Chronological vs Functional Resumes

Posted on 29 jun 2021.

There’s more than one way to write a resume. While you may be used to writing your resume chronologically (aka the reverse chronological resume), it may surprise you to know that there’s a different resume type, called the functional resume. Each type serves a different purpose, and one works better than the other depending on the applicant’s life circumstances. Let’s take a look at the difference between a chronologically and functionally written resume, and when it’s best to use one over the other.

Get to know the difference: chronological vs functional resume

As the name suggests, chronological or reverse chronology resumes follow a timeline. This type of resume prioritizes the applicant’s work experiences and arranges these from the latest to the earliest. It’s the most common type of resume, not to mention it’s also fairly easy to write, as long as you’ve kept track of your work history.

A functional resume on the other hand, highlights the applicant’s skills and achievements, taking the attention away from other elements that may reduce an applicant’s chances of getting hired, such as limited work experience, lengthy unemployment or inconsistent work history.

Ultimately, the difference between a chronological and functional resume all boils down to format. The sections of a chronologically formatted resume generally follows this sequence:

• Heading and personal info

• Summary statement

• Work experience

• Skills and training

• Education

• Awards, citations and certifications

As you can imagine, a functionally written resume is organized differently, with the Skills section preceding Work Experience, which is intentionally kept very brief. Often, the functional format resume only includes the last job held. Aside from this major change, the rest of the sections remain largely identical.

Chronological vs Functional Resumes

When to use a chronological resume

If you have a strong work history—meaning, you have been regularly employed in a particular industry—a chronologically written resume will work best for you. Here are other considerations when chronological writing will be the ideal type to use when applying for a job.

• You’ve always held the same job or similar.

• You are highly experienced in your field.

• You’re seeking a new job similar to the one you have or had.

• You have worked your way up in your career.

A chronological vs functional resume allows recruiters to track your career easier, so if your work history ticks these boxes, that’s a good indication that a chronological resume format is the one you should use.

Pros and cons of chronological resume

As with any type of resume, even the popular chronological resume has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s enumerate the chronological resume’s pros and cons.

• Simple and straightforward format

• Easy-to-read layout

• May not be ideal for your career situation

• Can highlight negative career choices such as job hopping and/or lengthy unemployment

When to use a functional resume

Although most employers prefer a chronologically written resume, a functional format resume is still welcome, especially if you can relate to the following:

• You’ve had some spells of job-hopping.

• You’ve changed career paths multiple times.

• You’re looking to change your career track.

Frequently switching from one job to another can be glaringly obvious in a chronological resume, and it gives the impression of a lack of commitment, leaving a negative impression on hiring managers. On the other hand, if you plan on forging a new career track and leave your old one, a functionally written resume will be better for you as well.

Pros and cons of functional resume

The functionally formatted resume is especially helpful in hiding poor career choices, while ensuring that you appear as a highly qualified applicant based on your skills and expertise. That said, it also has its share of pros and cons, as you can see below.

• Allows for better matching of skills to match the job criteria

• De-emphasizes a spotty work history

• Can be difficult to follow

• Provides an incomplete picture of your employment

To ensure that your functionally written resume is as easy to read as a chronological one, you can have a trusted resume writing service like Resumeble write your resume for you. Not only that, a professionally written functional resume will attract the right attention and land you that elusive job interview, as services like Resumeble come with an interview guarantee.

Are there other resume formats I should know about?

A functional format resume is not the only alternative to a chronologically formatted resume. Other resume formats include a CV format and combination resume. Below are their definitions.

CV – short for curriculum vitae, is the application document submitted for jobs in academia, medicine, and scientific laboratories. Unlike traditional resumes that focus on experience and skills, CVs focus on credentials, providing potential employers with a comprehensive list of the applicant’s education, certification, academic experience, and affiliations.

Combination resume – combines a chronologically and functionally written resume, with the skills and qualifications listed first, followed by employment history. This format works best for job seekers who want to emphasize their skills, but have been required to include their work history in their resume by a potential employer. Likewise, this type of resume is also recommended for those who have employment gaps or worked unrelated jobs in the past. A combination resume is also known as a chrono-functional resume.

Choosing the right resume format

Choosing the perfect resume format for your application requires some serious evaluation and preparation on your part. And it all begins with identifying your application goals before you begin the resume writing process. With your goals in mind, use the tips and suggestions in this article to help you decide on the right resume format to use. Check out Resumeble’s sample resumes for ideas and inspiration.

Having trouble choosing the right resume format?

Should you write a chronological vs functional resume? It certainly helps to have a bona fide expert guiding you through the resume writing process. By choosing Resumeble , you will have a professional resume writer working with you one-on-one to build your resume and develop it into an application that showcases your qualifications in the best way possible. Get in touch with us today or send in your resume for a free, no-obligation evaluation.

  • 7 seconds: this is how long your resume has either to impress or be ignored by the recruiter
  • 300+: average number of applications one corporate job opening posted online receives
  • 3%: number of sent resumes that result in interviews

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What Is a Functional Resume? Example and Tips on How to Write Yours

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Your resume should be tailored to the role you’re applying for. No sweat, right? The thing is, creating a customized resume for every job you have your eyes on is no easy task, especially if your work history isn’t an exact match for the position you want. Wouldn’t it be easier if you could just list all your skills out without having to worry about making your work experience look cohesive? Like, say, on a functional resume?

Below, we break down everything you need to know about a functional resume: what it is, when to use one, when not to, and, of course, how to write yours in a way that helps the hiring manager see how your unique set of skills matches their needs—and why you’re the ideal person for the job.

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What is a functional resume?

A functional resume, sometimes called a skills-based resume , places the focus on your skills and areas of expertise, rather than on the details of your work history. Instead of simply listing your recent jobs and corresponding duties in reverse chronological order (like you would on a more traditional chronological resume ), you’d select only the most relevant responsibilities from each of your past roles and combine them to paint a broader picture of your skill set.

Functional resume format

Like any other resume, a functional layout features your name and contact information at the top and lists your technical skills , interests, and education toward the bottom (unless you’re a recent graduate—in that case it may be closer to the top).

The difference is that the body of a functional resume highlights your most important skills—such as “administrative experience” or “customer service”—with three to five bullet points that show how you’ve applied those skills in various roles.

Then your work history would appear as a simple list below your skills section , where you’d only include your job title, the name of your employer, the city where you worked, and your dates of employment. (Check out our example functional resume below to get a sense of how that works.)

Because this layout places the primary focus on your relevant skills, functional resumes allow you to better tailor the content to a specific role you’re hoping to land, without having to worry too much about job titles that don’t sound relevant, gaps in employment, or an eclectic work history.

Functional resume vs chronological resume

In a chronological resume, you list your work history in reverse chronological order—from your most recent to oldest experience. This is the most common type of resume and is ideal for professionals with little to no employment gaps and relevant experience related to the job they're currently applying for.

That's exactly what differentiates a reverse chronological resume from a functional resume. While functional resumes focus on skills, reverse chronological resumes highlight employment history and relevant experience​​—where you worked and what you accomplished there.

Combination resume vs functional resume

A combination resume mixes elements of both functional and reverse chronological resumes. In this format, relevant skills are listed first, followed by employment history in chronological order, from newest to oldest experience. This type of resume is recommended for job seekers with diverse backgrounds and transferable skills relevant to the job opening.

Should you use a functional resume in your job search?

If you have other viable choices, probably not. Recruiters often see functional resumes as a red flag and might assume that the applicant behind the resume is trying to hide something, like a lack of qualifications. So although a skills-based resume might be an effective way to highlight your relevant experience, this resume format greatly decreases your chances of landing an interview .

Recruiters want to learn as much as they possibly can about an applicant from their resume, so they’re going to be looking to find out which companies you’ve worked at, your tenure in each role, and what you’ve achieved in each position. When you bury these details at the bottom of your resume (or exclude them completely), a recruiter is likely to assume that your background must not be a very strong fit.

Recruiters are also notoriously short on time, often reviewing hundreds of resumes a day. They don’t want to be forced to scour your resume for relevant details—your resume should, ideally, be very easy to scan. And because functional resumes aren’t terribly common, a recruiter might have a harder time making sense of an alternative format. (Instead, you might consider using a combination resume .)

When can you use a functional resume?

Red flags aside, there are times when a functional resume may still be your best option. For instance:

  • When you don’t have recent experience: If it’s been a few years since you last held a traditional job, you may not want your less-than-recent work history to be the first thing a hiring manager notices on your resume. Leading with your skills could be a good way to pique a recruiter’s interest before they review your dates of employment.
  • When you’re making a major career pivot: If you’ve collected an array of transferable skills throughout your work experience but have never used them in the context of a single role, a skills-based resume might allow you to demonstrate how your unique abilities will translate into the next act of your career.
  • When you don’t have work experience: Functional resumes enable you to be a little creative with your work history and allow for some flexibility in the skills you choose to highlight. For example, you probably developed some great research skills as a student, solid scheduling experience when you headed the PTA committee, or exceptional customer service acumen that time you volunteered for that political campaign.
  • When your work history is all over the place: If you’ve held a string of short-term positions or worked in a variety of roles (I’m looking at you, freelancers and temp workers—no judgment, I’m one, too!), using a functional resume may be a great way to organize your experience into a more cohesive story.
  • When your relevant experience isn’t rooted in traditional work: Say you've volunteered at a soup kitchen for the past few years and now you want to land a job as a server. You’d probably want to feature the skills you’ve picked up as a volunteer, while also highlighting your other, more traditional experience. A functional resume could be a great way to bring it all together.

When not to use a functional resume?

In certain circumstances, the traditional reverse chronological resume is definitely the best option. For example:

  • When you can demonstrate career growth: In most fields, recruiters put a lot of value in experience and achievements. So if you have years of experience in the field and your employment history clearly demonstrates professional evolution, it should have the spotlight.
  • When your recent work experience is relevant: Let's say your last job was in the same position you're applying for right now, but other than that, you don't have much experience. In this case, ditch the functional resume and use the reverse chronological format.
  • When listing past employment is important: In some industries—think medicine or education, for example—it's crucial to list your past employment. Recruiters often ask for reference or recommendations as well.

How to write a functional resume in 6 steps

Once you decide that the functional resume format is the best choice for your application, you want to make sure you build it correctly.

Writing a functional resume is much like any other resume style; it should still include your contact information , education , work or volunteer experience , and technical skills. The main difference is that your skills and achievements will be featured prominently in the body of the resume.

If it makes sense, you can separate your skills into subcategories to make it easier to read. You may also want to consider including a brief resume summary to tie everything together. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Write your contact information

The first piece of information on your resume should be your full name, followed by your contact information—which includes your email address, phone number, LinkedIn profile , and your address (limited to city, state, and zip code, for your safety).

Step 2: Craft a relevant resume summary

Writing a resume summary is optional, but when used effectively, this section provides recruiters with insights into who you are and what are your career aspirations. For instance, if you have an employment gap or are transitioning into a new field, the summary section can come in handy, so the recruiters don't have to figure it out by themselves.

You can also use this space to incorporate relevant skills and achievements using keywords from the job description, making it easier for the ATS to scan. Two to three sentences are enough to summarize relevant information about your education, skills, achievements, and objectives.

For sake of illustration, here's an example of a summary for a virtual assistant making a career pivot to social media:

Dedicated and detail-oriented virtual assistant with three years of experience working with clients worldwide online. Skilled in social media management, copywriting, image and video editing, data entry, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, and Final Cut. Looking for a career pivot to social media management.

