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  • Health and Hygiene Essay


Introduction to Health and Hygiene

The term "Health" refers to the body's natural and healthy state. It is a wonderful source of calm and joy. A healthy state of mind and a physically fit body are considered to be free of disorder, illness, or disease. Health refers to a person's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being in basic terms. Cleanliness, adequate wastewater disposal, and safe drinking water supply are all examples of hygiene practices that help to avoid disease and promote good health. It encompasses all activities aimed at enhancing, preserving, and maintaining excellent health.

Health and Hygiene

Health is a positive state of being in which all components of the body and mind are in proper balance and harmony with one another. As a result, all of the body's organs are in good working order. It is well believed that only those people may be considered healthy if they have a healthy mind and a healthy body. For a healthy and happy existence, health and cleanliness are essential. In terms of community hygiene, health education is critical. To avoid disease and have a positive attitude about health, you must have accurate and comprehensive health knowledge. 

Hygiene is another word for sanitation and cleanliness. Great personal hygiene is essential for health reasons. One must practice good hygiene. We must cover our mouth while sneezing and immediately wash our hands to prevent the germs from spreading. This shows our consciousness about health through hygiene. Keeping a decent standard of cleanliness prevents the spread of disease. Social awareness must be spread amongst the civilians so that they would realize the importance of hygiene.

What Exactly is Health?

Health is a quality of life that enables you to live a longer life. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as "a condition of complete physical, mental, spiritual, and communal well-being, rather than only the absence of illness."A person is not regarded as healthy if he is free of sickness or in good bodily shape but is stressed, tense, angry, greedy, or in any other way.

Aspects of Health

Let's look at the health concerns for a moment.

Physical well-being

Mental well-being:

Emotional wellness

The well-being of the community

Spiritual well-being

Hygiene is the science and art of maintaining and improving one's physical and mental well-being. Hygiene enables people to have a healthy interaction with their surroundings. It is applicable to both individuals and communities. Recognize the importance of hygiene and sanitation in maintaining good health.

Our hands keep touching so many surfaces such as handrails, smartphones, steering wheels while driving, etc. Hands are the part of the body that spreads germs the most easily. It takes less than a minute to wash our hands; still, many people refrain from doing this. Good hand hygiene is proven beneficial in preventing the spread of diseases amongst society and family. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), washing hands with soap and water is sufficient to prevent the spread of certain diseases by almost 50%. The next important part of the body that needs proper hygiene is the eye. We are all aware that the eyes are the most delicate part of the body. So taking care of it is not only essential but a necessity. We are surrounded by thousands of electronic things which have a bad impact on the eyes. Keeping the eyes clean must be a frequent task in our daily routine.

While playing in the school, kids must take care of their belongings, such as their water bottles. It is important to keep such things in a clean place. Keeping the bottle here and there and then drinking from the same water bottle is harmful to health. Parents and teachers play a vital role in creating awareness about hygiene in kids.

Hygiene is like a preventive measure that keeps us away from diseases and various other health ailments. No matter how much you care about cleanliness, if the potable water itself is not clean, then it is of no use. Water needs to be not only clean but also healthy. Water is used throughout the day, from drinking, cooking to cleanliness activities. Hence, it is important to use clean water. 

Civilians must be made aware of how to maintain hygiene in public places like hospitals. Hospitals are generally crowded with patients and it is obvious that the place will be a hotspot of bacteria and viruses. Hence, it is important to use hand sanitisers and maintain a safe distance from visibly sick people. The next critical step towards a healthy life is oral hygiene—proper oral hygiene wards off gum diseases, bad breath and many infections. Understanding the importance of hygiene will make it easier to eradicate the disease from the world.

How Do You Keep Your Hygiene?

The only thing that helps a person feel healthy is good hygiene. Otherwise, bacteria developing in the dirt generate a slew of ailments, and our health suffers as a result.

When we are surrounded by cleanliness, it makes us feel happy and motivates us to complete our tasks. If there is dirt surrounding us, no matter how focused we attempt to work, we will not be able to complete the task successfully. Our health will decline as well.

Hygiene is Crucial!

It helps to lessen the need for medical assistance: we are all susceptible to a variety of ailments around the world. Diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, gastrointestinal problems, asthma, and lung disorders affect a large portion of the world's population. Some of these diseases are deadly, and there is no treatment that can save a person's life. There are extremely few sicknesses in a sanitary living individual. This person will not require medication to remain healthy. It protects against numerous germs and viruses by preserving personal cleanliness.

Health is more valuable than money, and everyone's health is paramount. It has a strong link to hygiene and health. There will be good health when there is cleanliness. Our health is heavily influenced by our surroundings.


FAQs on Health and Hygiene Essay

1. What are some of the ways to maintain personal hygiene?

We come in contact with millions of germs and viruses every day, all of which can make us sick. Some methods for maintaining personal hygiene and preventing the spread of germs and viruses include Toilet and Bath Hygiene: After using the restroom, we should always wash our hands. To maintain our nails clean, we must avoid biting them and trim them on a regular basis. Bacteria and viruses can quickly enter our bodies through the mouth, nose, and eyes. When handling garbage, touching animals, cleaning, etc., we should always wash our hands with soap and water.

2. Why is hygiene important for good health?

It is important to maintain good hygiene in order to avoid the spread of germs and infectious diseases. Coming into close contact with patients, handling contaminated food, and unclean surfaces or things can all pass on germs that cause many diseases. Poor hygiene can readily spread diarrhea, respiratory ailments, tooth decay, and other diseases. Seasonal flu, viruses, and other bacterial illnesses can all be aided by good cleanliness. As a result, sustaining good health requires a high level of hygiene.

3. Where can I find a well-written essay on Health and Hygiene?

You can find a well-written essay on the topic ‘Health and Hygiene’ on many online educational sites such as Vedantu. Vedantu offers well-curated study materials and articles on various topics. Students can find free essays on Health and Hygiene and other commonly-asked topics in exams.

