Gotham Writers Workshop

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  • How To Get Published (Online)
  • Novel II First Draft—Part 1 (Online)
  • Grammar 2: Expertise and Finesse (Zoom)
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  • Creative Writing 101 (Online)
  • Essay & Opinion Writing I (Online)
  • Plot 2: Machinations (Online)
  • Plot 1: Mechanics (Online)
  • Poetry Writing I (Online)
  • Novel II Critique (Online)

Gotham Writers Workshop is a creative home where writers develop their craft and come together in the spirit of discovery and fellowship. We’ve been teaching creative writing and business writing since 1993.

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The Gotham Writers Children’s Lit Conference Sep 28-29

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Two sharp stories each month—fiction and nonfiction. Presented with text, audio, and original art.

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Scholarships for Writers of Color

Scholarships for Writers of Color are available to all people of color who aspire to improve their writing skills, either in the fields of creative writing or elsewhere.

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Postcards from Summer Camp Contest

Summer camp is a setting that evokes heightened emotion. With that in mind, we invite you to submit a story about summer camp—with a twist.

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How to Get Published

Here you will learn how to navigate the ins-and-outs of the publishing business and you’ll write (and refine) the most important selling tool for your book—the query letter. All under the guidance of an established literary agent.

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Fall Classes

Fall classes are now available for enrollment , on Zoom, Online, and in NYC!

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Stella Kupferberg Memorial Short Story Prize

Every year, the Selected Shorts program at Symphony Space hosts the Stella Kupferberg Memorial Short Story Contest. The winner will have his or her work performed and recorded live at Symphony Space in NYC.

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A skilled teacher is the key to an exceptional class. Our teachers have been in the trenches, working daily at the craft of writing. They know the lay of the land. And they are equally adept at the fine art of teaching.

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A Wealth of Resources

The tools needed to write are quite simple—pen and paper, or electronic device. But it’s useful to have advice and information within easy reach. We’ve put together all kinds of resources to guide your journey as a writer, including Gotham books.

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Creative writing workshops can take your writing to the next level. The chance to experiment with your writing in a community is invaluable, and getting live feedback on your work will propel you through your writing career. But with so many online writing workshops out there, how can you tell which ones are worth taking?

There are plenty of writing workshops where writers get less than what they bargained for. Finding the right group of writers to workshop with is a slow process—no different than dating or finding a therapist. Where can you find the best online writing workshops for you?

Consider this your go-to guide for navigating the internet of online creative writing workshops. We’ll talk about different workshopping models and how they might work for you, and we’ll also look at how to get the most from your fiction, nonfiction, and poetry writing workshops.

But first, we ought to define this particularly nebulous aspect of creative writing education. What is a creative writing workshop?

Looking for the best online writing workshops?

If you’re looking for the best online writing workshops, look no further. has been running online creative writing workshops since 1995. View our upcoming calendar to view the best writing workshops for you!

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What is a Writing Workshop?

People use the phrase “writing workshop” differently in different contexts, although it’s a rather vague term that writers use inconsistently. Here are some common ways you might see the term used:

  • Online , a workshop is a complete writing course, including both lecture materials and opportunities for feedback from fellow students.
  • In universities and MFA programs , a workshop is the aspect of a writing workshop where students give feedback to one another to improve their writing overall.
  • At some online writing schools , a workshop is specifically a single-day Zoom-based workshop.

That said, “writing workshop” is a rather nebulous term that has a lot of applications. A workshop is any space where writers come to grow as writers. In short, a writing workshop is an open-ended term that describes different styles of creative writing education.

What is a writing workshop? An open-ended term that describes different styles of creative writing education.

For the purposes of this article, we are addressing multi-week online writing classes, as well as single-day webinars that have a workshopping component. Basically, we’re looking at any type of online learning space where students share their work, receive feedback, build new craft skills, and engage with a writing community.

Here’s what online writing workshops might look like, as well as tips for finding the best ones!