Step 3: Group your skills and achievements

The skills section is the most important section of a functional resume. Its goal is to help recruiters quickly understand how your skills match the job requirements. Instead of presenting a gigantic list of skills, it's a good idea to group them and use bullet points for each category.

For example, if you're applying for an entry-level social media position and you're skilled in writing, filming, and editing, your section skills might look like this:



  • Wrote over 30+ blog posts for my school's website, driving a 5% increase in readers
  • Wrote all posts and captions for the school's social media for two semesters, increasing followers by 10%
  • Created the concept and wrote all posts for my personal blog and newsletter ( school events and interviews with students and professionals for social media content
  • Created scripts, filmed, and directed educational videos for the school's website, increasing students engagement by 12%
  • Used Adobe Premiere and Final Cut to edit and add special effects to videos for the school's social media and website
  • Used editing tools such as Capcut to make short versions of videos for the school's TikTok page
  • Used Adobe Photoshop to edit images for the school's social media and website, as well as for my own blog and newsletter

Step 4: List your education background

Include the name of your institution, degree type, year of graduation, and any relevant coursework or achievements, if applicable. If you have an impressive GPA, add that too. For example:

B.S. Computer Science, Carleton College

September 2007 – May 2011, Northfield, MN

Graduated magna cum laude; GPA: 3.6

Step 5: List your work experience

In a skill-based resume, work experience typically comes last, although you may also find functional resume examples where the education section is placed at the end. There's no right or wrong here—choose based on what information is most relevant to the position you're applying for.

You don't have to include all the details about your employment history—remember, that's not your main focus on functional resumes. Just mention your job title, employer, and the dates you worked there. For example:


Virtual Assistant

Assisting Inc. | June 2021—Present

Sales Manager

Great Store | May 2018 — March 2020

Step 6: Add your certifications or awards

If you have certificates relevant to your field or the one you're trying to enter, consider including a dedicated section for them. However, if your certifications aren't related to the job you're seeking, you can skip this section. Same goes for awards—only add them if they're relevant.

What’s a good functional resume example?

When putting all the steps above together, here’s what your functional resume could look like:

Download a Free Example Functional Resume

Bonus tips to write a functional resume

If you’re going to give drafting a functional layout a shot, keep in mind that the tried and true best practices of resume writing still apply. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

  • Keep your resume to a single page (this is true for basically everyone except those decades into their careers—in which case a two-page resume isn’t out of the question).
  • Include clear, concise headlines (like “Areas of Expertise” and “Work Experience”) to break up each section, thus making your resume easier to scan.
  • Use compelling verbs to describe your skills and accomplishments (words like achieved, led, directed, streamlined, or solved).
  • Attribute a tangible, measurable outcome to each job duty whenever possible.
  • Tailor the content of your resume to the job you’re applying for, including relevant keywords where appropriate (this is for the hiring manager to skim and for the ATS to give you the thumbs up).

Functional resume FAQs

What does a functional resume highlight.

A functional resume highlights your skills. Unlike the reverse chronological resume format, where work experience comes first, in this format, the skills and achievements section stays right at the top of the page. This way, you make sure it's the first thing recruiters see when reviewing your resume.

When should you write a functional skills resume?

You should consider writing a functional resume if you lack work experience, have a diverse employment history, are making a career pivot, or have a significant employment gap.

Do employers like functional resumes?

Truth to be told, employers generally prefer the traditional resume format with reverse chronological order, and a simple, clean layout. However, this doesn't mean they'll discard a functional resume outright. For entry-level positions , for example, a resume that focuses more on skills, achievements, and education rather than work experience is often expected.

What best describes a functional resume?

A functional resume can be described as a skill-based resume because it prioritizes your skills as the most important information. This contrasts with the traditional reverse chronological resume, where employment history is considered more relevant.

In conclusion

Whenever possible, you should stick to a traditional resume to keep recruiters from making unfavorable assumptions about your experience. But if you know that a chronological layout won’t properly tell your story in a compelling way, a functional resume may help.

Just remember that you might be starting off at a disadvantage when it comes to your resume, so you’ll also need to have a strong networking plan, a consistent application strategy, and an exceptional cover letter . Amanda Cardoso contributed to the latest version of this article.

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is a functional or chronological resume better

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Chronological Resume vs Functional Resume: Which is Better?

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Table of Contents

Chronological or functional resume

When it comes to writing your resume, the format you chose can have a significant impact on how successful you are in presenting your professional story to potential employers. There are three commonly used formats for resumes, these are the chronological resume, the functional resume and the combination (or blended) resume. Different resume formats are used depending on an individual’s professional background, experiences, and career goals. We’ll dive into the differences between these formats, to better understand their advantages and drawbacks, and help you determine which one is the right choice for your job search.

What is a Chronological Resume?

A chronological resume lists your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job and working backward. It highlights your career progression, showing steady professional growth and relevant experience acquired over time. A chronological resume is ideal for someone with a consistent work history and clear career trajectory. It is the most commonly used resume format and often preferred by employers.

What are the advantages of a chronological resume?

Widely accepted: Chronological resumes are widely accepted across industries and sectors, making them a safe and familiar choice for job seekers. Employers, recruiters, and hiring managers are accustomed to reviewing resumes in this format, which enhances the likelihood of your resume being well-received and understood, increasing your chances of making a favorable impression on potential employers.

ATS friendly: Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are commonly used by employers to manage and filter incoming resumes. Chronological resumes are often ATS-friendly because they follow a straightforward format that is easily parsed by these systems. With clear headings and consistent organization, chronological resumes enable ATS to efficiently scan and process your work history, ensuring that your application is more likely to reach a human.

  • Demonstrates career progression: A chronological resume presents your work history in reverse chronological order, allowing employers to see a clear and logical progression of your career. This makes it easy for them to understand your professional journey and assess your level of experience.
  • Highlights stability: Employers often value stability and consistency in candidates. If you’ve had long tenures with previous employers, a chronological resume demonstrates your ability to hold positions for extended periods, indicating reliability, loyalty and commitment to your career.
  • Showcases relevant experience: Recruiters and hiring managers are accustomed to reviewing resumes in this format, making it easier for them to navigate and quickly identify relevant experience for the position they’re hiring. With the most recent and relevant roles prominently displayed, they can assess your relevant qualifications more efficiently.
  • Highlights achievements: With a chronological resume, you can easily incorporate specific achievements and milestones for each position you’ve held. This allows you to highlight your achievements and successes in previous roles, which can significantly enhance your candidacy.

What are the drawbacks of a chronological resume?

  • Makes employment gaps obvious: A chronological resume prominently display your work history in reverse chronological order, making any gaps in employment more obvious. If you’ve had extended gaps between jobs, this can be apparent and may raise questions or concerns for employers.
  • Not Great for Career Changes: If you’re changing careers, whether to a new role or new industry entirely, a chronological resume format may not effectively highlight your transferable skills and experiences related to the target position. It can be challenging to reframe your past roles to align with your new career direction, leading to potential mismatches between your qualifications and the job requirements.
  • Less adaptive to Non-Linear Career Paths: If your career path has been non-linear or unconventional, with experiences that don’t follow a traditional path, a chronological resume format may struggle to effectively convey the coherence and relevance of your diverse background. This can be a disadvantage if you’re seeking to showcase your experience and skills in a structured manner.
  • May Highlight Job Hopping: For candidates who have held multiple short-term positions, such as consultants or temps, a chronological resume format can emphasize job hopping or frequent changes in employment. This may raise concerns for employers regarding your stability, commitment, and suitability for long-term roles.

When should you use a Chronological resume

A chronological resume is the most commonly used format and is suitable for individuals with a consistent work history and a clear career progression. Here are some situations where a chronological resume may be the best choice:

  • If you have a stable work history: A chronological resume allows you to showcase your steady career growth and demonstrate your commitment to previous employers.
  • If you want to highlight your achievements: A chronological resume allows you to list your accomplishments under each job, giving employers a better understanding of your skills and abilities.
  • If you have relevant experience in the same industry: A chronological resume is beneficial for individuals who have been working in the same field for several years as it shows their depth of knowledge and expertise.
  • If you are applying for a job that requires specific technical skills: A chronological resume can be used to highlight your technical skills and experience in each role, which is important for certain industries or positions. Although you might want to also consider whether a resume or a CV is needed.
  • If you have a solid career progression: A chronological resume allows employers to see how you have grown and advanced in your career, making it easier for them to assess your potential fit within their organization.
  • If you have no employment gaps: A chronological resume is suitable for individuals with a consistent work history and no significant gaps in their employment, as it eliminates any potential red flags for employers.

Overall, a chronological resume is a popular and effective format that allows you to present your skills, experience, and achievements in a clear and organized manner. It is well-suited for individuals with a stable work history, relevant experience in the same industry, specific technical skills, solid career progression, no employment gaps, or a strong network/personal brand. However, it may not be the best choice for those with a varied work history or significant employment gaps, as it can highlight any inconsistencies. 

What is a Functional Resume?

In contrast to the traditional timeline-based approach, a functional resume focuses on your skills and achievements rather than on specific job titles and previous employers. This unique format consists of sections like a qualifications summary, skills or areas of expertise, work experience (typically organized by skill categories rather than chronologically), education, and additional pertinent sections for certifications or achievements. It is commonly used by job seekers with employment gaps, career changers, individuals with diverse work experiences, or those looking to highlight specific skills and accomplishments.

What are the advantages of a Functional Resume?

  • Highlights Transferable skills: Functional resumes are particularly useful for highlighting transferable skills that may not be directly related to a particular position or industry. For example, if you have strong communication and leadership skills gained through volunteer work or extracurricular activities, a functional resume allows you to showcase these abilities without being limited by job titles or past roles. 
  • Reduces focus on employment gaps: A functional resume can also help de-emphasize any employment gaps that may exist on your work history. Instead of focusing on the chronological timeline of your career, this format shifts the focus to your relevant skills and accomplishments, giving employers a better understanding of what you can bring to the table. 
  • Tailored to the job: Another advantage of a functional resume is its flexibility in tailoring your application to different job opportunities. By highlighting specific skills and achievements, you can easily customize your resume for each position, increasing your chances of landing an interview.
  • Great for new grads: This format works great for recent graduates or individuals with limited past experience. The emphasis on your education, projects, and pertinent skills helps demonstrate your potential to employers. Adding experience with leadership roles in clubs, volunteer work, internships, and academic accomplishments can also help showcase your transferable skills such as teamwork and problem-solving. This type of resume bridges your academic and extracurricular experiences with the requirements of potential employers, making it easier for them to assess your potential.
  • Useful for career changes: A functional resume is also beneficial for individuals looking to make a career change. If you are changing industry or field of work, a functional resume allows you to highlight your transferable skills and accomplishments that are relevant to the job. This can help mitigate any concerns employers may have about your lack of direct experience in the new field. In fact, a functional resume can help make a strong case for why you are the right fit for a particular position, despite not having traditional experience in that field or role.

What are the drawbacks of a functional resume?

