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Design of Experiments

Design of experiments (DOE) training courses and books can teach you how to plan, conduct, analyze, and interpret controlled tests to help your organization.

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Design of Experiments (DOE) Training (On-site or Virtual)

The objective of Design of Experiments Training is to provide participants with the analytical tools and methods necessary to:

  • Plan and conduct experiments in an effective and efficient manner
  • Identify and interpret significant factor effects and 2-factor interactions
  • Develop predictive models to explain process/product behavior
  • Check models for validity
  • Apply very efficient fractional factorial designs in screening experiments
  • Handle variable, proportion, and variance responses
  • Avoid common misapplications of DOE in practice

Participants gain a solid understanding of important concepts and methods to develop predictive models that allow the optimization of product designs or manufacturing processes. Many practical examples are presented to illustrate the application of technical concepts. Participants also get a chance to apply their knowledge by designing an experiment, analyzing the results, and utilizing the model(s) to develop optimal solutions (in the 4-days DOE Training program). Minitab or other statistical software is utilized in the class.

Seminar Content (3 or 4 Days)

  • What is DOE?
  • Definitions
  • Sequential Experimentation
  • When to use DOE
  • Common Pitfalls in DOE
  • Planning an Experiment
  • Implementing an Experiment
  • Analyzing an Experiment
  • Case Studies
  • Design Matrix and Calculation Matrix
  • Calculation of Main & Interaction Effects
  • Interpreting Effects
  • Using Center Points
  • Variable & Attribute Responses
  • Describing Insignificant Location Effects
  • Determining which effects are statistically significant
  • Analyzing Replicated and Non-replicated Designs
  • Developing First Order Models
  • Residuals /Model Validation
  • Optimizing Responses
  • Structure of the Designs
  • Identifying an “Optimal” Fraction
  • Confounding/Aliasing
  • Analysis of Fractional Factorials
  • Other Designs
  • Sample Sizes for Proportion Response
  • Identifying Significant Proportion Effects
  • Handling Variance Responses
  • Central Composite Designs
  • Box-Behnken Designs
  • Optimizing several characteristics simultaneously
  • Planning the DOE(s)

Why is DOE Training Important?

Experimentation is frequently performed using trial and error approaches which are extremely inefficient and rarely lead to optimal solutions.  Furthermore, when it’s desired to understand the effect of multiple variables on an outcome (response), “one-factor-at-a-time” trials are often performed.  Not only is this approach inefficient, it inhibits the ability to understand and model how multiple variables interact to jointly affect a response.  Statistically based Design of Experiments provides a methodology for optimally developing process understanding via experimentation.

In this course, participants gain a solid understanding of important concepts and methods in statistically based experimentation.  Successful experiments allow the development of predictive models for the optimization of product designs or manufacturing processes.  Several practical examples and case studies are presented to illustrate the application of technical concepts.  This course will prepare you to design and conduct effective experiments.  You will also learn how to analyze the data from experiments to understand significant effects and develop predictive models utilized to optimize process behavior.

DOE has numerous applications, including:

  • Fast and Efficient Problem Solving (root cause determination)
  • Shortening R&D Efforts
  • Optimizing Product Designs
  • Optimizing Manufacturing Processes
  • Developing Product or Process Specifications
  • Improving Quality and/or Reliability
  • Ensure designs are robust against uncontrollable sources of variation

Typical Attendees:

  • Product and Process Engineers
  • Design Engineers
  • Quality Engineers
  • Personnel involved in product development and validation
  • Laboratory Personnel
  • Manufacturing/Operations Personnel
  • Process Improvement Personnel
  • Six Sigma professionals

On-Site Training Courses

  • Design of Experiments
  • Advanced Design of Experiments
  • DOE For Mixtures/Formulations
  • SPC / Process Capability
  • Advanced Statistical Process Control
  • Reliability / Weibull Analysis
  • Advanced Reliability Analysis
  • Accelerated Life Testing
  • Basic Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, & Regression
  • Advanced Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, & Regression Topics
  • Measurement System Assessment
  • Introduction to Quality
  • Problem Solving Methods

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SGS Academy

Design of Experiment (DOE)


  • Introduction to Designed Experiments - Brief History - Basic Principles - Steps in Performing an Experiment
  • Background of Taguchi Method - Brief History - Quality Loss Function
  • Taguchi Approach to Designed Experiments - Problem Recognition - Plan & Design - Experimental Run - Analysis & Confirmation

Upon completion of this course, the your expected to:

  • Understand the Taguchi Method for offline quality control.
  • Demonstrate the application of Taguchi Method in designed experiments
  • Utilize the Taguchi Method to analyze and improve a process

Note: SGS shall provide only generic information and advice which are freely available in public domain. SGS will not provide company specific advice towards the development and implementation of the management systems for eventual certification, which contravenes the requirements of the IAF Guidance (i.e. provision of consultancy services).

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Design of Experiments Training | DOE Training for Engineers

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Design of Experiments Training, DOE Training for Engineers


Design of Experiments Training, DOE Training for engineers course is designed to teach you both theory and hands-on requirements necessary to run and execute the DOE.

