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Personal Statement: Applying for a Journalism/Media Degree


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personal statement for media course

A question I am frequently asked is what exactly you should write on your personal statement when applying for a journalism/media course. Putting together a great statement can be a pretty stressful task as it is difficult to gage what exactly universities are looking for. However, all graduates have been through it and there is no reason why you cannot secure a place on the course of your choosing. Here are some of my top tips on what exactly you should be writing:

personal statement for media course

Enthusiasm and passion

For me, I think this is the most crucial element to any application. Demonstrate just how passionate and enthused you are about the course. Perhaps pinpoint an element or a module that you are most excited about and why. Showing that you genuinely want to be studying that course always looks great and will put you in good stead with the admissions officer. Cardiff in particular has a fantastic student media department with its own newspaper, magazine, radio, and TV station. Make reference to these and emphasise how eager you are to get involved, maybe even mentioning that you aspire to be the editor-in-chief of the magazine, or a presenter on the radio station. Universities are always looking for people that want to get stuck in so convey this well.

personal statement for media course

Relevant experience

If you have done any kind of writing, editing, blogging etc. outside of school then absolutely put this in. This will show that you are not only able to use your initiative, but that you have the ability to work independently and have great time-management – all essential skills when studying at higher education. If you don’t already have a blog GET ONE. This is possibly the most simple and easy way to get journalism experience where you can write whatever you like, whenever you like, and wherever you like.

Even if you don’t directly have experiences like this, any part time jobs or qualifications you have will also be great for your statement as each will bring with them a useful set of skills for university.

personal statement for media course

A recent news story that has caught your interest

If you want to study journalism, you of course have to be up-to-date with all the latest happenings of the world. Writing a small paragraph on something in the news that has captured your attention and why will make your statement stand-out and show that you engage with the news. Don’t be afraid to have an opinion and articulate your feelings about something you feel strongly about.

personal statement for media course

Future goals

Why is it you want to study journalism/media? What do you hope to do with the degree you are applying for? Express that studying the course is a stepping stone for you to get into your dream career and that you truly believe the university will be able to support and facilitate that goal.

personal statement for media course

Finally, no human being is defined purely by work. Tell the admissions officer exactly who you are and show some personality. What is it you enjoy doing at the weekend? Do you have a hobby? No matter how common or unusual it is, put it in! If you play a sport then there is bound to be a society for that at Cardiff so let them know that you are desperate to get involved. You want to make it clear to the university that there is so much more to you than just academia, and that you will be an all-round great student to have study with them.

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Digital Media Personal Statement Examples: Crafting Your Communication and Media Journey


Dirghayu Kaushik


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  • Introduction to Digital Media Personal Statements

Creating a compelling personal statement for digital media and communication courses is a pivotal step in your academic journey.

This comprehensive guide will provide insights into crafting a statement that resonates with your passion and aligns with the expectations of universities and colleges.

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  • The Essence of a Personal Statement in Media and Communication

Understanding the Format of a Media Personal Statement

A personal statement in the field of media and communication is your chance to tell a story about who you are, your journey into the world of media, and why you are passionate about this field.

This narrative is not just about your academic achievements but also your personal experiences, skills, and aspirations.

Personal Statement Basics: Incorporating Passion and Professional Aspirations 

Your personal statement should begin by expressing your deep interest in the field of media and communication .

Talk about the moment you realized this was your calling – was it while watching a groundbreaking documentary, during a school media project, or while writing for the school newspaper? Use specific examples to illustrate your passion.

Next, delve into the experiences that have prepared you for a degree in this field. Have you participated in media-related extracurricular activities, internships, or projects?

Describe these experiences and how they have shaped your understanding and enthusiasm for media and communication . It’s also important to highlight your communication skills – whether it’s through writing, speaking, or visual storytelling.

Lastly, discuss your professional aspirations. How do you see this course helping you achieve your career goals?

Whether you aspire to be a journalist, a filmmaker, a PR professional, or any other role within the media sphere, make it clear how the course aligns with these aspirations.

Demonstrating Your Understanding of the Media Landscape

To make your personal statement stand out, it’s crucial to showcase your understanding of the current media landscape. This includes awareness of the challenges, trends, and technological advancements in the field.

Exploring Current Trends and Challenges in Media 

Begin by discussing the current trends in the media industry. Are you fascinated by the rise of digital journalism, the impact of social media on news dissemination, or the evolution of streaming services in entertainment?

Give examples of how these trends have influenced your decision to pursue a career in media.

Address the challenges facing the media industry today, such as the debate over fake news, the ethical considerations in journalism, or the challenges of content creation in an oversaturated digital world.

Show that you are not only aware of these challenges but also eager to contribute to finding solutions.

Additionally, discuss technological advancements in media. Whether it’s the use of AI in newsrooms, the rise of podcasting, or the impact of virtual reality in storytelling, demonstrate how your interest aligns with these technological shifts.

Personalizing Your Media Journey: Unique Experiences and Perspectives

Every individual has a unique journey into the world of media. In this section, discuss how your personal experiences have shaped your perspective and driven your interest in media and communication.

Sharing Your Unique Media-Related Experiences 

Reflect on any unique experiences you have had that are related to media and communication.

This could be an internship at a local newspaper, managing a social media campaign for a community event, producing a short film, or even running a blog or YouTube channel. Explain what these experiences taught you and how they have prepared you for further study in this field.

