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  • My Favorite Game Badminton Essay


Essay on My Favorite Game Badminton

Badminton is an indoor game played across the net with a shuttlecock and a racket. It is considered one of the most popular racket sports among amateurs as well as professionals and serves to be a great recreational activity. The most commonly played patterns are singles which only require one player on each side of the net and doubles consists of four players with two on each side. So, this essay on my favorite game badminton is an insight into the history, rules, and regulations of the game and its gaining popularity.

Short Essay on My Favorite Game Badminton

Games including shuttlecock were played in Europe and Asia in countries like China, Greece, and India for centuries but the rise of modern game badminton in the mid 19th century. And, its name is also taken from the country's residence for the dukes of Beaufort in England where the first match was played in the year 1873. It is played in a rectangular court which is divided into halves by a net and the size of the court differs for singles and doubles. The tournaments are of five types, Men’s Singles, Men’s Doubles, Women Singles, Women Doubles, and Mixed Doubles. The court is wider for the doubles tournament and a single line is marked at the center dividing the width of the court.

This racket sport does not use a ball unlike others like tennis and squash, a lightweight shuttlecock is used which is easily affected by the wind and therefore played as an indoor sport. All the equipment required for the sport like rackets, strings, grip, shuttlecock, and shoes must be BWF approved. BWF is short for Badminton World Federation which is the governing body that was established in 1934 and the first championship was held in the year 1977. And the BWF Championships is the most prestigious tournament. This game also helps in leading an active life by increasing stamina and strength.

Long Essay on My Favorite Sport Badminton

Badminton in India is the most popular sport after cricket and is casually played outside but matches take place indoors. The governing body of Badminton is Badminton World Federation which famously also goes by BWF. It monitors the court, nets and is also responsible for approving all other equipment used to play the sport. All matches are played under the supervision of this body and the championships organized include the Thomas Cup for Men and Uber Cup for Women which is held every two years and more than 50 national teams compete to qualify for the tournament. One of the popular leagues in the Premier Badminton League of India featuring the world's best players. 

Badminton among all racket sports is very demanding and is the fastest racket sport in the world. 

Rules and Regulations of My Favorite Game Badminton Essay

The rectangular court for a singles match is 13.4 meters long and reduced to  5.2 meters wide, and the net which is 1.5 meters in height is stretched at the center throughout the court, whereas the court for doubles is the full width of 6.1 meters.

The game commences with a coin toss and the team who wins the toss has a choice to pick a side to play and whether they will first serve or receive.

It is always to be observed that the service is from below the waist, diagonally and at no point the shuttlecock can be carried or come to rest on the racket during the game.

The player should not reach over and touch the net with racket or body to hit, nor should he touch any of the lines drawn in the court during the serve.

In a singles match, the server stands on the right service court corner when the score is even and the server moves to the left corner when the score is odd.

The scores are given on the basis of the best 2 of 3 games, with each game played up to 21 points. And when both teams tie at 29 points, then the game continues till one team achieves a two-point advantage. 

A point is given each time a player wins a rally, or strikes by the shuttlecock and it touches the floor of the opponent’s side. The player also scores when the opponent commits any fault by not abiding by the aforementioned rules. 

Badminton as an Olympic Sport

After the year 1934 when the Badminton World Federation held the first match, it was not until 1972 that Badminton was introduced as a demonstration sport. Due to its gaining popularity, in 1992 the game was introduced in the medal category and the medal category included both singles and doubles for men and women. The mixed doubles category was introduced into the Olympics four years later i.e in 1996. 

Badminton is the most delightful game, and each time I play, there is some fervor and uneasiness eventually. In the last round, there must be a champ that makes the fight considerably seriously invigorating.

I began playing badminton matches when I was just ten years old in light for different reasons. I was impacted by my disposition towards playing badminton, and from that point, I acquired the greater part of the abilities by noticing him in numerous expert competitions where he normally arises as to the champ. 

How to Play a Badminton Game?

Shuttlecock behaves like a ball and is produced using a goose feather connected to a little piece of the plug.

The rackets for playing are lightweight, around 90 to 100 grams. While playing, you should crush the light shuttlecock towards the adversary's bearing. 

These sorts of vans are still used these days. However, the vans are produced using manufactured materials permitted by BWF, which is a short name for Badminton World Federation. Thus, this essay is an understanding of my beloved game, and the principles and guidelines kept around the world.

While playing, there are six significant shorts, and these are the forehand drive, the strike drive, the crush, the drop, the clearing, and the serve. Badminton is played over a rectangular court that has a division in the center utilizing a net.

Badminton resembles tennis; the main contrast is that the net is raised higher, and the ball is lighter. The name "badminton" was derived from the place of Duke of Beaufort, in England, and there the principal game was being played.

Challenges and Friends During Playing My Favorite Sport Badminton

I play badminton with my remaining energy since I can have a bond with my loved ones. My companions and I have played countless contests, and I have even arrived at the finals.

The most intriguing thing about playing this game is that the more you play, the more you feel tested by the rival. This game additionally reminds me of the principle that my dad gave.

The normality of this game is even if it isn't played consistently, it was effectively recollected. The normal in playing badminton is the more you play, the more companions you'll get tested, and realize that you are an incredible player.

Badminton is a game for 2 or 4 individuals. The game is played by one or the other player against one player or a group of two players against one more group of two players. The players use rackets to hit a bus over a net.

Badminton plans to hit the shuttlecock over the net such that the other player or sets can't hit it back appropriately before it hits the floor. Each time this is done, the player gets one point. He additionally will serve, and the principal player or pair to arrive at 21 focuses dominates a match. Here, the victor of the match is quick to win two sets.

History of Badminton Game

That game was returned by resigned officials to England, where it was created and immediately filled in prominence.

In 1877, the principal composed guidelines were organized by the recently shaped Bath Badminton Club. This game has been an Olympic game starting around 1992, and regardless of whether it began in England, it has predominantly been played in nations of Asia like India, the Republic of Korea, Indonesia, and China that presently rule this game.

As referenced before, badminton match-up depends on the country domain for the dukes of Beaufort in England. Further, this game was played there and followed to antiquated India, Greece, and China. Additionally, this game was firmly identified with children's down battledore and shuttlecock.

The BWF broadly is the administering body for the game, which was formed in 1934. Additionally, the main title under the Badminton World Federation was held in 1977. Presently, there are a few zonal, provincial, and public competitions that assist in various nations.

One of the renowned competitions in badminton  All England titles, and others incorporate the Thomas Cup and Uber Cup.

Badminton was presented in the Olympics without precedent for 1972 as an exhibition sport. While at the 1992 Olympics, the game was under the total decoration classification. Further, this opposition included all kinds of mixed pairs being presented in the 1996 Olympics.

Further, sporting badminton is played outside and is a well-known open-air movement. Further, the net is 1.5 m high and stretches all through the width of the court in the middle.

There is a reasonable space of 1.3 m around the court that is required. The play in badminton contains volleying and hitting the shuttlecock this way and that across the following. Presently, it ought to be borne as a top priority that the shuttlecock shouldn't contact the floor or ground inside the court limits.

What is the Importance of Playing a Badminton Game?

Having sports is great as sports fill in as more intriguing than mobiles or PCs that we use. Playing badminton can cause your body to have a decent body dynamic and strength in all things. It will likewise assist you with making new companions and a renewed individual train how to play it.

Playing badminton much of the time makes you need to consummate your abilities and be a decent player. This game is really satisfying, connecting with, and more fun than playing PC games.

Badminton playing for quite a while acquires your body in great shape and you can make companions en route. Anybody can play badminton; it isn't only a game; rather, it likewise assists anybody with remaining dynamic for the duration of the day.

It makes me great as a solid individual in light of the fact that each time I play it, my body feels an entire decent day. It will make you great as well. I honestly think playing sports such as badminton will unquestionably take care of your body to become solid. It is an exceptionally intriguing game in light of the fact that in each fight that you join, there is energy, however, in the last round match, there is just a single champ and a washout.

In this essay on My Favorite Sport Badminton, it is safe to say that this competitive sport is played in great zeal and the number of courts is only increasing in each district, town, and city as well. This is a great recreational activity often played outdoors as it is a good way of bonding a great source of engaging entertainment and a way to remain fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Badminton is considered to be a very physically demanding sport like any other sport and it requires a great deal of focus and dedication to enhancing strength and stamina for playing it competitively.


FAQs on My Favorite Game Badminton Essay

1. What is the importance of Badminton?

Badminton is an engaging sport that requires great physical strength and it helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle as it is a great form of exercise, it gets the heartbeat faster and the blood flowing which keeps one agile and active.

2. Is Badminton an expensive sport?

Badminton expenses are only depending on the type of equipment one wishes to purchase. Usually, the racket and shuttlecock are widely sold and cheaper and the shoes required for practice are also easily available at a reasonable price.

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Essays About Badminton: Top 5 Examples and 8 Prompts

Are you having trouble writing essays about badminton? Then, continue reading this article for essay examples and prompts to help you.  

Badminton is a good sport for those who want to get a total body workout. Sports activities can boost your heart health, improve blood flow rate, add strength to your muscles, burn calories, and give you good cardio. Badminton is great no matter your age or fitness level; anybody can play badminton. Even people with disabilities compete in badminton games at the Paralympic Games. 

Writing an essay about badminton is an excellent way to encourage people to play badminton or join your badminton club. Writing can also help you explain why you love the sport. 

Below are some badminton-focused essays to give you an idea about how you could write your essay about badminton.

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers.


1. Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton by Prasanna

2. the importance of badminton and badminton courts by james taylor, 3. 9 reasons you need to start playing badminton by chris duncan, 4. essay on badminton by prasanna, 5. 10 common sports injuries in badminton – and how to get back on the court by justin ma, 8 essay writing prompts about badminton, 1. reasons why kids should play badminton, 2. how badminton boosts mental and physical health, 3. badminton etiquette, 4. maintaining your badminton equipment and court, 5. how many years does it take to become good at badminton, 6. badminton: a short history and the sport’s status today, 7. what to do to avoid badminton-related injuries, 8. at-home exercises that can improve your badminton skills.

“I love the feeling of getting better and better at the game. Badminton requires practice and precision. My arms feel heavy after a long session, but I love how strong I feel afterward.”  

Prasanna’s essay explains the sport and why she thinks badminton is a sport of beauty. In addition, her essay discusses how badminton helps release stress, allows her to spend time with family & friends, and keep her physically active.

