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100 Autism Research Paper Topics

autism research paper topics

Careful selection of autism research paper topics is very important. That’s because there are many autism topics that students can research and write about. The topic that a learner chooses dictates the direction that their research and writing process will take. As such, students should select their topic ideas based on their academic goals. Ideally, what a learner opts to write about should help them accomplish their study goals.

Autism can be defined as a spectral disorder that makes a child seem to have a world of their own. Many parents misinterpret this disorder and assume that the child does not notice them. However, this is usually not the case. Parents are the first people to notice this disorder. With more children being diagnosed with this disorder, educators are asking learners to write about autism essay topics.

If you’ve been asked to write about this subject, take your time to research this disorder. You can even read the autobiographies of autistic people. If possible, meet and interact with autistic people before you start writing. This will give you an idea of what this condition is all about. Our psychology topics may also come in handy. In most cases, you will be required to focus your paper or essay on the creation of more autism awareness. This article highlights some of the topics in autism that you can consider for your paper or essay.

Basic Autism Research Paper Topics

Autism is a broad research area. Researchers have delved into this field and came up with different findings. However, you can still pick a topic for your research in this field and come up with new information. Here are some of the most interesting research topics in autism that can form the basis of your academic paper or essay.

  • Why some people autistic and others are not?
  • Does being autistic have advantages?
  • Why is being autistic disadvantageous?
  • Some people have a good memory or recall skills, explain why
  • Facts that people should know about autism
  • Explain the chemical brain differences between autistic and non-autistic individuals
  • Discuss some of major breakthroughs in autism research
  • Why do people with autism have difficulty socializing with others?
  • What can normal people learn from autistic people’s brains?
  • What characteristics should a person with autism have?
  • How should an autistic person be trained during care provision?
  • What should caregivers understand about autism to do their job right?
  • Explain the behavior of autistic individuals towards family members
  • Provide an average autistic individual’s overview
  • How can the social interactions of autistic people be improved?
  • Explain what causes autism
  • What educational programs do autistic people have?
  • How to diagnose autism in the early stages
  • Explain the role of music in an autistic person’s life
  • Is there a treatment for reducing autistic people’s disadvantages?
  • What are the employment limitations and opportunities for autistic people?
  • Discuss the major stories about autism that have been shared in the media
  • What is yet to be discovered about autism?
  • Explain how healthcare workers can help autistic individuals go through their daily life
  • Describe the top 5 autistic individuals that are best known in history

These are some of the most interesting autism topics for research paper or essay. However, you should research them extensively before you start writing. That’s because each of these topics requires you to include verifiable facts in your paper or essay.

Strong Autism Dissertation Topics

With so many children being diagnosed with autism, more learners are writing dissertations on this subject. And there are many autism research topics from which a learner can choose. Here are some of the best autism thesis topics to consider.

  • Is there evidence to prove that environmental triggers are responsible for rising autism cases?
  • Explain the relationship between stimming self-regulator for anxiety and autism
  • Why is autism prevalence in western society greater?
  • How is autism related to mental health?
  • How can family doctors be supported to take care of autistic people?
  • Discuss autism and childhood immunization
  • Discuss some of the prominent individuals in history that were most likely autistic
  • How can autistic people be supported at the workplace?
  • How do autistic females differ from autistic males?
  • Can autistic children adapt to mainstream education?
  • What are the positives and negatives of special education for autistic children?
  • Should autistic children attend special schools?
  • Why do people consider autism a spectrum disorder?
  • What diagnostic changes have raised the concern that Asperger’s Syndrome might no longer exist
  • Does lifestyle play a role in autism?

Some of these topics on autism may seem complex to research and write about. However, you can find relevant and sufficient supporting evidence from different sources. You just need the time and resources required to write about any of these topics about autism.

Autism Parent Training Topics

Raising an autistic child is not easy. Parents and caregivers should learn about autism spectrum disorder and its effects on their children. They should also learn how this disorder affects the entire family. It’s for this reason that researchers focus on research topics in autism that educate parents and caregivers about taking care of autistic children. Here are some of the best autism social learning topics.

  • How to manage the parenting challenges for people with autistic children
  • How to enhance the communication skills of autistic children
  • How to enhance the coping skills of autistic children
  • How to address the negative behaviors of autistic children
  • How to increase the play skills of autistic children
  • How to diagnose autism early in children
  • How to increase the independence of autistic children
  • How to improve self-help in autistic children
  • How does autism in one child affect the other family members?
  • How to solve the daily problems of autistic children

Each of these topics is meant to produce a paper or essay that can help parents of autistic children cope with the disorder. The information can also help the parents make their children lead a better life despite their condition.