Discuss any challenges you have faced and overcome in your pursuit of media knowledge. Perhaps you had to balance schoolwork with managing a school radio station, or you had limited resources while creating a documentary.

These experiences show resilience and a commitment to your passion for media. It’s also essential to highlight any unique perspectives you bring to the table.

This could be related to your cultural background, life experiences, or an unusual approach to media that sets you apart. Universities value diversity in thought and experience, so don’t hesitate to share what makes your perspective unique.

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  • The Role of Academic and Extracurricular Activities in Shaping Your Media Aspirations

While your personal statement should focus on your passion and experience in media, it’s also important to discuss how your academic and extracurricular activities have supported your aspirations.

Connecting Academic Achievements and Extracurriculars to Media Goals 

Discuss how your academic achievements have prepared you for a degree in media and communication . This could include relevant coursework, research projects, or any academic accolades related to media.

Explain how these achievements have provided you with a foundational understanding of the field. Extracurricular activities can also play a significant role in shaping your media aspirations.

Whether you were part of a school journalism club, a drama society, a debate team, or even a tech club, these experiences can illustrate your interest and skills in communication, storytelling, and media production.

Also, mention any leadership roles you’ve taken in these activities. Leadership experiences can demonstrate your ability to manage projects, work in teams, and communicate effectively – all essential skills in the media industry.


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  • The Importance of Research and Preparation in Writing Your Personal Statement

Writing a compelling personal statement requires thorough research and preparation. This section should guide readers on how to approach the writing process effectively.

Tips for Researching and Preparing a Standout Media Personal Statement 

Crafting a standout media personal statement involves thorough research and careful preparation. Here are some key tips to help you create a compelling and effective statement:

  • Research the media and communication courses you are interested in.
  • Understand the specific focus areas, course structure, and unique opportunities each institution offers.
  • Tailor your statement to reflect how your interests and goals align with the course and institution’s ethos.
  • Reflect on what makes your journey into media unique – be it your experiences, perspective, or personal challenges.
  • Think about how your background, culture, or personal interests have shaped your view of media and communication .
  • List all relevant experiences, including education, work, internships, projects, and extracurricular activities.
  • Include both formal and informal experiences that have contributed to your understanding and passion for media.
  • Highlight skills that are crucial for a career in media, such as communication, creativity, technical skills, or critical thinking.
  • Mention any relevant achievements, awards, or recognition you’ve received.
  • Structure your personal statement as a story that reflects your journey, challenges, learning, and aspirations.
  • Use a clear, engaging, and authentic tone to connect with your readers.
  • Get feedback from teachers, mentors, or professionals in the media industry.
  • Use their insights to refine and strengthen your statement.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the current trends, technological advancements, and challenges in the media world.
  • Discuss how you plan to contribute to or evolve within this ever-changing industry.
  • Articulate how the course will help you in your long-term career goals.
  • Show that you have a clear vision of where you want to go in the field of media and communication .
  • Carefully proofread your statement multiple times to eliminate any grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Ensure that the flow of thoughts is coherent and that your statement makes a strong impact.
  • While it’s important to be professional, ensure your personal statement reflects your true self.
  • Avoid exaggerating or misrepresenting your experiences and qualifications.

Remember, your personal statement is an opportunity to show the admissions committee who you are beyond grades and test scores. It’s your voice in the application process, so make it count!

Utilizing Digital Media Personal Statement Examples as a Learning Tool

One of the best ways to understand what makes a successful personal statement is to study examples. This section should emphasize the importance of learning from others’ experiences.

Analyzing and Learning from Successful Media Personal Statement Examples 

Look for examples of successful digital media personal statements, which can often be found online through university websites, educational forums, or resources like

Analyze what makes these statements effective – notice how they structure their narrative, the way they articulate their passion , and how they connect their experiences to their media aspirations.

Identify the key elements that resonate with you and think about how you can incorporate similar strategies into your statement. However, it’s important to maintain your authenticity and not simply mimic another’s style or experiences.

Reflect on how these examples balance personal anecdotes with professional aspirations. A successful personal statement often strikes a balance between showcasing personality and demonstrating readiness for a career in media and communication .

Crafting a digital media personal statement is about narrating your unique journey and showcasing your passion for the field. Use these guidelines to create a statement that not only meets the academic requirements but also reflects your personal story and aspirations in the media world.

Remember, your personal statement is your chance to make a lasting impression – make it count.

Q1: Can I include humor in my digital media personal statement?

While a touch of humor can make your statement more engaging, be cautious. Ensure it’s appropriate and doesn’t distract from the seriousness of your aspirations and experiences.

Q2: How do I balance talking about my achievements without sounding boastful?

Focus on being factual and reflective. Discuss your achievements in the context of what they taught you or how they shaped your interest in media, rather than simply listing accolades.

Q3: Is it important to discuss specific media figures or works that inspire me?

Yes, mentioning media figures or works that inspire you can be a great way to show your engagement with the field. Just make sure to connect it back to your own experiences and aspirations.

Q4: How technical should I get in my personal statement?

It depends on the course you’re applying for. If it’s a technically oriented course, showing your understanding of technical aspects can be beneficial. However, don’t get so technical that it becomes inaccessible to non-specialist readers.

Q5: Should I mention my long-term career goals in the personal statement?

Yes, discussing your long-term career goals can help demonstrate your commitment and vision for your future in the media industry. Just ensure it’s aligned with the course you’re applying for.

