marketing
  • Content creation and curation
  • Search engine marketing (SEM)
  • Influencer marketing
  • Analytics and ROI measurement

23. Consumer Behavior Analysis

These projects delve into understanding the psychology and behavior of consumers to develop effective marketing strategies and product positioning.

  • Market segmentation
  • Consumer decision-making process
  • Brand loyalty and perception
  • Pricing strategies
  • Neuromarketing techniques

24. Sales Force Management and Sales Techniques

Examining the strategies and tactics for building and managing successful sales teams, these projects explore techniques for increasing sales revenue.

  • Sales coaching training and development
  • Sales performance metrics
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Sales prospecting and lead generation
  • Sales closing techniques

Challenges Face By Commerce Students In Research And Overcome Techniques 

Here are some challenges that are faced by commerce students in research:

1.  Lack of Research Skills

Many commerce students face challenges in conducting research due to a lack of research skills, such as finding relevant sources and data, and structuring their work effectively.

Overcome Technique

  • Take research skills workshops.
  • Seek guidance from professors or librarians.
  • Practice by starting with smaller research projects.

2. Time Management

Balancing research with coursework and other responsibilities can be difficult for commerce students, leading to time management challenges.

  • Create a study schedule and stick to it.
  • Break research tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.
  • Use time management tools and apps.

3. Data Collection and Analysis

Many commerce students struggle with gathering and analyzing data, as it can be overwhelming and complex.

  • Learn statistical tools and software.
  • Collaborate with experts in data analysis.
  • Seek mentorship for guidance on data handling.

4. Writing and Presentation

Communicating research findings effectively through writing and presentations can be a challenge for commerce students.

  • Take writing and presentation courses.
  • Practice concise and clear communication.
  • Use templates and guidelines for structuring papers and presentations.

5. Lack of Motivation

Staying motivated throughout the research process can be a hurdle, particularly when facing setbacks or obstacles.

  • Set clear goals and rewards.
  • Find a study group or research partner for mutual motivation.
  • Remember the long-term benefits of your research for motivation.

Research topics for commerce students serves as a valuable compass for budding commerce scholars. We’ve unveiled the significance of research, emphasizing its role in enhancing understanding and driving innovation in this field. Selecting a research topic is a pivotal step, and we’ve provided a diverse array of 21+ engaging research topics for commerce students, ensuring ample choices for 2023.

Furthermore, we’ve shared practical tips for successful research completion and addressed common challenges faced by commerce students, offering effective techniques for overcoming them. With this guide, you’re well-equipped to embark on your research journey, unlocking the door to discovery and academic achievement in the realm of commerce.

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The School of Business encourages and fosters a rich research-oriented environment for faculty and doctoral candidates. Students can choose from a variety of topics reflecting the varied research interests of our faculty. The Ph.D. Program is intended to prepare students to conduct original research; i.e., to explain phenomena previously not well understood and then to test proposed explanations empirically.

  • Accounting standards-setting
  • Analyst forecasts
  • Corporate financial reporting issues
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  • Auction theory and applications
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PhDs in Business & Management: Five Hot Research Topics

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Laura Bridgestock

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Table of contents

  • Introduction

1. Managing technology & innovation

2. resources management & sustainable development, 3. social entrepreneurship, 4. corporate responsibility, ethics & accountability, 5. accounting & finance.

Looking for a DBA or PhD in business and management ? Find out which fields of business research present most opportunities, according to course leaders.

In the words of Dr Valérie Sabatier, deputy director of the Doctoral School at Grenoble Ecole de Management in France, “What we knew several years ago doesn’t work anymore. We need new research and new models.”

Globalization, technological change, environmental concerns, social and political upheaval, the financial crisis of the end of last decade, and rising business school enrolments are all driving demand for business PhDs and DBAs across a spectrum of diverse, though interconnected topics. Here, course leaders identify five of the most in-demand areas of business research.

“Management of innovation and technology is of particular importance right now,” says Sabatier. “Questions about R&D, strategy and business models, and innovation are very important both from a theoretical and managerial point of view.”

What’s driving demand? Rapid and continuing change. “The world has changed so much and is evolving so quickly with new questions emerging all the time,” Sabatier says. Gillian Symon, director of PhD programs at the School of Management, Royal Holloway, University of London , adds: “The continuing rapid developments in social technologies that have revolutionized marketing, communications and organizational relationships make these topics vital.”

Energy management, water management, and sustainable development are all identified among “the great ‘macro’ themes of the century” by Alessandro Binachi, DBA program thesis and research coordinator at European University’s Business School in Spain.

What’s driving demand? Quite simply, as Binachi says, “without solving [these issues] in the short term, life on Earth may become seriously jeopardized, or at least unpredictably complex.” 

Recent years have seen a growth in the number of MBAs in social entrepreneurship – and there are also opportunities in this field for PhD and DBA candidates. “Social entrepreneurship, business models for developing countries, but also frugal innovations are hot topics,” Sabatier says.

What’s driving demand? Social, economic and attitudinal change. Research in this field focuses on “how to create value for society, as well as value for profits and returns,” says Sabatier.


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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has similarly been a ‘hot’ topic for some time now, but the course leaders say it remains a key priority for research. Binachi identifies ethical issues among the most pressing topics for business research today, while Symon says ‘Sustainability, responsibility and ethics’ is one of the six areas of research excellence being prioritized at Royal Holloway.

What’s driving demand? The impact of the financial crisis of 2008 onwards is still very much being felt, Symon says, meaning corporate responsibility, accountability and “assessing fair value accounting” remain very much at the top of the research agenda.

Finally, accounting and finance remain high-demand areas. As well as highlighting the link between accounting and accountability, Symon also predicts growing demand for models of accounting for intangible assets.

What’s driving demand? In addition to the broader pressures of social and economic change, increased enrolments in higher level business school programs. “With the boom in professional education, there are not enough professors at PhD level to teach in business schools,” Sabatier says. As a result, academics in the fields of accounting and finance - particularly corporate finance and markets - are in high demand, for both research and teaching positions. 

Of course these are by no means the only areas of opportunity. Symon also mentions war and global security and global labor standards as fields of business research likely to see growth, while Sabatier mentions healthcare in addition to the fields already covered.

Meanwhile Binachi emphasizes that beyond these overriding themes, each region and industry presents its own specific priorities and challenges. Finally, he points out that many of the concerns that kept business leaders awake a century or more ago remain just as pertinent and pressing today – including productivity, labor problems, cost containment and new products development.

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The former editor of TopUniversities.com, Laura oversaw the site's editorial content and student forums . She also edited the QS Top Grad School Guide and contributed to market research reports, including ' How Do Students Use Rankings? '

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  • African Journal of Science Technology Innovation and Development 13(3):1-15

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Everything you need to know about studying a PhD in Commerce

Part of business & management, what is commerce.

At its heart, Commerce is the activity of buying, selling, and trading goods and services. As a degree, Commerce explores the economic, financial, technological, and organisational aspects that drive the global marketplace, offering a comprehensive insight into the business world.

Commerce Specialisations

Commerce is a vast field with numerous specialisations, including:

  • Accounting: Recording and analysing financial transactions.
  • Finance: Management of money and investments.
  • Marketing: Promoting products and understanding consumer behaviour.
  • E-Commerce: Online business activities and digital marketing.
  • International Business: Business operations that occur across national borders.

Whether you're considering a Bachelor's or a Master's in Commerce, you'll find that the most common specialisation in Commerce is often Accounting or Finance, though E-commerce has been rapidly gaining traction.

What will you learn during a Commerce programme?

Choosing Commerce as your academic path will expose you to the intricacies of the business world. During your studies, you will:

  • Learn the principles of financial management and accounting.
  • Explore the dynamics of the global market and international trade.
  • Gain skills in statistical analysis and business forecasting.

Typical courses in a Commerce degree might include:

  • Microeconomics and Macroeconomics: Understand market behaviour and broader economic trends.
  • Business Statistics: Analysing business data for decision-making.
  • Corporate Finance: Funding sources and capital structure decisions.
  • Business Law: Legalities of running and establishing businesses.
  • Management Information Systems: Using IT in business decision-making.

Commerce is a good degree for anyone aiming to understand the underpinnings of the business world. The skills you get from Commerce courses are versatile and are valued in numerous industries beyond just the corporate sector.

Skills required for a degree in Commerce

To excel in Commerce, analytical thinking is paramount, coupled with effective communication and an aptitude for numbers. Interpersonal skills are also essential, given the collaborative nature of many business environments. Meeting the Commerce degree requirements typically also involves understanding global market dynamics and trends.

What can you do with a Commerce degree?

Some of the most popular careers you can pursue upon graduating:

  • Financial Analyst: Assessing investment opportunities for firms.
  • Accountant: Ensuring financial records are accurate and taxes are paid.
  • Marketing Specialist: Crafting strategies to reach target customers.
  • E-Commerce Manager: Overseeing online sales strategies and operations.
  • Export/Import Manager: Managing international trade processes.

Whether working for multinational corporations, local businesses, or embarking on entrepreneurial ventures, your career path in Commerce can be a rewarding and fulfilling one.

View all PhDs in Commerce . Keep in mind you can also study an online PhDs in Commerce .

Interesting programmes for you

Specialisations within the field of business & management.

  • Project Management
  • Business Administration
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management Studies
  • Public Administration
  • Human Resource Management
  • Supply Chain Management & Logistics
  • Agribusiness
  • Business Intelligence
  • Corporate Communication
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Executive MBA
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Innovation Management
  • International Business
  • Master in Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master in Management (MIM)
  • Retail Management
  • Risk Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Engineering Management
  • Transport Management
  • Digital Media
  • Digital Marketing
  • Actuarial Science
  • Construction Management
  • Management of Creative Industries
  • IT Management
  • Operations and Quality Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Financial Technology
  • Fashion Management
  • Financial Management
  • Advertising

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Top 100 Research Topics In Commerce Field

The world of commerce is rapidly evolving. With new technologies, globalization, and changing consumer behaviors, many exciting research topics exist for students and scholars in commerce, business, and related fields. 

In this blog, we will explore some of the current popular 100 research topics in commerce field. Many compelling issues are being examined, from marketing analytics, supply chain optimization, corporate social responsibility, and consumer culture theory. 

The insights from these studies help businesses large and small compete and provide value in the 21st-century marketplace. Whether you are a student looking for gaps in the literature or a professor seeking an understanding of contemporary scholarly discussions, read on for an overview of 100 research topics in commerce field.

Importance of Research Topics in Advancing the Field

Table of Contents

Selecting impactful research topics is crucial for pushing a field forward and generating meaningful discoveries. When researchers identify understudied areas, ask novel questions, or challenge established assumptions, they open up new avenues for exploration. 

This can lead to groundbreaking insights, technologies, and best practices that reshape the landscape. For example, research on neural networks advanced the field of AI by demonstrating the power of deep learning. Studies on CRISPR genome editing revealed new ways to engineer biology. 

Investigations of dark matter and energy furthered our understanding of physics and cosmology. The most influential research topics reflect gaps in current knowledge, address real-world problems, leverage state-of-the-art tools and methods, and catalyze innovation. 

Great care in choosing research questions and framing investigations is necessary to maximize the potential for breakthroughs. Truly transformative research topics inspire collaboration across disciplines to uncover solutions and propel a field forward in exciting new directions.

