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தமிழர்களின் உணவு முறை பற்றிய விளக்கம் | Explanation Of The Cuisine Of Tamils?

fast food culture essay in tamil

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In the vibrant mosaic of global cuisines, each has its unique identity, resonating with its people's cultural and historical ethos. Among these, Tamil cuisine stands out with its rich tradition and distinctive flavours, yet often needs to be represented. As we explore the culinary world, it's time to ask: Why is Tamil cuisine not getting the recognition it deserves in the culinary world?

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fast food culture essay in tamil

At the heart of Tamil culture lies a profound connection with food, where culinary practices are not just about sustenance but a celebration of heritage. The Tamils, known for their warm hospitality, often revel in friendly debates over who pays the restaurant bill, symbolising their deep-rooted value of sharing and hosting. These practices are not just customs but narratives of a culture that takes immense pride in its culinary traditions.

This rich culinary history is chronicled extensively in Tamil literature, including the Sangam texts and the ancient Pre-Sangam Tamil grammar book, Tholkapiyam. These works provide insights into a cuisine that is more than just a collection of recipes; it's a cultural expression shaped by specific guidelines on selecting ingredients, cooking methods, spices, utensils, and even the etiquette of serving and eating. The distinctiveness of Tamil cuisine lies in its intricate balance of flavours, an art honed over centuries.

It's imperative to acknowledge that world cuisines, including Tamil cuisine, are dynamic, evolving through migration, conquest, and the influences of colonial and global interactions. This evolution, however, does not dilute the authenticity or the cultural significance of these cuisines. Instead, it enriches them, allowing them to adapt and flourish in diverse environments while retaining their unique identity. Like many others, Tamil cuisine has navigated through these changes, embracing new influences while steadfastly preserving the core of its culinary heritage. This balance of adaptability and tradition makes Tamil cuisine, and indeed all world cuisines, a fascinating study of cultural resilience and diversity.

fast food culture essay in tamil

However, a perplexing trend has emerged in the global culinary landscape. Many restaurants serving authentic Tamil dishes are often labelled under the broad categories of 'South Indian' or 'Sri Lankan' cuisine. While these labels aren't inaccurate, they overlook the rich diversity within these regions. South India alone boasts four distinct culinary traditions, as does Sri Lanka. This generalisation not only dilutes the unique identity of Tamil cuisine but also does a disservice to the culinary diversity of the entire region.

The oversight becomes more glaring considering the significant Tamil diaspora. In the UK and Canada alone, the Tamil population exceeds a million. This substantial presence signifies a need for the correct representation of Tamil cuisine in the global culinary scene. Branding it accurately in restaurants is not just a matter of cultural pride but also a smart business strategy in an era where authenticity in cuisine is highly valued.

The global food industry has evolved, with customers increasingly discerning about the authenticity and uniqueness of their culinary experiences. This shift in customer preferences presents an opportunity for Tamil cuisine to carve out its niche. By branding it correctly, restaurants can attract a wider clientele, including non-Tamils curious about exploring authentic flavours.

In light of this, there's a pressing need for Tamil restaurants globally to re-evaluate their branding strategies. Adopting a tagline such as 'Taste of Tamil Cuisine' could significantly impact how these culinary traditions are perceived and appreciated. It's a call to embrace and showcase the rich culinary heritage that defines Tamil heritage and culture.

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This issue transcends mere labelling; it's about acknowledging and celebrating a culinary tradition that has been a cornerstone of Tamil culture for centuries. Tamil cuisine, with its elaborate feasts and everyday meals, tells the story of a people and their journey through history. It's a narrative steeped in tradition yet vibrant and evolving, much like the Tamils.

As we advocate for the rightful recognition of Tamil cuisine, it's crucial to remember that food is more than just flavours and ingredients. It's an embodiment of culture, history, and identity. In a world where cultural expressions are increasingly homogenised, preserving the uniqueness of culinary traditions becomes imperative.

If you are still trying to be convinced of the merit of Tamil cuisine, the Tamil Institute for Leadership Excellence workshop series has a specific session on Tamil cuisine and how it has evolved over the years with much-needed researched content. I strongly recommend anyone interested in learning more about Tamil Heritage or cuisine to get in touch.  

In conclusion, the time is ripe for Tamil cuisine to claim its rightful place in the global culinary world. It's not just about adding a label or changing a menu; it's about honouring a rich cultural legacy and embracing an identity and a way of life that has been centuries in the making. It's time to acknowledge the rich and diverse Tamil cuisine and give it the recognition it truly deserves. In the world of gastronomy, every flavour, every spice, and every tradition have a unique story to tell, and Tamil cuisine is no exception. Let's relish the flavours and celebrate the culinary identity and heritage of Tamils.

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The Food Culture of the Tamil Region

Published 2021-12-24

  • Food culture ,
  • Tamil culture ,
  • Tamilar hospitality ,
  • Tamil spiritual

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Food production is a science; food preparation is a living art. We prepare food to share with our kith and kin for our earthly and spiritual sustenance. All the great religions teach that food is a Divine blessing and should be treated with respect and immense gratitude.  In Tamilnadu food is a spiritual science with precise prescriptions of how to cultivate, prepare and consume food for physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Our local traditions have several things in common with global traditions. In that light this article presents our food culture through ages with its uniqueness of thanks giving to nature and people.

