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Home » Diet and Nutrition » فاسٹ فوڈ کھانے کے کیا نقصانات ہیں؟

فاسٹ فوڈ کھانے کے کیا نقصانات ہیں؟

Ms. Ayesha Nasir

Updated On March 1, 2022 5 min read

fast food essay urdu

آج کے دور میں فاسٹ فوڈ سب سے جدی تیار ہونے والا کھانا ہے جو کہ ہوٹلوں اور ریسٹورنٹ وغیرہ میں بہت جلد آسانی سے کم وقت میں آرڈر پر دستیاب ہوتا ہے۔ دیگر دیسی کھانوں کے مقابلے میں ان کھانوں میں ایک تو غذایت کم ہوتی ہے دوسرا یہ گھر کے بنے عام کھانوں سے مہنگے بھی ہوتے ہیں۔ آج کل لوگ جلد اور کم وقت میں ہونے والی اشیاء کی طرف رجحان زیادہ بڑھا رہے ہیں، خاص طور پر آج کے دور کی نوجوان نسل فاسٹ فوڈ کو خریدنا اور اس پر زیادہ فضول خرچ کرنا پسند کرتی ہے۔

نہ صرف نوجوان نسل بلکہ بزرگ، بچوں سب کا لوگ فاسٹ فوڈ کو اپنے کھانے میں کھانا پسند کرتے ہیں۔ اگر ہم فاسٹ فوڈ کی تاریخ پر نظر ڈالیں تو ہمیں معلوم ہوگا کہ اس کا آغاز اٹھارویں صدی میں امریکہ سے ہوا تھا۔ ابتدا میں فاسٹ فوڈ کا ذائقے میں کم تر تھا جس کی وجہ سے یہ اتنا خاص لوگوں کو پسند نہ آیا، یوں یوں وقت گزا لوگوں کا دھیان برگر اور برگر کی مختلف اقسام کی طرف بڑھنے لگا۔

 اس طرح کے کھانوں میں بہت زیادہ کیلیریز موجود ہوتی ہیں، جو کہ خطرناک بیماریوں کو جنم دیتی ہیں جن میں جسم میں کولیسٹرول اور ہائی بلڈ پریشر کا بڑھ جانا فہرست  کے اول درجے میں ہیں۔ غذا انسانی جسم کے لیے بے حد ضروری ہے۔

انسان سارا دن کام کرتا ہے اور کام کے دوران اپنی خوراک کا دھیان نہیں رکھ پاتا اس لیے سب جنک فوڈ کا سوچتے ہیں لیکن اگر اپنی صحت پر دھیان نہیں دیں گے تو ہم ایک توازن زندگی نہیں گزار سکتے اور ایک اچھے کامیاب معاشرے کو تشکیل نہیں دے سکتے۔ ایک صحت مند زندگی کا ضامن ہونے کے لیے فاسٹ فوڈ کے مضر اثرات پر نطر ڈالنا بہت ضروری ہے۔

Table of Contents

فاسٹ فوڈ کھانے کے نقصانات

۔1 فاسٹ فوڈ کے استعمال سے دل کے امراض ہوسکتے ہیں.

دل کے امراض پھلینے کی سب سے بڑی وجہ فاسٹ کا استعمال ہے اور یہ استعمال جوان نسل میں بے حد عام ہے۔ اگر نوجوان دل کی بیماری سے بچنا چاہتے ہیں تو انہیں فاسٹ فوڈ کو چھوڑ کر سبزیوں اور چکنائی سے پرهیز کر کے اپنی روزمرہ کی روٹین میں ورزش کو اپنا معمول بنا کر اپنی صحت کو اچھا بنانے کے بارے میں سوچنا چاہیے۔

۔2 گردوں میں تکلیف کا سبب بنتا ہے

جنک فوڈ کی بہت ساری اشیاء میں نمک کی زیادتی ہوتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے ہمارے گردے خطرہ محسوس کرتے ہیں اور بیمار پڑ جاتے ہیں کیونکہ بہت زیادہ سوڈیم آپ کے گردوں میں پتھری پیدا کر سکتے ہیں جو کہ بعض اوقات موت کی وجہ بھی بن سکتے ہیں اگر وہ زیادہ پھیل جائیں اور ان کا بروقت علاج نہ کیا جائے۔

۔3 فاسٹ فوڈ کا استعمال موٹاپا کرتا ہے

جنک فوڈ میں چونکہ کیلیریز کی مقدار بے جا ہوتی ہے اس لیے یہ ہمارے جسم کو موٹاپے جیسی بیماری میں مبتلا کر دیتا ہے۔ ہمارے جسم کو اک دن میں جتنی کیلریز کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے اگر ہم اس سے زیادہ کیلریز کا استعمال کریں گے تو ہمارا جسم بییماریوں کا شکار ہونے لگے گا جس میں سب سے واضع بیماری ماٹاپا ہے اور موٹاپا تمام بیماریوں کی جڑ ہے۔

اج کل کی نوان لڑکیاں فاسٹ فوڈ کا شوق رکھتی ہیں اس لیے لڑکیوں میں موٹاپے کی بیماری زیادہ دیکھی گئی ہے، جس کی وجہ سے لڑکیاں جب شادی کی عمر میں پہنچتی ہیں تو انہیں بہت سے مسائل کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے اور وہ ذہنی مریض تک بن جاتی ہیں جو کہ موٹاپے سے بھی خطرناک بیماری ہے۔ 

۔4 فاسٹ فوڈ کے استعمال سے ذیابیطس کی بیماری ہوسکتی ہے

کم وقت میں تیار ہونے والے کھانے ہمارا وقت تو بچ رہا ہے لیکن ہم زیابچیس جیسی  بیماری کا بہت جلد اور آسانی سے شکار ہو جاتے ہیں۔ جب ہم کھانا کھاتے ہیں تو ہمارا جسم اس کھانے کو کاربوہائڈریٹس اور گلوکوز میں تبدیل کر دیتا ہے، جو کھانا ہمارے جسم کے لیے ضروری ہوتا ہے یعنی جس سے جسم کو آرام پہنچتا ہے وہ بھی جذب کرتا ہے اور ان کے ساتھ ان عناصر ہو بھی جو جسم مین ذیابیطس جیسی بیماری کا باعث بنتے ہیں۔

۔5 فاسٹ فوڈ سے ذہنی تناؤ بڑھ سکتا ہے

چونکہ فاسٹ فوڈز میں چکنائی زیادہ ہونے کے باعث زہنی بیماریاں پیدا ہوتی ہیں۔ چکنائی ہمارے جسم میں اگر زیادہ ہو جائے تو ہمارے جسم کے کسی نہ کسی آرگن پر جم جاتی ہے جس سے بہت ساری بیماریاں ہوتی ہیں جن میں معدے کی بیماری بہت عام ہے۔

ہم نے ایک قول بچپن سے سن رکھا ہے کہ اگر جسم اچھا کام کرے گا تو ہمارا زہن بھی اچھا کام کرے گا اور ہم ایک کامیاب راستے کی طرف تب ہی چل سکتے ہیں اگر ہماری صحت ٹھیک ہوگی۔ اگر آپ ذہنی تنائو سے بچنا چاہتے ہیں تو آپکو فاسٹ فوڈز سے دوری مستقل طور پر بنانی ہوگی اور اس پر مکمل طور پر عمل کرنا ہوگا۔

۔6 یادداشت میں کمزوری ہو سکتی ہے

فاسٹ فوڈ کے ہماری صحت پر بہت سارے منفی اثرات میں سے ایک اثر یادداشت میں کمزوری بھی ہے۔ گھریلو کھانوں کی حوصلہ افزائی کے لیے ہمیں چاہیے کہ ہم اپنے گھر کے لائنوں میں سبزیاں اگانے کے رواج کو بھڑاوا دیں جس سے ہمارے بچوں کے ذہنوں پر مثبت اثر پڑے گا۔

اپنے کھانوں میں زیادہ تر سبزیوں کے ساتھ گوشت کو استعمال کریں جو نہ صرف بچوں بلکہ ہر عمر کے لوگوں کے لیے ایک بہترین اور مکمل غذا سے کم نہیں ہے۔ دودھ اور دیگر غذائیت سے بھرپور اشیاء کو سوفٹ ڈرنکس کی جگہ پر استعمال کریں۔ فاسٹ فوڈ کلچر ہماری صحت کے لیے ایک کھلا خطرہ ہے۔

۔7 انسانی مدافعتی نظام کو کمزور کر دیتا ہے

فاسٹ فوڈ یا جنک فوڈ انسانی مدافعتی سسٹم کو کمزور کر دیتا ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ اس کے مضر اثرات ہمارے ہارمونز کی تبدیلی کا بھی باعث بنتے ہیں۔ مدافعتی کمزوری ہمارے سارا دن کے کاموں میں رکاوٹ کا باعث بن سکتی ہے۔

۔8 نظام انهزام کو خراب کرتا ہے

جنک فوڈ نہ صرف کھانے کو ہضم کرنے بلکہ چڑچڑا پن آنتوں والے سنڈروم کا سبب بنتے ہیں۔ یہ ہضمہ کی دیگر پریشانیوں کا باعث بن سکتے ہیں جیسا کہ تیزابیت، گیس، اپھاڑا و غیره شامل ہیں۔ ان تیز کھانے کی اشیاء کھانے کی وجہ سے ہمارے پیٹ میں سوڈیم کی مقدار زیادہ ہو جاتی ہے جو پیٹ میں پانی کی مقدار کو برقرار رکھنے کی وجہ بنتا ہے جس کی وجہ سے آپ اپنے پیٹ کو پھولا ہوا محساس کرتے ہیں۔

۔9 جگر کو نقصان پہنچانے کا سبب بنتا ہے

جنک فوڈ تیز مرچوں والا ہوتا ہے جو ہمارے جگر کے لیے نهایت خطرناک اور زہریلا ثابت ہوتا ہے کیونکہ ان کھانوں میں چربی، چکنائی اور شوگر زیادہ ہوتا ہے۔ چربی کا زیادہ استعمال جگر میں اکھٹا ہوجاتا ہے جس کے نتیجے میں غیر الکحل فیٹی جگر کی بیماری میں اضافہ کرتے ہیں۔

۔10 جلد کو متاثر کرتا ہے

بہت زیادہ جنمک فوڈز جیسی تلی ہوئی اور پروسیسڈ کھانا کھانے کی وجہ سے چہرے پر مختلف طرح کے مسائل پیش آتے ہیں جیسے کہ کیل مہاسے جھڑیاں وغیرہ۔ ایک تحقیق کے مطابق یہ بتایا گیا کہ جو بچے اور نو عمر افراد ہفتے میں تین بار سے زیادہ روز کھانا کھاتے ہیں ان لوگوں کو شدید قسم کا ایکزیمیا کی بیماری ہوتی ہے۔

