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Note: In PAYDAY 2's files and gameplay, many Jacket voice lines appear which seem to be identical except for different post-production effects (e.g. different levels of static, being sped up/slowed down in different places, etc.). For simplicity, these duplicate lines are ignored in this list.

  • 1 Masking up
  • 2 Calling Crewmates
  • 3.1 Civilians
  • 4 Completing a Heist
  • 5.1 Spotting a camera
  • 5.2 Spotting a guard
  • 6 Assault Wave Inbound
  • 7.1 Bulldozers
  • 7.2 Killing Bulldozers
  • 7.3 Shields
  • 7.4 Killing Shields
  • 7.6 Killing Tasers
  • 7.7 Cloakers
  • 7.8 Killing Cloakers
  • 7.9 Snipers
  • 7.10 Killing Snipers
  • 7.11 Medics
  • 7.12 Killing Medics
  • 7.13 SWAT Van Turret
  • 7.14 Captain Winters
  • 7.15.1 After any Special kill (Plays after Special-specific line)
  • 7.15.2 After any kill (Can come after Special kill)
  • 8 Using Inspire Skill
  • 9 Pager Responses
  • 10 Deployables
  • 11 Throwables
  • 12 Tear Gas
  • 13 Flashbangs
  • 14 Smoke Grenade
  • 15 Directions
  • 16.1 Low Health
  • 16.2 Asking for Help (During Bleed-Out)
  • 17 Low Ammunition
  • 18.1 Drill Started
  • 18.2 Drill/Saw/Hack Stopped
  • 18.3 Unbagged Loot Spotted
  • 19.1.1 Approaching Murkywater-Associated Civilian/Russian Mafioso
  • 19.2 Beneath the Mountain
  • 19.3.1 Jumping Out of the Plane
  • 19.4 Counterfeit
  • 19.5.1 Going Loud Speech (A.I.-Controlled Only)
  • 19.5.2 Looking For/Finding Bank Manager
  • 19.5.3 Looting Vault
  • 19.5.4 Enemy in Vents
  • 19.6 GO Bank
  • 19.7 Shadow Raid
  • 19.8 Slaughterhouse
  • 19.9.1 After Alex Grabs Sturr's Limo
  • 19.9.2 If Sturr's Limo Falls Into the Stairwell
  • 19.9.3 Striking Taxman (To push him towards the chair.)
  • 19.9.4 Striking Taxman (To torture him for the passwords.)
  • 19.10.1 Jumping Out of the Plane
  • 19.10.2 Looking for Test Subject(s)
  • 19.10.3 After Scanning Test Subject(s)
  • 19.10.4 X-Ray Scan Finished
  • 19.11.1 Securing Bag of Necro-Cloaker Gold
  • 19.11.2 Hallucinations
  • 19.12.1 Talking to a Specific Heister
  • 19.12.2 Talking to Any Heister
  • 19.12.3 Interacting with the Tape Recorder in Jacket's Room
  • 20.1 Casing Mode
  • 20.2 Assault Wave
  • 20.3 Acknowledging Player Command
  • 20.4 Calling for Help
  • 20.5 Reviving Player/A.I.
  • 20.6 Getting Revived
  • 21 Activation Conditions Undetermined

Masking up [ ]

  • "Please be advised, the following presentation is not intended for minors."
  • "The following presentation has been approved for mature audiences only."
  • "Now enjoy the show."
  • "Allons-y." (Let's go.) [French]
  • "We hope you have a pleasant flight!"

Calling Crewmates [ ]

  • "<heister's name>, please follow."
  • "<heister's name>, follow."
  • "Dallas is the-."
  • "Texas." ("Texas" is used when speaking to Dallas, but not Houston, although both are names of Texan cities.)
  • "Houston is a-"
  • "Canine predator."
  • "Un lobo." (A wolf.) [Spanish]
  • "Wulfgang." (Spoken in German voice.)
  • "Herr Wolf." (Sir/Mister wolf.) [German]
  • "Ein Wolf." (A wolf.) [German]
  • "Un loup." (A wolf.) [French]
  • "Falcon." ("Sokol" is the Russian word for "Falcon".)
  • "John Wick."
  • "A clover."
  • "Un trèfle." (A clover.) [French]
  • "Ein Klee." (A clover.) [German]
  • "Jaime." (Jimmy.) [Spanish]
  • "Sydney, Yulong."
  • "Another Sydney."
  • "Th-th-th-th-th-the route, Sydney."

Dominating [ ]

  • "Arms outstretched."
  • "Kneeling position."
  • "Get into vulnerable position."
  • "A wise decision."
  • "Supply handcuffs"
  • "Please place the cuffs firmly on your wrists."
  • "Please apply handcuffs, thank you."
  • "Please apply handcuffs."

Civilians [ ]

  • "Stay down."
  • "Al suelo." (On the ground) [Spanish]
  • "Drown." (Likely "Down," but misheard due to tape distortion effects.)
  • "-ay down. Fresse auf den Boden." (Mug/Face on the ground.) [German]
  • "Stay down. Fresse au-" (Mug/Face on...) [German]
  • "Runter." (Down.) [German]
  • "Stay calm and don't panic."
  • "Please, do not be brave."
  • "Please, do not be a hero. O esto." (Or else.) [Spanish]
  • "Don't pani-"

Completing a Heist [ ]

  • "I really enjoyed that."
  • "I had a great time."
  • " I had a great time. Spumante per tutti." (Champagne for everyone.) [Italian]
  • "Job is done. Now, time to relax and enjoy life."
  • "Operation completed successfully!"
  • "What a lovely day, right?"
  • "What a lovely day, right? Deberíamos haber contratado a un portugués." (We should've hired a portuguese guy.) (Spanish)
  • "What a lovely day, right? ...Aus wie ein scheiss Autounfall." (Like a shit car accident.) (German)
  • "Thank you for flying with us..."
  • "We hope that you enjoyed the show."
  • "Thank you for being in your seat and not disturbing the peace."
  • "Thank you for traveling with us. We look forward to seeing you again soon."
  • "Thank you for not disturbing the passengers in the Quiet Zone."
  • "If you're travelling through, we say: safe trip! If Washington is your final destination, we say: welcome home."

Stealth [ ]

Spotting a camera [ ].

  • "A camera."
  • "Security--."
  • "Security cameras."
  • "Monitoring."
  • "Eine Kamera." (A camera.) [German]
  • "Una Cámara." (A camera.) [Spanish]
  • "Cámara." (Camera.) [Spanish]
  • "Stay clear."

Spotting a guard [ ]

  • "Security guard."
  • "Guardia." (Guard.) [Spanish]
  • "Un guardia." (A Guard) [Spanish]
  • "Ein Wachmann." (A watchman/guard.) [German]
  • "Wachmann." (Watchman/Guard.) [German]

Assault Wave Inbound [ ]

  • "Oh, how nice to get some company."
  • "It's getting hot."
  • "It's getting hot. Che il massacro abbia inizio." (Let the massacre begin.) [Italian]
  • "It's getting hot. Llenad el lugar con cadáveres." (Fill the place with corpses.) [Spanish]
  • "The guests are coming any minute."
  • "The guests are coming any minute. È tempo di distruzione." (It's time for destruction.) [Italian]
  • "We're expecting visitors."
  • "We're expecting visitors. Che lo spettacolo abbia inizio." (Let the show begin.) [Italian]
  • "We're expecting visitors.Ya vienen los putos cerdos." (The fucking pigs are coming.) [Spanish]
  • "Now, enjoy the show."
  • "The anticipation is half the fun."

Special Enemies [ ]

Bulldozers [ ].

  • "Bulldozer."

Killing Bulldozers [ ]

  • "Bulldozer disabled."
  • "Bulldozer no longer in working order."
  • "Dozer no longer in working order."
  • "Bulldozer out of service."
  • "Bulldozer is non-operational."

Shields [ ]

Killing shields [ ].

  • "Shield out of service."
  • "Shield disabled."
  • "Shield no longer in working order."
  • "Je déteste les cigarettes mouillées" (I hate wet cigarettes.) [French]

Killing Tasers [ ]

  • "Taser out of service."
  • "Taser no longer in working order."
  • "Taser disabled."
  • "Taser non-operational."
  • "Ci vediamo all'inferno." (See you in hell.) [Italian]

Cloakers [ ]

Killing cloakers [ ].

  • "Cloaker non-operational."
  • "Cloaker no longer in working order."
  • "Cloaker out of service."
  • "Cloaker disabled."
  • "Cloaker message received."

Snipers [ ]

  • "Marksman."
  • "Marksman, please assist."

Killing Snipers [ ]

  • "Marksman out of service."
  • "Marksman no longer in working order."
  • "Marksman non-operational."
  • "El médico." (The medic.)
  • "The doctor is in the house."
  • "Health warning: Medic."
  • "Medic is-"

Killing Medics [ ]

  • "Doctor- (tape SFX) -no longer in the house."
  • "Doctor has been eliminated."
  • "Doctor killed."
  • "Medic is dead."
  • "Medic has been disabled."
  • " El médico- (tape SFX) -no longer." (The medic.) [Spanish]

SWAT Van Turret [ ]

  • " Emergency announcement. A turret has been spotted ."
  • "Attention! There is a turret."
  • "Eso no es jugar limpio." (That's no fair game.) [Spanish]

Captain Winters [ ]

Generic [ ], after any special kill (plays after special-specific line) [ ].

  • "You can thank me later."
  • "I believe hoorays are in order."

After any kill (Can come after Special kill) [ ]

  • "Una testa di cazzo in meno." (One dickhead less.) [Italian]
  • "Riprova, sarai plù fortunato." (Try again, you will be more lucky.) [Italian]
  • "I really enjoyed that. Una palabra má-. (One more word-.) [Spanish]

Using Inspire Skill [ ]

  • "Please proceed."
  • "Please move quickly."
  • "Más rápido, imbécil." (Faster, moron.) [Spanish]
  • "Hurry up. Más rápido, imbécil." (Faster, moron.) [Spanish]
  • "Corred." (Run.) [Spanish]
  • "Gehen wir." (Let's go.) [German]
  • "Courez comme si le magasin de cigarettes allait fermer." (Run as if the cigarette shop is about to close.) [French]

Pager Responses [ ]

  • "You have reached Dennaton Enterprises, we can't take your call at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep and we'll get back to you." (This is a reference to Dennaton Games , the creators of the Hotline Miami series from which Jacket originates.)
  • "This is GenSec tech support. If you have a problem with your radio, please contact us during normal business hours. Thank you."
  • "This is a test broadcast of the emergency air waves. This is a test, do not be alarmed, this is a test."
  • "The number you've reached is not in service. Please check the number and dial again. Thank you."
  • "We are experiencing technical issues. There is no cause for alarm, please be at ease."
  • "This is a test of the automatic paging system. Repeat, this is a test."
  • "If you would like to make a call, please hang up and dial again. If you need help, please hang up and then dial your operator."