  • Difficult to assess work history : One of the potential downsides of this resume format is that recruiters may struggle to understand your career path due to the lack of a clear timeline. This may raise questions about your career stability and evolution.
  • Not widely accepted : Functional resumes may be met with skepticism by more traditional employers who are not accustomed to this format. They might perceive it as an attempt to hide inconsistencies or employment gaps. As such, it is important to assess the potential employer and tailor your resume accordingly.
  • Lack of specific details : Since a functional resume focuses on skills and accomplishments rather than job titles and responsibilities, it may not provide enough information for an employer to fully understand your previous roles. This lack of specificity could result in employers wanting more clarification or asking for additional information during interviews.
  • ATS Compatibility Issue: Functional resumes face a major challenge with modern Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). These systems are designed to analyze resumes in a chronological format, focusing on employment history with clear dates. Functional resumes, which prioritize skills over a linear work history, often lack the format needed for ATS algorithms to extract and categorize information accurately. As a result, this may lead to your resume being overlooked or receiving lower scores, reducing your chances of getting a shot at an interview – a significant disadvantage in a competitive job market where visibility is key.

When should you use a Functional Resume?

While there are various situations where a functional resume may be beneficial, it’s essential to understand when it’s most suitable.

  • If you have employment gaps: A functional resume can help downplay gaps in your employment history by focusing on relevant skills and accomplishments. 
  • If you are changing careers: A functional resume is an excellent way to highlight transferable skills and showcase how they apply to the job you are targeting, even if they were acquired in a different industry.
  • If you have a diverse work history: A functional resume can help tie together seemingly unrelated job experiences by emphasizing the skills and achievements gained in each role.
  • If you want to stand out from the crowd: In some industries or positions, a functional resume may make you stand out as it highlights your unique abilities rather than just a traditional work history.

While functional resumes may have some benefits, it’s crucial to consider the potential drawbacks before deciding to use one. Some hiring managers may view functional resumes with suspicion as they can be seen as an attempt to hide gaps or lack of experience. Additionally, ATS algorithms may not be able to accurately extract information from a functional resume, reducing your chances of getting noticed by employers.

Overall, the key to any resume format is to effectively communicate your skills, experiences, and achievements clearly and concisely. Whichever format you choose, ensure it highlights your strengths and aligns with your career goals. Always proofread and tailor your resume for each job application to boost your chances of success. With the right format and content, your resume can stand out and help you secure your dream job. Careerpilot AI Resume Builder can help you craft a strong resume that showcases your qualifications and potential as a top candidate. Good luck!

is a functional or chronological resume better

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  • Chronological, Functional or Combination Resume Format: Pick the Best One (with examples)

 Probably writing a resume is not the best thing you used to do. It takes a lot of forces and strengths to make a really good one that catches the recruiter’s attention and emphasizes all your skills. However, the mission is possible if you’re familiar with the different types of resumes. Resume format may differ due to your working background, proficiency, type of work and skills. Make resume formatting isn’t that hard and we prepared a list of 3 types of resumes, so you may take the one that would present your strongest sides to the hiring manager.


1. Chronological resume

What is a chronological resume.

This is the most common and standard resume format and telling the truth, many employers typically prefer this type to others as it's easy to see what jobs you have held and when you have worked at them. A chronological resume focuses on your work history first as the most relevant point for hiring managers. Obviously, your jobs are listed in reverse chronological order with your current or most recent job with brief explanations of each job. 

When should you use a chronological resume?

A chronological resume format is the most common resume type, which suits those people who have an extensive work history that is in the same line of work as the job for which they are applying. It’s a safe choice for virtually all job seekers. 

When should you avoid using a chronological resume?

The chronological resume does not work well for career changers. You might have a lot of work experience in different industries but a chronological format demands related and smooth working history. As well as career changes, chronological resume doesn’t like gaps in employment and will only emphasize these issues.

Chronological resume structure

A chronological resume often includes an eye-catching career summary at the top. Then you should define chronology of your previous work experience and make it as clear as possible - it’s the main part of such resumes. Education, certifications, and special skills are also included in this type of resume but are listed after your work experience section.

Have a look at a chronological resume example to get a clearer visual understanding. 


A proper reverse chronological resume order should be as follows:

  • Contact information
  • Resume summary or resume objective
  • Work experience
  • Additional Sections

2. Functional resume

What is a functional resume.

The functional resume format allows you to take the pressure off your work history and focus more on your skills and abilities. That’s why it’s also called the skills-based resume format. The focus is shifted from job titles and dates to your actual relevant skill set.

When should you use a functional resume?

It is typically used by job seekers who are changing careers, who have gaps in their employment history , students with less working experience or people, whose work history is not directly related to the job. If you are looking for a job in creative industries, where your portfolio matters more than your resume, go ahead and use creative functional resumes. 

When should you avoid using a functional resume?

Through, it’s a great one for teens, students, and graduates, who lack work experience, but have their education, internships, projects, volunteering or campus work on their back, it’s still the most tricky resume type. The functional format might not work as it just throws your job history out. If you’re a fresher looking for a summer or entry-level job – it’s your choice to show up. But if you already have some achievements under your belt, your experience section would be presented only by a tiny list of your past employers at the bottom of the resume, and that’s not what you need.

Functional resume structure

No worry, if you don’t have a perfect work experience with a treasure trove of relevant skills and competencies. You’re not the only one and there are numbers of strategies you can employ to cover up gaps on your resume. To get an idea of how a functional resume can conceal your work gaps, you must understand the structure of current resume format.

Take a look at the functional resume example and let it become clear to you. 


Keep in mind the correct functional resume order:

  • Resume objective
  • Skills Summary
  • Additional Skills
  • Work Experience

Remember, even if you don’t have much work experience, you should still link your skills with either your academic achievements or part-time jobs and volunteer experience. The functional resume can be an ideal resume format for freshers as its ultimate goal is to make the hiring manager see your potential and desire to work.

3. Combination resume

What is a combination resume.

The combination resume format (or hybrid resume) is a middle ground between the reverse chronological resume and functional one. As the name suggests, it combines the aspects of the other two resume types. The combination style focuses more on skills but leaves plenty of room to provide details on your past work. Shortly, it focuses on skills without throwing off the work experience section. The more transferable skills you include, the easier it will be to make a successful resume. 

When should you use a combination resume?

Combination resumes were designed for job seekers who already have a relevant work experience or even looking to jump into a new industry. Moreover, if you’re applying for a position that requires a lot of technical skills and expertise, using a combination format is the best way to showcase these abilities to the hiring manager. If you had an impressive set of accomplishments and job duties in previous positions and want to highlight the skills you’ve developed over the years this style is perfect to help you succeed in a career path.

When should you avoid using combination resume?

Combination resumes don’t work well when you don’t have much work experience or your duties weren’t specified. Also, if you didn’t get any promotions, awards or achievements over the course of your career don’t go for the hybrid resume. You should better use a chronological resume structure. However, if you eventually got one, do not forget explain and emphasize each of them.  

Combination resume structure

Formatting a resume demands your skills and qualifications first. Those skills that are most relevant to a particular job opening must be on the top. Underneath each skill, you make a bulleted list of professional achievements that highlight the skill. Your employment history is listed next, in reverse chronological order. It would be perfect to divide the descriptions of your work experience into “Related Work Experience” and “Additional Professional Experience” sections. This allows you to focus recruiter’s attention on your most relevant experience while at the same time providing a complete work history.

Let’s have a look at combination resume sample.


A proper combination resume order should be as follows:

If you are still unsure of your ability to create a good resume format on your own, don’t hesitate to use our professional resume writing help and get your documents done on a higher level! ---

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is a functional or chronological resume better

Undercover Recruiter

Should I Use a Chronological or Functional Resume Format?

  • Post author By Casey Fleischmann

Your resume can open and close doors. It’s main purpose is to market yourself to your prospective employers, and hopefully it will land you an interview or two.

Resumes can come in different formats. The most common ones are chronological format and functional format. There are a variety of situations in which each certain formats can work differently.

Here is the difference between the two and what could work best for you, depending on your situation:

1. Chronological resumes:

A chronological resume is straightforward and easy to scan, making it the most commonly used format. It lists information in chronological order, starting with the most recent information. It works well if you have a very consistent career life. If you are applying for a job in the same industry, the full chronology will be relevant to your prospective employer.

However, if you gaps in your career path or if you have changed careers often, then a chronological resume may not be suitable for you, as it will dramatise these gaps and career changes.

Situations where a chronological resume works best for you:

  • Your work history shows progressive experience within the same career field, if you are applying for a job in the same field.
  • You have worked for companies that are recognised nationally.
  • You are a new graduate, and you have experience in a the field you are applying for.
  • You are applying for a senior executive position.

2. Functional resumes:

A functional resume highlights your skills and abilities. Instead of organising your information in a chronological order, your skills and achievements are organised into categories. You usually put your work history at the bottom of your resume.

This type of resume is best suited for you if you have gaps in your work history because by not listing your information chronologically, you can make these gaps less noticeable. A functional resume is also a good format to you if you have held jobs in different fields, as you are likely to have acquired various skills in these jobs. However, some employers may not be used to seeing resumes in this format and may find it confusing and hard to follow.

Situations where a functional resume works best:

  • You have taken extended leaves from the work force.
  • You may be overqualified for the job you are applying for.
  • You are changing careers.
  • You are a new graduate, and you have no experience in the field you want to work in.
  • You are leaving military and are applying for a job with a different job function.

Which format of resume do you prefer to use? Let us know in the comments below!

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By Casey Fleischmann

Account Executive at Link Humans , home of The Employer Brand Index .


  • Career Blog

Functional Resume: A Beginner’s Guide with Examples

is a functional or chronological resume better

In today’s competitive job market, it is essential to make a strong first impression on potential employers. However, traditional chronological resumes may not always be the best option for individuals looking to showcase their unique skills and experiences. This is where functional resumes come into play.

A functional resume focuses on a candidate’s skills and accomplishments rather than their work experience. Rather than listing job titles and specific duties, a functional resume emphasizes the candidate’s abilities and how they can add value to a workplace. It is especially useful for individuals who have gaps in their employment history, are changing careers, or have limited work experience.

Why Choose a Functional Resume

A functional resume can be an excellent option for individuals who want to stand out from other candidates. By highlighting their unique skillset, candidates can show potential employers that they have the necessary qualifications and can be an asset to their organization. Additionally, a functional resume can help applicants who have changed jobs frequently, as it emphasizes their transferable skills rather than their work history.

Benefits of a Functional Resume

There are several benefits to using a functional resume. Firstly, it allows individuals to focus on their strengths, making their application more compelling to potential employers. It can also help reduce concerns about gaps in employment by highlighting the candidate’s skills and experience rather than their work history. Additionally, by presenting their qualifications in a clear and concise manner, candidates may be able to attract the attention of hiring managers more effectively.

A functional resume can be an excellent option for individuals who want to showcase their unique skills and experience. By highlighting their strengths and minimizing perceived weaknesses, candidates can increase their chances of getting hired and landing their dream job.

Anatomy of a Functional Resume

A functional resume is a type of resume that focuses more on skills and achievements, rather than the chronological work history. This style of resume is perfect for job seekers who have significant gaps in their work history or who want to highlight their transferable skills.

is a functional or chronological resume better

Structure of a Functional Resume

The structure of a functional resume typically involves a few key sections, which include:

Header : This section includes your contact information, such as your name, email address, phone number, and address.

Summary/Objective : This section is a brief statement that highlights your top skills and experiences. This is where you can showcase your unique value proposition and communicate what you can bring to the company.

Skills : In this section, you list your relevant skills, such as technical skills, hard skills, soft skills, and language proficiency.

Experience : This section lists your work experiences and accomplishments, but it is organized by relevant skills rather than by job title or date.

