"Drinking candle" experiment

Easy and impressive experiment with candle and water

An in­ter­est­ing ex­per­i­ment that demon­strates the change in the vol­ume of air from heat­ing and cool­ing.

Reagents and equip­ment:

  • a Petri dish;
  • a glass cylin­der;
  • a cig­a­rette lighter.

Step-by-step in­struc­tions

Pour a lit­tle wa­ter into the Petri dish. Place a can­dle in it. Light the can­dle. Cov­er the can­dle with a glass cylin­der, so the edge of the cylin­der is com­plete­ly im­mersed in the wa­ter . When the can­dle goes out, the wa­ter lev­el in the cylin­der will rise.

Pro­cess­es de­scrip­tion

When the can­dle burns, oxy­gen is ex­pend­ed, and the air in the cylin­der heats up. When all of the oxy­gen is ex­pend­ed, the burn­ing stops and the air cools. The vol­ume of the cooled air is less than the vol­ume of the heat­ed air. As a re­sult, a dif­fer­ence of pres­sures aris­es, which caus­es the wa­ter from the Petri dish to be sucked into the cylin­der.

Safe­ty pre­cau­tions

Wear pro­tec­tive glass­es and gloves. Don’t con­duct the ex­per­i­ment near flammable sub­stances and ob­jects. Fire-ex­tin­guish­ing equip­ment should be at the ready. Fol­low gen­er­al safe­ty rec­om­men­da­tions. Chem­i­cal ex­per­i­ments must be car­ried out in full com­pli­ance with the leg­is­la­tion of your coun­try.

Warn­ing! Sub­stances of this ex­per­i­ment are tox­ic and high­ly dan­ger­ous for your health. Do not try this at home. Only un­der pro­fes­sion­al su­per­vi­sion.

drinking candle experiment

Dozens of experiments you can do at home

One of the most exciting and ambitious home-chemistry educational projects The Royal Society of Chemistry
Gilla: Dela:

drinking candle experiment

  • 1 drinking glass
  • 1 lighter or matchbox
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Safety equipment: 1 fire extinguisher

drinking candle experiment

Step 3 (alternative A)

drinking candle experiment

Step 3 (alternative B)

drinking candle experiment

Short explanation

Long explanation.

  • What happens if you put the glass over the candle very quickly?
  • What happens if you use a larger glass?
  • What happens if you use a taller, narrower, glass?
  • What happens if you use a different type of candle (for example, a small cake candle?
  • What happens if you use multiple candles (you may need a larger glass or a jar)?
  • What happens if you use a bowl of water instead (see below)?

drinking candle experiment

Gilla: Dela:

drinking candle experiment

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Magic ice cut

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String telephone

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drinking candle experiment

Special: Burning towel

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Water sucking glass

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Spinning spiral snake

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Plastic bag parachute

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Dental impression

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Impact craters

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Cloud in a bottle 2

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Water whistle

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drinking candle experiment

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drinking candle experiment

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drinking candle experiment


drinking candle experiment

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drinking candle experiment

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drinking candle experiment

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drinking candle experiment

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Newspaper tower

drinking candle experiment

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Heavy paper

drinking candle experiment

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drinking candle experiment

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drinking candle experiment

Drops on a coin

drinking candle experiment

Cartesian diver

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drinking candle experiment

Go Science Girls

Candle Under Glass Experiment

  • October 24, 2019
  • 3-4 Year Olds , 5-6 Year Olds , 7-9 Year Olds , Chemistry , Fire Science , Household Items , Rainy Day Science , Science

We did this cool candle and glass experiment last week. The experiment teaches of role of oxygen in fire and its presence in the air. This one takes less than 5 minutes to complete it.

Candle Glass Fire Experiment

5 – 6-year-old kids can experiment this by noting time and they can learn how much oxygen is required to burn the candle. They can learn about smoke and wax.

How to do this candle and glass experiment

The simplest experiment to do but has a big science behind it. Don’t panic this science is easy for even kids to understand. Let us first do this experiment and study the science behind it.

