Financial Markets & Institutions (ECON3210)

Course overview.

Flow of funds and financial markets, theory and behaviour of interest rates, term and risk structure of interest rates, exchange rates, interest parity, expectations formation, equity markets, debt market, Euro markets, derivatives markets, social allocation of capital.

The course aims to provide a deep and thorough understanding of the financial markets and institutions. The content blends economics-relevant and business-relevant topics to enhance graduate employability and capturesᅠthe current financial environment.ᅠThe methodology used to teach this course relies on an accounting-based representation of financial mechanisms with flow-of-fund diagrams and balance sheets in a coherent and unified framework.ᅠThis approach allowsᅠto debunk myths and addressᅠmisconceptionsᅠthat are widespread in the media, especially concerning money and banks. The course covers among other topics central bank money and private money creation, auctions in bond markets, short selling, mark to market accounting, bank capital regulation, cash rate targeting policy and quantitative easing.

Blended - learning deliveryᅠ

The course is delivered in a blended learning mode. Students self study online at their own pace on UQ Extend the content through lecturer's videos, reading, MCQ and problems. They then attend a two-hour tutorial where many group activities and discussions take place to apply the knowledge to problems. We run a three-colour scheme, in which differentiated parallel tutorialᅠactivities accommodate all levels of preparation and confidence.ᅠFinally, students meet the course coordinator in the workshop the week after the tutorial. In these workshops, Frederique complements the online content with recent trends, when needed, critical thinking activities around articles and data, and more challenging problems than the ones seen in tutorials. As workshops prepare for the higher-orderᅠthinking questions of the assignments, attendanceᅠis highly recommended.

The self study online material for each topic has been divided into 3 to 5 subsections that are self contained and can therefore be easily studied in separate short sessions. The self study content is released at least three weeks ahead of related tutorials to allow greater flexibility.ᅠ

Internal delivery

Tutorials, workshops and consultations are offered exclusively face to face on Campus.

The course coordinator

Dr Frederique Bracoud, the course coordinator and lecturer, is a theoretical banking Microeconomist,ᅠtrained in France and Belgium, and has a long experience in teaching Financial Economics at introductory and advanced levels in the UK and in Australia.ᅠThe lecturer recently received a UQ Commendation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (2023) and a BEL Employee Excellence award (2021) for the Three Colour Tutorial. She is the author of Financial markets and institutions: a step-by-step analysis of core mechanisms, an open access textbook at UQ Pressbooks, from which most readings for this course are extracted.ᅠ

Course requirements

Assumed background.

The course ᅠis intended for students who wish to acquire a deep and analytical understanding of financial markets and institutions. It is essential therefore that students who take this course have been exposed to financial topics in previous courses. Please check the pre-requisites listed above, which should be completed before enrolling in this course. It is not recommended to take the pre-requisite courses during the same semester as ECON3210. Students have the opportunity to postpone the study ofᅠthe course to the Summer semester if they plan to attendᅠthe pre-requisite courses during Semester 2.


You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:

(ECON1010 or 1011) + (FINM1415 or 1416 or 2400 or 2401) or (ECON2011 + FINM2411) or (ECON2012 + FINM2412) or ECON2200

Recommended companion or co-requisite courses

We recommend completing the following courses at the same time:

Course contact

Course coordinator.

[email protected]

School enquiries

All enquiries regarding student and academic administration (i.e. non-course content information, e.g., class allocation, timetables, extension to assessment due date, etc.) should be directed to [email protected] .

Enquiries relating specifically to course content should be directed to [email protected] .

Course staff

Dr Frederique Bracoud

Miss Sophia Psaros

Miss Serena Huang

Miss Jayde Keijer

Mr Lev Marienbakh

Mr Sanjeev Raju

Mr Joshua Venables

The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable .

