• PhD Careers: What to Do After a PhD?

Deciding what to do after your PhD can be daunting. Whether you're contemplating a career in academia or considering opportunities outside it, you have numerous paths to explore. Completing a PhD is a significant personal and professional achievement, but it's often just the beginning of your journey. The world brims with opportunities for those ready to take the next step, and understanding these paths can help alleviate the uncertainty and stress that many new PhDs face.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll look into varied career avenues, including academic roles and alternative options in various industries. By the end of this article, you should have a clearer understanding of your prospects and be better prepared to make informed decisions about your future.

To help you make the best decision, we also have guides on PhD employability and earnings , and how you can decide if PhD study is worth it .

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We've answered some of the most frequently asked questions about PhDs, covering course types, applications, funding and the benefits of further study.

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Will a PhD help you get a job or earn a better salary? And what are your career prospects in and outside of academia?

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Everything you need to know about part-time and full-time work as a student or recent graduate in the USA.

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Everything you need to know about part-time and full-time work in Germany as a student or recent graduate in Germany.

Academic careers

If you’re inclined towards academia, you're aspiring to join the ranks of researchers focused on advancing knowledge and educating the next generation. Academic careers are prestigious and intellectually rewarding but often demand a blend of teaching, research, and administrative duties. Your work can shape future generations and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries.

Academic roles and responsibilities

Academics primarily work in universities but can also be found in government-funded research institutes and cultural heritage sites. The core objective is to produce original research while often engaging in teaching and administrative duties.

As an academic, you’ll be expected to publish your research findings, supervise students, and contribute to your academic community through various service roles.

How much do academics earn?

According to official data produced by HESA, in 2021-22 most full-time academics employed by a university in the UK were salaried between £47,419 to £63,668 . The second largest salary range, with just over 33% of academics falling into, was £35,326 to £47,419.

The average pay of full time UK academics 2021-22
Percentage of academics Salary band
0.02% <£20,092
0.48%£20,092 and £26,341
9.03%£26,341 and £35,326
33.50%£35,326 and £47,419
36.29%£47,419 and £63,668
* .

Salaries also vary by department. For example, those in Biological, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences earn between £34,000 and £45,000 , while Humanities and Archaeology academics often earn over £45,000 . These figures showcase the range of earning potential, influenced by experience, field of study, and institutional funding.

Pathways to academia

To become an academic in the UK, a doctoral degree is increasingly essential. Generally, you will need at least an upper second-class undergraduate degree, often followed by a Master’s degree. After your PhD, two main pathways lead to permanent positions:

  • Teaching Route : Starting with part-time teaching roles can make you competitive for research or teaching fellowships and eventually, permanent lecture positions. These roles often involve a mix of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, curriculum development, and sometimes even student advisory responsibilities
  • Research Route : Alternatively, you could apply for post-doctoral positions (postdocs) to gain valuable experience. Postdocs are temporary research roles typically lasting 1-4 years, under the supervision of an established academic. These positions help strengthen your research profile and often provide opportunities for publishing papers and attending conferences.

Candidates are not always expected to have completed a fellowship to apply for a lectureship. These roles can be obtained after completing a postdoc or teaching experience.

Postdocs and fellowships

Postdocs are excellent for building research and teaching experience. Fellowships, on the other hand, are more competitive and prestigious, allowing you to undertake your own research project—sometimes leading to a permanent role. Fellowships can be a crucial stepping stone to further academic opportunities, offering funding and resources to focus intensely on your research.

Though not mandatory, completing a postdoc or fellowship significantly boosts your employability in academia. These temporary roles help you gain the experience needed to secure permanent positions and build a network within the academic community. Networking is vital, as academic positions are often filled through a combination of formal applications and personal connections.

What is a postdoc?

A postdoc is a temporary funded research position at a university or in industry. Postdocs work under the supervision of a research group or established academic and are considered an employee, unlike PhD students. Some roles will include teaching responsibilities and assistant supervisory roles to students. Responsibilities will also include grant writing, funding applications and administrative duties.

Sometimes postdocs can be referred to as Postdoctoral Research Assistants or Postdoctoral Research Fellows. A postdoc, however, is not the same as a fellowship.

What is a fellowship?

Research fellowships are competitive and prestigious positions. Unlike postdocs, you will be funded to complete your own research project. Some positions will also guarantee a permanent academic role after completion. To successfully achieve a fellowship, you’ll need an interesting and viable research project, a history of academic excellence, and experience in writing successful funding or grant applications.

The other type is a teaching fellowship . These roles are not always for early career academics and will be offered to senior researchers so make sure you check the job description.

Do you need a postdoc or fellowship to work in academia?

Technically you do not need to have completed a postdoc or fellowship to work in academia, but it is becoming increasingly expected.

Employment in academia is more competitive each year as the number of PhDs rewarded is increasing, whereas the available permanent academic positions are not. The experience gained from completing one or more temporary positions can help you increase the competitiveness of your CV, make connections and build a positive reputation within the academic community.

Permanent positions

To secure a permanent role, you'll generally start with a lectureship, an entry-level position requiring teaching, research, and administrative duties. After successfully navigating a probationary period (usually three to four years), you might be promoted to Senior Lecturer, Reader, or even Professor, based on the evidence of your contributions and progression. Each upward step typically brings higher responsibilities, leadership opportunities, and an increase in salary.

In the UK, tenure, as understood in North America, doesn't typically apply. However, academics in permanent roles receive standard employment protections. Instead of tenure, UK academics undergo periodic reviews to ensure continued performance and contribution to the institution.

Non-academic careers

Choosing to step outside academia after your PhD opens numerous opportunities. According to the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI), over 70% of PhD holders are not working in academia three and a half years after their graduation. This statistic highlights the diverse range of career paths available to PhDs outside of the traditional academic route.

Transferable skills

A PhD equips you with a range of transferable skills that are highly valued in various industries. From analytical thinking and project management to excellent written communication, your PhD experience sets you apart from Bachelors and Masters graduates. Skills such as problem-solving, data analysis, and independent research can make you an attractive candidate in many fields.

