Internal And External Beauty

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Inner Beauty Vs Outer Beauty Essay | Essay About Beauty is a State of Mind, Inner Beauty is More Important Than Outer Beauty

January 25, 2022 by Prasanna

Inner Beauty Vs Outer Beauty Essay: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and what is beauty to one person might not be beauty to another. Some people are more attuned to beauty than others, and some people have a higher tolerance for it than others. This essay discusses the complex nature of beauty and how we should focus on inner rather than outer beauty.

The beauty crisis is a real one. Women believe they are not beautiful because they don’t look like the women in magazines or our society’s idea of “beauty”. The truth is, beauty is a state of mind and confidence is key to achieving any goal. If you lack self-confidence, it’s important that you recognize that inner beauty will never grow. By learning to love yourself, you can learn to feel confident and love your body. It’s important for women to start believing in themselves! When you feel beautiful, you can project your inner beauty onto the world. People will see that you are confident and happy, and the whole world will be a better place because of it. You will like yourself more, which is a key to success in all aspects of your life.

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You Are Beautiful / Handsome

Inner beauty can be contagious, the exterior and the interior are linked, truly successful people have an inner beauty, inner beauty is the strength of relationships, how is the inner beauty of a person shown.

  • FAQs on Inner Beauty Vs Outer Beauty

Having a beautiful mind and spirit is just as important, or even more so, than having a beautiful body. Though outer beauty matters, it does not define who you are in the grand scheme of things. In fact, one’s inner beauty can be just as powerful as their outer beauty in changing the world. We have been taught that we are what we see, but the truth is that you are so much more than your physical appearance. When you listen to your heart, you will know who you truly are and what makes you unique. You are not defined by what you have, what you do or by who your friends are.

Inner beauty, like any other quality, can be contagious. Granted, inner beauty may not be the most important factor that affects the success of one’s career, but it is a key factor. It can really set someone apart from the rest of the pack. It can keep people on their toes and make what you do seem fresh and new. When you are confident in your inner beauty, people around you will take notice and will want to follow suit. And when people see the qualities of a person they like, they often want to emulate those qualities themselves. So, if you want to influence your team members without having to say anything, then just make sure you are always looking your best. Therefore, if you’re looking for success in your professional life and beyond, work on maintaining your inner beauty!

Beauty is an inner and outer expression of a person. On the outside, our exterior may not necessarily tell the world who we are on the inside. Hence, inner beauty is more important than just a good-looking exterior. Inner beauty allows us to be confident and compassionate people who can conquer life’s adversities with grace. As human beings we all desire to be loved and accepted by those around us. We want a family, a partner, friends who support us in our endeavors, and a career that we are glad to work in.

We want other people to know us for who we are–to be proud of our inner beauty. We all want to be true to ourselves, but we often fall short of achieving this goal.  When you are comfortable in your own skin and you feel beautiful, it’s easier to let your personality shine through in your life. In addition, being confident will allow you to take control of the situations that come at you–and make the most of them.

Successful people are not just those who have a lot of money. They are also the ones that emanate an inner beauty that shines through their character and personality. This inner beauty can be anything from a sense of humor to an ability to empathize with others, but it’s what helps these individuals thrive in life. Consider a person who is self-centered or lazy. We may criticize them, but we can understand that the root of such behavior comes from an inability to nurture themselves or their own children – but what does this have to do with success?

We can all see that these people are not happy. But what we do not see is that this unhappiness leads to a lack of success. People who are ambitious and focus on their goals can often be their own harshest critics. They often have a tendency to focus on their flaws and the inconveniences in their lives. This is because they cannot accept the basic fact that they are more than their circumstances. They cannot accept their own greatness. Only when we accept our own greatness will we truly create a better world, and in the process become happier. In a nutshell, successful people have a unique inner beauty that is hard to describe. They are also confident, compassionate, and self-aware. They are often likable and able to hold their own in any situation.

Inner beauty is a key to success, but not just in the workplace. Your inner beauty plays a significant role in relationships, whether it’s romantic or just a co-worker relationship. It’s important for both men and women to be attractive on the inside rather than only on the outside. Men and women should understand that they have a strong inner beauty, and it’s important to maintain that. When you’re not being your best self, it makes things more difficult than they need to be, and it’s important to do all that you can to tune into your inner strength.  Your relationships within your partner, family and circle of friends are based on love, respect, trust and integrity.

As already discussed, inner beauty of a person is not determined by outer appearance. The inner beauty is the true reflection of the person’s character. Inner beauty can be shown by how a person behaves, their words and actions. It takes effort to look away from the outside world and focus on your inner character because once you have done that, it is much easier to achieve great things for yourself. Also, inner beauty is something that you can’t put a price on and it really connects with people.

Inner beauty is the key to success in many ways. It is often noted that people with inner beauty are also the happiest and most successful people. Inner beauty is also the foundation of your life.  If you don’t have it, no amount of outer beauty will make up for it. It can also be considered a reflection of what your life looks like on the inside. Lastly, inner beauty is the quality of the inner self that emanates from one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is not about how much money you have or how many people you’ve attracted to you, but rather what kind of person you see in the mirror every morning.

FAQ’s on Inner Beauty Vs Outer Beauty

Question 1. Why is inner beauty real beauty?

Answer: Inner beauty is important to success, and because of that, it’s a key component in the competitive world we live in. But that doesn’t mean being attractive is all you need. What really counts are the qualities inside; like your heart, mind, character, and composure. So remember this truth: Inner beauty is real beauty!

Question 2. How does inner beauty differ from physical beauty?

Answer: Outward beauty and inward beauty are not the same. People often confuse outer physical beauty with inner worth, but inner beauty is unaffected by external factors. In fact, if you don’t have it, your outward appearance will not matter because people will not want to connect with you anyway. Inner beauty is what makes people want to connect with you; they want to know that you are beautiful inside and out.

Question 3. What is the meaning of outer beauty?

Answer: Most people seem to think that outer beauty is more important than inner beauty, but the truth is many people who are rich and beautiful don’t have the best personalities. People who hold themselves with confidence and self-worth are generally more attractive to others. A confident person might not be the most physically attractive, but they will always be admired for their personality.

Question 4. Why is internal beauty more important?

Answer: External beauty fades with time and doesn’t last forever, but internal beauty lasts a lifetime. The skin gets wrinkly, the hair gets gray, and lines appear on your face. You can’t change the way you look, but you can change how you feel about yourself and how others care about you. It is a sense of worth in oneself that makes us feel complete and happy.