۔12 کینسر کے خطرے کو مزید بڑھاتا ہے

فاسفیت، آلو کے چیپس،  اور کارن چپس جیسے فاڈز فوڈ کھانے سے بڑی آنت کے کینسر کا خطرہ بڑھتا چلا جا رہا ہے۔ ایک ہفتہ میں تلی ہوئی آلو کی ایک سے دو یا پانچ سرونگ یا ہر ہفتے چکن سینڈوچ کی دو سے تین سرونگیں کھانے سے بھی بڑٰ آنت کے کینسر کا خطرہ بڑھ جاتا ہے۔

۔13 فاسٹ فوڈ کھانا افسردگی کا باعث بن سکتا ہے

فاسٹ فوڈز کا استعمال دماغ کی سرگرمیوں میں ردوبدل کا باعث بن سکتے ہیں جن سے انخلا کی عامات ظاہر ہو سکتی ہیں، یہہ وجہ ہے کہ اس طرح کے کھانے آپ کی افسردگی کا سبب بن سکتے ہیں۔ لوگ فاسٹ فوڈز کے اتنے شوقین ہیں کے اس کو تیزی سے کھانے کے عادی بن گئے ہیں جس کی وجہ سے معدہ تکلیف محسوس کرتا ہے اور ہمیں ڈاکٹرز کا سوچ کر ہسپتال کے چکر لگوانے پر مجبور کر دیتا ہے۔

اولا ڈاک کی مدد سے کسی بھی  ماہرِ غذانیات  کے ساتھ اب آپ کی اپائینٹمنٹ صرف ایک کلک کی دوری پر ہے۔ آپ یہاں کلک کرکے گھر بیٹھے ہی اپنے موبائل سے ایک ورچوئل یا ان-آفس اپائینٹمنٹ بک کروا سکتے ہیں۔ آپ اپنی اپائینٹمنٹ بک کروانے کے لئے صبح 9 بجے سے 11 بجے تک اولا ڈاک کی ہیلپ لائن  04238900939  پر بھی کال کرسکتے ہیں۔ 

Ms. Ayesha Nasir

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فاسٹ فوڈز کھانے کے وہ نقصانات جو آپ نہیں جانتے

فاسٹ فوڈ آج کل ہما رے معاشرے میں بہت عام ہیں اور لوگ بہت شوق سے کھاتے ہیں مگر اس کا استعمال انسانی صحت کے لیے خطرناک ثابت ہو سکتا ہے یہی وجہ ہے کہ ماضی میں اس کے نقصانات کے پیشِ نظر لاس ایجلس میں جنگ فوڈز کی تیاری اور فروخت پر پابندی لگادی گئی تھی۔

فاسٹ فوڈ کے منفی اثرات میں یاد داشت کی کمزوری اور عمر کی کمی بھی شامل ہے۔ قدرتی کھانوں کی حوصلہ افزائی کے لئے ہمیں اپنے گھروں میں ان کا استعمال شروع کردینا چاہیے۔ اپنی صحت کا خیال رکھنے کے لیے فاسٹ فوڈز کے بجائے زیادہ جگہ تازہ سبزیوں، پھلوں اور گوشت کو دیں دودھ اور دیگر غذائیت سے بھرپور اشیاء کو سافٹ ڈرنکس کے متبادل کے طور پر منتخب کریں۔ فاسٹ فوڈک لچر ہماری صحت کے لیے ایک کھلا خطرہ ہے۔ اس کے بر وقت تدارک کے بغیر بیماریوں کی روک تھام ممکن نہیں ۔ فاسٹ فوڈ کے منفی اثرات میں یاد داشت کی کمزوری اور عمر کی کمی بھی شامل ہے۔ قدرتی کھانوں کی حوصلہ افزائی کے لئے ہمیں اپنے گھروں میں ان کا استعمال شروع کردینا چاہیے۔ اپنی صحت کا خیال رکھنے کے لیے فاسٹ فوڈز کے بجائے زیادہ جگہ تازہ سبزیوں، پھلوں اور گوشت کو دیں دودھ اور دیگر غذائیت سے بھرپور اشیاء کو سافٹ ڈرنکس کے متبادل کے طور پر منتخب کریں۔ فاسٹ فوڈک لچر ہماری صحت کے لیے ایک کھلا خطرہ ہے۔ اس کے بر وقت تدارک کے بغیر بیماریوں کی روک تھام ممکن نہیں ۔ فاسٹ فوڈ کا استعمال آپ کے جسم کو موٹا بناتا ہے اور فاسٹ فوڈ بدن میں چربی جمع کرنے کے عمل کو تیز کرتا ہے بدن میں چربی کے اضافہ سے انسانی جسم موٹا ہوتا ہے اور اس کی وجہ سے خون بھی گاڑھا ہو جاتا ہے جس سے بلڈ پریشر کی شکایت درپیش ہوتی ہے اور یہی نہیں اور بھی بہت نقصانات ہیں جو کہ فاسٹ فوڈ کے استعمال سے لوگوں میں پائے جاتے ہیں ۔ بچوں کے لیے فاسٹ فوڈ کا نقصان۔ فاسٹ فوڈ کے زیادہ استعمال سے بچوں کی ذہنی نشو و نما متاثر ہوتی ہے اور اس کے علاوہ انسانی صحت پر مضر اثرات مرتب ہوتے ہیں ۔ امریکا کی کیلیفورنیا یونیورسٹی میں ہونے والی تحقیق کے مطابق فاسٹ فوڈ کا زیادہ استعمال بچوں کی ذہنی نشو و نما کو متاثر کرتا ہے۔ تحقیق کے مطابق فاسٹ فاسٹ فوڈ میں آئرن کی کمی کے باعث دماغ کے مخصوص حصوں کی نشو و نما سست پڑ جاتی ہے جس سے بچے تعلیمی میدان میں پیچھے رہ جاتے ہیں۔ فاسٹ فوڈ میں شامل ٹرانس فیٹ سے امراض قلب، دماغی انتشار، ذیابطیس، کینسر اور موٹاپے کا خدشہ بڑھ جاتا ہے۔ فاسٹ فوڈ انسانی جسم کو خراب کر دیتا ہے۔ شروع میں اس کے استعمال سے کوئی بظاہر نقصان نظر نہیں آتا پر یہ انسان کے اندر چربی کا اضافہ کر دیتا ہے- فاسٹ فوڈ کا استعمال انسان کو سست، اور چڑچڑا بنا دیتا ہے ۔اس سے انسانی ذہن کند ہوتا ہے اور سوچنے کی صلاحیت کو کم کرتا ہے۔ فاسٹ فوڈ کا استعمال طالب علم کے لیے زہر ہے کیوں کہ اس کا استعمال ذہن کو سُن کرتا ہے اور انسان کی سوچ کو محدود کردیتا ہے جس کی وجہ سے انسان کی فطرت بدل جاتی ہے اور اکثر وہ انسان چڑچڑا اور غصہ میں رہتا ہے- فاسٹ فوڈ میں استعمال ہونے والا تیل اور فاسٹ فوڈ کے کھانے سے انسانی جسم کو نقصان ہوتا ہے اور یہ میدے کو نقصان پہنچاتا ہے۔


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Pros and Cons of Fast Food for Students

Fast food has become a staple in the diets of many students worldwide. Its convenience, affordability, and accessibility often make it an appealing option for busy individuals, especially students juggling academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and part-time jobs. However, while fast food offers convenience, it also presents several drawbacks that can impact students’ health, academic performance, and overall well-being. Let’s explore the pros and cons of fast food consumption among students in depth.

Pros of Fast Food for Students

1. convenience.

Fast food is synonymous with convenience. For students navigating packed schedules, fast-food restaurants offer quick and easy meals that save time, allowing them to focus on academics, work commitments, or social activities.

2. Affordability

Many fast-food options are budget-friendly, making them an attractive choice for students on a tight budget. Value meals and combo deals often provide a filling meal at a relatively low cost, which can be appealing for those managing limited finances. Specially, Subway Foods are very affordable for students. Explore the Subway menu for choosing suitable food items.

3. Availability and Accessibility

Fast-food chains are ubiquitous, especially near college campuses. Their widespread presence and extended hours make them easily accessible, providing students with food options even during late-night study sessions or hectic schedules.

4. Socialization and Gathering Spaces

Fast-food restaurants often serve as meeting places for students. They offer a casual environment for friends to gather, socialize, and study together while enjoying a meal, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among peers.

5. Varied Menu Options

Many fast-food establishments have diversified their menus, offering a range of choices beyond traditional burgers and fries. This includes salads, wraps, grilled options, and even healthier alternatives, catering to different dietary preferences and needs.

Cons of Fast Food for Students

1. poor nutritional value.

Fast food is typically high in calories, saturated fats, sodium, and sugar while lacking essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Regular consumption can lead to weight gain, nutritional deficiencies, and various health issues, impacting students’ overall well-being.

2. Health Risks and Lifestyle Diseases

Frequent consumption of fast food is linked to an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other health problems. Students may develop unhealthy eating habits that persist into adulthood, leading to long-term health complications.

3. Impact on Academic Performance

A diet high in fast food may affect cognitive function and academic performance. Research suggests that poor nutrition can impair concentration, memory, and learning abilities, potentially hindering students’ educational outcomes.

4. Lack of Dietary Variety and Freshness

Fast-food menus often lack diverse and fresh ingredients. Over time, reliance on fast food may limit students’ exposure to a wide range of nutritious foods, contributing to a monotonous diet lacking in essential nutrients.

5. Dependency and Addiction

Frequent consumption of fast food can lead to a dependency on highly processed, convenient meals. The addictive nature of some fast-food ingredients, such as sugar and fat, can make it challenging for students to adopt healthier eating habits.

Striking a Balance

While acknowledging the pros and cons of fast food for students, it’s essential to find a balance that prioritizes both convenience and health.

1. Moderation and Mindful Choices

Encouraging students to consume fast food in moderation and make mindful choices can mitigate some of its negative impacts. Opting for healthier menu options, watching portion sizes, and balancing fast-food intake with nutritious home-cooked meals can promote a healthier lifestyle.

2. Education on Nutrition and Cooking Skills

Educational initiatives focusing on nutrition and cooking skills empower students to make informed dietary choices. Teaching basic cooking skills and emphasizing the importance of balanced nutrition can encourage healthier eating habits.

3. Seeking Healthier Alternatives

Students can explore healthier alternatives available at fast-food restaurants. Choosing grilled options over fried, opting for salads with lean protein, and selecting water or healthier beverage options instead of sugary drinks are small changes that can make a difference.

4. Meal Prepping and Planning

Encouraging meal prepping and planning can help students avoid relying solely on fast food. Preparing healthy meals in advance allows for better control over ingredients and portion sizes, promoting healthier eating habits.