Industry examples

Here's how your PhD can translate into various industries:

  • A PhD in the Arts and Humanities demonstrates excellent written communication, presentation skills, creativity and analytical thinking. You may be suited to work for jobs in the Publishing industry , Digital Marketing or Civil Service .
  • A PhD in Biological and Medical Sciences builds specialist subject knowledge, data proficiency and collaborative skills. This will compliment work in industries such as Pharmaceuticals , Genomics or Clinical Care .
  • A PhD in Business and Finance will help build organisational and data experience that could benefit careers in Accountancy , Data Science or Consultancy .
  • A PhD in Chemical Sciences will provide you with laboratory skills and an advanced understanding of chemistry needed to benefit jobs in Chemical Engineering , Industrial Chemistry and Food Technology .
  • A PhD in Earth Sciences could set graduates up for careers in Construction , Environmental Protection or Mineral Surveying , utilising analytical skills and strong subject knowledge.
  • PhDs in Engineering have a strong emphasis on project management and practical construction. This could aid jobs in Management Consultancy and Finance as well as more practical fields such as Aeronautics .
  • The specialist knowledge gained from a PhD in Law can enable students to comfortably enter industries such as Investment . Additionally, soft skills gained in communication will help in careers such as Teaching or Public Engagement .
  • A PhD in Maths and Computing could benefit jobs in Finance , Investment or Web Development , complimenting skills in logic, problem solving and data.
  • A PhD in the Physical Sciences demonstrates experience with software and data. This could set graduates up to work in Software Engineering , Data Science or even Sound Engineering .
  • A PhD in Social Science and Health requires a deep understanding of human society on a macro or micro level. Graduates may find themselves working in Epidemiology , Public Health or Social Work .

You may be inclined to apply for jobs relating to the subject of your research or previous studies. But a PhD is a versatile enough qualification that you can often look outside your discipline area.

Making the transition

You should invest some time during your PhD for personal and professional development (this is true if you want to stay in academia too!).

Even if you attend none of the formal training courses offered by your department, your PhD itself will provide you with many skills. When leaving academia, you'll need to translate your skills so they make sense to the industry and commercial employers. Think outside the box and take stock of what you are good at or have experience in.

Some translation examples include:

  • The dissertation shows you're capable of presenting and organising large amounts of information.
  • Having published papers shows you can communicate information across a range of formats.
  • If you did interviews for your PhD project, you might graduate with skills in questionnaire design, sensitivity and data analysis.

There’s always a way to link your academic experience to the commercial world. Be prepared to do this in any upcoming job interviews.

It’s also a good idea to move away from the long, multiple page academic CV that you might be used to. Employers won’t read them. They also won’t be interested in scanning a lengthy list of articles. Instead, you should mention that you’ve had several publications without detailing every instance.

Want to find out more about PhD careers?

Check out our guide to PhD employability and earnings . Then, head to our course listings to find your perfect PhD opportunity .

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A PhD Student’s Guide to Academic Job Market Resources at Harvard

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Harvard Griffin GSAS Students:

As you consider the academic job market there is a lot to learn, and a lot to do, and you may have many questions.

Good news! Apart from the disciplinary expertise available in your department, a network of experts at Harvard is ready to help you navigate all aspects of the process.

The Mignone Center for Career Success (MCS)

MCS is your one-stop-shop for all your questions about the academic job search! Laura Stark is the graduate career advisor at MCS who specializes in academic careers, including postdoctoral and faculty positions (tenure-track and non-tenure-track, targeting research- and teaching-focused institutions).

Start here for an overview of the academic job market, including:

  • Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Cover letter
  • Research Statement
  • Teaching Statement
  • Diversity Statement
  • Preparing for interviews
  • Negotiations and Decision-making 
  • Pursuing jobs beyond academia, too!

Ways to engage:

  • Schedule an individual appointment with Laura Stark 
  • Attend a workshop or career panel, e.g. The View from the Search Committee (fall 2024)
  • Review the MCS Guide to CVs and Cover Letters
  • Explore the webinars and resources for Faculty Careers in Beyond the Professoriate
  • Laura Stark and Caroline Rende are also happy to help you explore and pursue opportunities beyond academia! Schedule an individual appointment
  • See more MCS events and resources for careers in academia and beyond.
  • NOTE: MCS advisors work with current Harvard GSAS students and recent alums (<5 years since graduation).

The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning

Bok Center advisors are experts in all things teaching and learning. Turn to them for help with:

  • Teaching statement
  • Sample Syllabi
  • Teaching Demo
  • Consult the Bok Center’s online resources
  • Take a Bok Seminar on Teaching and the Job Market
  • Pursue a Teaching Certificate
  • Sign up for a consultation
  • NOTE: Bok Center advisors work only with current Harvard Griffin GSAS students. Alums should work with Laura Stark at MCS.

The Harvard Griffin GSAS Fellowships and Writing Center (FWC)

FWC staff and postdocs are happy to help you with all of your academic writing needs, including:

  • Writing samples
  • Research statement
  • Submit a piece of writing for feedback
  • Come to brainstorming office hours
  • Attend a workshop
  • Schedule a practice presentation
  • NOTE: FWC advisors work only with current Harvard Griffin GSAS students. Alums should work with Laura Stark at MCS.

The Academic Resource Center (ARC)

Need help managing your time, balancing dissertation completion and job search? The ARC can help!

  • Schedule an appointment with one of the ARC coaches
  • Attend a workshop or participate in an accountability group
  • NOTE: ARC advisors work only with current Harvard Griffin GSAS students.

Be sure to consult with your department, faculty, and peers for field-specific advice, but turn to MCS, the Bok Center, FWC, and ARC for additional perspectives and advice!

All of us are happy to partner with departments to offer workshops and provide more tailored guidance. Don’t hesitate to reach out, and don’t forget to check in with your advisors and consult with other faculty in your field who have recently been on search committees.

