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Learn the best strategies and tips on how to write an effective and persuasive debate essay for your academic success.

How to write a debate essay

When it comes to expressing opinions, engaging in a debate can be an effective way to communicate and support your stance on a particular issue. A debate essay, or argumentative essay, allows you to showcase your critical thinking skills and present a well-reasoned argument. This type of essay requires careful planning and organization to effectively persuade your audience. By following a step-by-step approach, you can develop a strong debate essay that presents your point of view clearly and convincingly.

Before diving into the writing process, it’s essential to understand the purpose of a debate essay. The goal is not only to express your own opinion but also to address counterarguments and anticipate potential objections. Your aim is to convince your audience to understand and accept your perspective by presenting strong evidence and logical reasoning. To achieve this, you need to research and gather relevant information on the topic, evaluate different viewpoints, and outline a clear structure for your essay.

One of the key components of a successful debate essay is a strong thesis statement. This statement presents the main argument or claim that you will be defending throughout your essay. It should be clear, concise, and impactful. Your thesis statement should express your position on the topic and provide a preview of the main points you will be discussing. A well-crafted thesis statement sets the tone for your essay and helps guide your writing process, ensuring that every point you make supports and strengthens your overall argument.

Understand the topic and choose a side

Before diving into the debate essay writing process, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the topic at hand and carefully consider which side you will argue for. This step is essential as it sets the foundation for a well-reasoned and persuasive argument.

Take the time to read and research extensively on the topic to gain a comprehensive understanding of its different aspects and perspectives. Look for reliable sources such as books, scholarly articles, and reputable websites to gather information and insights. By doing so, you will be able to familiarize yourself with various arguments, counterarguments, and evidence presented by experts in the field.

Once you have gained a deep understanding of the topic, it is time to choose a side. Consider the different arguments presented by both sides and evaluate which one aligns with your own beliefs, values, and knowledge. Think about the strengths and weaknesses of each argument, as well as the evidence supporting them. Reflect on your own experiences and personal views to help you make an informed decision.

Choosing a side does not necessarily mean that you have to agree with it wholeheartedly. It simply means that you will be presenting and defending that particular perspective in your debate essay. Keep in mind that choosing a side does not imply being closed-minded or dismissive of the opposing viewpoint. A well-rounded debate essay will acknowledge and address counterarguments, showing a balanced and thoughtful approach to the topic.

Once you understand the topic and have chosen a side, you can move on to the next step of the debate essay writing process: gathering evidence and constructing a persuasive argument.

Research and gather supporting evidence

In order to write a strong and convincing debate essay, it is essential to conduct thorough research and gather relevant supporting evidence. Research serves as the foundation for an effective argument, providing credible information that strengthens your position and persuades your audience.

When conducting research, it is important to explore multiple sources to ensure a well-rounded understanding of the topic. This can include peer-reviewed articles, academic journals, books, and reputable websites. By utilizing a variety of sources, you can gain different perspectives and enhance the credibility of your argument.

During the research process, it is crucial to critically analyze the information you gather. This involves evaluating the credibility and reliability of your sources. Look for evidence that is backed by reputable experts, institutions, or organizations. Additionally, consider the timeliness of the information to ensure that you are presenting the most current and relevant data.

As you gather evidence, it is also important to keep track of your sources. This will allow you to properly cite and reference your information in your debate essay. Utilize a citation style guide, such as APA or MLA, to ensure consistency and accuracy in your citations.

When selecting evidence to support your argument, consider the strengths and weaknesses of each piece of information. Choose evidence that is logical, well-reasoned, and directly relevant to your argument. Avoid using biased or unreliable sources that may weaken your position.

In conclusion, research and gathering supporting evidence is a critical step in writing a debate essay. Thorough research and careful evaluation of sources will strengthen your argument and enhance your credibility. By selecting well-reasoned and relevant evidence, you can effectively persuade your audience and present a compelling debate essay.

Organize your arguments

Organize your arguments

When writing a debate essay, it is crucial to organize your arguments in a clear and logical manner. By doing so, you will be able to effectively present your ideas and support your stance on the given topic. Organizing your arguments not only helps you convey your message more effectively, but it also makes it easier for your readers to comprehend and follow your line of thinking.

One way to organize your arguments is to group them based on similarities or themes. This can be done by identifying common elements or ideas among your arguments and grouping them together. For example, if you are arguing in favor of stricter gun control laws, you might have separate arguments related to reducing gun violence, preventing accidental shootings, and deterring criminals. By grouping these arguments together, you can present a more cohesive and convincing case.

Another way to organize your arguments is by presenting them in a logical order. This can be done by arranging your arguments from the strongest to the weakest or from the most general to the most specific. By structuring your arguments in this way, you can build a strong foundation and gradually persuade your readers as they progress through your essay. Additionally, presenting your arguments in a logical order makes it easier for your readers to follow your reasoning and understand the progression of your ideas.

Furthermore, it is important to provide evidence and examples to support your arguments. This can be done by incorporating research findings, statistics, expert opinions, and real-life examples into your essay. By including evidence, you not only strengthen your arguments but also make them more persuasive and credible. However, it is crucial to ensure that the evidence you present is reliable and relevant to your topic. Additionally, you should clearly explain how the evidence supports your arguments so that your readers can understand the connection.

In conclusion, organizing your arguments is a crucial step in writing a debate essay. By grouping your arguments based on similarities or themes, presenting them in a logical order, and providing evidence to support them, you can effectively convey your ideas and persuade your readers. Remember to stay focused on your main point and to present your arguments in a clear and concise manner. With proper organization, your debate essay will be more impactful and convincing.

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How to Write a Good Debate Essay

When the word “debate” occurs in an essay title, you are being asked to examine a subject in which there are opposing views. The aim is that your essay will lead to support for one side, based on clear argument, effective judgement and justification for the decisions presented and arguments presented. The foundation of a good debate essay is effectively completing research combined with being able to refer to facts and credible information. The biggest challenge is to remain unemotional, whilst still persuading your audience of the validity of the arguments you are making in support of your chosen side.

Writing your debate essay


Your introduction should ensure that your reader understands what topic is being debated and encourage them to read more. One effective way to start is with a question, which sets the stage for you to state your position on the subject (your thesis statement). For example, “Does online learning creates laziness in students?”.

The aim is that your readers will have an immediate answer to the question, and this then drives the arguments you are presenting. An alternative approach is to refute a statement, framing the subject negatively, for example, “There are studies which suggest online learning creates laziness, however, studies have shown that online learning actually increases motivation”. In this case you are encouraging the reader to support your argument. In both cases, you have set a foundation with your introduction which needs to be built on by effective arguments and evidence.

The body text of your debate essay should be separated into paragraphs, each one of which will cover a different reason / rationale for the viewpoint you set out in your introduction. For each point you should provide back-up information from credible sources, which demonstrates that you have evaluated evidence before drawing a conclusion and opinion. Each paragraph should introduce your argument for or against, depending on your perspective, and include where appropriate, statistical evidence, illustrative data and clearly referenced sources. A good tip with a debate essay is to also present the counterargument for your point and refute it with viable sources to demonstrate why it is incorrect, demonstrating your understanding of the subject. The structure of the body text should be logical, moving from one argument to another with effective connections such as “Furthermore”, “Notwithstanding”, “Moreover” or similar to ensure coherence of argument.

The conclusion to your debate essay should be a summing up of all the positive points you have made, reaffirming your stance on the issue and should refer back to your thesis statement or original question. This enables you to demonstrate that you have effectively provided a strong justification for your point of view and in so doing, persuaded the reader of the accuracy of your perspective and opinion.

Key Words for a Debate Essay

  • In the same way
  • On the other hand
  • Nevertheless
  • On the contrary
  • Subsequently
  • Specifically
  • Furthermore
  • In consequence

Tips For Writing A Debate Essay

An argumentative paper depends on various aspects that can either build the conversation or break it. Here is how to write a debate essay step by step and get your point through in a convincing manner:

  • Choose the topic wisely. Make sure it is a controversial topic that can have a debate both ways. You can pick any topic from child education to medicinal marijuana. The topic itself needs to have a compelling pull to keep the audience involved.
  • Once the topic is decided, figure out which side you are on. For topics like domestic violence, most people will be against it, but you can still create an argument around it confidently.
  • Make sure you have done your research to articulate the facts and stats which go both in favour and against the topic. Your opponents may have a different perspective than you, but if you have solid grounds that can prove your stance, you can make them agree with you.
  • Know your audience. The readers of your essay will be very crucial to you building your argument. If you are writing a term paper, you may focus more on sentence building, structuring, and formatting. But if you are drafting for a competition, you need solid supporting research which can be cited and argued.
  • Have your facts ready. Without figures and numbers, a paper loses credibility. It becomes more of an opinion-piece than a debate essay grounded in facts.
  • The last, the most important factor. Select an issue you are most passionate about. If you feel strongly about it, you will be able to express your thoughts and also be able to research it with dedication.

Consider these tips combined when you think about how to make a debate essay convincing and interesting. Don’t forget, your opponent may not agree at all with your verdict, but at least you would present your vision with strong arguments and leave a good impression on the readers.

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Debate Writing

Cathy A.

Debate Writing - A Comprehensive Writing Guide

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Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words when it comes to articulating your thoughts in a debate?

The inability to formulate your thoughts in a debate can be a significant obstacle, hindering your ability to express yourself effectively. But don’t worry!

If you’re someone who’s wandering around trying to find the secrets to craft an outstanding debate speech, we’ve got your back.

In this blog, we’ll introduce you to debate writing, types, format, some tips, and debate examples, so you can understand how to pen down the perfect debate.

Let’s get going!

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  • 1. What is Debate Writing?
  • 2. Types of Debate
  • 3. Debate Writing Format
  • 4. How to Write a Debate?
  • 5. How to End the Debate?
  • 6. Debate Writing Tips and Tricks
  • 7. Advanced Techniques for Debate Writing 
  • 8. Debate Writing Examples
  • 9. Debate Writing Topics for Students 

What is Debate Writing?

A debate is a formal contest of argumentation where two opposing teams defend and attack a given resolution. Similarly, it is also a persuasive manner of speaking to convert one’s opinion into your viewpoint.

Here, the speaker either speaks for or against a particular topic being discussed. Moreover, it is the process of preparing and writing the debate before its formal presentation.

Features of Debate Writing

The following are the main features of debate writing.

  • Informative -  A good debate must provide complete information and facts. It is supposed to inform and educate people with the help of logical reasoning.
  • Well-reasoned - The arguments discussed in a debate must be logical, relevant, competent, and well-explained.
  • Persuasive -  A debate must emphasize strong arguments to convince the people.
  • Orderly -  A debate must present the facts in a structured and organized form. It should also follow a specific format.
  • Dynamic -  In a debate, two teams present opposing arguments. Similarly, all the important points must be questioned and answered by each team member.

Types of Debate

The following is a detailed description of common debating types that are practiced on various occasions. 

  • Team Policy Debate -  It consists of two teams, each with two debaters. The main aim is to present a huge amount of data coherently.
  • Cross-examination Debate -  It is considered a period between speeches. Here, the opponents ask each other to clarify and understand the points based on evidence.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate - It is a one-on-one and an open-style debate. Here, the debaters focus on arguing for or against a topic persuasively and logically.
  • Spontaneous Argumentation - Includes two teams that argue on a specific idea, but it does not require much research work. Similarly, this debate focuses more on presentation than content.
  • Public Forum Debate -  It includes arguments on controversial topics. Moreover, these are used to test the argumentation, cross-examination, and refutation skills of the debaters.
  • Parliamentary Debate - It consists of two teams, one called the government and the other called the opposition team. The Government team proposes a motion, and the Opposition team argues against it.

If you want to learn more about the different debating types, head to over comprehensive blog on types of debates.

Debate Writing Format

The debate writing for middle or high school follows the same format structure. Here, we have mentioned a detailed format for you to get an idea of the parts of a debate.

It includes opening sentences with three key arguments and clarifying questions.

Pro Team - 5 minutes
Con Team - 2 minutes
Con Team - 5 minutes
Pro Team - 2 minutes

In this section, the debaters repeat and analyze the opponent’s arguments and position.
Pro Team - 3 minutes
Con Team - 3 minutes

Here, the debaters will summarize their positions after detailed arguments with the opposing team. Similarly, it also allows them to explain why their opinion is best.

Pro Team - 3 minutes
Con Team - 3 minutes

After a detailed discussion, each team must answer the questions in a 20-minute-long session.

Check out the given debate writing template to get help with structuring your debate.

Debate Writing Template

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How to Start a Debate?

When starting the debate writing process, the question “ How to write a debate introduction?… ” could come off as a daunting one, but don’t worry.

Here are some easy steps for you to write a compelling debate introduction.

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1. Impressive greeting and strong opening sentence:

Greet your audience with enthusiasm, capturing their attention with a compelling opening statement that sets the tone for your debate.

2. Tell a personal story:

Connect emotionally by sharing a relevant personal anecdote that humanizes the topic, making it relatable and engaging.

3. State an amazing Fact:

Introduce a surprising or impressive fact related to your debate topic to pique interest and establish credibility.

4. Use a powerful quotation:

Incorporate a thought-provoking quote that aligns with your argument, adding depth and authority to your speech.

5. Ask a rhetorical question:

Pose a rhetorical question to stimulate critical thinking among your audience, encouraging them to ponder the issue at hand.

6. State a problem:

Clearly articulate the problem or challenge associated with your debate topic, highlighting its significance and relevance.

7. Share your opinion about the topic:

Express your stance on the matter, providing a concise preview of your argument and setting the stage for the forthcoming points in your debate speech.

How to Write a Debate?

Following are the steps you can stick to for writing a debate speech that lets you stand out from the competition:  

1. Understand the Debate

The first of many steps in debate writing is understanding its nature. Here, both teams will be given a topic, and they will choose an affirmative or negative stance.

2. Research the Topic Thoroughly

Brainstorm and research the topic thoroughly to understand all the aspects of the debate. Make a list of critical points and use credible sources to cover them in your key arguments.

3. Develop a Debate Outline

Develop a basic debate speech outline that consists of three main sections. It includes an introduction, body, and conclusion that are discussed below in detail.

It is the first section of the outline that includes an attention grabber. Introduce your topic and present the context with the help of a  thesis statement . Also, provide a brief overview of the students’ arguments to understand the direction of the debate.

It is the main section of the debate that discusses the key arguments in detail. Moreover, it further includes logical reasoning and evidence to support the thesis.

The conclusion is the last chance to demonstrate significant ideas. It summarizes the main body by adding emotion and drama to the words and includes a strong closing sentence.

4. Writing the Debate

Start writing the final draft of your debate. Mention the crucial elements of persuasion, which are ethos, pathos, and logos. These are used to explain the effects of the resolution in the real world.

Also, use transition words to maintain a logical flow between paragraphs. Lastly, edit and proofread your work to avoid plagiarism, grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Here is a great example of a well-written debate introduction:

If you’re thinking, “ How to write a debate greeting? ”, take a thorough look at the detailed steps below: 

Begin by addressing the audience politely and respectfully. You can say, “Ladies and gentlemen,” “Honorable judges,” or “Esteemed colleagues.”

Express appreciation for the opportunity to speak. You can say, “I am grateful for the chance to participate in this important debate.”

Briefly introduce yourself, including your name and any relevant affiliations or roles. For example, “My name is [Your Name], and I am representing [Your School/Organization].”

If you are in a formal debate with opposing teams, it's a good practice to acknowledge your opponents. You can say something like, “I want to extend my respect to the opposing team for their efforts in today's debate.”

Establish a rapport with the audience by connecting with them on a personal level or by mentioning a shared experience or interest related to the topic. This can help you build a connection and engage your audience.