12 Things to Look For In the Best Online Creative Writing Workshops

Are you thinking about enrolling in a creative writing workshop? The best online writing workshops have these 12 things in common:

1. The Best Online Writing Workshops Have Well Respected Teachers

At most online writing schools, the instructor is the person who sets the syllabus, writes the workshop, and gives feedback to students. As a result, a good writing teacher makes all the difference in online writing workshops.

You want to be excited to learn from an instructor.

In addition to being a great writer and teacher, a great workshop instructor will be community-oriented, empathetic, and capable of tailoring their teaching to your writing needs.

Before you enroll in a writing workshop, do some research on the writer teaching it. Most professional writers and teachers will have a website, where you can peruse their work, degrees, and teaching history.

Some questions you might ask:

  • Does the instructor have a terminal degree? (M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D., etc.)
  • What do prior students say about this instructor?
  • Does the instructor have a significant publication history?

On terminal degrees—they’re not necessary for running good creative writing workshops. But, they do indicate a certain level of craft training and teaching experience. Many terminal degree programs require students to learn how to teach creative writing. While you don’t need an M.F.A or Ph.D. to publish or teach writing, they certainly help.

Most importantly: are you excited about this instructor’s work? Do you like it? Do you connect with it? You want to be excited to learn from an instructor. They’re not just teaching craft, they’re teaching you their approach to crafting good writing.

2. The Best Online Writing Workshops Have a Clear Description

Enrolling in creative writing workshops involves a certain level of trust. If you haven’t taken a class with the organization before, you might not know how they run their classes or what you’ll get out of working with them. Writing programs should honor their side of the bargain by telling you exactly what you’ll get from their writing workshops.

Writing programs should honor their side of the bargain by telling you exactly what you’ll get from their writing workshops.

The descriptions for online writing workshops should tell you the following:

  • What will you learn and write during the workshop?
  • Who’s teaching the workshop, and what have they accomplished?
  • How will your time be spent while taking the workshop?
  • Who is this for? At what stage of your writing should you be in?

It helps to know what you’re looking for from your workshop. If you have certain goals in mind or ways you want to grow as a writer, be clear about these goals, and don’t spend money on workshops that simply won’t fit your needs. (That said, it can also be fun to enroll in random workshops and learn new writing skills—you’d be surprised what you’ll learn from a class that has nothing to do with your projects.)

If the description of the writing workshop aligns with your goals and needs, it should be a good fit. And, if you’re on the fence, it never hurts to ask the program administrators before you enroll. They’ll be glad to hear from you!

3. The Best Online Writing Workshops Prioritize the Student

Creative writing workshops place your experience front and center. The goal of a workshop is to expand your learning, work, and writing journey. If a writing course doesn’t promise to uplift your writing life, why would you take it?

If a writing course doesn’t promise to uplift your writing life, why would you take it?

A good writing school will acknowledge the risk involved in taking an adult writing workshop. Since online schools can’t confer college credit, and since you probably haven’t interacted with the workshop instructor before, you’re spending your time and money on a program that you haven’t used before.

So, why wouldn’t that school prioritize you ? You want to be confident that your writing, your creativity, and your time will be valued, otherwise you’re wasting your money on an experience you hardly learned from.

Check to see if the program itself has a student promise before you enroll in their writing workshops. If it doesn’t seem like the school will center your learning and growth as a writer, don’t take the risk—there are plenty of other schools to choose from.

prioritizing the student in adult writing workshops

4. The Best Online Writing Workshops Give Constructive Feedback

The feedback you receive in creative writing workshops will often prove the most valuable aspect of the course. Because most workshops are run by writers with Masters or Doctoral degrees, they’ve spent a fair amount of time giving and receiving feedback in competitive and community settings. As a result, they know a ton about the craft skills that make for good literature, and they know how to transmit those skills to their students.

Most importantly, a good writing instructor will tell you what you’re doing well in your writing.

The feedback you receive in online writing workshops will vary by the scope of the workshops and the backgrounds of the instructors. You might receive feedback on:

  • Where the writing is effective
  • Word choice that isn’t clear to the reader
  • Ideas that can be expanded or shortened
  • Sentences that are too long or too short
  • Corrections in spelling and grammar
  • Opportunities to improve the writing structure
  • Feedback related to the elements of fiction , nonfiction, or poetry

Most importantly, a good writing instructor will tell you what you’re doing well in your writing. When you write a really great simile , have well developed characters , or find a moment of deep insight, your instructor will highlight this.

