Master of Science (MSEd) in Career & Technical Education

Graduate Programs

The graduate program in Career and Technical Education prepares leaders who are concerned with education and training that enables youth and adults to pursue their careers. The program serves professionals from the Career and Technical Education curriculum disciplines, guidance and counseling, special education, academic content areas, adult education, training and development, as well as human resource development and management in the public and private sectors.

This residential program has rolling admission . Applications must be fully complete and submitted (including all required materials) and all application fees paid prior to the deadline in order for applications to be considered and reviewed. For a list of all required materials for this program application, please see the “Admissions” tab below.

July 1 is the deadline for Fall applications.

November 15 is the deadline for Spring applications.

March 15 is the deadline for Summer applications.

This program does not lead to licensure in the state of Indiana or elsewhere. Contact the College of Education Office of Teacher Education and Licensure (OTEL) at [email protected] before continuing with program application if you have questions regarding licensure or contact your state Department of Education about how this program may translate to licensure in your state of residence.

Application Instructions for the residential Career and Technical Education MSEd program from the Office of Graduate Studies :

In addition to a submitted application (and any applicable application fees paid), the following materials are required for admission consideration, and all completed materials must be submitted by the application deadline in order for an application to be considered complete and forwarded on to faculty and the Purdue Graduate School for review.

Here are the materials required for this application

  • Transcripts (from all universities attended)
  • Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • 3 Recommendations
  • Resume/CV preferred
  • Academic Statement of Purpose
  • Personal History Statement
  • International Applicants must meet English Proficiency Requirements set by the Purdue Graduate School

We encourage prospective students submit an application early, even if not all required materials are uploaded. Applications are not forwarded on for faculty review until all required materials are uploaded.

When submitting your application for this program, please select the following options:

  • Select a Campus: Purdue West Lafayette (PWL)
  • Select your proposed graduate major: Curriculum and Instruction
  • Please select an Area of Interest: Career and Technical Education
  • Please select a Degree Objective: Master of Science in Education (MSED)
  • Primary Course Delivery: Residential

Program Requirements


EDCI 54100: Contemporary Issues in Career and Technical Education EDCI 55000: Career Education EDCI 64500: Organization and Administration of Career and Technical Education

Curriculum and Instruction

EDCI 54300: Instruction in Career and Technical Education EDCI 54400: Career and Technical Education for Special Needs Learners EDCI 55200: Generalizable Skills Instruction in Career and Technical Education EDCI 64800: Curriculum in Career and Technical Education EDCI 65300: Seminar in Career and Technical Education EDCI 69500: Internship in (Career Education, Career Pathways, Generalizable Skills Instruction, Special Needs, Field Experience in Business and Industry, Shadowing and Mentoring)

Administration and Policy

EDCI 54500: Planning in Career and Technical Education EDCI 55300: Leadership Development in Career and Technical Education EDCI 64400: Legal Issues in Career and Technical Education EDCI 64600: Supervision in Career and Technical Education EDCI 69500: Internship in Career and Technical Education Administration

Disciplined Inquiry

EDCI 59000: Individual Research Problems EDCI 64700: Research in Career and Technical Education EDCI 64900: Assessment in Career and Technical Education EDCI 65000: Program Evaluation in Career and Technical Education EDCI 65300: Research Seminar EDCI 69800: Thesis Research EDCI 69900: Dissertation Research

Additional courses applicable to CTE Licenses:

Supplemental program information, graduate competencies.

Graduate students in the Career and Technical Education program will satisfy the six (6) graduate competency areas and components within each area. The competencies can be satisfied by successfully completing one or more of the activities listed within each competency area (see Guidelines below). A variety of venues such as courses, internships, and school-based activities can be used to satisfy the competencies. Diversity, access, and equity issues and practices are expected to be infused and pervasive within all competency areas and activities that satisfy student competency attainment. Each student’s approved graduate competency plan will be reviewed at least once each semester. All successfully completed competencies will have documentation in the form of products. After the student has satisfied all competencies and required activities, the advisor and committee members will conduct a final review and evaluation of the student’s portfolio. Upon final approval, a statement of certification of successful completion of the graduate competencies requirements will be forwarded by the advisor to the College of Education Graduate Studies Office for inclusion in the student’s file.

Monitoring and Assessment Procedures

  • Student receives and reviews the Graduate Competencies Guidelines.
  • Student meets with advisor to discuss his/her plan to satisfy the graduate competencies.
  • Student develops his/her graduate competency plan.
  • The advisor and committee review and approve the plan.
  • The student implements the plan and develops the portfolio.
  • The student and advisor meet at least once each semester to review the plan, monitor progress, and evaluate formatively the portfolio.
  • All requirements in the graduate competency plan will be completed and satisfied no later than the middle of the last semester before expected graduation.
  • The advisor and committee members review and evaluate summatively the student’s portfolio.
  • The student delivers a presentation of his/her portfolio during or prior to the final oral examination.
  • A statement of certification is forwarded to the College of Education Graduate Studies Office for inclusion in the student’s file when all of the graduate competencies have been satisfied.


  • Write a literature review
  • Produce a proposal
  • Literature review
  • Conduct a research project
  • Plan and implement a program
  • Develop program or instructional materials
  • Write a journal manuscript
  • Prepare a thesis
  • Research project
  • Program improvement project report
  • Instructional materials
  • Journal manuscript
  • Plan and deliver a workshop
  • Present at a professional conference
  • Present at a seminar
  • Prepare a conference paper
  • Write a project report
  • Prepare and/ or publish a journal article
  • Workshop presentation report
  • Conference presentation report
  • Seminar presentation report
  • Conference paper
  • Project report
  • Journal manuscript/article
  • Prepare a critical and reflective paper
  • Write a critical analysis paper (critique)
  • Develop a professional philosophy statement
  • Critical analysis paper
  • Philosophy statement
  • Participate in workshops
  • Attend professional conferences
  • Maintain memberships in professional organizations
  • Prepare a professional portfolio
  • Workshop participation report
  • Professional conference report
  • Organization membership(s) log
  • Prepare a report and critique of a conference or workshop
  • Present at professional meetings
  • Participate actively in professional associations
  • Mentor colleagues
  • Plan and deliver inservice workshops
  • Provide technical assistance to colleagues
  • Conference or workshop critique
  • Professional meeting presentation report
  • Professional association participation journal
  • Mentoring log
  • Inservice workshop report
  • Technical assistance log

The competencies, activities, and products will use several venues that include courses, internships, independent studies, thesis research, seminars, comprehensive written examinations, oral examinations, school-based activities, professional organization activities, community activities, and others identified by the student, advisor, and/or committee members. The student will select one or more activities to satisfy the components of each competency area with the guidance of his/her advisor and committee members.

Graduate (General) Competencies

  • Ackerman Center
  • Serious Games
  • CnI Online Fac
  • Curriculum Studies
  • Education for Work and Community
  • Elementary Education
  • English Education
  • English Language Learning
  • Learning Design and Technology
  • Literacy and Language Education
  • Mathematics Education
  • Science Education
  • Social Studies Education
  • Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Counseling and Development
  • Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
  • Educational Psychology and Research Methodology
  • Gifted Education
  • Special Education

James Greenan

Application procedure.

Course Registration, payment, drops/withdraws, and removing holds: Purdue Online [email protected] Career accounts: ITaP (765) 494-4000

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masters degree in technical education

Your guide to graduate degrees in career and technical education

As a teacher in the middle or high school grades, it’s your job to shape young minds and help them learn important lessons that will serve them for a lifetime.

It’s great to teach math, science, literature and language, but what about preparing them for life after the 12th grade? That’s the job of people with advanced degrees in career and technical education (CTE).

No matter what type of school environment you work in, you have opportunities to help students define their career goals and figure out how to pursue them. Earning a graduate degree in career and technical education will give you the foundation to develop future leaders in many fields.

Is an advanced degree in career and technical education right for you?

The vast multitude of graduate degree programs out there will give you a lot to think about. This article will help you decide whether career and technical education is the best focus for the graduate degree program you choose. To start with, you have to consider two major factors:

  • Your personal and professional interests
  • Your career goals

Does a master’s in career and technical education suit your personal and professional interests?

Ask yourself these questions to determine if you have the true passion and drive required to thrive in this field: 

  • Are you interested in career-related topics?
  • Do you enjoy making connections in the community?
  • Are you comfortable with technology’s impact on today’s career?
  • Do you want to help make CTE a major part of learning for students and adults?

Does a master’s in career and technical education fit your career goals?

You also need ask if you could see yourself devoting your life’s work to career and technical education:

  • Can the skills you learn help you grow your own career?
  • Can you make a difference in the community and with your students?
  • Are you okay with being a “go-to” person for career training and education?

Consider these questions a starting point. After all, your own needs and desires are certainly unique, so there may be more you need to ask yourself. It’s crucial to be honest with yourself and to ask probing questions that will help you decide if this is the right educational path for you.

How do I choose a graduate-level career and technical education program?

So, you know why earning a master’s degree is good for your career, and you’re pretty sure that a master’s degree in career and technical education meshes with your interests and goals. This is a great start, but there’s still more to think over. 

First off, you need to to explore the many program options in career and technical education. It is important to note that while an advanced degree in career and technical education may be well suited to teachers (especially those in the middle and high school grades), these programs also could be suitable for people in the corporate world. 

Educational program titles — what you need to know

Graduate-level career and technical education programs go by many names because they serve different purposes, and the schools that offer them often use unique naming systems.

These are some of the more common program titles:

  • Career and Leadership Education
  • Career Technology
  • Career Instructional Technology
  • Career Technology Education
  • Business and Industry Technology Education
  • Digital Career Education

You’ll also notice the many varieties of master’s degrees. With variation such as MA, MAT, MEd and more,  it can be a bit overwhelming. Check out our guide explaining the differences and similarities in each type of master’s program .

What kinds of courses are offered in master’s in career and technical education programs? What do they teach?

No matter how a career and technical education program is titled, it will include both foundation curriculum and hands-on learning that lets you try different strategies for sharing career-related knowledge with students of all abilities.