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Table of Contents

  • • Introduction to Digital Media Personal Statements
  • • The Essence of a Personal Statement in Media and Communication
  • • The Role of Academic and Extracurricular Activities in Shaping Your Media Aspirations
  • • The Importance of Research and Preparation in Writing Your Personal Statement
  • • Conclusion

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Writing your personal statement

As part of your application to study with us, you’ll be asked to submit a personal statement. Your personal statement is your chance to show your understanding of the course, your interest in the subject and how your current skills and knowledge are relevant to the course you’d like to study. Each course we offer is different, so please read your course content carefully.

Show your skills and interests

None of our courses is purely practical and all involve a significant amount of theoretical study and research. Your personal statement should, therefore, show your academic skills. If you're applying to study a course with practical elements (eg BA Digital Media, BA Film, Photography and Media or BA Journalism), you should also talk about any practical skills you have. You might also consider linking to examples of your work.

Your personal statement should also explain why you're interested in studying your course. To do this, you could discuss examples of media that have caught your attention and any readings you've completed.

Tell us what you plan to do after studying

If you have a particular career that you’d like to pursue, we’d like to know how you think the course you’re applying for will help you achieve it.

It’s also a good idea to mention any work experience you’ve done in the past, and how it’s relevant to your course.

Be specific

Include specific examples to explain general statements. Below are some of the types of questions to ask yourself when writing your personal statement:

  • Which issues or ideas connected to the course do you find interesting and why?
  • Have you done any reading around the subject?
  • What academic skills do you have that makes you well suited to the course?
  • Which type or examples of media have caught your attention?
  • If the course you're applying for has practical elements, have you produced any media yourself? What did you use to create it?
  • If you have a career path in mind, why did you choose it?
  • How do you think this course will help you achieve your career aspirations?

See the UCAS website  for more advice on writing your personal statement.

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  • Journalism Personal Statement Examples

Your Journalism personal statement is a crucial element of your UCAS application . It is your opportunity to showcase your passion for journalism, your relevant experiences, and your potential to succeed as a journalism student. Check our journalism personal statement examples for UCAS , which can inspire and guide you in writing your successful personal statement . 

Whether you are interested in broadcast journalism , print journalism , or digital and online journalism , these examples cover a range of topics and styles that can help you stand out to admissions tutors.

Journalism Personal Statement Example

As an A-level student in Business Studies, English Literature, and Religious Studies, I have always been passionate about education and learning. I have always been fascinated by the power of the written word and the impact that journalism can have on shaping public opinion and educating society. That is why I am so excited to pursue a career in journalism and continue to make a positive impact on society.

My interest in journalism was first sparked during work experience placements at my local newspaper, The South Wales Evening Post, and a local radio station. During my time at the newspaper, I was allowed to work with experienced journalists and editors, assisting them with research, conducting interviews, and writing articles for publication. This experience taught me the importance of accuracy, objectivity, and the need to present balanced viewpoints. Additionally, at the radio station, I learned about the power of broadcast media and how it can be used to reach a wider audience and engage with listeners on a more personal level.

As a great believer in education, I see the role of the journalist as an educating force, an incredibly important one. The media has a responsibility to inform the public about current affairs and provide accurate and unbiased reporting. Through my work experience, I have seen firsthand how the media can influence public opinion and shape perceptions of different issues. I believe that journalists have a responsibility to provide truthful and accurate reporting, whilst also highlighting important social issues and driving change.

Outside of my academic routine, I have several hobbies and interests that keep me grounded and motivated. One of my favourite pastimes is reading, particularly books that explore different cultures and perspectives. I also enjoy running, which I find helps me to clear my mind and think creatively. By engaging in these hobbies, I can maintain a balanced lifestyle and stay connected with the world around me.

Throughout my academic career, I have strived to excel in all of my studies. During my secondary school years, I was one of the best students in my class, achieving high grades in all subjects. This has given me a strong foundation and the skills necessary to succeed in a career in journalism. Additionally, I have travelled around the world and visited 56 countries so far. This has allowed me to gain a wider perspective on different cultures and societies, which I believe will be invaluable in my future career.

I am excited to continue my education and pursue a career in journalism. I believe that my passion for education, my experience in the media, and my diverse interests and hobbies make me an excellent candidate for this field. I am committed to using my skills and talents to make a positive impact on society, and I look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a Master’s
  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a PhD
  • UCAS Personal Statement: A Writing Guide And Tips For Success
  • Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for the University
  • How to Write a Personal Statement That Stands Out
  • Personal Statement Examples UK
  • Writing a Winning Medical Personal Statement
  • How To Write A Personal Statement For Psychology
  • How To Write A Dentistry Personal Statement

Personal Statement Example For Journalism

I am driven by my passion for the English language and the power it holds to inform, engage and inspire people. With a deep-rooted affection for the written word and its ability to capture the essence of life, I have always been fascinated by how language has evolved. As a student of English Literature, History and Media Studies, I have been able to explore this evolution in detail and develop my unique voice as a writer.

Studying English has allowed me to think critically, analyse the techniques used by both fiction and non-fiction writers and express my ideas and opinions through a portfolio of work. Through this, I have learnt how to craft compelling narratives, convey complex ideas with clarity and precision, and engage readers through powerful storytelling. My studies in History and Media Studies have complemented my understanding of English, allowing me to appreciate the importance of context, perspective, and the role of media in shaping our understanding of the world around us.

