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126 Outsourcing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Outsourcing has become an increasingly popular business practice in today's global economy. Companies often turn to outsourcing to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and focus on their core competencies. However, outsourcing is not without its controversies and challenges. In this article, we will explore 126 outsourcing essay topic ideas and provide examples to help you better understand this complex and evolving phenomenon.

  • The impact of outsourcing on the economy
  • The pros and cons of outsourcing
  • Outsourcing vs. offshoring: what's the difference?
  • The role of technology in outsourcing
  • Outsourcing and job loss
  • The ethics of outsourcing
  • Outsourcing in the healthcare industry
  • Outsourcing in the manufacturing industry
  • Outsourcing in the IT industry
  • The future of outsourcing
  • Outsourcing and globalization
  • Outsourcing and corporate social responsibility
  • The outsourcing of customer service
  • Outsourcing and small businesses
  • Outsourcing and data security
  • Outsourcing and the gig economy
  • Outsourcing and the environment
  • Outsourcing and legal implications
  • The outsourcing of government services
  • Outsourcing and cultural differences
  • Outsourcing and supply chain management
  • Outsourcing and human rights
  • Outsourcing and innovation
  • Outsourcing and risk management
  • Outsourcing and the sharing economy
  • Outsourcing and artificial intelligence
  • Outsourcing and corporate governance
  • Outsourcing and corporate strategy
  • Outsourcing and corporate culture
  • Outsourcing and corporate branding
  • Outsourcing and corporate restructuring
  • Outsourcing and corporate finance
  • Outsourcing and corporate sustainability
  • Outsourcing and corporate ethics
  • Outsourcing and corporate compliance
  • Outsourcing and corporate citizenship
  • Outsourcing and corporate reputation

Outsourcing is a complex and multifaceted business practice that has both benefits and drawbacks. By exploring these 126 outsourcing essay topic ideas and examples, you can gain a better understanding of the various issues and challenges associated with outsourcing in today's global economy. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or a business professional, these topics can serve as a valuable resource for further study and analysis.

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79 Outsourcing Essay Topics

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  • The Business Process: Description of Outsourcing Business Process Reengineering helps firms to improve their operations so that they can be in line with the strategic direction, missions, and visions of the firms.
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  • Legal Services Outsourcing: Analysis Outsourcing legal services such as drafting, research, and review allows a company to focus on the core competencies instead of easily delegated administrative tasks.
  • The Economist: Report on Outsourcing and Offshoring The current trends affect the business activity of present-day companies. The former means an organization’s initiative to send the work to be done outside of the firm.
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  • Outsourcing to Low Labor-Cost Countries Outsourcing is widely practiced by a range of companies of different sizes and types, which includes trade-offs between certain inputs, such as labor, materials, and supplies.
  • Outsourcing and Globalization as Driving Force The major driving forces behind outsourcing include the force of globalization, cost of production, labor issues, and the problem of unionization.
  • When Outsourcing Goes Bad The proponents of outsourcing have favorably viewed outsourcing by labeling it the latest evolution of international trade.
  • Outsourcing in Supply Chain Management Outsourcing is a strategy used in supply chain management in order to reduce the overall running costs of a firm.
  • Computer Systems: Insourcing and Outsourcing The purchase of a new computer system or any other technology is a very crucial step in the growth of a company.
  • ‘Cost of Quality’ Implementation in Outsourced Customer Service The article discusses the “quality price” approach in calculating costs and improving quality assurance processes in manufacturing companies.
  • The Risks of Outsourcing The costs may include the cost of hiring new employees, operation costs, wages and the extra benefits that are offered to employees.
  • Outsourcing in the UK: Influence and Impact The quantum of outsourcing has greatly increased in recent years. The UK and the USA are the two countries that outsource a vast amount of business.
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  • Outsourcing and Offshoring: Risks and Advantages Outsourcing typically presupposes buying certain services from a different company, whereas offshoring means shifting the services of a company to a different location.
  • Outsourcing’s Functions and Risks Most organizations choose to outsource to reduce costs and reduce the time taken for marketing. This paper looks at some of the considerations and risks involved in outsourcing.
  • Outsourcing from China and India When it comes to defining the benefits of outsourcing from countries like India and China, one must admit that a comparatively low cost is the most obvious benefit.
  • Outsourcing of Jobs and Services Outsourcing is the process through which one business contracts with another business to offer services that can be undertaken by employees in-house.
  • HP’s Outsourcing Strategy: Cost Reduction and Core Focus Outsourcing can be regarded as one of the byproducts of globalization. Many early movers benefited from this strategy especially when it comes to the production of the products.
  • Foreign Companies Outsource Services to Developing World According to the article “Open Mobile Moves its PR Call Center to DR,” many foreign companies have decided to outsource their services.
  • Harmful Outsourcing of United States Jobs This paper argues that outsourcing of United States jobs to foreigners is detrimental to the well being of US employees and the US economy.
  • Concept of Outsourcing and Risks Associated With Outsourcing The notions that outsourcing reduces capital expenses make many companies fail to take care of many hidden costs.
  • Market Concentration and International Outsourcing
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  • Credibility and Monitoring: Outsourcing as a Commitment Device
  • International Outsourcing and Labour Demand: Evidence From Finnish Firm-Level Data
  • Outsourcing and Its Implications on the Economy

