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Essays About Video Games: Top 12 Examples and Prompts

Video games have revolutionized the way we have fun today. If you are writing essays about video games, check out our guide to inspire your writing.  

Few can contest the fact that video games have taken over the world. From the basic, almost “primitive” games of the 1970s like Pong to the mind-bending virtual reality games of the 2020s, they have been a source of entertainment for all. Moreover, they have proven quite profitable; countries like Japan and the United States have made tens of billions of dollars solely from the video game market.

Despite their popularity, much has been debated over the potentially harmful side effects that video games may have, particularly on children. One side argues that playing certain video games can lead to people exhibiting violence in the future, while others believe that video games teach players essential life skills. Regardless, they will continue to be a part of our lives for the foreseeable future. 

For engaging essays about video games, read the essay examples featured below for inspiration.


1. What electronic games can teach us by Kendall Powell

2. designers are imagining video games without guns by keith stuart, 3. playing video games all summer won’t make you feel worse by nicole wetsman, 4.  violent video games bad by andrea newman.

  • 5. ​​The health effects of too much gaming by Peter Grinspoon

Writing Prompts For Essays About Video Games

1. video games: good or bad, 2. the benefits of video games, 3. what is your favorite video game, 4. do video games cause people to become violent, 5. video games in your life, 6. video games vs. traditional games, 7. is the video game rating system enough.

“In other studies, researchers found that gamers who trained on Tetris were better at mentally rotating two-dimensional shapes than those who played a control game. Students who played two hours of All You Can E.T., an educational game designed to enhance the executive function of switching between tasks, improved their focus-shifting skills compared with students who played a word search game.”

Powell explains a few possibilities of applying video games to education. As it turns out, certain video games can improve players’ skills, depending on the mechanics. Researchers are inspired by this and hope to take advantage of the competitive, motivational nature of gaming to encourage children to learn. New games are designed to help kids improve their focus, coordination, and resilience, and game designers hope they will succeed. 

“Imagine a game where you’re a war reporter seeking to capture the most iconic, representative images in a battle environment: You’d still get the sense of peril that audiences expect from action adventures, but your relationship with the environment would be more profound. It would be Call of Duty from the perspective of a creative participant rather than a violent interloper.”

The graphic nature of some video games is said to make kids violent, so it is only natural that some creators try to change this. Stuart writes that it is possible to maintain the fun that shooter-type games induce without using guns. He gives examples of games where you do not kill your enemy, simply stunning or capturing them instead. He also suggests photography as an alternative to killing in a “shooting” game. Finally, he suggests basing video games around helping others, making friends, and doing more peaceful, creative tasks.

“Any role video games play in skewing well-being that did pop up in the study was too small to have a real-world impact on how people feel, the authors said. People would have to play games for 10 more hours per day than their baseline to notice changes in their well-being, the study found.”

Wetsman counters the widespread belief that video games “destroy your brain.” Research done with a sample of 39,000 players over six weeks has shown that whether one plays video games for long or short periods, their mental health is not impacted much. There are some exceptions; however, there are not enough to conclude that video games are, in fact, harmful.

“Some people believe that the connection between violent games, and real violence is also fairly intuitive. In playing the games kids are likely to become desensitized to gory images;which could make them less disturbing, and perhaps easier to deal with in real life. While video games aren’t about violence their capacity to teach can be a good thing.”

In her essay, Newman writes about the supposed promotion of violence in some video games. However, she believes this violence does not cause people to be more aggressive later. Instead, she believes these games expose children to certain atrocities so they will not be traumatized if they see them in real life. In addition, these games supposedly promote connections and friendships. Finally, Newman believes that these “harmful” can make you a better person.

5. ​​ The health effects of too much gaming by Peter Grinspoon

“Gamers need to be educated on how to protect their thumbs, wrists, and elbows, their waistlines, their emotional state, their sleep, and their eyes. Simple education around taking breaks, stretching, eating healthy snacks, and resting and icing your thumb, wrist, or elbow when it starts hurting can address injuries early, before they become significant. For the eyes, gamers can try the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, try to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.”

Grinspoon discusses both the benefits and the health risks of gaming. Video games allow people to interact with each other remotely and bond over specific missions or tasks, and some research shows that they have cognitive benefits. However, some gamers may develop vision problems and hand and wrist injuries. Gaming and “staring in front of a screen the whole day” is also associated with obesity. Overall, Grinspoon believes that gaming is best done in moderation.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about hobbies .

Many parents believe that their children’s “bad behavior” is because of video games. Based on your experience and others, decide: are video games good or bad for you? Make sure to read viewpoints from both sides and write an essay based on your position. Would you encourage others to play video games? Discuss these pros and cons for an interesting argumentative essay.

Like anything else, video games have both positive and negative aspects. Explain the good that video games can do for you: the skills they can equip you with, the lessons they can teach, and anything else. Also, include whether you believe their benefits outweigh the disadvantages they may pose. 

For your essay, write about your favorite video game and why you chose it. What is its meaning to you, and how has it affected your life? Describe the gameplay mechanics, characters, storyline, and general impact on the gaming community or society. You can write about any game you want, even if you have not played it; just ensure the content is sufficient.

Many claim that playing violent video games can make you violent in the future. Research this phenomenon and conclude whether it is true or not. Is the evidence sufficient? There are many resources on this topic; support your argument by citing credible sources, such as news articles, statistics, and scientific research.