Outside of academics, I am involved in many creative pursuits that allow me to develop my skills as a communicator and storyteller. I participate in a drama group, where I am honing my skills in characterisation, improvisation and public speaking. I am also working towards my Bronze Arts Award, which involves creating and performing a piece of original drama. Additionally, I enjoy playing the piano, which requires a large amount of patience, creativity and dedication – skills that I believe are essential for a successful journalist.

I am proud to have received Young Writers Award from my Secondary School, recognising my talent and dedication as a writer. These accolades have encouraged me to pursue a career in journalism, where I can use my skills to inform, educate and entertain readers on a wide range of topics. I am excited about the prospect of being able to tell stories that matter, whether it is through investigative journalism, features or opinion pieces.

My passion for the English language, combined with my academic pursuits and creative pursuits, have prepared me well for a career in journalism. I am eager to continue my journey as a writer and storyteller, and I believe that a degree in journalism will provide me with the knowledge, skills and experience needed to make a meaningful contribution to the world of media.

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Media Studies

Media Studies Personal Statement Example

The media not only represents the world around us, but also shapes it through the images it chooses to reflect. The rebuttal to those that think that studying the media, in all its forms, is in some way unimportant when compared to more practical, rather than text-based, subjects is therefore obvious: how are we to play an active role in creating the world around us if we are unaware of the way in which it is already being shaped? As I have progressed through my own study in the field, I have been enthused by growth of my own understanding of both the analysis and creation of media forms and am keen to learn more that I may, ultimately, pass this understanding on to others.

I am currently studying towards the Diploma in Creative and Media; which has provided an excellent balance between teaching textual analysis and enhancing my understanding of the media’s effects and introducing me to the industrial aspects of working within the field. As I am especially intrigued by the cultural contexts in which media is both produced and consumed this dual approach has proven to be the best possible way to expand on these interests. It has also proven to be an excellent development of my previous study of Media to BTEC level (completed in January 2009) and, I believe, my consistently solid grades throughout these two courses exhibit my overarching and ongoing interests and commitments within the field.

I have also taken every exciting opportunity throughout my schooling to gain both specific and transferable skills through work experience and volunteering. My work experience placement within my school’s City Learning Centre (CLC) introduced me to the realities and pressures of the working world, as I was tasked with creating a website from scratch within the two-week period. Alongside the technical and design aspects of the build, I also found that I quickly evolved strong teamwork skills, which are essential for working on collaborative project work at undergraduate level. Leading a team for part of the project also showed me that I possessed, and enjoyed using, good leadership skills and guiding others through processes that they previously did not understand. This experience, combined with my strong belief that an understanding of the media is crucial for everyone, has inspired me to look into teaching Media Studies as a potential future career. Working as a mentor to a Year 7 student has also proven a rewarding experience, adding to my potential future teaching ambitions by giving me a better idea of what is involved while also allowing me to play an active role in my school community.

Playing an active role in my community has also been a strong motivator in my extra-curricular activities. I am a keen sportsman and was the captain of my local football team for 3 years, leading them to two finals. This position was a good chance to demonstrate how strong leadership and teamwork work in tandem to produce good results. As an amateur boxer, my relationship between my coaching team and myself has also demonstrated the value of this dynamic from another perspective. Taking the determination and commitment I have learnt through these activities into my weekend job as a waiter has allowed me to quickly be offered extra responsibilities, proving my ability to apply these same positive attributes in all areas of my life.

Having shown commitment, ability and a hardworking attitude in all activities, I believe that I have what it takes to become a valuable contribution to any course or university. More importantly, I also believe that my strong passion for my subject will not only help me to succeed but will also inspire others, whether through working as a team at undergraduate level or fulfilling my ultimate goal of passing my knowledge onto subsequent generations through teaching.

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Media and Communications Personal Statement

I was once told that the key to get into the creative industry is to prove that I have a well-rounded knowledge to be able to handle any brief that is thrown at me. A successful creative director had advised me that and I found those words replaying in my head over and over again. I have always been told, ever since I was seven, that I am creative and now I want to put that creativeness to use.

Art, design and computing have always been my favourite subjects; they change, improve, renew and inspire. Taking Fashion in my first year of college helped me to develop my skills in clothes design and production, life drawing, fashion illustrating and modeling. I thoroughly enjoyed it but I felt like I had more to offer so I moved to a BTEC in IT the next year. There, I was taught basic animation, games design, computer networks, business and web design.

Having realised that the industry jobs are highly sought after and very competitive, I started doing voluntary jobs to put myself out there in the industry. I volunteered at Wick Information Centre where I was assigned as a Designer. I was also approached by a couple of overseas companies to create their website along with some graphic design work. Working with them has taught me how to overcome communication barriers, the importance of teamwork and that to be able to stand out in your chosen career path, you must be able to do multiple things as well as to demonstrate that you can master some. To advertise myself, I created an online portfolio, which can be found at [1] .

But my hunger for learning more doesn't just stop there. I love Photography and capturing moments that you can never recapture, the sides of people that they are not aware of, the natural beauty of landscapes, nature itself and the fascinating architecture of some cultures. Capturing images give me the satisfaction of being creative and it allows me to express how I feel visually.

Being a part of the audience on 'Britain's Unzipped', a program on BBC TV, I found myself curious about what goes on behind the scenes and how the media affects and influences us. It is encompassing and powerful. A few months back, I took part in a friend's filming project as an actress and learnt a few things about filming such as camera angling, clip editing and having never-ending patience and passion, which sparked my interest in Media more. The subject is ever-changing and I want to take part in that change.