Question 5. Where does the real beauty lie?

Answer: There is no denying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We are all different and we have our own ideas about what makes someone attractive, but there are some things that do not change with age – inner beauty is one of those things!

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A Conscious Rethink

Inner Beauty Vs Outer Beauty: 4 Truths You Need To Hear

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smiling middle-aged woman depicting inner beauty vs outer beauty

Why do you love the people close to you? Not just the members of the family you were born or adopted into, but those you have chosen to have in your life?

Is it because of how they look ? Or do you love them for who they are ?

There’s a huge difference between outer beauty and inner beauty, and both of them have their place. In our youth-obsessed culture, external attractiveness is often put at the forefront of desirability in others. Yet when it comes to describing the people we adore most, we often talk about how much we love their personality traits, rather than their bodies.

Let’s take a look at some truths about inner beauty vs outer beauty, how they manifest, and why the former seems to be far more appreciated over time.

1. Outer beauty is subjective, inner beauty can be seen by everyone.

If you ask 100 people what they find physically beautiful in others, you’ll get a lot of different responses.

To illustrate this, Huffington Post ran a series in which people from many different countries were given photos of a man and a woman, and were asked to photoshop them to represent what they considered to be “ideal beauty.”

The responses for both the man and the woman were quite different depending on the region. As you can imagine, individual preferences are all over the place as well.

What one person might find physically attractive might be a huge turn-off to another, and vice versa. This is great in the sense that you’ll be less likely to compete with your friends for lovers if your tastes in physical beauty vary. It also means that according to the law of averages, no matter what a person looks like, there’s someone out there who will find them attractive.

When it comes to inner beauty, however, that’s quite a different story.

Take Princess Diana, for example. Yes, many people considered her to be a physically beautiful woman. Others did not. The one thing everyone could agree upon was that she had an incredibly kind, giving heart, and she was always willing to help those who needed her. That made her radiant beyond measure.

2. Outer beauty is largely beyond our control, inner beauty can be cultivated.

If you have enough money, you can achieve some level of outer beauty. One look at the average celebrity will prove that much. Plastic surgery can transform just about anyone’s features into shapes that the majority will find attractive.

Even if a person can’t afford a ton of cosmetic surgery, they can adjust their appearance with makeup, hair dye, exercise, and wardrobe adjustments.

But neither a personal trainer nor a scalpel can alter someone’s personality enough to turn them into a person that everyone will admire and adore.

In contrast, you don’t need a cent to cultivate inner beauty. The most basic practice of being aware of how you treat people and striving to improve upon that will help your inner beauty grow.

You can read and educate yourself in all manner of different subjects for free via libraries, online videos, as well as some online journals and academic resources. Developing your mind often develops your heart at the same time because all knowledge is interwoven with people and creatures and things that deserve care.

Learn different languages, study various world religions, get acquainted with various aspects of humanity’s history, both the dark and light bits. Want to be a bastion of inner peace, generosity of spirit, and loving kindness? Immerse yourself in spiritual studies, and start a meditation practice.

Getting involved in charitable works or nonprofit organizations is another great way to get that inner beauty stoked and glowing. Everyone has a skill that they can share to help others in need.

A giving heart and sincere care for others are two unparalleled traits when it comes to inner beauty. Even better, they can be cultivated at any time, with any skill set and able-bodiedness.

3. Outer beauty creates initial attraction, inner beauty generates long-lasting affection.

If you’re at a festival and your eyes follow a drop-dead gorgeous creature who walks by, it’s unlikely that you’re suddenly lusting over their personality. There’s nothing wrong with that: we are sexual beings, and can have instant attraction and chemistry to people we find physically attractive.

How often, however, have you gawped and fluttered after someone, only to be put off once you got to know them a little bit?

Some are far better looking on the outside than they are on the inside. They may be cruel, or racist, or judgmental, or embody any other number of less-than-wonderful traits. That’s disappointing, but also means that your pairing will likely be brief, rather than long-term.

In contrast, how many times have you gotten to know someone and fallen in love with their heart, mind, and spirit? These people may be just as attractive externally as they are internally. Or, they might be average-looking on the onset, but get more and more beautiful to you as you get to know them.

When you talk about the people you love, do you focus more on their physical traits or who they are inside? Sure, we may talk about how much we adore our lovers’ posteriors, eyes, lips, etc. But when we discuss the aspects about them that we love the most, we tend to talk about their sense of humor, intellect, kindness, etc.

4. Outer beauty changes over time, inner beauty is eternal.

Some people say that beauty fades over time, but most people prefer to think that it merely changes into a different form.

There’s a different beauty to be found in a regal, mature woman than the kind she had when she was a teenager. Similarly, a man in his middle to later years can be even more striking than he was in his twenties.

The kindness and gentleness in a person’s eyes doesn’t shine any less brightly because there are deep laugh lines etched nearby. A smile isn’t less reassuring or encouraging because it’s surrounded by a grey beard.

Many people who are very attached to their physical attractiveness get anxious and depressed when they start to see signs of aging in themselves. In contrast, those who don’t place as huge an emphasis on their physical beauty tend to be more comfortable with the natural aging process.

They know that their worth isn’t dependent upon how many people ogle their six pack or their cleavage. These people will draw others to them wherever they go because of the light that they exude. Whether they’re 18 or 81, they’ll still be welcomed and adored by throngs of people who recognize just how wonderful they are.

And when they pass on from this life, people will have far sweeter things to say about them than “they were pretty to look at.”

Beautiful Traits That People Love Most

When asked what traits they most look for in a spouse or life partner, the vast majority of people name things that have absolutely nothing to do with outer beauty.

They’re traits that they admire, want to experience on a constant basis, and feel are ideal in the people they want to keep in their lives.

Some of the top responses that make the average list are the following:

  • A good sense of humor
  • Trustworthiness
  • A supportive nature
  • Willingness to play and have fun
  • Understanding

As you can see, these are traits that anyone can embody. Furthermore, they’re aspects that we can love and admire in people other than our romantic partners.

When we think of the reasons why we love and admire our friends, parents, grandparents, and children, chances are many of these traits will make that list. Generally, people love their family members and close friends regardless of how they look. They could be put through threshing machines and we’d still love them because we adore them for who they are and how they make us feel.

Audrey Hepburn had something great to say about inner beauty vs outer beauty:

“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.”