Video games have been a part of almost all our lives. Recall a treasured experience with video games and explain why it is significant. How old were you? Why do you remember it fondly? How did this experience make you feel? Answer these questions in your own words for an exciting essay.

Essays About Video Games: Video games vs. Traditional games

There are stark differences between video and traditional games, such as board games and card games. For an engaging essay, compare and contrast them and write about which is more entertaining, in your opinion. Be creative; this should be based on your own opinions and ideas.

The video game content rating system is used to classify video games based on their appropriateness for specific ages. However, parents complain that they are not strict enough and allow the display of violent content to children. Explore the criteria behind the rating system, decide whether it needs to be changed or not, and give examples to support your argument.

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Argumentative Video Games Essay Topics

Video games haven’t been around for decades, but the impact they have on kids and the world, in general, is massive. Typical video games are made up of a user-interface and interaction that sends a visual response to 3 or 2-dimensional video displays to keep the gamers thrillingly attached to the action. The story of video games doesn’t end with the practical part of it.  Today, video games have become a major topic of interests in most universities and colleges.

Students pursuing a course in journalism, sociology, political science, and public health will often be given video games assignments. Video games incorporate fresh content and data relating to journalism, sociology, political science, and public health.  For students to find their way around the involving and complex context of video games, they must be mentally ready to research for pure content and handle the challenges of creating unique content. Besides, they must understand which video game essay topics work to drive home the kind of information they are working on. Whether journalism, political science, sociology or public health student looking for convincing and informative video games essay topics, TopicsBase has got you covered.

  • The Role Video Games Play in Improving Learning
  • Violence and Video Games
  • The Negative Impacts Video Games have on Children
  • Violent Video Games Nurture Aggressive Behavior in Kids
  • The Effects Violent Video Games Have on Children
  • Invention, Growth and Refinement of Video Games
  • Video Games As The Drive Behind Increased Violence Behaviors in Teens
  • The Role Video Games Play In Enhancing Teens Critical Thinking
  • The Pros and Cons of Video Games
  • Sex and Violence as The Main Themes in Video Games
  • Early Exposure to Video Games and the Effect it Has on Teenagers
  • The Effect Of Violence in Video Games in New Relationships
  • The Popularity and Increased Demand for Video Games
  • The Positive Effects of Video Games on The Society
  • The Frightening Nature Of Video Games
  • How First Person Shooters Make Players React Faster?
  • The Future of Video Games in The Coming Decade
  • The History of Video Games
  • The Nature of Assassin Video Game Simulations
  • The Relationship Between Youth Violence and Violent Video Games
  • How do Video Games act as A Learning Tool?
  • Video Games As The Future Of Learning and Education
  • Ethical Responsibility In Modern Video Games
  • Don’t Play Video Games, and Here is Why
  • The Pros and Cons of Videos
  • How to Control Addition to Video Games
  • Video Games Should Be Banned For Elevating Cases of Violence in Teens
  • The Role of Parents In Regulating Teens’ Access to Violent Video Games
  • The Mental and Physical Benefits of Video Games
  • Can Playing Violent Video Games Hurt My Emotions?
  • The Healing Effect of Video Games
  • Analysis of Different Types of Video Games
  • How Video Games Affect Your Brain and Emotions
  • Myths and Misconceptions About Video Games
  • The Rise of Video Games has Taken the World By Surprise