Sample courses in career and technical education programs:

  • Basic Teaching Skills — This fundamental class covers a variety of instructional strategies that will help you teach career-related skills to students of all ages and abilities.
  • Introduction to Career and Technical Education — This course gives you a set of research-based components of instruction in four domains: planning and prep, the classroom, instruction and detailed professional responsibilities.
  • Literacy in Career and Technical Education — Expect to learn how to weave vital literacy skills into a CTE program. This class, like others, uses Common Core standards, so you will always meet state and national standards.
  • CTE Capstone — The Capstone course is a forum that allows you and fellow students to demonstrate what you’ve learned across the entire CTE program.

Variations in coursework in career and technical education programs

Program curricula will vary depending on the school’s goals. Some of the factors of your decision will include cost and time to complete, but you cannot underestimate the importance of the coursework in the program. Make certain to research all the courses in a program you’re considering to make sure they are relevant to your goals.

What else makes graduate career and technical education programs unique?

  • Community partnerships — Some programs center only on teaching within a school, while others focus on establishing partnerships with businesses and professionals in the community.
  • Understanding of CTE legislation — CTE is a growing and changing field. Some programs will have more of a focus on analyzing and understanding these important details, so you can advocate for the contributions you and your colleagues make.
  • Technology and CTE — Certain programs incorporate modern technology into the coursework. This will be especially useful as the Internet and mobile computing have ever greater impacts on career seekers in years to come.
  • Math and literature — Learning how to incorporate literature, math and other learning with career-related learning can be important for teachers who don’t teach career training exclusively. This type of curriculum focus can be extremely valuable.

When it comes to finding the right career and technical education program, options are a very good thing. Do your research and find the best match for your interests and goals.

Career opportunities for graduates with a master’s in career and technical education

Graduate degrees open the door to promotions, raises and expanded responsibilities. Check out this link to review the career benefits of advanced degrees. We are certain that your career and technical education master’s degree will help you do your current job better or help you land your dream job.

If you are considering moving to a new job, here are a few career possibilities that can be more easily achieved when you have a master’s in career and technical education. Remember, these titles may vary from one region or employer to another.

What jobs are available to people with a master’s in career and technical education?

Education – prek-12 and universities or colleges.

Schools at all levels are realizing the benefits of CTE programs.  You may be able to offer career-related education for students at nearly any level.

  • Establish career-training programs across multiple schools
  • Implement career-training management systems
  • Consult with other staff members about career-related curriculum within other classes
  • Teach classes related to career training
  • Design curriculum for students at all levels
  • Tweak existing programs to better meet the needs of today’s students
  • Work online to teach students career-related skills
  • Design online curriculum and lesson plans that integrate today’s technology with career-related lessons
  • Provide technical support on software used in online programs
  • Weaves the fundamentals of physics, mathematics, and technology with art and design for the reinforcement of STEM subjects.

Other corporations and businesses

Organizations in other sectors realize the benefit of career and technology training for employees at all levels. They want to boost their existing workforce by providing quality teachers. This is another employment opportunity for those with a teaching background.

  • Develop and provide training and seminars to help integrate career training into day-to-day business functions
  • Teach classrooms and Web-based seminars, focusing on latest technologies
  • Monitor and report on online educational tools and modify existing lesson plans
  • Create training content across all platforms
  • Apply technology systems to existing learning plans to boost productivity
  • Design technology-enabled learning for employees at all levels
  • Online & Campus Master's in Elementary Educat...
  • Online Education Specialist Degree for Teache...
  • Master's in Math and Science Education

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A CTE master’s degree designed for you

The master’s in CTE degree program at UCM helps you fulfill any of the following goals related to CTE careers:

At UCM, we have the state’s only comprehensive CTE program, including courses in CTE administration. In fact, we are Missouri’s only program to offer CTE administration certification. Because you can fulfill your CTE master’s degree online or in combination with in-person classes held at central locations throughout the state, our graduate program is especially valuable to full-time working professional or out-of-state students who want to work at their own pace.

Dr. Michelle Conrad
Associate Professor
Lovinger 4200B

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Missouri’s most extensive CTE program

Long-running CAEP accreditation

CTE master’s degree online

Only CTE admin certification in Missouri

3 concentrations to meet your goal

What you will study

As you begin your CTE degree online with UCM, you’ll focus on core topics including performance assessment, curriculum development theory and research methods. You’ll then choose one of the following concentrations to dive into education specific to your career goals:

  • CTE Teaching Leadership Option: For certified teachers desiring new skills or for new teachers seeking public school certification
  • CTE Administration Leadership Option: For aspiring administrators or for current administrators pursuing additional leadership coursework
  • Industry Training Leadership Option: For individuals who plan or perform training within an organization and want to enhance their skills or leadership

Meet your career goals when you complete a CTE degree online

Expect to complete your CTE master’s degree online in as little as 18 months or up to two to three years. At UCM, we know you may also need to balance work, family or other responsibilities, so we offer options to tailor our CTE degree to meet your goals. Whether you wish to enhance your leadership or teaching skills, conduct research or pursue certifications, UCM faculty will be there every step of the way to guide you.

Excellence in Career and Technology Education

  • Top 15%: Most Focused Colleges for Education (College Factual, 2022)
  • Top 6%: Most Popular Colleges for Education (College Factual, 2022)

Unique learning opportunities in career and technology education

As you complete your master’s in CTE degree online, you’ll apply your learning in hands-on experiences. At the University of Central Missouri, our CTE degree uses a theory-to-practice approach, and the benefits are immediate. Plan to use today’s learning in your classroom tomorrow or be prepared for your future role on day one. For example, you’ll build budgets for a career center in our CTE Finance and Funding course and plan a new CTE program — or improve your current program — in our Organization and Administration of Career and Technical Education course.

Other learning experiences include:

  • Internships: If you choose to complete an internship, you can gain experience in your desired career field. Get insight into a new area, whether training in CTE Administration, teaching or a new training industry. Internships are a great way to see how academic or industry standards apply on the job.
  • Outside programs for course credit: CTE Learn allows you to expand your learning with online courses that will earn you credit toward your UCM CTE master’s degree. Two additional programs — Project Lead the Way and Engineering by Design — are designed for UCM students focused on engineering and technology. They provide extensive training to help UCM students teach engineering and technology and earn course credit. In fact, we’re one of a few schools in the U.S. to extend this benefit to our graduate students.

What can you do with a master’s degree in Career and Technology Education from UCM?

Graduates of UCM’s Career and Technology Education degree program hold CTE careers in almost every school district in Missouri, as well as in many of the state’s 50+ career centers. Upon completion of your CTE master’s degree, you too will be prepared to lead career and technical education as a teacher or administrator in many environments. These include:

  • Middle schools
  • High schools
  • Community colleges
  • Career centers
  • Organizations and industrial settings

UCM faculty are available to help you navigate opportunities for CTE careers. They’re also happy to work with you to transfer your certification to another state if desired.

Increasing your value with a graduate-level CTE degree

When enhancing your value as a teacher or gaining education to move into an administrator role, you’ll also increase your earning potential. Take a look at the possibilities that await you when you complete your CTE degree online.

Financial assistance options for your CTE master’s degree

Your investment in UCM’s CTE degree for administrative training or further specialized training in education can expand your career and salary horizons. The University of Central Missouri also makes available resources to help finance your education . These include loans, grants, work-study opportunities and scholarships.

Scholarships for master’s degree in CTE students

You may be eligible to apply for a number of scholarships available through UCM, the CTE program or alumni gifts. Among them are:

  • Jacob M. Cunningham Memorial Scholarship
  • Edna Gehlken Graduate Scholarship in Home Economics
  • Reid Hemphill Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship

Search these scholarships and additional funding opportunities by using the UCM Scholarship Finder .

The Lovinger Education Building on the UCM campus

Meet Professor SMeet Our Program Coordinator

Dr. Michelle Conrad

With two master’s degrees and a Ph.D., Dr. Michelle Conrad understands the challenges and rewards of graduate-level education and can help students navigate them to success in their CTE careers. She teaches CTE courses at UCM and serves as a project facilitator with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of College and Career Readiness.

Read Dr. Conrad’s Bio

A group of professionals in a meeting

Earn Course Credit

UCM offers you the opportunity to earn graduate course credit when you complete CTE Learn requirements. As the online learning network for the Association of Career and Technical Education, CTE Learn offers over 150 courses. When you complete four CTE Learn modules, you can earn one credit hour towards your CTE degree online and move one step closer to advancing your career.

Learn More About CTE Learn

A eacher in front of a college class

Meet CTE Faculty

Various CTE experts and mentors

When you choose UCM for your CTE degree, you’ll get expert guidance for any career goal. UCM faculty have well-established CTE careers, teaching CTE at the secondary education and college levels and having served in CTE administration. Most hold Ph.D.s and are active in their own research. They all welcome the opportunity to help ensure UCM’s CTE degree meets your individual goals.

Read Faculty Bios

Two people looking at a laptop

Meet Wade F.

Master of Science Career & Technology Education Graduated Dec.10, 2021 - Engineering & Industrial Technology Instructor Ft. Zumwalt South High School

When I was ready to continue my educational path I chose UCM. The course options at UCM made my decision to complete my graduate work an easy one. The courses actually lined up with the purpose behind CTE. Rather than trying to fit pre-arranged curriculum into the CTE mold. From the beginning, my advisor and professors went above and beyond to tailor their individual courses to not only fit but enhance my teaching through their instruction and encouragement.

A group of people in a meeting

Take your degree further.

After completing your CTE master’s degree online, you may choose to continue your education with this UCM degree:

  • Professional Leadership, EdS - Adult, Career and Technical Education

A business group looking at a whiteboard

Make yourself more marketable.

Consider earning one or more of these graduate certificates while you complete your CTE master’s degree online or at a later time to enhance your resume:

  • CTE Administration Leadership, Graduate Certificate
  • Academic Advising In Higher Education, Graduate Certificate  
  • College Teaching, Graduate Certificate  
  • Community College Leadership, Graduate Certificate 
  • Diversity Issues In Higher Education, Graduate Certificate

A person taking notes in a conference

Explore programs related to career and technology education.