This year has brought me a lot of surprises, both good and bad, and despite choosing an unsuitable foundation course, I have learnt a great deal of lessons about life and what I am really passionate about. My hobbies include occasional trips to museums, such as the Saatchi Gallery and Tate Modern for art exhibitions, blogging about my trips both abroad and locally, writing restaurant reviews, going to new places and discovering more about the different architectural styles of various buildings and cultures, photo editing, educating myself on graphic design and website programming, and travelling, which has taught me so much about different cultures and has opened my eyes to the world.

Going to university will undoubtedly expand my skills and knowledge further and push me to strive for the best. I will bring my creativity and drive to the learning environment and I hope to leave with a strong portfolio and great, new experiences that will help me to reach my dreams.

Universities applied to:

  • Goldsmiths University of London - Unconditional
  • University of the Arts London - Conditional
  • University of East London - Unsuccessful
  • University for the Creative Arts - Conditional
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Impacts of Social Media on Personal Injury Claims

Shamli Desai

Impacts of Social Media on Personal Injury Claims – Overview

The best thing social media platforms have to offer is allowing people to share experiences, thoughts, and daily activities with people. However, this could be a pitfall in the context of personal injury claims. While social media is useful as supporting evidence, any post you make can be used to invalidate your injuries and suffering. It can affect the outcome of your case in many unexpected ways. In this article, we will look at the impacts of social media on personal injury claims and provide tips to protect them.

What are Personal Injury Claims? Personal injury claims are requests for compensation from an individual injured due to someone else’s negligence or misconduct.

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For example, if you slip and fall in a store because the floor is wet and not marked with a warning, you can file a personal injury claim covering your lost wages, medical invoices, and pain and suffering. A personal injury claim is a way to seek financial help when someone else’s actions cause harm.

What are the Impacts of Social Media on Personal Injury Claims?

Filing a personal injury claim to address medical costs and lost income from someone else’s negligence can take a lot of time and involve many steps. You need to show how serious your injuries are, how they have affected your life, and that the other party is responsible. Be careful with social media during this time, as it can either help or hurt your case.

How Social Media Can Help?

  • Provide Evidence : Photos from the car accident scene and posts about your physical condition can serve as evidence and show the extent of injury and damage.
  • Give Witness Testimonies: Supportive comments from witnesses help strengthen your personal injury case in court and show that your injuries are real.

How Social Media Can Hurt Your Case?

  • Contradictory Evidence : Defense attorneys and insurance companies review your posts to see if they can use them to put you in a negative light. They can say your injuries are not as severe as you claimed when they see you engaging in physical activities and social events through photos and status updates.
  • Inconsistent Statements : Any post contradicting your claim can be used against you. If you feel good about recovering quickly while your legal documents say otherwise, a defense attorney will use it as a weapon.
  • Pre-existing Conditions : This is the part where it can get trickier. If you had posted about previous injuries, the other party could argue that the recent accident did not cause your current injuries, weakening your claim.
  • Surveillance and Monitoring : Insurance companies and defense attorneys monitor your socials through social media discovery to see if they can use an innocent post against you. They can take photos and comments out of context to show you are inflating your injuries.

Tips to Protect Your Personal Injury Claim

Social media posts are generally considered public information, even with strict privacy settings. Your posts can be used as evidence in court, so carefully managing your social media presence is crucial. Your personal injury attorney may advise you to be extremely cautious about your social media usage after an accident. These are the things you can do:

1. Review Privacy Settings Implement the highest and most advanced privacy on your social media accounts. While these may not be foolproof, your friends or followers who share your posts about the accident can get a subpoena in court. Make sure to:

  • Limit your posts to a few people.
  • Disable comments and share buttons whenever possible. Apply this to your future posts, too.
  • When updating your password, use letters, numbers, and special characters. Some hackers may use shady methods to gain access to your account.
  • Enable a one-time password whenever you log in to your account on a different device.
  • Do not accept friend requests from people you barely know.

2. Avoid Discussing Your Case Do not share details about being an accident victim, your injuries, or the legal process on social media. Even harmless comments can be misinterpreted and used against you.

3. Think Before You Post Be mindful of how others might interpret your posts. Avoid sharing photos or updates that could suggest your injuries are not as severe as you claim.

4. Limit Social Media Activity Stay off social media while your case is ongoing to reduce the risk of posting something that could harm your case.

5. Get Legal Advice A personal injury attorney in Missouri can help you consider your online activity carefully and guide you in managing your social media presence after the accident. They can explain what kinds of posts can harm your claims and anticipate how the defense attorney will pin you down with your posts.

These lawyers can gather evidence to support your claim and counter the liable party’s claims. They can say that your posts should not be taken at face value and don’t reflect your daily struggles.

Final Thoughts

Social media can be harmful for your personal injury case. Be careful about what you post online to protect your personal injury claim. Ask your attorney for advice to help you through the process. Being cautious with your posts can help prevent them from harming your case.

Recommended Articles

We hope this article on the impacts of social media on personal injury claims was informative. Check out these articles for more tips on safeguarding your legal case and managing your online presence effectively.

  • Legally Binding Documents
  • Translation Tips for Legal Professionals
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U.S. Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Harris campaigns in Arizona

Sara Swann, PolitiFact Sara Swann, PolitiFact

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Fact-checking attacks on Walz’s military record by Vance and other Republicans

This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact .

Republican vice presidential nominee and Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance sought to negatively frame the 24-year military career of newly minted Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, Minnesota’s current governor.