DOE or Design of Experiments is sometimes called a Statistically Designed Experiment. DOE is a considered to be a strategically planned and executed experiment to provide detailed information about the effect on a response variable due to one or more factors: One–Factor–at–a–Time (or OFAT).

DOE in general is a useful method to solving problems, optimizing, designing products, and manufacturing and engineering. In particular, DOE is applied for root cause quality analysis, developing optimized and robust designs, and producing analytical and mathematical models to forecast the system behavior. The DOE training for engineers seminar will provide you a combination of theory, discussion, and practical material to help you feel comfortable and fluent in executing the DOE.

Why TONEX’s Design of Experiments Training? DOE Training Course Description

The DOE training course for engineers will teach you what design of experiment to choose, how to execute the DOE, and how to analyze the DOE results. You also will get a chance to analyze different case studies and analyze them on paper and on the computer.

To sum up, through the DOE training course for engineers, you will gain sufficient knowledge and skills on how to design, perform, and analyze experiments in the industrial scales. You will learn about the principals of DOE and that how it is applied to improve the quality and efficiency of projects.

The Design of Experiments Training, DOE Training is a 2-day course designed for:

  • Quality managers and engineers
  • SPC coordinators
  • Quality control technicians
  • Consultants
  • R&D managers, scientists, engineers, and technicians
  • Product and process engineers
  • Design engineers

Training Objectives

Upon the completion of this seminar, the attendees are able to:

  • Develop and apply necessary skills required later to solve, design, or optimize more complex problems or multiphase systems
  • Perform a full DOE test matrix, in both randomized and blocked way
  • Build a model
  • Run a DOE to solve problems
  • Run a DOE to optimize a system
  • Analyze and interpret the DOE results, using ANOVA or graphical methods whichever is relevant
  • Understand and perform analysis for experiments: main and interactive effects, experimental error, normal probability plots, identification of “active” efforts, and residual analysis.
  • Recognize what parameters have the most impact on the quality of a product or the productivity of a process
  • Set up a partial factorial DOE by applying confounding principal
  • Analyze and interpret the results from the partial factorial DOE
  • Understand the fundamentals and advantages of Robust DOE
  • Decide when a Response Surface DOE needs to be executed
  • Pick the relevant Response Surface Design
  • Analyze and interpret the results of Response Surface

Course Outline

Overview of Design of Experiments

  • What is DOE?
  • Elements of an experiment
  • Elements of the scientific methodology
  • How to incorporate the scientific method into an experiment
  • How much data is enough for an experiment?
  • Experimental geometry
  • Response mapping
  • Relationship between the principals of a DOE with the definitions associated with it
  • What are the advantages of using DOE compared to conventional experimentation methods
  • Steps to design an experiment
  • Full Factorial Experiments using Cube Plots
  • Minitab introduction

Planning a DOE

  • Determining the quality of an experiment
  • Defining the objectives of an experiment
  • Determining the effective variables
  • Determining the weight of each variable
  • Identifying, defining, and categorizing independent variables of an experiment
  • Eliminating unnecessary variables
  • Recognizing additional elements necessary to design an experiment

Problem Solving With DOE

  • The process of problem solving in DOE
  • Multistep processes DOE to confirm the DOE results

Analyzing The DOE Results

  • How to use ANOVA table to test a theory
  • How to perform a t-ratio test

Various Categories of DOEs 

  • Fully randomized design
  • Fully randomized block form
  • Partially randomized block form
  • Latin Square design
  • Complete factorial design
  • Fractional (partial) factorial design


  • The Confounding Principle
  • The advantages and disadvantages of confounding compared to partial factorial experiments
  • Generators and ‘Design Resolution’ importance of the “’Alias String’
  • How to perform partial factorial experiments using default generators and by specifying generators

The Robust/Taguchi DOE

  • Where is Robust/Taguchi relevant?
  • How Robust/Taguchi is different?
  • Taguchi applications
  • How to set up a Taguchi DOE in Minitab

The Response Surface DOE

  • Where is Response Surface relevant?
  • How Response Surface is different?
  • How to set up a Response Surface DOE in Minitab

Request More Information

Please complete the following form and a Tonex Training Specialist will contact you as soon as is possible.