Consider starting with a relevant quote, anecdote, or thought-provoking question related to the topic. This can capture the audience's attention and set the stage for your speech.

Clearly state the motion or topic of the debate. This is essential to ensure that the audience knows the context of the discussion. For example, “Today, we are here to debate the motion…”

Give a brief overview of your position or stance on the motion. This provides a roadmap for your speech and helps the audience understand where you stand.

Convey enthusiasm and confidence in your ability to present your arguments effectively. This can inspire confidence in the audience and judges.

Conclude the greeting with a transition statement that leads into your main arguments. For example, “With that said, let's delve into the key points that support our position.”

Here's an of a debate greeting following the steps above:

If you have the question, “ How to write a debate against the motion? ” in mind, look at this step-by-step procedure below:

Begin by thoroughly understanding the motion or topic you are opposing. Ensure you know what it means and what specific aspects you need to address.

Research to gather relevant information, facts, and evidence to support your opposition to the motion. Be well-informed about the topic.

Identify the key points and arguments you will use to oppose the motion. These should be clear, concise, and well-structured. Each argument should relate to the motion and contribute to your opposition.

Organize your arguments in a logical order. Start with your strongest argument and follow with supporting points. Use a clear and consistent structure for your arguments.

Consider potential counterarguments that the other side might present, and prepare responses to them. Anticipating and addressing counterarguments strengthens your position.

Support your arguments with evidence, such as statistics, expert opinions, examples, and anecdotes. Citing credible sources adds credibility to your opposition.

If the motion is based on certain assumptions, challenge or question these assumptions. Explain why they may not hold in your opposition.

Begin your debate with a compelling introduction. State the motion, provide a brief overview of your opposition, and grab the audience's attention. You can use the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution) format for your introduction.

Divide your speech into clear sections, including an introduction, arguments, counterarguments, and a conclusion. Each section should flow logically into the next.

Use persuasive language and rhetoric to make your arguments more compelling. Emphasize the importance of your points and why the audience should consider your opposition.

In your debate speech, address the arguments put forth by the other side and provide a strong rebuttal. Refute their points using evidence and logic.

Summarize your key arguments, restate your opposition to the motion, and make a strong closing statement. Leave a memorable impression on your audience.

13. Practice and Delivery:
Practice your speech to ensure that you can present your opposition confidently and persuasively. Work on your speaking skills, including tone, pace, and clarity.

Engage with the audience by making eye contact, using gestures, and varying your voice. Connect with your audience emotionally and intellectually.

Be prepared to answer questions from the audience or the opposing team during the debate. Respond confidently and with poise.

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How to End the Debate?

End the debate by making sure that you have included the following elements. It will help you assess the credibility of your debate.

  • Does your debate start with an interesting greeting?
  • Does it provide original content, personal experience, and a call to action?
  • Does the debate follow a proper format structure?
  • Does it include the correct sentence structure?
  • Does it maintain logical transitions to flow ideas from one paragraph to another?
  • Have you proofread or revised it for common mistakes such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
  • Does the debate mention your opinion about the given topic?
  • Does the debate end with a powerful conclusion sentence to leave a lasting impact on the audience?

Debate Writing Tips and Tricks

Here are some amazing debate tips and tricks for you to write a perfect debate:

  • It is better to know and prepare for a debate before starting it
  • Conduct thorough research work to collect relevant data and draft creative arguments about the topic
  • A writer should think relatively to identify the validity of significant claims
  • Try to understand the formal debate through a variety of personal experiences
  • Support the arguments with examples and evidence to make them more credible and authentic
  • Also, consider the perspective of the judges and audience while making a critical argument
  • Always structure your speech while keeping the time limits in mind
  • Do not always disagree with the opponent’s arguments. Instead, you should take notes and think logically
  • Build your case by keeping in mind all the possible objections that others can raise
  • Never make the mistake of introducing new arguments in your closing section

Advanced Techniques for Debate Writing 

Below are some easy  debating techniques  to write a primary and high school debate.

  • Introduce the topic at the beginning of the debate and form an opinion about it.
  • Know your audience to adjust your argument according to them.
  • Assign the two sides as affirmatives and negatives.
  • Take enough time to research the case and the vocabulary used for it.
  • Organize your opinion and present supporting facts to persuade the audience.
  • Follow a basic debate structure that includes the following period.
  • Get an idea about the opponent’s arguments and advance your research by weakening them.
  • Make a judgment based on the audience’s votes and your opinion about the arguments.
  • Connect to the audience emotionally by presenting examples, evidence, and personal experiences.
  • Incorporate simple, well-timed humor to engage and emphasize your argument effectively

Debate Writing Examples

Check out the following examples of debate writing to get a better idea of the concept.

Debate Example for Ks2

Debate Writing Class 6

Debate Writing Class 7

Debate Writing Class 8

Debate Writing Class 9

Debate Writing Class 11 PDF

Debate Writing Class 12

Debate Writing Example on Online Classes

If you want inspiration from more examples on various debate topics, visit our comprehensive debate examples blog!

Debate Writing Topics for Students 

The following are some impressive debate writing prompts for students to get started.

  • All schools should conduct compulsory drug testing on their students
  • Middle and high schools must ban sex education
  • Is it ethical to move in before getting married?
  • Academic institutes should ban smoking on college premises
  • Peer pressure is harmful to students
  • High schools should provide daycare services to students who have children
  • The government should develop nuclear energy for commercial use
  • Celebrities can get away with crime more easily than non-celebrities
  • Cell phones should not be used in classrooms
  • Money motivates people more than any other factor in the workplace

Head over to our list of debate topics to choose from a wide range of unique debate writing ideas.

To sum it up,  This comprehensive guide to debate writing will help you write a perfect one for your high school or college. We’ve covered all the essential details one would need to craft a winning debate.

However, if you think that you could use a helping hand to perfect your debate writing game, we’ve got you covered. 

You can get help from our speech writing service to solve your debate writing worries. Our writing experts will deliver you comprehensive and well-composed debates at rates that won’t break the bank. 

Simply place your " write my essay for me " request and we’ll take care of all your writing-related problems. 

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Cathy has been been working as an author on our platform for over five years now. She has a Masters degree in mass communication and is well-versed in the art of writing. Cathy is a professional who takes her work seriously and is widely appreciated by clients for her excellent writing skills.

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Debate Writing

Last updated on: Apr 25, 2024

Debate Writing Steps to Help You Prepare a Winning Debate

By: Nova A.

12 min read

Reviewed By: Rylee W.

Published on: Mar 31, 2020

Debate Writing

Whether you're an experienced debater or a new one, writing your debate speech before you deliver it is important.  

Debate writing is a skill that can help you express your opinions and persuade others. When preparing for a debate, you need to know how to craft effective arguments, support them with evidence, and address counterarguments. 

In this blog, we'll break down the essential steps of debate writing. You will also get some tips and techniques on writing a good debate. From building strong arguments to presenting them effectively, you'll gain the skills needed to excel in debates. Get ready to embark on a journey of growth and discover the secrets of. 

Let's dive in and explore the world of debate writing together!

Debate Writing

On this Page

What is Debate Writing?

Debate writing is an essential step in preparing for a debate.

A debate is a form of persuasive communication that involves presenting arguments and counterarguments on a specific topic. Debates typically follow a defined format, with participants presenting their arguments and counterarguments in turn.

Debate writing is a process of organizing your points, arguments, and sources in writing so you know exactly what you are going to say during your debate. Writing your debate helps you express opinions effectively and convince others of the validity of your viewpoint. 

Features of Debate Writing

Understanding the nature and features of debate writing is crucial for students aiming to become effective debaters. Debate writing encompasses several key features, including:

  • Structured Format

Debate writing thrives on an organized structure, where arguments unfold in a logical sequence. A well-crafted format ensures clarity, making it easier for the audience to follow and comprehend your points.

  • Research and Evidence

Thorough research and strong evidence are keys to a compelling debate. You must dive deep into the topic, drawing upon credible sources to strengthen your arguments. 

  • Persuasive Techniques

Beyond presenting facts, effective debaters employ persuasive techniques to sway opinions. These techniques include ethos, pathos, and logos . These persuasion techniques enhance the impact of your arguments by resonating with the audience on a deeper level.

  • Critical Thinking

As a debate writer, you have to analyze information, identify flaws in opposing arguments, and construct nuanced responses. The ability to think critically contributes to the depth and strength of your position in a debate.

  • Listening and Responding

Engaging with opponents' arguments requires not only attentiveness but also the ability to formulate timely and relevant counterarguments, creating a dynamic and intellectually stimulating exchange.

 Types of Debate

A debate comes in various forms, each with its own rules, structure, and objectives. Let's explore some of the common types of debate:

  • Traditional Debate: This is the classic style of debate where two teams argue for or against a proposition. The traditional debate follows specific rules and formats, such as the British Parliamentary or American Parliamentary style.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate: This style focuses on one-on-one debates. The format involves a single affirmative speaker and a single negative speaker engaging in cross-examination.
  • Policy Debate: Policy debates center around specific policy proposals. Debaters analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed policy, considering its economic, social, and political implications. 
  • Public Forum Debate: Public forum debates aim to stimulate discussions on current events to a wider audience. Debaters present arguments, provide evidence and engage in crossfire exchanges. 
  • Mock Trial Debate: Mock trial debates simulate legal proceedings, where participants act as lawyers, witnesses, and judges. Debaters present their cases by examining witnesses, introducing evidence, and making persuasive arguments. 

Six Steps for Writing a Debate

Writing a debate requires careful planning and organization to convey your arguments effectively. Here are six steps to help you through the process:

Step 1:  Use a Strong Opening

The opening of your debate sets the tone and grabs the attention of your audience. It is essential to start with a compelling hook that captivates the listeners and immediately engages them in your argument. 

Here are some tips along with their examples:

  • Start with a provocative question

  • Use a captivating statistic
  • Share a thought-provoking quote
  • Tell a compelling story or anecdote

Step 2: Clearly Define the Topic

Defining the topic of your debate helps establish the scope and context of your arguments for your audience. Here's how you can effectively define the topic:

  • Provide clear definitions: Begin by offering a concise definition of the topic you will be discussing. Define any key terms or concepts that may require clarification. 

For example:

"Before we dive into our debate on renewable energy, let's establish a clear definition. Renewable energy refers to energy sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar power, wind energy, hydroelectricity, and geothermal energy."

  • Outline the key arguments: Identify and outline the key arguments of your debate. This helps provide a comprehensive overview and gives structure to your arguments. 
  • Clarify the scope: Specify the specific focus or scope of your debate. This helps avoid confusion and ensures a more focused discussion. For example:

By clearly defining the topic, you lay the groundwork for a well-structured and informed debate.

Step 3: Write and Organize Your Arguments

Debate writing follows a structured format to ensure clarity, organization, and effective communication of arguments. Once you have a clear topic, you can write down your arguments, evidence sources, and counterarguments in an organized way. 

While variations exist based on the specific type of debate, here is a brief overview of a typical debate writing format:

[Provide relevant evidence and examples] [Explain the significance and relevance of the evidence]

[Provide relevant evidence and examples] [Explain the significance and relevance of the evidence]

[Provide relevant evidence and examples] [Explain the significance and relevance of the evidence]

[Present your response to the counterargument] [Provide evidence to refute the counterargument]

[Present your response to the counterargument] [Provide evidence to refute the counterargument]

[Present your response to the counterargument] [Provide evidence to refute the counterargument]

[Leave a lasting impression or call to action]

Step 4: Use Appropriate Signposting

Signposting is an important technique in debate writing that involves guiding your audience through your arguments. By using signposting, you help your audience follow your line of reasoning and understand the structure of your debate. 

Here are some ways to effectively use signposting:

  • Preview Main Points: 

At the beginning of your speech, briefly outline the main points or arguments you will be presenting. This provides a clear roadmap for your audience and helps them anticipate the flow of your debate. 

  • Transition Phrases

Use transition phrases to move smoothly from one point to another. These phrases act as signposts, signaling the shift from one argument to the next. For example:

By using signposting techniques, you enhance the clarity and structure of your debate.

Check out this video to learn more! 

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Step 5: Assess Your Arguments

When writing your arguments for a debate, it's essential to be concise, focused, and persuasive. Here are some tips for effectively presenting your arguments:

  • State your main points clearly: Begin by clearly stating your main points or arguments. Make sure your audience understands the key ideas you will be discussing.
  • Provide supporting evidence: Support your arguments with relevant and credible evidence. This can include facts, statistics, expert opinions, or real-life examples. Strong evidence strengthens the validity of your arguments.
  • Explain the significance of your arguments: Clearly explain why your arguments are important and relevant to the topic. Help your audience understand the implications and impact of your ideas.
  • Address potential counterarguments: Anticipate potential counterarguments and address them preemptively. This shows that you have considered multiple perspectives and strengthens your position.

Remember, in a debate, you typically have limited time to present your arguments. Be concise, impactful, and persuasive to make the most of the time allotted to you.

H3- Step 6: Conclude your Debate 

The conclusion of your debate is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your audience. It should effectively summarize your main arguments and reinforce the strength of your position. 

Here's how to craft a compelling conclusion:

  • Summarize your main points
  • Restate your main argument
  • Highlight the strengths of your position
  • Address counterarguments
  • Maintain a confident tone

Debate Writing Examples 

Check out these debate writing samples to see how debate writing works in practice. These examples will help you make sense of the points discussed above.

Debate Writing Class 7

Debate Writing Class 8

Debate Writing Class 9

Debate Writing Class 10

Debate Writing Class 12

Things To Avoid in Debate Writing 

Debate writing requires specific skills and techniques to convey your arguments and engage your audience effectively. 

Here are some essential do's and don'ts to keep in mind:

  • Don’t rely solely on emotions

While emotions can be powerful, it is essential to support your arguments with logical reasoning and evidence. Avoid basing your debate solely on personal feelings or emotional appeals.

  • Avoid logical fallacies

Do not engage in logical fallacies, such as ad hominem attacks, straw man arguments, or false analogies. Stick to sound reasoning and evidence-based arguments.

  • Ignoring time constraints

Respect the time limits given for your debate. Be mindful of your speech duration and allocate sufficient time for each argument. Practice pacing yourself to stay within the allotted time.

  • Don’t make sweeping generalizations

Avoid making broad generalizations without providing supporting evidence. Ensure your arguments are grounded in facts and specific examples.

  • Avoid being disrespectful

Maintain a respectful tone throughout the debate, even when addressing opposing viewpoints. Avoid personal attacks or derogatory language. Focus on the arguments rather than attacking individuals.

Interesting Debate Topic Ideas

Debate writing is a great way to learn more about different perspectives on important topics. Here are some engaging topics for your debate writing exercise:

  • Should school uniforms be mandatory in all educational institutions?
  • Is social media more harmful than beneficial for society?
  • Should standardized testing be abolished in schools?
  • Is animal testing necessary for scientific and medical advancements?
  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Is the death penalty an effective form of punishment?
  • Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be banned?
  • Is homeschooling a better alternative to traditional schooling?
  • Should the use of plastic bags be completely banned?
  • Is climate change primarily caused by human activities?

Need more ideas? Head to our list of engaging debate topics for more!

Now that you understand the basics of debate writing, it's time to take things up a notch. Debate writing is a great way to hone your critical thinking and have argumentative skills. 

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Nova A.

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Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

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How to Write a Debate Essay: Simple Principles to Follow

Serious multiracial colleagues having discussion brainstorming project together in office.

Debating means almost the same as arguing. You have a standpoint on a certain issue and want everybody else to accept it. To have a better understanding of what debates are all about, we advise you to watch some videos of political debates. These are the best examples of how one should argue for a certain point.