4. Why is it important to train young kids on the importance of hygiene and sanitation?

Antibiotics and vaccinations are becoming less effective against viruses and bacteria. Many of these viruses are now being encountered all over the world, and the world is enabled to cope with them. Germs can readily spread among children because they play outside without paying attention to their health. To avoid getting sick, parents must educate their children on the value of cleanliness. In addition, basic personal cleanliness will help them feel more confident and self-assured. As a result, it is important to teach children about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.

5. Is writing the Health and Hygiene Essay for Students in English difficult?

Regular practice and back to back sessions on essay writing can help students to write proper English essays. The Health and Hygiene Essay for Students in English requires some prior knowledge about health and hygiene and hence one should study about the same before writing it. After you've grabbed the concepts, the writing part isn't difficult. Vedantu can help you in framing proper English sentences with proper grammar, tone, clarity, and essay.

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Health and Hygiene Essay | Essay on Health and Hygiene for Students and Children in English

February 12, 2024 by Prasanna

Health and Hygiene Essay: Health and Hygiene are two essential concepts when it comes to the human body. Health refers to the state of physically as well a mental well being. Health also encompasses the social well being of an individual. Health is not just about being fit but also having the appropriate resources to live. Having a sound body and mind is an indication of good health.

Hygiene refers to maintaining good health through practices that focus on cleanliness. Good Hygiene helps to prevent the spread of diseases and illnesses. Hygiene and health go hand in hand. In today’s world, where pollution levels are rising and numerous diseases emerging, good health and Hygiene are a necessity.

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Long and short essays on Health and Hygiene Essay for students and Kids in English.

There is one long essay on Health and Hygiene of 500 words and one short essay of 200 words on Health and Hygiene.

Long Essay on Health and Hygiene 500 words in English

Health and Hygiene Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Health refers to a person’s overall well-being and focuses not just on one’s physical state but the mental and social state as well. Physical fitness refers to the bodily conditions and state of health with the absence of diseases. Mental health is the well-being of a person’s psychological state, which is free from mental illness and having good cognitive health. Social well being is a person’s capability to form and maintain relationships in their lives. The World Health Organization adds to this definition by stating that health does not just refer to the objective of living but also resources for everyday life. Having a sound body and mind constitutes good health.

Hygiene correlates to health. Hygiene refers to practices to ensure that we have good health. These practices focus on cleanliness, clean environment and nutritious diets, all of which are important to the human body personal and social hygiene help to protect our bodies from illnesses. Building a robust immune system requires good health with proper Hygiene.

A nutritious diet is a prerequisite to good health. A balanced diet involves consuming different kinds of foods like fruits, vegetables, staples, legumes and proteins. Fruits and vegetables contain minerals and vitamins that are important for the body. Drinking fluids help to keep our bodies hydrated. They flush out the toxins and make us stronger. Fats, oils and sugars provide us with energy, but we must consume them in limited quantities. Some people also include meat into their diet, which has sufficient protein. Dairy products have calcium that helps strengthen bones. Washing fruits and cooking vegetables before consumption is essential for Hygiene.

Pure drinking water keeps us hydrated and helps in the functioning of our organs and removing toxins. Untreated and impure water causes many diseases. Boiling water or adding purifying agents help to clean the water for drinking.

Cleanliness is an essential hygienic practice towards being healthy. Showering regularly and wearing clean clothes is one form of personal Hygiene. Washing hands frequently, cutting nails, and brushing as well as flossing are some ways through which we can have good personal Hygiene.

Keeping our surroundings neat and clean keeps us fit. We need to ensure that water sources receive treatment. Contaminated water is the breeding ground for many water-borne diseases like typhoid and cholera. Proper sewage systems help to prevent this. Defecation in open places is very unhygienic and unhealthy. Dumping garbage on the roads attracts many insects which can be harmful to the surrounding. Adoption of proper garbage disposal will help to reduce this problem. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in India is one such initiative to promote environmental Hygiene by promoting adequate garbage disposal and aiming for a cleaner India.

Exercising regularly helps to keep us fit and prevent diseases. A healthy and hygienic life helps to strengthen our body and make us immune to diseases; by adopting healthy practices are not just benefit individuals but the society as well. We need to spread awareness of hygienic practices. A healthy community helps a nation grow more robust.

Short Essay on Health and Hygiene 150 words in English

Health and Hygiene Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Health is well in terms of physical, social as well as mental aspects of a person. Having good health helps us to function better. Being healthy helps us to fight against diseases and make our bodies healthier. Hygiene refers to everyday practices to keep ourselves healthy. These practices protect us from illnesses.

We must consume a healthy diet, balanced with different foods. Fruits and vegetables have vital minerals and vitamins which we need. Drinking fluids helps to remove all the toxins in our body. Pure drinking water helps to keep us hydrated. We must cut down on junk food and eat protein-rich meals. Milk makes our bones strong. Washing fruits and cook vegetables before consuming them is vital.

Cleanliness is also necessary. Taking a bath regularly and wearing clean clothes improves our Hygiene. Washing hands helps to keep germs away. We must cut our nails when they grow long and brush and floss our teeth every day. Exercising every day makes us healthy and fit. These practices help to build our immune system.

Hygiene and good health also include keeping our surroundings clean. We must dispose of garbage correctly and not throw it on the streets. Defecation on the streets is highly unhygienic. We must adopt these practices not just to keep ourselves fit but also for our society. we will soonly update Health and Hygiene Essay in Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam.

