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Applying to a Cal-State School? Here’s What You Need to Know About the CSU System/Process

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Even among large state university systems in the U.S., the California State University system (referred to as Cal State or CSU, although there are other CSUs in the U.S.) is a behemoth. With a population of over half a million students, staff, and faculty members across its roughly two dozen branches, it plays a huge role in educating the state of California, and also attracts students from outside the state.

If you’re used to thinking of colleges as distinct, singular entities, you may find the mechanics of applying to a large state college system like Cal State to be somewhat confusing. If you’re from outside of California, you may also have questions about how your residency affects your application requirements and chance of being accepted.

Never fear, CollegeVine is here! In this post, you’ll find an outline of the Cal State system of colleges, their application processes and requirements, and the factors you’ll need to consider if you’re thinking about applying. Read on for our advice on making wise choices about the Cal State system.

A Brief Introduction to the Cal State System

The Cal State system as it operates today was created by the California Master Plan for Education of 1960 , but the colleges it consists of have existed for much longer under various names and groupings. Originally intended primarily to educate teachers, these colleges now offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in a full range of fields.

Today, the Cal State system consists of 23 distinct campuses, some of which maintain additional “off-campus” branches that extend their reach to a larger number of students. You can find a full list of these campuses and detailed information on each campus on the Cal State website. Cal State also owns a number of other research and laboratory facilities throughout the state, including an observatory and a ship for training future mariners.

Like most state colleges, the Cal State schools were originally created to serve residents of that state. California residents still enjoy preferential treatment in admissions and a lower in-state tuition rate at the Cal State schools. However, students from other states and even other countries are also eligible to apply.

Currently, nearly 479,000 students attend Cal State each year, and the system lays claim to the title of largest (by population) 4-year state college system in the nation. It’s responsible for half the bachelor’s degrees awarded in California every year, and it awards more bachelor’s degrees each year than any other university system in the U.S.

It’s important to keep in mind that the California State University system is not the same as the University of California (UC) system. Both are systems of public universities in California, but each has its own policies, campus choices, and admissions procedures, and the UC schools are generally more selective and more expensive. To learn more about the UC system and its application requirements, visit the CollegeVine blog post How to Write the University of California Essay Prompts 2017-2018.

do i have to write an essay for csu

Applying to the Cal State System

To be eligible for admission to any of the Cal State schools, you must have successfully completed certain college preparatory courses while you were in high school. If you’ve completed these requirements, your high school GPA and your SAT or ACT scores are plugged into an established equation to produce the single number known as your Eligibility Index (EI).

Your EI is the main factor that determines admission to most of the Cal State schools and majors. Each school and major has its own EI cutoff for admission. This threshold may also depend upon where you live; students who come from the immediate area of the college and, more generally, the state of California receive preference in the form of lower EI cutoffs.

Applying to one or more schools in the Cal State system is different from applying to most other colleges in some significant ways. If you’re hoping to get admitted to a Cal State school, particularly one of the more popular campuses, you’ll need to follow the instructions carefully.

First of all, instead of the Common Application, Coalition Application, or another shared application system, the Cal State schools use their own application system, Cal State Apply. You must use this system to apply to any of the Cal State schools, and you can specify multiple Cal State schools on it if you’d like.

If you take a look at the Cal State admissions website , you’ll see that it lists a “priority application filing period” that lasts from October 1 to November 31 for admission in the next fall semester. The term “priority” is a bit of a misnomer here; at some of the more popular campuses, all the available first-year spaces may be taken during this time period.

In order to have the best possible chance at getting admitted to the Cal State college you’re interested in, you should always plan to submit your initial Cal State application during the priority application filing period. Some colleges in the system may continue to accept applications after November 31, space permitting, but this is not guaranteed.

In certain circumstances, you may have to provide additional information as part of your Cal State application. What this might require of you depends on the school and the situation. (We’ll discuss these circumstances in greater detail below.)

If you’re a first-year applicant (not a transfer applicant), you should not submit any additional documents with your initial application. After you submit your initial application, you’ll be contacted directly with instructions if and when more information becomes necessary. Don’t submit anything extra during the basic application process unless you’re specifically told to do so.

Impacted Campuses and Majors

One special piece of terminology that you’ll find used in the Cal State system is “impacted.” If a Cal State college, or a specific major at a Cal State college, is described as impacted, this means that demand for admission to this college or major exceeds the available space, making admission to this college or major much more competitive.

Whether a particular school or major is impacted can vary from year to year, but some campuses, like Cal State Fullerton , are already known to be impacted for the 2017-2018 application season. Impacted Cal State colleges generally require a higher EI for admission than the others, and impacted majors may require a higher EI than other majors at that college.

Impacted schools and majors may also base their admissions decision on additional information, requiring you to submit supplemental documents. Again, if these documents become necessary, the college will inform you and provide instructions for submission. Don’t submit any additional documents during the initial application process.

Admission for Non-California Residents

As we’ve mentioned, the Cal State system was established specifically to provide educational opportunities to students from California. For this reason, preference in admission is given to California residents, especially those living in the local area of a particular college, and to transfer students from the California community college system.

If you’re not from California, you’re still welcome to apply to the Cal State system. However, you should be aware that you’ll be subject to higher admissions standards. The EI threshold for out-of-state applicants is typically higher, meaning you’ll need higher grades and test scores to get in, and you may also need to submit supplemental documents if the college requests them.

As with most state universities and colleges, it’s also more expensive to attend schools in the Cal State system if you’re from out of state. California residents enjoy lower in-state tuition.

Choosing a Cal State Campus

With so many campus options scattered across the entire state of California, you might find it hard to decide which Cal State schools to apply to. While the schools in this system have a lot in common, and are run by the same chancellor and group of administrators, each campus also has a distinct character of its own.

Some of the Cal State schools are located in major cities like Los Angeles, while others are set in suburbs or small towns. Each school offers its own set of majors, and some of the schools are extra-specialized — Cal Maritime, for instance, is a small Cal State school that only offers a few majors related to maritime science.

Fortunately, the Cal State system’s website provides tools that you can use to help make this decision. Along with information on each college and the academic and other programs they offer, this website offers a Campus Match Tool that allows you to search among the 23 different Cal State schools by factors like size, location, and athletic offerings.

For more details about each campus, it’s a good idea to explore the individual websites of the Cal State colleges you’re interested in, and even to visit and speak to current students to get a more personal perspective. You can find links to each of the Cal State colleges on the Cal State website.  

When you submit your initial Cal State application through the Cal State Apply system, you’ll be instructed to specify your campus(es) of choice. If any of the Cal State colleges you choose requires additional information from you in order to make a decision, the individual school(s) will contact you directly and provide more instructions for what to submit and how.