Content in this blog is adapted from a resource created by the Bok Center for Teaching and Learning:

A PhD Student's Guide to Academic Job Market Resources

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Career options after PhD: Tips for a successful job search

Career Opportunities After PhD: Tips for a Successful Job Search

Table of Contents

Challenges with employment and career opportunities after PhD

The current academic job market has become increasingly competitive for PhD graduates, which has made it important for them to explore the available options and careers after PhD. PhD holders exceed the limited tenure positions and are often forced to move to non-academic positions or remain underemployed in career paths after PhD that often require lesser degrees. Graduates of some fields may better navigate non-academic labor markets than others. 1

For example, STEM, business, and economics graduates are more likely to obtain industry-specific technical and applied skills. But, others wondering how to get into industry after PhD may not recognize the extent to which their problem-solving, analytical, and critical-thinking skills may be used outside academia.

Non-academic careers after PhD are not simply a preference but have become a necessity for many PhD holders, especially when academic jobs are limited. It could also be related to your personal values, family situation, instability/insecurities in working on a contract, preferences or available career options after PhD. Doctoral students also perceive limited support and a lack of resources to address their diverse career development needs during their training as a reason for this shift. 2 Most often, PhD scholars don’t know how to get into industry after PhD as they feel they are misfits here. The extent of mismatch could be in terms of skills, the field of study, and over-qualification. This article can help you overcome some challenges in finding suitable career opportunities after PhD.

Career options after PhD

Most often, PhD scholars don’t know how to get into industry after PhD as they feel they are misfits here. The extent of mismatch could be in terms of skills, the field of study, and over-qualification. This article can help you overcome some challenges in finding suitable career opportunities after PhD.

The following are just some of the PhD career options you have upon achieving your doctorate:

In academia

  • Adjunct faculty position

In industry

  • Policymakers/Adviser to policymakers
  • Entrepreneur
  • Public speaker

Optimizing your job search for great careers after PhD

As a PhD student, you might find it hard to decide the next step in your career after PhD. Not everyone completing a PhD will find full-time tenure positions at higher education institutions. You would naturally want a lucrative and rewarding career after PhD that makes all the hardships worthwhile. But choosing between academic/non-academic jobs or private/public sector jobs can be challenging, especially if you are unfamiliar with the job-hunting game inside/outside of academia. The following steps can help you with your job search process and steer your career path after PhD.

  • Reflect : Look back on your experiences to identify what aspects of your research you enjoyed most. It could be experimental or fieldwork, creative writing, connecting with other researchers or managing your project. There are many career options for PhD holders in the market and some reflection will help you identify the direction in which you want to go.
  • Decide location : Your preferred location can influence your job search. Think about where you’d like to live and the job opportunities and career options for PhD holders available there. Often, you might find that you want to go back to your home country to pursue a career after PhD and would have to adjust your job search depending on the type of jobs available locally. Therefore, looking for the right job in the right place can reduce your search time.
  • Network : Many PhDs underestimate the importance of networking effectively and having a good communication strategy in determining their careers after PhD. Jobs received through university networks tend to align with your education and offer better career opportunities after PhD. 3 So find some time to attend events and network with stakeholders in top companies and other universities. Speaking to senior colleagues about your job search can also help you understand their experiences and learn how to get into industry after PhD. Finally, make sure to have a LinkedIn profile to connect with people having similar interests and careers after PhD.
  • Career centers : Your university career center can also offer guidance on possible careers after PhD, especially finding a good position upon graduating. They can also help you familiarize yourself with institutions that award research grants and their requirements.
  • Websites : You may find career opportunities for PhDs on university websites or other relevant platforms, such as:

-Nature careers

-New scientist jobs

-Science Careers

-Technojobs-PhD jobs

  • Strong resume : When applying for non-academic jobs, focus on enhancing the many transferable skills from your PhD, such as:

-Communication skills – your work with presentations, lectures, or seminars

-Creative thinking – good at outside-the-box thinking

-Management – great with time, workloads, mentoring undergraduate students

-Problem-solving skills – mention the many research problems solved

Use the following strategies to enhance the quality of your CV or resume for better

  • Highlight achievements: Your CV should include sufficient detail to show a selection committee that you are the perfect candidate for the job. Update your CV regularly to include recent achievements and skills gained that are relevant in careers after PhD.
  • Tailor-made for the job: Fine-tune your CV to meet the job requirements. An academic CV should be different from a non-academic one to match the needs of that particular opportunity. A 1-2 page summary of your experiences and expertise is sufficient for an industry job, but your academic CV should include a full record of your work and can be much longer.
  • Add specific, credible information: To secure the best career after PhD, ensure the CV you submit is supported by sufficient details of specific experiences that highlight your efforts and skills.
  • Add evidence: Incorporate quantitative evidence or proof to support the facts in your CV. Do not fabricate information that will crumble under scrutiny and mar your career options after PhD.
  • Start early and keep looking: Finally, start your job search early and keep looking until you have found a job that meets your requirements.

You can pursue a variety of careers after PhD, and we hope the points above help you find the best career opportunities after your PhD is over. Best of luck with your applications!

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What can I do with a PhD?

A lot, depending on what you want! Although many PhDs enter academic careers, many more have pursued a range of fulfilling and meaningful careers beyond academia. Whether you’re preparing for a faculty position or looking to find what other career options are out there, it’s important to spend time to understand yourself, your values, and what skills and interests you have before diving into a job search. After all, you want to make sure that whatever job or career you pursue will be one that you find satisfying, rewarding, and challenging!

Having the skills and confidence to navigate all aspects of your job search successfully is essential for your career development. Career Services is here to support you throughout this process, from helping you present yourself well both on paper and in person to potential employers to equipping you with the knowledge and strategies to help you land your job offer. We advise PhD students and postdocs to follow a 4-step career exploration and planning process to help them find a meaningful career. Click on the steps below to get started.

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Taking time to reflect on and understand your work values, skills, and interests allows you to pursue a career that is meaningful, challenging, and rewarding before you launch into a job search. This provides a solid foundation for your next steps.

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Networking is simply talking to and building relationships with professionals in careers that interest you to help you learn what it’s like to work in a particular role, field, or industry. Think of it as talking with people to research and gather information about careers.

