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Main navigation, not just for thesis writing: grammarly premium free to grad students.

An example of Grammarly Premium's native editor application.

An example of Grammarly Premium's native editor application (select to enlarge the image).

We all make grammar mistakes — from simple stray commas to more glaring gaffes like "all intensive purposes" when you really mean "all intents and purposes."

To avoid similar   "eggcorns"   and improve writing skills generally, University of Utah graduate and professional students may now use the premium version of  Grammarly  free of charge thanks to   a licensing agreement   by   the Graduate School . Visit the Graduate School's   getting started   and   FAQ   webpages to learn more about the software.

Graduate School Dean David Kieda, Ph.D.,  said that under the direction of the Graduate School's   Thesis Office , several years ago a group of faculty members and graduate administrators conducted a study of graduate-level writing. Their conclusion? The writing could be better, and the university could do more to help.

"The general consensus was that graduate writing is on a decline, and we had to do something active to embed graduate writing teaching into all graduate curriculum," Kieda said, noting that offering Grammarly Premium is part of that effort.

Grammarly Premium's algorithms flag potential issues and suggest contextualized corrections for grammar, spelling, wordiness, style, punctuation, and plagiarism. 

"If you type something in [Microsoft] Word, it may suggest an alternative that's not even close to what the word should be. Grammarly ... will actually suggest two or three things, indicating 'I think you mean this,'"   Kieda  said. "It actually understands context and catches things like matching tenses and verbs, or whether you're using dangling modifiers or split infinitives. It looks for larger structural issues than just little typos."

Dr. David Kieda, The Graduate School dean

Dr. David Kieda,   dean of the   Graduate School

Grammarly offers a free basic package in addition to the premium version. While both services provide grammar and spelling checks, Grammarly Premium adds 400 advanced checks for punctuation, grammar, context, and sentence structure; vocabulary enhancement suggestions; audience-specific style checks (e.g., "academia" versus "creative writing") citation suggestions; and a plagiarism detector that scans more than 16 billion webpages.

Grammarly can be accessed across multiple devices, with native desktop apps for Windows and Mac, as well as mobile-friendly browser extensions for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge. It also integrates with Microsoft Office (Windows only).

At the end of January 2019, all active graduate and professional students (e.g., medical and law students) received account activation messages in their UMail accounts. Eligible users included grad students who defended but are still finalizing dissertations and theses — who had active status within the past three semesters but have not yet graduated.

Despite the initial email push, Graduate School Budget Forecast and Analysis Administrator Jennifer Ehlers said that about half — 2,729 of 5,722 eligible students — have signed up, and only 2,365 of those who signed up are actively using the service. She hopes that reminder emails every 30 days, and promotional efforts like flyers and engaging with faculty will help close that gap.

Jennifer Ehlers,  budget forecast and analysis administrator,  The Graduate School

Jennifer Ehlers,   budget forecast   and analysis administrator,   the Graduate School

Besides graduate students, Grammarly Premium has benefited instructors at the  University Writing Center   in the College of Humanities — making their time more efficient, Kieda said, "so they can avoid working at a very low level, and slogging through commas."

Prior to releasing the free premium version at the end of January, the Graduate School and Thesis Office tested the product during the spring term — running dissertations through Grammarly, identifying problems, and conducting use cases with students. The Thesis Office's manuscript clearance process is being integrated with Grammarly, which Kieda said "has sped up the processing of manuscripts for publication substantially, shaving four or five weeks off of the process."

Ehlers emphasized that Grammarly Premium is not merely for thesis or dissertation writing. It cleans up everyday emails, blogs, social media posts — even texts.

Danny Nelson, administrative program officer, The Graduate School

Danny Nelson, administrative program officer,   the Graduate School

"Master's students were saying, 'Well, I don't really need it yet.' But it's about enhancing your writing now, not in the future," she said. "I find myself writing so much better because I utilize it every day."

"It's an [artificial intelligence] software, so it essentially learns along as the student goes forward," added Danny Nelson, Graduate School administrative program officer. "That's why our push has been to start using it early on in your career, because it becomes more useful every time that you use it."

Grammarly Premium emails weekly updates that identify common mistakes, a tool that Kieda said "you can watch over time, and notice how some things get better as you become more aware."

"It's sort of game-ified, too," Nelson added. "The reports show you that you're more productive than 'x' number of users or you made fewer mistakes than this group of people. It's fun."

Kieda said the Graduate School will continue to evaluate the Grammarly Premium licensing contract for a year, including follow-up surveys with users and a reassessment during fall semester, at which time they'll consider expanding the license to faculty and postdoctoral researchers.

If you believe you are eligible for Grammarly Premium but do not see an activation email in your UMail account, please speak to your department advisor or email   [email protected]   for assistance. 

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grammarly premium for thesis

What is Grammarly Premium, and how is it different from Grammarly Free?

Grammarly Premium is our paid offering for individuals. It provides over 400 features, such as checking for grammatical mistakes, providing vocabulary enhancement suggestions, detecting plagiarism, and offering citation suggestions.

While Grammarly Free allows you to access some of our features, Grammarly Premium is the ultimate tool for ensuring that everything you write is captivating, precise, and easy to read.

For more information about what's available, please visit this page: Grammarly Prices and Plans .

How-To Geek

Grammarly premium review: is the grammar and spellchecker worth paying for.


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Why are pc builders using "dummy" ram, the best touchscreen laptops of 2024, quick links, what is grammarly, you can use grammarly for free, grammarly premium offers a bit more, grammarly has drawbacks too, should you pay for grammarly premium, key takeaways.

  • Grammarly Premium provides detailed feedback and suggestions to improve your writing, making it ideal for those who find writing a chore and need assistance.
  • However, the additional suggestions can be overwhelming and increase editing time, and Grammarly may occasionally make odd and incorrect suggestions.
  • The free version of Grammarly may be sufficient for basic spelling and grammar checks, while the premium version may be worth it for those who crave more feedback and customization.

You've probably seen the adverts for Grammarly, a writing and grammar assistant tool, all over YouTube, and you might already use the free version. We decided to cough up for Grammarly Premium to see if the added expense is really worth it.


Grammarly Premium

  • Get detailed feedback and suggestions that improve your writing
  • Works everywhere you write including in a web browser, in apps like Word and Pages, when writing email, and on mobile
  • Tailor Grammarly's suggestions to your liking and create a custom dictionary
  • Ideal if you find writing a chore and are looking for an assistant to help you
  • Suggestions can be a little overwhelming and greatly increase editing time
  • Grammarly will occasionally make odd and incorrect suggestions
  • Could use a little more granularity when it comes to certain suggestions
  • The free tier might be all you need

Grammarly is a spelling and grammar checker that bills itself as a complete writing tool. You can use it on the web, in Grammarly's online writing environment by downloading an app for Windows and macOS , iPhone and iPad , or Android , or via a browser extension that allows you to get suggestions anywhere on the web you happen to write.

The tool is aimed at various types of writing, including informal email, creative writing, sales pitches, school or college essays, and even message board posts. Grammarly attempts to differentiate itself from standard spellchecking tools with its ability to adjust your writing based on your goals.

Set your writing goals with Grammarly to get better suggestions

In addition to giving your writing a score for different categories like correctness, clarity, and engagement, Grammarly will ask for information about your body of writing. This includes the context (like whether you're writing an academic paper or something more creative), your intent (like whether you want to inform, describe, convince, or tell a story), who your audience is, and how formal you want your writing to be.

From here, you will get additional suggestions on top of the usual spelling and grammatical errors that can guide your writing in a particular direction. None of this happens without your consent, and Grammarly will alert you when it has found something it deems worthy of change.

Grammarly's "big thing" is tone. The company hammers home the point that the tone of your message can affect how it's received. This is where the company is hedging its bets on you opening your wallet, since many of the basic features are free, but the more advanced suggestions are locked behind a paywall.

As an international freelance writer, I've been using Grammarly's free option for over a year to catch typos, misplaced punctuation, and silly mistakes like repeated words and non-U.S. spelling. Grammarly's advertising on YouTube finally piqued my interest in the premium plan, which is where the idea for this review came from.

Grammarly's free tier offers spelling and grammar checks under the guise of "Correctness" and checks your writing for unnecessary complications under the "Clarity" label. Once you've finished running Grammarly's basic check, you'll be notified that there are "additional writing issues" that include the choice of words, use of punctuation, wordiness, tone, and more.

Grammarly takes feedback if you don't like a suggestion

As a free user, you're left to wonder what could have been. You'll see your scores within the assistant, including overall scores out of 100 and ratings for clarity, engagement, delivery, and overall correctness. You won't see nuanced suggestions about reaching your writing goals until you upgrade.

As a free tool, Grammarly works predictably well at catching mistakes. This includes misplaced punctuation, typos, and homophones. Grammarly adds a capable grammar and spellchecker wherever you type, whether you're authoring a lengthy forum post or an email to your boss.

Beyond this, the free plan offers limited enhancements to your writing. Cutting down on verbosity seems to be Grammarly's main benefit for free users outside of simple spelling and punctuation checking. Phrases like "are able to" are frequently corrected to "can," and whole sentences can be rephrased to remove half of the (admittedly unnecessary) words.

Grammarly Premium provides much more feedback about your writing. You'll get access to a whole suite of additional suggestions, mostly relating to your tone, improving engagement, and delivery. You'll get a lot of sentence rewrite suggestions, alternative word suggestions, tone tweaks to make your writing sound more positive or confident, and offers to shuffle your sentences around in a way that Grammarly thinks sound better.

Grammarly suggests using a different word

This makes using Grammarly Premium a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, you're potentially improving the readability of your writing and achieving your desired outcome in terms of tone. On the other, you're seeing far more interruptions and spending more time editing your writing than you would with the basic free tier.

You can upgrade to Grammarly Premium for $30 per month, which drops to $12 per month if you sign up for an entire year (a total cost of $144 upfront). It's hard to recommend the tool for the full $30 monthly, but it's much easier to stomach at $12. To see the value in such an investment, you'll need to do a lot of writing or be someone who uses Grammarly's suggestions really improve whatever documents they work on.

Tone suggestions are a pillar of Grammarly Premium's feature set

For me, enabling Premium made editing a far more in-depth process. I spent more time editing my work since I had more suggestions to scroll through. Though I appreciate Grammarly catching my mistakes and inefficient verbiage, I found the full gamut of suggestions to be a little overwhelming. Editing an article down took longer, and many of the suggestions were things that I ended up discarding.

For example, word variety is something you'll see a lot more of when you upgrade to Grammarly Premium. While writing an article about Discord "tokens," the app consistently tried to get me to change "token" to a different word, like "receipt," which made no sense in the context of the article. You can't necessarily tell the variety suggestion to ignore a specific word; it's all or nothing. You can turn variety off or leave it on and field the same bad suggestions throughout the whole body of writing.

Grammarly's word variety suggestion tool

That's not to say there aren't many benefits to Grammarly Premium, like passive voice warnings. The tool won't always rewrite your sentence in the active voice, but it does highlight instances of passive voice so that you can improve the overall result. It's also possible that Grammarly will "train" you to ditch some of your bad habits by constantly drawing attention to them.

As someone who writes articles like this one for a living, I didn't find too much value in Grammarly's ability to make tone suggestions. I had mixed feelings about a piece of software potentially removing voice from my articles, which made me wonder if Grammarly Premium may be better suited to formal and academic settings.