The pros and cons of fast food for students highlight the convenience and affordability of these options, juxtaposed against their potential health risks and impact on academic performance. While fast food offers convenience, students must be mindful of its nutritional implications. Striking a balance between convenience and healthy eating by making informed choices, moderation, and seeking alternatives can help students maintain a balanced diet while managing their busy lifestyles. Ultimately, promoting education on nutrition and fostering healthier eating habits empowers students to make choices that positively impact their overall health and well-being.

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IELTS Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Fast Food

Smruti Das

Updated On Nov 06, 2023


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Here is a step-by-step guide to write such essays in writing task -1..

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Task 2 of IELTS Writing is similar for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General. In this task, you will be expected to write an essay on a given topic. Different types of essays are given in the exam, advantages and disadvantages essay being one of them. Here, we will go through a sample answer of the IELTS essay on advantages and disadvantages of fast food.

Before proceeding to the sample answer, it is best to learn some ways to achieve a band score of 8 for Writing Task 2 that will help you write your own essay on the topic.

  • Understand the Prompt: Read the essay prompt carefully and ensure you comprehend the topic. Identify whether you are required to discuss advantages, disadvantages, or both.
  • Brainstorm Ideas: Spend a few minutes brainstorming points for each aspect (advantages and disadvantages) of the topic. Jot down key ideas and examples that support your arguments.
  • Plan Your Essay: Create a rough outline for your essay. Decide on the structure, including how many paragraphs you’ll have and the main points for each section.
  • Write the Introduction: Start with a clear and concise introduction. Mention that you will discuss both advantages and disadvantages in your essay. Provide a brief overview of your main points.
  • Develop the Body Paragraphs: Dedicate one or two paragraphs to each aspect (advantages and disadvantages). Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point. Follow with supporting details, examples, and explanations.
  • Address Each Point: Balance your discussion of advantages and disadvantages, giving roughly equal attention to both unless the prompt specifies otherwise.
  • Write a Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs. Restate your position on whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa. Provide a final thought or recommendation, if appropriate.
  • Proofread and Edit: Carefully review your essay for grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling errors. Ensure that your sentences are clear and concise. Check that your essay meets the word count requirement.

Now, let us learn how to frame an essay using the above-mentioned steps.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task .

Write at least 250 words.

Nowadays people have greater access to fast food. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages – Disadvantages Essay


Paraphrase the topic of the essay and mention that the essay will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages.

Paragraph 1: Advantages of access to fast food

Paragraph 2: Disadvantages of access to fast food


Clearly restate points covered in the essay.

Sample Answer 1 

The traction towards fast food has been on the rise for the past few years. As a result, fast-food outlets have mushroomed in every corner of the world. This essay will discuss both sides of this inclination and highlight how the disadvantages of the rampant availability of fast foods outweigh the advantages.

On the bright side, the availability of fast food is a boon to the working population as well as people who live alone away from home. Nowadays, it is quite common for spouses to go outside to work. Consequently, the easy access to these foods makes life easier for them as they juggle their office and home chores . Moreover, these convenience foods are economical and delectable if bought from appropriate places. Therefore, they are the best alternatives for healthy food, which is sometimes exorbitant .

However, unbridled accessibility and consumption of fast foods have an array of adverse effects. Firstly, it affects the health of the consumer and raises the risk of cardiovascular diseases, dental problems, etc. Obesity is one of the major side effects of these foods. Secondly, the innumerable ways of obtaining fast food is making people sluggish . For example, due to online delivery options like Zomato, Swiggy, etc., people do not have to go out to eat. This makes them dependent on these apps and gradually, they give up cooking and become torpid . Lastly, overconsumption of fast foods can lead to mental issues like depression and anxiety, as argued by many scientific researchers. They claim as people are more inclined towards eating fast foods, they do not maintain a healthy lifestyle, which contributes to these issues.

In the end, even though fast foods are easy to cook, inexpensive and readily available, greater access to them certainly has more pitfalls than gains.

  • Traction (noun)

Meaning: the extent to which something new becomes popular

E.g: His debut album gained a lot of traction.

  • Mushroomed (verb)

Meaning: increase, spread, or develop rapidly

E.g: Beauty salons have mushroomed in our village in the past two years.

  • Rampant (adjective)

Meaning: happening a lot or becoming worse, usually in a way that is out of control

E.g: The rampant poaching of animals and birds has led to biodiversity loss in many places.

  • Boon (noun)

Meaning: a thing that is helpful or beneficial

E.g: The construction of the dam is a boon to the nearby villages.

  • Chores (noun)

Meaning: a job or piece of work that needs to be done regularly

E.g: I divide the chores equally among all members of the household.

  • Exorbitant (adjective)

Meaning: much more than is reasonable

E.g: The supermarket charges an exorbitant price for most items it sells.

  • Unbridled (adjective)

Meaning: unrestrained

E.g: Letting the tiger roam unbridled in the forest can be dangerous to the nearby villages.

  • Sluggish (adjective)

Meaning: lacking in energy; lazy

E.g: My son has become sluggish.

  • Torpid (adjective)

Meaning: not active

E.g: Most students in our high school are torpid.

  • Pitfall (noun)

Meaning: problem that is likely to happen

E.g: There are pitfalls of using cars on these roads.

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Sample Answer 2 (320 words)

In today’s fast-paced world, access to fast food has become more convenient than ever before. This essay will explore both the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

One of the primary advantages of greater access to fast food is convenience. Fast food restaurants are widely available, often 24/7, allowing people to grab a quick meal on their way to work or when they have a busy schedule.

Another advantage is the affordability of fast food. In comparison to dining at traditional restaurants, fast food is usually more budget-friendly. Families on a tight budget often find it economical to choose fast food as an occasional dining option.

Furthermore, fast food establishments often offer a variety of menu choices. This allows consumers to select from a range of options, catering to diverse tastes and dietary preferences.

On the flip side, greater access to fast food can lead to health-related problems. Many fast food items are high in calories, unhealthy fats, and sugar, which can contribute to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Excessive consumption of fast food has been linked to various health issues, making it a concerning aspect of this accessibility.

Another disadvantage is the environmental impact of the fast food industry. The production and distribution of fast food contribute to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and excessive waste generation. This has a detrimental effect on the environment and contributes to climate change.

Moreover, the convenience of fast food may lead to a decline in home-cooked meals. As more people opt for the ease of fast food, traditional cooking skills may erode, resulting in a loss of cultural culinary traditions and diminished family bonding over meals.

In conclusion, while greater access to fast food offers convenience, affordability, and menu diversity, it also presents significant disadvantages such as health concerns, environmental issues, and a potential decline in home cooking. Whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages largely depends on an individual’s choices and lifestyle.

  • Convenience (Noun)

Meaning: Suitable for one’s needs; making life easier.

Eg: The convenience of online shopping has revolutionized the way we shop.

  • Budget-friendly (Adjective)

Meaning: Cost-effective; not expensive.

Eg: The local farmer’s market offers budget-friendly organic produce.

  • Diverse (Adjective)

Meaning: Showing a great deal of variety; different.

Eg: The city’s cultural festival showcased diverse traditions from around the world.

  • Obesity (Noun)

Meaning: Excessive body weight often associated with health issues.

Eg: Childhood obesity is a growing concern in many developed countries.

  • Deforestation (Noun)

Meaning: The action of clearing forests, often for agricultural purposes.

Eg: Deforestation has led to the loss of many endangered species’ habitats.

  • Culinary (Adjective)

Meaning: Relating to the practice or skills of cooking.

Eg: The culinary school offers a wide range of cooking courses.

  • Erode (Verb)

Meaning: Gradually destroy or diminish something over time.

Eg: The constant exposure to water eroded the coastline.

  • Cultural Traditions (Phrase)

Meaning: The customs, beliefs, and practices passed down within a society.

Eg: Preserving cultural traditions is essential for maintaining a sense of identity.

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Smruti Das

Smruti is a passionate and highly skilled content writer working in this field for the past 2 years. She is known for her ability to craft compelling and engaging content. With a keen eye for detail and a deep love for words, Smruti has expertized herself with the latest industry trends. Her commitment to producing high-quality content that resonates with audiences is highly valued.

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فاسٹ فوڈز ۔ فاسٹ فوڈز کی حفاظت اور بہتر طریقے سے رکھنے کے طریقے

