
  • PhD Loans for Doctoral Students – A Guide for 2024

Written by Mark Bennett

A UK PhD loan is worth up to £29,390 from Student Finance England or £28,655 from Student Finance Wales. The money only needs to be paid back when you earn over £21,000 a year.

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PhD Loans – At a Glance
Student loans for PhD-level qualifications lasting up to eight years in all subjects.
Up to £29,390 from Student Finance England for 2024-25 or £28,655 from Student Finance Wales.
English- or Welsh-resident UK students, aged 59 or under and .
Any UK university.
6% of income over £21,000 per year. Combined with .

You can borrow a PhD loan of up to £29,390 from Student Finance England for 2024-25 study or £28,655 from Student Finance Wales. All of the money is paid directly to your bank account . You can use it for PhD fees, research expenses, maintenance or other costs.

Doctoral loans aren't based on household income or means tested, so the amount you can borrow isn't affected by your income or savings.

It's up to you to decide how much you want to borrow (up to the maximum, of course). This amount will then be spread evenly across your PhD, in three instalments per academic year .

Frequently asked questions

Below we've answered a selection of commonly asked questions about PhD loan amounts.

Is the value of the doctoral loan linked to my fees?

No. You can borrow the same amount with a doctoral loan regardless of how much your PhD project or programme costs.

Can I change the amount I borrow?

Yes. You can change your PhD loan amount later by submitting a PhD loan request form (PDF). You can't do this online.

Can I borrow more than the cost of my PhD?

Yes. Any extra loan can be used to help with living costs or other expenses.

Do I have to borrow the full amount?

You can borrow anything between £1 and £29,390/£28,655 (for a 2024-25 PhD). Whatever you request will be divided equally across your PhD , but you can't receive more than £12,167 in any one year if your course started between 1 August 2023 and 31 July 2024, and £12,471 if your course starts on or after 1 August 2024.

Are extra loans available for maintenance?

No. You can use some of your doctoral loan for living costs, but there isn't any separate PhD maintenance loan.

Will the loan value increase?

The value of a doctoral loan usually increases slightly with inflation each year. However, this change only applies to new students. The maximum you can borrow with your PhD loan will be capped at the amount available when you began your PhD.

Why can't I borrow more than £12,167/£12,471 per year?

Capping the annual amount for a PhD loan at £12,167/£12,471 is designed to match the Masters student loan system : it means that doctoral students and Masters students can borrow the same amount per year.

The timing of your loan payments will be based on your intended submission date . This means that your loan payments may already have finished if your PhD takes longer than you expect, or you spend extra time 'writing up' your thesis. You should bear this in mind as you plan your project and budget for it.

Student eligibility

You can apply for a PhD student loan if you're a UK national and:

  • You've lived in the UK for at least three years (not including time abroad for short-term travel or study)
  • You are ordinarily resident in England or Wales (you don't just live there to study)
  • You will be aged under 60 (59 or under) on the first day of the first academic year of your PhD (usually 1 September for degrees beginning in the autumn)
  • You don't already have a PhD or other doctorate
  • You won't be receiving UKRI funding for your PhD (and haven't been funded by a Research Council in the past)
  • You won't be receiving other UK public funding for your doctorate, such as a Social Work or Educational Psychology bursary
  • Your doctorate isn't eligible for NHS funding (if it is, you should apply for this instead)

PhD loans for Scottish and Northern Irish students

UK doctoral loans are currently only offered by Student Finance England and Student Finance Wales. You won't normally be eligible to apply for their support if you are resident in Scotland or Northern Ireland.

Student Finance Northern Ireland and Student Awards Agency Scotland may offer doctoral loans in the future. We'll let you know as soon as that happens.

PhD loans for EU students

You can apply for a UK doctoral loan as an EU student if:

  • You began your PhD in the 2020-21 academic year or earlier
  • You applied to the EU Settlement Scheme before 30 June 2021

EU students who are coming to study in the UK from 2021-22 onwards will count as international students (see below).

PhD loans for Irish students

Irish students can still apply for a UK PhD loan to study in either England or Wales. This right is guaranteed by the Common Travel Area and isn't affected by Brexit.

PhD loans for international students

International (non-UK) students aren't normally eligible for UK doctoral loans, but an exception may apply if:

  • You have settled status in the UK
  • You are an EU national and have applied to the UK's EU Settlement Scheme (see above)
  • You are an Irish national (see above)
  • You or a family member have been granted refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK
  • You are 18 or over and have lived in the UK for at least 20 years and / or half of your life

If you aren't sure whether you qualify for UK student finance, check advice from the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

We've answered several questions about student eligibility for doctoral loans, covering residency criteria and more.

Where can I study?

If you are ordinarily resident in England or Wales before your course, you can use your PhD loan to study any UK PhD .

If you are ordinarily resident outside the UK, you can only use your PhD loan to study in England or Wales.

What if I have moved from England or Wales to another part of the UK for previous study?

You will still count as an English- or Welsh-resident student if you have studied your undergraduate degree or Masters in Scotland or Northern Ireland and want to continue straight on to a PhD. This means you will be able to apply for a doctoral loan.

What counts as being ordinarily resident in England or Wales?

To be eligible for a doctoral loan as a UK student you must be ordinarily resident in England or Wales. This means that you normally live in England or Wales and you haven’t moved there just to go to university.

You will normally count as being ordinarily resident in England or Wales if any or all of the following are true:

  • You lived in England or Wales before you went to university for your Bachelors degree
  • You received an undergraduate student loan from Student Finance England or Student Finance Wales
  • You have lived and worked in England or Wales after graduating from university

Can I combine a PhD loan with a Research Council studentship?

No. Unfortunately you can't apply for a PhD loan if you're also receiving any form of Research Council funding from UKRI – including a 'fees-only' award.

Can I get a PhD loan now and apply for Research Council funding later?

Potentially. Some Research Council awards allow students to apply again for the second year of their PhD. Having had a PhD loan may not stop you doing this, provided you cancel it before receiving your Research Council funding.

Note that this still doesn't work the other way around: you can't apply for a PhD loan once you've been awarded Research Council funding.

Can I combine a doctoral loan with other PhD funding?

You can't combine a PhD loan with other funding from the UK Government, including Research Council studentships or Social Work, Educational Psychology or NHS bursaries. However, you can potentially top up your PhD loan with other PhD funding , including:

  • A scholarship or bursary from your university
  • A grant from a charity or trust
  • One of our own FindAPhD scholarships

Are EU students still eligible for doctoral loans?

EU eligibility for UK student finance has changed following Brexit :

  • All EU nationals can still apply for a doctoral loan for a PhD that began in the 2020-21 academic year
  • EU nationals who applied to the EU Settlement Scheme before 31 December 2020 can also apply for a loan for a PhD that begins in 2021-22 or later
  • EU nationals who are arriving in the UK after 1 January 2021 and beginning a PhD in the 2021-22 academic year will not normally be eligible for a doctoral loan

These criteria also apply to students from the EEA (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland.

Are doctoral loans available for international students?

Non-UK students aren’t normally eligible for UK student loans, unless they are Irish nationals or have applied to the EU Settlement Scheme.

Exceptions may apply if you have lived in the UK legally for a very long time, have been granted humanitarian protection or have refugee status.

For more information on UK fees and finance as a postgraduate student we recommend you check the resources produced by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

And, if you can't get a loan, you might still be eligible for other international PhD funding in the UK .

Are Irish students eligible for PhD loans?

Yes, Irish students are able to apply for UK doctoral loans as part of the Common Travel Area. You will need to be doing your PhD in either England or Wales.

How will my residency be checked?

You’ll be asked to provide at least three years’ address history during your postgraduate loan application. Student Finance England may query any details that might affect your eligibility.

What if I have stayed in another part of the UK to work after university?

Living and working in a different part of the UK means you aren’t just there to go to university. This can change your residency status.

For example:

  • You live in Scotland but go to university in England. After graduating you settle and work in England. If you eventually decide to study a PhD, you will now count as being ordinarily resident in England and can apply for a doctoral loan, even though you were once resident in Scotland.

The same would be true for an English student who had lived and worked elsewhere in the UK after graduating – it's possible that this could mean you are no longer classed as English-resident for student loan purposes.

If you aren’t sure about your residency status, check with Student Finance England .

What if I have moved to England or Wales from another part of the UK for previous study?

Because you only moved to England or Wales to study, your residency status won’t have changed. You will still count as being ordinarily resident elsewhere in the UK and, unfortunately, won't currently be able to apply for the PhD loan.

Are PhD loans means-tested?

No. You can borrow the same amount regardless of your income, savings or credit rating.

The only exceptions concern outstanding arrears to the Student Loans Company (for repayments you were eligible to make, but didn't). However, you may be able to apply for a loan if you clear these.

Can I get a doctoral loan if I’ve lived outside the UK in the last three years?

In order to apply for a student loan as a UK citizen you must have lived in the UK for three years prior to your course. You can travel abroad for holidays or other periods of ‘temporary absence’ during this period, but you shouldn’t have become ordinarily resident in another country.

Will a PhD loan affect my benefits?

Potentially, yes. Because the loan is paid directly to you it may be regarded as a form of income by the Department for Work and Pensions. You should check this if you are concerned about your benefit entitlement with a PhD loan.

Can I also apply for Disabled Students' Allowance?

Yes. You can have a PhD loan and receive Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) during your PhD.

Can I have a PhD loan as well as a postgraduate Masters loan?