While it’s good to know what needs to be improved, writers can’t begin to improve until they also know what works in their poems and stories. This is how you build a foundation for good writing: start with what works, and sculpt from there. Writing workshops are the best spaces to build this foundation!

5. The Best Online Writing Workshops Focus on Craft

The best online writing workshops are centered around the craft of writing. Unlike English and composition classes, which focus on grammar, literacy, and the mechanics of language, creative writing workshops look at using these mechanics to write compelling, effective stories. And, in a writing workshop, you don’t just use the rules, you get to break them!

In a writing workshop, you don’t just use the rules, you get to break them.

The craft elements you focus on will vary based on the kind of course you’re in. If you’re taking poetry writing workshops, for example, you’ll focus on employing effective literary devices and studying different forms of poetry .

Likewise, in novel writing workshops, you might study elements like plot , point of view , and the art of storytelling .

Good writing workshops will break down great literature into the components that make it great, allowing you to read like a writer and employ these craft skills in your own work. And, learning the craft of creative writing helps you with everyday tasks, like sending emails or expanding your vocabulary.

6. The Best Online Writing Workshops Respect Your Creativity

The workshop is a space of unfettered creativity. Writers get to share their ideas, their experiences, and their creative, collaborative minds in the same space, making workshops the place to experiment with ideas. Of course, this is only possible if the workshop respects your creative authority.

We don’t “earn” the title of “writer,” we simply are writers, and a good writing course will uphold your integrity and creative vision, no matter where you are in your writing journey.

What does respect for your creative authority mean? It means that no one judges, criticizes, or condemns you for your writing and ideas. The best writing workshops will:

  • Help you explore your ideas, rather than impose ideas upon you.
  • Teach you the ropes of writing craft without telling you what to write.
  • Show you what you’re already doing well in your work.
  • Point out opportunities where the writing can be expanded, restructured, or clarified—in ways that help you carry out your creative vision.

Most importantly, this is true no matter how “new” you are to creative writing workshops . Whether you’ve submitted the first poem you’ve ever written or your thousandth, you deserve the same level of respect as everyone else in the room. We don’t “earn” the title of “writer,” we simply are writers, and a good writing course will uphold your integrity and creative vision, no matter where you are in your writing journey.

In a writing workshop, you may encounter many different ideas, but you also encounter the freedom to accept or reject those ideas. It’s your writing. You get the final say!

7. The Best Online Writing Workshops Create Community

What is a writing workshop without community? Writing can be a lonely practice, but a writing community makes all the difference. The best creative writing workshops foster a sense of community. In fact, many writers have come away from our courses with friends and writing partnerships that last for years and years!

A writing community can give you the motivation to create, the license to experiment, and the potential to learn even more about the craft of writing.

A writing community can give you the motivation to create, the license to experiment, and the potential to learn even more about the craft of writing. Because we all have very different literary backgrounds, we all have studied different authors and elements of the writing craft. When we write in a community, we naturally share what we’ve learned with one another, creating a culture of growth and inspiration.

Additionally, a strong writing community creates valuable feedback. When you write alongside people who know and enjoy your work, it is much easier to give and receive feedback, especially when these writers know what you’re trying to accomplish.

Many well-known authors throughout history have been a part of valuable writing communities, such as The Beat Poets, Stratford-on-Odeon, and these famous writing groups . Writing doesn’t happen in a vacuum, and when you enroll in community-oriented online writing workshops, you foster the kinds of relationships and connections that can sustain your literary career.

community in creative writing workshops

8. The Best Online Writing Workshops Motivate You to Write

Because writing is often solitary, it can be hard to motivate yourself to get work done. Taking online writing workshops pushes you to put words on the page.

Sometimes, the biggest barrier is beginning, but creative writing workshops will spark your writing practice.