Education : This section includes your educational background and any certifications or awards you may have earned.

Sections of a Functional Resume

All the sections included in a functional resume are designed to showcase your transferable skills and achievements. Unlike a chronological resume which is primarily focused on your work history, a functional resume is tailored to highlight your areas of expertise.

The Difference between a Functional Resume and a Chronological Resume

The key difference between a functional resume and a chronological resume is the focus on your work history. A chronological resume is organized by dates and job titles, while a functional resume is organized by skills and achievements.

A chronological resume is best suited for job seekers who have a consistent work history with minimal gaps. Meanwhile, a functional resume is ideal for job seekers with limited experience or those who want to highlight their transferable skills.

A functional resume is a powerful tool for job seekers who want to stand out from the crowd by showcasing their skills and achievements. The structure and sections of a functional resume are strategically designed to highlight your unique value proposition and communicate what you can bring to the company.

When to Use a Functional Resume

A functional resume is a great choice for certain job seekers depending on their work history, experience, and career goals. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to use a functional resume:

Who Should Use a Functional Resume

Functional resumes are ideal for job seekers who have gaps in their work history, have changed careers frequently, or have relevant skills from other work or life experiences. These types of resumes highlight those skills and experiences rather than focusing on specific job titles or employers.

is a functional or chronological resume better

Another scenario where a functional resume might be appropriate is for recent graduates who have limited work experience but have developed relevant skills through internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities.

It’s important to note that functional resumes may not be the best option for recent graduates who are applying to entry-level positions in their field.

Situations that Call for a Functional Resume

There are several situations in which a functional resume may be a better choice than a traditional chronological resume.

If you are returning to work after a long absence, such as raising children, taking care of a family member, or dealing with a personal health issue, a functional resume can help you emphasize skills and experiences gained during that time.

Job seekers who are changing careers may also benefit from a functional resume as it allows them to highlight transferable skills and show how they are relevant to the new industry or job they are seeking.

Finally, if you have had a lot of short-term jobs or freelance work, a functional resume can help you highlight your skills and achievements across those different roles rather than simply listing each job and its duties.

How to Know When a Functional Resume is Appropriate

If you are unsure whether a functional resume is the right choice for you, consider talking to a career counselor or professional resume writer who can help you assess your skills and experience in relation to the jobs you want.

You should also carefully consider the job listing and the employer’s needs. If the job posting emphasizes specific job titles or required experience, a traditional chronological resume may be a better choice.

A functional resume can be a great option for job seekers who have varied work history or skills gained outside of traditional employment. By emphasizing skills and experiences over job titles and employers, it can help you stand out to potential employers and showcase your strengths.

Preparing to Write a Functional Resume

Before you start writing your functional resume, it’s important to take the necessary steps to ensure that your final document is effective in highlighting your skills and qualifications.

Steps for Preparing a Functional Resume

Research the job description:  Start by reviewing the job posting or job description thoroughly. Highlight and make note of the skills, experiences, and qualifications that the employer is seeking.

Make a list of your own skills and qualifications:  Next, make a list of your own skills and qualifications, taking into account the job requirements that you have identified. This list should include both hard and soft skills, as well as any relevant experience, education or certification.

Evaluate your career history:  Take time to evaluate your career history and consider any significant achievements, projects, and experiences that demonstrate your strengths and key competencies.

Decide on resume sections and order:  Once you have compiled your list of skills and qualifications, you can start organizing your resume sections. Decide on the order of your sections based on what is most relevant and eye-catching to employers.

Identifying Your Skills and Qualifications

Hard skills:  These are specific, measurable technical skills that you have developed through education or experience. Examples include proficiency in a particular computer program or language, hands-on experience with a specific tool or machinery, or certification in a particular discipline.

Soft skills:  These are personal attributes that reflect how you interact with others and contribute to an organization’s culture. Examples include communication skills, time management, problem-solving, and leadership skills.

In a functional resume, you will want to prioritize your skills and qualifications above your experience. This way, any potential employer can quickly see what you bring to the table and how you can benefit their organization.

Choosing the Right Format for Your Functional Resume

There are three main formats to consider when writing a functional resume: chronological, hybrid, and functional.

Chronological:  In a chronological resume, your experience is listed in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job at the top. Skills and qualifications are typically listed in a separate section below the experience section.

Hybrid:  A hybrid resume combines elements of both a chronological and functional resume. The top section of the resume highlights your skills and qualifications, followed by a chronological listing of your work experience.

Functional:  In a functional resume, your skills and qualifications take center stage. This format de-emphasizes your work history, but still includes a brief summary of your career achievements, along with a list of relevant work experiences.

When choosing the right format for your functional resume, consider the job requirements and the employer’s preferences. By using the appropriate format and putting your skills and qualifications front and center, you can create a winning functional resume that effectively markets your talents and experience to employers.

Writing a Successful Functional Resume

A functional resume is a great way for job seekers to showcase their skills and experiences without emphasizing their job history. By highlighting your professional accomplishments and qualifications, you can create a powerful resume that will capture the attention of potential employers.

Here are some writing tips to help you craft a successful functional resume:

Writing Tips:

Start with a strong summary statement that highlights your skills and qualifications.

Use bullet points to organize your achievements and skills.

Use action words to describe your achievements and skills, such as “created”, “managed”, “designed”, etc.

Be concise and clear with your language. Avoid using overly complicated industry jargon or long sentences.

Use a standard, easy-to-read font and format your resume consistently throughout.

Next, it’s important to consider what keywords to include in your functional resume.

Keywords to Include in a Functional Resume:

Using relevant keywords can help your resume get through automated applicant tracking systems (ATS) and improve your chances of getting noticed by human recruiters.

Here are some common keywords to include in a functional resume:

  • Industry-specific skills and qualifications
  • Software and technical skills
  • Professional certifications and licenses
  • Project management experience
  • Leadership and team management skills

Remember to include any relevant keywords that match the job description, as this can increase your chances of getting selected for an interview.

Lastly, here are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a functional resume:

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Functional Resume:

Not including specific achievements or accomplishments.

Listing irrelevant work experience.

Using a generic summary statement that doesn’t match the job description.

Using buzzwords or industry jargon that may not be understood by recruiters outside of your field.

Focusing too much on job duties and not enough on accomplishments and skills.

By following these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a functional resume that showcases your unique talents, accomplishments, and qualifications. Remember to highlight your skills and experience and tailor your resume to each job description to increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Examples of Functional Resumes

Functional resumes are an excellent option for job seekers who want to draw attention to their skills and abilities instead of their work history. Here are three examples to help you understand how to structure a functional resume:

Example 1: Functional Resume for a Recent Graduate

[Your Name]

Recent Graduate | Seeking Entry-Level [Industry/Position]

Motivated and enthusiastic recent graduate with a [Degree/Major] from [University/College]. Strong academic foundation in [relevant coursework/skills]. Passionate about [industry/field] and eager to apply knowledge and skills in a professional setting. Excellent communication, problem-solving, and teamwork abilities.

  • [Relevant Skill 1]
  • [Relevant Skill 2]
  • [Relevant Skill 3]
  • [Relevant Skill 4]
  • [Year of Graduation]
  • Relevant coursework: [Coursework 1], [Coursework 2], [Coursework 3]
  • [Project 1]: [Brief description and key achievements]
  • [Project 2]: [Brief description and key achievements]
  • [Project 3]: [Brief description and key achievements]

Intern, [Company/Organization]

  • Assisted with [specific tasks/responsibilities].
  • Conducted [research/analysis] to support [project/initiative].
  • Collaborated with team members to [achieve goals/outcomes].

Volunteer, [Organization]

  • Contributed to [specific tasks/responsibilities].
  • Assisted in organizing [events/activities].
  • Demonstrated strong [skill/ability] in a team environment.

Additional Skills

  • Proficient in [Software/Applications]
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Detail-oriented with excellent organizational abilities
  • Adaptability and willingness to learn


  • [Certification 1]
  • [Certification 2]
  • [Certification 3]
  • [Language 1]: Native proficiency
  • [Language 2]: Intermediate proficiency

Example 2: Functional Resume for Experienced Worker

Experienced Professional | [Industry/Position]

Results-driven and accomplished professional with [number of years] of experience in [industry/field]. Proven track record of success in [specific areas/achievements]. Strong leadership, problem-solving, and communication skills. Committed to driving [goals/objectives] and delivering exceptional outcomes.

Professional Experience

[Current/Previous Position], [Company/Organization]

  • [Key Responsibility/Achievement 1]
  • [Key Responsibility/Achievement 2]
  • [Key Responsibility/Achievement 3]

[Previous Position], [Company/Organization]

Additional Experience

[Related Experience 1], [Company/Organization]

[Related Experience 2], [Company/Organization]

  • Strong leadership and team management abilities
  • Excellent problem-solving and decision-making skills
  • Detail-oriented and highly organized

Formatting Your Functional Resume

When it comes to formatting your functional resume, there are key design and layout decisions you must make to present a well-organized, polished document that will catch an employer’s attention. Below are some important design guidelines, font and layout considerations, and tips for creating a professional look.

Design Guidelines

Make sure to choose a clean, easy-to-read design that is visually appealing. Use a standard paper size and keep margins at 1 inch all around. Avoid too much white space, which can make the resume look sparse, but don’t clutter the page with too much text or graphics. Sticking to a one-page format is ideal, but ensure that all relevant and important information is included.

Fonts and Layout Considerations

Your choice of font is important, as it can impact the readability of your resume. Choose a font for headings that stands out, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and use a slightly smaller font size for body text. Avoid fonts that may be harder to read, such as script or cursive styles.

In terms of layout, use bullet points to make information easy to scan and digest. Avoid long, dense paragraphs. Use headings and subheadings to organize content and lead the reader through the document. Additionally, use bolding, italicizing, or underlining to highlight important information, but use these effects sparingly.

Creating a Professional Look

In addition to adhering to design and font guidelines, there are other steps you can take to create a professional look for your functional resume. First, make sure that you have consistent formatting throughout the document. Use the same font, font size, and spacing throughout the body of the resume. This helps create a cohesive, polished look.

Secondly, don’t forget the importance of proofreading. Spelling errors, inaccuracies, or other mistakes can detract from the overall impression of your resume. After drafting your functional resume, take time to review and proofread it thoroughly to ensure that it is error-free.

Finally, consider tailoring your design and format to the job you are applying for. Review the job posting and consider the industry or company you are applying to. Adjust the layout or design elements to fit the desired “feel” of the position or organization.

By following these guidelines and tips, you can create a professional, well-organized functional resume that effectively showcases your unique skills and experience.

Tailoring Your Functional Resume to a Job Posting

When it comes to job hunting, tailoring your functional resume to a job posting is crucial. A functional resume is designed to highlight your skills and accomplishments, rather than just your work experience, which makes it a great choice for those who have gaps in their job history or who are changing careers. However, to really make your functional resume stand out, you need to tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for.

Job Posting Analysis

Before you start tailoring your functional resume, you need to carefully analyze the job posting to understand what the employer is looking for. Look for keywords and phrases that are repeated throughout the posting. Pay attention to the qualifications and requirements that the employer is looking for. Think about how your skills and experience match up with what they’re looking for.

Targeted Functional Resumes

Once you’ve analyzed the job posting, it’s time to start tailoring your functional resume. Start by creating a master resume that includes all of your skills and work experience. From there, you can create targeted functional resumes for each job you apply for. Use the keywords and phrases you found in the job posting to highlight your skills and accomplishments that match up with what the employer is looking for.

