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IELTS Free University Education Essay

The issue of free university education is an essay topic that comes up in the IELTS test. This essay therefore provides you with some of the key arguments about this topic.

The essay is an agree / disagree essay , which means you are given one opinion and then asked if you agree with it or not.

So remember to make it clear in your essay which side you are on.

University education should be free to everyone, regardless of income.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Choosing a Side

Aims of University Essay

Of course you don't have to firmly come down on one side - you could partly agree if there are some aspects of the arguments you agree with but some parts you disagree with.

In this essay, the writer believes free university education is the best policy, so s/he agrees with the opinion. This is made clear in the conclusion (though you can put your opinion in the introduction as well if you wish).

The writer presents both sides of the argument . This is a good idea as you may find it more difficult to come up with a lot of ideas for one side of an argument. It also shows you are able to see both sides of the argument - a good academic skill.

Free University Education Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

Over recent years, more and more people have been attending university and arguments have persisted as to whether students should pay for this privilege not. Although there are convincing arguments on both sides, I strongly believe that it should be free.

One argument put forward in favour of charging students is that education is becoming more expensive to fund as universities grow in size. Consequently, making students pay may maintain standards and ensure the quality of the teaching. In addition, it is argued that most students benefit from university in terms of higher paid jobs, so it is fair that they pay for at least some of the cost, especially given that the majority of students attending university are from the middle classes. Last but not least, in many countries, there is a shortage of people to do manual jobs such as plumbing and carpentry, so making university more expensive may encourage people to take up these jobs.

However, there are a number of arguments in favour of making university education free for all. Firstly, it will encourage more people to attend and this will benefit society. This is because it will lead to a more productive and educated workforce. Research has generally shown that those countries that have a better educated population via university have higher levels of innovation and productivity. In addition, there is the issue of equality of opportunity. If all students are required to pay, those on a low income may be dissuaded from attending, thus making it unfair. The reason for this is that they will likely not be able to secure financial support from their family so they will be concerned about the debts they will incur in the future.

In conclusion, I am of opinion that all education should remain equally available to all regardless of income. This is not only fair, but will also ensure that countries can prosper and develop into the future with a well-educated workforce.

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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Importance of Education — The Arguments Why Education Should Be Free For Everyone


The Arguments Why Education Should Be Free for Everyone

  • Categories: College Tuition Importance of Education

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Words: 854 |

Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 854 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Works Cited:

  • Alpha History. (n.d.). Nationalism as a cause of World War I.
  • Bernhardi, F. von. (1914). Germany and the Next War. London: Edward Arnold.
  • Cawley, J. (n.d.). Nationalism as the cause of European competitiveness that led to World War I.
  • History Home. (n.d.). The causes of World War One. Retrieved from https://www.historyhome.co.uk/europe/causeww1.htm
  • Rosenthal, L. (2016). The great war, nationalism and the decline of the West. Retrieved from https://lawrencerosenthal.net/2016/05/16/the-great-war-nationalism-and-the-decline-of-the-west/
  • Bloy, M. (n.d.). Nationalism in the 19th century. Retrieved from https://www.historyhome.co.uk/europe/natquest.htm

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Should College Be Free? The Pros and Cons

essay university education should be free for everyone

Types of Publicly Funded College Tuition Programs

Pros: why college should be free, cons: why college should not be free, what the free college debate means for students, how to cut your college costs now, frequently asked questions (faqs).

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Americans have been debating the wisdom of free college for decades, and more than 30 states now offer some type of free college program. But it wasn't until 2021 that a nationwide free college program came close to becoming reality, re-energizing a longstanding debate over whether or not free college is a good idea. 

And despite a setback for the free-college advocates, the idea is still in play. The Biden administration's free community college proposal was scrapped from the American Families Plan . But close observers say that similar proposals promoting free community college have drawn solid bipartisan support in the past. "Community colleges are one of the relatively few areas where there's support from both Republicans and Democrats," said Tulane economics professor Douglas N. Harris, who has previously consulted with the Biden administration on free college, in an interview with The Balance. 

To get a sense of the various arguments for and against free college, as well as the potential impacts on U.S. students and taxpayers, The Balance combed through studies investigating the design and implementation of publicly funded free tuition programs and spoke with several higher education policy experts. Here's what we learned about the current debate over free college in the U.S.—and more about how you can cut your college costs or even get free tuition through existing programs.

Key Takeaways

  • Research shows free tuition programs encourage more students to attend college and increase graduation rates, which creates a better-educated workforce and higher-earning consumers who can help boost the economy. 
  • Some programs are criticized for not paying students’ non-tuition expenses, not benefiting students who need assistance most, or steering students toward community college instead of four-year programs.  
  • If you want to find out about free programs in your area, the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education has a searchable database. You’ll find the link further down in this article. 

Before diving into the weeds of the free college debate, it's important to note that not all free college programs are alike. Most publicly funded tuition assistance programs are restricted to the first two years of study, typically at community colleges. Free college programs also vary widely in the ways they’re designed, funded, and structured:

  • Last-dollar tuition-free programs : These programs cover any remaining tuition after a student has used up other financial aid , such as Pell Grants. Most state-run free college programs fall into this category. However, these programs don’t typically help with room and board or other expenses.
  • First-dollar tuition-free programs : These programs pay for students' tuition upfront, although they’re much rarer than last-dollar programs. Any remaining financial aid that a student receives can then be applied to other expenses, such as books and fees. The California College Promise Grant is a first-dollar program because it waives enrollment fees for eligible students.
  • Debt-free programs : These programs pay for all of a student's college expenses , including room and board, guaranteeing that they can graduate debt-free. But they’re also much less common, likely due to their expense.  

Proponents often argue that publicly funded college tuition programs eventually pay for themselves, in part by giving students the tools they need to find better jobs and earn higher incomes than they would with a high school education. The anticipated economic impact, they suggest, should help ease concerns about the costs of public financing education. Here’s a closer look at the arguments for free college programs.

A More Educated Workforce Benefits the Economy

Morley Winograd, President of the Campaign for Free College Tuition, points to the economic and tax benefits that result from the higher wages of college grads. "For government, it means more revenue," said Winograd in an interview with The Balance—the more a person earns, the more they will likely pay in taxes . In addition, "the country's economy gets better because the more skilled the workforce this country has, the better [it’s] able to compete globally." Similarly, local economies benefit from a more highly educated, better-paid workforce because higher earners have more to spend. "That's how the economy grows," Winograd explained, “by increasing disposable income."

According to Harris, the return on a government’s investment in free college can be substantial. "The additional finding of our analysis was that these things seem to consistently pass a cost-benefit analysis," he said. "The benefits seem to be at least double the cost in the long run when we look at the increased college attainment and the earnings that go along with that, relative to the cost and the additional funding and resources that go into them." 

Free College Programs Encourage More Students to Attend

Convincing students from underprivileged backgrounds to take a chance on college can be a challenge, particularly when students are worried about overextending themselves financially. But free college programs tend to have more success in persuading students to consider going, said Winograd, in part because they address students' fears that they can't afford higher education . "People who wouldn't otherwise think that they could go to college, or who think the reason they can't is [that] it's too expensive, [will] stop, pay attention, listen, decide it's an opportunity they want to take advantage of, and enroll," he said.

According to Harris, students also appear to like the certainty and simplicity of the free college message. "They didn't want to have to worry that next year they were not going to have enough money to pay their tuition bill," he said. "They don't know what their finances are going to look like a few months down the road, let alone next year, and it takes a while to get a degree. So that matters." 

Free college programs can also help send "a clear and tangible message" to students and their families that a college education is attainable for them, said Michelle Dimino, an Education Director with Third Way. This kind of messaging is especially important to first-generation and low-income students, she said. 

Free College Increases Graduation Rates and Financial Security

Free tuition programs appear to improve students’ chances of completing college. For example, Harris noted that his research found a meaningful link between free college tuition and higher graduation rates. "What we found is that it did increase college graduation at the two-year college level, so more students graduated than otherwise would have." 

Free college tuition programs also give people a better shot at living a richer, more comfortable life, say advocates. "It's almost an economic necessity to have some college education," noted Winograd. Similar to the way a high school diploma was viewed as crucial in the 20th century, employees are now learning that they need at least two years of college to compete in a global, information-driven economy. "Free community college is a way of making that happen quickly, effectively, and essentially," he explained. 

Free community college isn’t a universally popular idea. While many critics point to the potential costs of funding such programs, others identify issues with the effectiveness and fairness of current attempts to cover students’ college tuition. Here’s a closer look at the concerns about free college programs.

It Would Be Too Expensive

The idea of free community college has come under particular fire from critics who worry about the cost of social spending. Since community colleges aren't nearly as expensive as four-year colleges—often costing thousands of dollars a year—critics argue that individuals can often cover their costs using other forms of financial aid . But, they point out, community college costs would quickly add up when paid for in bulk through a free college program: Biden’s proposed free college plan would have cost $49.6 billion in its first year, according to an analysis from Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. Some opponents argue that the funds could be put to better use in other ways, particularly by helping students complete their degrees.