Materials required for carrying out the experiment

  • Candle Lighter or Matches
  • Drinking glass
  • Ceramic dinner plate or wooden board (optional)

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Place the candle on the plate. Keep the matchbox and glass tumbler ready.

close glass on top candle

Light the candle and leave it for some time and then close the candle with a glass tumbler so that you can see through the light.

flame size reduces in seconds light and candle experiment

After a few seconds, you can see the flame comes down slowly and eventually goes off. You can try opening the glass when the flame is low to see how it picks up oxygen again and the flame goes higher.

You can also see a small sediment of moisture in the inner walls of the glass. That is a proof that fire releases H2O.

flame goes off candle glass experiment

Yes, the experiment is over. Now, try these and share your experience with us.

  • Now you can do this using a stopwatch and check the time taken for the light to go off after closing the candle with glass.
  • Use the candle of different size and check the timing.
  • Also, use bigger and smaller glass to check the timing.

Do this experiment with kids and allow them to make the observations.

Therefore oxygen is required for the candle to burn for a long time.

Detailed science with terminologies

Hydrocarbons present in the wax are converted to carbon dioxide and steam and this chemical process is called combustion. The oxygen gets pulled at the bottom and the wick draws the fuel. This will provide heat at the top and that makes air hot to rise up. This is how a candle burns. The steam part gives the blue color to the fire. The unburned carbon deposit makes the walls nearby black. Better oxygen means brighter the flame. Match stick is required to ignite and that produces the activation energy to start the entire burning process.

The chemical equation for your reference

Methane (hydrocarbon) + Oxygen –> Carbon dioxide and Water

CH4 + 2 O2 –> CO2 + 2 H2O

Check scienceline for more science facts.  Also, read candles.org explanation to master the science behind candle and science experiments.

When the candle is placed in the jar it limits the flow of oxygen and hence the candle flame goes off.

Oxygen is the fuel for wax and makes the wick burn. When the candle is closed with the glass jar the oxygen supply is stopped. Initially, the candle burns by making use of the oxygen within the glass and slowly when there is no oxygen the flame goes off.

The candle that is the shortest will go out first. It is because the CO2 is denser than air so it will settle down at the bottom eventually putting off the fire.

Glass is also prone to crack and break due to heat. Check out for heat resistant glassware and use them for this experiment.

When the candle is lighted the heat of the flame will melt the wax first near the wick that is on the top. Thus the wax will melt and that liquid wax gets drawn up again by the wick due to capillary action. The flame’s heat vaporizes the wax in the liquid state and that will initiate the hydrocarbon break down process. The hydrocarbon breaks down further into molecules of carbon and hydrogen.

Combustion is the chemical reaction happening in the candle burning process. Wax is derived from petroleum and is a carbon chemical and it reacts with the oxygen present in the air. This process creates CO2 which is a colorless gas.

Yes and no. Yes if it is pure beeswax. No, if it is not a pure wax. Candles made of pure beeswax will produce no smoke and cleanses the air around. It does this by releasing negative ions in the air. Such released negative ions bind with the toxins and remove them eventually from air. Also, natural pure beeswax burns slowly, when compared to paraffin candles and hence they last for long time.

Candle burning requires oxygen and that is present in the air naturally. When we close the candle with jar, then oxygen flow is limited and once all the oxygen present is exhausted the candle gets extinguished.

candle under glass fire experiment

Overall, stay around and explain to them to have fun.

What inspired me to do this experiment?

Let me share my experience in how did I arrive at doing this experiment? During one summer we had a massive power failure. My little ones had never been used to such a situation ever. But this time the situation was tough and they had to spend the whole night without power. That is when I lit a candle for light while we had dinner.

As usual, my curious elder daughter asked me how does a candle burn. Why does it not require electricity as lights and fan do? How come it gives brightness as an electric bulb does. She bombarded me with questions I was like feeling glad that she thinks all these things. At the same time, my naughty little younger one as usual in her style started doing fun things. She blew the candle and sang “happy birthday”. 