However, oral debates between people are certainly different from debating on paper and writing a good debate essay. If this is your next written assignment and you face some difficulties with it, we are ready to provide necessary assistance.

So, if you want to know how to write a debate essay and win the “battle”, follow these simple principles.

⭐ Know the features of a good debate

👀 choose debate essay topics wisely, 🔎 investigate background of the problem, 🗣️ collect arguments and counterarguments.

A winning debate has several characteristics that you should know and use when writing own debate essay:

  • a certain position on an issue;
  • proofs and evidences;
  • refuting arguments;

Basically, a good debate essay topic is any current issue that is of great interest to public and causes… heated debates. Yet, it does not mean you should pick any burning issue for discussion. It should be something you feel strongly about and will be able to argue for in your debate essay.

It is very important to study the topic of your debate essay thoroughly. What are the causes of the problem? What makes it so important to people? Why does this issue call opposing views?

Needless to say, you have to study as many materials devoted to the problem as you can and collect your arguments. However, you should also take into account all the counterarguments so that to refute them later in your debate essay.

If you lack ideas for your debate essay, read our articles about an essay on Affirmative Action and essay on animal experimentation.

Literacy Ideas

How to Write a Winning Debate Speech

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What is a Debate?

A classroom debate involves students delivering persuasive speeches to present and support their opinions on a given subject. This activity helps develop critical thinking and communication skills, enabling students to gain a more comprehensive grasp of various topics.

Debate speeches are written according to a set of rules so a moderator can assess their effectiveness and allow others to question or challenge their statements within a formal debate.

A classroom debate is not an unruly fight or pointless argument but a structured formal conversation on a chosen topic in which two teams argue for or against it to convince the neutral moderator that they hold the stronger position.

Debating is a form of persuasive communication, and while we will be sticking to the fundamentals of how to write a debating speech, we also have a great guide to persuasive essay writing that elaborates on specific persuasive techniques.

Complete Teaching Unit on Class Debating

debate speech,debating | class debating unit 1 | How to Write a Winning Debate Speech |

This unit will guide your students to write excellent DEBATE SPEECHES and craft well-researched, constructed ARGU MENTS ready for critique from their classmates.

Furthermore, this EDITABLE UNIT will provide the TOOLS and STRATEGIES for running highly engaging CLASSROOM DEBATES.

How To Run A Classroom Debate

Before jumping in headfirst to write your debating speech, ensure you understand how a debate is run to maximise your strategy and impact when it counts.

Debates occur in many different contexts, such as public meetings, election campaigns, legislative assemblies, and as entertainment on television shows. These contexts determine the specific structure the debate will follow.

This guide provides a basic step-by-step debate structure we can comfortably run with students in a classroom. By familiarizing students with this structure, they will effortlessly transition to other debate frameworks.

Running a classroom debate can be an engaging and educational activity that helps students develop critical thinking, communication, and research skills. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to organize and facilitate a successful classroom debate:

1. Choose a Topic For Your Debate.

Also called a resolution or a motion , the topic is sometimes chosen to debate. This is usually the case in a school activity to practice debating skills. 

The resolution or motion is usually centered around a true or false statement or a proposal to change the current situation. Often, the motion starts, ”This House believes that….”

Select a topic relevant to your curriculum and the students’ interests. Ensure that it is debatable and has multiple perspectives. Further down this article, you can find a list of popular classroom debating topics.

2. Form Two Debating Teams

Two teams of three speakers each are formed. These are referred to as ‘ The House for the Motion ’ or the ‘ Affirmative ’ team and ‘The House Against the Motion ’ or the ‘ Negative ’ team.

Preparation is an essential aspect of debating. The speech and debate team members will need time to research their arguments, collaborate, and organize themselves and their respective roles in the upcoming debate.

They’ll also need time to write and rehearse their speeches. The better prepared and coordinated they are as a team, the greater their chances of success in the debate.

3. Assign Roles to Students.

Each team member should have a specific role, such as speaker, researcher , or rebuttal specialist . This encourages teamwork and ensures that each student is actively involved.

4. Research and Preparation:

  • Allocate time for teams to research and prepare their arguments. Encourage students to use multiple sources, including books, articles, and reputable websites. Make sure you read our complete guide to powerful student research strategies.

5. Set Debate Format:

  • Define the debate format, including the structure of each round. Common formats include opening statements, cross-examination, rebuttals, and closing statements.

6. Establish Rules:

  • Set ground rules for the debate, such as time limits for each speaker, etiquette, guidelines for respectful communication, and consequences for rule violations.

7. Conduct a Practice Debate:

  • Before the actual debate, conduct a practice round. This helps students become familiar with the format and allows you to provide feedback on their arguments and presentation skills.
  • On the day of the debate, set up the classroom to accommodate the format. Ensure that each round has a clear structure, and designate a timekeeper to keep the debate on schedule.

9. Facilitate Q&A Sessions:

  • After each team presents their arguments, allow time for questions and cross-examination. This encourages critical thinking and engagement among the students.

10. Evaluate and Debrief:

  • After the debate, provide constructive feedback to each team. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their arguments, presentation skills, and teamwork. Also, please encourage students to reflect on what they learned from the experience.
  • Have a class discussion about the debate, exploring different perspectives and opinions. This can deepen students’ understanding of the topic and enhance their critical thinking skills.

Consider integrating the debate topic into future lessons or assignments. This reinforces the learning experience and allows students to delve deeper into the subject matter.

Remember to create a supportive and respectful environment throughout the debate, emphasizing the importance of listening to opposing views and engaging in constructive dialogue.

Each speaker takes a turn making their speech, alternating between the House for the Motion, who goes first, and the House Against the Motion. Each speaker speaks for a pre-agreed amount of time.

Ensure your debate is held in front of an audience (in this case, the class), and occasionally, the audience is given time to ask questions after all the speeches have been made.

Finally, the debate is judged either by moderators or by an audience vote. 

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How To Write A Debate

How to start a debate speech.

In highly competitive speech and debate tournaments, students are only provided the topic on the day, and limited time is allowed for preparation, but this is not recommended for beginners.

Regardless of the stakes of your classroom debate, the speechwriting process always begins with research. Thorough research will provide students with both the arguments and the supporting evidence for their position on a topic and generate forward-thinking about what their opponents might use against them.

Writing Your Introduction

The purpose of the introduction in a debate speech is to achieve several things:

  • Grab the attention of the audience,
  • Introduce the topic
  • Provide a thesis statement
  • Preview some of the main arguments.

Grab The Attention Of Your Audience With Strong Hooks

Securing the audience’s attention is crucial, and failure to do this will have a strong, negative impact on how the team’s efforts will be scored as a whole. Let’s explore three proven strategies to hook your audience and align their thinking to yours.

Hook TypeDetails
Quotes from reputable individuals add credibility and authority to your arguments. They demonstrate that influential figures endorse your viewpoint. They provide a concise and impactful way to convey complex ideas or express a widely accepted perspective. Quotations can resonate with the audience, evoke emotions, and make your speech more memorable. By referencing respected individuals, you tap into their expertise and reputation, supporting your position and increasing the persuasive impact of your debate speech.
Using a quotation from a well-known person is a great way to draw eyeballs and ears in the speaker’s direction. People love celebrities, even if that celebrity is relatively minor. 
Using a quotation to open a speech lends authority to what is being said. In addition, the quotation chosen will usually be worded concisely and interestingly, making it all the more memorable and impactful for the audience.
Quotes from reputable individuals add credibility and authority to your arguments. They demonstrate that influential figures endorse your viewpoint. They provide a concise and impactful way to convey complex ideas or express a widely accepted perspective. Quotations can resonate with the audience, evoke emotions, and make your speech more memorable. By referencing respected individuals, you tap into their expertise and reputation, lending support to your position and increasing the persuasive impact of your debate speech.
Using a quotation from a well-known person is a great way to draw eyeballs and ears in the speaker’s direction. People love celebrities, even if that celebrity is relatively minor. 
Using a quotation to open a speech lends authority to what is being said. In addition, the quotation chosen will usually be worded concisely and interestingly, making it all the more memorable and impactful for the audience.
An anecdote is a short, personal story that illustrates or emphasizes a point, often used to make a subject more relatable, and they are a valuable way to ease the audience into a complex topic. Your stories can be used to make complicated moral or ethical dilemmas more relatable for an audience.
Anecdotes are also an effective way for the speaker to build a rapport with the audience, which, in turn, makes the task of persuading them an easier one.

Introduce Your Topic With Efficiency and Effectiveness

Once the audience’s attention has been firmly grasped, it’s time to introduce the topic or the motion. This should be done straightforwardly and transparently to ensure the audience understands the topic of the debate and the position you are approaching it from.

For example, if the topic of the debate was school uniforms, the topic may be introduced with:

Provide Your Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a concise declaration summarizing the points and arguments of your debating speech.

  • It presents a clear stance on a topic and guides the reader on what to expect in the content.
  • A good thesis statement is debatable and allows for opposing viewpoints and discussion.
  • It serves as a roadmap for the writer, ensuring coherence and focus in the piece.
  • It helps the audience understand the purpose and direction of the work from the beginning.

The thesis statement should express the student’s or the team’s position on the motion. Clearly explaining the speaker’s side of the debate. An example can be seen here.

Provide A Preview Of Your Arguments

The final part of the introduction section of a debate speech involves previewing the main points of the speech for the audience.

There is no need to go into detail with each argument here; that’s what the body of the speech is for. It is enough to provide a general thesis statement for each argument or ‘claims’ – (more on this to follow).

Previewing the arguments in a speech is especially important as the audience and judges only get one listen to a speech – unlike a text, which can be reread as frequently as the reader likes.

debate introduction examples for students

Attention grabbers task.

After explaining the different types of attention grabbers and the format for the rest of the introduction to your students, challenge them to write an example of each type of opening for a specific debate topic. 

When they’ve finished writing these speech openings, discuss with the students which one best fits their chosen topic. Then, they can continue by completing the rest of the introduction for their speech using the format described above.

You might like to try a simple topic like “Homework should be banned.” you can choose from our collection further in this article.

Writing T he Body of the Speech

The body paragraphs are the real meat of the speech. They contain the in-depth arguments that make up the substance of the debate, and How well these arguments are made will determine how the judges will assess each speaker’s performance, so it’s essential to get the structure of these arguments just right.

Let’s take a look at how to do that.

How to structure an Argument

With the introduction out of the way, it’s time for the student to get down to the nitty-gritty of the debate – that is, making compelling arguments to support their case.

There are three main aspects to an argument in a debate speech. They are:

  • The Warrant
The first part of an argument, The claim is the assertion that the argument is attempting to prove. It’s the starting point and sets the direction for your whole argument, so it’s super important to make it clear and convincing.
Think of the warrant as the support system for your claim. It’s like the proof or reasoning that backs up what you’re saying. It’s the part that explains why your evidence actually supports your main point, making your argument strong and convincing.
Finally, The impact in an argument highlights why the claim is important, going beyond proving the point. It explores the broader implications, helping draw meaningful conclusions from the established truth of the assertion.

Following this structure carefully enables our students to build coherent and robust arguments. Ttake a look at these elements in action in the example below.

Brainstorming Arguments

Present your students with a topic and, as a class, brainstorm some arguments for and against the motion.

Then, ask students to choose one argument and, using the Claim-Warrant-Impact format, take a few moments to write down a well-structured argument that’s up to debate standard.

Students can then present their arguments to the class. 

Or, you could also divide the class along pro/con lines and host a mini-debate!

Concluding a Debate Speech

The conclusion of a speech or a debate is the final chance for the speaker to convey their message to the audience. In a formal debate that has a set time limit, the conclusion is crucial as it demonstrates the speaker’s ability to cover all their material within the given time frame.

Avoid introducing new information and focus on reinforcing the strength of your position for a compelling and memorable conclusion.

A good conclusion should refer back to the introduction and restate the main position of the speaker, followed by a summary of the key arguments presented. Finally, the speaker should end the speech with a powerful image that will leave a lasting impression on the audience and judges.

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Examples of strong debate Conclusions

The Burden of the Rejoinder

In formal debates, the burden of the rejoinder means that any time an opponent makes a point for their side, it’s incumbent upon the student/team to address that point directly.

Failing to do so will automatically be seen as accepting the truth of the point made by the opponent.

For example, if the opposing side argues that all grass is pink, despite how ridiculous that statement is, failing to refute that point directly means that, for the debate, all grass is pink.

Our students must understand the burden of the rejoinder and ensure that any points the opposing team makes are fully addressed during the debate.

The Devils Advocate

When preparing to write their speech, students should spend a significant proportion of their team collaborating as a team. 

One good way to practice the burden of the rejoinder concept is to use the concept of Devil’s Advocate, whereby one team member acts as a member of the opposing team, posing arguments from the other side for the speaker to counter, sharpening up their refutation skills in the process.

20 Great Debating Topics for Students

  • Should cell phones be allowed in schools?
  • Is climate change primarily caused by human activities?
  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Is social media more harmful than beneficial to society?
  • Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be embraced or rejected?
  • Is the death penalty an effective crime deterrent?
  • Should schools implement mandatory drug testing for students?
  • Is animal testing necessary for scientific and medical advancements?
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory?
  • Is censorship justified in certain circumstances?
  • Should the use of performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?
  • Is homeschooling more beneficial than traditional schooling?
  • Should the use of plastic bags be banned?
  • Is nuclear energy a viable solution to the world’s energy needs?
  • Should the government regulate the fast food industry?
  • Is social inequality a result of systemic factors or individual choices?
  • Should the consumption of meat be reduced for environmental reasons?
  • Is online learning more effective than traditional classroom learning?
  • Should the use of drones in warfare be banned?
  • Is the legalization of marijuana beneficial for society?

These topics cover a range of subjects and offer students the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking debates on relevant and impactful issues.


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Debating strategies for students.

Research and preparation are essential to ensure good performance in a debate. Students should spend as much time as possible drafting and redrafting their speeches to maximize their chances of winning. However, a debate is a dynamic activity, and victory cannot be assured by pre-writing alone.

Students must understand that the key to securing victory lies in also being able to think, write (often in the form of notes), and respond instantly amid the turmoil of the verbal battle. To do this, students must understand the following keys to victory.

When we think of winning a debate, we often think of blinding the enemy with the brilliance of our verbal eloquence. We think of impressing the audience and the judges alike with our outstanding oratory.

What we don’t often picture when we imagine what a debate winner looks like is a quiet figure sitting and listening intently. But being a good listener is one of our students’ most critical debating skills.

If students don’t listen to the other side, whether by researching opposing arguments or during the thrust of the actual debate, they won’t know the arguments the other side is making. Without this knowledge, they cannot effectively refute the opposition’s claims.

Read the Audience

In terms of the writing that happens before the debate takes place, this means knowing your audience. 

Students should learn that how they present their arguments may change according to the demographics of the audience and/or judges to whom they will be making their speech. 

An audience of retired school teachers and an audience of teen students may have very different responses to the same arguments.

This applies during the actual debate itself too. If the student making their speech reads resistance in the faces of the listeners, they should be prepared to adapt their approach accordingly in mid-speech.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The student must practice their speech before the debate. There’s no need to learn it entirely by heart. There isn’t usually an expectation to memorize a speech entirely, and doing so can lead to the speaker losing some of their spontaneity and power in their delivery. At the same time, students shouldn’t spend the whole speech bent over a sheet of paper reading word by word.

Ideally, students should familiarize themselves with the content and be prepared to deliver their speech using flashcards as prompts when necessary.

Another important element for students to focus on when practising their speech is making their body language, facial expressions, and hand gestures coherent with the verbal content of their speech. One excellent way to achieve this is for the student to practice delivering their speech in a mirror.

