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We’re one step closer to reading an octopus’s mind, a recording device and electrodes were implanted in the very flexible cephalopods..

Kenna Hughes-Castleberry - Apr 8, 2023 11:00 am UTC

Image of an octopus moving across a coral reef.

Nine brains, blue blood, instant camouflage: It’s no surprise that octopuses capture our interest and our imaginations. Science-fiction creators , in particular, have been inspired by these tentacled creatures.

An octopus's remarkable intelligence makes it a unique subject for marine biologists and neuroscientists as well. Research has revealed the brain power of the octopus allows it to unscrew a jar or navigate a maze. But, like many children, the octopus also develops an impish tendency to push the boundaries of behavior. Several aquariums have found octopuses memorizing guard schedules to sneak into nearby tanks to steal fish; meanwhile, marine biologists have discovered that wild octopuses will punch fish … for no apparent reason.

According to Dr. Jennifer Maher , a professor at the University of Lethbridge in Canada, there are a “number of [different] types of learning [for octopuses]: cognitive tasks like tool use, memory of complex operations for future use, and observational learning.”

How does the distinct structure of the octopus’s brain enable all this complex behavior? No one had successfully studied wild or freely moving octopuses’ brain waves until a new study by researchers at the University of Naples Federico II in Italy and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) in Japan, among others. In their Current Biology paper, the researchers tracked and monitored three captive but freely moving octopuses, analyzing their brain waves for the first time. Using recording electrodes, the researchers found a type of brain wave never before seen, along with brain waves that may be similar to some seen in human brains, possibly providing hints about the evolution of intelligence.

Cunning cephalopods

Our current understanding of octopus intelligence may seem unbelievable. In 2011 , researchers discovered that each arm of the cephalopod has its own “brain.” Using a transparent maze with food in it, held outside of the tank, the researchers forced the octopus to navigate the maze using only its arm, even though it could see where the food was. The octopus couldn’t rely on chemical cues processed by its brain to find the food, as it typically does in the ocean, forcing the arm’s individual “brain,” or neuron bundle, to find the food on its own by processing the signals locally. Each octopus arm is thought to have around 10,000 neurons dedicated to sensing its surroundings.

Other research shows that octopuses are the only invertebrates, besides a few insects, to use tools. They will compress shells around their bodies as a type of proto-armor and camouflage against predators.

Octopuses can also mimic human movement by walking bipedally , lifting six of their legs like a skirt, and scooting along the ocean floor. However, that seems to be one of the few similarities between these cephalopods and humans, as evolution has separated us by many millions of years.

“The enormous difference between octopuses and us stems from over 550 million years of independent evolution,” explained Dr. Michael Kuba , the OIST project leader for the 2023 octopus brainwave study who now works at Naples University. “Our closest common ancestor probably resembled a flatworm.” Yet Kuba and his team are looking at the few similarities to learn more about the evolution of mental abilities.

Wiring an octopus’s brain

It’s no easy task to read an octopus’s brain. For one thing, the animals are nearly impossible to track in the wild. “Octopuses are hard to see, and besides, they are often out of water in tide pools,” Maher added. “Only some of them habituate to people, and many species are nocturnal.”

To avoid these complications, many researchers turn to captive octopuses to study their brains. But even this can prove challenging. “Since the octopuses have eight ultra-flexible arms that can reach any part of their body and have a soft body with no skull to anchor the recording equipment, the challenge of this project was to realize a new equipment that was out of reach,” said Dr. Anna Di Cosmo , a professor at the University of Naples and a researcher involved in the 2023 study.

Reach matters because the animal often removes or plays with the recording equipment. Kuba, Di Cosmo, and others decided to take a new approach by implanting their recording devices inside the octopus’s brain, far out of reach.

An octopus lobotomy

“We developed a new engineering solution, able to record signals underwater, using small and lightweight data loggers, originally utilized to track the brain activity of birds during flight,” Di Cosmo added. These repurposed loggers were carefully placed into the upper head of three captive tropical octopuses, just between their eyes. “The electrodes were implanted into an area of the octopus’s brain called the vertical lobe and median superior frontal lobe,” Di Cosmo stated, “which is the most accessible area and considered important to control learning and memory processes.”

The octopuses were anesthetized during their surgeries. They spent the next 12 hours recovering, monitored in their tanks, being the first octopuses to be studied in real time. “We also filmed them with a sensitive camera as they swam, slept, and explored their surroundings,” Kuba added. While the researchers didn’t have the octopuses complete any brain teasing activities during the next 12 hours of study, they did find some interesting brain activity in their test subjects.

When the team looked at an octopus’s brain waves for the first time, the results were shocking. As Di Cosmo explained, these signatures were “long-lasting, slow oscillations that have not been described before.” As far as we know, these signatures appear to be unique to the octopuses.

Because the researchers didn’t test the octopuses while recording them, they couldn’t link these unique brain waves to any specific activity, leaving that question to be answered by a future experiment.