  • Aarumuga Naavalar, (1964) Auvaiyar Arulicheytha Nalvazhi, Vidhyanupalana Yantrasalai, Chennai.
  • Aykkan, (2017) Alagappar, Alagappa University Book Publishing Department, Karaikudi.
  • Bharathiyar, (1969) Bharathiyar Songs, Sri Lanka Library, Sri Lanka.
  • Chellam, N., & Uma Mageshwari, S., (2021) Food thy be medicine – A perspective from ancient Tamils, International Research Journal of Tamil, 3(3), 7-21. https://doi.org/10.34256/irjt2132
  • Jagannathan K.V., (1985) Porunaatruppadai, Amuthanilayam Limited, Chennai.
  • Jayakanthan, (2015) Thousand in Thought, Volume 2, Srishenbaga Publishing House.
  • Kanimetaviyar, Eladi, (1887) Kalaratna Printing Press, Chennai.
  • Kunrakkudi Adigalar, (2005) Thirukural, Arulnerip Pathippagam, Kunrakkudi.
  • Murugu, K., (2013) Viveka Chindamani Moolamum Uraiyum, Saratha Pathippagam, Chennai.
  • Pillai, Ka.Su., (2015) Thanippaadal Thirattu – Moolamum Uraiyum, Saratha Pathippagam, Chennai.
  • Puliyukesigan, (2010) Purananuru moolamum uraiyum, Sharada Publishing, Chennai.
  • Puliyurkesigan, (2000) Auvaiyar thani paadlkal, Mullai Nilayam, Chennai.
  • Raghavaiyankar, U.V.R., (1923) Text by Akananuru, edited by Srirajagopalaiyankar, Chennai.
  • Saminathiyar, U.V., (1921) Manimegalai, Commercial Printing Press, Chennai.
  • Saminathiyar, U.V., (1935) Puranaanooru moolamum uraiyum, Law Journal Printing Press, Chennai.
  • Sasireha, P., (2021) Religious work of the Nayanmars who volunteered for the sacred offering of Food, International Research Journal of Tamil, 3(2), 78-86. https://doi.org/10.34256/irjt21211
  • Singara Kumaresanar, Naladiyar Nayavurai, (1970) Puduvaip Painthamil Publishing House, Pondicherry.
  • Sivalinganar, (1994) Tolkappiyam, International Institute of Tamil Studies, Chennai.
  • Tirumoola Nayanar, (1912) Thirumandiram, Madras Ribbon Machinery, Madras.
  • Vilambinaaganaar, (1911) Naanmanikkadigai, Senthamizh Pirasuram, Madurai.

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Tamil Nadu Food - A Guide to Traditional Tamil Cuisine

Uttappam with toppings, Tamil Nadu Food

Uttappam with toppings ( Source )

Uttapam is a dish very similar to the dosa and is a speciality of Tamil Nadu food. It is made by grinding the Urad Dal and rice powder together. It is then allowed to ferment for a few hours and then slow fried over very minimal oil over a skillet. Uttapam is flat and crispy at the sides just like dosa but soft and doughy in the middle like an Idli. The uttapam is then given a little topping of tomatoes, onions, capsicum etc. It tastes delicious with either coconut chutney or Sambar, however, I would recommend the coconut chutney. You can also try it with the spicy tomato and chilli chutney which tastes quite heavenly.

2. Banana Bonda

Banana Bonda, Tamil Nadu Food

It tastes as good as it looks- Banana Bonda

I know all of you have seen and eaten Bondas, but this bonda has a different stuffing though cooked in the same way. Instead of adding potato and other veggies to it, it is stuffed with banana which is then fried in oil. Contrasting the usual spicy Bonda, this is sweet due to the banana and is eaten as a snack with tea. Tamil Nadu food never ceases to amaze!

Rasam - The Watery soup with a lot of flavour, Tamil Nadu Food dish

Rasam is my personal favourite! Tamarind forms the base of this soup-like dish, and added to it are tomatoes, pepper and cumin seed. The rasam is almost a pre-meal appetizer, which is light and doesn't fill you up too much before a meal. The rasam is a famous dish that is poured over the rice like a normal curry. Though it is almost colourless, it has a burst of flavour. You can also drink it as you would a soup. It is good for a sore throat too.

Paper dosa served in a cone shape, Tamil Nadu Food

Paper dosa served in a cone shape. ( Source )

There are so many types of Dosas. There are a few famous kinds of dosa which are available all over the country. Let's start with paper dosa. Most of the dosas are paper-thin and like all the other Tamil Nadu Food, it is made by a batter with the mixture of urad dal and rice, spread over a pan and cooked mildly. It is then shaped into a thin paper-like layer and served in a cone shape along with some chutney and sambar. All the other dosas are made in the same way but depending on their names the extra ingredients are added. Like the egg, dosa has the same procedure but an egg is cracked and poured onto the dosa, spread across and cooked along with the dosa in some oil/ghee.

Some other kinds of dosas are:

Tomato Dosa, Onion Dosa, Rawa Dosa, Vegetable Dosa, Plain Dosa, Masala Dosa etc.

Muruku on  banana leaf, Tamil Nadu Food

Murukku on a banana leaf. ( Source )

Murukku is one of the most famous snacks that got its origin from Tamil Nadu, and its name means twisted. Again, the batter for the murukku is made by a mixture of rice flour and urad dal with some salt, water, cumin seed etc. It is then deep-fried in oil in various shapes until it turns hard. It is loved by people all over India.

Sambar with many different ingredients, Tamil Nadu Food

Sambar with many different ingredients. (Source )

Sambar is a curry just like the dal but what makes it different is the different spices and vegetables that are used to prepare it. Sambar is a little sour because of the tamarind base that it is prepared in, and consists of various vegetables. Some of the famous vegetables used to make Sambar are: Drumsticks, Brinjal, Pumpkin, potatoes and radish. One of the main ingredients that give it the taste is the use of curry leaves. This Tamil Nadu food accompaniment is served with almost all the South Indian dishes be it rice, idli, dosa etc, and it tastes brilliant with almost all of them!

7. Coconut chutney

Coconut chutney, Tamil Nadu Food

Coconut chutney. ( Source )

Uruttu Chammanti is the local name for coconut chutney in Tamil Nadu. It is made with grounded coconut, dry red chilly (particularly roasted red chilly) ginger, mustard seed and served cold along with the dishes such as Dosa, Idli, Vada. It tastes delicious and the coconut gives it a flavour that perfectly balances out with all the other dishes.

8. Idli and Vada

Idli and vada in one plate, Tamil Nadu Food

Idli and vada in one plate. ( Source )

Idli and Vada, collectively save breakfasts for people who are late in the mornings, almost every time! These Tamil Nadu food items complement each other beautifully and are total comfort foods. Idli is made with a mixture of urad dal and rice and looks like a small, spongy pancake once cooked and is one of the signature dishes of Tamil Nadu.

