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105 Civil War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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The Civil War was a defining moment in American history, shaping the nation we know today. With its profound impact on politics, society, and the economy, it remains a fascinating subject for academic research and essay writing. If you're looking for inspiration for your next Civil War essay, we've compiled a list of 105 topic ideas and examples to get you started.

  • The Causes of the American Civil War: Analyzing the underlying factors that led to the conflict.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Role in the Civil War: Assessing Lincoln's leadership and decision-making during the war.
  • The Impact of the Emancipation Proclamation: Examining the significance of Lincoln's proclamation on slavery.
  • The Role of Women in the Civil War: Exploring the contributions and challenges faced by women during the war.
  • African Americans in the Civil War: Evaluating the experiences of African American soldiers and their impact on the war effort.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg: Analyzing the significance and consequences of this pivotal battle.
  • The Military Strategies of the Civil War: Comparing and contrasting the strategies employed by the Union and Confederate armies.
  • The Role of Technology in the Civil War: Investigating the impact of new technologies, such as railroads and telegraphs, on the war.
  • The Role of Foreign Powers in the Civil War: Examining the involvement of European powers and their influence on the conflict.
  • The Economic Consequences of the Civil War: Assessing the long-term economic effects of the war on the United States.
  • The Role of Religion in the Civil War: Exploring the influence of religious beliefs and institutions on the conflict.
  • Espionage and Intelligence in the Civil War: Investigating the use of spies and intelligence-gathering during the war.
  • The Impact of Photography on the Civil War: Analyzing the role of photography in shaping public perception of the war.
  • The Home Front during the Civil War: Examining the experiences and challenges faced by civilians during the war.
  • The Battle of Antietam: Assessing the significance of this bloody battle and its impact on the war.
  • The Role of Guerrilla Warfare in the Civil War: Exploring the tactics employed by irregular forces during the conflict.
  • The Role of Native Americans in the Civil War: Investigating the participation and experiences of Native American tribes during the war.
  • The Role of Religion in the Confederate States: Analyzing the influence of religion on the Confederate cause.
  • The Impact of Disease on the Civil War: Examining the role of diseases, such as dysentery and smallpox, in the war's outcome.
  • The Battle of Bull Run: Assessing the significance of the first major battle of the Civil War.
  • The Aftermath of the Civil War: Analyzing the political, social, and economic consequences of the war's end.
  • The Role of Abraham Lincoln's Assassination in Shaping Reconstruction: Exploring how Lincoln's assassination affected the post-war period.
  • The Role of Slavery in the Southern Economy: Investigating the economic dependence on slavery in the Confederate states.
  • The Impact of Sherman's March to the Sea: Assessing the consequences of General Sherman's devastating campaign.
  • The Confederate Constitution: Analyzing the similarities and differences between the Confederate and United States constitutions.
  • The Role of Women as Spies during the Civil War: Investigating the contributions of female spies to the war effort.
  • The Role of Border States in the Civil War: Exploring the challenges faced by states that remained loyal to the Union but allowed slavery.
  • The Battle of Vicksburg: Assessing the significance of this Union victory in the Western Theater.
  • The Political Leadership of Jefferson Davis: Analyzing Davis's presidency and its impact on the Confederate cause.
  • The Role of Railroads in the Civil War: Investigating the importance of rail transportation for both the Union and Confederate armies.
  • The Impact of the Civil War on Native American Tribes: Examining the consequences of the war for Native American lands and tribes.
  • The Battle of Shiloh: Assessing the significance of this bloody battle in Tennessee.
  • The Role of Civil War Prisons: Analyzing the conditions and treatment of prisoners on both sides of the conflict.
  • The Role of Politics in the Union Army: Investigating the influence of politics on military appointments and operations.
  • The Impact of the Civil War on American Literature: Examining how the war shaped the literary works of the time.
  • The Battle of Chancellorsville: Assessing the significance of this Confederate victory and the death of General Stonewall Jackson.
  • The Confederate Navy: Analyzing the role and effectiveness of the Confederate Navy in the war.
  • The Role of Women as Nurses during the Civil War: Investigating the contributions and challenges faced by women in the nursing profession.
  • The Impact of Draft Riots during the Civil War: Examining the social unrest and violence caused by the draft.
  • The Battle of Fredericksburg: Assessing the significance of this Union defeat and its impact on the war.
  • The Reconstruction Era: Analyzing the challenges and successes of the Reconstruction period after the war.
  • The Role of Foreign Diplomacy during the Civil War: Investigating the attempts by both the Union and Confederacy to gain international support.
  • The Impact of the Civil War on Native American Identity: Examining how the war affected Native American cultural and social traditions.
  • The Battle of Chickamauga: Assessing the significance of this Confederate victory in Georgia.
  • The Role of Medical Advancements during the Civil War: Analyzing the impact of new medical techniques and knowledge on the war's outcome.
  • The Impact of the Civil War on Westward Expansion: Investigating how the war influenced the settlement of the Western frontier.
  • The Battle of Cold Harbor: Assessing the significance of this Union defeat in Virginia.
  • The Role of African American Women during the Civil War: Exploring the contributions and experiences of African American women in the war effort.
  • The Impact of the Civil War on Native American Treaties: Examining how the war affected Native American land rights and treaties.
  • The Battle of Stones River: Assessing the significance of this Union victory in Tennessee.
  • The Role of Propaganda during the Civil War: Analyzing the use of propaganda and media manipulation by both sides of the conflict.
  • The Impact of the Civil War on Immigration: Investigating how the war influenced immigration patterns and attitudes toward immigrants.
  • The Battle of Fort Donelson: Assessing the significance of this Union victory in Tennessee.
  • The Role of the Telegraph in the Civil War: Analyzing the impact of telegraph communication on military operations and command.
  • The Impact of the Civil War on the U.S. Constitution: Examining how the war shaped constitutional interpretation and amendments.
  • The Battle of Spotsylvania Court House: Assessing the significance of this Confederate victory in Virginia.
  • The Role of African American Soldiers in the Civil War: Investigating the experiences and contributions of black soldiers in the Union Army.
  • The Impact of Civil War Monuments and Memorials: Analyzing the controversy surrounding Confederate monuments and their place in public memory.
  • The Battle of Fort Sumter: Assessing the significance of the first shots fired in the Civil War.
  • The Role of Military Prisons during the Civil War: Investigating the conditions and treatment of prisoners in camps such as Andersonville and Elmira.
  • The Impact of Civil War Photography on Public Opinion: Examining how photographs of the war influenced public perception and support.
  • The Role of Propaganda during the Civil War: Analy

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civil war hook for essay

20 Interesting Topics & Writing Tips for Your Civil War Essay

Are you a student specializing in the history field? Well, there is no doubt you will have to write several essays revolving around civil war, politics, and history in general. Now, imagine you have a civil war essay topic you need to research and bring forth a meaningful context in the form of an essay. How will you start? What elements will you include in the paper? And how will you determine the best topic? Well, keep reading as we will share some of the best civil war essay prompts, perfect tips, and the overall approach you should take when writing such an essay.

The essay on Civil War: what are the pro tips?

While all essays may have a similar approach, there is a slight distinction in presenting ideas and facts, the language you use, and such elements. So, in the case of a civil war essay, you can use the tips below to bring out an incredible and admirable paper.

  • Cite the right sources correctly

Of course, when writing a civil war essay, you will use different resources available in books or online platforms. This isn’t your information, so ensure you cite it appropriately. Also, don’t use any source; ensure you can determine the source is credible and correct since some sources can have false information about historic events.

  • Write the best civil war essay introduction

The introduction part plays a significant role in your entire paper. It is the first section where the reader will interact with your paper. So, so don’t want to create a boring scenario in the introduction section. In this case, use a hook, then background information, and finally a thesis statement.

  • Start with a civil war essay outline

An outline will give a roadmap to each section of your essay. Be sure to start with an outline to ensure you don’t forget relevant information in each section of the paper.

  • Check the civil war essay example in advance

You don’t want to get stuck in the middle of writing your essay. When in doubt, be sure to clear all the doubts by checking other sample essays on the same topic to get a clue of what to write and how to put down your points.

  • The civil war essay conclusion matters

How you end your essay on civil war has a higher significance to your whole paper. You will have to revisit the thesis statement, summarize the main points in the paragraphs, present the analysis from your research, and what people can learn from the whole matter.

  • Always understand the instructions

You can have great points, ideas, and a well-structured civil war essay. However, if you miss any of the guidelines, you will get a low grade when you should have scored higher. So, avoid this by understanding the basic instructions carefully!

Civil War project topics: best topics to consider

As far as an essay on civil war is concerned, the topic you choose has a crucial role in the outlook of your essay. Below are some of the topic ideas you can consider.

Best Civil War essay topics

  • What happened after the American Civil War?
  • Why did the reconstruction fail after the civil war?
  • What are the main causes of the Civil War?
  • Describe strategies used in the American Civil War.
  • Politically, what happened after Sri Lanka Civil War?
  • Describe the 1991 Sierra Leone Civil war

American Civil War essay topics

  • How did the civil war impact America today?
  • Describe the Fort Pillow Massacre happening
  • Industrialization in America after the civil war
  • Did the U.S.A progress after unleashing a conflict that led to civil war?
  • Analyze economic differences between Northern and southern states
  • How does the American government perceive the civil war legacy?
  • Analyze civil war and slavery in America

Essay topics on the Civil War

  • What was the role of John Brown during the onset of the civil war?
  • Describe the role of Fort Sumter in the civil war
  • Analyze the early periods of the American civil war
  • Based on historical events, how can we prevent civil war?
  • Why did the American civil war last longer?
  • Compare the American civil war and American Revolution
  • What is the effect of the civil war on women’s efforts in America?