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Use your time as a PhD student or postdoc at Penn to pursue activities related to your career interests and develop yourself professionally. These opportunities will allow you to demonstrate the skills, experience, and professionalism for a successful job search.

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Once you’ve spent time reflecting, exploring, networking, and gaining experience to prepare for your future career, you’ll be ready to take action and make decisions about your post-PhD professional life. Career Services is here to support you throughout this process, and so feel free to reach out to us at any time with your career-related questions.

On the academic job market?

Career Services can give you advice on all your application materials ( see our resources here ) and perspectives on how to tailor your application to specific kinds of academic institutions. We can also prepare you to speak about your research and teaching in interviews. Once you have received a job offer, we are happy to guide you through negotiations.

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Faculty Job Search Prep Camp 2024

If you’re planning to go on the faculty job market, either now or in the future, please join Career Services for our Faculty Job Search Prep Camp, done in partnership with the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Innovation (CETLI), the Grad Center, and the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA). Through a combination of workshops and faculty/alumni panels, we’ll help you understand how to best prepare for each step of the process, from evaluating different kinds of opportunities, to crafting your application materials, to preparing for interviews and job talks. Click here for more details.

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A new season – strategies for career transition.

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As fall approaches, we prepare for a change in seasons.  Whether you’ve shifted in your career focus during your degree program or came to Penn with a transition already in mind, here are some strategies to consider.

Do some self-assessment …

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My Summer In Kensington at Prevention Point

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Shermont Bradwell, Perelman Master in Public Health ’25. Syracuse, NY

Over the summer, I had the amazing opportunity of working at Prevention Point. My honest reaction is that I was shocked by the conditions in which I saw in Kensington …

For PhDs, a Tandem Job Search Is Increasingly the Norm

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Are you a PhD or postdoc who’s still deciding between faculty and non-faculty positions? Maybe you don’t have to choose just yet. Check out this blog post from The Chronicle of Higher Education to learn more about tandem job searches—how to …

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  • Associate Professor in Educational Psychology  Department: Department of Education Faculty: Faculty of Educational Sciences Languages: English Deadline: Monday, September 30, 2024
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  • Associate Professor of the Study of Religion  Department: The Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages Faculty: Faculty of Humanities Languages: English Deadline: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
  • Doctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy - "How do we understand machines that talk to us?"  Department: Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas Faculty: Faculty of Humanities Languages: English Deadline: Friday, November 1, 2024
  • Doctoral Research Fellowship associated with the ERC-funded project "ECOART" Department: Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas Faculty: Faculty of Humanities Languages: English Deadline: Friday, September 20, 2024
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  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow / Researcher - "How do we understand machines that talk to us?" Department: Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas Faculty: Faculty of Humanities Languages: English Deadline: Friday, November 1, 2024
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Bioinformatics  Department: Department of Biosciences Faculty: The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Languages: English Deadline: Monday, September 16, 2024
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow in global modeling of aerosol effects on clouds and climate Department: Department of Geosciences Faculty: The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Languages: English Deadline: Saturday, September 21, 2024
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  • Researcher at the Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology Department: Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Faculty: Faculty of Medicine Languages: English Deadline: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
  • Research Fellow within the fields of behavioural genetics, education and psychology with relevance Department: The Department of Special Needs Education Faculty: Faculty of Educational Sciences Languages: English Deadline: Friday, October 4, 2024
  • Senior Consultant combined with Adj Professor/Asso Professor in medicine (rheumatology)  Department: Institute of Clinical Medicine (Klinmed) Faculty: Faculty of Medicine Languages: English Deadline: Monday, September 23, 2024
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How to discuss AI tools with students and researchers

Projectcoördinator wetenschap kennis & impact.

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Wist je dat de ziekte van Parkinson de snelstgroeiende neurologische aandoening ter wereld is? Tot 2040 stijgt naar verwachting het aantal mensen met parkinson namelijk met 56% naar ruim 98.000. Parkinson heeft enorme impact op het persoonlijke leve…

Senior Onderzoeker Applied Data Science

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Heb jij een scherp oog voor projectontwikkeling en ben je een geboren leider? Ben je gepassioneerd over data science en datagedreven werken en heb je goede ideeën voor innovatieve projecten? We zoeken een onderzoeker, projectontwikkelaar en projectl…

Bijzonder lector slimme, duurzame mobiliteit

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Neem de leiding in state-of-the-art onderzoek naar slimme en duurzame oplossingen voor mobiliteitsuitdagingen in de stedelijke omgeving. Bij Hogeschool Utrecht krijg je de unieke kans om als vormgever, aanjager en eigenaar het onderzoek naar dit ond…

Post-doc researcher or PhD-student novel imaging modality

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Develop novel imaging modality for preclinical radiation research platform.

Senior onderzoeker Marketing Technology

Wil jij onderzoek doen naar de impact van technologie-gedreven marketing op de waardecreatie voor klant en bedrijf?

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Integrated Research Programme for Offshore Wind

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Beyond technology: utrecht ai event.

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AI Labs, inspiration, best practices

AI developments are moving at a rapid pace. But making AI work for the benefit of society requires going beyond technology and collaborating across disciplines and organisations.

On Tuesday November 26th , the Utrecht AI Event will bring together experts from business, government, research and education.

For more information and subscription details, keep an eye on: https://www.uu.nl/en/events/beyond-technology-utrecht-ai-event

Cutting-edge research at Maastricht University

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Meet Maastricht University: where they contribute to solving major societal issues. What are the primary research themes of this university? 1. Quality of life 2. Learning and Innovation 3. Europe in a Globalising World 4. Sustainability and circularity Find out more about their research themes and check the current UM jobs: https://www.academictransfer.com/en/employer/maastricht-university/

The ultimate market portfolio

Laurens Swinkels, Associate Professor of Finance at Erasmus School of Economics, and Ronald Doeswijk introduced new research to better determine a truer market portfolio. The Financial Times has dedicated an article to this research paper. 

The research by Doeswijk and Swinkels presents an updated global market portfolio, using monthly data from 1970-2022 to examine risk and reward over a broader time span than previous studies. They focus on investable assets weighted by market sizes, although the method has limitations. The study finds the global market portfolio generated excess returns of 0.3% per month during this period. The use of monthly data offers nuanced insights into the market's performance.