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StudyCorgi. (2022, January 16). 79 Outsourcing Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/outsourcing-essay-topics/

"79 Outsourcing Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 16 Jan. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/outsourcing-essay-topics/.

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StudyCorgi . "79 Outsourcing Essay Topics." January 16, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/outsourcing-essay-topics/.

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These essay examples and topics on Outsourcing were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 8, 2024 .

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outsourcing essay titles

Outsourcing: Benefits and Challenges Essay

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Thesis statement, the challenges of outsourcing, benefits of outsourcing.

Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company enters into a contract with another company to provide certain services essential for the operations of the client organization (Duran & Duran, 2009).This practice has increased in the recent past, and the increase can be attributed greatly to the increased use of information technology that has improved communication.

In most instances, the firms contracting other companies for a given task also have the capacity to carry out the tasks domestically. These firms, ranging from small through medium-sized to large organizations, are driven into outsourcing for a number of reasons. It has emerged that services that did not appear to be tradable are now in high demand and form the basis for outsourcing.

All functions needed to run a company can now be obtained off shelf (Engardio, 2006). Firms contract other organizations for services like data management, accounting or editing, data analysis and processing, call center services, or e-mails among many others. The supplying firms are highly specialized in the respective areas and are able to offer the services at cheaper costs as compared to the whole costs that would be incurred by a company performing the tasks in-house.

Outsourcing has increased considerably, particular in the developed countries like the US. In the article ‘Fair exchange: Who benefits from outsourcing?’ (In ‘The Blair Reader: Exploring Issues and Ideas ’ by Kisser and Mandell),Barrera (2004) focuses on the benefits of outsourcing and asserts that the practice is beneficial to both the parties involved and their respective countries.

However, the author also points out that the practice has some weaknesses that have to be addressed by the policy-makers to ensure its effectiveness. This view forms the basis upon which this paper is developed. The paper provides a comparison of Barrera’s views and views provided by other authors in relation to outsourcing.

Outsourcing has been criticized for displacing the local employees and shifting employment opportunities to overseas. However, this practice is beneficial to the two parties involved, both the outsourcing firm and the service suppliers and their respective countries.

Outsourcing happens to have certain challenges to the operations of the outsourcing firm and the economic development in the country of origin of the firm. The practice is blamed for the rising level of unemployment in the United States. Wadhwa (2009) terms it a dirty word that involves relieving full-time employees in an organization of their duties to look for these services elsewhere.

The United States is seen as a destination for outsourced jobs, a move that agonizes most of the jobless citizens. The companies outsource these services since the costs of the services are lower compared to performing the tasks by the employees of the organization.