10 Lines on Health and Hygiene Essay in English

  • Health refers to a person’s overall well-being- physical, social, mental.
  • The World Health Organization adds to this definition by stating that health does not just refer to the objective of living but also resources for everyday life.
  • Hygiene refers to practices to ensure that we have good health.
  • Hygiene protects our body from diseases and helps our immune system become more robust.
  • A balanced and nutritious diet is a prerequisite for good health. Fruits and vegetables have vital minerals and vitamins which we need. We must wash fruits and cook vegetables before consumption.
  • Drinking sufficient fluids helps to remove toxins. We must regulate our fats and sugar intake. Milk helps to make our bone stronger.
  • Cleanliness is also imperative. Taking a bath regularly and wearing clean clothes improves our Hygiene. Washing hands frequently, cutting nails, and brushing as well as flossing daily also help to enhance personal Hygiene.
  • Pure drinking water is vital as it keeps us hydrated and helps in the functioning of our organs and removing toxins. Untreated water causes diseases like typhoid and cholera.
  • Proper garbage disposal helps to keep the surroundings clean. Defecation in the open is very unhygienic, and it needs to stop.
  • Adopting healthy practices are not just benefit individuals but society as well. A healthy community makes the nation stronger.

FAQ’s on Health and Hygiene Essay

Question 1. How can we define hygiene?

Answer: Hygiene refers to practices to ensure that we have good health. These practices focus on cleanliness, clean environment and nutritious diets, all of which are important to the human body.

Question 2. What constitutes a balanced and nutritious diet?

Answer: A balanced diet involves consuming different kinds of foods like fruits, vegetables, staples, legumes and proteins with a regulated portion of fats and oils.

Question 3. How do we improve personal hygiene?

Answer: Taking a bath regularly and wearing clean clothes improves our Hygiene. Washing hands frequently, cutting nails, and brushing as well as flossing daily also help to strengthen personal Hygiene.

Question 4. Which initiative promotes environmental hygiene in India?

Answer: The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in India is an initiative to promote environmental Hygiene by promoting proper garbage disposal and aiming for a cleaner India.

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Essay on Health and Hygiene for Students and Children

Essay on Health and Hygiene for Students and Children

Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on Health and Hygiene

10 lines on health and hygiene, paragraph on health and hygiene, short essay on health and hygiene in english, long essay on health and hygiene, what will your child learn from health and hygiene essay, infographic – 10 lines on health and hygiene.

Health refers to the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, while hygiene involves the practices and habits that help maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases. A strong foundation of health and hygiene is pivotal to leading a fulfilling and disease-free life. To instil this foundation from a young age, we present a detailed guide on writing an essay on health and hygiene for kids. This guide encompasses various essay forms—from a simple 10-line composition to more detailed short and long essays. Writing an essay in English on such an imperative topic allows children to enhance their language skills, comprehend the importance of health and hygiene, and express their understanding effectively.

Essay writing is an essential skill that allows individuals to express their thoughts, arguments, and knowledge in a structured and coherent manner. When embarking on writing an essay on health and hygiene, remember the following points:

  • Define both health and hygiene in simple terms.
  • Explain the relationship between the two.
  • Highlight the importance of maintaining both.
  • Discuss the consequences of poor health and hygiene.
  • Suggest some easy tips to maintain health and hygiene.
  • Make your essay engaging with examples or anecdotes.
  • Conclude by reinforcing the significance of health and hygiene.

An introductory essay on health and hygiene for classes 1 and 2 comprises ten simple, comprehensible lines. A few lines on health and hygiene highlight the importance of regular hygiene practices to prevent illnesses. Here’s how to approach it:

  • Health is our body’s state of being free from illness.
  • Hygiene  refers to practices that help us stay healthy and prevent disease.
  • Eating healthy food helps maintain good health.
  • Washing hands  before and after meals promotes hygiene.
  • Regular exercise  is essential for good health.
  • We must keep our surroundings clean to maintain hygiene.
  • Drinking plenty of water boosts health.
  • Brushing teeth twice a day helps in oral hygiene .
  • Proper sleep is crucial for maintaining good health.
  • Personal hygiene protects us from harmful germs and diseases.

As we progress, let’s expand our essay on health and hygiene to 100 words. By incorporating various lines on health and hygiene, we can create a cohesive and informative paragraph.

Health and hygiene are two interconnected terms that play a crucial role in our lives. Health signifies a disease-free state of the body, while hygiene refers to the practices that keep us healthy.  Eating nutritious food , regular physical exercise, ample sleep, and maintaining cleanliness in our surroundings constitute some critical health and hygiene aspects. These simple yet effective measures help us stay fit and reduce the risk of diseases. Thus, embracing health and hygiene is a step towards a happier and healthier life.

Moving forward, let’s delve into a more detailed perspective with a short essay on health and hygiene in English.

Health and hygiene, the two pillars of a healthy life, are often taken for granted. Health includes physical, mental, and social wellness beyond merely being free from illness or disease. On the other hand, hygiene involves the habits and conditions that support health and stop the spread of diseases. These include personal hygiene, food hygiene, environmental hygiene, and more. Maintaining good health and hygiene is not a one-time task but a way of life. It involves eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting proper sleep, keeping our environment clean, and practising good personal hygiene habits. These practices are essential as they directly impact our health and well-being, reducing the risk of various diseases. Thus, understanding and practising health and hygiene are crucial to living a disease-free and fulfilling life.

This essay for class 3 aims to introduce students to the importance of maintaining good health and hygiene practices in their daily lives.

Health and hygiene are the pillars of a robust, fulfilling life. They’re the keys to maintaining a desirable quality of life and maximising our potential in all aspects of life, including career, relationships, and personal satisfaction. Living a healthy lifestyle and adhering to basic hygiene principles set us up for longevity, vitality, and improved mental health. This essay delves deeper into the concepts of health and hygiene and underscores their significance in our daily lives.

What Is Health and Hygiene?

Health, as defined by the World Health Organisation, is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (1) . It’s an all-encompassing term that implies holistic wellness, encompassing physical and mental aspects. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and stress management are vital to maintaining good health.