Essay writing is an art, and the best approach is to understand the topic and the subject as a whole before you start writing.

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American Civil War - List of Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

The American Civil War, waged from 1861 to 1865, was a seminal event in the United States’ history that stemmed from long-standing regional differences and disputes over slavery. Essays could delve into the political, economic, and social factors that led to the conflict, exploring the disputes between the North and the South regarding states’ rights, slavery, and economic policies. The discourse might extend to the significant battles, military strategies, and the leadership on both sides of the conflict. Discussions could also focus on the Emancipation Proclamation and its implications on the war and the broader struggle for civil rights. Moreover, essays could explore the reconstruction era that followed the war, examining the efforts to reunite the nation, address the legacies of slavery, and establish civil rights for freed slaves. The enduring impact of the American Civil War on the national identity, racial relations, and historical narrative could provide a captivating exploration of this pivotal period in American history. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to American Civil War you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Nationalism in the Civil War

Introduction The Civil war of 1861-1865 is a central event in America's historical conscience. The war determined what kind of nation America would grow to be. The war resolved two fundamental questions left unresolved by the revolution (1773-1776): whether the United States was to be a dissolvable confederation of sovereign states or an indivisible nation with a sovereign national government; and whether this nation, born of a declaration that all men were created with an equal right to liberty, would […]

Civil War was the Westward

Many historians argue that the catalyst for the civil war was the westward expansion of slavery. In 1845, after the United States annexed it the year before, Texas officially became a state- a slave state. The addition of a slave state allowed the Lone Star Republic into the Union. As a result of Texas becoming a state, the Mexican-American War broke out. After the war, the United States bought a massive amount of land from Mexico. The land later became […]

African Americans Made up

During the 1800's in America, African Americans made up most of the population. The Southern states were inundated with slaves. They labored in farms and on plantations. African Americans received cruel treament. They were brutally beaten and looked upon as being inhumane. The issue of equal rights for African Americans caused great disparities between the states. Our new country found itself at war with one another. This was a war of the North versus the South. The Civil War for […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

The Civil War was the Deadliest

The Civil War was the deadliest and most brutal war ever fought. How did everything stir up between the states in the first place? Southerners had an Agricultural economy and mainly focused on the way they lived their lives to make profit for their well being; this included slaves for more hands to get more work done in less time. On the opposite side of things the northerners had an Industrial economy and wanted to abolish slavery. The north and […]

Many Causes of the Civil War

During the 1860s, the North and South of the United States had many disputes and conflicts. The South succeeded from the North, eventually leading to the civil war. The Civil War was the most destructive war ever fought in the western hemisphere and lasted from 1861 to 1865. The Civil War led to the end of the Confederacy and helped America to grow economically and socially as a nation. Today, America faces an issue with immigrants and their policies on […]

The Battle of Gettysburg Changed Everything

The Battle of Gettysburg changed everything for the Union. During the Civil War, America was fighting against each other, so there were two sides. The Confederates were mainly from the south and the Union was from the north. The concerning issue involved the North wanting slaves to be free while the south wanted to keep slaves. This conflict started the Civil War and up until the Battle of Gettysburg, the Confederates were striving. The south was winning every battle, so […]

The Civil War was a War Fought

The Civil War was a war fought between the states. It was fought between the Union and the Confederate States of America. Civil War spies played a major part in how the Confederate (North) won the Civil War (History.com Editors). Spies let generals know when they should attack, where, and whether they should withdraw or not (Mark). The armies of America had been tracked by spies during the Civil War. The spies gathered information on them and in return would […]

The Civil War is Perhaps

The civil war is perhaps the most studied time period in American history. Though the war was only four years, it would alter the course of history and change American culture forever. Among the changes caused by the war, the most prominent were the social and economic changes and the largest being slavery. The country was divided in many ways and all contributed to the start of the war. Most people would say that the war was solely dependent on […]

One of the most Important Events

The Civil War is one of the most important events in the history of the United States of America. It had many important repercussions which went on to have a deep and long lasting impact on the nation. After four years of a cruel battle, from 1861-1865, between a divided nation of the North and South, more than 600,000 people were killed. These lives, however, were not given in vain. Had it not been for the American Civil War where […]

Role of Technology in the American Civil War

The American Civil War is the first real modern war in America. Most of the technology and weaponry used in the Civil War can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution era. The Industrial Revolution was a time of profound transformation that resulted in new manufacturing processes. It was a time of profound transformation that resulted in new manufacturing processes. By the mid-19th century, mass production industries have been developed mainly in the North, which led them to control a […]

The Civil War Ended

The Civil War ended up being a turning point for many women. Women were required to remain at home to cook, clean and take care of their families, while their spouses went to the front line. Even though, women were prohibited from battling in the war, regardless they had critical roles to satisfy. Various women went up against the roles of medical caretakers, spies, promoters of ladies' suffrage, a supporter of social equality, and so forth. But a few women […]

Abraham Lincoln Presidancy

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Hardin County, Kentucky. At the early age of 7 he and his family moved to Southern Indiana. When he was nine years old his mother passed, and he had to work to help support his family. He had very limited formal schooling because he was working, though he had very little education, he loved to read books and would borrow books from his neighbors. At age 21, Lincoln and his family […]

The American Civil War

The American Civil War was a battle between the South and the North after a number of states in the south seceded after Lincoln's Presidency. The battle started off as states rights but as the battle went on and advanced the battle was fighting to end slavery. Nobody had any idea that this battle would eventually turn into the deadliest battle in American history. This battle cost many people their lives on the battlefield and beyond. Also, it cost a […]

The Civil War is Considered

The Civil War is considered the bloodiest and deadliest wars in the history of the United States. It began in April 1861 when Confederates opened fire on the Union soldiers at Fort Sumter. The war would go on to last four more long years until May 1865. According to American Battlefield Trust, about 2% of the population, or estimated 620,000 men, were lost in the line of duty. As the battle began, there was a shortage of war time labor […]

Civil War and Abraham Lincoln

Thesis: To what extent did Abraham Lincoln’s election influence the outcomes of the Civil War? Introduction: Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States in November of 1860 before the start of the Civil War and continued as president during the War. He sought to unify the nation, to create a better country and to abolish slavery. Abraham Lincoln described the reality that you can’t avoid destiny so you must prepare yourself for it. “You cannot escape […]

The Civil War was Aged

The Civil war was aged on by many reasons on both sides and leaders from both ends in a disagreement with how the United States of America should be govern. With the leaders and war generals making big decisions and the people of the north and the south both raging their opinions with words and with guns. The war was all about the morality of having slaves, African Americans, work for little money and have no rights. And there were […]

Longstreet First Fought

James Longstreet was a government official, a U.S Army officer, and a famous lieutenant general in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. He was one of Robert E. Lee's most trusted generals and known as "Lee's War Horse." James Longstreet was born on January 8, 1821, in Edgefield District, South Carolina to James and Mary Anne Dent Longstreet. He was the son of a prosperous farmer and mostly raised in Augusta, Georgia and Somerville, Alabama. While he was in […]

The Civil War is Central

The Civil war is central to the history of the United States of America and as part of the historical events that define the American experience, it is vastly represented in several historical movies . Indeed, while 1776-1783 revolution created the US, the Civil war of 1861-1865 is said to be the determinant of what kind of nation America would be in the world . By nature, cinematic historical representations of past events are common and loved by Americans and […]

Post Civil War: Economic Factors Shape Democracy in America

Life differed for everyone after the Civil War ended—farmers, Southerners, former slaves, and more—because America was rebuilding itself in more ways than one. Former slaves were set free upon the end of the war, and they believed that their years of unpaid labor gave them a claim to land and ""forty acres and a mule"" became their rallying cry. Whites were not willing to give their property to previous slaves, and the federal government chose not to redistribute land in […]

American Civil War wasn’t Inevitable

The Civil War was and is one of the most outstanding events in the history of the United States. It was a military conflict that occurred in the United States, between 1861 and 1865 (when Abraham Lincoln is elected president). Where the North States fought against the Confederate States of America, composed of the countries of the South, which were just conforming. The struggle took place because the States of the South wanted their independence, while those of the North […]

The Role of Women in the Civil War

The bloodiest conflict in history of North America was not between other countries, like one would might imagine, it was in fact the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the clash between the North and Southern states. The Northern states was committed to ending the practice of slavery. However, the Southern states wished to introduce slavery into the western territories. During this time of conflict over the issue of slavery, Abraham Lincoln won […]

Americans Think of African-Americans

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America’s Role in the World after the Civil War

As the civil war came to an end Americas southern territory was in a horrible economic place it was, looted burned, and destroyed by the unions strength to defeat the confederacy. America saw this as a time to reconstruct morally, socially, and economically. During post-war northern Americas industries soared with the help of tariffs passed during war time. It helped corporations like steel and oil to grow and create better technology and mechanics. The growth of industries in America made […]

Outbreak of the US Civil War

The mid-19th Century was not the happiest time in America. Slavery was still very much a thing in the South; the Mexican-American War had devastated the West, tribes of Native Americans were coming into conflict with the Army on the regular, while tensions between the North and South were at an all-time high. All these factors, as well as so many others, would eventually lead to the outbreak of the US Civil War, the bloodiest war in the history of […]