You can apply for a postgraduate doctoral loan if you've previously had a postgraduate Masters loan . However, you can't be receiving them both at the same time (you'll need to finish your Masters before you begin your PhD).

Course eligibility

The PhD loan is available for all types of research doctorate, in any subject . This includes academic doctorates such as a PhD and DPhil, as well as professional doctorates such as a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) or EdD (Doctor of Education) .

However, you can't get a doctoral loan for a PhD by publication (you must be funding a programme of research and / or study).

UK students can study at any UK university . Eligible students who normally live outside the UK can use the doctoral loan to study at any English or Welsh university.

You can study full time or part time provided your PhD lasts between 3 and 8 years . You will be able to choose from different course lengths when you apply. These will be set by your university based on the intended submission date for your thesis.

Your course must have started on or after August 2018.

Below you can find the answers to a selection of questions about PhD loan course eligibility.

Can I study my PhD part time?

The loans don't actually distinguish between full-time and part-time students. Your PhD can last between 3 and 8 years, however you study.

In practice, most UK universities will regard a 3-4 year PhD as 'full time' and a 6-8 year PhD as 'part time'. You will agree the exact length of your programme with your university.

Can I get a loan for a PhD by publication?

No. You can't apply for a loan if you're submitting a PhD by published work (based on a portfolio of research you've already completed). In this case there would be no new project or programme for the loan to pay for!

Can I get a loan if my doctorate begins as an MPhil?

Yes. You can still apply for a doctoral loan for a programme that initially registers students at MPhil level before upgrading them to PhD candidacy.

However, if you are only enrolling for an MPhil, you should apply for a Masters loan instead.

Can I get a loan for a doctorate by distance learning?

Yes, provided you are living in England or Wales (depending on which loan you are applying for) on the first day of the first academic year of your PhD and living in the UK for the entire course.

You can't get a PhD loan to study by distance learning and live outside the UK.

Can I apply for a loan for a PhD that includes a Masters degree?

Yes. You can still get a loan for a PhD that also awards a Masters degree, including an integrated doctorate or a '1+3' programme. However, you must be registering to graduate with the doctorate, not the Masters.

Can I apply for a loan to 'top up' an existing qualification to PhD level?

No. To be eligible for a loan your project or programme must be a complete doctorate, begun after 1 August 2018. You can't get a loan to extend or 'top up' and existing MPhil or other qualification.

Can I get a loan for a joint doctorate?

Yes, provided the UK university is the lead institution for your PhD and you spend at least 50% of your course in the UK.

Can I study at a private university?

In order to receive a doctoral loan you must be doing your PhD at a university with Research Degree Awarding Powers (RDAPs). Most established UK universities have these powers, but your institution should be able to confirm if you aren't sure.

Can I get a loan if I've previously begun a PhD, but not completed it?

Yes, provided you haven't earned a doctoral qualification and you are starting a completely new doctorate (not continuing or resuming your previous programme or project).

However, you can't normally apply for a second doctoral loan, even if your first loan was for an incomplete qualification. Exceptions may apply if you can demonstrate compelling personal reasons for exiting your first doctorate - Student Finance England will consider your case if so.

Can I get a loan to study a doctorate abroad?

You can't get a PhD loan to study your entire doctorate abroad. However, you can spend part of your degree outside the UK, provided this does not exceed 50% of your programme and your UK university is the lead institution awarding your PhD.

Can I get a PhD loan for a professional doctorate?

Yes. All types of doctorate are eligible for PhD loans, provided the qualification is awarded for a programme of work at a UK university.


PhD loan applications are now open for doctorates beginning in 2024-25 (or earlier).

Make sure you apply to the correct student finance provider. This will be:

  • Student Finance England for English-resident students or Irish students coming to study in England
  • Student Finance Wales for Welsh-resident students or Irish students coming to study in Wales

If you have an existing student finance account and Customer Reference Number (CRN) you should use this to apply for your PhD loan. The application system will also ask for details about your PhD (or other doctoral degree), residency status and how much you want to borrow.

The application deadline is fairly relaxed – you have to apply within nine months of the first day of the final academic year of your doctorate. Depending on when you start your PhD during the year, there are four possible ‘first days’, which you can see in the table below.

1 August - 31 December 1 September
1 January - 31 March 1 January
1 April - 30 June 1 April
1 July - 31 July 1 July

As an example, if you start a three-year PhD on 22 October 2023, you should apply for a doctoral loan before 31 May 2026.

Remember though, that applying later in your PhD could limit the maximum amount you can borrow (you can't receive more than £12,167 in a single academic year if your course started between 1 August 2023 and 31 July 2024, or £12.471 if your course starts on or after 1 August 2024.).

If you have any further questions about applying for a PhD loan, hopefully the FAQs below will cover them.

When can I apply for a PhD loan?

Applications for 2024-25 PhD loans opened in June 2024. You can apply online or by post (PDF).

Will I receive a loan whilst I'm 'writing up' my PhD?

Only if you are still ahead of your submission date. Your university may allow you extra time to finish writing up your thesis, but you won't receive any extra payments if you've already had your full loan by that point.

When will I receive my first instalment?

You'll receive the first payment for your PhD loan once you start your PhD and your university confirms that you have registered on your project or programme.

When will I stop receiving my loan?

Your payment schedule will be based on the intended submission date for your doctoral thesis, agreed with your university at the start of your degree.

Should I apply at the beginning of my course, or wait?

This is up to you and depends on your funding circumstances.

The PhD loan is meant to be flexible though: you could apply for a loan to help support you throughout your doctorate, or use it to bridge gaps between funding or replace income from a part-time job as you focus on the later stages of your project.

Do I have to reapply in each year of my PhD?

No. You only have to apply for a doctoral loan once.

Can I use an existing student finance account?

Yes. If you have already have an account with Student Finance England you must use it to apply for your doctoral loan.

Do I need to be accepted for a PhD before I apply for a loan?

No. You will need to state which university you intend to research your doctorate at (and how long for) but you don't need to prove you've been accepted before you can apply for a PhD loan. However, you will need to register for your PhD before you receive any actual loan payments (your university should confirm this for you).

Can I apply for a loan for a PhD I've already started?

You can apply after the beginning of a PhD, but it must have started after 1 August 2018.

Doctoral loan repayments are income contingent . You only repay your PhD loan when you are earning over £21,000 a year (£1,750 a month or £404 a week) and you only repay 6% of what you earn over that threshold.

You'll begin repayments in the first April after you leave your course or in the April four years after your PhD starts (whichever is sooner). This means that you can be eligible to start repaying the doctoral loan during your PhD, but only if you're earning enough.

How you repay depends on your employment status:

  • If you are employed in the UK HMRC will automatically deduct repayments from your salary on behalf of the Student Loans Company. This will usually happen monthly.
  • If you are self-employed you will need to make repayments to HMRC as part of your annual tax return.
  • If you are working outside the UK you will need to make repayment arrangements with the Student Loans Company. You should do this before you leave the UK.
  • If you are unemployed you won't make repayments. The same applies if you are ever earning less than £21,000 a year.

You may also need to repay other student loans along wth your PhD loan:

  • PhD and Masters loan repayments are combined – you will make one repayment of 6% of your income over £21,000 towards a single postgraduate loan debt
  • All postgraduate loan repayments are concurrent with those for undergraduate loans – you will repay 6% of your income over £21,000 towards your Masters and / or PhD loan and 9% of your income over £26,575 towards your undergraduate loan

Interest is charged on a PhD loan at the same rate as Masters loans: RPI (the Retail Prices Index) +3%. As of June 2024, the rate is 7.8%, but this changes every year.

Any remaining PhD loan debt (including interest) is cancelled after 30 years from the point at which you begin repayments.

We've answered a few more FAQs about PhD loan repayments below.

When do repayments begin?

You will become eligible to start repaying your doctoral loan on one of the following dates:

  • 6 April after your PhD ends
  • 6 April four years after you begin your PhD

Note that this is slightly difference to repayments for other student loans, which only ever begin after graduation.

It means you could begin repaying your loan whilst you're still studying for your doctorate (and potentially still receiving loan payments). However, you will only ever make repayments when you're earning over £21,000 a year.

Do repayments still begin after 4 years if I study part time?

Yes, regardless of how you study, you will become eligible to repay a PhD loan (providing you're earning enough) four years after your course begins or in the April after you graduate (whichever is sooner).

Could I have to make PhD loan repayments on my pension?

Potentially, yes. If the money you receive from a pension counts as income you will need to make student loan repayments on it (alongside other potential deductions such as income tax). It's a good idea to check this with your pension plan provider.

Welsh PhD loans

Wales offers its own PhD loan for Welsh-resident UK students. You can borrow up to £28,655 for a degree that begins in 2024-25.

Welsh PhD loans work the same way as English PhD loans. The only difference is that you should apply to Student Finance Wales, not Student Finance England.

Scotland and Northern Ireland don't offer a doctoral loan yet.

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Doctoral loans

If you’re ordinarily resident in the UK and starting your PhD in September 2024, you may be able to apply for a doctoral loan to support your study.

Please note that all figures quoted below are subject to regulations being made and therefore may be subject to change.

The doctoral loan available to you will depend on where you are ordinarily resident before you start your course. Please check the funding information for the country you are normally resident in:

If you ordinarily live in Wales and intend to start a PhD in September 2024 then you may be eligible to apply for a postgraduate doctoral loan from Student Finance Wales .

What funding is available?

If you meet the eligibility criteria then you could get a loan to help with your course costs, such as tuition fees, and your general living costs.