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107 Video Game Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Video games have become a popular form of entertainment for people of all ages. From action-packed shooters to immersive role-playing games, there is a video game out there for everyone. With such a wide variety of games to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide on a topic for an essay about video games. To help you get started, here are 107 video game essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • The impact of violent video games on children's behavior
  • The evolution of video game graphics over the years
  • The rise of esports and its influence on the gaming industry
  • The benefits of playing video games for cognitive development
  • The representation of gender and race in video games
  • The history of virtual reality gaming
  • The psychology of loot boxes in video games
  • The role of music in enhancing the gaming experience
  • The ethics of video game journalism
  • The impact of video game addiction on mental health
  • The cultural significance of video game franchises like Mario and Pokemon
  • The future of cloud gaming and streaming services
  • The role of storytelling in video games
  • The influence of video games on popular culture
  • The relationship between video games and education
  • The impact of video game censorship on creative expression
  • The portrayal of mental health issues in video games
  • The role of social media in video game marketing
  • The history of video game consoles
  • The impact of online multiplayer games on social interaction
  • The evolution of game mechanics in the survival horror genre
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ characters in video games
  • The influence of Japanese culture on video game aesthetics
  • The role of nostalgia in the popularity of retro gaming
  • The impact of microtransactions on player experience
  • The relationship between video games and violence in society
  • The role of artificial intelligence in game development
  • The impact of video game streaming platforms like Twitch
  • The representation of disability in video games
  • The influence of game design on player engagement
  • The evolution of mobile gaming
  • The role of virtual economies in online multiplayer games
  • The impact of video game sound design on immersion
  • The portrayal of mental illness in video games
  • The influence of Eastern philosophy on game narratives
  • The role of user-generated content in game communities
  • The impact of fan culture on video game development
  • The representation of indigenous cultures in video games
  • The influence of literature on game storytelling
  • The role of game difficulty in player satisfaction
  • The impact of video game piracy on the industry
  • The portrayal of war in military shooter games
  • The relationship between video games and sports
  • The influence of board games on video game design
  • The role of player choice in game narratives
  • The impact of virtual reality on therapy and rehabilitation
  • The representation of historical events in video games
  • The influence of film on game aesthetics
  • The role of gender stereotypes in video game marketing
  • The impact of game mods on player creativity
  • The portrayal of mental health professionals in video games
  • The influence of tabletop role-playing games on video game mechanics
  • The role of game mechanics in promoting teamwork and cooperation
  • The impact of game development crunch on industry workers
  • The representation of animals in video games
  • The influence of science fiction on game narratives
  • The role of player agency in game storytelling
  • The impact of game difficulty on player motivation
  • The portrayal of addiction in video games
  • The influence of mythology on game aesthetics
  • The role of puzzles in game design
  • The impact of game reviews on player purchasing decisions
  • The representation of mental illness in horror games
  • The influence of architecture on game environments
  • The role of game soundtracks in enhancing the player experience
  • The impact of game tutorials on player learning
  • The portrayal of robots and AI in video games
  • The influence of fashion on character design in games
  • The role of humor in game narratives
  • The impact of game localization on cultural representation
  • The representation of environmental issues in video games
  • The influence of psychology on game design
  • The role of game narratives in exploring complex themes
  • The impact of game communities on player engagement
  • The portrayal of mental health struggles in indie games
  • The influence of mythology on game storytelling
  • The role of player feedback in game development
  • The impact of game accessibility on player inclusivity
  • The representation of gender identity in video games
  • The influence of surrealism on game aesthetics
  • The role of morality systems in game narratives
  • The impact of game tutorials on player retention
  • The portrayal of mental health professionals in horror games
  • The influence of psychology on game narratives
  • The role of player choice in shaping game outcomes
  • The impact of game aesthetics on player immersion
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ relationships in video games
  • The role of environmental storytelling in game design
  • The impact of game streaming on player engagement
  • The portrayal of mental illness in puzzle games
  • The role of player feedback in shaping game development
  • The impact of game aesthetics on player perception
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ characters in horror games
  • The influence of film noir on game narratives
  • The role of environmental storytelling in shaping game worlds
  • The impact of game tutorials on player skill progression
  • The portrayal of mental illness in narrative-driven games
  • The influence of science fiction on game aesthetics
  • The role of player choice in determining game endings
  • The impact of game aesthetics on player emotional response
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ relationships in indie games
  • The influence of literature on game design
  • The role of environmental storytelling in immersive game worlds
  • The impact of game streaming on player community building
  • The portrayal of mental health struggles in interactive fiction games

Whether you are writing a research paper, a critical analysis, or a personal reflection on video games, these topics provide a diverse range of ideas to explore. From examining the psychological effects of gaming to analyzing the cultural significance of game narratives, there is no shortage of fascinating topics to delve into. So, pick a topic that interests you and start exploring the world of video games through the lens of your essay. Happy writing!

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Persuasive Essay: Video Games

Teenagers today often spend a great deal of time playing video games. These games are fun and engaging and young people often feel like playing games is a great thing to do in their spare time. However, you shouldn’t spend too much time gaming and there are a number of reasons for this: it’s unhealthy, you should spend more time studying, and you need to socialize more.

The primary reason to cut down on gaming time has to be that youths that spend a long time on computers and games consoles are often not getting enough exercise. With high obesity rates, it’s very important for young people to spend as much time being active as possible, especially since studies show that people who are overweight during childhood and adolescence are far more likely to become overweight adults than those of a healthy weight when they’re young. There is just as much, if not more, fun to be had in getting out and about and being active. This doesn’t have to mean going for long runs if that’s not your thing; team sports are both fun and great exercise. Dance or fitness classes are also a good option for those not into sports.

Secondly, getting a good education is that best thing that you can do for your future. If every teenager cut down on their gaming time by 30 minutes per day and used this time to study, the whole of that generation would achieve better results and be more likely to have the career that they want. With education, you get out what you put in, so it’s really up to you to put in the additional effort. If you want to go to a good college, extra study in your own time will be completely vital, but gaming can reduce your concentration span and make this more difficult.

The third main reason that playing video games too often is that it’s no good for your social skills. Some teenagers may argue that because they can now play their games online with friends, they are socializing in their own way. However, you can’t beat face-to-face contact, and if you want to succeed in interviews and build good relationships in later life, you need to develop some proper communication skills. This shouldn’t be a chore, or difficult, because hanging out with friends is far more fun than sitting indoors playing on games all day anyway!

In conclusion, there can be no doubt that spending too much time gaming isn’t good for you. You don’t have to stop all together, but it’s all about moderation. Cut down and allocate your additional free time to doing things that are good for you, and you definitely won’t regret it in later life.

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Best Video Game Essay Topics for Students

Video Game Essay Topic Ideas

Choosing the right essay topic is crucial, and for students who love video games, it’s an opportunity to combine their passion with academics. In this article, we’ll explore a variety of exciting and various video game essay topic ideas for students of high school and college. This blog includes argumentative, analytical, persuasive and other types of essays related to video gaming.