Vada, on the other hand, is either doughnut-shaped or round like idli and is prepared with fermented Bengal gram mixed with curry leaf, cumin seed and mustard seed. The vada is then shaped and deep-fried giving us a crispy yet soft food served with sambar and coconut chutney.

9. Lemon Rice

Lemon rice, Tamil Nadu Food

The best way to avoid wasting rice is by making it into lemon rice. ( Source)

A lifesaver dish for all those moms who are running late on tiffins, this Tamil Nadu food dish has oodles of flavour that pops in your mouth with its unique tang. Moreover, lemon rice is a quick and tasty dish 0and is pretty easy to make! A seasoning of onions, tomatoes, curry leaf, red chilly, salt and lemon juice is made and cooked rice is added and fried with the seasoning. Some groundnuts and added to the dish to give it some crunchiness and balance out the sour taste of lemon and served with chutney or vegetable salad.

10. Paruppu Payasam

Paruppu Payasam, Tamil Nadu Food

The delicious-looking Paruppu Payasam

One of the best sweet dishes of Tamil Nadu is the Paruppu Payasam. It is made by roasting Moong dal and cooking it in the pressure cooker. Some jaggery syrup is added to the mashed moong dal and stirred till completely cooked. This is then served with roasted cashew nuts and tastes very rich and creamy.

11.  Poriyal

Poriyal, Tamil Nadu Food

Poriyal is a bit sauteed vegetable dish that's made of shredded or diced vegetables fried in spices. The recipe is a fusion of frying mustard seeds, onions and urad dal with the vegetable of your choice in turmeric, dried red chillies, spices and coriander. In certain places, shredded coconut is used to dress the dish. Poriyal is served as a side dish to a three-course meal in Tamil Nadu with sambar/ rasam and tayirsadam (yoghurt). Poriyal has regional variations such as Palya in Karnataka and Porutu in Andhra.

Pongal, Tamil Nadu Food

This is a staple meal during every auspicious festival of Tamil Nadu. Besides the rice and sweet milk, the dish is cooked with ingredients like cardamom, green gram, raisins and cashew nuts. According to the traditional beliefs, Pongal is cooked in open space in the sunlight, as it is dedicated to the sun god. The dish has two variants- one that's sweet another that's savoury which is served on banana leaves. Pongal is cooked in a colourful clay pot that's decorated with patterns called Kolam.

13. Kuzhi Paniyaram

Kuzhi, Tamil Nadu Food

Paniyaram is a South Indian dish that's made of steaming batter using a mould with cavities. The dish has various names in other states of south India such as paddu in Kannada and Gunta Ponganalu in Telugu. The batter is made of rice and black lentils, similar to the one used for idly and dosa. People have experimented with the dish in many ways, it can be made spicy, savoury, sweet depending on your likes. Only ingredients like jaggery, chillies, masala vary. There is a special pan that's used to make Paniyaram. It is a pan with many small fissures. Apart from the given names, Paniyaram is also called as gulittu , gundponglu , ponganalu , guliappa , appe and so on.

KootuCurry, Tamil Nadu Food

Kootu is a semi-solid side dish that's made of lentils and vegetables. It is most commonly served with Virundhu Sappadu that's a combo of boiled rice, curd, rasam, poriyal and pickle. There are many variations of Kootu that are prepared in Tamil Nadu.   Poricha kootu or fried kootu which is made of Urad dhal and pepper fried in red chillies, cumin and fresh coconut made into a paste. Vegetables and moong dal are cooked separately following which they are heated and mixed with the paste. Snake guard and beans are the common ingredients in this kootu . The other variants of kootu are Araichivita kootu and Araichivita sambar.

15. Puliodarai

Puliyodharai, Tamil Nadu Food

The typical tamarind rice that can be translated as 'sour tasting dish'. There's nothing extra that's added to Puliodarai apart from the essential ingredients such as dried coconut seed, lentil seeds, Imli, Chataka powder, olive oil, curry leaves, mustard seeds, groundnuts, Urad dal and of course the ready to mix Puliodarai paste. Puliodarai is otherwise called as Pulihora and Puliyogare. As per traditional beliefs, turmeric powder is a symbol of auspiciousness hence the meal is cooked on special occasions and presented to God.

Koozh, Tamil Nadu Food

Koozh is the Tamil name of Millet Porridge that's commonly sold by street vendors. It is made from Cumbu flour or broken rice in a clay pot. Although it is a vegetarian recipe, Koozh is also made of fish, chicken and crab. If fermented, the porridge gives you a tangy flavour. It is slowly liquified and mixed with onion, buttermilk, curry leaves and coriander leaves. The koozh is served as a side dish with raw onion, green chilly, pickles, and mango spiced with pepper and red chilli and at times with Dry fish gravy. The dish is served during Mariamman temple festivals across the rural areas of Tamil Nadu .

17. Filter Kaapi

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19. Medhu Vada

20. sambhar.

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This post was published by Simran Rigzin

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12 Enchanting Honeymoon Places in Tamil Nadu

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Culture And Traditions Of Tamil Nadu

Traditional Dresses Of Tamil Nadu - Dressing Style and Culture!


7 Airports in Tamil Nadu & Aerodromes

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Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve at the Southern End of Western Ghats

Great Living Chola Temples - The Must-Visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites

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Fairs & Festivals

7 Festivals of Tamil Nadu You Should Know About And Experience !

Pongal - The Festival of South India

Koovagam Festival - the Transgender Festival in Tamil Nadu

14 Folk Dances in Tamil Nadu - A Cultural Extravaganza!

Historical Places in Tamilnadu For A Truly Heritage Circuit


Best Navagraha Temples in Tamil Nadu for a Perfect Religious Getaway

Beaches & Islands

Beaches & Islands

Beaches of Tamil Nadu For A Perfect Beachside Vacation

Hill Stations

Hill Stations

Hill Stations in Tamil Nadu To Beat The Heat

National Parks in Tamil Nadu For A Thrilling Wildlife Adventure



Best Things to Do in Tamil Nadu


Trekking In Tamil Nadu For An Adventurous Getaway



Top Places near rivers & lakes in Tamil Nadu

Top Religious Places in Tamil Nadu

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ஊட்டச்சத்து, சுவை… பருவ கால உணவுகளை சாப்பிடுவதால் கிடைக்கும் நன்மைகள் இவைதான்!