If you wish to advance your education career or better assist students, you may also consider one of these UCM master’s degrees:

  • Educational Leadership, MSE
  • Educational Technology, MS
  • Counseling, MS

Student Learning Outcomes

The knowledge and skills obtained in the Master of Science degree in Career and Technical Education will help you:

  • gain an overview of the CTE field, including secondary, postsecondary, and adult education
  • investigate and reflect on historical and current issues, trends, and topics in CTE in order to develop one’s personal philosophy in CTE
  • develop, analyze, and implement curricular and instructional components consistent with curriculum and assessment design practices and theory
  • employ data literacy strategies to develop supportive learning environments and to improve learning. (e.g. Financial, programmatic, instructional, employment)
  • locate, critique, evaluate, and create scholarly writing/scientific research in the field of CTE
  • lead, develop, and/or participate in collaborative activities with CTE stakeholders

CTE Teaching Leadership Option

This option is designed for new teachers pursuing post baccalaureate professional teacher certification (Plan A), previously certified instructors pursuing additional professional teaching skills (Plan B), or new occupational education teachers pursuing initial teacher certification through DESE. New teachers pursuing post-baccalaureate teacher certification must obtain a certification plan and take existing teacher certification courses identified by the UCM Director of Clinical and Field Services. New teachers pursuing post-baccalaureate teacher certification in CTE should create a program of study based on deficiencies listed on their professional teaching certificate. Students selecting the Teaching Leadership Option must select Plan A or Plan B:

  • Plan A – Post-Baccalaureate Professional Teaching Enhancement
  • Plan B – Occupational Education Initial Teacher Certification

CTE Administration Leadership Option

This option is designed for current or new Missouri CTE administrators pursuing administrator certification and should be pursued consistent with the certification plan.

This option may also be selected by candidates planning to pursue CTE administration in the future or for current CTE administrators pursuing additional leadership coursework. If you work in CTE administration outside of Missouri or in a post-secondary facility, this option is the one for you!

CTE Industry Training Option


UCM is the longest continuously CAEP accredited public institution in Missouri

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masters degree in technical education

Online Career and Workforce Education, MA

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Program at a Glance

masters degree in technical education

  • In State Tuition
  • Out of State Tuition

Learn more about the cost to attend UCF.

Most Innovative University 2022

Become a leader in the field of career and workforce education.

With a master’s in career and workforce education, you’ll guide and inspire students, instructors and administrators to learn at deeper levels. This UCF Online program will equip you to work within a variety of settings, such as secondary and post-secondary schools, corporations, military and professional organizations and more.

Upon completing this program, you’ll unleash your full potential as a highly effective Career and Workforce Education teacher, trainer or administrator who creates a positive, lasting impact on the lives and careers of your students. You’ll leverage research-based teaching techniques, scholarly learning, field experience, and leadership development to improve the overall quality of instruction at the career and workforce level.

Your career and workforce education degree can be completed in as little as two years. Throughout the program, you’ll have the tools, resources and support you need to thrive, including a dedicated Success Coach. Get started today and inspire students to excel in career and workforce fields.

Workforce Trainer in the classroom

Application Deadlines

Ready to get started, course overview, career education curriculum planning and implementation.

Gain skills to plan, organize and implement new or expanded adult, career and workforce education and technical education programs.

Supervision in Local Career and Workforce Education Programs

Explore studies in the supervision of CTE instruction, including plans for teacher professional education, program activities and personnel relations.

Experiential Learning in Career and Workforce Education Programs

Learn about experiential learning methods along with competencies to start, manage and coordinate programs within career and workforce education.

Skills You'll Learn

  • Become a subject matter expert in career and workforce education and in a discipline-specific field
  • Gain skills to teach in secondary and post-secondary schools, vocational rehabilitation centers, corporations, military and professional associations and organizations
  • Prepares you to take on leadership positions in career and workforce education programs in various disciplines

Career Projections

Annual Job Openings

Job Growth Between 2019 - 2029

Source: Lightcast™ . 2024

Career Opportunities

  • Corporate Training Manager
  • CTE Curriculum Specialist
  • CTE Program Chair/Dean
  • CTE Program Manager
  • CTE Teacher
  • Director of CTE

Related Online Programs

  • Secondary Education, MEd - Science Education
  • Secondary Education, MEd - Mathematics Education
  • Secondary Education, MEd - English Language Arts

Eastern New Mexico University

Online Master of Education with Emphasis in Career and Technical Education

  • Majors and Degree Programs
  • Graduate Programs
  • Career and Technical Education

The Master of Education with Career and Technical Education emphasis degree online program allows prospective and current career and technical education instructors and trainers to obtain the academic experience needed to feel confident in a career and technical education classroom.

Our online CTE master's program prepares you for:

  • Advanced teaching
  • Research and administrative positions in secondary and postsecondary education
  • Community and technical colleges
  • Higher education
  • Business and industry related to career and technical education settings

Program Highlights

  • 100% online
  • Interdisciplinary perspectives
  • Affordable tuition

ENMU Graduate School Admission Application Graduate Tuition

Career and Technical Education Degree Information

You can learn more about this degree and view course information in the Graduate Catalog .

Read more about Career and Technical Education courses

Learning Format for Career and Technical Education Graduate Degree Coursework

Our graduate degree in career and technical education is designed to be completed 100% online. You'll complete readings, assignments, discussions on Canvas , individual projects and presentations, quizzes and tests throughout the semester. Recorded lectures via Mediasite will connect you with professors and other students on your own time. In all MCTE classes, participation, done via Canvas, related to recorded lectures can be done at your convenience, rather than during a specific time.

To fulfill your graduation requirements for this program you must pass comprehensive exams, and you can take them from wherever you're located.

Advising for Career and Technical Education Students

If you are taking the time to complete an advanced study program, we know you want not only the benefits from our classes, but also our faculty's professional experience. To support you, we offer advising meetings via email, phone and Skype.

We want you to feel connected and prepared to complete your comprehensive exams.

Career and Technical Education Resources and Academic Support

We want to make sure you get the support you need. We offer flexible tutoring services , including the ENMU Writing Center which is available to help you improve your writing and help you clearly communicate for written, school-related projects and assignments.

We also have online databases, journal articles and eBooks accessible through the Golden Library . ENMU librarians are available virtually, via phone and email to provide assistance, so you'll always have the help you need to take advantage of library resources.

See our distance learning library services

If you have questions or concerns about your homework assignments, projects or grades, we encourage you to email or call your professor.

Affordable Master's Degree in Career and Technical Education

Eastern New Mexico University has the second lowest master's-level tuition in the state of New Mexico, and has one of the most affordable graduate tuition rates in the United States. If you are an out-of-state student enrolling in 6 or fewer hours per semester, you'll pay tuition and fees at the low in-state rate.

Additionally, eligible students may apply for the TEACH grant and graduate assistantships are also available through application to the ENMU Graduate School .

View graduate tuition and fees >

Career Services for Students

Career Services offers free job placement assistance to all ENMU students, so if you are looking for a job, we can help you find it.

We offer many resources including various workshops throughout the year covering topics like resume writing , interviewing for jobs, and more! As an ENMU student, if you’re interested in individual help for things like networking, social media for success, resume writing, and mock interviews, our staff is available to help.

As an ENMU student, if you’re interested in individual help for things like networking, social media for success, resume writing, and mock interviews, our staff is available to help.

Explore employment opportunities in this field by visiting the O*NET webpage . The U.S. Department of Labor sponsors the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) database. The site aggregates data for occupations across the United States.

Read more about career services for students

Scholarships and Financial Assistance

We are committed to helping you finance your education. In addition to grants, loans and scholarships offered by Financial Aid and Enrollment Services, there are also many scholarships for current students available through the ENMU Foundation.

Learn more about ENMU scholarships

We also have a limited number of part-time graduate assistantships available. Graduate assistantships providing hands-on experience may be awarded to qualified students. In addition to a stipend, graduate assistantships include a tuition waiver, which gives out-of-state students our low in-state tuition. A limited number of student-hire positions might also available.

For more information on graduate assistantships please contact the Graduate School at 575.562.2147 or [email protected]

Apply now for available graduate assistantships

Career Pathways with a Master of Education

Our affordable tuition makes it easy for you to pick ENMU, a school with a strong reputation for producing capable teachers and administrators who are prepared to lead schools and school districts. Some careers open to you include:

  • Senior faculty (secondary and postsecondary)
  • Lead instructor (business and industry)
  • Instructional leader (secondary and postsecondary)
  • Administrator/Program director (secondary and postsecondary)
  • Administrator/Program director (business and industry)

Connect with us on Social Media:

CTE Facebook

MCTE Admission Requirements

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

College of Education and Technology

Admission Application

Graduate Coordinator

JD Procter

Dr. JD Procter

Assistant Professor of TESOL/Bilingual Education, C&I Graduate Coordinator

Office Location: Education Building (ED), Room 135

Phone: 575.562.2977

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Master of Arts in Career and Technical Education

Who is this degree for .

The M.A. in Career and Technical Education is designed to provide advanced and specialized education to personnel working in a variety of settings related to career, technical, and adult education such as secondary, post-secondary and other private and state environments. The program provides opportunities for teachers to gain expertise with and knowledge in pedagogy and andragogy required to teach their subject matter. The program can be used to meet the requirements for leadership positions in these facilities.

Admission to the Program

Applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university. Prior to being admitted to the Master of Arts in Career and Technical Education Program in the College of Education, applicants must be admitted to the university as an unclassified graduate student. Application for admission to the university should be made at least three months prior to the date the applicant would like to begin taking courses.

Program and Graduation Requirements are available in the  Course Bulletin .

How can i be admitted to the program.

Qualified applicants should apply for GRADUATE admission to CSUSB and contact Dr. Viktor Wang (see below) to develop a specific MA Program Plan.

Who can I contact for further information?

Dr. Viktor Wang, MA Program Coordinator for Career and Technical Teacher Education Programs 

[email protected] ,   (909) 537-5676, Office WCOE-322

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masters degree in technical education

Available 100% Online

Career and technical education online, master of science in education (msed).

Use your work experience to teach the next generation of professionals. This program will prepare you to teach your occupational specialty in school, college and industry settings.