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Unique recipe of blue dragon crispy noodles is also given. Chicken pizza is a great part of fast food. Urdu Point gives accurate chicken pizza recipe. For those who doesn’t have oven Urdu Point tells that how to make chicken pizza at home without oven. Urdu Point also gives chicken pizza recipe in Urdu. Those who want to pizza in microwave can have exclusive recipe of chicken pizza recipe in microwave. Urdu Point also gives Indian chicken pizza recipe. For making pizza spicy, Urdu Point gives exclusive spicy chicken pizza recipe. Urdu Point provides exclusive bbq chicken pizza recipes. It also gives recipes of chicken pizza topping combinations. Urdu Point gives chana chaat recipe in Urdu. One can make spicy dish by using given spicy chana chaat recipe in Urdu by Urdu Point. Urdu Point also facilitates its users by giving chana chaat recipe in Urdu video. For giving dfferent taste to the dish, Urdu Point gives chana chaat with yogurt recipe. It also gives special aloo chana chaat recipe in Urdu. Urdu Point also gives exclusive Lahori chana chaat recipe in Urdu. Urdu Point gives different types of shawarma recipe in Urdu. Urdu Point also provides spicy chicken shawarma recipe in Urdu. It gives Lahori shawarma recipe in Urdu. Urdu Point also provides recipe of shawarma white sauce in Urdu. French chicken sandwich is a very famous and delicious fast food. Urdu Point gives recipe of French onion chicken sandwich. The gives very famous recipe of French salad. Urdu Point also provides French chicken salad recipe. Almost half of the world is in quest of perfect Kentucky fried chicken recipe. Urdu Point gives exclusive recipe for KFC chicken coating. It also gives authentic KFC fried chicken recipe extra crispy. Urdu Point also provides KFC chicken recipe baked. Urdu Point tells KFC original recipe ingredient. Urdu Point gives KFC chicken recipe in Urdu . Stuffed cheese buns are everyone’s favorite fast food. Urdu Point gives cheese buns recipe easy. Urdu Point also gives special cheddar cheese buns recipe. It also gives cheddar cheese rolls recipe. Exclusive garlic cheese buns recipe is also given on Urdu Point. Urdu Point provides chicken wings drumsticks recipe. It gives the great baked chicken leg recipes. Urdu Point also provides chicken drumstick casserole recipes. Urdu Point takes care of its user’s health. That’s why it gives healthy chicken leg recipes. Urdu Point provides chicken leg recipes oven. Urdu Point provides a bundle of baked chicken legs recipe. It also provides bbq chicken leg recipes. Grilled chicken shawarma is also a great part of fast food. Urdu Point provides. Urdu Point gives easy chicken shawarma recipe. Urdu Point gives authentic chicken shawarma wrap recipe. Some says that half of the taste is due to perfect sauce. Urdu Point gives recipe of chicken shawarma sauce. Urdu Point provides accurate shawarma ingredients. Urdu Point also gives beef shawarma recipe. Urdu Point also gives exclusive Russian kabab recipe. Urdu Point provides Russian kabab recipe in Urdu. For giving users ease, Urdu Point gives bread roll recipe step by step. Urdu Point provides soft bread roll recipe. For making quick bread rolls, Urdu Point gives crusty bread roll recipe. Urdu Point provides bread rolls recipe in Urdu. The web page provides chicken bread roll recipe. In Urdu. Tandoori chicken burger is a very famous and delicious fast food dish. Urdu Point gives Tandoori chicken burger recipe. Urdu Point gives beef burger patty recipe. It gives the best beef burger recipe. It also gives worlds best hamburger recipe. Urdu Point also provides easy beef burger recipe. Now it’s not difficult to get homemade beef burger recipe. Urdu Point provides zinger burger recipe. To facilitate its users, Urdu Point gives zinger burger recipe in Urdu. It also tells that how to make zinger burger in Urdu. Urdu Point also provides zinger burger recipe in Urdu video. Urdu Point gives spicy zinger burger recipe. Urdu Point provides zinger burger recipe KFC. Exclusive KFC zinger recipe is given on Urdu Point. Thai crispy noodles also represents fast food. Urdu Point provides recipe of crispy rice noodles. Urdu Point also gives puffed rice noodles. Urdu Point provides recipes of special Diwali food. Hamus or Hummus is a popular Middle Eastern cuisine. Urdu Point provides easy hummus recipe. It tells the accurate hummus ingredients. Urdu Point also provides healthy hummus recipe. Kapsa is a delicious dish of Yamen cuisine. Urdu Point gives kabsa rice recipe. Cocktail kabab is a great dish. Unique cocktail kebabs recipe is also provided. Suflay is a great dish reside in dessert category. Urdu Point also gives soufflé recipe. Urdu Point provides pasanday recipe as well. Urdu Point also gives different types of olive oil used in many drinks. Unique recipe from mewa food is also provided. Urad gota is an ingredient used in many fast food recipes. Urdu Point also tells that what is mawa . Urdu Point also tells that what is azafran . Lasagna is the most used fast food in the whole world. Urdu Point also facilitates beginners by giving easy lasagna recipe. Urdu Point provides exclusive lasagna with ricotta. Urdu Point takes care of its user’s traditions, that’s why it provides traditional lasagna recipe. Urdu Point provides classic lasagna recipe. For all the vegetarians Urdu Point facilitates its users by giving lasagna vegetarian. Urdu Point takes care of user’s nutritional value, that’s why it provides exclusive lasagna with cottage cheese. It also provides meat lasagna recipe. Urdu Point also gives galawati kabab recipe. Urdu Point gives paratha roll recipe . Urdu Point provides r ainbow sandwich recipe . Shami kabab recipe and recipe of chicken donuts is also given by Urdu Point. Chicken cheese ball recipe is also provided by Urdu Point. Delicious recipe of paratha roll is also given. Stakes food is getting very common due to its great taste. Urdu Point gives recipe of anda ghotala for users. Recipe of Singapore chicken is being provided by Urdu Point. Recipe of khajla is also given. Recipes of shashlik sticks are provided for users. Urdu Point also tells kurkure flavors used in many fast food dishes. Urdu Point gives pizza recipe in English . Recipe of great madhur jaffrey butter chicken is also given. All the recipes using chicken keema are also provided. Peking chow mein is a delicious food. Recipe of Manchurian beef is being provided by Urdu Point. Accurate club sandwich recipe is a bit difficult to find. Urdu Point gives recipe of club sandwich. Sajji recipe is also given on Urdu Point. Recipe of kabuli pizza crust is also added on web page. Exclusive pizza recipe without oven is also provided. Chicken espetada is a dish consumed and liked by a lot of people. Urdu Point gives chicken espetada recipe . Recipe of katlet is also given. Kotlet is a Persian recipe. Chicken makhni recipe is also provided. Recipe of chicken cheese balls is also given. Urdu Point gives chicken shami kabab recipe in urdu . Thai soup recipe is also provided. Chicken stock cubes are also given. Urdu Point gives golgappa recipe in urdu . Unique chicken steak recipe is also given by Urdu Point. Kasturi kabab are everyone’s favorite dish. Singaporean rice are of great taste. Recipe of pocket pizza is also given. Dominos pizza recipes are also given to users. Recipes of Manchurian chicken are given for the users. Urdu Point gives recipe of exclusive crispy egg paratha . Urdu Point also tells that how to make rainbow sandwiches . Recipe of jalfrezi is very unique. Schezwan chicken fried rice have a superb taste. Chicken burgers are always in demand and it will always be. Recipe of pizza is also given. Use of biryani essence is also illustrated. Afghan kabob recipe is also given . Chicken stick recipe is also given. Flafel is a great recipe of deep fried balls having a lot of ingredients. Flafel wraps are famous ones. Singapuri chowmein is a great dish. Wong tong is a Chinese cuisine dish ingredient. Hong kong chow mein is also in demand due to its taste. Fajita pizza is everyone’s favorite. Urdu Point provides best chicken jalfrezi recipe . Urdu Point provides chicken tikka pizza recipe. Recipe of egg fried rice Chinese is also given. Fast food recipes videos are provided to facilitate users. Exclusive Turkish recipes in English are of great importance. Recipe of special mutton pizza is also given. Beef shashlik is a great dish with great nutritional value and taste. Urdu Point provides chicken burger recipe in Urdu. For all the users Urdu Point gives simple burger recipe in Urdu. Urdu Point also provides Shami burger recipe in Urdu. Urdu Point also gives zinger burger recipe in Urdu kfc.

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Recipe categories.