Civil War and Slavery

The U.S. Civil War began on April 12, 1861 in Fort Sumter, South Carolina. There were several events that led up to this battle. Three major causes of the U.S. Civil War include slavery, states’ rights, and the abolitionist movement. The future of slavery created a consuming issue that prompted the disturbance of the union. That question prompted withdrawal, and severance achieved a war in which the Northern and Western states and regions battled to safeguard the Union, and the […]

Civil War was not about Slavery

Some people that experienced the Civil War and some who did not experience it like to say that the Civil War was not about slavery, but instead about defending rights that states had. President Lincoln even tried to offer a deal to the southern states saying if they returned to the union they could keep their slaves, but they denied his offer. The Civil War was started when Fort Sumter was attacked by the confederates. In return to this, Lincoln had […]

Slavery is an Established Social Institution

Slavery is an established social institution in which God did not condemn, is what Thomas Dew believed, whereas Thomas Jefferson believed the opposite; he said that slavery was a moral evil. This was one of the reasons that had started the American Civil War. Although the slave trade was abolished in 1808, slavery on plantations was still practiced in about 15 southern states, from Texas to the Carolinas. With the south having the ideal weather conditions to support cotton plantations […]

Confederate Soldiers Vs. Union Soldiers: Disentangling Motivations on the Battlefield during the American Civil War

The tumultuous era of the American Civil War witnessed a clash of ideologies, with Confederate and Union soldiers donning uniforms that represented more than just military allegiance. The motivations that propelled these men to the battlefield were as diverse as the nation they fought for. As we delve into the intricacies of why Confederate and Union soldiers fought, we uncover a mosaic of personal, societal, and political factors that converged on the bloody fields of conflict. At the heart of […]

Compare and Contrast the American Revolution and the Civil War Essay: the Dual Pillars of American Freedom

In American history, the American Revolution and the Civil War are two major events with lasting effects. Two chapters, separated in time but linked in subject, depict the rise of a nascent nation battling for freedom, justice, and nationhood. While they share freedom as a purpose, their causes, settings, and legacies differ, creating a vibrant tapestry of contrasts. The Quest for Freedom Both the American Revolution and the Civil War fought for freedom. Liberty, as a rallying cry, links these […]

Why was the Battle of Gettysburg a Turning Point in the Civil War

Wars Throughout History Throughout the ages of many, there have been many wars that have graced planet Earth. The Punic wars, a few hundred years before the birth of Christ, saw more than one million people deaths between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian Empire over a hundred-year span. The French Wars on Religion during the mid-1500s saw more than two million people die for the sake of their religion. And the Seven Years’ War between Great Britain and France, […]

Dates :Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865
Combatants :Union
Location :United States, Confederate States of America

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American History: The Civil War (1861-1865) Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


The civil war, northern versus southern interests, causes of the civil war, aftermath of the civil war.


American history is considered as the most inquisitive worldwide. Traditionally, American history started by a declaration of independence in the year 1776. This declaration was due to threats of British government towards American self-governed system. Declaration of Independence led to war in 1775 that was to liberate Americans.

With help of France in providing military and financial support, the patriots won American Revolution. In 1789, war hero George Washington became the first president of federal government by virtue of Constitution. With influence of European community, coping with scope of central government proved to be a challenging issue for American people.

In 1790s, creation of political parties was initiated, and later fought for the second independence in 1812. Consequently, this brought about expansion of US territory westwards. With this, the US managed to overcome modernizers who were solely interested in deepening its economy rather than helping American people in expanding their geography.

Heavy demand for cotton in southern states encouraged slavery of Africans even though it was illegal in northern states. In 1860, came the election of Abraham Lincoln as president and this triggered a crisis in slave states as he dejected the expansion of slave trade. Amongst the slave states, some of them seceded in forming the Confederate States of America in 1861. This brought about American Civil War, which was from 1861 to 1865.

In the American history, Civil War is the most momentous event that ever happened in the US. This iconic event redefined the American nation, as it was a fight that aimed at preserving the Union, which was the United States of America. From inauguration of the Constitution, differing opinions existed on the role of federal government.

It was a belief of Federalists that in order to ensure the union did not collapse, there was need for the federal government to hold on to power. Anti-federalists on the other hand, were of the opinion that sovereignty of the new states were to remain within their countries. Anti-federalists believed that each state had the right to determine their own set of laws and it is not right to indict them in following mandates of the federal government.

With the advent of the slavery, Northern states completely squared off against Southern states. The main reason for this being economic interests of north and south which were opposed to each other. In addition, Southerners largely depended on large-scale plantations of cotton, which was more labor-intensive.

On the other hand, northerners were more of a manufacturing region who produced finished goods by making use of raw materials. Southern ingrained culture of the plantation era encouraged slavery because it gave them an inexpensive labor source. The compromise of each group was the fear that one could gain an unequal amount of power. For example, northerners feared that if more slave states existed, then they would garner an unequal power in the nation.

The causes of the American Civil War, which claimed of over 618,000 casualties, are traceable back to early days in history of the US when tensions escalated. The main cause was difference in economic and social capabilities between the North and the South. The South mainly depended on cotton, which meant the urgent need for cheap labor most probably slaves, as they became one crop economy. On the other hand, northerners depended solely on industrial products.

This disparity, which existed between the two, was the major difference in their economies. The second cause was due to the infighting between those who favored states’ rights and those who favored federal rights. Emergence of these two camps that had differences in opinions ignited the war.

Third, the American Civil War was caused by in-fight between those who were proponents of slavery and those who were against slavery. Another cause of the American Civil War was the growth of the abolition movement. The fact that northerners were against slavery led to the increase of abolitionists who were against slaveholders. Lastly, when Abraham Lincoln was elected as president, it catalyzed the Civil War, as Southerners believed that he favored interests of the northerners because he was against slavery.

Surrender of General Robert E. Lee on April 9, 1865, marked an end to the Confederacy era. However, this did not stop the war completely as some small battles continued to occur. This was later to end when the last general, Stand Watie, surrendered on June 23, 1865.

Abraham Lincoln’s vision of reconstructing the nation did not bear much fruit as it failed to become a reality because of his assassination on April 14, 1865. The Radical Republicans imposed military rule on the southerners dealing with them harshly until Rutherford B. Hayes ended it in 1876. In the American history, Civil War is a watershed event and most importantly an event that officially ended slavery.

In conclusion, the Civil War was an important event in history of the American people. Moreover, its iconic stature is very vital, as the proponents who were against slavery became victors because their wish of anti-slavery was satisfied. In addition, it helped in liberating the people who had different opinions and gave them reasons to live for better ideals.

Foner, Eric. The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery . New York: W.W. Norton, 2010.

Kelly Martin. “ Overview of the American Civil War-Secession. ” About. Web.

Kelly Martin. “Top Five Causes of the Civil War: Leading up to Secession and the Civil War.” About. Web.

The History Channel. “ American Civil War. ” History. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, October 25). American History: The Civil War (1861-1865). https://ivypanda.com/essays/american-history-the-civil-war-1861-1865/

"American History: The Civil War (1861-1865)." IvyPanda , 25 Oct. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/american-history-the-civil-war-1861-1865/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'American History: The Civil War (1861-1865)'. 25 October.

IvyPanda . 2018. "American History: The Civil War (1861-1865)." October 25, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/american-history-the-civil-war-1861-1865/.

1. IvyPanda . "American History: The Civil War (1861-1865)." October 25, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/american-history-the-civil-war-1861-1865/.

IvyPanda . "American History: The Civil War (1861-1865)." October 25, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/american-history-the-civil-war-1861-1865/.

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Is it a good idea to write a college essay about American civil war?

It is a rather informative and broad topic for students interested in history. You may find good samples on this topic in our database.

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In writing an essay, you may appeal to our templates as a database of ideas, facts, and references. In addition, you may use them to inspire writing or general development. Finally, we showcase our professionalism to potential clients.

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We do not advise presenting our samples as yours since other students could use the text in their papers.

Writing an American civil war research paper requires deep knowledge of American history and the causes of conflicts within the country’s borders. In our database, you may find an abundance of samples that reveal the turning point of American society and the struggle for equality for all citizens.

Challenges and Advice of American Civil War Essay Writing

The chief causes of the Civil War in the United States were slavery and the economic instability of that time. The war was between the North (the Union) and the South (the Confederacy), where more than 13% of African Americans were enslaved. Abraham Lincoln was elected president due to his anti-slavery expansion rhetoric. The time is considered a period of nation formation.

In your civil war essays, you should be careful with all the historical events and figures. For instance, having to write about the end of the war, you are to mention all the reasons and consequences of the final battle, the surrender of Confederates, the abolishment of slavery, and the guarantee of civil rights. In any case, writing about historical events is time-consuming as it requires finding and investigating credible sources.