To continue reading and downloading the article, visit this EUR-webpage .

Back to School for Graduate Studies in Clinical Research: A Snapshot of U.S. Programs

Blog September 12, 2024

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As students and faculty began settling into the routines of a new academic year at universities across the U.S., ACRP reached out to experts from graduate programs in clinical research for a snapshot of how education in this field, especially at the master’s degree level, is holding up amidst rapidly evolving changes in the research enterprise itself. Presented below is the feedback we received from academicians at the University of Arizona, Rutgers, and University of Southern California who were generous with their responses at this busy time of year for their programs.  

Helping to keep us up to date on trends among clinical research graduate students are:  

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ACRP: How well prepared are incoming students in clinical research master’s degree programs for their studies in the face of ongoing, rapid advances in the profession?  

Celaya: Many students are coming to our clinical research programs with diverse backgrounds and preparedness. Some are recent undergraduates and others mid-career professionals or clinicians. Even though these students come to us with strong scientific backgrounds, many of them need a deeper understanding of regulatory fundamentals, data management skills, and the knowledge of ethical considerations when designing clinical research projects. We are starting to integrate clinical research coursework in each level of student and trainee engagement to better position students for success in their graduate studies.  

Lechner: The incoming students to our master-level clinical research degree are from many different backgrounds and come from varying levels of preparedness. However, our master program has rigorous entry requirements including written and oral communications, which allow the best students to be brought into our program, ready to hit the ground running with their studies. Most of the students adapt rapidly after completing the foundational courses.  

Succar: The exciting world of clinical trials and research has seen tremendous advances in the profession, and while our incoming students often have strong medical, health, science, and clinical backgrounds, many are underprepared in terms of specific competencies, skills, and knowledge needed to conduct and manage modern clinical trials and research teams.  

Many incoming students in our programs come from varied professional backgrounds, including physicians, pharmaceutical industry employees, and PhD and postdoctoral students. This diversity suggests varying levels of prior research experience and knowledge. To address gaps in preparation, we have developed more accessible curricula integrating Good Clinical Practice, research processes, and regulatory requirements.  

Furthermore, the rapid advances mean even experienced professionals may need additional training since clinical researchers need to be competent in areas such as following complex regulatory requirements; ensuring compliance, ethical study conduct, and participant safety; communicating effectively with research participants; leading diverse research teams; and understanding study design, statistics, and data management. [These competencies are covered in more detail in a forthcoming article coauthored by Succar for ACRP’s Clinical Researcher journal.]  

The responsibilities and skills required of clinical research professionals have expanded over time. Many students interested in becoming clinical researchers struggle to find formalized training that prepares them to conduct safe, well-designed clinical research. Thus, our programs continue to evolve and adapt to provide more accessible options to help students gain these competencies. Ongoing evaluation and curriculum development are conducted to ensure our programs adequately prepare incoming students for the evolving demands of clinical research careers.  

ACRP: Are the kinds of undergraduate programs the younger students are coming from giving them a good leg up on tackling graduate studies in the field?  

Celaya: Traditional students coming from undergraduate training in health sciences or clinical disciplines often have a solid foundation. But since clinical research is a field that is constantly changing, these students still need a foundation that their traditional science backgrounds don’t necessarily give them in a scholastic setting.  

Succar: Unfortunately, there is limited education and training specific to clinical trials and research in undergraduate programs. We have a diverse cohort of incoming students with a range of experiences from years of extensive clinical research experience to no experience at all. Thus, we offer programs designed to help undergraduates prepare for graduate school, providing research experience and mentorship to undergraduates. For students coming from non-science backgrounds, we also offer science enrichment courses to help them prepare for our programs.  

On the flip side, students coming directly from undergraduate programs may have some advantages, as they are likely more accustomed to the academic environment and study habits required for graduate work. Recent exposure to foundational coursework may be fresher in their minds. They may have more flexibility and fewer outside commitments compared to older students who are balancing work and family responsibilities.  

Ultimately, success in graduate studies depends on individual preparation, motivation, and the specific skills and experiences gained during undergraduate education, regardless of age. Both younger and older students can excel in graduate programs if they have adequately prepared themselves and chosen a program that aligns with their goals and background.  

ACRP: Are the older students coming in for advanced studies as ways to change careers or climb their existing clinical research career ladder able to prepare themselves well for graduate studies based on resources from the graduate programs or elsewhere?  

Celaya: Non-traditional students, many of whom come from established careers in healthcare or related fields, bring practical experience to the table, often in areas like nursing, clinical areas, data management, or regulatory affairs. Many of them come to us from entry-level clinical research jobs. Their real-world experience is invaluable, but transitioning into academic study can present a different set of challenges, particularly for those who have been out of formal education for several years. In these cases, we’ve found that graduate programs need to offer additional support, such as modules or refreshers on academic writing, research methodologies, and current industry standards. Many programs, including ours, have started providing resources like boot camps or online primers to help these students bridge any knowledge gaps and ease back into academic life.  

Lechner: The master programs built for today’s working students are rigorous and allow application of what they have learned in their career and the classroom. Their professional experience allows them to build on their solid foundation, and our program fine tunes the gaps as they continue in their course journey.  

Succar: Adult learners often have different needs compared to traditional students coming directly from undergraduate studies, and the Master of Science in Clinical Trial Management is perfect for those learners seeking a career change or promotions within their existing clinical research careers and institutes.  

In addition, our institution offers career planning and development resources and courses specifically designed for older graduate and postdoctoral trainees in clinical research. These courses increase career readiness and awareness of career options for graduate and older students, which helps to expand their awareness of careers that align with their advanced skill sets.  

Many older students are employees with families who study as part-time rather than full-time students, so taking advantage of these career planning courses and resources offered is beneficial for them. We also offer mentoring opportunities, as mentoring relationships can be valuable for career development, as well as flexible scheduling and delivery options to accommodate work/life balance.  