Deployables [ ]

  • "Medical supplies have arrived."
  • "Botiquín aquí." (Medic bag here.) [Spanish]
  • "Ammunition has arrived."
  • "Ammo available."
  • "Additional cartridges are now available."
  • "Ammo, here you go."
  • "First aid kit."
  • "First aid kit available."
  • "Medic bag available."
  • "Botiquín aquí." (First aid kit here.) [Spanish]
  • "Additional wrappings can be found in the designated area." (Body Bags.)
  • "Zusätzliche Verpackungen befinden sich-" (Additional packaging is located-.) [German] (Body Bags.)

Throwables [ ]

  • "I bought you a present."
  • "Here you go."
  • "Please enjoy."
  • "Please accept this gift."
  • "Comed esto." (Eat this.) [Spanish]
  • "Comed esto, gilipollas." (Eat this, douchebags.) [Spanish]
  • "Eat this."
  • "Prendete questa, coglioni." (Take this, douchebags.) [Italian]
  • "Mangiate questa, stronzi." (Eat this, assholes.) [Italian]
  • ''Espero que se ahoguen con mierda.'' (I hope you drown in/choke on shit.) [Spanish]

Tear Gas [ ]

  • "Tear gas is banned in most civilised nations."
  • "Tear gas irritates the nose and eyes."
  • "Tear gas-."

Flashbangs [ ]

  • "A sudden flash can damage your eyesight."

Smoke Grenade [ ]

  • "Would you mind smoking somewhere else?"
  • "Please smoke only in the designated areas."
  • "Smoking is prohibited."
  • "-Smoking somewhere else?"

Directions [ ]

  • "Please make your way inside."
  • "Make your way inside."
  • "You have arrived at your destination."
  • "...arrive shortly."
  • "Please head to the exit."
  • "We will arrive shortly."
  • "We should go. (Unintelligible.)"
  • "Your destination is directly ahead."
  • "Your destination - ahead."
  • "Please keep to the right."
  • "Please keep to the left."
  • "To the left."
  • "Please follow."
  • "Please follow the stairway up."
  • "Follow the stairway up."
  • "Please follow the stairway down."
  • "Head down."
  • "This is the wrong way."
  • "C'est la mauvaise direction." (This is the wrong way.) [French]
  • "Das ist der falsche Weg." (This is the wrong way.) [German]
  • "This is the right way."
  • "C'est la bonne direction." (This is the right way.) [French]
  • "Das ist der richtige Weg." (This is the right way.) [German]
  • "Sí, es por aquí." (Yes, it is by here./Yes, this is the way.) [Spanish]
  • "Es por aquí." (It is by here./This is the way.) [Spanish]
  • "Let's go."
  • "Let's go. Vamo-. (Let's g-.) [Spanish]
  • "Please jump."

Health & Bleedout [ ]

Low health [ ].

  • "I need an appointment with the doctor."
  • "I need an appointment with the doctor. Ich brauch nen verschissenen Arzt." (I need a fucking doctor.) [German]
  • "Are you a doctor?"
  • "In the event of personal damage, please locate the nearest first aid kit."
  • "Where is the nearest hospital?"
  • "Please find medical personnel as soon as possible."
  • "If you have sustained injuries, you may need to seek medical attention promptly."
  • "If you have sustained injuries, you may need to seek medical attention-"

Asking for Help (During Bleed-Out) [ ]

  • "Please assist."
  • "Ayuda." (Help.) [Spanish]
  • "Se non vuoi fare una brutta fine, vedi di salvarmi." (If you don't want to end up hurt, you'd better save me.) [Italian]

Low Ammunition [ ]

  • "Ammo reserves running low. Fill me up, please."
  • "Cartridges almost depleted. I need ammo."
  • "Ammunition depleted. I'd like another, please."
  • "I need ammo."
  • "Do you mind sharing?"
  • "J'ai besoin de putain de munition." (I need some fucking ammunition.) [French]
  • "Servono delle fottute munizioni." (I need some fucking ammunition.) [Italian]

Objectives [ ]

Drill started [ ].

  • "Drill is securely fixed."
  • "The drill is active - please stay clear of the moving parts."

Drill/Saw/Hack Stopped [ ]

  • "Please call technical support."
  • "In the event of hardware failure..."
  • "Software malfunction."
  • "In the event of drill malfunction..."
  • "In the event of software malfunction..."

Unbagged Loot Spotted [ ]

  • "Please recover as much as you can safely manage."
  • "It is time to convey these articles out."

Map Specific Quotes [ ]

Aftershock / hotline miami / any bank heist /slaughterhouse [ ], approaching murkywater-associated civilian/russian mafioso [ ].

  • "Analysis of the air indicates presence of offensive matter."

Beneath the Mountain [ ]

  • "It would appear Murkywater are in attendance."
  • "Murkywater have a significant presence here."
  • "This is a pleasant sensation."

Birth of Sky [ ]

Jumping out of the plane [ ].

  • "This is a perfect opportunity to express satisfaction."

Counterfeit [ ]

  • "Greetings."
  • "A crowbar has been acquired."
  • "¡Tenemos una barra de metal!" (We have a metal bar!) [Spanish]

First World Bank [ ]

Going loud speech (a.i.-controlled only) [ ].

  • "Please pay attention. You will be happy to know you are victims of a robbery. You will not be harmed. We will take the bank's money. Your savings are insured by the federal government, Please consider your loved ones. Remain calm and quiet and your survival is assured."

Looking For/Finding Bank Manager [ ]

  • "Searching."
  • "It is imperative we find the bank manager."
  • "It is imperative we find the manager. -aéme su cabeza." (-ring me his head.) [Spanish]
  • "There he is."

Looting Vault [ ]

  • "Has enough financial restitution been recovered?"
  • "Negative, further financial constitution required."

Enemy in Vents [ ]

  • "Acoustic feedback suggests opposing forces within building structure."
  • "Acoustic feedback suggests opposing forces within building structure. Estoy confundida" (I'm confused.) [Spanish]

GO Bank [ ]

Shadow raid [ ].

  • "Cargo is secured."
  • "-Is secured."

Slaughterhouse [ ]

  • "Analysis confirms it is stuck." (After spotting armored car, if it is stuck in the roof.)
  • "The drill is secured."
  • "Please keep all subjects in check."

Undercover [ ]

After alex grabs sturr's limo [ ].

  • "It's coming now."

If Sturr's Limo Falls Into the Stairwell [ ]

  • "Analysis confirms it is stuck."

Striking Taxman (To push him towards the chair.) [ ]

  • " Please take a seat."
  • "Take a seat. Siéntate." (Sit down.) [Spanish] (The words in bold are slowed down.)

Striking Taxman (To torture him for the passwords.) [ ]

  • "It is advised that you answer immediately."
  • "We insist that you surrender notions of bravery."
  • "We respectfully request an answer."
  • "Please, comply."
  • "Please, do it immediately."
  • "Exercise caution when aggravating my temper..." (The words in bold are slowed down.)
  • "Please, do not be a hero."

Boiling Point [ ]

Looking for test subject(s) [ ], after scanning test subject(s) [ ].

  • "Requesting new directive."

X-Ray Scan Finished [ ]

  • "The computer process has successfully completed."

Prison Nightmare [ ]

Securing bag of necro-cloaker gold [ ], hallucinations [ ].

Note: All of Jacket's hallucination lines are spoken by the English voice on his recorder. They still cannot be heard by other players, however.

  • "Battery power is low. Please change battery ..." (The words in bold are slowed down, and continually get slower.)
  • "Your name is not Jacket."
  • "You are responsible."

Safe House [ ]

Talking to a specific heister [ ].

  • to Dallas "Dallas, nucleus of the US oil industry. A fuel source for the economy. Also a center of the telecommunications industry. Making people talk, Dallas." (References Dallas's role as the Mastermind in game, especially the Medic and the Controller skill tree, while the latter focuses on intimidating and coercing civilians and law enforcers as"communications" and the other sources "fuel" for the "economy" )
  • to Wolf "Wolf, an apex predator, usually preying on larger mammals, the wolf hunts in a pack, cooperating, and using advanced hunting tactics to take down its prey, successful. " (The word "successful" is slowed down.) (References Wolf's role as the Technician in game, as many Technician skills favor objective completion rather than combat effectiveness, requiring more team cooperation.)
  • to Chains "When handling firearms always check that the safety is on. Also, do not wield firearms in urban locations or near children. The responsible ownership and use of firearms also requires a calm and balanced nature, a law-abiding disposition, and a healthy attitude to conflict resolution. End of message." ( References Chains' ex military experience and Jacket's experience in ghost wolves. Both participated in the US army and Jacket's rank would be higher than Chains'. "End of message" is presumably an attempt to duplicate the accent of the colonel in ghost wolves. "The responsible ownership ..." perhaps a reference to the colonel in hotline miami 2's line: "Choose your weapon wisely, and make them shots count." "check that the safety is on" probably a reference to the Enforcer skill deck, especially the extra ammo tree. Could be an irony for the ammo-wasting habit of enforcers. )
  • to Houston "Identity theft is a means often employed to gain financial advantage or undo access to someone else's assets or prestige. In some rare cases of ongoing identity theft, it may lead to the thief actually losing touch with their own identity, effectively a kind of schizophrenic insanity." (References Houston's "identity theft" of Hoxton, as he took up Hoxton's alias until Hoxton was freed from jail and still keeps Hoxton's original mask.)
  • to John Wick "John, you are needed. You are the angel of death John. Please hold, John. (Answering machine beep)" (The word "John" is said in exactly the same way in each instance it appears, as if inserted into a separately recorded message.)
  • to Hoxton "Hoxton shoreditch, borrough of Hackney, London. First recorded in the Domesday book. Please consider a visit to Hoxton market."
  • to Clover "Clover, Trifolium, four leaves for luck, five leaves uncommon, live in clover, thank you." ("Trifolium" is the Latin name for the genus of plants including clovers.)
  • to Dragan "Hello, please do not break the law. Press two for information about your retirement fund. Have you considered a new career? Armed robbery is a felony. Please proceed." (References Dragan's past as a Croatian police officer who went rogue.)
  • to Bonnie "Heads or tails? A tossed coin, a metaphor for the uncertainties of life. Of course, the wise player always cheats. Es muy sabio. " (It's very wise.) [Spanish] (The words in bold are sped up.) (References Bonnie's role as the Gambler in game.)
  • to Sokol "Power play. Great shot. Goal. Game is over. Win for the Bombers. Please sign here. Welcome to America!" (References Sokol's past as a famous ice hockey player in Russia, where he played with a team called the St. Petersburg Bombers.)
  • to Jiro "A seeker. A hero shall find a treasure. The lost. But it is unknown. Do not be afraid." (References Jiro's goal to find his son Kento.)
  • to Bodhi "McKinley [reversed audio]. Taft [reversed audio]. Harding [reversed audio]. Hoover [reversed audio]. Truman [reversed audio]. Kennedy [reversed audio]. Nixon [reversed audio]. Carter [reversed audio]." (References the film series which Bodhi hails from, involving bank heists by small groups wearing masks resembling past U.S. presidents.)
  • to Jimmy "Who do you want to be today? You can go anywhere, you can be anyone, who do you want to be? Please see reverse of leaflet for more information." (References Jimmy's character(s) in Hardcore Henry, where Jimmy is a handicapped scientist who creates and controls several clones of himself, using them to live different lives. Among these clones is a well-groomed Jimmy, who kidnaps the PAYDAY crew in the Jimmy Character Pack trailer, and a cocaine-addicted, nympho-maniacal Jimmy, who appears later in the trailer and is the one playable in PAYDAY 2.)
  • to Sydney "Hello young lady. Welcome. Hello. Do not enter the dingo compound. Danger, do not feed the animals." (References Sydney's connections to the Dingoes, a gang she operated in Australia.)
  • to Rust "This is a very nice bike. Where did you get it? Riding a motorcycle is fun! Lets bring our shotguns! Let's have some fun. " (The words in bold are slowed down.) (References Rust's history in a biker gang. It's possible that Jacket's enthusiasm towards Rust in this line may also reference Jacket's relationship with a character in Hotline Miami named "Biker," but this is unlikely, as Jacket and Biker only met once in a fight where the two nearly killed each other.)