“When the United States Marine Corps, when the United States of America, asked me to go to Iraq to serve my country, I did it,” Vance  said  Aug. 7 at the Shelby, Michigan, police department. Vance  served  as a combat correspondent for the U.S. Marine Corps from 2003 to 2007 and deployed to Iraq for six months in 2005 but  did not experience combat .

Vance continued, “When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, do you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him. … I think it’s shameful.” At a different event, Vance used the phrase “ stolen valor ” to describe his accusations against Walz.

On X, Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, made a  claim similar to Vance’s,  writing, “Tim Walz TURNED HIS BACK on the soldiers in his unit because he was TOO afraid to deploy to Iraq!!”

READ MORE: Democrats defend Walz’s military record as Vance, GOP begin attacks

Walz retired from the Minnesota National Guard in May 2005. He had submitted retirement paperwork five to seven months beforehand, Fox News  reported , citing the Minnesota National Guard.

In March 2005, Walz’s battalion had been notified about a possible deployment to Iraq within two years, Walz’s congressional campaign said in a  news release  that month, citing the National Guard Public Affairs Office. The Minnesota National Guard said the battalion then received an official order about mobilizing for deployment to Iraq in July 2005, after Walz retired.

Vance’s statement misleads by distorting the timeline. Walz had not been “asked by his country to go to Iraq,” as Vance said. He had been given a two-year window for a potential, not definite, deployment. And the official deployment notice came after Walz’s retirement.

Walz has said since before his Army retirement that he left to run for Congress. He filed his candidacy paperwork in February 2005, before the March 2005 notification about the potential deployment.

This is not a new line of attack. When Walz ran for a second term as Minnesota governor in 2022, his Republican opponent, who did not serve in the U.S. military,  criticized  Walz for leaving the National Guard before his unit deployed to Iraq.

Two retired Minnesota National Guard command sergeant majors also  penned a paid letter  to a Minnesota newspaper in 2018 claiming Walz “embellished and selectively omitted facts” about his military service. This letter resurfaced on X after Vice President Kamala Harris tapped Walz as her running mate. Other  guard   members  who served with Walz have defended him.

Walz’s spokesperson in the Minnesota governor’s office did not respond to a request for comment, and the Harris-Walz campaign declined to comment.

When reached by  The New York Times , a Harris-Walz campaign spokesperson didn’t provide new details about Walz’s retirement timeline and instead highlighted Walz’s record advocating for veterans and their families.

When contacted for comment, Vance’s campaign spokesperson sent links to the 2005 Walz campaign news release about the potential deployment and several news stories that quote former members of Walz’s battalion who were upset with him for not deploying to Iraq.

Walz’s military timeline

Walz enlisted in the Nebraska National Guard on April 8, 1981, two days after his 17th birthday. In 1996, Walz transferred to the Minnesota National Guard, where he served in the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery until he retired May 16, 2005, Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, Minnesota National Guard’s state public affairs officer, told PolitiFact in a statement.

During his service, Walz responded to floods and tornadoes, specialized in heavy artillery and was recognized for his proficiency in sharpshooting and hand grenades, Minnesota Public Radio  reported .

On Aug. 3, 2003, Walz and his battalion were deployed to Italy to support U.S. operations in Afghanistan under Operation Enduring Freedom. Walz returned to Minnesota in April 2004, Augé said.

WATCH: A look at Walz’s record and how he could bolster Democratic support in the Midwest

In May 2005, Walz, then 41, officially retired from the Minnesota National Guard to campaign for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District. He  filed  his statement of candidacy paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Feb. 10, 2005. Walz was elected to Congress in November 2006.

Al Bonnifield, who served with Walz in the Minnesota National Guard, told  Minnesota Public Radio  in 2018 that Walz weighed his retirement from the guard and congressional run “very heavy.” Bonnifield reiterated this to  The Washington Post  on Aug. 7.

“Would the soldier look down on him because he didn’t go with us? Would the common soldier say, ‘Hey, he didn’t go with us, he’s trying to skip out on a deployment?’ And he wasn’t,” Bonnifield said in 2018.

Doug Julin, who served as a more senior command sergeant major in Walz’s battalion, said Walz went over his head to get retirement approval before the unit’s deployment was official, because Julin would have “analyzed it and challenged him,” the  New York Post  reported Aug. 8.

Others who served in Walz’s battalion have said he “ditched” them and his actions were “dishonorable,” Fox News  reported .

Battalion’s deployment to Iraq

Walz’s unit received an “alert order” for mobilization to Iraq on July 14, 2005, Army Lt. Col. Ryan Rossman, Minnesota National Guard’s director of operations, told PolitiFact in a statement.

The unit received the official Department of the Army mobilization order Aug. 14, 2005, and mobilized Oct. 12, 2005, Rossman said.

The unit deployed to Iraq in March 2006 and was deployed for 19 months, according to an October 2007  congressional resolution .

The two retired Minnesota National Guard command sergeant majors who wrote the 2018 letter said the battalion received a “warning order” in early 2005 “to prepare to be mobilized for active duty for a deployment to Iraq.” They did not specify the warning letter’s date. Augé of the Minnesota National Guard told PolitiFact the agency doesn’t have information about any unofficial orders that might have been sent to the battalion.

An  archived March 20, 2005, press release  from Walz’s congressional campaign website said the National Guard Public Affairs Office announced March 17, 2005, “a possible partial mobilization of roughly 2,000 troops from the Minnesota National Guard.” The announcement said a portion of Walz’s battalion could be mobilized to serve in Iraq within the next two years.