The maximum postgraduate doctoral loan available from Student Finance Wales for students who start a course in September 2024 is £28,655.

Payment of this loan will be divided equally across each year of your course. Each year’s entitlement is then paid directly to you in three instalments; one at the start of each term.


Whether you can receive postgraduate funding from Student Finance Wales will depend on:

  • your nationality and residency
  • your course
  • your university or college
  • your previous study
  • if you are receiving other funding, such as an NHS bursary or Social Work bursary

More details about the eligibility criteria can be found at Student Finance Wales .

Additional funding from Student Finance Wales

Depending on your personal circumstances there may be additional funding available to you via the Disabled Students Allowance if you have a disability or long-term health condition. Please visit Student Finance Wales for more information.

How to apply for funding

The application process for students who are ordinarily resident in Wales and who intend to start a course in September 2024 is expected to open in May/June 2024.

You can apply for the loan in any year of your course but if you apply after your first year, you might not get the maximum amount.

Additional funding

  • Doctoral training initiatives

Cost of living in Cardiff

Cardiff is considered to be one of the  most affordable UK cities to live in while you study. See our  living cost calculator for the average cost of living in Cardiff as a full time, postgraduate student.

Repaying a postgraduate loan

Those who take a postgraduate loan via Student Finance Wales in academic year 24/25 will repay this under the Postgraduate Loan Plan.

If you are repaying any undergraduate loans (tuition fee loan and/or maintenance loan), the postgraduate loan repayments will be taken in addition to undergraduate loan repayments. This means you could be repaying both your Undergraduate and Postgraduate loans simultaneously if you earn above the repayment threshold.

You can find out more information about how postgraduate loans are repaid.

If you ordinarily live in England and intend to start a PhD in September 2024 then you may be eligible to apply for a postgraduate doctoral loan from Student Finance England .

The maximum postgraduate doctoral loan available from Student Finance England for students who start a course in September 2024 is £29,390.

Whether you can receive postgraduate funding from Student Finance England will depend on:

More details about the eligibility criteria can be found at Student Finance England .

  • you can submit an application through your Student Finance England account.
  • you only need to apply once for the Postgraduate Doctoral Loan.

For full details and to apply for a Postgraduate Doctoral Loan visit the website.

Additional funding from Student Finance England

Depending on your personal circumstances there may be additional funding available to you via the Disabled Students Allowance if you have a disability or long-term health condition. Please visit Student Finance England for more information.

Cardiff is considered to be one of the  most affordable UK cities to live in while you study. See our  living cost calculator for the average cost of living in Cardiff as a full-time, postgraduate student.

Those who take a postgraduate loan via Student Finance England in academic year 24/25 will repay this under the  Postgraduate Loan Plan .

If you are repaying any undergraduate loans (tuition fee loan and/or maintenance loan), the postgraduate loan repayments will be taken in addition to undergraduate loan repayments.  This means you could be repaying both your Undergraduate and Postgraduate loans simultaneously if you earn above the repayment threshold.

You can find out more information about how postgraduate loans are repaid here .

If you have any questions about funding your postgraduate course please get in touch with the  Student Funding and Advice Team :

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Postgraduate Doctoral Loans (Wales)

The Welsh government offers a postgraduate doctoral loan scheme for those that meet their nationality and residency criteria who have most recently been resident in Wales.

Students from Wales

Postgraduate Doctoral Loans will be a non-means tested loan of up to £28,395 for students commencing a doctoral programme of study in 2023-2024 academic session.  The loan can be used for fees or living costs.

Postgraduate Doctoral Loans will be a non-means tested loan of up to £27,880 for students commencing a doctoral programme of study in 2022-2023 academic session.  The loan can be used for fees or living costs.

Personal eligibility

  • you must be a UK national (or have settled status) and been ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands for three years on the first day of the first academic year of your degree programme;
  • you must be 'ordinarily resident' in Wales (temporary absence from your home address, such as for education or travelling, will not prevent you from being eligible to apply for a Postgraduate Doctoral Loan);
  • you must be aged under 60 on the first day of the first academic year of your degree programme.

You will not be eligible for a Postgraduate Doctoral Loan if :

  • you already have a Doctoral degree, or a qualification that’s equivalent or higher level;
  • you are in receipt of Research Council funding;
  • you are in receipt of other forms of government support (eg NHS and Social Work bursaries);
  • you are currently receiving student finance for an undergraduate or masters programme that overlaps with your doctoral programme.

Programme eligibility

  • a postgraduate doctoral programme between 3 and 8 years duration.

You can apply online at Student Finance Wales .

You only have to apply for your Postgraduate Doctoral Loan once.

The total amount you borrow will be paid evenly over the length of your course.  

Payments will be released after you have registered on your doctoral degree programme and the University has confirmed your attendance to the Student Loan Company (SLC). 

Payments will then be made in three instalments each academic year.

No payments will be released until you have given the SLC your valid National Insurance Number (NINO).

If you have previously taken out a postgraduate loan to fund Masters study, this will be combined with your doctoral loan.

Debt from your undergraduate student loan will be paid concurrently rather than combined.  

Postgraduate Doctoral Loan Guide

For regular updates follow Student Finance Wales on  Facebook  and  Twitter .

This article was published on 2024-07-29

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Doctoral Loan

A Postgraduate Doctoral Loan can help with course fees and living costs while you study a postgraduate doctoral course, such as a PhD.

There’s different funding if you normally live in Wales . Moving somewhere to study does not count as normally living there.

You can also get extra support if you have a disability .

You will not be eligible for an Adult Dependants’ Grant, a Childcare Grant or Parents’ Learning Allowance from Student Finance if you’re studying a doctoral course.

When you can apply

You can now apply for funding for the 2024 to 2025 academic year.

When you repay your loan

You’ll have to start repaying your loan when your income is over a certain amount (the ‘threshold’ amount).

You’ll be charged interest from the day you get the first payment.

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  • 2024 Postgraduate Funding in Wales

2024 Postgraduate Funding in Wales: Masters Loans and Grants

Written by Mark Bennett

Masters students in Wales can claim up to £18,950 from Student Finance Wales postgraduate funding through a combination of loans and grants. The funding is provided on behalf of the Student Loans Company. You start to repay it once you graduate and earn over £21,000 a year.

In 2023 the Welsh government is also offering Masters bursaries of between £1,000 and £2,000 to people studying eligible courses, as well as £4,000 to those aged 60 or above.

On this page

Welsh Masters funding - at a glance
Student loans and grants for full-time, part-time and distance learning Masters degrees in all subjects (taught or research).
Up to £18,950.
UK nationals resident in Wales / people with EU settled status or indefinite leave to remain, resident in Wales.
Any UK university.
6% of annual income over £21,000. Interest at RPI+3%.

If you’re beginning a Masters in the 2024-25 academic year, Student Finance Wales could provide up to £18,950 in postgraduate funding towards your tuition fees and living costs. The amount for courses starting in 2025-26 will be announced in late spring next year.

How will I be paid?

The money is paid to you (not your university) in regular instalments during your course. It’s up to you to use it for tuition fees and living costs, as necessary.

You decide how much you want to borrow through the loan element of the funding (up to the maximum of £18,770, including the grant). This money is divided evenly across your course and paid in three instalments per academic year .

You’ll receive 33% of your annual funding on or near your programme start date (once your university confirms your registration), then two more payments of 33% and 34% over the course of the academic year.

The value of each instalment depends on how much loan you request, how much grant you’re eligible for and how long your course is.

The following table shows approximate instalments for students studying a one-year Masters with a household income of £35,000 who take the full funding amount of £18,770:

Postgraduate loan payments

If your Masters is longer than one year , your postgraduate funding will be divided across each year of the course. The table below shows the size of the payments you’d receive on a longer programme, assuming that you claimed the full £18,770 through the loan and grant.

2 years 3 years 4 years
£9,385 £6,256 £4,692
£3,097 £2,064 £1,548
£3,097 £2,064 £1,548
£3,191 £2,127 £1,595

From 2024-25 onwards, the Welsh postgraduate funding will only consist of a loan, rather than a combination of a loan and a grant, as it did previously. However, applications for 2023-24 are still open, so we've provided information on the old system below:

Welsh postgraduate funding before 2024

Before the 2024-25 academic year, Welsh postgraduate funding combined a non-means-tested loan and a means-tested grant . The size of the grant you get depends on your household income – the remainder of the £18,370 will consist of a postgraduate loan.

Here are two examples from opposite ends of the spectrum:

  • If your household income is £18,770 or less, you’ll get the maximum grant of £6,885 and a loan of up to £11,885
  • If your household income is £59,200 or more, you’ll get the minimum grant of £1,000 and a loan of up to £17,770

If your household income falls between these two examples, the size of the Welsh Masters grant you receive will be based on a sliding scale. The table below illustrates some typical amounts.

If you don’t want your household income to be taken into account, you can choose to receive the £1,000 grant and the postgraduate loan of up to £17,770.

You can also choose how much of the postgraduate loan you’d like to request, as long as your total amount of funding (including the grant) is not more than £18,770.

No grants starting 2024-25 academic year

The Welsh Government have announced that the grant element of Postgraduate Loans will no longer be available from the start of the 2024-25 academic year. They will be replaced by repayable student loans

How is household income calculated?

If you’re supported by your parents or a partner, you’ll be treated as a dependent student . This means that the income – both earned and unearned – of your parents / partner will be taken into account when calculating your household income.