Talking to Any Heister [ ]

  • "Did you know that 'banana chips' are deep-fried or dried slices of bananas? (tape SFX) They can be covered in sugar or honey to have a sweet taste, or they can be fried in oil and spices to have a saltier taste."
  • "Did you know that watching television can be bad for your health? Watching television has been linked with obesity and heart disease, especially in the West - (tape SFX) More people spend enormous amounts of time in front of the TV." (The words in bold are sped up.)
  • "Did you know that a 'television' or a 'TV' is a telecommunication medium used for transmitting sound with moving images in monochrome or color and in two or three dimensions?"
  • "Did you know that much of human nutrition depends on plants, either directly through foods and beverages consumed by people, or indirectly as feed for animal- (tape SFX) or the flavoring of foods?"
  • "Did you know that a decapitation is the complete separation of the head from the body? (tape SFX) In humans and most other animals, death will always result from such injury." (The word "always" is slowed down.)
  • "Did you know that ' Space Invaders ' was the world's first blockbuster arcade video game? Its success marked what is known as the golden age of arcade video games."
  • "Did you know that a 'home' is a dwelling place used as a permanent or semi-permanent for an individual, family, household, or several families in a tribe?"
  • "Did you know that a 'couch' is a piece of furniture seating two or more people in the form of a bench with or without armrests that is partially or entirely upholstered and often fitted with springs and tailored cushions?" (The quote gets faster for its entire duration until it is nearly incomprehensible.)
  • "Did you know that an 'arcade game' is a coin-operated entertainment machine typically installed in public businesses, such as restaurants, bars, and amusement arcades?"
  • "Did you know that neon lighting consists of glowing electrified gas tubes or bulbs that contain rarefied neon or other gasses?"
  • "Did you know that according to Abraham Maslow , the most basic needs for human beings are food, water, sleep, and sex?" (Based on Maslow's heirarchy of needs .)
  • "Did you know that 'zebras' are several species of African equids united by their distinctive black and white striped coats?"
  • "Did you know that a 'weapon' is any device used with intent to inflict damage or harm to living beings or structures?"
  • "Did you know that one of the most effective ways of improving well-being in the home is by the provision of interior living plants?"
  • "Did you know that the Nintendo Entertainment System (tape SFX) was initially called the 'Family Computer' when released in Japan?"
  • "Hello Jacket. How are you? (tape SFX) I am good. Thank you for asking."
  • "Hello Jacket. (tape SFX) I am good. Thank you (tape SFX) asking."

Interacting with the Tape Recorder in Jacket's Room [ ]

Note: Some, but not all, of the lines chosen here seem to be affected by the quality of Jacket's room.

  • "Six. Cinq. Quatre. Trois. Deux. Un. Magnifique. (Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Magnificent.) [French]
  • "Please pay particular regard to express-peligroso." (Dangerous.) [Spanish]
  • "Can I help you? (tape SFX) We should shoot you for this. " (The words in bold are slowed down.)
  • "Please rewind this feature presentation."
  • "You belong in a cloaca ."
  • "I'd like to complain to the manager ." (The word "manager" is slowed down.)
  • "This place is very dirty-se d'Eton alors- (-is then of yours-) [French]
  • "How unexpected."
  • "Mi gato es un perro." (My cat is a dog.) [Spanish]
  • "Oro- (tape SFX) -evokes a feeling of loathing." (Gold.) [Spanish]
  • "I'm getting tired." (Speed gradually decreases.)
  • "Please, settle back before returning. There should be a vehicle here. (tape SFX) -aquí." (Here.) [Spanish]
  • "Who knows what the day will bring? (Unintelligible, possibly French)"
  • "(Unintelligible) Jodanse putos polis. El señor- Reduce your vocal emissions. (Fuck you fucking cops. The Mr.-) [Spanish]
  • "Take care. Cadáver y correr." (Corpse and run.) [Spanish]
  • " Für dich, Scheißgesicht." (For you, fuck face.) [German]
  • "Coño. I was rude. (tape SFX) Cabrón." (In literal terms, "Coño" and "Cabrón" mean "Cone" and "Billy goat" respectively; in slang terms, they instead mean "Pussy" and "Dumbass".)
  • "Ich hasse dich, verdammt nochmal. Hohen- (tape SFX) -Inzestopfer." (I hate you, damn it. Tall...Incest victim.) [German]
  • "Attendance. Busca (tape SFX) suidoso." (Search...dirty.) [Spanish] (Alternatively, the last word may be "ruidoso," which would make this say "Search loud.")
  • "You are a dead- (tape SFX) -next time."
  • "We are performing to the best of our ability."
  • "Please be- (tape SFX) -loco en el piso desde la- (tape SFX) (Unintelligible French.) (-crazy on the floor from the-) [Spanish]
  • "My patience is running thin ." (Words in bold are slowed down.)
  • "-Bello país." (-Beautiful country.) [Spanish]
  • "(tape SFX) -was not expecting that. (tape SFX)"
  • "Great satisfaction. (Unintelligible) Masculine. Unfortunate. (Speed of audio fluctuates randomly.)
  • "überall Pisse und Blut. Kann ich die heißen-" (There's piss and blood everywhere. Can I call the-) [German]
  • "El robot está-" (The robot is-) [Spanish]
  • "We have concerns regarding you. Negative."
  • "Cabida-required." (Room.) [Spanish]
  • "Je déteste le cigarette électronique." (I hate the electronic cigarette.) [French]
  • "Pellpellpellpellpellpell." (Some part of a word repeating six times, slowing down and then speeding up. Spoken in English voice.)
  • "Patea la pelota. (tape SFX) No te caigas." (Kick the ball. Do not fall.) [Spanish]
  • (Reversed, distorted speech in English voice.)
  • "Attention. Mi perro es marron." (My dog is brown.) [Spanish]
  • "Attention. You are fecal matter. Please accept this assertion."

CPU-Controlled Only [ ]

Casing mode [ ].

  • " I'll wait here. You go on ahead ."
  • "Go ahead."
  • "I'll wait here."

Assault Wave [ ]

  • "Dobbiamo muovere il culo." (We have to move our asses.) [Italian]
  • "Forza, dobbiamo muovere il culo." (Come on, we have to move our asses.) [Italian]
  • "Tened cuidado." (Be careful.) [Spanish]
  • "Bravo." (Cheers.) [Spanish]
  • "Jódanse, putos polis." (Fuck you, fucking cops.) [Spanish]

Acknowledging Player Command [ ]

  • "Understood."
  • "Acknowledged."
  • "Yes, I understand."
  • "Sì, capisco." (Yes, I understand.) [Italian]
  • "Sí, entiendo." (Yes, I understand.) [Spanish]

Calling for Help [ ]

  • "Assistance would be appreciated."
  • "Please, assist."
  • "Me estoy muriendo, coño." (I'm fucking dying.) [Spanish]

Reviving Player/A.I. [ ]

  • "Du siehst aus wie ein scheiss Autounfall." (You look like a fucking car crash.) [German]
  • "Deberíamos haber contratado a un Portugués." (We should have hired a Portuguese.) [Spanish]
  • "Please maintain pressure on bandages for at least thirty minutes."
  • "To avoid fatal injury, follow your supervisor's instructions closely."
  • "To avoid fatal injury..."
  • "Please rest and avoid exerting yourself."
  • "Please rest-"
  • "Please avoid operating heavy machinery while under the influence of painkillers."
  • "I don't think that's supposed to go there."
  • "Please don't do that again."

Getting Revived [ ]

  • "Thank you very much."

Activation Conditions Undetermined [ ]

Note: These lines appear in the English version of the game, but the conditions that cause them to be played are not known for certain. Please move them to the correct category if you happen to know what causes these lines to play.

  • "Fuyez avant que le putain de poulet arrive." (Disengage/clear out before the fucking chicken[cop] arrives.) [French]
  • "Faites attention." (Be careful.) [French]
  • "Contente-toi de boucher les trous." (Just keep on plugging holes.) [French]
  • "Vas te faire foutre." (Fuck you.) [French]
  • "A la tienne." (Cheers./To your health.) [French] (Despite this translation, this line also plays when Jacket marks a guard in Stealth)
  • "Bewegt eure Ärsche." (Move your asses.) [German]
  • "Fresse, Arsch." (Shut up, asshole.) [German]
  • "Sei vorsichtig." (Be careful.) [German]
  • "Toll, überall Pisse und Blut." (Great, there's piss and blood everywhere.) [German]
  • "Schwingt die Hüfte." (Swing your hooves.) [German]
  • "We are in a hurry. (unintelligible German)"
  • "Spumante per tutti." (Champagne for everyone.) [Italian]
  • "Mala palabra." (Bad word.) [Spanish]
  • "Do you know what time it is?" (This is shown in the Jacket Character Pack Trailer, not inside the game)
  • 1 Payday Gang
  • 3 Enemies (Payday 2)

Giant Bomb News

Esrb changes rules for marketing mature-rated video games, by patrick klepek on march 12, 2013 share: twitter facebook reddit.

Publishers allowed to cut general audience trailers for Mature-rated games, a la movies, and restrictions relaxed for cross promotions.