It's worth adding that Grammarly is fairly customizable, both in terms of a personal dictionary and different writing styles. You can enable or disable features like consistent capitalization, standardized citation styles, and specific tone suggestions. I was particularly impressed with Grammarly's inclusion of inclusive language checkers that check for gender biasing, potentially ableist language, and other language that could alienate your audience.

Sometimes, Grammarly makes poor suggestions. The tool could be better with technical jargon, so if you're writing for a tech blog and using terms that the tool isn't familiar with, you may see some humorous or just plain wrong correction suggestions. Like any such tool, you'll need to scrutinize any suggestions, but you can at least add words to a personal dictionary to stop repeated attempts at corrections.

Add a word to your Grammarly dictionary to avoid repeated flagging

The tool has a fairly rigid outlook on how sentences should be constructed. The rules around how Grammarly wants certain words and punctuation to be used don't always gel, which can leave you second-guessing. Thankfully, you don't have to accept every one of Grammarly's suggestions, but sometimes it can feel like you're fighting the tool rather than making good use of it.

Grammarly also seems to dislike some words and phrasing. For example, "really" is a word that Grammarly (and many writers) hates, which is fine, but there are instances where its use is appropriate (like when stressing a point in an informal context). Grammarly also seems to dislike the word "own," correcting statements like "create your own Discord bot" to "create your Discord bot" instead, which doesn't read correctly.

Grammarly makes a poor suggestion

How you use Grammarly can make a big difference too. You can install plugins and browser extensions so that Grammarly is always active, working as you type to improve your writing as you go. I find it distracting to have an app constantly try and correct me. It interferes with the flow of my writing, so my primary use for Grammarly is as a failsafe after I've written and proofread my work. I typically do this by pasting text into the fairly decent Grammarly editor.

With Premium enabled, you'll spend a lot more time in this environment fielding suggestions that, at least for the context in which I write, often feel like they don't make a huge difference to the end result.

Editor's Note: We use Grammarly Business (Premium but with a couple more security features) at How-To Geek and frequently get ridiculous suggestions like the one below. It's common for us to tell writers and editors that haven't used the tool before to never accept Grammarly's recommendations automatically.

Nonsense correction suggestion made by Grammarly

We've established that Grammarly Premium isn't necessarily a one-size-fits-all writing enhancement tool. Some key factors will influence whether or not you find Grammarly Premium to be worth it. What you're writing and who you're writing for is a big one, but so too is whether you enjoy writing.

If writing is something you feel you have to do rather than something you enjoy or consider your craft, Grammarly Premium may suit you better. This follows with Grammarly's "writing's not that easy" advertising tagline. You're also more likely to see value in signing up for the long haul and paying a more palatable $12 per month if you're going to be using it every day.

Grammarly suggests capitalizing a word more consistently throughout the article

It's hard to criticize the app for doing exactly what I paid for and showing me lots of corrections, but I'm not sure that I personally get a lot of value out of them. One could argue that if you're prepared to pay for the service, you're already taking on the "burden" of having to sift through all the suggestions.

This is the part where we normally tell you to sign up for the free trial if you're on the fence, to see if the Premium is a good buy. Unfortunately, Grammarly's free option is the trial. It's understandable why the company has gone this route, but it's a shame you can't experience the full breadth of features before putting your money down.

I'm not sure I can recommend paying $30 for a month to find out if Grammarly is for you, but if you get on well with the free version and crave more feedback, you're probably a good candidate for Grammarly Premium. At the $12 per month discounted rate, it's hard to fault.

This review doesn't cover Grammarly's upcoming GrammarlyGO generative writing tool , which uses AI to generate writing and make suggestions for you.

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The Graduate School

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Grammarly Premium is a premiere AI writing assistant that helps develop writing skills as well as edit text documents (i.e. word), emails, Facebook, Twitter, or any web-based application.

The Graduate School has purchased a subscription which provides Grammarly Premium software to all University of Utah graduate/professional students at no cost to the individual.

How can Grammarly help me?

  • grammar and sentence structure correction
  • suggestions for clarity & readability
  • plagiarism & citation checks
  • individualized writing feedback

Take some time–and the virtual tours–to build your understanding of Grammarly and how it can help you.

Activate Account

  • Grammarly will email all active grad students an "Activate My Account" link to the Umail account ( [email protected] ) about 2 weeks after the start of the semester .
  • Once clicked verify your information and provide a password  ( DO NOT use your CIS password). 
  • Grammarly Premium account is active

New account activation instructions are sent out each semester after the add/drop deadline ( two weeks after the beginning of classes ). In order to serve students who have defended but are still working on finalizing dissertations and theses, account activation instructions will also be sent to students who had active status within the last three semesters but have not yet graduated.

Lost your activation?

Grammarly Reactivation

Using Grammarly

What’s the best way to use Grammarly?

Real Time vs After Writing:

Individualized Support:

Prior to Thesis Office Review:

Note : that you can use the online tool as a check for your grammar, or download the Grammarly apps to help you in real-time on Word, Windows, and Chrome platforms.

I didn’t get the email from Grammarly. What do I do?

If it is the beginning of a semester, your invitation to Grammarly will be sent to you in a couple of weeks.

If you are an active student who has chosen to forward your Umail account to another email application, your Grammarly subscription may be flagged as spam.  The best way to access your Grammarly account is through your Umail  account ([email protected]). Every student has a Umail account, which can be accessed at CIS . Official University information comes to this account.

How do I reset my password?

Go to the Grammarly reset password page.

Technical support requests should be directed to Grammarly support.


Get started and find out what you can accomplish with the power of Grammarly at your fingertips.

Grammarly Review – Is Premium Worth It?

Photo of author

| Candace Osmond

| Writing Tools

Photo of author

Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

icon grammarly 1

Is Grammarly Premium worth it? I’m an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author and an Award-Winning Blogger. I’ve used both the limited free version of Grammarly and the paid Premium version. It’s possibly the greatest tool in my writing arsenal.

No matter how much experience they have, professional writers still need spelling and grammar checkers. And Grammarly is currently hitting the charts as the best online writing assistant.

But is it for you?

Read my review before downloading the online tool and springing for the Premium version. You’ll learn about the features, pricing options, and for whom Grammarly is for. 

What is Grammarly?

Grammarly is the most famous spelling and grammar checker online. Over 10 million users have it, from students to professional writers, helping them find and fix any writing mistakes.

The writing assistant works by checking a piece of text you uploaded or pasted for any errors. The program has different versions which may provide basic to comprehensive grammar checks.

The free version of Grammarly offers grammar, punctuation, and spell checking. The premium version can correct your tone, clarity, conciseness, and other writing practices. It also has a built-in plagiarism checker! It’ll scan the entire internet for published material to ensure your work is 100% original. 

How Grammarly Improves Your Writing

Grammarly is not just a genie in a bottle that corrects all writing mistakes on a piece of text. The application also helps you learn because of the comprehensive explanations.

Offers Weekly Stats

You can keep track of your writing process and create goals through weekly emails from Grammarly. The program sends you your vocabulary mastery and productivity levels. You’ll also receive your weekly writing streak.

This is for both the Premium and Business level, and the feature can be turned off if you don’t wish to receive the notifications. 

The mastery percentage of this writing software refers to your weekly accuracy compared to other Grammarly users. And your productivity percentage is the number of words you typed compared to others. You can also learn how unique your words are in comparison to others. 

Improves Confidence Levels

Aside from the advanced writing suggestions, the digital writing tool also pinpoints weak or unnecessary words and phrases for a better quality of writing. Removing phrases like “I think” and “I feel” makes you sound more confident. 

Provides Detailed Explanations

Grammarly doesn’t stop at asking you to change a word or sentence. It also gives a reason why you should. Here’s an example.

Original text: There are many ways to use your nice fabric without sewing.

Suggested sentence: There are many ways to use your lovely fabric without sewing.

You might wonder why Grammarly wants to replace the original content when it’s grammatically correct. The app explains, “The word ‘nice’ is often overused. Consider using a more exact synonym to improve the sharpness of your writing.”

The application explains when your sentence structure is unclear or hard to follow. They may ask you to remove some words or interchange clauses. The program also detects wordy sentences and asks you to revise them. 

Checks Punctuations, Grammar, and Spelling

The program is most famous for its grammar suggestions, advanced spelling, and correcting punctuation mistakes. But one feature worth mentioning is its ability to cater to different English spellings.

The kind of English language you use depends on your ideal audience. It caters to American English, British English, Canadian English, and Australian English.

When Grammarly asks you to add a comma, it tells you why through a simple explanation. Sometimes, it even gives many choices, allowing you to pick which one is better.

It’s for Everyone

Grammarly is helpful for English speakers and those who are still learning to write in the language. If that’s you, then you surely need Grammarly:

  • Professional writers. 
  • Freelance writers.
  • Academic writers. 
  • Content creators.
  • Content publishers. 
  • Copywriters
  • Blog writer. 
  • Journalists. 
  • Small business owners
  • Academics. 
  • Anyone who writes in the English language. 

What Features Does Grammarly Offer?

These are some of the top six features of Grammarly.

1. Writing Goals

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Before running your work on the program, you can set your writing goal based on the following:

  • Intent, e.g., to inform, describe, or tell a story.
  • Style, e.g., informal or formal.
  • Domain, e.g., business, academic, or technical.
  • Emotion, e.g., mild or strong.
  • Audience, e.g., general or expert. 

These parameters help you decide on your writing style. It also allows you to consider your tone in your text. 

You can see here in this image that I’ve set my goals to be more tailored to Fiction writing. I do this when working within a manuscript for one of my Fantasy novels. “Knowledgeable, Informal, and Creative.” By selecting these, the program then adjusts itself to give me suggestions that are best for Fiction. 

When I switch to my content writing work, I usually tweak these to be “General and Casual” or “Knowledgeable, Formal, and Academic”. It’s up to you to decide which options work for your project at hand.

2. Grammar and Punctuation Check

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No matter how much you re-read your text, it can spot punctuation and grammar mistakes that you can’t. The inbuilt grammar checking tool can detect the following errors:

  • Punctuation errors.
  • Run-on sentences.
  • Passive voice errors.
  • Poor sentence structures.
  • Wordy sentences.
  • Dangling and squinting modifiers.
  • Monotonous paragraphs.

I find this extremely useful when working on a manuscript document. When my Fiction Author hat is on, I like having a tool that catches any instances where I’ve forgotten a dialogue tag or misused a comma. 

It really helps with narrative, too. Sometimes, us writers can get carried away with internal thought or narrative paragraphs. The program always highlights areas that are too wordy, too long, has run-on sentences, etc. 

Having a tool that catches these things means less time my editor will be billing me. And, therefore, saves me money in the long run.

3. Spelling Check

wCm10w1s43aGJ9ZFZL4BNu0vMX6BqyPolE1sTkdIQMo2GruApACPH6G0Cm38JKEIEvgihIE9bNy0 JVTXMMiAMpPc5QQy4L uGm0GyMsS8TcZr1iboh6mgVdDHB BmSV DR95uAg

Besides grammar mistakes, it can also focus on errors in spelling. It’s a basic spelling tool like MS Word’s and Scrivener’s features. But Grammarly is easier to use because of the additional features.