You’ll also need to supply details of your own unearned income (this includes interest on savings and earnings from property). It doesn’t include any salary that you’ve earned through full or part-time work.

If you aren’t supported by your parents or a partner, you’ll be treated as an independent student and your household income will only include your unearned income (and not any income you’ve earned through full or part-time work).

These are some of the circumstances in which you’ll be treated as an independent student, not taking your parents’ / partner’s income into account:

  • You’ve supported yourself financially for at least three years
  • You’re 25 or over on the first day of the academic year of your Masters
  • You’re caring for someone who is under 18
  • You’re estranged from your parents

Whether you’re a dependent or independent student, your household income will determine how much of the means-tested grant you receive.

It’s worth bearing in mind that any of your own income from full-time or part-time work will never form part of your household income, no matter what your status is as a dependent or independent student.

Masters bursaries in Wales

In addition to the postgraduate funding and loans offered by the Welsh government, it’s possible to apply for a Masters bursary in select subjects at Welsh universities.

There is a £2,000 Masters bursary for STEMM students on selected postgraduate taught courses in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine at Welsh universities. This funding is available to people who have been ordinarily resident in Wales for the past three years (haven’t moved there for the purposes of study).

It’s really easy to apply for this bursary – it’s awarded on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis to students who have accepted an offer on an eligible course. For more information, check your prospective university’s website to find out which programmes this bursary is available for.

There’s also a Masters bursary of £4,000 for students aged 60 or above to study a postgraduate course in Wales. This funding is intended to help those who aren’t eligible for the Welsh postgraduate loans and grants described elsewhere in this guide.

Students studying an approved social work Masters degree in Wales may be able to apply for a social work bursary . Each social work programme is allocated a set number of bursaries, and the university will nominate a selection of their students. Nominated students can then submit an official application via Social Work Wales .

Successful applicants will recieve £25,430 (£12,715 a year for two years) . Please note that Masters students who recieve the social work bursary will not be eligible for a postgraduate loan.

Finally, if you’re studying a Welsh-language Masters , you could be eligible for a bursary of £1,000 .

Frequently asked questions

If you still have some questions about how postgraduate funding in Wales works, we've answered a few FAQs below.

Do I have to borrow the full amount?

Postgraduate loans in Wales allow you to borrow anything between £1 and £18,770, depending on the size of the grant that you receive.

Is the value of Welsh postgraduate funding linked to course fees?

No. You can receive up to £18,770 regardless of your Masters fees.

What if my course costs more than £18,770?

Postgraduate funding in Wales is offered as a ‘contribution to costs’. This means it should help you study a postgraduate degree, but it’s not guaranteed to cover everything. The cost of a Masters varies across the UK and you’ll also need to factor in living expenses.

What if my course costs less than £18,770?

You can still request the maximum amount (if you like) and use the remainder to help pay for accommodation and living costs.

Is Welsh postgraduate funding available for maintenance?

You can use your funding for living costs as well as (or instead of) tuition fees. However, there isn’t a separate postgraduate maintenance system in Wales.

Can I change my postgraduate loan amount?

Yes. You can the amount of loan you’ve requested by submitting a postgraduate Master’s loan request form. You’ll need to send this by post before nine months from the beginning of the final year of your course.

Why is postgraduate funding in Wales worth more than elsewhere?

Each part of the UK is responsible for its own student finance. Loans are also available in Scotland , England and Northern Ireland , but Wales has decided to offer the largest amount of support for Masters students.

Can I receive Welsh postgraduate funding as well as Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)?

Yes. Welsh Masters loans are separate from postgraduate DSA and you can have both.

Can I combine Welsh postgraduate funding with other Masters support?

You can’t combine Welsh postgraduate funding with additional support from a public source such as an NHS or Social Work bursary. However, you can have funding alongside:

  • One of the Masters bursaries described above
  • A university scholarship
  • Funding from a charity or trust
  • Support from your employer

If you receive support from the NHS or another public body (such as the UK Research Councils ) you should check whether it affects your eligibility for Welsh postgraduate funding.

When will I receive my first payment?

The first instalment of your Welsh postgraduate funding will normally be paid into your UK bank account soon after your university confirms your attendance on the course.


Postgraduate funding in Wales is available to UK students who have lived in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man for the past three years and are ordinarily resident in Wales (not just living there to go to university).

In addition, you’ll need to:

  • Be aged under 60 (59 or younger) on the first day of the first academic year of your course (this will normally be 1 September for courses beginning in the Autumn)
  • Not hold a Masters degree (or higher qualification) regardless of how it was funded

Finally, you’ll need to be studying an eligible Masters degree .

Funding sometimes be available to international students if one of the following criteria applies:

  • You are an Irish national
  • You have EU settled status in the UK
  • You are the child of a Turkish worker
  • You or a family member have been granted refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK

It’s best to check with Student Finance Wales if you think you may qualify for funding as a non-EU national, but aren’t sure.

You won’t normally be eligible for Welsh Masters funding if you’re a UK student who normally lives in another part of the UK. However, separate postgraduate loans are available for students from Northern Ireland , England and Scotland .

Brexit and eligibility for Welsh postgraduate funding

If you’re an EU, EEA or Swiss national beginning a Masters in Wales from August 2021 onwards, you will only be eligible for postgraduate funding if you have EU settled status.

In order to apply for EU settled status, you’ll need to have been living in the UK before 31 December 2020.

If you’re an EU, EEA or Swiss national studying a Masters in the 2020-21 academic year, you will be eligible for Welsh student finance for the duration of your programme. However, you may need to apply for a student visa if you’re arriving in the UK to begin a Masters in January 2021.

We've answered some frequently asked questions about eligibility for funding from Student Finance Wales.

Will my credit history be checked?

No. Your credit score won’t affect your loan or grant. However, you won’t be able to apply if you are in arrears to the Student Loans Company (for repayments you should have made on another loan) or if you have been found guilty of fraud.

Can I have a second postgraduate loan?

You can’t apply if you’ve already had another UK postgraduate loan (including a previous Welsh Masters loan). The only exception applies to a course you were forced to exit because of compelling personal reasons (such as a serious illness or a bereavement).

How does the age limit work?

Postgraduate funding in Wales is only available to students under 60. This means you must be aged 59 or younger when your degree starts.

This is based on the first day of the academic year not your enrolment date or the date of your first class, lecture, etc.

If you are aged 60 or above when your course starts, you are instead eligible for a £4,000 bursary from the Welsh government.

The first day of the first academic year is normally as follows:

Academic year - postgraduate loans
1st August - 31st December 1st September
1st January - 31st March 1st January
1st April - 30th June 1st April
1st July - 31st July 1st July

Note that the age limit only applies at the beginning of your course. You will continue to receive your loan after you turn 60, provided you are 59 or younger when your Masters starts.

Can I get Welsh postgraduate funding if I already have a Masters?

No. Postgraduate funding in Wales is only available to students who don’t already have a Masters degree (or higher level qualification).

Can I get Welsh postgraduate funding if I already have a PGCert, PGDip or PGCE?

Yes. You can apply for funding to study a Masters if you already have a shorter qualification such as a Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma or a Postgraduate Certificate in Education .

However, you can’t get funding to ‘top up’ these qualifications to a full Masters.

Can I get Welsh funding for a Masters if I already have a PhD?

No. You can’t get funding from Student Finance Wales for a Masters if you already have a qualification above that level.

Can I get Welsh postgraduate funding if I’ve started a Masters but didn’t complete it?

Yes. Provided you didn’t graduate with your Masters and you didn’t have a postgraduate loan for it.

Can I get Welsh postgraduate funding if I have an integrated Masters?

No. An integrated Masters (studied as part of an undergraduate degree) still counts as an existing qualification. You won’t be able to receive funding for a second postgraduate Masters.

What counts as being ‘ordinarily resident’ in Wales?

To be classed as ‘ordinarily resident in Wales’ you must live there normally when you aren’t at university. This normally means that one or all of the following will be true:

  • You lived in Wales before you went to university
  • You received an undergraduate loan from Student Finance Wales
  • You have lived and worked in Wales since the end of your undergraduate degree

If you’re a UK student, but aren’t ordinarily resident in Wales you should apply for a different postgraduate loan .

What if I have moved from Wales to another part of the UK for my undergraduate degree?

You will still count as being ordinarily resident in Wales (living elsewhere to study doesn’t affect your residency).

What if I have moved to Wales from another part of the UK for my undergraduate degree?

You will still count as being ordinarily resident in the country you lived in before you went to university and should apply for a different UK postgraduate loan .

Can I get Welsh postgraduate funding if I’ve lived outside the UK in the last three years?

In order to apply for funding as a UK student you must have lived in the UK for three years prior to your course. You can travel for holidays, study abroad or have other periods of ‘temporary absence’ from the UK during this period, but you shouldn’t have become ordinarily resident in another country.

What if I work after my undergraduate degree, instead of going straight into a Masters?

Living and working in a different part of the UK means you aren’t just there to go to university. This can change your residency status.

Here’s an example of how that could work:

  • You live in Wales but go to university in England. After graduating you stay in England to work for several months and eventually decide to study a Masters the following year. You will now count as being ordinarily resident in England and should apply for an English postgraduate loan rather than Welsh postgraduate funding.

If you aren’t sure about your residency status, check with Student Finance Wales .

Are EU, EEA and Swiss students eligible for postgraduate funding in Wales?