“The game promotes the social health of the participant since the social interactions while gaming will bring about a positive feeling amongst the players. Playing badminton improves the flexibility and muscle strength of the participant. This will see the participant developing resilience as well as endurance when playing.”  

Taylor describes how badminton became his favorite sport and how he became a professional badminton player. He talks about how he felt when he saw people vandalizing the badminton court and why it should be respected. He also provides a few benefits of badminton, like improving reflexes and the intelligence of a player.

“In turn, this can help reduce depression, anxiety, and stress and improve our overall mood and sleep. Talking to other players and rallying in singles or doubles means that badminton is a social sport. This can be particularly beneficial in combating loneliness among older players.”  

Duncan’s essay lists the various benefits of playing badminton. These benefits include physical and mental benefits. It also shares that badminton is a good activity or hobby for kids who need physical activities outside of school.

“Speed and stamina are required to play badminton as the person playing [has] to keep moving throughout the game at different sides of the court. So, the person playing has to keep himself physically healthy to shine in the game.”  

This essay describes badminton, its rules, how it’s played, and how one can win a badminton game. It also covers a brief history of the sport, the field or court, and gear, like the net, shuttlecock, and racket.

“Though Badminton isn’t a contact sport, injuries are more common than you’d think.  [There are] a lot of joint impacts, fast-paced footwork, shoulder rotation, and stretching to make contact with that hard-to-reach shot. This level of activity can often result in minor injuries.”  

No sport is safe from injuries, even badminton. Justin Ma’s written piece describes the most common injuries badminton players get. As he discussed each injury, he also included some tips on identifying, reducing, and treating the injury.

Writing an essay about badminton can be challenging if you don’t know where to start. 

If you need to write an essay about badminton, consider using the essay ideas and prompts we included below.

Essays About Badminton: Reasons why kids should play badminton

A typical essay idea used in essays about badminton is why people should join the sport. You can use the same topic but focus on a specific demographic: kids. Discuss how joining sports like badminton can develop a child’s physical and social intelligence. 

Is it a better hobby than a sedentary PC or video games? Discuss this for an interesting argumentative essay.

The badminton court is like a clinic or gym in that it can help people improve their mental and physical health. Badminton does more than lower blood pressure, reduce risks of diseases, and boost your cardiovascular health. Its players also improve their reaction times, self-discipline, and stress management.

Discuss the mental and physical health benefits of playing badminton in your essay, and use research data and statistics to back up your arguments.

Use this essay topic to discuss the universal badminton rules and etiquette. You can also include etiquettes unique to specific clubs, countries, or types of play. For example, singles badminton has a different set of etiquette from doubles.

 In your next essay, discuss the etiquette players should practice on and off the court.

Your gear is essential for your career or hobby as a badminton player. Unfortunately, many players invest in high-quality and durable equipment, which is often pricey. 

Use this topic to discuss the proper way of maintaining badminton gear. You can also include the appropriate methods of preserving a badminton court if you have one in your backyard or are a co-owner of one.

Have you been a long-time badminton player and have had years of experience in the sport? The topic we mentioned is a common question asked by many new players who want to become good at the sport someday.

Use the idea above to share your experience and observations about the average badminton player’s skill progression. It’s also an excellent chance to discuss that becoming good isn’t only about long you’ve played but how often you actively improve yourself. 

For help with your next essay on the crucible, check out our top 10 essay questions .

Are you interested in the history of badminton? Do you want to discover and discuss how badminton has evolved over the years into its modern form today?

Use this essay topic to discuss how badminton began and how it changed over time. It may help you to do some research and readings on the subject before you start writing.

In many sports, injuries are unavoidable. In badminton, you can reduce getting injured by being careful and precise with your movements. Effectively warming up and stretching well before any badminton activity is essential. 

You can discuss helpful tips that can keep people from getting injured, like playing light if they don’t feel a hundred percent mentally and physically.

Although badminton is an indoor sport, there will be times when you can’t go to the court, or the court is closed. Sometimes, players need to take a break from badminton to help their injuries heal. 

If you know some house-friendly exercises, this is the essay topic for you! Include at-home activities that players recovering from injuries can follow.

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

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Essay on Badminton – Examples, 10 Lines to 1200 Words

Short Essay on Badminton

Essay on Badminton: Badminton is a popular sport that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. It is a fast-paced and exciting game that requires skill, agility, and strategy. In this essay, we will explore the history of badminton, the rules of the game, and the benefits of playing it. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, badminton offers a fun and challenging way to stay active and improve your physical and mental well-being. Let’s dive into the world of badminton and discover why it is such a beloved sport.

Table of Contents

Badminton Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the sport of badminton and its popularity worldwide. Mention its origins and how it has evolved over the years.

2. History of Badminton: Provide a brief overview of the history of badminton, including its origins in ancient civilizations and its development into the modern sport we know today.

3. Rules and Equipment: Explain the basic rules of badminton, such as scoring, serving, and court dimensions. Describe the equipment needed to play the sport, including rackets, shuttlecocks, and proper footwear.

4. Health Benefits: Discuss the various health benefits of playing badminton, such as improved cardiovascular fitness, agility, and hand-eye coordination. Mention how it can help reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

5. Skill Development: Highlight the skills that can be developed through playing badminton, such as speed, agility, and strategic thinking. Discuss how practicing the sport can help improve overall physical fitness.

6. Competitive Nature: Talk about the competitive aspect of badminton and how it is played at various levels, from recreational to professional. Mention the major tournaments and championships in the sport.

7. Sportsmanship: Emphasize the importance of sportsmanship in badminton, such as respecting opponents, following the rules, and displaying good etiquette on and off the court.

8. Personal Experience: Share your personal experience with badminton, such as how you got started playing the sport, any memorable matches or tournaments you have participated in, and how it has impacted your life.

9. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay and reiterate the significance of badminton as a popular and enjoyable sport that offers numerous physical and mental benefits to its players.

10. Additional Tips: Proofread your essay for any grammatical or spelling errors, and make sure it flows smoothly from one point to the next. Consider including quotes or anecdotes from professional badminton players or coaches to add depth to your essay.

Essay on Badminton in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Badminton is a popular racquet sport played indoors or outdoors. 2. It can be played as a singles or doubles game. 3. The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and into the opponent’s court. 4. The shuttlecock is made of feathers or synthetic materials and is hit with a racquet. 5. Badminton requires agility, speed, and hand-eye coordination. 6. The game is played on a rectangular court with a net in the middle. 7. Points are scored when the shuttlecock lands in the opponent’s court or when the opponent commits a fault. 8. Badminton is an Olympic sport and is played at both recreational and competitive levels. 9. It is a fun and challenging sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. 10. Badminton promotes physical fitness, social interaction, and sportsmanship.

Sample Essay on Badminton in 100-180 Words

Badminton is a popular sport played with a shuttlecock and racquet. It is a fast-paced game that requires agility, speed, and precision. The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and into the opponent’s court, scoring points by making it land within the boundaries.

Badminton can be played as singles or doubles, with players competing to win the best of three games. The game is known for its quick rallies and strategic play, making it both physically demanding and mentally challenging.

Badminton is a great way to stay active and improve hand-eye coordination. It can be played at any skill level, from casual games with friends to competitive tournaments. Whether played for fun or as a serious sport, badminton is a great way to stay fit and have fun.

Short Essay on Badminton in 200-500 Words

Badminton is a popular and fast-paced sport that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. It is a game that can be played both indoors and outdoors, making it a versatile and accessible sport for people of all ages and skill levels. Badminton is a great way to stay active, improve hand-eye coordination, and have fun with friends and family.

One of the reasons why badminton is so popular is because it is easy to learn and play. The rules of the game are simple, and all you need is a racket, a shuttlecock, and a net to get started. The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and into your opponent’s court, scoring points by making it difficult for them to return the shuttlecock. Badminton can be played in singles or doubles, adding an element of strategy and teamwork to the game.

Another reason why badminton is so popular is because it is a great way to stay active and improve physical fitness. Playing badminton requires quick reflexes, agility, and endurance, making it a great cardiovascular workout. It also helps to improve hand-eye coordination, balance, and flexibility, making it a well-rounded sport that can benefit both physical and mental health.

In addition to the physical benefits, badminton is also a social sport that can help to build friendships and create lasting memories. Whether you are playing a casual game with friends at a backyard barbecue or competing in a tournament at a local sports club, badminton is a great way to connect with others and have fun. It is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds, making it a great way to bring people together and create a sense of community.

Overall, badminton is a fun and exciting sport that offers a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental health. Whether you are looking to stay active, improve your fitness, or simply have a good time with friends and family, badminton is a great choice. So grab a racket, find a court, and start playing today!

Essay on Badminton in 1000-1500 Words

Badminton is a popular sport that is played by millions of people around the world. It is a fast-paced and exciting game that requires skill, agility, and strategy. In this essay, we will explore the history of badminton, the rules of the game, and the benefits of playing this sport.

Badminton has a long and rich history that dates back to ancient civilizations. The game is believed to have originated in India, where it was known as “poona.” The British army officers stationed in India during the 19th century were introduced to the game and brought it back to England, where it gained popularity among the upper classes. The game was officially named badminton after the Duke of Beaufort’s estate, where it was first played in the mid-19th century.

Badminton is played on a rectangular court divided by a net. The objective of the game is to score points by hitting a shuttlecock over the net and into the opponent’s court. A shuttlecock is a feathered projectile that is used instead of a ball in badminton. The game can be played in singles or doubles, with each player or team taking turns to serve and return the shuttlecock.

The rules of badminton are relatively simple, but the game requires a high level of skill and physical fitness to excel. Players must have good hand-eye coordination, quick reflexes, and strong footwork to move around the court efficiently. The game is played to 21 points, with a player or team needing to win by at least two points to secure victory. Points are scored when the shuttlecock lands in the opponent’s court or when the opponent commits a fault, such as hitting the shuttlecock out of bounds or failing to return it over the net.

One of the key aspects of badminton is the strategy involved in the game. Players must be able to anticipate their opponent’s moves and adjust their own tactics accordingly. They must also be able to vary the speed and direction of their shots to keep their opponent off balance. The game requires mental toughness and focus, as players must stay calm under pressure and make quick decisions on the court.

Playing badminton has many benefits for both physical and mental health. The game is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness, as it requires players to move quickly and continuously around the court. It also helps to develop agility, coordination, and flexibility, as players must be able to react quickly to the shuttlecock and move in all directions. Badminton is a full-body workout that engages the muscles in the arms, legs, and core, helping to build strength and endurance.