As you’re creating your targeted functional resume, keep the job posting in mind. Customize your objective statement to align with the position you’re applying for. Use the same language and terminology that the employer uses in the posting. Highlight your skills and accomplishments that are most relevant to the position.

The Importance of a Tailored Functional Resume

Tailoring your functional resume to the job you’re applying for is important for a few reasons. First, it shows the employer that you’ve taken the time to research the position and understand what they’re looking for. Second, it highlights your skills and accomplishments that are most relevant to the position, which makes you a stronger candidate. Finally, it helps you stand out from the other applicants who may be using a generic functional resume.

Tailoring your functional resume to a job posting is a crucial step in your job search. By analyzing the job posting, creating targeted functional resumes, and highlighting your most relevant skills and accomplishments, you can increase your chances of standing out from the crowd and landing the job you want.

Cover Letter Writing Tips for a Functional Resume

When it comes to job hunting, a functional resume can be an effective tool to showcase your skills and qualifications. However, it’s important to remember that your cover letter also plays a crucial role in the application process. In this section, we’ll discuss some tips on how to incorporate your functional resume into your cover letter, highlight your skills and qualifications, and address any employment gaps.

Incorporating Your Functional Resume into Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter should complement your functional resume and not simply repeat information. Therefore, it’s important to think about how your skills and qualifications can be integrated into your cover letter. One effective approach is to use specific examples of how your skills and experience match the requirements of the job you’re applying for.

For example, if you’re applying for a marketing position and your functional resume highlights your experience in social media management and content creation, you could mention specific campaigns you’ve managed in your cover letter. This shows the hiring manager that you have the skills they’re looking for and have experience applying them in a professional context.

Highlighting Your Skills and Qualifications in Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter is a chance to really highlight your strengths as a candidate. Rather than simply listing your qualifications, take the opportunity to explain how your skills and experience make you a good fit for the position.

For example, if you’re a recent graduate with limited work experience, you could focus on your academic achievements and any relevant coursework or projects. Alternatively, if you have years of experience in a particular field, you could explain how that experience has given you a unique perspective on the job you’re applying for.

Addressing Employment Gaps in Your Cover Letter

If your functional resume includes employment gaps, it’s important to address these issues in your cover letter. Rather than trying to hide or explain away the gaps, be honest about what you were doing during that time and emphasize any skills or experience you gained.

For example, if you took a break from work to care for a family member, you could explain how that experience taught you valuable communication and organizational skills. Alternatively, if you pursued a personal project during your employment gap, you could highlight how that experience gave you new perspectives or taught you new skills.

Your cover letter offers a chance to expand on the information in your functional resume and showcase your skills and qualifications. By incorporating specific examples and addressing any employment gaps, your cover letter can help you stand out as a strong candidate for any job.

Submitting a Functional Resume

When it comes to submitting a functional resume, there are several tips and strategies that can help increase your chances of landing an interview. Additionally, it’s important to be prepared to follow up on your application and deal with rejection if necessary.

Tips for Submitting Your Functional Resume

Here are some tips for submitting your functional resume:

Customize your resume for each job application. Your functional resume should be tailored to the specific job you’re applying for. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

Use keywords from the job description. Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan resumes for relevant keywords. Make sure you include keywords from the job description to increase your chances of passing the ATS screening.

Focus on achievements rather than duties. Instead of listing your job duties, highlight your accomplishments and how you added value to your previous roles. This will help the employer see the impact you can make in their organization.

Keep it concise and easy to read. A functional resume should be no longer than two pages, with clear headings and bullet points to organize the information.

Following up on Your Functional Resume

After submitting your functional resume, it’s important to follow up on your application to demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm for the position. Here are some tips for following up:

Wait a week before following up. Give the employer a chance to review your application before reaching out.

Send a brief email. Keep your follow-up email short and to the point. Thank the employer for their time and express your interest in the position.

Showcase your skills and experience. Use your follow-up email as an opportunity to highlight your relevant skills and experience, and why you’re a good fit for the job.

Be persistent but polite. If you don’t hear back after your initial follow-up, it’s okay to send another email or make a phone call. However, remain polite and professional in your communication.

Dealing with Rejection

Unfortunately, rejection is a part of the job search process. Here are some tips for handling rejection:

Don’t take it personally. Rejection doesn’t mean you’re not a qualified candidate or that you’ll never find a job. It’s simply part of the hiring process.

Ask for feedback. If possible, ask the employer for feedback on why you weren’t selected for the position. This can help you improve your resume and job search strategy moving forward.

Keep a positive attitude. It’s important to maintain a positive attitude and stay motivated during the job search process. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, and focus on the opportunities that lie ahead.

Submitting a functional resume can be an effective way to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers.

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is a functional or chronological resume better

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is a functional or chronological resume better

The Functional Resume: What It Is & When To Use It (Spoiler: Never)

Kayte Grady

3 key takeaways

  • What a functional resume is
  • How using this resume format might put you at a disadvantage
  • How to use Teal's resume templates (+ functional resume examples)

Considering a functional resume format because your skills outweigh your work experience?

A functional resume focuses on specific skills rather than roles and companies—moving away from a traditional or chronological resume layout. And while it sounds like a good strategy if you're looking to highlight certain abilities, using a functional resume still requires some consideration. 

What is a functional resume?

A functional resume (sometimes called a skills-based resume format) focuses on the skills that qualify you for a role. This resume format prioritizes the tools and aptitudes you've used to do the job over where and when you've done it. 

A functional resume example

Teal Note: We can provide guidance for building a functional resume, but this resume template doesn't exist in the Teal platform.

As the workforce evolves, functional resumes have become increasingly popular—but not universally accepted; the trend toward functional resumes is more prevalent among job seekers than hiring professionals. Here's why:

By emphasizing transferable skills and abilities, a functional resume allows anyone with a non-linear career path or limited work experience to present areas of strengths and potential rather than a job history.

But while the core of a functional resume emphasizes skills and competencies, it doesn't focus on:

  • Comprehensive work history 

Recruiting expert and Teal Social Media Manager Leah Dillon says:

"Anyone can list a skill, but just listing it doesn’t add value. It’s about showcasing that skill through experience, whether at a company or independently: How do you know it? How did you use it to have an impact alongside other skills?"

The elements above are critical for hiring professionals to assess your qualifications, especially during the initial screening. Direct, relevant experience, reflected through a clear timeline and job titles, is crucial to many job requirements.

Dillon echos this sentiment:

"Companies are looking for people to help drive the business forward, and those who showcase they’ve helped drive initiatives along tend to have higher interview rates."

Disadvantages of a functional resume

  • Lack of familiarity:  Recruiters may find a functional resume less intuitive, making it harder to extract critical information quickly.
  • Potential for skepticism:  The absence of a chronological work history can look like an attempt to hide gaps in employment or a lack of specific experience.
  • Difficulty establishing career progression:  Demonstrating professional growth over time is often key to emphasizing the evolution of roles and responsibilities.
  • Limited skills showcase: Functional resumes miss the opportunity to show the breadth of your abilities. A range of skills throughout your resume will help align your experience with a job's requirements. Merely listing skills without showing how they've been applied collectively to have an impact undermines the effectiveness of your entire resume.

Functional resumes vs. other resume formats

Chronological resume.

A chronological resume (or reverse-chronological resume ) is the most widely accepted resume format—presenting your work history in reverse chronological order.

It offers a straightforward view of your career progression, highlighting your work experience and making it easy for hiring managers and recruiters to see your background, achievements, and how you've used your skills to have an impact over time.

Use a chronological resume to show a clear view of your career, impact, and skills.

View our full selection of free reverse-chronological resume templates to find a style and presentation that suits your career.

Combination resume

The combination resume , or hybrid, blends elements of both functional and chronological resumes while still offering a clear and easy-to-read layout. It typically starts with a professional summary, followed by a section for hard or technical skills, and then a reverse chronological listing of your work history. 

is a functional or chronological resume better

When to use a functional resume

If you've made it this far and still feel the best resume format is a skills-based resume, here are the best use cases.

Career pivoters

Suppose you're transitioning to a new industry or career path. In that case, a functional resume can help highlight transferable skills relevant to your new field—regardless of where you've acquired them.

Those with employment gaps

If you have a gap in your employment, you can use a functional resume to emphasize your skills, highlighting what you bring to the table rather than focusing on your employment history.

Reentering the workforce

If you're returning to work after a significant break, a functional resume can help you highlight your relevant, valuable skills.

First-time job seekers

If you're a job seeker creating a resume with no work experience , a functional resume format focuses on skills rather than a non-existent or thin work history.

For applications that request this format

Some job postings might request a functional resume. In these cases, sticking to this format shows you can follow directions and understand the specific preferences of your prospective employer.

How to write a functional resume

Before you choose a resume format, you need the  right  tool to store your skills, achievements, and more. 

The Teal  AI Resume Builder  is a free platform to house all these details in one central location. 

A screenshot showing what professional details are stored in the Teal AI Resume Builder

Now, it's time to write your functional resume.

1. Start with your contact information

You want prospective employers to contact you, so you're going to need to give them those details as clearly as possible.

Your resume contact information should include:

  • Phone Number
  • Professional email address
  • LinkedIn profile URL 
  • Portfolio or personal website URL (if applicable)
  • Your target title

2. Add a professional summary

Below your contact information, write a 3-5 sentence professional summary. Consider this your highlight reel—zeroing in on top achievements, skills, and qualifications while generating enough interest to keep the hiring manager or recruiter reading the rest of your resume.

Pro Tip: If you want to save time writing your professional summary, try Teal’s AI Resume Summary Generator to write tailored, position-specific summaries in seconds.

3. List relevant skills

Next up, list your skills. Because you're using a functional resume format, this section will change each time you apply for a specific role.

The skills in your resume (regardless of format) should  always  align with the job description of the role you're applying to.

Resume skills example: 

If a job description says,

"3 years of experience in an SEO, Growth Ops, or Marketing Ops role, ideally in a startup environment for a B2C audience with strong knowledge building and owning workflows as it relates to SEO, content production, and publishing."

Then, your resume's "Skill" section should focus on at least three skills listed. 

  • Content Production

Not sure which skills matter most? Teal's got you covered. The Teal AI Resume Builder pulls the top skills as keywords from any job description, so you know which ones matter most.

A graphic showing how the Teal Resume Builder highlights skills in job descriptions

Once you've identified the top three skills in the job description, add three to five bullet points beneath each to showcase  how  you used that skill to have impact.

Using the job description above, here's a functional resume example of how this might look.

  • Orchestrated a growth ops strategy, successfully improving SEO workflow efficiency by 25%
  • Led a team in implementing growth op practices, increasing web traffic by 35%
  • Redesigned growth op workflows, improving content production and publishing by 20% 

4. Add optional sections

Once you have your primary skills and the impact of those skills, add job history, an "Education" section, and certifications to support them.

4 tips for writing a functional resume

Now that you understand how to write a functional resume let's go over some best practices that'll help guide you.

  • Only emphasize relevant skills : Identify the skills most relevant to the job you’re applying for and provide specific examples of how you used those skills.
  • Quantify your achievements : Wherever possible, use numbers, metrics, and data to show the impact of your work. Think efficiency improvements, revenue growth, etc.
  • Use a clear, organized layout : Ensure your resume is easy to read. Use headings, bullet points, and consistent formatting to make your skills and achievements stand out.
  • Tailor your resume : Customize your target title, resume summary, skills, and bullet points—ensuring your content aligns with what an employer is looking for.