From the 2021-22 academic year onwards, EU, EEA (Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein) and Swiss students will usually only be eligible for postgraduate loans if they were living in the UK before 31 December 2020 and have applied for EU settled status.

Are other international students eligible for postgraduate funding in Wales?

Students from countries outside the UK and Ireland aren’t normally eligible for postgraduate funding in Wales.

Exceptions may apply if you’re an EU national with EU settled status in the UK, have lived in the UK legally for a very long time, have been granted humanitarian protection or have refugee status.

If you think an exception may apply in your case you should contact Student Finance Wales . Information on UK fees and funding for international students is also available from the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

Welsh postgraduate funding is available for taught and research Masters degrees in all subjects, provided they meet the following criteria:

  • Your course must award a Masters , not a shorter Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma or a doctorate (such as a PhD)
  • Your course must be a postgraduate programme , not an integrated Masters or other undergraduate course
  • Your course must be for a full 180 credit degree , not a short period of study to ‘top up’ an existing qualification to Masters level

Courses can be studied full time, part time or by distance learning:

  • Full-time courses can last for 1-2 years
  • Part-time courses can last for 2-4 years, but not for more than twice the length of an equivalent full-time course (or three years if no full-time equivalent exists)
  • Distance learning courses can be full time or part time, but you must be living in Wales on the first day of your course and the rest of your Masters must be studied from within the UK (UK-resident students) or Wales (EU students)

UK-resident students can study at any UK university , but Irish students coming to the UK for their degree can only use Welsh postgraduate funding to study in Wales.

Here are the answers to several FAQs about course eligibility.

Can I get Welsh postgraduate funding for an MRes or MPhil?

Yes. Postgraduate funding in Wales is available for taught and research degrees, including Master of Research (MRes) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) programmes.

Can I get Welsh postgraduate funding for an MBA?

Yes. Postgraduate funding in Wales is available for Master of Business Administration (MBA) programmes. However, you should bear in mind that the fees for some MBAs will be higher than the maximum £18,430 you can receive through postgraduate funding in Wales.

Can I get Welsh postgraduate funding for an LLM?

Yes. Postgraduate funding in Wales is available for Master of Laws (LLM) programmes.

However, you can’t receive funding for a shorter Legal Practice Course (LPC) or Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) unless it is awarded as part of a full Masters degree.

Can I get Welsh postgraduate funding for an integrated Masters?

No. But you can apply for undergraduate student finance for one of these courses.

Can I get Welsh postgraduate funding for a Master of Architecture (MArch?)

Only if the course is delivered part time. Full-time MArch degrees are covered by undergraduate student finance .

Can I get Welsh postgraduate funding for a PGCert, PGDip or PGCE?

No. Postgraduate funding in Wales is only available for full 180 credit Masters degrees.

Where can I study?

UK-resident students can study anywhere in the UK (Welsh Masters funding is ‘portable’). EU students can only use Welsh postgraduate funding to study in Wales.

Can I get a loan for a PhD?

Yes. Wales offers separate doctoral loans for PhDs and other doctorates. These loans aren’t means-tested and you won’t receive a grant for studying a PhD, however.


Applications for Welsh postgraduate finance are now open for Masters beginning in the 2023-24 academic year.

The quickest way to apply is online via your Student Finance Wales account, although it’s also possible to apply via post .

You’ll need to provide details of your identity and the course you plan to study, plus your National Insurance number (if you have one). You’ll also need to have a UK bank account.

If you’re applying for the means-tested element of the Masters funding, your parents or partner will need to submit an Assessment of Financial Circumstances Form (PGPFF) with details of your household income. This form can be downloaded from your Student Finance Wales account once you’ve submitted the rest of the application.

If you’re an independent student , you’ll be asked to supply your expected taxable unearned income for the academic year that you’ll begin your course in. This includes things like interest on savings and income from property, but doesn’t include any earnings from full-time or part-time work.

If you already have an account with Student Finance Wales you should use it for your postgraduate funding application.

The deadline for applying is quite relaxed: you must submit your application no later than nine months from the beginning of your final year.

This will normally be:

Postgraduate funding application deadlines
1st August to 31st December Nine months from 1st September
1st January to 31st March Nine months from 1st January
1st April to 30th June Nine months from 1st April
1st July to 31st July Nine months from 1st July

You only need to apply once for a postgraduate funding but you can change the amount you wish to borrow later in your course.

You can find more information and advice in our postgraduate loan application guide .

These are a couple of FAQs concerning the application process for postgraduate funding in Wales.

When can I apply for Welsh postgraduate funding?

Applications for the 2023-24 academic year are now open.

You will be able to apply online or by post (PDF).

Can I use my existing student finance account?

If you already have an account with Student Finance Wales (for your undergraduate loan) you must use this to apply for postgraduate funding. If you have an account with another UK student finance provider you may need to submit a postal application for your Welsh postgraduate funding.

Your repayments will begin in the April after you finish your programme, provided you’ve graduated (or left your course).

The amount you repay is linked to your income: you’ll only repay 6% of what you earn over £21,000 a year (£1,750 a month).

How you repay depends on your employment circumstances:

  • If you are employed in the UK, your repayments will be taken automatically from your salary by HMRC (at the same time as your income tax and national insurance)
  • If you are self-employed in the UK, HMRC will collect your repayments as part of your annual tax return
  • If you work outside the UK you will need to contact the Student Loans Company to arrange your repayments
  • If you are unemployed you won’t need to make repayments

If you also have an undergraduate loan you will make two concurrent repayments as follows:

  • 6% of earnings over £21,000 a year for your postgraduate student loan
  • 9% of earnings over £25,000 a year for your undergraduate student loan

You will also pay interest on your postgraduate loan and this will begin accumulating from the date of your first payment. The rate is linked to inflation using the Retail Prices Index (RPI) and changes each year. It is currently 4.5% , but this changes every year.

Any remaining loan (including interest) will be written off 30 years after you become eligible to make repayments .

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about repaying a Welsh postgraduate loan.

When do repayments begin for Welsh postgraduate loans?

Repayments normally begin in the April after your course ends (provided you are earning over £21,000 a year).

Is the repayment threshold rising?

No, unlike undergraduate loans, the repayment threshold for English and Welsh postgraduate loans does not currently rise with inflation.

Is the interest rate linked to income?

No. The interest rate for a Welsh postgraduate loan is the same regardless of how much you earn.

Repayment guides

Looking for more detailed information on postgraduate repayments? Our full postgraduate repayment guide includes a range of advice and examples.

More information

Got a more specific question about postgraduate funding in Wales, or looking for something you can’t find on the page?

We’re always adding to our guides based on information from the Student Loans Company and feedback from students at our postgraduate study events. If we haven’t answered your question, get in touch with us by emailing editor[at] and we’ll do our best to help.

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If you're a UK student looking to study a master's or PhD level course at Swansea University, you may be eligible to apply for Government funding to help towards the cost of your studies.

Explore your options below: 

Master's loans for Welsh students

If you are studying a master's course at swansea in academic year 2024-2025, you may be eligible to receive a loan up to a maximum value of £18,950., eligibility.

Whether you can receive a postgraduate master's loan is dependent on:

  • your nationality and residency
  • your course
  • your university or college
  • your previous study

To check your eligibility, please visit:

Applications and repayments

The money will be paid into your bank account in 3 instalments, usually once at the start of each term. If your course lasts for more than a year, the money will be divided equally across each year of your course.

You have to pay back any loan you borrow, including interest once you’ve finished or left your course.

To apply, please visit:

For more information, please visit the  Student Finance Wales  website, or contact Student Finance Wales by telephone: 0300 100 0494

Master's loans for english students.

Student Finance England is providing postgraduate loans for English domiciled students starting a master's level course at any UK university (including Swansea) from September 2024. 

You could borrow up to  £12,471  towards the costs of postgraduate study, including tuition fees and living costs (paid directly to you).

Whether you qualify depends on:

  • your nationality or residency status

Check your eligibility now.

Visit  Student Finance England for more information. You can also learn more about the postgraduate loan scheme by attending one of our Postgraduate Open Days.

Master's loans for Scottish students

Scottish students wishing to study at Swansea University may be eligible to receive a loan of up to £13,900 to study a master's degree or Postgraduate Diploma. 

Please visit the Student Awards Agency Scotland website for more information on eligibility.

Master's loans for Northern Irish students

Student Finance NI provides loans of up to £6,500 to Northern Irish domiciled students who wish to study postgraduate courses (up to master's level) at a UK university (including Swansea University).

Please visit the Student Finance NI website for more information on eligibility.

Turing Scheme (replacing Erasmus+)

Students will be able to study and do work placements across the world through a brand new scheme,  the Turing Scheme , which replaces the UK’s participation in Erasmus+. 

If you are a Welsh student,  the Welsh Government’s international learning exchange programme, Taith , is also available to you.

Welsh students: for more information and to apply, please visit the  Student Finance Wales  website

English students: for more information and to apply, please visit the website.

Please note, doctoral loans are designed to complement other sources of funding so you may also wish to explore  alternative funding sources  and paid work opportunities during your study.  

Doctoral loans for new students undertaking PhD level programmes are now available :

Welsh students:

The key features of the loan scheme in 2024  include:

  • Borrow up to  £28,655  towards the cost of any PhD level programme
  • Available to  Welsh  domiciled students aged 59 or under who are  not  in receipt of a Research Council scholarship
  • Available for programmes at any PhD-awarding UK university (including Swansea University)
  • Repayments are 6% of income over £21,000 p.a. (combined with master’s and/or undergraduate degree loan if applicable)
  • Students already holding a PhD level qualification are not eligible to apply for a loan
  • Your course must be a full standalone PhD programme, and not ‘topped up’ from a master’s qualification such as Master’s by Research or MPhil.
  • Available for full or part-time programmes
  • Non means-tested

Find out more about the  Welsh PhD loan  scheme.