On the other hand, hygiene is a series of practices to preserve health. These practices involve cleanliness to minimise disease risk and maintain overall wellness. Hygiene extends beyond personal cleanliness and encompasses environmental cleanliness as well. It includes routine tasks like washing hands, keeping surroundings clean, safe food handling, and proper waste disposal, to name a few.

Importance of Health and Hygiene

The importance of health and hygiene can’t be overstated. Good health allows us to enjoy life, perform activities, and contribute positively to society. Good hygiene prevents the spread of diseases, controls harmful microbes, and provides a clean, healthy environment for everyone. Poor hygiene can lead to various diseases, hampering one’s health and quality of life.

Beyond these essential facts, the significance of health and hygiene intertwines with our societal and economic functioning. A healthy population implies a productive workforce, less burden on healthcare systems, and an overall prospering society. Good hygiene practices limit disease spread, leading to fewer absences from work or school and ensuring consistent productivity.

Moreover, health and hygiene are pivotal in our personal and interpersonal lives. When we maintain good health, we can actively participate in activities that bring us happiness and satisfaction. It enhances our ability to contribute to our family, community, and professional life. Good hygiene, besides safeguarding our health, also affects our social interactions. It fosters a sense of respect and consideration for others by providing a pleasant, disease-free environment.

Good Habits and Tips to Maintain Better Health and Hygiene

Mother and daughter washing hands together

Here are some essential habits to maintain better health and hygiene:

  • Includes plenty of fruits, lean proteins, vegetables and whole grains in your diet to support overall health (4) .
  • Engage in regular physical exercise.
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule  and ensure you get enough sleep.
  • Maintain proper personal hygiene by bathing regularly, washing your hands often, and brushing and flossing your teeth daily (2) .
  • Regularly clean and disinfect your living and working spaces.
  • Keep yourself hydrated by consuming adequate water throughout the day.
  • Regular health check-ups to ensure early detection and prevention of diseases.

An essay on health and hygiene is an effective educational tool for children. It introduces them to health and cleanliness, highlighting their importance in everyday life. It encourages them to adopt healthy and hygienic practices, thereby cultivating a lifestyle that promotes well-being and prevents diseases. This essay comprehensively explains how maintaining good health and hygiene can positively impact their lives, aiding their physical, emotional and social development . Furthermore, it strengthens their essay-writing skills, contributing to their academic prowess.

1. What is the relationship between hygiene and nutrition?

Hygiene and nutrition are closely related. Proper hygiene practices help ensure that the food we consume is safe and free from contamination. Washing fruits and vegetables, cooking food thoroughly, and storing it correctly prevent foodborne illnesses and contribute to better nutrition and overall health.

2. What initiatives promote hygiene in India?

India has implemented several initiatives to promote hygiene, including:

  • Swachh Bharat Mission (Clean India Mission): Launched in 2014, this program aims to improve sanitation and cleanliness across the country by promoting the construction of toilets, improving waste management, and encouraging cleanliness in public spaces (6) .
  • National Rural Health Mission (NRHM): This initiative focuses on improving healthcare delivery and sanitation in rural areas, including promoting hygiene practices and providing access to clean drinking water (5) .

Health and hygiene play vital roles in the well-being and development of children. Children can shield themselves from illnesses and infections by following good hygiene practices, such as frequent hand washing, proper dental care, and keeping their environment clean (3) . Moreover, developing healthy habits like eating balanced meals, engaging in physical activity, and ensuring sufficient sleep can bolster their immune system and enhance their overall health.

Educating children about health and hygiene from an early age is essential, as these habits will benefit them throughout their lives. By instilling these practices in children, we can ensure they grow up healthy, happy, and productive individuals. So, let’s encourage our kids to embrace good health and hygiene habits and create a healthier future for themselves and society.

10 Lines Essay on Health & Hygiene - Infographic


1. Constitution; WHO;

2. Personal hygiene for children; Healthdirect;

3. Hygiene; UNICEF;

4. 20 health tips; WHO; ; December 2019

5. NATIONAL RURAL HEALTH MISSION; Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India;

6. Swachh Bharat Mission: Driving India’s Sanitation Renaissance; Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation;

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Essay on Health and Hygiene 1000+ Words

Health and hygiene are the cornerstones of a fulfilling life. In this essay, I will argue that maintaining good health and practicing proper hygiene are essential for overall well-being, preventing diseases, and leading a fulfilling life.

Defining Health and Hygiene

Health refers to a state of physical, mental, and social well-being, while hygiene involves practices that promote cleanliness and prevent the spread of disease. These two concepts are closely intertwined.

The Importance of Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene, which includes daily practices like bathing, brushing teeth, and washing hands, plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of infections and maintaining good health.

Hygiene at Home

Maintaining a clean and hygienic home environment is essential. Regular cleaning, proper waste disposal, and safe food handling are critical to preventing illnesses.

The Link Between Health and Nutrition

A balanced diet rich in nutrients is essential for good health. Proper nutrition fuels our bodies, boosts our immune system, and supports growth and development.

Physical Activity and Health

Regular exercise contributes to overall health by improving cardiovascular fitness, building strength, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes.

Mental Health Matters

Mental health is a vital aspect of overall well-being. Practices like stress management, seeking support, and practicing mindfulness contribute to a healthy mind.

Preventing Diseases Through Hygiene

Proper hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing, can prevent the spread of infectious diseases like colds, flu, and COVID-19.

Dental Hygiene

Taking care of our teeth and gums is crucial for overall health. Regular dental check-ups and daily brushing and flossing help maintain good oral hygiene.

Expert Opinions

Health professionals, including doctors and nurses, emphasize the importance of health and hygiene in preventing illnesses and promoting longevity.