Functional resume format

The functional resume layout differs significantly from other traditional formats. Here's how to do it:

  • Contact details
  • Your resume summary
  • A clear "Skills" section with achievements relevant to the role

If you include an employment history, place it after the skills section. Education and any other relevant details (certifications or volunteer experience) should come last.

3 tips for formatting a functional resume

  • Provide clarity: Use a clean, easy-to-read layout. Opt for bullet points to describe your skills and achievements, making the resume scannable.
  • Use consistent formatting : Your resume content should stick to one font style and size, with clear and slightly larger or bolded headings to distinguish each section.
  • Balance white space and text: A well-balanced layout avoids clutter, making your resume clear and easy to read.

Functional resume examples

A functional resume example can help guide your process—giving you a clear idea of how to create a compelling functional resume.

Data analyst functional resume example

A functional resume example for a data analyst

Software engineer skills-based resume sample

A skills-based resume example for a software engineer

Project manager functional resume example

A functional resume example for a project manager

Functional resume templates

A free functional resume template can be a valuable tool in writing your resume.

Functional resume templates provide a structured layout so you can effectively showcase your skills and their impact.

Websites like Teal, Canva, Google, and Microsoft offer a variety of resume templates . These platforms are user-friendly, and their simple resume templates cater to different career needs and styles.

How to use skills-based resume templates

1. Copy the template into your editing software : Copy and paste (or download the template) in your preferred editing software.

is a functional or chronological resume better

2. Customize each section : Replace any placeholder text with your own details. Focus heavily on the skills section, making sure to highlight only skills that are 100% relevant to the job you're applying for.

A screenshot of how to edit resume details in Teal

3. Adjust the design : While the template provides a basic structure, feel free to make minor adjustments to the design. (This could include changing font sizes or styles, adjusting the layout of sections, or adding a small pop of color. Just be mindful to keep it easy to read.)

A screenshot of Teal's design mode

4. Proofread and edit : Make sure your resume is free of errors like placeholder text and the information is current and accurate.

A screnshot of Teal's spelling and grammar tool.

Skills-based resume templates

Below are some free skills-based resume templates that provide a solid foundation for you to start from. Use them as a guide for showcasing your unique skills and experiences effectively.

Student skills-based resume template

[Full Name]

[Contact Information]

[Target Title]

Professional Summary

[Highly motivated and detail-oriented student] pursuing a [Bachelor's/Master's] degree in [Field of Study] with a strong foundation in [Key Skills]. Experienced in [mention any relevant internships, part-time jobs, or projects with impact] and passionate about [specific interest within the field].

[Relevant Skill]

  • Achievement with impact

[Bachelor's/Master's] in [Field of Study]

[University Name], [Expected Year of Graduation]

Coursework (Optional)

[Course] - [Brief description]

Recent graduate functional resume template

[Energetic and motivated recent graduate] with a [Bachelor's/Master's] degree in [Field of Study] from [University Name]. I have excellent [Key Skills] and am eager to apply academic knowledge and [internship/academic project with results] experience to contribute effectively to [industry/role]. Strong [relevant soft skills] and a quick learner, ready to excel in a [specific field/role].

[University Name], [Year of Graduation]

Projects (Optional)

  • [Project Title] - [Brief description and outcome]

Career pivot skills-based resume template

[Experienced professional in [previous career] with a strong foundation in [relevant skills] and a passion for [new career/industry]. Seeking to leverage [transferable skills] to transition into a [target role/industry]. Accomplished in [mention at least one relevant achievement with impact] and committed to achieving success in [new career/industry].


[Certification] - [Organization]

Professional Experience

[Previous Job Title] | [Previous Company], [Years of Experience]

  • [Any relevant achievements]

Create and manage your resume with Teal

While functional resumes showcase specific skills, they also have limitations.

Their format, which deviates from the traditional chronological layout, is less familiar and more challenging for hiring professionals to navigate. This unfamiliarity may lead to difficulty in quickly assessing what you bring to the table—leaving you at a disadvantage compared to other candidates.

A chronological or hybrid resume might be a better option if you're looking for a more easily recognized approach. These formats are more familiar and provide a clear, linear view of your skills and how you used them over time to have an impact.

If you're ready to grab (and hold!) the attention of hiring managers and recruiters with a holistic view of your skills and experience—one they can easily follow and appreciate—it's time to get started:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do employers like functional resumes.

Employers typically don't prefer functional resumes because they can obscure chronological work history and specific job titles. Unless a functional resume format is specifically requested, try to use a chronological or combination resume format instead.

What is a functional skills resume?

A functional skills resume focuses on skills and experiences rather than chronological work history, highlighting your top competencies.

When should you not use a functional resume?

You should not use a functional resume when applying to roles that require a clear understanding of your work history and progression.

is a functional or chronological resume better

Kayte Grady

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Chronological Resume - Writing Guide With 5 Free Templates

Background Image

The chronological resume - also known as the “reverse chronological resume” - is the most popular resume format out there.

Particularly advisable for those with rich work history, the chronological resume prioritizes and lists your work experience and achievements from most to least recent.

This article is here to teach you all there is to know about creating a chronological resume.

  • What is a Chronological Resume? 

Chronological Resume Structure 

  • When to Use a Chronological Resume Format? 
  • 4 Free Chronological Resume Templates
  • How to Create a Chronological Resume - Step by Step
  • 9+ Chronological Resume Examples for All Industries

What is a Chronological Resume?

A chronological resume lists your work experiences and achievements starting from the current or most recent one, and following up with previous jobs below.

For this exact reason, the chronological resume is the perfect choice for job-seekers who have plenty of experience and achievements to list on their resume .  

What’s most important, studies point to the chronological resume being a favorite among recruiters, too.

Why? Well, because you are applying for a job, so work experience in your resume will be the first thing a recruiter looks out for.

But worry not, you can structure your resume in a chronological format even as a recent graduate too. Or, you can opt for other popular formats fitter to your profile.

But first, let’s go through the basics. 

The chronological resume follows a straightforward structure. The only thing to keep in mind is that your current or most recent experience - be it professional or educational - comes first.

The second most recent will follow, and so on.

Here are the main and most popular sections for the chronological resume structure:

  • Contact information
  • Professional title and resume summary/objective
  • Work experience and achievements
  • Education section
  • Your top soft/hard skills
  • Include optional sections (languages, certificates, volunteer experience, etc)

If you’re a recent college graduate and want to build your resume in the chronological structure format, you still can.

All you have to do is rearrange the order of your resume sections so that the education resume section comes first.

Here, too, make sure that your education entries are listed from the most to least recent, and you’re good to go!

If reading this is already looking too complicated and time-consuming, try out the Novorésumé online resume builder . Novorésumé provides 8+ free resume templates that follow the chronological resume structure. 

When to Use a Chronological Resume Format

The three main types of resume formats are the chronological, functional/skills-based one, and a combination resume format of the two. What you choose to use will depend on the type of job you are applying for and your experience level.

In the majority of cases, the obvious choice is the chronological resume. It is common, it highlights just the right sections, and job recruiters prefer it over the other formats.

Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean you should just cross the other options off your list, especially if your work experience doesn’t amount to much.

Consider these other two formats, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages as well: 

Functional Resume

  • Perfect for students or recent graduates, as it highlights your skills. 
  • Offers creative space for a varied portfolio 
  • Difficult to pass through the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) that most companies use to scan through countless resumes they receive daily. 
  • It conceals your experiences, however minor they might be. 

Combination Resume

  • A great choice for job-seekers with a diverse skill-set, because it highlights both skills and experiences. 
  • It can mask gaps in your employment history since you can also list your skills, so it’s the second-best option for those who lack work experience. 
  • It is a really good fit only for highly specialized professionals who have a very diverse skill-set. Say, for example, that you’re applying for a role that requires expertise in 3-4 different fields, and you want to show all that in your resume - then, the combination resume really is the one for you.
  • It is hard to organize. As a professional with a diverse skill-set, it might be a challenge to decide which part of your expertise to prioritize in the combination resume format.

4 Chronological Resume Templates 

Below, you will find 5 chronological resume templates out of many free resume templates. Dig right in to find the best match for you. 

#1. Creative Chronological Resume Template 

Creative Chronological Resume Template

#2: Modern Chronological Resume Template 

Modern Chronological Resume Template

#3: Professional Chronological Resume Template

Professional Chronological Resume Template

#4: Functional Chronological Resume Template

Functional Chronological Resume Template

How to Create a Chronological Resume

Now that we mentioned the traditional structure, let’s go through each section one by one to create the perfect chronological resume. 

#1: Start With a Contact Information Section 

Depending on the template you have chosen for your chronological resume, there is a possibility that your name will be directly followed by your professional title right at the top.

How do you fill up your professional title in chronological resume format? Easy. If you’re not looking to change career paths your professional title should be your current title. However, if you’re changing career paths, then choosing the combination resume mentioned above might be a better option for you.

Regarding the rest of the contact information section on your chronological resume, it should be current and lacking any typos. The mandatory elements of the information section include: 

  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • LinkedIn URL (optional)

#2: Add a Resume Summary or Resume Objective

  Second in the chronological resume comes your ‘profile’ as a candidate, which is expressed through a resume summary or a resume objective .

Wondering what the difference is?

Well, the summary is a short (2-3 sentences) overview of your career so far and it is used in 90% of resumes - especially by those with two or more years of work experience. A summary is a perfect fit for the chronological resume.

On the contrary, a resume objective represents your aspirational career goal and highlights your skills, making it perfect for entry-level professionals with little work experience, or job-seekers looking to completely switch career paths. 

#3: Fill in Your Work Experience 

This is, without a doubt, the section that weighs the most when it comes to the chronological resume, so it’s vital that you get it right.

Your work experience section is there to show the recruiter what you can bring to the table through your past accomplishments and responsibilities and what the company would be gaining were they to hire you.   

Feeling pressured? Don’t. There are many practices to help your work experience section stand out in the eyes of the recruiter.

If you are looking for more tips and tricks to help you take your resume to the next level, head over to our beginner’s guide on how to write a resume . 

Here are the key points you should keep in mind when it comes to the work section:

  • This is the most important so we’ll be repeating it as many times as it takes: your current or latest job position should be placed on top. Then come the previous ones, all the way to your earliest job position. 
  • For each entry, list your job title and position, the company and its location, as well as the dates when you were employed. 
  • List your achievements and responsibilities, with a higher focus on quantifiable achievements, whenever you can. 
  • Use bullet points instead of just text to express what you have achieved and what you were responsible for in every job entry. 
  • Tailor the resume to the position you are applying for. For example, if you’ve had too many jobs in the past and some of them don’t relate to the field you are now applying for, then they are just taking space. Feel free to omit them.

Here’s a close-up of a work experience section in the chronological resume:   

reverse chronological work experience

#4: Add an Education Section

Generally, the education section comes right after work experience. 

If, however, you have just graduated college and want to create a chronological resume to start applying for jobs, the education section can replace the experience section that you’d be lacking. 

Either way, the education section should be brief but jam-packed with information that can communicate your values and skills to the recruiter.