In addition to the physical benefits, playing badminton can also have a positive impact on mental health. The game is a great way to relieve stress and improve mood, as it allows players to focus on the present moment and forget about their worries. Badminton also helps to improve concentration and mental sharpness, as players must stay focused on the game and make quick decisions under pressure. The social aspect of badminton is also important, as it provides an opportunity to connect with others and build friendships through a shared love of the sport.

In conclusion, badminton is a fun and challenging sport that offers a wide range of physical and mental benefits. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, there is always something new to learn and improve upon in the game of badminton. So grab a racket, find a court, and start playing badminton today!

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Essay on Badminton | Badminton Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Badminton: Badminton is a great sport for fitness and is very excellent for individuals of all age groups. If you want to try out a new racket sport, it is a great choice. It is officially chosen as the fastest of all racket sports inthe world. The speed at which a player can hit the shuttlecock is up to 288kph toward their opponent.

A player can also run around the court up to 6.4km or 4 miles during the match, so the players must have great agility to keep up with this game. Although agility and stamina are necessary for this game at a competitive level, anyone can play this game to achieve fitness and flexibility.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Badminton for Students and Kids in English

We are providing children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Badminton for reference.

Long Essay on Badminton 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Badminton is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Badminton is a game that is mainly played indoors with a lightweight racket and a shuttlecock. Anciently, a small cork was instead of the shuttlecock, with a hemisphere, and 16 geese were attached to it, weighing about 5 grams. But nowadays, the shuttles are generally made from synthetic materials, which is allowed by the BWF that is Badminton World Federation.

The badminton name is based on the country’s residence for the dukes of Beaufort in England. The game was played in residence for the first time in the year 1873. The game’s foundation came from countries such as Greece, India, and China, and is this game is very relatable to the children’s game shuttlecock and battledore.

The governing body of badminton worldwide is the badminton world federation famously known as BFW. This governing body was established in the year 1934, and the first championship under BWF was arranged in 1977. This game is famous in many countries but mainly in Denmark, Japan, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

There are numerous national, regional, and zonal tournaments which are held in many countries. All-England championships, Uber cup, and Thomas cup are some of the most famous tournaments.

The sport, badminton, can be either played in singles or doubles that means either a single player on both sides can play or double players on both sides can play on the badminton court, which measures 13.4m in length and 6.1m in width. A net is present in the middle of the court. When the player hits the shuttlecock, the opponent gets the point if the shuttlecock hits the ground.

You can now access more Essay Writing on Badminton and many more topics.

The shuttlecock gets hit facing the bottom as the bottom is the heaviest part and due to the gravitational force. For scoring, the player has to hit the shuttlecock so that the opponent cannot hit it back, and the shuttlecock hits the ground. A player can also score if their opponent hits the shuttlecock in such a way that the shuttlecock falls outside the court or touches the net. The game continues up to a certain number of points. The player that reaches that certain point first wins.

There is a toss at the beginning of the game. The player who wins the toss decides the courtside and the service. The player who serves first should make it diagonally, and if he misses, it may cost him a point. When the game finally starts, the players are allowed to move anywhere. Furthermore, the service should be done under the waist or underarm as overarm services are not allowed. So, the player has to keep that in mind not to lose a point. If the player touches the net or any part of the shuttlecock, the opponent gains a point. There is a referee who monitors the whole game.

Speed and stamina are required to play badminton as the person playing have to keep moving throughout the game at different sides of the court. So, the person playing has to keep himself physically healthy to shine in the game.

Short Essay on Badminton 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Badminton is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Badminton is a sport which is very common and is played worldwide. It mainly involves hitting the shuttlecock back and forth with the help of a racquet across the net between two players or four players.

The racquet has to hit a web made of steel, which is oblong-shaped. The court in which badminton is played is divided into two parts with the net in between, and the players wear lightweight shoes so that they can move rapidly to hit the shuttlecock in the opponent’s region.

There are various advantages of playing badminton as it makes our body more flexible and increases our muscle strength. It also acts as a stress buster and reduces anxiety, depression issues. It reduces the risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. It burns calories and helps in losing weight; therefore, a great way to strengthen our body. So, one must find a way to play badminton in their free time to live a healthy and stress-less life.

10 Lines on Badminton Essay in English

1. In India, badminton is the second most popular game after cricket. 2. It is an indoor game, but it can also be played outside casually. 3. It is a sport which is played using lightweight racquet and shuttlecock on both sides of the net. 4. The game was developed in British India, and it became famous all over Asia. 5. The most used terms in this sport are serving and scoring. 6. The badminton court or field is rectangular, and it is divided into two equal parts. 7. The risk of injury while playing badminton is very less due to which people of all ages can play this game. 8. After playing badminton, the body becomes agile and flexible, and one does not feel tired throughout the day. 9. As badminton helps individuals exercise their arms and legs together, so many people play it regularly. 10. The badminton court has a length of 44 feet and a width of 20 feet.

FAQ’s on Badminton Essay

Question 1.  When the shuttlecock hits the net, what happens?

Answer: The opponent, on the other side, gets the point when the shuttlecock hits the net. If any of the body parts touch the shuttlecock, it would also count as a foul, giving the opponent a point.

Question 2. Why is badminton known as an indoor game?

Answer: Badminton is an indoor game because if we play it outside, the wind will blow the shuttlecock away as it is very light in weight.

Question 3. Explain the importance of badminton.

Answer: Badminton helps in improving blood circulation; as a result, the heart muscles strengthen. A stronger heart also means a healthy heart, which helps in reducing bad cholesterol.

Question 4. What are the basic skills used in badminton?

Answer: Some of the basic skills used in badminton are:

  • Covering the forehand mid-court.
  • Moving to the forehand rear-court.
  • Traveling to the forehand side of the net.
  • Covering backhand midcourt.
  • Moving to the backhand rear court.
  • Traveling to the backhand side of the net.
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Essay on My Favorite Game Badminton

Gaurav Kumar

Updated November 16, 2023

Introduction to Essay on My Favorite Game Badminton

The rhythmic whoosh of shuttlecocks slicing through the air, the quick, agile movements across the court, and the thrill of a perfectly executed smash – these are the elements that make badminton my absolute favorite game. While the world of sports offers many choices, each with its unique charm, badminton stands out for me as a sport that encapsulates physical prowess, mental agility, and the sheer joy of movement. In this essay, we will delve into the origins and evolution of badminton, explore the basics of the game, and share my personal experiences that have solidified its place as my preferred athletic pursuit. From the casual backyard matches to the competitive courts, badminton has woven a tapestry of excitement and satisfaction into my life, making it an enduring passion worth celebrating.

My Favorite Game Badminton

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Badminton is a beautiful combination of athleticism, strategy, and enjoyment. Played with a racquet and a shuttlecock on a rectangular court divided by a net, it demands swift footwork, enhancing cardiovascular health and stimulating mental alertness. The joy derived from playing badminton is unparalleled, creating a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. It also fosters teamwork, communication, and sportsmanship. It is an art form, a physical and mental challenge, and a lifelong passion that enriches life.

History of Badminton

Ancient civilizations, including ancient Greece and China , played games involving a shuttlecock-like object, tracing the origins of badminton back to those times. However, the modern version of badminton took shape in British India during the mid-19th century. The British army stationed there adopted a game called “Poona”, which involved hitting a shuttlecock back and forth with rackets.

In 1873, the Bath Badminton Club of England formalized the rules, marking the birth of badminton as a distinct sport. The game’s name is believed to have been derived from the Duke of Beaufort’s Badminton House in Gloucestershire, where club members played the early version of the sport.

Badminton quickly gained popularity in England and spread to other parts of the world, becoming a global sport. The Badminton World Federation (BWF) was formed in 1934 to oversee and promote the sport internationally, further contributing to its growth and development.

Why Badminton is a Popular Sport

1. Accessibility and Simplicity:

  • One of the reasons for badminton’s popularity is its accessibility. It requires minimal equipment – a racket and a shuttlecock – and can be played in various settings, from a backyard to a professional court.
  • The simplicity of the game’s rules makes it easy for beginners to grasp, encouraging people of all ages to take up the sport.

2. Physical and Mental Benefits:

  • Badminton offers a comprehensive workout, engaging players in constant movement, jumps, and rapid changes in direction. This contributes to improved cardiovascular health, agility, and overall fitness.
  • The game’s fast-paced nature enhances reflexes and requires strategic thinking, promoting mental sharpness and concentration.

3. Versatility:

  • Players can choose the level of competitiveness that suits their preferences in badminton, a versatile sport that can be played in different formats – singles, doubles, and mixed doubles.
  • People can enjoy the sport both recreationally among friends and family or competitively in organized leagues and tournaments.

4. Global Appeal and Professional Scene:

  • Badminton has a widespread global appeal, with a significant following in countries across Asia, Europe, and beyond.
  • The existence of a vibrant professional badminton scene, including prestigious tournaments like the All England Open and the BWF World Championships, attracts top-level athletes and garners international attention.

5. Inclusivity:

  • Badminton is a sport that accommodates players of varying skill levels, making it inclusive for individuals of all ages and abilities.
  • Its popularity in schools and community centers contributes to developing a broad player base and fosters a sense of community.

6. Entertaining to Watch:

  • Badminton offers a visually appealing spectacle for spectators with its fast rallies, powerful smashes, and strategic play.
  • Major tournaments heighten the sport’s entertainment value, where the world’s best players showcase their skills and compete for prestigious titles.

Essentials of Badminton

Basic rules of badminton.

1. Scoring System:

  • In badminton, players usually play in sets, and a match consists of three sets, each playing for up to 21 points.
  • To score a point in badminton, the shuttlecock must land in the opponent’s court, and the side that wins the rally earns a point.

2. Serving and Receiving:

  • The serving side must serve from the right service court when their score is even and from the left service court when their score is odd.
  • The server must serve diagonally across the net to the opponent’s service court.
  • The receiving side must stand in their respective service courts without crossing the boundary lines until the shuttle is served.
  • Lands outside the boundaries of the court.
  • Fails to clear the net.
  • Touches the ceiling or side walls.
  • Hit twice in a row by the same player.
  • Struck by a player’s body or clothing.

4. Scoring Rotation:

  • Players or pairs switch sides after winning a rally and scoring a point. This ensures no player or pair has a consistent advantage due to factors like lighting or court conditions.
  • Badminton rackets are typically lightweight and have a frame strung with strings or synthetic materials.
  • The choice of racket depends on the player’s skill level, playing style, and personal preference.

