icaew case study november 2021 advanced information

November 2021

Case study course, dgs november 2021 case study course..

What's included?

  • An Introduction to ICAEW Case study.
  • Review of DGS November 2021 Advanced Information (recorded video).
  • Review of Requirement 1 -3 using Substantiate Solutions key facts and practice exam (recorded video).
  • 2 x Mock exams: Mock 2 submitted and professionally marked with detailed feedback.

(Available now)

Mock 1 is attempted during the course review.

Mock 2 should be sent after completing the course review.

Marked script will be returned within 3 days of the submission deadline.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

[email protected]

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction to Case study workbook (98:42) Preview
  • Review of DGS November 2021 Advanced Information (100:07) Preview
  • Analysis of requirement 1 (72:41) Start
  • Analysis of requirement 2 (83:56) Start
  • Analysis of requirement 3 (68:20) Start
  • Mock 2 exam with feedback Start

Choose a Pricing Option

Dgs november 2021 case study review, dgs november 2021 case study advanced information review and analysis plus mock exam marking with feedback..

Whats included

1.   Advanced Information review (recorded video)

2.   Requirement 1 - 3 analysis (recorded video)

3.   Key facts sheet

4.   DGS November 2021 Mock 1 exam with marking key

5.   DGS November 2021 Mock 2 exam marked with feedback

FAR - Full Series

Learn how to ace the aca certificate level exams, financial accounting and reporting (far) , classroom tuition, online tuition.

Having scored 92% in the Case Study exam, and winning the ICAEW prize for the highest score in the world, Kieran now teaches students the analytical skills and exam technique required to emulate this success. Under his guidance, one of our students also went on to win the ICAEW prize for the highest score in the world (score of 90%), whilst several others have won national and regional prizes.

You can watch the course introduction and a  FREE SAMPLE CLASS   below.


The course begins by teaching you the methodology for tackling the exam, as well as passing on prize-winning tricks and tips. Kieran provides a detailed walk-through of how you should tackle the Case Study exam, from initial AI analysis through to typing your report on exam day. 

The  next class is an exhibit by exhibit walk-through of the November 2024 AI, clearly demonstrating how each piece of information should be used in the exam. This enables you to understand the AI in an exam focused way.

The following classes  debrief our November 2024 mock exams where Kieran teaches you exactly how you should have read and interpreted the exam as well as how you should have typed your answer, with reference to his prize-winning model answer.​  The classes provide detailed advice as to how you should work through each requirement. This enables you to fully understand how to apply the prize-winning technique to your particular Case Study business and the type of points you should include in your report. 

Classes which are based on the November 2024 AI will be added to the course after the AI has been released. T he release dates for the classes can be found on the course structure document below. 


You can subscribe to all the classes for £395 and enjoy a viewing period of 12 months.

Please click  HERE  to purchase. Once payment has been made, you can view the full course  HERE . ​

Please note that our November  2024  PDF materials are sold separately from the video course .


In the unlikely event that you fail your exam, we will extend your access until you pass your exam. This includes access to any additional content we upload in relation to subsequent Case Study businesses.  There will be no extra cost to you. This reflects our commitment to getting you qualified, as well as the confidence we have in Kieran's track record. 


Our prize-winning Case Study tutor Kieran Doe has developed our Proforma Report and AI Analysis. ​

This includes:

Comprehensive AI analysis which identifies all the key facts and figures, showing where they are likely to appear in the exam.

A proforma report to use in the exam with reminders of the points to include in each section.

A list of probable exam scenarios and a reminder of the key points to include. 


The price of our  AI Analysis and Proforma Report PDF d ocument is £75. You can purchase using a credit or debit card below from 1 October .

You will receive an email containing a link to download the PDF document within 5 minutes of placing your order. You may print the document for your sole use.

Please ensure that you check your junk mail in case your email settings divert our emails to junk. 


The course begins by teaching you the methodology for tackling the exam, as well as passing on prize-winning tricks and tips. Kieran provides a detailed walk-through of how you should tackle the Case Study exam, from initial AI analysis through to typing your report on exam day.

You are then given the opportunity to put these skills to the test with a series of mock exams based on the November 2024 AI. You will be required to complete the exam in your own time using the ICAEW CBE software and submit this before class. Your tutor will perform a detailed review of your attempt so that class time can be spent coaching you on the specific areas where your report requires improvement. In addition, Kieran will explain exactly how the exam should have been tackled and demonstrate this with his prize-winning model answer. 

