Money vs Education: Which Is More Important? (Debate)

  • Post author: Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC
  • Post published: June 9, 2024
  • Post category: Scholarly Articles

Money or Education, Which is more Important? (Debate): So, which is more valuable: education or money? Which one should we concentrate on? This appears to be a simple question, but when we think about it, the answer is not that straightforward. Money and education are inextricably linked in our daily lives. On the one hand, money is what drives the majority of our lives.

We have to think about money in practically every decision we make. Education, on the other hand, cannot be overlooked since it provides us with the fundamental tools we require to live. Let’s weigh in on their relative importance and see if we can finally settle this age-old argument.

Money or Education, Which is more Important

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Table of Contents

Why Money is Important

Money is commonly said to be “ not the most important thing in the world.” However, for many individuals, it is right up there with oxygen in terms of significance. These aren’t necessarily materialistic individuals. They just recognize the genuine worth of money.

Essay about Money is more Important than Education

Money isn’t exciting on its own. What matters is what money can accomplish for you. You have more flexibility and options when you have money. When you have a strong salary or financial resources, you have the freedom to choose where and how you wish to live. When you don’t have much money, on the other hand, making choices may be something you can’t afford. In actuality, the choices available to you may not be choices at all.

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Undoubtedly, you’ll require money to meet your fundamental needs, which include food, clothes, and shelter. Because of a lack of funds, a poor individual is frequently forced to make compromises even on essential basic requirements. Moreover, medical expenditures nowadays consume a person’s whole life savings. Furthermore, one must have money to obtain an education, as the cost of school is quite expensive these days and is not likely to decrease anytime soon.

While money cannot purchase happiness, it may give you independence, stability, and the ability to follow your aspirations. As a result, money is unquestionably necessary for every excellent thing that provides us financial satisfaction.

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Why Education is Important

Today, education is more vital than ever before, and it has reached new heights as people have a better knowledge of what it comprises. If you ask yourself, “Why is education important?” your response will almost certainly not be the same as everyone else’s. While having a college degree is tremendously important for a successful profession and is socially acceptable in today’s culture, it is not the sole source of education. In everything we do, education is all around us.

Money is better than knowledge

Education may help you become the greatest, most complete version of yourself by allowing you to learn about what interests you, what you’re excellent at, and how to become self-aware and aware of the world around you. It can assist you in finding your position in the world and making you feel whole. Basic life skills and street smarts are built on the foundation of education. While education may appear to be a technical phrase, it refers to all we learn in life on how to live our lives to the fullest. When it comes to being creative in any manner, shape, or form, the mind can only achieve its full potential if it’s given the tools to think outside the box.

Education gives you a sense of stability in life, which no one can ever take away. You boost your prospects of greater professional options and create new doors for yourself by being well-educated. Education gives financial security in addition to stability, which is very important in today’s culture. An excellent education is more likely to lead to a higher-paying career and provide you with the necessary skills. It might provide you with the freedom to make your own decisions as well as be financially independent. Education has the potential to be the most liberating and empowering thing in the world.

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Money vs Education, Which is More Important

Money is required for basic expenses, but that is not the only requirement. Money helps us reach our objectives and support the things we care about most, such as family, education, health care, charity, adventure, enjoyment, and so on. It assists us in obtaining some of life’s intangibles, such as freedom or independence, as well as the opportunity to maximize our abilities and talents. It allows us to chart our path in life. It ensures financial safety. Much good may be accomplished with money, and unnecessary suffering can be prevented or eliminated.

Education, on the other hand, is essential for survival. Everyone needs education at some point in their lives to improve their knowledge, manner of life, and social and financial standing. Although it may not provide you with financial standing in society, a literate mind will undoubtedly set you apart. Education is amazing in that it is not restricted by age.

While money gives us the ability to make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others, it is impossible to obtain an education without it. The cost of education is quite expensive these days, and it will continue to rise in the near future. Education may be too expensive, particularly at private institutions and universities. While you don’t have to pay back your student loans until after you graduate, the payment will ultimately come due. Without funding, education would come to a halt.

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In a different light, money may be able to buy what you “ desire ,” but education helps you to realize what you “need” to live a better life. This is demonstrated by the numerous non-monetary advantages that may be obtained via education. Money may allow us to have more control over our lives, but it is education that allows us to contribute to society.  Although money is useful, an educated individual understands how to make money in the first place. Education has the potential to open up job opportunities.

With an education, you have the potential to earn more money than others who do not. Obtaining a degree might expand your options in some professions, allowing you to make more money. Many employers provide educational incentives to their workers. Anyone who stays up with current trends will always be able to make more money. If you are well educated, your chances of living in poverty are lower.