2. Shuttlecock:

  • The shuttlecock, or shuttle, is a feathered or nylon projectile with an open conical shape.
  • Feathered shuttles are used in professional play, while nylon shuttles are suitable for recreational and casual play.

3. Net and Posts:

  • The badminton net is set at 5 feet (1.55 meters) in the center and is slightly lower at the posts.
  • The net divides the court into two halves and is placed over the doubles sideline when playing doubles.

4. Court and Lines:

  • The badminton court is rectangular, and its dimensions vary for singles and doubles play.
  • Lines mark the court, including the baseline, service lines, and sidelines.

Terminology for Beginners

  • Service Court: Each side of the court is divided into two service courts, marked by the short and long service lines.
  • Baseline: The back boundary line of the court.
  • Smash: A powerful overhead shot executed with a quick, descending racket movement. The smash is often used to finish a rally.
  • Drop Shot: A soft shot played with finesse to make the shuttlecock fall just over the net.
  • Clear: A shot hit deep into the opponent’s court, forcing them to move towards the back boundary.
  • Drive: A flatter and faster shot, often played parallel to the sidelines, to counteract an opponent’s attack.
  • Rally: A sequence of shots exchanged between the opposing players or pairs.
  • Deuce: When the score reaches 20-20, referred to as “deuce,” a side must win by two clear points to secure the set.

Tips to Play

Playing badminton involves a combination of techniques, strategies, and training. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player looking to improve, here’s a guide on how to play badminton effectively:

Mastering Basic Techniques

  • Learn the basic grip: forehand grip and backhand grip.
  • Practice switching between grips seamlessly.

2. Footwork:

  • Work on your footwork to move swiftly and maintain balance.
  • Practice the split step, which is crucial for quick reactions.

3. Serving:

  • Practice the correct serving technique, ensuring the shuttlecock is hit below waist level.
  • Experiment with different serves, such as high serves and low serves.

4 . Clear Shot:

  • Master the clear shot to send the shuttlecock deep into the opponent’s court.
  • Focus on proper body rotation and use of the wrist for power.

5. Drop Shot:

  • Practice the drop shot for a soft, close-to-the-net placement.
  • Develop a deceptive motion to catch opponents off guard.
  • Perfect the smash, a powerful overhead shot, using your wrist and arm strength.
  • Practice variations of the smash, such as cross-court and straight smashes.

Strategic Play

1. Understanding the Opponent:

  • Analyze your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Adjust your strategy based on the opponent’s playing style.

2. Court Positioning:

  • Learn how to cover the court effectively, especially in doubles.
  • Understand the importance of maintaining a good position relative to the shuttlecock and your opponent.

3. Tactics for Singles and Doubles:

  • Singles: Focus on agility and covering the entire court.
  • Doubles: Coordinate with your partner, communicate, and strategize to cover the court efficiently.

4. Deception:

  • Incorporate deceptive shots to keep your opponent guessing.
  • Use changes in pace, angle, and shot selection to create uncertainty.

Training Regimen

1. Physical Fitness:

  • Engage in cardiovascular exercises to improve endurance.
  • Incorporate strength training for better power and agility.

2. Footwork Drills:

  • Practice various footwork drills to improve speed and agility.
  • Focus on lateral movements, quick changes of direction, and explosive bursts.

3. Shadow Play:

  • Mimic match scenarios without a shuttlecock to work on positioning and footwork.
  • Visualize opponents’ movements and practice your responses.

4. Regular Practice Matches:

  • Engage in practice matches to apply learned techniques and strategies.
  • Seek feedback from coaches or more experienced players.

Mental Preparation

1. Focus and Concentration:

  • Develop mental resilience to stay focused during matches.
  • Train your mind to recover from mistakes quickly.

2. Visualization:

  • Visualize successful execution of shots and effective strategies.
  • Use mental imagery to prepare for different game scenarios.

3. Mindfulness and Relaxation:

  • Practice mindfulness techniques to stay calm under pressure.
  • Incorporate relaxation exercises to manage pre-game nerves.

Badminton World Federation

The Badminton World Federation (BWF) serves as the international governing body for badminton. It was initially established as the International Badminton Federation (IBF) on July 5, 1934, and later rebranded as the BWF in 2006. The federation’s primary responsibility is to manage and promote the growth of badminton globally, organize international competitions, set rules and regulations, and uphold the sport’s integrity.

The key functions and duties of the Badminton World Federation (BWF) entail:

  • Rule-making and regulation: The BWF sets and maintains badminton rules and regulations. This includes court dimensions, scoring systems, and player conduct during matches.
  • International competitions: The BWF organizes and sanctions various international badminton tournaments, such as the All England Open Badminton Championships, the BWF World Championships, and the BWF Thomas and Uber Cup. These events allow the world’s top players to compete at the highest level.
  • Ranking system: The BWF maintains a global ranking system for players and pairs in different categories (singles, doubles, mixed doubles). These rankings are crucial for determining seedings in tournaments and showcasing the current standings of players in the world of badminton.
  • Sports development: The BWF promotes and develops badminton at all levels, including grassroots and youth programs. It supports member associations and organizations to grow the sport in their respective regions.
  • Technical officials and coaching: The BWF trains and certifies technical officials such as umpires and referees to ensure the consistent and fair enforcement of the rules. It also plays a role in developing coaching standards and programs.
  • Anti-doping and integrity: The Badminton World Federation (BWF) strives to uphold the integrity of the sport by implementing anti-doping protocols and enforcing ethical conduct and fair play among all participants.
  • Broadcasting and marketing: The BWF is involved in commercial aspects such as broadcasting rights, marketing, and sponsorship. This helps generate revenue to support the federation’s activities and the growth of badminton globally.
  • Representation and governance: The BWF represents badminton internationally and liaises with other international sports organizations. It also ensures good governance and transparency within its structure.

Memorable Moments

  • Lin Dan’s Olympic Dominance: Lin Dan, often referred to as “Super Dan,” etched his name in badminton history by winning back-to-back Olympic gold medals in the men’s singles category in 2008 (Beijing) and 2012 (London). His extraordinary skills and ability to perform under pressure have made him a sports legend.
  • Lee Chong Wei vs. Lin Dan Rivalry:  The intense rivalry between Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia and Lin Dan of China captivated badminton enthusiasts worldwide. Their epic clashes in multiple finals, including the 2008 and 2012 Olympic finals, showcased the pinnacle of men’s singles badminton.
  • Saina Nehwal’s Historic Win: Saina Nehwal made history by becoming the first Indian woman to win a singles medal in badminton at the Olympics. Her bronze medal at the 2012 London Olympics marked a significant milestone for Indian badminton.
  • Carolina Marin’s Olympic Triumph: Spain’s Carolina Marin created history by winning the gold medal in women’s singles at the 2016 Rio Olympics. Her spirited and aggressive style of play showcased the changing landscape of women’s badminton.
  • Indonesia’s Thomas Cup Victory 2020: Indonesia’s Thomas Cup triumph in 2020 was remarkable for the nation. The team, led by the young and talented Anthony Ginting, defeated China to win the prestigious men’s team event.
  • P.V. Sindhu’s World Championship Gold: P.V. Sindhu, from India, won the 2019 BWF World Championships singles gold medal, becoming the first Indian to achieve this feat. Her victory showcased her skill, determination, and resilience.
  • The Longest Rally in History:  A mesmerizing 2014 match between Malaysia’s Goh V Shem and Lim Khim Wah and Japan’s Hiroyuki Endo and Kenichi Hayakawa featured a rally that lasted an astonishing 108 shots. This showcase of endurance and skill remains etched in the memories of fans.
  • All England Open Classics:  The All England Open Badminton Championships has been the stage for many iconic moments. Matches like the 2001 men’s singles final between Gade and Hendrawan, known for its incredible rallies, are eternally remembered.

Why badminton is my favorite game?

Badminton is my favorite game for several compelling reasons. One of its distinguishing aspects is its accessibility. Unlike some sports requiring extensive equipment or specific playing surfaces, badminton can be enjoyed almost anywhere, whether in the backyard, at a local park, or in a dedicated sports facility. This versatility allows for spontaneous and enjoyable games with friends or family, which adds to the sport’s charm.

Moreover, badminton’s fast-paced and dynamic nature captivates me every time I step onto the court. The rapid exchanges, precise shots, and strategic gameplay create a thrilling experience. Whether I’m executing a powerful smash, delicately placing a drop shot, or engaging in a thrilling rally, each moment on the badminton court is filled with excitement and unpredictability, keeping me fully engaged and invested in the game.

The elegance associated with badminton further adds to its allure. Watching skilled players move gracefully across the court, executing precise footwork and showcasing masterful strokes, is like witnessing a dance. The blend of athleticism and finesse required to excel in badminton elevates it beyond a mere sport, making it a captivating display of skill and coordination that resonates with my appreciation for aesthetic sports.

Badminton also fosters a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship that I find deeply rewarding. Whether playing casually with friends or in more competitive settings, the mutual respect and shared love for the game create a positive and inclusive environment. The handshake or exchange of smiles after a match, win or lose, underscores the spirit of fair play that is inherent in badminton and contributes to the overall enjoyment of the sport.

The sport’s physical and mental benefits significantly contribute to its appeal. The intense rallies and quick reflexes required enhance cardiovascular fitness, agility, and hand-eye coordination. Beyond the physical aspects, badminton demands strategic thinking, concentration, and adaptability, fostering mental acuity and resilience – qualities that extend beyond the court and into everyday life. Whether for the sheer joy of playing a spontaneous match with friends or the thrill of a competitive game, badminton continually provides me with moments of enjoyment, challenge, and personal growth, making it a sport that resonates with me on a profound level.

Badminton is my favorite game because it is accessible, dynamic, and elegant. The sport’s ability to foster camaraderie and its physical and mental benefits adds to its allure. From the quick exchanges on the court to the moments of triumph and learning, badminton has become more than just a game. It is a source of joy, challenge, and personal growth that continues to enrich my life.

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Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my favourite game – badminton.

Badminton is an indoor game that is played with a lightweight racket and a shuttlecock. Historically, the shuttlecock was a small cork with a hemisphere with 16 geese that was attached and weighing about 5 grams. So, these types of the shuttle may still be useful nowadays. But the shuttles generally used are made from synthetic materials are also allowed by BWF which is a short name for a badminton world federation. So, the essay on my favorite game badminton is an insight into my favorite game and the rules and regulations followed around the world. 

