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Lord of the Flies

William golding.

good hooks for essays about lord of the flies

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Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on William Golding's Lord of the Flies . Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.

Lord of the Flies: Introduction

Lord of the flies: plot summary, lord of the flies: detailed summary & analysis, lord of the flies: themes, lord of the flies: quotes, lord of the flies: characters, lord of the flies: symbols, lord of the flies: literary devices, lord of the flies: theme wheel, brief biography of william golding.

Lord of the Flies PDF

Historical Context of Lord of the Flies

Other books related to lord of the flies.

  • Full Title: Lord of the Flies
  • Where Written: England
  • When Published: 1954
  • Literary Period: Post-war fiction
  • Genre: Allegorical novel / Adventure novel
  • Setting: A deserted tropical island in the middle of a nuclear world war
  • Climax: Piggy's death
  • Point of View: Third person omniscient

Extra Credit for Lord of the Flies

Beelzebub. The phrase "lord of the flies" is a translation of the Greek "Beelzebub," a devil mentioned in the New Testament. In the Bible, Beelzebub sometimes seems to be Satan himself, and at other times seems to be Satan's most powerful lieutenant.

Coral Island. William Golding based several of the main ideas in Lord of the Flies on Coral Island (1858), a somewhat obscure novel by Robert Ballantyne, a 19th-century British novelist. In Coral Island , three English boys create an idyllic society after being shipwrecked on a deserted island. They battle wild hogs, typhoons, hostile island visitors, and eventually Pirates on the South Seas.

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Lord of the flies – sample essay..

Choose a novel in which an important theme is explored. Explain how the author develops this theme throughout the novel.

            The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a novel in which the theme of savagery versus civilisation is explored. Some British boys are stranded on an isolated island at the time of an imaginary nuclear war. On the island we see conflict between two main characters, Jack and Ralph, who respectively represent civilisation and savagery. This has an effect on the rest of the boys throughout the novel as they delve further and further into savagery.

             The theme of savagery versus civilisation is first introduced to us through the symbol of the conch shell which we associate with Ralph as he is the person who first uses it and becomes the elected leader of the boys. This symbolises authority amongst the boys. At the first assembly Ralph says “I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak…he won’t be interrupted”. This suggests civilisation as Ralph is allowing each boy to have an equal say and opinion. If they have the conch, no matter who they are or what age they are they will be given the chance to speak and will be listened to by the rest of the boys. The boys have created the island to be a democratic place which shows a civilised side to them as they try to mimic the homes they have just left.

             Contrasting with the symbol of the conch is the symbol of the beast which comes to be associated with Jack as by the end of the novel he is almost devil worshipping it. The beast begins as a  “snake thing” but by the end of the novel it has become “the Lord of the Flies”. The first quote shows us that the beast is clearly evil. Western society considers snakes to be bad omens because it was a snake that led Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge. However at this stage of the novel the beast is quite insubstantial as it is only a “thing”. As the boys fear of the beast grows so to does the beast itself until it has manifested into the devil – the ultimate and most powerful evil. He has a strong status as a Lord although it is over something pretty disgusting – the flies. The boys belief in the beast leads them to behave more like savages as they act out from their fear and they begin to loose hold of the rules, led by Jack, thus demonstrating the theme of savagery.

             One of ways Golding shows conflict between savagery and civilisation is when Jack and some of the other boys are killing the first pig. Jack chants “kill the pig, cut her throat, spill the blood”. This suggests savagery as the boys are being violent and aggressive when killing the pig and they don’t care about it. This is particularly clear through Golding’s word choice. Jack talks about cutting the pig’s throat which makes it sound like a savage action and spilling her blood which reinforces the lack of care and feeling shown towards the pug’s carcass. This shows that the boys are no longer feeling guilty about what they have done thus showing them becoming savages. 