Considering the Cal State system may be a little overwhelming due to its breadth, but within that wide variety of programs, you may very well find one that’s perfect for you. Especially given the early deadlines of the priority application period, if you think any of the Cal State colleges might be a good fit for your less, it’s worth getting to know their process, checking whether you meet their requirements, and putting in your research in advance.

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  • Sep 28, 2022

Applying to a Cal State University in 2024

Updated: 4 days ago

The California State University (CSU) is a public university system made up of 23 college campuses across the state of California​.

The Cal State University System Map

Whether your student is applying to one or four of the CSU colleges, they will still apply via the Cal State Apply Application .

Here’s what you need to know for the 2023-24 admissions cycle.

How do students apply to the CSUs?

The application opens Oct. 1 and has "phased deadlines," meaning some campuses will have earlier deadlines than other campuses. Eight campuses will close on November 30th, including Cal Poly San Louis Obispo and San Diego State University. You can verify deadline dates on each campus's website or look it up here.

What is admission based on?

Since 2022, the use of ACT/SAT scores in the admissions process has been suspended for all of the CSU campuses.

As a result, the 23 CSU campuses have implemented a multi-factor review to determine admission eligibility, which includes a combination of:

Completion of the 15-unit comprehensive “A-G” pattern of college prep courses with a qualifying GPA of 3.0 or higher for non-California residents

Supplemental factors

The GPA minimums and the weighting of supplemental information used may vary by campus.

Some CSU campuses are impacted or have impacted programs – meaning the number of applications received from qualified applicants exceeds the number of available spaces. These campuses may use a higher GPA minimum in their admissions process.

For example, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo gives extra consideration when students take beyond the minimum number of semesters required in some of the “A-G” subject areas, such as math, lab science, English, or language other than English. San Diego State University, in addition to considering all of the college-prep coursework students have taken during high school, also considers the performance and the number of units taken in courses most relevant to their intended major (see "Preparation Towards Indicated Area of Study").

The main section of the CSU application asks students to report the average number of hours they participated in extracurricular and/or leadership activities over the most recent 12 months, and the average number of hours they worked per week over the most recent 12 months. Note, students are not asked to list out the activities or work endeavors themselves, simply the amount of time spent engaged in them.

Insider Tip

Students applying to Cal Poly is interested in students' leadership roles . Students may be given extra consideration if they indicate they have held a leadership position in any of their extra-curricular activities or if 25% or more of their work experience is related to their chosen major.

Does CSU consider 9th-grade year grades?

Most CSU campuses only use a GPA derived from “A-G” coursework taken in 10th and 11th grades. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is the only CSU campus that will include 9th grade in their GPA calculation.

Will CSU consider test scores if they are submitted?

The CSU has made it clear that “in no case will standardized test scores be utilized in making admissions decisions for applicants. There will still be a section on the application where students can submit SAT and ACT scores, alongside AP and IB scores, but the test results will be used only for college-level math and English course placement for admitted students.

Will CSU count “credit” or “pass” pass grades?

Yes! The CSU campuses will consider course grades of “credit” or “pass” as fulfilling “a-g” requirements for those courses completed from the spring 2020 term to the summer 2021 term. Grades of credit/pass or no credit/no pass will satisfy eligibility requirements, but they will not be included in the calculation of high school GPA.

Is an essay required?

Although the CSU campuses will be looking at coursework and non-academic variables such as hours spent in extracurricular activities, the CSU system does not require essays or personal statements and remains as objective as possible in making admissions decisions.

Do I need to submit my transcript or Letters of Recommendation?

Students will self-report their courses and grades in the application and do not submit letters of recommendation.

Where can I learn more about the CSU campuses?

Each CSU campus offers its own events. Find the campuses here and link to their admission events website pages. You can also visit with specific campuses in October:

Where can I learn how to navigate Cal State Apply Application?

Several resources are available to students throughout the admissions process:

Read the Cal State Freshman Application Guide

Read the Cal State Admission Handbook

Students can sign up for a virtual application workshop here . Scroll to the very bottom of the page to "Workshops and Information Sessions."

Students can also wat ch Cal Poly's series of application videos.

Cal State Apply Coursework Entry Guide

Freshman Admission Requirements

Out-of-State CSU Eligibly Index

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Application Guide for First-Year

We have compiled this information to guide you through each section of the  Cal State Apply  application.  Within the application, you can also navigate to the blue question circle in the upper right corner for more detailed instructions.  Additional resources are also available directly through Cal State Apply.

Gray Bar

Getting Started

Gather materials.

  • Transcript(s) from all high schools and colleges (if applicable) that you've attended.
  • 12th grade fall and spring course schedules to include in-progress and planned course work. Do not include planned summer courses. They will not be considered on your application.
  • Do not send official transcripts unless we request them.

Browser Preferences

Use Google Chrome or Firefox to complete your application. Internet Explorer or Safari are not recommended for Cal State Apply. You must disable your pop-up blocker.

Creating Your Account

  • Sign in or create an account. Please do not use a school-based email address under Contact Information .
  • In Complete Your Profile , choose “First Bachelor’s Degree,” and then “graduating high school senior or equivalent.” Next, indicate whether or not you have college course work to enter. From there, complete the remaining questions and click Save.
  • Scroll down to find "Cal Poly Undergraduate."
  • Search for "Cal Poly" (do not search for "San Luis Obispo").
  • Click on Filter and choose Cal Poly San Luis Obispo under the Campus selection. 

Program Selection

  • All Cal Poly applicants must select a major. Undeclared is not an option for our campus.
  • You will be evaluated against other first-year applicants applying to the same major.
  • You may select an alternate major, but very few applicants are offered admissions based on their alternate major selection.

Review Your Program Selections

Review your answers, then click on Continue to my Application .

Gray Bar

Personal Information

Complete all sections using your full legal name as it will appear on your test scores, transcripts and government issued documents.

Gray Bar

Academic History

High schools attended.

  • Students whose California based high school is listed with CaliforniaColleges.edu , can import their high school information and course work data directly into the Cal State Apply Application. You must first create an account and register with CaliforniaColleges.edu . Once you have an account, click the “Connect” button and follow the prompts.
  • Once your accounts are connected, click “Import” to bring over your data. Once imported, you will receive a success message on the screen. It will be your responsibility to double-check all of the course work and ensure that all grades are entered, all A-G designations are assigned, and accurate course categories are applied.
  • If you do not use CaliforniaColleges.edu, you will need to enter all high schools attended manually. 
  • Enter any online or distance education providers, if applicable.
  • If you were home-schooled, navigate to the Home School tab to enter your curriculum provider.
  • Double-check your selection for the diploma Date Received/Expected question to make sure you selected the correct year.
  • If your school operates on two different term types such as semester and trimester, enter the school twice under each term type. This will ensure that you get the proper credit for your course work.