Although the quote above specifically mentions women, it can work for people of any gender.

When we place more emphasis on inner beauty than outer beauty, we can learn to appreciate other people (and ourselves) on several different levels. We can look past any physical traits to see who these people really are.

Be aware that when you start to focus more on inner beauty than outer, you may get a bit choked up about past experiences. When we start to do more spiritual work and soul searching, we may realize how often we may have immediately dismissed others from our lives because we’ve been judgmental about their appearance.

A great example of that is this interview with actor Dustin Hoffman. In the mid 1980s, he was cast in a movie called “Tootsie,” in which he played an actor who dresses as a woman in order to get an acting role. His experience, which involved him living life as an average-looking woman rather than a beautiful one, humbled him.

“I went home and started crying, talking to my wife. And I said I have to make this picture, and she said, ‘Why?’ And I said, because I think I am an interesting woman when I look at myself on screen. And I know that if I met myself at a party, I would never talk to that character because she doesn’t fulfill physically the demands that we’re brought up to think women have to have in order for us to ask them out. There are too many interesting women I have not had the experience to know in this life because I have been brainwashed.”

If you’ve experienced something like this firsthand, having judged others by how they look, that’s okay. Please be gentle and forgiving with yourself about it. We all learn and grow through our missteps, and sometimes those missteps can be painful ones.

Similarly, if you’ve been on the receiving end of other people’s superficial judgment and unkindness, know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Those people were coming from places of their own programming. Even though they may have been hurtful toward you, ultimately they’re doing themselves a great disservice in not allowing themselves to see past initial appearances.

All of us can appreciate both inner beauty and outer beauty, and hopefully find our own magical balance between the two. We can recognize that physical beauty comes in many different forms, and that people don’t lose beauty when and if our shells change over time.

We love one another dearly for who we are, not how we look.

Just like favorite books we’ve read time and time again, the stories contained inside and the emotions they evoke matter far more than the different covers that may encase them temporarily.

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About The Author

make an essay describing internal and external beauty

Catherine Winter is an herbalist, INTJ empath, narcissistic abuse survivor, and PTSD warrior currently based in Quebec's Laurentian mountains. In an informal role as confidant and guide, Catherine has helped countless people work through difficult times in their lives and relationships, including divorce, ageing and death journeys, grief, abuse, and trauma recovery, as they navigate their individual paths towards healing and personal peace.

Inner Or Outer Beauty Essay: What Is More Important?

During the history of mankind the image of beautiful person (man and woman) was constantly changing. Even 50 years ago people had other view on what appearance person should have to be considered beautiful. So many poets and writers glorified the human beauty. However, people usually talk about external or outer beauty. But what about internal beauty? We decided to write not just essay on beauty, but to make it inner beauty essay. So, read and enjoy.

Inner beauty of a human or external: what is more important?

Inner beauty of a human or external: what to choose?

We used to think that human beauty hides in the eyes. However, something that one considers beautiful other person may consider ugly. You can look for the beauty inside in the way how a person presents the beauty aura. It is not important how much beautiful a person is, it is important how much naturally he carries the aura of beauty. The beauty is in the kindness that is a part of the aura, in peaceful nature, in a certain confidence and inner calmness. Faces with the absolute accuracy of the features, beautiful appearance can be egoistic, haughty, fussy or arrogant; they often want to show their superiority over others. Such a superficial beauty will not last forever. People grow old and external features fade away.

Time changes us as physically as internally, we do not have the same appearance during our lifetime. At the same time inner beauty will last forever. Superficial beauty can not make deep impression, and those who aim to get beautiful face and perfect body with the help of Botox injections and other wonders of surgery will hardly get wide recognition and respect.

However, most people will prefer to talk to a person who has attractive appearance, because we all are attracted by something beautiful. Later, when you understand that a person is not what you expect, that you take his / hers appearance for the essence, you may be very disappointed. Having looked deeper, you will discover an empty shell instead of beauty. You will understand how much important it is to have beauty inside and how much seldom you can meet people who have inner and external beauty at the same time.

The inner beauty of a person

Internal human beauty is presented naturally and unpretentious. Probably, it may have not ideal look, but it seems to be coming from a man when he / she smiles, from the manner of speech and treat others with kindness and tenderness. You understand how much beautiful this person is, and definitely you will prefer inner beauty to external. A person with beautiful soul shines brighter than beautiful face with emptiness inside. In such a way, inner beauty of a person is much more important than superficial external beauty, and also we can keep it for the whole life.

What about appearance?

Nevertheless, the researches show that people who have attractive appearance get work more often, especially if the interviewer also considers them attractive. The same researches prove that pupils like more teachers with attractive appearance, and think that they are more intelligent and more professional than others. It is well known that children react positively to attractive faces. Is it possible to disagree with that?

It turns out that if we want “political correctness”, we will repeat again and again that beauty is inside us. But! The world is cruel and if you want harsh and “naked” truth, than you should know that modern society often perceives beauty as something external only, as accuracy of features and respectable appearance.

So let’s be honest and realistic

Billions and billions of dollars spent each year on means that should make our appearance better. Much more than money spent on books, theatres and museums, for example. It means that “beauty” of the real world is outside, not inside. Think about it: those who suffer from extreme obesity seem attractive to you? Do you think they have rich spiritual world? Of course, we can not judge without knowing them closer, but one thing is obvious: their appearance pushes you away. Why? Because people, especially women, are very critical about appearance of each other. Besides, people who do not like their body usually have lack of self-respect.

Beauty of physical look does not mean that someone is better than others. The conception of ideal beauty is built on the age-old competition and desire to create visual attractiveness as a means of competition. The reason for this is in biology.

Of course, physical beauty is important, but fortunately it is not the only thing that a person can give to the world. For the most powerful people, who take decisions, physical features are less essential than such trait as charisma, intelligence, confidence and sense of purpose, which are also elements of inner beauty . Perfect skin and face features are not life-determining things for them. But let’s face the truth, each politician, for example, tends to look attractive and is ready to spend large sums of money on the image-makers and stylists, and they also recourse to plastic surgery.

It is difficult to be honest and say “yes”, outer beauty plays great role because it is not available for everyone. Not everyone was blessed by good genetics, but this is life and we all have to play according to its rules. Sure, outer beauty is a great gift, but what is important is how person decides to use the physical features, can he or she become successful using appearance.