Free College Isn't Really Free

One of the most consistent concerns that people have voiced about free college programs is that they don’t go far enough. Even if a program offers free tuition, students will need to find a way to pay for other college-related expenses , such as books, room and board, transportation, high-speed internet, and, potentially, child care. "Messaging is such a key part of this," said Dimino. Students "may apply or enroll in college, understanding it's going to be free, but then face other unexpected charges along the way." 

It's important for policymakers to consider these factors when designing future free college programs. Otherwise, Dimino and other observers fear that students could potentially wind up worse off if they enroll and invest in attending college and then are forced to drop out due to financial pressures. 

Free College Programs Don’t Help the Students Who Need Them Most

Critics point out that many free college programs are limited by a variety of quirks and restrictions, which can unintentionally shut out deserving students or reward wealthier ones. Most state-funded free college programs are last-dollar programs, which don’t kick in until students have applied financial aid to their tuition. That means these programs offer less support to low-income students who qualify for need-based aid—and more support for higher-income students who don’t.

Community College May Not Be the Best Path for All Students

Some critics also worry that all students will be encouraged to attend community college when some would have been better off at a four-year institution. Four-year colleges tend to have more resources than community colleges and can therefore offer more support to high-need students. 

In addition, some research has shown that students at community colleges are less likely to be academically successful than students at four-year colleges, said Dimino. "Statistically, the data show that there are poorer outcomes for students at community colleges […] such as lower graduation rates and sometimes low transfer rates from two- to four-year schools." 

With Congress focused on other priorities, a nationwide free college program is unlikely to happen anytime soon. However, some states and municipalities offer free tuition programs, so students may be able to access some form of free college, depending on where they live. A good resource is the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education’s searchable database of Promise Programs , which lists more than 100 free community college programs, though the majority are limited to California residents.

In the meantime, school leaders and policymakers may shift their focus to other access and equity interventions for low-income students. For example, higher education experts Eileen Strempel and Stephen Handel published a book in 2021 titled "Beyond Free College: Making Higher Education Work for 21st Century Students." The book argues that policymakers should focus more strongly on college completion, not just college access. "There hasn't been enough laser-focus on how we actually get people to complete their degrees," noted Strempel in an interview with The Balance. 

Rather than just improving access for low-income college students, Strempel and Handel argue that decision-makers should instead look more closely at the social and economic issues that affect students , such as food and housing insecurity, child care, transportation, and personal technology. For example, "If you don't have a computer, you don't have access to your education anymore," said Strempel. "It's like today's pencil."

Saving money on college costs can be challenging, but you can take steps to reduce your cost of living. For example, if you're interested in a college but haven't yet enrolled, pay close attention to where it's located and how much residents typically pay for major expenses, such as housing, utilities, and food. If the college is located in a high-cost area, it could be tough to justify the living expenses you'll incur. Similarly, if you plan to commute, take the time to check gas or public transportation prices and calculate how much you'll likely have to spend per month to go to and from campus several times a week. 

Now that more colleges offer classes online, it may also be worth looking at lower-cost programs in areas that are farther from where you live, particularly if they allow you to graduate without setting foot on campus. Also, check out state and federal financial aid programs that can help you slim down your expenses, or, in some cases, pay for them completely. Finally, look into need-based and merit-based grants and scholarships that can help you cover even more of your expenses. Also, consider applying to no-loan colleges , which promise to help students graduate without going into debt.

Should community college be free?

It’s a big question with varying viewpoints. Supporters of free community college cite the economic contributions of a more educated workforce and the individual benefit of financial security, while critics caution against the potential expense and the inefficiency of last-dollar free college programs. 

What states offer free college?

More than 30 states offer some type of tuition-free college program, including Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington State. The University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education lists over 100 last-dollar community college programs and 16 first-dollar community college programs, though the majority are limited to California residents.

Is there a free college?

There is no such thing as a truly free college education. But some colleges offer free tuition programs for students, and more than 30 states offer some type of tuition-free college program. In addition, students may also want to check out employer-based programs. A number of big employers now offer to pay for their employees' college tuition . Finally, some students may qualify for enough financial aid or scholarships to cover most of their college costs.

Scholarships360. " Which States Offer Tuition-Free Community College? "

The White House. “ Build Back Better Framework ,” see “Bringing Down Costs, Reducing Inflationary Pressures, and Strengthening the Middle Class.”

The White House. “ Fact Sheet: How the Build Back Better Plan Will Create a Better Future for Young Americans ,” see “Education and Workforce Opportunities.”

Coast Community College District. “ California College Promise Grant .”

Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. “ The Dollars and Cents of Free College ,” see “Biden’s Free College Plan Would Pay for Itself Within 10 Years.”

Third Way. “ Why Free College Could Increase Inequality .”

Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. “ The Dollars and Cents of Free College ,” see “Free-College Programs Have Different Effects on Race and Class Equity.”

University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. “ College Promise Programs: A Comprehensive Catalog of College Promise Programs in the United States .”

Economics Help

Should university education be free?

Education has positive benefits for the rest of society. If university education is left to market forces, there may be under-provision, and the economy may suffer from a lack of skilled graduates. Furthermore, in a free market, higher education would become the preserve of wealthy families who can afford to send their children to university. Therefore there is a strong case for the government providing higher education free at the point of use.


However, others argue the positive externalities of higher education are limited, and the prime beneficiaries of a university degree are the graduates who can command a higher paying job. If the external benefits of many degrees are limited, government spending may be misallocated in offering relatively expensive university education. Rather than fund 3-4 year university degrees, governments may be able to get a better return from spending money on primary education and vocational training – training which is more relevant to the needs of the economy.


More details

In recent years, the UK government has sought to increase the amount students pay for studying at university. In the UK, the government have phased out grants and introduced top-up fees. With tuition fees and rising living costs, students could end up paying £50,000 for a three-year degree, and leave university with significant debts.

Some argue this is a mistake. Charging for university education will deter students and leave the UK with a shortfall of skilled labour – and arguably this will damage the long-term prospects of the UK economy. Furthermore, charging to study at university will increase inequality of opportunity as students with low-income parents will be more likely to be deterred from going to university.

Arguments for free university education

  • Positive externalities of higher education . Generally, university education does offer some external benefits to society. Higher education leads to a more educated and productive workforce. Countries with high rates of university education generally have higher levels of innovation and productivity growth. Therefore, there is a justification for the government subsidising higher education.
  • Equality . There is also a powerful argument that university education should be free to ensure equality of opportunity. If students have to pay for university education, this may dissuade them. In theory, students could take out loans or work part-time, but this may be sufficient to discourage students from studying and instead may enter the job market earlier.
  • Increased specialisation of work . The global economy has forced countries, such as the UK to specialise in higher-tech and higher value-added products and services. The UK’s biggest export industries include pharmaceuticals, organic chemicals, optical and surgical instruments, and nuclear technology (see: what does the UK produce? ). Therefore, there is a greater need for skilled graduates who can contribute to these high-tech industries.
  • Education is a merit good . One characteristic of a merit good is that people may underestimate the benefits of studying and undervalue higher education. Government provision can encourage people to study.
  • Young people facing rising costs . In recent years, we have seen a rise in the cost of living. House prices and rents have risen faster than inflation. This means young people are struggling to meet living costs – even in work. The thought of student debt on top of high living costs, may dissuade people from studying. Free tuition fees is a way to restore the income inequality across generations.
  • Non-economic benefits of education . It is tempting to think of university education in purely monetary terms. But graduates can also gain skills and awareness of civic institutions which offer intangible benefits to society.

benefits university

Source: Times Higher Education

Higher Learning, Greater Good: The Private and Social Benefits of Higher Education (2009) Professor McMahon examined the “private non-market benefits” for individuals of having degrees.

This includes better personal health and improved cognitive development in their children, alongside the “social non-market benefits”, such as lower spending on prisons and greater political stability.

  • If you wished to evaluate this point, we could ask – is it university education which causes these civic virtues or is it because university education is dominated by middle classes who are more likely to have better health e.t.c. already?

Arguments against free university education

  • Opportunity cost . If we spend billions on free university education, there is an opportunity cost of higher taxes or less spending elsewhere. Arguably, there is a greater social benefit from providing vocational training – e.g. so people could become plumbers, electricians e.t.c. There is often a real shortage of these skills in an economy. The UK Commission for skills and education report significant skills shortages in the basic ‘core generic skills’ such as literacy, numeracy and communication skills. These skill shortages are prominent in industries like building, health care, plumbing, social care and construction. The problem is not a shortage of graduates with art degrees, but a shortage of lower-level vocational skills. (See: BBC – skills shortage in the UK ) Therefore, there is a case for charging students to study at university – allowing higher public spending to tackle more basic skill shortages.
  • Do we have too many graduates? In recent decades there has been a rapid rise in the number of graduates. But many graduates are now leaving university to take jobs which don’t require a degree. A study by the ONS found that nearly 50% of workers who left university in the past five years are doing jobs which don’t require a degree. ( Telegraph link ) Therefore, it is a mistake to continue to fund the public expansion of university education because the economy doesn’t need more graduates as much as other vocational skills.
  • Higher quality of education . The rapid rise in university numbers means that greater pressure is being put on university resources. Since the government is struggling to increase real spending, there is a danger that university education and research may suffer, causing UK education to lag behind other countries. If universities can charge students, it will help maintain standards, quality of teaching and the reputation of UK universities.
  • Makes people value education more . If people have to pay to go to university, you could argue that they would value education more. If higher education is free, it may encourage students to take an easy three years of relaxation.
  • Signalling function of higher education . Arguably, higher education acts as a signal to employers that graduates have greater capacity. As a consequence, people who gain a degree, end up with a relatively higher salary. Therefore, if they financially gain from studying at university, it is perhaps fair they pay part of the cost. This is especially important for middle-class families, who send a higher proportion of people to higher education.