Furthermore, you cannot lose or be stripped of your education. Whatever happens, the lessons you’ve learned will be with you. Even if you lose a wonderful job, your degree and experience will assist you in finding work in the future. When a financial catastrophe strikes, you can’t lose what you’ve learned. Even if you become indebted due to unforeseen circumstances, your education will not be taken away from you.

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Nevertheless, much of the narrative about the benefits of going to college and having a degree is centred around the concept that if you have a degree, you’ll be able to make more money. For many people, education is only a means to an end, which is monetary gain.

Some believe, however, that if generating money is your primary incentive for pursuing a profession, you might explore trade schools and other qualifications that may help you earn a fair living. After all, while many people dismiss trade skills such as plumbing and electrical labour, these individuals may amass money more quickly than their more educated counterparts. We frequently read about people who have amassed enormous wealth while having had very little formal education. In fact, having a degree does not ensure that you will earn more since many people without a degree make more money than graduates.

Regardless, education will assist you in developing a decent character, a noble personality, and, above all, will help you become a better person. You will not only be able to make money with education, but you will also be able to efficiently use the money you have made to benefit yourself and others. Money is a slippery slope, but those who figure out what they genuinely value and match their money with those beliefs have the most financial and personal well-being. Education is necessary to become such a person. Never forget that knowledge is power.

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Money vs Education is a perennial debate. The common view of money and education in our lives has been emphasized in this article. Everyone, after all, has their unique point of view.

education or money essay

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.

This Post Has 4 Comments

education or money essay

Money is important but education is far more important cuz money is the root to all evil while education is power

education or money essay

Money or education which is more important?

education or money essay

Education is the best, only to those who value it and know how to make use of it Education can bring money, but money at the other side can never bring education Even, a renown people in this world are educated.

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Why money matters for improving education

Subscribe to global connection, emiliana vegas emiliana vegas former co-director - center for universal education , former senior fellow - global economy and development.

July 21, 2016

For at least four decades, economists have analyzed the relationship between per student spending and learning outcomes across the United States and, more recently, across countries around the world. In 1996, as a result of a Brookings conference, the influential book “Does Money Matter?: The Effect of School Resources on Student Achievement and Adult Success ” was published, edited by economist Gary Burtless and with contributions from several well-known economists. The book focuses on the puzzle between research evidence from the U.S. that found that more resources did not necessarily result in improved student achievement and evidence showing that students who attend well-resourced schools end up having better outcomes later in life than students who attend poorly-endowed schools.

Indeed, a simple correlation analysis using cross-country data suggests that there is at best a weak relationship between student achievement and education spending. In other words, when comparing per pupil spending and average learning outcomes per country, we find that countries with similar levels of spending per student also show enormous differences in how much their students learn. Figure 1 shows the simple correlation between mean scores in math in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, and per pupil spending in secondary education for each of the countries that participated in PISA 2012. It is easy to see that students in countries like Qatar and Singapore, which spend similar amounts of dollars per student, achieve vastly different PISA math scores.

Figure 1: Per pupil spending and mean math scores in PISA 2012, by country

figure 1 vegas

Source: Vegas and Coffin, 2015 .

Working in developing countries throughout my career, I was always struck by the weak relationship between spending and outcomes. While, it was clear that differences in student learning between countries with similar spending levels, such as Qatar and Singapore, support the leading argument that how money is spent in education is more important than how much , I wondered whether this was only  the case for countries that spend above a minimum level—a level that guarantees a minimum standard of basic inputs to ensure adequate learning opportunities for all.

Could in fact countries that spend little on education achieve good learning outcomes by simply spending more efficiently?

With my colleague Chelsea Coffin, I set out to explore the relationship between per pupil spending and learning, particularly in developing countries that spend much lower levels in education than do OECD countries. To do this, we separated countries that have participated in PISA into two groups based on their level of per pupil expenditure: a low-spending group, comprised of countries that spend less than a certain threshold per student; and a high-spending group, which included the countries that spend more than that threshold. Then, we designed separate regressions to estimate the relationship between spending and student learning (as measured by PISA) within these two groups of countries. We wanted to see if, among the low-spending group, more spending is associated with higher outcomes. Additionally, we wanted to estimate the per pupil spending level at which more money no longer can be associated with higher learning outcomes.

Put simply, our underlying hypothesis was that if Haiti only spends $100 per student, common sense suggests that it cannot reach the average learning levels of OECD countries that spend much more per student. However, does the country need to increase spending to the U.S. level ($11,732) or Finland’s level ($9,353) in order for their students to be able to learn the basic skills necessary compete in today’s global economy?

Our findings, reported in the Comparative Education Review suggest that, when education systems spend above $8,000, the association between student learning and per student spending is no longer statistically significant. Therefore, we find a threshold effect after this level of resources is met, indicating a declining relationship between resources and achievement at high levels of expenditure (consistent with other recent literature). This can be seen in Figure 2, where there is a positive relationship between student learning and per pupil expenditure among the low-spending countries (below $8,000 per student), but a flat relationship among high-spending countries.

