Study Tips for Chemistry

problem solving strategies chemistry

So you are spending lots of time studying and you are still struggling on exams. What now? First of all, know that you aren’t alone - Some of the best students struggled in chemistry at some point so keep with it!

problem solving strategies chemistry

Just as you need to take time to practice for sports or learn a foreign language, you need to  take time to practice  chemistry. We don’t expect you to get everything right away; in fact some of the best students in these courses had to wrestle with the material before really understanding everything. Make sure you allocate enough time to review the course material and practice problem solving on a regular basis.

problem solving strategies chemistry

There is a reason these courses are not directed readings: all the parts – practice problems, reading, lecture, section, labs, office hours, studying on your own or with friends, tutoring– work best when you use them together.

Just doing lots of practice problems will not necessarily make you a better problem solver. You will never see an exam problem that looks exactly like a practice problem, so doing every problem possible is not a good strategy. Instead, when you work out a practice problem we have given you, make sure that you can explain why and when you would make each step in your solution.  Be able to explain

problem solving strategies chemistry

  • why certain information is useful to you
  • why a piece of information might be unnecessary
  • what conversions you need to make so that you can use information correctly
  • why you are using a specific formula
  • how you can rearrange a formula to find a new parameter
  • why you need to consider a particular reaction
  • when would you be able to make any assumptions you are making
  • what structures are useful to understand

It is easy to fall into the trap of reading through a solution key and thinking it makes sense. But unless you can justify each step with more than a ‘just because’ statement, it will be difficult to apply those skills to another problem.

problem solving strategies chemistry

If you have already had an introduction to the material at  your own pace  before lecture, then you can use lecture time more productively to solidify and practice these concepts. The more times you hear and practice the material (i.e. problem sets, lecture, section, study time…), the easier it will get.

Sections are constructed to highlight and guide you through particularly important concepts and chemical phenomena. Make sure that you can apply the main concepts of each section before the next exam. A good way to see if you are applying concepts rather than memorizing them is by checking to see if you can explain WHY to every step you’re doing in a problem. Also make sure to finish any extra practice problems offered in section and on the lab-write-ups.

problem solving strategies chemistry

Scientists ask questions - all the time! Especially WHY! Instructors always appreciate when students ask questions because it shows they are listening and really thinking about the material.

  • Ask “what does that really mean?” in each section while you read the chapter.
  • Ask “why” of a problem as you decide what it is asking and how to solve it.

Ask questions about the lecture and section material. If you are reviewing material on your own  write these questions down . If you can answer them on your own, great! If you are stuck, then take them along with you to office hours or a study group. Then you won’t forget and you’ll make sure you get a more thorough understanding of everything.

problem solving strategies chemistry

We all tend to put off things that are difficult, but this means that you might end up studying chemistry at the very end of the day when you are already worn out and too tired to think well. And, if you never practice then it will never get easier!

Instead, try setting aside some time each day when you know you will be alert and ready to go. It doesn’t have to be a huge block of time, but that way you will at least get in some quality time to bond with your chemistry. 

problem solving strategies chemistry

  • One of the first steps in coming up with an efficient study strategy is to assess what - in all of the things you are doing to study - seems to help you the most? What gave you the most confidence? If there are some things that you are already comfortable with, perhaps spend less time reviewing those and more time on concepts that are still challenging.
  • Take some time to assess where are you having difficulty on the exams. When you get an exam back, retry all of the problems you missed (BEFORE looking at the solutions). Do you get farther then you did during the exam? Are you really able to finish them with more time or in a less stressful environment? Do you get stuck on concepts or definitions? on math? on starting the problem?
  • Debriefing the exam helps you indentify the conceptual gaps that you need to relearn versus errors that may have resulted from test stress or a misreading of a question.
  • If you can start to identify where/how you are struggling with the exam, then you can think about how to make better use of your study time as you prepare for the next one.

problem solving strategies chemistry

  • VPL  has useful quick tips on exam taking, note taking, study strategies, etc. that might help you to think about how you want to organize your study time more efficiently.
  • For instance, when you read through the chapter or lecture notes, constantly ask and answer questions for yourself as you go. This website has a couple good strategies for doing this (see the ‘Reading Efficacy’ pdf or the Cornell note-taking system) that might help you dig deeper into the reading and help you see relationships between new concepts. It might also help you structure your reading or lecture notes in a more useful way. 
  • Study Tips Resources
  • You can also set up a  personal Academic coaching  session with  Adina Glickman , to think about more specific study strategies for you.  adinag [at] (adinag[at]stanford[dot]edu)

problem solving strategies chemistry

Office hours are not just for problem sets--- Questions on anything in the course – lecture, lab section, the book reading, study tips, etc. – are all fair game so please don’t hesitate to come. Office hours are available to help you!

  • Keep a running list of questions as you read or work through problems. If you cannot justify a certain step in a solution this is a great question for office hours. Students often get more out of office hours if they come prepared with questions about what they don’t understand.

Lots of research tells us that students who regularly participate in study groups end up with higher grades.