Top benefits of consuming seasonal foods in tamil: இயற்கையாக பழுக்க வைக்கும் பழங்கள் மற்றும் காய்கறிகள் சிறந்த சுவையைத் தருகின்றன. மேலும், அதிக அளவு ஊட்டச்சத்துக்களையும் வழங்குகின்றன..

fast food culture essay in tamil

Healthy food tips tamil:  நமது உணவுத் தேவைகளைப் பூர்த்தி செய்வதற்காக, நாடு முழுவதும் உள்ள ஊட்டச்சத்து நிபுணர்கள் இந்தியாவில் கிடைக்கக்கூடிய உணவுப் பொருட்களைப் பார்க்கத் தொடங்கியுள்ளனர். அவர்கள் பண்டைய ஞானம் மற்றும் பருவகால உள்ளூர் சாத்தியக்கூறுகளை கவனித்து வருகிறார்கள்.

இந்தியாவில் உள்ள பழங்கள் சுற்றுச்சூழலுக்கு உகந்தவை மட்டுமல்ல, உள்ளூர் பொருளாதாரத்திற்கும் உதவுகின்றன. "ஒவ்வொரு பருவமும் அழகான புதிய காய்கறிகளின் வரிசையை வழங்குகிறது, அவை ஒவ்வொன்றும் ஊட்டச்சத்துக்கள், ஆக்ஸிஜனேற்றங்கள் மற்றும் பைட்டோநியூட்ரியன்கள் நிறைந்தவையாக உள்ளன." என்று டாக்டர் ராஜ்யலட்சுமி தேவி விளக்குகிறார். மேலும், ஒவ்வொரு பருவத்திலும் வழங்கப்படும் தட்பவெப்பநிலை பருவகால உற்பத்திகளை எளிதில் உண்ணக்கூடியதாகவும், நம் உடலால் உறிஞ்சக்கூடியதாகவும் ஆக்குகிறது." என்றும் அவர் குறிப்பிடுகிறார்.


எவ்வாறாயினும், இந்த உள்நாட்டு பழங்கள் மற்றும் காய்கறிகள், பூச்சிகளால் கெட்டுப்போவதைத் தடுக்க பூச்சிக்கொல்லிகள் தெளிக்கப்படுகின்றன என்பதை கவனத்தில் கொள்ள வேண்டியது அவசியம். பருவகால உணவுகளை உண்பதை ஊக்குவிக்கும் செஃப் குணால் கபூர் கூறுகையில், "எப்பொழுதும் பருவகால பழங்கள் மற்றும் காய்கறிகளைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும். இருப்பினும், இவை பல கைகள் வழியாக செல்கின்றன, கிருமிகளை மாற்றும் சாத்தியம் உள்ளது என்பதை நினைவில் கொள்ளுங்கள். எனவே உங்கள் உணவை நிம்வாஷ் போன்ற இயற்கையான பழங்கள் மற்றும் காய்கறிகளைக் கொண்டு கழுவவும், இது ரசாயனங்கள் மற்றும் நோய்க்கிருமிகளை நீக்குகிறது, அதே நேரத்தில் சாப்பிட பாதுகாப்பானது என்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்துகிறது." என்கிறார்.

மேலும், பருவகால உணவுகளை உட்கொள்வதால் ஏற்படும் பல்வேறு நன்மைகள் குறித்த தனது நிபுணத்துவத்தையும் பகிர்ந்துள்ளார்.


அதிக ஊட்டச்சத்து மதிப்பை வழங்குகிறது

இயற்கையாக பழுக்க வைக்கும் பழங்கள் மற்றும் காய்கறிகள் சிறந்த சுவையைத் தருகின்றன. மேலும், புதியவை மற்றும் பாதுகாக்கப்பட்டவைகளை பழங்களை விட இவை அதிக அளவு ஊட்டச்சத்துக்களை வழங்குகின்றன.

விவசாயிகள் முதலீடு செய்து மொத்தமாக அறுவடை செய்வதால் பருவகாலமாக உற்பத்தி செய்யப்படும் பயிர்கள் செலவு குறைந்தவை. உள்ளூர் பங்குகளின் ஆதாரமும் போக்குவரத்துக்கான விலையையும் வெகுவாகக் குறைக்கிறது.


சூழலியல் சார்ந்தது

பருவகால உணவுகளை உண்பது பருவத்திற்கு வெளியே உள்ள பொருட்களின் தேவையை குறைக்கிறது. உள்ளூர் விவசாயத்தின் நுகர்வு அதிகரிக்கிறது மற்றும் மிக முக்கியமாக குளிர்விக்கப்படுத்தற்கான நேரத்தை குறைக்கிறது. பயிர்களின் போக்குவரத்து மற்றும் நீர்ப்பாசனத்தில் உள்ள செலவைக் குறைக்கிறது.

சுவையாக இருக்கும்

ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட பருவத்தில் உற்பத்தி செய்யப்படும் உணவு புதியதாக இருப்பதால், அது சுவையாகவும், இனிமையாகவும், முழுமையாக பழுக்க வைக்கபட்டும் இருக்கும்.

பழங்கள் மற்றும் காய்கறிகளை சரியான நேரத்தில் அறுவடை செய்தால், அது அதிக சுவையுடன் இருக்கும்.