The Entertainment Software Ratings Board has, as of this morning, implemented changes that will hugely impact the way Mature-rated games are advertised on the Internet. A three-page document from the ESRB outlining the changes was sent to game publishers today, and it was passed onto me.

The ESRB has confirmed the document is legitimate.

Most notably, video games marketing will be following the lead of film. Publishers now have an opportunity to produce and distribute trailers for Mature-rated games and games expected to be issued a Mature rating at a much larger “general” audience. These specifically cut trailers will have a green “slate” that airs before the trailer rolls, and is required be on-screen for at least four seconds.

It’s very much like the green “the following preview has been approved for appropriate audiences” bit that appears in front of most movie trailers. Here’s the ESRB’s example:

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Trailers intended for this “general” audience will not require an age gate on websites, but such trailers must be approved by the ESRB prior to release. It will be business as usual for trailers that fully depict the game’s included violence and sex, age gates and all. The ESRB describes the process this way:

"A trailer, demo, or video (of any length) for a Mature-rated game that has been deemed suitable for a general audience through the ESRB pre-clearance process will not require an age-gate. Please note that pre-clearance of Mature-rated game trailers posted without an age-gate is mandatory and must be submitted to [the ESRB]."

To no one’s surprise, there are no changes for Adults Only-rated games, of which there are few.

Another potentially big change impacts the “cross-selling” of products. Cross-selling is, in essence, using one product to help sell another. It’s why Sony ’s including early access to an upcoming demo for The Last of Us through this week’s God of War: Ascension . One game is Mature-rated, and the other is likely to be, so the ESRB signed off on cross-selling The Last of Us through God of War.

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The two examples given by the ESRB are “a promotional insert for a game placed in another game's packaging or a banner ad for another game on a publisher-controlled 'official' game website.”

Under the new ESRB guidelines, it’s now possible to promote a Mature-rated or potentially Mature-rated game within a game that's been assigned a lower rating. The only way for this to happen, however, is through explicit approval from the ESRB. Here’s how the ESRB outlined it:

“On a case-by-case basis a company may obtain approval prior to public release via the ESRB pre-clearance process to cross-sell a Mature-rated game with a less restrictively rated game. Supporting documentation (e.g., media and/or marketing plans, demographic data) will be required to demonstrate that the games being cross-sold have the same intended audience and, where audience demographics can be verified, that the cross-sell is in compliance with the ESRB’s target marketing guidelines.”

When asked about these changes, the ESRB released a brief official statement.

"This policy addresses cross-marketing of games, not bundling products together," said the organization. "The fundamental goal is to ensure that the cross-promotion of products is appropriately targeted. In doing so we may consider a variety of factors including the nature of the product, audience composition of the media vehicle being used, the intended audience of the game, whether registered users are of a certain age, whether an age-gate is employed, etc."

There are two other changes outlined in the documentation, as well.

One, the ESRB previously required demos (both standalone and full game unlocks) to have a game’s rating displayed a period of four seconds before the game begins. This is no longer required, so long as the demo's download page includes the rating information and is “clearly visible prior to access.” Publishers are asked to “use their best efforts” to display the ratings information at store kiosks with demos. This does not change the requirement for trailers--those must always display before the trailer.

Two, the ESRB currently has a rule where ESRB ratings and ratings from international organizations, such as Europe's PEGI, cannot be displayed next to one another on publisher websites and social media. Most likely it's because the ratings are not considered equivalent. The ESRB has noticed some publishers choosing to display no ratings at all, so the ESRB has ditched that rule for websites and other areas where geo-segmentation (what’s displayed changes based on your location) isn’t possible.

All of the above changes are, according to the ESRB documentation, effectively immediately.

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TV-MA vs R: Here’s what to know about maturity rating systems

Content ratings follow the great goal – to identify viewers about what they would be watching. I remember watching a R-rated movie when I was a child, and a scene where one bandito killed another by watering him with gasoline terrified me for some nights ahead.

That was so dramatic and hurt my imagination that I remember this even now, despite almost 20 years gone from that episode of my childhood life.

So all these ratings are here to protect people (not only children but anyone who doesn’t want to watch mature content and scenes) from traumatic content. There’s one problem: all those ratings are difficult to understand.

Both TV-MA and R indicate “Mature Audience Only,” but TV-MA is used on television or streaming, while R is used in theaters to indicate films. Content rated with TV-MA or R isn’t supposed to be viewed by people under 17. It may contain mature themes, strong language, intense violence, and graphic sexual content.

But there’s one difference. While TV-MA is absolutely not supposed for people under 17, the “R” (R stands for Restricted) rating insists on the need for adult supervision in theaters.

For content that’s inappropriate to people under 17, even with an accompanying adult (parent or guardian), there’s a special NC-17 rating. The content rated under NC-17 is absolutely inappropriate for those under 17.

TV-MA (as well as other ratings) are usually displayed in the initial 15 seconds of a television show’s broadcast; the program’s rating symbol can be seen in the upper left corner of the screen. If the duration is more than an hour, the symbol reappears at the beginning of the 2nd hour. Rating marks are usually also displayed after any commercial breaks.

Here’s everything you need to know about TV-MA and R ratings.

Table of Contents

Understanding Maturity Ratings

There are 2 types of maturity ratings used for different content types.

One of them is the TV Parental Guidelines, originally designed for television. Another is the rating system created by Motion Picture Association (MPA). And TV-MA is from Parental Guidelines, while R is from MBA rating.

And now it’s time to ask: Well, so is there any reason to compare them? And yes, it is. Just one example, Netflix combines them both to explain how they use maturity ratings. So I think that’s appropriate to compare them to know the difference.

What is TV-MA?

Content-rated TV-MA in the United States, according to TV Parental Guidelines , is used to mark content for mature audiences (actually, MA is the abbreviation of Mature Audience, though).

This rating is used for television programs (but it’s also used by streaming and games), and it suggests that the content is intended specifically for adults and may not be suitable for children under 17.

TV-MA-rated content may contain one or more of the following:

  • Strong, coarse language : This could include frequent use of profanity, slurs, or other offensive language.
  • Intense violence : This could involve graphic depictions of violent acts, including but not limited to physical fights, shootings, stabbings, or scenes involving blood and gore.
  • Explicit sexual content includes sexual acts, sexually explicit dialogue, and nudity.
  • Graphic depictions of illegal substance use : This could include scenes where characters are using or dealing.

The guidelines for TV-MA content are intentionally broad because the rating covers a wide range of mature content. The rating is designed to provide viewers with a general understanding of the type of content they can expect, allowing them to make an informed decision about what to watch. And to indicate that the content is inappropriate for people under 17 or 18 years old.

“R” is a film rating given by the Motion Picture Association (MPA), primarily used in the United States. “R” stands for “Restricted.”

An R-rated film includes, but is not necessarily limited to, movies that may contain some of the following:

  • Adult Themes : This could involve mature or complicated situations that are often better understood by adults.
  • Hard Language : Frequent usage of strong or curse words is usually found in R-rated films.
  • Intense or Persistent Violence : This includes graphic and extended scenes of violence, which can sometimes be quite brutal or bloody.
  • Sexually Oriented Nudity : This could involve scenes of nudity in a sexual context or explicit sexual scenes.
  • Abuse : This could include detailed scenes of illegal usage or its effects.

The “Restricted” designation indicates that viewers under the age of 17 are not allowed to watch the movie in a theater without an accompanying parent or adult guardian. The main goal of the R rating is to alert viewers to inappropriate content for children or younger viewers. But people under 17 can still watch such films if their parents or guardians will decide that it’s appropriate and will make them company.

The R rating is part of a larger system designed to help viewers and their parents make informed decisions about what is appropriate to watch. And, as I said, it may be appropriate for people under 17 if they will watch such content with parents/guardians, so the decision on whether to allow children to watch such content is on their side.

TV-MA vs R: What is worse?

I don’t know whether it’s appropriate to decide which of them is “worse,” as that’s rating systems, and they’re made for different content types (TV-MA for TV shows and content, R for theaters), but let’s try to compare them.

While TV-MA means the content is unsuitable for people under 17, an “R” rating allows them to watch films when accompanied by adults.

And TV-MA is the most strict rating for TV shows and other content, while for films, there’s one more strict rating: NC-17. So we can draw a conclusion that TV-MA is worse, as there’s nothing more strict to rate more mature content.

But the trick is that unlike theaters (where there’s an option not to sell a ticket/don’t allow to watch people under 17), there’s no option not to show such content on TV or streaming (until there’s parental control or the proper age set). That’s why Parental Guidelines mentions that this content “may be unsuitable for children under 17”.

What is NC-17?

The “NC-17” rating is another classification given by the Motion Picture Association (MPA) in the United States. It stands for “No One 17 and Under Admitted.”

A film with an NC-17 rating might contain any of the following:

  • Explicit sexual content : Unlike an R-rated film, an NC-17 film might contain sexually explicit scenes that are more graphic or prolonged.
  • Extreme violence : This could refer to very graphic, disturbing or intense violent content.
  • Realistic depiction of use : This might include detailed portrayals of the use, abuse, or effects.

The key feature of an NC-17 rating is that, unlike an R-rated film where those under 17 can attend with a parent or guardian, no one 17 or under is admitted to an NC-17 film at all, regardless of accompaniment.

This rating isn’t as commonly used as others like G, PG, PG-13, or R, as it can limit the film’s audience and, in turn, its commercial success. Many theater chains and home video retailers have policies against carrying NC-17-rated movies. As a result, filmmakers often edit their films to achieve an R rating to avoid the commercial limitations associated with an NC-17 rating.

TV-MA vs NC-17

TV-MA and NC-17 are both ratings indicating mature content, but they apply to different mediums and have some differences.

TV-MA rating is used for television programs, indicating that the show is intended for adults and may not be suitable for children under 17. As I said, TV-MA-rated content may contain explicit language, intense violence, explicit sexual content, and graphic depictions of drug use.

On the other hand, “NC-17” is a film rating given by the Motion Picture Association (MPA). It stands for “No One 17 and Under Admitted.” NC-17-rated films may contain sex scenes, extreme violence, or substance abuse, which are more intense and explicit than those found in an R-rated film. The main difference from TV-MA is that, in theaters, no one 17 and under is permitted to attend an NC-17 film at all, even with an accompanying adult or guardian.

While both ratings signal mature content, TV-MA is used for television shows and doesn’t enforce viewer age restrictions (as I said, there’s no even way to properly restrict viewers, so that’s up to parents to control what their children are watching), whereas NC-17 is used for films and strictly prohibits admission to viewers 17 and under in theaters.

“R” and “NC-17” are two types of film ratings given by the Motion Picture Association (MPA) in the United States, each conveying a different level of mature content.

The “R” rating stands for “Restricted.” It means that viewers under 17 are required to be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian when watching the movie in a theater. R-rated films may contain strong language, hard violence, nudity, or abuse.