             We can see the conflict between savagery and civilisation developing further when Piggy’s glasses are broken. We are told “Piggy cried out in terror ‘my specs!” This shows us that the boys savage natures are beginning to overule their more civilised sides. At the start of the book Jack would never have dared touch Piggy, but here he actually snaps and goes for Piggy who he despises. We can tell that Piggy is really scared as Golding chooses the words “cried” and “terror” to describe the scene. Piggy sounds like he is hurting and is genuinely terrified about what Jack might do to him and the loss of his sight. Piggy’s glasses have also come to represent intelligence on the island, with them breaking we see that the pathway to savagery is now completely open for the boys. This is the first true piece of violence between the two factions on the island and it will result in nearly all the boys becoming savages.

             A final way in which we see the theme of savagery versus civilisation being demonstrated is when Ralph sticks up for Piggy after he is attacked by Jack. Ralph says “that was a dirty trick”. This shows that Ralph is really angry at Jack for what he said and did to Piggy. He is still attempting to impose himself as leader here as he says this in an aggressive and assertive tone. This suggests there is still some glimmers of civilisation on the island at this point as there is still someone with a sense of moral goodness ready to fight for justice.

             In conclusion The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a novel in which the theme of savagery versus civilisation is shown. Ralph represents civilisation as he wants to enforce rules and let everyone have an equal say. Whereas Jack who represents savagery as he rules over the boys and he is not interested in what they have to say. Through the boys actions Golding shows us that we need rules and to consciously impose them to make sure society functions properly.

27 thoughts on “Lord of the Flies – sample essay.”

AWESOME thanks guys!!

This essay was really helpful and thought provoking. I noticed a comment about how this essay could improve and I understand that this essay follows Scottish Qualifications, but I just have two suggestions to improve it.

At the beginning of Paragraph 4 it states “One of ways”. I think that perhaps the author meant “One of the ways”.

Also, in Paragraph 5 the author uses “We”, it may be different in Scotland, but I learnt that in essays one does not use personal pronouns.

Other than that it was really well written <3 Thank you!

I’m sorry you didn’t find the essay any help. There are mistakes in this as it was written by a National 5 class and is an exact sample essay as written by the pupils (equivalent to GCSE) and as a result of that there are some errors. It does talk about the same thing over and over again – civilisation versus savagery – but it is supposed to as this was the focus of the essay question. When writing a critical essay you need to pick out things from the text that answer the question. You will notice that different things are picked out from the text that relate to the fight between civilisation and savagery – whether this is the symbols used in the book or the actions of some of the characters. Once this has been selected to speak about you need to lift evidence from the text to support what you are saying and then explain it to your readers. I hope this has helped you understand the point of the essay a bit better.

Ms Davidson

Is this essay meant to be for a GSCE course? I am doing an essay about it now and I’m in year 8.

This text is being used by students in a Scottish Secondary School for their National 5 English qualification. They sit their exam at the equivalent age to those studying GCSEs. It doesn’t really matter what age you are when you study the text, it’s more to do with the levels of analysis you go through whilst studying the text. This essay would be a minimum pass at National 5 in Scotland. It is written by students and is simply an example of what students could write in their exam.

Hope that’s helped, Ms Davidson

I was desperate to know what to write in the conclusion but then this conclusion gave me some help, Thank you

Thank you so much!! The points in this essay are extremely helpful and I was able to interlink them in my GCSE exam today. Very helpful source!!

You are very welcome!

I’m glad you found it useful!

Thanks so much I have this 5 paragraph essay that’s due and you helped me so much for idea wise

WOOOOW amazing thank you so much


this is gold as I have to write an essay on lotf and was having troubles finding main quotes the had good techniques paired to them and this helped a lot

Is this a full mark piece ?

This would probably get 15-16 out of 20 at National 5 in the Scottish system. Hope that helps.

Glad it was useful!

Thank you so much this was so extremely helpful. You are a lifesaver!

I’m glad I found this essay because i got an A on my school essay. THANK YOU SO MUCH 🙂

I wanted conflict between ralph and jack ONLY

You can change the points and the link backs (the first and last sentence in each paragraph) to focus on the conflict between Jack and Ralph if you need to. Each symbol talked about here is either associated with Jack or Ralph. Also Jack and Ralph link to the wider theme of the book with each boy respectively representing civilisation or savagery. This essay can be used to help you structure the one you need to write.