Example of how to enter multiple term types.

Seventh and/or Eighth Grade Course Work

How to enter middle school courses

  • You can only enter one year of credit per course, even in your middle school split the course into two years (ex., Algebra 1A in seventh and Algebra 1B in eighth). In this case, enter the course work in either the seventh or eighth grade section. 
  • Don't enter your middle school as an additional school attended. Instead, choose it as the first high school attended in ninth grade for that academic year. 

Ninth through 11th Grade Course Work

  • Remember to list your courses and grades as they appear on your high school transcript and make sure you select the correct course type. If you are not sure which A-G area your course falls under, you can look it up on the UC Doorways A-G course list . If you have taken AP, IB, or Honors courses, select the appropriate option from the dropdown menu of course type. For all other courses, select “None.”

12th Grade Course Work

  • Enter all 12th grade course work as either “In Progress” or “Planned” to get credit for those semesters. Dropping Spring course work you report on your application could have an impact on your admissions status.

Failing Grades/Repeating Classes

  • Enter all failing grades for courses unless you have successfully repeated the same exact course at the same institution and your transcript reflects this accordingly. In this scenario, you will only report the passing grade. If you are currently retaking a failed course with an in-progress or planned course, you must report the failing grade.

Summer Classes with Two Grades

  • Did you take an A–G course over the Summer? Click on "Add Summer Courses" and enter your coursework. If you received one grade, enter that grade in Summer 1 and enter "No Course" in Summer 2. 

Schools with Trimester Systems

  • If your school operates on a true trimester system where you receive three grades per course, select trimester as your term type. If your school operates on a trimester system where you only get two grades per course, you will select semester as your term type.

Elective Requirements

  • If you do not have two semesters of Electives, you may fulfill the one year requirement by entering one semester of US Government and one semester of Economics (if 4 semesters of Social Science have already been completed). If you do not have US Government and Economics, you may report a course entitled “Elective Credit” with two grades of Pass. Please call our office directly if you have questions or concerns about meeting the area G requirement.

College Course Entry

  • If you are using college classes toward your A-G Course work, make sure you add the college to your application. You should enter the course into the College Coursework page. Do not add a second grade if you only took one semester. The system will know to give you one year's worth of credit as long as you enter it properly and assign the appropriate A-G designation on the A-G matching tile.
  • Non A-G college courses can be entered on the college coursework page. Do not enter the course on both the High School Coursework and College Coursework pages, as this is considered double-reporting.

Test Scores

  • The California State University (CSU) system has permanently suspended the use of ACT/SAT tests in the admissions process. Standardized test scores will only be used for Math and English placement purposes, if you are admitted. 
  • College Board institution codes for Cal Poly SLO: (ACT: 0188) (SAT: 4038) (AP: 4038).

Gray Bar

Supporting Information

This section covers work experience and extra-curricular activities, as well as the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP).

Your work experience can be paid or not. You may also enter internships or volunteer programs in this section. There is no area on the application to give details regarding these activities. It is simply quantified into hours per week, with an indication of leadership roles and major relatedness. Cal Poly reserves the right to request additional documentation to verify your responses if needed.

The EOP (Educational Opportunity Program) provides admission, academic and financial support services to historically underserved students throughout California. Applicants to the program need to fill out all four sections by the EOP Application Deadline. Non-EOP applicants will need to decline the option on the first tile and click on Save to continue. Learn more about EOP .

Gray Bar

Program Materials

After selecting your program, followed by the Questions tab:

  • Read and click on the Licensure or Credential Acknowledgment. 
  • Select "First-Year (Graduating High School)" as Applicant Level.
  • Respond to the questions and acknowledgements displayed.
  • Save and continue.

Gray Bar

You must pay the campus application fee at the time you submit, unless you qualify for an application fee waiver. The application will notify you automatically whether or not you qualify for a fee waiver at the time of submittal. The limit is four fee waivers for California State Universities. After you have used your four fee waivers, you must pay the campus application fee. If you do not currently own a credit card, the system will accept a pre-paid credit card.

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To support incoming students as we emerge from the recent public health situation, all California State University campuses are being flexible with certain admission requirements. Learn more at  High School Guidance for First-Time, First-Year Students .  

Keep reading to find out what you need to do to apply for admission to CSUN.

California Resident Applicants

No matter what part of California you’re from, you’ll find a home at CSUN. Visit our beautiful campus in person or virtually  and discover why CSUN is one of the premier academic institutions in our state!

Fall freshman admissions

CSUN accepts freshman applications each year between Oct. 1 and Jan. 31  for admission to the coming fall semester.

Am I a freshman?

You are considered a freshman if one of the following describes your situation:

  • You have not yet graduated from high school but are on track to graduate with a high school diploma by spring of your senior year.
  • You graduated from high school and received a diploma, but you have not taken any college courses following your high school graduation.
  • You have earned a certificate for one of the California state high school proficiency exams — General Education Development (GED) or High School Equivalency test (HiSET).

What do I need to apply for admission?

To be considered for admission, freshman applicants will need:

  • Unofficial transcripts. You will be required to enter all completed courses as well as those currently in progress and those you plan to take in the future.
  • Social Security number, if you have one.
  • Your citizenship status. This is for CSU tuition purposes and will not affect your admission application.
  • Credit/debit card. The $70 application fee is due at the time of submission and can only be paid by credit/debit card. The online application will calculate your eligibility for an application fee waiver.
  • Annual income. If you are a dependent, then report your parents’ or guardian’s income. If you are independent, report your income.
  • If you are applying to the Educational Opportunity Program, you will be required to report your parents'/guardian’s educational and employment background and submit two letters of recommendation.

What classes do I need to take to qualify for admission?

You must successfully complete the college preparatory subject requirements listed below (known as “A-to-G” in California) with a grade of C- or better.  Because of the pandemic, any credit/pass grades that you earned for A-to-G courses you took winter 2020 through summer 2021 will be accepted as satisfying this requirement. Starting fall 2021, you must take A-to-G courses for a letter grade and earn at least a C- grade.