  • When studying with classmates, take advantage of this opportunity to explain and discuss concepts or problem solving strategies with others.
  • When you review problem sets together, instead of just understanding how to approach that specific problem, see if you can come up with several different ways we could have asked other questions about that system. Is there a different parameter we could ask you to solve for? How would the problem change under different conditions? This will help you to think about and practice different problem solving strategies.
  • Don’t have a study group? Connect with students in office hours, section, piazza, drop-in tutoring, etc!

problem solving strategies chemistry

You will find that nearly all of the study skills developed in general chemistry are just as applicable in organic: you still have to put in the time for concepts to marinate, you have to dig deep in problems, and you have to be on constant vigilance to ask “why”. However, in organic chemistry, there is a new visual component to take into account: it is essential to begin viewing molecules three dimensionally (instead of as two dimensional lines and letters on paper), since the 3D structure greatly impacts the actual chemistry. To start visualizing these structures  use a model kit to build molecules every time you do organic chemistry (reading, practice problems, and so on). Bring the model kit to section.  Your models will reveal important properties of the molecules, like the spatial relationships between different atoms, or how easily a bond can rotate.  Keep the model kit on you at all times and use it!

problem solving strategies chemistry

Above all, keeping trying!! Everyone learns at different speeds and in different ways. There are lots of resources here for you because we know you can do it with the right tools. If you don’t know where to start just ask – meet with one of the course TAs, tutors or professors. We are all here to help YOU SUCCEED!

problem solving strategies chemistry

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1.2 The analytical process and problem-solving strategies

4 min read • august 14, 2024

Analytical chemistry is all about solving problems systematically. It starts with defining the issue and selecting the right method. Then you prepare samples, take measurements, and crunch the data. Finally, you interpret results and share your findings.

Critical thinking is key in this process. You need to analyze objectively, develop smart strategies, and implement them effectively. Choosing the right technique involves weighing factors like sample type and accuracy needs. The scientific method guides the whole journey.

Analytical Process Steps

Problem definition and goal setting.

  • Clearly define the problem or question to be addressed
  • Understand the goal, constraints, and available resources
  • Break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components

Method Selection and Sample Preparation

  • Select an appropriate analytical method based on factors such as sample type, analyte concentration, required accuracy and precision , and available instrumentation
  • Consider the complexity of the sample matrix and potential interferences
  • Prepare the sample to isolate the analyte of interest and remove potential interferences using techniques such as extraction, digestion, or derivatization

Calibration and Measurement

  • Establish a relationship between the analytical signal and the analyte concentration by preparing and measuring a series of standards with known concentrations
  • Carry out the actual measurement using the chosen analytical technique, following a well-defined procedure to ensure reproducibility and minimize sources of error
  • Optimize experimental conditions and troubleshoot issues that arise during the measurement process

Data Processing, Analysis, and Interpretation

  • Convert raw analytical signals into meaningful results through signal averaging, background subtraction, or statistical analysis
  • Use appropriate statistical methods to assess the significance of the results and draw meaningful conclusions (hypothesis testing, regression analysis, ANOVA)
  • Interpret the results by critically evaluating the data in the context of the original problem and assessing the reliability and significance of the findings
  • Compare the results to previous studies or theoretical predictions

Communication and Utilization of Results

  • Effectively communicate the results for their utilization through written reports, visual representations of data, or oral presentations
  • Enable others to build upon the work by publishing results in peer-reviewed journals or presenting at scientific conferences
  • Reflect on the outcomes of the analysis to identify areas for future optimization and improvement

Critical Thinking for Analysis

Objective analysis and evaluation.

  • Analyze and evaluate information objectively to form well-reasoned judgments
  • Identify relevant variables, question assumptions, and consider alternative approaches
  • Generate multiple potential solutions to explore the problem space comprehensively

Problem Formulation and Strategy Development

  • Formulate the problem by clearly understanding the goals and constraints of the analysis
  • Develop a strategy for problem-solving by considering various analytical techniques and their suitability for the specific problem
  • Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of different strategies through preliminary experiments or simulations

Implementation and Reflection

  • Implement the chosen strategy through careful planning and execution
  • Optimize experimental conditions, troubleshoot issues, and iteratively refine the approach based on feedback
  • Reflect on the outcomes of the analysis to critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen strategy and identify areas for future optimization

Analytical Technique Selection

Factors influencing technique selection.

  • Consider the unique strengths and limitations of different analytical techniques
  • Evaluate the suitability based on sample type (solid, liquid, gas), analyte concentration, and required accuracy and precision
  • Take into account the complexity of the sample matrix and potential interferences
  • Factor in the availability and cost of instrumentation and reagents

Practical Considerations

  • Assess the time and labor required for analysis, particularly for high-throughput applications
  • Consider the level of automation and hands-on time required by different techniques
  • Evaluate the need for specialized equipment or expensive consumables
  • Determine the necessity for extensive sample preparation or cleanup steps

Scientific Method for Analysis

Hypothesis formulation and experimental design.