Figure 2: Per student expenditures and mean math scores, separating low- from high-spending countries

figure 2 vegas

One interpretation of our analysis, consistent with prior studies, is that efficient spending is more important among systems that already provide the basic inputs necessary for a quality education (as measured by their average spending per pupil). High spenders might also spend more on programs that compensate for students with disadvantaged backgrounds, helping mitigate inconsistent gains in test scores or proficiency. But when low spenders increase expenditure, it may be used to establish basic conditions or increase quality to a minimum standard, although efficient use of these resources may also be a constraint to achieve high levels of learning for all.

Our findings are also important in light of another strand of the economics literature. Research on the factors that explain differences in student learning has empirically demonstrated that, from the school side, high quality teachers (as measured by teachers’ capacity to generate learning in their students, or teacher value-added) are the most important determinant of student learning (See Hanushek 2011 , Hanushek and Kain 2012 , and Chetty et al 2014a and 2014b ). Influenced by this evidence, international organizations have prioritized attracting, motivating, and retaining talented teachers as a means to improving learning outcomes. And, like in any other profession, compensation matters. Unfortunately, only in a few countries is teaching a truly competitive career for talented professionals.

In short, improving education outcomes in Latin America and the Caribbean requires more and better investment. These countries still need to increase overall spending for education in order to provide the basic learning inputs to students. More importantly, in too few if any countries in Latin America is teaching a valued profession that attracts the most talented individuals. While some countries have introduced bold reforms to improve teaching conditions, attract better professionals, and set up teacher evaluation systems to guide teaching practices, much more remains to be done to ensure that all Latin American students have access to effective teachers. 

Global Education

Global Economy and Development

August 2, 2024

June 20, 2024

Elyse Painter, Emily Gustafsson-Wright

January 5, 2024

The Value of Education Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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The education system in the United States has been a highly controversial topic for a long time. Many people argue its value and require serious reforms. However, others believe that the current situation is totally acceptable and emphasizes the strengths of educational institutions in the country. The main goal of this paper is to discuss the key aspects of the education system in the United States and highlight its value.

There are several benefits and drawbacks to the US education system. The fact that most college graduates have better salaries its main advantage. The average income for citizens aged 25 years and older with bachelor degrees is almost two times higher than for people with only high school diplomas (Snipp, 2015). Another reason to choose higher education is that many jobs require college degrees. However, there are significant cons, as well.

Student debt loans are a heavy burden for graduates. More than half of the students in the United States spend almost 60 percent of their annual income to pay off loan debts (Bok, 2015). In addition, in spite of the fact that most employers hire only college-educated specialists, many graduates cannot find a job.

My parents have already spent on my education more than $30,000. However, I believe that it is worth this money. Education offers many opportunities for students. They can interact with teachers, professors, and other professionals to gain very valuable experience and knowledge. Education helps to develop social and vocational skills that are necessary for modern society. Also, educational institutions narrow the gap between the rich and the poor.

Many specialists claim that education is one of the most prominent instruments that can serve as a social equalizer. First, more educated people have better chances to obtain higher-paying positions (Biddle, 2014). The most successful careers require many different qualities that are cultivated in educational institutions. Second, various studies show that there is a direct connection between a poverty level and the number of people with college and university degrees (Pavlakis, Noble, Pavlakis, Ali, & Frank, 2015). Educated citizens are more productive and reliable members of society. Such individuals are less likely to end up living in poverty. Therefore, education can reduce the difference between materially needy and wealthy people.

Evaluation is another important aspect that is necessary to discuss. Standardized tests are the major approach that is used by most educational institutes. There are many reasons for the application of such an assessment. First, standardized tests positively affect academic achievements. Second, they ensure an equal and complete evaluation of students. Third, standardized tests help to focus on the most important aspects of an educational program.

Therefore, this measure is highly objective, reliable, and fair. However, there are some additional evaluation methods like teachers’ reports or extracurricular activities. Teachers’ reports provide parents with information about the student’s achievements. It might help them to decide on certain steps aimed at enhancing their children’s performance. Such reports demonstrate the student’s strengths and weaknesses. Also, teachers might offer some recommendations, highlighting specific areas that need to be improved.

Extracurricular activities might serve as an evaluating tool, as well. It helps a college administration understand more deeply the personality of an applicant. However, these additional measures can also be overwhelming to students. Their effectiveness depends on a family’s socioeconomic background. Therefore, students from healthy families benefit from teachers’ reports and extracurricular activities as they have a strong and reliable support system. However, it might be a heavy burden for children who live in dysfunctional families.