Quick Facts

Rolling Admission Apply Anytime

You Can Start Fall, Spring or Summer

Delivery Option(s) Online

Cost Per Credit Hour $471

Credit Hours 30

Estimated Completion Time 2 Years

This program’s flexibility permits you to pursue an individualized career concentration in career and technical education. We analyze your educational and work experience to recommend the most appropriate program  for your educational career goals. You will work closely with faculty to devise an education path that best suits you.


  • Agricultural Education, MSEd

Business and Marketing Education, MSEd

  • Family and Consumer Sciences Education, MSEd
  • Health Careers Education, MSEd
  • Technical Education, MSEd
  • Trade Education, MSEd
  • Career and Technical Education Major, Professional MSEd


masters degree in technical education

Flexibility and convenience with online degrees

An online graduate degree provides the flexibility to advance your education while maintaining your professional and personal commitments, offering convenience and accessibility for career enhancement and skill development.

You are eligible to earn professional New York State teacher certification in several occupational subject areas. This program also prepares you for other professional roles not requiring certification.

Career Opportunities

  • Middle and high school teacher
  • Career and technical education (BOCES) centers
  • Colleges and universities
  • Correctional institutions
  • Training centers
  • Private companies
  • Public institutions (such as Hospitals or county and local agencies)
  • Not-for-profits
  • Education and training supervisors: federal, state and local

student speaking at an event on a mic

What really got me into teaching was that when I was a manager at a bank, I was teaching financial literacy to underprivileged neighborhoods and those who didn’t understand financial literacy at all. That made me want to teach in high school.

Issac McGee

What I took away from the Career and Technical Education master’s program was that the foundations and mechanics of quality education are the same in every classroom. The content and the location can change, but all educators work from the same basic principles.

Anna Moreale

Career and Technical Education

Program Resources

masters degree in technical education

Information Sessions

Learn about our graduate programs through our information sessions today!

Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation

AAQEP Accredited

This program has earned national accreditation by demonstrating excellence in the areas of content and pedagogy, clinical experiences, selectivity, program impact, and capacity for continuous improvement.

Diversity Graduate Fellowship Program

Prospective students may be eligible for an award which includes an annual stipend, in addition to fully-paid tuition for full-time study.

More than 120 Graduate Assistantships Offered

Assistantships  provide an opportunity to gain experience through professional work on campus.

The Power of SUNY Tuition

Achieving your long-term career goals shouldn’t come at the expense of your immediate financial security. Oswego offers low tuition compared to many private colleges. Never sacrificing quality for affordability, our graduate students are receiving a nationally accredited program that will translate into effective knowledge and opportunities.

in total awards given every year to our graduate students

Admission Requirements

A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better is  recommended for  applicants to be competitive in the application process. 

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores are optional for admission. For those students who have a GPA below a 3.0, it is highly recommended.

Prospective students seeking to teach in an area that differs from the undergraduate area of study will be required to take the OCE to demonstrate proficiency in the desired area of teaching. Prospective students are encouraged to contact the department for guidance regarding the OCE prior to submitting an application.

In 500 words or less, describe your personal achievements relating to your academic interests, and detail your educational and professional objectives with reasoning for applying to SUNY Oswego. This statement will help the review team better understand and evaluate your application.

Include a professional resume or CV that includes your academic history, professional background and any accomplishments of note. This document should provide details that support your admittance to the program.

Indicate two names with valid email addresses. We will send an email request directly to the references on your behalf. These references should be able to speak to your character, work ethic and abilities. 

Request Information

Tuition and costs.

Graduate school can be affordable. See our in-state and out-of-state tuition and costs.

Visit Oswego

Experience what makes Oswego special in person. We have a variety of visiting options through the year.

Next Steps to Apply

Ready to get started? We’re here to make the application process as smooth as possible. Take the next step by creating an application account and save your progress at any time.

Technical Education

Master of education, suny oswego.

  • Delivery Mode 100% Online
  • Total Credits 36
  • Degree Level Master of Education
  • Contact Us 315-312-3152

Earn your master degree online

You will earn the same diploma as our on-campus students.

The Master of Science in Education degree, major in Technical Education (7-12), is designed for specialists in the respective field that wish to gain initial and professional certification to teach their specialty in New York State.

SUNY Oswego's online graduate programs were named 2023 Best Online Graduate Education Program s by US News and World Report.

What's it like to earn this degree online?

Let's put your mind at ease about online learning.

  • 100% Online This program is presented 100% online. You will not be expected to attend any classes on campus.
  • Live classes You will learn in real-time while the instructor leads the class. Courses are similar to in-person classes, but you participate online.
  • Same faculty as on-campus The faculty that teach online classes are the same faculty that students learn from on-campus.
  • Personal concierge You will have one person who acts as a single point of contact for any and all questions you may have.
  • Learn by doing Participate in field experiences such as internships, clinical placements, and service learning to apply your academic knowledge in the world.
  • Access to a personal tutor You will have access to a tutor when you need assistance with any of your classes.

How do I enroll?

Follow these steps to start your application.

  • Go to the online application
  • Create an account
  • Complete the forms or save for later
  • Pay the application fee (if applicable)
  • Submit any supplemental materials, if required
  • Send in your academic records

Interested in learning more about this program?

Request more information.

This information will help us connect you with the most relevant advisor.

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Career and Technical Education - Master of Arts in Educational Studies, Workforce Development and Education

With a master’s degree in Career and Technical Education, you will be developed into a professional Career and Technical educator who fosters the development of secondary and adult students by preparing them for a high-performance workforce that is in constant transition. The Career and Technical Education specialization takes students through a series of courses and experiences that enable them to successfully enter teaching, leadership, training and supervisory positions in private or public industry and complete requirements for the master’s degree.

Career Paths 

team of technicians

Funding Options 

graduate associate teaching in classroom

Key to teaching, research and learning in the college, associateships provide students with professional experience and financial support. 

Students with scholarship

The college annually awards scholarships to its students to support their academic goals.  

Degree Requirements


Bachelor’s degree

Program start

Autumn, Spring, and Summer Semester

Deadline to apply

October 1 for spring semester; March 1 for summer term; April 1 for autumn semester

Minimum Program hours

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Licensure Disclosure 

Ohio State academic programs are designed to prepare students for licensure or certification in Ohio. If you plan to pursue licensure or certification in a state other than Ohio, please review state educational requirements for licensure and certification at . 

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masters degree in technical education

Applying to UW-Stout

masters degree in technical education

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masters degree in technical education

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masters degree in technical education

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masters degree in technical education

Our Polytechnic Advantage

M.s. career & technical education.

UW-Stout's Master of Science (M.S.) in Career & Technical Education is for educators and industry professionals interested in gaining leadership skills and advancing their careers. This program is designed for working adults, and can be completed in as little as two years. People who complete this degree work in career and technical education at the secondary and postsecondary levels, in industry, or in workforce education agencies.

100% of Graduates Are Employed or Continuing Education Within Six Months.

Career-Defining Curriculum

This flexible, career-oriented program focuses on leadership development and teaches degree candidates to design and coordinate programs and curriculum. Students design a personalized program of graduate-level learning experiences with the program director that emphasizes the knowledge, skills and aptitudes needed to achieve the student's individual career goals.

Program Overview

View program plans, credit requirements and course descriptions.

Degree Concentrations

  • Teaching : For CTE teachers who want to advance their skills or gain the skills needed for adult-learner instruction. 
  • Administration : For individuals looking to more into CTE leadership roles in higher education or other organizations working with adult learners.
  • Marketing & Business Education:  For K-12 teachers seeking to grow as marketing or business educators.
  • CTE Coordinator/Director of Instruction:  For individuals with a Wisconsin Tier 2 or equivalent license seeking to be a preK-12 school leader with an emphasis in career and technical education. This concentration leads to Wisconsin DPI licensure for CTE Coordinator and Director of Instruction administrative licenses.

Note: The CTE Coordinator/Director of Instruction concentration is designed to meet educational requirements for licensure/certification in the state of Wisconsin. If you reside outside of Wisconsin, please note that UW-Stout cannot confirm whether this program concentration meets the requirements for professional licensure in your state, and you will need to contact your state regarding licensure requirements. Please reach out to the UW-Stout Program Director and visit our website for additional information .

Program Highlights

  • Asynchronous and synchronous online delivery; customized hybrid options may be available.
  • Financial aid opportunities, including student loans, scholarships, and graduate assistantships.
  • Earn the degree in as little as two years, while working full time.
  • Flexible curriculum customizable to suit your career goals

Fulfill Your Electives Earning a Professional Certificate

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialist Certificate
  • Blended and Online Teaching & Training Certificate
  • Career & Technical Education (CTE) Leadership Certificate
  • Improving the User Experience Certficate
  • Instructional Design Certificate
  • Organizational Development & Consulting Certificate
  • Practical Skills for Beginning K-12 Career & Technical Educators Certificate
  • Reading Specialist Certification
  • Reading Teacher Certification
  • Strategic Leadership in Talent Development Certificate
  • Teaching Adult Learners Certificate
"Taking my master's program online allows flexibility in my schedule as I work full time. I appreciate the ability to work towards my degree from anywhere."
-- John Sobota M.S. Career & Technical Education

Use the  Request Information  form to receive a program summary and learn more about the  M.S. Career & Technical Education .

Request Information

Tuition & fees.

Customized Instruction  at UW Stout can be described as programs that are designed with the adult learner in mind. If you're comparing UW-Stout's customized instruction tuition to our competitors, keep in mind:

  • Customized instruction tuition rate  includes the textbook rental fee.
  • There are no additional university-based semester or technology fees.
  • Students in customized instruction programs pay the same rate of tuition regardless if Wisconsin residents, out-of-state or international participants.

Value for Your Money

There’s more to value than just tuition. UW Stout also provides:

  • Program Director – faculty with discipline expertise.
  • Student Services adviser – one point of contact, providing support to students for each program.
  • Course sequences and matrices – know what courses are offered when so you can plan ahead.
  • Courses and programs may be stackable for use in another program.
  • Courses are flexible and convenient for working professionals.

Other universities will present costs and value differently - make sure you're comparing apples to apples.