Emerging Trends in Commerce Research

Here are some key emerging trends in commerce research:

  • Personalization – With more customer data available, companies customize each individual’s offers, products, and shopping experiences. Advanced personalization engines leverage AI and machine learning.
  • Mobile Commerce – Mobile commerce continues increasing, accounting for over half of e-commerce sales. Mobile optimizations like one-click buying and location-based promotions are essential.
  • Voice Commerce – Voice-based interfaces like Amazon Alexa and Google Home enable a new wave of conversational commerce. Brands are exploring voice search, shopping, and customer service applications.
  • Social Commerce – Social platforms like Instagram and Pinterest have launched integrated shopping features, allowing seamless browsing and buying. Social influencers are driving purchases, especially among millennials and Gen Z. With the rise of influencer marketing, businesses are increasingly leveraging strategies to engage with their target audience and boost sales, including tactics like collaborating with influencers to promote products and services. Additionally, utilizing techniques to enhance visibility, such as optimizing hashtags and engaging with trending content, can also help businesses to get Instagram followers organically and expand their reach.
  • Subscription Models – Subscription commerce services like Amazon Subscribe & Save and Birchbox have gained significant traction. They offer convenience while building customer loyalty.
  • Digital and Cashierless Stores – Retailers are testing next-gen physical stores with self-checkout, smart shelves, and AI-powered cameras instead of cashiers. Amazon Go is a pioneer of cashierless stores.
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality – AR/VR tools enhance product visualization and online and in-store shopping experiences. For example, trying on makeup virtually.
  • Sustainability – Environmentally sustainable practices are increasingly demanded by consumers. Brands respond using recycled materials, minimizing packaging, and tracking supply chain impacts.
  • Blockchain – Blockchain can increase transparency and security in product supply chains and transactions. Test applications are emerging in food safety, ethical sourcing, etc.

100 Research Topics In Commerce Field

Here are 100 research topics in commerce field:

  • The Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail Businesses
  • Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping Environments
  • Strategies for Enhancing Customer Loyalty in E-commerce
  • The Role of the Social Media in the Marketing Strategies for E-commerce Businesses
  • Globalization and Its Effects on International Trade
  • The Rise of M-commerce: Trends and Opportunities
  • E-commerce Security: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Influence of a Culture on the Consumer Buying Behavior
  • Sustainable Business Practices in the Retail Sector
  • The Future of Brick-and-Mortar Stores in the Digital Age
  • Mobile Payment Systems: Adoption and Usage Patterns
  • Cross-border E-commerce: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Personalization in E-commerce: Customizing the Shopping Experience
  • Supply Chain Management in E-commerce Businesses
  • The Role of Big Data Analytics in Retail Decision Making
  • Online Reputation Management for E-commerce Brands
  • Omnichannel Retailing: Integrating Online and Offline Channels
  • Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
  • E-commerce Adoption in Developing Countries
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Retail Environments
  • Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management
  • Cybersecurity Risks in E-commerce Transactions
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on E-commerce Trends
  • Artificial Intelligence in Retail: Applications and Implications
  • Influencer Marketing in E-commerce
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems in E-commerce
  • Online Auctions: Evolution and Impact on Consumer Behavior
  • The Role of Trust in E-commerce Transactions
  • Subscription-based E-commerce Models: Success Factors
  • The Sharing Economy: Disrupting Traditional Retail Models
  • Personal Data Protection in E-commerce
  • Green Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Brands
  • Voice Commerce: The Rise of Virtual Assistants in Shopping
  • Digital Transformation in the Retail Industry
  • Online Reviews and Their Influence on Purchase Decisions
  • Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots in Customer Service
  • Data Privacy Regulations and Compliance in E-commerce
  • Crowdfunding Platforms: Opportunities for Small Businesses
  • The Major Role of Influencers in Shaping Consumer Trends
  • Online Marketplaces: Competition and Cooperation with Retailers
  • The Impact of Free Shipping Offers on Consumer Behavior
  • Digital Payment Trends: Mobile Wallets, Cryptocurrencies, etc.
  • Customer Experience Management in E-commerce
  • Predictive Analytics in Inventory Management
  • Ethical Issues in E-commerce: Privacy, Security, and Fairness
  • Subscription Box Services: Consumer Trends and Preferences
  • Virtual Fitting Rooms: Enhancing the Online Apparel Shopping Experience
  • Online Brand Communities: Engagement and Loyalty
  • Strategies for Reducing Shopping Cart Abandonment Rates
  • The Role of Product Reviews in E-commerce Success
  • Social Commerce: Integrating Social Media with E-commerce Platforms
  • Psychological Pricing Strategies in E-commerce
  • Digital Advertising Effectiveness: Metrics and Measurement
  • The Impact of Returns Policies on E-commerce Businesses
  • Data-driven Decision Making in Retail
  • Influencer Fraud in E-commerce Marketing
  • The Role of Subscription Models in Building Recurring Revenue
  • Niche E-commerce Markets: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Dynamic Pricing Strategies in Online Retail
  • Customer Segmentation in E-commerce: Targeting the Right Audience
  • Mobile App Engagement Strategies for E-commerce Brands
  • The Role of Online Communities in E-commerce Success
  • Multi-channel Retailing: Coordinating Sales Across Platforms
  • Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Product Recommendations
  • The Influence of Visual Merchandising on Online Sales
  • Online Reputation and Brand Image Management
  • Ethical Consumption in E-commerce: Consumer Attitudes and Behavior
  • The Role of User-generated Content in E-commerce Marketing
  • Subscription-based Pricing Models: Pros and Cons
  • The Impact of Augmented Reality on Retail Sales
  • Digital Trust: Building Confidence in Online Transactions
  • Online Market Segmentation: Identifying and Targeting Niches
  • The Role of Gamification in E-commerce Platforms
  • Dynamic Inventory Management in E-commerce
  • Digital Marketing ROI: Measuring the Effectiveness of Campaigns
  • The Impact of Voice Search on E-commerce SEO Strategies
  • Price Discrimination in Online Markets
  • The Influence of the Online Product Recommendations on Consumer Choices
  • Mobile-first Design: Optimizing E-commerce Websites for Mobile Users
  • The Role of Chatbots in E-commerce Customer Service
  • E-commerce Platform Selection: Factors Influencing Choices
  • The Impact of Social Proof on Online Purchasing Behavior
  • Virtual Try-on Technologies: Enhancing the Online Shopping Experience
  • The Role of Brand Trust in E-commerce Success
  • Dynamic Pricing Algorithms and Their Effects on Consumer Behavior
  • The Role of Packaging in E-commerce Branding
  • Online Market Entry Strategies for Small Businesses
  • The Effect of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Supply Chain Efficiency
  • Subscription-based Business Models: Lessons from Successful Companies
  • The Role of Customer Reviews in E-commerce Reputation Management
  • Social Media Influencers and Their Effect on Brand Awareness
  • Online Personalization Techniques: Tailoring the Shopping Experience
  • The Rise of Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Brands in E-commerce
  • The Role of Emotions in E-commerce Purchasing Decisions
  • The Impact of Instant Gratification on E-commerce Sales
  • Online Payment Security: Preventing Fraud and Identity Theft
  • The Role of Data Analytics in E-commerce Fraud Detection
  • Mobile-first Payments: Trends and Innovations
  • The Impact of Subscription Services on Traditional Retail Models
  • Digital Accessibility in E-commerce: Ensuring Inclusivity for All Users

These 100 research topics in commerce field cover a wide range of areas and can inspire research projects at various academic levels.

Key Areas of Research in Commerce

Here are some of the critical areas that commerce research tends to focus on:

Consumer Behavior 

Understanding how consumers make buying decisions, what motivates them, and how cultural, social, and psychological factors influence shopping patterns. Research often utilizes surveys, interviews, focus groups, and data analysis.

Pricing Strategies 

Testing and analyzing pricing models, promotions, and tactics to optimize revenue and profitability. Areas like dynamic pricing, personalized pricing, discounts, and price bundling are examined.

Omnichannel Retailing 

Researching strategies to integrate online, mobile, and brick-and-mortar shopping into a seamless customer experience. Topics include channel integration, order fulfillment, returns, and customer data.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management 

Studying how to optimize product delivery, inventory management, transportation, warehousing, and supply chain transparency. Ensuring efficient order fulfillment is a priority.

Marketing and Advertising

Research into emerging digital marketing tactics, personalization, influencer marketing, and advertising effectiveness across platforms like social media and mobile.

Payments and Transactions 

Analyzing developments in payment processing, point-of-sale systems, payment security, and fraud prevention, especially in e-commerce and mobile settings.

Retail Analytics 

Leveraging data analysis and AI to generate customer and operational insights for merchandising, targeted promotions, labor optimization, and loss prevention.

Retail Technology

Exploring emerging in-store tech like digital signage, intelligent shelves, self-checkout, robotics, and VR and how they impact the customer experience and operations.

Sustainability and Ethics 

Research into sustainable products, ethical sourcing, transparent supply chains, and implementing sustainable practices in retail operations.

Final Remarks

In this blog, we have discussed 100 research topics in commerce field. As this overview demonstrates, the world of commerce presents no shortage of compelling issues for research. From omnichannel retailing to payments, logistics, sustainability, and beyond, impactful research topics abound across the field. 

By selecting questions that address gaps in knowledge, leverage new tools, and catalyze innovation, students and scholars have immense opportunities to generate insights that will help shape the future of business. 

Though an exhaustive list is impossible, the diverse topics covered here aim to ignite ideas for pushing commerce research in new directions. As technologies and markets evolve rapidly, keeping pace with emerging trends will be critical. 

Academics can advance our understanding of modern commerce with rigorous scholarship and interdisciplinary collaboration. I hope you liked this post on 100 research topics in commerce field.

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Best 20 Project Topics & Ideas for Commerce in 2024

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  • jaro education
  • 4, August 2024

Introductions to Impactful Project Topics for Commerce

Project topics for commerce students are one of the most crucial aspects to think about during semesters, as choosing the best and industry-based topics can not only help to ace the project sessions but also gain an in-depth understanding of various fundamentals prevailing in today’s commerce world.

Choosing the most unique and effective one among various project topics for commerce students is challenging but can create an ever-lasting impression on your professors while enhancing your understanding and knowledge about numerous facets of the commerce world. 

So, if you are looking for project topics for commerce -related concepts that are unique and can add value to your upcoming semester, then put an end to your rigorous Google search and research as we have freshly curated 20 ideas and project topics for BCom students , that can help you stand out among your mates. 

In 2024, many new project topics for commerce students have emerged. Here are the top ones:

1. Impact of Digital Payment Systems on Small Businesses

The use of digital payment systems has increased worldwide, particularly among small firms. This study investigates how digital payment services such as PayPal, Square, and mobile wallets affect the operations, customer experience, and financial management of small businesses. 

Research methods that can used while working on such project topics for commerce students  are:

  • Surveys and interviews with small business owners.
  • Case studies of individual businesses.
  • Analysis of transaction data before and after the adoption of digital payment systems.

2. E-commerce Trends and Consumer Behaviour

E-commerce is expanding rapidly, impacting consumer behaviour and corporate strategies. This research looks at current e-commerce trends and how they affect customer purchasing behaviours. Additionally, It will also look into consumer behaviour patterns, preferences, and the psychological variables influencing online shopping. By analyzing these trends and behaviours, you can derive valuable insights into how organizations may modify their tactics to meet changing consumer expectations.

Such project topics for BCom students include research methods such as:

  • Analysis of e-commerce sales data.
  • Surveys of customer preferences and behaviours.
  • Case studies about successful e-commerce businesses.

3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Customer Perception

CSR has become a crucial part of company strategy. Such project topics for commerce students look at how CSR initiatives affect consumer perception and brand loyalty.

This project entails research work with the help of:

  • Surveys and focus groups with consumers.
  • Analysis of CSR reports and brand reputation indices.
  • Case studies of companies with notable CSR programs.

4. Financial Inclusion: The Role of Microfinance

Microfinance promotes financial inclusion, particularly in developing economies. This project focuses on the impact of microfinance organizations in increasing financial access for underprivileged groups. 

Research methods that can be used in such project topics for BCom students are:

  • Field research and interviews with microfinance beneficiaries.
  • Analysis of microfinance institution performance data.
  • Comparative studies of different microfinance models.

5. Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Sustainability in the field of supply chain management is becoming more significant. This project looks at how organizations incorporate sustainability into their supply chain practices.

Research methodologies that can be used in this project are:

  • Case studies of organizations using sustainable supply chains.
  • Surveys on consumer attitudes regarding sustainable products.
  • Analysis of supply chain sustainability reports.

6. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services

AI is transforming financial services, ranging from banking to investment management. This study looks into the use and impact of AI in the financial sector.

For such type of project topics, data can be collected through the following:

  • Case studies of financial institutions using AI.
  • Interviews with industry experts.
  • Analysis of AI implementation outcomes in financial services.