A to G College Preparatory Subject Requirements

  • English: 4 years
  • Mathematics: 3 years (algebra, geometry and intermediate algebra; 4 years recommended but not required)
  • Social Science/History: 2 years (1 year U.S. history or U.S. history and government)
  • Science: 2 years (1 year biological science with lab and 1 year physical science with lab)
  • Foreign Language: 2 years in the same language (subject to waiver for applicants demonstrating equivalent competence)
  • Visual and Performing Arts: 1 year (art, dance, drama/theater or music)
  • Electives: 1 year (selected from English, advanced mathematics, social science/history, laboratory science, foreign language, visual and performing arts or any other courses approved and included on the UC/CSU "A-to-G" list)

No course work taken after graduation will be accepted to meet fall admission requirements.

The application period opens Oct. 1 at  Cal State Apply .

What qualifying Eligibility Index score do I need to earn to be admitted?

The following information is for  fall 2024  admissions.

  • All California State University (CSU) campuses use the Eligibility Index as part of the freshman admission decision. 
  • The minimum Eligibility Index score is 2500 for California students graduating from all high schools within California.
  • The Eligibility Index is based on your high school grade point average (HSGPA) in all your college prep A to G classes. In some cases, points may be awarded through five (5) additional multifactor admission criteria.
  • CSUN does not require the SAT/ACT for admission. However, if you have taken the tests, please send us your scores to assist with placement in math and writing courses if you are admitted.  AP, CLEP and IB scores are also helpful for placement .

Calculating your Eligibility Index:

CSUN’s minimum Eligibility Index can be achieved in either of two ways:

  • If HSGPA is 2.50 or better : A-to-G HSGPA x 1,000
  • If HSGPA is less than 2.50 : A-to-G HSGPA x 1,000 + (total multifactor eligibility points)

– If your HSGPA is 2.50 or better, multiply your GPA by 1,000. For example, the Eligibility Index for a 2.50 HSGPA is 2500.

– If your HSGPA is less than 2.50, multiply your GPA by 1,000 and then add any points awarded for the multifactor admission criteria shown in the table below. For example, a student might have a HSGPA of 2.40, qualify for the Cal State Apply application fee waiver and have no parents who attended college. Therefore, add 2400 (GPA x 1,000) + 100 points (25 + 75), for an Eligibility Index of 2500.

– All California residents can gain points from the multifactor admission criteria in the table below.

  • A minimum Eligibility Index higher than 2500 may be required depending on your chosen major. Please see the notes below the table.
CSUN Multifactor Admission Criteria with Point Values
Multifactor CriteriaPoint Calculation and Values
CSU Admissions Requirement: High School GPA (HSGPA) : 2,000-2,499

See notes below this table.

CSU Admissions Requirement: A-to-G Subjects Course Work
Free and Reduced Lunch School (Underrepresented High School)
First Generation Student (Parent Education Factor)

Parent/Guardian 1 and 2 education:

Youth Services (Foster Youth)
Cal State Apply Application Fee Waiver
  • Competitive majors. Some majors receive more applications than CSUN has spots to offer (the CSU calls this impaction ). To qualify for admission to these majors, applicants must meet or exceed a higher Eligibility Index, which can change annually. Please visit  CSUN's impaction website to learn more about these majors.
  • Graduates of California high schools and California residents whose HSGPA falls below these required minimums can receive additional eligibility points if they meet any of the multifactor admission criteria listed in the table above.

Out-of-State Applicants

No matter what part of the country you’re from, you’ll find a home at CSUN. Visit our beautiful campus in person or virtually  to discover why CSUN is one of the premier academic institutions in California!

If you are a resident of one of the member U.S. states or territories of the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education, you can enjoy reduced non-resident tuition rates by participating in the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program. Visit  WUE at CSUN  to learn more.

Fall freshmen admissions

CSUN accepts freshman applications each year between Oct. 1 and  J an. 31  for admission to the coming fall semester.

  • You have earned a certificate for one of these high school graduation equivalency exams: the General Education Development (GED), High School Equivalency test (HiSET), or equivalent certificate awarded by other states.
  • Your citizenship status.
  • Credit/debit card. The $70 application fee is due at the time of submission and can only be paid by credit/debit card.

You must successfully complete the college preparatory subject requirements listed below (known as “A to G” in California) with a grade of B or better. Because of the pandemic, any credit/pass grades that you earned for A to G courses you took winter 2020 through summer 2021 will be accepted as satisfying this requirement. Starting fall 2021, you must take A ro G courses for a letter grade and earn at least a B grade.

A-to-G College Preparatory Subject Requirements

  • Mathematics: 3 years (algebra, geometry and intermediate algebra; 4 years recommended but not required)

The application period opens Oct. 1 .  Cal State Apply

What qualifying eligibility index score do I need to earn to be admitted?

  • The Eligibility Index is based on your  high school grade point average  (HSGPA) in all your college prep A-to-G classes (or equivalents).
  • CSUN does not require the SAT/ACT for admission. However, if you have taken the tests, please send us your scores to assist with placement in math and writing courses if you are admitted.  AP, CLEP and IB scores are also helpful for placement .

Calculating your Eligibility Index

Multiply your high school GPA for the A-to-G subjects (or equivalents) by 1,000:

A-to-G subject HSGPA x 1,000

  • Non-resident (out-of-state) applicants graduating from high schools outside of California must possess a minimum eligibility index of 3000 (or HSGPA of 3.0) in the A-to-G subjects.

International Applicants

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CSU application essays?

<p>I cannot find them anywhere! Do CSU’s not require essays of any sort? Is it just the UC’s? Also I heard that you should submit an essay if you are applying for an impacted major but where are the prompts?</p>

<p>In general, CSUs do not require admissions essays. Some impacted majors and campuses have additional requirements, and the additional requirements may or may not include an essay. Check here for information about which majors/campuses are impacted [Impaction</a> | Student Academic Support | CSU](<a href=“ http://www.calstate.edu/SAS/impactioninfo.shtml]Impaction ”> http://www.calstate.edu/SAS/impactioninfo.shtml ) . If your selections are impacted, investigate the website of the campus to which you are applying for more information about additional requirements. It is likely they will contact you with the additional requirements after you submit your application to CSU Mentor.</p>

<p>CSU’s are numbers indexed based for admissions. If essays were involved they’d need armies of readers to weed through a lot of very bad essays.</p>

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CSU Freshman Requirements (essays)

So I'm applying for Fall 2023 as a freshman. I was just wondering, does CSU require essays for admission? I'm applying to SJSU, SFSU, and Cal State East Bay and I wanted to know if I had to write essays for them.

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College of Business

Application supporting documents.

During the application process for undergraduate students, we may ask for or require supporting documents to help us understand your academic history. Transcripts are the most-common item we need.

You will find complete instructions on how to submit documents below, and we’re always here to help if you have any questions.

Are you missing items?

Application fees and waivers.

The application fee for CSU is $50 unless :

  • You are a Colorado student. All Colorado students qualify for Free App EVERY Day at CSU.
  • Your fee can be waived because it presents a financial hardship .