Hygiene in Public Places

Practicing hygiene in public places, such as schools and hospitals, is essential for preventing outbreaks of diseases and ensuring the safety of everyone.

Conclusion of Essay on Health and Hygiene

In conclusion, health and hygiene are fundamental aspects of our lives that significantly impact our overall well-being. By practicing proper personal hygiene, maintaining a clean home environment, adopting a balanced diet, staying physically active, and paying attention to our mental health, we can lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. Preventing diseases through good hygiene practices is not only our responsibility but also a way to protect our communities. Health and hygiene are not just habits; they are essential tools for living our best lives and ensuring a brighter future for all.

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Essay on Health and Hygiene for Students in English [500 Words]

January 1, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Health and Hygiene: The best practices for maintaining the good frame of our body includes health and hygiene. They are like two sides of the same coin. If we keep our surroundings clean and hygienic, we can maintain good health and well being. Living in unhygienic surroundings causes infections and brings down the overall health of a person causing diseases. The key elements of living a good life include basic cleanliness practices and inculcating personal and environmental hygiene habits.

Essay on Health and Hygiene 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Health and Hygiene Essay in English, suitable for class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. – Mahatma Gandhi

Health is the mental as well as physical well being of an individual. It is a state in which the person is free from any injury or illness. It also means being socially and spiritually sound and well. Hygiene is a practice carried out to preserve health and prevent diseases. It is dominantly done through the habit of cleanliness .

Characteristics of a Healthy and Hygienic Person

A physically healthy person will always be fit. He or she will neither be too thin nor too fat. One has to keep a balanced and appropriate weight because being obese can lead to several fatal diseases like cancer and diabetes . Obese people are also more prone to the risk of heart attacks. A hygienic person will always wash his or her hands regularly. Washing hands is necessary before and after meals, after coming back home from outside, after playing in the park, etc. This is because various germs get onto our hands and our nails.

Hence it becomes crucial to get rid of them, or they may cause illnesses like stomach aches, diarrhoea, etc. A mentally healthy person is always contented and self-satisfied. He or she is calm, composed and understanding. A mentally well individual has determination and self-respect. He or she continually adjusts with other people and doesn’t believe in complaining. Another trait of a healthy person is stable and regular breathing. The average breath rate is 14 to 20 breaths per minute.

If the breathing of a person is irregular, heavy or unsteady, then that person may be unhealthy and may be suffering from some illness. A hygienic person will always have the basic courtesy to cover their mouth and nose or turn away from other people while coughing or sneezing. Wearing a mask while one is ill can also be a good practice. If this is not done, then the germ droplets can fall on other people’s face, hands or body and thus cause them to fall ill as well.

Factors Leading to ill Health

Certain diseases are known to be hereditary and can cause a negative effect on a person’s health. Genetic diseases include diabetes, schizophrenia, baldness, etc. There are always ways which a person can adopt not to fall victim to these hereditary illnesses. For example, a person who has a family history of diabetes can make changes in one’s lifestyle and cut down his or her fat and sugar intake.

Social factors can also contribute majorly to a person’s health. It can lead to betterment as well as the development of ill health. Worries, anxieties, broken marriages, stress, etc. all lead to ill health. If a person is not satisfied with his or her employment or if the neighbourhood that he or she lives in is not safe, then this can lead to deterioration of the person’s mental as well as physical health.

A person indulged in alcohol, smoking, drugs, weed and other narcotics becomes mentally unstable and physically ill. The reasons for them giving into the usage of these hazardous products can be numerous. It may be peer pressure, broken homes, loss of a near and dear one, getting fired from a job, etc. The intake of these products can lead to permanent damages which can often be fatal to a human body.

Practices to Follow for Good Health and Hygiene

Always follow good and regular oral hygiene. It is the duty of parents to instil healthy oral hygiene practices in their children. Brushing one’s teeth at least twice a day is necessary. Along with brushing, the habit of flossing and rinsing with mouthwash should also be inculcated. Rinsing should be done after the consumption of every meal so that there is no bacteria growth and tooth decay. Good oral hygiene can prevent a person from having bad breath, cavities, etc.

Taking a bath or a shower daily is vital to maintain a clean and hygienic body. Our skin is the largest part of our body, and it is essential to keep it free of germs and other bacteria. A bath helps one have clear skin and body and also gets rid of the old and dead skin cells, thus paving the way for the new ones to take their place. Consumption of a nutritious and balanced diet is critical to have good health. Intake of all nutrients in fair amounts is essential to provide the body with the required energy and keep it strong.

Health and Hygiene Essay for Students and Children in 1000 Words

Health and Hygiene Essay for Students & Children 1000+ Words

In this article, you will read Health and hygiene Essay for students and children in 1000 words. It leads to happy and healthy lives.

Table of Contents

Introduction (Health and Hygiene Essay)

Health and hygiene is a vital phenomenon for a healthy and happy life. Health education plays a vital role in community hygiene. To prevent disease and have a positive attitude towards health, you need a correct and complete knowledge about health.

We need to understand a few things about Health and Hygiene

What is health.

Health is a characteristic of life that allows you to live longer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO): Health is a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual, and communal well-being, not just a lack of disease.

Therefore, besides physical health, we must also consider mental and emotional health. It only can be achieved if spiritual and social health can be achieved, and can move towards the welfare of society.

Aspects of health

What is hygiene.

If our environment is clean, then our health will be healthy, and if we pollute the environment , it will have adverse effects on our health. Hygine, whether it is body or home, has a very positive effect on health.

How to maintain hygiene?

Together we should take steps towards cleanliness and health. We should regularly clean our bodies, houses, and neighborhoods. We should eat fresh food.

Why is hygiene important?

Importance of hygiene.

It helps reduce the need for medical help: in the world; we are all susceptible to many diseases. A lot of the world’s population suffers from diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, gastrointestinal problems, asthma, lung disorders,.