Besides, the rate at which new jobs are created is also not high enough to meet the demands of those rendered jobless due to outsourcing. Barrera (2004) observed that employees in the developed countries lose their jobs due to outsourcing and yet similar well-paying jobs cannot be created at the same rate.

There is often a large time interval between the destruction of jobs and creation of other opportunities. The employees may be forced to seek employment in new fields in new geographic locations. This would necessitate additional training to acquire the relevant skills and adaptation to the new work-environment. Outsourcing is also characterized by increased use of high-tech and occupational services that have rendered many employees jobless.

Outsourcing also appears to be a threat to the proper management of an organization in some sense. Organizations that outsource services may not be in touch with some of their key stakeholders. The poor relationship may be developed between the suppliers or consumers and the business organization that impedes its smooth operations.

Similarly, the company becomes so much dependent on outsourced services that it may fail in case there is a sudden withdrawal from the contract by the supplying firm. In this regard, it has been pointed out that a firm should evaluate the other organization providing outsourcing services before contracting it (Duran and Duran, 2009). Different aspects like cost, time, and quality of the services have to be considered.

The increasing rate of outsourcing as witnessed in the United States can be supported by several observations. Various developments have been witnessed in the business industry that justifies the use of outsourcing. The current international trade that involves shifting of resources to gain a comparative advantage is the fundamental building block behind outsourcing.

Firstly, outsourcing is cost-effective and helps increase the profits of organization. It is aimed at minimizing cost and time for a given task (Duran and Duran, 2009). Outsourcing is not a recently developed idea in the United States. The idea has been in existence whereby the country obtained goods from other countries where they could be produced cheaply. The companies manufactured products from these goods and sold the finished product to other countries.

Barrera (2004) supports this practice and asserts that it is needless to produce some products using many resources when similar products could be obtained elsewhere at cheaper prices. These resources could be channeled to the production of other products that are of high value to the organization. Similar scenario is witnessed in the outsourcing of services. Increased global competition and the economic pressure caused by developing countries calls for replacing full-time employees with contractors (Wadhwa, 2004).

The firms that offer outsourcing services do not incur huge operations costs like consumer benefits or other overhead expenses. The firms make use of few employees with highly specialized skills. As such, they are able to provide the services at relatively cheaper costs to the client organizations.

Thus, outsourcing allows the developing and the developed countries to develop on the products and services that are of the highest possible benefits to the country (Barrera, 2004). The US companies that outsource services have a lean organizational structure that allows improved operations to gain competitive advantage in the international market.

Secondly, the quality of outsourced services is often high. The quality, time, and cost should be the major focus of an outsourcing company (Duran and Duran, 2009). It has been observed that small business organizations need certain technology services and yet they are not equipped to perform the tasks (Wadhwa, 2009).

The firms offering these services often streamline their operations towards specialized lines. The companies can employ the modern technology and machinery that may not be available in the client organization. This implies that if the firms withdraw their services for the client organizations then the latter can suffer consequences of poor quality services.

Besides, in as much as outsourcing is criticized to cause unemployment in the industrial nations, the practice improves the lives of the poor in the developing countries. There is increased level of employment in these developing nations that contribute significantly towards social and economic development in the countries. This helps alleviate poverty and improve the lives of the citizens of the country thereby contributing towards the desired global development.

This is advantageous to the large international organizations that operate across several countries. Outsourcing has the advantage of ‘multi-local benefits administration program, scalable technology, and a consistent employee experience, a single point of contact for managers and members, and cost efficiencies’ (Miller, 2011, p.24). The developing countries provide competitive emerging markets for such huge organizations.

Outsourcing is growing at considerable rate and its positive impacts on economic development at the local and international scene are evident. It is very necessary for organizations that want to extend their operations across different nations. This is essential owing to the current globalization.

It provides a cost-effective way of building strong foundations in one country before settling to operate on the country. After contracting some firm, the management of an organization may focus on other operational strategies as the experts work on the problems at hand. The practice is not without some challenges. However, the challenges can be managed through effective trade policies.