Walz said in his campaign’s press release, “As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington, D.C., or in Iraq. I don’t want to speculate on what shape my campaign will take if I am deployed, but I have no plans to drop out of the race.”

Although Walz had been  promoted  in 2004 to command sergeant major, he retired in 2005 as a master sergeant,  one rank below  command sergeant major, “for benefit purposes because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy,” Augé said.

Joseph Eustice, a 32-year military veteran who served in and led the same guard unit as Walz, told  The New York Times  and  NewsNation  in Aug. 7 interviews that when Walz decided to retire in May 2005, their unit had heard rumors of a potential deployment to Iraq, but had not received official orders.

Vance said, “When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, do you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him.”

Vance’s statement ignores that Walz’s unit was not officially ordered to go to Iraq until July 2005, two months after Walz officially retired.

After 24 years of military service, Walz said he retired from the Minnesota National Guard in May 2005 to run for Congress. He had submitted retirement paperwork five to seven months beforehand. He filed candidacy paperwork in February 2005.

READ MORE: 5 things to know about Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’ VP pick

There’s an element of truth in Vance’s statement because in March 2005, before Walz officially retired, his battalion was notified of possible deployment to Iraq within two years. Walz was aware at the time of his retirement that deployment could be possible and one of his fellow guard members described Walz’s retirement decision as “very heavy.”

But the March 2005 notification gave a time frame of two years for a possible — not definite — deployment that would not occur immediately, which is the way Vance’s statement framed it.

At PolitiFact, the burden of proof is on the speaker, Vance, who did not provide details to support his statement. We rate it Mostly False.

PolitiFact Researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report.

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The DPC welcomes X’s agreement to suspend its processing of personal data for the purpose of training AI tool ‘Grok’.

08th August 2024

The Data Protection Commission (“DPC”) welcomes X’s agreement to suspend its processing of the personal data contained in the public posts of X’s EU/EEA users which it processed between 7 May 2024 and 1 August 2024, for the purpose of training its AI ‘Grok’.  The agreement was concluded against the backdrop of an urgent High Court application brought by the DPC under Section 134 of the Data Protection Act, 2018. The application was made before Ms. Justice Reynolds who indicated in her concluding remarks that the rights and freedoms of data subjects across the EU/EEA were at the core of the application. 

This was the first time that any Lead Supervisory Authority has taken such action, and the first time that the DPC has sought to utilise its powers under Section 134.  This application was made to protect the rights and freedoms of X’s EU/EEA users, and came after extensive engagement between the DPC and X regarding its AI Model training.  

Commissioner (Chairperson) Dr. Des Hogan speaking on today’s decision stated:

“My colleague, Commissioner Dale Sunderland, and I welcome X’s agreement to suspend processing   while the DPC, working in conjunction with our EU/EEA peer regulators, continue to examine the extent to which the processing complies with the GDPR. One of our main roles as an independent regulator and rights based organisation is to ensure the best outcome for data subjects and today’s developments will help us to continue protecting the rights and freedoms of X users across the EU and EEA. We will continue to engage with all data controllers to ensure the rights of our citizens under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the GDPR are upheld.”

NOTES TO EDITORS Section 134 of the Data Protection Act 2018 allows the Commission, where it considers there is an urgent need to act to protect the rights and freedoms of data subjects, to make an application to the High Court for an order requiring the data controller to suspend, restrict or prohibit the processing of personal data. 

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[TUKWILA, WA., Aug 9, 2024] - Boeing [NYSE: BA] has been awarded a $2.56 billion contract from the U.S. Air Force for two rapid prototype E-7A AEW&C Wedgetail aircraft. The contract includes lifecycle development, training and support for the Air Force’s E-7A fleet.

The combat-proven E-7A Wedgetail provides targeted tracking and battle management command-and-control capabilities to joint forces for “first to detect, first to engage” advantage. The E-7 AEW&C platform is currently in service with the Royal Australian Air Force, Republic of Korea Air Force (designated E-737 Peace Eye) and Turkish Air Force (designated E-7T Peace Eagle).

“Global operators are proving that the E-7 AEW&C is a critical node for air superiority in the modern battlespace,” said Boeing Vice President and E-7 Program Manager Stu Voboril. “In our partnership with the U.S. Air Force, we’re focused on stable, predictable execution to deliver crucial mission-ready capabilities today. This will put us on the path for the long-term growth of the aircraft and mission.”

Built on the Boeing 737-700 NG airframe, the E-7 AEW&C aircraft offers lower operating and sustainment costs, higher mission readiness rates and unmatched interoperability among a growing global user community. 

“Our customers have an urgent need for integrated battlespace awareness and battle management,” said Dan Gillian, vice president and general manager of Boeing Defense, Space & Security’s Mobility, Surveillance & Bombers division. “The E-7A is the airspace lynchpin to continuously scan the skies, command and control the battlespace, and integrate all-domain data providing a decisive advantage against threats. With our open systems architecture approach, capabilities can be rapidly inserted over time as threats evolve.”

In addition to the rapid prototype E-7A AEW&C aircraft being built for the U.S. Air Force, Boeing is currently producing three E-7As for the Royal Air Force, with military modifications underway in the United Kingdom. Additionally, NATO has selected the E-7A as its preferred AEW&C solution.

Together, the Royal Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force and U.S. Air Force have a Wedgetail tri-lateral cooperation agreement relating to E-7 aircraft capability development, evaluation and testing, interoperability, sustainment, operations, training and safety.