On the other hand, “NC-17” stands for “No One 17 and Under Admitted”. It is a more restrictive rating than “R.” NC-17 films may contain explicit sex scenes, extreme violence, or other content that the MPA deems inappropriate for viewers 17 and under. Unlike R-rated films, where those under 17 can attend with an adult, no one 17 or under can attend an NC-17 film, regardless of accompaniment.

While both ratings signify content intended for mature audiences, the key difference is in the level of restriction—NC-17 is stricter, prohibiting viewers 17 and under entirely, while R allows for younger viewers, given an adult, to accompany them.

What is TV-14?

TV-14 rating indicates that the television program may contain some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age.

A TV-14-rated program may include moderate or strong language, intense violence, or suggestive dialogue, but not as graphic or intense as shows rated TV-MA. Parents are urged to exercise “parental caution” and may want to watch these shows with their children or ensure the content aligns with their personal standards and values.

What does DLSV next to TV-MA mean?

TV-MA is the gatekeeper to shows that delve into mature themes and subject matter. The American rating system utilizes specific content descriptors to give viewers an understanding of why content is under TV-MA. This abbreviation can come together (in case the content contains all the mature content types), or there may be only some of them in case there are only some types of mature content.

And DLSV may come not only with TV-MA but also with a TV-14 rating. It indicates that the content may be unsuitable for children under 14. It can include moderate to strong language, intense violence, sexual content, or suggestive dialogue, but these elements are not as graphic or intense as content-rated TV-MA.

D stands for Suggestive Dialogue

This content descriptor comes into play when a program includes dialogues subtly hinting at or implying sexual themes. While suggestive dialogue alone may not trigger a TV-MA rating, it frequently appears in TV-14 programs, adding a layer of nuance to the storytelling.

For instance, in a medical drama, characters engaging in flirtatious banter or discussing intimate relationships might receive the D descriptor to indicate the presence of suggestive dialogue.

L stands for Coarse Language

Vulgar expressions, profanity, and impolite or offensive language find their place within this descriptor. Strong language can contribute to a program’s tone, authenticity, or emotional impact.

In a gritty crime series set in an urban landscape, characters expressing themselves with street slang, explicit profanity, or raw dialogue might receive the L descriptor to reflect the coarse language prevalent in their world.

S stands for Sexual Content

When a program contains explicit sexual content, the S comes into play. This can range from passionate love scenes and suggestive gestures to nudity or depictions of sexual acts.

For example, a mature drama exploring the intricacies of human relationships might feature intimate scenes between characters, showcasing their emotional and physical connections. In such cases, the S descriptor would be applied to alert viewers to the presence of sexual content.

V stands for Violence

The V is assigned to programs featuring intense or graphic violence. This encompasses various forms of physical confrontations, combat, or aggressive behavior.

In a dark thriller series centered around a serial killer, scenes depicting violent acts, such as brutal murders or intense fight sequences, would receive the V descriptor to inform viewers about the presence of explicit violence.

While these content descriptors provide a general understanding, it’s important to note that individual programs may feature a combination of descriptors or even introduce additional ones to convey a more comprehensive picture of the content.

FV stands for Fantasy Violence

The rating “FV” stands for “Fantasy Violence,” and it’s often paired with the “TV-Y7” rating to form “TV-Y7-FV”. This specific rating is intended for children aged 7 and older. The “FV” signifies that the program includes scenes of violence that are more intense or combative than what is typically found in a TV Y7-rated show. However, this violence is grounded in fantasy, meaning it may involve imaginary creatures, supernatural elements, or non-realistic settings. Although it indicates a higher level of violence than typically found in children’s content, it is still deemed suitable for viewers who are 7 years and older.

But despite it usually referring to a “kids” rating, it can sometimes be used in TV-14 or TV-MA. That’s rare, but such happens sometimes.

Parental Guidelines Maturity Ratings

In addition to TV-MA, several other ratings are used for parental guidance, according to Parental Guidelines. These ratings are designed to provide viewers with information about the appropriateness of the content for different age groups. Here are some of the commonly used ratings:

  • TV-Y : This rating is intended for young children and signifies that the program suits all ages. It indicates content specifically designed to be educational and appropriate for young viewers.
  • TV-Y7 : This rating indicates that the program suits children ages 7 and older. It may contain mild fantasy violence or comedic elements more appropriate for older children.
  • TV-G : This rating signifies that the program is suitable for all audiences. It indicates content generally free of any material parents would find inappropriate for young children.
  • TV-PG : This rating stands for Parental Guidance suggested. It indicates that the program may contain material parents may find unsuitable for younger children. It is recommended that parents watch these programs with their children and make a judgment based on their individual maturity level.
  • TV-14 : This rating suggests that the program contains material that may be inappropriate for children under 14. Parents are strongly urged to exercise discretion and consider the age and maturity of their children before allowing them to watch these programs.
  • TV-MA : As mentioned earlier, this rating is intended for mature audiences and signifies that the program is specifically designed for adults. It contains content unsuitable for viewers under 17 years of age.

These ratings and content descriptors help parents and viewers make informed decisions about the appropriateness of programs for themselves and their children.

Motion Picture Association Maturity Ratings

The Motion Picture Association (MPA) in the United States utilizes a classification system to provide information about the content and suitability of films. This is designed to help viewers make informed decisions about what they or their children watch. It involves the following:

  • G – General Audiences : G-rated movies are considered suitable for all ages. They contain no material that parents would find inappropriate for even their youngest children to see or hear.
  • PG – Parental Guidance : PG-rated films suggest that parents may want to provide “parental guidance” as some material may not be suitable for children. There may be mild violence, some suggestive material, and language, but generally, the content is considered family-friendly.
  • PG-13 – Parents Strongly Cautioned : A PG-13 rating indicates that some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. These films may contain themes, violence, language, sexual content, or some drug use that parents may find inappropriate for younger children.
  • R – Restricted : R-rated movies include content that may not be suitable for children under the age of 17. Parents are strongly urged to learn more about the movie before taking their children to see it. An R-rated film may include adult themes, adult activity, hard language, intense or persistent violence, sexually-oriented nudity, or drug abuse.
  • NC-17 – No One 17 and Under Admitted : An NC-17 rating means that the film is specifically designed for adults, usually due to explicit sexual content, pervasive violence, or substance abuse. It’s the highest rating given by the MPA, and children aged 17 and under are not allowed to attend these films in theaters, even with a parent or guardian.

What shows get a TV-MA rating?

Most shows on channels like Showtime or HBO get this rating. The most famous is South Park (Comedy Central), Nip/Tuck (FX), The Sopranos (HBO), The Walking Dead (AMC), Dexter (Showtime), The Boondocks (Adult Swim), and Game of Thrones (HBO).

This rating is one of the most diverse on American television. In the case of the TV-PG and TV-14 ratings, the content is properly all similar. In the case of TV-MA, the intensity of the content and its content can be very different.

Technically rated for 17-year-olds, shows with these ratings become more graphic and violent than R-rated movies usually can allow.


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Strategies for Parents

Viewer Discretion is Advised: Meaning and Implications

By: Author Dr. Patrick Capriola

Posted on Published: August 15, 2020

Viewer discretion is advised is a phrase you have, undoubtedly, heard or seen on television and in movies, but what does it mean?

Viewer discretion is advised is a content warning that precedes material that is not appropriate for children, advising the parent and viewer to use their own discretion or voluntary decision-making power to decide if they should watch it. Its use began as a response to public concerns about the harmful effects of television on the viewer and society.

While the intent is to protect children against distressing content, parents must develop media-literate children and encourage non-media activities to ensure content coming into the home does not have an outsized influence on their kids.

This guide explains what viewer discretion means and how it has been applied, traditionally in TV and movies, and more recently, on the internet. We explore its impact, limitations, and what you, as parents, can do to raise media-literate children.

The Meaning of “Viewer Discretion is Advised”

“Viewer discretion is advised,” sometimes shortened to “View discretion advised,” is a verbal and written disclaimer that precedes potentially sensitive content.

It warns viewers upfront that something upsetting may follow next, allowing them to either prepare themselves or decide to disengage altogether ( source ).

The Oxford Dictionary defines discretion as the freedom or power to decide what one should do in a particular situation ( source ). In other words, discretion is the choice to continue to read, listen, or watch the content that follows or to disengage and turn it off.

Be sure to keep resources like The Oxford English Dictionary and Dryer’s English Clarity and Style Guide close by — they will help you discover more definitions and their meanings. You can easily find both on Amazon.

Children, Tv, Child, Television, Home, People, Boy

The viewer discretion warning was born out of the need to inform consumers of mass media and protect those most vulnerable, namely, children.

The intent was to offer a degree of media awareness and media literacy to navigate and filter content on television and in movies.

The first rating system was established for movies in 1984 by the Motion Picture Association of America or MPAA ( source ).

A rating system for TV would soon emerge as a result of growing public concerns in the 1990s about explicit sexual content, graphic violence, and strong profanity in television programs. 

Warnings to exercise viewer discretion coincided with the development of a television content rating system known as TV parental guidelines. 

Violence in television has been of particular concern since, despite frequent arguments to the contrary, research from numerous studies conducted over several decades shows a strong correlation between TV violence and increased social violence ( source ).

Let us take a more thorough look at the TV parental guidelines and discuss each rating and accompanying warning so that you can make an informed decision as to whether the content is acceptable to you.

TV Parental Guideline Ratings 

Parental guidelines were introduced by the television industry to ensure parents had access to information concerning the content nature and age appropriateness of television programs ( source ). 

The TV guidelines went into effect on January 1, 1997. The ratings were determined by individually participating broadcast and cable networks, and they apply to most TV programs except news, sports, commercials, and unedited movies on premium cable channels ( source ).

The parental guidelines have two elements, and the first element refers to the audience, which indicates the age level for which a television program is appropriate. These ratings include Y, Y7, G, PG, 14, and MA.

Y — all children

Y7 — children age seven and above

G — general audience 

PG — parental guidance suggested 

14 — children age 14 and above 

MA — adults only 

The second guideline element contains a content label that indicates a show may contain violence, sex, adult language, or suggestive dialogue.   

D — suggestive dialogue, which usually means talking about sex

FV — fantasy violence (children’s programming only)

L — coarse or crude language 

S — sexual situations 

V — violence 

The two guidelines are visible in each individual rating and preceded by the letters TV. Let’s run through them one by one, so you get a sense of what each rating entails and what different warning levels are out there.