We finished dinner and suddenly my little one using her empty glass covered the candle. In a few minutes the candle went off. I lighted the candle and told her not to play with fire. Again in few mins when I was away she did the same job to check if the light goes off.  It did go off and my elder one was puzzled to know why it happened.

Her question was when there is more air candle goes off that’s exactly what happens when we blew the candle. But here the contradiction happens and when the candle is closed it should not go off as airflow is cut. Then why it happens. I told her that there is a science behind that action.

Now, we started doing this experiment to explain the concept to the kids.


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Toddler in Action


The water-candle experiment is a great early science activity to try out with kids. We tried it with our almost 3-year-old many many times and he insists almost daily to repeat it.

If you want to know more about the science behind, you can read here (Harvard.edu).

Water-Candle Experiment for Kids

Safe science experiments at home are a great way to ignite the natural curiosity of your little one early on. We chose this one, because Aiden loves water and fire. And it did not include any explosion or mess.

So, well worth to try it out! Here is what you need.

Materials for the Water-Candle Experiment

To do it at home, we used few things from our kitchen:

  • A clear glas bowl filled with some water.
  • A tea light
  • Small glas jar


And that’s how it worked.

First, we placed the clear glas bowl with the water on his activity table. We divided the responsibilities – I was the one responsible to light up the tea light and place it into the water and Aiden was the one who covers the burning candle with the glas jar. Perfect!

After some seconds, the candles starts to dim and goes out. When the candle goes out, the water rises into the glas jar. The water level stays up for few minutes more, if your impatient toddler does not take the glas jar first and asks you over and over to repeated it again.

This simple science water-candle experiment for kids, has at least two aspects – a chemical and a physical one. Both a chemical and a physical reasoning are needed to explain what we can see. I found it a little bit challenging to explain it to my toddler, so we just enjoyed the science in action over and over again.

Here is a short video of one of our scientific sessions.

Happy Experimenting!

If you need more activity ideas, here is where you can find them !

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Getting the facts right

Besides pedagogy or psychology, it can be also relevant just to get the facts right. The Water-Candle experiment is an illustrative example. It is a situation where many different effects play together and where it is hard to figure out, which ones really matter. My own perspective about this experiment has shifted several times and comments of some who wrote me added valuable insight. Please look also towards the end of this page, where some interesting links are added and information like why the great Lavoisier himself replaced this experiment as it appeared to be too subtle.
Cover a burning candle with a pitcher so that the candle is in an air-tight room sealed by the water at the ground. After some time, the candle dims and goes out. Just before the candle dies, the water level rises to almost 1/10 th of pitcher height. No air bubbles are seen. The water level stays up for many few minutes more.
: oxygen O and C H react. The burning produces water H O and carbon dioxide C O . For n=1, we balance the equation as follows: + C H = C O + 2 H O
There are two different effects. Both a chemical and a physical reasoning are needed to explain what we can see. Both and matter. The initial cancellation effect can confuse the observer. plays a role when the chemical equations are balanced.

Photos of the experiment

An exhibit of explanations

What do we learn, appendix: the chemical equation for general n.