General UW-Stout Graduate School Application

All prospective graduate students at UW-Stout must follow a standard application process through our  Graduate School . Beyond that, each graduate program has specific requirements that must be met to be successfully admitted to the program:

Program-Specific Admission Requirements


To be admitted with full status to the program, you must:

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  • Have earned an overall GPA of at least 2.75.

Program-Specific Application Requirements

To successfully apply for the program, first complete the UW System Application and receive your Application ID. Then, use this ID to fill out the UW-Stout Graduate Studies Collection Form , where you will provide the following:

  • Goal Statement  which demonstrates that your career goals align with the objectives of the program. Also state the concentration you plan to pursue: teaching, administration, or CTE Coordinator/Director of Instruction.
  • Current resume.
  • Two letters of recommendation,  including one from a current supervisor, indicating characteristics and experience that make you a good candidate for the program.

For the CTE Coordinator/Director of Instruction concentration only , the following additional steps are required:

  • Include a copy of a current or previous teaching license with application materials submitted to the Graduate School.
  • Complete a  National Background Check .

A deficiency in these requirements does not preclude admission but may involve additional steps to obtain full admission to the program.

“The completion of my degree has affected me in several ways. As a returning adult student, it was a personal accomplishment. I am more confident in my ability to perform in the classroom as well as being an example to others of lifelong learning. I also feel that I am more prepared to compete in today's workforce with my degree.”

- Jacqueline Newman

"When I started this program I was a little concerned about it being all online and that I would miss out on the camaraderie with fellow classmates and learn from their experiences. However, I have found that not to be true."

- Teresa LaMacchia

Advisory Committee Members

Alex BirkholzInstructorWisconsin Indianhead Technical College
BradGastDean of Business & Industry and Continuing EducationNorthcentral Technical College
John KlevenInstructorChippewa Valley Technical College
Joni GerouxDirector of MarketingChippewa Valley Technical College
Laura FeymaFamily Consumer Science EducatorNew Richmond High School
Micheal ShielsDeanSchool of Applied Technologies, Waukesha County Technical College
Sharon WendtCTE DirectorWisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Steve DeckerVice PresidentFinance & Business Services, Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
Laura ReisingerBS/MS ICT Program DirectorUW-Stout
DaniLewandowski CTE CoordinatorCESA 11
E.J.DaigleDunwoody College of TechnologyDean, Advanced Manufacturing
BrianSeguinDirector of InstructionMenomonie Area School District
Michael RickDelavan-Darien School DistrictCTE Coordinator/Technology Education Teacher
Michael SeloverProgram DirectorUW-Stout

This program is designed to meet educational requirements for licensure/certification in the state of Wisconsin. Professional licensure/certification prerequisites vary from state to state, and we are not able to determine whether our program meets prerequisites in other states. If you intend to work in another state, contact that state's regulatory authority to determine if our program will meet the licensure/certification requirements, and contact the UW-Stout Program Director for assistance. Please see the following  website  for additional information.

Career & Technical Education

Inspiring Graduate: Kristen Ziegler, M.S. Career & Technical Education Featured Image

Inspiring Graduate: Kristen Ziegler, M.S. Career & Technical Education

CTE Summit focused on challenges, opportunities in ‘tacit knowledge’ Featured Image

CTE Summit focused on challenges, opportunities in ‘tacit knowledge’

Master’s program graduate expands career with new position, mission Featured Image

Master’s program graduate expands career with new position, mission

Explore similar programs.

  • Ed.D. Career & Technical Education Leadership Online
  • M.S. Education
  • M.S. School Counseling
  • M.S.Ed. & Ed.S. School Psychology

College of Education

  • Accreditation
  • Executive Leadership Council
  • Community Outreach Programs
  • Support the College
  • Counseling & Psychology
  • Curriculum & Instruction
  • Exercise Science
  • Student Success Center
  • Tk20 by Watermark
  • Student Technology Requirements
  • College of Education Testing Center
  • Scholarships
  • Student Athlete Wellness Advising
  • CODE Student Organization
  • NCAA Innovations Grant
  • Teaching as a Profession (TAP)
  • Start College in High School
  • Office of Teacher Education
  • Jeffers Learning Resources Center
  • Millard Oakley STEM Center
  • Child Development Lab

Bachelor's | Master's | Education Specialist | Doctoral

Choose from online, on-campus, and hybrid programs..

The College of Education offers nationally accredited and recognized degrees, including bachelor's, master's, education specialist, and doctoral programs. The professionals emerging from these in-depth degree experiences are in-demand leaders in education, administration, research, psychology, and allied health services.

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Department of Counseling & Psychology

Department of Curriculum & Instruction

Department of Exercise Science

The mission of the College of Education is to provide unique and rigorous, learner-centered academic experiences for our students to achieve their highest potential as life-long learners, professionals, and citizens.

The College of Education will be an empowering force in education.

Conceptual Framework

Prepare effective, engaging professionals through a clinically rich, evidence-based program with a network of mutually beneficial partnerships.

931-372-3124 | [email protected]  

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Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Learning, Design, and Technology – Instructional Technology

Theodore J Kopcha, Ph.D., Professor

There’s a lot of rhetoric these days about how computers can take the place of teachers. Now don’t get me wrong, those strategies and technologies might be successful someday. But if they are or ever will be, it will only be because it helps strengthen the way that students and teachers interact.

Theodore J. Kopcha

masters degree in technical education

Application Deadlines

News & events, contact information, request information.

The M.Ed. in Learning, Design, and Technology trains you in the latest technologies and tools to design and implement lessons and training programs. Our goal is to prepare professionals to identify and analyze learning problems, and then create and implement more effective designs for learning to address these needs. 

In the Instructional Technology area of emphasis, you can earn your Certification in Instructional Technology with an M.Ed.  and become proficient in: 

  • Cutting-edge computer and multimedia technology and how to apply it in P-12 education 
  • Analyzing learning and performance problems 
  • Designing and developing effective instruction 

Our online program blends both live class meetings (via video conferencing) with practical at-home projects and activities so that you are learning from experts how to integrate technology in your own school context. 


The University of Georgia is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate, master’s, specialist, and doctoral degrees. The University of Georgia also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of the University of Georgia may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website ( ).

Credit and Transfer

Total Hours Required to Earn Degree:  33 (credit hours)

Maximum Hours Transferable into Program:  6

Online Master of Education in Learning, Design, and Technology – Instructional Technology Application Checklist 

  • Application  – Submit the  Graduate School Admissions  online—application fee: $75 Domestic/$100 International. 
  • Select Campus  - Online  
  • Select Degree Level – Masters 
  • Select Intended Program  – MED, Learning, Design, and Technology (Workforce Ed & Instruct Tech) [MED_LEDT_ONL] 
  • Select Area of Emphasis – Instructional Technology 
  • Select Intended Term – Fall/Spring/Summer 
  • Résumé or curriculum vita  – Submit online to the Graduate School. 
  • Statement of Purpose  – Submit a one to two-page statement of purpose online to the Graduate School. The statement of intent should clarify the candidate’s relevant background, interests, and goals in relation to the program. 
  • Transcripts  – Submit unofficial transcripts from all institutions attended as part of the online application. Send official transcripts after you are offered admission. 
  • Letters of Recommendation  – Submit three letters of recommendation online to graduate school. Letters should be from individuals who can evaluate the applicant’s scholarly ability and potential for success in a graduate program 

Master’s in Instructional Design and Technology – Instructional Technology Application Deadlines

Domestic applicants  .

  • Fall:  July 1 
  • Spring:  November 15 
  • Summer: May 1 

International Applicants

  • Fall:  April 15 
  • Spring:  October 15 

Tuition & Fees

Tuition rates and student fees can change each year.  

Based on 2024-25 credit-hour cost, a person who had completed this program at the recommended pace would have paid $14,091 in tuition for a Georgia Resident and $39,006 in tuition for an out-of-state student. 

Please use the  Estimated Cost Calculator  on the  Bursar’s Office website  to calculate one academic (Fall/Spring) year’s current tuition.  

Online students pay the following fees: Connect UGA, Green, and Technology. The total for those  fees in the fall semester of 2024 was $411  for students enrolled in exclusively online courses.  

Additional costs may include: 

  • Exam proctoring fees
  • Technology upgrades
  • Specific software purchase decisions will be mentored by instructors, but typically these would include Adobe Creative Suite.

Financial Aid

Visit the  Office of Student Financial Aid  for information about financial assistance.

Corporate Assistance

Consult your employer about the availability of tuition reimbursement or tuition assistance programs.

Military Assistance

Active duty military, veterans, and military families should visit  Veterans Educational Benefits  to take full advantage of available financial assistance and educational benefits.

University System of Georgia Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

The purpose of TAP is to foster the professional growth and development of eligible employees. For more information, see  Tuition Assistance  (refer to the Distance Learning section). 

Technology Requirements

  • Computer with current operating system (Windows, Mac, or Linux). Additional peripherals such as webcam, headphones, and microphone are required.
  • High-speed internet access.

Instructional Technology Courses

The instructional technology emphasis teaches cutting-edge computer and multimedia technology and its application in P-12 education. This area is designed to help classroom teachers refine and develop their practice as well as become instructional technology leaders among their peers. Our goal is to prepare professionals who are current in the systematic analysis of learning and performance problems, and the design and development of effective instruction. 

The learning, design, and technology program is designed to accommodate the schedules and distance-learning needs of working professionals. 

Coursework includes: 

  • History, trends, and issues in the field 
  • Learning theory and instructional models 
  • Classroom technology integration 
  • eLearning development 
  • Learning assessment 
  • Instructional evaluation 
  • Research methods 
  • Instructional collaboration with classroom teachers 
CourseTitlecredit hours
EDIT 6150EIntroduction to Digital Learning 3 credit hours
EDIT 6400EEmerging Perspectives3 credit hours
CourseTitlecredit hours
EDIT 6170EInstructional Design 3 credit hours
EDIT 7500EProject, Problem, & Place-Based Learning 3 credit hours
CourseTitlecredit hours
EDIT 7350EProgram Evaluation 3 credit hours
EDIT 6320ETechnology Planning 3 credit hours
CourseTitlecredit hours
EDIT 7200EProfessional Learning through Technology 3 hours
EDIT 6900EResearch in Instructional Tech. 3 hours
CourseTitlecredit hours
EDIT 6600EDiversity, Technology, and Learning 3 hours
EDIT 7520EOnline Learning 3 hours
CourseTitlecredit hours
 EDIT 7650ECapstone3 hours

Student Handbook  LDTK12graduate_student_handbook_2024 to present – Google Docs  

This curriculum is approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and leads to certificate upgrade. The Georgia PSC standards align with the ISTE standards for educators, which means that our curriculum prepares you to engage learners in rich, authentic learning experiences, lead technology change through collaborative planning and design, facilitate student-centered learning practices with technology, and coach others in research-based technology practices.  