There are people who say that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. It sounds great. But everyone knows that the beauty issue concerns women more. Women’s self-esteem is completely connected to their appearance and attractiveness. Unfortunately, women judge more strictly the attractiveness than men. This is not fair, but this is life.

So, beauty is a harmonious whole that brings moral and aesthetic pleasure. Inner beauty of a person is visible from the outside and it makes the person look beautiful. The most important thing is the harmony of body and soul, the inner beauty of a person should be combined with external beauty. Learn how to combine them in yourself and you will be really happy man.

The unity of inner and outer beauty of a man

Our notions of the ideal of beauty are embodied in outer beauty. External beauty is not only anthropological perfection of all the body elements, it is not only the health. It is inner spirituality: rich world of the thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for others and self-respect and so on. The higher moral development and the overall level of human spiritual culture is, the brighter rich spiritual world reflects in external features. In simple words, inner beauty is reflected in the appearance.

There is nothing ashamed in the fact that person wants to be beautiful, to look nice. Outer beauty has its inner moral sources. When a person is engaged with something he likes to do, he looks more attractive, it seems that he has inner light that males him beautiful. Favorite work makes a person beautiful, transforms facial features, and makes them thin and expressive.

If inner spiritual wealth forms human beauty, then inactivity and immoral activities destroy the beauty.

Immoral activities disfigure. A person who has the habit to lie, dissemble, rant avoids looking into the eyes of others, it is hard to see a thought inside his eyes, he hides it. Jealousy, selfishness, suspicion, fear that “people will not appreciate me” – all these feelings gradually coarsen facial features, make them sullen, unsociable. Be yourself, cherish your dignity, because this is the source of the real human beauty.

The ideal of human beauty is the moral ideal at the same time. The unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection is the harmony that people seek for.

There are so many essays on beauty already written, but I hope in this beauty essay we managed to transfer the main idea that beauty has two sides, external and internal, and these two elements should not exist separately. There always should be unity of inner and outer beauty.

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Essays About Beauty: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

Writing essays about beauty is complicated because of this topic’s breadth. See our examples and prompts to you write your next essay.

Beauty is short for beautiful and refers to the features that make something pleasant to look at. This includes landscapes like mountain ranges and plains, natural phenomena like sunsets and aurora borealis, and art pieces such as paintings and sculptures. However, beauty is commonly attached to an individual’s appearance,  fashion, or cosmetics style, which appeals to aesthetical concepts. Because people’s views and ideas about beauty constantly change , there are always new things to know and talk about.

Below are five great essays that define beauty differently. Consider these examples as inspiration to come up with a topic to write about.


1. Essay On Beauty – Promise Of Happiness By Shivi Rawat

2. defining beauty by wilbert houston, 3. long essay on beauty definition by prasanna, 4. creative writing: beauty essay by writer jill, 5. modern idea of beauty by anonymous on papersowl, 1. what is beauty: an argumentative essay, 2. the beauty around us, 3. children and beauty pageants, 4. beauty and social media, 5. beauty products and treatments: pros and cons, 6. men and makeup, 7. beauty and botched cosmetic surgeries, 8. is beauty a necessity, 9. physical and inner beauty, 10. review of books or films about beauty.

“In short, appreciation of beauty is a key factor in the achievement of happiness, adds a zest to living positively and makes the earth a more cheerful place to live in.”

Rawat defines beauty through the words of famous authors, ancient sayings, and historical personalities. He believes that beauty depends on the one who perceives it. What others perceive as beautiful may be different for others. Rawat adds that beauty makes people excited about being alive.

“No one’s definition of beauty is wrong. However, it does exist and can be seen with the eyes and felt with the heart.”

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Houston’s essay starts with the author pointing out that some people see beauty and think it’s unattainable and non-existent. Next, he considers how beauty’s definition is ever-changing and versatile. In the next section of his piece, he discusses individuals’ varying opinions on the two forms of beauty: outer and inner. 

At the end of the essay, the author admits that beauty has no exact definition, and people don’t see it the same way. However, he argues that one’s feelings matter regarding discerning beauty. Therefore, no matter what definition you believe in, no one has the right to say you’re wrong if you think and feel beautiful.

“The characteristic held by the objects which are termed “beautiful” must give pleasure to the ones perceiving it. Since pleasure and satisfaction are two very subjective concepts, beauty has one of the vaguest definitions.”

Instead of providing different definitions, Prasanna focuses on how the concept of beauty has changed over time. She further delves into other beauty requirements to show how they evolved. In our current day, she explains that many defy beauty standards, and thinking “everyone is beautiful” is now the new norm.

“…beauty has stolen the eye of today’s youth. Gone are the days where a person’s inner beauty accounted for so much more then his/her outer beauty.”

This short essay discusses how people’s perception of beauty today heavily relies on physical appearance rather than inner beauty. However, Jill believes that beauty is all about acceptance. Sadly, this notion is unpopular because nowadays, something or someone’s beauty depends on how many people agree with its pleasant outer appearance. In the end, she urges people to stop looking at the false beauty seen in magazines and take a deeper look at what true beauty is.

“The modern idea of beauty is taking a sole purpose in everyday life. Achieving beautiful is not surgically fixing yourself to be beautiful, and tattoos may have a strong meaning behind them that makes them beautiful.”

Beauty in modern times has two sides: physical appearance and personality. The author also defines beauty by using famous statements like “a woman’s beauty is seen in her eyes because that’s the door to her heart where love resides” by Audrey Hepburn. The author also tackles the issue of how physical appearance can be the reason for bullying, cosmetic surgeries, and tattoos as a way for people to express their feelings.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about fashion .

10 Helpful Prompts To Use in Writing Essays About Beauty

If you’re still struggling to know where to start, here are ten exciting and easy prompts for your essay writing:

While defining beauty is not easy, it’s a common essay topic. First, share what you think beauty means. Then, explore and gather ideas and facts about the subject and convince your readers by providing evidence to support your argument.

If you’re unfamiliar with this essay type, see our guide on how to write an argumentative essay .

Beauty doesn’t have to be grand. For this prompt, center your essay on small beautiful things everyone can relate to. They can be tangible such as birds singing or flowers lining the street. They can also be the beauty of life itself. Finally, add why you think these things manifest beauty.

Little girls and boys participating in beauty pageants or modeling contests aren’t unusual. But should it be common? Is it beneficial for a child to participate in these competitions and be exposed to cosmetic products or procedures at a young age? Use this prompt to share your opinion about the issue and list the pros and cons of child beauty pageants.