And Finally…

Debating is a lot of fun to teach and partake in, but it also offers students a valuable opportunity to pick up some powerful life skills.

It helps students develop a knack for distinguishing fact from opinion and an ability to assess whether a source is credible or not. It also helps to encourage them to think about the other side of the argument. 

Debating helps our students understand others, even when disagreeing with them. An important skill in these challenging times, without a doubt.

Debating Teaching Strategies

Clearly Define Debate Roles and Structure when running speech and debate events: Clearly define the roles of speakers, timekeepers, moderators, and audience members. Establish a structured format with specific time limits for speeches, rebuttals, and audience participation. This ensures a well-organized and engaging debate.

  • Provide Topic Selection and Preparation Time: Offer students a range of debate topics, allowing them to select a subject they are passionate about. Allocate ample time for research and preparation, encouraging students to gather evidence, develop strong arguments, and anticipate counterarguments.
  • Incorporate Scaffolded Debating Skills Practice: Before the actual debate, engage students in scaffolded activities that build their debating skills. This can include small group discussions, mock debates, or persuasive writing exercises. Provide feedback and guidance to help students refine their arguments and delivery.
  • Encourage Active Listening and Note-taking during speech and debate competitions: Emphasize the importance of active listening during the debate. Encourage students to take notes on key points, supporting evidence, and persuasive techniques used by speakers. This cultivates critical thinking skills and prepares them for thoughtful responses during rebuttals.
  • Facilitate Post-Debate Reflection and Discussion: After the debate, facilitate a reflection session where students can share their thoughts, lessons learned, and insights gained. Encourage them to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their arguments and engage in constructive dialogue. This promotes metacognitive skills and encourages continuous improvement.

By following these tips, teachers can create a vibrant and educational debate experience for their students. Through structured preparation, active engagement, and reflective discussions, students develop valuable literacy and critical thinking skills that extend beyond the boundaries of the debate itself.


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I'm in a debate club at school and we've been assigned to write an essay that presents a strong argument on a given topic. Anyone got any tips or advice for writing a persuasive debate essay?

When writing a persuasive debate essay, it's important to craft a strong argument that can persuade your audience or readers. Here are some tips and advice to help you write an effective essay:

1. Choose a compelling topic: Make sure to pick a controversial topic that has at least two strong opposing perspectives. This will allow you to present a robust argument and engage your audience.

2. Understand your audience: Before you start writing, consider who your audience is and what their potential biases or beliefs may be. This information will help you tailor your arguments to resonate with them effectively.

3. Research thoroughly: A well-researched essay will provide you with strong evidence to back up your claims. Use credible sources, such as academic articles, books, and reputable news sources to gather facts and statistics that support your argument. This will also help you identify potential counterarguments and anticipate how to address them in your essay.

4. Develop a clear thesis statement: Your thesis statement should clearly convey your stance on the issue and present a roadmap of your argument. Make sure it's concise and specific, so your audience can easily follow your line of reasoning.

5. Utilize the argumentative structure: Structure your essay by presenting an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the body paragraphs, provide a clear topic sentence, followed by evidence to support your claim, and then analyze the evidence to explain its relevance to the topic. Make sure to address counterarguments as well, and explain why your standpoint is stronger.

6. Use persuasive techniques: Employ various persuasive techniques to make your argument more compelling. These can include appeals to emotion (pathos), logic (logos), and credibility (ethos). Using a combination of these methods can strengthen your overall argument.

7. Ensure clear transitions: Make sure to use clear transitions between ideas and paragraphs, so your essay flows smoothly and maintains a logical progression.

8. Edit and revise: Once you have your draft completed, take the time to edit and revise your essay. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Additionally, check for logical consistency, clarity, and the overall strength of your argument.

9. Practice presentation skills: If you will be presenting your essay in a debate setting, make sure to rehearse your delivery. Speak clearly, maintain eye contact, and be confident in your argument. Be prepared to answer questions or engage in a discussion about your topic.

10. Seek feedback: Before submitting or presenting your essay, share it with peers, teachers, or mentors to get their feedback. This can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your argument.

Remember, the goal of a debate essay is to persuade the reader or audience of your position on a particular topic. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to crafting a strong and convincing argument. Good luck!

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How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Written by MasterClass

Last updated: Sep 9, 2021 • 5 min read

When you’re writing a persuasive essay, you need more than just an opinion to make your voice heard. Even the strongest stance won’t be compelling if it’s not structured properly and reinforced with solid reasoning and evidence. Learn what elements every argumentative essay should include and how to structure it depending on your audience in this easy step-by-step guide.

how do i write a debate essay

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  • How to write an argumentative essay | Examples & tips

How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips

Published on July 24, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An argumentative essay expresses an extended argument for a particular thesis statement . The author takes a clearly defined stance on their subject and builds up an evidence-based case for it.

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Table of contents

When do you write an argumentative essay, approaches to argumentative essays, introducing your argument, the body: developing your argument, concluding your argument, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about argumentative essays.

You might be assigned an argumentative essay as a writing exercise in high school or in a composition class. The prompt will often ask you to argue for one of two positions, and may include terms like “argue” or “argument.” It will frequently take the form of a question.

The prompt may also be more open-ended in terms of the possible arguments you could make.

Argumentative writing at college level

At university, the vast majority of essays or papers you write will involve some form of argumentation. For example, both rhetorical analysis and literary analysis essays involve making arguments about texts.

In this context, you won’t necessarily be told to write an argumentative essay—but making an evidence-based argument is an essential goal of most academic writing, and this should be your default approach unless you’re told otherwise.

Examples of argumentative essay prompts

At a university level, all the prompts below imply an argumentative essay as the appropriate response.

Your research should lead you to develop a specific position on the topic. The essay then argues for that position and aims to convince the reader by presenting your evidence, evaluation and analysis.

  • Don’t just list all the effects you can think of.
  • Do develop a focused argument about the overall effect and why it matters, backed up by evidence from sources.
  • Don’t just provide a selection of data on the measures’ effectiveness.
  • Do build up your own argument about which kinds of measures have been most or least effective, and why.
  • Don’t just analyze a random selection of doppelgänger characters.
  • Do form an argument about specific texts, comparing and contrasting how they express their thematic concerns through doppelgänger characters.

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An argumentative essay should be objective in its approach; your arguments should rely on logic and evidence, not on exaggeration or appeals to emotion.

There are many possible approaches to argumentative essays, but there are two common models that can help you start outlining your arguments: The Toulmin model and the Rogerian model.

Toulmin arguments

The Toulmin model consists of four steps, which may be repeated as many times as necessary for the argument:

  • Make a claim
  • Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim
  • Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim)
  • Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives

The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays. You don’t have to use these specific terms (grounds, warrants, rebuttals), but establishing a clear connection between your claims and the evidence supporting them is crucial in an argumentative essay.

Say you’re making an argument about the effectiveness of workplace anti-discrimination measures. You might:

  • Claim that unconscious bias training does not have the desired results, and resources would be better spent on other approaches
  • Cite data to support your claim
  • Explain how the data indicates that the method is ineffective
  • Anticipate objections to your claim based on other data, indicating whether these objections are valid, and if not, why not.

Rogerian arguments

The Rogerian model also consists of four steps you might repeat throughout your essay:

  • Discuss what the opposing position gets right and why people might hold this position
  • Highlight the problems with this position
  • Present your own position , showing how it addresses these problems
  • Suggest a possible compromise —what elements of your position would proponents of the opposing position benefit from adopting?

This model builds up a clear picture of both sides of an argument and seeks a compromise. It is particularly useful when people tend to disagree strongly on the issue discussed, allowing you to approach opposing arguments in good faith.

Say you want to argue that the internet has had a positive impact on education. You might:

  • Acknowledge that students rely too much on websites like Wikipedia
  • Argue that teachers view Wikipedia as more unreliable than it really is
  • Suggest that Wikipedia’s system of citations can actually teach students about referencing
  • Suggest critical engagement with Wikipedia as a possible assignment for teachers who are skeptical of its usefulness.

You don’t necessarily have to pick one of these models—you may even use elements of both in different parts of your essay—but it’s worth considering them if you struggle to structure your arguments.

Regardless of which approach you take, your essay should always be structured using an introduction , a body , and a conclusion .

Like other academic essays, an argumentative essay begins with an introduction . The introduction serves to capture the reader’s interest, provide background information, present your thesis statement , and (in longer essays) to summarize the structure of the body.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

The body of an argumentative essay is where you develop your arguments in detail. Here you’ll present evidence, analysis, and reasoning to convince the reader that your thesis statement is true.

In the standard five-paragraph format for short essays, the body takes up three of your five paragraphs. In longer essays, it will be more paragraphs, and might be divided into sections with headings.

Each paragraph covers its own topic, introduced with a topic sentence . Each of these topics must contribute to your overall argument; don’t include irrelevant information.

This example paragraph takes a Rogerian approach: It first acknowledges the merits of the opposing position and then highlights problems with that position.

Hover over different parts of the example to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

A common frustration for teachers is students’ use of Wikipedia as a source in their writing. Its prevalence among students is not exaggerated; a survey found that the vast majority of the students surveyed used Wikipedia (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). An article in The Guardian stresses a common objection to its use: “a reliance on Wikipedia can discourage students from engaging with genuine academic writing” (Coomer, 2013). Teachers are clearly not mistaken in viewing Wikipedia usage as ubiquitous among their students; but the claim that it discourages engagement with academic sources requires further investigation. This point is treated as self-evident by many teachers, but Wikipedia itself explicitly encourages students to look into other sources. Its articles often provide references to academic publications and include warning notes where citations are missing; the site’s own guidelines for research make clear that it should be used as a starting point, emphasizing that users should always “read the references and check whether they really do support what the article says” (“Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia,” 2020). Indeed, for many students, Wikipedia is their first encounter with the concepts of citation and referencing. The use of Wikipedia therefore has a positive side that merits deeper consideration than it often receives.

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An argumentative essay ends with a conclusion that summarizes and reflects on the arguments made in the body.

No new arguments or evidence appear here, but in longer essays you may discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your argument and suggest topics for future research. In all conclusions, you should stress the relevance and importance of your argument.

Hover over the following example to see the typical elements of a conclusion.

The internet has had a major positive impact on the world of education; occasional pitfalls aside, its value is evident in numerous applications. The future of teaching lies in the possibilities the internet opens up for communication, research, and interactivity. As the popularity of distance learning shows, students value the flexibility and accessibility offered by digital education, and educators should fully embrace these advantages. The internet’s dangers, real and imaginary, have been documented exhaustively by skeptics, but the internet is here to stay; it is time to focus seriously on its potential for good.

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An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

The majority of the essays written at university are some sort of argumentative essay . Unless otherwise specified, you can assume that the goal of any essay you’re asked to write is argumentative: To convince the reader of your position using evidence and reasoning.

In composition classes you might be given assignments that specifically test your ability to write an argumentative essay. Look out for prompts including instructions like “argue,” “assess,” or “discuss” to see if this is the goal.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved September 3, 2024, from

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How to Write a Debate Essay

Lori garrett-hatfield.

Debates have been common in the United States since the late 1850s.

"For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate." - Margaret Heffernan

Defending a debate position is something high school students need to master. While defending a position verbally is usually easy, defending on paper can be more difficult. With careful thought and preparation, writing a debate paper can increase confidence, debate and written skills. Researching a chosen or assigned debate paper topic needs to include information on the pros and cons of all sides of the argument.

Explore this article

  • Putting Together a Debate Paper
  • Writing the Debate Essay
  • Making A Rebuttal

1 Putting Together a Debate Paper

Researching a debate paper position helps students argue both sides in that paper. Take good notes on those research materials and write down sources for your information as you may want to cite them in your paper. As you research the main arguments, remember to look for supporting evidence. While the main argument in a debate paper is key, research for the argument response or rebuttal section needs that same evidence just as in a traditional debate speech.

2 Writing the Debate Essay

Next, write the introduction to the debate essay. The introduction tells your paper's reader what your chosen issue is and why the issue is important to you. Most importantly, the introduction explains your position on the issue is as well as providing a brief statement stating why you think you are correct. Also, write your body paragraphs. Each reason that you have for your position or each fact that you present needs to have its own body paragraph. When you state your reason or fact in the paragraph, you must be able to cite research in support of that data. In a debate paper, you cannot simply discuss emotional arguments or reactions to a topic.

3 Making A Rebuttal

As you would in a debate speech, draft a rebuttal paragraph or paragraphs to balance your own asserted arguments. A rebuttal paragraph addresses arguments that might arise from views on the opposite side of your asserted position. Construct the rebuttal paragraphs like the body paragraphs you have already written.

4 Conclusion

Write your conclusion. Be sure this last paragraph of your paper states the issue, your position, why it is important and why it is the correct one in your researched view. In the conclusion, one way to assert your position is by restating your thesis using different wording. If you have space to state why the opposing viewpoint is not correct, you can state that in the conclusion as well. The conclusion of your debate paper is also a place to discuss the need for further analysis, examination or citizen involvement of the presented issues. Stating those related concerns can also fit into this conclusion section.

  • 1 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: The Writing Center: Argument
  • 2 National Park Service: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858
  • 3 Seattle Pi: How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay
  • 4 Owlcation: How to Write an Argument Essay Step by Step

About the Author

Lori Garrett-Hatfield has a B.J. in Journalism from the University of Missouri. She has a Ph.D. in Adult Education from the University of Georgia. She has been working in the Education field since 1994, and has taught every grade level in the K-12 system, specializing in English education, and English as a Second Language education.

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How to prepare for a debate.

How to prepare for a debate

Silence falls on the room (unusually for debating). Everyone looks up, at one person, who for that moment has absolute power. She reads out a sentence, very, very slowly. She reads it out again. We hear nothing but the scratching of pens. She gives a signal. Everyone runs out of the room. That's how it is at short preparation or 'short prep' debates, where debaters are given 15 minutes to prepare a motion they have not heard until that moment. It's a pretty scary prospect, having to speak in front of a room full of people, half of whom will be disagreeing with every word you say, about something you knew nothing about until 15 minutes ago. Even more so when your phone and / or tablet has been surgically removed from you (as is the rule in all debating competitions), and you have nothing to rely on but your naked brains and those of your debating partner. Every minute - every second - counts in that prep time. So, how to make the best use of those precious quarter of an hour? Get to the room as fast as you can (this could easily use up two minutes, depending on how big the building you are competing in is and how good your sense of direction is). Make sure you have:

  • Several pens or pencils
  • Highlighters
  • Index cards
  • A bottle of water

Now you're in the room, alone with each other. What to do first? You should both keep quiet for five minutes. Why? Surely we should be discussing, sharing our ideas? Well, yes, but you have to have some ideas to share first. It's quite possible you will never have thought about the motion topic in your life. Even if the topic is one on which you have both deep knowledge and passionate convictions, you need some time to gather your thoughts. And if you gather your thoughts separately, you'll have twice as many thoughts by the end of the prep time. So, for five minutes silence should fall again, as you scratch away with your pens.

What are you writing about?

You need to be asking yourself questions; big questions. There are seven big questions which apply to every debate motion, which you should always ask. 1. What is the debate about? 2. What do we have to prove? 3. What do they have to prove? 4. What will be changed if the motion is passed? 5. Who are the actors? 6. Who are the stakeholders? 7. What is the mechanism? Write or type these questions out on a piece of card and bring them to every debate. (NB these questions only work with what we call 'policy debates', that is ones where the motion begins 'This house would ...' We'll cover how to prepare for 'principle debates', where the motion begins 'This house believes ...' in a later post.)

How might you answer these questions in practice?