Note:  If you seek certification from the Georgia PSC, you will need access to a P-12 classroom so that you can complete a field experience in the final semester. Students typically complete this experience in their own classrooms. 

masters degree in technical education

Robert Branch Professor

masters degree in technical education

Jill Stefaniak Associate Professor

masters degree in technical education

Theodore J. Kopcha Professor

masters degree in technical education

Lloyd Rieber Professor

masters degree in technical education

Janette Hill Professor

US News Rankings Blog Graphic

US News Ranks UGA Online Programs Among Nation’s Best

U.S. News & World Report released their 2024 Best Online Programs rankings with several of the University of Georgia online programs in the top 10.

Headshot of Online Professor Jill Stefaniak

Online Professor Jill Stefaniak Wins 2023 Regents’ Teaching Excellence Award

Jill Stefaniak, the Online M.Ed. Learning, Design, and Technology Master’s Program Coordinator as well as associate professor in the department of workforce education and instructional technology, won the 2023 University System of Georgia’s Regents’ Teaching Excellence Award for online teaching! Stefaniak is a nationally recognized leader in instructional…

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A person wearing a hard hat and a high-visibility vest is holding a tablet in front of a large array of solar panels with wind turbines in the background under a blue sky with scattered clouds.

Job outlook for electrical and electronics engineers—as well as computer hardware engineers—is set to grow 5 percent through 2032, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

This sponsored article is brought to you by Purdue University .

Companies large and small are seeking engineers with up-to-date, subject-specific knowledge in disciplines like computer engineering, automation, artificial intelligence, and circuit design. Mid-level engineers need to advance their skillsets to apply and integrate these technologies and be competitive.

As applications for new technologies continue to grow, demand for knowledgeable electrical and computer engineers is also on the rise. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job outlook for electrical and electronics engineers —as well as computer hardware engineers —is set to grow 5 percent through 2032. Electrical and computer engineers work in almost every industry. They design systems, work on power transmission and power supplies, run computers and communication systems, innovate chips for embedded and so much more.

To take advantage of this job growth and get more return-on-investment, engineers are advancing their knowledge by going back to school. The 2023 IEEE-USA Salary and Benefits Survey Report shows that engineers with focused master’s degrees (e.g., electrical and computer engineering, electrical engineering, or computer engineering) earned median salaries almost US $27,000 per year higher than their colleagues with bachelors’ degrees alone.

Purdue’s online MSECE program has been ranked in the top 3 of U.S. News and World Report’s Best Online Electrical Engineering Master’s Programs for five years running

Universities like Purdue University work with companies and professionals to provide upskilling opportunities via distance and online education. Purdue has offered a distance Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSECE) since the 1980s. In its early years, the program’s course lectures were videotaped and mailed to students. Now, “distance” has transformed into “online,” and the program has grown with the web, expanding its size and scope. Today, the online MSECE has awarded master’s degrees to 190+ online students since the Fall 2021 semester.

Heather Woods, a process engineer at Texas Instruments, was one of the first students to enroll in Purdue's online MSECE program and chose the microelectronics and nanotechnology focus area.

Purdue University

“Purdue has a long-standing reputation of engineering excellence and Purdue engineers work worldwide in every company, including General Motors, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Texas Instruments, Apple, and Sandia National Laboratories among scores of others,” said Lynn Hegewald, the senior program manager for Purdue’s online MSECE. “Employers everywhere are very aware of Purdue graduates’ capabilities and the quality of the education they bring to the job.”

Today, the online MSECE program continues to select from among the world’s best professionals and gives them an affordable, award-winning education. The program has been ranked in the top 3 of U.S. News and World Report’s Best Online Electrical Engineering Master’s Programs for five years running (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024).

The online MSECE offers high-quality research and technical skills, high-level analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, and new ideas to help innovate—all highly sought-after, according to one of the few studies to systematically inventory what engineering employers want (information corroborated on occupational guidance websites like O-Net and the Bureau of Labor Statistics ).

Remote students get the same education as on-campus students and become part of the same alumni network.

“Our online MSECE program offers the same exceptional quality as our on-campus offerings to students around the country and the globe,” says Prof. Milind Kulkarni, Michael and Katherine Birck Head of the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. “Online students take the same classes, with the same professors, as on-campus students; they work on the same assignments and even collaborate on group projects.

“Our online MSECE program offers the same exceptional quality as our on-campus offerings to students around the country and the globe” —Prof. Milind Kulkarni, Purdue University

“We’re very proud,” he adds, “that we’re able to make a ‘full-strength’ Purdue ECE degree available to so many people, whether they’re working full-time across the country, live abroad, or serve in the military. And the results bear this out: graduates of our program land jobs at top global companies, move on to new roles and responsibilities at their current organizations, or even continue to pursue graduate education at top PhD programs.”

Prof. Milind Kulkarni, Michael and Katherine Birck Head of the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue, says online students take the same classes, with the same professors, as on-campus students.

Variety and Quality in Purdue’s MSECE

As they study for their MSECE degrees, online students can select from among a hundred graduate-level courses in their primary areas of interest, including innovative one-credit-hour courses that extend the students’ knowledge. New courses and new areas of interest are always in the pipeline.

Purdue MSECE Area of Interest and Course Options

  • Automatic Control
  • Communications, Networking, Signal and Image Processing
  • Computer Engineering
  • Fields and Optics
  • Microelectronics and Nanotechnology
  • Power and Energy Systems
  • VLSI and Circuit Design
  • Semiconductors
  • Data Mining
  • Quantum Computing

Heather Woods, a process engineer at Texas Instruments, was one of the first students to enroll and chose the microelectronics and nanotechnology focus area. She offers this advice: “Take advantage of the one credit-hour classes! They let you finish your degree faster while not taking six credit hours every semester.”

Completing an online MSECE from Purdue University also teaches students professional skills that employers value like motivation, efficient time-management, high-level analysis and problem-solving, and the ability to learn quickly and write effectively.

“Having an MSECE shows I have the dedication and knowledge to be able to solve problems in engineering,” said program alumnus Benjamin Francis, now an engineering manager at AkzoNobel. “As I continue in my career, this gives me an advantage over other engineers both in terms of professional advancement opportunity and a technical base to pull information from to face new challenges.”

Finding Tuition Assistance

Working engineers contemplating graduate school should contact their human resources departments and find out what their tuition-assistance options are. Does your company offer tuition assistance? What courses of study do they cover? Do they cap reimbursements by course, semester, etc.? Does your employer pay tuition directly, or will you pay out-of-pocket and apply for reimbursement?

Prospective U.S. students who are veterans or children of veterans should also check with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to see if they qualify to for tuition or other assistance.

The MSECE Advantage

In sum, the online Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University does an extraordinary job giving students the tools they need to succeed in school and then in the workplace: developing the technical knowledge, the confidence, and the often-overlooked professional skills that will help them excel in their careers.

Douglas McCormick is a freelance science writer and recovering entrepreneur. He has been chief editor of Nature Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Technology, and Biotechniques.

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Students in classroom.

Master's Programs in Teaching and Learning

The Teaching and Learning master's program (M.S. in TCH) is designed primarily for practicing teachers who want to become master teachers. They may see themselves continuing in the role of teacher, but with the added responsibility of role-model or mentor for colleagues.

Some educators completing this degree are doing so in preparation for roles within their districts such as curriculum director or in preparation for further doctoral study.

The Master of Science in Teaching and Learning can be completed online or as a blended program (partially on-campus, partially online).  More information can be found at the  College of Education website .

  • Degree Requirements
  • Finanacial Assistance

Related Programs

Master's in Reading

For more enquiries about this program fill out an interest form

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  • Department of Educational Administration and Foundations
  • Department of Special Education
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American College of Education

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  • Certificate in Teaching English Learners
  • Certificate in Transition to Teaching in Elementary Education
  • Certificate in Transition to Teaching in Secondary Education
  • Florida Educational Leadership Program
  • Healthcare Programs
  • Certificate in Advanced Graduate Study
  • Certificate in Teacher Leadership
  • Certificate in Texas Educational Leadership
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  • Ed.D. in Instructional Technology
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  • Ed.D. in Nursing Education
  • See All Doctoral
  • Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction
  • Ed.S. in Early Childhood Education
  • Ed.S. in Instructional Technology
  • Ed.S. in Second Language Instruction
  • Ed.S. in Special Education
  • Ed.S. in Public Health Education
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  • M.Ed. in Educational Business Administration
  • M.S. in Organizational Leadership
  • M.A. in Elementary Teaching
  • M.A. in Secondary Teaching
  • M.Ed. in Adult Education and Training
  • M.Ed. in Advanced Studies
  • M.Ed. in Biology Education
  • M.Ed. in Chemistry Education

M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction

  • M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education
  • M.Ed. in Educational Leadership
  • M.Ed. in Educational Technology
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Aug 19, 2024




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The M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction program provides P-12 educators with a thorough background of current scientific research and pedagogy. All courses are infused with instructional technology, address real-life instructional challenges in today’s diverse P-12 classrooms, and are designed with a “learn; apply; assess” model to maximize effectiveness and lead to significant gains in student performance. The courses detail how to apply evidence-based instruction, assessments, national and state standards, and comprehensive accountability measures to help teachers transform their practice.

Quality You Expect

Our accredited programs are designed for working professionals who want a quality education. We’re committed to delivering high-quality, affordable and accessible online programs grounded in evidence-based content and relevant application.