For one thing, these classes cost money, and when you’re spending money to write and learn about writing, you’re more likely to actually write and learn about writing.

But, it’s not just the monetary transaction that motivates writers in adult writing workshops. Your course might provide you with:

  • Creative writing prompts
  • Daily journaling assignments
  • Helpful revisions
  • Inspirational readings
  • Ideas to combat writer’s block
  • Different approaches to writing

Some writing workshops are even designed to motivate you, such as our class Write Your Novel! The Workshop With Jack . Sometimes, the biggest barrier is beginning, but creative writing workshops will spark your writing practice.

9. The Best Online Writing Workshops Jumpstart a Writing Habit

Because writing workshops require you to submit work every week, students will have to set up a consistent writing practice in order to meet these deadlines. Not only does this prepare you for your life as a published author (where deadlines are less flexible), but this also helps you master a key aspect of the writing life: a consistent writing habit.

To make the most of creative writing workshops, try to find time to write every day.

Writing every day isn’t just good advice, it’s essential to building a writing life. Writers who want to build careers out of their work, or at the very least publish books some day, will have to dedicate time every day to their work. When you engage with language each day, you build the skills necessary to write good books, and you also keep yourself creatively motivated. This is true especially for the days that are hardest to write on.

Of course, most of us lead very busy lives. How do we steal time as artists? Here are some ideas:

  • Write with your morning coffee.
  • Keep a journal on your phone during work and lunch breaks.
  • Write on your commute to and from work. If you’re driving, keep an audio journal, where you write by speaking into your phone’s recorder.
  • Write on your phone while running on the treadmill.
  • Put pen to paper while taking a bath.
  • Journal for 15 minutes before you go to bed.

These ideas won’t work for everyone, and it all depends on your schedule and lifestyle. Nonetheless, to make the most of creative writing workshops, try to find time to write every day. It’s best to write at the same time every day, but if your schedule doesn’t allow this, sneak time wherever you can. Balancing a career, a family, and a writing life isn’t easy, but when the work calls, you’ll find time to answer!

10. The Best Online Writing Workshops Broaden Your Literary Horizons

As writers, it’s important for us to know our literary history. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to read every piece of classic literature to start writing—in fact, many books published in the 19th century could never be published today.

If you want to publish your own work some day, it’s important to know what else is being published today.

But it does mean knowing the craft skills that went into both classic and contemporary books. It especially means having a sense of the contemporary literary zeitgeist. If you want to publish your own work some day, it’s important to know what else is being published today.

The best creative writing workshops broaden your literary horizons. When you read classic literature, you get a sense of the foundations of contemporary writing, and the ways that writers before us expanded the possibilities of literature as a whole. When you read contemporary literature, you get a sense of today’s publishing landscape and what people are looking for in the writings of today.

(If you plan to publish books by querying literary agents , reading contemporary work is crucial, because you need to have good comps in your query letter . Comps are books that have been published recently and are similar, in some ways, to your own.)

Now, this doesn’t mean you need to write like other authors. In fact, far from it. It’s better that you learn to write like yourself , because your most valuable asset as a writer is your voice. But, when you expand your literary horizons, you engage with literature and make decisions on what you do and don’t want to do in your work.

What do you like to read? What do you want to never read again? The more you read, the more you hone your own voice as a writer. Great writing workshops introduce you to literature that provokes these kinds of questions.

11. The Best Online Writing Workshops Provide a Creative Outlet

One of the best reasons to take online writing workshops is that they give you an outlet for feelings and creativity.

Writing workshops are a great supplement to a healthy writer’s life.

This is the result of the various reasons listed above for taking writing classes. By building community, creating a writing practice, and engaging with literature, you inevitably nourish your creativity. In doing so, you nurture a healthy space to explore your ideas and emotions—an essential aspect of any writer’s life.

Now, even the best online writing workshops can’t replace the benefits of therapy. We’re not saying you should ditch your therapist for a class. But we are saying that writing workshops are a great supplement to a healthy writer’s life, because they create safe spaces for you to experiment with your work and explore your emotions freely on the page.