  • Formulate a testable hypothesis, such as predicting the performance of a new method or the effect of a specific variable on the analysis
  • Design an experiment to test the hypothesis, considering variables, controls, and replication
  • Select appropriate sample preparation techniques, instrumental parameters, and data analysis methods

Execution, Data Analysis, and Interpretation

  • Execute the experiment by following the designed protocol and collecting data systematically and reproducibly
  • Analyze the data using appropriate statistical methods to assess the significance of the results and draw meaningful conclusions
  • Interpret the results by critically evaluating the data in the context of the original hypothesis

Optimization and Communication

  • Optimize the analytical procedure based on the results through an iterative process of refining the experimental design, adjusting variables, and re-testing the hypothesis
  • Communicate the findings of the scientific investigation to advance knowledge and enable others to build upon the work
  • Publish results in peer-reviewed journals or present at scientific conferences to disseminate the outcomes of the analysis

Key Terms to Review ( 21 )

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Lesson Formats | Questioning | Problem Solving | Modeling | Scientific Terminology | Choice | Student Reflection

Lesson Formats 

Teachers can capitalize on the importance of chemistry in everyday life to engage their students. Teachers should follow through with opportunities for students to actively explore and struggle with new concepts in a way that allows them to embrace three-dimensional learning.

To motivate students and deepen their understanding of chemistry, instructors need to plan thoughtful lessons in advance and establish clear learning goals. Allowing students to reflect on their knowledge complemented by effective questioning from the instructor helps them solidify concepts.

Planning Is Crucial

Advanced planning is crucial for active student engagement. As guided by local and/or state curriculum guidelines, teachers should decide on the conceptual learning goals, with focus on chemical principles and concepts within the core ideas in chemistry.

Spiraling the curriculum (building on and making connections to what students have already learned) encourages student participation and understanding. Making the material relevant to students’ lives will also promote engagement in their learning. 1

Teachers should highlight guiding questions at the beginning of each lesson to focus the attention of both teachers and students on the key learning objectives for the lesson. This pedagogical approach fosters participation and inclusion of learning via the three dimensions.

Several lesson formats such as guided inquiry, modeling, and investigating a problem promote deeper understanding by students.

Other Appropriate Formats

Other effective lesson formats appropriate for some topics in chemistry include role playing, manipulation of concepts via simulations, and differentiated instruction. Cognitive science discourages “ teaching as telling ,” therefore careful planning is necessary to avoid this pitfall. If a lecture format is decided to be the most effective way to teach a concept, allow students to preview the information and provide them in advance with organizers to maximize participation and promote student understanding.

The 5E Lesson Plan

The 5E Learning Cycle Model allows teachers to initially engage students, then students explore through experimentation, explain or summarize their new learning, and elaborate through application, and finally students evaluate their claims.

The expanded 7E lesson plan adds an elicit step at the beginning and an extension step before students evaluate their claim.


Assess student understanding by questioning.

Regardless of the lesson format that is chosen, teachers must prepare appropriate questions to assess student understanding during each phase of the lesson. These questions include:

  • an  engaging question  at the beginning of a lesson to determine what students already know,
  • probing questions  during the lesson to guide student learning,
  • closing questions  at the end of the lesson to gauge what students learned.

Engaging Questions

The engaging questions should be answered by students with the understanding that students don’t have to have the “right” answer; the purpose of these questions is to generate initial ideas.

  • Diagrams and drawings allow for students to develop an initial conceptual model for their current understanding.
  • A lesson about intermolecular forces could begin with a question about how water pollutants dissolve in water. Often these questions uncover naive ideas or misconceptions that will be addressed later in the lesson.
  • Students could be presented with a provocative question related to their lives or provided with a puzzling discrepant event to challenge prior conceptions.
  • Many chemistry teachers enjoy beginning a lesson with a demonstration or video clip that makes students think about the topic in a different way. Sometimes a simple demonstration paired with a good question is sufficient to spark student learning.

Probing Questions  

During a lesson, effective probing questions help students develop their ability to solve problems. The questions should help students make connections to other learning. To determine what students truly understand, open-ended questions are more effective than questions that have only one answer or questions that can be answered with yes or no.

Closing Questions

At the conclusion of the lesson, it’s a good idea to ask a closing question, which allows students to consider what was discussed during the lesson and provides feedback to the instructor about possible misconceptions that were generated. Using the responses to the closing questions can allow the instructor to prepare appropriate engaging questions for the following lesson.

Try It: What Are Bubbles?

While pouring water from a pitcher into a beaker, ask students, "What are the bubbles made of?" This encourages students to think more deeply about everyday experiences.

Next, heat the beaker of water on a hot plate and discuss the difference between the small bubbles viewed initially and the large bubbles that form when the water boils.

Ask students how they can test their ideas about the composition of the bubbles rather than provide a step-by-step procedure or explain the answer without allowing them to struggle with the concept. This leads to a deeper understanding of the concept for students.

Problem Solving

Chemistry students must become good problem solvers. This is an active, sometimes confusing process, which is often frustrating but frequently rewarding. Thomas Edison didn’t invent the light bulb by following a recipe; he developed more than 1,000 faulty light bulbs before figuring out how to make one work.

Students must learn to explore problems and understand that taking a “wrong” step is often just as valuable as following the correct path. Students should be observant and self-critical during the problem-solving process to evaluate whether they are getting closer to or farther from the desired solution.