“தமிழ் இந்தியன் எக்ஸ்பிரஸின் அனைத்து செய்திகளையும் உடனுக்குடன் டெலிகிராம் ஆப்பில் பெற  https://t.me/ietamil “

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இந்தக் கட்டுரையைப் பகிரவும்

இந்த கட்டுரை உங்களுக்கு பிடித்திருந்தால் உங்கள் நண்பர்களுடன் பகிரவும் அவர்கள் பின்னர் நன்றி சொல்வார்கள்

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Learn Tamil with the best Tamil Tutors Online

64 Tamil teachers are available for private Tamil lessons, in-person or online Tamil classes. + Read more TUTOROO now works with 64 private Tamil tutors available for in-person or for online private Tamil classes. You can browse through the teachers profiles below to contact your preferred private tutor. We will introduce you to another private Tamil teacher in the event the tutor you've inquired for is not available or cannot accommodate your needs. Pick your private Tamil teacher and start learning Tamil today! Read less

Private Tamil tutor online

Teacher joined in Jun, 2018

ONLINE LESSONS ONLY -I am from Chennai, native Tamil speaker. I am fun loving person and teach you the language in an interesting way by narrating stories, singing songs. Grammar lessons also can be done to those who need to learn more and get the grip of the language. Also I can do separate conversation class exclusively for children and adults according to their levels. I am post graduate with rich experience in teaching the language. I can teach the tamilnadu board syllabus portions if required. Thanks

 Tutor available for 5 more students

Improve your Tamil with a native teacher

Teacher joined in Apr, 2020

I've been tutoring maths since 2011 After getting a bachelor degree and have specialized in Maths and have 9yrs of part-time experience love teaching maths above everything, always trying to push students to their best possible achievements whilst explaining everything patiently and finding the most suitable way to show them maths solutions in a fun way (yeah, it is possible).

 Tutor available for 1 more student

Tamil course online near you

Teacher joined in Jan, 2021

Basically from Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu , India. Completed my masters in Ireland recently and on the job hunt phase have some time to spare so I would love to teach Tamil to those who are in need of the language. My Tamil is very fluent and I have studied Tamil during my schooling as well hence very proficient in Senthamizh as well. Classes taken in evening time only. Teaching style and pace will be adjusted as per request of the student. Oral and written tests will also be given at specific intervals to check how well the students are catching up with the language.

 Tutor available for 2 more students

Learn Tamil with private classes

Teacher joined in May, 2022

Hello, I am Pushpavalli Mohan and I am pursuing masters in Taiwan. I have good Tamil communication skills. I have more experience with Tamil language And Tamil is my mother tough and Tamil is most interesting, meaningful language, and world very first language. I will teach basic level to high level of Tamil. if you want to know more about Tamil culture also I will teach you. I prefer online and offline classes. If you want to learn about Tamil please feel free to contact me THANK YOU.👍👍👍👍

 Tutor available for 3 more students

Private Tamil lessons online

Teacher joined in Dec, 2020

Im Thamarai kannan M doing PhD in NCHU taiwan, I am easy going person, very friendly. I was born in Tamil nadu, India. I love my mother tongue Tamil. Recently I came to know many people are like to learn Tamil but finding it very difficult to speak. That's the reason I started Tamil tutoring to make it Easy to Learn Tamil. Tamil is a Dravidian language natively spoken by the Tamil people of South Asia. Tamil is the official language of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, as well as two sovereign nations, Singapore and Sri Lanka. In India, it is also the official language of the Union Territory of Puducherry Excited to Teach Tamil.

Improve your Tamil with a native tutor

Teacher joined in Jul, 2021

(Only available for online lessons!) My name is Dharani. Currently completed my Bachelor's Degree in Commerce and I love tutoring kids. I am very fluent in English and Tamil. Hobbies are playing soccer, singing, bowling, and cooking. Tamil is one of the easiest subjects that I have ever known. It is a beautiful language and you can get to know the depth of its culture as well. As for me, I love speaking in Tamil and I am learning even more new things from it. I do read a lot of Tamil Magazines, newspapers, watching the news to keep myself updated on the world news.

Tamil teacher online near you

Teacher joined in Sep, 2020

Experienced ex-teacher from Singapore who has taught Tamil at the secondary level and tutored students ranging from ages 5 to 16. I possess a Post Graduate Diploma in Education. Fun interactive lessons customized to your ability and need for reading, writing, speaking, or literature. Testimonial from a parent of my student: "Ms Nirmala taught my daughter Tamil. She is a very patient and caring tutor. Her way of teaching is very different. She not only teaches from the books but also through songs and dialogues from the movie. That doesn't mean she influences the child with movie-based teaching but she teaches the value and meanings of it so that the child understands it better. My daughter scored A for her PSLE and the credit goes to Ms Nirmala. I strongly recommend her to any parent who is looking for a tutor. She proves results!!!" The material will be customized to your learning needs. Adult learners are most welcome.

Learn Tamil with a private course

Teacher joined in Mar, 2022

Tamil is one of the most beautiful languages. It's the easiest when you start learning with all your mind, and interest in it. I'd love to teach the kids and other people to learn Tamil because I know how much I enjoyed this language and now this would be an opportunity to share my experience of joy with others. Once you get the grip of Tamil, then it'll become absolutely easy to even fall in love with language. Since Tamil is my mother tongue. I'll do my best to make it as easy as possible for everyone to learn Tamil.

Private Tamil classes online

Teacher joined in Aug, 2020

I am a polyglot and a language enthusiast. I am good in both learning and teaching languages. What is earn I invest in learning something new, so I’m always learning something new. Currently learning German and Finnish. I’ve taught Tamil and English in India, and have helped several friends and colleagues in English language, specifically the spoken part and public speaking. I have experience in public speaking through active participation in Toastmasters, competitions, and debates. Have worked in MNC’s in training individuals in English. Tamil being my mother tongue is easy to teach.

Improve your Tamil with private lessons

Teacher joined in Feb, 2021

I am Shyam from India and speak English, German, Malayalam and Hindi. I am an online Tamil tutor with around 2 years of experience in teaching. Tamil is my native language. I teach both adults and kids. I am comfortable in teaching basic and conversational Tamil. My classes included listening, reading and writing based on your requirement. * The classes takes place through zoom or skype. * The book format may be in PPT,PDF and online books. * I am comfortable in teaching basic and conversational Tamil as per your requirement. * The medium of communication is English/Tamil/German.

Tamil tutor online near you

Iam a PhD student currently living in Czech Republic. I have experience in teaching technical subjects and languages for school students. As a student I learned so many tricky and fun way for learning languages and I can teach my way of learning ideas to my students to gain more knowledge.currently iam learning two different languages from that experience I can provide proper guidance to my students who is not having idea about learning Tamil Normally for learning basic Tamil will takes 3 to 4 months but for learning Pure Tamil it will atleast takes 7 to 8 months with proper practice.