Therefore, educational institutions should provide special treatment to people from a poor socio-economic environment. Colleges have to do much more to admit low-income students and help them to complete programs. There are many successful examples that demonstrate that needy people can get the necessary support from the education system. Such assistance improves academic achievements and, subsequently, chances to get a more favorable job.

Low-income students are faced with different barriers that prevent them from enrolling in and completing educational programs. Many colleges put their prestige too high, and it makes them unaffordable to most learners. Therefore, it is necessary to bring particular attention to such institutes. Also, some ethnic communities require additional support. Many African-American students ask for fair treatment. Although equal rights are guaranteed to all citizens, this ethnic group is still faced with unfair attitudes that lead to low enrolment rates.

In conclusion, the development of a nation depends on the quality of education. The lack of literacy among the general public leads to economic and intellectual stagnation. Many American citizens believe that the education system in their country is not effective and should be changed. Students cannot afford to study at colleges and universities due to high tuition. The financial status also has a direct impact on their academic achievements. In addition, many graduates cannot find appropriate jobs. However, education offers many different opportunities that let a young person become a decent member of society. Although this system is not ideal, it is still the major factor that makes the United States one of the most prosperous countries.

Biddle, B. (2014). Social class, poverty and education . New York, NY: Routledge.

Bok, D. (2015). Higher education in America . New Jersey, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Pavlakis, A. E., Noble, K., Pavlakis, S. G., Ali, N., & Frank, Y. (2015). Brain imaging and electrophysiology biomarkers: Is there a role in poverty and education outcome research? Pediatric Neurology , 52 (4), 383-388.

Snipp, C. (2015). A historical overview and current assessment . W. G. Tierney. (Ed.). Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.

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IvyPanda. (2020, October 29). The Value of Education.

"The Value of Education." IvyPanda , 29 Oct. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'The Value of Education'. 29 October.

IvyPanda . 2020. "The Value of Education." October 29, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "The Value of Education." October 29, 2020.


IvyPanda . "The Value of Education." October 29, 2020.

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  • Financial Literacy
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Financial Literacy: What It Is, and Why It Is So Important To Teach Teens

Education is the key to a successful financial future

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What Is Financial Literacy?

Understanding financial literacy.

  • Why It Matters

The Bottom Line

education or money essay

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Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing.

When you are financially literate, you have the essential foundation for a smart relationship with money. This can help start a lifelong journey of learning about the financial aspects of your life. The earlier you start to become financially literate, the better off you'll be because education is the key to a successful financial future.

Key Takeaways

  • The term “financial literacy” refers to understanding a variety of important financial skills and concepts.
  • Financially literate people are generally less vulnerable to financial fraud.
  • A strong foundation of financial literacy can help support various life goals, such as saving for education or retirement, using debt responsibly, and running a business.
  • Key aspects of financial literacy include knowing how to create a budget, plan for retirement, manage debt, and track personal spending.
  • Financial literacy can be obtained through reading books, listening to podcasts, subscribing to financial content, or talking to a financial professional.

Investopedia / Paige McLaughlin

Since about 2000, financial products and services have become increasingly widespread throughout society. Whereas earlier generations of U.S. residents may have purchased goods primarily in cash, various credit products are popular today, such as credit and debit cards and electronic transfers. A 2021 survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco revealed that 28% of all payments were made via credit card, with only 20% being made in cash.

Given the importance of finance in modern society, a lack of financial literacy can be very damaging to an individual’s long-term financial success.

Pitfalls of Illiteracy

Being financially illiterate can lead to many pitfalls, such as being more likely to accumulate unsustainable debt burdens, either through poor spending decisions or a lack of long-term preparation. This, in turn, can lead to poor credit , bankruptcy, housing foreclosure , and other negative consequences.

Thankfully, there are now more resources than ever for those wishing to educate themselves about financial topics. One such resource is the U.S. government-sponsored Financial Literacy and Education Commission, which offers a range of free learning opportunities.

Financial literacy can help protect individuals from becoming victims of financial fraud, a type of crime that is becoming more commonplace.

Scope of Financial Literacy

Although many skills might fall under the umbrella of financial literacy, popular examples include household budgeting, learning how to manage and pay off debts , and evaluating the tradeoffs between different credit and investment products. These skills often require at least a working knowledge of key financial concepts, such as compound interest and the time value of money.

Financial literacy can cover short- and long-term financial strategies. The strategy you use will depend on several factors, such as your age, investment time horizon, and  risk tolerance . Financial literacy also encompasses knowing how investment decisions made today will impact your tax liabilities in the future.

Financial products such as mortgages, student loans, health insurance, and self-directed investment accounts have grown in importance. It is imperative for individuals to understand how to use them responsibly. It's also important to know which investment vehicles are best to use when saving, whether for a financial goal like buying a home or for retirement.