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The American Civil War Essay Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: United States , America , Lincoln , Organization , Slavery , Violence , Government , War

Words: 1100

Published: 01/02/2020


The American Civil War

The American civil war was fought from 1861 to 1865 and is believed to have consumed more lives than all other wars combined. The war was anticipated for over 40 years after the American Revolution due to conflicts between the North and south. There were many issues between the two sides, but slavery was the central issue. Another cause was taxation of goods imported from foreign countries. The taxes were called tariffs and the southerners felt oppressed since they imported more goods than the northerners. Goods exported from the south were heavily taxed, which was not applicable to goods of equal value exported from the north. These irregularities existed because the northern and Midwestern states had become very influential and their populations were increasing. Southern states were not very populated, which made them lose their power. This created sectionalism where the states were distinguished by differences in economy, culture, and values (Ford, 2004). The issue of slavery formed the center stage in the conflict leading to the civil war. Slaves provided labor in the plantations and farms owned by the whites. The southerners had more acceptance of slavery since the colonial period than the northerners. People from the north felt that the institution of slavery was uncivilized and should be abolished. Slavery for the southern Americans was protected by both the federal and state laws. The first confrontation occurred in 1819 when Missouri was admitted to the union as a slave state. This upset the balance of power in the senate, which constituted of 11 Free states and 11 slave states. The admission of Missouri increased the number of slave states to twelve. In 1820, Senator Henry Clay proposed the Missouri Compromise that admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state to keep the balance of power (Glatthaar and Gallagher, 2001). The fugitive slave law passed in 1850 required all Americans to return runaway slaves. In 1857, the Supreme Court failed to grant freedom to Scott Dred who was a slave. This ruling was controversial to the northern anti-slavery leaders. In 1859, John Brown was executed for his attempt to steal weapons from the federal armory. This incident proved that the southern interests were not well represented in the senate, and the southerners wanted to secede from the north. The election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860, who was a republican and anti-slavery activist was viewed as a blow against secession by southern democrats (Ford, 2004). However, South Carolina and six other states managed to secede in 1860 and early 1861 and formed the Confederate States of America. These states attacked Fort Sumter in 1861, which belonged to the Union and was supported by the North. Lincoln called upon 75,000 from 23 states loyal to the Union to quell the rebellion of the south. States loyal to the union and those in the south began raising volunteers to serve in the armies. This marked the beginning of the civil war between the north and south. The war came to an end when three constitutional amendments were passed by congress. The 13th amendment of 1865 abolished the institution of slavery. The 14th amendment of 1868 granted citizenship to freed slaves and the 15th amendment of 1870 gave them the right to vote. The war had changed the political, social, and economic setup of America in less than 10 years. The ruling from the Scott case had concluded that African Americans could not attain partial or full citizenship whether free or slaves. This separated the country along racial lines since Africans were not entitled to constitutional rights enjoyed by the whites (Ford, 2004). The Blacks were considered inferior and could not interact with the whites either socially or politically. The 13th amendment aimed at forestalling the secession but was interfered with by the war and replaced in 1865 with the amendment that abolished slavery. The abolishment of slavery was not a goal of the government since Lincoln raised armies to preserve the Union and not to abolish slavery. Abolishing slavery was eventually assimilated as an aim for the preservation of the union by 1863. The end of the civil war ended the institution of slavery and secession by the southern states. The Confederacy was founded by Alexander to fight for the rights of slaves. The institution of slavery was built on racism, and it was difficult for the confederacy to fight for their rights. Racism continued even in the Reconstruction Era between 1865 and 1877. This undermined the 13th, 14th, and 15th constitutional amendments. The rights of the African Americans eroded in the following decades, and they were marginalized and segregated politically and economically. The white supremacy in the south was still evident after the civil war. Three black Americans could be lynched every week in the south between 1890 and 1920. Black Americans had to pay taxes but were denied the constitutional rights enjoyed by the whites (Glatthaar and Gallagher, 2001). The government had forgotten the rights of slaves in a rush to prevent the secession of the south. The southern philosophers considered slaves to be contented in slavery since they were committed and faithful to their masters. This made the southerners fight for the existence of the institution of slavery, but they were overwhelmed by the military strength of the Union. This ideology of slavery remained among the southerners as the country progressed to the industrial age and the Progressive Era. The south developed the Great Alibi since its defects became virtues of the war and their defeat turned victory long after the war had ended. The northern states considered themselves to be the savior of the nation by instilling morality to the southern states. Slavery continued to dominate the disagreements between the north and the south in the 19th century. The southern states took long to reconstruct due to destruction by the north that was better armed and had bigger troops than the southern forces. The civil war erupted in 1861, but the differences between the two sides began with the Declaration of Independence. The declaration did not address the abolition of slavery effectively, and the African Americans were granted fewer rights than the whites. These rights were still debatable between the abolitionists and the southern masters. The war stopped in 1865, but its legacy still exists in the current society. The war granted freedom to the slaves, and it gave them constitutional rights even though they were fully entitled to these rights several decades after the war.

Ford, C. T. (2004). The American Civil War: An overview. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers. Glatthaar, J. T., & Gallagher, G. W. (2001). The American Civil War. Oxford: Osprey Military.


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How to write the best hook for your essay: the definitive guide.

“Details matter. It’s worth waiting to get it right.” – Steve Jobs, founder of Apple

When you’re writing an essay—whether it’s narrative, descriptive, expository, or persuasive—it’s important to pay attention to details and get it right. That starts with the opening sentence.

From the very beginning of your piece, you need to pull in your reader . You can do this with an essay hook.

  • This blog started with what is known as a quotation hook. Read on to learn more about different types of essay hooks, how to use them, the various sources for hooks, and how to make your opening “pop” to keep your readers engaged.

Composing a good essay might seem like a backwards process. First, write the essay or outline, then determine what hook makes the most sense to open your essay.

After that, write a few sentences for your introduction, and then close your first paragraph with a single thesis statement.

What is a hook?

The hook is the opening statement of your essay. This might be a single sentence or a few sentences that grab the reader’s attention from the very beginning.

  • Your essay, as a whole, should offer your best work in a well-written, engaging package.
  • The hook needs to set the scene early, hitting the reader with information that captures their interest right from the start.

When considering how to compose a hook, think about the content of the essay. The hook is a strong start to your essay, and the rest of the essay should follow suit with clean, clear, and creative writing.

Also, keep in mind who will be reading your essay.

  • There are many types of hooks, but which one is right for you and the content you are presenting?
  • Will the reader be open to something humorous? Will a famous quote provide a great lead for your essay, and will it create a clear connection?
  • If you start with a question, does the reader get the answer by the end of the essay?

The hook is short but significant. Here is an example of a hook for someone writing about homelessness among college students:

“Fourteen percent of four-year college students are homeless, and 48 percent are house insecure, according to the Hope Center for College Community and Justice. Hopefully, I’ll be one of them.”

What’s the difference between a hook and an introduction?

We’ve established that the essay hook is brief but powerful. The hook is not synonymous with the introduction, and should not replace it.

Where the hook is a succinct statement that draws in your reader, the introduction more formerly leads to your topic and purpose.

Creativity is an important component of your introduction, but the introduction more clearly states where you’ll take the reader through the rest of the essay.

How to Write a Hook: The Incredible Guide(Examples Included!)

Click above to watch a video on how to write a Hook.

This introduction adds to the hook previously mentioned:

“Rising tuition, poor financial aid packages, and too few affordable housing options have dramatically increased the percentage of homeless or house insecure college students in recent years. Students who work hard and want the opportunity to attend college are unable to afford shelter and food, often causing them to withdraw from school.”

By opening with the statistic hook and the follow-up statement, we know this student is homeless and plans to attend college. The hook grabs the reader’s attention.

In the next few sentences, the introduction provides the direction for the rest of the essay. There are several factors that lead to homelessness and home-insecurity among college students. These factors will be explored in the essay.

What’s the difference between a hook and a thesis statement?

A thesis statement, typically situated at the end of the essay’s first paragraph, clearly states and summarizes the argument you are presenting on your essay topic. This will drive the rest of your paper.

Given the example above, here is a thesis statement to follow the hook and introduction:

“This needs to stop now. Our government must provide more realistic options and resources for motivated students to improve their situations with a college education.”

This thesis provides the writer’s point of view on the topic, and further sheds light on the angle of the essay.

How can I brainstorm a great hook?

When you compose your essay outline or complete the essay, you’ll have a better feel for what type of hook works best for your opening.

There are plenty of ideas to choose from. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Anecdote — Tell the reader a short, memorable story. An anecdote should be a brief, true story about a person or event. This can be tricky to accomplish in a few short sentences, but if the story is succinct and impactful, it will create the perfect stage for the rest of your essay.
  • Quotation — Often, a quotation hook is from a famous source, for example, a president, social activist, philosopher, actor, etc. This blog opened with a quote from Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. If you choose a quotation hook, be sure to state and attribute the quote accurately. Also, make sure that it relates to your topic and provides a smooth transition into your essay.
  • Question — If you choose to write a question hook, be sure that it does not lead to a yes or no answer. The question should set up the start of your essay, and should only be answered by the reader when they finish your essay. People are inquisitive, so if you provide a thought-provoking question at the start of your essay, it will catch their attention.
  • Statistics — The right statistics are impressive, effective, and staggering. Choose statistics that showcase your knowledge, back up your essay theme, or are relatable to your reader. Make sure you check your sources and attribute the statistics for accuracy.
  • Declarative statement — The declarative statement opens your essay with a strong statement that provides your view about a topic up front, and follows with your reasoning in the rest of the essay. While the reader does not need to agree with your statement, they should gain an understanding of why you feel the way you do by reading the essay.

What are sources for great hooks?

Now that you’ve determined what type of hook you want to use, it’s time to find the right information.

If you’re considering opening with an anecdote , first think about what incredible personal stories you have tucked away that might provide a compelling start to your essay.