Adult learners can leverage their work experience and transferable skills from previous careers and develop new career adaptability skills to navigate transitions. We accommodate the needs of adult learners and offer opportunities for both career changers and those advancing in their existing clinical research careers.  

ACRP: Can these academic programs really keep up with ever-changing developments in the field these days?  

Celaya: The landscape of clinical research education has rapidly evolved. Many changes have come about due to the need to keep pace with advances in technology, regulations, and research methodology. This can definitely be an issue for master’s programs that are stagnant within the same curriculum year to year when so many changes are happening in the regulatory arena, artificial intelligence, industry connection, and dissemination of scholarly activity. We take a more agile approach by examining the curriculum on an annual basis to make sure we adapt to those changes. We also have content experts as guest lecturers who are currently working and developing clinical research projects in real time. This allows our students to hear from faculty who know about current trends and include any anticipated changes. We also partner with our university clinical research office to ensure we are giving the most current information. A close relationship between academia and industry is essential for ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to thrive in this dynamic field.  

Lechner: Academic programs such as ours have advisory boards, core faculty, and adjunct faculty who are deeply rooted in clinical research management and who collaborate to assure our program is current with today’s environment. Our program allows faculty time to update their course content on an evolving basis to keep current with the ever-changing developments in clinical research as well as to include recent case studies. In addition to the more basic courses which lay out the foundation of the regulations and guidance, the program includes coursework to allow “hot topics” in the clinical research enterprise to be presented to the students.  

Succar: The dynamic nature of clinical trials and research means that formal education and continuous learning are necessary for professionals to remain up to date with the ever-changing developments in the field. Our department embraces these innovative changes and has established strong collaborations and relationships with pharmaceutical, biotech, and academic institutions to provide students with opportunities to pursue current clinical research projects and remain abreast of ongoing developments.  

Some of our adaptations include bringing in industry experts as guest lecturers or adjunct faculty; offering internships and co-op programs for real-world experience; and developing joint research initiatives on cutting-edge topics. These partnerships help our programs to stay more closely aligned with industry needs.  

We frequently update our curricula to incorporate emerging technologies and industry trends, by adding new courses on topics like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science; integrating project-based learning to give students hands-on experience with current tools and practices; and offering specialized tracks or concentrations in high-demand areas.  

I believe that a combination of formal education and continuous self-directed learning is necessary to truly keep pace with industry developments.  

Edited by Gary Cramer  

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A Perspective on Possible Applications of Artificial Intelligence to the Clinical Trial Workforce

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What Inspires and Sustains Long-Term Principal Investigators?

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Graduate Research Assistant/Postdoctoral Research Associate

University of Exeter - Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Location: Exeter
Salary: The starting salary for Graduate will be from £32,332 and for Associate from £32,982 on Grade E, depending on qualifications and experience.
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 11th September 2024
Closes: 29th September 2024
Job Ref: S81361

This full-time post is available from 1 November 2024 on a fixed-term basis until 30 April 2025.

The post The Faculty wishes to recruit either a Graduate Research Assistant or Postdoctoral Research Associate with strong quantitative skills to undertake or lead data analytical research projects to investigate the links between human birth weight, gestational duration and associated adverse outcomes, for both mother and baby. The post, funded by NIH, is available from 01/11/2024 to 30/04/2025. The successful applicant will use large-scale genetics data to identify new mechanisms that influence maternal and foetal health and pregnancy outcomes. The successful applicant will work with one of the leading groups in the field, and have an opportunity to develop or advance their skills in human genetics and genetic epidemiology, including the use of SNP genotype, whole genome and exome data from 100,000s of mothers and offspring. They will also receive excellent mentorship and support for career development.

The post will include all aspects of data-driven research projects, including developing ideas and methods, acquiring appropriate data, involving the public and patients, performing data analysis, collaborating with others working on the research programme, dissemination (including writing research papers), supervising and supporting more junior staff and students, developing further funding, and contributing to teaching and staff development.

About you Applicants for Associate level will possess a relevant PhD (or nearing completion) in human genetics or possess an equivalent qualification/experience in a related field of study.

Applicants for Graduate level will be educated to first degree level or above in a strongly quantitative subject including (but not limited to) mathematics, statistics, physics or computer science or possess an equivalent qualification/experience in a related field of study.

Applicants will be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge in the discipline and of research methods and techniques to work within established research programmes. The successful applicant will require strong data skills, including statistical analyses and precise handling of very large datasets, and be able to work collaboratively with diverse team members and external collaborators.

Please ensure you read the Job Description and Person Specification (available on the university's website, accessed by the 'Apply' button) for full details of this role.

Further information For further information please contact Prof. Rachel Freathy, e-mail  [email protected] .

Interviews are expected to take place the week commencing  7   October 2024 .

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94 Best Agricultural Science schools in Russia

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Russian State Agricultural University logo

10. National Research University Higher School of Economics

National Research University Higher School of Economics logo

11. Omsk State Agrarian University n.a. P. A. Stolypin

12. itmo university.

ITMO University logo

13. Novosibirsk State University

Novosibirsk State University logo

14. Ural Federal University

Ural Federal University logo

15. Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University logo

16. Tomsk Polytechnic University

Tomsk Polytechnic University logo

17. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration logo

18. Far Eastern Federal University

Far Eastern Federal University logo

19. Moscow Medical Academy

Moscow Medical Academy logo

20. Stavropol State Agrarian University

Stavropol State Agrarian University logo

21. Voronezh State University

Voronezh State University logo

22. South Ural State University

South Ural State University logo

23. Novosibirsk State Technical University

Novosibirsk State Technical University logo

24. Kemerovo State University

Kemerovo State University logo

25. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Bauman Moscow State Technical University logo