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  • Country Code USA +1 ALB +355 ALG +213 ASA +1-684 AND +376 ANG +244 AIA +1-264 ROS +672 ATG +1-268 ARG +54 ARM +374 ARU +297 AUS +61 AUT +43 AZE +994 BAH +1-242 BHR +973 BAN +880 BRB +1-246 BLR +375 BEL +32 BLZ +501 BEN +229 BER +1-441 BHU +975 BOL +591 ANT +599 BIH +387 BOT +267 BRA +55 VGB +1-284 BRU +673 BUL +359 BFA +226 BDI +257 CPV +238 CAM +855 CMR +237 CAN +1 CAY +1-345 CTA +236 CHA +235 CHI +56 CHN +86 HKG +852 MAC +853 CXR +61 CCK +61 COL +57 COM +269 CGO +242 COK +682 CRC +506 CRO +385 CUB +53 CYP +357 CZE +420 CIV +225 PRK +850 COD +243 DEN +45 DJI +253 DMA +1-767 DOM +1-809 ECU +593 EGY +20 SLV +503 EQG +240 ERI +291 EST +372 SWZ +268 ETH +251 FLK +500 FRO +298 FIJ +679 FIN +358 FRA +33 GUF +594 TAH +689 GAB +241 GAM +220 GEO +995 GER +49 GHA +233 GBZ +350 GRE +30 GRL +299 GRN +1-473 GLP +590 GUM +1-671 GUA +502 GBG +44 GUI +224 GNB +245 GUY +592 HAI +509 VAT +39-06 HON +504 HUN +36 ISL +354 IND +91 IDN +62 IRN +98 IRQ +964 IRL +353 GBM +44 ISR +972 ITA +39 JAM +1-876 JPN +81 GBJ +44 JOR +962 KAZ +7 KEN +254 KIR +686 KUW +965 KGZ +996 LAO +856 LVA +371 LIB +961 LES +266 LBR +231 LBY +218 LIE +423 LTU +370 LUX +352 MAD +261 MWI +265 MAS +60 MDV +960 MLI +223 MLT +356 MHL +692 MTQ +596 MTN +222 MRI +230 MYT +262 MEX +52 FSM +691 MON +377 MNG +976 MNE +382 MSR +1-664 MAR +212 MOZ +258 MDA (+373) MYA +95 NAM +264 NRU +674 NEP +977 NED +31 NCL +687 NZL +64 NCA +505 NIG +227 NGA +234 NIU +683 NFK +672 NMI +1-670 NOR +47 OMA +968 PAK +92 PLW +680 PAN +507 PNG +675 PAR +595 PER +51 PHI +63 PCN +870 POL +48 POR +351 PUR +1 QAT +974 KOR +82 MDA +373 ROU +40 RUS +7 RWA +250 REU +262 SHN +290 SKN +1-869 LCA +1-758 SPM +508 VIN +1-784 SAM +685 SMR +378 STP +239 KSA +966 SEN +221 SRB +381 SEY +248 SLE +232 SIN +65 SVK +421 SVN +386 SOL +677 SOM +252 RSA +27 ESP +34 SRI +94 PLE +970 SUD +249 SUR +597 SWE +46 SUI +41 SYR +963 TJK +992 THA +66 MKD +389 TLS +670 TOG +228 TKL +690 TGA +676 TRI +1-868 TUN +216 TUR +90 TKM +993 TCA +1-649 TUV +688 UGA +256 UKR +380 UAE +971 ENG,NIR,SCO,WAL +44 TAN +255 VIR +1-340 URU +598 UZB +998 VAN +678 VEN +58 VIE +84 WLF +681 SAH +212 YEM +967 ZAM +260 ZIM +263 ALD +358
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Please complete the following form and a Tonex Training Specialist will contact you as soon as is possible. * Indicates required fields Name * First Last Email * Country Code USA +1 ALB +355 ALG +213 ASA +1-684 AND +376 ANG +244 AIA +1-264 ROS +672 ATG +1-268 ARG +54 ARM +374 ARU +297 AUS +61 AUT +43 AZE +994 BAH +1-242 BHR +973 BAN +880 BRB +1-246 BLR +375 BEL +32 BLZ +501 BEN +229 BER +1-441 BHU +975 BOL +591 ANT +599 BIH +387 BOT +267 BRA +55 VGB +1-284 BRU +673 BUL +359 BFA +226 BDI +257 CPV +238 CAM +855 CMR +237 CAN +1 CAY +1-345 CTA +236 CHA +235 CHI +56 CHN +86 HKG +852 MAC +853 CXR +61 CCK +61 COL +57 COM +269 CGO +242 COK +682 CRC +506 CRO +385 CUB +53 CYP +357 CZE +420 CIV +225 PRK +850 COD +243 DEN +45 DJI +253 DMA +1-767 DOM +1-809 ECU +593 EGY +20 SLV +503 EQG +240 ERI +291 EST +372 SWZ +268 ETH +251 FLK +500 FRO +298 FIJ +679 FIN +358 FRA +33 GUF +594 TAH +689 GAB +241 GAM +220 GEO +995 GER +49 GHA +233 GBZ +350 GRE +30 GRL +299 GRN +1-473 GLP +590 GUM +1-671 GUA +502 GBG +44 GUI +224 GNB +245 GUY +592 HAI +509 VAT +39-06 HON +504 HUN +36 ISL +354 IND +91 IDN +62 IRN +98 IRQ +964 IRL +353 GBM +44 ISR +972 ITA +39 JAM +1-876 JPN +81 GBJ +44 JOR +962 KAZ +7 KEN +254 KIR +686 KUW +965 KGZ +996 LAO +856 LVA +371 LIB +961 LES +266 LBR +231 LBY +218 LIE +423 LTU +370 LUX +352 MAD +261 MWI +265 MAS +60 MDV +960 MLI +223 MLT +356 MHL +692 MTQ +596 MTN +222 MRI +230 MYT +262 MEX +52 FSM +691 MON +377 MNG +976 MNE +382 MSR +1-664 MAR +212 MOZ +258 MDA (+373) MYA +95 NAM +264 NRU +674 NEP +977 NED +31 NCL +687 NZL +64 NCA +505 NIG +227 NGA +234 NIU +683 NFK +672 NMI +1-670 NOR +47 OMA +968 PAK +92 PLW +680 PAN +507 PNG +675 PAR +595 PER +51 PHI +63 PCN +870 POL +48 POR +351 PUR +1 QAT +974 KOR +82 MDA +373 ROU +40 RUS +7 RWA +250 REU +262 SHN +290 SKN +1-869 LCA +1-758 SPM +508 VIN +1-784 SAM +685 SMR +378 STP +239 KSA +966 SEN +221 SRB +381 SEY +248 SLE +232 SIN +65 SVK +421 SVN +386 SOL +677 SOM +252 RSA +27 ESP +34 SRI +94 PLE +970 SUD +249 SUR +597 SWE +46 SUI +41 SYR +963 TJK +992 THA +66 MKD +389 TLS +670 TOG +228 TKL +690 TGA +676 TRI +1-868 TUN +216 TUR +90 TKM +993 TCA +1-649 TUV +688 UGA +256 UKR +380 UAE +971 ENG,NIR,SCO,WAL +44 TAN +255 VIR +1-340 URU +598 UZB +998 VAN +678 VEN +58 VIE +84 WLF +681 SAH +212 YEM +967 ZAM +260 ZIM +263 ALD +358 Phone Company Name * Title / Position Location City State / Province / Region Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos Islands Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Curaçao Cyprus Czech Republic Côte d'Ivoire Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini (Swaziland) Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island North Korea Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine, State of Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Réunion Saint Barthélemy Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Martin Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu US Minor Outlying Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Virgin 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SigmaZone Logo