  • An anecdote is a true story about a person or event that works best in a nonfiction or informal essay.
  • Other anecdotes might come from recent stories you’ve read in newspapers or magazines.
  • Think about what you’re trying to say with your short story. Are you trying to be humorous, prove a point, or set the tone? Is this a personal story, or someone’s else’s experience? How can you tell it quickly and effectively?

Oftentimes, a well-chosen quote will perfectly convey the point you want to get across at the very start. Use that quote to your advantage!

  • You might find a captivating quote in popular literature, historical documents, or current events. The Internet has made it extremely easy to search for quotes that apply to your essay topic.
  • Determine what key word you want to search. For example, consider quotes about evolution, and then sift through collections of famous quotes that introduce your essay in an amazing way. Always check for accuracy!

When using a question hook , think about a way to present your question in an intriguing and thought-provoking way.

  • As previously stated, choose a question that is not a “yes” or “no” answer, but makes the reader stop and think about the topic you are presenting.

There are great sources to search for statistics .

  • Current news stories , magazines, blogs, investigative journalism, websites for established organizations, etc., provide compelling and accurate statistics that create a strong start to your essay and support your thesis.
  • Our previous example on homeless and home-insecure college students came from a recent USA Today For most readers, the percentage of homeless students is likely shocking. The statistics also transition perfectly into the introduction and thesis of that essay.

A declarative statement is a great hook to use in a persuasive essay.

  • Carefully think about your position on your topic and how you want to present that in your essay. This is similar to a thesis statement because you are taking a strong position on your topic.
  • Your statement should be clear and succinct, and the rest of your essay should support that statement.

Get personalized advice!

How do i choose the right hook for my essay.

Choosing the best hook for your essay depends on the type of essay you are writing and the tone your essay will take.

There are dozens of different types of essays. We mentioned four of the most common essays at the start of the blog—narrative, descriptive, critical, and persuasive.

A narrative essay tells a true story in the first person. Because you are telling a story, an anecdote works well as your essay hook.

  • This opening gives you an opportunity to start the essay with a compelling, short personal story that leads into your full essay. A question hook also is a good choice for a narrative essay.
  • You can set up the scene of your essay with a question that makes the reader stop and think, for example, “How would you react if you met your mother for the first time on a six-hour plane ride when you were thirteen years old?”

A descriptive essay works to help the reader visualize something through descriptive writing. Depending on the scene you are trying to set, or the tone of your essay, almost any hook can work.

An anecdote can quickly develop a setting, and a well-developed question will provoke the reader to stop and think. A great quote can frame your essay through someone else’s famous words, and strong statistics will provide an interesting or shocking statement that you can build from in your essay.

A critical or expository essay is an informative look at your topic. This essay relies on facts and analytics, so a statistical hook is a perfect opening.

Look at the information available on your topic, and choose the most interesting, unusual, shocking, or effective statistic to set up your essay. Always check for accuracy!

Many hooks also work well for persuasive essays , which work to build up the reasons the reader should take your position on the topic presented.

  • The right anecdote , quote , question , statistic , or declarative statement can be used to set up your argument or point of view in the essay.
  • Remember the argument or point you are making, and be sure that the hook you choose to use clearly makes that point.

This should provide a smooth transition into the body of your persuasive essay.

What are tips for writing a great hook?

You want to develop a strong start for your essay. To write the best hook, keep these tips in mind:

  • Know the goal of your essay.
  • Know your audience.
  • Create an outline of your essay to make sure everything flows.
  • Think about stories that draw your attention and how the writer is able to do it.
  • Set the scene for your essay.
  • Set the tone of your essay.
  • Determine what structure you want to establish.
  • Check your facts, statistics, and quotes for accuracy.
  • Write your essay hook last.

How do I make a great hook for a college essay?

The top colleges and universities have become more selective than ever as acceptance rates continue to break records in recent years. What does this mean for you?

It means it’s important to stand ou t.

Your test scores, achievements, recommendations, and volunteer work are certainly important. But, where college admissions teams will truly see your personality and drive is in your college essay . And, even then, your essay has to make an impact from the start.

  • As admissions counselors sift through thousands of college essays , they often can tell from the first few sentences if they like what you have to offer or not.
  • So, it’s more important than ever to land the hook in your college essay.

This is your chance to illustrate to colleges what you’re all about, and to show off your writing skills. Colleges and universities want to know you and what motivates you in your college essay.

It’s important to avoid formality and focus on creativity.

  • While your hook and introduction should still provide a clear direction and theme for your essay, you should write them in your own unique way, emphasizing your writing style.

Save the formality for classroom writing, and spend your time developing a hook and introduction that makes your essay sing your unique song.

The hook for your college essay should be personal and creative to show the college of your choice what makes you stand out from the crowd.

What are examples of great hooks?

Developing a great hook for your essay is as unique and creative as the writer and essay topic . Here are some examples of great hooks:

Using an anecdote hook:

This is a short, personal story that introduces the writer’s experience in the Paralympics.

“At five years old, I lost my ability to walk after a freak accident attempting to ride my bike. You would think I’d never want to get on a bike again. But meeting the right person who helped me develop the right mindset led me to win a cycling event in the Paralympics.”

Using a quotation hook:

These are two very different quotes that could introduce an essay on evolution, depending on your thesis:

“Evolution is a theory, and it’s a theory that you can test. We’ve tested evolution in many ways. You can’t present good evidence that says evolution is not a fact.” Bill Nye the Science Guy “I’m all about evolution. I’m the first person to judge myself.” The Weeknd, singer/songwriter

Using a question hook:

Think about a question that can present your topic in a new light. If you’re writing an essay on the Civil War, for example, you could start with:

“What would our country look like today if the South won?”

That is certainly an interesting question to ponder, and it will grab the interest of your reader as they try to determine where the remainder of your essay will go.

Rhetorical questions also work well as an opening to an essay. Rhetorical questions can have obvious answers, or no clear answer. For example:

“Do you want to be successful?” (Rhetorical question with an obvious answer) “What is the meaning of life?” (Rhetorical question with no unanimous answer)

Both of these examples should pull the reader in by piquing their curiosity.

Using a statistic hook:

If you are writing an expository or persuasive essay on opioid use, many government sites or news articles provide excellent quotes:

“In 2017, more than 47,000 Americans died as a result of opioid use, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. “In Pennsylvania alone, 29,610 doses of Naloxone were administered by EMS from January 2018 to December 2019.”

Conclusion: How to write an awesome hook

Now that we’ve covered the types of essay hooks, how to write them, where to look for sources, and tips to make your hook shine, it’s time to get writing!

Remember, you have lots of options to choose from. Be sure to check up on different sources before deciding on an interesting hook.

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A Satire of America’s Obsession With Identity

The hero of Danzy Senna’s new novel is trying, and failing, to write the Great American Biracial Novel.

Hands holding a book depicting an abstract half-Black and half-white person holding another smaller book with a half-white/half-Black face

E arly on in Danzy Senna’s new novel, Colored Television , her biracial writer-professor protagonist, Jane, takes a meeting with Hampton Ford, a Black producer who is pivoting from network to prestige TV. Jane’s situation is less enviable. Up against a tenure deadline, she has a neurodivergent son, a daughter shunted from school to school, and a tuned-out abstract-painter husband at home—as well as a recently completed, 450-page second novel that has been unceremoniously rejected by her agent and her publisher. What’s more, home for the four of them is the latest in a succession of house-sitting gigs in unaffordable L.A. The family’s hopes for upward mobility have been pinned on Jane’s promotion to associate professor. No wonder, then, that she has resolved to seek her fortunes in the shadow of the nearby Hollywood sign.

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Her husband, Lenny, calls her opus a “mulatto War and Peace ,” and she has come to Hampton’s office desperate to somehow salvage the decade of work she’s put into it. She pitches him a biracial comedy that will defy the trope of the “tragic mulatto,” the stereotypical mixed-race character, common in 19th- and 20th-century literature, torn between white and Black worlds, unable to live happily in either. She goes on to explain to Hampton that mulattos, historically depicted as either “dangerously sexual” or “sad and mopey,” have in every case “been treated like a walking, talking predicament rather than an actual character.” Jane wants to create a show that makes audiences laugh, and in which biraciality is more than a woeful burden to overcome or bear with stoic resignation. “The Jackie Robinson of biracial comedies,” Hampton jokes after she describes her vision.

Colored Television tracks Jane’s attempts to collaborate with Hampton on a comedy about the Bunches, a fictional mulatto family that is a hotter, hipper, richer version of her real one. The novel oscillates between long passages of largely unproductive brainstorming in Hampton’s high-gloss office and scenes from Jane’s ever more shambolic personal life: Her son has an obsession with Godzilla, her daughter refuses to play with a Black American Girl doll, and she and Lenny have drunk their way through a stratospherically priced wine collection in the too-nice house they’re currently occupying, courtesy of a friend who is sojourning in Australia. They promise themselves they’ll replace the bottles, well aware that they can’t possibly, and that this transgression is a boozy diversion from their sputtering marriage and the receding prospect of a middle-class life.