Essays About Beauty: Beauty and social media

Today, social media is the principal dictator of beauty standards. This prompt lets you discuss the unrealistic beauty and body shape promoted by brands and influencers on social networking sites. Next, explain these unrealistic beauty standards and how they are normalized. Finally, include their effects on children and teens.

Countless beauty products and treatments crowd the market today. What products do you use and why? Do you think these products’ marketing is deceitful? Are they selling the idea of beauty no one can attain without surgeries? Choose popular brands and write down their benefits, issues, and adverse effects on users.

Although many countries accept men wearing makeup, some conservative regions such as Asia still see it as taboo. Explain their rationale on why these regions don’t think men should wear makeup. Then, delve into what makeup do for men. Does it work the same way it does for women? Include products that are made specifically for men.

There’s always something we want to improve regarding our physical appearance. One way to achieve such a goal is through surgeries. However, it’s a dangerous procedure with possible lifetime consequences. List known personalities who were pressured to take surgeries because of society’s idea of beauty but whose lives changed because of failed operations. Then, add your thoughts on having procedures yourself to have a “better” physique.

People like beautiful things. This explains why we are easily fascinated by exquisite artworks. But where do these aspirations come from? What is beauty’s role, and how important is it in a person’s life? Answer these questions in your essay for an engaging piece of writing.

Beauty has many definitions but has two major types. Discuss what is outer and inner beauty and give examples. Tell the reader which of these two types people today prefer to achieve and why. Research data and use opinions to back up your points for an interesting essay.

Many literary pieces and movies are about beauty. Pick one that made an impression on you and tell your readers why. One of the most popular books centered around beauty is Dave Hickey’s The Invisible Dragon , first published in 1993. What does the author want to prove and point out in writing this book, and what did you learn? Are the ideas in the book still relevant to today’s beauty standards? Answer these questions in your next essay for an exiting and engaging piece of writing.

Grammar is critical in writing. To ensure your essay is free of grammatical errors, check out our list of best essay checkers .


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What is inner beauty.

Altruism and generosity bring out the best in us, says David Servan-Schreiber

make an essay describing internal and external beauty

Sometimes a particular phrase or image we stumble across online affects us deeply. Recently, I was moved by a slide show dedicated to Audrey Hepburn, with quotes and pictures showing her in her dazzling youth and her radiant maturity.

As a child in the Netherlands, Hepburn nearly died of hunger in a country devastated by World War II, and was rescued by the UN refugee programme. Towards the end of her life, she was asked about her beauty secrets. She replied with remarkable grace: ‘For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day. People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed. Never throw out anybody. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows.’

I’m aware I’m a long way from seeing beauty that way, and from never throwing anybody out. I could just let these lines drift away like an unattainable ideal. But if I allow myself to be touched by this altruistic and generous vision, I feel a warm glow in my heart. Something in me responds, bringing me closer to what is good and right, to everything precious in my being. And I want to be more like this woman who has gone so much further than I, and savoured that human generosity that is in all of us.

We in the West are so obsessed by our negative emotions that even scientific research has focused exclusively on them. Of the five basic emotions — disgust, fear, anger, sorrow and happiness — only one is positive, and that is rather insipid. Negative emotions are useful. Fear and anger stop us in our tracks and focus our attention on self-defence. ‘Put yourself first!’ they seem to shout.

On the other hand, when we’re exposed to the great generosity of someone we admire, a well-kept garden or an impressive landscape, the opposite reaction occurs. Being truly inspired also stops us in our tracks, and takes us out of our dreary habitual trains of thought. But instead of shutting us down, it opens our hearts and minds to new ways of being and receiving what the world has to offer us, and what we have to offer.

Oxytocin, the hormone that creates bonds of affection, is created by the brain reacting to emotions that make our heart beat faster. It is produced during breastfeeding, and during orgasm in relationships based on love, not just sex. It is also produced when we are touched by the example of someone we admire. Doubtless this love hormone reminds us that it is through our bonds with other people that we get in touch with everything that’s good in us.

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make an essay describing internal and external beauty

Internal Beauty vs. External Beauty

Garv Chawla

  • December 16, 2022
  • Authors Favorite , Awareness , Kindness , Peace

make an essay describing internal and external beauty

Tell me something about people close to you? Why are you with them? What do you like about them? Are you attracted to them because of how they look, or  are you drawn to them because of who they are and how they make you feel?

Everyone defines beauty differently.  Yet, most of us tend to worship and praise physical beauty more than we do the beauty of character.

Our thinking has been changed by social media apps in recent years.  They do not have an immediate effect on us. However, they alter the way we think day by day, bit by bit. We might feel attractive in one app but unattractive in another. Each of them has a different impact on us. 

For me, apps like Instagram creates  pressure to conform to certain standards of outer beauty and living and present a filtered, highly-curated  version of reality at best and nothing more.

Some people are only concerned about their appearance, fashion, and makeup. However, they are only part of a person’s outer physical beauty.  It’s just surface-level .

There is also an inner beauty – the beauty that is in our hearts, in our character, in our ethics, in our acts, in our goodwill, and in our kindness.  A part of our inner beauty is also what we feel and how we think.

It is not about the face we wear But the kindness and love we share It is about being true to ourselves And living with integrity and grace

Outer beauty is subjective.  So who and what you might find beautiful might not be attractive to someone else. 

Outer beauty is a gift, no doubt, But it is something that fades, without a doubt

Although  inner beauty has a universal quality , its effects can be seen at all times. Everyone appreciates kindness, loyalty, integrity, empathy, generosity, and compassion, for instance. Those outer characteristics fade in time, but the inner qualities endure for a lifetime.

People have almost no control over their height and other physical attributes. Thus,  beauty should be contingent on our decisions, the things we do, and the characteristics we develop, and not just on winning the genetic lottery.

So let’s stop focusing only on physical beauty and try to appreciate the beauty in goodness. Let’s  see the beauty in talent and recognize the beauty in skills.  Let’s see the beauty in justice and see the beauty in life without prejudgment.

Let’s strive to be the best version of ourselves, both inside and out.