Low Cost You Deserve

Because we’re 100% online, you only pay for the cost of delivering your education, not infrastructure like buildings or dorms. In fact, our affordability allows most of our students to graduate with no debt. We also offer over $2.5 million in scholarships and grants every year.

Flexibility You Need

Complete your coursework any time and anywhere there’s an internet connection. You’ll have access to academic resources 24/7, and highly responsive faculty and librarians. You decide how we fit into your life, not the other way around.

We believe in full transparency with our total cost of attendance. No hidden fees. No surprises along the way.

Total Tuition

34 semester credits x $235 per credit


$50 Application Fee
$100 Conferral Fee
$1360 Technology and Library Fee

Total Program Cost

Find a plan that fits your budget.

When We Say Low Cost, We Mean It

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Western Governors University

Walden university, purdue global, southern new hampshire university, university of phoenix, grand canyon university.

Source: Internal Research Completed on June 2023

Program Details

Focus of study.

Curriculum and Instruction

Differentiated Instruction

Digital Learning and Teaching

Effective Classroom Management

Elementary English Language Arts and Literacy

General Track


Secondary English Language Arts and Literacy

Start Dates

With flexible start dates, you can begin your program when it’s best for you.

August 19, 2024 Term

Aug 16, 2024

Payment Due

Application Due

Aug 23, 2024

Unregister/Cancel Deadline

Sep 22, 2024

September 09, 2024 Term

Sep 06, 2024

Sep 09, 2024

Sep 13, 2024

Oct 20, 2024

September 30, 2024 Term

Sep 27, 2024

Sep 30, 2024

Oct 04, 2024

Nov 03, 2024

November 11, 2024 Term

Nov 08, 2024

Nov 11, 2024

Nov 15, 2024

Dec 15, 2024

January 06, 2025 Term

Jan 03, 2025

Jan 06, 2025

Jan 10, 2025

Feb 09, 2025

January 27, 2025 Term

Dec 10, 2024

Jan 27, 2025

Jan 28, 2025

Jan 31, 2025

Mar 09, 2025

February 17, 2025 Term

Feb 14, 2025

Feb 17, 2025

Feb 21, 2025

Mar 23, 2025

April 07, 2025 Term

Apr 04, 2025

Apr 07, 2025

Apr 11, 2025

May 11, 2025

Here are just some of the courses you’ll take when working towards this program. Visit the College Catalog to see all courses.


Creating Safe and Supportive Classrooms

3 Semester Credits


Student Engagement

3 Semester Credits


Standards-Driven Learning

3 Semester Credits


Strengthening Literacy

3 Semester Credits


Assessment Strategies

3 Semester Credits


Teacher Leadership

3 Semester Credits


Curriculum and Instructional Design for Diversity

3 Semester Credits

Featured Faculty

Our real-world coursework is taught by experienced faculty.

Tiffany Hamlett

Tiffany Hamlett

Katrina Landa

Katrina Landa

Marsha Moore

Marsha Moore

Rebecca Wiehe

Rebecca Wiehe

Gordon Vessels

Gordon Vessels

Lauri Etheridge

Lauri Etheridge

David Mapp

Francoise Bachelder

Tiffani Bateman

Tiffani Bateman

Ellen Brewer

Ellen Brewer

Admission requirements, ace general admission requirements.

  • Complete and submit all application components including the admission application, the enrollment agreement and payment agreement.
  • Submit the nonrefundable application fee.*
  • Provide official transcripts from an institution that is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education indicating successful completion of the level of education required for entry to the program.**

*The application fee is valid for one year from date of submission.

**Additional evidence may be required to fulfill state requirements, including but not limited to verification of professional experience, test scores, or an interview.

Program Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s or Highest Post-Baccalaureate degree earned
  • Minimum Grade Point Average 2.50 on a 4.00 Scale for full admission
  • Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.00 on a 4.00 Scale for Provisional Admission
  • Applicants must acknowledge they have access to the educational settings for completion of course assignments throughout the program
  • Applicants must achieve and maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout their program

International Transcript Requirements

All applicants must submit, to the Admissions Office, an official evaluation from a NACES-approved organization.

  • Transcripts that are international and/or not in English must be evaluated through a NACES -recommended agency.
  • Texas applicants may only submit evaluations from agencies approved by the Texas Education Agency .
  • International applicants must request the course-by-course evaluation. The evaluation report must show that the non-U.S. education is equivalent to the education/accreditation level required for the program.

English as a Second Language Applicants

All applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate competence in the English language as demonstrated in one of three ways:

  • Submission of an official transcript showing a degree from a United States secondary school or regionally accredited college/university.
  • Submission of an official minimum score on the paper or internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exams.
  • The minimum TOEFL score required for the internet-based version is 80, and the paper-based version requires a minimum TOEFL score of 20 for each of the three skills: Reading, Listening and Writing.
  • The minimum IELTS score required is 6.5. Note: IELTS is not acceptable for Texas programs leading to certification.
  • The testing agency must send test scores directly to American College of Education.
  • Applicants to the Texas Educational Leadership program whose first language is not English must submit a minimum scaled score of 24 for speaking, 22 for listening, 22 for reading and 21 for writing from the Internet-Based TOEFL (IBT) or evidence of an undergraduate or graduate degree earned at an institution of higher education in a country outside of the United States listed in Figure: 19 TAC §230.11(b)(5)(C) .

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University of the West Indies, St Augustine

School of Education

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  • Educational Leadership, Policy and Reform
  • Research Methodologies
  • Director of SOE
  • Academic Staff
  • Admin, Support & Tech Staff

masters degree in technical education

Master of Arts in Education - Leadership in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Workforce Development (WFD)

The strategic development of capacities in TVET and WFD are critical to economic development in the Caribbean.  The MA in Leadership in TVET and WFD is designed to enhance leadership capacities and to strengthen capabilities to design, develop and manage TVET and workforce-related programmes to respond to changes in the world of work. The School of Education also views this programme as a means towards helping to facilitate the move to having technical vocational education become more integrated into offerings at the secondary school level. 

This programme is designed for a wide range of interested professionals, for example:

  • Educational leaders in institutions with full or partial TVET curricula
  • Training managers and coordinators in public and private organizations
  • Field operators and programme officers of Ministries of Education
  • Technical and field officers of other Ministries of Government
  • Managers and technical staff of National Training Agencies
  • Managers/coordinators of skills training programmes in Non-Governmental Organisations
  • Educators/instructors interested in upward mobility in TVET/WFD systems

Criteria for Admission

For admission to the programme, candidates must possess the following:

  • A bachelor’s degree from an approved university, normally at the Lower Second Class level or above, in any TVET, WFD, Science or Technology-related area OR Dip.Ed. CBET OR an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University of the West Indies.
  • Professional qualifications in education
  • A minimum of five years’ work experience in a technical or vocational area is normally required.  Mature students with alternative qualifications and considerable work experience will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Aim of Programme

The aim of this programme is to prepare graduates to meet the needs of public and private sector organizations, training institutions, and Ministries of Education.  It is designed for individuals who are capable and prepared to facilitate/provide capacity building, quality training, and leadership to monitor and guide developments in TVET and workforce preparation.

Programme Goals

The goals of the programme are to

  • Equip TVET and WFD practitioners with the competencies to function as leaders in the TVET/WFD community
  • Develop in TVET and WFD practitioners the ability to conduct industry focused research
  • Initiate holistic human capital and development activities in TVET and WFG

Components of the Programme

The programme consists of the following menu of courses: (A) TVET and WFD core courses, (B) Applied science courses, (C) Optional courses or Electives, (D) Research, (E) Field experience and (F) Seminar

Programme Sequence

Students will be required to complete 42 credits which include a research project in order to satisfy the requirement for the Master’s Degree.  Note that candidates are required to do six credits of electives and six credits of applied science courses. You can view the proposed delivery structure of the programme here (pdf).

Contact Information

Ms. Vitra Ramcharan

[email protected]

Phone: (868) 662-2002, Ext.: 82163; Fax: (868) 662-6615

Emergency Contacts | Campus Contacts | Email the Helpdesk

The University of the West Indies St. Augustine

Tel: (868) 663-1334 / 662-4394 Fax: (868) 663-9684


  • Centres & Units
  • Student Corner
  • Faculty Research

School of Education UWI St. Augustine Tel: (868) 662-2002 or 663-1334 ext. 82118

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Courses General Information Technology

Master of science in information technology.

  • Information Technology
  • MS in Information Technology
  • General Information Technology

Learners in this course examine current information technologies and trends, emphasizing the areas of technical focus. Learners gain the strategic underpinnings of contemporary technology and emerging trends, as well as the communication skills and requirements of an IT professional. This course also presents self-assessments and career development activities designed to support lifelong learning and workforce success.

4 quarter credits
ITEC5010 *

In this course, learners develop an understanding of the core security principles that apply throughout networked systems. Learners examine the concepts of enterprise network design, core network infrastructure hardware, configuration, and the architecture of contemporary computing networks and cloud platforms. Learners also gain an understanding of network security and threat vectors in the context of enterprise systems, firewalls, VPNs, and network protocols. Finally, learners explore enterprise network governance, security risk assessment and development of internal controls, and implementation and management for cloud computing environments. 

4 quarter credits
ITEC5020 *

In this course, learners use their knowledge of user requirements, user interface design, program design, programming logic, and testing processes to develop a professional-quality application suitable for front-end and web platforms. Learners apply methods for relational database design, administration, and the use of structured query language (SQL) to store, retrieve, and update information for use in applications.  .

4 quarter credits
ITEC5030 *

In this course, learners gain an understanding of new and disruptive technologies that are poised to have a significant impact on individuals, industry, technology, and society. Learners explore strategies for identifying and researching emerging technologies to determine their value-added application to the organization and examine models that help predict technology growth and proliferation. 

4 quarter credits

In this cross-disciplinary course, learners analyze the fundamentals of project management and gain an overview of project management standards and their applicability to managing projects, with an emphasis on management methodologies and frameworks, including those defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI ). Learners have the opportunity to participate in experiential learning by bringing in a workplace project, or they may use the project provided in the course. Learners cultivate effective project management leadership skills, including project politics and ethics and collaboration.