  • پاکستانی کھانے Pakistani Food
  • بریانی اور چاول ڈشز Biryani And Rice
  • مختلف اقسام کا رائتہ Yummy Raita
  • دودھ پتی، چائے، قہوہ، سبز چائے Doodh Patti, Tea, Kahwa And Green Tea
  • حلوہ پوری Halwa Poori
  • کباب، کلیجی، کوفتے اور تکہ Kabab, Kaleji, Kofta And Tikka
  • کڑی اور پکوڑہ کڑی Pakora Kari And Kadhi
  • آملیٹ اور انڈہ پکانے کا طریقہ Omelette And Egg
  • پاکستانی مرغ کے پکوان Pakistani Chicken
  • پاکستانی گوشت کے پکوان Pakistani Meat
  • پاکستانی سبزیوں کے پکوان Pakistani Vegetable
  • پسندے Pasanda
  • دال پکانے کی تراکیب Daal And Dal
  • روٹی، نان، پراٹھے وغیرہ Roti, Naan, Paratha, Dosa, Puri, Kulcha
  • ساگ اور مکئی کی روٹی Makki Ki Roti Sarson Ka Saag
  • سموسے، رول، پکوڑے، دھی پھلکیاں‎ Samosa, Roll, Pakora, Dahi Baray And Dahi Phulkiyan
  • مرغ پکوان Chicken Pakwan
  • بادامی چکن Badami Chicken
  • چرغہ اسٹیم چکن اور بروسٹ چکن Chargha, Steam Chicken And Chicken Broast
  • چکن اچاری Achari Chicken
  • چکن بادام کاجو اور ڈرائی فروٹ کیساتھ Chicken Almond, Chicken Cashew Nut And Nuts
  • چکن بریانی Chicken Biryani
  • چکن بون لیس Boneless Chicken
  • چکن برگر اور چکن سینڈوچ Chicken Burgers And Chicken Sandwichs
  • چکن کٹلس اور چکن کباب Chicken Cutlets And Chicken Kebab
  • ڈائیٹ کیلئے چکن Diet Chicken
  • چکن حلیم Chicken Haleem
  • چکن کڑاہی Chicken Karahi And Murgh Karahi
  • چکن کھڑا مصالحہ اور مصالحہ چکن Chicken Masala
  • چکن کھچڑی Chicken Khichdi
  • چکن کوفتے Chicken Kofta
  • چکن قورمہ Chicken Salan
  • چکن نہاری Chicken Nihari
  • چکن نگٹس اور اسٹکس Chicken Nuggets And Chicken Sticks
  • چکن پاستا، چکن میکرونی Chicken Pasta And Chicken Macaroni
  • چکن پیزا Chicken Pizza
  • چکن پلائو Chicken Pulao
  • چکن رائس اور چکن چاول Chicken Rice And Chicken Chawal
  • چکن سموسے، رول، پکوڑے Chicken Samosa, Chicken Rolls, Chicken Pakora
  • چکن سیخ کباب اور چکن تکے Chicken Seekh Kabab And Chicken Tikka
  • چکن کے سوپ Chicken Soup
  • چکن اسٹیک Chicken Steak
  • چکن ٹوسٹ اور بریڈ چکن Chicken Toast And Breaded Chicken
  • چکن ونگز Chicken Wings
  • چکن مختلف سبزیوں کے ہمراہ Chicken Vegetables
  • چائنیز چکن Chinese Chicken
  • مختلف ممالک کے چکن International Chicken
  • فرائیڈ چکن Fried Chicken
  • گرلڈ چکن، چکن باربی کیو Grilled Chicken Andbarbecue Chicken
  • حیدر آبادی چکن اور شاہی چکن Hyderabadi Chicken And Shahi Chicken
  • لیمن چکن Lemon Chicken
  • متفرق چکن تراکیب Different Chicken
  • پشاوری چکن، دم پخت چکن اور شنوارئی چکن Peshawari Chicken, Dum Pukht Chicken, Shinwari Chicken
  • وائیٹ چکن White Chicken
  • گوشت کے پکوان Mutton Gosht And Beef Gosht
  • اچاری گوشت Achari Gosht
  • بیف اسٹیک Beef Steak
  • گوشت کی متفرق ڈشیں Mutton And Beef
  • گوشت کے کباب Gosht Ke Kabab
  • گوشت کے کوفتے Gosht Ke Kofte
  • قیمہ اسپیگھٹی، نوڈلز، پائی وغیرہ Keema Spaghetti, Noodles And Pai Recipes
  • مغز، گردہ اور کپورہ Maghaz And Gurda Kapoora
  • بریانی، چاول اور گوشت Mutton Biryani, Beef Biryani, Gosht Rice
  • برگر اور گوشت کے سینڈوچ Mutton And Beef Burger And Sandwich Recipes
  • چانپ اور فرائیڈ گوشت Mutton Champ, Beef Champ And Fried Gosht Recipes
  • گوشت کی کڑھائی اور قورمہ Mutton Karahi, Beef Karahi And Korma
  • قیمہ اور مختلف اقسام کے قیمے Mutton Keema And Beef Keema
  • گوشت کی کلیجی کے پکوان Mutton Kaleji And Beef Kaleji
  • ران گوشت Mutton Raan And Beef Raan
  • روسٹ، روسٹد اور بیکڈ گوشت Mutton Roast And Beef Roast, Baked Meat
  • سری پائے اور مختلف اقسام کے پائے Siri Paye And Paya
  • تکہ اور بار بی کیو Mutton Tikka And Beef Tikka And BBQ
  • سبزی اور گوشت Sabzi Gosht
  • مچھلی کے پکوان Fish
  • بیکڈ فش Baked Fish
  • چائنیز فش Chinese Fish
  • دم پخت مچھلی Dum Pukht Machli
  • مچھلی کے کٹلس اور کباب Fish Kebab And Fish Cutlets
  • فش فلے Fish Fillet
  • مچھلی کی کڑاہی Fish Karahi
  • مچلی کے کوفتے Fish Kofta
  • فش قورمہ Fish Korma
  • فش پلائو، مچھلی چاول Fish Pulao And Fish With Rice
  • فش رولز Fish Rolls
  • فش سوپ Fish Soup
  • فش اسٹیک Fish Steam
  • فش تکہ و کباب، باربی کیو فش Fish Tikka - Fish Kabab And Fish BBQ
  • فرائیڈ فش، تلی ہوئی مچھلی Fried Fish And Tali Hui Fish
  • جھینگے Prawns And Jheenga
  • کھڑے مصالحے دار مچھلی Masala Fish
  • مچھلی کا سالن Machli Ka Salan
  • مچھلی مصالحہ Fish Masala
  • مچھلی سبزی کے ساتھ Fish And Vegetables
  • روسٹ فش Roast Fish
  • سٹیم فش Steam Fish
  • تندوری اور گرل مچھلی Tandoori Fish And Grill Fish
  • سبزیوں کے پکوان Sabzi Dishes
  • آلو سے بنے کھانے Aloo
  • انڈہ اور سبزی Anda Aur Sabzi
  • بینگن، ٹینڈے اور کدو Baingan Tinda Aur Kaddu
  • بھنڈی پکانے کی تراکیب Bhindi
  • سبزیوں کے ساتھ چائنیز ڈشز Chinese Vegetable Dishes
  • گاجر سے بنی تراکیب Gajar
  • گوبھی اور بند گوبھی Gobi Aur Band Gobhi
  • کریلے پکانے کی تراکیب Karela
  • مٹر کے ساتھ سبزیاں Matar
  • مختلف اقسام کی سبزی Mix Sabzi
  • مشروم کے پکوان Mushroom Dish
  • ساگ اور پالک Saag Aur Palak
  • سبزیوں کے کباب Sabzi Kabab
  • مختلف سبزیوں کا اچار Sabziyon Ka Achar
  • سبزیوں کے سوپ Vegetable Soup
  • ٹماٹر سے بنی سبزیاں Tamatar
  • اوون میں سبزی پکانا Vegetables In Oven
  • سبزیوں کے سلاد Vegetable Salad
  • بریانی پلاؤ Biryani And Pulao
  • بریانی۔ مختلف اقسام کی بریانی Biryani
  • پلائو۔ مختلف اقسام کے پلائو Pulao
  • زردہ، میٹھے چاول Zarda, Meethe Chawal
  • چنے کی دال Dal Chana
  • دال چاول Daal Chawal
  • دالوں کے سوپ Daal Ka Soup
  • کھچڑی دال کے ساتھ Dal Khichdi
  • ماش کی دال Daal Mash
  • مونگ کی دال Daal Moong
  • مسور کی دال Masoor Dal
  • مختلف اقسام کی مکس اور متفرق دالیں Mix Daal
  • پنجابی دالیں اور چنے Punjabi Dal Aur Chana
  • چائینز کھانے Chinese Food
  • چائنیز بیف اور مٹن گوشت Chinese Beef Aur Gosht
  • چائنیز چائو من Chinese Chow Mein
  • چائنیز رائس Chinese Rice
  • جھینگے اور پرونز Jheenga And Prawns
  • میکرونی Macaroni
  • منچورین Manchurian
  • چائنیز شاشلک Shashlik
  • کونٹینینٹل کھانے Continental Food
  • متفرق کونٹینینٹل تراکیب Continental Dishes
  • پاسٹا Pasta
  • فاسٹ فوڈز Fast Food
  • انڈے سے بنے فاسٹ فوڈ Fast Food With Eggs
  • برگر Burgers
  • چاٹ، فروٹ چاٹ Chaat
  • چیز سے بنے فاسٹ فوڈ Cheese Fast Food
  • کٹلس اور کباب Cutlets And Kabab
  • دہی بھلے اور دہی بڑے Dahi Bhalla And Dahi Baray
  • دلیہ بنانے کی تراکیب Daliya
  • ڈرم اسٹک Drum Sticks
  • فرینچ فرائز اور چپس French Fries And Chips
  • فرائیڈ چکن، کے ایف سی کی طرح KFC Fried Chicken
  • گول گپے Gol Gappay And Panipuri
  • کتلمہ بنانے کی تراکیب Katlama
  • متفرق مزیدار فاسٹ فوڈ Mix Fast Food
  • نمک پارے Namak Paray
  • نوڈلز Noodle
  • آملیٹ Omelette
  • پکوڑے Pakoray
  • پف اور پائی کی تراکیب Puff And Pie
  • سموسے Samosa
  • سینڈوچ Sandwich
  • شوارما چکن اور بیف Shawarma
  • اسپیگٹی Spaghetti
  • سلاد Salads
  • آلو کے سلاد Aloo Ke Salad
  • بیف کے سلاد Beef Salad
  • بینز اور پھلیوں کے سلاد Beans Aur Phaliyan Salads
  • چکن کے سلاد Chicken Salad
  • چقندر کے سلاد Chukandar Salads
  • مچھلی کے سلاد Seafood Salad
  • کھیرے کے سلاد Kheere Ke Salad
  • متفرق اور مکس سلاد Mix Salads
  • پھلوں کے سلاد Fruit Salad
  • سی فوڈ کے سلاد Seafood Salad
  • بچوں کے سوپ Kids Soup
  • بیف اور گوشت کے سوپ Beef Soup And Mutton Soup
  • چائینز سوپ Chinese Soup
  • کارن اور مکئی کے سوپ Corn Soup And Makai Soup
  • مختلف ممالک کے سوپ International Soups
  • ہڈیوں کے سوپ Haddi Ka Soup
  • ہاٹ اینڈ سار سوپ Hot And Sour Soup
  • مچھلی کے سوپ Fish Soup
  • متفرق مزیدار سوپ Mix Soups
  • مشروم سوپ Mushroom Soup
  • پھلوں کے سوپ Fruits Soup
  • شرمپ اور سی فوڈ کے سوپ Shrimp Soup And Seafood Soup
  • ٹماٹر کے سوپ Tomato Soup
  • یخنی Yakhni
  • اوون کے پکوان Oven Food
  • بیکڈ اشیاء Baked Dish
  • کیک، برائونی، پین کیک، پڈنگ Cake, Brownie, Pan Cake, Pudding
  • متفرق اوون کی ڈشز‎ Different Oven Dishes
  • مچھلی، جھینگے اور سی فوڈ Fish, Prawns And Seafood
  • کباب و تکہ Kabab And Tikka
  • ہلکے پھلکے سنیکس Snacks
  • چاٹ، چنا چاٹ Chaat And Chana Chaat
  • چپس، مختلف اقسام کے چپس Chips
  • ڈونٹ Doughnut
  • گارلک بریڈ Garlic Bread
  • کچوری Kachori
  • متفرق مزیدار سنیکس Snack Mix
  • پیٹیز Petties
  • رول اور اسپرنگ رول Rolls And Spring Rolls
  • ٹوسٹ اور سلائس کے سنیکس Toast And Slices
  • گھریلو بیکری Home Bakery
  • ایپل پائی اور دیگر پائی Apple Pie, Other Pies
  • بسکٹ اور کوکیز Biscuit And Cookies
  • برائونی بنانے کی ترکیب Brownie
  • چیز ٹوسٹ، فرینچ ٹوسٹ اور دیگر ٹوسٹ Cheese Toast, French Toast And Toast
  • کروسنٹ بنانے کا طریقہ Croissant
  • نان خطائی Nan Khatai
  • پین کیک Pancake
  • پیسٹری، ڈینش پیسٹری اور کیک پیسٹری Pastry, Danish Pastry And Cake
  • پنجابی کھانے Punjabi Food
  • لسی، درجنوں اقسام کی لسی Lassi
  • پنجابی اچار، چٹنیاں، رائتہ وغیرہ Punjabi Achar, Chutney, Raita
  • پنجابی چاٹ، چنا چاٹ، دہلی بھلے وغیرہ Punjabi Chaat, Chana Chaat Aur Dahi Bhalla
  • پنجابی چکن اورپنجابی گوشت Punjabi Chicken Aur Gosht
  • پنجابی میٹھے پکوان Punjabi Meethe Pakwan
  • پنجابی پراٹھا، پنجابی روٹی، بھتورا وغیرہ Punjabi Roti, Paratha Aur Bhatura
  • پنجابی سبزیاں Punjabi Sabzi
  • پنجابی سموسے، پکوڑے، کباب اور دیگر سنیکس Punjabi Samosa, Pakora, Kebab Aur Snacks
  • میٹھے پکوان Pakistan And Indian Sweet
  • اندرسے بنانے کی تراکیب Andrasay
  • بالو شاہی اور شکرپارے Balushahi Aur Shakarpara
  • کسٹرڈ اورجیلی بنانے کی تراکیب Custard And Jelly
  • فرینچ ٹوسٹ اور میٹھے سلائس وغیرہ French Toast And Meethay Slice
  • فروٹ چاٹ ، فروٹ اور خشک میوہ جات کی ڈشز Fruit Chaat, Fruit And Dry Fruits Dishes
  • گجریلا اور گاجر کا حلوہ Gajrela Or Gajar Ka Halwa
  • گلاب جامن Gulab Jamun
  • حلوہ بنانے کی تراکیب Halwa
  • قلاقند Kalakand
  • کھیر اور فیرنی Kheer And Firni
  • کھوئے کے پیڑے Khoay Kay Paray
  • لڈو اور موتی چور Laddu
  • مینگو - آم کے میٹھے پکوان Mango And Aam
  • میٹھی چُوری، میٹھی روٹی، میٹھے پراٹھے Meethi Choori, Meethi Roti, Meethay Paratha
  • پنجیری Panjeri
  • پڈنگ، بریڈ پڈنگ، بریڈ فنگرز اور دیگر بریڈڈ میٹھے پکوان Pudding, Bread Pudding , Bead Fingers And Other Bread Sweet Dishes
  • رس گلے Rasgulla
  • رس ملائی بنانے کی تراکیب Rasmalai
  • سویاں اور شیر خرما Seviyan And Sheer Khurma
  • شاہی ٹکڑے، ڈبل روٹی کے ٹکڑے Shahi Tukda And Double Roti Ke Tukde
  • ٹافی اور کینڈی بنانے کی تراکیب Toffee And Candy
  • مٹھائیاں Mithaiyan And Mithai
  • برفی مختلف اقسام کی Barfi
  • چٹنیاں ، آچار ، جام ، جیلی ، مربے Chatni, Achar, Jam Jelly And Murabba
  • آم کا اچار Aam Ka Achar
  • اچار، مختلف اقسام کے اچار Achar
  • چٹنی اور مختلف اقسام کی چٹنیاں Chutney
  • گاجر کا اچار Gajar Ka Achar
  • جام اور مارملیڈ Jam Aur Marmalade
  • جیلی مختلف اقسام کی جیلی Jelly
  • مایونیز اور وائیٹ سوس Mayonnaise Aur White Sauce
  • مولی کا اچار Mooli Ka Achar
  • مربہ اور مربہ جات Murabba
  • لیموں کا اچار Nimbu Ka Achar
  • رائتہ بنانے کی تراکیب Raita
  • سوس، کیچپ اور مختلف سوسز Sauces Aur Ketchup
  • آئس کریم Ice Cream
  • چاکلیٹ آئس کریم Chocolate Ice Cream
  • کافی آئس کریم Coffee Ice Cream
  • آئس کریم۔ مختلف اقسام کی آئس کریم Homemade Ice Cream
  • قلفہ آئس کریم اور قلفی Kulfa Ice Cream
  • مینگو آئس کریم Aam Ki Ice Cream
  • اسٹرابیری آئس کریم Strawberry Ice Cream
  • ونیلا آئس کریم Vanilla Ice Cream
  • مشروبات Drinks, Juices, Sharbat, Sakanjabeen
  • آلو بخارے کے مشروبات Aloo Bukhara Drinks
  • انار کے مشروبات Anar Ka Juice And Drinks
  • انگوروں کے مشروبات Angoor Sharbat
  • بادام کی ٹھنڈائی اور بادام کے مشروبات Badam Thandai And Badam Drinks
  • چاکلیٹ کے مشروبات Chocolate Drinks
  • کوکٹیل Cocktail
  • کولڈ کافی اور کافی Coffee And Cold Coffee
  • دودھ سوڈا Doodh Soda
  • ڈرائی فروٹ اور میوہ جات کے مشروب Dry Fruit Drinks
  • الائچی کے مشروبات Elaichi Drinks
  • فالسے کے مشروبات Falsay Ka Sharbat
  • گاجر کے مشروبات Carrot Drinks
  • املی کے مشروبات Imli Ka Sharbat
  • جامن کے مشروبات Jamun Sharbat And Jamun Drinks
  • جوس بنانے کے طریقے Juices
  • کانجی Kanji Sharbat
  • کشمیری قہوہ Kashmiri Kahwa
  • لیمن اور لیموں کے مشروبات Lemon Sharbat
  • مینگو اور آم کے مشروبات Mango Drinks
  • ملک شیک Milkshake
  • پودینہ کے مشروبات Mint Drinks
  • متفرق مشروبات Mix Mashroobat
  • مالٹا اور سنگترے کے مشروبات Orange Drinks
  • روح افزاء Rooh Afza
  • سیب کے مشروبات Apple Drinks
  • شربت، مختلف اقسام کے شربت Mix Drinks And Sharbat
  • سکنجین Shikanjvi And Shikanjabeen
  • اسموتھی Smoothie
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  • یوگرٹ اور فروزن دہی کے مشروبات Yogurt And Frozen Dahi Drinks
  • پھلوں کے پکوان Fruit Dishes
  • آم کی تراکیب Mango
  • کھجور کے پکوان Dates And Khajoor
  • بچوں کے پکوان Bachon Ke Pakwan
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128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples

The phenomenon of comfort food that takes a short time to prepare and tastes good has become extremely popular in the world, with chains such as McDonalds having an enormous global presence. However, the adverse health effects associated with the emergence of fast food have led to its nickname, junk food.

There is an obesity epidemic throughout the world, but people do not adopt healthy eating habits even as more and more issues surface. As such, you should cover some key points to write an outstanding essay on one or more fast food essay topics and show your understanding of the topic.

In this article we will reveal some tips and ideas for writing, as well as research questions on fast food.

👍 Tips for Essay Writing on Fast Food

🏆 best fast food topics & essay examples, ✅ simple & easy fast food essay topics, 💡 most interesting fast food topics to write about, ❓ fast food questions for research paper.

Your fast food essay should discuss the advantages as well as disadvantages of fast food compared to traditional healthy food.

Food items that contain excessive fat or were not good for one’s health have existed for a long time, but were never prominent enough to impact the population significantly.

Fast food options became popular because they pioneered the ideas of food being easily accessible, quick to make, and tasty nevertheless.

Compared to the usual cooking experience people went through at home as well as outdoors eating places, the new phenomenon constituted a revolution.

Fast food became popular with the population due to its significant benefits compared to other methods.

However, the disadvantages of excessive consumption of junk food emerged eventually, leading to the release of various legislation governing the dangers of a poor diet.

With its emphasis on fat and sugars, fast food can lead to a variety of issues, examples including uncontrolled weight gain, heart disease, dental issues, shortness of breath, and other adverse outcomes.

Obesity is now an issue that affects many people in the United States as well as other countries. It can also be difficult to stop consuming junk food because of its instant gratification properties.

Due to its concentration on taste over nutrition, healthy food can feel bland and uninteresting by comparison, leading the person to switch back.

You should discuss potential solutions to the issues created by fast food, but the issue is complex and complicated by the conditions of some of the people affected.

In Australia, some aboriginal people live too far from large cities to receive regular shipments of healthy food that will not spoil, so they have to rely on fast food that is packed with preservatives.

As a result, many become obese and malnourished at the same time. There is no easy solution to the issue, and as such, most options have to be theoretical or supported by evidence. The essay format is generally not suitable for in-depth discussions of topics related to the resolution of these issues.

Here are some additional tips that will make your essay truly outstanding:

  • Try to rely on facts that are supported by research and evidence rather than the popular perception.
  • The concept of fast food extends beyond chains such as McDonalds to ready-made meals and various snacks in stores.
  • Remember to follow usual essay writing guidelines such as an academic tone, the separation of section with titles, and the use of an introductions and fast food essay conclusions.

Here, at IvyPanda you can find lots of fast food essay titles and other useful samples that will help you create an excellent paper! Check them below!