Act Like a Teacher, Think Like a Pro

Model your thinking to help students understand how experts work through a problem:

  • Teachers should model their own thinking to help students understand how experts work through a problem: Start with the given information, put the pieces together, and evaluate whether students arrive at a solution that seems reasonable. Students must evaluate whether their answer is reasonable; learning to estimate mathematical answers is crucial to problem solving.
  • Cooperative learning strategies could be used to help students solve meaningful real-life problems.
  • To avoid cries of, “Why do we have to know this?” from students, teachers should develop a context for learning. See the Try It example.

Try It: Real-World Investigations

Have your students work in teams to investigate local air quality, learn the nutritional value of their favorite foods, or discover the effects of fertilizer on water quality.

This is not a textbook topic, but it requires students to apply textbook knowledge to real-life scenarios.

Much of chemistry deals with macroscopic phenomena that cannot be physically observed at the atomic level. By developing and modifying models, students can refine their understanding, and eventually develop a consensus model. Deliberately teaching that all models have limitations allows new types of models to be introduced to further explore the depth of the concepts and recognize limitations in facets of understanding. Then, to help students understand these abstract concepts, carefully prepared analogies and models can be used.

Visualizations of phenomenon with computer-based models, such as PhET simulations and videos and graphics on , are great tools to describe how changing particle motion and organization relate to chemical processes. AACT also has a host of digital simulations and animations to use in the classroom.

Modeling molecular motion and particle arrangement is common at the middle school level, but at the high school level, Lewis dot structures and molecular compound models are commonly used to describe chemical phenomenon. In addition, mathematical equations such as gas laws are also used at the high school level to justify observations.

Scientific Terminology

Students can use vocabulary to hide misconceptions. For instance, students may be able to define density mathematically, as well as state that an object will float in water if its density is less than 1 g/cm 3 . But when asked why, students may be unable to explain floating in terms of particle organization.

Vocabulary should be introduced near the end of the lesson to give names to the concepts the students have come to comprehend more thoroughly. 2 Effective modeling and three-dimensional assessments can help a teacher know what his or her students know.

Many students can demonstrate achievement of course goals when they have the option to choose how to express their understanding through alternative modes such as by delivering an oral presentation, creating a portfolio, or completing a creative project.

Some students require a structured environment, so chemistry teachers should provide explicit instructions and rubrics for assignments in advance.

Giving students a choice in the chemistry classroom enriches their understanding of the content and improves student motivation when they are actively involved in learning and allowed to share their perspectives.

Student Reflection

Providing students time to reflect on their new knowledge helps ensure their understanding endures past the closing bell.

  • Ask students to complete exit cards with prompts, such as “Today I Learned …,” “I would still like to know more about …,” or “I still don’t understand…”.
  • Students can write a letter to a relative or a friend explaining in nontechnical terms what was learned in chemistry that week.
  • Students can keep a journal or search for real-world examples as evidence of topics learned in class.
  • Add new rules or evidence to a student-generated or classroom-public model to build understanding.


  • Helping students find relevance . Psychology Teacher Network, September 2013.
  • Tellier, J. P., Quantum Learning and Instructional Leadership in Practice. Corwin Press: Thousand Oaks, CA, 2007; pp 133, 158.

PDF of the ACS Guidelines for Teaching Middle and High School Chemistry

ACS Guidelines and Recommendations for Teaching Middle and High School Chemistry

An essential resource for middle and high school physical science and chemistry teachers, curriculum developers, principals, and other school administrators who support teachers in those roles.

Learn about the nature of instruction, the core ideas to teach, the physical instructional environment, safety, sustainability, and the professional responsibilities of teachers.

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Study Strategies for Chemistry

Students often ask for advice about how to study chemistry. There is no single best method for studying, but here are a few suggestions. These suggestions were developed with organic chemistry in mind, but they apply equally well to all types of chemistry courses.

Before lecture:

Scan the assigned reading for that unit.  Read the first page of the chapter(s), as well as the first few sentences of each section.  These usually introduce or summarize key concepts for the chapter.

During lecture:

  • Take copious notes.
  • Do not focus solely on what is written on the board.  Listen and copy down key verbal points as well.

After lecture:

  • Carefully read the assigned textbook reading on concepts you need further understanding for.
  • Expand and clarify your lecture notes based on the text reading.  Discuss points that are unclear with your study group.
  • Do the example problems in the book and write down the solution to each problem as it is encountered, even if you know it well.  Writing an answer helps you remember the concept.
  • Make flash cards for new vocabulary words, reactions, etc. as encountered.
  • Do all of the problems of the problem-set and textbook as soon as you are able to and as early as possible. That way, if you have any questions, you have plenty of time to go to your professor’s office hours or ask a tutor.
  • Go through the stack of flash cards.
  • Make copious use of office hours and discussion.

On Using the Textbook and Working Problems

  • Read the text for concepts that don’t make sense.  Really understand the text, do not just skim the words.  Think about the text.  Challenge what it says.
  • Do the text problems as you come to them.  These are placed so as to enhance your understanding and learning of the particular topic they accompany.
  • Do not look at the answer key unless you have an answer or you are totally stumped.  Ask a study buddy for a clue first if you can.
  • If you get a problem wrong, work through the answer on paper until you can reproduce it, and until your understand why each step occurs the way it does. Then try another problem of the same type right away!