I am writing a paragraph and i need to write about the theme, charecters/groups… i cant start the paragraph with the answers, i need an intro, what can i do for an intro, i am a bit stuck

I’m not sure I understand your question Sarah. Your paragraph seems to include an awful lot of things. What is the overall point you are trying to talk about? If you were looking at the theme of civilisation then you could start with a simple sentence saying “The Lord of the Flies explores the theme of savagery versus civilisation”. If you are focusing on a particular character then begin with “The Lord of the Flies uses one of it’s main characters Jack/Ralph to explore certain ideas within the text.” I hope this helps. Ms Davidson

This helped me soon much!I’m so happy that I got an A+!My teacher was so happy.

That’s excellent!


I need help with that essay lotf essay why should a leader read lotf base on ralph.

Take a look at the essay based on the character Ralph. Adapt it the first sentence in each paragraph (your POINT) so that it focuses on Ralph being a good example of being a leader, or how they can learn a lesson from him doing something that shows him being a bad leader. Then adapt the final sentence (your LINK BACK) so it responds to him setting an example (or not!) for leaders.

I was reading through the comments and you mentioned that the essay would be about 15-16 marks out of 20, and was wonder what improvements could be made to get the last few marks?

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89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  • How Golding Uses Symbols in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does William Golding Use the Setting to Develop the Main Theme of His Novel “Lord of the Flies”?
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IvyPanda. (2023, December 8). 89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 8 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 8 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 8, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 8, 2023.


IvyPanda . "89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 8, 2023.

Lord of the Flies

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Chapters 8-9

Chapters 10-11

Character Analysis

Symbols & Motifs

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Discussion Questions

Compare/contrast what happensin “normal” society with what happens on the island. Is the society that the boys make more similar or different than the society you know?

Why are there no girls on the island? Do you think that having both genders represented would alter how the boys treat one another?

Why does the “Lord of the Flies” (138)—the pig’s head—tell Simon he is in danger? How does this scene relate to the novel’s title?

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Lord Of The Flies - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Lord of the Flies, a novel by William Golding, explores the descent into savagery of a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island. Through this narrative, the novel delves deeply into themes of human nature, civilization versus savagery, and the loss of innocence. An essay might examine the psychological and sociological underpinnings of the characters’ actions and the societal commentary offered by Golding. There could be a discussion about the symbolic elements used in the narrative, such as the conch shell, Piggy’s glasses, and the “beast,” and how they contribute to the novel’s message. Comparative analysis with other dystopian or survivalist fiction, or a discussion on the novel’s relevance in contemporary society, can offer a rich examination of “Lord of The Flies” and its exploration of the darker aspects of human nature. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Lord Of The Flies you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

What Role does Fear Play in Lord of the Flies

Dread, significant for the endurance of mankind, it has consistently been engraved in everybody from birth and utilized til' the very end. In the novel The Lord of the Flies, the young men on the island are greatly influenced by dread, as it controls their choices and their perspective. William Golding clues to fear as the most hazardous and damaging power on the island and supports this by Jack's dread of losing power brings about his manipulative nature, Ralph's dread […]

Savagery and the “Beast” Theme in Lord of the Flies

The Oxford Dictionary defines savagery as the condition of being primitive or uncivilized. Savage and uncivilized behavior is the last thing you would expect from a group of english boys privately schooled; however, author William Golding thought otherwise. Lord of the Flies is a fictional novel written by William Golding in 1954, Golding used his experiences during WWII and as an English teacher teaching ill-behaved boys to develop the idea that people aren't innately good. After his time as a […]

How does Jack Represent Savagery in the Novel?