The key difference between the Video Course and the Live Course is that the Live Course includes three live classes where your tutor will give you detailed feedback on how and where you need to improve to score a higher mark. 


The tuition fee is £1,100 plus VAT .  This includes: ​

Proforma reports to use in the exam with reminders of the points to include for each section.

AI  analysis document which identifies all the key facts and figures, showing where they are likely to appear in the exam.

A list of probable exam scenarios and a reminder of the key points to include.

Mock exams, marking grids and model answers which demonstrate exactly how you should write your points in the exam.

Access to all our Case Study video classes which are used as a preparatory and revision tool.

Please contact us HERE  for availability and course dates.

In the unlikely event that you fail your exam (we had a 100% pass rate in most recent exams), we will automatically enrol you on subsequent courses until you pass your exam. There will be no extra cost to you. This reflects our commitment to getting you qualified, as well as the confidence we have in our track record. In order for the pass guarantee to apply, you must attend all classes and complete all required work. 


Our prize-winning Case Study tutor Kieran Doe has created our mock exams, marking keys and model answers.​


Mock exam 1 and marking key

Prize-winning model answer which demonstrates exactly how you should structure your report and the points to include​

A sample is included below. 

The price of our  Mock Exam 1 PDF pack is £50 . You can purchase using a credit or debit card below from 1 October . 

You will receive an email containing a link to download the PDF document within 5 minutes of placing your order. 


Mock exam 2  and marking key

The price of our  Mock Exam 2  PDF pack is £50 . You can purchase using a credit or debit card below from 8 October . 


Mock exam 3  and marking key

The price of our  Mock Exam 3 PDF pack is £50 . You can purchase using a credit or debit card below from 31 October . 

5 star transparent _edited.png

Having failed Case Study TWICE, I had seen this course pop up on YouTube whilst I tried to figure out where I was going wrong. Took the plunge to change resource providers and honestly, there are NO words to express how grateful I am! Kieran and the team guide you with a CLEAR and CONCISE approach which really helped me focus on what I needed to improve on and what I was previously doing wrong.

From past failures of 48 & 36 previously, to now a gratifying pass of 74, I am honestly on TOP of the world!!! Don't hesitate - book before its too late, honestly you won't regret it!!!

(Case Study resit student who passed first time with us)

Exam statistics

The pass rates for the Advanced Level exams are shown below.

Exam Sat  Pass Rate %
Case Study 3,277 87.5%
Corporate Reporting 3,291 84.7%
Strategic Business Management 3,010 82.6%

View the summary of results.

Advanced Level Corporate Reporting advance information

The Advanced Level Corporate Reporting exam includes advance information released prior to the exam sitting. This allows you time to become familiar with the information and to undertake any other appropriate research and analysis.

Select the relevant product below, depending on the exam sitting, and proceed to check out to get the product in your ICAEW Bookshelf. You will be able to access this within your exam and see any notes and highlights you’ve made, as well as using the search function.

This document is also available as a standard PDF that you can print and use in your exam sitting.

To access the pdf and for more information on the Corporate Reporting exam, please visit https://www.icaew.com/for-current-aca-students/exam-resources/advanced-level/corporate-reporting-module-study-resources .

Please note: there is an errata sheet for the July 2022 Advanced Level Corporate Reporting advance information. The errata sheet will be available to students within the exam software, and can be downloaded from the Corporate Reporting exam resources page.

Available editions:

November 2023 Corporate Reporting - Advance Information £0.00
July 2024 Corporate Reporting - Advance Information £0.00

Jag's Journey

Sharing my life experiences including the Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA) qualification

ICAEW ACA Case Study – How Much Preparation Is Enough?

The ACA Case Study was an exam I had not heard much about in detail before my time came to prepare for the exam. I was always one to book annual leave to ensure I had enough time to revise for the exams, especially as I would sit three at a time . When asking my work friends how much time I would need to book off for the ACA Case Study exam they would state only a day or two . As a lot of the exam is skills based and dependant on the real exam itself, it is difficult to know whether you have done enough preparation. I therefore thought I would write this blog to hopefully help.

Note : you may also want to refer to ICAEW Case Study Made Easy , ACA Case Study Marking Key as well as ICAEW Software Testing for more help on the ACA Case Study exam.