Other developments in finance such as e-wallets, digital money, and P2P lending can be convenient and cost-effective but require that consumers be educated adequately to use them to their advantage.

Why Financial Literacy Matters

It supports financial well-being.

Day-to-day living expenses, living within your means, short-term borrowing, long-term budget forecasting. To manage these and other essential financial realities properly as you go through life, you must be financially literate.

It is important to plan and save enough to provide adequate income in retirement while avoiding high levels of debt that might result in bankruptcy, defaults, and foreclosures.

In its "Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022" report, the U.S. Federal Reserve System Board of Governors found that many Americans are not prepared for retirement. Twenty-eight percent indicated that they have no retirement savings, while about 31% of those not yet retired felt that their retirement savings were on track. Among those who have self-directed retirement savings, about 63% admitted to feeling low levels of confidence in making retirement decisions.

Millennials' Challenge

Lack of financial literacy has left millennials—the largest share of the American workforce—unprepared for a severe financial crisis, according to research by the TIAA Institute. Even among those who reported having a high  knowledge of personal finance , only 19% answered questions about fundamental financial concepts correctly.

Forty-three percent reported using expensive alternative financial services, such as  payday loans  and pawnshops. More than half lacked an emergency fund to cover three months’ of expenses, and 37% were financially fragile (defined as unable or unlikely to be able to come up with $2,000 within a month in the event of an emergency).

Millennials also carry large amounts of student loan and mortgage debt. In fact, 44% of them said they have too much debt.

Though these may seem like individual problems, they have a wider effect on the entire population than previously believed. The lack of knowledge of mortgage products prior to the 2008 financial crisis created widespread vulnerability to  predatory lending . The financial impact of that crisis affected the entire economy.

Financial literacy is an issue with broad implications for economic health.

If you are a younger individual, retirement may seem years away. Yet it is one of the best goals to begin saving for. That's because the earlier you start, the longer your invested savings will have to compound and the more money you'll end up with. An employer-sponsored retirement account, such as a 401(k) , can help.

Benefits of Financial Literacy

Broadly speaking, the benefit of financial literacy is that it empowers individuals to make smarter decisions about their finances. In addition:

  • Financial literacy can prevent devastating financial mistakes : Floating rate loans may have different interest rates each month, while traditional individual retirement account (IRA) contributions can’t be withdrawn until retirement. For someone unaware of these and other financial facts, seemingly innocent financial decisions may have long-term implications that cost them money or impact life plans. Financial literacy helps individuals avoid making mistakes with their personal finances.
  • Financial literacy prepares people for financial emergencies : Topics such as saving or emergency preparedness get individuals ready for uncertain times. Though losing a job or having a major unexpected expense can be financially impactful, an individual can cushion the blow by saving regularly.
  • Financial literacy can help individuals reach their goals : By better understanding how to budget and save money, individuals can create plans that define expectations, hold them accountable to their finances, and set a course for achieving important financial goals. Though someone may not be able to afford a dream today, they can create a plan that can help make it happen.
  • Financial literacy gives rise to confidence : Imagine having to make a life-changing financial decision without all the necessary information. With knowledge about finances, individuals can approach major life choices with greater confidence. They'll be more likely to achieve the outcome they desire and less likely to be surprised or negatively impacted by unforeseen outcomes.

Strategies to Improve Financial Literacy Skills

Developing financial literacy involves learning and practicing skills related to budgeting, managing, and paying off debts , and more. It means understanding and using credit and investment products wisely. The good news is that, no matter where you are in life and financially, it’s never too late to start practicing good financial habits.

Here are several practical strategies to consider.

Create a Budget

Track how much money you receive each month and how much you spend. You can use an Excel spreadsheet, paper, or a budgeting app . Your budget should include income (paychecks, investments, alimony), fixed expenses (rent/mortgage payments, utilities, loan payments), discretionary spending (nonessentials such as eating out, shopping, and travel), and savings.

Pay Yourself First

To build savings, this reverse budgeting strategy involves choosing a savings goal, such as paying for higher education, deciding how much you want to contribute toward it each month, and setting that amount aside before you divvy up the rest of your expenses.

Pay Bills Promptly

Stay on top of monthly bills, making sure that your payments are always sent to arrive on time. Consider taking advantage of automatic debits from a checking account or bill-pay apps, and sign up for payment reminders (by email, phone, or text).

Get Your Credit Report

Once a year, consumers can request a free credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus —Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—through the federally created website

Review these reports and dispute any errors by informing the credit bureau of inaccuracies. Because you can get three of them, consider spacing out your requests throughout the year to monitor your credit regularly.

In a 2022 survey by the Federal Reserve, 27% of adults in the U.S. reported not "doing okay" financially. The number who reported not living comfortably increased from 2021.