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Watch an Octopus Ace an Intelligence Test With Unexpected Solution


Written by Angie Menjivar

Updated: October 19, 2023

octopus intelligence experiment takes an unexpected turn

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They have blue blood and three hearts. Octopuses are fascinating, eight-armed creatures that have time and time again demonstrated their astonishing intelligence. Octolab.tv presents a video that explores the enthralling minds of octopuses. They’ve put together an experiment to observe how an octopus responds when presented with a problem.

Check Out The Entire Video Below!

They placed the octopus next to a twist-top bottle that holds something the octopus wants. It’s a yummy snack that it would seemingly do anything for. As if that temptation wasn’t enough, they’ve also designed this bottle so that it has a small opening that is just large enough for the octopus to get one of its arms through.

Of course, if the octopus reaches in, grabs the snack, and then attempts to pull it out, it simply won’t be able to. That opening is only large enough for the octopus’ arm. So, the octopus can perceive the snack, can touch it, and can taste it, but it is not able to snack on this fish — just yet.

An Intelligent Octopus

The octopus’ handlers perhaps had some guesses about how this octopus might attempt to solve this puzzle, but they were incredibly surprised when the octopus discovered a unique way to gain access to the fish . This is the type of experiment that takes a turn. It’s always quite fascinating when you set out to explore the behavior of an octopus and it reveals its level of intelligence—and strength.

The video captures the octopus and provides you with a written description of everything that’s happening throughout the video. You can see as the octopus crawls around its tank and discovers the bottle (which looks like a baby’s bottle) with the fish inside. It approaches the bottle and attempts to unscrew the top as it explores its options.

The bottle falls on its side and the octopus continues exploring, finding a way to gain access to the tiny silver fish. The octopus even takes a few steps back to analyze the situation and prepare its plan. It continues tackling the task, never wavering. Then, instead of unscrewing the, it applies a tremendous amount of pressure and rips off the top pacifier part of the bottle.

The handlers tried to replicate this action and were only able to outside of the water. When underwater, they were unable to rip off the seal. Although what they wanted was for the octopus to unscrew the bottle, they realized that the intelligent octopus was committed to an outcome and used its unfathomable strength to accomplish its goal.

octopus intelligence experiment takes an unexpected turn

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octopus intelligence experiment takes an unexpected turn

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octopus intelligence experiment takes an unexpected turn

Angie Menjivar

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From Opening Jars to Solving Complex Tasks: 5 Videos Showing the Surprising Problem-Solving Abilities of Octopuses

From Opening Jars to Solving Complex Tasks: 5 Videos Showing the Surprising Problem-Solving Abilities of Octopuses

Ever wonder how smart octopuses are? These eight-armed sea creatures are smarter than you think. From opening jars with ease to tackling tricky tasks, they continue to blow our minds. Check out the videos below to see just how smart these marine geniuses are!

1. Opening Jars

Source: BBC Earth/Youtube

This genius octopus is showing a high level of intelligence. Watch as this one opens not just one, but many, jars. The video also reveals that octopuses do not just have intelligence in their heads – they have it throughout their arms as well.

2. Octopus vs Underwater Maze

Source: Mark Rober/Youtube

Youtuber Mark Rober made a huge nine-part maze for his pet octopus, Shashimi. Throughout the video, Shashimi continues to blow Mark’s and the viewers’ minds.

3. Twist Top Bottle

Source: Octolab TV/Youtube

This experiment took an unexpected twist when the octopus decided to rip a twist-top bottle open rather than twist it off! This not only shows the intelligence of the creature but also shows their strength.

4. Escape Room Challenge

Octopuses are known as nature’s escape artists – and this one is no different. This four-part escape room challenge was easily beaten by the octopus.

5. Rubik’s Cube

Source: visitSEALIFE/Youtube

Bev, the National Sea Life Centre Birmingham’s Giant Pacific Octopus, has shown an amazing new skill. She completed a difficult Rubik’s cube in just 5.24 seconds.

Octopuses might live in the ocean, but they’re not just your average sea creatures. The videos above reveal a whole new side: they’re geniuses of the underwater world.

This article by Trinity Sparke was first published by One Green Planet on 31 December 2023. Image Credit :Vikks/Shutterstock.

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octopus intelligence experiment takes an unexpected turn


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octopus intelligence experiment takes an unexpected turn

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  • Octopus Intelligence Experiment Takes an Unexpected Turn

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  • May 27, 2019

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octopus intelligence experiment takes an unexpected turn

Octopus Intelligence Experiment Takes an Unexpected Turn - VIDEO

The only way he can access his food is to unscrew the top of the bottle. He was able to find another way into the bottle that was not foreseen by his handlers.

It’s always fun when an experiment takes a turn we did not expect.

In order to understand the force applied to pop off the white top, we tried to replicate this ourselves. We were able to pop the top off outside of the tank, but when the bottle was inside the tank, we were unable to duplicate what the octopus did. We applied a tremendous amount of force and we were still unable to do what he did inside the water.



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octopus intelligence experiment takes an unexpected turn


octopus intelligence experiment takes an unexpected turn

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Octopus Intelligence Experiment Takes An Unexpected Turn by Octolab TV (5:08)

Octopus Intelligence Experiment Takes An Unexpected Turn by Octolab TV (5:08) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) https://www.bitchute.com/video/UevARpZ5nwsK

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