Paper Topics about Autism and Education

Since it’s a complex disorder that affects brain development, autism touches on education as well. Here are some of the good research paper topics on autism and education that you can write about.

  • Why is autism worth researching?
  • Discuss the causes of autism
  • Discuss the development realms that are affected by autism
  • What resources do autistic people have access to?
  • Explain how autistic children learn
  • Explain how autism affects the learning process
  • Explain the struggles of autistic students
  • Explain parent training autism
  • Discuss the major types of autism
  • How does learning differ between autistic and normal students?

These topics focus on the relationship between autism and learning or education. Just like the topics in the other categories, they require extensive research to write about too.

Autism Research Proposal Topics

A lot of information about autism is being discussed by researchers across the world. This makes it hard for some learners to pick proposal topics for their autism papers. Here are some of the topics to consider if struggling to pick your proposal topic.

  • What is autism therapy?
  • Is autism therapy helpful?
  • How should caregivers provide care to autistic persons?
  • What is the best way to work for an autistic person?
  • Working with an autistic person- What are the major challenges?
  • How do you cope with an autistic family member?
  • How should autistic people be treated in social places?
  • What limitations do autistic people have in modern society?
  • Is the current society considerate of autistic people?
  • How does modern technology benefit autistic people?

If you pick a research topic on autism from this category, take the time to research it extensively to write a brilliant paper or essay.

Thought-Provoking Autism Debate Topics

Perhaps, you want to write a paper or essay that can form the basis of a debate about autism. In that case, consider one of these topics.

  • How celebrities and pseudo-scientists have caused serious damage by claiming that autism is related to vaccinations
  • How to educate society about autism
  • How to change the future of autistic children with early interventions
  • How school officials can help autistic children
  • How to help autistic kids whose parents are uncooperative or in denial
  • How autistic children can benefit from occupational therapy
  • Discuss the DSM-V regarding autism
  • How educational opportunities for autistic children compare to those of normal children
  • How health officials can convince the public that shots don’t cause autism
  • Should children that have not been vaccinated because parents believe that vaccines cause autism be taken to school?
  • How to support siblings of an individual with autism
  • How to transition a person with autism to community-based services from school-based services.
  • How to fight for autistic people’s rights
  • How to deal with the psychological struggles of autistic children
  • How music affects autistic patients
  • Social organizations for autistic people
  • Why diagnosing autism early is important
  • Can autism be prevented?
  • How to interact with autistic people
  • What employment options do autistic people have?
  • How to manage autism in adults
  • A brief history of autism
  • How living with an autistic person can affect your life
  • How genetics affect autism
  • Can the environment cause autism?
  • Can medical treatment cause autism?
  • A review of autism in different countries
  • A review of autism in different cultures
  • What signs of autism should parents watch out for?
  • How to develop a treatment plan for autism

This category has controversial topics autism researchers can explore too. Nevertheless, whether you choose parenting or autism biology topics for research paper, take the time to research extensively before you start writing. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need thesis writing help .

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Education (PhD) Dissertations

Understanding the lived experiences of autistic adults.

Sneha Kohli Mathur , Chapman University Follow

Date of Award

Summer 8-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

First Advisor

Scot Danforth

Second Advisor

Lilia Monzo

Third Advisor

Phil Ferguson

Although there is a plethora of autism-related research, research related to transition and support needs for autistic adults remains limited. The purpose of this study was to understand the hopes, dreams, aspirations, challenges, and lived experiences of autistic adults. Academic literature has largely emphasized autism as a medical deficit, and use of first-person narratives to understand needs of people on the autism spectrum is rare. To fill this gap, I conducted a narrative study through a social model of disability lens and centered voices of autistic individuals. The narrative component of this research allowed readers to understand the subjective experiences of individuals directly from the source. This study included both academic literature and autobiographies written by autistic authors. The coauthor in this study is also an autistic adult who presented his life experiences for a central narrative. In contrast to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which conceptualizes autism as a list of deficits, a number of powerful themes emerged from analysis of autistic authors’ lives: Isolation, Influence of Parents, Differences in Needs: Education and Employment, Empowerment, and Relationships. By using grounded theory analysis, these themes were contextualized via theories of neurodiversity paradigm and monotropism theory to better understand autistic experiences and needs. Furthermore, Milton’s (2012) double empathy problem reconceptualizes autistic experiences as a mutual lack of understanding of other’s behaviors by neurodiverse and neurotypical people, and the appropriate form of treatment would be to work toward understanding these dichotomous behaviors. This research recognized that only someone who is autistic can be considered a true expert on autism; thus, it is imperative researchers consult with and collaborate with autistic individuals to develop the most useful support services possible. By including autistic people in research design, implementation, and support services, academics and therapists can learn from the neurodiverse about problems that the social and cultural worlds present them with, thereby moving toward a more socially just society.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License