In the novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the character, Jack, symbolizes evilness and savagery. At the beginning of the story, Jack manipulates the reader into thinking that he is a good character. This is shown when he volunteers to lead the group of boys. However, on the contrary, Jack portrays evilness throughout the book in many scenes such as when he kills the pig, chants the phrase "'Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood. and […]

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Lord of the Flies Killing the Sow

“‘Maybe there is a beast… maybe it's only us’”(Golding 82). William Golding writes 'it's only us' as he believes that every man has a darker side, an inner beast that is proven inescapable by moral depravity. Throughout Lord of the flies, the young British boys stranded on an island will attempt to suppress men's darker side by governing themselves, nonetheless; their evil instincts will eventually present itself causing division among the boys. Ralph, the oldest of the group, will strive […]

Jack’s Personality in Lord of the Flies

In the story Lord Of The Flies by William Golding, published in 1954, there is a young man, named Jack. Jack is a that has crashed landed on a deserted island with other younger boys. Lord of the Flies takes place on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean. There are no older adults on the island to boss the kids around. there are much different symbolism the boy's encounter while on there stay. for instance, Piggy's glasses to create […]

Who is a Better Leader Jack or Ralph?

In Williams Golding's Novel, Lord Of The Flies , Ralph and Jack are leaders. Leadership is when a person who is confident to take responsibility and who inspire people to do things. A person is important because they encourage people to do things they want to do or be. Ralph is the better leader because he is more organized and he is more responsible and makes good decisions at the same time. Ralph is a better leader. Ralph is a […]

Symbolism in Lord of the Flies

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Lord of the Flies: Civilization Vs Savagery

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Comparison of Civilization Vs Savagery

What would you do when you're stuck on an island with 3 other people on an island and some civilization such as a tribe of boys? This is what the Lord of the flies is about. The Lord of the flies is an allegory which is essentially a metaphor in which a character is used to deliver a broader message. Throughout this novel, Golding represents the conflict between civilization and savagery in the conflict between Ralph, who represents order and […]

‘Lord of the Flies’ Themes, Symbols, and Literary Devices

William Golding's best work, Lord of the Flies is a harsh tale about innocent boys stranded on an island that inevitably revert to savagery. Jack's (main antagonist) tribe conquered every inch of soil on the island with their brutality, despite Ralph (main protagonist) and Piggy's increasingly desperate attempts to halt this advance. Jack's tribe, which uses violence and oppression of outsiders, represents a military force, in direct opposite of Ralph's and Piggy's civilized tribe which represents a stable government. The […]

The Descent into Darkness: Exploring Inner Evil in ‘Lord of the Flies’

In the book “Lord of the flies,” the boys face many things that give them fear such as the beast, the fear of not being rescued and in time the fear of each other, this fear awakens the inner evil within each of them. The beast or “beastie”1 takes many forms throughout the book which gradually changes as the boys slowly descend into madness. At the beginning, it is thought to be a snake, the author uses the snake as […]

The Fall of Civilization into Savagery

Thomas Hobbes argues that "the life of man, [is] solitary, poore, nasty, brutish and short'" and the only way to avoid it is by accepting "mutually recognized public authority" (Lloyd and Shreedhar, "Hobbes's Moral and Political Philosophy"). In the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding tells the story of a group of boys who crash landed and are stranded on an island that no one knows about. A few of the older boys attempt to recreate the organized society […]

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The Symbolism of Power in “Lord of the Flies”

Russian dictatorship is a topic that is fitting when discussing power comes from fear. Stalin was an infamous dictator who used his power to create fear in the eyes of the Russian citizens. This is similar to William Golding's the Lord of the Flies, he demonstrates that those in power will take advantage of people's fear. In the book, Jack and Ralph both are in a struggle for power and both struggle to remain in power as they attack each […]

Civilization, Power and Moral Consequences in Lord of the Flies

Order, leadership, power, and moral consequences are some concepts needed in society to maintain civilization. Lord of the Flies by William Golding explores these ideological struggles between two main characters: Ralph and Jack. With different perspectives about how one should rule, they both challenge each other from the start. The novel starts off with a plane crash in the middle of an unknown island where a group of young English boys are isolated without any adults, and are thus tested […]

How does Lord of the Flies Prove Boys Need Adult Guidance to Grow into Civilised Adults?