Let's take an example; preparing the motion 'This house would tax meat', with you proposing. It's a nice big, broad motion (only four words long) with lots of scope for interpretation. 1. What is the debate about? This question is asking you to cut through all the practicalities and focus on the essential point of principle. Here, the debate is about whether the state has the right to intervene in the market for the benefit of society as a whole. It's about which is more important; the individual or the collective. 2. What do we have to prove? You are proposing a change to the status quo. First you have to prove there is a problem with the status quo; then you have to prove that your proposed change will solve the problem. There will always be both costs and benefits associated with any change, and you have to prove that the benefits of your proposed change will outweigh the benefits. So, you have to prove that: consumption of meat has bad consequences; taxing it is an effective way to lessen those consequences; the benefits of taxing meat will be greater than the costs. 3. What do they have to prove? As they're defending the status quo, they have to prove either that the status quo works and does not need changing, or that it does need changing but that your way of changing it will either not work or that its costs will be greater than its benefits. (They may also choose to propose a better way of dealing with the problem presented by the motion.) So, they have to prove either that the consumption of meat is not a bad thing (or is even a good thing), or that it is a bad thing but that taxing meat is not the way to deal with it, either because it will not work, or because the costs will be greater than the benefits. 4. What will be changed if the motion is passed? Most debate motions say, 'The world will be a better place if we take this action.' So, what will the world look like if your proposed action happens? It's worth considering both short and long (and sometimes medium) term effects. In the short term, everyone will eat less meat, and the government would have more money. In the long term, climate change will be greatly slowed down now that thousands of acres of land are filled with health giving plants rather than farting cows, and everyone will be slimmer and healthier thanks to their vegetable rich diet; those few who persist in eating meat will be treated for the diseases brought on by their diet in shining new hospitals paid for by the tax on their addiction. 5. Who are the actors? This means who is going to make the change happen. Here, it is the government, as they are the ones who are going to be setting and collecting the tax. 6. Who are the stakeholders? This means who is effected by the change. Here, it is the government collecting (and spending) the tax; meat farmers and retailers who are likely to see their income fall; consumers who will see the price of meat rise. 7. What is the mechanism? This means how will you make the change happen. Here, you get into the nitty gritty. How much tax? 5% of the price? 10%? 25%? Will you add it to the price in shops, or to the price retailers pay to farmers? Which is most likely to achieve the benefits you seek while minimising the costs? Having a high tax rate would be more likely to put people off buying meat; having a low tax rate would make it easier to get popular support for the measure, and would make black market evasion of the tax less likely.

You need to have answers to these questions jotted down in the first two minutes. Yes, two minutes. You have to think fast as a debater. Next, you need to take up another sheet of paper and start brainstorming arguments for both sides (still without talking to your debating partner). Do this for three minutes. In this three minutes, you need to switch off the part of your brain that keeps telling you that what you're doing isn't very good. Don't worry whether the arguments are good or not; just get them down, as many of them as possible. Quantity is more important than quality at this stage. Selection comes later. The five minutes are up. You look up from your notepads. Your eyes meet. What do you do now? First, you share your answers to the big questions, and make sure you agree on the answers. If you're speaking first for the proposition, agree how you're going to define the motion (see our earlier post here on how to do that). With the big answers clear in your minds, you can proceed to the arguments. Go through the ones for your side of the motion first. Choose the six most persuasive. Then rank them by persuasiveness. The first speaker gets the top three in order of persuasiveness, the second speaker gets the next three in order of persuasiveness. Note, no more than three arguments each. Time to reach for the index cards now. Take one for each of your three arguments. On it, write a headline, which should be no more than a word or at most a phrase, and short points on how you're going to expand on it. With the motion we've picked, one of your cards might look like this: HEALTH Excessive consumption of meat = major cause of heart disease and diabetes Taxing it discourages consumption, nudges consumers towards healthier choices by making them cheaper Heavy taxation on tobacco = massive reduction in smoking = major health benefits; taxing meat = same. The smallness of index cards has two advantages: 1. It makes them easier to handle while you are speaking, ensuring you spend more time making eye contact and less time fumbling with your notes. 2. It ensures your notes are concise and focused. Boiling your speech down to three index cards will also help you to signpost it better; see our earlier post here on how to signpost. I'll just take a moment here to remind you that you should NEVER, NEVER, NEVER write out a debate speech in full. That isn't debating; it's essay writing. You can be good at writing essays and good at debating, and you can learn a lot about how to write essays from doing debating, but they are NOT THE SAME THING. I hope I made that clear. This sorting out of your own arguments should take another five minutes. Now it's time to consider the other side's possible arguments and how to rebut them. Do this by taking turns, one person stating the arguments, the other one rebutting them. As well as working out what you will say in rebuttal, this will both get you into the mind set of the other side (which is vital), while also sharpening up your rebuttal responses. It's a bit like footballers passing a ball around to warm up just before kick off. Your final task is to find the point of clash. See our earlier post here on the point of clash. This should be the thing you keep in mind all the way through the debate, your guiding star. You need to keep coming back to it, and keep showing the judge that you are on the winning side of it, particularly if you are speaking last. Very often, it will be the answer to the first question: what is the debate about? Here, the point of clash is the right of the state to intervene to protect the health of the community against the individual's right to make their own choices. You have to show that the damage that meat eating causes to health and the climate outweighs the loss of freedom entailed by a tax on meat. Say the point of clash to each other a few times, as a kind of mantra, to make sure it is at the front of your mind. By now, your brain should be singing, and you should be ready to talk for England (literally, if you are representing England in the Worlds Debating Competition). If you're feeling nervous, embrace it. As every actor, performer and sportsperson knows, that adrenalin rush will sharpen up your performance and make you more focused. Gather up your notes, take a swig of water, and head for the debating chamber. Into battle ...


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Do you want to start debating, but don't know what to do? Written with authority, passion and wisdom, it will tell you everything you ever need to know about debating. Buy Now

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How to Structure a Debate Essay in 5 Easy Steps

Table of Contents

Learning how to structure a debate essay is a fundamental skill for anyone who wishes to be successful in their academic careers.

The student can learn about the subject of debate and its different points of view by doing a lot of research. This enables the student choose a point of view and back it up with evidence.

Empirical research, in which the student gathers data through interviews, surveys, observations, or experiments, is often required for argumentative tasks.

This article advises on the 5-step technique to structure a debate essay. Let’s dive in!

fountain pen on black lined paper

What Is a Debate Essay?

Debate essays are the same as argumentative essays. An argumentative essay is a scientific paper that presents, argues, and defends a particular point of view supported by evidence, facts, and examples.

These essays are written to persuade others that your point of view is worth sharing. Students must use a first-person perspective to produce an excellent debate essay.

Regardless of the depth or breadth of their study, argumentative essays are obligated to develop a strong thesis and adhere to logical reasoning.

5 Steps to Structure a Debate Essay

Structuring a debate essay can be the most challenging task for students due to the difficulties of making an argument.

Knowing where to start your essay will give you confidence and assurance that you can successfully map out your essay . These are the structures upon which a debate essay rests.

1. Specific Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is well-stated, specific, and located in the essay’s first paragraph.

Students should provide background information by reviewing the issue broadly in the introductory paragraph of an argument essay.

The next step is for the writer to establish the necessity of or interest in the topic (exigence). This thesis statement needs to focus on the right way to meet the assignment’s requirements.

It will be challenging for students to write a compelling essay if they do not comprehend this section.

2. Proper Transitioning

There should be smooth progressions between the paper’s introduction, main body, and conclusion.

In an essay, transitions serve as the cement between paragraphs. Without a consistent line of reasoning, the reader will become confused, and the essay will fall apart.

A good transition should summarize the prior section’s ideas and set the stage for the new ideas in the subsequent section.

4. Provide Proof to Back Your Thesis

Your proof can be factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal. The information obtained to support your thesis statement in an argumentative essay must be current, accurate, and comprehensive.

The thesis statement needs to be backed up by evidence, be it factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal. However, students should think about more than one perspective when gathering evidence.

An effective and well-rounded argumentative essay will also cover the thesis’s counterarguments.

Dismissing data that might disprove a thesis is immoral. It isn’t the student’s responsibility to demonstrate why opposing viewpoints are incorrect. However, they should explain why contrary viewpoints may lack updated information.

3. Provide Evidence-Based Paragraphs

Start by discussing a broad notion in each paragraph. This will help the essay stay focused and organized throughout. In addition, the clarity that results from brevity will be appreciated by the reader.

Each paragraph of the essay’s body should flow from and support the thesis statement introduced in the essay’s introduction.

Your thesis statement should be backed up by research in some paragraphs, which should be appropriately labeled. It should also detail why and how the evidence backs up the premise.

Arguing an issue requires thinking and explaining the other side of the argument. Students writing debate essays should devote one or two paragraphs to addressing opposing viewpoints, depending on the length of the assignment.

Students do not need to demonstrate why the contrary ideas are incorrect. They should instead show how opinions that do not coincide with their thesis may be poorly informed or outdated.

5. Proper Conclusion

Give a summary that revisits the thesis in light of the evidence presented rather than merely restating it.

This is where some students may start to have trouble with the essay. This section of the essay will most strongly impact the reader’s thoughts. It needs to do its job and make sense.

Avoid introducing new material in the conclusion and focus on synthesizing what you’ve discussed in the essay’s main body.

Justify the topic’s relevance, recap its essential ideas, and restate your thesis. Depending on the paper’s length, you should discuss some follow-up research that makes sense in light of your findings.

Final Words

One must know how to structure a debate essay before writing it. It is vital to have proper transitions and essential points. Remember to be persuasive in your approach.

This means showing convincing arguments rather than arguing with the opposition. A well-structured debate essay needs to be able to shift the reader’s perspective and change it radically.

How to Structure a Debate Essay in 5 Easy Steps

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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How to Begin a Debate

Last Updated: March 28, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,006,461 times.

Opening a debate the right way will make your audience more interested and help you win your argument. Before your debate , take the time to prepare a solid opening that will win people over.

Grabbing the Audience's Attention

Step 1 Tell a captivating story.

  • Your story should capture the essence of your debate . It could explore, for example, the challenges you have faced in relation to the topic, how you overcame these challenges, and the lessons you learned.
  • For example, "As a person who suffers from seizures, medical marijuana was a saving grace. My family and I had to move across to the country in order for me to get treated, but it was worth the risk. My seizures decreased from five seizures a day to only one seizure per week."
  • Make sure that the story comes from your heart rather than your head. If you're just regurgitating a story from memory, it's not going to land with the audience.

Step 2 Ask a rhetorical question.

  • You can ask, for example, “Would you like to see a loved one suffer for no reason at all?”

Step 3 State a shocking statistic.

  • You can say, for example, “A billion tons of plastic are floating in the ocean right now. That is enough plastic to make an island the size of Hawaii.” Then, proceed to talk about the issue and explain to your audience why your resolution is the best one.

Step 4 Use a powerful quote.

  • For example, imagine you are giving a speech on why you think higher education is unnecessary for succeeding in life. You could open with, “Mark Twain once said, ‘Don’t let school interfere with your education.’”
  • Make sure that quote comes from your heart and feels authentic. It must speak to you and your audience while also making a point.

Step 5 Use a prop or a creative visual aid.

  • For example, if you are arguing that climate change is real, show a before and after picture of a glacier that has been affected by excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Beginning the Debate

Step 1 Establish definitions.

  • Identify the key terms in your argument and look up their definitions in a range of dictionaries. Choose the most appropriate definition for each word. You want to pick a definition that is neutral and conventional.
  • Your definitions can be literal, as well as contextualized. Contextualized definitions add examples of how the concept applies to the real world. For example, a contextualized definition of money would show that money is used to buy services, such as food and gas.

Step 2 Summarize your position’s case.

  • For example, “My team and I will show you the need, practicality, and benefits of medicinal marijuana. Together we will show that thousands of patients, including young children, who suffer from seizures, find relief in medicinal marijuana. Studies show that medicinal marijuana reduces instances of seizures by 80%. Furthermore, the side effects of medicinal marijuana are not as severe as the side effects that come with conventional forms of medication used to treat seizures, particularly for children. We will show that medicinal marijuana is a practical, safe, and cost-effective solution for patients and their families.”

Step 3 Define a policy.

  • In order to demonstrate that your team's policy will work, use policies that have already been enacted as the basis of your policy. For example, you can highlight that a ban on using cellphones while driving is similar to the ban on drinking while driving.
  • Try to focus on three important reasons for why the policy is needed or needs to change. [7] X Trustworthy Source American Psychological Association Leading scientific and professional organization of licensed psychologists Go to source

Presenting the Debate

Step 1 Greet the audience.

  • Greet your audience by saying, “Good morning faculty and staff. The topic of today’s debate is student parking,” or “Good morning teachers and students. Thank you for taking the time to come to this debate. Today, the topic is student parking.”

Step 2 State what your side is arguing.

  • State what your side is arguing by saying, “We believe enrolled students should not have to pay for a parking pass to park on campus,” or “We believe enrolled students should pay for a parking pass to park on campus.”
  • Explain the speakers' roles by saying, “As the first speaker, I will be defining key terms and outlining our main argument. Our second speaker will explain the supporting reasons for our argument, and our third speaker will summarize our argument.”

Step 3 Make eye contact...

  • Remember to maintain eye contact with an audience at the end of a sentence.
  • Hold eye contact with an individual for only three to five seconds, then move on to someone else.
  • Practice holding eye contact with someone you know for a minute or two. Repeat the exercise 5 or 6 times—that will really help a lot.

Step 4 Speak slowly and...

  • Also, remember to take pauses. Pauses allow you to catch your breath and plan what you will say next. They also allow your audience to process what you have just said.

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About This Article

Lynn Kirkham

The best way to start a debate is to open with a bold rhetorical question, a touching personal story that’s relevant to your argument, or a shocking statistic. Once you have your audience’s attention, define the key terms you’ll be using in your debate and summarize your case. For tips on presenting your argument, like how long to maintain eye contact with audience members, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Debate Writing

Debate Examples

Caleb S.

20+ Thought Provoking Debate Examples: Including Tips

Published on: Feb 13, 2022

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

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Many people struggle to find engaging and informative debate examples to enhance their understanding of various topics. Plus to improve their argumentation skills.

However, it can be challenging to find compelling examples that truly ignite intellectual discourse.

But worry no more! 

In this blog, we have curated over 20 captivating debate examples that will fuel your intellectual curiosity and stimulate meaningful conversations.

Whether you're a student, debater, or simply someone interested in the art of persuasion, this blog is for you.

Let’s get started!

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Debate Examples for Students

A detailed example is necessary to understand the proper format and structure for your debate. Likewise, written debate examples assist students in writing their own debates!

A perfect debate is an art that requires patience and dedication. These examples will help you master the skill.

Debate Examples for Primary School

Have a look at the examples for primary school to understand how debate questions are written. It allows you to see that even complex topics can be broken down in an easy-to-follow manner. 

Also, it will help you better grasp debate question writing and comprehension skills!

Debate Examples Ks2

Debate Examples Sentence

Debate Examples for Middle School

Check out these debate examples for middle school to get a better idea of the format.

Debate Examples for Class 8

Political Debate Examples

Debate Examples for High School

The following are good examples of debate for high school students. They can help you understand better and maybe even start a fiery political discussion with your friends!

Debate Examples for Class 11

Debate Examples for Class 12

Value Debate Example

Value debate is an argument that examines the values that drive decision-making. It usually pits debaters against each other to justify why their position should take precedence over others.

Take a look at the following example to know how to do it.

Value Debate Examples

Informal Debate Example

The goal of an informal debate is not to back up claims with evidence but instead assert or highlight something. For example:

A claim like ' I did the dishes last night ' does not need any sort of logical reasoning.