4 quarter credits

Taken during the learner’s final quarters:

ITEC5900 *

In this first of a two-course sequence, learners further enhance their professional collaboration and communication skills to identify and select a project that addresses an IT problem or opportunity in an organizational or societal context. Learners apply IT evaluation frameworks and the RFP process to elicit and evaluate requirements and possible technology solutions. Learners also explore IT consulting skills to address technical, product, and related economic factors valuable for in-house and external consulting engagements.

4 quarter credits
ITEC5905 *

In this second of a two-course sequence, learner teams implement their project plan to address an IT problem or opportunity in an organizational or societal context. Teams finalize project requirements and complete tasks associated with the project, including regular status reporting, production of intermediate deliverables, on-going communication with key stakeholders, and developing an optimal IT solution that meets the requirements and solution context. Learners also complete a written report and conduct a final presentation that describes the solution and its implementation. Upon project conclusion, learners review and update their personal, technical, and soft skills development plan created at the beginning of the program.

4 quarter credits

Five Elective Courses

At least 20 quarter credits

Choose any graduate information technology course(s). 

At least 48 quarter credits

* Denotes courses that have prerequisite(s). Refer to the descriptions for further details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

What can I expect?

Each unit consists of readings, discussions, and other activities you will be expected to complete throughout the week. Assignments are due on Sundays, though not every course requires an assignment each week.

In each course, you will receive a detailed scoring guide that describes expectations for every graded assignment.

Grades are based on your participation in weekly reading discussions and completion of assignments. You will also be assessed on your ability to demonstrate an understanding of expected outcomes for your program or specialization. These outcomes are based on the needs and performance standards of your field or discipline.

Learn more about  online learning  at Capella.

Transfer Credits

There are many ways to  reduce tuition costs , including  transferring credits  which may help save time and money. You can transfer up to 12 credits into this program.

computer screens

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Whether you're completing additional credits for your own education, want to see if online learning is right for you, or are simply interested in a specific topic, you can enroll in many of Capella's online courses without committing to a degree program. We recommend speaking with an enrollment counselor to discuss your goals and ensure that the credits you earn now may be applicable to a Capella degree program.

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Master of Science in construction management (traditional and online)

Construction Management

The global construction industry is expected to grow 85% to $15.5 trillion by 2030. Projects large and small need qualified leaders to supervise and manage construction sites and the teams tasked with completing the job. Wayne State University’s master’s program in construction management will give you the tools to succeed in upper management roles in the construction business. 

What you’ll learn in construction management 

Graduates of the M.S. in construction management possess advanced knowledge of all aspects of the project lifecycle, including engineering, procurement and construction phases. Students will gain technical training and expertise that will prepare them to: 

  • Use decision-theory tools to understand and mitigate risks
  • Monitor and control construction costs while making ethical financial decisions
  • Integrate sustainability principles that ensure energy efficiency and proper use of resources
  • Analyze construction data to improve productivity 

Curriculum for the M.S. in construction management 

The M.S. in construction management program requires 30 credits of coursework for graduation.  All courses are graduate-level courses offered within the College of Engineering and must be completed in accordance with the regulations of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering. The program is structured to accommodate working individuals. 

Topics students will explore include: 

  • Project management, planning and scheduling
  • Building information modeling
  • Risk management
  • Mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems
  • Cost estimating, accounting and financial management 

Admission requirements

Admission to this program is contingent upon admission to the  Graduate School . In addition, the minimum requirements for admission are:

  • Bachelor's degree
  • 3.0 grade point average in the upper division of their undergraduate program OR have at least three years of full-time work experience.
  • International applicants are required to submit a  WES evaluation . 

Application deadlines

  • Fall (begins in August): July 15
  • Winter (begins in January): Nov. 1
  • Spring/summer (spring begins in May; summer begins in June): Feb. 1

Real-world experiences and opportunities in construction management 

You'll have opportunities to advance your studies and become a leader in construction management through multidisciplinary and translational research. Alongside faculty advisors and fellow students, you'll apply principles and theories to research models that could impact our understanding of new technologies and their effects. 

Career outlook for individuals with an M.S. in construction management 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 7.6% employment growth for construction managers in the U.S. through 2031. Students interested in the construction business, working professionals seeking to advance their careers or aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start their own companies can benefit from this master’s program. 

Wayne State will prepare you for careers in roles such as: 

  • Field engineer
  • Project manager
  • Construction superintendent
  • Site engineer
  • Green construction/LEED specialist
  • Real estate developer
  • Building engineer 

Learn more about Wayne State University's M.S. in construction management 

The master’s in construction management at Wayne State University will provide you with the skills and training necessary to create or maintain key elements of our infrastructure — houses, skyscrapers, roads, tunnels, bridges, airports, stadiums and more. With broad interdisciplinary knowledge and hands-on experience, you'll stand out in the construction management sector — and you'll connect with a global network of Wayne State alumni who are leaders in their fields. 


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  1. Master's Degree in Career and Technical Education

    This CTE master's program is a good choice for those interested in Career and Technical Education (formerly known as vocational education) or Family and Consumer Sciences. Because eight tracks are offered, this master's program may also interest those who aspire to teach at the community college level, serve as a non-licensed or licensed administrator, work as a curriculum director, a ...

  2. Master of Science (MSEd) in Career & Technical Education

    The graduate program in Career and Technical Education prepares leaders who are concerned with education and training that enables youth and adults to pursue their careers. The program serves professionals from the Career and Technical Education curriculum disciplines, guidance and counseling, special education, academic content areas, adult ...

  3. Master's in Career and Technical Education

    Is an advanced degree in career and technical education right for you? The vast multitude of graduate degree programs out there will give you a lot to think about. This article will help you decide whether career and technical education is the best focus for the graduate degree program you choose.

  4. Top 30 Most Affordable Master's in Career and Technical Education

    A researched list of the most affordable master's in career and technical education online programs costing less than $21,000 per year.

  5. CTE Degree (MS)

    What can you do with a master's degree in Career and Technology Education from UCM? Graduates of UCM's Career and Technology Education degree program hold CTE careers in almost every school district in Missouri, as well as in many of the state's 50+ career centers.

  6. Online Career and Workforce Education Masters

    With a master's degree in career and technical education from UCF, you'll guide & inspire students, instructors and administrators to learn at deeper levels.

  7. Master of Education in Career and Technical Education

    The Master of Education with Career and Technical Education emphasis degree online program allows prospective and current career and technical education instructors and trainers to obtain the academic experience needed to feel confident in a career and technical education classroom.

  8. Master of Arts in Career and Technical Education

    Who is this degree for? The M.A. in Career and Technical Education is designed to provide advanced and specialized education to personnel working in a variety of settings related to career, technical, and adult education such as secondary, post-secondary and other private and state environments.

  9. Online Master's in Educational Technology Programs

    A master's degree in educational technology discusses the use of tech for teaching. Discover popular programs, benefits, and potential careers.

  10. Career and Technical Education Online

    Flexibility and convenience with online degrees An online graduate degree provides the flexibility to advance your education while maintaining your professional and personal commitments, offering convenience and accessibility for career enhancement and skill development.

  11. Career and Technical Education MSEd

    Master of Science in Education in Career and Technical Education. Earn the credentials to achieve leadership positions within the workforce development field by earning the online Master of Science in Education in Career and Technical Education. Gain the expertise to manage curriculum development, a training center or an instructional team.

  12. Technical Education

    The Master of Science in Education degree, major in Technical Education (7-12), is designed for specialists in the respective field that wish to gain initial and professional certification to teach their specialty in New York State.

  13. Online Master's Degree in Educational Technology

    Interested in a career in educational technology and instructional design? Drexel's online Master's in Educational Technology can help take your first steps into the future of education. Learn more and start earning your MS online today!

  14. Career and Technical Education

    The Career and Technical Education specialization takes students through a series of courses and experiences that enable them to successfully enter teaching, leadership, training and supervisory positions in private or public industry and complete requirements for the master's degree.

  15. M.S. Career & Technical Education

    Degree Type Master of Science. UW-Stout's Master of Science (M.S.) in Career & Technical Education is for educators and industry professionals interested in gaining leadership skills and advancing their careers. This program is designed for working adults, and can be completed in as little as two years. People who complete this degree work in ...

  16. Master of Education Online Programs

    Transform your passion for educational leadership into a career path with the Master of Education Online Programs (M.Ed.) at Eastern Washington University. Get started here!

  17. College of Education

    The College of Education offers nationally accredited and recognized degrees, including bachelor's, master's, education specialist, and doctoral programs. The professionals emerging from these in-depth degree experiences are in-demand leaders in education, administration, research, psychology, and allied health services.

  18. Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Learning, Design, and Technology

    The M.Ed. in Learning, Design, and Technology - Instructional Technology, trains you in the latest technologies and tools to design and implement lessons and training programs. This program prepares you to identify and analyze learning problems and create and implement effective designs for learning. The Instructional Technology area of emphasis will help you earn your Certification in ...

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  20. Master's Programs in Teaching and Learning

    Some educators completing this degree are doing so in preparation for roles within their districts such as curriculum director or in preparation for further doctoral study. The Master of Science in Teaching and Learning can be completed online or as a blended program (partially on-campus, partially online).

  21. M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction

    Our low cost, high quality M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction program will help you gain the skills you need to advance your career.

  22. Master of Arts in Education

    Criteria for Admission For admission to the programme, candidates must possess the following: A bachelor's degree from an approved university, normally at the Lower Second Class level or above, in any TVET, WFD, Science or Technology-related area OR Dip.Ed. CBET OR an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University of the West Indies. Professional qualifications in education A minimum ...

  23. Master's in Information Technology Online Degree

    Earn an online MS IT in General Information Technology. Explore courses that build foundational knowledge to increase your technical expertise.

  24. Master of Science in construction management (traditional and online)

    Students will gain technical training and expertise that will prepare them to: ... Bachelor's degree; ... The master's in construction management at Wayne State University will provide you with the skills and training necessary to create or maintain key elements of our infrastructure — houses, skyscrapers, roads, tunnels, bridges, airports ...

  25. Demand is rising for career and technical education

    A four-year college degree is not necessarily the next step for students after they graduate from high school. The rising cost of college tuition has revitalized interest in career and technical ...