7. The Role of Blockchain in Enhancing Security and Transparency in Commerce

Blockchain technology promises to improve commercial security and transparency. This project will help you navigate the possibilities and challenges of blockchain deployment.

For this project, data can be collected with the help of the following:

  • Analysis of blockchain technology use cases.
  • Surveys on the perception and adoption of blockchain.

8. Consumer Attitudes Toward Ethical Branding

Ethical branding is increasingly affecting consumer decisions. This project delves into consumer sentiments towards brands that prioritise ethical behaviour.

Such project topics for BCom students can include:

  • Surveys and focus groups with customers.
  • Analyse case studies related to ethical branding. 
  • Comparison of consumer sentiments toward ethical and unethical brands.

9. The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Behaviour

Social media marketing has a significant impact on consumer behaviour. This research investigates the efficacy and strategy of social media marketing.

These types of project topics for BCom students can involve:

  • Data analysis for social media marketing.
  • Surveys of consumer responses to social media marketing.
  • Interviews with marketing experts.

Project Topics for Commerce students


10. Future of Remote Work and Its Impact on Business Operations

Remote employment has become a major trend, altering business operations. This research looks at the future of remote work and its implications for enterprises.

This project can include:

  • Surveys and interviews with remote workers and employers.
  • Analysis of Remote work productivity data. 
  • Case studies of organizations that effectively implemented remote work practices.

11. Transformation of Retail Industry: From Brick-and-Mortar to Omnichannel Models

The retail industry is shifting from traditional brick-and-mortar businesses to omnichannel tactics. This research looks at how merchants combine online and offline channels to improve customer experience.

This research project can collect data through:

  • Analysis of omnichannel retail strategy.
  • Surveys on consumer shopping preferences.
  • Interviews with retail experts.

12. The Impact of Cryptocurrency on Global Financial Markets

Cryptocurrencies are having a huge impact on the global financial market. This study looks at the dynamics and ramifications of cryptocurrency adoption.

This project can include data from the following:

  • Data analysis from the Bitcoin market.
  • Interviews with financial professionals.
  • Comparative study on various cryptocurrencies.

13. Consumer Preferences for Green and Sustainable Products

Consumer demand for sustainable and green products is increasing. This project topic for commerce students looks at customer preferences and the market for sustainable products.

This research project might include data like:

  • Analysis of market trends for sustainable products.
  • Interviews with companies that specialize in green products.

14. The Role of FinTech in Modern Banking

FinTech is transforming modern banking, offering new services and improving efficiency. This project explores the role and impact of FinTech innovations.

Some of the research methods that can be included in this project:

  • Analysis of FinTech adoption in banking.
  • Interviews with banking and fintech specialists.
  • Surveys on consumer use of FinTech services.

15.Marketing Strategies for Entering New Markets

Emerging markets provide enormous growth potential for enterprises. This initiative looks at effective marketing tactics for entering certain sectors.

Research methods that can be used:

  • Analysis of market entry methods.
  • Interviews with business owners and marketing experts.
  • Case studies of businesses in emerging markets.

17. Consumer Behaviour Analysis in 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically impacted consumer behaviour and habits. So, this project will delve into consumer behaviour analysis in the new-age market, the post-pandemic Era.

Research methods that can be used in the project are:

  • Surveys on post-pandemic consumer behaviour.
  • Analysis of sales and consumer data.

18. Impact of Global Trade Policies on Emerging Markets

This project explores how global trade policies affect emerging markets economies, emphasising trade balances, foreign investment, and GDP growth.

Such project topics for commerce students must include:

  • Analysis of trade data from international databases and reports.
  • Case studies of emerging markets affected by trade policies.
  • Interviews with trade experts and economists.
  • A literature review of academic and industry literature on global trade policies.

19. Impact of Global Trade Policies on Emerging Markets

  • Case Studies of companies that have successfully implemented Big Data strategies.
  • Interviews with data scientists and business analysts.
  • Survey businesses on their use and outcomes of Big Data initiatives.
  • Data Analysis of Big Data initiatives using statistical tools.

20. Ethical Investing and Its Impact on Financial Markets

  • Data Analysis of Ethical Investment Portfolios.
  • Surveys investors on their motivations and satisfaction with ethical investing.
  • Interviews with fund managers and financial advisors.
  • Case Studies of successful ethical investment funds.

So now, you can easily pick the best one from the above project topics for commerce students that suits your needs and aligns with your knowledge and understanding.

There are many new-age project topics for commerce students that can help you stand ahead of the competition while you pursue your BCom degree.  To learn more about such projects and the intricacies of the commerce world, you can enroll in the Online B.Com Programme – Manipal University Jaipur .

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The Ultimate Guide to a PhD In Commerce 

  • November 26, 2022
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PhD in commerce

For aspirants who have a strong passion for studying, the PhD in Commerce is a good option. There are many universities offering this course, and our team of experts has compiled all the details to help you get started on your journey to becoming an expert in your field. 

What is Commerce?  

The subject of Commerce is the study of the exchange and distribution of goods, services, and ideas. It includes both the wholesale and retail trade of goods, as well as service industries such as banking, insurance and hotels. 

The main purpose of commerce is to help people meet their wants and needs by providing them with products or services that can be used for their purposes. In this way, commerce helps people to better understand their wants and needs. Commerce also plays an important role in helping to establish economic growth. 

The subject is made up of three components: 

  • Income Generation – the process by which individuals produce goods or services for sale to others 
  • Income Distribution – the distribution of income between individuals within an economy 
  • Productivity Growth – improvements in productivity over time 

PhD in Commerce – Overview  

A PhD in Commerce is a higher education qualification that can be earned through research. It is usually awarded after completion of a postgraduate coursework program of at least three years, followed by thesis or dissertation research. 

A PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is different from other types of doctorate degrees because it requires more rigorous requirements than those associated with MSc or DBA programs. The process takes longer and involves more work than those offered by universities; however, it also offers greater opportunities for career advancement and leadership positions within organizations such as banks or consulting firms where you will be working directly with clients on projects related to your field of study 

Eligibility Criteria  

  • You must have a bachelor’s degree in commerce . If you have your Bachelor’s degree but have not yet completed all the requirements for your PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) , then you can apply to take up full-time research at this time. 
  • You must have minimum 55% aggregate marks (60% for SC/ST/PWD) out of 100 marks (or equivalent) in each subject with at least 3 years work experience as an assistant professor or lecturer at any Indian university or college. Where he/she taught at least two subjects during that period and had passed with at least 60%. 
  • If he/she has some other qualification or training program during his career, it may be considered as qualifying steps towards his PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) eligibility criteria but does not qualify him as such 

PhD in Commerce: Admission Process  

  • PhD in Commerce is a research-based degree. 
  • It is also a postgraduate program, which means that it can be pursued at the University or College level. 
  • A PhD in Commerce can be pursued at either an Australian or New Zealand university, depending on your country of origin. 
  • The duration of study for this degree is 3 -5 years (6-9 semesters). 

Top Universities in India for a PhD in Commerce  

  • IIM Ahmedabad 
  • IIM Bangalore 
  • IIM Calcutta 
  • IIM Lucknow 
  • IIM Kozhikode 
  • International Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (IIME), Kozhikode. The college offers four-year programs leading to a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce with specialization in Marketing or Finance and Banking. MBA (Master of Business Administration) with specialization in International Trade & Purchasing Management, Master’s Programs related to any one of the following disciplines: 
  • Economics/Business Studies; 
  • Statistics/Mathematics; 
  • Computer Science & Information Technology; 


Specializations under a PhD in Commerce  

A PhD in Commerce is a postgraduate course that provides students with training in business administration, economics, and management. Aspirants can choose from a wide range of specializations under PhD in Commerce such as: 

  • Business Administration (CEMS) 
  • Management 

The most popular specialization among students is CEMS, which focuses on the study of finance & accounting and banking subjects like insurance, e-commerce & hospitality management etc.. Some other popular specializations include Operations Research (OR), Human Resource Management (HRM) or Information Technology (IT) . 

Career Options after a PhD in Commerce  

After a PhD in Commerce , you can work as a professor in a reputed college or university. You can also choose to work in a research institute. If you want to start your own business, then it is better that you don’t get a PhD ( Doctor of Philosophy ) because there are not many opportunities for entrepreneurs after this degree. However, if that’s what you really want then go ahead and do it! 

If all these options sound exciting but still scary at the same time, then don’t worry because there are many other careers available too! For example: 

  • Students with degrees from different universities often end up working together on projects or even start their own businesses together (e-commerce). This is called “cooperation.” 
  • Some students become entrepreneurs themselves after finishing their studies (e-commerce). They make their own products which they sell online through social media platforms like Facebook etc.

PhD in Commerce is an advanced level degree program for commerce students with a passion for in-depth research on a topic related to commerce, economics, or business studies.  

When you graduate with a PhD in Commerce , you will be able to work as an academic at a university. You can also work in research and development for companies such as large corporations or small businesses. 

A PhD in Commerce with a specialization can be a great career opportunity for you. It is an advanced-level degree program for commerce students with a passion for in-depth research on a topic related to commerce, economics or business studies. You may choose from several different specializations such as: International Trade, Financial Accounting, and Reporting, Taxation or Business Economics.

These specializations will help you gain a strong foundation in your field of study so that you can go on to achieve success in any field of work within this discipline (whether it is corporate work at consulting firms such as KPMG India or McKinsey). So if your want to pursue your degree in PhD in commerce then Aimlay will support you to complete your degree at UGC recognized University.

Frequently Asked Questions

A PhD in Commerce in India offers lots of recruitment and employment opportunities, the scope is very high with subjects of commerce.

Commerce is a vast subject, it has numerous kinds of topics to research and for developing new conclusions. Some main topics associated with Commerce are: Strategic Cost Management; Business Forensics; Accounting Information Systems; Audit Technology; Revenue Management and Business Intelligence and many more.

Aspirants pursuing a PhD in Commerce & Management will assist you in gaining a broad understanding of the field’s fundamentals. These courses are extremely beneficial because you will be able to study various aspects of business and commerce through research and assessment.

No, you are not eligible to pursue a PhD right after your graduation. You require a master’s degree (post graduation) in the similar field, you are choosing a PhD.

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We have 3 e-commerce PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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e-commerce PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Virtual engagement: the impact of avatars on metaverse retailing, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Self-Funded PhD Students Only

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Digital Technologies

The PhD opportunities on this programme do not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

PhD Research Programme

PhD Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

PhD opportunities with the Institute for Digital Technologies at Loughborough University London

Funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

PhD Opportunities

PhD Opportunities highlight some of the specific PhD projects, programmes or other information currently available from a university.

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Ph.D in Commerce Subjects and Syllabus

Roumik Roy

The PhD in Commerce syllabus is three to five years long spread across six to ten semesters. The PhD in Commerce subjects aim to introduce students to all the important aspects of commerce, finance, business and entrepreneurship. PhD in Commerce course subjects include Introduction to Research Methodology, Data Analysis for the Research Methods, and Data Collection and Sampling. They also develop business-based intellectual and interpersonal skills. 

Semester Wise PhD Commerce Syllabus

The subjects in PhD Commerce are taught in a time span of three to five years. The syllabus of PhD in Commerce is designed to help students learn about commerce in great detail and depth. The PhD Commerce course gives the students a very in-depth and clear understanding of the course and the subject.

The core subjects are subjects considered important and foundational for the education of the students. The elective subjects make the coursework flexible and diverse. Listed below are the subjects of PhD in Commerce according to the semesters:

PhD in Commerce First Year Syllabus

Introduction to Research Methodology

Writing Research Proposal

Data Analysis for the Research Methods


Data Collection and Sampling

Literature Review

Research Report Writing

PhD in Commerce Second Year Syllabus

Semester III

Semester IV

Contemporary Research in Accounting

Contemporary Management Theory

Capital Market Theories Classical Management Theory
Basic Economic Concepts Theory of Entrepreneurship I
Accounting Theory Theory of Entrepreneurship II

Corporate Finance Theories


PhD in Commerce Third Year Syllabus

Semester V

Semester VI

Research Project Research Project
Research Project Research Project

PhD Commerce Subjects

The PhD in Commerce subjects are aimed to introduce the students to all the important aspects of the world of commerce, business, finance, and economics. The doctorate course is a three to five-year-long course, divided into six to ten semesters.