I think it goes without saying how helpful this feature is. As a Canadian, I sometimes slip and use Canadian spelling in a book that mostly has an American audience. Humor vs humour , neighbour vs neighbor, and so on. Yes, the spelling is correct, but many American readers pick up on it, and some even think it’s a typo. 

grammarly premium for thesis

Most spelling and grammar check features in MS Word and other apps only feature correctness. But Grammarly also reviews your writing for clarity options. It helps you fix awkward sentence structures and wordy sentences.

These fixes are all possible because of the AI-powered writing assistant. However, not all of these suggestions are relevant, so use your judgment still. 

I love this feature because, personally, I tend to write the way I think. And the words might sound good in my brain, but not translate well to paper. The Clarity feature points out sentences that might not make sense and sometimes even gives me suggestions on how to improve them. 

5. Plagiarism

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Grammarly’s built-in plagiarism checker detects whether your writing is similar to other sources. 

It provides a detailed plagiarism report containing the percentage of your text that matches a website. You can also click on the website you copied from to know which parts to change.

Whether making academic content or blog articles, always cite your sources. You can use MLA, Chicago, APA, or other formats for the bibliography. 

I don’t use this feature so much with my Fiction writing because I know the content is original; it came from my brain. But, when I’m working with digital content and articles, I always utilize the plagiarism checker. Even if an article is 100% written from my brain, Premium’s plagiarism checker will even tell me if a commonly used phrase should be rewritten to be more original.

For example:

I might write this phrase in an outro for an article: If you’re looking for some extra info on this topic, have a peek at xxx that I wrote. 

But the plagiarism checker might flag that because it’s a common phrasing for finishing an article. 

So, it might suggest: If you enjoyed these fun facts, you might also like xyz topic I wrote. Check it out here.

6. Inclusive Language

Many overlook the program’s ability to promote inclusive language. A premium subscription will help you enjoy the following:

  • Disrespectful or offensive language, such as hate speech and slurs.
  • Outdated terminology, especially in the LGBTQIA+ community. 
  • Reclaimed terms that allies cannot use. 

I see this a ton with Fiction writing because I write for an Adult audience. This means the use of swearing, slang, hateful speech if there’s an enemy in play, etc. It’s up to me to decide if the suggestions improve the writing or not. 

Improving Grammar (Almost) Everywhere

Grammarly allows you to improve your grammar wherever you are because of the mobile and web applications, including Chrome and other web browsers. That means you can craft an email with confidence, or work within WordPress with the aid of the excellent tools. It also supports Google Docs and Medium, the top two major writing platforms. 

Just copy and paste your work from a Word document or upload it to the Grammarly extension. It will keep your headings underlined and bold text, italic formatting, bullet points, and links. 

It also features a keyboard app on both Android and iOS mobile devices. You can install the Grammarly Keyboard by enabling it in your settings and launching the application. 

You also have the option to select light or dark mode, show key borders, toggle sound, and popup on keypress. Once you’ve finished setting up, the keyboard is ready to give you real-time suggestions. 

Grammarly can spot spelling errors and grammatical mistakes, whether you’re writing notes or making social media posts from your phone. Type anytime, and the keyboard will automatically pup up recommendations and advanced corrections.

Windows AppYes
Mac AppNo
iOS AppYes
Android AppYes
Web AppYes
Collaboration No
Library FeaturesNo
Supports MarkdownNo
Screenplay SupportNo

Is Grammarly Accurate?

Yes, it’s accurate for basic spelling and grammar errors. Its suggestions are also more correct than other writing apps. It can correct passive voice , diction, writing style, and comma location. 

However, Grammarly is not a replacement for a human editor. Some suggestions may not apply to your text, so your judgment is still essential. 

You also need to consider that Grammarly caters to email writers and social media managers. That’s why some corrections may not make sense for hardcore authors and members of the academe.

I see this a lot with my Fiction writing. The program flags a lot of dialogue because it’s just too casual and sometimes even has words that aren’t commonly used. Or perhaps, used in a different way. It also flags a lot of offensive terms like swearing and such. But, with most Fiction genres, those things are essential. So, it’s up to me to judge whether or not the suggestion will improve my writing.

Is Grammarly Reliable?

Yes, Grammarly is reliable because of its ease of use. Several users, especially professional writers, consider it the user-friendliest proofreading tool on the market. Whether on a desktop or mobile device, Grammarly is convenient to use for ordinary people. 

It’s for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills by making their work more engaging and concise. You can also use Grammarly to avoid typos, observe grammar rules, or want to check for plagiarism.

Myself, I utilize the program for two main areas in my career. I’m a Bestselling Fantasy Romance Author, but I’m also a blogger and content creator. I use Premium to ensure all my emails are professional, my content is polished and optimized, and that my manuscripts are as good as they can be before sending off to my editor. 

Do I deem it reliable? Absolutely. But I spent some time playing with the program first and getting to know its limits. Don’t ever just blindly accept all the suggestions or implement all the spelling fixes. Make sure what it’s suggesting actually works for the sentence, paragraph, or document. 

Is Grammarly Safe?

Grammarly’s privacy policy states that the advanced grammar checker is entirely safe. Whether you’re using it for personal reasons or educational purposes, you don’t have to worry about your privacy.

With the Grammarly Keyboard and browser extension app, you proofread while you’re typing something because of the automatic suggestions. Whatever you’re writing, Grammarly ensures that it’s secure and encrypted. 

You might be giving away some personal data when you sign up, though. But it only includes your username, email address, language, and contact. And they only share it with third parties like research and marketing partners.

One possible security threat is Grammarly Keyboard’s server-based storage. It always requires internet access, so any sensitive content you’re writing may be vulnerable. 

Grammarly assures every user that they won’t review any content unless you violate their terms of service. But I don’t think it’s still 100% secure.

Payments with a credit card and PayPal for a subscription are entirely safe. PayPal has its privacy policies that guarantee the safety of your payment information. 

How Much Does Grammarly Cost?

Grammarly provides three plans with different prices, Grammarly Free, Grammarly Premium, and Grammarly Business. 

The free version can give you simple writing suggestions, including spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation. It also provides minimal recommendations on your work’s clarity.

Grammarly Premium starts at $12.00 per month. The total price for an annual plan is $144.00. You can also pay quarterly for $20.00 a month or $60.00 per payment period. Premium users can also pay monthly for $30.00.

The Premium version helps with clarity, style, and other advanced corrections that free users can’t enjoy. Inclusive language, tone adjustments, and fluency are some features. 

Grammarly Business offers everything in the Premium version, plus style guides, snippets, and brand tones. The business version also has an Analytics dashboard and priority email support that businesses will find helpful.

Grammarly’s business plan starts at $12.50 per member per month when billed annually for 3 to 9 members. If your organization has 10 to 49 members, the fee is $12.08 per member every month. And for businesses with 50 to 149 members, the cost per member is $11.67.

The proofreading program also launched Grammarly for Educational Institutions, targeting schools and universities.

Free Version of Grammarly vs. Paid Versions

The free version is great if you’re unsure and only want it for basic spelling and grammar checks. But I highly recommend the paid version if you hope to use it to improve your craft.

Spelling Everything in FreeEverything in Premium
Grammar Clarity in sentencesStyle guides and brand tones
PunctuationTone adjustmentsAnalytics dashboard
 Inclusive languageSnippets
 Word choicePriority email support
 FluencyAccount roles
 Formality levelPlagiarism checkerPlagiarism checker

Grammarly Free can only detect common errors like punctuation, grammar, or spelling mistake. But the paid versions can give you insights into your work’s clarity, engagement, delivery, and originality.

Only the Premium plan can give you an invaluable Plagiarism Detector with customizable suggestions depending on your writing style. You can also expand your lexicon through Grammarly’s context-specific word alternatives.

How Does Grammarly Compare to Pro Writing Aid?

I have both programs. However, I lean more towards Grammarly because it’s easy to use but also gives me everything I need. If I have a massive project that I’m self-editing, then I add on the use of ProWritingAid .

Web and mobile applications availableDoes not provide a mobile application
Offers more suggestions with explanations, even at a free version.Shows suggestions without explanations. Some are also inaccurate.
Intuitive user interfaceThe interface is not as organized.
Best for correctness and clarityBest for fragmented sentences and dialogues. 

Grammarly excels in its ease of use and more accurate suggestions. It also has more parameters for detecting errors in your writing. 

ProWritingAid also offers world-class style and grammar checking like Grammarly. But it specializes in dialogues and fragmented sentences, which fiction writers may find more functional.

Grammarly Web Plug-Ins and Extensions

The writing tool offers native desktop clients for macOS and Windows. It also has a Microsoft add-in and browser extension tool for Edge, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. The extension lets you check the accuracy of your blog posts, tweets, emails, and anything you do on the browser.

Google Docs’ integration with Grammarly has new features. You can access the suggestions on a sidebar to check the engagement, clarity, and delivery corrections. And the suggestions become stricter when you’re on LinkedIn.

Although the plagiarism checker seems to only be accessible within the actual Grammarly program, or if you’ve integrated it into Microsft Word. I don’t yet see a way to access it when using Google Docs or other platforms.

But the Chrome Extension is still essential for a complete experience. Some writing errors may also not show up if you’re not using it.

The Microsoft Office Add-in has a dedicated menu in Word and Outlook’s Office Ribbon. Like Google Docs, you’ll see a sidebar window that reveals the corrections you need to make.

How to Use Grammarly 

There are so many ways to use Grammarly.

How to Use in Web Browser

The procedure for installing Grammarly depends on the kind of browser you have. For Chrome, go to the Chrome Store and click Add to Chrome. 

For Safari, open the Mac App Store and install the extension. Click open once the download is complete.

How to Use in Word

First, download Grammarly from their website and follow their instructions when installing the program. Then, Open MS Word to find the Grammarly tab and open it. Input your login details, and it will automatically start suggesting.

How to Use on Mobile

Download the Grammarly Keyboard on Play Store or App Store. Once the app is ready, enter your credentials, open your settings, and add the Grammarly Keyboard. You should find the Switch Input Methods then tick the box on the tool. 

Within the Grammarly Web App

Once you’ve set up your account, you can use the . You need a web browser to access it, but all the features are there.

Is Grammarly Good for Academic Writing?

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Yes, Grammarly is suitable for academic writing. You can fix your sentence structure and word choice by clicking on the Goals tab. On the domain section, click academic, then click formal for the formality. 

But what makes Grammarly suitable for academic writing is its plagiarism detection. Your essay, dissertation, or instructional material will be more original if it’s 100% free from plagiarism. 

Despite being careful, accidental plagiarism may still occur because of common phrases. Grammarly’s plagiarism checker can match with millions of similar web pages. 

Whether you’re a student catching up on deadlines or a researcher, this program will save you more time. But academic writers should not over-rely on Grammarly because artificial intelligence can still be faulty.

Is Grammarly Good for Fiction Writing?

Even professional fiction authors like me make spelling and grammar errors. And Grammarly can come to the rescue. For example, it can fix basic subject-verb agreement mistakes and typographical errors.

However, Grammarly won’t help you be more creative. It won’t write the book for you! Fiction writing requires you to be imaginative while using literary devices. You want to evoke emotions in a reader through a specific theme.

One issue you might encounter with Grammarly is that it might flag your extended metaphors as “too wordy.” And it won’t give you suggestions on how to organize your text into a narrative structure. 

You can see here in the example—the phrase highlighted in blue. The panel to the right states the phrase is too wordy or hard to read. But it doesn’t provide suggestions on how to improve it. 