Recommended Citation

Mathur, S. K. (2021). Understanding the lived experienced of autistic adults. [Doctoral Dissertation, Chapman University]. Chapman University Digital Commons. https://doi.org/10.36837/chapman.000296

Since July 01, 2021

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Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington

Autism and Social Interaction: A Discursive Psychological Study

In psychological research, autistic people are generally characterised as possessing disordered social cognition and embodiment in comparison to non-autistic people.

Specifically, a deficit in Theory of Mind (the capacity to think about other people’s mental states in order to understand and predict their behaviour) and altered tactile sensation have been proposed as some significant psychological differences present in autism. Autistic people are characterised as experiencing social interactional difficulties that impact social-emotional reciprocity. Examples of such impact include struggling to approach others to interact or to make personal or relevant contributions to an interaction.

While there is a substantial literature on the cognitive properties of autistic individuals compared to non-autistic individuals and how these impact social psychological phenomena, there is considerably less research that analyses autistic people in their own right as social agents in naturally-occurring, everyday settings. As well, there is a challenge to the ideology behind deficit-oriented frameworks of autism in the form of the neurodiversity movement. This thesis draws on ethnomethodology, discursive psychology, and conversation analysis to contribute to both the naturalistic study of autistic people in social interaction and the development of positive, competence-oriented, and ecological approaches to autism. This will be achieved by analysing the social action, as produced in talk and with the body, of autistic children in interaction with their family members in their homes.

Ten hours of video recordings were collected in the homes of four volunteer families with at least one autistic child member. Recordings were made by the families themselves of the mundane domestic activities they engaged in, including episodes of cooking and mealtimes, members playing together, preparing for school, and discussing the day’s activities. After detailed transcription, instances of the children providing accounts for their own behaviour and embraces (or resistance to them) were collected for and became the focus of detailed analysis. An extended sequence constituting a common parenting activity (directing a child to do something) was also selected. This research takes the domains of Theory of Mind and tactile sensation that are prominent within psychological research on autism and treats them as social interactional accomplishments.

The first empirical chapter examines how children accounted for their own behaviour.

It found that the children’s accounts were oriented toward the displayed expectancies and characterisations of the child and their conduct either in responding to first pair parts (e.g., resisting suggestions with an embedded presumption of the child’s knowledge), or in launching their own first action (e.g., requesting more food). These accounts constitute concern for how the children’s interactants could, or do, treat them in response to their behaviour, accomplishing Theory of Mind embedded in their everyday action.

With respect to tactile sensation, the second empirical chapter analyses embraces.

Embraces occurred within and between a variety of other activities. Analyses showed how both children and parents initiated embraces and many were accomplished as non-problematic by the children. Participants arranged their bodies such that the embrace was coordinated with the talk and ongoing action, and utilised both verbal and embodied resources to initiate and terminate. Children prioritised their ongoing actions, treating some embraces or embrace initiations as interruptive by avoiding, escaping or otherwise misaligning with them.

The third empirical chapter demonstrates how one family’s extended sequence of action directing their child to use the bathroom before bedtime was comprised of a variety of different relational activities. In the process of managing the larger project of the directive, parent and child negotiated complex elements of their relationship including issues of power and responsibility, shared knowledge and experiences, and expectations of group membership.

This thesis offers a critical perspective on the conceptualisation of autism in psychology. It grounds this alternative view of autism based on an empirical analysis of how the autistic children and their family members in the interactions analysed manage complex social psychological matters in the production of their social action. It expands upon discursive psychological research on the accomplishment of social cognition as action produced within talk-in-interaction. It also exemplifies a direction a neurodiversity-sensitive psychology of social action could take and identifies ways that this can be further developed.

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Hsiao, Elaine Yih-Nien (2013) Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/DEVQ-1P16.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a class of complex neurodevelopmental disabilities that are characterized by the presence and severity of stereotyped behaviors, impaired communication, and abnormal social interactions. The incidence of autism has rapidly increased to 1 in 88 children in the United States, making ASD one of the most significant medical and social burdens of our time. However, drugs are often used to treat autism-related conditions, including anxiety, hyperactivity, epilepsy, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and therapies for treating the core symptoms of autism are limited. Moreover, molecular diagnostics are not available for the reproducible identification of ASD; as yet, the disorder is diagnosed based on standardized behavioral assessments. Much research into ASD has focused on genetic, behavioral, and neurological aspects of the illness. However, primary roles for environmental risk factors and peripheral disruptions, such as immune dysregulation and gastrointestinal distress, have gained significant attention.