26. Bashkir State University

Bashkir State University logo

27. Belgorod State University

Belgorod State University logo

28. Altai State University

Altai State University logo

29. N.R.U. Moscow Power Engineering Institute

N.R.U. Moscow Power Engineering Institute logo

30. Northern Arctic Federal University

Northern Arctic Federal University logo

31. Ogarev Mordovia State University

Ogarev Mordovia State University logo

32. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod logo

33. University of Tyumen

University of Tyumen logo

34. Irkutsk State University

Irkutsk State University logo

35. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics logo

36. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University logo

37. Saratov State University

Saratov State University logo

38. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology logo

39. Orenburg State University

Orenburg State University logo

40. Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation

Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation logo

41. South-Russian State University of Economics and Service

South-Russian State University of Economics and Service logo

42. Chechen State University

Chechen State University logo

43. Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University

Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University logo

44. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia logo

45. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University logo

46. North-Eastern Federal University

North-Eastern Federal University logo

47. Samara National Research University

Samara National Research University logo

48. Siberian State Aerospace University

Siberian State Aerospace University logo

49. Kazan State Technological University

Kazan State Technological University logo

50. National University of Science and Technology "MISIS"

National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" logo

51. Kuban State University of Technology

Kuban State University of Technology logo

52. Perm State University

Perm State University logo

53. Moscow Aviation Institute

Moscow Aviation Institute logo

54. Samara State Technical University

Samara State Technical University logo

55. North Caucasus Federal University

North Caucasus Federal University logo

56. Petrozavodsk State University

Petrozavodsk State University logo

57. Russian State Hydrometeorological University

Russian State Hydrometeorological University logo

58. Novgorod State University

59. national research nuclear university mepi.

National Research Nuclear University MEPI logo

60. Polzunov Altai State Technical University

Polzunov Altai State Technical University logo

61. Saint-Petersburg Mining University

Saint-Petersburg Mining University logo

62. Moscow State Pedagogical University

Moscow State Pedagogical University logo

63. Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology

Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology logo

64. Russian State University of Oil and Gas

65. south-western state university.

South-Western State University logo

66. Astrakhan State University

Astrakhan State University logo

67. Tula State University

Tula State University logo

68. State University of Management

State University of Management logo

69. Perm State Technical University

Perm State Technical University logo

70. Tambov State Technical University

Tambov State Technical University logo

71. Chuvash State University

72. kuban state university.

Kuban State University logo

73. Volgograd State University

Volgograd State University logo

74. Orel State University

Orel State University logo

75. Belgorod State Technological University

Belgorod State Technological University logo

76. Astrakhan State Technical University

Astrakhan State Technical University logo

77. Tambov State University

Tambov State University logo

78. Moscow Polytech

Moscow Polytech logo

79. Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Moscow State Institute of International Relations logo

80. Kaliningrad State Technical University

Kaliningrad State Technical University logo

81. Ufa State Aviation Technical University

Ufa State Aviation Technical University logo

82. Ulyanovsk State University

Ulyanovsk State University logo

83. Russian National Research Medical University

Russian National Research Medical University logo

84. Udmurt State University

Udmurt State University logo

85. Kalmyk State University

Kalmyk State University logo

86. Kuzbass State Technical University

Kuzbass State Technical University logo

87. St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation logo

88. Saratov State Technical University

Saratov State Technical University logo

89. Penza State University

Penza State University logo

90. Moscow State University of Railway Engineering

Moscow State University of Railway Engineering logo

91. Kazan State Medical University

Kazan State Medical University logo

92. Leningrad State University

Leningrad State University logo

93. Chelyabinsk State University

Chelyabinsk State University logo

94. Baikal State University

Baikal State University logo

The best cities to study Agricultural Science in Russia based on the number of universities and their ranks are Moscow , Saint Petersburg , Kazan , and Tomsk .

Biology subfields in Russia

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Ph.D. candidate for modelling & optimising highly efficient drive systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices

Ph.D. candidate for modelling & optimising highly efficient drive systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devicesThe Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) at the Department of Information ...



A pre-doctoral position in the context of a KU Leuven competitive 4-year C1 funding project entitled ‘Is the cerebroprotective function of Prdm16 during ischemic stroke mediated by controlling the ...

Ph.D. candidate for designing, modelling & optimising charging systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices

Ph.D. candidate for designing, modelling & optimising charging systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devicesThe Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) at the Department of Information Tec...

PhD in Health Monitoring of Aircraft Structures and Systems

Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship. This PhD is situated in a joint project between the Departments of Mechanical and Materials Engineering of the KU Leuven - Campus Ghent, to fully cove...

PhD/Researcher position: Privacy Engineering through Source Code Analysis

DistriNet is a leading research group specializing in secure and distributed software, embedded in the KU Leuven Department of Computer Science. With over 100 researchers, including 15 full-time pr...


PhD position: Development of a work-place curriculum for the efficient training of heat pump installers

Job descriptionThis project aims at effective up- and reskilling of heat pump installers through the  development of a technology-enhanced workplace learning curriculum. The ideal candidate should ...

PhD Position in Craft-Inspired Robotic Fabrication

The research groups Research[x]Design at the Department of Architecture, and Robotics at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, are offering a fully-funded, 4-year PhD position at KU Leuven univ...

PhD/Researcher position: Decentralized Data Sharing Middleware for Data Spaces


PhD in 3 years: Doctoral Researcher in Nanomedicine Based Cancer Therapy

The University of Oulu is a multidisciplinary, international research university, with about 3,600 employees who produce new knowledge based on high-standards research and provide research based ed...

PhD Position Additive Manufacturing and Concrete Modeling

The Faculty of Engineering Technology, located on Campus De Nayer (Sint-Katelijne-Waver), and the Department of Civil Engineering of the Science Engineering and Technology Group of KU Leuven, invit...


PhD: Automated Testing of Autonomous Satellite

About the SnTSnT is a leading international research and innovation centre in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT systems and services. We play an instrumental role in Luxembourg by fueling innova...

PhD position (f/m/d): Large-scale weather effects in wind farm simulations

Job descriptionThis PhD project is part of the ERC Consolidator Grant project WINDFLOW, which strives to develop groundbreaking large-eddy simulation strategies for wind farm flows. Joining our tea...


PhD Student on ID03 in the Structure of Materials group

The European Synchrotron, the ESRF, is an international research centre based in Grenoble, France.Through its innovative engineering, pioneering scientific vision and a strong commitment from its 700 staff members, the ESRF is recognised as one of...