This is true even for writers of genre fiction or persona poetry. It’s true for participants in fiction writing workshops and memoir writing workshops. We gravitate to writing in part for its emotional release, and a great online class in creative writing will nurture this release. Between the prompts, community, and writing habits that a creative writing workshop fosters, you’re sure to come away from your workshop with renewed emotional health.

what is a writing workshop?

12. The Best Online Writing Workshops Provide Next Steps

The best creative writing workshops are the beginning of your writing life, not the end. When your workshop ends, you should come away with new ideas for writing, new publication opportunities to pursue, and new friends and mentors to nurture your writing journey.

The best creative writing workshops are the beginning of your writing life, not the end.

Throughout the workshop, you’ll find new opportunities for continuous growth. You might find a list of literary journals to submit to, new readings to stimulate your writing, further creative writing workshops to attend, or simply the emails and social media accounts of students you really enjoyed working with.

If you’re ready to move on to the next level of your writing, your instructor will provide you with next steps. And, if you want to learn more outside of the classroom, contact the instructor about this. We’re always excited by writers who want to keep learning and learning!

The Best Online Writing Workshops

Of course, we’re partial to our own workshops at . Since 1995 we’ve offered the best fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and book writing workshops around the internet, inspiring thousands of writers to embark on their writing journeys, find their voices, and get published.

We offer both single-day webinars and multi-week workshops in all genres, and also offer opportunities for private coaching with our instructors. If you’re looking for the best, you’ve already found it. Drop us a line if you have any questions!

Check out our full schedule of upcoming classes here.

In addition to, here are some online writing workshops that we’ve found offer fantastic creative writing education:

  • Loft Literary
  • Brooklyn Poets
  • Creative Nonfiction

In Creative Writing Workshops…

You get to find great literature, meet fellow scribblers, build a writing habit, and, most importantly, take your writing journey to the next level. Why wait? Enroll in an online writing workshop today!

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Sean Glatch

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Thanks for the information it’s really enlightening

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So glad I found this writing site. I have more exploring to do. I’m sure I will be back.

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Whether you’re just beginning to write or putting the finishing touches on your first novel, our on-campus and online writing courses offer expert instruction, individual attention, and supportive feedback at all levels, in all genres of creative writing. Most of the instructors in our program have established careers as novelists, journalists, playwrights, and screenwriters. Many have served as fellows in Stanford’s prestigious Stegner Creative Writing Program. Choose from writing courses in creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, memoir, magazine writing, travel writing, the short story and more. Stanford Continuing Studies offers writing workshops and online and on-campus writing courses, so you can choose the format that best fits your schedule.


Write a Novel in 30 Days: No Critics, No Fear

An Author's Guide to Publishing: Get Your Work into the World

Poetry Workshop: Locating the Language of Your Life

Creative Nonfiction Workshop: Crafting a Narrative Voice


  • Open to all adults.
  • No admission requirements.
  • Engaging courses.
  • New courses added every quarter.
  • Experience the Stanford campus in person or online.



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29 Best Adult Creative Writing Classes in 2024

Showing 29 courses that match your search.

Secret Sauce of Great Writing

Welcome to the brand new second edition of Secret Sauce Of Great Writing, a program that will show you how it's possible to upgrade your business writing, blog writing and copywriting skills to that level extremely fast. In this course, Shani will introduce you to the fundamental four ingredients of exceptional writing. In as little as an hour, you'll know exactly how to apply this "secret sauce" to your own writing—putting you way ahead of other writers in your profession or industry.


Categories: Adult

Start date:

Open all year round

Prerequisites: No prerequisites

(Re)writing as Therapy

Kansas City Public Library

One of the most potent powers of writing is its ability to remold the past. In this class, we’ll use writing to explore past events, discovering how imagination can reframe good or bad times. You’ll even have the opportunity to literally rewrite a past event if you’d like.


December, 2024

Figurative Language: Make Your Writing Sparkle

Figurative language can help illuminate the meaning of a story, its characters, or its theme. In this course, we’ll review pieces like “A White Heron” by Sarah Orne Jewett and “Good Country People” by Flannery O’Connor as examples of using metaphors, similes, allegories, and symbols in a story.