Design of Experiments Training

Design of experiments (doe) training.

Our Design of Experiments (DOE) training is a 3.5 or 4.5 day course which includes printed course materials and the software  Quantum XL . The course is targeted to the individual who has no experience in DOE and would like to learn to plan, setup, execute, analyze, and optimize using DOE.

Fundamental DOE Concepts Introduction to Regression Introduction to DOE Regression Analysis Two-Level Designs Three-Level Designs Design of Experiments Summary Monte Carlo Simulation (Optional) Robust Design (Optional)

Design of Experiments for Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Firms

Online Training on Research Designs and Methods for Higher Education Institutions in the Philippines (Research4HEIs)

Online Training on Research Designs and Methods for Higher Education Institutions in the Philippines | 14 February to 11 March 2022

Research as an educational inquiry entails careful gathering of information to seek answer to questions, examine propositions, or test theories. It is a systematic process that necessitates data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and drawing meaningful conclusions to provide answer to questions or offer solutions to the research problem. This entire process is what constitutes a research design. Miller (1991) defines "designed research" as "the planned sequence of the entire process involved in conducting a research study". A classic publication by Suchman (1967) describes research design as a series of guideposts to keep one headed in the right direction. It is, thus, a set of strategies purposefully set by the researcher to plan and direct the research process. These strategies involve the specific techniques and processes for collection and analysis of data as well as the approaches used to analyze the validity and reliability of findings. A well-planned research design is important to ensure that objectives set are attained within a desired time limit and specified cost, hence, achieving both effectiveness and efficiency in the research process.

This virtual training workshop will cover quantitative and qualitative research designs including the appropriate tools and procedures to analyze data generated from them. Quantitative research designs will particularly focus on experiments and survey research while qualitative research designs will include narrative research, phenomenology, case studies, grounded theory, ethnography, and action research. Since the intended participants are expected to do their own research, a thorough discussion of the techniques, coupled with hands-on exercises, for these quantitative and qualitative research designs are necessary. Applications of these techniques shall be illustrated using a wide array of research problems considering that the participants belong to a broad range of disciplines.

Proposed Cohort

There will be 25-30 participants from at least 25 universities. Participants will include higher education leaders, including junior faculty members and researchers whose responsibilities include or will include conducting research in their respective institutions. They should have regular full-time appointment, commitment support from direct supervisor, endorsed by the University President, and have a prepared draft Re-entry Action Plan (REAP) or research proposal.

Since English will be the primary mode in facilitating the training-workshop, the participants are expected to have good English communication skills. However, participants have an option to produce workshop outputs in English or in Filipino.

Presidents of the participating universities will be invited to sign a commitment document (so that they give full support and participants are fully committed to the training).

Learning Outcomes and Expected Outputs

At the end of the virtual training workshop, the participants are expected to develop a framework of their research with focus on their objectives/hypotheses with a keen knowledge of the situations/conditions under which they are to conduct their research.

The participants are likewise expected to develop a final draft research proposal ready for submission.

Program Duration and Platform

The Program will be conducted online via the SEARCA Online Learning and Virtual Engagements (SOLVE) Platform from 14 February until 11 March 2022 .

Program Fees

Applicants should come from invited SUC-ACAP members and are to apply via the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)-funded project of SEARCA titled Leveling-Up Philippine Higher Education Institutions in Agriculture, Fisheries, and Natural Resources (LevelUPHEI AFAR) . Successful applicants will be awarded a grant to participate in this Online Training on Research Designs and Methods for Higher Education Institutions in the Philippines .