A program for all children, specifically designed for very young children from the age of two. It contains no violence, nor is it expected to frighten or scare. No parental guidance required. 
A program for children age seven and above. The program contains mild fantasy and violence. May require parental guidance.
A program for children age seven and above. It contains fantasy violence that might be more intense or more combative than simply TVY7 programs. May require parental guidance.
A program suitable for all ages. Although not specially designed for children, these programs contain little to no violence, strong language, or sexual dialogue or situations. 
The program contains material that could be unsuitable for younger children. Parental guidance is advised for younger children.

Might contain some suggestive dialogue (D), infrequent coarse language (L), some sexual situations (S), or moderate violence (V).

A program intended for children ages 14 and older in the company of an adult. May be unsuitable for children under 14 years of age, and parental guidance is strongly recommended.

Programs could contain one or more of the following: intensely suggestive dialogue (D), strong coarse language (L), intense sexual situations (S), or intense violence (V).

A program specifically designed for adults and may be unsuitable for children under 17. This program may contain one or more of the following: crude indecent language (L), explicit sexual activity (S), or graphic violence (V).

Ratings appear in the top-left corner of your television screen at the beginning of each program. Many regular broadcast and cable television networks also display the rating after each commercial break.

Parental Controls: The V-Chip

The ratings are helpful to guide parents as to what content they deem suitable for children and what is not. In addition, the guidelines were designed to be used with an installed V-chip in television sets to restrict what children watch on TV.

Since 2000, chips have been mandatory for television sets and personal computers, including a television tuner and screen size of 13 inches or more. Parents can program the V-chip to block programs based on these parental guideline ratings. 

If you need help on how to program the V-chip on your television set, check out the Federal Communications Commission ‘s guidelines or your equipment manual for specific instructions.

Is “Viewer Discretion Advised,” Advisable?

With comparatively little research done on the impact and effects of viewer discretion warnings, and ambiguous outcomes on that little, many have used this as grounds for debate about its usage and whether its intent, to protect children, is being met.

One study by Brad J. Bushman of the Institute for Social Research pointed out how warning labels often have a troubling side effect. Rather than restrict, warning labels tend to increase the desire to watch violent programs ( source ).

A television program with a “viewer discretion is advised” warning might attract more viewers, and many broadcast and cable networks a well-aware that this is the case.

This point emphasizes the importance of the parent’s discretion in keeping their children away from potentially harmful content.

Despite criticism about the clarity and transparency of parental guidelines, few people will argue they should not exist at all. Most people agree that some degree of parental guidance is required for children to ensure their safety and well-being. 

Be Aware of Triggers! 

As parents, it is important to be aware of the bigger picture. Although viewer discretion, originally, was limited to television and movies, the warnings now appear prominently on the internet, especially social media. 

Content Warnings versus Trigger Warnings 

Navigating online media is difficult for adults, let alone children. Apart from content warnings, you might have come across trigger warnings online. If you have not, not to worry, this section will briefly explain what they are.

Although people use the terms “content warning,” such as “viewer discretion is advised,” and “trigger warning” interchangeably, there is a difference. 

A content warning, or disclaimer, is a broad warning that flags something that might upset someone, or even just make them feel bad, without referring to a traumatic experience. 

A trigger warning is a specific variety of content warning for people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other anxiety disorders. It intends to prevent people who have experienced trauma from being exposed to something that might trigger a physical or mental reaction ( source ). 

Although the list of potential trigger warnings is infinite, common triggers include discussion of ( source ): 

  • Sexual Assault
  • Child abuse/pedophilia/incest
  • Animal cruelty or animal death
  • Self-harm and suicide
  • Eating disorders, body hatred, and fatphobia
  • Pornographic content
  • Kidnapping and abduction
  • Death or dying
  • Pregnancy/Childbirth
  • Miscarriages/Abortion
  • Mental illness and ableism
  • Racism and racial slurs
  • Sexism and misogyny
  • Hateful language directed at religious groups (e.g., Islamophobia, antisemitism)

Notably, new research suggests that trigger warnings may do more harm than good.

Firstly, they do little to minimize the fall-out when dealing with the content. Secondly, trigger warnings might exacerbate cases of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and interfere with recovery ( source ).

With few alternatives at hand and with a generation increasingly interacting online and over-involved in media, the impetus is on parents to help guide children on the web. 

What You Can Do as Parents!

The media landscape is completely different from what many parents grew up around, so it can be overwhelming at times. The presence of media is so pervasive that estimates are that there are more TV sets in America than there are toilets ( source ).

In 1970, children began regularly watching TV at about age four, whereas today, children begin interacting with digital media as young as four months ( source )! So how do you navigate this media landscape with your children?

Develop A Family Media Plan 

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends developing healthy media use habits early on.

They discourage any screen media for children under 18 months and to restrict screen time to a max of one hour daily for children of two years old and older.

When allowing screen time, make sure to pick high-quality programs, such as Children’s Educational Television, and co-watch with your child and actively engage with them. 

The AAP created an interactive family media plan that enables you to create media rules at home that fit your values and needs and develop an individual-based media plan for each family member.

The family media plan will promote communication about what is allowed in your household and what is not, the benefits and risks associated with media, and develop media awareness and literacy in your children. 

Plus, don’t forget to schedule, plan, and prioritize daily critical health behaviors that are central to child health. Think about all those non-media related times spent such as sleep, exercise, school work, and socialization.

For more on this topic, read our article, “ Why Parents Should Monitor Their Child’s Internet Usage .”

Happy Family Sitting on a Couch and Watching TV

Old School 

Most children do not find their parents particularly hip or trendy and, however you might feel about this, rest assured that old-school, non-media activities, such as unstructured play, are essential in Early Childhood Development. 

Not only does play stimulate creativity and encourage problem-solving, but it also builds social skills and helps children process their emotions.

For older children, think of family game night, gardening, sports, or any other family-focused, non-media activity that warrants problem-solving and teamwork. 

Why Boredom is Anything But Boring

Boredom gets a bad wrap, but research shows that constructive boredom in children is essential to their mental and emotional development. Boredom fosters creativity, independence, and creates tools that children need to navigate the busy world around them ( source ).

In order to be constructive in boredom, they will need your help as parents, but practice makes perfect, right?

Final Thoughts 

“Viewer discretion is advised” is a displayed warning, often repeated audibly as well, that flags potentially upsetting content to viewers. Its intent is to alert parents and inform them of the content and age-appropriateness of television programs.

Viewer discretion has been helpful in rating content on television and movies. Most would agree it protects children to some degree and ensures they engage with media in a safer and more responsible way.

As parents, you are of vital importance in raising media-literate children. Through the creation of a family media plan, prioritizing non-media activities, or constructively using boredom, you will limit the risks associated with media exposure. 

Aesthetically Pleasing: What It Means to Be Pleasant to the Eye

Saturday 15th of August 2020

[…] For another perspective on the impact of media, read our article, “ What Does ‘Viewer Discretion is Advised’ Mean?” […]

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Production Notes: Content and Trigger Warnings

Production Notes: Content and Trigger Warnings

What Are Content Warnings?

At times, producers and/or distributors may believe that certain scenes in a film, music video, television episode, or video game contains content that will offend, traumatize, or otherwise cause harm or discomfort to some viewers. In such cases, content warnings are often given in conjunction with a content rating system that specifies the type of audience the film or production is suitable for, such as M for mature audiences.

Content warnings are typically selected from a list of general warnings, such as:

  • “The following program contains material that may be disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.”
  • “This program contains violent content which may be too intense for some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.”
  • “The following program contains mature situations/themes and is intended for an older youth audience. Viewer discretion is advised.”
  • “This program is rated TV-MA and is intended for mature audiences.”
  • “The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of (the network/production company). Viewer discretion is advised.”

For more examples of content warnings, visit: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ContentWarnings

What Are Trigger Warnings?

Trigger warnings are similar to content warnings, but they are typically in reference to content that is extremely upsetting in nature and can trigger a negative, unwanted response in certain audience members, such as trauma survivors, individuals with common phobias, and viewers with visual sensitivities.

For viewers with an extreme phobia and viewers who have survived a traumatic experience (physical, psychological or emotional), trigger warnings are extremely helpful if the material shown may cause them to be re-traumatized and have a panic attack, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) flashback, or other distressing response.

When it comes to medical issues that can be triggered by the visual nature of a film, television episode, or other form of media, content warnings are essential in order to prevent severe harm to a viewer’s health. Flashing images, lights, patterns, and other screen effects can trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy. Incredibles 2 is an example of one film that needed a disclaimer to warn audience members that the animated movie contained scenes that could trigger those with photosensitive epilepsy.

Content and trigger warnings are intended to be helpful guides that allow viewers to make an informed decision on whether or not they want to continue watching a film or program.

If you are looking for industry professionals to help you review your content and create appropriate content and trigger warnings, check out our online Nevada Production Directory to find experienced Nevada production crew or drop by our office and pick up a free printed directory!

If you offer production and film-related services in Nevada and are not yet listed in our Production Directory, you can learn more about how to sign up for the NPD here .

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Motion Picture Association

  • 1 November 1, 1968-January 21, 1970
  • 2 1970-1971
  • 3 January 25, 1970-December 9, 1983, June 1, 1984, March 6, 1987, December 6, 1991, September 7, 2012, October 27, 2023
  • 4 1974-present
  • 5 January 2-February 27, 2001
  • 6 2013-present

November 1, 1968-January 21, 1970 [ ]

Visuals : On a blue background, we see the yellow words "THE MOTION PICTURE CODE AND RATING ADMINISTRATION Has Rated This Motion Picture". Below it is one of four ratings, all in a square unless otherwise noted:

  • G: Suggested for General Audiences
  • M: Suggested for Mature Audiences
  • R: Restricted
  • X: Persons Under 16 Not Admitted (in a circle)
  • On some trailers, the text and rating symbol/initials appear white rather than yellow.
  • Some trailers have the bumper appear in different colors. (i.e. The G bumper was seen in white text on a green background; and the R bumper was seen in red text on a black background.)

Technique : A photo still created on film.

Audio : None (except for the loud announcer of the film's rating on The Girl on a Motorcycle ).

Availability : Extremely rare. It can be seen on MPAA-rated films in the rating system's infancy and can also be seen on trailers from the period, including True Grit , The Wild Bunch , and The Girl on a Motorcycle . The G bumper appears at the start of the Magnetic Video releases of Hello, Dolly! and The Day the Earth Stood Still , and at the end of the 1969 reissue trailer for One Hundred and One Dalmatians , which is seen on the 2008 DVD release. The M bumper appears in yellow-on-blue at the end of the Magnetic Video release of The Only Game in Town , and also on a VHS of Change of Habit . Look for it on 35mm screenings of films.

1970-1971 [ ]

Visuals : Same as the first bumper, except the ratings are shown (and in different fonts, namely for the rating initials, i.e. GP):

  • G: All Ages Admitted, General Audiences
  • GP: ALL AGES ADMITTED, Parental Guidance Suggested
  • R: RESTRICTED, Under 17 requires accompanying Parent or Adult Guardian
  • X (in a square): No one under 17 (later 18) admitted.