Check out my  YouTube video  if you would prefer watching to reading!

Table of Contents

Advanced information (ai), past aca case study mock exams, planning sheets, how much preparation is actually needed, how similar are these mocks to the real exam.

The AI is provided six weeks before the ACA Case Study exam. When the AI was released, I of course took a look to see what industry the business was in. For me, it was Beal the magazine company. As expected, I then read the whole AI when I had more time and went through, very slowly, with the highlighter.

Here is a checklist I have pulled together for what information you need to ensure to pull out of the AI:

  • Details of who the report will be from so you can form your disclaimer – join my journey for a draft disclaimer included on the overall timing sheet with a draft structure for the report too
  • Benchmarks/targets/key performance indicators (KPIs) for Requirement 1 – this will give you quick and easy marks in the real exam if you state whether these have been met or not
  • The relevant PY figures from the AI for Requirement 1 – join my journey to receive how I laid this out and set it up for my Case Study as well as a blank template for your own that you can populate and copy in your exam
  • For Requirement 2 and 3 you will need to pull out assumptions and these will come from the AI. The AI should also help you with the calculations for these. For my case study, I was able to pull out at least a page of assumptions from the AI!
  • Business issues and wider context that you can put into any of the exam requirements such as whether the industry is competitive
  • The ethics marks you should be able to easily identify these from the articles at the end of the AI

Something to consider is whether you need to practice past ACA Case Study mock exams. Now, I studied with Kaplan who really did not focus on the real potential exam much at all to begin with. Even when the AI was out, we would still be going through past paper exams. This was very frustrating at the time but in hindsight, it was definitely beneficial .

We actually ended up going through four ACA Case Study mock exams both in class and as homework and then ran through the real AI and two mocks for this too. Given each mock exam is four hours long, this was definitely not fun. However, timing is KEY with this exam and it is very important to nail timing . If you mess up your timings, leading to an incomplete report as a result, this could result in failure . If you need help with timings, join my journey to receive my timings sheet.

I would therefore strongly recommend practicing at least a couple of ACA Case Study mock exams. Not only will it help ensure you are able to stay on top of your timings but another plus is that it does really help you to understand the mark scheme . The more you practice, the more you start to figure out where the marks/”diamonds” come from and how the mark scheme actually works. For example, knowing which figures are in bold and are needed or how conclusions and the Executive Summary needs to be written.

If you have joined my journey, you should also have been sent some blank planning sheets . These were very helpful when I was studying for the ACA Case Study so I thought I would share these. I only really went into detail on this planning sheet for Requirement 1. This requirement is quite predictable based on the AI in the sense that you should be able to grasp whether the areas of interest are revenue, gross profit and operating profit for example.

What is nice is that the AI purposely gives you three years of management accounts. The AI actually gives example analysis of the year-on-year movements too where they use a range of different numbers and movements. This should help you to prepare for Requirement 1 so you can get an idea of what kind of analysis comments , such as revenue mix, may score a “diamond”. However, a lot of this information and the marks are in the real exam so make sure to pull all of this information into your answers.

I thought it would be helpful if I showed you my Requirement 1 planning sheet for Beal so you can get the gist of how I did this:

Essentially for the Requirement 1 planning sheet I would draft it out similarly to how I have done. Include PY comparison figures so you have these to hand such as PY revenue growth or revenue mix. Also ensure to include business issues and wider context points and recommendations . If your AI mentions any benchmarks/targets/KPIs I would note to comment on whether they were met. Additionally, if there are any bank loan covenants to comment on a breach based on overdraft, note this down. A draft conclusion can also be made based on past mark schemes.

In college we did go through and do a few more planning sheets to Requirement 2 and 3 but I did not really use these given the reduction in predictability. It looks like I have more sheets stapled to the Requirement 1 sheet photographed. However, there are all actually blank (sorry to disappoint) . I pulled this together myself but it may be worth going through this with a friend or study buddy . This may speed up time and it does help with this exam if you all write the same!