Check Your Credit Score

A good credit score enables you to obtain the best interest rates on loans and credit cards, among other benefits. Monitor your score via a free credit monitoring service. Or, if you can afford to and want to add an extra layer of protection for your personal information, use a credit monitoring service . In addition, be aware of what can raise or lower your scores, such as credit inquiries and credit utilization ratios.

Manage Debt

Use your budget to stay on top of debt by reducing spending and increasing repayment. Develop a debt reduction plan , such as paying down the loan with the highest interest rate first. If your debt is excessive, contact lenders to renegotiate repayment, consolidate loans , or find a debt counseling program.

Invest in Your Future

If your employer offers a 401(k) retirement savings account, be sure to sign up and contribute the maximum to receive the employer match . Consider opening an IRA and creating a diversified investment portfolio of stocks, fixed income, and commodities. If necessary, seek financial advice from professional advisors to help you determine how much money you will need to retire comfortably and develop strategies to reach your goal.

Example of Financial Literacy

Emma is a high school teacher who tries to inform her students about financial literacy through her curriculum. She educates them on the basics of a variety of financial topics, such as personal budgeting, debt management, saving for college and retirement, insurance, investing, and even tax planning. Emma’s students can and will use these concepts for things like renting an apartment, getting a first job, or even just paying for fun activities such as going to the movies.

Understanding concepts such as credit cards, bank accounts, interest rates, opportunity costs, debt management , compound interest, and budgets, for example, could help her students start saving and manage the student loans that they might rely on to fund their college education. It could keep them from amassing dangerous levels of debt and threatening their credit scores.

Similarly, she expects that certain topics, such as income taxes and retirement planning, will eventually prove useful to all students, no matter what they end up doing after high school.

Why Is Financial Literacy Important?

Financial literacy gives an individual the tools and resources they need to be financially secure throughout their life. The lack of financial literacy can lead to many pitfalls, such as overspending and accumulating unsustainable debt burdens. This, in turn, can lead to poor credit, bankruptcy, housing foreclosure, or other negative consequences.

How Do I Become Financially Literate?

Becoming financially literate involves learning and practicing a variety of skills related to budgeting, managing and paying off debts, and understanding credit and investment products. Basic steps to improve your personal finances include creating a budget, keeping track of expenses, making timely payments, being prudent about saving money, periodically checking your credit report, and investing for your future.

What Are Some Popular Personal Budget Rules?

Two commonly used personal budgeting methods are the 50/20/30 and 70/20/10 rules, and their simplicity is what makes them popular. The first entails dividing your after-tax, take-home pay into three areas: needs (50%), savings (20%), and wants (30%). The 70/20/10 rule also follows a similar blueprint, recommending that your after-tax, take-home income be divided into segments that cater to expenses (70%), savings or reducing debt (20%), and investments and charitable donations (10%).

What Are the Principles of Financial Literacy?

There are five broad principles of financial literacy. Though other models may list different key components, the overarching goal of financial literacy is to teach individuals about earning, spending, saving, borrowing, and protecting their money.

Financial literacy is the knowledge of various aspects of personal finance and the ability to make smart decisions about money.

It includes preparing a budget, knowing how much to save, recognizing favorable loan terms, understanding what impacts credit, and distinguishing different investment options that can be used to save for retirement.

The financial skills that come from financial literacy can help individuals handle their personal finances responsibly which, in turn, can help them protect the well-being of their financial futures.

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. “ 2022 Findings from the Diary of Consumer Payment Choice .” Page 6.

U.S. Department of the Treasury. “ Financial Literacy and Education Commission .”

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “ Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022 .” Pages 68, 71.

Bolognesi, Andrea and et al. “ Millennials and Money: Financial Preparedness and Money Management Practices Before COVID-19 .” TIAA Institute Research Dialogue , no. 167, August 2020, pp. 5, 6, 15, 22.

Bolognesi, Andrea and et al. “ Millennials and Money: Financial Preparedness and Money Management Practices Before COVID-19 .” TIAA Institute Research Dialogue , no. 167, August 2020, pp. 13.

Federal Trade Commission. " Free Credit Reports ."

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “ Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022 .” Page 5. " My Money Five ."

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Is College Worth It: The Benefits of College Education

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Words: 1396 |

Published: Jan 28, 2021

Words: 1396 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

Why Is College Worth It? (Essay)

Works cited.