As a leading global aerospace company, Boeing develops, manufactures and services commercial airplanes, defense products and space systems for customers in more than 150 countries. As a top U.S. exporter, the company leverages the talents of a global supplier base to advance economic opportunity, sustainability and community impact. Boeing's diverse team is committed to innovating for the future, leading with sustainability, and cultivating a culture based on the company's core values of safety, quality and integrity. Join our team and find your purpose at .

Contact: William Wilson Boeing Communications +1 206-475-9055 [email protected]

Boeing Media Relations [email protected]

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With Marathon Gold, Sifan Hassan Tests the Limits of Endurance

The Dutch Olympian added a victory in the longest race of the Games to her bronze medals in the 5,000 and 10,000 meters. “What was I thinking?” she said afterward.

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Sifan Hassan stands on a blue carpet with her head back and a flag of the Netherlands around her shoulders.

By Talya Minsberg

Reporting from Paris, where she tried to keep pace with Hassan for approximately 200 meters.

Sifan Hassan couldn’t stop laughing at herself.

“What have I done? What is wrong with me?” she said of the inner monologue that had echoed in her head through the 26.2 punishing miles of the Olympic women’s marathon on Sunday.

Hassan had already logged three Olympic races, and two bronze medals from them. She ran the first heat in the 5,000 meters on Aug. 2, the final of the 5,000 on Monday and the 10,000 final on Friday night. Then, only 37 hours later, she propelled herself across the starting line in the marathon, the most demanding race of them all, and ended up crossing the finish line first.

An Ethiopian-born runner who competes for the Netherlands, Hassan, 31, had described her Olympic schedule — which initially was supposed to also include the 1,500 — as one driven by curiosity. She wanted to know if she could do all three events, requiring close to 40 miles of Olympic racing. The goal, she emphasized, was not necessarily to win medals in each race: Instead, it was simply to complete all three.

No athlete had taken medals in all three events at the same Olympic Games since 1952, when Emil Zatopek won three golds for what was then Czechoslovakia. In the age of specialization in elite running, though, Hassan’s decision to even try all three races was unusually bold. To claim a medal in all three was, seemingly, unthinkable. Until she did it.

As the words spilled out of her after the marathon, Hassan was still wrestling with the intense physical challenge she had set for herself, of whether testing her physical limits had really been the wisest idea after all.

“Every single moment I regretted that I ran the five and 10,000,” she said.

During the race, she said, she kept thinking of her competitors in the marathon’s lead group — Tigst Assefa of Ethiopia, Hellen Obiri of Kenya, Sharon Lokedi of Kenya and Amane Beriso Shankule of Ethiopia among them — and their fresh, rested legs. “When are they going to break me?” she wondered.

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Media production personal statement example.

“Educate, entertain, inform.” These are the 3 words Lord Reith used to encapsulate the BBC and what Media means to me. My fascination for Media began after studying the subject at secondary school. I can not see a future without me following this ambition. I want to be able to use Media to inspire people, challenge normality, encourage society to evolve and be a catalyst for change. Studying Media at university will help give me the skills and experience I need to pursue my future goals.

I have created an extensive portfolio of Media work at: I was fortunate enough to help produce and direct an advert that was aired on Channel S for Victorstone Property Consultants. My work in this advert involved creating an idea and storyboard and then organising the other production processes such as shooting and editing. I also produced the music for this advert. I gained relatable experience from this opportunity such as effectively communicating with the crew to ensure our ideas and deadlines were being met and what it was like to be a part of a professional campaign for an actual business. This is one of many media projects I have been a part of. I enjoy the planning side of a production and then the implementation of it.

Working as a waiter at my father’s restaurant helped me gain useful skills. I found articulating with customers on a daily basis a valuable insight in working with the public. Having the skill to talk to strangers, finding out what they want, discussing their ideas and opinions is very important. This occupation also gave me the skills to be versatile and to use my own initiative. These skills have helped me with other work such as creating a shop for students in my college as part of the Business Society. Other extracurricular societies I am involved in include Manga Society and Film Club. I also took part in The Challenge over the summer. This 3 week course was designed to help me gain personal and team skills and then test them in the real world by creating a campaign and fundraiser.

I have the responsibility of Vice President at my college. It is my duty to voice the concerns of the students to the Senior Leadership Team and maintain a positive environment. Every year my college hosts a Model United Nations where sixth forms in the UK come to debate resolutions on relevant issues for 3 days. I was 1 of 9 amongst hundreds to have my resolution approved at general assembly and sent to the United Nations. I also study Business and Music Technology as well as Media. I have found these subjects to greatly aid each other. I think this is good as the knowledge I learn from my other subjects help me with my Media.

I try to use my free time constructively to explore my other interests. I have a deep passion for performing. I love music. I am an avid member of the college choir and rock band. This interest ensued after completing my Rockschool qualifications at GCSE. Learning to play the guitar and performing on stage drastically improved my confidence. I have performed numerous times at talent shows and arts fares. This love for the arts stems from my creativity. From a young age I have always been creative and unique with everything I approach. This creativity has helped me complete my media projects to the best standard whilst also keeping them original and fresh.

I work to the highest standard with commitment and diligence to achieve my goals. Through my motivation and conscientiousness, my experiences push me to move forward with my passion for studying Media; I hope that you too can see my potential and enthusiasm.

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This personal statement was written by nawaz101 for application in 2013.

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