PhD Research Fellows in Civil and Structural Engineering

About the positionA 100 % position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Science as a PhD Research Fellow within Civil and Structural engineering, for a period of three years. The position is affiliated with the Depar...


PhD on hardware design of RDC for Electric Vehicle Fast Chargers (E2GO DC1)

Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Electrical EngineeringFTE 1,0Date off 01/09/2024Reference number V36.7646Job descriptionResearch Programme Description“E2GO– Cost-reduction of EV fast-charging station to enable large-scal...

Multi OMICS analysis of idiopatic pulmonary fibrosis

The BREATHE laboratory (group of Dr Laurens De Sadeleer, Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Unit) has an open PhD position for a highly motivated researcher to investigate lung fibrosis through state-...

PhD in Electrocatalyst Development for Electrolyzers

About the FSTMThe University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character.The Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FS...

PhD Position in Biofabrication and 3D BioPrinting

PhD Position in Biofabrication and 3D BioPrintingInjuries to the musculoskeletal system are widespread and can impact quality of life. The field of tissue engineering and bioprinting is constantly ...


Junior Scientist (m/f/d) for site-specific channel modelling for 6G (Including a PhD Thesis)

Within our Center for Digital Safety & Security the research field Enabling Digital Technologies is leading in applied 5G and beyond research of advanced reliable wireless joint communication and sensing systems for time sensitive use cases in the...

PhD position: Resilient carbon dioxide transport route design to enable the net-zero transition in Europe

PhD position: Resilient carbon dioxide transport route design to enable the net-zero transition in EuropeThe Reliability and Risk Engineering Group at ETH Zürich is seeking a Ph.D. student to desig...

PhD position (f/m/d): Large-scale impact of wind farms on atmospheric flow

Job descriptionThis PhD project is part of the ERC Consolidator Grant project WINDFLOW, which strives to develop groundbreaking large-eddy simulation strategies for wind farm flows. Your research w...


Doctoral Researcher (6G Network Technology for Future Digital Twins and Metaverse (DSII))

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MSCA Fellow in FibReLoop project: Recycling continuous composites

You can find more information about the department and research group on the following websites: https://www.mtm.kuleuven.be/ https://www.mtm.kuleuven.be/english/research/scalint/cmg/composite-mate...

Vacancy for a highly motivated PhD Researcher: “Exploring novel approaches to gas chromatography for pharmaceutical analysis”

For a collaborative project between Janssen Pharmaceutica and the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), focusing on the investigation of novel approaches to gas chromatography for pharmaceutical analys...

PhD position (f/m/d): Pioneering simulations of offshore wind farm turbulence

Job descriptionWe are looking for a motivated PhD candidate to delve into flow dynamics in offshore wind farms, developing novel computer simulations. As the scale of wind turbines and farms expand...

PhD on Foundation Models for Embedded and Embodied AI in Autonomous Driving

Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Mathematics and Computer ScienceFTE 1,0Date off 23/09/2024Reference number V32.7703Job descriptionWe are seeking to fill a PhD position in the Data and Artificial Intelligence Cluster, wit...


PhD scholarship within the Louvain Research Institute for Landscape, Architecture and the Built Environment (LAB)

Do you want to innovate in sustainable building design and lifecycle thinking through a PhD thesis? Join our dynamic research team to develop circular renovation strategies, reduce waste and resource pressures, and advance maintenance and reuse pr...

PhD position (f/m/d): Assessing the interplay between wind farms and clouds

Phd ta on algorithm engineering.

Are you inspired by algorithmic and optimization-based approaches to real-world problems? Passionate about designing and implementing algorithms – investigating their practical performance? Let's support the energy transition by helping with its d...

PhD scholarship in “Quantitative Analysis of Impact Investing and Social Entrepreneurship Scaling”

Job descriptionThe PhD project is part of a network of 15 doctoral theses that all contribute to the overall goal of understanding social entrepreneurship (SE) scaling. This particular PhD thesis i...

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the Don River at Rostov-na-Donu


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Rostov-on-Don , city and administrative centre of Rostov oblast (province), southwestern Russia . It lies along the lower Don River , 30 miles (50 km) above the latter’s mouth on the Sea of Azov .

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The city was founded in 1749 as the customs post of Temernika, when the river mouth was still in Turkish hands. It then became a flourishing trade centre. Between 1761 and 1763 the fortress of St. Dmitry of Rostov was built there, and a town developed around it, near the Armenian settlement of Nakhichevan-na-Donu, which later merged with Rostov. In 1797 town status was granted, and in 1806 it was named Rostov-on-Don. Because of its key position as a transport centre and port, the town grew steadily with the 19th-century Russian colonization and development of the north Caucasus region and conquest of the Transcaucasia .

These functions remain of great importance. The Don River route to the interior was improved by the opening of the Volga-Don Shipping Canal in 1952, linking the town to the entire Volga basin; a dredged channel gives access to the sea. Rostov lies on road, rail, and oil and natural-gas pipeline connections between central European Russia and the Caucasus region. This nodal location and the nearness of the great Donets Coal Basin have led to major industrial development, especially in engineering. Two huge plants make Rostov the largest producer of agricultural machinery in Russia. Other engineering products include ball bearings, electrical and heating equipment, wire, self-propelled barges, road-construction equipment, and industrial machinery. There are ship and locomotive repair yards and a range of consumer-goods industries. Rostov State University was founded in 1917, and there are numerous other institutions of higher education and scientific-research. Pop. (2002) 1,068,267; (2006 est.) 1,054,865.


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  25. Rostov-on-Don

    Rostov-on-Don, city and administrative centre of Rostov oblast (province), southwestern Russia. It lies along the lower Don River, 30 miles (50 km) above the latter's mouth on the Sea of Azov. The city was founded in 1749 as the customs post of Temernika, when the river mouth was still in Turkish hands. It then became a flourishing trade centre.

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    Rostov State Medical UniversityLeading Higher Educational Institution of the Rostov region on training medical specialists RostSMU today The Rostov State Medical University is the largest basic training and research center in Southern Russia. Over the 90 years of its existence it has become a diversified complex with 11 faculties, Medical College, Military Training Center and […]