Other Useful Study Tips Genius requires dedication (i.e. work ethic). Enlightenment is not instantaneous.

  • Study chemistry for at least one hour of every day of the week that ends in -day. An hour every day is much better than ten hours on Saturday alone.
  • Start studying early (i.e., the first day of the semester). Seek help early (i.e., as soon as the question occurs, not a week later.)
  • Do not try to write down every word spoken during the lectures. Get the high points, and fill in the details later (see the next point).
  • Rework your notes after each lecture. Work through the notes carefully, and make sure that you understand each concept. Redraw all of the structures. Have the text open and expand upon each point covered in the lecture. Fill in blank spaces or abbreviated material in your notes. Make sure you understand all the material from every lecture. Expand and organize your notes. Making a fresh but neater copy of your notes without adding anything new is a waste of your valuable study time.
  • Focus on really understanding the mechanisms and reactions of organic chemistry. Do not simply memorize everything—this will not work and you will get overwhelmed. Understand the WHY behind reactions and it will make organic chemistry a lot easier. Organize the material that must be memorized. Make flash cards summarizing essential memory bank material, especially reactions. The goal is to minimize memorization.
  • Work lots and lots of problems. You should try to do every problem in every chapter. Get another text or other source of problems if you can. (Ex: Organic Chemistry as a Second Language).
  • Do not scurry to another student, TA, or instructor immediately after deciding that you cannot solve a given problem. Find an appropriate section of the text and read through it carefully.  Getting the 'right answer' is not the main point of working the problems; becoming more intimately familiar with chemical concepts is.  It is more important to focus on concepts and developing thought processes.
  • Do not spend more than 15 minutes on any one problem. If you haven't solved the problem by that this time, you are probably missing something and further effort is a waste of valuable study time. A review of the text, your lecture notes, or another source of material is called for. Go on to other problems, and return to these difficult ones when you have had a bit more practice.
  • Do ALL the problems associated with the assigned reading, even if they seem irrelevant or basic.  
  • Form study groups. A small groups of students working together often exchange ideas and concepts to the benefit of everyone. Teaching each other is an ideal way to learn chemistry.
  • Think molecules. That is, think about what is happening on the molecular level. “Be the molecule.” Consider where the electrons are, what they are doing, and why they are doing it. Chemistry is much more than equations. You will find this course difficult if you ignore this way of thinking.

Accessed August 2, 2016. 

Used with permission from Steven Hardinger Organic Chem Professor at UCLA .

Problems and Problem Solving in Chemistry Education: Analysing Data, Looking for Patterns and Making Deductions

Problems and Problem Solving in Chemistry Education: Analysing Data, Looking for Patterns and Making Deductions

Problem solving is central to the teaching and learning of chemistry at secondary, tertiary and post-tertiary levels of education, opening to students and professional chemists alike a whole new world for analysing data, looking for patterns and making deductions. As an important higher-order thinking skill, problem solving also constitutes a major research field in science education. Relevant education research is an ongoing process, with recent developments occurring not only in the area of quantitative/computational problems, but also in qualitative problem solving.

The following situations are considered, some general, others with a focus on specific areas of chemistry: quantitative problems, qualitative reasoning, metacognition and resource activation, deconstructing the problem-solving process, an overview of the working memory hypothesis, reasoning with the electron-pushing formalism, scaffolding organic synthesis skills, spectroscopy for structural characterization in organic chemistry, enzyme kinetics, problem solving in the academic chemistry laboratory, chemistry problem-solving in context, team-based/active learning, technology for molecular representations, IR spectra simulation, and computational quantum chemistry tools. The book concludes with methodological and epistemological issues in problem solving research and other perspectives in problem solving in chemistry.

With a foreword by George Bodner.

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Problems and Problem Solving in Chemistry Education: Analysing Data, Looking for Patterns and Making Deductions, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021.

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Print format, table of contents.