Duran, D., & Duran, I. (2009). Process outsourcing benefits. Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings , 945-946. Web.

Engardio, P. (2006). The Future of Outsourcing: How it is transforming whole industries and changing the way we work. Web.

Miller, J. (2011). The Touchstones of Successful Global benefits Outsourcing. Benefits Quarterly , 27(2); 24-27.

Kisser, G., & Mandell, R. (2011). The Blair Reader: Exploring Issues and Ideas. Seventh edition. Boston: Prentice Hall.

Wadhwa, V. (2009). Outsourcing Benefits U.S. Workers, Too. BusinessWeek Online , 5. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 13). Outsourcing: Benefits and Challenges. https://ivypanda.com/essays/outsourcing-benefits-and-challenges/

"Outsourcing: Benefits and Challenges." IvyPanda , 13 June 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/outsourcing-benefits-and-challenges/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Outsourcing: Benefits and Challenges'. 13 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Outsourcing: Benefits and Challenges." June 13, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/outsourcing-benefits-and-challenges/.

1. IvyPanda . "Outsourcing: Benefits and Challenges." June 13, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/outsourcing-benefits-and-challenges/.


IvyPanda . "Outsourcing: Benefits and Challenges." June 13, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/outsourcing-benefits-and-challenges/.

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Outsourcing Essay Examples

Outsourcing - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Outsourcing is the practice of hiring external companies or individuals to perform tasks or complete projects that would otherwise be done in-house. It is a cost-effective and efficient way of utilizing resources that are not available or not specialized within the organization. Outsourcing enables companies to focus on their core competencies while leaving non-core activities to external parties. It can include outsourcing of functions such as customer service, IT services, research, manufacturing, and logistics, among others. Outsourcing has become a popular practice among businesses of all sizes and across various industries.

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Outsourcing Essay Examples

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In 1989, Eastman Kodak, a world-renowned imaging company, outsourced its entire data center, network and computer operations to the companies such as IBM, Digital Equipment and DEC. This 10-year, $250 million outsourcing contract became a Milestone in IT outsourcing development. Since then, the IT outsourcing...

Actual Contract Structure in Outsourcing of Information Technology

Outsourcing of information technology (IT) services has received much attention in the information systems (IS) works. However, considerably less attention has been paid to actual contract structures used in IT outsourcing (ITO). Examining contract structures yields important insights into how the contracting parties structure the...

A Controversial Topic of Outsourcing to Foreign Countries

It is heard in the news all the time, “China is stealing our jobs”. The reality of it is that U. S. companies want to manufacture as fast and cheap as they can. By offering quick and efficient manufacturing, China and other foreign countries make...

Outsourcing in Building Business, Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Outsourcing is the term used when a company provides a service or services for another company that could have been done in - house. Outsourcing jobs and roles within business's and companies has become a key part of building a global network in the twenty-first...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Information System Outsourcing

Today’s competitive market of information system and information technology is widely established among businesses. Rather than simply differentiating re-appropriating and not redistributing, the considering in like manner tends to a third and logically ordinary method, that of using programming acquired 'off-the-Shelf. ' This article exhibit...

The Benefits of Outsourcing the Hr Function

Human Resource Management has come a long way from being just “personnel management”. It has taken many years for HR from being a someone who never got a ‘seat at the table’ to being considered critical to the company’s long-term success. However, as markets today...

The Benefits of Outsourcing for Businesses

Businesses often recruit services from a source outside of its internal operations and engaging in this procedure is referred to as outsourcing. Outsourcing jobs is becoming more accepted with businesses in today's global economy. Organizations are realizing the benefits that come with outsourcing jobs. Companies...

Analysis of Legal Issues in Outsourcing

Lately, the U. S. has seen an immense development in outsourcing links and it is the first individual to seek advice before settling up an offshore agreement confessed by experts, is an attorney. Most of the businessmen can’t rely upon legal advisors to skill up...

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