Also, the background's black and the "Motion Picture Association of America" text and the line below the text don't appear under the MPAA logo. The rating box/initials are in color too.

Audio : None.

Availability : Extremely rare. Look for it on 35mm screenings of films. The X version appears at the end of the Machete trailer on the Planet Terror portion of Grindhouse .

January 25, 1970-December 9, 1983, June 1, 1984, March 6, 1987, December 6, 1991, September 7, 2012, October 27, 2023 [ ]

Visuals : On a blue background, we see a white stripe. Above that stripe, we see the words "THE MOTION PICTURE CODE AND RATING ADMINISTRATION HAS RATED THIS MOTION PICTURE". On the stripe we see the following words and rating, depending on the film:

  • General Audiences: G
  • General Patronage/Parental Guidance: GP (1971-1972); PG (1972-1982)
  • Restricted: R
  • No One Under 17: X (the X is in a circle and the text below reads "NO ONE UNDER 17 ADMITTED" and below that "AGE LIMIT MAY VARY IN CERTAIN AREAS". The MPAA logo and text are omitted, and "THE MOTION PICTURE CODE AND RATING ADMINISTRATION HAS RATED THIS MOTION PICTURE" is replaced with "THIS MOTION PICTURE HAS BEEN RATED".)
  • GP (full meaning: All Ages Admitted: Parental Guidance Suggested) was used during the early years of this card.
  • The cover to the Queens of the Stone Age album R is inspired by the R variant of the bumper.
  • In the middle of the 1981 Paramount comedy-horror film Student Bodies , the film suddenly cuts to a scene featuring a long zoom-in on a man discussing that the film doesn't have enough features to warrant an R rating (i.e.: nudity, profanity, violence), despite proven research that "R-rated films are by far the most popular with the movie-going public." He then closes the scene by giving one of the very few examples of the film's R rating (and one of the very few profanities spoken in the film) by stating that "the producers of this motion picture have asked me to take this opportunity to say... fuck you." Afterwards, the film cuts to the 1970 R bumper, then resumes as normal.
  • A faithful recreation of the R bumper is seen at the start of the 2023 comedy-drama film The Holdovers , slotted in between the 1963 Universal logo and that film's custom-made Focus Features logo. Here, the bumper fades in and out.
  • On occasion, the words "This PREVIEW has been Approved by the Motion Picture Association of America for General Audiences." is shown on top of the bumper. The rating/initials, text and MPAA logo may appear in the center rather than to the right.
  • An extremely rare variant of the PG version exists, where the text below the PG symbol is on one line. This can be found on the 1988 Magnum Entertainment VHS of The Return of Captain Invincible .
  • On the 1995 Blockbuster VHS and the 2018 Lionsgate UHD of Halloween , most of the text disappears for a split-second.
  • On the original theatrical trailer for Red Sky at Morning , the GP version appears on a red background.

Audio Variant : On some occasions, such as Cold Sweat (1970), The Blues Brothers , and the 1980 Paramount VHS of Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy , the end theme plays over the ID.

Availability : Rare.

  • Can be seen on some Disney videos, most notoriously during the Neon Mickey era, as well as after the features on some tapes from Magnetic Video, Paramount, Warner, and Universal, and at the beginning of some MGM/CBS tapes. Also at the end of the film itself on the 1998 VHS of Taxi Driver and at the start of some prints of the theatrical version of Angel Heart , including the 1989 IVE VHS, the 1981 MCA DiscoVision Laserdisc of American Graffiti , the 1984 Paragon Video Productions VHS of Hotwire , and the 1988 Magnum Entertainment VHS of The Return of Captain Invincible . An MCA/Universal VHS of Dead Reckoning (1990) shows this screen after the MTE logo.
  • Can also be seen at the end of a 1966 trailer (which is most likely an anachronism) for The Ten Commandments on its 2004 DVD, as well as at the end of MCA/Universal's demo tape of At Play in the Fields of the Lord .
  • It recently appeared at the end of the IMAX version of Raiders of the Lost Ark . It can appear on DVD on many pre-1984 films released by Universal (restored on most releases, although whereas the DVDs of Smokey and the Bandit and Somewhere in Time retain it, the next bumper plasters it on the Blu-rays; it's also plastered on DVDs of Halloween II , Midway , and The Legacy ), as well as on a Treasure Box Collection DVD of Cold Sweat (1970) and the Embassy Home Entertainment Laserdisc of The Howling (the 20th Century-Fox Video VHS equivalent leaves it off). It was also shown in theatres during this era. Look for it on 35mm screenings of films.
  • Strangely, on the 1979 MCA DiscoVision release of Heroes and the 1980 MCA VHS release of Xanadu (both are post-1972 films), the GP version is used, although the packaging of both carries a PG rating. Even weirder, a 1979 UK pre-cert VHS of Wacky Taxi from Intervision features the G version before the movie.
  • The trailer variant appears after the trailer for Zardoz , which can be found in the "Fox Flix" section of the bonus features on the 2001 20th Century Fox DVD of Enemy Mine .

1974-present [ ]

Visuals : On a blue background, we see the words "THIS MOTION PICTURE HAS BEEN RATED". In a white square, either one of their ratings will be seen, along with the MPAA logo:

  • Parental Guidance: PG
  • Parents Strongly Cautioned: PG-13 (Introduced in 1984)
  • No One Under 17: X (1974-1990), NC-17 (1990-present)

On the bottom of the rating are the words "BY THE CODE AND RATING ADMINISTRATION". It was renamed "CLASSIFICATION AND RATING ADMINISTRATION" in late spring 1982.

  • Starting in 2004, the card features the URLs for www.filmratings.com and www.mpaa.org.
  • On red band movie trailers from 1974-1982, the bumper was on a red background.
  • On the trailer for Norma Rae , and at the end of both Raging Bull and Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid , the background is black.
  • The text and rating symbol/initials fonts varied from 1974-1982. Also, the earlier PG text said "PRE-TEENAGERS" instead of "CHILDREN" and the earlier PG-13 text said "Parents Are Strongly Cautioned to Give Special Guidance for Attendance of Children Under 13. Some Material May Be Inappropriate for Young Children" instead of "PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED/SOME MATERIAL MAY BE INAPPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 13."
  • On the 2001 DVD of Someone Like You , the background is black.
  • Some of the earliest videotapes with this bumper, such as the Special Edition of Rules of Engagement , Lucky Numbers , and the original release of Mission: Impossible 2 , precede it with "Rated [RATING] for [REASON]." Their DVD versions instead feature the text in all-caps.
  • On Arrival (2016) , the background is blue.
  • Sony Pictures (2001-14): Originally similar to Paramount's, but starting with the 2003 VHS/DVD releases of I Spy , the background was switched to blue. (The black version last appeared on Stealing Harvard .) There's also no text on the top or bottom. Starting in 2002, DVDs feature a smaller, redesigned version. On most DVDs from 2005-10, the ID more closely resembled its regular counterpart. Strangely, the PG-13 version would say "PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED", Strangely, this also appears on the 2009 DreamWorks/Paramount DVD of The Soloist instead of Paramount's.
  • On the 1992 VHS of Radio Flyer , the 2006 DVD of Everybody's Hero , and the 2009 DVD of The Tale of Desperaux , the background is green.
  • On the 2002 VHS of Bones , most of the text is in lowercase.
  • Normally, this screen fades in and out, but on the 2003-06 DVDs of S1M0NE , Friday After Next , and Final Destination 2 and 3 , it cuts in and out.
  • On the 2003 DVDs of the Critters movies, the text only reads "[NAME OF MOVIE] HAS BEEN RATED [RATING]."
  • On some Blu-rays, as well as the DVDs of Willard (2003) , Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show , and Semi-Pro , a colon follows the movie title ("[NAME OF MOVIE]: HAS BEEN RATED [RATING] FOR [REASON FOR RATING]").
  • On the 2007 screener VHS of Full of It , the screen is completely blue except for text reading "Insert MPAA Card Here 5 Sec.," in the font of New Line's usual bumpers.
  • On Warner Bros. DVDs from the 2010s, the fade-in is faster.
  • On Warner Bros. DVDs and Blu-rays, depending on the specific aspect ratio of the feature presented, the screen would appear in the same ratio as the movie. However, while the 2006 widescreen DVD of Poseidon has the movie in a 2.40:1 ratio, the screen appears in 1.77:1!
  • On some Warner Bros. releases with their variant, such as the 2008-09 DVDs of The Dark Knight and Final Destination 4 and the 2021 Blu-ray of Wonder Woman 1984 , the screen cuts in and out rather than fading. (The respective Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD equivalents feature the screen fading in and out as normal.)
  • Early Universal VHS releases with this ID before the film feature the top text reading "THE FOLLOWING MOVIE HAS BEEN RATED."
  • On the 1995 WarnerVision Entertainment VHS of Gumby: The Movie , the ID appears after the movie, but with only a large square containing the G rating and the MPAA symbol next to it.
  • On the 2000 Universal DVD of The Birds , the PG variant is shown (despite the movie being PG-13) in a squeezed form.
  • On the 2008 Koch Vision DVD of Ballet Shoes , the background is customized.

Technique : A photo still created on a computer with fading and/or cutting effects.

Audio Variant : At the end of The Money Pit and Shocker , the films' closing themes finish over it.

Availability : Common. The 1974-1982 versions were used in tandem with the third bumper.