To pay your fee or request a waiver:

Freshman (first-year) applicants:

  • If you live in Colorado or attend(ed) a Colorado high school, choose “Free App EVERY day” in the CSU section.
  • If you qualify for a fee waiver based on federal income guidelines – even if you are a Colorado student – request a Common App fee waiver in the Common App section so that you can receive a fee waiver from all schools you apply to via Common App.
  • If you do not qualify for a fee waiver or free application, you’ll be prompted to pay your $50 application fee before you can submit your application.

Transfer applicants:

  • If you live in Colorado or attend(ed) a Colorado high school and/or college, your application automatically will be free – no action is needed.
  • If you are not a Colorado student, you’ll be prompted to pay your application fee OR submit your fee waiver request after you submit your application.

More information about our waivers, fees, and refunds is here .


We prefer to receive high school transcripts through one of the following options:

  • Your high school can upload your transcript directly to the Common Application (preferred). Freshman (first-year) applicants only.
  • Your high school can send your transcript via a secure site electronic submission service such as Parchment, Naviance or Scoir.
  • Your high school can email your transcript to [email protected] .
  • Your high school can mail your transcript to Colorado State University, Office of Admissions, 1062 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins CO 80523-1062.

Other options (validation of records may be required):

  • You can email your transcript to [email protected] .
  • You can mail your transcript to Colorado State University, Office of Admissions, 1062 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins CO 80523-1062.

Applicants are responsible for contacting their high school to request that transcripts be submitted to CSU; we cannot request transcripts on your behalf.

PDF format is preferred.

If you already have graduated from high school, you may have to contact your district office rather than your high school to request your transcript be sent to CSU.

Some high schools will not release transcripts until you have paid and/or signed a release. Make sure you make your request well in advance of the application date.

Applicants are responsible for contacting each college/university to request that transcripts be submitted to CSU; we cannot request transcripts on your behalf

Electronic submission of college transcripts via secure service is preferred. Most colleges send transcripts via Parchment or the National Student Clearinghouse; follow the instructions listed by the sending institution.

If you are prompted to provide a CSU email to request transcripts, use [email protected] . Transcripts sent via email are not considered official.

If necessary, official college transcripts can be mailed by the issuing institution to Office of Admissions Colorado State University, 1062 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins CO 80523-1062. Paper transcripts being hand-delivered must be in a sealed, signed envelope and be printed on secure paper to be considered official. Only one transcript per institution is required.

We require an official transcript from every institution you’ve enrolled at, regardless of the age or type of credit and whether credit was earned. This includes transcripts for dual/concurrent enrollment during high school. If you enrolled and then withdrew from classes, we require a transcript reflecting withdrawal or a letter of non-enrollment issued by the college/university. Failure to disclose all institutions attended is grounds for rejection or dismissal.

Test scores

CSU does not require ACT or SAT scores. If you submit scores, they will be added to your application, but they will only be reviewed if you email us at [email protected] to request that they be considered.

Even when requested, scores are not given much weight in the admission decision. Test scores are not used as the basis for declining an application or for consideration in the scholarship award process.

ACT or SAT results can be used for composition placement after admission.

You can submit official test scores directly through the testing agency. Please allow up to three weeks for CSU to receive official score reports.

  • Use school code 0504
  • Use school code 4075

You can upload a PDF of your ACT or SAT student score report on “My Application” tab in the Future Ram Dashboard.

You can email us your student score report . Be sure to include the full report with all of your subscores, the test date(s) and your name visible. We prefer scanned score reports or full PDFs over screenshots or photos.

We’ll accept test scores from your high school transcript as long as all subscores and test date(s) are included.

AP, IB, CLEP, High School Equivalency (GED/HiSET/TASC)

We will consider self-reported AP and IB results in our admissions review process, but official scores are required in order to be awarded college credit.

  • International Baccalaureate (IB)

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) scores and high school equivalency exam results (including GED, HiSET, TASC and other state exams) must be submitted as official score reports. We do not consider self-reported scores in our admissions review process.

  • College-Level Examination Process (CLEP)
  • General Educational Development (GED)
  • TASC – The TASC Test was discontinued in 2022. For help with exam scores, please contact the testing center where you took the TASC exam or the high school equivalency coordinator in your state.

TOEFL, IELTS, PTE English proficiency results

Evidence of English proficiency is required for international applicants seeking direct admission to CSU.

You can submit official test scores directly through the testing agency. Please allow up to three weeks for CSU to receive the official score reports. We do not consider self-reported English proficiency results in our decision process.

  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE Academic)

You can upload a PDF of your TOEFL, IELTS or PTE student score report in the Admissions Dashboard section of the Ram Start Checklist .

You can email your score report , and we’ll match it to your application. Make sure you include the full report with all of your subscores, the test date(s), and your name visible. We prefer scanned score reports or full PDFs over screenshots or photos.

English proficiency can be satisfied using ACT, SAT, AP or IB results as well.

We do not consider self-reported English proficiency results in our decision process.

Immigration documents

Only international students in need of a student visa are required to submit immigration documents.

International applicants are expected to include immigration information as part of their application for admission. Immigration information is not considered in the admission decision, but the official admission packet and I-20 or DS-2019 are shipped only after immigration information has been received, verified, and approved.

Immigration Information Form

  • Complete and submit this secure online form using the link emailed within one week of submitting your application or via your application status page in RAMweb .
  • You’ll be prompted to specify the sources of your intended financial support, information about any dependents who will be traveling with you, and the shipping address for your immigration documents.
  • Securely upload a copy of the identification page of your passport within your application status page in  RAMweb .
  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your first day of classes.
  • Be sure to submit copies of the identification pages for any dependents traveling with you.

Financial Support

  • Securely upload your financial support documents (such as bank statements or funding letters from your government or other agency) within your application status page in  RAMweb .
  • You must demonstrate the ability to meet or exceed your estimated expenses .
  • Because institutional scholarships do not cover the full cost of attendance, you must be able to demonstrate outside funding.

Immigration documents can also be emailed as a PDF attachment to [email protected] . Be sure your documents clearly list your full name and your CSU ID number to be matched with your application. Your immigration documents will be reviewed and verified after you’ve been admitted.

Personal statements, academic explanations, and letters

Freshman applicants are required to submit a personal statement (called the “personal essay” in the Common Application). Transfer applicants are not required to submit a personal statement.

You can type OR paste your personal statement into your Common Application application before submitting it. The length must be between 250-650 words. Check out some  tips for guidance and inspiration .