  • College, Los Baños, 4031 Laguna, Philippines
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Corporate Design of Experiments (DOE) Training Course

Edstellar's instructor-led Design of Experiments (DOE) training course is designed for teams to develop the foundational skills for designing, conducting, and analyzing industrial experiments with a focus on quality and productivity improvements. The training enables teams to conduct controlled tests, leading to efficient enhancements.

Design of Experiments (DOE) Training

Drive Team Excellence with Design of Experiments (DOE) Corporate Training

Empower your teams with expert-led on-site/in-house or virtual/online Design of Experiments (DOE) Training through Edstellar, a premier Design of Experiments (DOE) training company for organizations globally. Our customized training program equips your employees with the skills, knowledge, and cutting-edge tools needed for success. Designed to meet your specific training needs, this Design of Experiments (DOE) group training program ensures your team is primed to drive your business goals. Transform your workforce into a beacon of productivity and efficiency.

Design of Experiments (DOE) is a crucial statistical tool used in planning, conducting, and analyzing controlled tests to understand and improve product designs and manufacturing processes. The requirement for DOE in organizations is paramount as the tool helps identify the factors influencing the outcomes, thereby enabling the optimization of processes. The Design of Experiments (DOE) training course is vital for teams to leverage data-driven insights for product and process improvement, ensuring efficiency and cost-effectiveness in operations.

Edstellar's instructor-led Design of Experiments (DOE) training course stands out by offering virtual/onsite sessions led by industry experts with years of domain experience. The curriculum is tailored to blend theoretical foundations with practical applications, ensuring participants gain a deep conceptual understanding and the ability to apply DOE techniques effectively. The specialized training is designed to cater to each organization's unique needs, promising a comprehensive learning experience that is engaging and informative.

Key Skills Employees Gain from Design of Experiments (DOE) Training

Design of Experiments (DOE) skills corporate training will enable teams to effectively apply their learnings at work.

  • Factorial Experiment Design
  • ANOVA Analysis
  • Minitab Proficiency

Experimental Planning

  • Statistical Integration
  • Data-Driven Decision Making

Key Learning Outcomes of Design of Experiments (DOE) Training Workshop

Edstellar’s Design of Experiments (DOE) group training will not only help your teams to acquire fundamental skills but also attain invaluable learning outcomes, enhancing their proficiency and enabling application of knowledge in a professional environment. By completing our Design of Experiments (DOE) workshop, teams will to master essential Design of Experiments (DOE) and also focus on introducing key concepts and principles related to Design of Experiments (DOE) at work.

Employees who complete Design of Experiments (DOE) training will be able to:

  • Design and analyze two-level full factorial experiments to identify main and interaction effects of factors, applying insights to enhance product designs and manufacturing processes\
  • Apply the principles of Design of Experiments (DOE) to systematically plan, execute, and analyze controlled tests, enhancing product and process optimization efforts in professional settings
  • Conduct One Way ANOVA tests to compare group means in a single-factor experiment, applying findings to evaluate process changes or product improvements within organizational contexts
  • Navigate Minitab software proficiently for data analysis, leveraging its capabilities for descriptive statistics, graphical analysis, and DOE, to streamline experimental analysis and reporting
  • Utilize experimental planning strategies to clearly define objectives, select relevant factors and levels, and efficiently allocate resources, ensuring the success of experimental projects in various industries
  • Integrate statistical foundations, including probability distributions, hypothesis testing, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), to interpret experimental data accurately, supporting data-driven decision-making processes

Key Benefits of the Design of Experiments (DOE) Group Training

Attending our Design of Experiments (DOE) classes tailored for corporations offers numerous advantages. Through our Design of Experiments (DOE) group training classes, participants will gain confidence and comprehensive insights, enhance their skills, and gain a deeper understanding of Design of Experiments (DOE).

  • Explore the capabilities of Minitab for statistical analysis, gaining the skills to leverage powerful tools for insightful data interpretation
  • Learn how to efficiently design experiments that reduce time to market and enhance product quality through systematic investigation and analysis
  • Develop a deep understanding of how to apply DOE techniques in real-world situations, improving processes, and product designs in your professional work
  • Equip teams with the knowledge to perform comprehensive statistical analyses, empowering data-driven decision-making that underpins successful project outcomes
  • Gain proficiency in evaluating the effectiveness of experiments, enabling the identification and implementation of optimal solutions for complex engineering and manufacturing challenges

Topics and Outline of Design of Experiments (DOE) Training

Our virtual and on-premise Design of Experiments (DOE) training curriculum is divided into multiple modules designed by industry experts. This Design of Experiments (DOE) training for organizations provides an interactive learning experience focused on the dynamic demands of the field, making it relevant and practical.