  • Front Matter
  • Acknowledgments
  • Author Biographies
  • Chapter 1: Introduction − The Many Types and Kinds of Chemistry Problems p1-14 By Georgios Tsaparlis Georgios Tsaparlis University of Ioannina, Department of Chemistry Ioannina Greece [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 1: Introduction − The Many Types and Kinds of Chemistry Problems in another window
  • Chapter 2: Qualitative Reasoning in Problem-solving in Chemistry p15-37 By Vicente Talanquer Vicente Talanquer Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Arizona Tucson AZ 85721 USA [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 2: Qualitative Reasoning in Problem-solving in Chemistry in another window
  • Chapter 3: Scaffolding Metacognition and Resource Activation During Problem Solving: A Continuum Perspective p38-67 By Nicole Graulich ; Nicole Graulich Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Germany Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Axel Langner ; Axel Langner Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Germany Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Kimberly Vo ; Kimberly Vo Monash University Australia [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Elizabeth Yuriev Elizabeth Yuriev Monash University Australia [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 3: Scaffolding Metacognition and Resource Activation During Problem Solving: A Continuum Perspective in another window
  • Chapter 4: Deconstructing the Problem-solving Process: Beneath Assigned Points and Beyond Traditional Assessment p68-92 By Ozcan Gulacar ; Ozcan Gulacar University of California, Davis, Department of Chemistry One Shields Avenue Davis CA 95616 USA [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Charlie Cox ; Charlie Cox Duke University, Department of Chemistry Box 90346, 128 Science Drive Durham NC 27708-0346 USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Herb Fynewever Herb Fynewever Calvin University, Department of Chemistry 3201 Burton SE Grand Rapids MI 49546 USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 4: Deconstructing the Problem-solving Process: Beneath Assigned Points and Beyond Traditional Assessment in another window
  • Chapter 5: It Depends on the Problem and on the Solver: An Overview of the Working Memory Overload Hypothesis, Its Applicability and Its Limitations p93-126 By Georgios Tsaparlis Georgios Tsaparlis University of Ioannina, Department of Chemistry Ioannina Greece [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 5: It Depends on the Problem and on the Solver: An Overview of the Working Memory Overload Hypothesis, Its Applicability and Its Limitations in another window
  • Chapter 6: Mechanistic Reasoning Using the Electron-pushing Formalism p127-144 By Gautam Bhattacharyya Gautam Bhattacharyya Missouri State University, Department of Chemistry 901 South National Avenue Springfield MO 65897 USA [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 6: Mechanistic Reasoning Using the Electron-pushing Formalism in another window
  • Chapter 7: Scaffolding Synthesis Skills in Organic Chemistry p145-165 By Alison B. Flynn Alison B. Flynn Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Ottawa 10 Marie Curie Ottawa Ontario K1N 6N5 Canada [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 7: Scaffolding Synthesis Skills in Organic Chemistry in another window
  • Chapter 8: Problem Solving Using NMR and IR Spectroscopy for Structural Characterization in Organic Chemistry p166-198 By Megan C. Connor ; Megan C. Connor Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan Ann Arbor Michigan USA [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Ginger V. Shultz Ginger V. Shultz Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan Ann Arbor Michigan USA [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 8: Problem Solving Using NMR and IR Spectroscopy for Structural Characterization in Organic Chemistry in another window
  • Chapter 9: Assessing System Ontology in Biochemistry: Analysis of Students’ Problem Solving in Enzyme Kinetics p199-216 By Jon-Marc G. Rodriguez ; Jon-Marc G. Rodriguez University of Iowa, Department of Chemistry E355 Chemistry Building Iowa City Iowa 52242-1294 USA [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Sven J. Philips ; Sven J. Philips Purdue University, Department of Chemistry 560 Oval Drive West Lafayette IN 47907 USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Nicholas P. Hux ; Nicholas P. Hux Purdue University, Department of Chemistry 560 Oval Drive West Lafayette IN 47907 USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Marcy H. Towns Marcy H. Towns Purdue University, Department of Chemistry 560 Oval Drive West Lafayette IN 47907 USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 9: Assessing System Ontology in Biochemistry: Analysis of Students’ Problem Solving in Enzyme Kinetics in another window
  • Chapter 10: Problem Solving in the Chemistry Teaching Laboratory: Is This Something That Happens? p217-252 By Ian Hawkins ; Ian Hawkins Welch College Gallatin TN 37066 USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Vichuda K. Hunter ; Vichuda K. Hunter Middle Tennessee State University, Department of Chemistry PO Box 68 Murfreesboro TN 37132 USA [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Michael J. Sanger ; Michael J. Sanger Middle Tennessee State University, Department of Chemistry PO Box 68 Murfreesboro TN 37132 USA [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Amy J. Phelps Amy J. Phelps Middle Tennessee State University, Department of Chemistry PO Box 68 Murfreesboro TN 37132 USA [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 10: Problem Solving in the Chemistry Teaching Laboratory: Is This Something That Happens? in another window
  • Chapter 11: Problems and Problem Solving in the Light of Context-based Chemistry p253-278 By Karolina Broman Karolina Broman Umeå University Sweden [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 11: Problems and Problem Solving in the Light of Context-based Chemistry in another window
  • Chapter 12: Using Team Based Learning to Promote Problem Solving Through Active Learning p279-319 By Natalie J. Capel ; Natalie J. Capel Keele University UK [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Laura M. Hancock ; Laura M. Hancock Keele University UK [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Chloe Howe ; Chloe Howe Keele University UK [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Graeme R. Jones ; Graeme R. Jones Keele University UK [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Tess R. Phillips ; Tess R. Phillips Keele University UK [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Daniela Plana Daniela Plana Keele University UK [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 12: Using Team Based Learning to Promote Problem Solving Through Active Learning in another window
  • Chapter 13: Technology, Molecular Representations, and Student Understanding in Chemistry p321-339 By Jack D. Polifka ; Jack D. Polifka Department of Chemistry, Human Computer Interaction Program, Iowa State University Ames IA 50011 USA [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar John Y. Baluyut ; John Y. Baluyut Math and Science Division, University of Providence Great Falls MT, 59405 USA Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Thomas A. Holme Thomas A. Holme Department of Chemistry, Human Computer Interaction Program, Iowa State University Ames IA 50011 USA [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 13: Technology, Molecular Representations, and Student Understanding in Chemistry in another window
  • Chapter 14: An Educational Software for Supporting Students’ Learning of IR Spectral Interpretation p340-360 By Maria Limniou ; Maria Limniou School of Psychology, University of Liverpool UK [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Nikos Papadopoulos ; Nikos Papadopoulos Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Dimitris Gavril ; Dimitris Gavril Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Aikaterini Touni ; Aikaterini Touni Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Markella Chatziapostolidou Markella Chatziapostolidou Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 14: An Educational Software for Supporting Students’ Learning of IR Spectral Interpretation in another window
  • Chapter 15: Exploring Chemistry Problems with Computational Quantum Chemistry Tools in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum p361-384 By Michael P. Sigalas Michael P. Sigalas Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Laboratory of Quantum and Computational Chemistry, Department of Chemistry Thessaloniki 54124 Greece [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 15: Exploring Chemistry Problems with Computational Quantum Chemistry Tools in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum in another window
  • Chapter 16: Methodological and Epistemological Issues in Science Education Problem-solving Research: Linear and Nonlinear Paradigms p385-413 By Dimitrios Stamovlasis ; Dimitrios Stamovlasis Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Julie Vaiopoulou Julie Vaiopoulou Democritus University of Thrace Alexandroupolis Greece [email protected] University of Nicosia Nicosia Cyprus Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 16: Methodological and Epistemological Issues in Science Education Problem-solving Research: Linear and Nonlinear Paradigms in another window
  • Chapter 17: Issues, Problems and Solutions: Summing It All Up p414-444 By Georgios Tsaparlis Georgios Tsaparlis University of Ioannina, Department of Chemistry Ioannina Greece [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 17: Issues, Problems and Solutions: Summing It All Up in another window
  • Chapter 18: Postscript – Two Issues for Provocative Thought: (a) The Potential Synergy Between HOTS and LOTS (b) When Problem Solving Might Descend to Chaos Dynamics p445-456 By Georgios Tsaparlis Georgios Tsaparlis University of Ioannina, Department of Chemistry Ioannina Greece [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Abstract Open the PDF Link PDF for Chapter 18: Postscript – Two Issues for Provocative Thought: (a) The Potential Synergy Between HOTS and LOTS (b) When Problem Solving Might Descend to Chaos Dynamics in another window
  • Subject Index p457-467 Open the PDF Link PDF for Subject Index in another window