Another issue is whether we need 50% of 18-year-olds to go to university . The increase in student numbers is a significant contributory factor to the increased financial pressures on universities. Rather than encouraging students to automatically go to university (as some schools do), it may be better to encourage more students to take vocational training and avoid three years of academic study. If less went to university, it would mean the cost per student would be relatively lower.

Another issue is how do you charge students for going to university? If students leave university with large debts, this has negative consequences. But, if we finance university education through a graduate tax paid when graduates get a decent income then it may be less of a disincentive.

Abolition of Tuition Fees

In the 2017 and 2019 election, the Labour party proposed to abolition tuition fees. This is estimated to cost £16 billion.

  • How should university education be funded ?
  • Arguments for Free Education
  • Arguments against Free education

48 thoughts on “Should university education be free?”

In my perceptive the government must allow free education system for two category only. One is the children comes merited and secondly for lower class people

Aka free collage to welfare state

Dear Tejvan Pettinger,

You misspelled Subsidizing*

The E-Time Guy

Subsidizing is American-English spelling. But I use British-English ‘subsidising’

I don’t think you realised/realized that EconomicsHelp is a British-founded website.

Lmao! He must have felt well chuffed with himself…until you pointed that out!

Wouldn’t it be hard to manage that sort of, uh, selection?

Just give everyone a free college degree. No debts, no tax dollars to send Timmy off for free 4 years of living. Free college = tax payer pays to get more competition for his job. Free college = college degree is pointless cause everyone has one

  • Pingback: Should Higher Education be Available for Everyone? – /lacher-prisee/

The best way is to offer relatively large number of places free of charge, for instance, 80% of overall demand in the economy to be free/state paid places.

The entrance competition must be held to get the place. The rest will be private places.

Erm..we just that read that…but I guess thanks for repeating it…

I agree that education improves how productive people are in the workforce. A friend of mine is majoring in computer science and they are much more adept because of what they are learning. If governments cannot offer compensation for education then I hope that companies will.

Education has positive benefits for the rest of society. If university education is left to market forces, there may be under-provision, and the economy may suffer from a lack of skilled graduates. Furthermore, in a free market, higher education would become the preserve of wealthy families who can afford to send their children to university. Therefore there is a strong case for the government providing higher education free at the point of use. However, others argue the positive externalities of higher education are limited, and the prime beneficiaries of a university degree are the graduates who can command a higher paying job. If the external benefits of many degrees are limited, government spending may be misallocation in offering relatively expensive university education. Rather than fund 3-4 year university degrees, governments may be able to get better return from spending money on primary education and vocational training – training which is more relevant to the needs of the economy.

plagiarized from another article but great response (next time cite)

Great post and interesting argument here. I have to say that with everything there is going to be advantages and disadvantages. If you offer free university education, it will devalue those who already have a university education. I think if there is a plan to offer free university education, then there needs to be guidelines around it – such as certain state schools, specific courses, etc.

Sorry, I’m not so sure I understand what you mean by “devalue” here. I think university is an opportunity and surely the value in an opportunity is in what you gain out of it, not its availability?

“devalue” as towards the degree itself, not the user. The more of anything (“degrees”) lowers the value, supply and demand. I’m a pretty lefty guy (51. Male, UK) but this one I’m not for, students seem to think degree courses were free before the fees were started under Tony Blair, they wernt, I applied and was refused due to my grade not being good enough. Only a set number of people were given grants. Now after working my way up the slippy pole, I would feel cheated if I have to pay extra tax for someone else to go to Uni. However it this was fully funded from a wealth tax (which I would not pay as I dont have much wealth), then yer go on do it.

I think the university fees should not be free. Maybe exceptions can be made for students from more poor backgrounds and they pay lesser fees but it should not be free because then there is no point. No one would take it seriously anymore & if u paid for something you value it more and work harder You should work hard for something you want and not expect everything to be handed on a silver plater

It’s not being handed on a silver plate – you still have to work to be accepted and work to graduate. Making uni free doesn’t devalue its certification.

I totally agree when you said that it would be hard for low-income parents to send their children to universities. This is the actual problem of my cousin which is why he is lucky that his dad is a military because there might be assistance for them. I will suggest this to them since they might not be aware, and he will be going to college in two years time.

all the Arguments against free university education written here are silly and nothing to do with how things work in real life, you can see it in all quality countries that have free tertiary education, like in northern europe. or in any other europe country, you can check it out.

I don’t get the argument about too many people going to university and getting a degree? Or am I the thick one here?

We’re not handing out free degrees, we’re giving everyone an equal OPPORTUNITY to get a degree, and a higher education for their future. So many people would’ve made very useful citizens had they have had a chance to fully develop their skills, and we forget that making uni free doesn’t make it any easier to get into and to graduate from.

Making uni free doesn’t devalue its certification btw

Very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.

Everyone grows up going to school and unless it is a private school, the government funds it once we enroll and all we need to do is show up. Once we graduate high school or get a GED, suddenly the price for a good quality education sky rockets and everyone starts scrambling to find a job, or get as many grants, scholarships, and loans as they possibly can to cover the ever growing debt most people will have once they graduate college. The debate on whether or not to make college free or at least more affordable has grown, and more and more people including politicians are looking for ways to make this happen. With every good idea there will be problems that are solved, but new ones will arise. Some reasons people want college level education to be free is it will give everyone a chance for education past high school, it avoids student debt, and it was free when they first made colleges, but the downfalls might include raised taxes, a sacrifice of standards, and financial irresponsibility from the students. Most of the people that attend college are from wealthier families because they are able to pay the bill. When colleges were first made, they were all actually free due to the lack of students and establishments under the Morrill Act of 1862 (Beelineweb.com et al.). This act allowed colleges to be created by the state on federal lands to make a higher education system available to all who desired it regardless of class or income. Now the sum that these schools require is absolutely outrageous. Even the wealthy are not able to afford quality education without taking out a loan. With all the loans, people are acquiring more and more debt, but without the cost of tuition, that debt would decrease dramatically (Pettinger). Many people that need loans currently, would be able to attend and get a quality education without worrying about the debt that will follow them for a long time. Along with that, more people that are not able to go to college now will be able to attend just because they want to instead of forgetting about college as even an option because it costs an arm and a leg (Ayres). Free college education would open many doors that have been shut due to financial struggles. With all the good that would come from free college level education, there are quite a bit of issues that might arise with it. Although free college-level education might seem great, there quite a few things that would be sacrificed with the elimination of tuition costs. With the sacrificed costs, some of the quality of education might be sacrificed as well (Ayres). Without the constant funds coming in from the enrolled students, the facilities might go a while without very necessary updates and repairs. There is always going to be a need for money to pay for all the things colleges provide and if students are not paying for it, the costs would shift from being a personal expense to a societal expense (Beelineweb.com et al.). The reality for everyone would be the increase of taxes to cover the necessary costs. Students would have their tuition covered by the government issued taxes. Without the need for loans, students might lose their financial responsibility because they will not have needed to manage their money to pay for their classes and take their education for granted (Amit Kumar). Some might actually devalue their diploma because they did not pay for the classes. The diploma would have the same value as a high school diploma. Although these things are factors that need to be considered, having education that is at least partially free would be good to allow more people to get the opportunity for getting a better education. Hopefully we will be able to find a way where we are able to go back to when colleges were first made, give everyone an equal opportunity for their education, and avoid debt, but also avoid some of the downfalls from taxes, sacrificed standards, and financial irresponsibility.

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Should College Be Free?

Do you think other states should follow New Mexico in making higher education tuition-free? What would that mean for society?

essay university education should be free for everyone

By Callie Holtermann

Do you plan to go to college? Are you or your family concerned about paying for it?

In the past three decades, the average cost of attending a private college in the United States has tripled — landing at around $50,000 per year.

Should college cost this much? How would our society change if college cost nothing at all?

Amid declines in enrollment , states including Texas and Michigan are experimenting with plans to reduce or eliminate tuition for many students. Starting in July, New Mexico will go a step further: It will completely cover tuition for all state residents who attend public colleges and universities.

In “ What if College Were Free? This State Is Trying to Find Out. ,” Simon Romero writes about the state’s plan, which received bipartisan approval:

As universities across the United States face steep enrollment declines , New Mexico’s government is embarking on a pioneering experiment to fight that trend: tuition-free higher education for all state residents. After President Biden’s plan for universal free community college failed to gain traction in Congress, New Mexico, one of the nation’s poorest states, has emerged with perhaps the most ambitious plans as states scramble to come up with their own initiatives. A new state law approved in a rare show of bipartisanship allocates almost 1 percent of the state’s budget toward covering tuition and fees at public colleges and universities, community colleges and tribal colleges. All state residents from new high school graduates to adults enrolling part-time will be eligible regardless of family income. The program is also open to immigrants regardless of their immigration status. Some legislators and other critics question whether there should have been income caps, and whether the state, newly flush with oil and gas revenue, can secure long-term funding to support the program beyond its first year. The legislation, which seeks to treat college as a public resource similar to primary and secondary education, takes effect in July.