The work described in this thesis uncovers molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of autism-related endophenotypes in a mouse model of a primary autism risk factor, maternal immune activation (MIA). MIA is founded upon the strong epidemiological link between maternal infection and increased autism risk in the offspring. This risk factor can be translated to a mouse model with face and construct validity for autism, wherein pregnant mice injected with the immunogenic, double-stranded RNA poly(I:C) yield offspring with the core behavioral and neuropathological features of autism. Specifically, we report that MIA critically alters placental immune status and endocrine function, reflecting a key pathway by which fetal development may be disrupted to manifest in ASD-related phenotypes. We identify signature changes to the fetal brain transcriptome in response to multiple modes of MIA, highlighting a converging pathway involved in the development of autism-related behaviors and neuropathologies. We characterize peripheral, neural, and enteric immune alterations in MIA offspring and uncover an immune contribution to autism-related behavioral abnormalities. Finally we demonstrate that a microbe-based therapeutic can ameliorate intestinal pathology, metabolic function, and autism-related behaviors in MIA mice, which supports a role for the gut-immune-brain axis in ASD.

Item Type:Thesis (Dissertation (Ph.D.))
Subject Keywords:autism, immunity, gastrointestinal, microbiome
Degree Grantor:California Institute of Technology
Major Option:Biology
Awards:Everhart Distinguished Graduate Student Lecture Series, 2013.
Thesis Availability:Public (worldwide access)
Research Advisor(s):
Thesis Committee:
Defense Date:12 December 2012
Funding AgencyGrant Number
National Institute of Mental HealthUNSPECIFIED
Simons FoundationUNSPECIFIED
U.S. Dept. of DefenseUNSPECIFIED
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53 Best Autism Dissertation Topics & Autism Dissertation Ideas

Are you struggling for finding autism dissertation topics? carrying out medical research has always been a challenge. For the medical students, we have our expert medical writers. We can help you in choosing dissertation topics in autism and autism research proposal topics . We can also help you in completing your undergrad and master’s dissertation. Contact us for details and take benefit of our outstanding services. Here is a list of topics on Autism. We have some biology and adult nursing topics too.

Best Autism dissertation topics and ideas for master’s and undergraduate students

Here is the list of Autism dissertation Topics:

  • How do encourage children with Autism to live a better life?
  • A study on Autism children and their families sufferings using a case study.
  • To study the experimental drugs for Autism Patients.
  • A survey of the characteristics of Children with Autism .
  • To examine the need for the test for Autism spectrum disorder in school children.
  • To study the relationship between body perception and autistic behavior.
  • To analyze the Autistic spectrum disorder in Adults.
  • How do you explain Autistic spectrum disorder? – the signs, symptoms, and effects
  • To study the strategies for parents to get their child screened for Autism.
  • To analyze the importance of Autism treatment by drugs.
  • To explore the best ways to educate children with Autism disorder.
  • What are the ways to find Autism disorders in patients?
  • What are the rights of Autistic patients? – A country analysis
  • The importance of the relation between Autism children and their parents.
  • To study the places where Autism children can work – a case study review
  • Can Music Therapies help Autistic patients? – an observational study
  • What difficulties do Autistic patients face in their daily life?
  • What is the different level of Autism? An exploration of each level
  • Which Level of Autism patient is hard to handle?
  • What are the brain abnormalities connected to Autism?
  • What is the History of Autism, and how has it evolved?
  • Can this disorder also be found in newborn babies?
  • What is the impact of education on the development of Autistic people?
  • Do other family members get affected by having the autistic patient in their house?
  • To study the therapies for Autistic patients and the level of their impact
  • Can we help autistic people with physical therapies?
  • What is the treatment for Autism in the US? – verified procedures
  • Caparison between the treatments of US and UK to autistic patients.
  • To study the link between twins and Autism.
  • What are the reasons for having Autism Disorder?
  • To analyze the people with Autism and why it is difficult for them to socialize with others.
  • How can different diagnostic imaging techniques help in exploring the brain of Autistic patients?
  • To analyze the difference between normal people as compared to Autistic people.
  • To the study the educational programs provided to Autistic people.
  • Is there a treatment to cure autistic people? To what extent is it helpful?
  • What factors trigger Autistic people? – an investigative analysis
  • To study the relation between anxiety and Autism by observing patients.
  • What lifestyle plays a role for Autistic people?
  • Do autistic people have ideal personalities?
  • What are the positive effects of education on autistic patients?
  • What are the challenges faced by parents of autistic children?
  • What level of care does an autistic patient requires?
  • How can we improve the independence of Autistic children?
  • To study the skills of Autistic people and how they can learn different skills?
  • What resources do Autistic people have? – A country analysis.
  • Do you think Autism therapy helps the patient?
  • What is it like while work with Autistic people? A survey of teachers for special schools.
  • An examination of the importance of caregivers for Autistic people and the approaches they can use.
  • Studying the effects of modern technology on Autism patients and their lifestyle.
  • The benefits of modern technology in helping autistic people in dealing with their areas of weaknesses – a case study analysis