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3 Chemical Problem Solving Strategies

Video Transcript

Unit Analysis and Problem Solving

Unit analysis helps avoid errors in a multi-step calculation and provides the units for the final answer.

1) Write the units with every number you include in a series of calculations

2) String your calculations together as a series of multiplications or divisions before doing any math

3) Cancel your units to see the calculation evolve
* Gives you a hint about the next step *

States the relationship between two different units.

original quantity x conversion factor = equivalent quantity For example converting between length units Given that 1 meter = 39.37 inches Conversion factors or The same relationship, just invert as necessary to give you the units you need!

Calculations: using unit analysis.

problem solving strategies chemistry

The more you use the “long method” of converting units, the fewer errors you will make!

Problem Solving Examples

How many moles of oxygen atoms are there in a 10 ml volume of water.

Given a volume can you calculate a number of atoms? Data: 10 mL of water Need to know: water is density of water, molecular weight of water Answer in moles of oxygen O

Convert volume of water to moles of oxygen

H_{2}O \rightarrow

= There are 0.55 moles of oxygen atoms. Always Check Units!

Problems set, below are two documents. one is practice problems, the second is the same problems with solutions. they can be downloaded and changed to suit your needs..

Be Prepared! Everything you should know for 1st year Chemistry Copyright © by Andrew Vreugdenhil and Kelly Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Problem-Solving in Chemistry

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problem solving strategies chemistry

  • George M. Bodner 19 &
  • J. Dudley Herron 20  

Part of the book series: Science & Technology Education Library ((CTISE,volume 17))

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George M. Bodner

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J. Dudley Herron

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Bodner, G.M., Herron, J.D. (2002). Problem-Solving in Chemistry. In: Gilbert, J.K., De Jong, O., Justi, R., Treagust, D.F., Van Driel, J.H. (eds) Chemical Education: Towards Research-based Practice. Science & Technology Education Library, vol 17. Springer, Dordrecht.

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  • Research Matters — to the Science Teacher