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Should Higher Education Be Free?

by Vijay Govindarajan and Jatin Desai

In the United States, our higher education system is broken. Since 1980, we’ve seen a 400% increase in the cost of higher education, after adjustment for inflation — a higher cost escalation than any other industry, even health care. We have recently passed the trillion dollar mark in student loan debt in the United States.

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Argumentative Essay: Free Education

The USA doesn’t have free education for students, at least at the higher levels. Much has been made about increasing levels of debt. Some people have even called for the introduction of free education. This would be a major mistake. It would decrease personal freedoms for much of the general population, reduce quality, and send the wrong message to students. This essay will explain why.

Firstly, someone has to pay for education. It’s physically impossible to deliver quality education while charging students nothing. Someone has to pay for it. If it isn’t students taking care of their responsibilities, it’s taxpayers who already pay for the substantial grants and scholarships awarded to students every year. It’s wrong to place this burden on the general population for a decision entirely resting on the individual’s shoulders.

Making education free would mean the money has to be found from elsewhere. The only options available to the government would be to raise taxes or cut services elsewhere. It’s no fairer to cut other vital services than it is to make students pay for education. It doesn’t solve the problem, it only shifts the problem onto another part of the population.

Increasing taxes to pay for education reduces personal freedoms. Economic freedom directly correlates with personal freedoms. By cutting disposable income through the raising of taxes, it reduces the options available for families across the country. Arguably, it’s selfish to do this because a minority group decides to go into higher education.

Some would argue making education free would open up colleges and universities to a greater number of students. This isn’t the case. Although education isn’t free now, this in no way means people are prohibited from entering higher education. Grants awarding achievement already exist for the best students. Furthermore, the vast majority of students can already receive student loans to pay for tuition and maintenance. There are no barriers to students entering higher education even without a free tuition system.

With the current student loan system, lenders are far more forgiving and the repayments are much lower than a conventional loan. The system already allows students to climb up the career ladder before they start to pay back significant amounts.

Cutting fees would also make it more difficult to continue to improve the standard of education within schools and colleges. If these institutions can’t make a profit from charging their students, they can only make enough to cover their maintenance costs. They can’t invest in themselves and boost standards. This would only lead to the continuing decline of American higher education facilities and make the country less attractive for international students.

Overall, it’s important to make students understand they have responsibilities and the onus rests on them to take care of these responsibilities. It’s wrong to place the burdens of others onto the general population. Cutting fees would bring benefits to students who don’t have to pay for their own education, but it would only lead to the general decline of the facilities they study at.

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Is free college a good idea? Increasingly, evidence says yes

Subscribe to the brown center on education policy newsletter, douglas n. harris douglas n. harris nonresident senior fellow - governance studies , brown center on education policy , professor and chair, department of economics - tulane university.

May 10, 2021

  • 10 min read

In just a few short years, the idea of free college has moved from a radical idea to mainstream Democratic thinking. President Biden made free college one of his core campaign planks , and one that the first lady has been promoting for years. In his recent address to Congress, the president also signaled that he is ready for legislative action on a scaled-back version of the idea as part of his American Families Plan .

Two weeks ago, the nonprofit College Promise (CP)—led by Martha Kanter, who served as President Obama’s undersecretary for education—also released a proposal that will influence the free college debate. (Full disclosure: I previously advised the Biden campaign and presently advise CP, but have received no compensation for these efforts.)

In today’s polarized environment, the free college idea stands out for its bipartisan support. A majority of self-identified Republicans has supported the notion of free college in some polls. In fact, one of the first such statewide programs was put in place by Bill Haslam, the former Republican governor of Tennessee. While this could go the way of Obamacare, which faced strong GOP congressional opposition despite the law’s origins with Republican Mitt Romney, free college seems different. Biden’s latest plan only applies to community colleges, which focus on career and vocational education of the sort Republicans support, as opposed to universities, which many Republicans view as hostile battlegrounds in a culture war.

But I am less interested in the politics than the evidence of effectiveness. I have studied college access for many years and run two randomized control trials of financial aid , which produced some of the first causal evidence on free college in Milwaukee. Two years ago, Brookings released the first installment of the Milwaukee work, which I carried out with a team of researchers. Since then, we have collected more data and learned more about how students responded over time. Below, I summarize our just-released study (co-authored with Jonathan Mills), compare our results to other financial aid programs, and then discuss implications for the Biden and CP proposals. Consequently, I conclude that the evidence increasingly favors free college and “open access aid” more generally.

What Did We Learn in Milwaukee?

I developed The Degree Project (TDP) in 2009 as a demonstration program in partnership between the nonprofit Ascendium (then known as the Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation and Affiliates) and Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS). TDP offered all first-time 9 th graders in half of MPS high schools $12,000 for college as “last-dollar” aid. Students could use the funds for college if they graduated from high school on time with a GPA of 2.5 and a class attendance rate of 90%. Also, as is the norm with free college programs, students had to fill out the FAFSA and have at least one dollar of unmet need. The aid could be used to attend any of the 66 public, in-state, two- or four-year colleges in Wisconsin. Ascendium provided up to $31 million to fund the grant and, as the main program administrator, sent regular letters to remind students about the program and its requirements. The organization also worked with school counselors to support students becoming eligible for the funds and preparing for college.

TDP was announced to students in the fall of 2011. Using anonymized data, we then tracked students’ high school, college, and life outcomes for eight years, and we recently received data extending through when students were roughly 22 years old. As a rare randomized trial, we could estimate the effects by comparing the control and treatment group outcomes. Here is what we found:

  • For students who met the performance requirements, the program increased graduation from two-year colleges by 3 percentage points . This might seem small, but the denominator here is comprised of low-income 9 th graders. Half of the control group did not even graduate from high school, let alone college. The effect amounts to a 25% increase in two-year degrees.
  • The framing and design of the program as free two-year college changed student decisions in ways consistent with what free college advocates suggest. The $12,000 maximum award amount was selected because it was sufficient to cover tuition and fees for a two-year college degree. The fact that TDP made two-year college free, but only reduced the cost of four-year college, was clearly communicated to students. This appears to explain one of our main results: Student enrollments shifted from four-year to two-year colleges. This is noteworthy given that students could use the funds at either two- or four-year colleges. In fact, students likely would have been able to use more of the $12,000 if they had shifted to four-year colleges. The only plausible reason for shifting to two-year colleges is that they were really attracted to the idea of free college.
  • The “early commitment” nature of the program had some modest positive effects on some high school outcomes . Students learned about TDP in their 9 th grade year, giving them time to change their high school behaviors and college plans. Although it did not improve high school academic achievement, we find that TDP increased college expectations and the steps students took to prepare for college. TDP recipients also reported working harder because of the program (even though this did not show up in the academic measures). This highlights the fact that free college might also help address not only college-going rates, but the long-term stagnancy in high school outcomes.
  • The merit requirements undermined the program’s effectiveness . Though the 2.5 GPA and 90% attendance and other requirements were arguably modest, only 21% of eligible students ended up meeting them. So, they ended up excluding many students. We also tested the two main ways that the merit requirements could have been helpful: (a) merit requirements might provide incentives for students to work hard during high school and better prepare for college, and (b) merit requirements might target aid to students who respond to it most. We find no evidence of either benefit. While students did work harder (see point [3] above), this appears to be due to other elements of the program, not the merit requirements.

Overall, these results suggest that aid is most effective when it is “open access”—that is, aid with early commitment and free college framing, but no merit requirements.

What about the evidence beyond Milwaukee?

Our study also reviews other research on financial aid, including federal aid, state merit aid programs, and the newer “promise scholarship” programs that mimic free college. Our study is not alone in finding that financial aid improves student outcomes. In fact, the vast majority of the most rigorous studies find positive effects on college attendance and college graduation. Given the strong average benefits of college, we can expect follow-up studies to show effects on employment earnings, voting, and other outcomes.

What about the costs? Open access aid is more expensive to be sure. More students receive aid and the aid levels per students are larger than traditional financial aid. Is it worth it? Our analysis suggests it is. We carried out new cost-benefit analyses of multiple programs, including TDP, but also other actively studied programs in: Kalamazoo, Michigan; Knox County, Tennessee; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and one statewide program in Nebraska. We also used estimates of the average effects of aid taken from prior literature reviews. All of these programs pass a cost-benefit test. That is, the effects on college outcomes, and the effects of college outcomes on future earnings, is much larger than the cost to the government and society as a whole. Moreover, it appears that benefits-per-dollar-of-cost are at least as high with open access aid as with more restricted programs. This means that open access aid provides greater total benefits to the community as a whole.

Back to the Free College Proposals

What do these results mean for President Biden’s and CP’s proposals? The table below provides a side-by-side comparison. The main difference is the level of detail. This reflects that the CP plan was designed to align with, and flesh out, the Biden campaign proposal. Perhaps the only substantive difference is that the CP proposal (and the Milwaukee program) includes private colleges. The Biden campaign documents exclude private colleges, though the American Families Plan just says “free community college,” signaling alignment with the CP plan. Both proposals are clearly in the category of open access aid.