There are both core and elective subjects part of the curriculum. The core subjects are subjects that are considered essential for the learning of the students. The elective subjects are subjects that make the coursework flexible and diverse. Listed below are the core subjects that the students get a chance to study:

  • Contemporary Research in Accounting
  • Capital Market Theories
  • Basic Economic Concepts
  • Accounting Theory
  • Corporate Finance Theories
  • Contemporary Management Theory

PhD Commerce Course Structure

The PhD in Commerce is divided into six semesters spread across a time period of three years. The PhD Commerce course structure consists of both core and elective subjects as part of the curriculum.

Since the PhD Commerce course is a doctorate program that has a research-based study, at the end of the education, students are expected to work on a research project. The course structure is given below:

  • VI Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Research Project

PhD Commerce Teaching Methodology and Techniques

PhD Commerce teaching methodology is predominately traditional classroom teaching methods. The course is a primary research-based course, due to which the traditional classroom teaching helps the students to learn about concepts in greater depth and detail. Listed below are the teaching methodology and strategies in general:

  • Theory Papers
  • Group Discussions

PhD Commerce Projects

When pursuing the PhD in Commerce, the students are expected to work on a research project in their final semester. The PhD project topics in Commerce are decided by the students based on their specialization. Listed below are the list of PhD topics in Commerce previously researched by the students:

PhD Commerce Reference Books

There are many PhD in Commerce books available for the students to purchase or rent in the market. These books can be a useful resource for the students, as they can help students with their studies and research. Additionally, these books help the students ace the course and exam well. Listed below are some of the popular PhD Commerce books:

PhD in Commerce Books

Name of Book


Value-Based Fees

Allan Weiss

Spin Selling

Neil Rackham

phd project topics in commerce

phd project topics in commerce

  • How to Choose a PhD Research Topic
  • Finding a PhD


Whilst there are plenty of resources available to help prospective PhD students find doctoral programmes, deciding on a research topic is a process students often find more difficult.

Some advertised PhD programmes have predefined titles, so the exact topic is decided already. Generally, these programmes exist mainly in STEM, though other fields also have them. Funded projects are more likely to have defined titles, and structured aims and objectives.

Self funded projects, and those in fields such as arts and humanities, are less likely to have defined titles. The flexibility of topic selection means more scope exists for applicants to propose research ideas and suit the topic of research to their interests.

A middle ground also exists where Universities advertise funded PhD programmes in subjects without a defined scope, for example: “PhD Studentship in Biomechanics”. The applicant can then liaise with the project supervisor to choose a particular title such as “A study of fatigue and impact resistance of biodegradable knee implants”.

If a predefined programme is not right for you, then you need to propose your own research topic. There are several factors to consider when choosing a good research topic, which will be outlined in this article.

How to Choose a Research Topic

Our first piece of advice is to PhD candidates is to stop thinking about ‘finding’ a research topic, as it is unlikely that you will. Instead, think about developing a research topic (from research and conversations with advisors).

Consider several ideas and critically appraise them:

  • You must be able to explain to others why your chosen topic is worth studying.
  • You must be genuinely interested in the subject area.
  • You must be competent and equipped to answer the research question.
  • You must set achievable and measurable aims and objectives.
  • You need to be able to achieve your objectives within a given timeframe.
  • Your research question must be original and contribute to the field of study.

We have outlined the key considerations you should use when developing possible topics. We explore these below:

Focus on your interests and career aspirations

It is important to choose a topic of research that you are genuinely interested in. The decision you make will shape the rest of your career. Remember, a full-time programme lasts 3-4 years, and there will be unforeseen challenges during this time. If you are not passionate about the study, you will struggle to find motivation during these difficult periods.

You should also look to your academic and professional background. If there are any modules you undertook as part of your Undergraduate/Master degree that you particularly enjoyed or excelled in? These could form part of your PhD research topic. Similarly, if you have professional work experience, this could lead to you asking questions which can only be answered through research.

When deciding on a PhD research topic you should always consider your long-term career aspirations. For example, as a physicist, if you wish to become an astrophysicist, a research project studying black holes would be more relevant to you than a research project studying nuclear fission.

Read dissertations and published journals

Reading dissertations and published journals is a great way to identify potential PhD topics. When reviewing existing research ask yourself:

  • What has been done and what do existing results show?
  • What did previous projects involve (e.g. lab-work or fieldwork)?
  • How often are papers published in the field?
  • Are your research ideas original?
  • Is there value in your research question?
  • Could I expand on or put my own spin on this research?

Reading dissertations will also give you an insight into the practical aspects of doctoral study, such as what methodology the author used, how much data analysis was required and how was information presented.

You can also think of this process as a miniature literature review . You are searching for gaps in knowledge and developing a PhD project to address them. Focus on recent publications (e.g. in the last five years). In particular, the literature review of recent publications will give an excellent summary of the state of existing knowledge, and what research questions remain unanswered.

If you have the opportunity to attend an academic conference, go for it! This is often an excellent way to find out current theories in the industry and the research direction. This knowledge could reveal a possible research idea or topic for further study.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

Discuss research topic ideas with a PhD supervisor

Discuss your research topic ideas with a supervisor. This could be your current undergraduate/masters supervisor, or potential supervisors of advertised PhD programmes at different institutions. Come to these meetings prepared with initial PhD topic ideas, and your findings from reading published journals. PhD supervisors will be more receptive to your ideas if you can demonstrate you have thought about them and are committed to your research.

You should discuss your research interests, what you have found through reading publications, and what you are proposing to research. Supervisors who have expertise in your chosen field will have insight into the gaps in knowledge that exist, what is being done to address them, and if there is any overlap between your proposed research ideas and ongoing research projects.

Talking to an expert in the field can shape your research topic to something more tangible, which has clear aims and objectives. It can also find potential shortfalls of your PhD ideas.

It is important to remember, however, that although it is good to develop your research topic based on feedback, you should not let the supervisor decide a topic for you. An interesting topic for a supervisor may not be interesting to you, and a supervisor is more likely to advise on a topic title which lends itself to a career in academia.

Another tip is to talk to a PhD student or researcher who is involved in a similar research project. Alternatively, you can usually find a relevant research group within your University to talk to. They can explain in more detail their experiences and suggest what your PhD programme could involve with respect to daily routines and challenges.

Look at advertised PhD Programmes

Use our Search tool , or look on University PhD listing pages to identify advertised PhD programmes for ideas.

  • What kind of PhD research topics are available?
  • Are these similar to your ideas?
  • Are you interested in any of these topics?
  • What do these programmes entail?

The popularity of similar PhD programmes to your proposed topic is a good indicator that universities see value in the research area. The final bullet point is perhaps the most valuable takeaway from looking at advertised listings. Review what similar programmes involve, and whether this is something you would like to do. If so, a similar research topic would allow you to do this.

Writing a Research Proposal

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E-commerce Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 10th, 2023 , Revised On August 18, 2023


Studying e-commerce helps in understanding how online businesses work. As a student of e-commerce, you will be required to learn about the various electronic mediums that online businesses rely upon and how online operations and transactions are carried out.

Essentially, e-commerce is studying the different technologies involved in setting up an online business. These include automated data collection systems, artificial intelligence, user design, inventory management systems, electronic data interchange systems (EDI), online transactions processing, industry-specific user tools, internet marketing, supply chain management, news breaking, and electronic funds transfer, and mobile commerce.

To help you get started with brainstorming for e-commerce topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your e-commerce dissertation.

PhD qualified writers of our team have developed these topics, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted. Let us know if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for 2022 here.

2022 E-commerce Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: an assessment of the geographical constraints impacting the business flow of e-commerce- a case study of amazon..

Research Aim: This study aims to find the impact of geographical constraints on the flow of e-commerce business focusing on Amazon. In this research, we will analyse how these geographical restrictions affect the flow of business. In many areas, e-commerce may drive the decline of small stores and may also affect the local producers and the global economy.

Topic 2: An investigation of the security controls and issues of e-commerce websites in the UK online environment.

Research Aim: With the development of the global economy and an increasing number of customers running their business largely through the internet or mobile has made e-commerce grow. Creating an effective strategy is the most integral part of a modern organization; however, a company must take care of the new security concerns and problems while maintaining their quality and high standard. This study will primarily focus on the security control and issues of e-commerce websites in the UK and how they cope with them to keep the data secured.

Topic 3: Google ads vs. Search ads in e-commerce- A comparative study

Research Aim: An organization may find it challenging to decide what kind of advertisement they should use for their online campaigns. This study will provide a comparative analysis of google ads and search ads and give us an understanding of both ads, focusing on which is better according to the budget of the organisation, which will help them gain a significant audience and grow the business.

Topic 4: An examination of consumer decision-making processes- A comparative study between e-commerce and m-commerce in the United Kingdom.

Research Aim: The growth of eCommerce is increasing day by day. This research aims to find the factors affecting the online purchase decision. This study will provide a comparative analysis of eCommerce and m-commerce in the UK, focusing on different factors and characteristics of both. This study will differentiate the features of eCommerce and m-commerce and identify the main factors which influence the long run of online marketing to provide better services for consumers and make them know about new business opportunities.

Topic 5: Gender Inequality in the Ecommerce Industry.

Research Aim: Women in industries are still facing substantial issues in their daily lives as well as in their professional lives; for example, salary gaps, discrimination, maternity leave are just simple examples that influence the everyday lives of thousands of individuals around the world. This study will focus on the gender inequality and biased behaviours individuals, especially women, face in the eCommerce industry.

Covid-19 E-commerce Research Topics

Topic 1: impacts of coronavirus on e-commerce.

Research Aim: The study will focus on identifying the effects of coronavirus on E-commerce.

Topic 2: Frequent E-commerce shopping during Coronavirus pandemic

Research Aim: Coronavirus has affected almost every business, including E-commerce. This study will investigate the reasons behind increasing online shopping, challenges faced by E-commerce industries, and measures taken to improve the business.

Topic 3: Contribution of E-commerce during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will identify E-commerce industries’ contribution during the coronavirus pandemic. What safety measures have they taken to provide safe deliveries of the products? What kind of challenges they faced?

Topic 4: Offline and online shopping after COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will focus on reviewing the current positive and negative impacts on online shopping and shopping in stores and predict the future of shopping after COVID-19, listing the differences, challenges, benefits, and risks of both online and offline shopping.

E-commerce Dissertation Topics for 2021

Topic 1: impact of digital business on the economic growth of the country: a case study of xyz country.

Research Aim: This research will focus on the significance of digital business during the pandemic and its impacts, not the country’s economic growth. It is a detailed view of the future that needs to be digitalised.

Topic 2: Brand marketing through social media

Research Aim: This research aims to focus on the importance of Brand Marketing through social media by addressing various current strategies used in brand marketing.

Topic 3: Impacts of social media on customer behaviour

Research Aim: This research aims to measure social media’s impacts on customer behaviour and address various effective strategies to attract customers through social media.

Topic 4: What factors influence the consumer's buying decisions?

Research Aim: This research aims to identify factors that influence the consumer’s buying decisions

Topic 5: Black Friday sale strategy to drive sales

Research Aim: This research aims to identify how the Black Friday sale strategy is effective in driving sales. How can huge discounts benefit sellers?

Topic 6: The role of influencer marketing in increasing sale

Research Aim: Influencer Marketers impact the customer’s perception. This research aims to the role of influencer marketing in increasing sales.

Topic 7: Impact of E-marketing on consumer purchase decision: the case of the luxury industry in the UK

Research Aim: This research aims to measure E-marketing’s impact on consumer purchase decisions in the U.K luxury industry.

Topic 8: Analysis of the customer-centric marketing strategies in attaining competitive advantage for the firm and sustaining business success

Research Aim: This research focuses on attaining customer-centric marketing strategies in a competitive advantage for the firm and sustaining business success.

Topic 9: Traditional vs. digital marketing: a comparative study of the last ten years

Research Aim: This research aims to conduct a comparative study of traditional vs. digital marketing in the last ten years.