Video Game Essay Topics for High School Students

  • How Video Games Improve Problem-Solving Skills.
  • Understanding the World of E-sports.
  • The Importance of Balanced Gaming Habits.
  • Exploring the History of Gaming Consoles.
  • Video Games: Entertainment and Cultural Influence.
  • Gender Representation in Video Games.
  • Gamification in Education: Learning through Play.
  • Game Design and the Art of Video Games.
  • Tracing the Growth of the Video Game Industry.
  • Social Connections in Online Gaming Communities.
  • Video Games and Mental Health Benefits.
  • Exploring Careers in Game Development.
  • Ethical Choices in Video Games.
  • The Impact of Music in Video Games.
  • Making Video Games Accessible to Everyone.

Video Game Essay Topics for College Students

  • The Educational Value of Video Games in College Curriculum.
  • The Growth and Impact of E-sports in the Sports Industry.
  • Gaming Habits and Academic Performance: A College Study.
  • Game Engine Comparison: Unity vs. Unreal Engine.
  • Gender Representation in Video Games: A College Perspective.
  • Analyzing Game Narrative Structures in Popular Titles.
  • Moral Choices in Video Games: Implications and Outcomes.
  • The Psychology of Player Motivation in Gaming.
  • Virtual Reality in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges.
  • Career Prospects in Game Development: Paths and Insights.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Video Game Content Creation.
  • The Role of Music and Sound in Video Game Immersion.
  • Indie Game Development: Innovations and Success Stories.
  • Video Game Preservation: Saving Gaming History.
  • AI in Gaming: Enhancing NPC Behavior and Gameplay.

Common Essay Topics Related to Video Games

  • The Influence of Video Games on Academic Performance.
  • Video Game Violence: Separating Fact from Fiction.
  • The History and Evolution of Mobile Gaming.
  • The Role of Gaming in Building Teamwork and Collaboration.
  • The Psychology of In-Game Rewards and Achievements.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Gaming: A Glimpse into the Future.
  • Gaming and STEM Education: Learning Science through Games.
  • The Representation of Diversity in Video Games.
  • The Impact of In-Game Advertising on Players.
  • The Benefits of Gaming for Stress Relief and Relaxation.
  • The Importance of Responsible Gaming.
  • The Art of Game Mods: Customizing and Enhancing Games.
  • E-sports Scholarships and Opportunities for Students.
  • The Environmental Impact of Video Game Consoles.
  • Gamers for Good: How Gaming Communities Contribute to Charity.

Argumentative Topics for Video Game Essays

  • Do Violent Video Games Promote Aggressive Behavior in Players?
  • Should There Be Age Restrictions on Purchasing Violent Video Games?
  • Are Video Games a Viable Educational Tool in Schools?
  • Is Video Game Addiction a Real Concern, and How Should It Be Addressed?
  • Do Video Games Enhance Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills?
  • Should Parents Be More Involved in Monitoring Their Children’s Gaming Habits?
  • Is E-sports a Legitimate Sport and Worthy of Recognition?
  • Does Playing Video Games Improve Hand-Eye Coordination?
  • Are Video Games a Form of Art, and Should They Be Treated as Such?
  • Should the Video Game Industry Be Regulated More Strictly for Content?
  • Do Video Games Have a Positive or Negative Impact on Social Skills?
  • Is There a Link Between Video Games and Obesity in Children?
  • Should Professional Gamers Be Considered Athletes and Eligible for Sports Scholarships?
  • Does Gaming Culture Foster Toxic Behavior and Harassment?
  • Can Video Games Help Alleviate Stress and Anxiety in Players?

Didn’t find any topic of your interest? No worries! We have listed 100+ Argumentative Essay Topics for Students here, you can go through the article and choose the best one as per your needs. This blog has various niche topics and can assist to find the best one for you.

Informative Video Game Essay Topics

  • The History of Video Games: From Pong to Present.
  • A Deep Dive into the World of E-sports.
  • How Video Games are Made: Game Development Explained.
  • Exploring Different Genres of Video Games: Action, RPG, Simulation, etc.
  • The Evolution of Video Game Graphics and Technology.
  • Iconic Video Game Characters and Their Impact on Pop Culture.
  • The Science Behind Gaming: How Game Engines Work.
  • Video Game Consoles: Past, Present, and Future.
  • The Importance of Storytelling in Video Games.
  • The Role of Sound Design and Music in Gaming.
  • The Influence of Video Games on Architecture and Design.
  • Video Game Streaming and Content Creation: A New Career Frontier.
  • The Psychology of Gaming: Why We Love Video Games.
  • The Cultural Significance of Video Game Events and Conventions.
  • The Rise of Gamification in Education and Training.

Compare & Contrast Video Game Essay Topics

These compare and contrast essay topics are chosen by our experts and are specifically related to video gaming. These are general and easy to write on.

  • Console Gaming vs. PC Gaming: Which Is Better?
  • Single-Player vs. Multiplayer Games: Which Do You Prefer?
  • Mobile Games vs. Console Games: Pros and Cons.
  • Classic Games vs. Modern Games: What’s Changed?
  • First-Person vs. Third-Person Shooter Games: Which is More Immersive?
  • Xbox vs. PlayStation: Comparing Gaming Communities.
  • Video Games vs. Board Games: Which Provides More Fun?
  • Old Game Graphics vs. New Game Graphics: A Visual Evolution.
  • RPGs vs. Action Games: Gameplay Differences.
  • Retro Games vs. Modern Games: Nostalgia vs. Innovation.
  • Open-World Games vs. Linear Games: Freedom vs. Guided Storytelling.
  • Strategy Games vs. Puzzle Games: Challenges in Gaming.
  • Video Games vs. Movies: Storytelling Approaches.
  • Online Shooters vs. Battle Royale Games: Teamwork vs. Solo Play.
  • Exclusive vs. Cross-Platform Games: Your Gaming Options.