Biden Campaign Proposal College Promise
Student eligibility · 2y college: No income requirements · 4y college: Family AGI < $125,000 · 2y college: No income requirements · 4y college: Family AGI < $125,000 · Complete FAFSA · Part-time or full-time · Work requirements optional · State requirements on students “kept to a minimum”
College eligibility · Public only · Public and private · Title IV eligible · Meet accountability requirements based on College Scorecard
State-Federal Contributions · 67% of costs from the federal government · Public colleges: Federal govt contributes 75% of partnership funds; 25% from states · Private colleges: Partnership covers up to 50% of the cost per credit (capped at state avg cost per credit in public colleges); institutions cover remainder
Other · First-dollar (covers more than tuition and fees for some very-low-income students)

There are numerous similarities between these provisions and the Milwaukee program that my team and I studied. All three programs make two-year college free (or nearly so) for all students without income requirements and through early commitment of aid. All three require the FAFSA and high school graduation. Importantly, unlike both the Biden and CP proposals, the Milwaukee program had merit requirements, which undermined its success. This is partly why our evidence is so relevant to the current debate.

Some might wonder why the president has scaled back the proposal to just free community college. This reflects that the idea of free college—even the “scaled back” version—is such a marked departure from past policy, especially at the federal level. Free community college alone would still be arguably the largest shift in federal higher education policy in the past half-century.

Caveats and Concluding Thoughts

We cannot make policy from evidence alone, but it can and should play a key role. Sometimes, policy ideas have such limited evidence of effectiveness that it is difficult to make any plausible case for a large-scale, national program. In other cases, there is enough promise for pilot studies and competitive grants to establish efficacy. With free college, we seem to be well beyond that point. In addition to decades of results on general financial aid programs, we have a growing number of studies on state and local programs that all show positive evidence—the “laboratory of democracy” at work. The idea of a large, federal free-college program therefore has more and more credibility.

A decade ago, it was not at all obvious that this is what the evidence would show. There was really no evidence on free college programs when we started this project back in 2009. Also, there were good reasons to expect that such a large increase in aid would suffer from “diminishing returns”—the idea that the next dollar is less effective than the previous one. This could have made free college more costly than the benefits could justify. Now, we know better.

I do still worry a bit about other factors and challenges. For example, the above analyses can only capture the immediate effects of financial aid, yet a federal free college program is such a marked departure in policy that it could alter political and market forces operating on higher education in unpredictable ways, perhaps even lowering college spending and quality. Also, if the proposal remains focused on community colleges, then this will shift students out of four-year colleges and into colleges that currently have very low completion rates. There are also other ways to increase college affordability and access that do not require free college (e.g., increased Pell Grants and income-based loan repayment), some of which target funds more narrowly to the most disadvantaged students. And there are many details to be worked out as the president’s allies in Congress try to generate sufficient support without (a) sacrificing core principles, or (b) creating new problems that can arise when grafting new federal programs on to widely varying state contexts.

Still, it is not often that an idea comes around that addresses a widely acknowledged problem and has both research support and a fair degree of bipartisan political support. The stars seem aligned to make some form of national free college a reality. The more evidence we see, the more that would seem to be a step forward.

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The Tuition Dilemma in University Education

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Arguments Against Free University Education

Comparison of tuition fees in different countries, personal experience and tuition fees, concerns for less fortunate individuals.

The Tuition Dilemma in University Education. (2016, Aug 12). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/should-university-education-be-free-of-charge-essay

"The Tuition Dilemma in University Education." StudyMoose , 12 Aug 2016, https://studymoose.com/should-university-education-be-free-of-charge-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). The Tuition Dilemma in University Education . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/should-university-education-be-free-of-charge-essay [Accessed: 18 Sep. 2024]

"The Tuition Dilemma in University Education." StudyMoose, Aug 12, 2016. Accessed September 18, 2024. https://studymoose.com/should-university-education-be-free-of-charge-essay

"The Tuition Dilemma in University Education," StudyMoose , 12-Aug-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/should-university-education-be-free-of-charge-essay. [Accessed: 18-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). The Tuition Dilemma in University Education . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/should-university-education-be-free-of-charge-essay [Accessed: 18-Sep-2024]

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The Tuition Dilemma in University Education essay

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19+ Reasons College Should be Free (Pros and Cons)

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Imagine owing more money than you can even think of, right after you finish school. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it?

Well, for millions of people, this isn't just a bad dream—it's reality. In the United States, the total student loan debt has reached a mind-blowing $1.7 trillion! That's trillion, with a 'T'.

It's like buying about 340,000 really fancy houses or going on a lifetime supply of vacations but instead, it's money owed by students.

College is free in some places in the world, and even in some U.S. States. But most college costs tens or hundreds-of-thousands of dollars. 3 main reasons supporters think college should be free are: the rising cost of tuition, increasing equality, and the social benefits from a more educated populace.

Should college be free? You might think, "Sure, who doesn't like free stuff?" But it's not as simple as that. The price and experience of college is a social construct that can be really hard to change.

We'll explore how college got so expensive in the first place, what people are saying about making it free, and examples from places that have already tried it.

The Rising Cost of College Tuition

old college building

Once Upon a Time: A Glimpse of the Past

Believe it or not, attending college was once a much more affordable dream for many Americans. If we set our time-travel dials to the 1970s, the average annual tuition cost at a four-year public university was approximately $358—yes, you read that right!

When we adjust for inflation, that would be around $2,200 today. Now contrast this with the modern price tag: according to the Education Data Initiative , the average cost of tuition as of 2023 was $9,678 for in-state students and a whopping $27,091 for out-of-state students at public universities. For private universities, the annual average shot up to around $38,768.

Rocketing to New Heights: What's Driving the Cost?

The burning question is, why have these numbers skyrocketed? Multiple factors come into play.

First and foremost, colleges and universities have expanded their amenities and facilities. Students these days are often welcomed with state-of-the-art gyms, luxe dorms, and even gourmet dining options. While these add-ons certainly make college life more appealing, they also hike up the overall cost.

Another culprit is the administrative bloat. The number of non-teaching staff at many institutions has grown significantly. From 1975 to 2005, the number of administrators and managerial employees in higher education institutions more than doubled, according to the Department of Education. Their salaries, benefits, and offices add another layer of expense that is often passed on to students.

State funding—or rather, the lack of it—also shares the blame. For decades, state governments have been reducing their contributions to public higher education. A report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities revealed that between 2008 and 2018, state funding for two- and four-year colleges was slashed by nearly $7 billion after adjusting for inflation.

The Heavy Price of Loans: A Debt-Fueled Future

The rising costs inevitably lead students and families to the daunting world of student loans. It doesn't matter if you are a trained skillsperson or a white-collar businessman , college is expensive and loans don't pay themselves.

As of 2023, about 45.3 million Americans are shackled with student loan debt , which has crossed the staggering $1.77 trillion mark.

To give you a clearer picture: the average borrower from the Class of 2021 graduated with approximately $29,100 in student loan debt. And 54% of the 2021 Class held this debt.

But what does this debt mean in real-life terms? Imagine you're a 22-year-old fresh out of college with that average debt. Even if you manage to land a job right away, a good chunk of your paycheck will go to loan payments for years to come. For some, this means delaying major life milestones like buying a house, getting married, or starting a family.

So, clearly, something needs to be done. Let's get into the specific reasons some people believe college should be free. Later, we'll talk about the various debates around free college tuition.

Economic Reasons for Free College

  • Increased Access to Higher Education : Making college free would mean more people could go to college without the fear of financial burden, increasing accessibility for low and middle-income families.
  • Higher Earning Potential : College graduates, on average, earn more than those with just a high school diploma. This means they contribute more in taxes over their lifetimes.
  • Reduced Student Loan Debt : A large portion of the U.S. population is struggling with student loan debt, which has economic repercussions like delaying the ability to buy a home or start a family.
  • Boosts Economy : A better-educated workforce can contribute more effectively to the economy, leading to faster growth and increased innovation.
  • Less Reliance on Social Programs : People with higher education are less likely to rely on social programs like food stamps and unemployment benefits, saving the government money in the long run.
  • Global Competitiveness : To compete globally, a country needs a well-educated workforce. Free college could be a step toward that goal.
  • Reduced Unemployment : Higher education often leads to higher employability and can help in reducing overall unemployment rates.

Social Reasons for Free College

  • Social Mobility : Access to higher education is key for upward social mobility. Free college can level the playing field for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Increased Civic Engagement : Studies have shown that college graduates are more likely to vote, volunteer, and engage in civic activities.
  • Equality : Making college free can help close the racial, gender, and socio-economic gaps in higher education attendance and graduation rates.
  • Better Health : Higher education is correlated with better health outcomes, including longer life expectancy and better mental health.
  • Diversity : Free college can lead to a more diverse workforce, as more people from various backgrounds have the opportunity to attend college and enter fields they might otherwise not have considered.
  • Educational Freedom : Students might feel freer to pursue degrees in the humanities, arts, or social sciences, instead of opting for degrees that they perceive will "pay off" more quickly to cover their student loan debts.