Here’s what the education section consists of: 

  • Program Name: E.g. “MA in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies” 
  • University Name: E.g. “University of Greenwich”
  • Period Attended: E.g. “08/1214 - 05/2018”
  • (Optional) GPA: E.g. “3.9 GPA”
  • (Optional) Honors: E.g. “ Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude”
  • (Optional) Academic Achievements: E.g. Papers you might have published, or awards received.  
  • (Optional) Minor: E.g. “Minor in Political Science”  

#5: Spice Up Your Chronological Resume With Your Skills

Needless to say, the reverse-chronological order doesn’t really apply in the skills section. 

What you can do, however, is begin by listing your hard skills and then your soft skills. 

Unsure of what this means? 

  • Hard skills are measurable abilities. These can range from programming in Python language to knowing how to use Photoshop and InDesign.
  • Soft skills are personal skills. They vary from attitude to flexibility, motivation and teamwork. 

Listing your skills has its own peculiarities, so don’t pay this section less attention than the ones above it, especially if you’re a recent college student. Pay attention to skills specifically required at the job ad and if you have them, make sure to include them. 

Here’s an example of how your skills section can look like:  

skills on chronological resume

#6: Include Any of These Optional Sections

Last but not least, come these optional sections.  

Having them in your resume can earn you extra points and even separate you from the competitors, but only if they don’t make your resume longer than it should be (1-2 pages maximum) and if they are relevant to the job position.

Some of those sections include (but are not limited to):

  • Languages : If you speak two or more languages, don’t fail to put that in your resume. To list them, simply categorize your proficiency level into native, fluent, proficient, intermediate, or basic . 
  • Hobbies & Interests : They can help humanize you and show a part of your personality that work and education can’t. If
  • Volunteering Experience : Studies show that volunteering experience actually raises your chances of getting hired . 
  • Certification & Awards : If you have awards that make you stand out in your field or certifications from experts that are relevant to the position you are applying for, don’t hesitate to show them off!

Not sure how adding volunteering experience works? Check our article on how to list volunteer experience on your resume .  

10 Chronological Resume Examples for All Industries

Now let us walk you through a few practical examples of what the chronological resume looks like depending on the industry. 

#1. Business Chronological Resume

Business Chronological Resume

In the world of business, accomplishments matter. This is why in this business chronological resume , the work experience section is jam-packed with measurable information on what the employee achieved in his previous professional experiences. 

#2. Computer Science Chronological Resume

Computer Science Chronological Resume

Computer science jobs are heavily based on hard skills - in addition to your previous work experiences, that is. So, make sure to include your hard skills on your computer science resume to impress recruiters. 

#3. Architect Chronological Resume 

Architect Chronological Resume

As you can see from the example above, the sections that follow your work experience and education can be placed according to your profile. If, for example, you’ve worked on some side projects that you feel do your resume more justice than your skills, feel free to prioritize those projects.

In this article, you can find what’s expected from an architect’s resume in more detail.

#4. Nurse Chronological Resume  

Nurse Chronological Resume

Action verbs can really make an active professional like that of a nurse shine. So when you list your achievements under your experience, use strong verbs that can paint a picture of who you are and what you can do.

#5. Pharmacist Chronological Resume 

Pharmacist Chronological Resume

With plenty of attributes up their sleeve, the chronological format is the perfect choice for a pharmacist’s resume . 

#6. Project Manager Chronological Resume 

Project Manager Chronological Resume

Project manager resumes have good chances to show industry expertise - given they hold the manager title - and highlight successful projects. Feel free to do both in your chronological resume, as shown above. 

#7. Web Developer Chronological Resume

Web Developer Chronological Resume

As you can see in the example, the candidate has chosen to place his courses and training above his education. When you have followed courses or have been trained in the exact field of work where you’re applying, it makes sense to rank the field-specific courses and training higher than your university education. 

This article has more information on how to perfect your Web Developer Resume .

#8. Teacher Chronological Resume 

Teacher Chronological Resume

This is another “special” example of a chronological resume. Right after the experience section, the candidate has listed their volunteering experience. Not normally the case, it makes sense here because the volunteering experience has been as a tutor - which is pretty much the same thing as a teacher in the teacher resume . 

In cases when your volunteering experience is directly connected to the job you are applying for, feel free to list it under professional experience as well. 

#9. Bar Manager Chronological Resume 

Bar Manager Chronological Resume

For more info on how to update your own bar manager chronological resume for 2024, this is the article for you. 

#10. Human Resources Chronological Resume

Human Resources Chronological Resume

The example says it all: the chronological resume does wonders showing the peak of your work experience first, and then going back to your professional history and skills. This article on the HR chronological resume has more tips on how to perfect it.

Discover More Resume Templates

  • Combination Resume Templates
  • Creative Resume Templates
  • Functional Resume Templates
  • Minimalistic Resume Templates
  • High School Resume Templates
  • One Page Resume Templates
  • 2 Page Resume Templates
  • Google Docs Resume Templates
  • Word Resume Templates

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! 

Let’s do a quick recap of the main points covered in this article: 

  • The chronological resume - or reverse chronological - is a top choice among candidates with years of professional experience and a favorite among recruiters.
  • The chronological resume focuses on your work experience, starting your current or most recent one, and following up with the rest - from most to least recent.
  • Recent college graduates that want to use this format can - simply replace the work section with the education section, following the same reverse-chronological order.
  • Save time and energy building the reverse chronological resume from scratch by using online resume builders , such as the one Novorésumé offers.   

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Types of Resume: Chronological, Functional and Combination

  • 3-minute read
  • 16th March 2020

When writing a resume or CV , you need to pick a format. And the most common types are chronological, functional, and combination resumes:

  • Chronological resumes and CVs , where you set out your work experience in reverse chronological order (i.e., starting with your most recent job).
  • Functional resumes and CVs , which foreground your skills and expertise.
  • Combination resumes and CVs , which combine elements of both formats.

The key is deciding which will work best for you! Let’s look at your options.

What Is a Chronological Resume or CV?

A chronological resume or CV is one in which you list your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent role and working backwards. This type of resume would usually include the following:

  • Your name and contact details.
  • A short personal statement or profile .
  • A breakdown of your career so far, including dates of employment, responsibilities, and achievements for each role.
  • Your educational achievements and other qualifications.
  • Interests, skills, and any other relevant information.

Alternatively, if you are a student or a recent graduate without a long employment history, you can put your educational experience first, followed by any relevant experience from work, volunteering, or other activities.

A chronological resume is great for showing off your career progress. It is thus ideal if you have a consistent career history in one area, especially if you’re applying for a new role in the same industry as you currently work in.

What Is a Functional Resume or CV?

A functional resume or CV – otherwise known as a skills-based resume – places most emphasis on your skills and expertise. This type of resume would typically include the following information:

  • Your name and contact details .
  • A short personal statement or profile.
  • A list of key skills in decreasing order of importance for the role. Make sure to include examples of how you’ve used these skills in your career.
  • Your previous roles and employers, but without going into details of duties.
  • Interests, hobbies, and any other relevant information.

This resume format is excellent if you want to focus on transferable skills. This might be because you have a gap in your career history or because you’re applying for a role in a new industry where you do not have much experience.

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The Combination Resume (i.e., A Little Bit of Both)

Finally, if neither of the above seem right, you could try combining both!

A combination resume or CV is one that uses elements of both chronological and functional formats. This usually means having a list of skills or core competencies, followed by a detailed career breakdown.

Alternatively, you can provide a reverse chronological list of roles plus an expanded list of the skills involved. The best approach to use depends on what you want to emphasize most in your resume.

A combination resume is ideal if you want to show off your career progress while also providing an in-depth list of your skills, qualifications, and achievements. But these resumes can become very long, so try to be concise .

Resume and CV Proofreading

Whichever format you choose, don’t forget to have your resumes and CVs proofread ! This will make sure your writing is error free, giving you a better chance of impressing prospective employers.

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September 24, 2019

Should Resumes be Functional or Chronological? Here Are Some Templates Either Way

Resumes, like people, come in different shapes and sizes. the right format can help you better showcase your marketable traits — here are some examples..

is a functional or chronological resume better

Many people see resumes as a standard document that details all their qualifications and work experience. However, resumes, like people, come in different shapes and sizes. Picking the right resume format can help you better showcase your marketable traits and increase your application success rate. This piece will help you understand more on :

  • The 2 different kinds of resume formats
  • How you can choose the format that best highlights your strengths

What is in a Chronological Resume?

  • A listing of your employment history, starting with the most recent position
  • Fact-based content such as work experience and qualifications
  • Includes past work achievements, accomplishments, awards and competencies

is a functional or chronological resume better

You should choose a Chronological Resume if…

  • You have strong and relevant work experiences that highlight your career progression
  • You are applying for a job in a similar field
  • You have worked for well-established companies

is a functional or chronological resume better

What is in a Functional Resume?

  • Your transferrable skills and attributes to showcase you are a good fit
  • Relevant projects and accomplishments
  • Your employment history which is highlighted nearer to the bottom

is a functional or chronological resume better

You should use a Functional Resume if…

  • You have gaps in your employment history or are re-entering the workforce
  • Your work history is unrelated to the job or you are looking to switch industries
  • You have been in the same company for a long period of time

Picking the right resume format that emphasises your strengths can help you gain a competitive advantage over other candidates in job applications.

Looking for more resume tips? Get a free resume and interview guide today: Download our interview guide here!

is a functional or chronological resume better

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Different Types of Resumes (With Examples)

is a functional or chronological resume better

Chronological Resume

Functional resume, combination resume, infographic resume, resume with profile or summary, targeted resume, nontraditional resume, mini-resume, choosing the right type of resume.

Adrian Mangel / The Balance

There are several basic types of resumes you can use to apply for job openings. You can choose to write a chronological, functional, combination, or targeted resume. Each resume type is used for different purposes. Therefore, when deciding which type of resume to use, you have to think about your current employment circumstances.

For example, a functional resume is particularly useful for individuals changing careers or those with gaps in their employment history because it emphasizes skills and experience over chronological work history. Additionally, a combination resume is ideal for candidates aiming to showcase both their relevant skills and their chronological work history.

Here's an overview of each type of resume, advice on when to use which one, and examples.

A chronological resume starts by listing your  work history , with the most recent position listed first. Below your most recent job, you list your other jobs in reverse chronological order.

Employers typically prefer this type of resume because it's easy to see what jobs you have held and when you have worked at them. This is the most common resume type.

This type of resume works well for job seekers with a strong, solid work history. If you are starting your career, or if you are changing career fields, you might consider a different resume type.​

Example: Chronological Resume

A functional resume focuses on your skills and experience, rather than on your  chronological work history . Instead of having a “work history” section at the top of your resume, you might have a “professional experience” or “accomplishments” section that lists various skills you have developed over the years.

A functional resume also sometimes includes a resume summary or headline at the top, which details a person’s skills and achievements. A functional resume might not include one’s employment history  at all or might have a concise list of work history at the bottom of the resume.

Functional resumes are used most often by people who are  changing careers  or who have gaps in their employment history. It is also useful for people who are new to the workforce, have limited work experience, or have a gap in their employment .

By highlighting skills rather than work history, you can emphasize how you are qualified for the job.​

Example: Functional Resume

A combination, or hybrid, resume is a mix between a chronological resume and a functional resume. At the top of the resume is a list of one’s skills and qualifications. Below this is one’s chronological work history. However, the work history is not the focus of the resume and typically does not take up much space on the resume.

With this type of resume, you can highlight the skills you have that are relevant to the job you are applying for, as well as provide your chronological work history. After all, most employers still want to see your chronological work history—even if that history is not very extensive.