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Essay on Health for Students and Children

500+ words essay on health.

Essay on Health: Health was earlier said to be the ability of the body functioning well. However, as time evolved, the definition of health also evolved. It cannot be stressed enough that health is the primary thing after which everything else follows. When you maintain good health , everything else falls into place.

essay on health

Similarly, maintaining good health is dependent on a lot of factors. It ranges from the air you breathe to the type of people you choose to spend your time with. Health has a lot of components that carry equal importance. If even one of them is missing, a person cannot be completely healthy.

Constituents of Good Health

First, we have our physical health. This means being fit physically and in the absence of any kind of disease or illness . When you have good physical health, you will have a longer life span. One may maintain their physical health by having a balanced diet . Do not miss out on the essential nutrients; take each of them in appropriate quantities.

Secondly, you must exercise daily. It may be for ten minutes only but never miss it. It will help your body maintain physical fitness. Moreover, do not consume junk food all the time. Do not smoke or drink as it has serious harmful consequences. Lastly, try to take adequate sleep regularly instead of using your phone.

Next, we talk about our mental health . Mental health refers to the psychological and emotional well-being of a person. The mental health of a person impacts their feelings and way of handling situations. We must maintain our mental health by being positive and meditating.

Subsequently, social health and cognitive health are equally important for the overall well-being of a person. A person can maintain their social health when they effectively communicate well with others. Moreover, when a person us friendly and attends social gatherings, he will definitely have good social health. Similarly, our cognitive health refers to performing mental processes effectively. To do that well, one must always eat healthily and play brain games like Chess, puzzles and more to sharpen the brain.

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Physical Health Alone is Not Everything

There is this stigma that surrounds mental health. People do not take mental illnesses seriously. To be completely fit, one must also be mentally fit. When people completely discredit mental illnesses, it creates a negative impact.

For instance, you never tell a person with cancer to get over it and that it’s all in their head in comparison to someone dealing with depression . Similarly, we should treat mental health the same as physical health.

Parents always take care of their children’s physical needs. They feed them with nutritious foods and always dress up their wounds immediately. However, they fail to notice the deteriorating mental health of their child. Mostly so, because they do not give it that much importance. It is due to a lack of awareness amongst people. Even amongst adults, you never know what a person is going through mentally.

Thus, we need to be able to recognize the signs of mental illnesses . A laughing person does not equal a happy person. We must not consider mental illnesses as a taboo and give it the attention it deserves to save people’s lives.

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Essay on Health Awareness

Students are often asked to write an essay on Health Awareness in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Health Awareness

Understanding health awareness.

Health awareness is about knowing and understanding health issues. It’s like learning about different diseases, their causes, and how to avoid them. Health awareness helps us make better choices for a healthier life.

Importance of Health Awareness

Health awareness is important because it can save lives. It helps us know what’s good and bad for our health. With this knowledge, we can avoid harmful habits like smoking and eating junk food, and adopt healthy habits like exercising and eating balanced meals.

Health Awareness and Disease Prevention

Health awareness helps in preventing diseases. It tells us about vaccines and regular check-ups that help catch diseases early. Also, it teaches us about hygiene practices like washing hands to prevent disease spread.

Role of Schools in Health Awareness

Schools play a big role in health awareness. They teach students about nutrition, physical education, and hygiene. Schools also organize health camps and invite doctors to talk about different health topics.

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250 Words Essay on Health Awareness

What is health awareness.

Health awareness is about knowing and understanding health issues. It helps us make the right choices for our health. It is about learning how to stay fit, eat right, and take care of our bodies.

Why is Health Awareness Important?

Being aware of health is important for many reasons. It helps us live longer and better lives. When we know about health issues, we can prevent them. For example, knowing that smoking is bad for our lungs can stop us from starting to smoke.

How Can We Improve Health Awareness?

There are many ways to improve health awareness. We can read books, watch videos, or talk to doctors. Schools can also help by teaching students about health. Parents can set a good example by eating healthy food and exercising regularly.

Role of Media in Health Awareness

Media plays a big role in health awareness. TV shows, news, and social media can spread information about health. They can tell us about new research or health risks. But, we must be careful to check if the information is correct. Not all information on the internet is true.

500 Words Essay on Health Awareness

Health awareness is knowing about the state of your body, how to keep it healthy, and what can harm it. It is like a guide to help you live a healthy life. It tells you about good habits like eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep. It also warns you about bad things like smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or not getting enough exercise.

Health awareness is very important for everyone. It helps you stay healthy and avoid diseases. If you are aware of your health, you can take steps to prevent illness. For example, if you know that eating too much sugar can lead to diabetes, you can choose to eat less sugar. This can help you avoid getting diabetes in the future.

Ways to Increase Health Awareness

There are many ways to increase health awareness. One way is to learn about health from reliable sources. You can read books, watch videos, or talk to health professionals like doctors and nurses. You can also learn about health in school or at health awareness events.

Another way to increase health awareness is to practice healthy habits. This means eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and avoiding harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol. By doing these things, you can improve your health and learn more about how your body works.

Schools also organize health awareness events. These events can include health fairs, where students can learn about different health topics and get free health screenings. They can also include campaigns to promote healthy habits, like eating fruits and vegetables or walking to school.

In conclusion, health awareness is very important. It helps us stay healthy and avoid diseases. We can increase our health awareness by learning about health and practicing healthy habits. Schools play a big role in health awareness by teaching students about health and organizing health awareness events. By being aware of our health, we can live healthier, happier lives.

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Student Essays

Essay on Health & Hygiene | 10 Lines & Short Essay for Students

An Essay on topic Health & hygiene for students that covers all related areas including; 10 lines on health and hygiene, importance, benefits, cleanliness, advantages and benefits of health & hygiene for students.