And then, of course, there’s Jane’s novel, a swollen, spectacular thing. She describes it as “multitextual,” a chaotic collage of history and sociology, incorporating hundreds of years’ worth of mulatto experience, real and imagined. She has included a disquisition on Thomas Jefferson’s mathematical theory of race, and an extended treatment of the Melungeons of Appalachia, “who were believed to be the first tribe of triracial Americans to self-isolate and procreate, creating generations of future Benetton models.” She weathers moments of panic. “She had the feeling that the book was her last word on something and she had to get it right. There would be no second chances.” When she’d sent off the ill-fated manuscript to her unsuspecting agent, she’d allowed herself a moment of uncharacteristic bravado: She’d believed, if only fleetingly, that she had created “a manspreading major American novel. She was going to become the voice of her people.”

The contrast between Jane’s novel (bloated, grandiose) and Senna’s (well-oiled, precisely choreographed) could not be more apparent, yet these differences mask a shared preoccupation: Both novelists, fictional and real, have a Great American Biracial Novel in mind, one that will rescue the mulatto experience from lazy stereotyping. And both fall short not necessarily because they are unequal to the task, but because the task, as Colored Television sets out to demonstrate, is basically impossible, and anyway, beside the point.

Where, after all, is the obvious biracial archetype to either deepen or deconstruct? The tragic-mulatto figure is by now an outdated cliché from the pre-civil-rights era. Meanwhile, what might have been its replacement, the dream of a postracial hybrid hero that found its apotheosis in Barack Obama, has proved evanescent. The old racial incentive structures—the benefits and liabilities that accompany being of color—have twisted and collapsed under the weight of polarization, identity politics, and, yes, progress. Today, the world is our oyster (I am one of these mulattos) and we can rather freely identify as Black, biracial, raceless, or—for the lightest-skinned—white (though not “half white,” a category that does not exist within America’s convoluted racial calculus). Instead of attempting to untangle this web of racial alternatives, Senna has embarked on a satire of the identitarian cause itself.

She could hardly be better positioned for such a project. Senna’s career—this is her third novel since her much celebrated 1998 debut, Caucasia —has been singularly focused on the shifting social and psychological dynamics facing mulatto Americans whose skin, like hers, is light enough to pass for white. I’ll insist on this word, mulatto (Google it and you’ll see a warning sign accompanied by the words offensive and dated  ), because Senna insists on it, not just in Colored Television but throughout her writing. A 1998 essay published in Salon was titled “ Mulatto Millennium ” and opened with the line “Strange to wake up and realize you’re in style.” Senna wryly diagnosed that America had been beset by “mulatto fever,” a worship of multiracial celebrities and stars, such as Lenny Kravitz, who basked in “half-caste glory.” She spun out a parodic vision of a mulatto pride march (buttons proclaiming MAKE MULATTOS, NOT WAR ; a T-shirt announcing JUST HUMAN ), rambling down an unspecified Main Street. “I trailed behind the parade for some miles,” Senna wrote, “not quite sure I wanted to join or stay at the heels of this group.”

This vignette has proved an apt metaphor for Senna’s trajectory. Born in 1970 to a white mother and a Black Mexican father, both of them caught up in the Black Power movement in racially polarized Boston, she was raised Black—“No checking ‘Other.’ No halvsies. No in-between”—though often mistaken for Jewish (her mother was, in fact, of Boston blue-blood descent). She grew into a skeptical ambivalence about performative “mixedness.” Riffing in the Salon essay, Senna described being a spy among white people and a participant-observer in “Mulatto Nation (just M.N. for those in the know),” and feeling alternately curious and nauseated in both roles. Often repelled by her discoveries, she honed a mostly keen and acerbic—rather than sad and mopey—take on biracialism.

Her fiction asks where this mulatto parade is going, and why people like her should join it, or choose not to, in post-civil-rights-movement America. In Caucasia , drawing on her youthful experience in the turbulent mid-’70s, Senna presents a protagonist, Birdie, who molds her identity to the dictates of a moment in which racial categorization was more firmly binary, more Black and white. New People , published in 2017, jumps forward two decades, giving us biracial Brooklyn in 1996 , imagined through the lens of an untethered “quadroon” (also offensive and dated, per Google) named Maria who can’t decide whether to marry her “beige” and benevolent fiancé or to seek out someone more melanated.

Both books play out within the guardrails of the tragic-mulatto stereotype even as they press persistently against its limits. Those biracial dramas turn, as they have always turned, on the Decision. The psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan argued that people who suffer from hysteria, that outmoded diagnosis with a fraught history, are unconsciously plagued by the question “Am I a man or a woman?” In this sense, the tragic mulatto is akin to a hysteric, except stymied by the interminable puzzle “Am I Black or white?” The fact that a decision is demanded by a society organized around, and deeply neurotic about, racial categorization shapes their fate.

From the September 2021 issue: Danzy Senna on the problem with anti-racist self-help

Caucasia and New People are both saturated, deliberately and deftly, with this racial hysteria. The adolescent Birdie must pick the comparative ease of feigned whiteness or the shared heritage of Blackness. Maria must decide whether to become one of the glittering “new people” of the novel’s title, an in-style mulatto, or embrace old-fashioned Blackness, with all its weight and earned pride.

Colored Television , set roughly in the present, appears lightly autobiographical, focusing on a mixed-race novelist dedicated to chronicling mulatto life, and hitched to a Black artist who refuses to make legibly Black art. (Senna is married to the iconoclastic Black novelist and painter Percival Everett .) Yet as this new novel clicks neatly into place, completing her oeuvre’s historical arc, Senna faces a new challenge. She slips in a different metaphor clearly meant as a commentary on the current state of the mulatto project. “Race is like this smoothie here,” Hampton says to Jane, holding up a cup of green sludge he’s drinking as they bat around ideas. “This has probably got five different fruits and vegetables in it, six different supplements. But I couldn’t tell you what. Because the more ingredients you add to it, the more it tastes like nothing.” He puts the straw to his mouth, then remarks, “I hate smoothies.” A constructive collaboration on what seems destined to be indecipherable racial pulp is evidently not in store.

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“I can make it more biracial,” a nervous Jane promises the irascible Hampton as their meetings proceed and her frantic revisions fail to pass muster. Jane’s problem, which is ultimately Senna’s problem—and America’s problem, if it is a problem—is that she doesn’t know what “more biracial” would even mean, what mulatto essence our racially vampiric entertainment industry is trying to extract from her. Hampton implores Jane to produce a “biracial juggernaut,” reminding her that his boss hired him “to diversify the fucking content.” The higher-ups are trying to corner the mixed-race market—a fast-growing demographic in America—but neither he nor Jane has the faintest idea how to do this. She’s kept her platonic rendezvous with Hampton a secret from her high-art husband, and the reader is left suspecting that Jane hides the show from Lenny not just because he views television writing as a philistine perversion, but because she would have to explain what her biracial comedy is actually trying to say.

Her inability to distill a message from her show is a testament not so much to Jane’s insufficient writerly chops as to the challenge of wringing out a univocal meaning from biracial America. In a brief but telling moment, Jane sketches out a potential episode for the series during a late-night session with Hampton and his assistants, all of them hopped up on Adderall. She proposes that the married mulatto leads take DNA tests, and, this being a comedy, the results surprise. The wife, Sally, discovers that she is “more American Indian than Black,” and the husband, Kyle, learns that “both his Black sides were half Irish.” Soon enough, the characters are playing into new stereotypes—Sally starts gambling at casinos, while Kyle develops a drinking problem. Hampton savages the idea, but the aborted episode contains an apt lesson: If these two take DNA tests and promptly turn into Native and Irish caricatures, isn’t that a signal that their preexisting biraciality was never really an identity at all?

Senna has a flair for sketching her characters with a kind of thick minimalism: Snippets of backstory and an array of ticks and quips deliver an unexpectedly fully realized person. Jane comes to life on the page, careening among flights of artistic insecurity, California-chic fantasies, and the warm banalities of motherhood. She is far more rounded than the “walking, talking predicament” that she herself has derided. Still, Colored Television can feel like an exercise in shadowboxing. The pacing is brisk, and Senna throws sharp jabs and hooks. But the objects of ridicule are so numerous that they tend to blur.

Senna can’t resist letting her eyes wander from her tightly drawn critique of identity politics to a series of other, equally fashionable sources of ire. Here she skewers Hollywood, with its sellouts and bottomless appetite for lowest-common-denominator racial profiteering. There she takes aim at the American literary canon, which has too often reduced the mulatto to a tortured soul or sacrificial lamb. She doesn’t spare academia, with its system of feudal labor that ruthlessly separates anointed tenured professors from serflike contingent labor. Or the progressive public, with its identitarian fetishes, its class-agnostic multiculturalism that is all gums and no teeth. Yet the result of Senna’s broad reach is that she risks a certain flatness: Her project often seems animated by the reflexes of the moment, pummeling familiar targets that were beaten and bruised before she ever laid hands on them. Deft though many scenes are, the novel never quite builds to truly cutting satire.

Colored Television is here to tell us that deciding on some tidy new biracial identity to replace the stereotypical tragic mulatto is a farcical, futile exercise. You won’t find any definitive statement about the mulatto condition post–Civil Rights Act, post-Obama, post-Trump, post–George Floyd in Senna’s pages. “The mulatto people … were a riddle that could never be solved,” pronounces a scholar near the end of the novel, having thrown up his hands after a career of trying—earning Jane’s enmity at first, and then her empathy. That sentiment is one that some readers might consider a cop-out, but it also delivers a welcome dose of comic humility. Jane never triumphs with her mulatto War and Peace . Still, a tragic end is out of the question. In a quick, coda-like closing, Senna grants Jane and Lenny an enviable rescue—which includes scoring a fixer-upper “on expensive dirt.”