English students:

  • Borrow up to  £29,390  towards the cost of any PhD level programme
  • Available to  English  domiciled students aged 59 or under who are  not  in receipt of a Research Council scholarship

Find out more about the  English PhD loan  scheme.

English students: for more information and to apply, please visit the  website

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Postgraduate student loans in Wales

Find out about postgraduate master’s loans in 2024/25 if you live in wales – our guide outlines what you need to know..

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Postgraduate master’s loans and grants in Wales 2024/25

Are you eligible for a master's loan in wales, is your course eligible for master's funding, postgraduate finance for eu and international students, how to apply for postgraduate finance in wales, repaying your loan, looking for clearing advice.

The Clearing concierge has the answers

If you're from Wales and start a master's course in August 2024, you can get a loan of £18,950 – the highest amount available in the UK. However, it can only be used if you're studying a full master's course, not a 'top-up'.

You can use the money for your master's tuition fees or towards your living costs. Some degrees may cost more than the funding you receive. If so, you'll need to find a way to pay the difference.

The postgraduate master's loan is for the whole master's degree course. This applies whether it's a full-time course for one year or a part-time course over four years. Once you've registered on your course, the money is paid to you three times a year.

Number of years of study

F/T or P/T

Maximum master’s loan per year














Until the 2024 academic year, Welsh students also got a grant towards master's study, however government cuts led to its removal. If you're starting a master's course after 1 August 2024, you'll only be able to apply for a loan. You won't have to give details of your household income and will be able to apply for the maximum amount of loan, or as much as you choose to take out.

Postgraduate students aren't eligible for a childcare grant, parents' learning allowance or adult dependent grant, but can still claim Disabled Students' Allowances (DSA) if applicable.

If you're already paying back an undergraduate loan, repayments will only be taken if your income is over the threshold. Your master's loan won't count as income for loan repayments.

You must meet these criteria to qualify for a master's loan from Wales:

  • Be a UK national, Irish citizen or have settled or pre-settled status i.e. without any restriction on how long you can stay in the UK
  • Normally live in Wales. If you moved there for an undergraduate degree then go straight into postgraduate study, that doesn't count
  • Be under 60 years old when you start. If you change to a different course after you turn 60, you'll lose your eligibility for the loan
  • Usually, you must have been living in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man for the three years before your course begins

Residency is a complex area after Brexit and there are exceptions to the above. We outline some of these in our page on student finance eligibility.

Your eligibility also depends on your previous studies and funding:

  • You won't get a master's loan if you had postgraduate funding before, unless you left your course because of illness or bereavement
  • You won't get master's funding if you already have a qualification at the same level or higher. Even if you funded it yourself, or it was from a university outside the UK
  • You won't get a master's loan if you're behind on repayments for any other student loan
  • You also won't get a loan if you currently receive a student loan for another course
  • You won't qualify for a loan if you get public funding for your course, with the exception of social work students in Wales

If you have an undergraduate MA from a Scottish uni, or from Cambridge, Oxford or Trinity College Dublin, these are equivalent to a bachelor's degree and won't affect your eligibility to apply for a master's loan.

On the other hand, if your first degree was an integrated master's (such as MEng, MMath, MPharm) this counts as an equivalent qualification. You won't be eligible for a master's loan.

If you had a loan for a teaching PGCE, this is funded by undergraduate student finance. You will still be able to apply for a master's loan.

  • Are you eligible for student finance?
  • Types of degrees in the UK

To be eligible for master's funding, your course must be:

  • A full taught or research-based master's degree
  • Worth at least 180 credits
  • Provided by an eligible university in Wales, England, Northern Ireland or Scotland

This can include MSc, MA, MPhil, MRes, LLM, MLitt, MFA, MEd and MBA courses. Your course can be at any eligible uni in Wales, England, Northern Ireland or Scotland.

Courses that aren't eligible for master's funding from Wales include:

  • Top-up master's degrees
  • Master's degrees integrated into an undergraduate course (undergraduate loan)
  • Master's degrees that are part of a doctoral course (covered by a doctoral loan)
  • Postgraduate certificates and diplomas (a PGCE in teaching is eligible or undergraduate funding)

Postgraduate pre-registration healthcare courses in England may qualify for master's funding from Student Finance Wales if they lead to a master's degree. This includes courses in Nursing, Midwifery or Allied Health Profession subjects. Students from Wales may also be able to apply to the Learning Support funds offered by NHS England.

Intercalated master's

Undergraduate degrees may sometimes offer the chance to take a year out to complete an intercalated master's. Unlike an integrated master's, which is part of an undergraduate degree, an intercalated degree is a separate qualification. It won't be covered by your undergraduate funding, but you can apply for master's finance if eligible. However, you'll need to check how it affects your student finance on returning to complete your ‘lower' degree afterwards.

Distance learning

If studying by distance learning, you'll need to be living in Wales on the first day of the first academic year of your course. After this, you may be able to move elsewhere in the UK and still be eligible for funding. Exceptions are made for students (or those with a dependent relative) in the armed forces who have been posted outside the UK.

Length of course

Courses can be one to two years if studied full-time. Part-time courses can be from two to four years in duration.

  • Postgraduate funding and fees
  • Undergraduate university tuition fees and financial support in Wales

Male student researching with a book in a library

Following Brexit, students from the EU aren't likely to qualify for a student loan from the UK. However, there may be exceptions. For more on Brexit arrangements, see our student finance eligibility page.

International students are also unlikely to get a master's loan. Exceptions may include refugees or others granted the right to remain in the UK without restriction. However, international students studying at postgraduate level may be eligible for scholarships. Check with your university to see what might be available.

  • University bursaries and scholarships

You can apply online or by post to Student Finance Wales . 

You only need to apply once, rather than for each year of your course. You don't need a confirmed place as details can be updated later. Apply as soon as you can to make sure you receive funds before your course starts. The last date for application is nine months after the first day of the last academic year of your course.

You'll need evidence of your identity, such as a valid passport. You'll also need three years' evidence of your address.

You'll repay your master's loan at the same time as your undergraduate loan, if you have one.

Postgraduate loans in Wales are repaid only if your income is above £21,000 a year, £1,750 a month, or £403 a week. (This is before tax or other deductions.) Unlike undergraduate loans, this threshold does not change each year. You repay 6% of any income above this amount.

For example, if your annual income is £30,000, that's £9,000 more than the annual postgraduate loan repayment threshold. You'll pay 6% of £9,000. This works out as a monthly payment of £45 if you only have a master's loan.

If you have also an undergraduate loan from Wales (Plan 2), you repay this separately. The income threshold is £27,295. If your salary is £30,000, that's £2,705 more than the threshold. You'll repay 9% of £2,705. This works out as a monthly payment of around £25 on top of your £45 master's loan repayment.

The amount you borrow is also charged interest.

Postgraduate loan interest is tied to the cost of living, based on the retail price index (RPI) plus 3%. The RPI value changes each year in September, using the retail price index from the previous March. However after inflation caused high rises in the RPI interest rate in 2022 and 2023, a cap was introduced to keep interest rates in line with the 'prevailing market rate' for personal loans, reviewed each month.

Repayments begin in April the year after you complete your course, but only once you're above the income threshold. After 30 years, if you haven't repaid your master's loan in full, the remaining amount will be written off.

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PhD Loans

Government PhD loans in England

What students are eligible.

Some PhD students are eligible for loans, but many are not because of their alternative funding arrangements. As with all UK Government student loans, students must be usually resident in England for three years before making the application. If you are an EU national, then you must have settled or pre-settled basis if you are starting your PhD after the 1st of August 2021. Other international students must have indefinite leave to remain in the UK and all students must be under the age of 60 on the first academic day of their studies.

What students are not eligible?

Students who are not eligible for a PhD student loan in England are those who have received or will receive funding from one of the Research Councils, those who are getting a Social Work bursary , an Educational Psychology bursary and those who are getting other funding from Student Finance England . If you have received funding for a PhD in the past, then you may not qualify for funding unless you left your course for a serious personal reason. Students who are also eligible to apply for an NHS bursary, even if they don't apply for it, are not eligible for a government PhD loan, and neither are those who already have a PhD. Students who are behind in their payments to the Student Loan Company will also be rendered ineligible.

What courses are eligible?

The PhDs eligible for a PhD loan are those studied on a structured basis either part-time or full-time. PhDs by publication and top-up PhDs are not eligible for Government PhD loans in England. The PhD must last between three and eight years, and the student must have started their PhD on or after the 1st of August 2018. The course must also be based at a UK public university with research degree awarding powers, or the lead university of your PhD must be a UK university and 50% of your time must be spent in the UK for the duration of your PhD. Many postgraduate doctoral qualifications are eligible and these include a PhD or DPhil, Doctor of Engineering (EngD) and a Doctor of Education (EdD).

Is the value of the loan linked to course fees?

No, the amounts you borrow is up to you rather than the Government, as long as it doesn't exceed the annual limit. If you are studying an integrated masters and PhD program, then you can apply for PhD funding but not masters funding.

Who should you apply to and by when?