  • Fast Food Industry: Arguments for and Against For instance, those who believe that fast food industry is beneficial to them and other members of the society will expect the findings of this research to be in support of their beliefs.
  • Fast Food vs. Home Cooking: Lifestyle and Traditions The good thing with this business is that the food was from natural products hence healthy, a fact that has since changed Many people are very busy for the better part of the day and […]
  • Fast Food in Campus: Advantages and Disadvantages On the other hand, a classmate mentions that fast foods lead to obesity among university students who eat from fast-food restaurants.
  • The Fast Food Industry Lots of people claim that the growth of the rate of obese people correlates with the growth of fast food chains in the region.
  • HRM in the Fast Food Industry: US, Germany, and Australia It should be mentioned that the term human-resource relations refers to the programs that an organization puts in place in order to ensure that the employees receive the benefits that are guaranteed by legislation.
  • Survey to Study the Relationship Between Fast Food Consumption and Obesity The survey aims to analyze if there is any connection between consumption of fast food and obesity. The study aims to ascertain the relationship between fast food consumption and obesity.
  • The Negative Consequences of Employing High School Students in Fast Food Restaurants In addition, high school students should be advised that education and their careers are more important as compared to working at fast food restaurants.
  • Fast Food Effects on Human Health The phenomenon results in the ideological perspectives of increased obesity and the emergence of lifestyle diseases. The popularity and consumption rate of fast-food restaurants is one of the trending issues in cities and towns.
  • Improvements of Supply Chain Processes in the Fast Food Industry: Subway The purposes of the research are to analyze the service delivery stage of the internal supply chain process typical of the Subway restaurants located in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates; identify drawbacks in these areas […]
  • Global Challenges Faced By Fast Food Companies For instance the price strategy is usually determined by a number of factors such as the number of competitors in the market, the availability and costs of raw materials and the existent product substitutes in […]
  • Fast Food Restaurants: Classification Most restaurants offer these services at their premises, whereby customers come, have their meals and leave for example the Deising’s chain of restaurants, while others especially the well-established ones offer take-out services and delivery services […]
  • Fritter’s Fast Food Restaurants: Overview Very fast and inexpensive to manufacture, Fritters can find their customers both in restaurants and kiosks, and in pre-prepared form.
  • Social Media Marketing Plan: Subway Fast Food Attract The main objective of this digital marketing plan is to attract the younger customers’ market through the Subway’s website and a twitter fun page in order to increase the customer traffic in its stores.
  • Employment Relations in Fast Food Restaurants It is therefore imperative to ensure the comfort of employees and for good employment relations to be built and extended there are certain advantages and legal constitutions that have to be established for the sake […]
  • Motivational Issues in the Fast Food Sector Fast food refers to a type of cuisine produced in mass and marketed by some eateries, presentation stands, and service establishments for fast and effective production and delivery.
  • The Consequences of Fast Food The most evident effect of fast food is obesity among others and these effects are what will be considered as the basis of discouraging the intake of fast food while encouraging other healthier options.
  • The Reasons Behind the Popularity of Fast Food in the Context of the Lebanese Market Nowadays, in Beirut, the variety of traditional dishes which can be prepared quickly and served as fast food is amazing, from the kebab, to the falafel; most dishes are represented.
  • Influencing Consumer Behavior: the changing image of ‘fast food’ Some of the factors that consumers may be influenced with include the cost, what their friends and family members say, where the restaurant is located, the duration the meal takes, and by how the consumers […]
  • Impacts of Fast Food on Childhood Eating Habits The author’s claim that lack of nutritional information on fast food packaging is a major cause of obesity among children and teenagers is not true.
  • An Analysis of Marketing Strategies of Local vs. International Brands in the Fast Food Sector This comes as no surprise, considering that the UK is one of the world’s largest economies in the world, has one of Europe’s highest populations and is the largest consumer of fast food in the […]
  • The Jungle and Fast Food Nation Though both books talk about the food industry and the ills that plague it, it is important to establish that, Eric Schlosser’s aim of writing Fast Food Nation was to make the public know the […]
  • Impact of Fast Food on Human Body Firstly, it is the economics of fast food fast food is the cheapest food on the market in terms of a calorie per dollar.
  • Causes and Effects of Fast Food: Reputation for Unhealthy Eating By setting this price to a low value, fast food companies can exclude traditional restaurants from the selection, improve throughput, and increase their brand equity.
  • Technology in the British Fast Food Industry The use of modern smartphones and apps is an emerging trend that will continue to dictate the performance of business organizations.
  • Healthy Fast Food Restaurant The project committee has ensured that this project has a number of strengths as it is introduced in this competitive market.
  • Fast Foods More Harm Than Good The rest of the life of such a child is upsetting as the child is ridiculed in and out of school, through his/her adolescence, and even in college.
  • Environmental Analysis for a New Fast Food Chain in Australia The viability of the restaurant will depend, in a large part, on the stability of the host government as well as the strength of the host country’s political system.
  • Fast Food History and Global Presence The popularity of fast-food restaurants at the time could be associated with the increased numbers of people moving to the city centers during the Great Depression.
  • Fast Food Ban Necessity in Schools Schools should not offer fast foods because they lead to the development of bad habits, long-time health complications and influence students to spend money unnecessarily.
  • Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant The design has the potential to elaborate on the cause of failures inherent in the establishment and possess the capacity to make recommendations on combating the challenges.
  • McDonald’s Corporation: Analyzing Fast Food Industry A glance of the profit margins of the major players in the US industry will provide a more clear perception of the fast food industry’s success in 2009 in global perspective: Key Competitors Profits 2009 […]
  • American Fast Food in Foreign Countries On the one hand, fast food chains like McDonald’s are at risk of pushing local cafes away, leading the latter to bankruptcy.
  • Fast Food: What We Eat by Eric Schlosser The industry became the cause of multiple economic trends and shifted the behaviors of consumers. In conclusion, the fast-food industry has had a great influence on economics, society, and politics.
  • The Culture of Fast Food Consumption Thesis Statement: The purchase of fast food is largely driven by the convenience of purchase, enjoyment of taste, and pricing. However, it is worth sorting out the reasons for consuming fast food and the main […]
  • The Effects of Fast Food Consumption on Obesity Afterward, Lane et al.combined homogeneous conditions and conducted a meta-analysis to determine the effect of fast food consumption on their development.
  • The Fast Food Mass Production Problem Mass production was planned as a phenomenon to ensure the supply of food in sufficient quantities to cover the loss of production in the sale and, at the same time, meet the economic needs of […]
  • Fast Food Restaurant: Emergency Procedure It is essential to lay out a clear communication plan to ensure the team maintains functional capacity during a hurricane threat.
  • Drive-Thru Dreams and Fast Food Nation by Adam Chandler In the introduction to his book, Drive-Thru Dreams: A Journey through the Heart of America’s Fast-Food Kingdom, Adam Chandler uses pathos as the central appeal to convince the audience in the strength of his reasoning.
  • Slow and Fast Food Values by Alice Waters Uniformity is a fast-food value that causes people to lose their individuality because of the pressure to conform. Awareness is a fundamental value in the current fast-food world.
  • Employee Retention & Staff Turnover in Fast Food Industry Whilst the recruitment strategy errors include the lack of such documents as A Set of Competencies and The Perfect Candidate, the lack of recruitment specialists, and the provision of insufficient information to the candidate. It […]
  • The Environment of Fast Food Chains The basic research question is based upon the fact as what is actual scenario of HK fast food industry and what marketing strategies are being used commonly by the industry?
  • Customer Loyalty in Fast Food Industry Under Current Economic Crisis The objective of this research is to evaluate different customer loyalty programs offered by companies operating in the UK Fast Food Industry to induce more sales and assess their effectiveness amid of the current economic […]
  • Promoting Fast Food Ingredient Awareness The result of this progress has been the spread of the concept of fast food, meals for those who are busy and do not want to burden themselves with cooking.
  • The Fast Food Restaurant Market of Canada More than 100 various franchising offers Growing demand for fast food restaurant franchising Wide variety of demanded franchises with diverse prices and distinct revenue potential Growing possibilities to utilize disposable income, which increases proportionally […]
  • Ideology of Fast Food Industry Development Demonstrating the parallel that can be drawn between fast food and the ideology values such as the fast pace life and consumerism, it is important to stress that several values resulted from the formation and […]
  • The Fast Food Culture in Saudi Arabia The increased consumption of fast food is an issue that has gripped the attention of healthcare providers worldwide. The high incidence of diabetes is perhaps the most notable effect of the excessive consumption of fast […]
  • Fast Food and Gender: Is There a Relation? The study was to observe the gender that formed the majority of the customer base in respect to fast foods. In this case, it was important to select a predetermined restaurant that specializes in fast […]
  • Obesity Prevalence and Fast Food Restaurant Prevalence The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between obesity prevalence and fast food restaurant prevalence in the United States.
  • Regulation of the Fast Food Industry: Review The rapid growth of the fast food industry has led to the high consumption of fast food by many people. The extraordinary growth of the fast food industry has been driven by fundamental changes in […]
  • Fast Food: What Is Really in It? Fast food restaurants use TBHQ to eliminate oxidation of fats and oils in order to prolong the expiry date of their foods.
  • “The Bitter Truth About Fast Food” by Schlosser While such a regulation is hard to follow, it has been proved that some natural ingredients used in the manufacturing of flavors pose more health risks than artificial ingredients.
  • The Film “Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!”: How the Fast Food Industry Interacts With Its Customers Another obvious cause and effect relationship portrayed in the film concerns the rise in the threat of diseases such as diabetes as the effect of the food choices that McDonald’s provides to its customers.
  • Biotechnology and Animal Welfare: How Genetically Modified Chicken Serves the Demand in Fast Food Chains Beef was the most often used meat for the restaurants due to its containing in burgers, however, in 2020, the tendency started to move in the direction of chicken consumption.
  • ”The Ritual of Fast Food” by Margaret Visser At the pace of modern life, people often do not have time to dine fully, and then fast food comes to the rescue.
  • Fast Food Nation in the “Omnivore’s Dilemma” by M. Pollan The author’s main purpose in writing this text could be summarized as a plea to food-conscious people that there is more to what they do not know about the food they eat.
  • Fast Food Industry: Five Forces of Success The possible threat of market saturation by new sellers inflowing the market. The strength of rivalry or competition in the food industry as franked by existing markets is a pronouncement that helps in the determination […]
  • Branding of Fast Food Industry: Sound and Strategic Brand According to Thomson and Rampton the brand image should be able to provide customers with a degree of excellence and comfort, making them outshine from the rest of the group that is they provide a […]
  • Media Plan of a Fast Food Chain Subway Food The uniqueness and importance of this media for Subway Foods is that the sender of the advertising message, who can be regarded as the seller, does not know in advance what he will receive in […]
  • Fast Food Empire: ”Behind the Counter” by Schlosser Schlosser underlines that the fast food problem in society, culture, and identity is presenting all Americans with profound dilemmas- that are badly in need of clarification and resolution of real life values and ideals Schlosser […]
  • Opportunism in Fast Food Chains: Schlosser’s ‘Behind the Counter’ The fast-food chains employ the most disadvantaged members of the American society and provide only training on basic job skills such as getting to work on time.
  • Fast Food Restaurants and Buyers’ Responsibility Fast food and chain restaurants sell their products, but they do not force people to buy them. Thus, people are to be responsible for their behavior and understand the danger of unhealthy food.
  • Fast Food, Fat Profits: Obesity in America With the current trends in the consumption of foods, statistics show that, by the year 2015, a third of America will be obese.
  • “Fast Food Nation” Movie by Richard Linklater This is a story of how one of the most favorite things in the country is destroying people’s health and undermining the belief that the world is a friendly and kind place where people love […]
  • Obesity in Hispanic Adolescents and Fast Food Most of these, however, describe the relationship existing between the prevalence of diabetes in the population and the consumption of fast foods.
  • Fast Food, Obesity, Depression, and Other Issues However, in busy communities, fast foods are increasingly being the preferred choice of food because of their price and convenience and that is why they are commonly served in many hotels, cafes and even some […]
  • Green Management in Fast Food Restaurants The corporations have to acquire large amounts of capital to operate efficiently and survive in the market because of the high demand of social responsibility in the food industry.
  • Fast Food Consumption in New Jersey (United States) The survey aimed at evaluating the consumption of fast foods amongst the residents of New Jersey in the USA. Other objectives that were considered during the study included determination of whether the habit contributed to […]
  • Factors Contributing to Fast Food Consumption in UAE Nevertheless, the transformation from homemade food to fast food has been so severe and widespread that people have become addicted to fast food in the UAE.
  • The Fast Food Danger Awareness Among the Young People However, it is worrying that many people in this society are not aware of the dangers that this industry poses to young people.
  • Blue Springs Fast Food Store vs. Blue Gardens Restaurant Analysis The lighting is moderated to give the facility a unique ambiance, and the color of the walls is also very attractive.
  • Fast Food War in Singapore: The Stiff Competition and Fight for Customers In this case, the market conditions will allow the firm to choose product attributes that counter the products of their competitors.
  • Should Fast Food Qualify As “Food”? Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many people to suggest that fast food cannot be considered areal.’ This, of course, implies that the consumption of fast food can hardly be considered beneficial to the […]
  • Fast Food Industry and Its Impacts The experiment made in the film shows how consuming of the fast food influences the human body, presents a visual demonstration of the processes happening in our inside organs under the influence of chemicals contained […]
  • Analysis of the Documentary Fast Food, Fat Profits This is one of the issues that can be distinguished. This is one of the limitations that can be singled out.
  • Obesity and Fast Food In fact, a larger proportion of the gains in the body mass arise from the escalating promotional activities carried out by the fast-food producing companies such as McDonalds.
  • Fast Food Industry in the US This paper will discuss the fast food industry in the US with an emphasis on the positive as well as the negative impacts it has on American economy.
  • The economical aspects and different perspectives for fast food industry in Canada Figure 1: The leading fast-food companies in Canada Source: Reiter Slcfred stated that Mcdinalds had more than 31000 outlets all over the world, among them 5% restaurants or 1550 outlets are in Canada and highest […]
  • Challenges Inherent in Repositioning a Fast Food Chain Much money has to be spent during the repositioning process, and, in a period of financial crisis, as is the current situation, it is very important to come up with some cost-effective strategies to succeed […]
  • The Fast-food Industry in Russia For example, the legislation guaranteed the right of workers to organize themselves in labour unions, strike and even challenge the decisions that are made by the management The Russian federation labour laws are a combination […]
  • An Analysis of Fast Freeze Foods Ltd This paper focuses on the successes of his management in managing the performance of the company to ensure success in such a turbulent industry as the company is operating.
  • Fast Food Drive-throughs In this respect, the drive-through services are aimed at reducing the throughput time and serving a maximum number of clients in the minimum time compared to other similar services.s such, it is necessary to compare […]
  • Deli Depot Fast Food Restaurants Strategy Objectives To improve on the sales of the business hence increasing the profit margin To strategise on how to take over the market from other competitors To come up with a good team of employees […]
  • The Fast-Food Industry and Legal Accountability for Obesity The principle of least harm in ethics is closely associated with the fast food industry; this is mainly because of the basic fact that fast food increases chances of obesity to its consumers.
  • Fast Food on Campus: When Affordable Meals Overshadow the Nutrition Issues Starting Positively Much to the credit of fast food and the companies producing it, there are also a number of positive aspects of providing fast food on the territory of campus.
  • The Fast Food Chains “Five Guys” in the USA Five Guys is one of the fastest growing fast food chains in the USA and it is now expanding overseas. One of the reasons for such a success is the thoughtful philosophy of the fast […]
  • Fast Food’s Main Detrimental Effects This state of affairs is perfectly explainable, because during the course of recent decades, the effects of a lengthened consumption of fast food on one’s health remained the subject of a number of heated public […]
  • “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: The Search for a Perfect Meal in a Fast-Food World” by Michael Pollan The poultry helps in the spreading of manure as the chicken looks for larvae to eat. There are a lot of processed foods available in the market such that one is spoilt for choice.
  • Comparison Between the Jungle and Fast Food Nation The writer of the book came up with suggestion on what ought to be done to eliminate the issue of minimal salaries among the citizens, hence, improve the living standards of the people in the […]
  • Increased Nutrition Regulations on Fast Food Restaurants Some critics believe that federal policy to increase the cost of healthy food has led to the increase in consumption of the cheaper alternative food.
  • The Nature of Fast Food Advertising in North American & Its Influence The nature of fast food advertising in North America is such that most fast food restaurants depict the advantages of eating fast food in a bid to entice the clients.
  • Fast Food, Quick Problem Emergence, Rapid Addiction and Slow Recovery Process Because of the growing popularity of the fast food products, the concern for the effect that the fast food meals have on the population is growing increasingly big, yet the solutions for the problems and […]
  • Fast Food and Hate Groups Harvey would lay his hands on the member’s heads to reconfirm them to the group after which the members would swear an oath to Harvey and Pendgrass that they will uphold the beliefs and convictions […]
  • How Has the Fast Food Industry Changed From the 1950s to the Present?
  • What Are the Causes of Popularity for Fast Food Restaurants?
  • Are Fast Food and Junk Food Companies Ethically Responsible for Customers?
  • What Are the Effects of Eating Fast Food?
  • How Did Jollibee Build Its Position in the Philippine Fast Food Industry?
  • What Are the Key Success Factors That Make the Fast Food Business Model Work?
  • Does Consumer Preference Shift Away From Fast Food?
  • What Constitutes Good Customer Service and Makes a Company in the Fast Food Industry Indispensable?
  • How Are Fast Food Advertising and Childhood Obesity Related?
  • What Makes Chipotle Unique Among Other Fast Food Chains?
  • Can Apps Make Fast Food Even Faster?
  • How Is Fast Food Changing American Food Culture?
  • Why Isn’t Fast Food Cheaper Than Healthy Food?
  • Are Fast Food Restaurants to Blame for Obesity?
  • How Can Fitness Overcome Fast Food?
  • What Marketing Strategies Use McDonald’s to Compete With Burger King in the Fast Food Industry?
  • Why Are Fast Food Restaurants Popular?
  • How Has Healthy Living Culture Brought About Changes in the Fast Food Industry?
  • Does Fast Food Have a Possible Connection With Obesity?
  • How Do Eco Activists Take Action Towards the Fast Food Industries?
  • Should Fast Food Advertisements Be Banned?
  • What Retention Strategies Can Be Used by Fast Food Companies?
  • How Do Life Styles Affect the Consumption of Fast Food?
  • Should Fast Food Companies Be Held Responsibility for Children’s Obesity?
  • How Did McDonald’s Change Fast Food?
  • Should Fast Food Only Be Sold to People Eighteen and Older?
  • How Has the Recession Affected the Fast Food Sector?
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 24). 128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples.