Additional timetable information

Students are required to select their preferred class times through My Timetable and attend their allocated timeslot. The timetable is published through the UQ Public Timetable found in the APPs section of myUQ.ᅠ

Tutorials start in teaching week 1 and stop after week 12.ᅠ

All assessment dates are already scheduled (see Assessment section). Please write down all these dates in your personal diary at once. Block also in your diary the days during which you will need to revise to prepareᅠfor each assessment.

Please see the Learning Activities section of this Course Profile for the timetabling implications of public holidays.

Public Holidays: Wed 14 August (Royal Queensland Show), Mon 7 October (King's Birthday).

In-Semester Break: 23 - 29 September. Semester 2 classes recommence Mon 30 September.

Students should refer to the timetable prior to the commencement of classes to ensure that they have the most up to date information, as from time to time late room changes may occur.

Aims and outcomes

This course aims to provide students with a thorough understanding of the foundations and core mechanisms of the financial system. It also intends to equip students with technical knowledge of the characteristics, products, and operations of major financial institutions and their roles in the economy. Lastly, it aims to empower students with tools that enable them to critically analyse contemporary real-world challenges in financial markets and institutions.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:

Identify and correct misconceptions and fallacies about the financial system embedded in financial arguments or discourses.

Represent financial operations and discourses using an accounting framework to check their rigour and predict their impact.

Apply economic theories such as demand-supply and arbitrage theories to the financial system to get a deeper understanding of financial matters.

Understand and critically assess complex and recent financial developments in the financial system.

Assess the immediate and later effects of monetary and macroprudential policies on the functioning of the financial markets and behaviours of financial institutions.

Assessment summary

Category Assessment task Weight Due date
Essay/ Critique, Quiz, Tutorial/ Problem Set 20%

23/08/2024 - 26/08/2024

The Bb test must be submitted by 10am on Monday 26th August 2024.

Essay/ Critique, Quiz, Tutorial/ Problem Set 35%

16/09/2024 7:55 pm

The Bb test must be submitted by 19:55 on Monday 16th September 2024.

Examination 45%

End of Semester Exam Period

2/11/2024 - 16/11/2024

Assessment details

Open book unsupervised no timer.

23/08/2024 - 26/08/2024

The Bb test must be submitted by 10am on Monday 26th August 2024.

Task description

This is a Bb test without a timer, available over a 3 day window from Friday 23rd August 2024 10am to Monday 26th August 2024 10am.

It covers topics 0, 1, 2 and 3 and comprises Part A) a few MCQ Part B) short exercises of the same nature as in tutorials with, however, different questions and Part C) critical writing questions with one statement to assess as true, false or unclear (and more importantly to justify) and 1 short extract/issue taken from media to explain and assess using the content of the course.

The writing standards are very high in this course. Very precise and complete answers are expected, with concepts to be defined before being used, choice of approach to be justified, all stages of calculation to be shown, and result to be interpreted. Giving directly a result with no details and explanations will give students half the marks at the most. More information will be provided closer to the date.

See more information and advice on assignment format on Bb under Assessment closer to the date.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Submission guidelines

Deferral or extension.

You may be able to apply for an extension .

Extensions cannot exceed the number of days you suffered from a medical condition, as stated on the medical certificate and will  not exceed 7 days  so results and feedback can be given to the cohort on time for the mid term exam. 

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Online Open book unsupervised timed exam

16/09/2024 7:55 pm

The Bb test must be submitted by 19:55 on Monday 16th September 2024.

This assessment is a open-book, unsupervised online exam with a timer of 115 minutes (10mn reading time + 90mn working time + 15mn uploading time). 

Students must advise of and seek permission from employers for their study and examination commitments at the beginning of the semester as the usual demands of employment are not grounds for a deferred exam to be approved.

The exam covers topics 3-6. Note that topic 3 is assessed twice. The exam comprises 1) MCQ of the same nature of online tests 2) exercises of the same nature as in tutorials with, however, different questions and 3) critical writing questions around statements to assess as true, false or unclear (and more importantly to justify) and extracts taken from the media to explain and assess with the content of the course.