Analytical Topics for Video Game Essays

  • Strategies for Success in Online Multiplayer Games.
  • Analyzing Game Elements in Role-Playing Games (RPGs).
  • In-Game Purchases and Their Impact on Player Progress.
  • The Design of Levels in Platformer Games: A Critical Look.
  • Difficulty Levels in Video Games: Effects on Player Experience.
  • The In-Game Economy: How It Works and Influences Players.
  • The Significance of Tutorial Levels in Game Learning.
  • Character Development in Video Games: Evolution and Influence.
  • Linear vs. Non-Linear Storytelling in Video Games.
  • Morality Systems in Games: Player Choices and Consequences.
  • AI and Machine Learning in Video Games: Advancements and Applications.
  • User-Friendly Game Interfaces: Design Principles and Importance.
  • Game Analytics: Measuring Success in the Gaming Industry.
  • Visual Design and Its Impact on Player Immersion.
  • Cultural Adaptation in Video Game Localization.

Read more: Best Analytical Essay Topics

Persuasive Essay Topics on Video Gaming

  • Why Schools Should Use Video Games for Learning.
  • The Importance of Age Ratings in Video Game Sales.
  • Video Games: Tools for Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills.
  • How Video Games Can Improve Mental Well-being.
  • Debunking the Myth: Video Games and Real-Life Violence.
  • Promoting Diversity in Video Game Characters.
  • Parents’ Role in Monitoring Kids’ Gaming Habits.
  • Gamification in Education: Making Learning Fun.
  • Addressing Video Game Addiction as a Health Issue.
  • Teamwork and Cooperation in Multiplayer Games.
  • Ethical Game Development: Fair Monetization Practices.
  • The Need for More Research on Video Game Violence.
  • Combatting Toxicity in Online Gaming Communities.
  • Exploring E-sports Career Opportunities.
  • Making Video Games Accessible for Everyone.

Read more: Best Persuasive Essay Topics

Best Video Game Essay Topics in 2023

  • The Impact of Video Games on Society Today.
  • Gaming and Sustainability: How Can Gamers Go Green?
  • NFTs in Gaming: What You Need to Know.
  • Virtual Reality Gaming: The Next Big Thing.
  • Making Games Accessible for Everyone.
  • AI’s Role in Video Game Development.
  • Gaming Habits Post-Pandemic: What’s Changed?
  • In-Game Advertising: Friend or Foe?
  • 5G Technology and Its Effect on Gaming.
  • Video Games and Mental Health: A Closer Look.
  • Augmented Reality Games in Learning and Fun.
  • Collectibles and In-Game Economies: Explained.
  • Gaming Across Cultures: Challenges and Solutions.
  • The Power of Online Gaming Communities.
  • E-sports: The Future of Competitive Gaming.

These gaming essay topics would surely help you select the best topic of your choice, all various topics are suggested by our qualified experts keeping in mind the capabilities of an average student. If you want to hire our assignment writer for your gaming essays, feel free to reach us and get your homework done by experts.

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Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport?

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Definition, background, and history, lack of physical activity, lack of athletic ability, why should video games be considered a sport.

The development of the personal computer marked the emergence of a new genre of competitive games referred to as “eSports.” The popularity of eSports has led to a greater focus on the controversial issue of whether video games should be considered a sport or not. Video games share numerous similarities with conventional sporting events such as massive audiences, high earnings, and the application of rigorous strategy and skills. Proponents of video games present the aforementioned similarities to support the argument of classification as a sport. However, the similarities are not good enough reasons to promote competitive games to a sport. Video games should not be considered a sport because they do not involve any physical exertion or the application of athletic ability that conventional sports require.

A Sport is a contest in which people participate in a physical activity, compete against each other, and follow certain rules (Brookey & Oates, 2015). A recent study conducted by Baronowski et al. (2012) found out that providing active video games to children does not provide any health benefit to children because it does not additional physical activity when compared to passive video games. In the spring of 2015, a cable and satellite television channel (ESPN) aired a tournament of college students competing in a video game known as “Heroes of the Storm.” The broadcast was criticised by individuals who were opposed to the classification of video games as a sport.

Opponents of video games argue that television networks that are devoted to sports should only broadcast tournaments that involve physical activity (Borg, 2015). One of the features of conventional sports is organisation. Sports are organised into leagues that are differentiated by the levels of expertise possessed by players. In contrast, video game tournaments are poorly-organised (Borg, 2015). The main weakness of video game leagues is the lack of a proper strategy to manage players. The only strategy used is the imposition of fines. Moreover, players can play independently or participate in international competitions without joining any league (Borg, 2015). This essay will argue that video games should not be considered a sport because of the lack of physical exertion, which encourages sedentary lifestyles that are non-existent in conventional sports.