It does actually sound like I did a LOT of preparation for the ACA Case Study exam. Looking back, I guess I actually did. Here is a list of points that I think you must do :

  • Read the AI and pull out everything I have said above!
  • Practice a couple of past mock exams to time so you can nail timings and understand the mark scheme – depending on how well you do, you may need more practice.
  • Draft a table with the PY figures for Appendix 1 so you can copy this out into the exam and get started almost straight away
  • Practice a mock exam based on your AI . Hopefully you are with a training provider so you have access to this or see the next section for an alternative

Anything else on top of this is just an added bonus , such as the next section of this blog. The Requirement 1 planning sheet is not a must do but it really is worthwhile if you do have the time. You could also draft some standard recommendations for Requirement 2 or 3. I have included a photo of a some I had made below for Beal.

Given the above bullet points, I think you should not need to spend more than a few days on preparing for the ACA Case Study exam outside of college. It is very skills based in terms of how you structure and write your report. Many of the marks are going to be in the real exam so through practice, you should get better at knowing how to pull this out and where to include it in your report.

ACA Simplified/Paradigm Shift Mock Exams

Many of you have probably heard of the ACA Simplified or newly named Paradigm Shift ACA Case Study mock exam pack . I did actually get these for my ACA Case Study exam, where I was given five mock exams. It definitely was not needed to pass but I do think it helped. I did not practice any of these but did read through the mark schemes, understood the calculation workings and took these into the exam with me. Given there are so many mocks, I made a quick reference guide for each mock so I could easily identify the relevant mock.

The reason I wanted the mocks is because I found for my case study Beal that the Requirement 2 and 3 calculations were quite difficult. In all honesty, even though I love Maths and know I am good at it, I did always find these tricky. These mock exams give examples of potential calculations that could come up as well as model appendices to address these. The mocks were therefore helpful in this sense.

The mocks were actually quite similar to the real exam in terms of the scenarios that came up. Such as an increase in the magazine price for one of the requirements. I was able to apply how the calculation was done in the mocks to the real exam. This is likely to be the case given the AI indicates a limited number of potential scenarios and I was given five mocks.

You do need to bear in mind that many of the marks/”diamonds” for the real exam will be based on the information given in the real exam . This of course cannot be predicted and so you cannot just copy the mock answers. The same exam will never come up so application is required and given the time pressure, you do need to know what you are doing. That being said, you can probably copy the business issues and wider context points.

If you have other Advanced Level exams to revise for, try not to get too carried away with the ACA Case Study. SBM also helps with Requirement 1 as there is an overlap with the performance analysis.

I hope this helps and good luck!

  • Pingback: ICAEW Case Study Made Easy - How to Pass ACA Case Study - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: New ICAEW Exam Software Testing Experience - Exciting ACA Case Study Opportunity - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: How To Successfully Pass BST - ICAEW ACA Business Strategy and Technology - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: How Difficult/Hard REALLY are the ICAEW ACA Exams? With ACA Exam Difficulty Ranking and Proven ICAEW ACA Pass Rates - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: The Weekend Before Sitting ACA Advanced Level Exams: Last Minute Tips - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: The Best Order to Sit The ACA Exams - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: How to Make ACA Studying and Working Full-Time Easy - Jag's Journey

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I want to make a subreddit dedicated to the ICAEW professional qualification. I'll build it when we have established a group of members.

Tips and advice for case study?

I’m starting college for case study soon to take the November sitting and wanted to see what everyone’s advice is.

I’ve heard CS is a completely different animal compared to all other exams currently. I know time management will be one of the key tips, but was wondering what other advice you guys have?

I’ll be studying with Kaplan, I know a lot of people look outside their training providers for additional materials (e.g ACA Masters/Cracking Case are the others I’ve heard of), are these beneficial in addition to Kaplan?

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November ICAEW Case study 2021

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Credit for prior learning (CPL)

Credit for prior learning or CPL is our term for exemptions. High quality learning and assessment in other relevant qualifications is appropriately recognised by the award of CPL.

Apply for exams

What you need to know in order to apply for the ACA exams.

The ACA qualification has 15 modules over three levels. They are designed to complement the practical experience you will be gaining in the workplace. They will also enable you to gain in-depth knowledge across a broad range of topics in accountancy, finance and business. Here are some useful resources while you study.

  • Exam results

You will receive your results for all Certificate Level exams, the day after you take the exam and usually five weeks after a Professional and Advanced Level exam session has taken place. Access your latest and archived exam results here.

Training agreement

Putting your theory work into practice is essential to complete your ACA training.

Student support and benefits

We are here to support you throughout your ACA journey. We have a range of resources and services on offer for you to unwrap, from exam resources, to student events and discount cards. Make sure you take advantage of the wealth of exclusive benefits available to you, all year round.