This short & long essay would helpful children & students of Ukg, Primary, High school students with 100,150,200,500 plus words written essay & Paragraph

Essay on Health & Hygiene | Importance & Benefits, 10 Lines & More Sentences For Students


Health means overall welfare of our physical and mental state whereas, hygiene means the practice of maintaining good health to improve our immunity and keep our body away from diseases.

Importance of Health & Hygiene

The way to a fresh mind is a fit body. Therefore,it is very important for every individual to prioritize his health and hygiene over everything.

In absence of health he will not be able to perform his duties because of physical illness and mental disorder.

Essay on health and hygiene for students

There are many health problems that occur due to poor hygiene and sanitation like diarrhea, cholera and dysentery. Poor food hygiene can also lead to hepatitis A, food poisoning, gastroenteritis and much more bacterial infections.

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All these conditions occur due to storing food incorrectly or leaving it out for so long.However, if we take care of ourselves and follow health care tips then we can get rid of these infections.

A hygienic person rarely gets sick because of any disease. He knows the benefits of health and hygiene. Therefore, he takes special care of himself and people in his surrounding too.

A healthy person is neither too slim nor too fat. He knows which foods are good for his body. He does not compromise on his diet.

Many people do not realize the importance of health and hygiene. These people who do not follow a healthy lifestyle are most likely to get chronic diseases.A hygienic person knows that how important it is to maintain personal hygiene.

Most importantly, no one prefers to sit in the company of a person who is unclean and unhygienic. But a person who stays healthy is respected and admired by everyone.

If there is cleanliness around us then our mind automatically gets encouraged to do every work. However, it is very difficult to concentrate on work when there is dirt around us. Therefore, if we want to get focused and successful in life then we must develop a habit of cleanliness.

How to Maintain Personal health & Hygiene

Some of the basic tips to maintain personal hygiene include the following:

A). It is very important to brush two times a day. Along with brushing, flossing is also necessary to prevent a person from having bad breath or any cavity.

B). Taking bath on daily basis is also important to get rid of germs and bacteria.

C). It is very important to wash hands before and after meals. Not just before meals, washing hands is very important after every task like coming back from work place, playing outside and after sneezing or coughing.There are so many germs on the ground that get into our hands and nails and lead to stomach diseases.

D). An individual should cover his mouth while sneezing or coughing. He should know the basic manners that if he does not does cover his mouth then the germ droplets will fall over and make another person sick too.

E). Our clothes should be clean all the time. We should properly dispose waste materials.

F). All fruits and vegetables should be washed properly to remove any bacteria present on their surface. Social awareness should be raised among people regarding benefits of health and hygiene.

If we want to maintain good health then we should keep our surroundings clean too.It is a precious gift that if lost once, does not gets back to you easily in severe diseases.

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The more we keep cleanliness, the more we will stay healthy too. Therefore, we should follow basic cleanliness steps to live a better healthy life and stay away from all diseases.

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10 Essay On Health And Hygiene Ideas For Kids (Free Samples)

Simran Jain

Living a full and disease-free life requires a solid foundation in cleanliness and health. We provide comprehensive instruction on writing an “essay on health and hygiene for kids”.

This manual covers a range of essay formats, from a straightforward 10-line composition to more in-depth short and lengthy essays.

Children may improve their language abilities and appreciate the value of health and cleanliness.

And successfully convey their understanding by writing an “essay in English” on such a crucial subject.

What Exactly Is Health?

World Health Day

A quality of life that helps you live longer is health.

Simply described, a person’s state of health is their level of physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

If a person is physically healthy and disease-free, but also anxious, tense, angry, greedy, or in any other way, they are not healthy.

Introduction To Essay On Health And Hygiene

Red Heart Health

Health is a condition of well-being in which the body’s and mind’s parts are in harmony and correct balance with one another.

The outcome is that all of the body’s organs function properly.

If both their body and mind are in good shape, then only they are healthy.

Health and hygiene are crucial for leading a happy, healthy life.

Health education is crucial for community cleanliness.

You need precise and complete health knowledge to stay healthy, avoid disease, and have a good outlook on your well-being.

Another synonym for cleanliness and hygienic conditions is hygiene.

For health reasons, maintaining good personal cleanliness is crucial.

Excellent hygiene is very crucial.

To stop the transmission of the germs, we must promptly wash our hands after sneezing and protect our mouths.

This demonstrates our awareness of the importance of hygiene for health.

To maintain a good level of hygiene, we have to stop the transmission of disease.

Very Short Essay On Health And Hygiene


“State of health” means the complete physical, social, and mental well-being of a person

According to the World Health Organisation, health includes not only the purpose of surviving but also the means of supporting everyday life.

We must practice cleanliness to keep our health.

Maintaining excellent cleanliness aids in the development of our immune systems and protects our bodies from sickness.

You should have a well-balanced and nutrient-dense healthy diet.

Fruits and vegetables include vital minerals and vitamins that we require.

Drinking enough water helps with toxin elimination.

Additionally, cleanliness is critical. Bathing regularly and wearing clean clothing help us maintain good hygiene.

Personal hygiene is done by washing hands often, clipping nails, and brushing and flossing teeth.

Quick And Simple Essay On Health And Hygiene

Health is wealth

Being in excellent health increases our ability to function.

Maintaining excellent health allows us to ward off ailments and strengthen our bodies.

Hygiene refers to the normal efforts we perform to preserve our health. These methods protect us from sicknesses.

A varied, well-balanced diet is essential for optimal health.

Fruits and vegetables include essential minerals and vitamins.

All of the poisons in our bodies may be cleared by drinking enough water.

To be hydrated, we should consume clean water.

We must eat less processed foods and more protein-rich meals.

Milk strengthens our bones. Before consuming fruits and vegetables, make sure you wash them and boil them.

Additionally, it’s critical to maintain order.