October, 2024

creative writing classes for adults

How to Write a Novel

Your story matters. Unlock your potential with daily video lessons from bestselling ghostwriter Tom Bromley, and finish your first draft in just 3 months. Learn more →

How to Start a Blog

Full Circle Digital

A free 5-day email course providing step-by-step instructions to set up a WordPress blog. Covers niche selection, domain registration, theme setup, legal pages, social channels connection, and content planning.


Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing School

Are you a blogger but unsure of how to make money online? Or, maybe you've been blogging for awhile but haven't had much luck with affiliate marketing. Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing is a step-by-step guide to creating and making money from your own successful affiliate marketing strategy.


Memoir Writing Course

Fish Publishing

Need help, guidance, a structured approach to whip your memoirs into shape or a guide to begin writing them – then this online Memoir Writing Course is for you! The course is designed to stimulate, organise and craft your writing and develop an ability to write based on personal experience and with literary purpose.


How to Land Big Bylines

Pandemic University

Writer Courtney Kocak got her best bylines by placing essays in popular columns. In this workshop, Courtney will explain the crux of popular columns and help you formulate a strategy for pitching and selling columns to top publications, such as The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, and many others.


September, 2024

Write for Your Life

The Writers Circle

How can writing help you become more you? Pick up a pen and find out! Inspired by Anna Quindlen's book Write For Your Life and Nancy Aronie’s Memoir as Medicine, this class asks you to explore what really matters in your life. What stories shaped you? What stories helped you grow? How can the craft of writing help you heal? Through thoughtful prompts, class discussion, and sharing, we will connect through the art of writing.


Enchanting Copywriting

Do you ever find yourself staring at a blank sheet? Struggling to find the right words to sell without feeling sleazy? Persuasive writing is probably one of the most precious skills anyone in business can possess. And that’s exactly what this course helps you to do—you learn how to engage and attract your ideal customers, and how to win more business.


The Write Your Memoir Course

UK Writers College

Ideal for anyone with a life story to tell, this course guides you through crafting a compelling memoir. With the support of a published writer, you'll learn traditional editing techniques, find your voice, structure your story, and start your manuscript with a 10,000-word target. The course includes seven modules with personalized feedback, fitting around your schedule over a 12-month period​​.


The Interior Lives of Characters

In this class, we’re exploring the art of inventing new worlds in the small space that is the short story. We’ll experiment with different tools for developing speculative worlds, whether they be sci-fi, fantasy, surrealism, magical realism, horror, or otherwise


The Novel Development Course

The Novelry

Suitable for writers with an existing story idea or a novel you’re ready to reboot and get published, The Novel Development Course will help you re-draft your novel to publishing standards with professional help from our writing coaches and publishing editors.


Prerequisites: Suitable for writers who want to reboot and publish a novel.

How to choose an adult creative writing class

Looking to build your writing skillset, learn more about your genre, or finally finish that book you’ve been working on? You’re in the right place. That’s why we built this directory of the best creative writing courses.

However, creative writing classes aren’t one size fit all. If you’re planning to join an adult creative writing class in particular, you’ll want to make sure that it matches what you’re seeking to learn about the genre.

So make sure to consider the following questions when you’re researching adult writing courses:

  • Who is the instructor? How many years of experience do they have in writing books?
  • Is there something in particular you’d like to learn in a writing class for adults? Does this course include it?
  • How long is the course, and where is it taught?
  • How much does the adult writing course cost? Does it fit into your budget?

More creative writing resources

Whether you’re a new or established author, there are always evergreen resources out there to how to get a headstart on writing books. 

Free online materials

  • Creative Writing Prompts (resource)
  • Book Title Generator (resource)
  • Character Name Generator (resource)
  • Plot Generator (resource)
  • Reedsy's blog guide to novel writing basics
  • How to Edit a Book (blog post)

Recommended books

  • For writers in the UK:  Writers' & Artists' Yearbook  
  • For writers in the US:  Writer’s Market 2020

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The Home of Creative Writing

Arvon is a charity that runs creative writing courses, events and retreats both in-person and online. Our courses are tutored by leading authors and include a powerful mix of workshops and individual tutorials, with time and space to write, free from distractions of everyday life. Grants and concessions are available to help with course fees.