Topic 10: The impact of relationship marketing on customer loyalty: an analysis of the Honda motor

Research Aim: This research aims to assess the impact of relationship marketing on customer loyalty. An analysis of the Honda motor will be conducted as the basis of the research.

Topic 11: The importance of search engines in e-commerce

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the importance of search engines in e-commerce.

Topic 12: E-commerce company's advertising strategy-critical analysis

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the importance of an E-commerce company’s advertising strategy.

Topic 13: Importance of customer retention in E-commerce

Research Aim: This research aims to measure the importance of customer retention in E-commerce.

Topic 14: Importance of brand loyalty in internet marketing

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the importance of brand loyalty in internet marketing.

E-commerce Dissertation Topics for 2020

Topic 1: analysing the impact of e-commerce strategies on building better relationships with customers: a case study of the uk fashion industry.

Research Aim: the UK fashion industry is a fragmented zone where a large number of famous brands have been competing to gain a competitive edge through better customer relationships. For the same purpose, effective e-commerce strategies can help in building better customer relationships. Thus, the main purpose of this research will be to analyse the impact of e-commerce strategies on building better relationships with customers of the UK Fashion industry.

Topic 2: Assessing the impact of unique website attributes on consumer buying pattern: A case study of Amazon and eBay

Research Aim: The rise of information technology has led famous brands to develop unique attributes for their websites to encourage their audience to buy. One of the most notable issues of the e-commerce industry is the ever-increasing competition amongst online retailers that offer user-friendly and unique website design and UX features to achieve favourable results. The purpose of this study will be to assess the impact of website attributes on consumer buying patterns with a focus on Amazon and e-bay.

Topic 3: How does e-commerce facilitate adding value to a business: A case study of service industry in China.

Research Aim: In today’s world with tech-savvy consumers, online purchases are much higher as compared to traditional, in-store purchases. This persuades the pioneers of the service industry to add value to their business by providing e-commerce facilities to consumers. Therefore, the main purpose of this research will be to analyse how e-commerce facilitates and adds value to a business with a focus on China service industry.

Topic 4: Critical analysis of security policies and vulnerabilities of an online banking website: Identifying the challenges and remedies to improvise risk management

Research Aim: The number of internet users around the world is increasing with each passing year, however, this has also posited various security problems for online banking websites. The main purpose of this study will be to critically analyse security policies and the vulnerabilities of online banking websites, along with the identification of challenges and remedies for improvising risk management.

Topic 5: Can e-commerce help organisations build a competitive advantage over their competitors?

Research Aim: This research will talk about the role of e-commerce in helping organisations build a competitive advantage against their competitors. This research will understand how e-commerce, through advanced technology, helps businesses attain their business objective and how it helps them facilitate their customers.

Topic 6: Exploring the regulations and guidelines set out for e-commerce companies

Research Aim: This research will understand the rules and regulations set out by the government and regulating authorities to implement safe and secure e-commerce. When offering online payment services to their customers, businesses have to make sure that they comply with the laws set out by the government so that customers’ payments are safe and secure.

Topic 7: Analyzing the best security mechanisms that should be implemented by e-commerce businesses

Research Aim: When implementing e-commerce models, it is necessary for businesses to make sure that the best security mechanisms are put in place. Customers trust companies which is why they make online payments. Thus the development of secure payment gateways is vitally important to keep the trust of customers. This research will analyse the various security mechanisms available for companies and how businesses should implement them.

Topic 8: Exploring the data privacy issues in e-commerce

Research Aim: This research will be focused on trust issues surrounding e-commerce. Customers make credit card payments trusting the company and the technology in use. However, there have been instances where companies failed to protect customer data, and their privacy is compromised. Such incidents can cause the company to lose its reputation and find itself having to deal with legal issues. This study explores the various privacy issues that customers come across when buying online.

Topic 9: E-Commerce and customer retention – What role does e-commerce play?

Research Aim: This research will explore an important aspect of businesses i.e. customer retention. The study will analyse whether or not e-commerce helps businesses in retaining customers. What are the various causes and reasons people trust e-commerce and stay loyal to a brand if it does? This research will investigate all the possibilities to conclude whether e-commerce plays a role in retaining customers or not.

Topic 10: Security limitations and challenges of implementing e-commerce.

Research Aim: This research will explore the challenges and security limitations businesses have to deal with when building an e-commerce business. The study will include the various security elements that companies have to consider when implementing e-commerce models, the challenges they encounter, and the steps that they take in order to ensure the security of customers’ data as well as their own systems.

E-commerce Marketing Dissertation Topics

Their marketing and advertising strategies largely influence e-businesses. Without having a well-rounded and educated marketing strategy, an e-business in today’s cut-throat online environment will surely struggle to succeed.

Web admins and online marketing experts employ various marketing strategies to engage potential customers on social networks, banner advertisements, and paid advertisements.

The internet has played a vital role in making data available to everyone, making it possible to target customers based on their demographics and social media profiles. Thus, from these intriguing and up-to-date e-commerce marketing topics, you can choose the most suitable one for your own dissertation project.

Topic 1: E-commerce and the importance of search engine rankings for businesses

Research Aim: This research will identify the importance of search engine ranking for e-commerce businesses.

Topic 2: Investigating internet marketing strategies employed by traditional retailers

Research Aim: This research will explore and evaluate the internet marketing strategies undertaken by businesses.

Topic 3: Retaining customers by employing e-commerce: A case study of the UK fashion industry

Research Aim: This research will explore the ways through which e-commerce businesses can retain their customers. A specific focus of this study will be the UK Fashion industry.

Topic 4: Wholly online or one foot in both worlds – The advantages and disadvantages of the two commonly employed marketing strategies - online and conventional models

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand the pros and cons of two main marketing strategies employed by companies. Also, this research will study businesses that run both online and traditional businesses.

Topic 5: To investigate internet marketing strategies employed by e-commerce retailers

Research Aim: This research will understand the internet marketing strategies undertaken by e-commerce retailers.

Topic 6: Understanding the effect of customer behaviour on internet marketing strategies

Research Aim: This research will understand how internet marketing strategies change consumer behaviour.

Topic 7: Measuring the success of marketing strategy employed by new e-businesses – A case study of the UK retail industry

Research Aim: This research will aim to measure the success of marketing strategies adopted and employed by companies in the UK retail sector.

Topic 8: Measuring the success of internet marketing strategy employed by traditional businesses – A case study of the airline industry

Research Aim: This research will explore the success of internet marketing strategies employed by traditional businesses in the airline industry of the UK.

Topic 9: The role of original and plagiarism free content in today’s e-marketing strategies

Research Aim: This research will explore an important concept of internet marketing i.e. content marketing. The importance of content quality and authenticity will be evaluated in this study.

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E-commerce Strategy Dissertation Topics

The importance and the role of an effective e-commerce strategy should never be overlooked especially when promoting a product or service. In today’s highly “technology-oriented” world, having an internet presence is considered a requirement.

A well-rounded design can help e-businesses become leaders in their respective industries. Some related topics are listed below:

Topic 1: Evaluating internet marketing strategies employed by existing e-businesses

Research Aim: This research will aim to explore the various internet marketing strategies employed by various existing businesses. The dissertation will identify the most successful online marketing strategies for the last five years in the UK e-commerce industry.

Topic 2: The challenges and opportunities for organisations migrating to the internet

Research Aim: This research will explore the challenges and opportunities that companies come across when transitioning from a traditional to an e-commerce model.

Topic 3: Accident or Design – Do we really have an internet marketing mix model/strategy that is sure to work?

Research Aim: This research will aim to explore whether we really have an internet marketing mix model/strategy that is sure to work or do online marketing strategies become successful by accident.

Topic 4: Investigating the use of customer service in e-commerce to gain a competitive advantage

Research Aim: This research will investigate the role of friendly and efficient customer services in the success of e-commerce strategy

Topic 5: Exploring the most effective aspects of e-commerce strategy in today’s world

Research Aim: This research will outline the most important qualities of an e-commerce strategy to be successful in today’s fast-moving world.

Topic 6: Exploring the various internet business value creation strategies employed by e-businesses

Research Aim: This research will explore and investigate the different internet value creation strategies adopted by e-commerce businesses.

Topic 7: Measuring performance of an e-business marketing strategy

Research Aim: This research will aim to measure the success of an e-commerce strategy implemented by an e-commerce business. This topic can be customised to focus on a specific company or a specific strategy.

Topic 8: Investigating e-business strategies employed by educational institutes in the UK

Research Aim: The educational sector has adopted e-commerce to attract students from around the world. This study will aim to investigate the e-commerce strategies implemented by educational institutes to evaluate their success.

Topic 9: Reviewing the e-business strategies employed by the UK SME’s

Research Aim: This research will compare and analyse the best e-commerce strategy implemented by SMEs in the UK.

Topic 10: How effective e-commerce strategies can help companies in building their brand reputation

Research Aim: This research will understand the various strategies implemented by companies and will conclude whether implementing them helps companies build their brand reputation.

E-commerce Security and Trust Dissertation Topics

The importance of trust and security in e-commerce has greatly increased in recent times, thanks to the growing number of threats that exist on the internet. When companies decide to implement e-commerce models, they entrust their customers that their data and privacy will be protected.

On the other hand, customers also make e-commerce payments trusting the company with their information. Thus, exploring these two essentials of e-commerce will help understand how successful companies have been in assuring customers about their security systems. Here are some commerce trust and security topics for you to choose from.

1. E-Commerce Trust Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: trust in e-commerce – reality or myth.

Research Aim: This research will explore the trust aspect of e-commerce as to whether it really exists or is just a myth.

Topic 2: Investigating data privacy issues in e-commerce and how they affect businesses

Research Aim: This research will explore the data privacy issues in the e-commerce industry and how they affect businesses.

Topic 3: Data Protection Act: Does it help in building trust in e-commerce

Research Aim: This research will understand the data protection act. It will also analyze whether or not it helps businesses to build trust. The research will explore whether changes to this act are required or not.

Topic 4: How has anti-virus technology helped the e-commerce industry?

Research Aim: This research will explore the effectiveness of anti-virus software and whether it has helped protect the e-commerce industry.

Topic 5: Investigating strategies used by retailers to build up trust among potential and existing customers

Research Aim: This research will analyse the strategies utilised by retailers in the UK to build trust among customers.

2. E-commerce Security Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: to identifying the security limitations that led to third party attacks in the past.

Research Aim: This research will analyse the past third-party attacks and will explore the reasons as to why those happened.

Topic 2: An empirical study of e-commerce security, challenges, and solutions

Research Aim: This research will discuss the basics of e-commerce security, the challenges faced by the industry and its solutions.

Topic 3: Investigating strategies employed by e-commerce businesses to enhance the security of e-commerce transactions

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand the various strategies that are employed by e-commerce businesses to enhance the security of e-commerce transactions.

Topic 4: Exploring the effectiveness of encryption in the e-commerce industry

Research Aim: This research will investigate the effectiveness of encryption and the reason why the e-commerce industry adopted it.

Topic 5: Online reputation management: Exploring how e-commerce companies in the UK fashion industry practice it

Research Aim: This research will discuss a relatively new concept, online reputation, and will explore how the UK fashion industry practices it.

E-commerce Usability Dissertation Topics

Not many e-businesses pay enough attention to the usability of their e-commerce website. It should be noted that the complex ordering and navigation system leads to higher bounce rates, leaving companies with very little or no revenue.

Companies should build a user-friendly user interface, or else visitors will prematurely give up and abandon their shopping cart. To explore this aspect of e-commerce, here are some latest research topics:

Topic 1: A comparative analysis of the usability of the world’s leading travel websites

Research Aim: This research will compare the website user interface of leading airlines such as Emirates, Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines, etc.

Topic 2: Evaluating the website design and structure of the leading UK retail stores

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the website design and structure of the leading retail stores in the UK.

Topic 3: Assessing the website usability and design interface of government websites in the U.A.E.

Research Aim: This research will analyse the websites user interface of government-run websites in the United Arab Emirates.

Topic 4: Reviewing user-friendly design options for an e-commerce website for an online clothing store

Research Aim: This research will explore the website UX design options that must be taken into consideration by companies to ensure user-friendliness and smooth flow.