O + x C H = y C O + z H O
(1+3 n) O + 2 C H = 2 n C O + (2+2n) H O

Appendix: the ideal gas equation

p V = N k T

Added March 20, 2011

Added September 26, 2011

What is happening in this experiment? When we ignite the candle, the hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen (in excess) to produce carbon dioxide and water. The burning sets an air current which gives dome shape to candle flame and it helps to get complete combustion at the bottom and the outer surface of the flame. The hot air and products of combustion rise up above the flame. As soon as the gas jar comes over the flame, the hot gases moving upward enter the jar and air inside the jar expands pushing some of the air out of the jar. This process goes unnoticed. As soon as the jar touches the water, the burning occurs in a closed environment. Further pressing the jar into water helps to retain the air in jar which is less in quantity than at room temperature and pressure. However, due to thermal expansion, the pressure is higher than atmospheric pressure which is balanced by pressure from the water. The burning of hydrocarbon in the jar produces about 30% more molecules of carbon dioxide and water than the molecules of oxygen consumed in the reaction (see below the title expected chemical reaction). The increased heat and number of molecules increases the pressure in side as a result if not careful some bubbles of gas will escape from the jar. Over the time the oxygen in the jar is reduced and conditions for burning are changed. Burning under reduced oxygen may not produce carbon dioxide rather carbon monoxide (very little). When the candle is put out, the temperature decreases followed by also a decrease in pressure due to condensation of water vapour and decreased quantity of air due to thermal expansion during the process of placing the jar on the candle. The overall situation is a decrease in pressure inside the jar as compared to atmospheric pressure. Therefore, despite water is heavier that air, it is pulled into the jar. How much water rises as a result of dissolving of carbon dioxide? Very little practically negligible during 30 - 40 minutes, the time the experiment usually takes for performing in a classroom situation. If the number of candles is increased in the jar, the heat produced is more therefore more air is likely to escape from the jar due to thermal expansion during the process of pacing the jar over them. Therefore, more water will rise in the jar with more candles. The nature and quantity of the products will depend upon the composition of candle material. However, it is assumed that combustion of saturated hydrocarbons is taking place during burning. C H (s) + (1.5n+0.5) O (g) = n CO (g) + (n+1) H O(g) For n=1, two moles of oxygen reacts with a mole of CH to produce three moles of product molecules. Assuming that supply of methane was controlled and it is stopped as soon as the flame is put out, otherwise there will be an explosion. The number of moles of the product molecules is 1.50 times that of oxygen. As n increases, the multiple factor decreases from 1.50 and approaches 1.0 at n = ? For n=30 (a typical paraffin wax), the factor will be 1.34. The overall understanding of the experiment is that all the oxygen is not used up (I have rested the presence of oxygen after the candle is put out in our laboratory using yellow phosphorus) and the consumption of oxygen does not create empty space rather the number of product molecules in the jar increases over that of the consumed oxygen. Thus giving rise to an increase in overall pressure in the jar (see above equation). Moreover, almost equal number of molecules of CO and H2 are produced. A quick rise of water in the jar after the candle is extinguished is mainly due to a decrease in pressure as a result of a decrease in amount of air in the jar due to thermal expansion during the process of placing the jar on the candles, bubbles escaping (if any) through the water and may be the condensation of the water vapour. The amount of condensation of water will depend upon the temperature difference between initial and final temperature of the air in the jar. Since air is above water, therefore saturated water vapour pressure is considered in the beginning of the experiment. Increase in temperature, during the candle burning, will make air unsaturated to accommodate additional water vapours especially produced as a product of burning. A decrease in temperature over time after the candle is off to the initial temperature will help water vapour to condense. This condensation will decrease the pressure inside the jar and will help water rise in the jar. The amount of water vapours condensed during a small change of temperature as usually occurs in this experiment may even be small to notice. The amount of CO dissolved in water is minimal in the 30-40 minutes during which experiment is conducted.

Added November 20, 2011

: theoretically, if you assume that the candles will burn up all the oxygen in the container, and assume the room is completely air tight and assume that both water and air incompressible, it does not matter. You will have the same water level at the end in both setups after the candles have burned out and the situation cooled down.

In real experiments, there are differences but they depend on the actual experiment:

Added January 23, 2012

Simo Tolvanan from Helsinki kindly informed me about the . explains things very well and also contains much history and references. This paper makes the story again interesting. It points to the fascinating story of Lavoisier, who first realized that the total does not change during this process and who noticed that only a fraction of the oxygen reacts before the candle goes out by demonstrating that a mouse still can breath afterwards. The authors of the article provide also The classical is compatible what is seen by everybody else and which matches the . The experiments demonstrate only a one percent increase. The authors conclude that bubbling and hot air trapping are responsible for the rising water. The setup for and the experiments are very different. In the later case, the candle burning is violent and the container is very long. Heavier CO (which the ignition already produces in the first moments) can kill the candle before much of the oxygen is out.
January 27 2012: the bubbling effect. Here is an illustration why many teachers report bubbles. If you place the pitcher flat on then bubbles escape initially. One can avoid this by tilting the glass first. We just want initially to have the same level of water and the same pressure inside and outside. The experiment starts then.