Learn Tamil with a private teacher

Sir, My mother tongue is Urdu [only able to speak] I can able to teach the above languages until Middle School 8th Class. I am staying in Jeddah; I don't have car, If the student/s visit my place it will be better. I am good in Tamil, Hindi and English languages. If the student is interested in online classes also good bcoz u know there is corona pandemic. Also I have only Indian bank account so kindly transfer to this account. Hopefully I am waiting to teach interested students. It is very nice to teach a person.

Private Tamil course online

Teacher joined in Aug, 2021

As a native Tamilian who is passionate about people knowing their mother tongues fluently, I am excited to help you get to your inner Tamizhan, Tamizhachi! If you are someone whose mother tongue is not Tamil, more power to you for learning a language! Let us learn something new from each other! Tamil is for everyone! Tamil is easy and fun to learn and guess what? You can pat yourself on the back for learning one of the oldest languages in the world! How cool is that! Being experienced in coaching and a language enthusiast, I can assure you a positive, fun, and successful learning experience! Vango Vango!

Improve your Tamil with private classes

Am a student of Politecnico di Milano, Currently pursuing a Master's degree in space engineering. Am 23 years old, and for the past 23 years, I was in the great part of the world, where one can enjoy culturally rich, ancient, and historical moments. I was brought up in Tamil Nadu (Country of Tamil), am a native speaker and my father was a writer, who writes poems in Tamil and publishes them. The language evolves with the evolution of human beings, but my language(i.e., Tamil) is still in its glory as it was 2000 years back. Inscript says, that the language is the oldest language in the modern world. Are you interested to travel across the great south-Indian territory across the language? Everyone is welcomed.

Tamil lessons online near you

Teacher joined in Apr, 2022

Native Tamil speaker, doing master's in classical Tamil, Have been a Tamil teacher & course organizer since 2017 in Evangelische Familien Building. Tamil is a classical language, where one has to know modern Tamil has evolved a lot from classical Tamil. Also spoken Tamil is a bit different from written Tamil. The old classical Tamil called Sangam literature comprises poetry composed of about 500 poets (men & women), bards, and kings around 300BC to 300AD. The Sangam corpus encompasses the emotional side and lifestyle of ancient Tamil civilization where the modern Tamil society is able to understand their ancestors.

Learn Tamil with a private tutor

The Tamil language is the official language in Tamil Nadu, India. It is one of the oldest languages in the world, the Tamil language is spread across the different parts of the world( Singapore, Malaysia, Srilanka, Canada) where its roots can be found still now. The language and the culture behind the Tamil are historical which helps Architecture students who travel to Madurai(South India) for their study visits. Yup, learning a new language is an Art and you can easily learn with the tricks which I can provide. The basics start from the letter and basic words for speaking, later which will be enhanced which can help you travel in TamilNadu like a local. See you soon. Vanakam!!!

Private Tamil teacher online

Teacher joined in May, 2020

Hello, I am Jenifer. I am from Tamilnadu, India. I am fluent in Tamil and English. I have been learning and speaking Tamil from my childhood. I have 4 years of teaching experience. I would love to help you improve your Tamil language skills and simultaneously enhance your knowledge of Tamil culture. I have a friendly and warm demeanour and am happy to tailor our sessions to suit your needs or specific areas you want to develop. Little about me: I am a Learning and Development Specialist by profession and have been training business and engineering professionals across the globe

Improve your Tamil with a private course

Teacher joined in Mar, 2021

I am Palanisami from Tamilnadu, India. I am studying for my master's here in Lisbon. Since I am studying here and I have more free time. So it's easy to spend my time with students for a longer time.

Tamil classes online near you

Teacher joined in May, 2021

I am a native Tamil speaker and certified tutor. I have been a teacher for the past 3 years and tutoring online for the past 1 year for my foreign friends. since then am teaching the Tamil language for all age groups and levels from the start to speaking fluency. I teach the Tamil language for all age groups and levels from beginning to advanced. I work according to the level of the student, working on different topics with an emphasis on communication and written work. I will not make my students memorize a long list of vocabulary instead I make them practice the language. Individuals who wish to learn the Tamil language in a perfect and practical manner can contact me. Thank u for visiting my profile and have a great day 😊

Learn Tamil with private lessons

I am a native of Chennai, currently in Melbourne. Get in touch with me to learn Tamil easily and effectively. I am a postgraduate in computer science. Been taking private tuitions for Tamil back in India. I can also speak English well, so students will find me comfortable as I can give an exact meaning to words in English. Classes can be scheduled at flexible timings during the day or on weekends. Classes will be designed to be engaging and more interactive. All doubts will be cleared with suitable examples.

Origin from Chennai, India. Master's in Wireless Communication Engineering from Sweden and have experience in telecom sector. Interested to teach Maths, Chess, Computer Science subjects to children. I have written blog in tamil with various stories. I able to teach Tamil language from beginner to communicate level. I able to teach Maths subject high school level. I am passionate to share my knowledge to others and learn from others as well. I able to teach remotely or teach students place as well.

Teacher joined in Jun, 2022

I have been studying Tamil for more than 25 years. Tamil has a history of more than 2000 years. By in-depth learning of Tamil, you will learn the culture, tradition, values and civilisation of human. I have participated in many competitions in Tamil essay writing and I won prizes. Also, when I was the school pupil leader, I read many “Thirukkural” in fornt of the entire school during morning prayer. By the way, “Thirukkural” has everything that you need for your life. It is MUST-read literature.

Teacher joined in Oct, 2022

Hi Folks, Am Thanuja and I have completed MTech in Big data analytics. Am very passionate about teaching especially Tamil and I have good experience in teaching students. I believe there is a unique (my) way of teaching instead of Byhearting and I follow it religiously. I always spend some quality time with the kids to know more about them and am very particular in educating the right things to them right from their childhood even if it is not in their academics. Please do contact me to know more about myself. Life is very simple and beautiful so enjoy it to the fullest 😊 Spread love Spread peace Cheers

Teacher joined in Nov, 2021

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  • 10 Traditional Dishes You Must...