Introduction to DOE

  • Definition and importance of DOE
  • Historical background and evolution
  • Variables, treatments, and responses
  • Principles of experimental design
  • Defining the problem
  • Selection of factors, levels, and responses
  • Criteria for choosing an appropriate design
  • Budget, time constraints, and resource allocation

Statistical Foundations

  • Probability distributions
  • Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals
  • Concepts and applications in DOE
  • Linear regression models and assumptions

Introduction to Minitab

  • Overview of the interface
  • Data entry and manipulation
  • Descriptive statistics and graphical analysis
  • Setting up and analyzing a designed experiment


  • Understanding the model and assumptions
  • Application in comparing group means
  • Step-by-step analysis process
  • Understanding ANOVA tables and significance

Two-level Full Factorial Designs

  • Concept and construction of 2^k designs
  • Main effects and interaction effects
  • Examples and case studies in industry

Measuring and Evaluating Experimental Effects

  • Estimation of effects and error
  • Statistical tests and practical significance
  • Using experimental results for process optimization

Two-level Fractional Factorial Designs

  • Introduction and rationale for fractionation
  • Resolution and alias structure
  • Examples of efficient experimental strategies

Linear Models and Designed Experiments

  • Fitting models to experimental data
  • Diagnostic plots and tests
  • Model refinement and transformation strategies

Response Surface Methodology

  • Goals and basic principles
  • Central composite and Box-Behnken designs
  • Using RSM for process optimization and robustness studies

Target Audience for Design of Experiments (DOE) Training Course

The Design of Experiments (DOE) training program can also be taken by professionals at various levels in the organization.

  • Research Scientists
  • Industrial Engineers
  • Biostatisticians
  • Quality Managers
  • Product Engineers
  • Operations Researchers
  • Data Scientists
  • Process Engineers
  • Experimental Design Specialists
  • Statistical Analysts
  • Manufacturing Engineers
  • Process Improvement Specialists

Prerequisites for Design of Experiments (DOE) Training

Professionals with a basic understanding of statistics and process engineering can take up the Design of Experiments (DOE) training.

Corporate Group Training Delivery Modes for Design of Experiments (DOE) Training

At Edstellar, we understand the importance of impactful and engaging training for employees. To ensure the training is more interactive, we offer Face-to-Face onsite/in-house or virtual/online for companies. This approach has proven to be effective, outcome-oriented, and produces a well-rounded training experience for your teams.

Training Mode

Our virtual group training sessions bring expert-led, high-quality training to your teams anywhere, ensuring consistency and seamless integration into their schedules.

 On-site trainig

Edstellar's onsite group training delivers immersive and insightful learning experiences right in the comfort of your office.

 Off-site trainig

Edstellar's off-site group training programs offer a unique opportunity for teams to immerse themselves in focused and dynamic learning environments away from their usual workplace distractions.

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for Design of Experiments (DOE) Corporate Training

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Design of Experiments (DOE) Training

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64 hours of training (includes VILT/In-person On-site)

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160 hours of training (includes VILT/In-person On-site)

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400 hours of training (includes VILT/In-person On-site)

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Edstellar: Your Go-to Design of Experiments (DOE) Training Company

Experienced trainers.

Our trainers bring years of industry expertise to ensure the training is practical and impactful.

Quality Training

With a strong track record of delivering training worldwide, Edstellar maintains its reputation for its quality and training engagement.

Industry-Relevant Curriculum

Our course is designed by experts and is tailored to meet the demands of the current industry.

Customizable Training

Our course can be customized to meet the unique needs and goals of your organization.

Comprehensive Support

We provide pre and post training support to your organization to ensure a complete learning experience.

Multilingual Training Capabilities

We offer training in multiple languages to cater to diverse and global teams.

What Our Clients Say

We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional training solutions. Here's what our clients have to say about their experiences with Edstellar.

"Edstellar's IT Service Management training has been transformative. Our IT teams have seen significant improvements through multiple courses delivered at our office by expert trainers. Excellent feedback has prompted us to extend the training to other teams."

"Edstellar's quality and process improvement training courses have been fantastic for our team of quality engineers, process engineers and production managers. It’s helped us improve quality and streamline manufacturing processes. Looking ahead, we’re excited about taking advanced courses in quality management, and project management, to keep improving in the upcoming months."

"Partnering with Edstellar for web development training was crucial for our project requirements. The training has equipped our developers with the necessary skills to excel in these technologies. We're excited about the improved productivity and quality in our projects and plan to continue with advanced courses."

"Partnering with Edstellar for onsite ITSM training courses was transformative. The training was taken by around 80 IT service managers, project managers, and operations managers, over 6 months. This has significantly improved our service delivery and standardized our processes. We’ve planned the future training sessions with the company."

"Partnering with Edstellar for onsite training has made a major impact on our team. Our team, including quality assurance, customer support, and finance professionals have greatly benefited. We've completed three training sessions, and Edstellar has proven to be a reliable training partner. We're excited for future sessions."

"Edstellar's online training on quality management was excellent for our quality engineers and plant managers. The scheduling and coordination of training sessions was smooth. The skills gained have been successfully implemented at our plant, enhancing our operations. We're looking forward to future training sessions."

"Edstellar's online AI and Robotics training was fantastic for our 15 engineers and technical specialists. The expert trainers and flexible scheduling across different time zones were perfect for our global team. We're thrilled with the results and look forward to future sessions."

"Edstellar's onsite process improvement training was fantastic for our team of 20 members, including managers from manufacturing, and supply chain management. The innovative approach, and comprehensive case studies with real-life examples were highly appreciated. We're excited about the skills gained and look forward to future training."

"Edstellar's professional development training courses were fantastic for our 50+ team members, including developers, project managers, and consultants. The multiple online sessions delivered over several months were well-coordinated, and the trainer's methodologies were highly effective. We're excited to continue our annual training with Edstellar."