Candle experiment done carefully so that initially the water level inside is close to the water level outside. Bubbles which escape.

Added February 5, 2013

had a great idea to modify the experiment. He wrote: The stoichiometry for coal is different than for paraffin. In the case of only carbon, one has and one would indeed expect that the volume would stay the same. Since the pressure decreases afterwards, this could indicate that indeed some air has gone out when the heat has expanded the inside. After cooling, the plastic wrap collapses.

Peter Dureen again: I think this is more indication that some hot air has left the container before it started to cool down. I have repeated the experiments also with different type of containers and seen also some air, as other teachers have observed too. Faraday had been a fantastic experimenter and assisted as a chemist before for a long time. Lavoisier was definitely a great pioneer in this context.

Added January 21, 2014

sent the following interesting thoughts: . What do you think of this? This is a pretty good simplification. It defuses well the myth that the oxygen is burned away. The reason why the myth persists because the rise of water matches the amount of oxygen in the air. again: O produced in burning the candle wick was wet and hard to relight. Thus I decided that there was no way that Lavoisier could have learned much from this particular experiment. So I managed to locate . Note that he abandons the candle and water experiment as having potential flaws. He moves to mercury instead, and lights the candle after the jar is in place. What he ends up on is this: "In the middle of a glass stand, was placed a small wax candle; and on the top of the wick was fixed a small piece of Kunckel's phosphorus. The stand was then placed in a basin of mercury and covered with a jar. I made a piece of iron wire red hot then passed it through the mercury set fire to the little piece of phosphorous and by this means the candle was lighted." What he found was that the heated air initially pushed the mercury down, but when everything had cooled, there was a tiny loss in the volume of air, 1/300th the volume. But then he reacted the air with a CO absorber and the volume was reduced by 1/10. In other words he claims that the total volume was virtually unchanged, but (assuming air is 1/5 oxygen) about 1/2 the oxygen was converted into CO (with an unspecified amount turned into water. He may not have realized water was a byproduct yet). The combustion of paraffin is C H + 38 O => 25 CO + 26 H O. Depending on what fraction of the water remains as vapor, one goes from 38n moles to between 25n and 51n moles of CO +H O of vapor (with the rest in condensed H2O). Now it could be by chance that the C O+H O vapor happened to be near 38n, but that would be just chance. In your opinion, what fraction of the H O condenses? This should depend on the temperature and the humidity already present in the room. If we believe the account of Lavoisier, it could indeed be that things pretty much balances out when done as described. This makes the experiment so interesting. There are various effects which play a role: physical like temporary heating and cooling as well as condensation as well as chemical due to the reaction of paraffin with stochiometric computations which depending on the type of paraffin is used. The experiment depends on the size of the container, the surrounding temperature, air humidity present as well as on the experimenter (lightening the candle, allowing air to escape initially for example through bubbles or due to the expansion while removing the lightener).

Added March 30, 2021

My answer:

Added January 28, 2024

My answer:

Fun Chemistry and Science Experiments To Do At Home 

Positive Reactions

  • Oct 24, 2022

Drinking Candle - 2

drinking candle experiment

Title: Modification of traditional drinking candle experiment, showing water rushing into the flask when a little ethyl alcohol is rubbed inside.


In this experiment, we will modify the candle experiment by using some ethyl alcohol inside the flask, thereby reducing the pressure further

Difficulty: Easy , but need adult supervision

1.A plate, preferably a porcelain plate

2.A small candle

3.Water, preferably water with some food coloring added

4.An Erlenmeyer flask or a similar jar to cover the candle

5.A lighter to light the candle

6.Ethyl Alcohol

1.Light the candle and stick it to the porcelain plate

2.Add some colored water to the plate

3.Add some ethyl alcohol to the flask and swirl it so it spreads

3.Cover the candle with the flask

4.You can see the fire momentarily jumping to the top of the flask. Also the candle will go out immediately and water will rush up to almost the top of the flask.