10 Traditional Dishes You Must Try on Your Visit to St Petersburg

Russian Borscht

When in Russia, eat like the Russians do. That means you should get ready for hearty portions of calorie-ridden dishes, topped off by delicious desserts and washed down with various berry juices or maybe something a little stronger. Indulge whilst travelling to St Petersburg , and try some of the best dishes that Russian cuisine has to offer.

Beef stroganoff.

Beef Stroganoff is a dish that takes its name from one of the wealthiest noble families in Russia. It originated in the 19th century, but the story of its creation remains unknown. What is certain is that the dish gained popularity around the world and now comes in many variations. The dish primarily consists of small beef pieces in a sour cream sauce, with different vegetables often added into it. It’s usually accompanied by various side dishes.

Beef Stroganoff

Savoury Pancakes

Pancakes may seem like an international dish now, but in Russia, they have their specific variations. It is especially popular to eat savoury pancakes, made with fillings such as meat, cabbage or cottage cheese. These pancakes are cooked, stuffed and then fried again to seal them into a roll. While it’s not the most diet-friendly dish, it’s delicious. Simpler pancakes are also an option, with sour cream and caviar as a spread.

Although borscht soup is of Ukrainian origin, it has found a second home in Russia, alongside other Eastern European countries. The main ingredient of the soup is beetroot, which gives the dish its recognisable red colour. The recipe, of course, has a number of variations. People can eat borscht hot or cold, depending on the time of year. Traditional borscht is served with a tablespoon, or more, of sour cream and small savoury buns known as pampushki .


Shchi is a traditional Russian soup that dates back to the 9th century when the Russian people first acquired cabbage. The base of shchi is, indeed, cabbage, which is in a meat broth. This simple mixture was later enhanced with other vegetables and condiments. It is traditionally served with a spoonful of sour cream and rye bread.

Pirozhki are small-sized buns stuffed with a variety of fillings. The idea for these compact treats came as an alternative to a full-sized pie. The fillings can be both sweet and savoury. Some of the most popular ones are potato, cabbage, mushroom or meat. For a sweeter taste, there are pirozhki with apple, cherries, cottage cheese or lemon. The outside of the bun is glazed with egg, giving them a delicious golden colour. Pirozhki are good as a snack or a great side dish to some soup.


Olivier Salad

The Olivier salad is a dish that most families make for New Year’s Eve, but exceptions can be made for the sake of trying this delicious salad. Like many other Russian salads, it is dressed with mayonnaise, making the salad a slightly fatty affair. The other ingredients in the salad are potatoes, carrots, pickles, peas, eggs and sometimes chicken or ham, topped off with a sprinkling of dill. It can be an appetiser or a main dish, depending on the amount.

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Pelmeni and Vareniki

Best translated as Russian dumplings, pelmeni are very different from their Asian counterpart. Some sources, however, suggest that pelmeni are a variation of wontons that travelled from China into Siberia and then spread all over Russia. The dough for pelmeni is very simple – flour, water and a bit of egg. The filling is traditionally made with different meats, although modern versions include vegetarian stuffings. When served with a sweet filling, such as berries or cottage cheese, the dish is called vareniki and is slightly different in shape and size, but it’s equally delicious.


Potatoes and Mushrooms

It is questionable whether this can be referred to as a dish, given the simplicity of the recipe. Some refer to it as the man’s dish in Russian cuisine because it is something husbands would make on their own when their wives are not home to cook. The best time to try this in a restaurant is during late summer and early autumn when mushrooms are in season. Potatoes with chanterelle mushrooms, which gives the dish an autumn-orange colour, is a particular favourite.

Chicken Kiev

Another dish with relatively unknown origins that has become an absolute favourite not only in Russia but also beyond is chicken Kiev, a stuffed chicken breast rolled in eggs and bread crumbs and then either fried or baked. A good chicken Kiev will have lots of butter with herbs seeping out, giving the chicken a very piquant taste.

Chicken Kiev

Some say this soup has delighted people in Russia since the 16th century, although this fact is challenging to prove. Despite that, it was certainly served in Russian households during the 19th century and only grew in popularity. Solyanka features a mixture of ingredients – and the more, the better. Traditionally, it can include different cuts of meat and pickles, which give it a salty flavour. Most solyankas are heavily spiced and served with a number of herbs.

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American entertainments in St. Petersburg

Although the majority of Russians think of American cuisine as limited to McDonald's and KFC, the Moscow fashion for luxurious American-style steakhouses has spread to St. Petersburg, and those with the money can enjoy the finest meats available in the city. Elsewhere, kitschy Americana is a popular theme for restaurants, bars and clubs, and can offer a taste of home for weary travelers, as well as some of St. Petersburg's most entertaining nights out.

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Fast Food in St. Petersburg

Fast food gets a bad rap, thanks in large part to those who insist on eating it every day. But if you enjoy it only occasionally or are in a pickle and need something in a hurry, there’s nothing like the neighborhood drive thru to give your nerves and your hunger pangs much needed relief. Whether you’re in the mood for a traditional burger and fries or just craving a quick snack and latte, St. Petersburg fast food restaurants get you what you want right when you want it.

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  1. (PDF) The Food Culture of the Tamil Region

    fast food culture essay in tamil

  2. 😍 Fast food culture essay. Essay On Fast Food Culture. 2022-10-31

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  4. 😍 Fast food culture essay. Essay On Fast Food Culture. 2022-10-31

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  1. காலை 6 மணிக்கே களைகட்டும் 3 ரூபா பணியாரக்கடை


  3. Fast Food Business Plan And Ideas In Tamil

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  5. (Awesome) 20 Idly Fast Eating Challenge



  1. துரித உணவுகள் நன்மை தீமைகள்

    எனக்கு பிடித்த உணவு கட்டுரை-My Favorite Food Essay in Tamil-தோசை கட்டுரை July 4, 2023 கல்வி கண் திறந்தவர் கட்டுரை - Essay About K Kamarajar in Tamil - காமராஜர் கட்டுரை

  2. எனக்கு பிடித்த உணவு கட்டுரை-My Favorite Food Essay in Tamil-தோசை

    dtradangfx July 4, 2023. 0 1 minute read. எனக்கு பிடித்த உணவு கட்டுரை-My Favorite Food Essay in Tamil -Essay About Dosai:- பிடித்த உணவை இன்று நாம் சுலபமாக இணையம் வாயிலாக நமது வீட்டிற்கு ...