Your personal statement is your opportunity to help us understand what makes you unique beyond your grades and transcripts. It will be reviewed during your admission decision; it is not a factor in scholarship decisions.

If you’ve had erratic trends in grades, a downward trend in recent work, recurring weakness in a particular subject, or gaps in your enrollment (for example), use the academic explanation section in your application to address these circumstances directly. Be sure to include steps you’ve taken to address the challenges, what you’ve learned about yourself, and factors that will help you be successful at CSU.

We do not require a letter of recommendation for any applicants in the admission and scholarship review process.

If you choose to submit a recommendation to support your application, it may be considered during our review, but it will not be given much weight. You may opt to submit a recommendation through the Common Application or as a PDF or Word document attachment emailed to [email protected] .

We recommend that you submit your application first so we can send you instructions to check your application status online and get tips for completing your application. Do not wait until you have all support documents ready before you submit your application.

We’ll quickly match your transcripts or other support documents to your application whether they arrive before or after your application is submitted.

Yes. We will send email reminders about what’s needed to complete your application. You can also check your online application status for up-to-date information about missing items. Once we begin processing your application, your online application status will reflect the most current information.

Many materials take time arrive at CSU and then must be matched to your application. Most documents are matched with applications within a day or two, but please allow up to five business days. Check with us before re-sending documents you know you’ve submitted.

These instructions are for undergraduate applicants only. Graduate students seeking guidance on how to submit support documents should refer to graduateschool.colostate.edu/apply/ .

General submission info

Except for official academic records, most additional documents can be uploaded within your online applicant status page or emailed as PDF or Word documents to  [email protected] . Make sure each document includes your full name and date of birth or other identifying information (not SSN).

If necessary or preferred, additional support documents can be submitted by mail to Office of Admissions, Colorado State University, 1062 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins CO  80523-1062.

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PrepScholar SAT

CSU Requirements for Admission

What are CSU's admission requirements? While there are a lot of pieces that go into a college application, you should focus on only a few critical things:

  • GPA requirements
  • Testing requirements, including SAT and ACT requirements
  • Application requirements

In this guide we'll cover what you need to get into CSU and build a strong application.

School location: Fort Collins, CO

This school is also known as: Colorado State University

Admissions Rate: 90.8%

If you want to get in, the first thing to look at is the acceptance rate. This tells you how competitive the school is and how serious their requirements are.

The acceptance rate at CSU is 90.8% . For every 100 applicants, 91 are admitted.

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This means the school is a nearly open admissions school. They accept nearly all students, so for the most part, you just need to submit an application to get in. But if you don't meet all their application requirements, you'll be one of the very few people who gets rejected.

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We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies . We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools , from state colleges to the Ivy League.

We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools.

Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.

CSU GPA Requirements

Many schools specify a minimum GPA requirement, but this is often just the bare minimum to submit an application without immediately getting rejected.

The GPA requirement that really matters is the GPA you need for a real chance of getting in. For this, we look at the school's average GPA for its current students.

Average GPA: 3.7

The average GPA at CSU is 3.7 .

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(Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA.

With a GPA of 3.7, CSU requires you to be above average in your high school class. You'll need at least a mix of A's and B's, with more A's than B's. You can compensate for a lower GPA with harder classes, like AP or IB classes. This will show that you're able to handle more difficult academics than the average high school student.

SAT and ACT Requirements

Each school has different requirements for standardized testing. Only a few schools require the SAT or ACT, but many consider your scores if you choose to submit them.

CSU hasn't explicitly named a policy on SAT/ACT requirements, but because it's published average SAT or ACT scores (we'll cover this next), it's likely test flexible. Typically, these schools say, "if you feel your SAT or ACT score represents you well as a student, submit them. Otherwise, don't."

Despite this policy, the truth is that most students still take the SAT or ACT, and most applicants to CSU will submit their scores. If you don't submit scores, you'll have one fewer dimension to show that you're worthy of being admitted, compared to other students. We therefore recommend that you consider taking the SAT or ACT, and doing well.

CSU SAT Requirements

Many schools say they have no SAT score cutoff, but the truth is that there is a hidden SAT requirement. This is based on the school's average score.

Average SAT: 1178

The average SAT score composite at CSU is a 1178 on the 1600 SAT scale.

This score makes CSU Competitive for SAT test scores.

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CSU SAT Score Analysis (New 1600 SAT)

The 25th percentile SAT score is 1080, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1280. In other words, a 1080 on the SAT places you below average, while a 1280 will move you up to above average .

Here's the breakdown of SAT scores by section:


SAT Score Choice Policy

The Score Choice policy at your school is an important part of your testing strategy.

CSU has the Score Choice policy of "Highest Sitting."

This means that you can choose which SAT tests you want to send to the school. Of all the scores they receive, your application readers will consider the SAT score from your single highest test date (the sum of math, reading, and writing).

This is important for your testing strategy. Because you can choose which tests to send in, and CSU only considers your highest score on a single test date, you can take the SAT as many times as you want, then submit your strongest score. Your application readers will only see that one score.

Therefore, if your SAT score is currently below a 1080, we strongly recommend that you consider prepping for the SAT and retaking it . You don't have much to lose, and you can potentially raise your score and significantly boost your chances of getting in.

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Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and SAT perfect scorers. If you apply the strategies in this guide, you'll study smarter and make huge score improvements.

CSU ACT Requirements

Just like for the SAT, CSU likely doesn't have a hard ACT cutoff, but if you score too low, your application will get tossed in the trash.

Average ACT: 26

The average ACT score at CSU is 26. This score makes CSU Moderately Competitive for ACT scores.

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The 25th percentile ACT score is 23, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 29.

ACT Score Sending Policy

If you're taking the ACT as opposed to the SAT, you have a huge advantage in how you send scores, and this dramatically affects your testing strategy.

Here it is: when you send ACT scores to colleges, you have absolute control over which tests you send. You could take 10 tests, and only send your highest one. This is unlike the SAT, where many schools require you to send all your tests ever taken.

This means that you have more chances than you think to improve your ACT score. To try to aim for the school's ACT requirement of 23 and above, you should try to take the ACT as many times as you can. When you have the final score that you're happy with, you can then send only that score to all your schools.

ACT Superscore Policy

By and large, most colleges do not superscore the ACT. (Superscore means that the school takes your best section scores from all the test dates you submit, and then combines them into the best possible composite score). Thus, most schools will just take your highest ACT score from a single sitting.

We weren't able to find the school's exact ACT policy, which most likely means that it does not Superscore. Regardless, you can choose your single best ACT score to send in to CSU, so you should prep until you reach our recommended target ACT score of 23.

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Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and ACT perfect scorers. If you apply the strategies in this guide, you'll study smarter and make huge score improvements.