Moral and Philosophical Reasons for Free College

  • Right to Education : Some argue that, like K-12 education, higher education is a right and should be available to all, irrespective of income.
  • Public Good : Education is often cited as a public good that benefits society as a whole, not just the individual receiving the education.
  • Human Capital : In the knowledge economy, human capital is one of the most valuable resources. Free college can be seen as an investment in a country's human capital.

Practical Reasons for Free College

  • Simplification of Financial Aid : A free college system could potentially simplify the complicated financial aid system, making it easier for students to apply and receive support.
  • Teacher Recruitment : If college is free, the teaching profession might attract more qualified candidates who are currently deterred by the prospect of low salaries combined with high student debt.
  • Encourages Lifelong Learning : Without the barrier of cost, adults and older citizens might be more inclined to return to school to upskill or change careers, fostering a culture of lifelong learning.

Debates Around Free College

stack of books with an apple

The idea of making college free has sparked passionate arguments, both for and against. On the one hand, proponents argue that free college can transform society, making it more equitable and prosperous. Detractors, however, counter that it's not as simple or as financially viable as it sounds.

The Pros: Where Supporters Stand

Equality and Access : Advocates often point out that free college would make higher education accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial background. Data from the Pell Institute shows that in 2016, only 11% of low-income students graduated with a bachelor's degree within six years, compared to 58% of their higher-income peers.

Economic Upliftment : Free college could be an investment in human capital, leading to a more skilled workforce. According to Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce, 65% of all jobs in the American economy will require education beyond high school by 2027.

Reducing the Debt Burden : With student loan debt surpassing $1.77 trillion, supporters argue that free college could alleviate this massive financial strain affecting millions of Americans.

The Cons: Where Critics Stand

Cost to Taxpayers : One of the most common arguments against free college is the cost. Critics point out that somebody has to pay for it, and that "somebody" is often the taxpayer. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, free public college would cost around $79 billion a year .

Quality Concerns : Some worry that making college free could lead to overcrowded classes and reduced educational quality. Already, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center , only about 60% of college students complete their bachelor's degrees within six years.

Fairness Question : Critics argue that free college could be seen as a subsidy for wealthier families who can already afford tuition, thereby increasing income inequality rather than reducing it.

The Middle Ground: Compromise Solutions

Some experts propose middle-ground solutions like income-based repayment plans or free community college as a stepping stone.

For instance, Tennessee's free community college program, Tennessee Promise , has seen considerable success since its inception in 2014. The program has increased college enrollment among high school graduates by 4.6%.

International Examples: What Can We Learn?

Several countries like Germany, Norway, and Finland offer free higher education and have seen positive societal impacts.

In Germany, where tuition is free for undergraduate students, the percentage of young people who attend university is higher than the U.S. However, critics note that these countries often have higher tax rates to fund such programs.

Public Opinion: What Do People Think?

Interestingly, public opinion is shifting in favor of free college. A 2023 poll from The Campaign for Free College Tuition showed that 70-81% of voters in the U.S. support making public colleges and universities tuition-free. The numbers are even higher among younger demographics, suggesting that the idea is gaining traction.

Economic Benefits of Free College

More money in your pocket: higher wages.

Let's start with something everyone can understand: money. If you graduate from college, you're likely to earn more money than someone who didn't.

In 2022, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the average weekly earnings for someone with a bachelor's degree were about $1,334, while someone with just a high school diploma earned around $899. That's a big difference! Over a lifetime, college graduates could earn up to $1 million more than those who only finished high school.

Bye-Bye, Student Loans!

Imagine not having to worry about paying back a big student loan every month. Wouldn't that be great?

According to data, around 45 million Americans owe a massive $1.7 trillion in student loans. That's trillion with a "T"! These loans can stick around for years, making it hard for people to buy homes, start families, or even just enjoy life without a mountain of debt hanging over them. Free college would mean that students wouldn't start their adult lives deep in the hole.

A Bigger, Better Economy

When people earn more, they also spend more. And when they spend more, the whole economy gets a boost.

The more you earn, the more you pay in taxes, which means more money for public projects and services like roads, schools, and hospitals. Remember that study from Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce says that by 2027, about 65% of all jobs will require some form of higher education? That means we need a workforce that's ready for those jobs.

Less Stress on Social Services

People with college degrees are less likely to need things like unemployment benefits or food stamps.

Only about 2% of people with a bachelor's degree rely on food stamps , compared to 12% of those with only a high school diploma. By making college free, we're actually saving money in the long run because fewer people would need to use these kinds of social services.

Businesses Love It, Too!

You might be surprised to hear this, but a lot of businesses actually like the idea of free college. Why? Because they want workers who are skilled and educated.

Companies often spend a lot of money on training new employees. If more people had access to college, businesses could save on these costs and get employees who are ready to hit the ground running.

A Snowball Effect: More Benefits Down the Road

Making college free could have a snowball effect. That means one good thing leads to another, and another.

For example, if more people can go to college, that could lead to more entrepreneurs starting new businesses. Those new businesses would create more jobs. And guess what? More jobs mean a stronger economy!

Investing in Our Future

In the end, free college isn't just a nice idea; it's a smart investment in our country's future. It's like planting a seed. You water it, take care of it, and watch it grow. Over time, that small seed turns into a tree that provides shade, fruit, and even cleaner air.

Just like that tree, the benefits of free college could grow and touch many parts of our lives, making the country a better place for everyone.

Social Benefits of Free College

More than just money: the bigger picture.

When we talk about free college, it's easy to focus on dollars and cents. But what about the stuff that's harder to put a price tag on? We're talking about the good things that can happen in our communities and society if more people could go to college without worrying about the cost. Let's dive in!

Leveling the Playing Field: Greater Equality

First up is equality. Right now, your chances of going to college often depend on how much money your family has. That's not fair, is it? Free college could be a game-changer. It would give everybody a fair shot at getting a higher education, no matter where they come from.

Breaking the Chain: Ending the Cycle of Poverty

Education is like a key that can unlock a better future. For many people, it's a way out of poverty. When you're educated, you're more likely to get a good job, which means you're less likely to struggle with money. And guess what? That goodness doesn't stop with you. When you do better, your kids are more likely to do better, too. It's a cycle, but a good one!

A Smarter Society: Better Decision-Making

When people are educated, they make better decisions. That includes everything from picking the right foods to eat to understanding complex issues like climate change or social justice. An educated public is better at making choices that benefit everyone. This is crucial, especially when it comes to voting for our leaders.

Healthier Lives: A Boost for Public Health

Did you know that people with higher levels of education tend to live healthier lives? Yep, it's true! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults with a bachelor's degree or higher are less likely to smoke and more likely to exercise compared to those with less education. If more people could go to college, we could end up with a healthier nation.

Strengthening Communities: More Civic Engagement

Here's another cool benefit: educated people are more likely to be involved in their communities. They're more likely to volunteer, attend public meetings, and even join local organizations. A study by the College Board Research found that 40% of adults with a bachelor's degree volunteered, compared to only 19% of high school graduates.

Happier Lives: Boosting Mental Health

Last but not least, let's talk about happiness. Education can lead to better mental health. When people have good jobs and stable lives, they're less likely to suffer from stress and anxiety. And who doesn't want to be happier?

A Society We All Want to Live In

Free college can do more than just help individuals; it can help all of us. From making society more equal and smarter to improving public health and even boosting our spirits, the social benefits of free college could make our country a better place to live for everyone.

Examples of Places Where College is Free or Subsidized

world map

First off, let's get something straight: free or very affordable college isn't just a pie-in-the-sky dream. It's real, and it's happening in different parts of the world. Some places even have it right here in the United States! Let's take a closer look at these examples to see what we can learn.

A Taste of Tennessee: Free Community College

Let's start close to home with Tennessee. Yup, you heard right! In Tennessee, they have a program called the Tennessee Promise. High school graduates can go to community college for two years without paying a cent in tuition.

Guess what? Since this program started in 2014, college enrollment shot up by 4.6%, according to a study in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.

New York's Excelsior Program

New York State offers the Excelsior Scholarship, a program that makes public colleges tuition-free for families earning less than $125,000 a year. However, there's a catch: after graduating, students must live and work in New York for the same number of years they received the scholarship. If not, the scholarship turns into a loan.

Across the Pond: Germany's Example

Let's hop over the ocean to Germany, where tuition for undergraduate students is free at public universities. That even goes for international students! And it's not like these are second-rate schools. Some German universities are ranked among the top in the world.

The Nordic Model: Sweden, Norway, and Finland

Heading north, countries like Sweden, Norway, and Finland also offer free higher education. Students only pay a small administrative fee each semester, which is usually less than $100. These countries believe that everyone has the right to education, regardless of their bank balance.

The South American Surprise: Argentina and Brazil

Now, let's fly across the globe to South America. Countries like Argentina and Brazil offer free or very low-cost higher education. In Brazil, the best universities are actually the public ones, and they're free! However, it's super competitive to get in.

The Catch: Higher Taxes and Competitive Entry

Now, it's important to note that free college often comes with its own set of challenges. For example, countries that offer free tuition usually have higher taxes. Plus, getting into these colleges can be super tough because so many people want to go.

Lessons We Can Learn

So, what can we take away from all this? First, free or low-cost college is totally doable. Second, each place has its own way of making it work, whether it's through higher taxes, tough entrance exams, or special rules like staying in the state after graduation.