  3. தமிழர்களின் உணவு முறை பற்றிய விளக்கம்

    Tamil Nadu has always been a hub for food connoisseurs to take a great pleasure of some of the finest traditional cuisine in the country. Home அறிவியல்

  4. (PDF) The Food Culture of the Tamil Region

    The Food Culture o f the Tamil Regio n. C. Arunan a, *. a Centre for Tamil Culture, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630003, Tamil Nadu, India. * Corresponding Author: [email protected] ...

  5. இந்திய உணவுமுறை

    العربية; Azərbaycanca; Беларуская; Български; भोजपुरी; বাংলা; Brezhoneg; Català; Čeština; Dansk; Deutsch ...

  6. Fast Food Culture Among Adolescents: Study With School Pupils in

    November 2021 in fou r are as in Chennai and a total of 200 students from Class VIII to XII participated in the. study. 76% of the students eat fast food regularly and the rest 24% e at ...

  7. Tamil Cuisine: Overdue for Global Recognition and Celebration

    The distinctiveness of Tamil cuisine lies in its intricate balance of flavours, an art honed over centuries. It's imperative to acknowledge that world cuisines, including Tamil cuisine, are dynamic, evolving through migration, conquest, and the influences of colonial and global interactions. This evolution, however, does not dilute the ...

  8. Tamil cuisine

    Tamil cuisine is a culinary style of Tamil people originating in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu and neighboring Sri Lanka. [1] Meats, along with rice, legumes, and lentils, are popular. Dairy products and tamarind are used to provide sour flavors. On special occasions, traditional Tamil dishes are served in a traditional manner, using banana leaves in place of utensils.

  9. PDF The Food Culture of the Tamil Region

    The Food Culture of the Tamil Region C. Arunan a, * a Centre for Tamil Culture, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630003, Tamil Nadu, India. * Corresponding Author: [email protected]

  10. The Food Culture of the Tamil Region

    Abstract. Food production is a science; food preparation is a living art. We prepare food to share with our kith and kin for our earthly and spiritual sustenance. All the great religions teach that food is a Divine blessing and should be treated with respect and immense gratitude. In Tamilnadu food is a spiritual science with precise ...

  11. fast food culture essay in tamil

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  12. Fast Food உணவுகள் உங்கள் உடலை எப்படியெல்லாம் பாதிக்கிறது தெரியுமா?

    சர்க்கரை அளவு சீரற்ற நிலை : fast food உணவுகளில் பதப்படுத்தப்பட்ட ...

  13. A beginner's guide to Tamil Nadu Cuisine

    A beginner's guide to Tamil Nadu Cuisine. Posted by ramada on August 15, 2017 in South Indian Cuisine ∞. Tamil Nadu Cusine comprises of pre-dominantly rice-based dishes. Locally available grains, lentils, vegetables and variety of aromatic spices add flavor, taste and aroma to the recipes of the land . The food pattern of the Tamil Nadu is ...

  14. கட்டுரை

    துரித உணவுகள் நன்மை தீமைகள் - Fast Food Advantages and Disadvantages. July 12, 2023. 118 . ... எனக்கு பிடித்த உணவு கட்டுரை-My Favorite Food Essay in Tamil -Essay About Dosai:- பிடித்த உணவை இன்று நாம் ...

  15. The Cuisine of Tamil Nadu: Beyond Sambar and Filter Coffee

    Tamil Nadu cuisine is a combination of different flavours from a mild tangy Sambar to a dose of hot and spicy Rasam. The cuisine is majorly dominated by the use of rice, lentils, spices such as tamarind, coriander, chili pepper, cinnamon, curry leaves, cardamom, coconut and much more. Different types of fish, chicken and meat curries also form ...

  16. Tamil Nadu Food

    A seasoning of onions, tomatoes, curry leaf, red chilly, salt and lemon juice is made and cooked rice is added and fried with the seasoning. Some groundnuts and added to the dish to give it some crunchiness and balance out the sour taste of lemon and served with chutney or vegetable salad. 10. Paruppu Payasam.

  17. ஊட்டச்சத்து, சுவை… பருவ கால உணவுகளை சாப்பிடுவதால் கிடைக்கும் நன்மைகள்

    Healthy food tips tamil: இயற்கையாக பழுக்க வைக்கும் பழங்கள் மற்றும் காய்கறிகள் சிறந்த சுவையைத் தருகின்றன. மேலும், அதிக அளவு ...

  18. Learn Tamil with the best Tamil Tutors Online

    I have been studying Tamil for more than 25 years. Tamil has a history of more than 2000 years. By in-depth learning of Tamil, you will learn the culture, tradition, values and civilisation of human. I have participated in many competitions in Tamil essay writing and I won prizes.

  19. 10 Traditional Dishes You Must Try on Your Visit to St ...

    Olivier Salad. The Olivier salad is a dish that most families make for New Year's Eve, but exceptions can be made for the sake of trying this delicious salad. Like many other Russian salads, it is dressed with mayonnaise, making the salad a slightly fatty affair. The other ingredients in the salad are potatoes, carrots, pickles, peas, eggs ...

  20. American bars and restaurants in St. Petersburg, Russia

    The most authentically American bar in St. Petersburg, Terminal is also one of the friendliest nightspots in town. (5, Prospekt Bakunina, +7 (812) 905 64 74) More. Montana Saloon. Monuments to kitsch Americana, St. Petersburg's two Montana Saloons also serve pretty good steaks and burgers. (20, Ulitsa Kirochnaya, +7 (812) 272-7035)

  21. St. Petersburg Fast Food : The Official St. Petersburg Guide

    Fast food gets a bad rap, thanks in large part to those who insist on eating it every day. But if you enjoy it only occasionally or are in a pickle and need something in a hurry, there's nothing like the neighborhood drive thru to give your nerves and your hunger pangs much needed relief. Whether you're in the mood for a traditional burger ...