This could be an argument to convince your siblings that they should do the dishes next time. 

Informal debates are more enjoyable than formal ones because they don't require the burden of proof. Instead, informal discussions aim to assert or point out something with little evidence.

It encourages people who aren't convinced by what you say until then; maybe your tone makes them change their minds.

Individuals with different opinions use them to start the conversation. These debates may end up in confrontation or disagreement depending on how well-argued your position is compared with others.

Informal Debate Examples

Nature Debate Example

The nature debate is a philosophical argument about the origins and development of human behavior. It says that the physical features of your face are determined biologically.

It examines how environmental factors influence who we are. Among the factors that can be influenced are:

  • How we are brought up
  • Surrounding culture
  • Childhood memories
  • Social relations

The following are examples of a nature debate to help you understand the concept.

Nature Debate Examples

Nurture Debate Examples pdf

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Nature vs. Nurture Debate

The nature vs. nurture debate is a long-standing and complex discussion. It explores the relative contributions of genetics (nature) and environment (nurture) in shaping human traits, behaviors, and development. 

This debate has captivated researchers, psychologists, and philosophers for centuries. Refer to this example provided below for inspiration on how to write an outstanding nature vs. nurture debate.

Nature vs. Nurture Debate Examples

Rebuttal in Debate

A rebuttal is an attempt to refute, argue against, or deny while writing a debate. It mainly does so by introducing other evidence and reasoning to weaken opposing arguments.

To refute an argument, you need a clear idea of your side. A good starting point is to brainstorm ideas and come up with points that can change opposing side beliefs.

With the help of a given rebuttal example, you can get a clear idea.

Rebuttal In Debate Examples

Debate Examples Script

Given below are some more interesting debate examples. 

Criterion debate examples

Balloon debate example

How to Start a Debate 

Simply introduce yourself and your topic. Moreover, a captivating intro will make the listener pay attention and stay engaged for as long as possible.

The following characteristics must be present in an interesting debate introduction.

  • Your stance on the subject, whether pro or con
  • Tell an engaging story about the topic.
  • Make use of a rhetorical question or a strong quote.
  • Recognize the judges, audience members, and your counterpart.

This will surely create a sense of curiosity in the audience by making them want to know more.

Do you want to sound convincing? Check out this amazing opening statement debate example!

How to Start a Debate - Examples

How to End a Debate

The conclusion of a debate must contain the following elements in order not only to wrap up all arguments but also provide context for future discussions.

  • Reiterate the most critical points.
  • Close your concerns naturally.
  • Give your judges something to think about after your debate.
  • Make your final remarks about your case.
  • Add a quotation to conclude the final argument.

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For more information, check out this video below.

Winning Strategies: Tips to Take Your Debating Skills to the Next Level

Mastering the art of debate requires more than just knowledge of the topic at hand. To truly take your debating skills to the next level, consider incorporating these winning strategies:

  • Research, research, research

Thoroughly educate yourself on the topic you'll be debating. Gather reliable sources, study different perspectives, and familiarize yourself with key arguments and counterarguments.

  • Construct A Strong Case

Develop a clear and logical structure for your arguments. Start with a compelling introduction, followed by well-reasoned points supported by evidence and examples. Anticipate potential rebuttals and prepare counterarguments.

  • Listen Actively

Engage in active listening during the debate. Pay attention to your opponent's arguments and be prepared to respond effectively. Take notes to organize your thoughts and identify areas where you can challenge their points.

  • Use Persuasive Language

Choose your words carefully to convey your ideas convincingly. Utilize rhetorical devices, such as analogies or powerful statistics, to strengthen your arguments and make them more memorable.

  • Maintain Composure

Stay calm and composed throughout the debate, even when faced with opposing views or aggressive questioning. Maintain a respectful tone and avoid personal attacks. Focus on the merits of the arguments rather than the individuals presenting them.

  • Rebut with Precision

When countering your opponent's arguments, address their main points directly. Clearly articulate why their reasoning is flawed or unsupported. Use evidence and logical reasoning to dismantle their claims.

Remember, debate is not only about winning, but also about learning and gaining a deeper understanding of complex issues. 

In conclusion, debate can be an incredibly enriching and fulfilling experience. But with these debate examples and winning strategies, you will be equipped to engage in meaningful discussions and make your voice heard.

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Take the first step towards academic excellence and hire our writing service now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a debate example.

Here are seven steps to writing a debate:

  • Intriguing introduction 
  • Pre-speech note to draw the listener’s attention
  • A formal address to the audience 
  • The topic's development 
  • Negative consequences 
  • Conclusion 
  • A formal thank you to the audience 

How do you start a debate speech?

Below are some steps that will help you start a debate speech.

  • Start with a greeting
  • Tell an amazing story
  • Write facts
  • Share your opinion
  • State a problem

Caleb S. (Literature, Marketing)

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

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How to Write an A+ Argumentative Essay



You'll no doubt have to write a number of argumentative essays in both high school and college, but what, exactly, is an argumentative essay and how do you write the best one possible? Let's take a look.

A great argumentative essay always combines the same basic elements: approaching an argument from a rational perspective, researching sources, supporting your claims using facts rather than opinion, and articulating your reasoning into the most cogent and reasoned points. Argumentative essays are great building blocks for all sorts of research and rhetoric, so your teachers will expect you to master the technique before long.

But if this sounds daunting, never fear! We'll show how an argumentative essay differs from other kinds of papers, how to research and write them, how to pick an argumentative essay topic, and where to find example essays. So let's get started.

What Is an Argumentative Essay? How Is it Different from Other Kinds of Essays?

There are two basic requirements for any and all essays: to state a claim (a thesis statement) and to support that claim with evidence.

Though every essay is founded on these two ideas, there are several different types of essays, differentiated by the style of the writing, how the writer presents the thesis, and the types of evidence used to support the thesis statement.

Essays can be roughly divided into four different types:

#1: Argumentative #2: Persuasive #3: Expository #4: Analytical

So let's look at each type and what the differences are between them before we focus the rest of our time to argumentative essays.

Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essays are what this article is all about, so let's talk about them first.

An argumentative essay attempts to convince a reader to agree with a particular argument (the writer's thesis statement). The writer takes a firm stand one way or another on a topic and then uses hard evidence to support that stance.

An argumentative essay seeks to prove to the reader that one argument —the writer's argument— is the factually and logically correct one. This means that an argumentative essay must use only evidence-based support to back up a claim , rather than emotional or philosophical reasoning (which is often allowed in other types of essays). Thus, an argumentative essay has a burden of substantiated proof and sources , whereas some other types of essays (namely persuasive essays) do not.

You can write an argumentative essay on any topic, so long as there's room for argument. Generally, you can use the same topics for both a persuasive essay or an argumentative one, so long as you support the argumentative essay with hard evidence.

Example topics of an argumentative essay:

  • "Should farmers be allowed to shoot wolves if those wolves injure or kill farm animals?"
  • "Should the drinking age be lowered in the United States?"
  • "Are alternatives to democracy effective and/or feasible to implement?"

The next three types of essays are not argumentative essays, but you may have written them in school. We're going to cover them so you know what not to do for your argumentative essay.

Persuasive Essay

Persuasive essays are similar to argumentative essays, so it can be easy to get them confused. But knowing what makes an argumentative essay different than a persuasive essay can often mean the difference between an excellent grade and an average one.

Persuasive essays seek to persuade a reader to agree with the point of view of the writer, whether that point of view is based on factual evidence or not. The writer has much more flexibility in the evidence they can use, with the ability to use moral, cultural, or opinion-based reasoning as well as factual reasoning to persuade the reader to agree the writer's side of a given issue.

Instead of being forced to use "pure" reason as one would in an argumentative essay, the writer of a persuasive essay can manipulate or appeal to the reader's emotions. So long as the writer attempts to steer the readers into agreeing with the thesis statement, the writer doesn't necessarily need hard evidence in favor of the argument.

Often, you can use the same topics for both a persuasive essay or an argumentative one—the difference is all in the approach and the evidence you present.

Example topics of a persuasive essay:

  • "Should children be responsible for their parents' debts?"
  • "Should cheating on a test be automatic grounds for expulsion?"
  • "How much should sports leagues be held accountable for player injuries and the long-term consequences of those injuries?"

Expository Essay

An expository essay is typically a short essay in which the writer explains an idea, issue, or theme , or discusses the history of a person, place, or idea.

This is typically a fact-forward essay with little argument or opinion one way or the other.

Example topics of an expository essay:

  • "The History of the Philadelphia Liberty Bell"
  • "The Reasons I Always Wanted to be a Doctor"
  • "The Meaning Behind the Colloquialism ‘People in Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Stones'"

Analytical Essay

An analytical essay seeks to delve into the deeper meaning of a text or work of art, or unpack a complicated idea . These kinds of essays closely interpret a source and look into its meaning by analyzing it at both a macro and micro level.

This type of analysis can be augmented by historical context or other expert or widely-regarded opinions on the subject, but is mainly supported directly through the original source (the piece or art or text being analyzed) .

Example topics of an analytical essay:

  • "Victory Gin in Place of Water: The Symbolism Behind Gin as the Only Potable Substance in George Orwell's 1984"
  • "Amarna Period Art: The Meaning Behind the Shift from Rigid to Fluid Poses"
  • "Adultery During WWII, as Told Through a Series of Letters to and from Soldiers"


There are many different types of essay and, over time, you'll be able to master them all.

A Typical Argumentative Essay Assignment

The average argumentative essay is between three to five pages, and will require at least three or four separate sources with which to back your claims . As for the essay topic , you'll most often be asked to write an argumentative essay in an English class on a "general" topic of your choice, ranging the gamut from science, to history, to literature.

But while the topics of an argumentative essay can span several different fields, the structure of an argumentative essay is always the same: you must support a claim—a claim that can reasonably have multiple sides—using multiple sources and using a standard essay format (which we'll talk about later on).

This is why many argumentative essay topics begin with the word "should," as in:

  • "Should all students be required to learn chemistry in high school?"
  • "Should children be required to learn a second language?"
  • "Should schools or governments be allowed to ban books?"

These topics all have at least two sides of the argument: Yes or no. And you must support the side you choose with evidence as to why your side is the correct one.

But there are also plenty of other ways to frame an argumentative essay as well:

  • "Does using social media do more to benefit or harm people?"
  • "Does the legal status of artwork or its creators—graffiti and vandalism, pirated media, a creator who's in jail—have an impact on the art itself?"
  • "Is or should anyone ever be ‘above the law?'"

Though these are worded differently than the first three, you're still essentially forced to pick between two sides of an issue: yes or no, for or against, benefit or detriment. Though your argument might not fall entirely into one side of the divide or another—for instance, you could claim that social media has positively impacted some aspects of modern life while being a detriment to others—your essay should still support one side of the argument above all. Your final stance would be that overall , social media is beneficial or overall , social media is harmful.

If your argument is one that is mostly text-based or backed by a single source (e.g., "How does Salinger show that Holden Caulfield is an unreliable narrator?" or "Does Gatsby personify the American Dream?"), then it's an analytical essay, rather than an argumentative essay. An argumentative essay will always be focused on more general topics so that you can use multiple sources to back up your claims.

Good Argumentative Essay Topics

So you know the basic idea behind an argumentative essay, but what topic should you write about?

Again, almost always, you'll be asked to write an argumentative essay on a free topic of your choice, or you'll be asked to select between a few given topics . If you're given complete free reign of topics, then it'll be up to you to find an essay topic that no only appeals to you, but that you can turn into an A+ argumentative essay.

What makes a "good" argumentative essay topic depends on both the subject matter and your personal interest —it can be hard to give your best effort on something that bores you to tears! But it can also be near impossible to write an argumentative essay on a topic that has no room for debate.

As we said earlier, a good argumentative essay topic will be one that has the potential to reasonably go in at least two directions—for or against, yes or no, and why . For example, it's pretty hard to write an argumentative essay on whether or not people should be allowed to murder one another—not a whole lot of debate there for most people!—but writing an essay for or against the death penalty has a lot more wiggle room for evidence and argument.

A good topic is also one that can be substantiated through hard evidence and relevant sources . So be sure to pick a topic that other people have studied (or at least studied elements of) so that you can use their data in your argument. For example, if you're arguing that it should be mandatory for all middle school children to play a sport, you might have to apply smaller scientific data points to the larger picture you're trying to justify. There are probably several studies you could cite on the benefits of physical activity and the positive effect structure and teamwork has on young minds, but there's probably no study you could use where a group of scientists put all middle-schoolers in one jurisdiction into a mandatory sports program (since that's probably never happened). So long as your evidence is relevant to your point and you can extrapolate from it to form a larger whole, you can use it as a part of your resource material.

And if you need ideas on where to get started, or just want to see sample argumentative essay topics, then check out these links for hundreds of potential argumentative essay topics.

101 Persuasive (or Argumentative) Essay and Speech Topics

301 Prompts for Argumentative Writing

Top 50 Ideas for Argumentative/Persuasive Essay Writing

[Note: some of these say "persuasive essay topics," but just remember that the same topic can often be used for both a persuasive essay and an argumentative essay; the difference is in your writing style and the evidence you use to support your claims.]


KO! Find that one argumentative essay topic you can absolutely conquer.

Argumentative Essay Format

Argumentative Essays are composed of four main elements:

  • A position (your argument)
  • Your reasons
  • Supporting evidence for those reasons (from reliable sources)
  • Counterargument(s) (possible opposing arguments and reasons why those arguments are incorrect)

If you're familiar with essay writing in general, then you're also probably familiar with the five paragraph essay structure . This structure is a simple tool to show how one outlines an essay and breaks it down into its component parts, although it can be expanded into as many paragraphs as you want beyond the core five.

The standard argumentative essay is often 3-5 pages, which will usually mean a lot more than five paragraphs, but your overall structure will look the same as a much shorter essay.

An argumentative essay at its simplest structure will look like:

Paragraph 1: Intro

  • Set up the story/problem/issue
  • Thesis/claim

Paragraph 2: Support

  • Reason #1 claim is correct
  • Supporting evidence with sources

Paragraph 3: Support

  • Reason #2 claim is correct

Paragraph 4: Counterargument

  • Explanation of argument for the other side
  • Refutation of opposing argument with supporting evidence

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

  • Re-state claim
  • Sum up reasons and support of claim from the essay to prove claim is correct

Now let's unpack each of these paragraph types to see how they work (with examples!), what goes into them, and why.

Paragraph 1—Set Up and Claim

Your first task is to introduce the reader to the topic at hand so they'll be prepared for your claim. Give a little background information, set the scene, and give the reader some stakes so that they care about the issue you're going to discuss.

Next, you absolutely must have a position on an argument and make that position clear to the readers. It's not an argumentative essay unless you're arguing for a specific claim, and this claim will be your thesis statement.

Your thesis CANNOT be a mere statement of fact (e.g., "Washington DC is the capital of the United States"). Your thesis must instead be an opinion which can be backed up with evidence and has the potential to be argued against (e.g., "New York should be the capital of the United States").

Paragraphs 2 and 3—Your Evidence

These are your body paragraphs in which you give the reasons why your argument is the best one and back up this reasoning with concrete evidence .

The argument supporting the thesis of an argumentative essay should be one that can be supported by facts and evidence, rather than personal opinion or cultural or religious mores.

For example, if you're arguing that New York should be the new capital of the US, you would have to back up that fact by discussing the factual contrasts between New York and DC in terms of location, population, revenue, and laws. You would then have to talk about the precedents for what makes for a good capital city and why New York fits the bill more than DC does.

Your argument can't simply be that a lot of people think New York is the best city ever and that you agree.