But one way around this, I discovered by playing with it, is just to start tweaking words within the phrase. Chop it up, maybe add a period to divide the text. Then the program re-routes and scans the changes and eventually gives you some good suggestions for improvement. 

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But, with that being said, I swear by the program. It helps me polish a first draft and checks for spelling, grammar, flow, over-used words and phrases, etc. 

Can Grammarly Replace a Real Editor?

Grammarly cannot replace a real professional editor. Even though it has a sharp “eye” for catching mistakes, the AI-powered tool can also miss some errors that the human detects.

For example, the human editor knows their blog audience more. Even if you customize your writing goals, grammar principles and storytelling elements are very contextual. Grammarly’s rigidity will not be able to keep up.

Another example is when you use a correctly spelled word, but it’s wrong for Grammarly. Or the online tool might recommend synonyms for a word with a different meaning. I find it often happens with brand names that use quirky or alternative spellings (although it’s happened on the rare occurrence with other words and terms).

It usually means that the word or name isn’t in the program’s dictionary. You can add it yourself by right-clicking on it and manually adding it. 

Consider the sentence, “She thinks she’s cool with her new hair.” Grammarly might recommend using “relaxed” instead of “cool” as a more appropriate term. However, “cool” here refers to “impressive” or “fashionable” and not “calm.”

When writing a short story, you might say that Jill has blonde hair in one paragraph. But in the next paragraph, you mention that her hair is black. Only a human editor can pick up on this error.

They say the English language is relatively easy to understand. However, it’s hard to speak and write, and even harder to proofread.

Personally, I use the Premium version as an added layer of editing. Here’s what my editing process looks like as a Fantasy Romance Author:

  • Write the rough first draft
  • Proofread with my own eyes by reading to myself out loud
  • Do another pass using Word’s built-in spell checker
  • Do another pass with Google Docs’ built-in spell checker (I find Google finds so many things that Word misses)
  • Then, a thorough pass-through Grammarly Premium
  • Once those steps are done, I then send to a beta reader (an avid reader who proofs the manuscript for free in exchange for getting to tread it early)
  • Then, and only then, do I send it along to my editor. 

Yes, this might seem like a long and daunting process. So, why do I do it? The cleaner the manuscript is when I send it to my editor, the lower the cost is for me. 

If she has to work with a raw, super rough manuscript, it’s obviously going to take more time. And, therefore, cost more. Using this method, I’ve cut my editing costs in half over the years. So, you could say the Premium version has more than paid for itself. 

What is Bad About Grammarly?

Even though Grammarly is touted as the most advanced writing assistant, it can’t all be perfect. I’ve been using it for a while now, and I still have to play around with it to make it work for me. Take a look at these two aspects that the program could improve.

Inaccurate Suggestions

Some suggestions are wrong, especially when rephrasing complex sentences. Here’s an example:

Original text: The cloud with the highest number should be your priority because one room plots a cloud per level. 

Suggestion: The highest number is the cloud because one room plots a cloud per level.

This sentence talks about meteorological concepts on a weather map. Notice how Grammarly’s suggestion gives the sentence a completely different meaning.

I often see this with my Fiction writing and publishing. Because I use slang terms or my own style of sentence structuring (for dramatic purposes), the program usually flags these things and tells me to change them. 

It’s up to the user to identify whether or not it needs to be fixed or if the program is incorrect. Never blindly accept all the program’s suggestions. It is just AI, after all.

The Free Version is Limited

The free version is very limited, almost as if it’s only correcting your typos. Grammarly Free’s only feature is to correct your grammar and spelling, which most writers can do independently. It’s mostly just a second set of eyes. 

What I do like about it, though, is that even with it being free, the program will still scan the document and give you a breakdown of the advanced issues it found. It won’t show them to you, but it provides a number. 

For example: “337 advanced issues found with clarity. Upgrade to Premium to view these issues”. 

So, yeah, you can use the free version and fix some typos. But if you’re writing a book, for example, like I do, and the program tells you there are hundreds of advanced issues. Believe it. Try the paid option and see how it can level up your creative writing. 

Is Grammarly Premium Worth It?

Yes, Grammarly Premium is worth it for all writers, especially if English is your second language. I recommend investing in the Premium version over other proofreading apps because it’s simpler and more accurate. The paid version also lets you customize your writing goals.

But remember that certain types of writers will find it more useful. For example, blog writers who aim for straightforward sentences in a friendly tone will benefit more than fiction writers who like to play with words.

It may also rely on your budget along with the number of words you’re writing per day. If you’re only a student who submits short essays every week, the Premium version might be heavy on the pocket. But it’s still worth it if you’re committed to making your work better. 

Grammarly is a no-brainer for professional writers like me, especially if important stakeholders read your work. Subscribe to the Premium version if you’re writing a novel or dissertation. 

But if you’re only using Grammarly Premium for your personal Facebook captions and tweets, the free version is enough. 

Who is the Free Version of Grammarly Best for?

New writers who just want a second set of eyes to check their basic spelling and grammar. Social media marketing professionals that could use a quick proofing of their email, posts, etc. Or just everyday individuals who aren’t that confident in their typing skills or spelling. 

The Bottom Line

Now you know the answer to the common question, “Is Grammarly Premium worth it?” Every person who writes in English needs it, in my opinion. It helps you observe the principles of writing to gain confidence and generate a higher ROI for your work.

The program’s unique selling point is its ability to explain the suggestions so you can learn while you’re proofreading. Try the free version for a few weeks before deciding if you want to upgrade.

Check out some others we covered:

  • How to Make Edits and Track Changes in Word
  • Best Proofreading And Editing Software
  • Hemingway Editor Review
  • Proofread Anywhere Review
  • WhiteSmoke Reviews
  • Microsoft Editor vs. Grammarly

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Grammarly Review: Is Grammarly Premium Worth it?

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Image of Jack Wallen

What is Grammarly?

Grammarly is an online typing assistant that suggests corrections for numerous aspects of your writing such as spelling, grammar and punctuation within Gmail, Facebook, Google Docs, LinkedIn, text messages, and many more services and applications.

I’ve been using Grammarly for years to make my writing as clean as possible before I submit content to my editors. According to the service, counting my nonfiction and fiction writing, I generate more than five million words a year, so I’m very familiar with Grammarly.

How does Grammarly work?

Grammarly works in two simple and reliable ways: the in-line checker or New Document.

  • In-line checker: If you’re creating a document, such as with Google Docs, you’ll find a small icon at the bottom right of the window. Click that icon, and you’ll see the results of the real-time check.
  • New Document: From your web browser’s toolbar, you can click the Grammarly icon to create a new document within Grammarly that will be checked in real-time.

I usually opt for the in-line checker ( Figure A ) because I produce most of my first drafts within Google Docs, and I would rather not work with yet another external service.

The Grammarly in-line checker works as a popup from the bottom right corner of the window you're working in.

Grammarly offers free and paid plans. Businesses should choose the Premium plan because it offers a few extra features that are quite beneficial. Let’s take a look at what makes Grammarly Premium a necessity for many businesses and professionals.

Grammarly Premium’s pros

  • More than 400 types of checks and features, such as tone, word choice, subject-verb agreement, sentence structure, plagiarism and citations.
  • Real-time grammar correction.
  • It’s remarkably accurate.
  • Easy to understand explanations for corrections.
  • Customizations such as preferred language, the ability to disable certain sites, and personal dictionaries.
  • Seamless usability.
  • Makes editing documents fast and simple.
  • Well-designed UI.

Grammarly Premium’s cons

  • It doesn’t work well with tools like the WordPress editor.
  • An aggressive and constant push to upgrade your account.
  • It doesn’t learn the writer’s voice.
  • Not every correction is accurate.

How much does Grammarly Premium cost?

Grammarly Premium costs $12.00/month, but you can try it for free for seven days. For the free trial, you have to enter a valid credit card number, but you can easily cancel any time before the trial expires, and your card will not be charged.

To benefit from the Team features, you must upgrade to Grammarly’s Business plan , which costs $15.00/member/month. The Team features include a company style guide, snippets, brand tones and an analytics dashboard.

Grammarly Premium features

  • Grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Spelling and punctuation consistency.
  • Fluency checks.
  • Full-sentence rewrites.
  • Formatting checks.
  • Word choice and word and sentence variety.
  • Tone detection and suggestions.
  • Inclusive language.
  • Auto-citations and formatting.
  • Plagiarism detection.
  • Enterprise-grade privacy and security.
  • Grammarly insights gives you weekly detailed information on how you are performing and how many words it has checked.
  • Web browser extension allows you to quickly configure Grammarly and create a new document ( Figure B ).

The Grammarly web browser plugin makes it easy to access settings and create new documents.

Alternatives to Grammarly Premium

I consider Grammarly the best tool on the market for helping keep your writing concise, accurate and flowing. However, if you want to see how Grammarly compares to its competitions, these are the main alternatives.

  • Readable offers grammar, style and reliability checks as well as a keyword density tool, which makes it especially good for those who depend on SEO.
  • WordTune focuses primarily on full-sentence rewrites instead of proofreading.
  • Ginger offers many of the same features as Grammarly, plus it has a handy rephrasing tool; however, the free browser extension has a 600-word character limit.

Is Grammarly Premium worth it?

The answer to whether Grammarly Premium is worth it depends on your needs. If you’re an individual looking to simply clean up your writing, the Grammarly Free plan will probably suffice. If you’re a professional writer or a business needing to keep content error-free, clean and consistent, Grammarly Premium is an absolute must. The $12.00/month fee for Grammarly Premium is a pittance considering the benefits you gain from the service.

My job would be considerably more challenging if I had to rely only on built-in spelling and grammar checkers – I’ve seen Grammarly catch exponentially more issues than any built-in checker. In addition, my experience is that Grammarly’s checkers are considerably more accurate than any other on the market. Anyone serious about generating the cleanest, most professional content possible should consider Grammarly Premium a no-brainer.

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Grammarly Free vs Premium: We Compare Both

Are you thinking about using Grammarly? Learn more in this post and pick between the Grammarly Free Vs Premium versions.

Over the past few years, Grammarly has developed a reputation as one of the best grammar-checking tools available. Today millions of writers and small business owners use the free and paid versions via its suite of apps and plugins for Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Office, Windows, and Mac. The only problem is many new writers, and small business owners have a minimal budget for writing tools. So, can they accomplish more using the free version, or is an upgrade worth it?

There are several key differences between the Grammarly free version and Grammarly Premium . In short, the free version is more accurate than your basic spelling or grammar checker. The premium version of this grammar checker contains over 400 additional writing checks that writers of all types will find helpful. However, it’s comparatively pricey. We’ll cover the differences in more detail in this comparison so you can make the right choice for your writing workflow or business. If you’d like to learn more about Grammarly, the company, read our Grammarly history overview .

We tested dozens of grammar checkers, and Grammarly is the best tool on the market today. It'll help you write and edit your work much faster. Grammarly provides a powerful AI writing assistant and plagiarism checker.


Is Grammarly Completely Free?

What is the difference between grammarly free and premium, how to use the free version of grammarly, what are the drawbacks of grammarly free, how to use the premium version of grammarly, what are the benefits of upgrading to grammarly premium, our testing criteria, why you can trust us, grammarly free vs premium: the final word, does the grammarly chrome extension catch basic grammar errors in google docs for bloggers, is the premium features worth it for professional writers, are there alternatives to the grammarly premium plan, is there a free trial available for the grammarly premium plan.