The writing standards are very high in the course. Very precise and complete answers are expected, with concepts to be defined before being used, choice of approach to be justified, all stages of calculation to be shown, and result to be interpreted. Giving directly a result with no details and explanations will give students half the marks at most. More information will be provided closer to the date.

See more information and advice on the mid-term exam format on Bb under Assessment closer to the date.

You may be able to defer this exam .

The deferred exam will be held on Tuesday 1st October 2024 from 18:00-20:10.

Exams submitted after the end of the submission time will incur a late penalty .

  • Less than 5 minutes, 5%.
  • From 5 minutes to less than 15 minutes, 20%.
  • More than 15 minutes, 100%.

Closed book supervised exam

End of Semester Exam Period

2/11/2024 - 16/11/2024

This assessment is a closed-book, supervised exam held on Campus at a day and time scheduled by the University. 

The exam covers topics 7-11. It comprises 1) MCQ of the same nature as training tests 2) exercises of the same nature as in tutorials with, however, different questions and 3) critical writing questions around statements to assess as true, false or unclear (and more importantly to justify) and extracts taken from the media to explain and assess with the content of the course.

See more information and advice on the final exam format on Bb under Assessment closer to the date.

This assessment task is to be completed in-person. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools will not be permitted. Any attempted use of AI may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Exam details

Planning time 10 minutes
Duration 180 minutes
Calculator options

Casio FX82 series calculator only

Open/closed book Closed Book examination - specified written materials permitted

one sided sheet of hand-written notes in English; bilingual dictionary

Exam platform Paper based

Invigilated in person

Deferred exam is run centrally during the period Tuesday 10th - Friday 13th December 2024. Students eligible for a deferred exam cannot graduate during the December graduation ceremonies.

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure .

Grade Cut off Percent Description
1 (Low Fail) 0% - 29%

Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

2 (Fail) 30% - 46%

Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

3 (Marginal Fail) 47% - 49%

Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes

4 (Pass) 50% - 64%

Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes.

5 (Credit) 65% - 74%

Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes.

6 (Distinction) 75% - 84%

Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes.

7 (High Distinction) 85% - 100%

Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Additional course grading information

A student’s final overall end of semester percentage mark will be rounded to determine their final grade. For example, 64.5% rounds to 65%, while 64.4% rounds to 64%.

Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is available for this course.

Additional assessment information

The School of Economics is committed to reducing the incidence of plagiarism . Further information on plagiarism and how to avoid an allegation of plagiarism is available in this course profile under Policies & Guidelines. Please refer to the  Academic Integrity Module (AIM) . It is strongly recommended that you complete the AIM if you have not already done so.

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Find the required and recommended resources for this course on the UQ Library website.

Own copy required

You'll need to have your own copy of the following reading resources. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Item Description
by Bracoud; Frederique - 2023
UQ Pressbooks
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
by Australian Centre for Financial Studies; Davis; Kevin; Jenkinson; Martin - June 2015
National Australia Bank

Additional learning resources information

All readings are available on UQ Extend platform, free of charge, and are located in the sections of the relevant topic.

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

Filter activity type by

Learning period Activity type Topic

(22 Jul - 28 Jul)

(29 Jul - 04 Aug)

(05 Aug - 11 Aug)

(12 Aug - 18 Aug)

NOTE: Royal Queensland Show public holiday on Wednesday 14th August 2024; the tutorial that day is cancelled and students are encouraged to join any of the other tutorials.

(19 Aug - 25 Aug)

(26 Aug - 01 Sep)

(02 Sep - 08 Sep)

(09 Sep - 15 Sep)

(16 Sep - 22 Sep)

NOTE: workshop is cancelled to accommodate the mid-term exam.

(23 Sep - 29 Sep)

(30 Sep - 06 Oct)

(07 Oct - 13 Oct)

NOTE: Public Holiday (Brisbane Royal Show) ; the workshop will be relocated to Tuesday 8th October 8:00-10am online

(14 Oct - 20 Oct)

(21 Oct - 27 Oct)

Consultations take place as usual.