  • Archibald, R., & Feldman, D. (2006). Graduation Rates and Accountability: Regressional Discontinuity Estimates of the Impact of Merit Aid on College Persistence. Journal of Human Resources, 41(4), 669-700.
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2021). Unemployment rates and earnings by educational attainment. U.S. Department of Labor.
  • College Board. (2021). Trends in College Pricing 2021.
  • Deil-Amen, R., & Rosenbaum, J. E. (2003). The unintended consequences of merit aid: The impact on college access and choice. Journal of Higher Education, 74(4), 365-391.
  • Deming, D. J., Goldin, C., & Katz, L. F. (2012). The value of postsecondary credentials in the labor market: An educational perspective. American Economic Review, 102(4), 463-468.
  • Federal Student Aid. (n.d.). FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid. U.S. Department of Education.
  • Finnie, R., & Mueller, R. E. (2019). The financial returns from post-secondary education: A literature review. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 49(1), 22-44.
  • Hout, M. (2012). Social and economic returns to college education in the United States. Annual Review of Sociology, 38, 379-400.
  • Jackson, C. K., Johnson, R. C., & Persico, C. (2016). The effects of school spending on educational and economic outcomes: Evidence from school finance reforms. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(1), 157-218.
  • Perna, L. W. (2010). Understanding the working college student. ASHE Higher Education Report, 35(3), 1-131.

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Essay On Money: 100, 250 Words Samples

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  • Nov 9, 2023

Essay On Money

Why do you think money is important? Can we live without money? Does money have its own value? What’s the difference between hard money and digital money? When we plan on buying something, we have to pay a certain amount. Let’s say you want to buy a wristwatch worth $50. How do you compare that commodity with money? Do they have equal value? Is there any authority that states the value of money ? These and several other questions about money can make one wonder why money is given so much importance. Let’s go in-depth with an essay on money and find answers to all these questions.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Money?
  • 2 Why is Money So Important?
  • 3 Essay on Money in 100 Words
  • 4 Essay on Money in 250 Words

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What is Money?

According to Wikipedia and Oxford Dictionary, Money is simply a medium of exchange. Some even consider money as one of the most important resources , which is used to make transactions of goods, services, or repayment of debts within a specific country or socio-economic context.

Money can have various forms, coins and banknotes in physical form, and electronic balances in bank accounts in digital forms. Money serves as a unit of account, facilitating the measurement of value in terms of prices, and as a store of value, allowing individuals to save purchasing power for future use.

Learn Why Financial Literacy is Important for Students.

Why is Money So Important?

What makes money such an important resource is its acceptance across the globe in multiple transactions and services. From serving as a medium of exchange to facilitating financial activities, the importance of money goes beyond our everyday needs. Here are several reasons stating the importance of money.

  • Money serves as a convenient medium of exchange that facilitates the buying and selling of goods and services, making transactions more efficient than barter systems.
  • It provides a standardized unit for measuring the value of goods, services, and assets, allowing for easier comparison and assessment of value across different items.
  • Money enables individuals and businesses to store wealth and purchasing power over time, facilitating savings and investment for future needs and goals.
  • A stable and reliable monetary system encourages investment, trade, and economic growth, fostering overall prosperity within an economy.
  • By using money, individuals and businesses can avoid the high transaction costs associated with bartering and the inefficiencies of non-monetary exchange systems.
  • The use of money encourages specialization in the production of goods and services, leading to increased productivity and efficiency within an economy.
  • Money is essential for the functioning of financial markets, banking systems, and investment activities, which are crucial for the allocation of resources and capital within an economy.

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Essay on Money in 100 Words

El dinero or money is used as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. It facilitates trade, allowing for the smooth exchange of goods and services, while also enabling efficient allocation of resources and encouraging economic growth. As a unit of account, it provides a standardized measure of value, simplifying the comparison of different goods and assets. 

Moreover, money acts as a store of value, allowing individuals to save and plan for the future. Its role in reducing transaction costs, enabling specialization, and supporting complex financial activities highlights its significance in the functioning of contemporary economies.

Essay on Money in 250 Words

Modern economics is heavily dependent on money or we can say that money is the pillar of modern economies. As a medium of exchange, it simplifies trade by providing a universally accepted method of payment for goods and services, eliminating the inefficiencies and limitations of barter systems. Its characteristic fosters the development of complex market systems, encouraging specialization and the efficient allocation of resources.

Apart from being a medium of exchange, money functions as a unit of account, providing a standardized measure of value that enables individuals to compare prices and evaluate the worth of different goods and services. This uniformity in valuation streamlines commercial activities and allows for effective planning and decision-making in both personal and business contexts.

Money serves as a store of value, allowing individuals to save and accumulate wealth over time. This feature empowers people to prepare for future expenses, emergencies, or long-term goals, providing a sense of security and stability in an uncertain world.

In addition to its role in daily transactions , money fuels economic growth by facilitating investment, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Financial institutions utilize money as a tool to allocate capital efficiently, enabling the development of new businesses, industries, and technologies that contribute to overall economic prosperity.