YouTube video

The basic version of  Grammarly  is completely free, although it has some limitations. You can use the web app, keyboard or plugin to check a piece of writing for grammar and spelling mistakes. It doesn’t limit how often or where you use it to check for grammar and spelling mistakes. However, the free version lacks an AI-powered writing assistant, a plagiarism checker, and other grammar tools. 

FeatureGrammarly FreeGrammarly Premium
Basic grammar and spelling checks✔️✔️
Clarity and conciseness suggestions✔️
Vocabulary enhancement suggestions✔️
Genre-specific writing style checks✔️
Plagiarism checker✔️
Advanced punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure checks✔️
Personalized writing insights and suggestions✔️
Microsoft Word and Outlook integration✔️
Access to the Grammarly mobile app✔️
Premium customer support✔️

The free version of Grammarly contains several valuable tools for fixing English spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. Going into more detail, the free version includes:

  • An automated spell-checker
  • A basic AI-powered grammar checker
  • A punctuation checker
  • A tone detection report

In the free version, you can switch between British, American, Australian and Canadian English. It works with:

  • Google Docs
  • Microsoft Word
  • Web browsers like Chrome, Safari and Microsoft Edge
  • Microsoft Office
  • iOS and Android via the Grammarly keyboard

The premium version contains advanced reports and a plagiarism checker for $30 per month. It also offers advanced writing reports. Going into more detail, the Grammarly premium version includes everything from the free version plus:

  • An additional 400+ grammar checks
  • Readability reports
  • An AI-powered writing assistant
  • A plagiarism checker
  • Citation suggestions
  • Advanced collaboration features
  • A writing-style report

Clearly, these premium features apply to many types of writers across industries and disciplines. Of course, the downside of the premium version is you must pay a subscription. Therefore, how can you figure out which one is right for you? Here is the Grammarly Premium pricing:

  • A monthly subscription costs $30 per month
  • A quarterly subscription costs $60
  • An annual subscription costs $144

The company recently released Grammarly Business, which is ideal for collaboration and teams. It includes everything from Premium plus:

  • Enterprise-level encryption
  • Support for writing style guides
  • Support for multi-user accounts

It’s billed on a per-user basis. To learn more, read our Grammarly Business review

Grammarly desktop app

It’s easy to install the free version of Grammarly, check your writing and compare it to the standard spelling and grammar checker in your writing app of choice. Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Grammarly
  • Create an account with your Google or Facebook login or your best email
  • Download an extension for your browser of choice.
  • Download the desktop app for Mac or Windows
  • Alternatively, use the web app
  • Copy and paste documents into the app or upload them.
  • If you’re using the browser plugin, it’ll scan your emails and online documents in real-time.
  • Review suggestions at a glance and decide what ones to accept or reject.

Expect the free version to underline issues like misplaced apostrophes and common spelling errors in red and blue. Grammarly offers some context to its corrections, but you’ll need to upgrade to gain additional insights and more context.

We recommend using the web app as you can use it to check emails and social media posts and get a feel for how it works before upgrading. Whatever your choice, it only takes a few minutes to incorporate the free version of Grammarly into a writing workflow.

After extensive testing, we found the biggest drawback is the lack of additional writing insights and reports. If you take writing and publishing content seriously, these reports are a real-time-saver and will help you improve your writing and editing skills. We also missed the plagiarism detector when using Grammarly free. This detector helped us vet work by freelancers, a task that took much longer without Grammarly Premium.

Grammarly plagiarism checker

When ready, upgrade to the Premium version of Grammarly inside your account or via our link below. You can take out a monthly plan for a once-off project and cancel when done. If you plan to use Grammarly Premium more frequently, take out a quarterly or annual plan to save money.

The premium version includes all the features of the free version, along with some additions. For example, the premium version provides you with a wide variety of vocabulary suggestions. This tool can help you improve your readability, making your writing easier to read.

I particularly like the AI-powered writing assistant, which reviews ambiguous and hard-to-read sentences. It then proposes fixes that I can accept or reject with a click. It’s worthwhile trying the plagiarism checker in the premium version. It automatically checks your content against billions of pages that have already been published. Plagiarism issues, accidental or otherwise, can harm your SEO ranking, and this plagiarism checker can help you avoid this penalty. This premium tool is also helpful if you work with or edit articles by other writers.

Grammarly plagiarism checker

Our Grammarly review found the premium tool is a lifesaver if you want to write professionally, speed up your publishing process, and reduce the amount of money you spend on editors. It’ll also help you learn more about grammar and easily edit the work of other writers. Remember, you must review Grammarly’s suggestions and use your best judgment. Although it’s relatively accurate, sometimes it may misinterpret the meaning or intention of a piece of writing.

We regularly update this comparison as Grammarly evolves . We test new its new features by checking articles, book chapters and blog posts for grammatical and spelling mistakes. These articles and writing samples range from several hundred to several thousand words. Typically, we test them using the web, desktop, and browser apps and plugins.

I’ve used Grammarly for years as part of my writing workflow. I’ve also written and published hundreds of articles for newspapers, magazines, and online publications, including, Forbes and Lifehacker . I’m also a best-selling non-fiction author, a trained journalist, and a copywriter.

Grammarly Free vs Premium

Is the premium version of Grammarly worth it? It depends on why you are using this proofreading tool. The free version of Grammarly is enough to catch basic spelling and grammar issues. On the other hand, the free version will not provide you access to vocabulary suggestions, plagiarism checks, or tonal corrections.

The free version might be right for you if you are looking for a tool that can proofread your emails, catch fundamental grammar issues, or if you already pay for another tool that helps you with advanced stylistic or tonal problems.

The premium version is ideal for writing SEO content, academic publications, or technical articles. It’s also a good choice if you write and publish content online for a living. More established small businesses serious about content publishing should consider Grammarly Business. Still unsure? Read our detailed Grammarly Review .

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Hemingway App vs Grammarly

Grammarly vs Outwrite

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Using Grammarly With Slack

Using Grammarly With VS Code

Grammarly vs Chegg

Grammarly Vs Language Tool

Plagiarism CheckerX Vs Grammarly

Grammarly vs Google Docs

Grammarly Vs Microsoft Editor

FAQs About Grammarly Free Vs Premium

Yes, the free writing tool will catch basic grammar and spelling mistakes in online documents, including social media, helping you improve your writing skills.

It depends on why you are using this tool. The premium version of this grammar check will follow all grammar rules, helping you reduce your need to rely on a human proofreader. You also get to use the plagiarism detector. Therefore, despite the Grammarly cost, Grammarly business could help you save money. You should compare this pricing to how much you spend on professional editors.

Yes, there are alternatives to the premium account. Some people who use Microsoft Office and Outlook enjoy using Microsoft Editor. Microsoft Editor can help you spell check, catch typos, fix punctuation errors, and improve your sentence structure or word choice. But, it does not provide the same array of features as Grammarly premium.

The free version of Grammarly is the closest you’ll get to a free trial of Grammarly Premium. If you want to try its premium grammar tools,  including its plagiarism checker, your best bet is to take out a subscription for 30 days and cancel when done.


Is Grammarly Premium Worth it or not?- Let’s check it out

Grammarly is an AI-powered writing enhancement tool that checks grammar, punctuation and other mistakes during writing. 

Tons of reviews, comparisons, overviews and paid ad campaigns are on the internet regarding Grammarly, the clear reason is that it’s a high CPC keyword, first! And second, publishers can earn some commission. 

And it’s totally fine, as per my opinion, because publishers provide value, guide, direction or proof whether a reader can buy it or not! But… let me tell you that most of the articles are just reviews and convincing readers to buy it. 

In fact, the previous version of this article is only that! ( true confession ) People copy and rephrase content from the Grammarly website and try to influence readers to buy it because it’s a matter of commission. 

After some time, and reading so many articles, I realize that I have to give something more, concise and to the point information regarding this excellent platform- Grammarly. 

So I am re-writing this article- using Grammarly itself! 

Here is the article, not a review, not trying to convince you to buy, on the Grammarly that indeed help you make a decision, is Grammarly Premium Worth it or not?

Grammarly is a tool that can check your spell errors, grammar problems, plagiarism and sentence structure very precisely on every platform you have!

Read more: Grammarly: Your PhD writing assistant .

Let’s check it out. 

Why is Grammarly needed? 

Features of grammarly: , ways to use grammarly: , grammarly is worth it for who , advantages of grammarly: , disadvantages of grammarly:, setting goals: , final verdict: , conclusion:.

Now let’s first go through the problem, why Grammarly is needed? What existing problem can it solve? What is the gap?

Only 17% of the world population can use the English language precisely. Even in the US, people can speak good English but can’t write grammatically correct one! 

In other parts of the world, especially in Asia and Africa, language is one of the biggest barriers in any industry. 

The majority of people though can understand but can’t write accurate and grammatically correct English. The present problem occurred because of the poor education system. That’s the first problem.

Now coming to the second problem.

During a higher degree such as a doctorate, students wouldn’t know how to write an effective essay. They fail every time to entertain their supervisor by their writing. The reason behind that is they literally don’t understand how to write an academic essay, thesis and dissertation. 

Several common problems research students face in developing countries are;

  • Plagiarism 
  • Grammar and spelling mistakes, 
  • Sentence punctuations. 
  • Use of wrong tense and voice. 
  • Wrong writing methodology

More than half of their research tenure passes literally in correcting unnecessary writing mistakes. Poor academic writing skills restrict them to publish peer-reviewed, high-quality and highly-reviewed articles. 

They leave the research field because they fail to do so. Tools like Grammarly can save them. Research students can do so many things with it. It has a wide variety of features. 

In Summary, Grammarly can solve the major problem of lack of academic writing skills in non-English speaking students. 

When I was in research I had to face many problems with writing. At one point in my PhD I thought that I can’t do it, and that’s what most people think! Especially when their background isn’t English. 

Although I don’t know whether Grammarly existed in our time or not! Let me tell you, there are still many mistakes regarding spelling, grammar, punctuations, commas and other things in my thesis. Majority of research students outsource their thesis work unofficially to experts because they don’t have the correct knowledge of writing. 

So formal writing is one of the biggest problems for students from developing countries, Asia and African natives and underdeveloped countries. Grammarly helps them. 

So the first point is clear: if you are one among the list, you need Grammarly. I strongly recommend using it from the first day of your research. 

The second most important field where Grammarly is required is the online businesses. 

Businesses are going online, the market of online businesses is now at its peak and continuously setting new standards and competitions. People across the globe add thousands of websites and blogs every day on Google. 

Online businesses rely highly on presentation skills either as video or text. Your actions (what you present, what you write, what you show) tells more about your business. Henceforth, every action must be nearly perfect, correct and to the point.

A single spelling or grammar mistake can spoil a company’s or your image. A professional, solid, genuine and beautiful product presentation helps to gain more customers.

The US, UK and other English-speaking countries are valuable assets for online businesses. Precise English (when it looks naturally written) attracts more customers. 

It is nearly impossible to correct all writing errors with human help, So online startups need an AI-powered English writing tool besides human hands. Fortunately, Grammarly can solve 85% of your writing errors. 

Besides, students from lower grades, online writing services, eCourses platforms and social media influencers need Grammarly to save their valuable text. 

So It’s clear that Grammarly is a “must-in” tool for almost everyone who is there on online business. Now let’s understand the platform from the start.