Garv Chawla

Garv Chawla

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Science of Beauty – A Scientific Education Network by Dr. Teo Wan Lin

Inner Beauty According to Science

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Ep 71: The Emotional World of Beauty – Beauty in the Mind 

Thoughts on inner beauty - dermatologist Dr Teo Wan Lin

Possessing “inner beauty” isn’t just the consolation prize for those less than genetically blessed with physical beauty. Science tells us that our perception of beauty is deeply rooted in our psychological makeup, which colors the way we view beauty. Inner beauty is a term colloquially used to describe goodness and kindness, altruistic virtues that make life on earth better more peaceful for everyone. More than that, inner beauty literally captures the science of beauty itself. A phenomenon that involves complex neuroscience pathways affecting the mind and emotions. Turns out our perception of beauty is mostly an internal experience. In this episode, learn why I think the way I think about beauty and why I believe physical metrics judging beauty are at best, arbitrary. 

Previous episode recap:

We learned from the previous episode all about the science of beauty, which really points us to what’s happening in our minds that impacts perception.

Once we establish that beauty is an emotion, it logically follows all other emotional responses. That is, how we think will directly affect our emotions and our perception of beauty.

Inner beauty is as real as our constantly changing perceptions about beauty

@drteowanlin Your mind matters in beauty : Genuine “Duchenne” smiles are distinguishable from posed smiles #dermatologist #tiktokbeauty #beautytok #wrinkles #mentalhealth ♬ original sound – Dr. Teo Wan Lin

Let me start with my personal journey “battling beauty”. I say battling because I distinctly remember struggling with how I looked – picking on the shape of my nose, my high forehead and even feeling at one point of time that my hair was too thick! These are ridiculous to me now, but I was really plagued by these insecurities magnified by my time as a model in my late teens. Fascinating that while I’m turning 38 this year, 2 decades later, I’m feeling more beautiful than ever. Guess what has changed? My inner world.

Our inner beauty is as real as our constantly changing perceptions about beauty itself. Interestingly, I have found that truly, I am more beautiful today than when I was at 18, to me, at least. The reason is also apparent. My fault-finding nature uglified everything I saw in my teen self, whereas my mature self now is grateful that I look just the way I look because no one else looks exactly like me. 

Inner beauty is the secret to confidence and charisma

the heart of beauty is love - inner beauty

The thing is, everyone wants to know the secret to looking and feeling beautiful. Let me say that confidence is one sure thing that comes with age and maturity. Practicing something 10.000 hours, apparently makes you an expert. Carrying yourself beautifully also takes practice. However, human psychology is very interesting in that subtle micro-movements, micro expressions are big giveaways even for amateur observers. So in that sense, fake it until you make it doesn’t work here. Then again, this is my perspective, and another, depending on their own life experiences, may not feel the same way. The best response, though is not to care. How others viewed me used to impact me a lot.

I realised after a while that modeling as a teen was perhaps the worst job in the world for someone who is self-conscious. This is because they are judging you purely by how you look and move. Even something as subjective as ‘vibe’ can be used as a way to assess your performance. Getting better at modelling to me, means getting rid of as much self consciousness as possible. This includes consciousness of beauty itself. What is interesting is that many of us can pick up on people who are conscious of how beautiful or handsome they feel they are. Intuitively, we somewhat find that repulsive and even attribute that to being arrogant or being a cliche. 

Focus on inner beauty which is what draws people to you 

The science behind attraction is not simple. Firstly attraction is highly subjective. However, psychology can teach us a thing or two in terms of getting inside another’s brain, to find out what makes them tick. Beauty, for example, must be distinguished from lust. The latter being a sensual pleasure and is not the focus of our talk today. The science of attraction according to psychological studies shows that we can perceive altruistic values such as kindness and goodness in an individual’s face². This is quite a surprising finding, given that we ought to be able to judge these by actions alone. So apparently, our eyes and brain can perceive these in microexpressions found in an individual’s face¹. This is the reason why we should focus on inner beauty – which is what will draw people to you.

@drteowanlin #docsoftiktok #whatittakestocomealive #doctorsoftiktok #beautiful #beauty ♬ Ooh La La – Josie Dunne

Inner beauty: Your inner world determines your psychological state

This may be word play, but inner beauty doesn’t just refer to possessing virtues. It is about learning to seek beauty on the inside. Art is particularly relevant because it schools us in detecting that what is subtle is beautiful. For example, only a trained eye can appreciate beauty in a masterpiece, as opposed to a counterfeit. If we train our minds to perceive beauty where we want to, we find ourselves much happier and content. This starts a positive cycle of being beautiful because you feel beautiful- irrespective of how physical attributes are judged— mostly, by others.

Keep calm and be beautiful Beauty is an emotional state reflecting our inner world

On the topic of self-help, we find the guru’s advice is always to manage one’s emotions. To stay calm and rationalize instead of reacting emotionally.  Looks like science tells us that we can apply the same advice when it comes to beauty. I truly think that beauty is an emotional state reflecting our inner world. So, let’s keep calm and be beautiful.

inner beauty - why do we think the way we do about beauty

Since psychology research tells us that our feelings give us away via microexpressions, it may be helpful to manage our emotional world better. Being beautiful is how we choose to wire our emotions optimally in response to anything. 

The Art of Expression : Inner beauty can be the key to charisma, also known as the X-factor

I coined the phrase “the art of expression” as an alternative viewpoint on the topic of beauty. The “character of a face” for example, has more to do with the “vibe” or the disposition of the individual channeled by their subtle movements on the face known as microexpressions. My best interpretation is that authenticity starting from the emotions directly affects our facial expressions. Hence, inner beauty can be the key to charisma, also known as the X factor. Taking time to cultivate one’s inner world, enriching it with aesthetic experiences in the humanities can affect the faculties of memory, intelligence and imagination. It may well be that your face shows the richness of these when you express yourself. We also know that our favorite expressions eventually imprint on the aging face¹. 

That may just be the science behind the “X-factor”, or what one refers to as charisma.

The case for inner beauty : our mind chooses to believe that we are beautiful, or not

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Teo Wan Lin 张婉琳 (@drteowanlin)

Our mind creates emotions that show up on our faces via expressions that others can read. Our mind can cause us to act confident because we feel confident. That can contribute to the elusive X-factor which is as precise as it is literal. We simply cannot define it.  

Memories, like intelligence, are involved in experiencing beauty

This is another reason why I make the case for inner beauty – as a way to which our physical world is impacted by our inner world. The case for promoting psychological wellbeing in our quest for beauty is more urgent than ever given the increasing incidences of public figures, celebrities in the prime of their lives who seem to struggle with their self-image. This ultimately impacts their mental health and in very unfortunate cases, can even lead to suicide. Philosophers have stated that the most intense experiences of beauty involve recollections of memories. So, I wonder if it is part of the emotional and mental processing of certain experiences that these individuals experience that affects the way they ultimately reflect on themselves and the way they see themselves.