Topic 5: An analysis of the usability of m-commerce applications

Research Aim: This research will discuss and analyse the m-commerce application of the web systems as to how they should be built, keeping user-friendliness in mind.

Topic 6: Customer preferences and behaviour: Should these be considered when building a website?

Research Aim: This research will consider two important aspects of website development – customer preferences and behaviour. The study will discuss the importance of being mindful of consumer behaviour and consumer preferences when building a brand new website.

Topic 7: The impact of poorly designed websites on a company’s revenues

Research Aim: This research will assess the effects of poorly designed websites on a company’s revenues.

Topic 8: Customer satisfaction and usability: Are they both related to the e-commerce?

Research Aim: This research will explore the most important factor related to business, i.e. customer satisfaction and how it relates to website UX designing.

Topic 9: Critically analysing the UX design technologies employed by e-commerce businesses.

Research Aim: This research will critically analyse the current technologies employed by e-commerce businesses.

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E-commerce Law Dissertation Topics

Governments across the globe have reacted slowly to technological advancements being made over the last fifty years. The lobby groups behind large profit-making organisations play a huge part in the e-commerce laws being made.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the Copy Right Act are two classic examples of such laws created to protect the interests of those in power. Consequently, the benefits of the legislation are not being experienced by the general public. Thus, it is worth exploring this aspect of e-commerce. Some suggestions are provided below if you wish to base your e-commerce dissertation on law:

Topic 1: To compare the e-commerce regulations in the United States of America and the European Union for new and existing e-commerce businesses

Research Aim: This research will compare and analyse the e-commerce laws and regulations for new and existing businesses in the United States of America and the European Union,

Topic 2: The role of consumer protection laws in the development of e-commerce – The case of the UAE

Research Aim: This research will explore customer protection laws and their role in the development of e-commerce in the UAE.

Topic 3: Computer Misuse Act 1990: Is it relevant today in the e-commerce industry?

Research Aim: This research will explore the computer misuse act 1990 and whether or not it is relevant today in the e-commerce industry.

Topic 4: Exploring how Brexit will impact the e-commerce laws for companies in the UK

Research Aim: This research will explore the impact of Brexit on the e-commerce industry in the UK and whether or not there will be new laws.

Topic 5: The impact of the American Copyright Act extension on e-commerce

Research Aim: This research will explore the impact of the American Copyright Act extension on e-commerce.

Topic 6: Analysing the impact of international legislation on the e-commerce industry

Research Aim: This research will analyse the impact of international legislation on the e-commerce industry.

Topic 7: Investigating UK’s legislation concerning e-businesses and how it affects businesses

Research Aim: This research will understand how UK legislation has set out e-commerce rules and how it impacts businesses.

Topic 8: Exploring the effectiveness of e-commerce laws and legislation as a deterrent to cyber attacks.

Research Aim: This research will understand whether or not e-commerce laws and legislation act as a deterrent to computer attacks and how effective they have been.

Topic 9: The implications of the Data Protection Act 1988 for e-businesses

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand the implications of the Data Protection Act 1988 for e-commerce businesses of today.

Topic 10: An analysis of the lawfulness of the e-commerce industry

Research Aim: This research will explore in-depth the laws and legislation related to e-commerce and how well they are adopted and implemented by e-commerce businesses.

Mobile E-commerce Dissertation Topics

Studies performed on e-commerce by various researchers reveal that mobile e-commerce will be the next “big thing” in the e-commerce industry.

With smartphones being the emerging and driving force in technology, the use of the internet in today’s world is not limited only to desktops and laptops. All smartphones using android and IOS applications allow users to browse the internet.

Consequently, more and more retailers are upgrading their websites to make them responsive and friendlier to mobile visitors. In this regard, some savvy e-commerce retailers are developing delivery mechanisms that satisfy the new platform’s needs.

Thus, it will be interesting to explore this aspect of e-commerce as it will give an insight into the current e-commerce industry. Here are some interesting mobile e-commerce dissertation topics that you can choose from.:

Topic 1: Wireless security and its effectiveness in the e-commerce Industry

Research Aim: This research will explore the concept of wireless security and how it helps the e-commerce industry.

Topic 2: Analysing the use of m-commerce by customers today – Understanding their adoption pattern

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand the e-commerce adoption rate and what compels customers to move towards m-commerce.

Topic 3: Investigating m-commerce strategies employed airline sector in the UAE

Research Aim: This research will investigate the m-commerce strategies that are employed by the airline sector in the UAE.

Topic 4: Analysing m-commerce innovation in the travel sector of the UK

Research Aim: This research will analyse the quick adoption rate of m-commerce rate in the travel sector in the UK.

Topic 5: Combining the benefits of m-commerce with the benefits of traditional commerce and e-commerce – A study of any multi-national retailer

Research Aim: This research will present a comparative analysis of traditional commerce and e-commerce and how multinationals benefit from it. This topic can be customised to a country or company of your choosing.

Topic 6: The effects of m-commerce on economic development in Europe

Research Aim: There is no doubt that e-commerce and m-commerce have played a huge role in developing economies. This research will investigate the impact of m-commerce on Europe’s economic development.

Topic 7: Trust and security issues in m-commerce: How companies can overcome them

Research Aim: This research will present some major trust and security issues associated with m-commerce and explore how companies can overcome these challenges.

Topic 8: The impact of m-commerce user interface on companies’ revenues

Research Aim: This research will first understand the importance of user interface in m-commerce and will then assess its impact on the company’s profitability.

Topic 9: Understanding the role and importance of data security in m-commerce – How it can be ensured

Research Aim: Just like e-commerce, m-commerce also has its own data security issues. This research will understand the role of the importance of data security and discuss how it can be ensured.

Topic 10: Generating revenue through m-commerce – Challenges and opportunities

Research Aim: This research will understand the challenges and opportunities associated with revenue generation through m-commerce.

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Important Notes:

As a student of e-commerce looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing e-commerce theories – i.e., to add value and interest in your research topic.

The field of e-commerce is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like business , marketing , management , and even project management . That is why it is imperative to create an e-commerce dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best e-commerce dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and can also be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample e-commerce dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your E-commerce Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analyzing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths while identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analyzed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is establishing the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Make sure to complete this following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a UK based academic writing service that provides help with Dissertation Proposal Writing , Ph.D. Proposal Writing , Dissertation Writing , Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject they specialize in.

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How to find dissertation topics about e-commerce.

For E-commerce dissertation topics:

  • Examine emerging trends in online business.
  • Investigate consumer behavior and preferences.
  • Analyze impacts of technology on E-commerce.
  • Explore security and privacy concerns.
  • Study E-commerce strategies and marketing.
  • Choose a specific area aligning with your expertise and curiosity.

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PhD in Commerce: Requirements, Salary, and More

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  • Updated on  
  • Jan 20, 2024

PhD in Commerce: Colleges, Requirements, and More

Diving into the intricate technicalities of the fields of Commerce and Business, Management and Finance, Actuarial Science and Taxation, and everything in between, a PhD in Commerce is one of the highest academic qualifications. The duration of a PhD in Commerce is 3 years and the basic eligibility is a master’s degree in a closely related discipline and some university might also ask for scores of certain entrance exams like UGC-NET. The major universities and colleges for PhD in Commerce in India include the University of Delhi, IGNOU, Jamia Milia Islamia, etc. while you can explore top universities abroad as well. Read this blog to know all about a doctorate in Commerce, its eligibility, specialisations and topics, subjects, top universities, salary, jobs and more.

DegreeDoctorate Level
Duration3 years
Basic EligibilityA master’s degree
Entrance ExamUGC-NET, SLET, GATE, GRE, etc.
Average Fees
(India & Abroad)
INR 20,000 to upto 50 Lakhs
Salary₹979,592 (Payscale)
JobsBusiness Analyst
Operations and Research Analyst
Chief Financial Officer
Technical Writing

This Blog Includes:

About phd in commerce, phd in commerce specializations, phd in commerce colleges in india, phd in commerce abroad, phd in commerce career and salary.

Counted amongst the popular courses for commerce students , as a candidate for PhD in Commerce, you can choose a subfield including, but not limited to Accounting, Marketing, Taxation, Human Resources, Strategy, IT Management, Consulting, and Finance. Furthermore, since these commerce subjects are quite vast in themselves, you are required to pick a deep-lying and relevant topic of research that accentuates their strong points. While the duration of a PhD varies according to the country of an institution, most have an average length of 3-8 years . Important components in this respect include:

  • Research Projects
  • Relevant Coursework
  • Teaching Practicum
  • Examinations
  • Surveys, which together contribute towards the preparation of a long and comprehensive dissertation.

Must Read: PhD After MCA

While the topics chosen by a PhD in Commerce student may differ as per his inclinations, here are a few broad topics/specialisation choices you can expect to explore during your course:

  • International Financial Reporting
  • Strategic Cost Management
  • Business Forensics
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Audit Technology
  • Capital Markets-based Accounting Approach
  • Revenue Management
  • Business Intelligence
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Market Volatility

PhD in Commerce is a popular course in India and is offered by many top colleges and universities such as the University of Delhi, IGNOU, Rama University, and more. Let’s first take a look at the popular universities and colleges for PhD in Commerce in India:

  • University of Delhi
  • Indira Gandhi University of Open Learning (IGNOU)
  • Delhi School of Economics
  • Amity University, Jaipur
  • SRM University, Delhi
  • Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
  • St.Xavier’s College, Kolkata
  • Loyola College
  • Christ University, Bangalore

Owing to widespread interest in commerce and its related subfields of accounting, management, business, marketing, etc the specializations or tracks, if offered, may vary drastically. Here we list down a few of the top universities offering a PhD in Commerce apart from the seven Ivy League institutions, the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford , which have been recurrently recognised for their quality of education, expert faculty, bright career prospects and more.

Top Universities for PhD in Commerce Abroad

Here are the top universities for PhD in Commerce abroad:

AustraliaPhD in Accounting
PhD in Actuarial Studies
PhD in Management
PhD in Marketing
CanadaPhD in Business Administration in Accounting
PhD in Business Administration in Finance
PhD in Business Administration in Management Information Systems
Hong KongPhD {Faculty of Business & Economics}
UKPhD Management Research
USAPhD in Management
UKPhD in Business & Management
PhD in Developmental Policy & Management
PhD Fashion Marketing & Management
NetherlandsPhD in Management
AustraliaPhD in Management
PhD in Accounting
PhD in Banking & Finance
PhD in Marketing
PhD in Risk & Actuarial Studies
PhD in Taxation & Business Law

PhD in Commerce Abroad Requirements

Here are the major requirements for PhD in Commerce in India:

  • The student must have completed a master’s degree in Commerce or an MPhil with a minimum of 55% marks from a recognised university.
  • Many universities in India also require applicants to qualify for the UGC-NET exam for admission into a PhD in the specialisation of Commerce.
  • Work experience of 2-4 years is also preferred thought not mandatory.

In order to study abroad in a PhD in Commerce program, one is required to follow a few steps.

  • If the university requires, you may have to get in touch with the prospective supervisor or professor beforehand whom you intend to work with.
  • In addition to that, preparing a strong research proposal that underlines your future research inclinations is also important.
  • Official GRE or GMAT and IELTS or TOEFL scores along with copies of official transcripts, CV, SOP, and LOR may also be required.
  • If you are planning to pursue a dual degree, then you can read our blog on Integrated Ph.D . to know more.

From Academia to Private companies, the employment opportunities after obtaining a PhD in Commerce largely depends on the specialisation you choose. Some of the popular work areas and profiles have been given a rundown below:

Areas of Employment

  • Commercial Banks
  • Insurance Companies
  • Financial Institutions like SIDBI, EXIM Banks, etc.
  • Brokerage Firms
  • Stock Exchanges
  • Regulatory Bodies
  • Insurance Corporations
  • International Organisations like World Bank, IMF, Asian Development Bank, etc.
  • Business Analyst
  • Lecturer/Professor/Academician
  • Operations and Research Analyst
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Technical Writing
  • Big Data Analyst
  • Investment Banker
  • Portfolio Management Specialist
  • Financial Analyst
  • Statistician
  • Risk Analyst
  • Equity Research Analyst

The average salary of a PhD in Commerce graduate is ₹979,592, i.e. around 9.8 Lakhs approx. per annum in India. While the average stipend for PhD abroad is INR 35-45 Lakh per annum.