Introduction to Grammarly: 

Grammarly is an artificial intelligence/app/website or a program that corrects various writing errors. Common writing errors are spelling mistakes, Grammar errors, punctuations, use of tense, plagiarism and sentence structure. 

Alex Shevchenko, Max Lytvyn and Dmytro Lider developed Grammarly in 2009 which was written in the grammar engine “Common Lips”. In 2008, Grammarly developed an original idea that supports Google docs directly. 

Plenty of options Grammarly has! Starting from some common functions like checking Grammar to advanced functions like correct punctuations and reading the meaning of sentences. 

The free version has three common options- spelling check, Grammar and common punctuations while the Premium version has other advanced options like real-time plagiarism detection, word choices, Fluency, Tone adjustment, word suggestions, and sentence formalities. 

Plus, it also has options of correcting wordy sentences, alert for repetitive words, lengthy sentences, alert for confused prepositions, and overuse of passive voices. However, some of these options are only available in premium subscriptions only. 

Furthermore, apart from providing these services, other benefits of it are; it is available in various extensions like Google Chrome, MS word and Mac OS as well which seamlessly indicates and correctly English errors in real-time. 

  • Browser extensions for Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
  • Text checker extension for Mac, MS Words, Google Docs. 
  • Grammarly Desktop app for Mac and Windows. 
  • Grammarly mobile app for Androids and iOS
  • Grammarly for Email check

Elaboratively, we can say that every bit of information that you write on your laptop, computer or mobile; in a browser, email, SMS or Word text, Grammarly can correct. Once you sign in, select the extension you want, and install it, you are done! It starts doing its work.

Yet another excellent facility it has which other platforms don’t is the report. It provides a weekly or monthly report of your writing, improvement and scope of improvement which includes,

  • Repetitive use of words
  • Most common errors
  • Most common mistakes in spelling 
  • A score of Grammarly use
  • Accuracy score
  • Improvement score 

So one can monitor their progress as well as their mistakes timely. Here is mine, 

grammarly premium for thesis

Technically, over time, the platform becomes giant and solves the majority of bugs & technical issues and strengthens its support system. So overall we can say the app is an excellent choice, made with good technical hands and expert automation AI. 

Synonyms suggestion:

I love to use varieties of synonyms in my text and so I personally like the tool Grammarly which suggests synonyms. It literally makes your text amazing-looking by incorporating impressive similar words.

Here is how it works, 

  • Navigate your course to the text you want to replace with the synonym. 
  • Double click on the word, you will find many different synonyms of a single world.
  • Take a look at the image below, 

grammarly premium for thesis

Besides, Grammarly premium has the amazing feature of judging your sentence. When you set a goal, it assesses the sentence based on four parameters- Correctness, Clarity, Engagement, Delivery. 

Correctness indicates how correct the speech and tone of a sentence are! clarity shows how neatly the sentence is written, Engagement shows its engagement with people and delivery indicates how the sentence will deliver to the reader. 

The platform determines if each parameter is fulfilled or not and suggest other things accourdingly.

Now you may understand what a free version or Premium version brings in a package but the question is who can actually use which version of Grammarly? Is the Premium worth it for you or not? 

Free vs Premium features of Grammarly: 

In this section, I will explain the features of Grammarly in free and premium versions.

Features of free version:  

  • Critical Grammar and Spelling check
  • Punctuation checker
  • Word suggestions 
  • Personal dictionary- synonym suggestion. 
  • Free extensions- Chrome, Safari, MS Word, Google Docs. 

Features of Premium version:

  • Critical Grammar and Spelling Checks 
  • Vocabulary enhancement suggestions
  • Advanced check for punctuation, grammar, context and sentence structure
  • Genre-specific writing checks 
  • Real-time Plagiarism checker

Check out Grammarly plans:

The magic of double and single click — When you make a spelling error, a red line comes under the text, when you move the cursor over it, it suggests the correct spell, on the other side, when you double click a word, which you like to replace with a synonym, Grammarly suggests possible related words.

Grammarly is a must-have tool for businesses and persons whose business is online. A few of them are, 

  • Copywriters 
  • Literature writers 
  • English writers 
  • Common bloggers
  • Scientific writers and bloggers 
  • Publishers 
  • Research paper writers 
  • Educational writers 
  • Content marketers 
  • Authors 
  • Students of all grades and high school 

Some can manage with a free version while some need the premium one. The price of Grammarly premium is $11.66/month. Though not much costlier, one needs to think about it. 

For example, for a PhD student, it is difficult to pay around $12 every month. So the question is who needs it. And should you have to go for it or not? 

grammarly premium for thesis

Let’s check it out, 

Copywriters write things as per their client’s requirement or sometimes texts as such, so a free version is sufficient for them, 

-Premium version is not for them. 

English writers and literature writers might be experts in their work but mistakes may happen (after all they are human). As they are experts, clients commonly don’t expect mistakes (like grammar or punctuations) from them. 

If their business is good, 

-A Grammarly premium is worth it for them. 

Common bloggers are those who write on common topics or not on specific one, also their target audiences are wide, so they can manage with the free version. 

-A Grammarly premium isn’t worth it for them. 

Scientific writers and science bloggers are those who are expert people, students and other researchers rely on their writing and content therefore their work must be nearly perfect.

They have to deliver errors less, high quality and expert level writing to their company, blog, readers and authorities henceforth, 

-Grammarly premium is worth it for them. 

Educational writers, research paper writers and Publishers also have to deliver high-quality content to their students and community. 

-A Grammarly premium is worth it for those. 

Students of graduation usually can manage their writing with the free version, if they can’t buy it.

-Students can go with the free version. 

PhD and research students have to write high-quality articles, thesis and dissertations therefore, they have to be precise in their writing. 

Apart from this, the AI-powered tool is further beneficial for those whose business isn’t based on writing. The premium version is very helpful for businesses for their social media shares, posts, emails, newsletters, other things and text used for marketing goals.

Grammarly premium is an AI-powered, useful and valuable tool for those who are from non-English speaking backgrounds or countries, has online business and doing something internationally 

  • Corrects grammar, spelling, context, punctuation and structure of the sentence. 
  • Vocabulary enhancement and synonym suggestions 
  • Setting up goals for various types of writing 
  • Inbuilt plagiarism detector
  • Wide range of spells: One thing I have noticed about the AI of Grammarly is that it has a wide range of spells and synonyms. Sometimes even the inbuilt computer grammar and spell corrector can’t predict words but Grammarly can.

Read more: How to Check Plagiarism for PhD Thesis?- Top 10 Plagiarism Checkers .

  • Limitations of AI: No machine learning is 100% accurate in the world, at least for now, though Grammarly is ~85% accurate in their work. Sometimes even Grammarly can’t sense the sentence or its type. 
  • Remember it is hard for Grammarly to understand the sentence, then it is difficult for readers too. 
  • In addition to this, AI sometimes can’t work correctly when bugs or boats attack. Although they are very fast in fixing technical issues. 
  • Paid subscription: The free version has some limited features, one has to get a premium version to achieve other goals.

Yet another important, useful and amazing feature of Grammarly is setting a goal. You can choose what level of expert writing you need and as per requirement you can set your goal, for example, you need a level of writing informal, formal or normal. 

What is the target audience and what is the tone! 

After setting, the tool itself suggests world, correction and other punctuations as per the goal. In my opinion, this tool is pretty impressive. 

Read more: 11 Reasons why to Study a PhD?

Besides Grammarly, there are other good paid options as well, but undoubtedly, Grammarly is one of the most accurate, precise, advanced and faster tools available in the market. 

If your survival depends on writing, surely you need a premium Grammarly version, even if you are an expert in writing. Nonetheless, If you just started an online business and lack funds, you can choose to go with the free version, initially. 

The present article isn’t a paid review of it and I am not endorsing Grammarly strongly that you have to take benefit of premium. I am explaining things as per my knowledge. But if you think that it helps you download it from here, link given somewhere in the article and it helps us to earn some commission.

You should have to map the requirements, whether you need it or not. Ask a few questions to yourself, 

  • Does your writing matter to you? 
  • Is your entire business dependent on what you are writing? 
  • Does your audience need more clarity on your writing? 
  • Is your writing enough capable of publishing? 
  • Are you facing problems in conveying your point to your readers? 
  • Is your audience less engaging in your content? 
  • Is the reading time on your blog too less? 

If the answer to the questions listed above is yes, you probably need to think about your writing. If those problems persist even after using the free version then you should have to go for the premium version of Grammarly. 

Trust me, if your entire business is dependent on writing only! Grammarly premium is worth it for you. 

Conclusively, I can say, Grammarly is the best suit and must-have tool for every type of online business as it increases the reach and engagement of customers.

It’s not a very expensive tool, you can give it a try for free or at least for a month. The AI is so powerful that once it detects common mistakes of yours, it suggests and corrects them every time when you use it.

Over time the accuracy of Grammarly increases. You can check it out here.

Grammarly Premium

Dr Tushar Chauhan

Dr. Tushar Chauhan is a Scientist, Blogger and Scientific-writer. He has completed PhD in Genetics. Dr. Chauhan is a PhD coach and tutor.

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Dr Tushar Chauhan

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Home / Book Writing / Grammarly Review [2024 Update]: Is Grammarly Worth It?

Grammarly Review [2024 Update]: Is Grammarly Worth It?

Grammarly detects grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and style mistakes as you write on just about any site on the web, email, Word documents, social media, or on your own website.

  • Helps identify weak adjectives and better options (Premium)
  • Points out overuse of particular words
  • Shows sentences that are too long and wordy
  • Helps improve your writing skills
  • Accurate grammar and readability suggestions
  • Conforms to your writing style (academic, casual, creative, etc.)
  • Adjustable formality levels: formal, neutral, and informal
  • Can use it as a browser extension or import text into their browser-based service
  • Integrates with Microsoft Word, Outlook, and Google Docs
  • Real-time grammar and spell check
  • App available on iOS and Android
  • Works great for all sorts of writers, not just authors
  • Premium version has a plagiarism checker
  • Easy to use and understand
  • Website editor only allows documents up to 4 MB and 100,000 characters
  • Free version only checks for errors in spelling and grammar, not style and context
  • Grammarly’s website resizes awkwardly on split-screen view, no scrolling
  • Its marketing can be very pushy for you to buy the premium version
  • It comes nowhere close to replacing a human editor

Bottom Line: I use Grammarly for much of my writing . It fixes each spelling and grammatical mistake and improves my style, flow, and word choice. The paid version has excellent premium features, like genre-specific suggestions and plagiarism detection. But the free version is good enough for most people — and better than any free proofreader on the market.

We rank Grammarly as #2 on our list of best proofreading software , but it might be the best for you, depending on your situation, so read on to learn more about what makes Grammarly so great.

Grammarly is an incredible editing software . Although it may change some authors’ lives, it has its limitations and isn't for everyone. This Grammarly review will answer some of the most common questions people ask so you can find out if Grammarly is right for you.

Let me cut to the chase by saying that I am a big fan of Grammarly. It forces you to think about the way you write , which can only lead to improvement.

Speaking from personal experience, Grammarly has helped me:

  • Identify weak adjectives and learn better alternatives
  • Stop overusing certain words
  • Shorten overly long sentences
  • Avoid embarrassing typos in essential emails and blog posts

95% of people should just use the free version of Grammarly. It's better than you think.