  • Seen on many post-1984 Universal films on their DVDs, as well as at the end of some New Line DVDs, the 2001 20th Century Fox DVD of White Men Can't Jump , the 2004 Walt Disney DVD of The Haunted Mansion , the Artisan DVD of Novocaine , the 2003 Warner Bros./Morgan Creek Extended Version DVD of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves , the 1993-95 Columbia TriStar VHS releases of A Few Good Men and Bad Boys , the 2005 Lions Gate Home Entertainment DVD of Wooly Boys , and the 2001 MGM DVD of Speechless .
  • Even after the 6th bumper was introduced, this one still appears in theatres at the end of newer releases. Only pre-2013 Disney DVD/Blu-ray releases don't use this screen (perhaps because the rating symbol and the box already appear on the back of the cover). The PG version surprisingly appeared at the end of the UK DVD release of Ice Age .
  • Look for it on 35mm screenings of films, such as Terminator 2: Judgement Day , and The Sixth Sense .
  • The PG version was strangely spotted on VHS releases of Swimfan and The Rundown instead of the PG-13 version, while the DVD of Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas features the PG-13 version instead of the PG one, and the VHS of Mona Lisa Smile mistakenly includes the R version.
  • While the Sony version appears on DVD reissues of The Karate Kid , Christine , Annie , Ghostbusters , and The Shadow Riders , all of which were released before the MPAA introduced rating descriptors, it doesn't appear on The Trouble with Angels and Philadelphia: Anniversary Edition , both of which have descriptors. It also doesn't appear on the 2008 New Line DVD of Be Kind Rewind , the 2016 Paramount DVD of Zoolander No. 2 , and the Blu-ray discs on Warner Bros.' 2019 4K Ultra HD releases of the Joel Schumacher-directed Batman movies ( Batman Forever and Batman & Robin ).
  • The Sony version also usually appears just before their FBI warnings, except on the 2001-02 DVDs of Stephen King's Sleepwalkers and Memento: Special Edition , where it appears after the warnings, and the 2003 DVD of Punch-Drunk Love , where it appears first on the disc, preceding the Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment logo.
  • The first Paramount DVDs to use their variant were released in 2001, and those titles, such as Rugrats in Paris: The Movie , Stuart Saves His Family , the Wayne's World movies, the first two "Crocodile" Dundee films, and Apocalypse Now Redux , place it at the very start of the disc rather than before the movie (in addition, the 2003 DVD of Scrooge has it after their warning screen). The 2003 Universal VHS releases of Empire and The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting feature a rating screen before the movie, but don't use a descriptor at all.
  • Strangely, the R and PG-13 versions respectively appear before trailers for 30 Years to Life and Fear of the Dark on the 2004 Screen Media Films VHS of No Turning Back .
  • While the Paramount variant usually appears before the logos on their releases, on the 2005 demo VHS of Homeland Security , it follows the Paramount logo. This is also the case on New Line's 2002 DVD of Brother's Keeper .

January 2-February 27, 2001 [ ]


Visuals : Over a red background with the MGM Home Entertainment logo in it, this text is shown:

[NAME OF MOVIE] This film is rated [RATING] by the Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. (MPAA) for [REASON FOR RATING]. For information about the rating for this or any film, please visit www.filmratings.com, the Reasons for Movie Ratings web site from the Classification and Rating Administration (CARA) .

Technique : A digital graphic with fading effects.

Availability : Extremely rare. This was exclusively used on the 2001 MGM Home Entertainment VHS releases of Autumn in New York and The Fantasticks . It might also appear on Crime & Punishment in Suburbia .

2013-present [ ]

Visuals : Same as the fourth bumper, except the rating symbols/boxes are redesigned (rating initials still appear in their original font) and the text font is different. It also shows the complete film rating description on the right of the rating box.

  • On pre-2019 Universal Studios/Pictures Home Entertainment releases, such as Despicable Me 2 and Jobs , the rating symbol, the MPAA logo, and all the text have a drop shadow effect.
  • In late 2019, the logo was changed (with "MPA" appearing underneath), and the URL now reads "www.motionpictures.org."

Technique : A photo still created on a computer.

Availability : Current. Seen on Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (though some titles still use the previous bumper) releases on DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K UHD, as well as on Paramount releases starting with 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi . This also appears at the end of a few odd theatrical releases, such as Pompeii (from TriStar Pictures). This doesn't appear on post-2013 DVD/Blu-ray releases by Disney and any of their subsidiaries. The MPA R variant surprisingly appears on the 2021 UK UHDs of Zack Snyder's Justice League and Columbia Classics Collection Vol. 2 .

  • 1 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Warning Screens/United States of America and Canada
  • 2 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Sneak Peek IDs
  • 3 Company Bumpers Region Code Error Screens

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Jan 02, 2020

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  • glial cells
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0 T8 Experiments on Alzheimer’s Disease Jash Bansal, Jonathan Cantalino, Morgan Greenfield, Jennifer Lee, Christina Long, Darius Rackus, Karen Sun, Sam Tarakajian, Roxinne Templonuevo, Christopher Thompson, Kathy Zhou Under the direction of:Diane Chuback, Ph.D.Carl W.F. Bird B.A.and Jonathan Stone

Normal Brain Aging 0 Images from MedExpert.net 20-40 yrs. 40-60 yrs. 80 + yrs.

Abnormal Alzheimer’s Brain 0

0 “. . . aging always affects the human brain.” -Victoroff The task we face is to reduce theimpact of AD-related neurodegeneration.

Our Experiments and Goals 0 • The Ameliorative properties of HMG-CoA (Statins) on the Nitric Oxide production by Microglial cells: an Alzheimer’s Model • The use of NMDA receptor antagonists to help neuronal cells

Why is Alzheimer’s Important? 0 • Most common form of dementia • Affects all areas of the brain starting in the hippocampus • 2005: 4.5 million Americans suffer 2025: estimated 14 million • Risk increases with age • 10% of patients older than 65 • 50% over 85 • Monetary cost • $174,000 / person’s lifetime • $100 billion annually in U.S.

Hallmarks of AD: Plaques and Tangles 0 • Courtesy American Health Assistance Foundation • Cellular signs of Alzheimer's: • neurofibrillary tangles • amyloid plaques P:\GSS2005\T8\PRESENTATION\video2.asx

Goals 0 • The Ameliorative properties of Statins on the Nitric Oxide production by Microglial cells: an Alzheimer’s Model

Inside the Central Nervous System 0 • Neural tissue consists of both neurons and glial cells • Glia support nerve cells in the CNS by • maintaining homeostasis • buffering pH • providing insulation • regulating the concentration of neurotransmitters • eliminating foreign bodies from the brain

Different Types of Glia 0 • Glial cells include astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglial cells • We worked with the BV-2 cell line: immortalized murine microglial cells

Microglial Immune Response 0 • Activated by A-Beta • Become phagocytotic • Engulf apoptotic cell (dying)

0 Aβ role in cell death • Aβ activates glial cells • Cytokines • Transcription factors • Produce iNOS • Produce nitric oxide (NO) • NO + O2-  ONOO- Plaque-associated protein Mature Plaque Degenerating Axon Degenerating Dendrite

An Even Closer Look at Plaques 0 • Aβ activates microglia • Produce glutamate • Overstimulates neuronal NMDA • Ca2+ influx  excitotoxicity

Calcium-induced NO production 0 • Ca2+ influx • Enters mitochondria • Radicals and caspases • Activate NOS • NO production • activates NOS • Produces NO • apoptosis

Lovastatin Pravastatin Mevastatin Simvastatin What are Statins? 0 • 3-hydroxyl-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor (HMG-Co A reductase inhibitor) • Used for hypercholesterolemia treatments • Observed to reduce NO levels in neurons C24H36O5MW 404.5454 C23H34O5MW 390.5186 C25H38O5MW 418.5722 C23H36O7MW 424.5332

Statins: Their role in AD 0

So what exactly did we do? 0 • Griess Assay- effect of statins on [NO] in BV-2 microglial cells • Immunocytochemistry – where statins work in NO pathway (iNOS)

BV2 Methods: BV2 Microglial Cell Cultures 0 • Incubated BV-2 cells • Applied a supplement media (DMEM) with 10% FBS • Seeded in 24-well plates • Incubated at 37°C for 24 hours BV2 cells were grown in T-25 flasks as shown above. 37°C incubator

Plate #1 Control LPS Prava Prava Simva Simva + LPS + LPS Plate #2 Control LPS Meva Meva Lova Lova + LPS +LPS Methods: LPS Treatment 0 • Cell cultures immersed in serum-free culture • Used various statins: • Mevastatin • Lovastatin • Pravastatin • Simvastatin - With or without LPS activation

Methods: Nitrite/Griess Assay 0 • Inside the cell: unstable nitric oxide is metabolized to nitrite (NO2) • Nitrite is stable product and easy to measure • The Nitrite/Griess Assay is used to measure the nitrite concentration in various cell media exposed to different statin treatments

Nitrite Assay: Serial dilutions 0 NaNO3 + DMEM standard solutions

Nitrite Assay: 96-well plate 0

Nitrite Assay: Microplate template 0

Nitrite Assay: Microplate Reader 0

* * * Graphs for Statins: Griess Assay 0

0 More Statins Data: Griess Assay

Conclusions for Statins 0 • Simvastatin and pravastatin- statistical significant reduction in NO level • Simvastatin- most quantitatively significant

Y FITC FITC FITC FITC FITC Y Y Y Y Y Immunocytochemistry: How it works 0 Y Primary antibody MouseαiNOS Secondary antibody RabbitαMouse IgG with FITC Y iNOS

0 Immunocytochemistry Data: iNOS

Mitochondrial staining 0 • Mitochondrial staining- mitochondrial distribution under AD simulated stress

Methods: Fluorescence Staining 0 • Culture media was taken out of the wells • New culture media with JC-1 staining agent added • Cells were incubated for 1 hour • Cells were examined under Nikon inverted microscope with rhodamine (red) filter • JC-1 • Chemical used to stain for mitochondria • Indicates presence concentration of mitochondria • Fluoresces after binding to mitochondria

Differentiated HCN-1A cells 0 Glial phenotype of HCN-1A cells Control group HCN-1A cells Neuronal phenotype of HCN-1A cells HCN-1A cells treated with A-beta and glutamate

Mitochondrial Stains 0 CONTROL GLUTAMATE

Graph for Mitochondrial Distribution 0 Mitochondria actually seem to shift toward the soma with stress as opposed to towards the periphery.

Graph for Neurite Mitochondrial Density 0 As stress increases, mitochondria in the neurites decreases.

Discussion 0 • Future experiments • The effect of statins on neurons using another cell line • Evaluate expression levels of iNOS after treatment of statins • Ethanol kills microglia and therefore decreases the amount of NO produced. So, find other solvents to dissolve statins. • Testing ameliorative effects of memantine in cytoxicity. Conclusion This experiment demonstrated that statins do have ameliorative effects in reducing the production of NO in microglial cells.

0 Special thanks go to: The State of New Jersey RICHIE Cody Robert Weisbuch (President Bobby W.) Canada (FOR DARIUS) (AND FRANKIE)(AND SALLY) Ninja David Miyamoto, Ph.D. Tortured Ballerina Paul Quinn, Ph.D. Godfather: Steve Surace Ph.D. Dr. Diane J-Koziereski-Chuback Ph.D Jonathan Stone Carl WF Bird The corporation for public broadcasting And Viewers Like You.

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The following lecture has been approved for University Undergraduate Students

The following lecture has been approved for University Undergraduate Students This lecture may contain information, ideas, concepts and discursive anecdotes that may be thought provoking and challenging It is not intended for the content or delivery to cause offence

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The Following Movie Has Been Approved For All Audiences By No One At All

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The following lecture has been approved for University Undergraduate Students It is not intended for the content or delivery to cause offence. Any issues raised in the lecture may require the viewer to engage in further thought, insight, reflection or critical evaluation.

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  2. "The following presentation has been approved for mature audiences only

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  3. Jacket/Quotes

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  5. Motion Picture Association (Trailers)

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  14. Payday 2

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