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Do you have a question about the ACA training? Then look no further. Here, you can find answers to frequently asked questions relating to the ACA qualification and training. Find out more about each of the integrated components of the ACA, as well as more information on the syllabus, your training agreement, ICAEW’s rules and regulations and much more.

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ACA Advanced Level exam results published

Author: ICAEW

Published: 29 Aug 2024


In total, 6,050 students sat exams in July, and achieved the following pass rates:

  • Case Study: 87.5%
  • Corporate Reporting: 84.7%
  • Strategic Business Management: 82.6%

Richard Eckersley, ICAEW Head of Assessment, said:

“Congratulations to all ICAEW students who passed their Advanced Level exams, and well done to those students who also received one of our Subject Order of Merit prizes.

“We wish all ACA students the very best of luck with their future studies and their careers.”


First place and the Whinney prize

  • Faye Bottomley, London (KPMG LLP)

Corporate Reporting

First place and the Quilter prize

  • Eleanor Greenwood, Aldershot (Dixon Wilson)

Strategic Business Management

Joint first place and the Walton prize

  • Ryan Betts, Reading (RSM UK Audit LLP)
  • Joseph Gabbott, Poole (Forvis Mazars LLP)

Notes to editors:

Contact: ICAEW media office [email protected], [email protected] or 07812 493 812

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  1. Case Study module study resources

    The Case Study exam will assess your understanding of providing advice on complex business issues in the form of a written report. The scenario may be based on a variety of different organisational structures or operations, and you will be provided with advance information ahead of the exam. The exam is four hours long and will consist of three ...

  2. Case Study November 2021 Advance Information

    The marks in the Case Study are awarded for professional skills, allocated broadly as follows: Assimilating and using information 22.5%. Structuring problems and solutions 22.5%. Applying judgement 22.5%. Drawing conclusions and making recommendations 15.0%. ive and multidisciplinary skills 17.5% Of the total marks available, 15% are awarded ...

  3. Advanced Level Case Study advance information

    The Advanced Level Case Study exam includes advance information released prior to the exam sitting. This allows you time to become familiar with the information and to undertake any other appropriate research and analysis. Select the relevant product below, depending on the exam sitting, and proceed to check out to get the product in your ICAEW ...

  4. Case Study November 2020 Advance Information

    The marks in the Case Study are awarded for professional skills, allocated broadly as follows: Assimilating and using information 22.5%. Structuring problems and solutions 22.5%. Applying judgement 22.5%. Drawing conclusions and making recommendations 15.0%. ive and multidisciplinary skills 17.5% Of the total marks available, 15% are awarded ...

  5. ICAEW ACA Case Study November 2021

    Our Case Study materials, AI analysis, proforma report, mock exams and model answers can be found at https://www.acamasters.com/case-study

  6. PDF Important Information

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION - NOVEMBER 2021 COURSES AND COVID-19 The extent to which Covid-19 restrictions will be lifted in Autumn 21 remains unclear so we are running Online Classroom Live courses only for CR and SBM to the November 21 sitting. We are however aiming to phase in centre classes back in for Case Study. The first three days of the Case ...

  7. Review of DGS November 2021 Advanced Information

    The November 2021 Advanced Information (AI) review should give you an overview of what to expect in the exam and highlight the important aspects that will likely get bullets/ marks. What you need: Printed/ electronic copy of the November 2021 AI. Highlighter to annotate on your AI. Please let me know if you have any questions at enquiries ...

  8. DGS Nov 2021 Case Study course

    An Introduction to ICAEW Case study. Review of DGS November 2021 Advanced Information (recorded video). Review of Requirement 1 -3 using Substantiate Solutions key facts and practice exam (recorded video). 2 x Mock exams: Mock 2 submitted and professionally marked with detailed feedback. (Available now)

  9. 15 ACA Exams Breakdown

    The Case Study exam as mentioned in Part 1 has to be sat last of all the exams. The three Advanced Level exams can be sat in one exam sitting (during either July or November) but essentially the Case Study must be attempted last. I sat exams 13 and 14 together in July (postponed to August due to Covid-19) and 15 in November 2020.