How It Works:

There is a chemical and physical reaction in this experiment. There are 2 chemical reactions happening here.

1. A candle is made of paraffin wax, a hydrocarbon with formula C n H 2n+2 . When a candle is lit, the paraffin reacts with the oxygen in the atmosphere producing water and Carbon dioxide. For n=1, the equation is

2O 2 + CH 4 --> CO 2 + 2H 2 O

2.The ethyl alcohol inside the flask is set on fire by the candle. Ethyl alcohol reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere producing carbon dioxide and water per equation below

C 2 H 5 OH + O 2 --> CO 2 + H 2 O

When the candle is covered by a jar or flask, it limits the air within the flask and all the oxygen is used up in the flask by both the ethyl alcohol and the candle. As a result, the candle goes out. Both the burning candle and burning ethyl alcohol heats the air inside the flask causing it to expand. When the flame goes out, the air cools down and compresses resulting in a low pressure area within the flask. Because of the added effect of ethyl alcohol burning, the air inside the flask is very less and so more water gets sucked into the flask!.

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◊ Food colour

candles under glasses on plates

1. Put a very little water on a plate, and mix in a couple of drops of food colour.

2. Place a candle in the middle of the plate, and light it. Slowly bring a glass down on top of the candle until it is standing in the water, on the plate.

3. Watch what happens next!

The burning candle heats the air above it, including the air that goes into the glass. Once the glass is standing on the plate, the burning candle uses up all the available oxygen in the glass, then goes out. As it does so, the air in the glass cools, and as it cools, the air pressure in the glass falls below atmospheric pressure. Water is drawn into the glass until the pressure is equalised. You can turn this experiment into a competition by placing a small coin on the plate under the water and, offering students a variety of possible tools, seeing who can retrieve the coin without getting their fingers wet.

So how does this relate to atmosphere?

When we measure the air pressure at the surface of the Earth, we are literally measuring how much air is above us. If the air pressure falls, there is less air above us, if the air pressure rises, there is more air above us. The relationship between temperature and pressure is very important – as the temperature falls, so does the pressure and as the temperature rises, so does the pressure. That means that as air moves up in the atmosphere and the pressure falls (because there is less remaining atmosphere above) its temperature has to fall as well. Typically, the temperature of the atmosphere falls about 6°C for each 1000m you go up –so the tops of mountains are always much colder than the valleys below. This experiment also demonstrates how storm surges work – when the air pressure is low over a sea or ocean, the water level can rise. This can have devastating consequences – for example the North Sea flood of 1953.

Another experiment

For another experiment looking at the relationship between temperature and pressure, all you need is a plastic syringe (the sort sold in pharmacies for administering medicine to babies). With your finger over the nozzle, pour a little very hot, but not boiling, water into the syringe. There will be a bubble of air at the bottom, so you won’t scald your finger! Now use the plunger to push all but 3ml of the water out, then put your finger over the nozzle again, and pull the plunger out. As the pressure in the syringe falls, the temperature falls but so does the boiling point of water – you should see the water starting to boil!

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Understanding the Science Behind the Candle Under Drinking Glass Experiment

  • Thread starter Phrak
  • Start date Jun 16, 2010
  • Jun 16, 2010
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Phrak said: To amaze and entertain my 8 year old I did the candle under the drinking glass experiment. I took a bowl of water, put a lit candle in the middle and placed a glass over the top. Sure enough, the water rose up the candle went out. For him it was an unexpected and wonderful result What made the water go up?! I was very happy to see the amazement in his face. Wonderful! However, I told him knowingly--and knowing I had no idea what I was talking about, "The candle burned the oxygen in the air, so there was less air, and so the water had to rise up because now there's less air under the glass." Its what I was told when I was about his age --but now I question it. What's the real story? I'm burning wax, which is fairly close to (CH 2 ) n , and combining it with oxygen in the air. 2CH 2 + 3O 2 → 2CO 2 + 2H 2 O For every three molecules of oxygen I get 4 molecules of gas. But the water level rose. Now I know, that air has abou 21% oxygen and the water rose to reduce the initial volume by about 10 to 15%. To be sure I'd have to try it again. It's a bit warmer inside the glass then when the the experiment started, so what actually happened?