SAT/ACT Writing Section Requirements

Currently, only the ACT has an optional essay section that all students can take. The SAT used to also have an optional Essay section, but since June 2021, this has been discontinued unless you are taking the test as part of school-day testing in a few states. Because of this, no school requires the SAT Essay or ACT Writing section, but some schools do recommend certain students submit their results if they have them.

CSU considers the SAT Essay/ACT Writing section optional and may not include it as part of their admissions consideration. You don't need to worry too much about Writing for this school, but other schools you're applying to may require it.

Final Admissions Verdict

This school offers nearly open admissions, which means they give almost every student an offer of admission. To be safe, you should aim for a 1080 SAT or a 23 ACT or higher . If you can achieve this, you're pretty much guaranteed a spot in the incoming class.

Admissions Calculator

Here's our custom admissions calculator. Plug in your numbers to see what your chances of getting in are. Pick your test: SAT ACT

  • 80-100%: Safety school: Strong chance of getting in
  • 50-80%: More likely than not getting in
  • 20-50%: Lower but still good chance of getting in
  • 5-20%: Reach school: Unlikely to get in, but still have a shot
  • 0-5%: Hard reach school: Very difficult to get in

How would your chances improve with a better score?

Take your current SAT score and add 160 points (or take your ACT score and add 4 points) to the calculator above. See how much your chances improve?

At PrepScholar, we've created the leading online SAT/ACT prep program . We guarantee an improvement of 160 SAT points or 4 ACT points on your score, or your money back.

Here's a summary of why we're so much more effective than other prep programs:

  • PrepScholar customizes your prep to your strengths and weaknesses . You don't waste time working on areas you already know, so you get more results in less time.
  • We guide you through your program step-by-step so that you're never confused about what you should be studying. Focus all your time learning, not worrying about what to learn.
  • Our team is made of national SAT/ACT experts . PrepScholar's founders are Harvard graduates and SAT perfect scorers . You'll be studying using the strategies that actually worked for them.
  • We've gotten tremendous results with thousands of students across the country. Read about our score results and reviews from our happy customers .

There's a lot more to PrepScholar that makes it the best SAT/ACT prep program. Click to learn more about our program , or sign up for our 5-day free trial to check out PrepScholar for yourself:

Application Requirements

Every school requires an application with the bare essentials - high school transcript and GPA, application form, and other core information. Many schools, as explained above, also require SAT and ACT scores, as well as letters of recommendation, application essays, and interviews. We'll cover the exact requirements of CSU here.

Application Requirements Overview

  • Common Application Accepted
  • Electronic Application Available
  • Essay or Personal Statement Required for all freshmen
  • Letters of Recommendation 1
  • Interview Not required
  • Application Fee $50
  • Fee Waiver Available? Available
  • Other Notes

Testing Requirements

  • SAT or ACT Considered if submitted
  • SAT Essay or ACT Writing Optional
  • SAT Subject Tests
  • Scores Due in Office May 1

Coursework Requirements

  • Subject Required Years
  • Foreign Language 1
  • Social Studies 2
  • Electives 2

Deadlines and Early Admissions

  • Offered? Deadline Notification
  • Yes July 1 September 1
  • Yes December 1 January 1

Admissions Office Information

  • Address: 2545 Fort Collins, CO 80523
  • Phone: (970) 491-1101 x1101
  • Fax: (970) 491-7799
  • Email: [email protected]

Our Expert's Notes

We did more detailed research into this school's admissions process and found the following information:

You can use the Common Application or CSU's own online application to apply. You can either send your ACT/SAT results from the test agency (which is standard) OR have the scores listed on your transcript. Furthermore, only one letter of recommendation is required.

Other Schools For You

If you're interested in CSU, you'll probably be interested in these schools as well. We've divided them into 3 categories depending on how hard they are to get into, relative to CSU.

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Reach Schools: Harder to Get Into

These schools are have higher average SAT scores than CSU. If you improve your SAT score, you'll be competitive for these schools.

School Name Location SAT Avg ACT Avg
Irvine, CA 1310 29
Richardson, TX 1291 28
Davis, CA 1280 28
Tucson, AZ 1245 25
Philadelphia, PA 1241 28
Tuscaloosa, AL 1225 26
Cincinnati, OH 1223 26

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Same Level: Equally Hard to Get Into

If you're competitive for CSU, these schools will offer you a similar chance of admission.

School Name Location SAT Avg ACT Avg
Lubbock, TX 1196 26
Hamden, CT 1175 25
Athens, OH 1174 25
New York, NY 1173 26
Denton, TX 1160 23
Arlington, TX 1160 23
Miami, FL 1159 24

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Safety Schools: Easier to Get Into

If you're currently competitive for CSU, you should have no problem getting into these schools. If CSU is currently out of your reach, you might already be competitive for these schools.

School Name Location SAT Avg ACT Avg
Fort Myers, FL 1135 29
Pullman, WA 1125 23
San Antonio, TX 1120 22
Greenville, NC 1105 22
San Marcos, TX 1080 23
Atlanta, GA 1067 22
Hampton, VA 1059 22

Data on this page is sourced from Peterson's Databases © 2023 (Peterson's LLC. All rights reserved.) as well as additional publicly available sources.

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do i have to write an essay for csu

Colorado State University | CSU

  • Cost & scholarships
  • Essay prompt

Want to see your chances of admission at Colorado State University | CSU?

We take every aspect of your personal profile into consideration when calculating your admissions chances.

Colorado State University | CSU’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Additional info essay.

If your cumulative GPA is below 3.0/B- average (on a 4.0 scale), if you have any D or F grades, or if you are missing units in our CSU Recommended Courses, this is your opportunity to explain. Tell us about the situation and/or what happened, what you did to fix it, and how your experience will help you be academically successful at CSU.

Common App Personal Essay

The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don‘t feel obligated to do so.

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you‘ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

What will first-time readers think of your college essay?

do i have to write an essay for csu


Apply Transfer

If you've studied at another college or university and now want to transfer to the California State University, this is the place to learn what you need to be admitted and to start your application.

Select a Term to Apply For Spring 2025 Winter 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2024 Apply

The fee to apply to the CSU is $70 per campus. Some students may qualify for an application fee waiver .

See Application Dates & Deadlines

Transfer Academic Update Guide​

Transfer Student Application Checklist

Cal State Apply Transfer Application Guide

EOP Applicant Preparation Worksheet

There are four types of transfer students:

do i have to write an essay for csu

CSU Transfer Planner

do i have to write an essay for csu

The CSU Transfer Planner is an online tool that empowers California Community College students to explore and plan a successful transfer to any of the 23 California State Universities. With the CSU Transfer Planner, you can:

  • Learn more about any of the 23 California State Universities, their programs and transfer-admission requirements.
  • Save degree programs of interest to your online account so you can access all of them in one place.
  • Log your community college coursework to track general education progress and compare your current GPA against the transfer-admission requirements.
  • Receive helpful tips about how to successfully transfer to your chosen CSU campus as efficiently as possible.