Related Articles:

Yes, you can do a PhD in commerce which is a 3-8 years long course. It gives you a deeper knowledge of commerce and accounting.

You can select any specialization offered by the university/organization. Some of the popular ones are as follows: Project Management Business Administration Entrepreneurship Finance Marketing Management, Organization & Leadership Accounting Public Administration

Yes, you can do PhD in Commerce after MCom, provided your academic qualifications match the criteria set by the university you plan to join.

Yes, if you want to pursue a PhD course in India, then UGC NET is mandatory. However, no such requirement is there if you want to pursue this course from abroad.

If you intend to pursue a PhD in Commerce but feel hesitant as to how to go about the whole process, consult our team of experts. Many Indian students dream of pursuing education in foreign nations due to the exposure and career growth they offer. Consider joining a free counselling session with Leverage Edu if you plan to study abroad . 

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Want to know more about PhD after mcom

Hi, Pradyumn! Related content: PhD in Commerce PhD in Accounting MBA in Delhi University For more help reach us at 1800 57 2000!

Looking for Phd in commerce subhect from abroad

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Want to know more about PhD

Hello Zainab, We see that you are wanting to know more about the PhD course. Sharing with you one of our tip searches and guide on PhD courses for aspirants: https://leverageedu.com/blog/phd/ . You can even get in touch with one of the experts at 1800572000 and can book a free e-meeting with them to kickstart your PhD journey in abroad.

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PhDResearch Topics

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PhD Research Topics

Of course, the PhD topics of your doctorate are very important on which you do your project and write a research paper. When you select your PhD topics you must have a clear idea of what your doctoral dissertation will look like. In PhD topics, there are a few false impressions and indefinite throughout everyplace 'topics', and numerous PhDs assume that all they need is the overall theme, to begin with, their research from starting your PhD topics ... If you have ideas to choose your PhD topics, if you "work" on it and invest a lot of time, you will create one for yourself and you will be successful! you have a reasonable thought regarding what your PhD journey will be about. In any case, you despite everything need to pound out solid examination addresses that will assist you with organizing your exploration. By and by, settling on a theme and working out your exploration questions goes connected at the hip. Read more

How to choose a PhD topic

Basically, scholars need to know.

PhD topic selection is an important process and the one in which scholars get confused

Good PhD research Topics

Current research topics.

Select a topic in the area which you are interested in, and have more knowledge about.

Be confident with what you choose.

Choose topics that create impact or change by the research.

Be particular about what you are going to choose.

Steps to follow for choosing a PhD Topic

  • 1 Basic research is done in a particular area
  • 2 Following this do a search about products and techniques
  • 3 Explain the gaps in research and the solutions obtained to overcome
  • 4 Chapter Writing
  • 5 This explains to the reader why the topic was chosen and the need for the topic, improvements made in the topic.

Chapter Models

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Model and Implementation

Chapter 3 - Methodology

Chapter 4 - Analysis of data obtained

Chapter 5 - Body of the research

Select a unique area of research

Topic should make the reader to read the article

Choose flexible topics

Topic should be ease to implement

The main topic should cover overall ideas and concepts of the paper

A topic tells the main idea of a paragraph.

The first part of the topic should explain the idea and the rest explains the technique

Describe the working of the research

State the seriousness of the problem

Propose a solution for the problem

Describe the benefits of the research

Summarize the problem and solution

Research topics in Engineering

Mechanical engineering.

  • Machine design
  • Engineering materials
  • Designing, manufacturing, and robotics
  • Mechatronics
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Nanotechnology

Architecture engineering

  • Heritage and conservation
  • Landscape design
  • Technology and sustainability in architecture

Aeronautical and Aerospace engineering

  • Space flight mechanism
  • Aerodynamics
  • Computational aerodynamics it's designing
  • Experimental aerodynamics

Chemical engineering

  • Polymers and complex fluids
  • Sustainable energy
  • Catalysis and reactions

Instrumental engineering

  • Soft computing techniques
  • Automated analysis & understanding of biological cells
  • Combustion stability monitoring
  • Research on wind turbines

Civil engineering

  • Design construction and integration
  • Engineering informatics and simulation
  • Sensing, monitoring, and controlling intelligent systems
  • Innovative materials

Electronics and communication engineering

  • Fiber optic communication
  • Embedded systems
  • Nano-electronics
  • Human area network
  • Marine engineering

Computer science and engineering

  • Software engineering and programming
  • Computational intelligence
  • Computer graphics
  • Human-centered computing
  • Internet and web computing
  • Mobile and cloud computing
  • High-performance computing
  • Complier optimization
  • Data mining

Industrial Engineering

  • Optimization
  • Production planning and logistics
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Analytics and statistics
  • Education, case studies
  • Information system for production and management

Automobile engineering

  • Biomechanics
  • Designing and manufacturing

Biomedical engineering

  • Regenerative engineering
  • Cell & Molecular Imaging and bio-photonics
  • Neural engineering

Topics for research

Start to study thoroughly on selected research topics.

If you are doing more detailed research when looking for a Phd. Articles, books, and other sources for research want to change or refine your research topic based on your results. The topic development process will help you improve your writing and research skills and you will need to prepare the suggested answers for your research questions. Then you are ready to use the resources found and use the various sources effectively depending on your dissertation and answer your research problems

PhD Topic in Commerce

We are a group of companies and economies that include all the activities that lead to the transformation of goods and services from products to clients in PhD topics. For many years PhD topics in e-commerce have been the fastest-growing commercial industry

Many universities offer specialized PhD degrees in Commerce. At the graduate level. PhD topics in Commerce include international marketing, accounting, finance, marketing, or project management.

The work degree is designed to provide the multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills required in the modern work world.

  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Commercial and International Economic Law
  • Management and Commerce
  • Doctor of Business Administration - Marketing

Base paper Implementation

A base paper is an example project report or a paper that has been distributed by an earlier researcher, that researchers use as reference material for finishing their PhD postulation. The thoughts introduced in the base papers are additionally investigated for a new understanding.

Write a Base paper for Implementation

For good result.

The research and result of the study must be consistent.

Plan and Process

The use of basic text should be similar to the function used as a guide. This is especially true for experimental surveys.

Research on the main work must be on the same topics. For example, research information can be used for analysis to solve a problem. This will ensure that the source code is updated.

The details in the main document should be clear and easy to understand in terms of modules, graphics, and diagrams.

The language used in the paper should be well researched and appropriate to a particular area of knowledge. This will help the scientist understand the range of technical terms that can be used. In addition, the base and shape of the paper should be in line with the appropriate style.

Thesis Writing

Every section of a proposal is imperative and similarly important. While all topics request equivalent consideration, the degree of trouble that they present for each researcher may vary. A few up comers discover the writing audit part is almost overwhelming; for others, information examination ends up being the fault list.

Research topics in technology

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Gold mining
  • Assistive technology
  • Information technology
  • Space exploration
  • Technological innovation

Research topic in medicine

  • Health care
  • Food and nutrition
  • Women health
  • Addiction and substance abuse
  • Disease and disorders
  • Mental health

Research topic in Management

  • Corporate planning
  • Financial management and accounting
  • Human resource management
  • Innovation and technology

PhD research topics in education

  • Transformative learning
  • Developing learner autonomy
  • Development education
  • Critical pedagogies

Research topics in Science

  • Neurobiology
  • Rapid-acting anti-depressants
  • Molecular Pharmacology
  • The evaluation of Health Impacts in Low and Middle-income Countries
  • Dementia Care through Community-Based Activity
  • Health and Green Space
  • Public Health based on the quality of drinking water

Research topics in mathematic

  • Algebra, Combinatory, and Geometry
  • Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
  • Applied Analysis
  • Mathematical Biology
  • Mathematical Finance
  • Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
  • Topology and Differential Geometry

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  • PhD Topics Selection
  • Thesis Writing & Editing
  • Research Methodology
  • PhD Scholarship
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Top 10 Selenium Project Ideas 2024

Automation testing plays a very important role in the success of modern software applications, allowing efficient and error-free web development. Coming to the automation tools for the web, Selenium comes first, standing out among the most popular and versatile frameworks that already exist. Assuming the year 2024 , hands-on experience with Selenium will contribute a lot to your portfolio value and job prospects.

Table of Content

What is Selenium and Automation Testing?

Why selenium projects are crucial for learning, top 10 selenium project ideas for 2024, 1. automated e-commerce testing, 2. social media website testing, 3. web scraping using selenium, 4. automated form filling, 5. selenium testing on multiple browsers, 6. testing a blog or cms system, 7. login automation with otp verification, 8. automated file uploading system, 9. automating a flight booking system, 10. automating a chatbot interaction.

To get you started, hereby are the Top 10 Selenium Project Ideas in 2024 that will test your resolve and also prepare you for real-world challenges in web automation .

Selenium is an open-source automation framework mainly used for testing web applications in different browsers. It consists of a set of tools: Selenium WebDriver , Selenium Grid , and Selenium IDE are the prominent ones. Each of these provides specific functionalities: driving browsers is done through Selenium WebDriver , running parallel executions can be done with Selenium Grid , and record-and-playback functionality is available in Selenium IDE .

That gives great flexibility because it supports a wide range of programming languages , including but not limited to Java , Python , C# , and JavaScript . It also has compatible browsers, including but not limited to Google Chrome , Mozilla Firefox , Microsoft Edge , and Safari . Automation of repetitive test cases cuts the effort of manually doing it over and over again; hence, with Selenium , test cycles have gotten quicker.

With Selenium , it is such a vast tool, and you can only get so far with the theory. You need to do projects for practical, hands-on work to deeply understand its capabilities. Working on real-world projects helps you:

  • Improve problem-solving skills : Projects introduce real-world challenges, such as handling dynamic content, managing cookies, and testing responsive designs.
  • Understand the integration with CI/CD pipelines : Most projects ask you to integrate Selenium with continuous integration/continuous delivery , like Jenkins .
  • Master web automation frameworks : Most projects involve creating or extending a testing framework like TestNG , JUnit , or PyTest that helps you learn the best practices in automation.
  • Exposure to advanced features : Working upon advanced functionalities, starting with cross-browser testing and multi-tab scenario handling, in Selenium projects are considered key testing in the modern context.


E-commerce websites are rich in functionality, and hence, the best candidates for Automation Testing . In this project, you will be automating a user role test case, such as product search, adding items to the cart, checkout, and verification of the order confirmation page.

Detailed Breakdown :

  • Search Automation : Automate the search for any product using a search bar. Write tests for the validation of whether the correct product page opens after searching.
  • Add to Cart : Emulate adding several items to the cart and drive automation for the verification of the content of the cart – quantities and total.
  • Checkout Process : Automate the process of filling out forms based on user details, payment methods, and verification with regard to successful checkout using the generation of a receipt.

This project will give you experience in the testing of dynamic elements and how to handle various scenarios regarding product availability and fluctuating prices.

Social media platforms introduce a number of features that involve signing in and out, posting content, messaging people, and giving notifications. Automated processes like these will help you build experience in handling user sessions and interactive elements.

  • Login and Session Management : Implement the automation of login with valid and invalid credentials. Handling of cookies and sessions of different users.
  • Automation Post : Automate posting status, photos, or videos. Verify that the posted post is appearing well in the timeline and interactions – likes and comments work accordingly.
  • Testing Notifications : Emulate the user interactions—for example, new message arrival or friend request—and ensure the notification shows up appropriately.

Social media websites testing is going to expose you to a great deal of dynamic content and time-sensitive notifications.

Though Selenium is normally used for the testing of web applications , it is also a very good tool for web scraping . In this project, data will be scraped from any given website and stored in a structured format.

  • Dynamic Content Handling : Pages that make use of JavaScript are known to load content dynamically. The automation of scrolling and fetching new data as it appears is done here.
  • Scraping Tables and Lists : Allow the automation of data extraction from tables, dropdowns, or other structured HTML elements. It stores data in CSV format or in a database.
  • API Integration : Integrate Selenium with an API to upload the data it scrapes into a web service or application.