A World of Possibilities

As you can see, the idea of free or subsidized college isn't just a pipe dream; it's a reality in many places. These examples show that there are different paths to the same goal: making higher education accessible to everyone.

How Can College Education be Free?

We've talked a lot about why free college is a good idea. But now comes the million-dollar question: How do we actually make it happen? Don't worry; people have been thinking hard about this, and there are some pretty cool ideas out there.

Tax the Super Rich: A Popular Suggestion

One idea that's getting a lot of attention is taxing the super-rich. That means the government would take a little extra money from people who have a whole lot of it and use that to pay for free college.

For example, Senator Elizabeth Warren proposed a 2% annual tax on households with a net worth between $50 million and $1 billion. According to estimates, this could raise around $2.75 trillion over 10 years. That's more than enough to make public colleges free and even help with other things like healthcare!

Closing Tax Loopholes: Every Penny Counts

You might not know this, but there are all sorts of ways people and companies can avoid paying taxes. These are called "tax loopholes," and they can add up to a lot of money. Closing these loopholes could free up extra funds that could be used for education.

Cutting Wasteful Spending: Trim the Fat

Another idea is to look at where the government is already spending money and see if any of it could be better used for education. Maybe there are programs that aren't really working or areas where the government is spending more than it needs to. By "trimming the fat," we could find the money for free college without raising taxes.

Partnerships with Private Companies

What if businesses chipped in to help make college free? Some companies already offer scholarships or have programs to help their employees go back to school. Expanding these partnerships could be a win-win: companies get educated workers, and students get to go to college for free or at a lower cost.

State and Federal Programs

Making college free doesn't have to be something that only the federal government does. States can get in on the action too! In fact, some states like Tennessee and New York have already started their own programs. The federal government could help by matching the money states put in, making it easier for them to offer free or reduced tuition.

Sliding Scale Tuition: Pay What You Can

Here's another idea: what if the cost of college was based on how much your family can afford? Some colleges are already doing this. They look at your family's income and then decide how much you should pay. That way, people who can afford to pay more do, and those who can't, pay less or nothing at all.

Multiple Roads to the Same Destination

As you can see, there's no one-size-fits-all solution to making college free. But that's a good thing! It means we have lots of options to explore. The most important thing is to get started. After all, the best way to make free college a reality is to take the first step, no matter how small.

Whew! We've covered a lot of ground, haven't we? From the rising cost of college tuition to the debates and benefits, all the way to real-life examples and ways to make it happen—free college is a big topic! But when you connect all the dots, one thing becomes super clear: the time for free college is now.

Imagine a world where everybody has an equal shot at higher education. A world where your future isn't decided by the size of your bank account, but by your hard work, talent, and dreams. Sounds pretty great, right? And guess what? It's totally possible. Countries around the world are already doing it, and some places in the United States are giving it a shot, too.

And let's not forget the ripple effect of free college. It's not just good for students; it's good for everyone! From boosting the economy and leveling the social playing field to creating a smarter, healthier, and happier society—free college could be the key to solving a lot of our problems.

Of course, making college free won't be easy. There are challenges to face and questions to answer. How will we pay for it? How will it affect the quality of education? These are important questions, and we'll need smart, creative solutions to answer them. But the good news is, we've got options, lots of them!

Like any big journey, the road to free college starts with a single step. Maybe that step is talking to your friends and family about why it's a good idea. Or maybe it's writing to your local politicians to tell them why it's important. Whatever that first step is for you, now's the time to take it.

The idea of free college has been around for a while, but it's never been more important than it is today. With the cost of tuition soaring and the benefits clearer than ever, there's no reason to wait. So let's roll up our sleeves, put our heads together, and make free college a reality for everyone. Because the best investment we can make is in our future.

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Free Education and Its Main Advantages Essay

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Education plays an integral role in individuals’ life and the nation’s position in the world in general. On the one hand, opportunities in terms of education boost person’s skills and refine their talents, allowing them to become a part of the workforce. On the other hand, such situations have an immediate effect on the nation’s economy and environment, significantly improving social mobility, reducing discrimination, and enhancing government performance. Still, the cost of higher education is a significant issue that affects students from socioeconomic levels. The increasing cost of tuition, textbooks, and other fees has made it difficult for many students to pursue higher education. As a result, considering that affordable higher education aligns with the idea of fundamental rights, decreases the burden, and makes the workforce more qualified, leads to the notion that education should be free.

First, a well-educated workforce is essential for a thriving economy. By making public universities and colleges free, the government can increase the number of students who pursue higher education, which will result in a more highly skilled workforce. Some might argue that economies are still thriving and the number of talented and ambitious people is increasing even without regulations that make education accessible. However, it is vital to consider emerging countries as well. This is because high education investment is predicated on the idea that it would raise the number of trained workers needed to boost national production and boost the quality of life of the citizens (Malik 13). Thus, when compared to emerging nations, the majority of developed countries spend substantially more on education—over 6% of their Gross Domestic Product (Malik 13). Moreover, people with the skills to recognize and resolve issues and who can work in multiple disciplines to handle multifaceted and intricate duties are assets to a nation’s success in society (Malik 13). Therefore, the quicker the pace of progress, the more increased the quality of life of the citizens, which is essential not only to the developed but primarily developing nations.

Another reason why higher education must be free is due to the detrimental effect of student debt on people. The cost of higher education has led to an increase in student debt. Many students graduate with large amounts of debt, which can take years to pay off. By making public universities and colleges free, governments can reduce the burden of student debt and allow students to focus on their education instead of worrying about how they will pay for it. Some might argue that making education free will only be a liability to the government. However, in reality, student debts significantly reduce the capacity of individuals to perform better.

Any debt leads to a decrease in individual economic prosperity. First, such negative impacts of debt are more likely to be felt by students who already struggle financially. These people include women, particularly single mothers, students from racial or ethnic minorities, and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds (Nissen et al. 254). Reliance on other financial instruments, such as credit card debt, can make this problem worse (Nissen et al. 254). However, there additionally may be long-term negative impacts of student debt on well-being, such as reduced levels of involvement in academic and social activities due to heavy work (Nissen et al. 254). Therefore, costly tuitions and student debts only make the young workforce less productive.

Finally, education is the key to success, and everyone should have an equal opportunity to succeed. However, the current cost of higher education has created a system where only those who can afford to pay for it can pursue higher education. By making public universities and colleges free, governments can ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. Some might argue that the most necessary kind of education is taught in school and then it is the responsibility of the student to either pursue higher education or not. Still, based on the notion of fundamental rights, education is among the necessities to which everyone must have access (Black 1053). The current cost of higher education is a barrier for many students, especially those from low-income families. By making public universities and colleges free to attend, governments can remove this financial barrier and ensure that everyone has equal access to higher education. This way, it will be possible to support those who need it the most and help the authorities increase social mobility, which is essential for fighting poverty and discrimination.

Hence, the idea that education should be free arises from the observation that accessible higher education is consistent with the concept of fundamental rights, it reduces the burden and improves worker qualifications. The benefits of free higher education are numerous, including increased accessibility to education, economic benefits, reduction in student debt, and equality of opportunity. It is time for governments to invest in people’s futures and ensure that everyone has access to the education they need to succeed. In the end, it will be possible to reduce poverty and break the cycle of discrimination through improvement in social mobility.

Works Cited

Black, Derek W. “The Fundamental Right to Education.” Notre Dame Literature Review , vol. 94, no. 3, 2018, pp. 1059-1113. Web.

Malik, Ranbir Singh. “Educational Challenges in 21st Century and Sustainable Development.” Journal of Sustainable Development Education and Research , vol. 2, no. 1, 2018, pp. 9-20. Web.

Nissen, Sylvia, Hayward, Bronwyn, and Ruth McManus. “ Student Debt and Wellbeing: A Research Agenda .” Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online , vol. 14, no. 2, 2019, pp. 245-256. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 3). Free Education and Its Main Advantages. https://ivypanda.com/essays/free-education-and-its-main-advantages/

"Free Education and Its Main Advantages." IvyPanda , 3 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/free-education-and-its-main-advantages/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Free Education and Its Main Advantages'. 3 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Free Education and Its Main Advantages." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/free-education-and-its-main-advantages/.

1. IvyPanda . "Free Education and Its Main Advantages." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/free-education-and-its-main-advantages/.


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University Education Should be Free for all Students- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Aug 14, 2024


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The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS.

Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic:

University education should be free for all students. To what extent agree or disagree?

Opinion Essay


Sentences 1&2 – Summarise the topic with the use of synonyms to create a basic understanding.

Sentence 3 – Mention that the essay will understand the need to make university education free.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1 – Talk about how high university fees affect a family and its finances.

Paragraph 2 – Mention the benefits of making university education free, like high attending rates and upliftment of adjacent pointers like happiness index, etc. Mention relevant examples here.

Paragraph 3 – Acknowledge the flipper side of the argument, but talk about the unending advantages of making university education free.

Restate your views.

University education is among the costliest “investments” a person can make. Consequently, there has been a cry to formalize a law to make university education free for everyone in recent times so that everyone can avail it. I feel this is a positive step, and this essay will expand my understanding of why I agree with it.