Essay On My Favourite Game Badminton

The name badminton is based on the country estate for the dukes of Beaufort in England. Also, the game was the first time playing there in 1873. Additionally, the roots of the game are further traced to ancient China, Greece, and India. Also, this game is said to be closely related to children’s game shuttlecock and battledore. 

The badminton world federation famously known as BWF is the governing body for the sport worldwide. Also, this governing body was formed in the year 1934. Furthermore, badminton is famous in Indonesia, Japan, Denmark, and Malaysia. The first championship under BWF was held in the year 1977.

Also, there are a number of national, regional, and zonal tournaments which are held in many countries. One of the famous tournament in badminton is All-England championships. Additionally, the international and well-known tournaments include Uber cup and Thomas cup. 

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Badminton in the Olympics

Badminton was introduced in the Olympics for the first time in 1972 as a demonstration sport. While at the 1992 Olympics, this game was under the full medal category. Also, the competition included men’s as well as women’s doubles and mixed doubles were introduced in the 1996 Olympics. 

Competitive badminton all around the world is played indoors because even the lightest of winds can affect the course of the shuttlecock. Also, recreational badminton is played outside and is a famous outdoor activity. The court for badminton is rectangular 13.4 meters long and 5.2 meters wide for the singles match. Also, the net is 1.5 meters high and stretches throughout the width of the court at its center.

Additionally, there is a clear space of 1.3 meters around the court that is needed. The play in badminton consists entirely of hitting and volleying the shuttlecock back and forth across the net. Also, it should be kept in mind that the shuttlecock should not touch the ground or floor within the court boundaries. 

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Essay on Badminton: In 100 to 500 Words

essay about hobby badminton

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  • Apr 2, 2024

essay on badminton

Badminton is a fast-paced racket sport played with a shuttlecock and rackets on a rectangular court divided by a net. Players or teams aim to hit the shuttlecock back and forth, ensuring it lands in the opponent’s court. It requires agility, precision, and quick reflexes, making it physically and mentally demanding. 

The sport enhances hand-eye coordination, cardiovascular fitness, and strategic thinking. Badminton can be played in singles or doubles, and its global popularity is evident through its inclusion in the Olympic Games since 1992.

Table of Contents

  • 1 History of Badminton
  • 2 10 Lines on Essay on Badminton in English
  • 3 Essays on Badminton: 100 Words Sample
  • 4 Essays on Badminton: 300 Words Sample

History of Badminton

The history of badminton can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where games involving shuttlecocks and rackets were played for entertainment and exercise. However, the modern version of badminton began to take shape in colonial India during the mid-19th century.

The game was originally known as “Poona” in India, named after the city where British military officers stationed in Pune played it. These officers brought the game back to England, where it gained popularity among the elite class. In 1873, the Duke of Beaufort introduced the sport at his country estate, Badminton House, giving the game its current name.

During the early 20th century, badminton gained international recognition and spread to various countries, including Canada, Denmark, and India. In 1934, the International Badminton Federation (now known as the Badminton World Federation) was founded, aiming to promote and govern the sport globally.

Badminton made its Olympic debut as a demonstration sport at the 1972 Munich Games and later became an official Olympic event at the 1992 Barcelona Games. Since then, it has been an integral part of the Summer Olympics, showcasing the sport’s international appeal.

Over the years, countries like China, Indonesia, South Korea, and Denmark have emerged as powerhouses in badminton, producing world-class players and dominating international tournaments. The sport’s popularity continues to grow, with local, national, and international competitions drawing enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels.

Today, badminton remains a dynamic and engaging racket sport enjoyed by millions worldwide. Its journey from ancient origins to becoming an Olympic event highlights its rich history and enduring global significance.

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10 Lines on Essay on Badminton in English

1. After cricket, in India, Badminton is the second most popular game. 2. It is an indoor game, but it can also be played outside. 3. It is a sport which is played using lightweight “racquet” and shuttlecock on both sides of the net. 4. It became famous all over Asia and it was developed in British India. 5. The most used terms in this sport are serving and scoring. 6. The badminton court or field is rectangular, and it is divided into two equal parts. 7. In this game, the risk of injury is very low because of which people of all ages can play this game. 8. Badminton makes body flexible. 9. Many people regularly play badminton. 10. The badminton court has a length of 44 feet and a width of 20 feet.

Essays on Badminton: 100 Words Sample

Badminton is a dynamic and exhilarating racket sport enjoyed worldwide. Played on a rectangular court divided by a net, it involves hitting a shuttlecock back and forth between two players or teams. The aim is to make the shuttlecock land on the opponent’s side, scoring points when they fail to return it within the court’s boundaries. 

This sport demands agility, precision, and quick reflexes, making it both physically and mentally challenging. Badminton is not only a great cardiovascular workout but also enhances hand-eye coordination and strategic thinking. Whether played competitively or casually, badminton fosters camaraderie and promotes a healthy, active lifestyle.

Essays on Badminton: 300 Words Sample

Originating in ancient civilizations, badminton evolved from various forms of shuttlecock games. It gained recognition in India as “Poona,” named after a city where British military officers played it. Gradually, the sport’s appeal spread beyond India’s borders, leading to the establishment of official rules and the renaming of the game as badminton.

At its core, badminton involves players or teams volleying a shuttlecock back and forth across the net, aiming to land it in the opponent’s court while adhering to specific court dimensions. The shuttlecock, made of feathers or synthetic materials, poses unique aerodynamic challenges, demanding players to hone their precision and control. Badminton can be played in singles (one player per side) or doubles (two players per side), adding a layer of teamwork and strategy to the game.

Physical agility is paramount in badminton, as players must be quick on their feet to cover the entire court and anticipate their opponent’s moves. The sport also enhances hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and endurance. A well-rounded badminton player possesses a combination of speed, power, accuracy, and mental alertness. The unpredictability of the shuttlecock’s trajectory keeps players engaged and constantly adapting.

The global appeal of badminton is evidenced by its inclusion in the Olympic Games since 1992. Countries like China, Indonesia, and Denmark have consistently produced exceptional players who have dominated international tournaments. Local and regional competitions are also common, fostering a sense of community and healthy competition among enthusiasts.

In conclusion, badminton is a captivating racket sport that combines physical prowess with mental acuity and strategic thinking. Its evolution from ancient origins to a global phenomenon showcases its enduring appeal. As players strive for excellence on the court, they reap the benefits of improved physical fitness, mental agility, and camaraderie. Whether enjoyed as a leisure activity or pursued competitively, badminton continues to capture hearts and minds around the world.

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Related Reads

A. Well, it’s termed an indoor sport due to its susceptibility to even the slightest breeze, which can impact the landing direction of the shuttlecock. The sport is highly sensitive to weather conditions.

A. The game was originally referred to as ‘Poona.’

A. At a time exceeding 2,000 years in the past, the inaugural match of badminton took place in Siam, China.

We hope that this blog essay on badminton has given you some known and unknown facts and secrets about this indoor sport. For more amazing daily reads that will help you build your IQ and improve your reading and writing skills, study tuned with Leverage Edu . 

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Aditi Gupta

A bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communication graduate, I am an enthusiastic writer. I love to write about impactful content which can help others. I love to binge watch and listen to music during my free time.

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Home » Why Badminton is My Hobby: A Comprehensive Guide

Why Badminton is My Hobby: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for a new hobby? If so, you may want to consider badminton! This fast-paced sport is a great way to stay active and have fun with friends. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn why badminton is my hobby and why it should be yours too.

What is Badminton?

Badminton is a racquet sport that is popular all over the world. It is played on a rectangular court with a net in the middle. The aim of the game is to hit the shuttlecock (or “birdie”) over the net and into your opponent’s court. The first player or team to reach 21 points wins the game.

Why Badminton is So Much Fun

Badminton is an incredibly fun and challenging sport. It requires a combination of speed, agility, and strategy in order to win. It also requires a great deal of skill and finesse, as the birdie needs to be hit accurately in order to score points. It is a great way to stay active and have fun while doing so.

The Benefits of Playing Badminton

Playing badminton offers a number of benefits. It is a great way to stay in shape, as it is an intense cardio workout. It also helps to build strength, as it requires the use of many muscles. It is also a great way to improve coordination, as it requires a lot of quick footwork and hand-eye coordination. Finally, badminton is a great way to relax and have fun with friends.

The Equipment Needed to Play Badminton

The only equipment needed to play badminton is a badminton racquet, a shuttlecock, and a court. For beginners, a lightweight racquet is recommended, as it will make it easier to control the birdie. It is also important to make sure that the court is well-maintained, as a poorly maintained court can lead to injuries.

Badminton Rules and Regulations

Badminton has a set of rules and regulations that must be followed in order to play the game properly. These rules include the serving and receiving rules, the rules regarding the serving order, and the rules regarding the scoring system. It is important to familiarize yourself with these rules before playing, as it will make the game much more enjoyable.

Where to Play Badminton

Badminton is typically played in either a gymnasium or a backyard. If you choose to play in a gymnasium, it is important to make sure that the court is well-maintained and the necessary equipment is provided. If you choose to play in a backyard, you will need to purchase a net and a set of badminton racquets.

Badminton is an incredibly fun and challenging sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It is a great way to stay active and have fun with friends. It also offers a number of benefits, including improved coordination, strength, and cardio. If you are looking for a new hobby, badminton may be the perfect choice for you.

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Essay On My Favourite Game Badminton – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Badminton For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘my favourite game: badminton’ for kids, a paragraph on badminton, short essay on ‘my favourite game: badminton’, long essay on ‘my favourite game: badminton’ for kids, how can you play the game, what will your child learn from this essay.

Badminton can be played with a light racquet and requires only a few players. It is one of the best sports that require a certain level of fitness, and this essay will discuss what you need to know about it. We will also discuss how kids can write an essay on badminton for classes 1, 2, and 3 and the key points to cover. By the end of this write-up, you will be familiarised with all the rules, regulations, tips, and tricks regarding the game.

Badminton is one of the coolest games that kids like to play. Given below are a few points to keep in mind when writing an essay on ‘my favourite game, badminton’:

  • Start your essay with an introductory paragraph on its origins and where the game was played for the first time in history.
  • It’s important to talk about the various rules and regulations of the game: the different ways to handle the racquets, how to hit the shuttlecock and more. Expand on these topics.
  • Write a few lines on the benefits of playing badminton for both physical and mental health.
  • End the essay with a conclusion paragraph and summarise.