A PF Planet

Well, when the glass is first placed over the candle, there's not a great deal of hot air inside. It should be a contributing factor though. It could be tested though. Hovering the glass over the candle for a while could cause the water to rise higher in the glass.  

  • Jun 23, 2010

The candle under the drinking glass experiment is a classic demonstration of the relationship between air pressure and temperature. When you placed the glass over the lit candle, the flame used up the oxygen inside the glass and created carbon dioxide and water vapor. The water vapor takes up more space than the oxygen it replaced, causing the air inside the glass to heat up and expand. This expansion creates a decrease in air pressure inside the glass, creating a vacuum that pulls the water up into the glass. This phenomenon is known as Charles's Law, which states that as the temperature of a gas increases, its volume also increases. This is because the molecules in the gas have more energy and move faster, taking up more space. In this case, the water vapor molecules have more energy and push against the air molecules, causing them to spread out and decrease the air pressure inside the glass. Additionally, the water level rose because of the decrease in air pressure outside the glass. As the air inside the glass heated up and expanded, the air outside the glass cooled down and contracted. This created a difference in air pressure, with the higher pressure outside pushing the water up into the glass to balance the pressure inside. So, in summary, the candle under the drinking glass experiment demonstrates the relationship between temperature and air pressure, and how changes in temperature can cause changes in air pressure that can lead to interesting phenomena like the water rising up into the glass. It's a simple yet fascinating experiment that can help us understand the science behind everyday occurrences.  

The candle under the drinking glass experiment is a classic example of the relationship between gas and volume. When the candle is lit, it produces heat and light through a process called combustion. The candle wax, which is primarily made of carbon and hydrogen molecules, reacts with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. This process releases energy in the form of heat and light. As the candle burns, it uses up oxygen from the air, creating a low-pressure area inside the glass. This low pressure causes the water to rise up into the glass, filling the space where the oxygen was consumed. This process is known as the "candle sucking" effect. The water level rises because the volume of gas inside the glass decreases as the oxygen is consumed. According to the ideal gas law, as the volume of a gas decreases, the pressure and temperature also decrease. As the air cools down, the water vapor inside the glass condenses into liquid water, creating a partial vacuum that pulls the water up into the glass. So, to answer your question, the water rises because of the decrease in gas volume and the decrease in temperature inside the glass due to the burning candle. This experiment is a great way to demonstrate the relationship between gas and volume, as well as the concept of pressure and temperature in gases. I hope you and your child continue to explore and learn about science together!  

FAQ: Understanding the Science Behind the Candle Under Drinking Glass Experiment

1. what is the purpose of the candle under drinking glass experiment.

The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the relationship between air pressure and temperature. By creating a vacuum inside the glass, the candle flame will use up the oxygen and create a lower air pressure, causing the water to rise into the glass.

2. How does the candle create a vacuum inside the glass?

When the candle is lit, it uses up the oxygen inside the glass. This creates a lower air pressure compared to the outside air, causing the water to rise into the glass.

3. Why does the water rise into the glass?

The water rises into the glass because of the difference in air pressure between the inside and outside of the glass. The lower air pressure inside the glass causes the water to be pushed up into the glass.

4. What happens if the candle is not lit?

If the candle is not lit, there will be no change in air pressure inside the glass and the water will not rise. The candle flame is necessary to create a vacuum inside the glass.

5. Can this experiment be done with any type of candle?

Yes, this experiment can be done with any type of candle as long as it is able to create a flame. However, larger candles may produce a bigger flame and use up more oxygen, creating a stronger vacuum inside the glass.

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