This kind of resume helps you highlight what makes you the best fit for the job, while still giving the employer all the information he or she wants.​

Example: Combination Resume

Infographic resumes include graphic design elements in addition to or instead of text. A traditional resume uses text to list a candidate's work experience, education, and skills, while an infographic resume uses layout, color, design, formatting, icons, and font styling to organize content.​

Example: Infographic Resume

A resume with a profile section  includes a concise summary of an applicant’s skills, experiences, and goals as they relate to a  specific job . This summary (typically no more than a couple of sentences long) helps candidates “sell” themselves to the company to which they are applying.

Adding a profile is helpful for almost any applicant. If you have extensive experience, a profile can concisely explain that experience to the hiring manager right away. If you have limited work experience, a profile can help you highlight the skills that you do have.

Example: Resume With a Profile

You can also add a headline, which is a brief phrase that summarizes why you are an ideal candidate for the job, to your resume.

A targeted resume is a resume that is customized to specifically highlight the experience and skills you have that are relevant to the job you are applying for. It takes more work to write a targeted resume than to apply with your existing resume. However, it's well worth the effort, especially when applying for jobs that are a perfect match for your qualifications and experience.

Example: Targeted Resume

Try to write a targeted resume for every job. Employers can easily see when you submit a generic resume, rather than thinking about why you are qualified for that specific job.

A nontraditional resume is a unique version of your resume that may include photos, graphics, images, graphs, and other visuals. It might be an online resume or a physical resume with infographics, as mentioned above. It could also be a video or resume on a social networking website.

Nontraditional resumes are ideal for people in creative fields who want to demonstrate their ability to create visually engaging designs or web pages. It can be a good way for a job candidate to stand out from the crowd in professions like design, web design, journalism, and more.

A  mini-resume  contains a  brief summary  of your career highlights and qualifications. It only contains the information that relates to the position you are applying for or the industry you would like to work in.

In most cases, your traditional resume will be appropriate. A mini-resume, however, can be useful at job fairs or career networking events when you're meeting with many people and want to leave them with something more than just a business card. You can also use a mini-resume when you're networking and would like your contact to pass on your information to a hiring manager or recruiter. 

Example: Mini-Resume

Understanding the different types of resumes is crucial because it allows you to tailor your application to suit your unique circumstances and the type of job you're applying for. If you're in a creative field, consider a nontraditional or infographic resume. However, if you're in a more traditional field, like finance, you'll probably want to stick with a chronological resume. Additionally, using a targeted resume is always a smart choice, particularly when you're applying for a job that you're well-qualified for.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose the type of resume that's the best fit for your skills and the job you are applying for.
  • Chronological resumes are the most common; they list work history in reverse chronological order, with the most recent job listed first.
  • Functional resumes focus on skills and experience rather than on employment history.
  • Combination resumes list skills and qualifications first, followed by work history.

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What Is a Functional Resume and Is It Right for You?

Rachel Pelta

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A picture of someone reviewing a functional resume

Forage puts students first. Our blog articles are written independently by our editorial team. They have not been paid for or sponsored by our partners. See our full  editorial guidelines .

A resume is mandatory to apply for almost every job you’ll ever want. And while you know a resume is a summary of your skills and work history , how you format your resume can play a crucial role in whether or not you’re selected for an interview.

A functional resume is a type of resume that emphasizes your skills over your work history. It’s the right kind of resume for some jobs seekers but not for most. Here’s what you need to know about functional resumes:

What Is a Functional Resume?

  • What Recruiters Think of Functional Resumes
  • When to Use a Functional Resume
  • What to Use Instead of a Functional Resume
  • Functional Resume Template and Examples

A functional resume, also known as a skills or skills-based resume, “emphasizes skills over experience,” says Katherine Kelley, CPRW. Unlike a chronological resume, which lists your jobs in reverse chronological order, a functional resume lists your skills, grouping them by category. 

For example, on a chronological resume, the first thing under your contact information is Job X. That would include the dates you held the job, your title, and several bullet points highlighting your accomplishments.

But on a functional resume, the first thing under your contact information is a category of skills, such as “Interpersonal Skills.” Under that header, you’ll include several bullet points about your various interpersonal skills and how you applied them in either one job or several.

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The main difference is that a chronological resume emphasizes your work history. It’s clear where you worked, what you did, and how long you held the role. A functional resume, however, places the emphasis on your skills and deemphasizes where and when you worked.

What Recruiters Think of Functional Resumes 

As a general rule, recruiters only spend six to seven seconds scanning your resume. You want to make it as easy as possible for them to understand why you’re a good fit for the role in those few seconds. Functional resumes make it difficult for a recruiter to do that for three reasons.

1. Can Be a Red Flag

The problem with chronological resumes is they highlight how long you held a job and how long you may have gone between jobs. While attitudes around long-term unemployment are changing, people worry that a gap in their employment history makes them a less desirable candidate — and with good reason.

Though there are many valid explanations for stepping away from paid work, studies show that candidates with resume gaps are less likely to get the job. As far back as 2011, researchers found that people who were unemployed, no matter the reason, were seen as less competent than their employed counterparts.

A 2018 analysis of applications found that people who weren’t currently employed were less hireable than those who were working. And finally, in 2021, even though many people were unemployed for a long stretch due to the pandemic, 77% of job seekers and an astounding 83% of employers agreed that it’s easier to get a job when you already have one . What’s more, the same survey found that 41% of employers say employment gaps affect hireability.

Many candidates are aware of the challenges they face when they have a gap in their employment history, so they turn to a functional resume to highlight their skills and abilities over chronological work history. But this can also cause problems. Recruiters will instantly recognize you’re using a functional resume. “Depending on the recruiter, this format could be seen as a red flag or that the candidate is trying to hide something,” says Kelley.

2. Hard to Connect the Dots

Even if functional resumes weren’t a red flag, most recruiters don’t like them. “It can be more difficult for a recruiter to see where candidates gained the experience in a functional resume format. I have heard that a bunch of times from recruiters!” says Kelley.

Though a functional resume highlights your skills, the formatting doesn’t give you an easy way to connect your skills and experience to a specific job. That makes it hard for the recruiter to figure out where you picked up the skill or when you used it.

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What is a Combination Resume? How to Craft the Perfect Hybrid Resume for Any Job

Published on September 2nd, 2024


A combination resume will allow the interviewer to view you as an all-around candidate. It merges the significant factors of both chronological and functional resumes, which will enable you to emphasize the most relevant skills and experiences you have, while also showing a sequential record of your work history. Whether you are changing careers, overcoming gaps in employment, or placing additional emphasis on your skill set, a combination resume gives flexibility in tailoring an application to the job.

In this blog, we’ll explore what a combination resume is, when to use it, and how to craft one that stands out to employers.

What’s a Combination Resume?

A combination resume manages to make the best of both worlds: it fuses the skill-focused approach of the functional resume with the chronological structure of a traditional resume. This type of format works well for those job seekers who want to highlight their skills and achievements yet still have a clear timeline of work history. This type of combination resume is best used by individuals with varied experiences or changing fields since it will enable you to emphasize your relevant skills without dismissing your professional life path.

When to Use a Combination Resume?

The combination resume format works for a handful of instances, such as when someone has a strong work background but wants to also point out a few specific skills they have that match the job they are applying for. It's also beneficial when there are gaps in your employment record or when transitioning into a different industry. When you give attention to your skills first, the recruiter will be led to notice what makes you a fit for the job, even when the work history is not in a perfect linear pattern.

What to Put on a Combination Resume?

When crafting a combination resume, it’s essential to follow the combination resume format, which includes the following sections:

  • Contact Information : This should always be at the top, including your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile.
  • Resume Summary : This section is your elevator pitch. It should briefly summarize your key qualifications and the value you bring to the role.
  • Skills Summary : Highlight your most relevant skills here. This section is crucial in a combination resume as it draws attention to the abilities that make you a perfect fit for the job.
  • Work Experience : List your work history in reverse chronological order. Focus on achievements and responsibilities that align with the skills you’ve highlighted earlier.
  • Education : Include your educational background, especially if it’s relevant to the job. You can also add certifications or courses that enhance your profile.
  • Additional Skills : If you have other skills that don’t fit neatly into your skills summary or work experience, include them in this section. This can include language skills, technical proficiencies, or any other abilities that may give you an edge.

Add Contact Information the Right Way

Your contact information should be easy to find and accurate. Place it at the top of your resume, and make sure it includes your full name, a professional email address, a phone number, and a LinkedIn profile. You can also add a personal website or portfolio if it’s relevant to the job.

Grab the Recruiter’s Attention With a Resume Summary

The resume summary is your chance to make a strong first impression. In just a few sentences, you should convey who you are as a professional and what you bring to the table. Focus on your most impressive achievements and how they relate to the role you’re applying for. Keep it concise but impactful.

Use Your Work Experience to Show Off Relevant Skills

In the work experience section of your combination resume, list your previous roles in reverse chronological order. For each position, include your job title, the company’s name, the location, and the dates of employment. Under each role, list your responsibilities and achievements, emphasizing those that align with the job you’re applying for. Use bullet points for clarity, and quantify your achievements where possible.

Show You’re the Right Person With the Skills Summary Section

The skills summary is the real opportunity to make your combination resume targeted toward the position. Choose the most relevant skills for the position and highlight them. If you can, give short examples of how you used the skills in your previous work. This will help tie the gaps between your skills and work experience sections and make your resume cohesive.

Combination Resume Skills Summary Example

Here is a simple example of how you might position your skills summary in a combination resume:

Skills Summary

Project Management:  Managed numerous cross-functional teams to deliver projects on time and within budget.

Data Analysis: Using data analysis as a tool in driving insight to effectively make good decisions and further process improvements.

Customer Service:  Came highly rated each time in customer satisfaction and resolution.

Additional Skills for a Combination Resume

Besides the key skills, there may be other types of abilities that you could use for the job. This may involve language proficiency, superior knowledge of software, or any other technical knowledge which is valued. You may put these in a separate section so they are not lost among the rest of your resume.

Combination Resume Skills Example

Here is another example of how you might present your skills on a combination resume:

Technical Skills

  • Programming Skills: Python, Java, SQL
  • Skill Experience: Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office, Tableau
  • Languages Spoken: Fluency in Spanish, fluency in French

Write an Education Section That Stands Out

Your education section should be straightforward yet complete. You must specify where you graduated, with what degree, and your graduation date. Relevant coursework, honors, or any special certification is welcome in this section, too. If your education is, in fact, the "hook" that will sell you for the job, think about placing this section above your work experience.

Key Takeaways

The combination resume is a little bit flexible in that it gives a quick glimpse of your most relevant skills while providing a manageable work history. Ideal for job seekers who want to put more emphasis on touting their abilities and achievements in cases of career changers or diverse backgrounds. By crafting each section from the summary to the education part get a resume that stands out and will be sure to get you an interview.

Remember, the whole point of a combination resume is to present one's best features to a future employer. Adapt your resume for each job you apply to, emphasize your strengths, and don't mess up the format to make it readable. If this is done right, this already will be a guarantee that your combination resume will help you impress and get closer to the position you have been dreaming about.


Soujanya Varada

As a technical content writer and social media strategist, Soujanya develops and manages strategies at HireQuotient. With strong technical background and years of experience in content management, she looks for opportunities to flourish in the digital space. Soujanya is also a dance fanatic and believes in spreading light!

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