In the novel, Lord of the Flies, William Golding, suggests that without adults, children will grow up fast. Some are followers and some will rise to the occasion and become leaders. All of these children have one thing in common: they all grew afraid and lose innocence because they have now are boundaries that are set up by adults. This is best shown through the character Ralph in Lord of the Flies. The book is about a group of boys […]

Suffering Society

The story Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is a novel displaying how fragile a society is. This story is about a plane full of young boys that crashes onto an island. At first, the boys think that it will be fun to be on their own with no adults, but they soon realize that it will be more difficult to survive than they thought. While trying to survive and be rescued, leaders are chosen and unfortunately the boys […]

Lord of the Flies Themes & Motifs

The Lord of the Flies is referencing the pig head that the boys used as a peace offering to the beast. Throughout the book, the boys change over time in many ways. As time goes on, the pig head begins to rot and by the end of the story, the head is only a skull. The rotting of the pig head symbolizes the boys developing and becoming more savage. At the end of the book, when the pig head is […]

Movie “Lord of the Flies” by Harry Hook

If the movie is made based on the novel, there might be several differences that director made to specialize and make the movie unique. In the movie Lord of the Flies, Harry Hook made differences with novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding to magnify the hidden meaning or symbols in the novel. There are variances in entire storyline, character depict, and other small areas. On the other hand, there are similarities that director maintained from the novel. Now, […]

Lord of the Flies & WWII/Holocaust Connections

The fear and darkness of the time period had spread to all living souls in surrounding of the terror. William Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies, takes place around 1950 during one of the evilous events in human history. The Holocaust was a horrible act of exterminating humans for not being the way Hitler, in his mind, pictured for the human race. Lord of the Flies is a novel that has symbols with hidden meanings that historically relate to The […]

Ralph and Jack in “Lord of the Flies”

In the novel The Lord of the Flies we meet a group of boys who are stranded on an island without any form of civilization. The author, William Golding, never specifically states how the boys got to the island but it was implied in the first paragraph that were survivors of a plane crash. They plane was shot down in the middle of the ocean and crashed into the jungle where the boys were separated from the pilot and each […]

Tree of Life

In many religions, the Tree of Life is perceived to be a symbolic representation of higher powers and the control they exert over humans. In early times people believed this spiritual tree would give them a path to immortality. On the other hand, other religious leaders state that this very tree could be the cause of the pitfalls in life. In the novel, Lord of The Flies William Golding utilizes the Tree of Life as a pathway taken by each […]

The Role of Government in “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding

Politics seems to always have savagery involved, and sometimes savagery has politics involved. William Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies, may be set on a remote island sparsely populated with young boys who have become stranded and who are trying desperately yet ineffectively to establish and maintain order; however, the lessons that Lord of the Flies holds for the reader about the purpose and peril of government remain relevant as metaphors of modern politics. The naive, inexperienced boys who have […]

Adventures, Conflicts, and Struggles in “Lord of the Flies”

William Golding’s Lord of the Flies is a fictional novel which tells of a group of boys who are stranded on an island with no adult supervision, and their adventures, conflicts, and struggles. The boys are stranded on an island and one of the boys, Ralph, becomes the leader of the boys and is trying his hardest to get the boys rescued. Meanwhile, another, Jack, shows no intention of getting off the island and makes a band of hunters which […]

Lord of the Flies: Leadership

Leadership is commonly defined as somebody who inspires people, rather it be strong non-verbal communication or standing up for someone in their team. Leaders are important because without a leader you’d be lost or misguided. With a leader you’ll have somebody to show you what to do and how to do it. Ralph and Jack are very different in their approach to leadership. Jack is impatient, strict, and harsh. Ralph on the other hand, is cooperative, patient, and less-harsh. Both […]