If you’re like me and sometimes feel like Yoda with a grammar book, then you’re going to love this little tool.

  • How much Grammarly costs
  • 11 key features
  • How to use it
  • Differences between versions
  • Who needs the premium version

Links in this article may give me a small commission if you use them to download Grammarly. Plus, there’s no extra cost to you.

Table of contents

  • What is Grammarly?
  • Pricing Breakdown: How much does Grammarly cost?
  • Differences Between Grammarly Desktop and Mobile
  • 11 Key Features of Grammarly
  • How Grammarly Compares to Other Programs

How To Use Grammarly (Web, Online, App, & More)

  • Can Grammarly replace human editing? 
  • Pros: What I Love About Grammarly 
  • Cons: What I Don’t Like About Grammarly 
  • Verdict: Is Grammarly Right for You?

Developed in 2009, Grammarly is a spelling and grammar checker that detects grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and style mistakes as you write on websites, emails, Word documents, social media , and so much more.

Think of it as a little robotic grammar angel always looking over your shoulder.

[clickToTweet tweet=”I love it when free robotic grammar angels look over my shoulder #grammarly” quote=”I love it when free robotic grammar angels look over my shoulder @grammarly”]

The intuitive thing is you don’t have to upload your text into an online editor every time you need to check your grammar and spelling (although you can still do that). You just install Grammarly’s browser extension, and it works while you type into Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Google Docs, and more.

Grammarly also integrates directly with Microsoft Word and Outlook. These are the only apps it works with outside a browser.

Grammarly has a free version and a premium version. (We'll dissect the difference between the two later in this review.) Suffice it to say; the free version includes a lot of useful features.

Is Grammarly safe and legit? Yes, Grammarly is safe and legit. Their plugin and website are very secure. “Your words are yours — we do not, and will not, sell or rent your or your team’s information. We don’t help third parties advertise their products to you,” says Grammarly’s security page.

Is Grammarly accurate?

Yes, Grammarly is accurate when it checks for grammar errors and spelling mistakes. It is more accurate than other comparable proofreading apps.

Although it is not a replacement for a human editor, Grammarly Premium also offers accurate recommendations for correcting writing style, passive voice, word choice, sentence structure, and comma placement.

Grammarly markets its high-quality accuracy towards people writing emails and social media posts over hardcore authors. However, if you’re an author who’s willing to overlook a few grammar checks that don’t apply to prose, then I’d recommend Grammarly for you as well.

Is Grammarly easy to use?

Yes, Grammarly is easy to use. Many critics and reviewers (read: me) will admit that Grammarly is the most user-friendly proofreading service on the market, even if Grammarly isn’t our ultimate favorite.

Grammarly’s creators know that ordinary people will be using Grammarly, so they made it easy to use for all sorts of people.

Who should use Grammarly?

Everyone should use Grammarly. It’s a proofreading app that will improve anyone’s writing — from non-native English speakers to best-selling novelists.

People who aren’t writers can get away with using the free version of Grammarly. Its spelling and grammar checker is far beyond what Word’s spell checker can offer. And it works on Outlook and Gmail, so your emails look as professional as possible.

You should use Grammarly if you:

  • want to avoid embarrassing typos, misspellings, and grammar mistakes
  • want to improve your writing to make it more clear, engaging, and concise
  • want a tool that automatically checks your writing on virtually any website
  • hire ghostwriters or want to check for plagiarism
  • speak a native language that is not English, and you want to share content in English

Why I'm Qualified to Talk About Grammarly?

Let's face it, there are far too many people out there who are just regurgitating what others have said on the Internet about tools like Grammarly. Or worse, they're using AI to do all the work for them.

Not the case here.

I've been in the author game for 13 years, I have written multiple bestselling books, and for many of those books, I used Grammarly (along with its largest competitor: ProWritingAid).

Reviewing Grammarly isn't just about listing its features. It's about understanding the various nuances, strengths, and areas of improvement from a user's viewpoint. AKA, what works for me, might not work for you.

Plus, I've conducted countless surveys to my community of authors, and interacted with some of the biggest heavy hitters in the industry. I've been blessed to interact with multiple of my heroes.

So I have some experience With Grammarly and other proofreading tools. Hopefully that helps.

Grammarly Review: Video Overview

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The free version of Grammarly is entirely free — no hidden fees. I’ve found the free version is actually very robust and is all that most people need.

Grammarly Premium costs a maximum of $29.95 each month you use it. However, pricing options allow you to purchase Grammarly Premium in bulk at a discounted price.

  • $30.00 per month
  • $60.00 per 3 months ($20.00/month value)
  • $144.00 per year ($12.00/month value)
  • Grammarly Business is $15.00/month per member (minimum 3 members)

Differences Between Grammarly Free & Premium

Grammarly’s free and premium version’s main difference is that the premium version offers you significantly more recommendations, vocabulary enhancements, writing style suggestions, and plagiarism checks.

Is Grammarly Premium worth it? Yes, the premium version of Grammarly is worth every penny — especially if you purchase the annual plan, which saves you 61% every year.

Grammarly Premium is fantastic for writers, bloggers, marketers, students, academics, anyone in corporate America, etc. I use the premium version because I have many critical eyes on my website and books, and my blogging can go heavy on spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.

Formatting Has Never Been Easier

Write and format professional books with ease.  Never before has creating formatted books been easier.

Only the premium version of Grammarly offers you an invaluable Plagiarism Checker . The checker scours the Internet to ensure no plagiarism has occurred. This gives you peace of mind whenever you employ ghostwriters or are writing academically.

Grammarly Premium offers genre-specific suggestions concerning your writing style.

Vocabulary Enhancement is a premium-only feature to help you expand your lexicon and write more clearly by suggesting context-optimized alternatives and synonyms in response to word repetition or overuse. 

Did you notice there were some juicy words in that sentence? Thanks, Grammarly.

Check out the table below for the difference between Grammarly Free and Grammarly Premium:

Grammarly Free vs Grammarly Premium

or Desktop App

You can use Grammarly on both your computer and your mobile devices. It’s essential to know the differences between the two.

When you use Grammarly on your computer, it offers real-time suggestions by marking spelling or grammar errors with a colored underline. You can use Grammarly on your desktop, on, or with Microsoft Office. 

To go into further detail, you can open the Grammarly sidebar, seen below:

Grammarly on your mobile device works as a keyboard. Your new and improved keyboard will offer real-time corrections right above the letters and numbers. 

It suggests corrections to spelling and grammar. When there is no grammatical error, it will offer you synonyms for whatever you’re typing.

Let’s take a look at the 11 key Grammarly features and how each of them will improve your writing.

1. Spelling and Grammar Check

Of course, Grammarly checks your spelling and grammar. But it’s not just another proofreader. It works better than Word’s native spell checker. Its free version rivals any other free app out there.

Its spelling and grammar checker is highly accurate and helpful. It even helps with comma placement.

2. Suggestions

When Grammarly detects an error or issue with your writing, you can click on underlined words to see what the problem is. Grammarly’s suggestion will pop up with a concise but informative explanation.

3. Grammarly Cards

Besides just flagging where it detects issues, Grammarly also gives comprehensive explanations of grammar rules and tips for avoiding similar mistakes in the future.

4. Reporting

You can receive a report detailing your accuracy in grammar, spelling, plagiarism, and vocabulary. This is instrumental in helping you improve over time.

5. Language Preferences

Easily switch between English dialects by navigating to your profile and changing your language preference .

Which English dialects does Grammarly recognize?

  • American English
  • British English
  • Canadian English
  • Australian English

6. Grammarly Online Editor

Grammarly has an Online Editor that allows you to store all your documents and access them from any Internet-connected computer.

You can type within it or upload your documents to it.

Personally, I don't use this much. There’s a 15,000-word limit, and it’s not as convenient as Grammarly’s other key features.

7. Browser Extension

Available for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, the Grammarly extension is intuitive, easy-to-use, and highly accurate.

The browser extension automatically checks your comments, blog posts, tweets, Facebook posts, and emails.

8. Grammarly for Microsoft Office

For those of you who are in love with Microsoft Office, Grammarly has got you covered. 

To install the Grammarly add-on for Microsoft Office :

  • Open Microsoft Word on your computer.
  • Click on the “Insert” tab.
  • Click “Add-Ins.”
  • Click “Get Add-Ins.”
  • Search for Grammarly and click the “Add” button.
  • Click on the Grammarly tab that now appears in MS Word.
  • Log in to Grammarly.

Now you should be getting real-time suggestions that are far superior to Word’s native spell checker.

Grammarly can integrate with Word on Windows and Mac. However, it can only integrate with Outlook on Windows.

(To see why I never write my books in Microsoft Word, read this .)

9. Grammarly for Your Phone

If you want Grammarly to check all the writing you do on your phone , there's a keyboard for that!

Grammarly Keyboard for iOS or Android will check all your writing through your keyboard even when you're away from your computer.

Unfortunately, you cannot swipe text with the Grammarly keyboard.

10. Grammarly for Your Desktop

If you’re lazy like me and have a lot of documents to check quickly, this is for you.

No more copying and pasting your documents into their web editor like the old days. Instead, you can quickly drag and drop files into the Grammarly icon on your desktop and get your works checked at ludicrous speed.

11. Plagiarism Checker (Premium Only)

Grammarly will scour the corners of the Internet to cross-check and ensure your copy contains no plagiarism. It checks over 16 billion websites.

This is a super-powerful feature if you employ ghostwriters, are an academic writer, or you want to ensure your content isn't stolen.

This is what it looks like when Grammarly finds plagiarism:

This is what it looks like when you’re good to go:

Grammarly is an intuitive spelling and grammar checking machine, but there are other proofreading programs out there that do the same thing.

Let’s dive into the differences between Grammarly and other programs, like ProWritingAid or Word’s spell checker, and determine the best proofreading program for you.

Grammarly vs. ProWritingAid

Is ProWritingAid better than Grammarly? When comparing free versions only, Grammarly is better than ProWritingAid. Grammarly is more user friendly and more accurate. Its free version can handle over 10,000 words at a time, whereas ProWritingAid Free can only handle 500 words at a time.

However, ProWritingAid Premium has more features and more integrations. (ProWritingAid can integrate with Scrivener and OpenOffice, which Grammarly can’t.) Yet, it is more affordable than Grammarly Premium.

Check out my in-depth review of ProWritingAid and how it stacks up compared to Grammarly.

Grammarly vs. Word

Is my Word spell checker enough? No, MS Word’s spell checker is not enough to elevate your writing to that next level.

I did a little experiment to show you the difference between Word’s spell checker and Grammarly. 

I took one of my articles on Kindlepreneur (over 2,000 words) and put it into Word, where it showed no grammar or spelling errors. I took the same article and put it through Grammarly Free and Grammarly Premium. Here are the results:

Grammarly vs. Ginger

Is Ginger better than Grammarly? While Grammarly excels in features, platform availability, and plagiarism checks, Ginger offers multi-language support and text-to-speech at a more affordable premium price, though Grammarly is the better choice for English-only users.

Grammarly vs. Whitesmoke

Is Whitesmoke better than Grammarly? Grammarly is better than Whitesmoke because Grammarly is more user-friendly and prettier to look at. Grammarly’s free version is definitely better and provides more features.

Grammarly vs. Turnitin

Is Turnitin better than Grammarly? Grammarly is a better proofreader than Turnitin. But Turnitin is marketed to different people than Grammarly, so it’s hard to say which is better.