To begin with, university education costs can run well into hundreds of thousands of dollars, which may not be financially viable for every person. In a realistic scenario, even if a family is well off financially, this can become a burden as many will take educational loans to cover these costs. On top of this, books, accommodation, food, and other essentials are not factored in the tuition fees. Hence, such astronomical education costs can be a pecuniary nightmare.

On the same note, making university education cheaper really unfurls a wave of universal availing of higher education. For instance, many European countries’ public colleges charge zero for their courses. These countries, like Sweden, Germany, Finland, etc., show a very high rate of education, along with other pointers like high per capita income, high happiness index, and low tax evasion rates. Making university education free not only increases education across a country but has a positive direct and indirect effect on so many germane lifestyle pointers.

Some believe that countries, governments in general, benefit from high education rates, while others remark that free university education for all can become an obligation for the government. I feel that there are other means and ways of earning money, and earning money at the cost of a deserving person’s future is outrightly wrong. Additionally, making higher education free has one too many benefits to ignore.

Hence, university education should be free for all students keeping in mind that it is embezzled neither by the country nor the students.

Having a qualification of tertiary education has become essential in the present. It is generally believed that universities should not charge any fees whatsoever. I agree with the given notion considerably, and I will support my angle of view in subsequent paragraphs.

To commence with the agreement side, providing tertiary education for free can elevate the education level of a whole country. To elaborate, providing free education will encourage more and more students to enrol in university courses. Students who cannot afford to pay university fees and, therefore, opt to get jobs after secondary education will also receive an opportunity to educate themselves further. More students enrolling in universities will increase education overall in a country.

Moreover, providing free university education can lead to a country’s prosperous economy. To make it clear, it is generally noticed that people, who are university graduates, have a pay scale significantly higher than that of high school graduates as university students have received specialized education in a specific field and have honed their skills within that particular field. Providing free tertiary education can encourage more and more students to enrol and specialize in a specific area which will help them to secure a hefty paying job. It will eventually help the country’s economy to grow further.

Now, looking at the disagreement side, if higher education is provided for free, students might take it for granted and start to avoid their duties. The number of university dropouts will increase as students have not paid any fees, and they are not losing anything financially by dropping out. There is a possibility that students may get swayed by the lousy influence of their peers and may get involved in immoral activities like bullying or drug trafficking without fearing expulsion as they have not paid any fees.

To conclude, providing free tertiary education can help a nation achieve greater heights in terms of education level and economy, but it may come with a price of students not taking the free education seriously because of not having to pay any fees.

  • Formalize 

Meaning – give (something) legal or formal status. Example – The government formalized a law to protect our right to privacy.

  • Viable  

Meaning – capable of working successfully; feasible. Example – Motorsports are introducing viable financial plans amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Astronomical 

Meaning – (of an amount) extremely large. Example – The college tuition fees are astronomical.

  • Unfurls 

Meaning – make or become spread out. Example – The ship unfurled its sails.

  • Outrightly  

Meaning – wholly and completely. Example – The way he stood against the teacher was outrightly wrong.

  • Embezzle 

Meaning – to steal (money or property) despite being entrusted to take care of it Example – .The conman embezzled a huge amount of money from the poor people.

Meaning – relating to or consisting of money. Example – You should enrich your pecuniary knowledge and take care of your assets.

Meaning – bound to do certain things Example – We have an obligation to fulfil our duties towards our parents and country.

Meaning – the act of avoiding something that you do not want to do or deal with Example – Tax evasion is one of the prevalent crimes in our country.

Meaning – relevant and appropriate Example – His speech was germane to the event of the day.

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Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Essay on Education Should Be Free

Students are often asked to write an essay on Education Should Be Free in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Education Should Be Free


Education is a fundamental right for everyone. It shapes our future, helps us develop skills, and broadens our perspectives. Therefore, education should be free for all.

The Importance of Free Education

Free education ensures everyone gets a fair chance to learn. It reduces inequality as it’s accessible to all, regardless of financial status.

Benefits to Society

A society with educated individuals thrives better. They contribute to the economy, innovation, and progress. Free education can fuel this growth.

In conclusion, free education is a powerful tool for societal progress and individual growth. It should be a priority for all nations.

250 Words Essay on Education Should Be Free

The concept of free education, economic perspectives.

From an economic viewpoint, free education can be seen as an investment in human capital. It could potentially stimulate economic growth by creating a more educated, skilled workforce. Additionally, it can help reduce the socioeconomic gap, enabling individuals from all backgrounds to secure better employment opportunities and contribute more effectively to the economy.

Societal Implications

On a societal level, free education can foster equality, inclusivity, and social mobility. It provides everyone, irrespective of their financial status, with equal opportunities to learn, grow, and advance. Moreover, it has the potential to mitigate social issues such as crime and poverty, which are often linked to educational inequality.

Potential Challenges

However, implementing free education presents its own set of challenges. It requires significant public funding, which could strain national budgets. Furthermore, it necessitates careful planning and execution to ensure quality and efficiency are not compromised.

In conclusion, while free education is an ideal worth striving for, it demands careful consideration of its economic implications and potential societal impacts. A balanced approach, considering both the benefits and challenges, is crucial for its successful implementation.

500 Words Essay on Education Should Be Free

The essence of free education.

Education is a fundamental human right, a path to personal growth, and a stepping stone towards societal development. It is the key to creating, applying, and disseminating knowledge, thereby contributing to the cultural, social, and economic advancement of a society. The proposition of free education, however, is a contentious one, sparking debates globally.

The Social Perspective

Economic implications.

From an economic standpoint, free education can be a significant investment in human capital. Education is directly linked to economic growth – a more educated workforce tends to be more productive, innovative, and capable of adapting to new technologies and challenges. Free education can lead to a larger, more skilled labor pool, potentially boosting economic productivity and competitiveness.

The Question of Quality

However, a significant concern is the potential compromise on the quality of education. With no tuition fees, the financial resources available to educational institutions may be limited, potentially affecting the quality of education. To counter this, governments can explore alternative funding mechanisms, such as progressive taxation. Additionally, investment in education should not be viewed as a cost but as a long-term investment that will yield substantial societal returns.

The Role of Digital Technology

Conclusion: a paradigm shift.

In conclusion, making education free is not just about removing financial barriers; it’s about a paradigm shift in how we view education. It’s about recognizing education as a public good, a collective responsibility, and a cornerstone of a fair society. It’s about investing in our future, knowing that the returns – a more equitable society, a more robust economy, and a more informed citizenry – are well worth it.

While the road to free education is fraught with challenges, the potential benefits to society are immense. It is an idea worth exploring, debating, and, if possible, implementing. The journey may be long and arduous, but the destination – a world where every individual has an equal chance to learn and grow – is a vision worth striving for.

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Band 8+: University education should be free for everyone, regardless of income. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the contemporary era, there has been an idea that free higher education programs should be provided for all students, regardless of their financial background. This essay aims to advocate for this statement, as this policy will reduce educational problems in society and promote national development.

To commence with, free tuition fees for university education narrow unequal education accessibility and social inequality. As high tuition fees obviously become a significant challenge for impoverished people, thereby decreasing the rates of them approaching that program. For this reason, the disparity among social levels experiencing university will be larger, which correlates with individuals from lower social classes encountering hindrances in career promotion or overcoming poverty. With this circumstance, social inequality will greatly grow.

Furthermore, a university-educated populace will benefit the state and the country. With a prohibitively expensive cost, some cases need part-time jobs in order to support their parents in completing tuition fees. In worse situations, pupils have to drop out of school because financial ability is not enough to satisfy the need. However, if the free tuition fee policy is enforced, this persisting problem will be solved. So it is unnecessary for students to work; they can wholly concentrate on their study and self-advancement. This change can lead to well-educated generations possessing specialized knowledge, thereby enhancing academic quality and working productivity. Moreover, as poor students will not have to face tuition fee restrictions, the rates of individuals joining university will increase gradually. Consequently, both groups will be well-trained and contribute to boosting the growth of national fields, such as economy and politics.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly believe that university should be free for all social backgrounds. It will create social equality within the community when providing equal educational accessibility and brings benefits to the nation.

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Generate a band-9 sample with your idea, overall band score, task response, coherence & cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range & accuracy, essays on the same topic:, university education should be free for everyone, regardless of income. to what extent do you agree or disagree.

It is argued that educational organizations should be without tuition fees for all people, even though their economic condition. I concur with this notion that education should be available for anyone without considering the income, and in this essay, I will explain why I hold this view. To begin with, free education is essential in […]

Studying at university is expensive in many countries and not everyone can afford it. Some people suggest that governments should allow all students to get a higher education for free. Although I admit that there are valid concerns about the feasibility of free university education, I believe that it is a crucial step toward a […]

In recent times , many individuals say that regardless of financial background , all students should be able to attend university for free . Due to its obvious benefits , I strongly agree with this statement and outline my opinion on the matter in this essay. It is clear that free tuition of university education […]

Some people believe that free education should be extended to all members of society, without considering their income. Due to its potential benefits for society, I firmly agree with this viewpoint. Those who argue against this perspective have clear reasons for this stance. They generally assert that charging students would improve the quality of education, […]

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University education should be free to everyone, regardless of income. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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