This article appears in the September 2024 print edition with the headline “Does the World Need a Great American Biracial Novel?”

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James Baldwin in a time of riots

A century after the writer’s birth, the return of divisive racial politics has given his work renewed urgency.

By David Olusoga

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One key detail that tends to be left out of the history of the US civil rights movement, as told today in documentaries and classrooms, is that in the minds of many of its leaders and supporters, it failed. Despite the passing of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act there was, in the 1960s and 1970s, a view that “the dream”, as articulated by Martin Luther King Jr, had been overwhelmed by a torrent of American nativism and racism.

By the start of the 1970s, both King Jr and Malcolm X had been assassinated and the non-violent, moral pressure strategies of civil rights had been largely abandoned by the young, in favour of the militant and militarised cult of self-reliance embodied in the Black Panther Party. The great chronicler of those years of betrayal, grief and radicalised anger was James Baldwin.

Baldwin was born as the eldest of nine children in New York City’s Harlem in 1924. Raised in relative poverty by his mother and his stepfather, a Baptist minister, Baldwin credited his school French teacher, the Harlem Renaissance poet Countee Cullen, as an early literary mentor. Baldwin was 24 when he left the US for Europe, where he wrote many of his works.

No Name in the Street , published in 1972, is one of Baldwin’s lesser-known books. Two years before publication, struggling to breathe life into the early drafts, Baldwin described it as “a long essay on the life and death of what we call the civil rights movement”. Overshadowed by the brilliance of his novels Go Tell It on the Mountain , Giovanni’s Room and If Beale Street Could Talk , it is among a number of Baldwin’s works now being republished to mark the centenary of his birth.

In his latter years, Baldwin was, at times, dismissed as yesterday’s man. The New York Times ’ 1972 review of No Name in the Street concluded that the book substantiated the growing sense that Baldwin was “an anachronism”. Such reductive mischaracterisations were misguided even then; half a century later, they are demonstrably preposterous. The writer described in the 20th century as “the poet of the revolution” has, in the 21st century, become both prophet and educator to generations of black people engaged in new struggles for racial justice.

The Saturday Read

Morning call.

The centenary of an author’s birth is a “hook” deployed by publishers to get books on their backlists back on to the shelves and into the hands of new generations of readers. Baldwin’s centenary sees a rare convergence of events. This marketing gimmick coincides with a genuine and organic upsurge in interest in the man and his works. Here in Britain, Baldwin’s centenary arrived in a week when far-right mobs were attacking black and brown people on the streets – which hints at why his words are still relevant.

Baldwin, who died in 1987, is today a celebrated, widely read and even fashionable figure. One of his most famous quotes – “Ignorance allied with power is the most ferocious enemy of justice” – has been graffitied on to walls, printed on T-shirts and posted on social media, especially since the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020. And Baldwin might soon be more fashionable still. Earlier this year, the Baldwin estate struck a deal with the media production group Fremantle North America to adapt his books for television and cinema. More Baldwin films and documentaries are on their way, following Raoul Peck’s Oscar- and Bafta-nominated 2016 documentary I Am Not Your Negro , which was based on Baldwin’s unfinished manuscript, Remember This House .

Yet even if every one of the nearly 7,000 pages of prose Baldwin published were out of print today, he might still have been rediscovered by 21st-century readers. As much as his writing, Baldwin’s oratory – the compelling power of his voice and the moral conviction of his arguments – makes him a potent figure. Infused with rhythms, phrases and references accrued during his years as a child preacher in Harlem, Baldwin’s speeches are, in their own way, as sermonic and mesmeric as those of his friend Martin Luther King Jr.

In the language of YouTube and TikTok, Baldwin is “clippable”, and it is through those platforms and others that his powerful eloquence has been rediscovered. What circulates online, far more than any learned lecture about his books, are clips of Baldwin’s many appearances on long-forgotten TV chat shows. Those short bursts of rhetorical brilliance, scraped from the archives of the once-mighty US networks, have enabled Baldwin to morph into a social media phenomenon. Clips from the BBC’s recording of his 1965 Cambridge Union debate, in which he defeated the conservative William F Buckley are also constantly shared.

But Baldwin’s growing relevance is also a reflection of the fact that the racial politics and the political instability of the 2020s are horribly redolent of the late 1960s, as many commentators have noted. The current campaign to demonise Black Lives Matter and critical race theory mirrors the rejection of the more substantive demands of the civil rights movement by Richard Nixon’s America. The ongoing ideological war against affirmative action and diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives is not an isolated contemporary aberration, but part of a continuum. Just as the civil rights movement forced America to confront historic truths and live injustices, the Obama presidency and the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement pushed contemporary racism in America back on to the political agenda. Like the late 1960s, the mid-2020s is an era of backlash. Who better to help us navigate such a moment than Baldwin?

No Name in the Street , though not strictly an autobiography, is a strikingly personal book. Structured across two essays, it is an account of Baldwin’s journey through trauma as well as an assessment of where the traumatic events of the late 1960s left Americans, both white and black. The most vivid biographical passages reach back into Baldwin’s unhappy Harlem upbringing, and to his time as an emerging young writer in Paris in the 1950s.

Always an international figure, Baldwin recounts his exile in France in the 1940s and 1950s, which saw him seeking sanctuary from the racism he encountered in America. While romantic about his Parisian life he is distinctly unromantic about France, recognising that as an African American, he was exoticised and tolerated in ways that Algerians – the marginalised and mistrusted subjects of a French empire then in revolt – were not. He writes chillingly that the Algerians were being murdered “by my hosts”. Snapshots of other times and places end just as abruptly, as the needle of Baldwin’s prose snaps to the fraught present in which the book was written.

Baldwin’s attempts to process the violence and hopelessness of late-1960s America are set alongside his experiences with members of the younger black generation, who had marched for the civil rights movement, putting their liberty at stake and their bodies on the line. Baldwin recounts how they had been left enraged and despondent at the depth of their nation’s hostility.

In the first of his two essays, Baldwin recounts how the assassination of King Jr broke his – and the movement’s – spirit. He concludes the second essay by tracing how the death of “the dream” inevitably led to the emergence of the Black Panther Party, with all its watchful scepticism. As Baldwin was writing, the FBI was busy methodically destroying the Panthers.

As Colm Tóibín writes in his new book On James Baldwin , “Baldwin was fascinated with eloquence itself, the soaring phrase, the rhythm pushed hard, the sharp and glorious ring of a sentence, as much as with the plain, declarative line.” Baldwin’s prose style is as striking in No Name in the Street as in many of his other essays. The rhythms of the black church are reinforced through ceaseless repetition of key words. He builds long sentences out of great flocks of short words, and slides between personal anecdote and broad social analysis . No Name in the Street is also, at times, an insight into the inner sanctums of the civil rights movement and the Black Panthers. Although repeatedly embarrassed by his own celebrity, Baldwin paints a picture of the rarefied world in which he circulated; populated by political giants and Hollywood royalty. He pens sketches of his encounters with King Jr, Malcolm X and Black Panthers Huey Newton, Bobby Seale and Eldridge Cleaver. Marlon Brando’s energetic fundraising for the civil rights cause is delivered almost as a passing detail.

On the final pages of No Name in the Street, Baldwin describes how the racism he was subjected to in America continued to operate, how it relentlessly functioned and the business models at work behind it: the insurance companies and banks that profited from the ghettoisation of African Americans. Drawing parallels with the then-ongoing Vietnam War, he explains how the police patrolled the ghetto streets as if they were a colonial gendarmerie: “the concept of policework,” he wrote, “is to cow the natives.” As Baldwin explains, No Name in the Street “was delayed by trials, assassinations, funerals, and despair”. So deep was that despair that, in 1969, Baldwin attempted suicide. The intensity of the moment in which the book was written has faded. What was social commentary then is history now, yet Baldwin’s words still burn on the page.

David Olusoga is a historian, broadcaster and author

No Name in the Street James Baldwin Penguin Classics, 160pp, £9.99

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[See also: How Kathleen Hanna brought women to the forefront of punk ]

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Where Tim Walz Stands on the Issues

As governor of Minnesota, he has enacted policies to secure abortion protections, provide free meals for schoolchildren, allow recreational marijuana and set renewable energy goals.

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Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, center, during a news conference after meeting with President Biden at the White House in July.

By Maggie Astor

  • Aug. 6, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, the newly announced running mate to Vice President Kamala Harris, has worked with his state’s Democratic-controlled Legislature to enact an ambitious agenda of liberal policies: free college tuition for low-income students, free meals for schoolchildren, legal recreational marijuana and protections for transgender people.

“You don’t win elections to bank political capital,” Mr. Walz wrote last year about his approach to governing. “You win elections to burn political capital and improve lives.”

Republicans have slammed these policies as big-government liberalism and accused Mr. Walz of taking a hard left turn since he represented a politically divided district in Congress years ago.

Here is an overview of where Mr. Walz stands on some key issues.

Mr. Walz signed a bill last year that guaranteed Minnesotans a “fundamental right to make autonomous decisions” about reproductive health care on issues such as abortion, contraception and fertility treatments.

Abortion was already protected by a Minnesota Supreme Court decision, but the new law guarded against a future court reversing that precedent as the U.S. Supreme Court did with Roe v. Wade, and Mr. Walz said this year that he was also open to an amendment to the state’s Constitution that would codify abortion rights.