Author’s Style in Things Fall Apart and Lord of the Flies 

The writing in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, is different than what I normally read. I think this has to do with the proverbs that are used. Achebe uses lyrical and visual language through the use of proverbs and short stories to provide a photographic view of the Ibo’s culture. “Yam, the king of crops, was a very exacting king. For three or four moons it demanded hard work and constant attention from the cock-crow till the chickens went […]

The Symbolism of Power in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies

Will they make it home? When the boys landed on the island Ralph was the one to take charge, he was more responsible than anybody so he became the person that the other boys followed after. He tries to keep the boys civilized by creating rules similar to the ones at home, and was the only one who made finding a way home their top priority. After a while in my opinion Jack become jealous of Ralph and tried to […]

Lord of the Flies Darkness in Man’s Heart Sophomore

The book”Lord of the Flies” written by William Golding shows and showcases the true nature of all living life. In the beginning of the story, As in a world which is during war, a crash has taken these first innocent children and or pre-teens through the empty depths of a unknown island. In the story, a quote to support this claim is “When we was coming down I looked through one of the windows. I saw the other part of […]

Opposing Forces in “Lord of the Flies”

In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Golding creates two drastically opposing forces that fight for dominance over the boys that are trapped on the island. One (the conch) represents civilization, democracy, reasoning, and logic while the other (the beast) represents the instinctive behavior of all animals for dominance, violence, and inpulsive actions manifested in mankind. Initially the idea of creating and living in an orderly society with set rules and jobs seemed like the most logical and agreeable […]

Freudian Theory of Mind in Lord of the Flies

Freudian theory of mind in lord of the flies Freudians theory on personality comes from the school of thought that personality is divided into three sections that correlate. The three sections of personality include the Id, ego, and super ego. The theory places these sections into classes where Id falls under unconscious while ego and super ego fall under pre conscious and the conscious consecutively. In the book lord of the flies, Freudians theory is presented by the different symbols […]

Originally published :September 17, 1954
Author :William Golding
Pages :224
Cover artist :Anthony Gross
Characters :Jack, Piggy, Ralph, Simon, Sam, Roger, Eric
Genres :Novel, Allegory, Young adult fiction

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How To Write an Essay About Lord Of The Flies

Understanding 'lord of the flies'.

Before delving into an essay about 'Lord of the Flies,' it's essential to thoroughly understand the novel. Written by William Golding, 'Lord of the Flies' is a compelling story about a group of British boys stranded on a deserted island and their disastrous attempt to govern themselves. The novel explores complex themes such as human nature, the inherent evil within humanity, and the breakdown of societal norms and order. Begin by familiarizing yourself with the plot, characters, and setting. Consider the historical and cultural context in which Golding wrote, particularly the impact of World War II, as this influences the novel's themes and messages.

Developing a Focused Thesis Statement

A strong, focused thesis statement is crucial for an effective essay on 'Lord of the Flies.' This statement should present a specific argument or perspective about the novel. You might analyze the symbolism of the conch shell or the Lord of the Flies, discuss the portrayal of the loss of innocence, or examine the dynamics of power and fear among the boys. Whatever angle you choose, your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and should be supported throughout with evidence from the text.

Gathering Textual Evidence

Support your thesis with carefully chosen evidence from the novel. This might include key events, dialogue, or descriptive passages that illustrate Golding's themes and your interpretation of them. For instance, if exploring the theme of savagery versus civilization, focus on specific moments where this conflict is evident. Analyzing how the characters change over time and how these changes reflect the novel's central ideas is also effective.

Analyzing Golding's Themes and Techniques

In the body of your essay, analyze how Golding uses literary techniques to develop themes and characters. Discuss his use of symbolism, motifs, and characterization, and how these elements contribute to the overall meaning of the novel. For example, explore the significance of the setting as a microcosm of the world or how the characters represent different aspects of society. This analysis should demonstrate a deep understanding of the text and your ability to interpret literary devices.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing your main arguments and restating your thesis in light of the discussion. Reflect on the broader implications of the novel, such as its relevance to modern society or its commentary on human nature. A strong conclusion will tie together your insights and leave the reader with a clear understanding of your perspective on 'Lord of the Flies.'