Students should apply to Student Finance England, either online, using their online forms or by telephone if there is difficulty using a computer, because some reason such as a disability. You must apply within nine months of the first day of the last academic year of your PhD to access any Government loans, and this must be done once you have a secured PhD place.

Does the debt get cancelled at any point?

Any PhD loan that is still outstanding 30 years after the repayments start is cancelled. For students who become unable to work because of disability or ill health any amount they owe is also cancelled.

Government PhD loans in Wales

Which students are eligible.

Those PhD students eligible for a Government PhD loan in Wales are any student that has been resident in Wales for three years and is a UK citizen, an EU citizen with settled or pre-settled status or has permanent leave to remain the UK. International students who are refugees are also often eligible as are many children of migrants and refugees. EU or EEA and Swiss students who are travelling to Wales to study can all access Welsh Government loans. Students must be under 60 years of age on the first day of their course and the PhD must be the first postgraduate doctoral-level course they have studied. Distance learning PhD students are eligible for Government loans if they are resident in Wales for the duration of the PhD. As are those students who are in the armed forces or are the dependents of someone in the armed forces and are based abroad.

Distance learning PhD courses are eligible for Government PhD loans in Wales, as are both full- and part-time PhDs. However, integrated masters and PhD courses are only eligible for masters-level funding. Students must be attending a UK-based publicly funded university or if it is a private university, then the PhD course must be approved by the Welsh Government. Similarly to Student Finance England, a student applying to Student Finance Wales can be based at two universities but must spend 50% of their time in the UK-based institution. The PhD must be research-based and completed in three to eight years. The amount you can borrow is not related to the topic you are studying.

Who should you apply to and when?

You should apply to Student Finance Wales and you can do this before you have a secured place at a university, but funds will not be released until you have a PhD position. The PhD loan applications are done online, but there is provision for those who need assistance with online applications and must be completed within nine months of the first day of your course.

The debt can be cancelled 30 years after the first repayment is made or if the student becomes too ill or disabled to work.

Government PhD Loans in Scotland & Northern Ireland

The Scottish and Northern Irish Governments do not offer any loans to PhD students in any form. This includes those masters level students who are studying a masters that is an integrated into a PhD, however these students may well be eligible to apply for a UK Government masters loan .

UK Government PhD Loans… in a nutshell

So, in summary, what PhD loans are avaialble from the UK Governments?

Home Nations

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student finance wales phd loan

Other PhD loan options in Scotland & Northern Ireland

Students in Scotland and Northern Ireland will have to find alternative funding methods, such as the UK Research Councils and other funding bodies or private loans. In Scotland and Northern Ireland, PhD students often receive public funds in the form of grants and bursaries from the Research Councils based in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The governments in these home nations fund areas they wish to see more research through these different research councils and organisations. Check with the university you are applying to for your PhD, as they will have a significant understanding of the financing options for your particular research area. As part of your application for a research PhD, you will find that funding your studies will be a large part of your investigations.

Are any private loans available for PhD students in the UK?

There are a few private lenders who work with some universities in the UK to offer specialised loans to PhD students. Lendwise is one good private loan option, this private loan company offers loans of between £5,000 and £100,000 and has the advantage of student-friendly considerations such as fee-free early repayment. This type of lenders will contact your university to ensure that you are studying there, but don't usually require a co-signer for the loan. The amount they will lend to you and the conditions are based on your credit rating in the UK and the subject that you are researching. However, in comparison to UK Government loans, you can receive other funding sources and this does not impact on how much you can borrow.

PhD bank loans

PhD students are able to get bank loans if they meet the eligibility requirements. If you are studying your PhD part time and working at the same time, then your income should allow you to borrow money from traditional banks. For full-time students, borrowing money like this will be less likely as the bank will want to know how you will pay back the money. Also, the repayments will start immediately and you are unlikely to be offered a discounted rate like private or publicly funded student loans. If you have a limited credit rating, then you may find that you cannot have a loan without a guarantor or co-signatory.

PhD loan repayments

Whatever type of PhD loan you opt for, it is crucial that you are fully aware of the repayment terms. So let’s take a look at what these could be.

PhD Loan Repayments

Here we have compiled answers to frequently asked questions about UK PhD loans. If you still have any unanswered questions about PhD loans please email us and we will do our best to help.

What courses qualify for a UK Government PhD loan?

The PhD loan is only available for students in England and Wales. The PhDs eligible for a PhD loan are those studied on a structured basis either part-time or full-time. PhDs by publication and top-up PhDs are not eligible for Government PhD loans in England. If you are studying an integrated masters and PhD program, then you can apply for PhD funding but not masters funding.

Can I apply for a UK Government PhD loan in Scotland or Northern Ireland?

No – UK Government PhD-funding is only available for PhD students in England and Wales. Other private and commercial PhD funding options are available in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Are UK Government PhD loans means-tested?

No – all that matters is that you and your PhD are eligible for the loan, your income and savings do not affect your eligibility.

Can I apply for a UK Government PhD loan if I’ve lived outside the UK in the last three years?   

No – to apply for a loan as a UK student you must have lived in the UK for three years prior to your PhD. You can have travelled from the UK for holidays or periods of temporary absence during these three years, but you shouldn’t have become ordinarily resident in another country.

Will my credit history be checked?  

Your personal credit rating and existing debts won’t matter for UK Government PhD loans unless you are in arrears with the Student Loans Company. Your credit history will usually be checked with private funding companies.

Can I get a PhD loan whilst working?

Yes – you can have a job during your PhD studies and still access UK Government PhD student finance. You will also be able to apply for a private loan from companies like Lendwise if studying your PhD whilst working.

When will I have to start making my PhD loan repayments?

Your loan repayments will depend on what home nation or private company you got your loan from. It is important to check the repayment terms before you commit to taking out the loan

Disclaimer:  Prodigy Finance and Lendwise are two of many potential funding options for postgraduate students. Other student funding options are available; research all your options thoroughly before making a commitment. Please be aware that Postgrad Solutions Ltd receives a commission from both parties for any successful loan applications taken out by and users. Postgrad Solutions accepts no responsibility for your choice of loan and does not endorse or support Prodigy Finance or Lendwise. Prodigy Finance Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, and entered on the Financial Services Register under firm registration number 612713. Lendwise Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm registration number 782496.

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Postgraduate loans in Wales

In 2024/25, Welsh postgraduate funding is worth up to £18,950 through a repayable loan, which is more than is available in any other part of the UK


  • Get a postgraduate loan of up to £18,950 in 2024/25.
  • For UK nationals ordinarily resident in Wales.
  • Study a taught or research Masters course.
  • Attend any UK university.

How much can I borrow?

Welsh postgraduate loans for the 2024/25 academic year are worth up to £18,950 for courses that start on or after 1 August 2024. They can be used to contribute towards your tuition fees, study costs and living expenses .

However, you don't have to borrow the maximum loan amount that's available to you.

For more information, see Student Finance Wales - What's available .

Am I eligible for a Welsh postgraduate loan?

  • be a UK national or have settled status
  • normally live in Wales
  • have lived in the UK, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for the past three years
  • be under 60 years of age on the first day of the first academic year of your course
  • not already hold a Masters degree or higher qualification.

If you're a European Union (EU) national, you're eligible if you:

  • have normally lived in the UK, Gibraltar, the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland for the past three years
  • have settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS)
  • will be studying your postgraduate course at a university in Wales.

You may also be able to get a loan if you are a refugee (or a relative of one), have been granted discretionary leave to remain in the UK, are an EEA or Swiss migrant worker, a child of a Swiss national, or the child of a Turkish worker.

If you can't get a Masters loan in Wales, consider  other sources of postgraduate funding .

Is my course eligible?

Your course should be a full standalone taught or research Masters degree worth a minimum of 180 credits and be studied at a UK university or by distance learning.

Full-time courses should take one or two academic years to complete. Part-time courses can take two to four years.

The loan can only be used for full Masters courses, not to top-up a lower-level qualification such as a postgraduate diploma (PGDip) or postgraduate certificate (PGCert) to a Masters.

For distance learning, you must be living in Wales on the first day of the first academic year of your course and in the UK for the whole of your course.

Separate Doctoral loans of up to £28,655 (2024/25) are available for PhDs in Wales. Read more about PhD loans .

Courses that qualify for undergraduate funding - such as Initial Teacher Training (ITT), integrated Masters degrees and the Master of Architecture (MArch) - aren't eligible for postgraduate loans. You also can't get a postgraduate loan if you're eligible for NHS funding or a Social Work Bursary.

How do I apply?

Apply for postgraduate funding in Wales at  Student Finance Wales - Forms . Only apply once for your entire course, not each academic year.

You can apply before your place at university is confirmed and then change your course details later. Complete the online form, provide any evidence requested, and sign and return the declaration. You'll need your passport details, course information, bank details and National Insurance (NI) number.

Applications are typically accepted from late June, but the deadline for applying is nine months after the first day of the last academic year of your postgraduate course. In other words, it's possible to apply for a loan after your course has started. Paper application forms are available from Student Finance Wales if you're unable to apply online.

How will I receive my loan?

Your loan will be paid directly into your bank account. You'll receive the money in three instalments throughout the academic year. If you're studying for more than one year, the total will be spread evenly throughout your course.

For instance, if you've applied for the full amount of £18,950 and are studying for two years, you'll receive around £9,475 a year in three instalments of around £3,158 per term.

When do I start repaying my loan?

You'll start repaying your Welsh postgraduate loan in the April after your course finishes at a rate of 6% of any income you earn over £21,000 (£1,750 a month).