Problem Solving in Chemistry

One of the major difficulties in teaching introductory chemistry courses is helping students become efficient problem solvers. Most beginning chemistry students find this one of the most difficulty aspects of the introductory chemistry course. What does research tell us about problem solving in chemistry? Just why do students have such difficulty in solving chemistry problems? Are some ways of teaching students to solve problems more effective than others? Problem solving in any area is a very complex process. It involves an understanding of the language in which the problem is stated, the interpretation of what is given in the problem and what is sought, an understanding of the science concepts involved in the solution, and the ability to perform mathematical operations if these are involved in the problem. The first requirement for successful problem solving is that the problem solver understand the meaning of the problem. In order to do so there must be an understanding of the vocabulary and its usage in the problem. There are two types of words that occur in problems, ordinary words that science teachers generally assume that students know and more technical terms that require understanding of concepts specific to the discipline. Researchers have found that many students do not know the meaning of common words such as contrast, displace, diversity, factor, fundamental, incident, negligible, relevant, relative, spontaneous and valid. Slight changes in the way a problem is worded may make a difference in whether a students is able to solve it correctly. For example, when "least" is changed to "most" in a problem, the percentage getting the question correct may increase by 25%. Similar improvements occur for changing negative to positive forms, for rewording long and complex questions, and for changing from the passive to the active voice. Although teachers would like students to solve problems in whatever way they are framed they must be cognizant of the fact that these subtle changes will make a difference in students' success in solving problems. From several research studies on problem solving in chemistry, it is clear that the major reason why students are unable to solve problems is that they do not understand the concepts on which the problems are based. Studies that compare the procedures used by students who are inexperienced in solving problems with experts show that experts were able to retrieve relevant concepts more readily from their long term memory. Studies have also shown that experts concepts are linked to one another in a network. Experts spend a considerable period of time planning the strategy that will be used to solve the problem whereas novices jump right in using a formula or trying to apply an algorithm. In the past few years, science educators have been trying to determine which science concepts students understand and which they do not. Because chemistry is concerned with the nature of matter, and matter is defined as anything that has mass and volume, students must understand these concepts to be successful problem solvers in chemistry. Research studies have shown that a surprising number of high school students do not understand the meaning of mass, volume, heat, temperature and changes of state. One reason why students do not understand these concepts is because when they have been taught in the classroom, they have not been presented in a variety of contexts. Often the instruction has been verbal and formal. This will be minimally effective if students have not had the concrete experiences. Hence, misconceptions arise. Although the very word "misconception" has a negative connotation, this information is important for chemistry teachers. They are frameworks by which the students view the world around them. If a teacher understands these frameworks, then instruction can be formulated that builds on student's existing knowledge. It appears that students build conceptual frameworks as they try to make sense out of their surroundings. In addition to the fundamental properties of matter mentioned above, there are other concepts that are critical to chemical calculations. One of these is the mole concept and another is the particulate nature of matter. There is mounting evidence that many students do not understand either of these concepts sufficiently well to use them in problem solving. It appears that if chemistry problem solving skills of students are to improve, chemistry teachers will need to spend a much greater period of time on concept acquisition. One way to do this will be to present concepts in a variety of contexts, using hands-on activities.

What does this research imply about procedures that are useful for helping students become more successful at problem solving?

Chemistry problems can be solved using a variety of techniques. Many chemistry teachers and most introductory chemistry texts illustrate problem solutions using the factor-label method. It has been shown that this is not the best technique for high school students of high mathematics anxiety and low proportional reasoning ability. The use of analogies and schematic diagrams results in higher achievement on problems involving moles, stoichiometry, and molarity. The use of analogs is not profitable for certain types of problems. When problems became complex (such as in dilution problems) students are unable to solve even the analog problems. For these types of problems, using analogs in instruction would be useless unless teachers are willing to spend additional time teaching students how to solve problems using the analog. Many students are unable to match analogs with the chemistry problems even after practice in using analogs. Students need considerable practice if analogs are used in instruction. When teaching chemistry by the lecture method, concept development needed for problem solving may be enhanced by pausing for a two minute interval at about 8 to 12 minute intervals during the lecture. This provides students time to review what has been presented, fill in the gaps, and interpret the information for others, and thus learn it themselves. The use of concept maps may also help students understand concepts and to relate them to one another. Requiring students to use a worksheet with each problem may help them solve them in a more effective way. The worksheet might include a place for them to plan a problem, that is list what is given and what is sought; to describe the problem situation by writing down other concepts they retrieve from memory (the use of a picture may integrate these); to find the mathematical solution; and to appraise their results. Although the research findings are not definitive, the above approaches offer some promise that students' problem solving skills can be improved and that they can learn to solve problems in a meaningful way.

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problem solving strategies chemistry

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problem solving strategies chemistry

Chemistry Education Research and Practice

Scaffolding the development of problem-solving skills in chemistry: guiding novice students out of dead ends and false starts.

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a Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University, 381 Royal Parade, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +61 3 9903 9611

To scaffold the development of problem-solving skills in chemistry, chemistry educators are exploring a variety of instructional techniques. In this study, we have designed, implemented, and evaluated a problem-solving workflow – “Goldilocks Help”. This workflow builds on work done in the field of problem solving in chemistry and provides specific scaffolding for students who experience procedural difficulties during problem solving, such as dead ends (not being able to troubleshoot) and false starts (not knowing how to initiate the problem-solving process). The Goldilocks Help workflow has been designed to scaffold a systematic problem-solving process with a designation of explicit phases of problem solving, to introduce students to the types of questions/prompts that should guide them through the process, to encourage explicit reasoning necessary for successful conceptual problem solving, and to promote the development of metacognitive self-regulation skills. The tool has been implemented and evaluated over a two-year period and modified based on student and instructor feedback. The evaluation demonstrated a shift in students’ beliefs in their capacities to use the strategies required to achieve successful problem solving and showed their capacity to employ such strategies.

  • This article is part of the themed collection: Development of key skills and attributes in chemistry

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problem solving strategies chemistry

E. Yuriev, S. Naidu, L. S. Schembri and J. L. Short, Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. , 2017,  18 , 486 DOI: 10.1039/C7RP00009J

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