"128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 24 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples'. 24 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024.


IvyPanda . "128 Brilliant Fast Food Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024.

Urdu -English

Urdu fast food intro

This basic lesson will teach the names of common fast food. Most fast food is unhealthy, however it can be very tasty as it often contains a lot of sugar or salt. Each fast food is written in English, Urdu and roman Urdu.

Tayar khaana: Yeh bunyadi sabaq tayar khanon kay naam sikhaay ga. Zayada tar tayar khanay ghair sehet mand hain. Taaham yeh bahut zayada mazaidaar hotay hain kiyun keh in mein kafi miqdaar mein mitthaas ya namak hota hai. Har tayar khaana angraizi, Urdu aur roman Urdu mein likha hua hai.

Common Fast Food

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Essay on Fast Food

Students are often asked to write an essay on Fast Food in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Fast Food


Fast food is a type of meal that people often eat because it’s quick, convenient, and tasty. These meals are usually served at restaurants, drive-thrus, or take-outs.

Popularity of Fast Food

Fast food is popular worldwide. It’s often the go-to option when people are busy or don’t have time to cook. Fast food chains like McDonald’s, Burger King, and KFC are famous globally.

Health Implications

Despite its popularity, fast food is often unhealthy. It’s typically high in fats, sugars, and salts which can lead to health problems like obesity and heart disease if consumed regularly.

While fast food is convenient and tasty, it’s important to eat it in moderation due to its potential health risks.

250 Words Essay on Fast Food

Fast food, a term that has become synonymous with contemporary urban lifestyle, is a phenomenon born out of our fast-paced lives. It refers to food that is prepared and served quickly, often in a packaged form for take-out.

The Allure of Fast Food

Fast food chains, with their convenience and affordability, have become a ubiquitous part of our global landscape. The allure lies in their ability to cater to our increasingly time-pressed lives, providing quick, tasty meals at the click of a button or a short queue at the drive-thru.

However, this convenience comes with a price. Fast food is often high in calories, saturated fats, sugar, and salt, leading to an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other lifestyle-related diseases. The ease of accessibility and the addictive taste of fast food can lead to overconsumption, creating a vicious cycle of poor dietary habits and health problems.

Environmental Impact

Fast food’s environmental footprint is another concern. The industry contributes significantly to deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions due to its high demand for animal products and reliance on single-use packaging.

In conclusion, while fast food provides a convenient solution to our fast-paced lives, it is essential to be mindful of its health and environmental implications. Striking a balance between convenience and health, and making sustainable choices, is the way forward in our relationship with fast food.

500 Words Essay on Fast Food

The rise of fast food.

Fast food has become an integral part of modern society, with its influence stretching across the globe. The fast food industry originated in the United States during the early 20th century, with the advent of assembly line production methods. This revolutionized the food industry, making it possible to serve large quantities of food quickly and efficiently.

The Appeal of Fast Food

Fast food’s appeal lies in its convenience, affordability, and taste. In our fast-paced society, many people opt for fast food as it saves time that would otherwise be spent preparing meals. It also provides a low-cost option for those on a tight budget. Moreover, the taste of fast food, often high in fat, sugar, and salt, is designed to stimulate our palates and keep us coming back for more.

The Impact on Health

Despite its convenience and affordability, fast food has a profound impact on public health. It is often high in calories, unhealthy fats, sugar, and salt, contributing to a range of health issues including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. The World Health Organization has recognized the consumption of fast food as a major factor in the global obesity epidemic.

Societal Implications

Fast food also has broader societal implications. It has reshaped our eating habits, contributing to a culture of convenience that often prioritizes speed and ease over nutrition and health. This has implications for our relationship with food, our health, and even our social interactions. Fast food restaurants, for instance, have become common gathering places, influencing our social dynamics.

The Environmental Impact

Fast food’s environmental impact is another area of concern. Fast food chains are major contributors to deforestation due to their demand for beef and palm oil. They also contribute to pollution through their excessive use of packaging and energy consumption.

The Future of Fast Food

The future of fast food is uncertain. On one hand, the industry continues to grow, driven by increasing demand in developing countries. On the other hand, there is a growing awareness of the health and environmental impacts of fast food, leading to calls for change. Many fast food chains are now offering healthier options and making efforts to reduce their environmental impact.

In conclusion, fast food has undeniably shaped our society and our lifestyles. While it offers convenience and affordability, its health and environmental impacts cannot be ignored. As consumers, we have a role to play in shaping the future of this industry, through our choices and our demand for healthier, more sustainable options.

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Argumentative About Fast Food

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Published: Mar 19, 2024

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fast food essay urdu

Best Fast Food in Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast

Fast food restaurants in nizhny novgorod, establishment type, traveler rating, dietary restrictions, restaurant features.

fast food essay urdu

Best Fast Food in Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast

Fast food restaurants in nizhny novgorod, establishment type, traveller rating, dietary restrictions, restaurant features.

fast food essay urdu

fast food essay urdu

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  • Nizhny Novgorod Oblast in February
  • Nizhny Novgorod Oblast in March
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By city rail

The City Rail connects areas where there are no metro lines. Connects with the subway at the Moscow railway station. It has 2 lines: Sormovskaya and Priokskaya. The fare by train costs 28 rubles. According to the Citicard Transport Card, the fare is 26 rubles. Also by train you can get to the nearest suburb, or transfer to suburban trains to Dzerzhinsk, Bor, Semenov or Arzamas.

By bus and trolleybus

fast food essay urdu

As of May 2017 in each district of the city there are several city bus routes. The number of trolleybus routes is much less. In one district of the city there are 1-2 trolleybus routes. Trolleybus routes are completely absent in the Leninsky city district. It is worth noting that trolleybuses do not connect the Lower City to the Upper. This is because the trolleybuses do not have enough power to climb the mountain.

The trolleybus network is divided into 3 parts:

  • The upper trolleybus network (it unites all three districts - Nizhegorodsky, Sovetsky and Prioksky) with a turning circle on the Minin Square, near the Kremlin.
  • The lower trolleybus network (connects Kanavinsky, Moskovsky and Sormovsky districts)
  • The Avtozavod trolleybus network (connects all the distant sleeping microdistricts among themselves)

Throughout the city, land trams run. The longest route of all is 417. It connects the outskirts of Avtozavodsky district with the Moskovsky Rail Terminal. The journey takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes. The route passes through the sleeping areas (approximately 75% of the way). Also in remote neighborhoods there are routes of several more trams, but in most cases, they are in the Upper City. By the way, you can reach there by tram 27 or 10 directly from the Moscow railway station.

By marshrutka

Marshrutkas do not stop at every stop. To indicate your intention to exit a marshrutka, press a button and to indicate your intention to enter a marshrutka en-route, you need to wave your hand.

Nizhny Novgorod has not very developed bicycle infrastructure. Special bike paths exist only on the Upper-Volga and Lower-Volga embankments and on Rozhdestvenskaya Street.

The upper city is very hilly and full of steep inclines and even many locals will get off their bicycles and push their bikes up the hill by foot. Drivers can be reckless and pose a danger to cyclists. The roads can also be icy during the winter. City cyclists solve this problem by replacing summer tires with winter tires.

Also, in 2017 the implementation of a new integrated transport scheme of the city began. It provides for a large number of bicycle paths in the Upper City (including on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street) and in the Lower City.

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