Online writing day: shaping your poetry collection.

Sequence your poems to make them sing

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Aug 12-Sep 10

Online 5-Week Evening Course: Fiction

Who's talking?

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Masterclass: Ecopoetry

Wild listening

creative writing classes for adults

Masterclass: Writing for Performance

Improvisation; joyful tools for scriptwriting

creative writing classes for adults

How I Write: Helen Oyeyemi

Q&A and Reading

creative writing classes for adults

  • Non-Fiction

Residential Writing Week: Non-Fiction

Transforming travel experience into compelling writing

creative writing classes for adults

Masterclass: The Poetic Line

Dashes, slashes and white space

creative writing classes for adults

  • Screenwriting

Online Writing Day: Screenwriting

Transform your screenplay

creative writing classes for adults

“Every time I’ve taught at Arvon - going back over fifteen years now - I’ve seen how much difference just a handful of days can make in the life of writers. There’s a perfect mix of tutorials, writing time, socializing, and discussion - all those elements come together to create an atmosphere in which writing projects move in that longed-for but often unattainable direction: forward.”

— Kamila Shamsie

creative writing classes for adults


Our online programme of courses, events and writing support

Virtual versions of our famous Writing Weeks, plus Masterclasses, free How I Write events, Online Writing Weekends, Writing Days and more . . . all accessible from the comfort of your sofa.

creative writing classes for adults


Arvon North is an ambitious capital project to adapt Lumb Bank into a beacon of creativity for the North

Help us transform Lumb Bank into an engine-house for creative writing development in the North of England, connecting the rich literary collateral of the region with a community of writers locally, regionally, nationally and globally.

creative writing classes for adults


Give your writing the time and space it deserves with Arvon’s dedicated Writers Retreat at The Clockhouse

The Clockhouse is specifically designed for writers on retreat. It has four apartments for writers, each with bedroom, study-lounge and bathroom. All food is provided for you, so you can spend your time as you please.

creative writing classes for adults


Do you believe that everyone should have the opportunity to unlock their creative potential?

Arvon is a charity that believes everyone deserves the freedom to imagine, write and explore ideas regardless of their age or financial background.

creative writing classes for adults


We offer residential weeks for schools, young people and adult groups.

Our weeks for schools and groups follow the same pattern as our adult course programme – led by two professional writers, with tutorials, group workshops, and time and space to write.


creative writing classes for adults

Northern Writers’ Awards 2024

26 Jun 2024 / Arvon Friends

New Writing North celebrated its 25th anniversary with an awards ceremony honouring writers in fiction and poetry. As part of the…

creative writing classes for adults

Quay Words and Arvon Live: Fiction Writing Day

05 Jun 2024 / News

Do you have a novel writing project that needs attention? Perhaps you need some technical help, are looking for tips to…

creative writing classes for adults

My Arvon Week: Jessica Eve Watkins

15 Apr 2024 / My Arvon Week

A preview of Jessica Eve Watkin’s experience on a week-long writing retreat at Arvon’s writing house, The Hurst. “ ‘The…

creative writing classes for adults

SI Leeds Literary Prize 2024

07 Mar 2024 / General

A writing prize that helps discover exciting new talent from underrepresented groups will be accepting entries again next month. The SI…


Want to know what's coming up in the next week? Arvon’s newsletter is the best way to avoid missing out on anything - from new and upcoming courses, to Arvon giveaways and writing and self-development opportunities.


  • Inua Ellams' Spring Season
  • Residential Writing Course
  • Online Writing Week
  • Masterclass
  • Masterclass Recording
  • How I Write
  • Online Five Week Course
  • Residential Tutored Retreat
  • Online Writing Day
  • Residential Retreat
  • Children and Young People's Events
  • Starting to Write
  • Children & YA
  • Short Story
  • Totleigh Barton

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