In addition to using concrete evidence, you always want to keep the tone of your essay passionate, but impersonal . Even though you're writing your argument from a single opinion, don't use first person language—"I think," "I feel," "I believe,"—to present your claims. Doing so is repetitive, since by writing the essay you're already telling the audience what you feel, and using first person language weakens your writing voice.

For example,

"I think that Washington DC is no longer suited to be the capital city of the United States."

"Washington DC is no longer suited to be the capital city of the United States."

The second statement sounds far stronger and more analytical.

Paragraph 4—Argument for the Other Side and Refutation

Even without a counter argument, you can make a pretty persuasive claim, but a counterargument will round out your essay into one that is much more persuasive and substantial.

By anticipating an argument against your claim and taking the initiative to counter it, you're allowing yourself to get ahead of the game. This way, you show that you've given great thought to all sides of the issue before choosing your position, and you demonstrate in multiple ways how yours is the more reasoned and supported side.

Paragraph 5—Conclusion

This paragraph is where you re-state your argument and summarize why it's the best claim.

Briefly touch on your supporting evidence and voila! A finished argumentative essay.


Your essay should have just as awesome a skeleton as this plesiosaur does. (In other words: a ridiculously awesome skeleton)

Argumentative Essay Example: 5-Paragraph Style

It always helps to have an example to learn from. I've written a full 5-paragraph argumentative essay here. Look at how I state my thesis in paragraph 1, give supporting evidence in paragraphs 2 and 3, address a counterargument in paragraph 4, and conclude in paragraph 5.

Topic: Is it possible to maintain conflicting loyalties?

Paragraph 1

It is almost impossible to go through life without encountering a situation where your loyalties to different people or causes come into conflict with each other. Maybe you have a loving relationship with your sister, but she disagrees with your decision to join the army, or you find yourself torn between your cultural beliefs and your scientific ones. These conflicting loyalties can often be maintained for a time, but as examples from both history and psychological theory illustrate, sooner or later, people have to make a choice between competing loyalties, as no one can maintain a conflicting loyalty or belief system forever.

The first two sentences set the scene and give some hypothetical examples and stakes for the reader to care about.

The third sentence finishes off the intro with the thesis statement, making very clear how the author stands on the issue ("people have to make a choice between competing loyalties, as no one can maintain a conflicting loyalty or belief system forever." )

Paragraphs 2 and 3

Psychological theory states that human beings are not equipped to maintain conflicting loyalties indefinitely and that attempting to do so leads to a state called "cognitive dissonance." Cognitive dissonance theory is the psychological idea that people undergo tremendous mental stress or anxiety when holding contradictory beliefs, values, or loyalties (Festinger, 1957). Even if human beings initially hold a conflicting loyalty, they will do their best to find a mental equilibrium by making a choice between those loyalties—stay stalwart to a belief system or change their beliefs. One of the earliest formal examples of cognitive dissonance theory comes from Leon Festinger's When Prophesy Fails . Members of an apocalyptic cult are told that the end of the world will occur on a specific date and that they alone will be spared the Earth's destruction. When that day comes and goes with no apocalypse, the cult members face a cognitive dissonance between what they see and what they've been led to believe (Festinger, 1956). Some choose to believe that the cult's beliefs are still correct, but that the Earth was simply spared from destruction by mercy, while others choose to believe that they were lied to and that the cult was fraudulent all along. Both beliefs cannot be correct at the same time, and so the cult members are forced to make their choice.

But even when conflicting loyalties can lead to potentially physical, rather than just mental, consequences, people will always make a choice to fall on one side or other of a dividing line. Take, for instance, Nicolaus Copernicus, a man born and raised in Catholic Poland (and educated in Catholic Italy). Though the Catholic church dictated specific scientific teachings, Copernicus' loyalty to his own observations and scientific evidence won out over his loyalty to his country's government and belief system. When he published his heliocentric model of the solar system--in opposition to the geocentric model that had been widely accepted for hundreds of years (Hannam, 2011)-- Copernicus was making a choice between his loyalties. In an attempt t o maintain his fealty both to the established system and to what he believed, h e sat on his findings for a number of years (Fantoli, 1994). But, ultimately, Copernicus made the choice to side with his beliefs and observations above all and published his work for the world to see (even though, in doing so, he risked both his reputation and personal freedoms).

These two paragraphs provide the reasons why the author supports the main argument and uses substantiated sources to back those reasons.

The paragraph on cognitive dissonance theory gives both broad supporting evidence and more narrow, detailed supporting evidence to show why the thesis statement is correct not just anecdotally but also scientifically and psychologically. First, we see why people in general have a difficult time accepting conflicting loyalties and desires and then how this applies to individuals through the example of the cult members from the Dr. Festinger's research.

The next paragraph continues to use more detailed examples from history to provide further evidence of why the thesis that people cannot indefinitely maintain conflicting loyalties is true.

Paragraph 4

Some will claim that it is possible to maintain conflicting beliefs or loyalties permanently, but this is often more a matter of people deluding themselves and still making a choice for one side or the other, rather than truly maintaining loyalty to both sides equally. For example, Lancelot du Lac typifies a person who claims to maintain a balanced loyalty between to two parties, but his attempt to do so fails (as all attempts to permanently maintain conflicting loyalties must). Lancelot tells himself and others that he is equally devoted to both King Arthur and his court and to being Queen Guinevere's knight (Malory, 2008). But he can neither be in two places at once to protect both the king and queen, nor can he help but let his romantic feelings for the queen to interfere with his duties to the king and the kingdom. Ultimately, he and Queen Guinevere give into their feelings for one another and Lancelot—though he denies it—chooses his loyalty to her over his loyalty to Arthur. This decision plunges the kingdom into a civil war, ages Lancelot prematurely, and ultimately leads to Camelot's ruin (Raabe, 1987). Though Lancelot claimed to have been loyal to both the king and the queen, this loyalty was ultimately in conflict, and he could not maintain it.

Here we have the acknowledgement of a potential counter-argument and the evidence as to why it isn't true.

The argument is that some people (or literary characters) have asserted that they give equal weight to their conflicting loyalties. The refutation is that, though some may claim to be able to maintain conflicting loyalties, they're either lying to others or deceiving themselves. The paragraph shows why this is true by providing an example of this in action.

Paragraph 5

Whether it be through literature or history, time and time again, people demonstrate the challenges of trying to manage conflicting loyalties and the inevitable consequences of doing so. Though belief systems are malleable and will often change over time, it is not possible to maintain two mutually exclusive loyalties or beliefs at once. In the end, people always make a choice, and loyalty for one party or one side of an issue will always trump loyalty to the other.

The concluding paragraph summarizes the essay, touches on the evidence presented, and re-states the thesis statement.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay: 8 Steps

Writing the best argumentative essay is all about the preparation, so let's talk steps:

#1: Preliminary Research

If you have the option to pick your own argumentative essay topic (which you most likely will), then choose one or two topics you find the most intriguing or that you have a vested interest in and do some preliminary research on both sides of the debate.

Do an open internet search just to see what the general chatter is on the topic and what the research trends are.

Did your preliminary reading influence you to pick a side or change your side? Without diving into all the scholarly articles at length, do you believe there's enough evidence to support your claim? Have there been scientific studies? Experiments? Does a noted scholar in the field agree with you? If not, you may need to pick another topic or side of the argument to support.

#2: Pick Your Side and Form Your Thesis

Now's the time to pick the side of the argument you feel you can support the best and summarize your main point into your thesis statement.

Your thesis will be the basis of your entire essay, so make sure you know which side you're on, that you've stated it clearly, and that you stick by your argument throughout the entire essay .

#3: Heavy-Duty Research Time

You've taken a gander at what the internet at large has to say on your argument, but now's the time to actually read those sources and take notes.

Check scholarly journals online at Google Scholar , the Directory of Open Access Journals , or JStor . You can also search individual university or school libraries and websites to see what kinds of academic articles you can access for free. Keep track of your important quotes and page numbers and put them somewhere that's easy to find later.

And don't forget to check your school or local libraries as well!

#4: Outline

Follow the five-paragraph outline structure from the previous section.

Fill in your topic, your reasons, and your supporting evidence into each of the categories.

Before you begin to flesh out the essay, take a look at what you've got. Is your thesis statement in the first paragraph? Is it clear? Is your argument logical? Does your supporting evidence support your reasoning?

By outlining your essay, you streamline your process and take care of any logic gaps before you dive headfirst into the writing. This will save you a lot of grief later on if you need to change your sources or your structure, so don't get too trigger-happy and skip this step.

Now that you've laid out exactly what you'll need for your essay and where, it's time to fill in all the gaps by writing it out.

Take it one step at a time and expand your ideas into complete sentences and substantiated claims. It may feel daunting to turn an outline into a complete draft, but just remember that you've already laid out all the groundwork; now you're just filling in the gaps.

If you have the time before deadline, give yourself a day or two (or even just an hour!) away from your essay . Looking it over with fresh eyes will allow you to see errors, both minor and major, that you likely would have missed had you tried to edit when it was still raw.

Take a first pass over the entire essay and try your best to ignore any minor spelling or grammar mistakes—you're just looking at the big picture right now. Does it make sense as a whole? Did the essay succeed in making an argument and backing that argument up logically? (Do you feel persuaded?)

If not, go back and make notes so that you can fix it for your final draft.

Once you've made your revisions to the overall structure, mark all your small errors and grammar problems so you can fix them in the next draft.

#7: Final Draft

Use the notes you made on the rough draft and go in and hack and smooth away until you're satisfied with the final result.

A checklist for your final draft:

  • Formatting is correct according to your teacher's standards
  • No errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Essay is the right length and size for the assignment
  • The argument is present, consistent, and concise
  • Each reason is supported by relevant evidence
  • The essay makes sense overall

#8: Celebrate!

Once you've brought that final draft to a perfect polish and turned in your assignment, you're done! Go you!


Be prepared and ♪ you'll never go hungry again ♪, *cough*, or struggle with your argumentative essay-writing again. (Walt Disney Studios)

Good Examples of Argumentative Essays Online

Theory is all well and good, but examples are key. Just to get you started on what a fully-fleshed out argumentative essay looks like, let's see some examples in action.

Check out these two argumentative essay examples on the use of landmines and freons (and note the excellent use of concrete sources to back up their arguments!).

The Use of Landmines

A Shattered Sky

The Take-Aways: Keys to Writing an Argumentative Essay

At first, writing an argumentative essay may seem like a monstrous hurdle to overcome, but with the proper preparation and understanding, you'll be able to knock yours out of the park.

Remember the differences between a persuasive essay and an argumentative one, make sure your thesis is clear, and double-check that your supporting evidence is both relevant to your point and well-sourced . Pick your topic, do your research, make your outline, and fill in the gaps. Before you know it, you'll have yourself an A+ argumentative essay there, my friend.

What's Next?

Now you know the ins and outs of an argumentative essay, but how comfortable are you writing in other styles? Learn more about the four writing styles and when it makes sense to use each .

Understand how to make an argument, but still having trouble organizing your thoughts? Check out our guide to three popular essay formats and choose which one is right for you.

Ready to make your case, but not sure what to write about? We've created a list of 50 potential argumentative essay topics to spark your imagination.

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Courtney scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT in high school and went on to graduate from Stanford University with a degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology. She is passionate about bringing education and the tools to succeed to students from all backgrounds and walks of life, as she believes open education is one of the great societal equalizers. She has years of tutoring experience and writes creative works in her free time.

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  • Essay Editor

Discussion Posts: Definition, Overview, Writing Tips

Discussion Posts: Definition, Overview, Writing Tips

Discussions are an important part of academic studies. They foster collaboration, raise student engagement, and help to better process new information. A common way to involve students in critical debate is through discussion posts. In this article, you will learn what a discussion post is and how to write it.

Discussion post and open forum definition

A discussion post is a written reply typically used in online forums – websites that encourage users to engage in a debate over various subject matters.

In education, professors provide specific topics or questions meant to inspire conversation between students via web posts. By participating in these discussions, students can explore different points of view as well as develop their ability to communicate ideas clearly and effectively in an academic setting.

Why do we need discussion posts?

  • Engagement with course material. Discussion posts require students to collaborate directly with the studied material. By responding to specific questions or prompts, students must think critically about the content, which reinforces their understanding and inspires a deeper dive into the subject matter.
  • Development of critical thinking. Crafting a discussion post often entails analyzing information, constructing arguments, as well as taking multiple perspectives into account. This process enhances critical thinking skills, students need to grasp the material and articulate their reasoning in a clear and logical way.
  • Community learning. Discussion posts create opportunities for school and college students to interact with their peers by sharing their perspectives and engaging with one another’s viewpoints. This interaction cultivates a sense of belonging within a community and allows students to benefit from diverse perspectives, potentially resulting in a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • Academic writing practice. Communicating via discussion posts allows students to practice their academic writing skills in a less formal setting compared to traditional essays or research papers. This practice helps improve clarity, structure, and argumentation, as students learn to present their ideas concisely while supporting them with relevant evidence.

So, while it might seem like discussion posts have little importance, it is actually a great method to learn in a less formal environment. Never skip this opportunity to enhance your grasp of the class material and earn an extra credit.

How to write a discussion post: Best tips

When you have to publish your first response, it might be hard to understand how to start a discussion post or how to respond to a discussion post. Let’s break down the main steps required for crafting a perfect post for academic debate.

How to prepare to write my discussion post

  • Familiarize yourself with the prompt carefully. Make sure you understand the question or topic before starting. Understanding the prompt is essential for crafting a thorough response.
  • Study the prompt. Collect the necessary information, reflect on your personal experiences, and consider various perspectives to form a well-rounded opinion.
  • Identify key arguments. Focus your ideas on a few main insights that directly address the prompt while keeping your response clear and concise.

Once you feel prepared for the debate, you can finally begin working on your post.

How to structure a discussion post

Like any academic texts, a discussion post must comply with a specific structure. Though it is not as strict, you should still follow this outline to deliver a more well-rounded response.

  • I ntroduction discussion post . Start your post with a captivating statement, question, or quote that has relevance to the topic. Clearly articulate your main argument or viewpoint.
  • Body of the post . Elaborate on each point with detailed explanations, supporting them with evidence, examples, or personal experiences to back it up. Briefly address potential opposing views and explain why your perspective remains valid.
  • Conclusion . Reiterate the main arguments and restate your opinion considering the discussion.

If you stick to this outline, your discussion post will be well-organized, relevant, and carefully constructed, making it easier for others to understand your points and participate in meaningful conversation.

Generate a discussion post with Aithor!

With AI generator Aithor, you don’t have to spend hours on making a single post. Created specifically to provide aid with academic writing, Aithor can work with dozens of different genres, including discussion posts. You can easily customize the tone, style, and content to suit your needs, helping you create high-quality posts that stand out and earn top marks.

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25+ Informative Speech Topics To Engage Your Audience

  • The Speaker Lab
  • September 1, 2024

Table of Contents

A well-chosen topic is key. Not only does it hook your audience from the start, but it also ensures they’ll remember what you said long after. With so many possibilities, however, where do you even begin? Picking a speech topic can be difficult, but if you’re looking for informative speech topics , look no further. We’ve compiled a list of informative speech topics spanning a wide range of categories, from technology and social media to psychology and mental health. Each one has been chosen carefully so that your audience will learn loads while staying entertained. Whether you’re passionate about green living or sports, there’s a topic out there that’ll catch your attention and spark conversations.

What is an Informative Speech?

The main goal of an informative speech is to educate your audience about a specific subject. Accordingly, you want to present the information in a way that’s easy to understand and remember. Depending on your topic and goal, you can choose to speak on objects, processes, events, or concepts. Whatever type of informative speech you choose, just make sure it aligns with your audience’s interests and needs.