We may maintain greater hygiene by taking regular showers and dressing in clean clothes.

When hands are cleansed, the transmission of germs is reduced.

We must clip our nails when they become too long and clean and floss our teeth every day.

Regular exercise helps us stay healthy and fit. These activities help to enhance our immune system.

Another element of cleanliness and good health is maintaining a clean environment.

Garbage cannot be put on the streets; it must be disposed of correctly.

To urinate outside is quite unhygienic.

Not just for the sake of our society, but also for our health, we must adopt this behavior.

Extensive Essay On Health And Hygiene

Health is Priority

Health and hygiene maintenance has never been more important than they are now.

Due to the expanding population, pollution, and gas emissions, everyone needs to prioritize preserving their health and cleanliness.

The body is in a healthy state when all of its organs are operating properly.

It also aids in the appropriate balance and operation of the other components.

“Health” refers to the state of physical well-being that the human body is in when each of its components is operating as it should.

Well-stated and backed by studies support the belief that an active individual has an ideal physique and intellect.

The capacity to live lengthier constitutes a few of the benefits of life.

Health, based on the World Health Organisation (WHO), incorporates all aspects of mental, emotional, tangible, and interpersonal well-being.

It may not only mean being free from sickness.

An individual is not healthful if they have a good physical condition and are free of any ailments.

“Hygiene” refers to healthy behaviors and practices that promote wellness and illness prevention.

Cleanliness, access to safe drinking water, and effective sewage disposal are therefore the key elements.

The actions done to maintain and improve one’s overall health are so included.

Essay On Health And Hygiene: Importance

hand WASHING Hygiene

Health is essential since it is an essential component of humanity and without it, a person would suffer from diseases.

But how are cleanliness and health related?

The body of a person is subjected to various external variables, of which we are all aware.

Apparel and surroundings are two examples of these impacts.

Due to this, the surroundings related to the person in question, particularly the air, and clothing, must be sanitary.

A person is in good shape if he can keep themselves tidy.

But if he doesn’t take care to maintain the cleanliness of his house or his body, he will get several illnesses, such as digestive and skin conditions.

Before leaving the house in the morning, the person washes his hands and face to start the hygiene trip.

When the hand is clean, the food enters the body without being polluted by the hand.

This helps the individual live in good health.

What Are Your Hygiene Practises?

Only maintaining proper hygiene may make someone feel healthy.

Otherwise, germs growing in the dirt cause a variety of diseases, which negatively impact our health.

When we are surrounded by order, it uplifts our spirits and inspires us to finish our responsibilities.

No matter how intently we try to work, if there is dirt around us, we will not be able to finish the task.

We shall become less healthy as well.

Developing Healthy And Hygienic Behaviours

1. healthy meals.

small meals and portion control

  • A healthy diet is necessary for optimal health.
  • A portion of the food we consume helps to keep our bodies warm.
  • While another component produces the meat that contributes to providing strength.
  • One of the healthiest foods is purified milk.
  • In addition to veggies, there are several additional foods that we often consider to be healthy.
  • A varied diet is thought to benefit a person’s body the most.
  • It ought to have the right number of calories, vitamins, and minerals that our body needs to function.

2. FreshWater


Having access to clean water is one of the primary sources of excellent health and cleanliness.

Water is one of the components of our body, despite appearing to be a commonplace item.

The consumption of tainted water makes a lot of people ill.

Furthermore, it occurs mostly in rural areas where people wash their clothes, bathe, and clean their animals in the same water.

Therefore, consuming this water might have harmful impacts on your health.

3. Cleanliness


One of the most crucial components of good health is cleanliness.

Therefore, keeping oneself and the area around you tidy and clean is a crucial hygiene practice.

Some microorganisms grow anywhere there is filth.

Additionally, because dust weighs little in the air, it flies about.

Therefore, a dirty guy is frequently the one who is susceptible to many ailments.

Characteristics Of a Healthy And Clean Person

A girl doing yoga

A fit individual always stays in good physical shape.

Both too slim and too overweight won’t apply to him or her.

Being overweight increases the risk of developing various deadly diseases, such as diabetes and cancer.

As a result, one must maintain a healthy and suitable weight. The risk of heart attacks is higher in obese persons.

Anyone who practices good hygiene will routinely wash their hands.

When eating, returning from the outdoors, returning home after playing at the park, etc., washing your hands is a must.

Several bacteria land on our hands and fingernails as a result, which.

Therefore, getting rid of them is essential since they might spread diseases including stomach pains and diarrhea.

A person with a good mental state is consistently happy with themselves.

He or she exudes serenity, composure, and comprehension.

A mentally healthy person is determined and respects himself.

He or she avoids grumbling and constantly adjusts to other individuals.

Stable and regular breathing is another sign of health. 14 to 20 breaths per minute on average are taken.

If someone is breathing unevenly, heavily, or unsteadily, they may not be in good health and may be unwell.

A person who practices good hygiene will always cover their mouth and nose when they cough or sneeze, or they will turn away from other people.

Additionally, it might be a good habit to wear a mask while unwell.

If this is not done, the germ droplets may end up on other people’s hands, faces, or bodies, making them sick.


We are all prone to a wide range of diseases everywhere, which helps to reduce the need for medical support.

A significant section of the global population is afflicted by diseases.

This includes lung illnesses, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, gastrointestinal issues, and asthma.

There are treatments available for some of these illnesses, but for others, there is no cure.

A hygienic living person has incredibly few illnesses.

This individual won’t need to take medicine to be healthy.

By maintaining personal hygiene, it defends against many bacteria and viruses.

Everyone’s health is more important since it is more precious than money.

It is closely related to health and hygiene. When there is cleanliness, there will be excellent health.

Our environment has a significant impact on how we feel about ourselves.

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The Significance of Personal Hygiene for Health and Well-being

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