Our experiences are recorded not just in our minds. But, our faces could well bear traces of our emotional memories, and traces of our personality, acquired throughout our lifetimes of practice. I question erasing these because they may well be what ultimately makes our faces unique and charismatic. 

Sustainable beauty

The case for prioritizing inner beauty is really that mental wellness then, is critical to memory functioning. This relates to our ability to appreciate beauty not just in ourselves and in others. A psychologically unwell individual may find themselves chronically dissatisfied about their appearance, and the latter may end up becoming an inherent risk factor for mental health problems. So, you can see that judging beauty with physical metrics simply isn’t sustainable.

Inner beauty - an emotional state reflecting our world

With all the talk of sustainable beauty, I feel that this is one aspect that we should focus on. Beyond this, we have yet to see also the longer-term psychological impact of aesthetic enhancements on an aging population. While that remains to be studied and to be reviewed, what seems sensible to me is to encourage as-is beauty as the best trend to follow.  The raw, natural and actually being able to convey yourself in a healthy, psychologically well way is the ultimate epitome of what it is to be beautiful. To change our minds and to alter our own perceptions, I feel that this is a more sustainable approach to beauty.

In conclusion, the scope of this episode is to bring to light the potential benefits of a positive psychological state in terms of shaping the aging face. I also hope to add diversity in the interpretation of the term the “science of beauty” — one that is currently the basis for cosmetic dermatological interventions. One should feel free to entertain alternative ideas about the beauty of the aging face. About beauty in general as well- to realise that it is as fleeting as our constantly changing perceptions and emotions. 

  • Teo WL. On thoughts, emotions, facial expressions, and aging. Int J Dermatol. 2021 May;60(5):e200-e202. doi: 10.1111/ijd.15443. Epub 2021 Feb 9. PMID: 33559158.
  •  Nadal M, Munar E, Marty G, Cela-Conde CJ. Visual Complexity and Beauty Appreciation: Explaining the Divergence of Results. Empirical Studies of the Arts. 2010;28(2):173-191. doi:10.2190/EM.28.2.d

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  • Tags Beauty and the Brain , Beauty Philosophy , Conscious Beauty

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make an essay describing internal and external beauty

I Heart

Outer beauty VS Inner beauty: The 3 essential differences

Outer beauty VS Inner beauty: The 3 essential differences

“Your outer beauty will capture the eyes, your inner beauty will capture the heart.” Steven Aitchison

When looking for a romantic partner, or a life-long friend what do you value more – a beautiful body or a beautiful mind? If you follow I Heart Intelligence , chances are you chose the latter.

If you too are wondering, take a look at the following three main differences between outer and inner beauty : 

1. inner beauty is seen by many, while outer beauty is subjective. .

There are 7 billion people in this world, with 7 billion different opinions about outer beauty. If you are a traveler by heart, then you know how contrasting beauty perceptions are around the globe. What you may find physically attractive can be an absolute eyesore to someone else and vice versa. And this is truly magical because it implies that regardless of a person’s physical features, there is always going to be someone out there who finds them appealing.

2. Outer beauty drives initial attraction, but inner beauty is what makes it last. 

The truth is that outer beauty immensely helps when it comes to making good first impressions. Whether we like it or not, we live in a world where most people do judge the book by its cover. However, many individuals usually don’t bother reading the book.

On the other hand, you have probably been in situations where you judged someone based on their appearance only, and once they opened their mouth, you regretted even starting a conversation with them. This certainly doesn’t mean that attractive people are not intelligent. But, unfortunately, there are many occasions in which outer beauty doesn’t match inner beauty.

However, if you take the time to read the book, you may find out that the gorgeous cover has only a fraction of the actual beauty within. Once you get to know someone’s genuine personality and discover how mesmerizing their mind is, you instantly want to continue bonding with them. This proves that physical appearance means nothing when you have a good soul.

3. Cultivating inner beauty leads to growth, while altering outer beauty may lead to losing your identity.  

Sadly, with social media being a massive part of our lives, far too many people are struggling with self-image issues not because there is something wrong with them, but because they are convinced they need to look a certain way to be accepted by society. So they delve into the world of plastic surgery and they slowly lose their identities in order to  fit in.

In reality, what we should be encouraging is not altering our bodies, but remodeling our mindset. We should become more aware of the way we treat others and ourselves. We should be inspired to learn more languages, so we can dive into different cultures and expand our limits. Instead of spending money on looking like someone else, spend time on becoming the best version of yourself. Because outer beauty fades, but the beauty within is timeless.

What are the most beautiful traits in a person?

All of these traits can be found in anyone, regardless of the outer beauty they possess. More importantly, these are personality characteristics we seek in those we see as our potential life partners, meaning that we value them more than we value a pretty face.

The iconic Italian actress Sophia Loren, one of the most stunning women the world knows, once said:

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.”

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Inner Beauty

A small simple word but with momentous meaning. Beauty doesn't mean having stunning face and body but true beauty lies in your soul, your character, and your confidence. "Your inner beauty never needs makeup." It only needs a good heart filled with selflessness, love and care. Real beauty is about always being willing to assist anyone even if there is nothing in it for you except the pure pleasure of seeing satisfaction, content on the other person’s face, that person has inner beauty. It represents goodwill and kindness.  The physical appearance may look appealing to you for sometime but inner beauty is something that remains in the heart of others for the lifetime. Unlike physical beauty, inner beauty is hard to find in someone. Every person is like a deep ocean you do not know what's on the surface until you dive deep within that person and then you'll know their true beauty. I’m not trying to say that outer appearances don’t matter.