Policies and procedures

University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:

  • Student Code of Conduct Policy
  • Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy and Procedure
  • Assessment Procedure
  • Examinations Procedure
  • Reasonable Adjustments - Students Policy and Procedure

Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library .

The University of Queensland

  • Starting at UQ
  • Programs and courses
  • Faculties and schools
  • Financial Markets and Institutions

Financial Markets and Institutions (ECON3210)

Information valid for semester 2, 2024, course level.


Faculties are the major organisational units with responsibility for academic programs. Faculties may have a number of sub-units called schools. The head of a faculty is called an Executive Dean." class="tooltip">Faculty

Business, Economics & Law

Schools are responsible for teaching, research and interaction with professional organisations. Course coordinators and lecturers generally work in schools." class="tooltip">School

Economics School

Units represent the value of individual courses which contribute to the total unit requirement of an academic program. A standard study load is 8 units per semester." class="tooltip">Units

One Semester

in person (on-campus) or external (off-campus or online)." class="tooltip">Attendance mode

Class hours is the number of hours you will need to engage in for this course, for any type of contact." class="tooltip">class hours.

Lecture 2 Hours/ Week Tutorial 2 Hours/ Week

Prerequisites are the course(s) that must have been previously passed to be able to enrol in a particular course. A prerequisite course provides the appropriate foundation knowledge in order to progress to the next course. Students are expected to be aware of the required prerequisites (often expressed as Pre: in the Course information on mySI-net) as, in most cases, the University does not check to see if you have completed the prerequisite courses." class="tooltip">Prerequisite

(ECON1010 or 1011) + (FINM1415 or 1416 or 2400 or 2401) or (ECON2011 + FINM2411) or (ECON2012 + FINM2412) or ECON2200

Recommended companion

Course enquiries.

Doctor Frederique Bracoud (Semester 2, Regular, St Lucia, In person )

Current course offerings

Course offerings Location (on-campus) or (off-campus or online).">Mode Course Profile
St Lucia
St Lucia Profile unavailable

The course profile will be available online by the date of the first scheduled learning activity (such as a lecture or practical class) for the course. Schools will start publishing their course profiles online about four weeks before scheduled classes begin.

If you have an enquiry about the availability of a course profile, contact the School listed in the summary box on the left of this page. You can find contact details for each School in the .


Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.

Course description

Flow of funds and financial markets, theory and behaviour of interest rates, term and risk structure of interest rates, exchange rates, interest parity, expectations formation, equity markets, debt market, Euro markets, derivatives markets, social allocation of capital.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location (on-campus) or (off-campus or online).">Mode Course Profile
St Lucia
St Lucia
St Lucia
St Lucia
St Lucia
St Lucia
St Lucia
St Lucia
St Lucia
St Lucia

Supplemental Resources

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ECON3210 FInal Exam Summaries (Wk 1-12)

Subject notes for uq econ3210, description.

ECON3210 comprehensive summaries of topics 0 to topic 12. Topic 0 - Financial Instruments and the Channelling of Funds Topic 1 - Financial Intermediation v Direct Finance Topic 2 - Role of ADIs and Bitcoin Topic 3 - Microstructure of the Bond Market Topic 4 - MTM Accounting and Default Risk Topic 5 - Bank Capital Adequacy Regulation Topic 6 - Interest Rates Topic 7 - Implementation of Monetary Policy I Topic 8 - Implementation of Monetary Policy II Topic 9 - Challenges of the Managed Funds Industry Topic 10 - Security Lending and Short Selling Topic 11 - Subprime Mortgage Crisis

ECON3210: Financial Markets & Institutions

Semester 2, 2018

14,000 words

econ3210 take home assignment

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UQ, St Lucia

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  • 1020 Final Exam Summaries
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  • FINM3402 Final Exam Summaries (1-12)

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ECON 3210 vs ECON 3208

Hi Everyone,

I'm bit of confused between picking these two courses. I have to pick only one of them so which one do you guys suggest.