Reviewing and Refining the Essay

After writing your essay, take time to review and refine it. Ensure that your arguments are coherent, your evidence is clearly presented, and your writing is free of grammatical errors. Consider seeking feedback from teachers, peers, or tutors to help improve your essay. A well-crafted essay on 'Lord of the Flies' should not only demonstrate your understanding of the novel but also your ability to engage critically with literary texts.

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What is a good hook to use when writing and essay about lord of the flies.

This really should depend on what your main point is that your essay is addressing about the book. We should usually move from the general to the specific. If you were writing on character for example, you might start with something like,

"There are few characters that remain in the imagination like Piggy from William Golding's famous book Lord of the Flies."

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  1. ≡Essays on Lord of The Flies: Top 10 Examples by GradesFixer

    A Good Hook Examples for "The Lord of the Flies" Essay A Descent into Chaos: Step onto the deserted island where order disintegrates, and savagery emerges. ... By exploring the multifaceted layers of the story, an essay on "Lord of the Flies" allows students to sharpen their critical thinking skills, analyze complex themes, and engage in ...

  2. Greed, Fear, and Savagery in The Lord of The Flies by William Golding

    Hook Examples for "Lord of the Flies" Essay. A Savage Microcosm: William Golding's "Lord of the Flies" offers a chilling glimpse into the primal instincts that lurk within us all. This essay explores the descent of a group of boys from civilization into chaos and examines the novel's commentary on human nature.

  3. Lord of the Flies Suggested Essay Topics

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  4. What is the narrative hook for Lord of the Flies?

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  5. How to write a top grade essay on Lord of the Flies

    In this video, I provide a top grade essay exemplar on William Golding's Lord of the Flies. This is a detailed walkthrough of each essay section (from the in...

  6. Lord of the Flies: Critical Essays

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  7. Lord of the Flies Study Guide

    Full Title: Lord of the Flies. Where Written: England. When Published: 1954. Literary Period: Post-war fiction. Genre: Allegorical novel / Adventure novel. Setting: A deserted tropical island in the middle of a nuclear world war. Climax: Piggy's death. Point of View: Third person omniscient.

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    The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a novel in which the theme of savagery versus civilisation is explored. Some British boys are stranded on an isolated island at the time of an imaginary nuclear war. On the island we see conflict between two main characters, Jack and Ralph, who respectively represent civilisation and savagery.

  10. Lord of the Flies: Ralph vs. Jack: [Essay Example], 686 words

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  12. Lord of the Flies Essays

    In Sir William Golding's Lord of the Flies, the symbolic use of color conveys the innocence and the evil on the island, as well as each of the boys' personalities. The contrasting light and dark colors in the book symbolize the goodness and evil,... Lord of the Flies essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily ...

  13. Lord of the Flies Essay Topics

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

  14. Lord of The Flies, Civilization vs Savagery

    The theme for Lord of the Flies can be different things to different people. Some of the themes could be good vs. evil, sensibility vs. impulsiveness, or civilization vs. savagery. In Lord of the Flies there are two sides conflicting with each other throughout the whole story, and these are civilization vs. savagery.

  15. Lord Of The Flies

    45 essay samples found. Lord of the Flies, a novel by William Golding, explores the descent into savagery of a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island. Through this narrative, the novel delves deeply into themes of human nature, civilization versus savagery, and the loss of innocence. An essay might examine the psychological and ...

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    Summary: Possible thesis statements for Lord of the Flies include exploring the inherent evil within humanity, the loss of innocence, and the breakdown of civilization under the strain of primal ...

  17. What is a good hook to use when writing and essay about Lord Of The Flies?

    We should usually move from the general to the specific. If you were writing on character for example, you might start with something like, "There are few characters that remain in the imagination like Piggy from William Golding's famous book Lord of the Flies."

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