"Edstellar's IT service management training for our 30 team members, including IT managers, support staff, and network engineers, was outstanding. The onsite sessions conducted over three months were well-organized, and it helped our team take the exams. We are happy about the training and look forward to future collaborations."

"Edstellar's office productivity training for our 40+ executives, including project managers and business analysts, was exceptional. The onsite sessions were well-organized, teaching effective tool use with practical approaches and relevant case studies. Everyone was delighted with the training, and we're eager for more future sessions."

"Edstellar's quality management training over 8 months for our 15+ engineers and quality control specialists was outstanding. The courses addressed our need for improved diagnostic solutions, and the online sessions were well-organized and effectively managed. We're thrilled with the results and look forward to more."

"Edstellar's digital marketing training for our small team of 10, including content writers, SEO analysts, and digital marketers, was exactly what we needed. The courses delivered over a few months addressed our SEO needs, and the online sessions were well-managed. We're very happy with the results and look forward to more."

"Edstellar's telecommunications training was perfect for our small team of 12 network engineers and system architects. The multiple online courses delivered over a few months addressed our needs for network optimization and cloud deployment. The training was well-managed, and the case studies were very insightful. We're thrilled with the outcome."

"Edstellar's professional development training was fantastic for our 50+ participants, including team leaders, analysts, and support staff. Over several months, multiple courses were well-managed and delivered as per the plan. The trainers effectively explained topics with insightful case studies and exercises. We're happy with the training and look forward to more."

Get Your Team Members Recognized with Edstellar’s Course Certificate

Upon successful completion of the Design of Experiments (DOE) training course offered by Edstellar, employees receive a course completion certificate, symbolizing their dedication to ongoing learning and professional development. This certificate validates the employee's acquired skills and is a powerful motivator, inspiring them to enhance their expertise further and contribute effectively to organizational success.

Course Completion Certificate

We have Expert Trainers to Meet Your Design of Experiments (DOE) Training Needs

The instructor-led training is conducted by certified trainers with extensive expertise in the field. Participants will benefit from the instructor's vast knowledge, gaining valuable insights and practical skills essential for success in Access practices.

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Practical Design Of Experiment (DOE) Training Course

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Design of Experiment (DOE) is a powerful improvement tool. It is a strategic, enabling methodology to improve process yields and product quality. At the same time, it reduces product development time and overall costs by changing one or more process characteristics, after studying their effects on the product. In recent years, DOE has been used by quality practitioners as a key driver for many improvement initiatives including Six Sigma.

This practical, two day training course addresses all the essentials of DOE to ensure  successful implementation.

How will I benefit?

  • Appreciate how DOE can greatly improve product quality
  • Understand the full cycle of the DOE process and how to apply it using Minitab software

Who should attend?

Front line managers, engineers or executives who are involved in quality improvement initiatives. In addition, it is also suitable for personnel who would like to learn the Minitab software in DOE application.

What will I learn?

Our experienced tutors have practical application of the subject matter, enabling them to understand and meet your specific industry requirements.

What is included?

  • Delegate workbook
  • Lunch and refreshments (Applicable for classroom only)
  • On completion, you'll be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate

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design of experiment training philippines

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Design of Experiment I – Factorial Design (DOE101)

design of experiment training philippines

About this Training

DoE is a methodology used to identify and understand how process factors affect output. This course has been designed for those responsible in improving processes and products. This provides the ability of problem solving, how to design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret results.

Bernie Redona NASAT Labs

Training Schedule

  • Statistical and Quality Tools – Training Series: September 26-27 – Statistical Process Control; October 16-18 – Design of Experiment; October 22-23 – 7 Basic Quality Tools; December 4-5 – Measurement System Analysis
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NASAT Labs (Nanotech Analytical Services And Training Corp.) is the first independent nanotechnology laboratory in the Philippines. We provide failure analysis, material characterization, water testing, environmental testing, and technical trainings to the semiconductor, electronics and allied industries.

Integrating 4C/ID model into computer- supported formative assessment system to improve the effectiveness of complex skills training for vocational education

  • Published: 23 September 2024

Cite this article

design of experiment training philippines

  • Haoxin Xu 1 ,
  • Tianrun Deng 2 ,
  • Xianlong Xu   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Xiaoqing Gu 2 ,
  • Lingyun Huang 3 ,
  • Haoran Xie 4 &
  • Minhong Wang 3  

In the 21st century, the urgent educational demand for cultivating complex skills in vocational training and learning is met with the effectiveness of the four-component instructional design model. Despite its success, research has identified a notable gap in the address of formative assessment, particularly within computer-supported frameworks. This deficiency impedes student self-awareness of skill mastery and limits effective monitoring of skill learning in the classroom by teachers. To address this gap, the study introduces an enhanced four-component instructional design model that seamlessly integrates formative assessment. Based on this model, an automated system for assessing complex skills was developed, with the aim of formative assessment and improving skill learning. A control experiment involving 54 industrial robot professional participants in vocational colleges has preliminarily verified the feasibility and effectiveness of computer-supported formative assessment. The findings reveal that this approach significantly enhances students’ schema construction, knowledge, skill mastery, and transfer ability, thereby improving the overall effectiveness of complex skill learning. In addition, participants who underwent computer-supported formative assessment reported high levels of system satisfaction and usefulness, with no adverse impact on their learning attitudes, motivation, or cognitive load. This study contributes a robust theoretical framework and practical case study for computer-supported formative assessment in complex skill learning, providing empirical support for the advancement of computer-supported teaching. The integration of formative assessment within the four-component instructional design model offers a novel perspective, addressing a critical gap in the existing literature and laying the foundation for future developments in this educational domain.