Interest will be charged on your loan from the date you receive the first instalment. This will be calculated at the retail price index (RPI) plus 3%, meaning that the interest accrued will be the annually reviewed RPI percentage, plus an additional 3%. The interest rate currently stands at 7.8%.

If you leave your course or switch to an ineligible course, you'll have to repay what you've borrowed so far and the income threshold won't apply - you must start repaying straight away.

Postgraduate loans have to be repaid concurrently with your undergraduate student loan. This means that you may find yourself repaying up to 15% of your income over £21,000 - 9% for your undergraduate loan and 6% for your Masters loan.

Find out more

  • Search for postgraduate courses in Wales .
  • Learn about  Masters degrees .
  • Get the full lowdown at Student Finance Wales - Masters Finance .

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Private student loan interest rates fall for 5- and 10-year terms

Meredith Mangan

The latest private student loan interest rates from the Credible marketplace, updated weekly. ( iStock )

During the week of Aug. 26, 2024, average private student loan rates decreased for borrowers with credit scores of 720 or higher who used the Credible marketplace to take out 5-year variable-rate loans and 10-year fixed-rate loans.

  • 10-year fixed rate: 7.59%, down from 7.89% the week before, -0.30
  • 5-year variable rate: 8.38%, down from 9.92% the week before, -1.54

Through Credible, you can compare private student loan rates from multiple lenders.

For 10-year fixed private student loans, interest rates fell by 0.30 percentage points, while 5-year variable student loan interest plummeted by 1.54 percentage points.

Borrowers with good credit may find a lower rate with a private student loan than with some federal loans. For the 2024-25 academic school year, federal student loan rates will range from 6.53% to 9.08%. Private student loan rates for borrowers with good-to-excellent credit can be lower right now.

Because federal loans come with certain benefits, like access to income-driven repayment plans, you should always exhaust federal student loan options first before turning to private student loans to cover any funding gaps. Private lenders such as banks, credit unions, and online lenders provide private student loans. You can use private loans to pay for education costs and living expenses, which might not be covered by your federal education loans. 

Interest rates and terms on private student loans can vary depending on your financial situation, credit history, and the lender you choose.

Private student loan rates (graduate and undergraduate)

student finance wales phd loan

Who sets federal and private interest rates?

Congress sets federal student loan interest rates each year. These fixed interest rates depend on the type of federal loan you take out, your dependency status and your year in school.

Private student loan interest rates can be fixed or variable and depend on your credit, repayment term and other factors. As a general rule, the better your credit score, the lower your interest rate is likely to be.  

You can compare rates from multiple student loan lenders using Credible.

How does student loan interest work?

An interest rate is a percentage of the loan periodically tacked onto your balance — essentially the cost of borrowing money. Interest is one way lenders can make money from loans. Your monthly payment often pays interest first, with the rest going to the amount you initially borrowed (the principal). 

Getting a low interest rate could help you save money over the life of the loan and pay off your debt faster.

What is a fixed- vs. variable-rate loan?

Here’s the difference between a fixed and variable rate:

  • With a fixed rate, your monthly payment amount will stay the same over the course of your loan term.
  • With a variable rate, your payments might rise or fall based on changing interest rates.

Comparison shopping for private student loan rates is easy when you use Credible.

Calculate your savings

Using a student loan interest calculator will help you estimate your monthly payments and the total amount you’ll owe over the life of your federal or private student loans.

Once you enter your information, you’ll be able to see what your estimated monthly payment will be, the total you’ll pay in interest over the life of the loan and the total amount you’ll pay back. 

About Credible

Credible is a multi-lender marketplace that empowers consumers to discover financial products that are the best fit for their unique circumstances. Credible’s integrations with leading lenders and credit bureaus allow consumers to quickly compare accurate, personalized loan options – without putting their personal information at risk or affecting their credit score. The Credible marketplace provides an unrivaled customer experience, as reflected by over 7,700 positive Trustpilot reviews and a TrustScore of 4.8/5.

student finance wales phd loan

Finance for postgraduate Master's courses

Your student finance journey.

Find out what to expect on your student finance journey. Learn about the different stages, from before you apply to making your last repayment.

Before you apply

Find out what types of student finance are available and who can get it.

What's available

Most students can get a loan to help with their course and living costs.

You might also be able to get extra help on top of this, if you have a disability.

Who qualifies

Whether you can get student finance and what you can get depends on your nationality, residency status, course and previous study.

Making an application

Find out how to apply for student finance, what evidence you may need to provide and how we calculate how much student finance you can get.

How and when to apply

Find out the easiest way to apply and when the application deadline is.

Identity evidence

We might need you to send us evidence, find out what you may be asked for and how to send it.

Proving your household income

We may need evidence of your household income, find out what you may be asked for and how to send it.

Getting your student finance

Find out how you’ll be paid your student finance once your application has been approved.

Notification of entitlement

This letter confirms you what you're getting and when.

During your studies

If your circumstances change during the academic year, you’ll need to update your application. Changing your application may affect how much student finance you can get.

Changes in your circumstances

Find out how to keep your account up to date and what changes you need to tell us about.

Reassessment of your entitlement

A reassessment is when we recalculate your student finance entitlement (how much you can get).

After you've finished or left your course

Find out how and when you’ll start repaying your loan.

Repaying your loan

Find out how repayment works by reading our detailed online guide.

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Welsh Government

Student finance: higher education

In this guide, 3. part-time undergraduates.

Eligible first time undergraduates who study part-time in academic year 2024 to 2025 are able to apply for support for living costs on a pro-rata basis. The support is a combination of grants (Maintenance Grant) and loans (Maintenance Loan), similar to full-time students. If you meet the eligibility criteria and your course starts on or after 1 August 2018 the amount of grant and loan you get will depend on the intensity of your course and your household income. The figures below are a guide to new part-time students only and show the maximum amounts you could get. In most cases it’s easy to identify if you are a new or continuing student but there may be circumstances based on your previous learning that could have a bearing on what and how you apply. If you’re unsure whether you qualify as a new or continuing student, check your status with your University or Student Finance Wales .

You must be studying at a course intensity of at least 25% to get a part-time grant and loan for living costs and to apply for a part-time tuition fee loan. Students studying with the Open University in Wales must apply for part-time support, regardless of intensity of study.

The figures in the table are for illustrative purposes.

Course intensityHousehold incomeMaintenance GrantMaintenance LoanTotal
25%£25,000 or less£1,500£741£2,241
25%£59,200 or more£250£1,991£2,241
50%£25,000 or less£3,000£1,483£4,483
50%£59,200 or more£500£3,983£4,483
75% or more£25,000 or less£4,500£2,224£6,724
75% or more£45,000£2,308£4,416£6,724
75% or more£59,200 or more£750£5,974£6,724

The amount of grant is based on a full-time equivalent of £6,000, reduced by £1 for every additional £6.84 of income above £25,000, and prorated by intensity of study.

Student Finance Wales will work out how much Maintenance Grant you could get first and what’s left will be awarded as a Maintenance Loan. Your grant and loan will be paid directly into your bank account once you have registered on your course and your attendance has been confirmed by your university or college each term.

Tuition Fee Loan: under the new support package, eligible part-time students studying at a course intensity of at least 25% can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan to help cover the costs of their tuition fee. Your Tuition Fee Loan is paid in 3 instalments directly to your university or college once your attendance is confirmed.

Your study locationTuition Fee Loan available
If you're at a Welsh university or college or studying at the Open University£2,625
If you're at a UK university or college outside Wales£6,935
If you're at a privately funded UK university or college outside Wales£4,625

Most students won’t have to pay anything upfront for their course. If your university or college is charging more than the Tuition Fee Loan available you’ll have to fund the difference yourself (this may be the case for a privately funded university or college).

For information about funding for the 2023 to 2024 academic year visit Student Finance Wales .

Students who began their course before August 2018 will continue to receive the student support package they currently get.

Remember grants usually don’t have to be paid back but loans including interest will. You can get more information on repayment and what interest you’ll be charged by visiting the loan repayment website .

In addition to living costs and tuition fee support you could get the following support if studying at an intensity of 25% or more:

Childcare Grant: you could receive a Childcare Grant as a contribution towards the cost of your childcare if you have children in registered or approved childcare. You won’t qualify for this grant if either you or your partner claims the child element of Working Tax Credit or Universal Credit, Childcare Allowance from the NHS or Tax-Free Childcare from HMRC. The amount of grant you will receive will depend on the intensity of your course and household income, up to the available maximum part-time amounts.

Parents’ Learning Allowance: you could receive help with course-related costs if you have a dependent child or children. The maximum amount you could get is £1,914 per year but this will depend on your household income and course intensity.

Adult Dependants’ Grant: you may be eligible to be considered for an Adult Dependants’ Grant if you have a partner or another adult who is financially dependent on you. The maximum amount you could get is £3,353 per year but this will depend on your household income and course intensity.

Disabled Students’ Grants are also available to support you during your part-time course. You must be studying at an intensity of 25% of more for this grant.

Further information about support is available on the Student Finance Wales website .

Follow Student Finance Wales on Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates.

Bursaries and scholarships: some universities and colleges may offer discretionary bursaries or scholarships. You can talk to your Student Support Service to see what additional financial help may be available to you. If you’re on a course which leads to a qualification in medicine, dentistry or healthcare then you might be able to get a bursary from the National Health Service (NHS). Visit the  Student Award Services website  to find out further information.

All figures are subject to regulations being made.

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