Money plays multiple roles in our lives; it is a physical or digital representation of currency; it is a fundamental pillar of modern economies, underpinning the intricate web of commercial activities, financial systems, and societal well-being. Its importance lies not only in its tangible properties but also in the complex functions and structures it supports within the global economic framework.

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Money is globally accepted as a medium of exchange in multiple transactions and services. From serving as a medium of exchange to facilitating financial activities, the importance of money goes beyond our everyday needs. To buy goods or services, you are required to pay a certain amount, which is fulfilled by paying money. 

To write an essay on money, you need to highlight the key aspects of this essential resource. The multiple transactions in which money is used in our day-to-day lives make money an important part of our lives. Give examples of how money can change our lives and what would happen if we were out of money. Highlight the latest trends in the financial sector and what governments are doing to save our money from inflation. 

Here are the 5 strongest currencies in the world: Kuwait Dinar (KWD), Bahraini Dinar (BHD), Omani Rial (OMR), Jordanian Dinar (JOD), and Gibraltar Pound (GIP).

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Pictures of Themselves: The 2020 College Essays on Money

Each year, we ask high school seniors to send us college application essays that touch on money, work or social class. Here are four from this year’s incoming college freshmen.

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By Ron Lieber

Consider these dispatches from the time before.

Before the coronavirus, before college students went home and stayed there, before protests amplified calls for racial justice, a whole bunch of teenagers did a normal thing at a normal time: They tried to say something meaningful about who they were to a collection of strangers who could give them access to a great education.

Reading their college application essays now, it’s hard not to feel at least a little bit optimistic for the future. They hustle. They make do. They reckon with themselves, how they see the world and how they are seen in it, too.

Each year, I ask graduating seniors to send me application essays about work, money, social class or related topics. We adults don’t talk about money and our feelings about it often enough, so it only seems right to try to learn from the teenagers who have figured out how to do it well.

And so here, we meet the artist who works amid her immigrant parents’ construction projects, a Black man who uses poetry to provide a dose of perspective, an unlikely conveyance in upscale Connecticut and the maker of a blanket that stands for so much more.

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Essay on Education for School Students and Children

500+ words essay on education.

Education is an important tool which is very useful in everybody’s life. Education is what differentiates us from other living beings on earth. It makes man the smartest creature on earth. It empowers humans and gets them ready to face challenges of life efficiently. With that being said, education still remains a luxury and not a necessity in our country. Educational awareness needs to be spread through the country to make education accessible. But, this remains incomplete without first analyzing the importance of education. Only when the people realize what significance it holds, can they consider it a necessity for a good life. In this essay on Education, we will see the importance of education and how it is a doorway to success.

essay on education

Importance of Education

Education is the most significant tool in eliminating poverty and unemployment . Moreover, it enhances the commercial scenario and benefits the country overall. So, the higher the level of education in a country, the better the chances of development are.

In addition, this education also benefits an individual in various ways. It helps a person take a better and informed decision with the use of their knowledge. This increases the success rate of a person in life.

Subsequently, education is also responsible for providing with an enhanced lifestyle. It gives you career opportunities that can increase your quality of life.

Similarly, education also helps in making a person independent. When one is educated enough, they won’t have to depend on anyone else for their livelihood. They will be self-sufficient to earn for themselves and lead a good life.

Above all, education also enhances the self-confidence of a person and makes them certain of things in life. When we talk from the countries viewpoint, even then education plays a significant role. Educated people vote for the better candidate of the country. This ensures the development and growth of a nation.

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Doorway to Success

To say that education is your doorway to success would be an understatement. It serves as the key which will unlock numerous doors that will lead to success. This will, in turn, help you build a better life for yourself.

An educated person has a lot of job opportunities waiting for them on the other side of the door. They can choose from a variety of options and not be obligated to do something they dislike. Most importantly, education impacts our perception positively. It helps us choose the right path and look at things from various viewpoints rather than just one.

education or money essay

With education, you can enhance your productivity and complete a task better in comparison to an uneducated person. However, one must always ensure that education solely does not ensure success.

It is a doorway to success which requires hard work, dedication and more after which can you open it successfully. All of these things together will make you successful in life.

In conclusion, education makes you a better person and teaches you various skills. It enhances your intellect and the ability to make rational decisions. It enhances the individual growth of a person.

Education also improves the economic growth of a country . Above all, it aids in building a better society for the citizens of a country. It helps to destroy the darkness of ignorance and bring light to the world.

education or money essay

FAQs on Education

Q.1 Why is Education Important?

A.1 Education is important because it is responsible for the overall development of a person. It helps you acquire skills which are necessary for becoming successful in life.

Q.2 How does Education serve as a Doorway to Success?

A.2 Education is a doorway to success because it offers you job opportunities. Furthermore, it changes our perception of life and makes it better.

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