Badminton is a great sport that is excellent for all age groups, and kids get the most joy out of it and can play with their friends. Here are 10 lines on my favourite game, badminton, for an essay for classes 1 and 2.

  • Playing badminton increases natural immunity.
  • I love playing badminton, and it’s a fun sport.
  • At least 2 to 4 players are needed to play this game.
  • My brother plays with me, and also knows the benefits of playing badminton.
  • Badminton is an excellent way to keep yourself physically active.
  • It is healthier to play badminton than to play computer games.
  • I feel happy playing badminton, and it is good exercise for my body.
  • All I need is a shuttlecock and a racquet to start playing it.
  • It is very easy to play badminton since the rules are simple.
  • The game has improved my hand-eye coordination.

Writing a small paragraph is beneficial for kids as they feel comfortable writing small sentences. Given below a small paragraph on badminton for their reference:

Badminton is one of the most played games worldwide. I am very fond of this game and want to be an internationally acclaimed player. Therefore, I work very hard to learn the game. This game has benefited me in many ways- my stamina, speed, and concentration power have increased tremendously. Currently, the Badminton Association of India manages this sport in the country. Players can participate in either singles, doubles, or mixed groups. Did you know that a small cork was used to play badminton instead of a shuttlecock in the olden days? Nowadays, the Badminton World Federation (BWF) has approved using lightweight shuttlecocks.

Badminton is an indoor sport that can also be played outdoors by both kids and adults. Here are a few lines that make a good essay for classes 1, 2, and 3:

Badminton is a fantastic game to be played by many people professionally and just for fun worldwide. A racquet is used to hit a shuttlecock, and players must try to land it on the other side of the court. When the shuttlecock is missed by a player and lands on their side of the court, the other team scores a point. The best part about the game is that it is easy to play and the rules are simple. The game is a great stress-buster, burns calories, and helps keep a healthy weight. Players must wear lightweight shoes since they must be on their feet throughout the game and run across the court. Playing badminton makes an individual physically active, and their concentration power increases. Top players like PV Sindhu, Saina Nehwal, P Gopichand, Srikanth Kidambi, and P Kashyap have taken Indian Badminton to the global platform and inspired many kids to take up this sport seriously.

Playing badminton is fun because one can make new friends along the way. School children are often asked to write an essay for class 3 on their favourite game, badminton. Here is how to go about it:

I love playing a game like badminton as it keeps me well, uplifts my mood, and keeps my brain sharp. Running around the court all day long is a great way to have fun; my friends play it too. I enjoy playing badminton since I can play it outdoors and indoors.

My father has taught me the best techniques for playing badminton, and there are different ways to handle the racquet. Ensuring a comfortable grip on the handle is essential, so the hands don’t get tired easily, and we can play longer. Playing a sport like a badminton is good for the mind and body, and it’s a lot better than playing computer games since I’m active all day. There are different games like cricket, kabaddi, baseball, and table tennis famous in India, but badminton is the second most popular game.

History Of Badminton

Badminton’s roots were laid down in countries like Greece, China, and India, with the game being first played in 1873. Since then, it has evolved and come a long way. Badminton was played first over 2,000 years ago in China and was introduced to English in the 1870s. The game became popular in America and Canada after 1929, and by 1992, it became an Olympic sport.

Rules And Regulations Of Badminton

  • A badminton match consists of 3 games, with a total score of 21 points each.
  • To score, a player’s shuttlecock should hit within the court of the opponent.
  • A server has to step forward while making the serve.
  • The winner serves first in the next game.
  • There is a 1-minute interval between each game.
  • All students are required to report damaged racquets to the instructor and get them replaced.
  • The racquet grip should be fixed below a player’s wrist.
  • The server should serve only when the receiver is ready and not without warning.
  • Partners and game players can stand anywhere, provided they are not obstructing the view of the other players on the court.
  • A point is given to your opponent if you hit the shuttlecock and it hits the net or goes outside the court.

Benefits Of Playing Badminton

There are many benefits of playing badminton, such as:

  • Decreased blood pressure, improved metabolism, and more energy
  • Enhanced mental clarity and good hand-eye coordination
  • Improved mobility and life expectancy due to a healthier lifestyle
  • Good for cardiovascular fitness and building muscle tone

Before getting started, you will need to familiarise yourself with the game’s essential rules and regulations. As for the equipment, not much is required. Learn the primary ways you strike a shuttlecock and how to handle the racquet. Also, focus on your footwork.

Your child will learn the importance of movement and staying active on their feet when writing an essay about badminton. They will understand the ins and outs of the game, how many players are needed, and how to avoid faults during sessions.

1. When Was The First Badminton Game Played?

The first game of badminton was played over 2,000 years ago in Siam, China.

2. What Was The Original Name Of The Game Badminton?

‘Poona,’ was the original name of badminton.

3. Why Is Badminton Called An Indoor Sport?

Badminton is labelled an indoor sport because even a tiny breeze can affect the direction a shuttlecock lands. It’s very delicate and sensitive to weather conditions.

4. What Are Basic Skills You Need For Playing Badminton?

The basic skills needed for playing badminton are-

  • Grip – Backhand and overhand
  • Stance – Classified as stances for the attack, defence, and net stance
  • Footwork – Maneuvering 2-3 steps back, 1 step sideways, and 2 to 3 steps front
  • Serve – Of two types, high and low serves
  • Smash – Forehand smash, backhand smash, and jumping smash
  • Drop-shot and clear/lob are two fundamental skills as well

Playing badminton is not complicated, and the rules are kept simple. All you need to get started is someone willing to hold a racquet with you and get moving. Now that you know the basics, you can write an essay on badminton with your kids and tell them more about the game.

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Essay on Favourite Sport Badminton

Students are often asked to write an essay on Favourite Sport Badminton in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Favourite Sport Badminton

Introduction to badminton.

Badminton is my favourite sport. It is a game played with a lightweight racket and a shuttlecock. Two or four players hit the shuttlecock back and forth over a net. The aim is to score points by landing the shuttlecock in the opponent’s half of the court.

Why I Love Badminton

I love badminton because it is fun and keeps me active. It improves my speed and reflexes. Playing with friends makes it exciting. I enjoy the challenge of hitting the shuttlecock just right.

Playing Badminton

Anyone can play badminton. It does not need a lot of equipment, just rackets, a shuttlecock, and a net. You can play it indoors or outdoors. It is a great way to make friends and stay healthy.

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250 Words Essay on Favourite Sport Badminton

Badminton is my favorite sport because it is fun and exciting. It is a game played with a light racket and a shuttlecock, which is a feathered or plastic projectile. Players hit the shuttlecock back and forth over a net. The game can be played by two people (singles) or four people (doubles).

Easy to Learn

One reason I love badminton is that it is easy to learn. You do not need a lot of equipment to start playing. All you need is a racket for each player, a shuttlecock, and a net. The rules are simple too. The aim is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and try to make it land in the opponent’s court.

Health Benefits

Playing badminton is great for health. It makes you run, jump, and hit the shuttlecock, which is good exercise. It helps to make your body strong and fit. It also improves your speed and reflexes because you have to react quickly to hit the shuttlecock.

Playing Anywhere

Another great thing about badminton is that you can play it almost anywhere. You can play indoors in a gym or outdoors in a park. It does not require a lot of space, so it’s easy to set up a game with friends or family.

Fun and Social

Badminton is a fun way to spend time with others. It is a friendly sport that helps you make new friends. When playing doubles, you have to work as a team, which teaches you about teamwork and cooperation.

In conclusion, badminton is my favorite sport because it is simple, good for your health, can be played anywhere, and is a great way to have fun and make friends.

500 Words Essay on Favourite Sport Badminton

The basics of badminton.

The game starts with a serve, where one player sends the shuttlecock into play. The players then take turns hitting it back to each other. If the shuttlecock touches the floor or goes out of bounds, the other player gets a point. The first player or team to reach 21 points wins the game. If the score reaches 20-20, the game continues until one side leads by two points.

Equipment Needed

To play badminton, you need a racket, shuttlecocks, and a net. The racket is light and has a long handle to make it easy to swing. Shuttlecocks are unique to badminton and come in two types: feathered and plastic. Feathered ones are used in professional games, while plastic ones are common for casual play. The net is placed in the middle of the court, which is divided into two equal halves.

Badminton is not only fun but also good for your health. Playing the game helps improve your fitness, as it involves a lot of running, jumping, and swinging. It can make your muscles stronger and increase your speed and flexibility. Badminton also helps your mind because it requires quick thinking and sharp reflexes.

Playing Badminton Anywhere

One of the best things about badminton is that you can play it almost anywhere. You can set up a net in your backyard, at a park, or on a beach. Many schools have badminton courts where students can play. It is a sport that does not need a lot of space or expensive equipment, making it accessible to everyone.

Why Badminton is a Favourite

Badminton is a favorite sport for many because it is easy to learn and fun to play. It is a social game that you can enjoy with friends and family. It is not as rough as some other sports, which makes it a good choice for people of all ages. Whether you are playing a serious match or just hitting the shuttlecock for fun, badminton is sure to bring smiles and laughter.

In conclusion, badminton is a wonderful sport that combines physical activity with fun. It is easy to start playing and can be enjoyed by people of all skill levels. With its simple rules and minimal equipment, badminton is a sport that brings people together and keeps them active. Whether you are looking for a competitive challenge or a way to relax, badminton is a great choice for your favorite sport.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Essay on My Hobby is Playing Badminton [PDF]

Hello there, today in this essay presentation we are going to cover a topic on my favourite hobby is playing badminton, I hope you like this essay presentation!

This Essay is Formatted For Class 4 | Class 5 | Class 6 | Class 7 | Class 8 | Class 9

playing badminton feature image

In life, one needs a hobby that keeps him or her busy during their free time. I am a sports lover, and my hobby over the years has been badminton. My love for this sport started at a young age, and ever since then, I have not only admired the game but come to play it with absolute passion.

If you see me all geared up and playing the game, you might confuse me for Lin Dan, whom I admire quite a lot. My love over the years for this hobby has seen me live and breathe it as respect all that it has done for me.

For you to play badminton, you have to be well geared up for it. It’s just like any sport that you cannot go to the field in your casual clothing. I have invested over the years in the right gear, which includes shorts, pairs of sneakers, and all protective and bands so that as I enjoy my hobby, I feel like a real pro.