Playing video games is not a sport but a hobby. It is a pastime activity that people engage in when they are bored or when they want to relax. The difference between a sport and a competitive hobby is the amount of physical exertion involved (Cashmore, 2010). Many people choose video games as hobbies because they do not involve physical movement. According to the World Health Organisation, one of the challenges that young people face is the negative health effect of embracing sedentary lifestyles because they encourage the development of conditions such as obesity and diseases such as diabetes. The organisation recommends participation in sports as one of the strategies to reduce the incidence of diabetes and obesity among children and young people. Video games are not recommended because they encourage sedentary lifestyles that numb people to the world around them. Prior to the emergence of the personal computer, sports were primarily defined by the amount of physical and mental strength required to master an activity and gain excellence (Cashmore, 2010). In contemporary society, international tournaments only include events that involve physical contests of strength and stamina. After the emergence of the personal computer, the term “eSports’ was coined to refer to games played through the aid of electronic devices (Newman, 2008).

Video games should not be considered a sport because they do not involve physical activity (Brookey & Oates, 2015). Online multiplayer games require significant amount of training, skill, and strategy. However, mental exertion cannot be compared to physical exertion. Video games require mental exertion only while conventional sports require both mental and physical exertion (Berger, 2002). The lack of physical exertion in video games denies them the opportunity to be considered a sport. Video games are gradually becoming the most common pastime activity among young people and some adults (Vorderer & Bryant, 2012).

They should not be considered a sport because even though they have similarities with conventional sports, they do not involve physical movement (Consalvo, Mitgutsch, & Stein, 2013). Sports are beneficial because they enhance physical fitness, aid in weight loss, strengthen the body, and encourage the development of healthy eating habits. None of these benefits can be enjoyed from playing video games. Researchers have argued that video games players do not become physically stronger or healthier because of the lack of physical exertion (Baronowski et al., 2012). Conventional sports and video games require significant amount of training, strategy, commitment, and mental acuity (Berger, 2002). However, the lack of physical activity disqualifies video games from receiving the sport status. Mastering a sport like basketball or football takes time, energy, and effort (Brookey & Oates, 2015).

Not only do people fail to understand that video games cannot be considered a sport because of lack of physical exertion, but also lack the application of athletic ability. Players do not need to possess any athletic ability in order to participate in tournaments. Conventional sports such as football, basketball, tennis, swimming, and cycling entail great commitment and training (Cashmore, 2010). Great athletic ability is attained through intensive physical training and mental conditioning. Any person can become great at playing video games because it does not require any athletic ability (Berger, 2002). The only physical movement involved in playing video games is the movement of fingers when pressing buttons on the controller. The skills needed to play video games are developed mentally and not physically (Vorderer & Bryant, 2012). Athletic prowess is achieved by undergoing brutal sessions of physical and mental conditioning for a certain period of time (Cashmore, 2010). Athletes regularly test the limits of their abilities by enduring the pain of suffering life-threatening injuries. Moreover, the exhaustion experienced in conventional sport comes from physical and mental exertion and has numerous health benefits (Cashmore, 2010).

Video games should not be considered a sport because they neither involve physical exertion nor the application of athletic ability. However, many people feel that the amount of training, strategy, and mental exertion required to play video games are similar to those involved in conventional sports (Young, 2016). Some researchers argue that just like conventional sports, video games attract massive audiences, are highly competitive, earn professional players a lot of money, and have become a major part of mainstream cable television networks’ programming (Consalvo et al., 2013). For example, the 2013 League of Legends Championship attracted more than 32 million fans and generated millions in revenue.

The increased popularity of eSports is an indication video games will eventually be a critical component of people’s daily lives. More people are embracing video games and as a result, spending time and effort improving their skills. Gaining mastery in video games requires the same level of training and specialisation that is applied in conventional sport (Newman, 2008). In that regard, video games should be considered a sport because they share several similarities with conventional sports. Some researchers may argue that active video games enable players to engage in moderate and vigorous physical activity, and a result, enjoy the benefits of physical activity (Consalvo et al., 2013). They argue that unlike passive video games, active video games involve physical exertion.

The evidence above may be convincing but if we examine it deeper we will see that no matter how evolved or advanced video games become, they will never involve physical exertion or application of athletic ability. Whilst many people may feel that active video games involve varying degrees of moderate and vigorous physical activity, current research illustrates the opposite. For example, a study conducted by Baronowski et al. (2012) did not find any relationship between physical activity and active video games. As mentioned earlier, one of the main characteristics of a sport is physical activity. Video games are gaining more popularity as technology advances and as eSports become a source of income (Young, 2016). However, it is highly unlikely that video games will be played at any international event involving conventional sports.

The issue of classifying video games as a sport or not is highly controversial. Video games tournaments have rules, people compete against each other, and excellence requires significant amounts of training, skills, strategy, and coordination. Although the mastery of video games requires great amounts of mental exertion, dedication, and training, the little physical activity involved disqualifies them from receiving the sport status. The main findings of my research were; active and passive video games do not involve any physical exertion and athletic ability is not a requirement. Therefore, Video games should not be considered a sport because they do not involve any physical exertion or the application of athletic ability that conventional sports require.

Berger, A. A. (2002). Video games: a popular culture phenomenon . New York, NY: Transaction Publishers.

Baronowski, T., Abdelsamad, D., Baronowski, J., O’Connor, T. M., Thompson, D., Barnett, A.,…Chen, T-A. (2012). Impact of an active video game on healthy children’s physical activity. Paediatrics, 129(3) , 636-642.

Borg, O. J. (2015). Is computer gaming really sport? Web.

Brookey, R. A., & Oates, T. P. (2015). Playing to win: sports, video games, and the culture of play . Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

Cashmore, E. (2010). Making sense of sports . New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.