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Key Elements of an Informative Speech

To deliver an effective informative speech, there are a few key elements to keep in mind:

  • Choose a clear, specific topic
  • Conduct thorough research using credible sources
  • Organize your speech in a logical, easy-to-follow structure
  • Use engaging language and delivery techniques
  • Conclude with a strong summary of your main points

By incorporating these elements into your speech writing process, you’ll be well on your way to delivering an informative and memorable speech.

How to Choose an Informative Speech Topic

Now that you know the basics of informative speeches, it’s time to choose your topic. But with so many options out there, where do you even begin? Don’t stress—we’ve got some tips to help you narrow down your choices and find the perfect informative speech topic.

Brainstorming Ideas

The first step in choosing a topic is to brainstorm potential ideas. Think about your interests, hobbies, and areas of expertise. What topics do you find fascinating? What do you want to learn more about? Jot down any and all ideas that come to mind, no matter how silly or far-fetched they may seem. After all, you never know what might spark inspiration for a great speech topic.

Narrowing Down Your Options

Once you have a list of potential topics, it’s time to start narrowing them down. Consider factors like the length of your speech, your audience’s interests and background knowledge, and the amount of research required for each topic.

Try to choose a topic that’s specific enough to cover in depth, but not so narrow that you’ll struggle to find enough information. And don’t be afraid to think outside the box—sometimes the most unique and creative informative speech topics are the most engaging.

Considering Your Audience

Your audience should always be at the forefront of your mind when choosing a speech topic. What do they want to learn about? What will capture their attention and keep them engaged? Consider factors like age, background, and interests when selecting your topic. You want to choose something that will resonate with your audience and leave them feeling informed and inspired.

Researching Your Topic

Once you’ve settled on a topic, it’s time to start researching. Look for credible sources like academic journals, reputable news outlets, and expert interviews to gather information and statistics. As you research, take notes and organize your findings into an outline. This will help you structure your speech and ensure you cover all the key points. Remember, the more knowledgeable you are about your topic, the more confident and engaging you’ll be when delivering your speech. So don’t skimp on the research phase.

Informative Speech Topics About Education

Education is a topic that affects us all, making it a great choice for an informative speech. Whether you’re passionate about bilingual education, curious about the pros and cons of online classes, or interested in the importance of physical education, there are plenty of angles to explore.

Some potential education-related informative speech topics include:

  • The history of education in America
  • The benefits and challenges of homeschooling
  • The role of technology in modern education
  • The importance of early childhood education
  • The debate over standardized testing in schools

No matter which topic you choose, make sure to back up your points with research and statistics. And don’t be afraid to share your own experiences and opinions. After all, an informative speech is a great opportunity to educate and inspire your audience.

Psychology and Mental Health Informative Speech Topics

When it comes to informative speech topics about psychology and mental health, there’s no shortage of fascinating subjects to explore. From the inner workings of the human mind to the impact of mental well-being on our daily lives, this field offers a wealth of insights and discoveries. For instance, did you know that regular exercise can have a profound effect on our psychological well-being ? Studies have shown that physical activity can help reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, while also boosting self-esteem and cognitive function. If topics like these interest you, then you may consider giving an informative speech on psychology and mental health.

The Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection is another topic that’s ripe for exploration in an informative speech. Our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs can have a powerful impact on our physical health, and vice versa. For example, chronic stress has been linked to a range of health problems, from heart disease to digestive issues. Meanwhile, embracing activities such as mindfulness or meditating brings with it perks aplenty. Bettering our brains alongside our bodies is only the start.

Of course, no discussion of psychology would be complete without delving into the complexities of human behavior. When you look at the way we build friendships or decide what’s next, there’s always something new and exciting to talk about. Wondering what to discuss? We’ve got a handful of killer suggestions ready for your upcoming presentation.

  • The psychology of persuasion
  • The impact of birth order on personality
  • The science of habit formation
  • The role of empathy in social interactions

Informative Speech Topics on Social Issues and Human Rights

Social issues and human rights are another rich source of informative speech topics. Not only are they relevant, but these topics are also great at keeping your audience hooked.

One topic that’s been in the spotlight in recent years is the impact of social media on our lives. While platforms like Facebook and Twitter have undoubtedly brought people together in new ways, they’ve also raised concerns about privacy, addiction, and the spread of misinformation. An informative speech on this topic might explore the pros and cons of social media use, as well as strategies for using these platforms in a healthy and responsible way.

Another pressing social issue is the ongoing fight for human rights around the world. Countries around the world have countless stories of courage and resilience just waiting to be told. So if you’re wondering what to discuss, take a look at these suggestions.

  • The history of the civil rights movement
  • The impact of gender discrimination on women’s lives
  • The challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers
  • The role of activism in promoting social change

Technology and Social Media Informative Speech Topics

Technology and social media are transforming the way we live, work, and communicate. As a result, these topics offer endless possibilities for informative speeches that educate and inspire.

One recent technological development has been the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). From self-driving cars to personalized medicine, AI is poised to revolutionize nearly every aspect of our lives. If you chose to do an informative speech on AI, you could weigh the good against the bad—what amazing things AI can do for us and where it might trip us up.

Diving into another area, let’s talk about social media. In addition to the impact of social media on our personal lives, there’s also the question of how these platforms are shaping our political discourse and our society as a whole. Wondering what to discuss? We’ve got a handful of killer suggestions ready for your upcoming presentation.

  • The role of social media in political campaigns
  • The impact of online echo chambers on public opinion
  • The ethics of social media data collection and use
  • The potential for social media to promote social change

Environmental and Sustainability Informative Speech Topics

Environmental issues and sustainability are some of the most pressing challenges facing our world today. From climate change to plastic pollution, you’re never out of options for stirring speeches.

Climate change is, of course, a particularly urgent environmental topic. The scientific consensus is clear: By living the way we currently do, we’re pushing our planet’s temperature higher alarmingly quick, putting everything and everyone at risk. An informative speech on this topic might explore the causes and effects of climate change, as well as the steps we can take to mitigate its impact.

Other potential informative speech topics related to the environment and sustainability might include:

  • The benefits of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power
  • The impact of deforestation on biodiversity and climate change
  • The problem of plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways
  • The role of sustainable agriculture in feeding a growing population

No matter which topic you choose, an informative speech on psychology, social issues, technology, or the environment has the power to educate, inspire, and motivate your audience to take action. Dive into topics deeply and share what you find to spark change one reader at a time.

Unique and Creative Informative Speech Topics

Looking for a speech topic that’s a little out of the ordinary? Something that will really make your audience sit up and take notice? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Choosing a unique or creative topic is a surefire way to make your informative speech memorable. It’s a chance to showcase your personality and interests while still delivering valuable information. In addition, it’s just more fun to research and write about something a little offbeat. Below are a few creative ideas to get you going.

  • Unusual holidays and festivals around the world
  • The history and science behind a common food item (like chocolate or coffee)
  • How a popular board game or toy is made
  • The life and accomplishments of a little-known historical figure
  • The psychology of optical illusions and how they trick our brains

The key is to find a topic that piques your curiosity and hasn’t been done to death. Dig deep into your hobbies, passions, and areas of expertise. Chances are, there’s a fascinating informative speech topic hiding in there somewhere. In fact, some of the best informative speeches are the ones that take a familiar topic and approach it from a completely new angle. For example, instead of giving a generic speech about the importance of recycling, you could focus on the surprising ways recycled materials are used in fashion or art.

The possibilities are endless. With a little creativity and research, you can craft a truly unique informative speech that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

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Tips for Delivering an Engaging Informative Speech

You’ve chosen the perfect informative speech topic, done your research, and written a great speech outline . Now comes the hard part: actually delivering the speech in front of an audience. Don’t worry, though, because we have your back.

Giving a great speech is all about preparation and practice. The more comfortable you are with your material, the more confident and engaging you’ll be on stage. Here are a few tips to help you deliver an informative speech that will keep your audience hooked from beginning to end.

Organizing Your Speech

The structure of your speech is just as important as the content itself. A well-organized informative speech has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start with an attention-grabbing introduction that previews your main points. Use the body of your speech to dive deeper into each point, using examples and stories to illustrate your ideas. Finally, wrap things up with a memorable conclusion that reinforces your key takeaways.

Using Visual Aids

Visual aids like slides, charts, or props can be a great way to enhance your informative speech and make complex topics more accessible. Just be sure to use them sparingly and strategically. Too many visuals can be distracting, so choose ones that really drive home your main points. And always have a backup plan in case of technical difficulties.

Connecting with Your Audience

At the end of the day, the goal of any informative speech is to educate and engage your audience. To do that, you need to find ways to make your topic relatable and relevant to their lives. Use examples and anecdotes that resonate with their experiences. Make eye contact, smile, and use gestures to convey your enthusiasm for the subject. And don’t be afraid to inject a little humor or personality into your delivery.

Practicing and Refining Your Delivery

The old saying “practice makes perfect” definitely applies to public speaking . The more you rehearse your informative speech, the more natural and polished your delivery will become. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself on video, or grab a friend to be your audience. Pay attention to your pacing, clarity, and body language . And don’t forget to time yourself to make sure you’re staying within the allotted time limit.

Remember, delivering a great informative speech is a skill that anyone can learn with a little practice and preparation. So take a deep breath, trust in your abilities, and go out there and crush it.

FAQs About Informative Speech Topics

What are the 5 useful topics of an informative speech.

Consider technology trends, mental health awareness, climate change impacts, historical events analysis, and modern educational methods for engaging speeches.

What is a good informative speech?

A good one dives deep into facts and insights without trying to sway opinions. It’s clear, precise, and keeps listeners hooked.

What is an appropriate topic for an informative speech about a concept?

The evolution of artificial intelligence presents a rich ground to explore concepts ranging from ethics to its societal impact.

Which topic is best for speech?

Pick something you’re passionate about. If it sparks your interest, chances are high it’ll engage your audience too.

To truly master an informative speech, you have to get excited about your chosen subject. Spend ample time researching every nook and cranny then wrap it up by enthralling everyone through compelling narratives peppered with interesting tidbits. Use the informative speech topics we’ve shared with you and you’re all set to create a presentation that not only shares knowledge but also keeps your audience hooked and leaves them thinking.

So, whether you’re a student, professional speaker, or simply looking to enhance your public speaking skills, embrace the power of informative speeches. Choose a topic that ignites your curiosity, and watch as your words inspire and educate others.

  • Last Updated: August 28, 2024

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Tell Us: How Are You Feeling About the Debate?

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A man vacuumed the stage where former President Donald Trump and President Biden would go on to hold their debate on Oct. 22, 2020.

By Jess Bidgood

Jess Bidgood writes the On Politics newsletter.

The presidential debate on Sept. 10 will be the first time that former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris face off onstage. And it could be the most important moment of the fall campaign.

I want to know how you’re feeling about it. Are you planning to watch? Are you excited? Are you dreading it? And what do you want to see the candidates asked about?

Let me know, using this form, and I may use your answer in an upcoming newsletter.

I’ll read every response I receive, and reach out to respondents to learn more. I will not publish any part of your response without first contacting you and hearing back from you. And I won’t use your contact information for anything besides following up with you, nor will I share it with anyone outside our newsroom.

Jess Bidgood is a managing correspondent for The Times and writes the On Politics newsletter, a guide to the 2024 election and beyond. More about Jess Bidgood


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  1. Step-by-Step Guide: How to Write a Debate Essay

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  2. How to Write a Good Debate Essay

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  3. 6 Easy Steps to Write a Debate Speech

    Step 5: Your Arguments. And now we've reached the most important part of your debate; the arguments. To make things easier, I've broken this heading down into four simple subtopics. Deciding what to argue: If you get lucky with your debate topic then twenty arguments for and against might immediately spring to mind.

  4. How to Write a Debate Speech: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

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  5. Debate Writing

    1. Understand the Debate. The first of many steps in debate writing is understanding its nature. Here, both teams will be given a topic, and they will choose an affirmative or negative stance. 2. Research the Topic Thoroughly. Brainstorm and research the topic thoroughly to understand all the aspects of the debate.

  6. How to Prepare and Present a Debate Speech + Tips & Examples

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  7. Debate Writing Essentials: Steps, Tips, and Examples

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  8. Tips for writing a strong debate essay?

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  9. How to Write a Debate Essay: Simple Principles to Follow

    paper for 12.01 10.21/page Learn More. So, if you want to know how to write a debate essay and win the "battle", follow these simple principles. Table of Contents. ⭐ Know the features of a good debate. 👀 Choose debate essay topics wisely. 🔎 Investigate background of the problem. 🗣️ Collect arguments and counterarguments.

  10. An Ultimate Guide to Mastering Debate Writing: Tips & Tricks

    Gather relevant facts, statistics, expert opinions, and examples to support your position. Logical Structure: Organize your debate writing in a logical and coherent manner. Use paragraphs to separate different ideas and arguments. Counter Arguments and Rebuttal: Anticipate opposing arguments and address them in your debate.

  11. How to Write a Winning Debate Speech

    1. Choose a Topic For Your Debate. Also called a resolution or a motion, the topic is sometimes chosen to debate. This is usually the case in a school activity to practice debating skills. The resolution or motion is usually centered around a true or false statement or a proposal to change the current situation.

  12. Debate Essay Tips?

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    When you're writing a persuasive essay, you need more than just an opinion to make your voice heard. Even the strongest stance won't be compelling if it's not structured properly and reinforced with solid reasoning and evidence. Learn what elements every argumentative essay should include and how to structure it depending on your audience in this easy step-by-step guide.

  14. 3 Ways to Write a Debate Outline

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    Make a claim. Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim. Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim) Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives. The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays.

  16. How to Write a Debate Essay

    High school students master defending their chosen topic position debate papers. Writing a successful debate paper means researching both argument sides to provide a well-rounded and decisive view. Students writing debate papers follow traditional debate elements but write in the paper format.

  17. How to prepare for a debate

    I'll just take a moment here to remind you that you should NEVER, NEVER, NEVER write out a debate speech in full. That isn't debating; it's essay writing. You can be good at writing essays and good at debating, and you can learn a lot about how to write essays from doing debating, but they are NOT THE SAME THING. I hope I made that clear.

  18. How to Structure a Debate Essay in 5 Easy Steps

    5. Proper Conclusion. Give a summary that revisits the thesis in light of the evidence presented rather than merely restating it. This is where some students may start to have trouble with the essay. This section of the essay will most strongly impact the reader's thoughts. It needs to do its job and make sense.

  19. 4 Ways to Begin a Debate

    Remember to maintain eye contact with an audience at the end of a sentence. Hold eye contact with an individual for only three to five seconds, then move on to someone else. Practice holding eye contact with someone you know for a minute or two. Repeat the exercise 5 or 6 times—that will really help a lot. 4.

  20. 20+ Inspiring Debate Examples for All Academic Levels

    But worry no more! In this blog, we have curated over 20 captivating debate examples that will fuel your intellectual curiosity and stimulate meaningful conversations. Whether you're a student, debater, or simply someone interested in the art of persuasion, this blog is for you. Let's get started! On This Page. 1. Debate Examples for Students. 2.

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  25. 25+ Informative Speech Topics To Engage Your Audience

    The debate over standardized testing in schools; No matter which topic you choose, make sure to back up your points with research and statistics. ... In addition, it's just more fun to research and write about something a little offbeat. Below are a few creative ideas to get you going. Unusual holidays and festivals around the world; The ...

  26. Tell Us: How Are You Feeling About the Debate?

    The presidential debate on Sept. 10 will be the first time that former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris face off onstage. And it could be the most important moment of the ...