My friends have come to realize how serious I take the sport, and they do not mind once in a while joining me for a fun evening just away from the hustle and stresses of life. Leisure for me is always an enjoyable affair, and I never get tired of playing the game. I do not have to worry anymore about seeking therapy as badminton has it all covered for me.

One of the biggest desires for me in life has always been that I remain fit. One may think that badminton is not a game that you can achieve your fitness goals with, but I may disagree with them. This game involves the whole body, and the fact that one hit of the shuttlecock with the racquet may make one go from one end to another just to hit it back is an excellent form of exercise.

The game may be plaid in doubles or singles, which means two players on one side or one player against another, respectively. The lesser the number for me, the more competitive it is, and one the other hand, the more the number, the greater the fun.

The fact that I cannot play my hobby alone has also help me gain socially.its not a spot like a basketball where you may go to the field, make dribbles and dunk and feel the zeal in it. Badminton requires one to have a mate, and that is why I appreciate my forthcoming friends.

It has helped me to stay social, and I connect with other people as we are on the court and even in my daily routines. While playing side by side with anyone has enabled me to communicate with them and have conversations about life and how we should pursue our dreams quite competitively, just like in the court.

Before starting to love my hobby, I was struggling with finding a way to lose a few kilos, and am the gym for me is not my perfect sport. However, after some months of embracing this sport, I came to realize that it had helped me burn some few calories and lost some significant weight.

It’s an active sport that requires quite a lot of movement, and to make a score, you have to hit the shuttlecock, either hard or smart. After realizing that it’s helping me lose some weight, my love for it grew, and since then, I have never sorted any other way to stay on track with my weight.

The game is more of an outdoor game, has been quite fulfilling to me as there is no area I cannot enjoy my hobby. All I need is my sports gear, two parallel poles to set my net, and am good to go. It has given me a chance to enjoy nature in its raw form, and breath is fresh air.

While traveling, I do not have to worry about where I will bet poles from as I can use just two trees, which is quite easy for me and therefore I can have all the fun I want with my friends. I would choose badminton over and over again and am proud to say that I am a proud ambassador for my hobby.

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My Favorite Game Badminton (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


Whether or not you play competitively, you probably have a favorite sport that you either watch or casually engage in.

Below is a long essay on badminton as a favorite game. The author talks about how he got started in the game and who inspired him. He then goes on to explain what the sport is all about and how it is played. He even explains some of its origins.

Want to write your own long essay on your favorite sport? Try our essay writing services . We’ll help you get that piece ready for submission in no time.

My Favorite Sport Badminton Essay

Badminton is my favorite activity because playing it helps me stay active throughout the day. Playing it requires speed, strength, and precision. To become a good player, he or she needs to practice frequently.

People Playing Badminton

When I play it with my friends, I feel energetic throughout the day. Playing it feeds my body with the much-needed energy to help me go through each day. It is an interesting game because every time I play, there is some anxiety mixed with excitement in the end. At the end of the game, there has to be a winner, and this makes the battle more exciting.

When and Why I Started Playing My Favorite Game Badminton

I started playing badminton when I was only 9 years old. It was my uncle, a professional player, who first got me interested in the game. I joined in on his practice sessions whenever I was free. I learned most of my skills by observing my uncle play in most professional tournaments where he usually emerges as the winner. I also developed an interest in playing it because after playing I feel relaxed and destressed.

When I feel low, I prefer playing it instead of just going shopping or playing computer games. The game often reminds me of how my father taught me some simple techniques for defending myself from bullies by hitting them with the ball. It was one of the first lessons my father taught me on how to defend myself instead of relying on my big brother in school.

How to Play Badminton

Playing it is easy. With two rackets and a shuttlecock, you can get a game going. The shuttlecock, which is essentially the “ball” in badminton, is made from goose feathers and attached to a small piece of cork. The rackets for playing are light, weighing about 90 grams.

When playing, you need to smash the shuttlecock in the opponent’s direction. Players need a lot of energy to ensure that the shuttlecock crosses over the net in the opposite direction. Shot-wise, there are six main types of shots: the serve, the clear, the drop, the smash, the backhand drive, and the forehand drive.

A Woman Playing Badminton

Badminton is played on a rectangular court. Like tennis. the court is halved with a net; the only difference is that the net is raised higher and the ball is lighter. The game was derived from the house of Duke of Beaufort, in England, where the first game of badminton was played.

The best part about playing badminton is that it gives me a reason to gather my friends and family and spend time with them. My friends and I have played in several competitions, but I have never reached the finals until recently – I was the finalist in the Austrian badminton open tournament for teenagers. In the end, I was the second runner-up.

The most interesting thing about badminton is that the more you play, the more you feel challenged by your opponent. Getting involved in the game frequently makes you want to perfect your skills and become a great player.

Side view of black and white young male tennis player standing on court with racket and looking away

Playing it is more fun, engaging, and fulfilling than spending time immersed in computer games. Having played this game for a long time, my body is in great shape, and I have made many friends along the way. To me, it is more than a sport that keeps me active. It is a great way for me to unwind, destress, and meet new people.

Have you ever tried playing badminton? If not, it is a great time to start. Find someone who plays and get coached on the basics of the sport. I guarantee that all the stress you’ve experienced on that day will melt away. Once you have mastered the basics, try getting involved in a singles match and see how well you fare. Competition has a way of bringing out your need for excellence and drive to succeed.

Even if you’re not sure if you’ll like it, give it a try. You never know if it will eventually become your favorite activity or if you’ll end up joyfully winning your first championship in a few years’ time.

Short Essay On My Favorite Game Badminton

For many people it’s basketball, and for some, it’s volleyball. But to me, badminton is the sport that makes me feel happy, energized, inspired, and fulfilled. I never really thought that I would end up playing competitively and be so attached to the game, but it has now become a regular and important part of my life. I can no longer imagine my weekends without it.

An indoor game played with two rackets and a light shuttlecock, badminton is quite heavy on running and arm work. The shuttlecock flies on a different trajectory than other sports “balls,” so you would really need a lot of practice to get used to its impact on your racket. It is also an Olympic sport. I love watching the matches with my other friends during Olympics season.

More than a way to maintain a good weight and stay active, badminton has become a way for me to destress after long days. It has also helped me find people who share the same love for the sport. I play singles matches or mixed doubles with my friends every weekend, and we always make it a point to bring in someone who is new to the sport.

At the end of the day, badminton is a vital part of my life that I hope to keep in the years to come. No matter how busy I get, I know that this passion of mine will sustain me through the darker days.

How To Explain Why Badminton Is My Favorite Game?

To explain why it is near and dear to your heart, you have to go beyond explaining the basics of the game, its history, and the most popular techniques. You have to get personal as you write your essay. Think about how far back your love for the game goes. What started it? Who inspired you? Was there a particular moment in your life when you decided that you finally couldn’t live without it? What kind of joy or thrill do you get out of it? Identify all the ways in which the sport has added value to your life and write convincingly, with the goal of encouraging the reader to give it a try. Your goal at the end of the day is to deepen appreciation of it, especially if they are not as well-versed in the game.

Why Is Badminton An Indoor Sport?

Many people are probably wondering why badminton isn’t an outdoor sport. If you’ve ever tried playing it outdoors, you will notice that there is an increased difficulty in getting the game going due to many weather factors. Most commonly, the wind changes the trajectory of the light shuttlecock, which affects its course no matter how well you hit or aim at it. Even a light wind or gentle breeze can completely affect the direction and pace of your shuttlecock. Many times they will end up getting caught in the air and dropping down completely mid-way.

essay about hobby badminton

Essay on Badminton for Students and Children

Badminton, a sport often overshadowed by its more popular counterparts like soccer or basketball, is a gem waiting to be discovered. In this essay, we will explore the wonders of badminton, discussing its history, benefits, and why it deserves a place in the hearts of sports enthusiasts and athletes alike.

The Origins of Badminton

Badminton has a fascinating history that dates back centuries. Its roots can be traced to India, where it was originally known as “Poona.” The game gained popularity in British India, and by the mid-19th century, it had made its way to England. Eventually, it evolved into the badminton we know today.

Simplicity and Accessibility

One of the remarkable aspects of badminton is its simplicity. Unlike some sports that require a lot of equipment and a large playing field, badminton can be enjoyed in your own backyard, a park, or even indoors. All you need is a racket, a shuttlecock, and a net. This accessibility makes it an ideal sport for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Physical Fitness

Engaging in badminton is an excellent way to stay physically fit. It involves running, jumping, and quick reflexes, providing a full-body workout. According to health experts, playing badminton for just one hour can burn up to 450 calories. So, while you’re having fun on the court, you’re also improving your overall health.

Mental Agility

Badminton is not just about physical prowess; it also requires mental agility. Players must strategize, anticipate their opponent’s moves, and make split-second decisions. This mental workout can enhance your problem-solving skills and concentration, which are valuable skills both on and off the court.

Social Interaction

Playing badminton is a great way to socialize and build friendships. Whether you’re competing in singles or doubles, it encourages teamwork and communication. Meeting new people, sharing a love for the sport, and creating lasting bonds are some of the wonderful experiences badminton offers.

Professional Success

Believe it or not, badminton can pave the way to professional success. Many world-class athletes have risen through the ranks of badminton to become renowned sports personalities. Their dedication, discipline, and achievements inspire aspiring athletes to dream big and work hard.

Inclusivity and Diversity

Badminton is a sport that welcomes everyone. Regardless of your age, gender, or physical abilities, you can enjoy and excel in badminton. It’s a sport that celebrates diversity, where people from all walks of life come together to compete and have fun.

Olympic Prestige

Badminton holds its place on the world stage, being a part of the Olympic Games. This demonstrates its global appeal and significance in the world of sports. Olympic badminton players are true ambassadors of the sport, showcasing their talent to a worldwide audience.

Environmental Friendliness

In this age of environmental awareness, badminton stands out as an eco-friendly sport. Unlike some sports that require vast arenas and generate significant waste, badminton can be played with minimal impact on the environment. It aligns with the values of sustainability and responsible recreation.

A Lifetime Passion

Unlike some sports that may have age restrictions, badminton is a sport you can enjoy throughout your life. Whether you’re a child, a teenager, an adult, or a senior, there’s always room for badminton in your life. It’s a lifelong passion that can bring joy and fulfillment at any age.