Consalvo, M., Mitgutsch, K., & Stein, A. (2013). Sports videogames . New York, NY: Routledge.

Newman, J. (2008). Playing with videogames . New York, NY: Routledge.

Vorderer, P., & Bryant, J. (2012). Playing video games: motives, responses, and consequences . New York, NY: Routledge.

Young, H. (2016). Seven-figure salaries, sold-out stadiums: is pro video gaming a sport? Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 1). Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport?

"Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport?" IvyPanda , 1 Sept. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport'. 1 September.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport?" September 1, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport?" September 1, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport?" September 1, 2020.


How to Write an Essay about Video Games: Presenting Effective Arguments in Papers

argumentative essay video game

Gaming on video consoles is becoming more and more common. In actuality, the typical gamer plays for roughly six hours each week. There are many who claim that video games are harmful to one’s health since they promote inactive lifestyles like prolonged sitting and isolation from the outside world. On the other hand, some people say that playing video games is a good way to unwind and relax, and they are not wrong. So, what is the real story of video games? Are they good or bad? The controversy of playing video games presents an opportunity for students to either be proponents or antagonists of the issue through essays. Accordingly, this article discusses how a learner can write an essay about video games.

It would be best to do thorough research before writing an essay about video games

Research is often the most challenging aspect of preparing an essay. While writing your video games essay, you’ll have to employ the information you get from research to define video games, describe different genres, and give relevant examples to support your claims. Students must recognize that the amount of research they conduct totally affects how good their essays turn out. Your video game essay will benefit greatly from your careful attention to detail and thorough investigation. Just keep in mind that you are trying to convince your audience to see things from your point of view. This is why having a great deal of background information is essential. Researching your favorite video game would give you an added advantage. Additionally, to support your claims, you must include relevant examples and research-based data.

You should develop an introduction that captures your reader’s interest

The whole point of the opening paragraph is to capture the interest of the audience. To achieve this, it should pose an intriguing topic or provide a contradiction or paradox. You ought to add a good hook to grab the reader’s attention so they can’t help but keep reading your paper. Given that there are numerous motivations for why individuals engage in video games, the introduction is where you have to specify the reasons. Moreover, it would be best to incorporate your thesis statement in the introduction. A thesis statement is basically the writer’s primary concept, summed up in one or a few sentences. A well-formulated thesis statement expresses the work’s central argument in a way that makes sense in light of the inquiry or issue at hand. It would be the correct response to the question, “What is the primary theme of this essay?” from the instructor. Nonetheless, you should perceive your thesis as an opinion that may be debated at any time, rather than an established fact or objective reality. In other words, now is the time to speak your mind regarding the impact of video games on today’s youth.

You must present your arguments in the body paragraphs

The arguments are what learners utilize to support their thesis. A single contention and one or two examples must each have their own paragraph. It would be best to provide your reasoning for your video game position and be sure to explain why you firmly disagree with the opposing viewpoint. Examples include your own experiences and, where appropriate, references to data from studies, forecasts, and statistics. Students should provide answers to contentious topics like “Do video games promote addiction and violence among players?” The arguments you employ ought to back your main point rather than contradict it.

You may offer vivid illustrations as you write an argumentative essay about video games

Learners should offer evocative examples of the genres and video games under consideration. Instead of stressing about whether the material you discover online or the game’s publishers are legit, dedicate yourself to writing a fun and vibrant paper for the person who reads it. This approach piques the audience’s attention and facilitates their comprehension of the argumentative essay about video games. Additionally, these vivid examples assist you in conveying your ideas in a manner that words can’t. Even if you aren’t convinced that your assignment requires an example, using one might perk up your reader and provide your arguments additional weight.

You should write a conclusion for your essay

The last section is meant to sum up the college essay. You may accomplish this by restating the thesis statement and briefly mentioning the arguments you presented in your body paragraphs. This approach will help the audience understand how you systematically addressed the issue and made conclusions. For instance, suppose you had to respond to the question, “Do games negatively affect us?” A topic like that can’t be satisfactorily answered by psychology, particularly when it involves something as novel as video games. Consequently, it is actually way easier to just pick a side and support your position with some research. In the end, your readers don’t expect the argument to be elaborated upon but rather summarized. No new material should be introduced in the last paragraph.

Identifying the sources you employed would be best

When you are writing an essay about video games, it is essential to cite your sources. That means you got to make a list of every resource you used in your paper. References to diverse books, scientific studies, statistical data, and remarks made by well-known experts are acceptable. It would help to make sure your research is from the past five years.

Proofreading is vital for developing a top-notch paper

Students must make sure that their essays about video games have been edited and proofread prior to submission. So basically, you are going to check your assignment for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes. Completing an essay that is free of errors increases a learner’s likelihood of academic success. Here are some tips to help you proofread your work:

  • Read the text aloud. This will enable you to detect any mistakes.
  • Take your time proofreading and revising your work. Spend sufficient time on it to ensure you catch any possible oversights.
  • Concentrate on correcting a single mistake at a time. Avoid the hassle of searching for spelling and grammar mistakes at the same time. Prior to checking for punctuation and spelling problems, you may concentrate on grammatical issues.
  • You may also create a list of the most typical errors that students make while writing essays, then review your work for each one.