This project will teach you the skills to work with dynamic content and show you how Selenium can be a strong web-scraping tool.

The project is about filling out forms, which many websites require when one is trying to register for something, contact, or leave feedback. In such a case, automation will save time in doing the tasks over and over again; hence, it’s a very good project to learn from.

  • Form Field Automation : Automate form filling by searching for elements that contain text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, and dropdowns. Provide full submission capability of the form.
  • Validation Testing : Write automated tests to verify that invalid input throws an error and displays validation messages.
  • Captcha Handling : In this section, discuss how to handle Captchas , keeping in mind that—typically—bypassing them violates ethical web scraping practices. For your project, you can simulate a form with or without Captcha for the purposes of testing.

Form automation is one of the basic skills for testers faced with user input and validation.

The world today needs testimony to cross-browser compatibility . Testing one website across different browsers such as Chrome , Firefox , Safari , and Edge is involved to maintain consistency in the user experience of this project.

  • Automation in Browsers : Configure Selenium WebDriver for automating tests across browsers. Use Selenium Grid for running tests parallelly.
  • Responsive Design Testing : Automate testing of websites on different screen resolutions and aspect ratios, ensuring compatibility with responsive designs.
  • Multi-platform Testing : Extend the project to test a combination of desktop and mobile using mobile emulators.

This project provides valuable experience in cross-browser compatibility , one of the most important initiatives required in web development .

Most blogging platforms and content management systems (CMS ), such as WordPress or Drupal , have inbuilt features that can be automated. In this project, testing will involve creating a user login, creating posts, posting comments, and searching blog content.

  • User Authentication Testing : Automate the login/logout functionality for different kinds of user roles, such as admins, authors, and regular users.
  • Content Management : Automate the creation, editing, and deletion of posts; verify whether changes show up in the UI accordingly.
  • Comment Testing : Automate the process of submitting and moderating comments. Ensure comment moderation is working as expected according to user roles.

This project provides experience in testing various aspects of CMSs: security, content workflows, and user roles.

With verification through a One-Time Password (OTP) , the automation of login is quite a practical project to handle advanced mechanisms of authentication. This project automates the login processes that require an OTP via email or through SMS.

  • Login Automation : Automatically log in the user with valid credentials.
  • OTP Handling : Intercept OTP by automating it via email or SMS. Automate the retrieval of OTP and send it for submission to complete the login process.
  • Error Handling : Emulate tests of failed OTP submissions and check that the correct error messages are displayed.

This will be a great exercise in learning how to handle advanced authentication processes.

File uploading is a common feature found on the internet, from job portals to e-commerce sites to social media. The automation of a file upload on a website is realized with this project.

  • File Upload Automation : Automate locating the file upload button, selecting files from the local system, and submitting them.
  • File Format Validation : Provide automation tests to check the file format, size limits, and how the system reacts when an unsupported file is introduced.
  • Post-upload Verification : After the file has been uploaded, verify it visually or textually on the webpage.

This project provides an in-depth level of handling file input fields and validation of file uploads .

Flight-booking websites offer a range of functionalities to users, including selecting dates, searching for flights, choosing seats, and filling in passenger information. Automating this process can be a good learning exercise.

  • Flight Availability Search Automation : Automate the search for available flights based on source, destination, and date range.
  • Booking Process : Automate the selection of a flight, fill in passenger information, and confirm the booking.
  • Price Validation : Ensure that the correct price is shown throughout the booking process, inclusive of taxes and other possible fees.

This project teaches you how to handle complex user flows with dynamic content.

The goal of this project is to automate interactions with chatbots , which have recently become a common feature on many websites. The project simulates user queries and responses in real-time.

  • Automated User Queries : Automate the process of sending queries to the chatbot and verify whether the correct responses appear.
  • Session Handling : Automate maintaining chat sessions and verify that the bot keeps context across multiple questions.
  • Automate Complex Queries : Emulate handling complex queries that involve multi-step processes or decision trees in conversation flow.

This project introduces you to the emerging field of conversational UI testing , which is gaining more importance as chatbots become more prevalent.

Completing these top 10 Selenium project ideas for 2024 will equip you with valuable automation skills and provide real-world problem-solving experience. Regardless of your skill level—whether you’re a beginner learning basic automation or an advanced tester tackling complex scenarios—these projects will challenge you and make learning rewarding. From e-commerce testing to chatbot automation , these projects will help you gain essential skills in web automation and testing .

Top 10 Selenium Project Ideas 2024 – FAQs

Why should i learn selenium for web automation.

Selenium is the most widely used tool for web automation because it supports multiple browsers, programming languages, and has a large community for support. It’s open-source and flexible, making it one of the most important tools for testers and developers.

How do I get started with Selenium projects?

Have a fair understanding of Selenium WebDriver and any programming language used with it, such as Java or Python . Select a project concept, start by creating simple test cases, and gradually progress to more complex automation tasks.

How important are cross-browser testing skills?

Cross-browser testing is important because a web application needs to work correctly across different browsers and devices. Automating tests for cross-browser compatibility ensures a consistent user experience.

Can Selenium be used for mobile app testing?

Selenium was designed for web applications , but you can use Appium , which extends Selenium WebDriver to support mobile app testing .

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  6. Fashion Ecommerce Website || Web Development Project #reactjsproject #reactjs


  1. 100 Research Topics In Commerce Field

    E-commerce. Online Retail Trends: Research could explore the latest trends in online retail, the impact of mobile shopping, and strategies for enhancing the online shopping experience. E-payment Systems: Investigating the security and efficiency of electronic payment systems, the adoption of cryptocurrencies, and the future of cashless transactions could be compelling research topics.

  2. Research Areas

    In the application you must indicate your top three choices of research areas, in order of preference, from the topics listed below. Top applicants will be matched with faculty-designed research project based on their indicated interests. 1. Corporate Social Responsibility research explores business impact of delivering economic, social, and ...

  3. Top 100 Research Topics in Commerce Field for Students

    Commerce is the exchange of goods and services between people, businesses, or governments. It includes: Trade: Exchanging goods or services for money. Distribution: Getting products to consumers. Marketing: Promoting and selling products. Finance: Managing money and transactions. Transportation: Moving goods and people.

  4. 21+ Best And Interesting Research Topics For Commerce Students

    Importance Of Research In Commerce Studies. Here are some importance of research in commerce studies: 1. Informed Decision-Making. Research in commerce studies provides the information needed to make smart choices, ensuring decisions are based on facts rather than guesswork, which is essential for success. 2.

  5. [100+] COMMERCE Research Topics For College Students ...

    COMMERCE Research Topics For Students. Sr. No. Research Topic. Check Thesis. 1. Institutional finance for industrial development in India a study of the role of development banks. Click Here. 2. Accounting and financial control in Panchayat system in West Bengal A case study of Nadia District.

  6. Research Topics

    Electronic commerce. Economics of information and information systems. Healthcare information systems. Management of technology. Manufacturing systems, planning and strategy. Supply chain management. Telecommunication and network modeling and analysis. Applications of operations research and other optimization techniques to areas such as ...

  7. PhDs in Business & Management: Five Hot Research Topics

    Here, course leaders identify five of the most in-demand areas of business research. 1. Managing technology & innovation. "Management of innovation and technology is of particular importance right now," says Sabatier. "Questions about R&D, strategy and business models, and innovation are very important both from a theoretical and ...

  8. Presenting a PhD research proposal: A guide for commerce students

    This paper provides commerce PhD students with advice on how to structure research proposals. In particular, the paper addresses the question: How should a PhD candidate in entrepreneurship (or another commerce discipline) present a research proposal? The paper guides students through the various stages of proposal writing.

  9. PDF Presenting a PhD research proposal: A guide for commerce students

    This paper1 provides commerce PhD students with advice on how to structure research proposals. In particular, the paper ... this topic? 4) Is the project feasible: do you have a realistic idea of

  10. Presenting a PhD research proposal: A guide for commerce students

    Abstract and Figures. This paper¹1 This paper is an extended version of the guide initially produced by the author for the mobile application, Postgraduate Thesis Supervisor, which is freely ...

  11. Your complete guide to a PhD in Commerce

    Typical courses in a Commerce degree might include: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics: Understand market behaviour and broader economic trends. Business Statistics: Analysing business data for decision-making. Corporate Finance: Funding sources and capital structure decisions. Business Law: Legalities of running and establishing businesses.

  12. Top 100 Research Topics In Commerce Field

    Here are 100 research topics in commerce field: The Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail Businesses. Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping Environments. Strategies for Enhancing Customer Loyalty in E-commerce. The Role of the Social Media in the Marketing Strategies for E-commerce Businesses. Globalization and Its Effects on International ...

  13. Top 24 Commerce Project Topics & Ideas in 2024 [For Freshers]

    A few more project topics for commerce students or commerce related topics for project are listed below: 13. SWOT Analysis of an MNC. SWOT is a innovative activities for commerce students which will serves as a powerful strategic tool for carefully examining and strategizing projects.

  14. Top 20 Project Topics for Commerce Students in 2024

    Such project topics for BCom students include research methods such as: Analysis of e-commerce sales data. Surveys of customer preferences and behaviours. Case studies about successful e-commerce businesses. 3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Customer Perception.

  15. The Ultimate Guide to a PhD In Commerce

    PhD in Commerce is a research-based degree. It is also a postgraduate program, which means that it can be pursued at the University or College level. A PhD in Commerce can be pursued at either an Australian or New Zealand university, depending on your country of origin. The duration of study for this degree is 3 -5 years (6-9 semesters).

  16. e-commerce PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    PhD opportunities with the Institute for Digital Technologies at Loughborough University London. The Institute for Digital Technologies offers research expertise and experience in a wide range of subject areas. Our academics are leading research in their field and are extremely well-networked with professionals in a range of industries and sectors.

  17. PhD in Commerce Subjects & Syllabus

    PhD Commerce Projects. When pursuing the PhD in Commerce, the students are expected to work on a research project in their final semester. The PhD project topics in Commerce are decided by the students based on their specialization. Listed below are the list of PhD topics in Commerce previously researched by the students:

  18. How to Choose a PhD Research Topic

    Consider several ideas and critically appraise them: You must be able to explain to others why your chosen topic is worth studying. You must be genuinely interested in the subject area. You must be competent and equipped to answer the research question. You must set achievable and measurable aims and objectives.

  19. E-commerce Dissertation Topics and Titles

    E-commerce Dissertation Topics for 2020. Topic 1: Analysing the impact of e-commerce strategies on building better relationships with customers: A case study of the UK fashion industry. Topic 2: Assessing the impact of unique website attributes on consumer buying pattern: A case study of Amazon and eBay.

  20. Top 8 e-Commerce Research Topic Ideas

    Top E-commerce Research Ideas. To ensure your eCommerce research paper captures attention and relevance, it's essential to focus on the most pertinent topics in the industry. We've compiled a list of potential topics that can significantly enhance the chances of your research paper's success: 1. Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping ...

  21. PhD in Commerce: Requirements, Salary, and More

    Diving into the intricate technicalities of the fields of Commerce and Business, Management and Finance, Actuarial Science and Taxation, and everything in between, a PhD in Commerce is one of the highest academic qualifications. The duration of a PhD in Commerce is 3 years and the basic eligibility is a master's degree in a closely related discipline and some university might also ask for ...

  22. PhD Research Topics: Find the List of PhD Topics for your Research

    PhD topics in Commerce include international marketing, accounting, finance, marketing, or project management. The work degree is designed to provide the multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills required in the modern work world. Doctor of Philosophy. Commercial and International Economic Law. Management and Commerce.

  23. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Department of Commerce

    Shodhganga. The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET. Maharshi Dayanand University.

  24. Top 10 Selenium Project Ideas 2024

    Top 10 Selenium Project Ideas for 2024 1. Automated E-Commerce Testing. E-commerce websites are rich in functionality, and hence, the best candidates for Automation Testing. In this project, you will be automating a user role test case, such as product search, adding items to the cart, checkout, and verification of the order confirmation page.