Conclusion of Essay on Badminton

In conclusion, badminton is a sport with a rich history, numerous benefits, and a bright future. Its simplicity, physical and mental advantages, social appeal, and inclusivity make it a sport worth exploring. Whether you dream of becoming a professional player or simply want to have fun with friends and family, badminton has something for everyone. So, pick up a racket, step onto the court, and discover the marvelous world of badminton for yourself. Embrace this sport, and it will reward you with a lifetime of enjoyment and well-being.

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Essay on Badminton

500+ words essay on badminton.

Badminton is played throughout the world from beginner to international level by men, women (Singles/Doubles) and both men and women (Mixed Doubles) together. It is an indoor game and can be played by people of all ages. The first set of rules was formulated in Pune, in India in 1901. These rules were gradually adopted by other nations. Due to this reason, it is believed that Badminton originated in India. However, the game became an international sport after the first All England Championship. This essay on Badminton will help you know about this sport in depth to get enough knowledge to write an essay in your own words. You can also check out the list of CBSE Essays to practise more essays on different topics. Practising essays on similar topics like Essay on My Favourite Game Badminton will boost your writing skills.

History of Badminton

Badminton was earlier known as Poona or Poonah when British Army officers started playing the game at Pune in 1860. The name Badminton derives from the Duke of Beaufort’s Badminton House in Gloucestershire. International Badminton Federation (IBF) is the international governing body for Badminton and was established in 1934. The World Badminton Federation (WBF) regulates the game. Badminton Association of India came into existence in 1934, and various State Badminton Associations are affiliated to it.

A Men’s Team World Badminton Championship “Thomas Cup” was first held in 1948, and a Women’s Team World Badminton Championship “Uber Cup” was first held in 1956. Sudirman Cup is a World Mixed Team Badminton Championship, which was first held in 1989. The Individual World Badminton Championship started in 1956.

Badminton Game

Badminton is played as a singles, doubles or mixed doubles game with one or two players on a side. The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock or “bird” back and forth with a racket across a net. The bird should be hit with such speed and accuracy that the opponent is unable to return the shot successfully. The game can either be fast or slow-paced, depending on the skill level of the players.

Badminton, one of the world’s fastest racket sports, is popular among children. It is suitable for children of all ages and abilities. Playing badminton helps develop all-round physical skills of children such as eye-hand coordination, catching and throwing, stability and balance, speed and agility (the ability to quickly change direction). Children also learn jumping and landing skills, and decision-making and tactical skills. Apart from it, it also keeps children healthier and fitter.

Famous Badminton Champions in India

Some of the famous Badminton champions from India are Saina Nehwal and PV Sindhu. In Rio Olympics 2016, PV Sindhu won the silver medal. Also, in the recent Tokyo Olympics 2020, PV Sindhu came third and won the bronze medal. Saina Nehwal won a Bronze medal in the 2012 London Olympics and is the first Indian to win an Olympic medal for Badminton. She also won a Silver medal at the 2015 World Championship held in Jakarta. In 1982, Prakash Padukone from India won the first medals at the BWF World Championships.

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Frequently asked Questions on Badminton Essay

What is the origin of the sport badminton.

Although the game was named after the country estate of the dukes of England, the original roots can be traced back to ancient Greece, China and India.

When was the first badminton played by?

The first unofficial all-England badminton championships between men was held in the year 1899.

What was the initial name of the game Badminton?

Back in time badminton was given the name “Poona/ Poonah” after the garrison town of Poona.

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My Favourite Hobby Playing Badminton - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Playing badminton can be defined by a range of factors, including physical activity, mental engagement, and social interaction. It may be a solo or team sport, but it shares a unique ability to bring people together, promote health and fitness, and provide a sense of accomplishment.

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  • My favourite hobby is playing badminton
  • Why I love playing badminton
  • The benefits of playing badminton
  • How to play badminton
  • The history of badminton
  • The rules of badminton
  • The equipment you need to play badminton
  • The different types of badminton
  • How to improve your badminton game
  • The best badminton players in the world
  • The most popular badminton tournaments
  • The biggest badminton events of the year
  • How to get into badminton
  • The different levels of badminton
  • Playing Badminton is my Favourite Hobby
  • Why I Love Playing Badminton
  • The Joys of Playing Badminton
  • How Playing Badminton Makes Me Feel
  • The Satisfaction I Get from Playing Badminton
  • Playing Badminton is my Stress Buster
  • Playing Badminton is my Exercise
  • Playing Badminton Keeps Me Fit

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Out of all the games that are played, badminton is the most convenient and fun game. It can be played outdoors as well as indoors. The game, traditionally, was played indoors and is still professionally played indoors as the shuttle cock gets affected by the wind, and if you are a true badminton fan, you don't want to let that happen. The game demands speed, accuracy and a whole lot of concentration. These things about badminton make it one of the best sports in the world.

The more we play badminton, the better we become at it, which is the case with almost every game. Badminton, similar to other sports, requires a lot of practice and accuracy in order to become a good badminton player. After playing for a long time, our arms obviously give out, and it hurts to perform other tasks, but the pleasure that the games give and the feeling of strength that comes afterwards are worth any kind of pain.

Badminton is a kind of sport that makes us healthy and active in addition to having a lot of fun. There are a lot of people who solely enjoy the sport, and it acts as a source of energy for them. Even for me, this sport help in gain strength and confidence. The sound of the racket hitting the shuttlecock every time is a really soothing sound for people who are into sports.

It is truly a beautiful sport and one of the most enjoyable ones. The sport is the perfect combination of precision, accuracy and elegance as well which is truly the best combination. When we are to find the roots of this game which is loved by almost everyone, we have to go back in history. Although the original game can be traced to being played 2000 years ago in Greece, we have its modern root in India. During the 19th century period, when British colonial rule was going on in India, this game originally came out from a game known as George Cajoles, which was played in Pune.

The game was started by the Britishers, who were office holders in India. After the end of colonial rule, the British people returned to their country, and the game quickly gained popularity there and eventually spread all over the world. The rules, arranged well for the first time only by the Bath Badminton Club, were acquired in 1877. This game was played professionally for the very first time in 1899. In that year, the first actual tournament for badminton, the Open Badminton Championship, was played. The history of Badminton also includes the fact that among all the sports that are there in the Olympics, badminton has been there in the list since 1992.

The game, even though it originated in England, is now popular across the whole world, and it is played by countries such as India, China, South Korea and so on. Even the Asian championship has this sport as one of the games.

To play the game, one player has to start it by serving the shuttlecock while the other, who is standing on the other side of the net, has to stop it from touching the ground by hitting it again with his racket. If the shuttlecock touches the ground on one side, points are gained by the other side.

The player on the other side who has been rewarded the points also gets a chance to serve when the game resumes. The badminton match, however, is divided into sets of 2. The first team who gains enough points to reach the goal of 21 points wins the match.

Badminton is the kind of game we can play with anyone. Family, friends or anyone we please and the best part about that game is that you don't require too many players in order to play the game. Unlike football or cricket, this game can be played with mere two players.

Being a good sport one can play on a picnic, badminton serves as a game that can help in spending fun time with family and friends. This sport can serve as a stress buster as it does to me, or it can also help in enhancing competitiveness. During the times I felt highly competitive, I would always try to gain more points and play with all my strength. It always acts as a confidence booster for me. Even on the days when I feel low, badminton acts as a perfect distraction as it takes my mind off the bad things and makes me focus on the game more, which is my favourite thing to do.

Any sport requires time to play and practice. Living in this era in which people don't even have time to breathe calmly, it is hard to continue their hobby of playing a sport, and people always end up leaving their hobby or passion in order to find time for other things. This problem, in my opinion, has only one solution, which is to form a schedule and divide our time wisely, so we have enough time for ourselves to pursue any hobby we desire. That hobby for me is badminton. My friends set a time, particularly for playing badminton.

The organisation that governs this game around the world is known as BWF, which is the abbreviation for Badminton World Federation, which has also been recognised by the International Olympic Committee. There are a lot of tournaments that are held across the globe at different levels. Be it on the level of zones, region or even national, the rules of the game are perfectly followed and taken care of. Matches are scheduled indoors to avoid any kind of disturbance that might occur because of nature. Any kind of wind is avoided in order to stop the shuttlecock from shirting in the air. This one thing is specially taken care of as the results of a match might change because of the wind.

Tournaments held by BWF- BWF arranges a number of tournaments and competitions for different grades, and each grade has its own set of competitions. For example- seven tournaments are organised by BWF every year, and two para-badminton tournaments are also organised along with them in Grade 1.

Playing badminton can be addictive as every time we miss the shuttlecock, it makes us want to practice the game more in order to excel. The game never makes anyone bored, and people tend to play more and more, which helps to stay in shape in addition to providing an energy boost to function perfectly throughout the day.

There are a number of players across the globe who are very good in badminton and are probably rated the topmost players in the world by BWF World Ranking. This ranking is for the player who participates in the BWF-organised tournaments, and it is given by the BWF itself. As I have grown up, the popularity of the sport has increased a lot, and when it became an Olympic sport, in the previous years of badminton games, it was mainly Chinese players who used to win the most and stay at the top, but in today world, there are a lot of players from different countries who have extraordinary skills and they have taken over the sport with time.

In the history of Badminton, BWF has played a very important role as it tries to make the sport better by making rules and regulations and also focusing on its applications. It is the Badminton World Federation that maintains an official world ranking for the players who play alone or those who play in pairs. The ranking is mostly based on the performance of the player over the years. Without BWF, the sport would not have been this interesting.

There are some players who make it to the topmost list and are some of the best players in badminton across the globe. Out of all the players that make it to the list, a few names never leave the list because of their extraordinary performances. One such name is a well-known player, Lin Dan.

Badminton has always been the best sport for me, and I am fond of all the players of this sport. Playing a sport like this which requires stamina, accuracy, talent, and good eyesight, is not an easy thing to do, and it is played worldwide for the amount of entertainment as well as excitement it offers. Whenever I hear the word 'Badminton', the one name that pops into my head immediately is 'P.V. Sindhu'. She is my favourite badminton player and currently the best in India. She is an inspiration to a lot of people who want to pursue their dreams. She is a great example for girls, and her story inspires us to dream big.

Badminton is a sport that has been played for a very long time. Even though there have been many alterations in the rules of the game since its invention, some rules of this game have never been changed and stayed as they were since ancient times. This sport offers a lot of health benefits and entertainment as well. It is a sport which doesn't require a lot of players, and it is not that expensive also as we only need to have a shuttlecock and rackets. The sport is not just a regular sport but a great exercise as it provides fitness for the mind and body. These benefits of the game make it my favourite and probably one of the most popular across the world.


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