Econ 3208 - Applied Econometrics Methods Econ 3210 - Big Data Econometrics

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As Republicans Attack Harris on Immigration, Here’s What Her Record Shows

Republicans blame Vice President Kamala Harris for the surge of migrants into the United States over the past several years. But a review of her involvement shows a more nuanced record.

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Vice President Kamala Harris gestures while speaking in the foreground with mountains looming behind her.

By Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Jazmine Ulloa

Reporting from Washington

As they seek effective attack lines against Vice President Kamala Harris, Republicans are focusing on her role in the Biden administration’s border and immigration policies, seeking to blame her for the surge of migrants into the United States over the past several years.

A review of her involvement in the issue shows a more nuanced record.

President Biden did not assign her the job title of “border czar” or the responsibility of overseeing the enforcement policies at the U.S.-Mexico border, as the Trump campaign suggested on Tuesday in its first ad against her. But she did have a prominent role in trying to ensure that a record surge of global migration did not become worse.

After the number of migrants crossing the southern border hit record levels at times during the administration’s first three years, crossings have now dropped to their lowest levels since Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris took office.

Her early efforts at handling her role and the administration’s policies were widely panned, even by some Democrats, as clumsy and counterproductive, especially in displaying defensiveness over why she had not visited the border. Some of her allies felt she had been handed a no-win portfolio.

Early in the administration, Ms. Harris was given a role that came to be defined as a combination of chief fund-raiser and conduit between business leaders and the economies of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Her attempt to convince companies across the world to invest in Central America and create jobs for would-be migrants had some success, according to immigration experts and current and former government officials.

But those successes only underlined the scale of the gulf in economic opportunity between the United States and Central America, and how policies to narrow that gulf could take years or even generations to show results.

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  1. ECON3210

    ECON3210 B2 - Tutorial solutions for the course content of financial markets and institutions. 1 page. 2021/2022. None. 2021/2022 None. ... Multiple choice question for Take home assignment 1 - summer semester 2022. 4 pages. 2022/2023. None. 2022/2023 None. Save. Bracoud 2019 section A and B from Chapter 2. 8 pages. 2020/2021. None. 2020/2021 None.

  2. ECON3210-60839-7460

    The course covers among other topics central bank money and private money creation, auctions in bond markets, short selling, mark to market accounting, bank capital regulation, cash rate targeting policy and quantitative easing. Blended - learning deliveryᅠ. The course is delivered in a blended learning mode. Students self study online at ...

  3. Financial Markets and Institutions (ECON3210)

    Course description. Flow of funds and financial markets, theory and behaviour of interest rates, term and risk structure of interest rates, exchange rates, interest parity, expectations formation, equity markets, debt market, Euro markets, derivatives markets, social allocation of capital.

  4. ECON3210 FInal Exam Summaries (Wk 1-12)

    Description. ECON3210 comprehensive summaries of topics 0 to topic 12. Topic 0 - Financial Instruments and the Channelling of Funds Topic 1 - Financial Intermediation v Direct Finance Topic 2 - Role of ADIs and Bitcoin Topic 3 - Microstructure of the Bond Market Topic 4 - MTM Accounting and Default Risk Topic 5 - Bank Capital Adequacy Regulation Topic 6 - Interest Rates Topic 7 ...

  5. ECON 3210 vs ECON 3208 : r/unsw

    I have to pick only one of them so which one do you guys suggest. Econ 3208 - Applied Econometrics Methods Econ 3210 - Big Data Econometrics. I'm currently taking 3210, the workload is alright. I had 1 individual assignment, 1 group project (you can do it yourself too if you would like it's 1-5 people group project) and 1 take-home final exam.