Whether you’re already on track to transfer to a California State University or just thinking about transferring in the future, don’t wait! Create an account or log in to your CSU Transfer Planner account now!

CSU Transfer Planner   Download Brochure ​

Choosing a Campus

  • Find Your CSU​
  • ADT Major/Campus Search
  • Campus Events ​
  • ASSIST.org ​

Choosing a Degree

  • Degree Search
  • Impacted Majors & Campuses Search
  • A Degree with a Guarantee

Getting into the CSU

  • CCC-ADT Admission Requirements ​
  • Transfer Success Pathway: Dual Admission ​
  • Upper-Division Transfer Admission Requirements
  • Lower-Division Transfer Admission Requirements

Paying for College

  • Financial Aid

Campus Sites for Transfer Students

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  4. Proper Essay Format Guide (Updated for 2021)

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  5. Learn How to Write a Truly Impressive Scholarship Essay!

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  1. Freshman: Admission Requirements

    The CSU requires a minimum 15-unit pattern of courses for admission as a first-time freshman. Each unit is equal to a year of study in a subject area. A grade of C or better is required for each course you use to meet any subject requirement. a.

  2. PDF Cal State Apply Freshman Application Guide

    About this guide. This guide takes first-time freshman through completing most parts of the Cal State Apply application, including: preparing to apply, first steps in your application, completing the Academic History, Supporting Information, and Program Materials quadrants (quadrants 2, 3 and 4), and lastly, submitting your application.

  3. Applying to a Cal-State School? Here's What You Need to ...

    The 23 colleges of the Cal State system make up the largest 4-year state college system in the US. Here's what you need to know to apply.

  4. What You Need to Know About Applying to the CSU

    Applicants do need to submit an essay and two letters of recommendation if they are applying to the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), which is a student support services program that provides admission, academic and financial help to historically underserved students throughout California.

  5. Applying to a Cal State University in 2024

    The California State University (CSU) is a public university system made up of 23 college campuses across the state of California . Whether your student is applying to one or four of the CSU colleges, they will still apply via the Cal State Apply Application.

  6. Application Guide for First-Year

    Application Guide for First-Year We have compiled this information to guide you through each section of the Cal State Apply application. Within the application, you can also navigate to the blue question circle in the upper right corner for more detailed instructions. Additional resources are also available directly through Cal State Apply.


    Students will need the following information as they head to Cal State Apply to start their application: Unofficial transcripts (to use when entering course and grade information) Social Security number. Credit card or PayPal account (see FAQs below for fee waiver info) Household annual income. Students will use this one application to apply to ...

  8. What do CSU essay prompts typically look like?

    If you need to write such essays, they're looking for authenticity and a clear sense of your personality and aspirations. So while you won't see traditional essay prompts for CSU admissions, be prepared to reflect on your experiences for any program-specific applications. Best of luck with your applications!

  9. California State University, Fullerton

    Applying to California State University, Fullerton | CSU Fullerton and trying to find all the correct essay prompts for 2023-24? Find them here, along with free guidance on how to write the essays.

  10. Cal State Fullerton Admission Requirements

    Cal State Fullerton considers the SAT Essay/ACT Writing section optional and may not include it as part of their admissions consideration. You don't need to worry too much about Writing for this school, but other schools you're applying to may require it.

  11. First-Time Freshman: I Want to Apply

    To support incoming students as we emerge from the recent public health situation, all California State University campuses are being flexible with certain admission requirements. Learn more at High School Guidance for First-Time, First-Year Students.

  12. The 5 Most Common Questions About Applying to the CSU

    Here, we answer the most common questions high school counselors from the 2016 Counselor Conference in Pasadena said they get from students who are applying to the CSU: 1. Where do I apply to the CSU?You can apply to any of the 23 CSU campuses through Cal State Apply.

  13. Really confused..do you need to write an essay for CSU??

    <p>An essay is not a requirement for admission to the California State University system. However, it may be an option at campuses that are defined as impacted or in majors that are impacted. Consult the campus admission office to which you are applying to verify whether your major is impacted and to find out whether or not an essay is required.</p>

  14. Applying to Colorado State

    Get ready to apply to Colorado State University! Review requirements, key dates, and other essential information for your application.

  15. CSU application essays?

    Also I heard that you should submit an essay if you are applying for an impacted major but where are the prompts?</p>. alamemom October 29, 2010, 7:30pm 2. <p>In general, CSUs do not require admissions essays. Some impacted majors and campuses have additional requirements, and the additional requirements may or may not include an essay.

  16. CSU Freshman Requirements (essays) : r/ApplyingToCollege

    CSU Freshman Requirements (essays) : r/ApplyingToCollege. r/ApplyingToCollege. r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more. • 1 yr. ago.

  17. Frequently Asked Questions

    Contact. Having technical problems applying to the CSU? Contact Liaison's Cal State Apply Applicant Help Center for help. For other questions about applying to the CSU and the admissions process, read the Cal State Apply FAQ or Contact us.

  18. Application Supporting Documents

    Colorado State University may need documents like transcripts or AP/IB scores as part of the application process. See tips for submitting them.

  19. Complete Guide: CSU Admission Requirements

    CSU considers the SAT Essay/ACT Writing section optional and may not include it as part of their admissions consideration. You don't need to worry too much about Writing for this school, but other schools you're applying to may require it.

  20. PDF Transfer Application Guide 24-25

    This guide assists transfer applicants through completing most parts of the Cal State Apply application, including: preparing to apply, first steps in your application, completing the Academic History, Supporting Information, and Program Materials quadrants (quadrants 2, 3 and 4), and lastly, submitting your application.

  21. Colorado State University

    Applying to Colorado State University | CSU and trying to find all the correct essay prompts for 2023-24? Find them here, along with free guidance on how to write the essays.

  22. PDF Essay writing process

    The following are suggested steps for writing an essay. 1. Analyse the question. • Underline instructional words, e.g. discuss, explain, describe, justify. • Circle key content words and phrases. • Be clear about what the task is: put the question in your own words.

  23. Transfer

    Transfer. If you've studied at another college or university and now want to transfer to the California State University, this is the place to learn what you need to be admitted and to start your application. Apply. The fee to apply to the CSU is $70 per campus. Some students may qualify for an application fee waiver.