Another bill he signed legally shields patients, and their medical providers, if they receive an abortion in Minnesota after traveling from a state where abortion is banned.

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Home — Essay Samples — History — History of the United States — Civil Rights Movement

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Essays on Civil Rights Movement

Hook examples for civil rights movement essays, anecdotal hook.

Imagine standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, listening to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech. This moment in history epitomized the Civil Rights Movement's power and importance.

Question Hook

What does it mean to fight for civil rights? Explore the complex history, key figures, and lasting impact of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.

Quotation Hook

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. How did civil rights activists like King refuse to stay silent and ignite change?

Statistical or Factual Hook

Did you know that in 1964, the Civil Rights Act was signed into law, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin? Dive into the facts and milestones of the Civil Rights Movement.

Definition Hook

What defines a civil rights movement? Explore the principles, goals, and strategies that distinguish civil rights movements from other social justice movements.

Rhetorical Question Hook

Was the Civil Rights Movement solely about racial equality, or did it pave the way for broader social change and justice? Examine the movement's multifaceted impact.

Historical Hook

Travel back in time to the mid-20th century and uncover the roots of the Civil Rights Movement, from the Jim Crow era to the landmark Supreme Court decisions.

Contrast Hook

Contrast the injustices and systemic racism faced by African Americans prior to the Civil Rights Movement with the progress made through protests, legislation, and activism.

Narrative Hook

Meet Rosa Parks, a seamstress who refused to give up her bus seat, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Follow her courageous journey and the ripple effect it had on the Civil Rights Movement.

Controversial Statement Hook

Prepare to explore the controversies within the Civil Rights Movement, such as differing strategies among activists and debates over nonviolence versus militancy.

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United States

Racism, segregation, disenfranchisement, Jim Crow laws, socioeconomic inequality

W.E.B. Du Bois, Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Henry MacNeal Turner, John Oliver Killens

Civil rights movement was a struggle of African Americans and their like-minded allies for social justice in United States that came to national prominence during the mid-1950s. The purpose was to end legalized racial discrimination, disenfranchisement and racial segregation in the United States.

“Jim Crow” laws were established in the South beginning in the late 19th century with a purpose to separate Black people from white people. Black people couldn’t use the same public facilities as white people or go to the same schools. Although, Jim Crow laws weren’t adopted in northern states, Black people still experienced discrimination.

Forms of protest and civil disobedience included boycotts, such as the most successful Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955–1956) that lasted for 381 days in Alabama; mass marches, such as the Children's Crusade in Birmingham in 1963 and Selma to Montgomery marches (1965) in Alabama; "sit-ins" such as the Greensboro sit-ins (1960) in North Carolina and Nashville sit-ins (1960) in Tennessee.

The Great March on Washington was held in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963. The purpose was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans. It was organized and attended by civil rights leaders such as A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin and Martin Luther King, Jr., who delivered his historic "I Have a Dream" speech.

On July 2, 1964, President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and later sexual orientation and gender identity. The act "remains one of the most significant legislative achievements in American history".

The civil rights movement had tragic consequences for two of its leaders. On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated at a rally and Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on his hotel room’s balcony on April 4, 1968.

The Civil Rights Act of 1968 was signed into law by United States President Lyndon B. Johnson during the King assassination riots. It prohibited discrimination concerning the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, religion, and national origin.

The 20th-century civil rights movement produced an enduring transformation of the legal status of African Americans and other victims of discrimination.

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    Published: Aug 14, 2018. The Civil War was a battle between the northern and southern states from 1861 to 1865 and initially began with the north attempting to prevent the south from becoming a separate union. With the years to follow rooted in conflict from the Civil War. Slavery became a central theme during the Civil War and as the war raged ...

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    In this case, use a hook, then background information, and finally a thesis statement. Start with a civil war essay outline. An outline will give a roadmap to each section of your essay. Be sure to start with an outline to ensure you don't forget relevant information in each section of the paper. Check the civil war essay example in advance.

  5. American Civil War Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    107 essay samples found. The American Civil War, waged from 1861 to 1865, was a seminal event in the United States' history that stemmed from long-standing regional differences and disputes over slavery. Essays could delve into the political, economic, and social factors that led to the conflict, exploring the disputes between the North and ...

  6. Causes of the Civil War: [Essay Example], 572 words

    The Civil War, fought between 1861 and 1865, was a defining moment in American history. Understanding the causes of this conflict is crucial for comprehending the development of the United States as a nation. This essay will examine the economic, political, social, and leadership factors that contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War and ...

  7. 248 Civil War Essay Topics & Examples

    248 Civil War Essay Topics & Examples. In case you're looking for original Civil War research topics, you are on the right page. Our team has collected a list of ideas for various assignments and complexity levels. Besides, you will find tips on writing a paper, be it for social studies course or a school project.

  8. Free American Civil War Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

    American History: The Civil War (1861-1865) It was a belief of Federalists that in order to ensure the union does not collapse, there was need for the federal government to hold on to power. 5. Pages: 4. Words: 859. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 193 writers online.

  9. American History: The Civil War (1861-1865) Essay

    The Civil War. In the American history, Civil War is the most momentous event that ever happened in the US. This iconic event redefined the American nation, as it was a fight that aimed at preserving the Union, which was the United States of America. From inauguration of the Constitution, differing opinions existed on the role of federal ...

  10. American Civil War Essay

    A Civil War is a battle between the same citizens in a country. The American Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the independence for the Confederacy or the survival of the Union. By the time Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1861, in the mist of 34 states, the constant disagreement caused seven Southern slave states to ...

  11. Civil War Essay Questions and Topics

    Here are five causes of the Civil War that make for some excellent essay assignments! The institution of slavery. The slave trade. Economic and cultural differences between North and South. 19th century political factors (ie., Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, etc.) The role of the federal government and states' rights.

  12. Civil War Essay Examples

    Pages: 4. Words: 1031. Rating: 4,6. The American civil war was fought between the Union (The United States) and the South (Confederacy), which comprised of states that seceded. The attack on April…. Civil War ️ Political Science Constitution 👳🏿 Slavery. View full sample.

  13. Civil War Essay Topics

    Essays are great exercises in critical thinking and increasing depth of knowledge. The Civil War is a defining event in US history, so giving students a chance to write about it is important. This ...

  14. Essay About The American Civil War

    The American civil war was fought from 1861 to 1865 and is believed to have consumed more lives than all other wars combined. The war was anticipated for over 40 years after the American Revolution due to conflicts between the North and south. There were many issues between the two sides, but slavery was the central issue.

  15. Essays on American Civil War

    The Civil War in The USA. 4 pages / 2010 words. The Civil War was a battle between the northern and southern states from 1861 to 1865 and initially began with the north attempting to prevent the south from becoming a separate union. With the years to follow rooted in conflict from the Civil War.

  16. How to Write a Hook: The Definitive Guide

    Create an outline of your essay to make sure everything flows. Think about stories that draw your attention and how the writer is able to do it. Set the scene for your essay. Set the tone of your essay. Determine what structure you want to establish. Check your facts, statistics, and quotes for accuracy.

  17. Civil war essay

    In this essay, we have discussed the American Civil War, a significant event in American history that took place between 1861 and 1865. The Civil War was a conflict between the northern states (also known as the Union) and the southern states (also known as the Confederacy) over issues such as slavery and states' rights.

  18. civil war hook for essay

    engagingtimes.com. learn how to write exciting essays with us. 20 Interesting Topics & Writing Tips for Your Civil War Essay. Are you a student specializing in the history field?

  19. Does the World Need a Great American Biracial Novel?

    Riffing in the Salon essay, Senna described being a spy among white people and a participant-observer in "Mulatto Nation (just M.N. for those in the know)," and feeling alternately curious and ...

  20. The American Civil War: a Historical Overview

    The American Civil War, fought from 1861 to 1865, was one of the most significant events in American history. The war had far-reaching consequences and was the result of several complex factors, including economic, social, and political differences between the North and South. Furthermore, the issue of slavery played a prominent role in the ...

  21. James Baldwin in a time of riots

    The centenary of an author's birth is a "hook" deployed by publishers to get books on their backlists back on to the shelves and into the hands of new generations of readers. Baldwin's centenary sees a rare convergence of events. This marketing gimmick coincides with a genuine and organic upsurge in interest in the man and his works.

  22. Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025

    Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of ...

  23. Who Are the Far-Right Groups Behind the U.K. Riots?

    After a deadly stabbing at a children's event in northwestern England, an array of online influencers, anti-Muslim extremists and fascist groups have stoked unrest, experts say.

  24. What Caused The Civil War: Political, Economic and Social Factors

    In this essay, we will explore the causes of the Civil War, with a particular focus on the role of slavery, states' rights, sectional differences, and the influence of the federal government. We will also analyze the economic and social factors that contributed to this pivotal moment in American history and examine how they shaped the nation's ...

  25. Where Tim Walz Stands on the Issues

    During his re-election campaign for governor in 2022, he said that he wanted electric vehicles to account for 20 percent of cars on Minnesota roads by 2030, and that he wanted the state to reach ...

  26. Civil Rights Movement Essay Examples [PDF] Summary

    Essay grade: Good. 2 pages / 795 words. The Civil Rights Movement was a variety of activism that wanted to secure all political and social rights for African Americans in 1946-1968. It had many different approaches from lawsuits, lobbying the federal government, massdirect action, and black power.