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  • Digital Education and Educational Technology

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The research will not have been possible without the cooperation of teachers and administrators from Shanghai Technical Institute of Electronics Information. We would particularly like to acknowledge our discussions with Dr. Wangqi Shen, who provided consultation in the preparation of this paper.

This study was funded by Key Project of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (17DZ2281800).

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Authors and affiliations.

Lab of Artificial Intelligence for Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

Department of Education Information Technology, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

Tianrun Deng, Xianlong Xu & Xiaoqing Gu

Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Lingyun Huang & Minhong Wang

Department of Computing and Decision Sciences, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China

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All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by Haoxin Xu, Tianrun Deng, Xianlong Xu, Xiaoqing Gu, Lingyun Huang, Haoran Xie, and Minhong Wang. The first draft of the manuscript was written by Haoxin Xu and all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Xianlong Xu .

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Statement regarding research involving human participants and/or animals.

The study was conducted with the approval of the East China Normal University Committee on Human Research Protection, and all subjects were adults. Prior to the start of the experiment, the subjects were informed of the purpose, method, process, and other information of the study, and written consent was obtained from all subjects.

Ethical Approval

The questionnaire and methodology for this study was approved by the Human Research Ethics committee of the East China Normal University (Ethics approval number: HR692-2023).

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Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.

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The participant has consented to the submission of the case report to the journal.

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The authors have no competing interests to declare that are relevant to the content of this article.

Appendix A. Formative assessments interface for students

figure 7

Scenario-based task

figure 8

Subject knowledge test

figure 9

Schema task

Appendix B. Interface of reports

figure 10

Interface of students’ individual reports

figure 11

Interface of class reports 1

figure 12

Interface of class reports 2

Appendix C. Post subject knowledge test

1.1 c.1 post subject knowledge test.

Here are only part of the questions.

1. The ( workpiece ) refers to the object being processed in the mechanical machining process, while the tool denotes the instrument required for a robot to accomplish a specific task.

2. By default, when a single robot is in operation, the ( world coordinate system ) remains aligned with the base coordinate system.

3. The tool coordinate system is fixed at the end of the tool, and its coordinate origin is abbreviated as ( TCP ).

4. When creating tool coordinates using the six-point method in simulation software, it is advisable to switch to ( B ) mode when the reference point and fixed point are relatively close.

A. Normal B. Incremental C. Automatic D. Deceleration

5. When using the six-point method to create tool coordinates in simulation software, it is necessary to set ( AB ).

A. Center of gravity coordinates B. Tool mass C. TCP point D. Base coordinates

6. The recommended workflow for arranging peripheral devices outside the workstation is as follows: ( C-D-A-B-E )

A. Rotate the external device model.

B. Directly move or use point-and-click to approximate the device’s position.

C. Import the required models.

D. Display the robot’s workspace.

E. Use the “Set Position” function for fine-tuning the position.

7. In the incremental mode, the user increment in the teach pendant screen’s bottom right corner can be set in size. ( \(\underline{\checkmark }\) )

8. In the manual state of the robot, pressing the first gear of the enable button will stop the motors, putting the robot in a protective stop state. ( \(\underline{\times }\) )

Note: Fill-in-the-blank questions: 1, 2, 3. Multiple-choice questions: 4, 5. Sorting question: 6. Judgment questions: 7, 8

1.2 C.2 Post scenario-based task

Task description: Please create a robotic trajectory workstation, name the workstation with your student ID, and then import necessary models such as the robot, tool, workpiece, peripheral devices, etc. Use the six-point method to determine the tool coordinates, name the tool coordinates as “tool” followed by the last two digits of your student ID, and save the corresponding TCP data. Finally, through point teaching and programming, make the robot follow the counterclockwise trajectory as shown in Fig. 13 . Programming tasks include establishing initialization routines, trajectory walking routines, and returning home routines. Submit the task archive and program text upon completion.

Note: Ensure to perform programming tasks to establish initialization routines, trajectory walking routines, and returning home routines. Save all relevant data and submit the compressed task archive along with the program text.

figure 13

The post-test for academic performance

1.3 C.3 Post schema task

Task description: Please draw a mind map illustrating the trajectory planning for operating industrial robots. Provide detailed descriptions for each step, including the purpose and significance of each step.

Note: There is an example of a student answering.

Appendix D. The survey scales for various aspects

Appendix e. the results of levene’s test, appendix f. the results of mann-whitney u-test, rights and permissions.

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About this article

Xu, H., Deng, T., Xu, X. et al. Integrating 4C/ID model into computer- supported formative assessment system to improve the effectiveness of complex skills training for vocational education. Educ Inf Technol (2024).

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Received : 26 April 2024

Accepted : 02 September 2024

Published : 23 September 2024


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