Grammarly is for writing emails, social media posts, blog posts, etc. while Turnitin is for teachers grading papers, checking for plagiarism, and providing feedback.

The main comparison is the plagiarism checker in Grammarly Premium and Turnitin. It’s hard to compare price tags since Turnitin is priced per student. 

It’s really easy to use Grammarly, but there are several different ways to utilize the tool. So I broke it up into 5 sections:

  • Browser extension
  • Online editor

Microsoft Office

  • Desktop app

Browser Extension

Download the Grammarly browser extension to use Grammarly for your online writing. They offer a Safari, Edge, Firefox, or Chrome extension.

When you’re writing an email, a LinkedIn post, or what have you, Grammarly will offer real-time spelling and grammar suggestions.

It’s intuitive, too. Grammarly will make stricter suggestions on sites like LinkedIn, where more professional language is expected over, say, Facebook.

Online Editor

Go to to use the online Grammarly Editor.

Upload a file, or drag and drop. Grammarly can only check 100,000 characters at once. That comes out to about 16,000 words or 60 pages .

Supported file formats for upload include:

Grammarly for Microsoft Office works on both Mac and Windows computers. There is a 150,000 character limit on how much Grammarly checks at once in MS Word for Mac.

On Windows, Grammarly can integrate with Microsoft Word and Outlook. There is no character limit on Windows.

In Word or Outlook, you’ll see a Grammarly tab on your toolbar after installing the add-in. In that tab, click Open Grammarly, then the Grammarly sidebar will appear and offer real-time suggestions.

Desktop App

Download Grammarly’s desktop app here (it will automatically recognize your operating system). 

When you open the desktop app, you can drag and drop files into the app to check your spelling, grammar, and more.

Supported file formats include:

Download the Grammarly mobile app from the Apple Store or the Google Play store .

Open the app and go through the simple set up process. Here are resources based on your mobile OS.

  • How to Install the Grammarly Keyboard for iOS
  • How to Install the Grammarly Keyboard on Android

Now, whenever you type with your phone’s Grammarly keyboard, you can rest assured that what you’re writing is mistake-free.

Not only is what you type encrypted for your safety, but Grammarly also does not spell check what you write in fields marked sensitive, such as credit card information.

No, Grammarly cannot replace human editing and proofreading.

As you can see from this Grammarly review, it can do a lot. However, I often get questions from readers about whether or not Grammarly can replace hiring an editor or a proofreader for their books.

I'm sorry to break the news that, while Grammarly Premium and Free are valuable editing tools to have in your arsenal, Grammarly should not replace a human proofreader.

It will miss things that only a human editor can find, such as the way certain words or phrases are used in context. For authors writing dialogue-heavy scenes or using creative writing techniques, this proofreading application may highlight “errors” that are purposeful.

The feedback Grammarly gives is only so good. There are just certain things only a human can do, no matter how good the proofreading software is.

For someone like me who writes all the time in guest posts , blog articles, emails, comments, podcast notes , and social media, it can be an extra set of eyes. But don't think that it will help you to eliminate the editing costs for your books.

Before you publish your eBook to Amazon, hire a human editor. And don’t skimp. You get what you pay for.

There’s a lot that I love about Grammarly, even the free version.

  • Real-time spelling and grammar checker. Grammarly is a real-time checker. It’s just convenient to see a red underline and know you need to make a change. 
  • Easy to use. Grammarly works for everyday people. Even though it’s useful for authors and writers, it is designed to help ordinary people write social media posts, emails, etc. 
  • Simple explanations. Thank the makers that Grammarly gives you simple, easy-to-understand explanations behind their suggestions. You can choose between quick-view or “See More In Grammarly.”
  • High accuracy rate. I don’t know how many times I have yelled at my Google Docs grammar checker because it doesn’t understand my perfectly reasonable sentence. Fortunately, Grammarly is highly accurate.
  • Personal dictionary. Even the free version of Grammarly comes with your own personal dictionary, which you can customize while writing or on your account . 
  • Desktop and mobile capabilities. Conveniently, Grammarly offers its spelling and grammar checking as a desktop app and as a mobile keyboard.
  • Weekly report card. Grammarly tracks your overall weaknesses and points out areas you can work on over time. A weekly report card can let you know if you need to stop ending sentences in prepositions and stop using squinting modifiers . (Thanks to Grammarly, I now know what those are.) 

There are a few things I don’t like about Grammarly, so let me briefly discuss them here.

  • No Scrivener integration. Grammarly only integrates with Microsoft Outlook on Windows and Microsoft Word on Windows or Mac outside of a web browser. Like many authors, I love using Scrivener when writing my books. Unlike ProWritingAid, Grammarly cannot integrate with notable apps like Scrivener, Atticus, or even OpenOffice.
  • Aggressive advertising. Grammarly really wants you to upgrade to the premium version — hey, I get it, they need to make money! And heck, I use Grammarly Premium, so this isn’t a problem for me. But I know other people who have gotten annoyed with the volume of emails they send you. 
  • Grammarly only supports English. Of course, you can switch between American English, UK English, Canadian English, or Australian English. But if you’re looking to proofread in another language, you need another proofreading tool.

These issues that make Grammarly problematic are not dealbreakers. Authors may get frustrated when Grammarly tells them their creative prose is incorrect. Non-native speakers may unfortunately listen to inaccurate comma suggestions. But ultimately, the pros of Grammarly are far more extensive than the cons.

I think Grammarly is right for just about everyone who writes in English, even if you only write on Facebook. 

Nobody’s perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, be they accidental or unknowing. Grammarly improves your writing, prevents embarrassing mistakes, and helps you learn tidbits of grammar you may not have known before.

I believe Grammarly Premium is more than worth it — when you save money by billing annually. However, the free version is leagues better than Word’s spell checker, so it’s still worth a free download if you don’t want to spend the money.

Is Grammarly worth it for college students? Yes, Grammarly is worth it for college students who have writing assignments to turn in. The free version of Grammarly is way better than Word’s native spell checker, and the premium version improves your overall writing — not to mention the invaluable plagiarism checker.

Flashback: I used Grammarly to help correct my Master Thesis years ago!

Grammarly makes you a better writer. It’s as simple as that.

Be sure to check out our full comparison with the other best proofreading tools out there.

Here's a summary of what Grammarly can do for you:

  • For most authors, writers, and bloggers, the free version of Grammarly is enough and should be a part of your proofreading arsenal.
  • Grammarly should be your first line of defense, but not your sole proofreader. It should never replace a human editor for your book .
  • Using Grammarly and its reporting system can strengthen your writing over time.
  • Switching between American English, British English, Canadian English, and Australian English can save you a lot of hassle and time.

Dave Chesson

When I’m not sipping tea with princesses or lightsaber dueling with little Jedi, I’m a book marketing nut. Having consulted multiple publishing companies and NYT best-selling authors, I created Kindlepreneur to help authors sell more books. I’ve even been called “The Kindlepreneur” by Amazon publicly, and I’m here to help you with your author journey.

  • How To Use Grammarly (Web, Online, App, & More)

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12 thoughts on “ Grammarly Review [2024 Update]: Is Grammarly Worth It? ”

Dave, I have a couple of “well-seasoned” book titles on Amazon. I am trying to contact my publisher to figure out where things stand. I might keep in touch with you, if you have an idea about re-igniting them – but I am busy with other stuff right now.

Sounds good and best of luck!

Very clear paid review, Dave. I am in with your link!

Hi Randall – thanks I think. They did not pay me to make it or write it or even contacted me about it. But like I said at the top – it is an affiliate link. Having used grammarly for years, when I decided to write about it, I asked them if they had one. A little fuel for the coffee fund 🙂

Oh. A first for me. An uncompensated affiliate link. Bravo! Your video was terrific, Dave. I envy your “on-camera” skills. Best of luck!

Thanks Randall. I still get really nervous recording new videos!

Alright, I have the particulars on my book title. Please send me your contact information, when you get a chance. Thanks, [email protected]

You can contact me through the contact page or using this email. [email protected]

Also, a “paid review” is one where they ‘pay you to review’ their product. That is completely different than you deciding you want to write about a tool and finding out that they have an affiliate and using an affiliate link. This is important legally because if it is a “paid review” you are required by law to disclose that. You’re also required by law to disclose if a link is an affiliate link as well – but both are separate rules/laws.

I’m using this grammar checker tool from last six months, and I’m entirely satisfied with it. If someone is looking for the best grammar checker tool then must go with only Grammarly. It has great inbuilt features that a Blogger, Content Writer, Teacher, and a student want.

Till now, we can’t compare Grammarly to any other tool. None of them are better than Grammarly. 🙂 I also wrote a grammarly review that you’ll like for sure. Grammarly Review

Awesome review on Grammarly. I have been using Grammarly since 2015 and I can say it is awesome tool for the people who want to learn and improve their English Grammar and Vocabulary.

If you can not pay their fee then you can use Grammarly for free also, here is the link;

Thanks for this Review.

Yeah I agree with you. It’s not truly mistake free. However, it stil the amazing tool for any blogger. My point of view:

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  5. Not just for thesis writing: Grammarly Premium free to grad students

    Ehlers emphasized that Grammarly Premium is not merely for thesis or dissertation writing. It cleans up everyday emails, blogs, social media posts — even texts. Danny Nelson, administrative program officer, the Graduate School "Master's students were saying, 'Well, I don't really need it yet.'

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  7. How much does Grammarly Premium cost?

    The monthly subscription costs $25/seat/month (billed as one payment for all seats). The cost of an annual subscription depends on the number of seats: 3-9 seats: $180 USD per seat annually / $15 USD average cost per month. 10-49 seats: $174 USD per seat annually / $14.50 USD average cost per month. 50-149 seats: $150 USD per seat ...

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    Grammarly Premium is a premiere AI writing assistant that helps develop writing skills as well as edit text documents (i.e. word), emails, Facebook, Twitter, or any web-based application. ... Use Grammarly on your Thesis or Dissertation prior to submitting it to the Thesis Office for review. Using Grammarly can speed up the approval of your ...

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    Background about me: I am benefitting greatly from the free Grammarly plan right now, but as my Bachelor's project thesis is coming up in the spring 23 semester, I'm wondering if upgrading to premium would be worth it. I should also say that I'm not a native english speaker, but the thesis with everything it contains will be in english.

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    The new editing function included with word online is similar to the paid version of grammarly. If you use Google docs then grammarly usually does a free trial so you can check it out before committing to a payment. I used Google docs and a free trial of grammarly, but when that ran out I discovered the editing function went back to word.

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    Some can manage with a free version while some need the premium one. The price of Grammarly premium is $11.66/month. Though not much costlier, one needs to think about it. For example, for a PhD student, it is difficult to pay around $12 every month. So the question is who needs it.

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    Grammarly Premium costs a maximum of $29.95 each month you use it. However, pricing options allow you to purchase Grammarly Premium in bulk at a discounted price. $30.00 per month; $60.00 per 3 months ($20.00/month value) $144.00 per year ($12.00/month value) Grammarly Business is $15.00/month per member (minimum 3 members)

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  22. Grammarly

    Grammarly. Grammarly is a free proofreading tool available to University of Arizona Global Campus students. Grammarly flags mistakes and helps you make sure your writing is clear and mistake-free. Grammarly is the best support for grammatical errors. Paper Review and Live Writing Tutoring are less effective for grammar, punctuation, and spelling.