  6. ECON3210

    On Studocu you will find assignments, practice materials, lecture notes, summaries and much ... 0 Uploads 0 upvotes. New. Home My Library Ask AI. Recent. You don't have any recent items yet. My Library. Courses. You don't have any courses yet. ... University; UNSW Sydney; Big Data Econometrics; Big Data Econometrics (ECON3210) 8 8 documents. 0 ...

  7. PDF AP-Econ 3210, Section A- Use of Economic Data

    Develops tools to estimate economic relationships involving two or more variables and to test their significance. Relies on the use of Canadian data sets and statistical software packages to show how linear regression analysis is applied. Prerequisite: AP/ECON 2500 3.00 or equivalent. NCR: students who have successfully completed or who are ...

  8. ECON3210

    York University Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Department of Economics Fall 2021 AP/ECON3210 3 - Use of Economic Data. Instructor: Uros Petronijevic Email address: upetroni@yorku Virtual Office hours: Thursday 12:00pm to 1:00pm on Zoom.Scheduled class meeting time: Tuesday and Thursday 11:30am-1:00pm Course website: eclass.yorku/ Class time and location

  9. PDF Economic Data AP/Econ 3210, Section E: Use of

    Assig n me n ts Assignments will be done in R m a r k d o w n and uploaded onto e-class/moodle as an H T M L document. There will be four (4) assignments during the term: two before the midterm and two after. There are no extensions for assignments, for any reason. Missed assignments receive a grade of zero. There are no make-up assignments.

  10. AP/ECON3210 3.0 M: Use of Economic Data

    Home; Current Session Offerings; Upcoming Session Offerings; 2020w-apecon3210m-03. AP/ECON3210 3.0 M: Use of Economic Data Offered by: ECON. Print Session. Winter 2020 Term. W. Format. LECT Instructor. upetroni/Petronijevic/Uros. Calendar Description / Prerequisite / Co-Requisite. Introduces the theory and practice of empirical analysis of ...

  11. Ap/Econ 3210

    Highest rated. 10. ECON 3210 Assignment 1 Solutions. Mandatory assignments 100% (3) 4. Syllabus ECON3210 F2022. Practical 100% (1) 7. Final Assignemt Answers.

  12. ECON3210 Winter 2024 Syllabus

    grade will be determined as follows: Evaluation Date Weight of Final Grade Assignment 1 To be announced in class 5% Assignment 2 To be announced in class 5% Assignment 3 To be announced in class 5% Midterm Exam Monday, February 12, 2024 17.5% Final Exam To be scheduled by the University 67.5% All exams are closed-book exams. The midterm exam will cover approximately the first half of the ...

  13. PDF York University Department of Economics AP/ECON3210A Use of Economic Data

    kinds and weights of assignments, essays, exams, etc.) be announced, and be available in writing, within the first two weeks of class, and that, (b) under normal circumstances, graded feedback worth at least 15% of the final grade for Fall, Winter or Summer Term, and 30% for 'full year'

  14. Assignment 3210

    AP/ECON 3210C Assignment Note: You are free to use any programming languages listed in the course outline, but I will focus the program of R for Assignment. DUE DATE: Monday December 4th, 2023 11:59 pm, eclass Assignment Submission Site A penalty of 20 marks per day will be applied for late submissions.

  15. As Republicans Attack Harris on Immigration, Here's What Her Record

    Rather than develop ways to turn away or detain migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, Ms. Harris's work included encouraging a Japan-based auto parts plant, Yazaki, to build a $10 million plant in ...

  16. PDF York University Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies

    AP/ECON3210 3.0M - Use of Economic Data . Instructor: Uros Petronijevic . Email address: [email protected]. ... Assignment 1 To be announced in class 5% Assignment 2 To be announced in class 5% ... Please also take note of the following important dates: Course ADD/Drop Deadlines.

  17. AP:ECON3210 C Assignment 1 Answer Key

    1. we called the function mean (). This command will always fail if there are any missing data. This can occur, for example, if. for some observation they refuse to answer a survey ques- tion. Since this happens from time to time, we will use the option na = T which stands for not applicable remove equals true.