All I’m saying is that inner beauty plays a much bigger part even in first sight than you think.You may assume that you never notice inner beauty at first sight. But is that really true? Almost all the time, you notice a person’s physical appearance only for a moment, until the real inner beauty starts the attraction game. In my personal life I've met some girls who are really beautiful and attractive from outside but there's a beast hidden them. Their physical beauty hides their beast but once you start conversation with them you start feeling uneasy, you start feeling maladroit. At that point their outer beauty fails to make those people stay in their life. Everyone starts leaving them and there comes a time when they are left alone, just by themselves. Why? just because of their vulgar behavior with other. But if you possess good heart, selfless nature and beautiful soul then automatically everyone's attracted towards you. They love to have you as your friends, they love to spend time with you. They actually love you. And in the end the love with the heart and soul remains eternal but people tends to forget the love with the body. "Beautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful." (Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib R.A) Inner beauty helps you appreciate outer beauty. If you love, appreciate and feel good about yourself, you would feel more confident about facing and interacting with other beautiful people in the world. Remember, outer beauty can give you a glance, it’s inner beauty that makes someone stay.  There's a quote saying, "Beauty is in the eyes of beholder." I personally don't believe in it. Your true beauty lies within you not what others observe in you. You only show the world what you want them to see not what's within you. You can never judge a person by your personal observations. You do not know their situations. So before you start making conviction about someone do check their current status. And learn to love yourself first. If you feel beautiful, your own self belief and confidence brings out a glow of beauty that no outer beauty can compete with. But if you feel ugly, your inner beauty will reflect the same idea and project it on your outer beauty. If you truly feel beautiful on the inside, you’d never seem unappealing to anyone else. See the nature, they don't care about anyone. The sun doesn't care how hot it is, the moon doesn't care that he has stains, the clouds don't care that they're uneven. So goes with you feel beautiful don't care what others think of you but care what Allah thinks of you. Because in the end you have to answer Him about your deeds and not the world. Always be optimistic. Spread positivity, reveal your inner beauty to the world. Because you can only achieve tranquility of heart by your good deeds and beautiful character. Most people complain about depression, my advice for them is learn to live for others your depression will automatically leave. Because knowing that you are the reason of someone's smile is the best feeling in the world.

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Favorite Quote: Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."


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make an essay describing internal and external beauty

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  1. Internal And External Beauty Essay

    To be beautiful externally means to be beautiful on the outside such as having a nice figure and an attractive smile. Internal beauty is important because beyond looks, it is your personality that is noticed. External beauty is important because it is your attractive figure that brings notice to someones great personality or external beauty.

  2. Essay about Internal And External Beauty

    661 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. Internal and external beauty are both very important in our society. To be beautiful internally means to have a kind heart and be understanding. To be beautiful externally means to be beautiful on the outside such as having a nice figure and an attractive smile. Internal beauty is important because beyond ...

  3. What is Beauty: Inner and Physical

    Inner beauty is the beauty emanating from the soul, which appears in personality and feeling. When you one beautiful from the inside, if will reflect in your face. The beautiful person is one who leaves a smile on your face when you remember him. Patience, humbleness, and wisdom are all qualities of a beautiful person inside.

  4. Inner Beauty Vs Outer Beauty Essay

    Inner beauty, like any other quality, can be contagious. Granted, inner beauty may not be the most important factor that affects the success of one's career, but it is a key factor. It can really set someone apart from the rest of the pack. It can keep people on their toes and make what you do seem fresh and new.

  5. Inner Beauty Vs Outer Beauty: 4 Truths You Need To Hear

    A giving heart and sincere care for others are two unparalleled traits when it comes to inner beauty. Even better, they can be cultivated at any time, with any skill set and able-bodiedness. 3. Outer beauty creates initial attraction, inner beauty generates long-lasting affection.

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  7. Inner Or Outer Beauty Essay: What Is More Important?

    Inner beauty of a person is visible from the outside and it makes the person look beautiful. The most important thing is the harmony of body and soul, the inner beauty of a person should be combined with external beauty. Learn how to combine them in yourself and you will be really happy man. The unity of inner and outer beauty of a man.

  8. Physical Beauty Vs Inner Beauty

    The inner belief which guiding people to reach their dream is what one should own. Physical beauty is subjective, but personality, intelligence and inner belief are not. They never fade out and would also be improved. Inner beauty helps us appreciate outer beauty. People cannot live without either inner or outer beauty.

  9. Essays About Beauty: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

    She further delves into other beauty requirements to show how they evolved. In our current day, she explains that many defy beauty standards, and thinking "everyone is beautiful" is now the new norm. 4. Creative Writing: Beauty Essay By Writer Jill. "…beauty has stolen the eye of today's youth.

  10. What is inner beauty?

    The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows.'. I'm aware I'm a long way from seeing beauty that way, and from never throwing anybody out.

  11. Internal Beauty vs. External Beauty

    There is also an inner beauty - the beauty that is in our hearts, in our character, in our ethics, in our acts, in our goodwill, and in our kindness. A part of our inner beauty is also what we feel and how we think. Outer beauty is subjective. So who and what you might find beautiful might not be attractive to someone else.

  12. Inner Beauty According to Science

    Inner beauty is a term colloquially used to describe goodness and kindness, altruistic virtues that make life on earth better more peaceful for everyone. More than that, inner beauty literally captures the science of beauty itself. A phenomenon that involves complex neuroscience pathways affecting the mind and emotions.

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  16. The Importance of Internal and External Beauty in Our Society

    Internal and external beauty are both very important in our society. To be beautiful internally means to have a kind heart and be understanding. To be beautiful externally means to be beautiful on the outside such as having a nice figure and an attractive smile. Internal beauty is important...

  17. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty. May 22, 2017. By Anonymous. A small simple word but with momentous meaning. Beauty doesn't mean having stunning face and body but true beauty lies in your soul, your character, and ...

  18. She Walks in Beauty

    The speaker begins by describing the beauty of a young woman and comparing it to the night. She has "raven tress[es]" or long black hair that reminds the speaker of the night sky, while her face ...

  19. (PDF) Women, makeup, and authenticity: Negotiating embodiment and

    Caleidoscopio Ethnographic Research, USA. Abstract. This essay examines women' s makeup practices and cultural tension between inner and. outer constructs of beauty in the United States ...

  20. She Walks in Beauty Essays and Criticism

    The poetic emotion in Byron's lyrics, according to Frye, is made out of "worn," "ordinary" language, and he singles out "She Walks in Beauty" for its "flat conventional diction ...

  21. A Comparison Between Inner and Outer Beauty

    Inner VS Outer Beauty The definition of beauty is: a combination of qualities that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight (google definitions). ... The essays in our library are intended to serve as content examples to inspire you as you write your own essay. They're not intended to be submitted as your own work, so we don't waste ...

  22. Internal And External Beauty essay topics

    Internal And External Beauty example essay topic. 716 words Internal and external beauty are both very important in our society. To be beautiful internally means to have a kind heart and be understanding. To be beautiful externally means to be beautiful on the outside such as having a nice figure and an attractive smile.