Using these suggestions will guarantee that your essay is devoid of all types of mistakes that might undermine how persuasive your argument is. Alternatively, you can delegate your “ write my essay ” request to online essay writing services like CustomWritings which may allow you to complete a high-quality paper about video games.

Extra tips for presenting better arguments in essays about video games

Today’s youth often engage in video gaming, and this trend will only spread in the coming years. Composing a paper about video games can help you learn more about the subject while also providing readers with information they can utilize in their lives. Just consider the potential for them to be inspired by and gain new knowledge from your essay about video games. Following this article’s recommendations should take you a step closer to achieving your academic goals.

Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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Video Games Have Benefits

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Words: 625 |

Published: Jan 30, 2024

Words: 625 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Cognitive benefits, social benefits, emotional benefits, counterarguments and refutations.

  • Green, C. S., & Bavelier, D. (2006). Effect of action video games on the spatial distribution of visuospatial attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32(6), 1465–1478.
  • Bavelier, D., Green, C. S., & Dye, M. W. G. (2010). Children, wired: For better and for worse. Neuron, 67(5), 692-701.
  • Granic, I., Lobel, A., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2014). The benefits of playing video games. American Psychologist, 69(1), 66-78.
  • Baldwin, T. (2013). The impact of adolescent online gaming and social networking. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(8), 1185-1198.
  • Chapin, L. A., & Shah, M. (2017). Video game playing and stress reduction:Gaming preference, favorite games, and symptoms of stress. Journal of Counseling and Development, 95(3), 226-235.
  • Ferguson, C. J., & Kilburn, J. (2010). Much ado about nothing: The misestimation and overinterpretation of violent video game effects in Eastern and Western nations. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 43(1), 58-76.

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    A review published in the American Psychologist highlighted the potential of video games to provide cognitive and emotional benefits, particularly in the realm of mental health. This suggests that video games can have a constructive impact on individuals' well-being, challenging the prevailing narrative of their negative influence.

  12. Argumentative Persuasive Essay about Video Games

    People play video games to escape the real world. The people who play video games do this because of multiple reasons. The first reason why people play video games is for entertainment. They play for entertainment because they worked all week and all they want to do is sit back and play games for fun. Another reason why people play video games ...

  13. Video Games and Its Positive Effects

    Introduction. "Video games foster the mindset that allows creativity to grow", said Nolan Bushnell. Video games, a highly debated subject for many parents, have been the subject of social stigmas for a long time. Many believe that video games do more harms than goods, and waste precious time for kids and adults alike, time that could be ...

  14. So You Are Writing About Video Games for Your Eng 101 Paper ...

    Ethos, Pathos and Logos Telos and Kairos Audience Purpose Check Out Part 2: So You Are Writing About Video Games for Your Eng 101 Paper (Part 2): Avoid These Essays on Video Games. Ethos, Pathos ...

  15. Video Games Argumentative Essays Samples For Students

    1 INTRODUCTION. This is an argumentative essay on the subject of the protection of intellectual property in video games. The paper begins with an introduction to current situation pertaining to intellectual property in the gaming industry, particularly video games and virtual worlds. It discusses, in brief, the scope of civil laws in ...

  16. Persuasive Essay on Video Games and Why They Are Good

    2. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite this essay. Download. Many parents forbid their children to play computer games because they think they are bad for them. But I believe that computer games are beneficial to our learning and ...

  17. Argumentative Essay On Video Games

    Argumentative Essay On Video Games. Children around the world play adult content video game And many parents say it is bad for their children; however video games can actually help their children learn. Approximately 90% of children in the United States play video games, and more than 90% of those games involve mature content that often ...

  18. Argumentative Essay On Video Games

    754 Words. 4 Pages. Open Document. Argumentative Essay About Video Games "Teenagers today often spend a great deal of time playing video games. These games are fun and engaging and young people often feel like playing games is a great thing to do in their spare time. However, you shouldn't spend too much time gaming and there are a number ...

  19. Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Games

    Video games: advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, it is argued by many that video games can cause a lot of health problems. For instance, looking at the screen for long hours can harm eyes and cause vision impairment because the cornea and iris of the eyes are not intended for viewing electronic devices for a long time. Moreover, using video games for too long may also cause headaches ...

  20. Argument Games! Play These Fun Games to Practice Analyzing Arguments

    For this kinesthetic game, ask students to find a partner to work with. Ask each partner to freeze in a different position, for example, students can pose in a kneeling position, superman stance, sitting, etc. Pose a debatable question/topic to the class and allow students one minute to justify their position/opinions.

  21. Argumentative Essay On Video Games

    875 Words4 Pages. For many teenagers in our world today, playing video games may be a huge part of their daily lives. In contrast, many individuals think playing violent video games will not be safe for kids. However, research has shown that video games have solved some of science's biggest problems.

  22. Video Games Have Benefits: [Essay Example], 625 words

    In conclusion, video games have several benefits that contribute positively to cognitive, social, and emotional development. They have the potential to enhance problem-solving and critical thinking skills, facilitate teamwork and collaboration, and serve as a form of stress relief and escapism. It is important for society to recognize the ...

  23. Argumentative Essay On Violent Video Games

    For instance, video games have positively influenced children to work together in completing various tasks, and often improve a child's thinking capacity, especially through solving puzzles (Anderson et al, 2007). However, the contentious issue has been the effects of violent games on children, which are often negative to their well-being.