  10. ICAEW Prize-Winning Tutor

    Having scored 92% in the Case Study exam, and winning the ICAEW prize for the highest score in the world, Kieran now teaches students the analytical skills and exam technique required to emulate this success. Under his guidance, one of our students also went on to win the ICAEW prize for the highest score in the world (score of 90%), whilst ...

  11. Exam statistics

    Exam statistics. The pass rates for the Advanced Level exams are shown below.

  12. Advanced Level Corporate Reporting advance information

    The Advanced Level Corporate Reporting exam includes advance information released prior to the exam sitting. This allows you time to become familiar with the information and to undertake any other appropriate research and analysis. Select the relevant product below, depending on the exam sitting, and proceed to check out to get the product in ...

  13. ICAEW ACA Case Study

    Note: you may also want to refer to ICAEW Case Study Made Easy, ... Advanced Information (AI) The AI is provided six weeks before the ACA Case Study exam. When the AI was released, I of course took a look to see what industry the business was in. ... 1 November 1, 2024. 2 November 2, 2024. 3 November 3, 2024. VIEW FULL CALENDAR. Recent Posts.

  14. Advanced Level

    Our telephone support line is open 9-5 Monday - Friday exc. Wednesday 10-5 (UK time) Closed - UK statutory & public holidays. Speak to an advisor on Live Chat. Contact us form. +44 (0)1908 248 250 (option 1) The Advanced Level of the ACA qualification has three exams.

  15. Tips and advice for case study? : r/ICAEW

    Most important thing is learn your case study inside out. Make lists of useful contextual points from it and read the example papers on ICAEW website for past sittings and the examiners comments. Reply reply. Appropriate_News_694. •.

  16. November ICAEW Case study 2021

    November ICAEW Case study 2021. A. Aca2020. 5. How did everyone find case study today? I found calculations okay but requirement 1 tricky due to them not providing much information to work off in terms of revenue, it was all about the revenue bridge. I got a very high ROI at 160% and I got an operating loss for option 2 under POM but a profit ...

  17. ICAEW Advanced Level Case Study Question & Answer Bank July ...

    ICAEW Advanced Level Case Study Question & Answer Bank July 2016 to November 2019 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. ICAEW Advanced Level Case Study Question & Answer Bank July 2016 to November 2019

  18. ACA dates and deadlines

    ACA Professional and Advanced Level exam dates, results dates and exam booking deadlines. ... ICAEW produces two podcast series that count towards your CPD: Accountancy Insights for news from across the profession, and The Tax Track for specialist analysis from the ICAEW Tax Faculty. ... November: Case Study: Tuesday 10 September . 2025 key ...

  19. Approaching the advance information for the Case Study exam

    Article. Published: 15 Sep 2021. This guide is designed to help you understand how to approach the advance information for your Case Study exam. It will cover what the advance information is, what should you do with the advance information before your exam and tips for success. This series of Case Study exam resources will cover everything you ...

  20. How to use the advance information during the Case Study exam

    Tips for success. The following steps will help you use your advance information appropriately in the exam: Produce a detailed summary of the advance information. (See the guide to Requirement one, Requirement two and Requirement three document). Use a highlighter pen and page tags to help you locate key facts and figures.

  21. November ICAEW Case study 2021

    November ICAEW Case study 2021. November ICAEW Case study 2021. Guys, for r1 rev, did you go as far as calculating the rev brigde for every channel? I commented on the discounts, change in AV spend and number of clients and said whether it was volume driven, price driven or both but only did rev brigde calcs for the totals...

  22. Advanced Level exam notices

    The Advanced Level exams are open book. In your exam, you will be able to view all purchased learning materials and permitted texts via the ICAEW Bookshelf. You can also take any relevant hard copy notes into the exam, subject to desk space restrictions. Find out more about permitted texts and using digital materials in an exam.

  23. Corporate Reporting module study resources

    The Corporate Reporting exam will enable you to apply technical knowledge, analytical techniques, and professional skills to resolve compliance and business issues that arise in the context of the preparation and evaluation of corporate reports and from providing audit services. The exam is 3.5 hours long with a pass mark of 50%.

  24. ACA Advanced Level exam results published

    Case Study: 87.5%; Corporate Reporting: 84.7%; Strategic Business Management: 82.6%; Richard Eckersley, ICAEW Head of Assessment, said: "Congratulations to all ICAEW students who passed their Advanced Level exams, and well done to those students who also received one of our Subject Order of Merit prizes.