Above are the best autism dissertation topics hopefully you found the topic of your choice if not please hire our topic consultancy service by filling out the form below and get 500 words autism dissertation topics brief.

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  • An explanation why we choose this topic.
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Autism and Developmental Disabilities Doctoral Program

Autism and developmental disabilities.

Doctoral Program

Department of Special Education

The Autism and Developmental Disabilities (A&DD) Doctoral Program provides students with cutting-edge training for conducting research. Students engage in hands-on practice with individuals with autism and developmental disabilities. In this concentration, we strive to provide students with teaching, research, and clinical training experiences that will prepare them for careers in academia and/or clinical-based settings. As a Tier-1 research institute, we provide highly personalized training with a wide range of clinical and research opportunities.

The Ph.D. degree generally takes four years of full-time study to complete. Students develop their own individualized program of study in consultation with their academic advisor and the graduate advisor. In addition to content and research coursework, Ph.D. students will complete a dissertation and professional activities beyond coursework. This can include supervision of student teachers, presentation at professional conferences, submitting manuscripts for publication, teaching at the undergraduate level.

Specialization Core Courses (12 hours)

  • SED 388 Challenging Behaviors and Developmental Research
  • SED 388 Advances in Understanding and Treatment of Autism
  • SED 396 Trends & Issues in Autism & DD
  • SED 389 Policy/Procedures in Special Education Administration

To gain breadth of knowledge, students must take at least one course from outside of their concentration area or outside of the department.

Professional Core (18 hours)

  • SED 695S A & B Professional Seminar (taken over fall and spring semesters of Year 1)
  • SED 398T College Teaching (Year 2)
  • SED 380 Diversity and Disability: Continuing Perspectives; or SED 380 Diversity, Equity, and Disability
  • SED 696 A and B Research Mentoring (taken over two semesters)

Research Core (18-21 hours)

  • EDP 380C Fundamental Statistics – prerequisite as needed

Additional coursework must include at least two courses out of the following three:

  • Qualitative Research Design and Data Analysis
  • Quantitative Research Design and Data Analysis
  • Single-Subject Research Design

Coursework must include:

  • SED 395D Grant Writing in Education

Select other research courses in consultation with your Academic Advisor to be sure that you will fulfill research requirements in your concentration area.

Dissertation (6 hours minimum)

All doctoral students are required to complete a dissertation . This includes conducting original research with direction from a dissertation supervisor. The dissertation will be submitted and defended to a dissertation committee consisting of faculty in the field of study.

  • SED 399, 699, or 999 R and W

Photo of faculty member Laura Estep

Engages in training and supervision of clinicians to support individuals with challenging behavior and difficulty transitioning between activities, particularly for students with autism spectrum disorders.

Photo of faculty member Terry S Falcomata

Assessment and treatment of problem behavior displayed by individuals with ASD/DD, methods for increasing behavioral variability in individuals with ASD/DD, and methods for preventing clinical relapse pertaining to challenging behavio

Photo of faculty member Christina Fragale

Works with culturally diverse individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders to assess and treat challenging behavior.

Photo of faculty member Mark F O'Reilly

Assesses and supports individuals with intellectual disabilities and develops social skill/communication interventions for children with ASD.

Additional Resources

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Current Student Resources

At a Glance

Program Starts : Fall

Deadline to Apply : December 1, Priority Rolling Admissions

Credit Hours Required : 57

Program Location : On Campus

GRE Required? No

autism related dissertation

Area Co-Coordinator Mark O’Reilly

autism related dissertation

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Autism spectrum disorders articles from across Nature Portfolio

Autism spectrum disorders are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that are characterized by impaired social interaction and communication skills, and are often accompanied by other behavioural symptoms such as repetitive or stereotyped behaviour and abnormal sensory processing. Individual symptoms and cognitive functioning vary across the autism spectrum disorders.

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autism related dissertation

Mapping cerebellar anatomical heterogeneity in mental and neurological illnesses

This study maps cerebellar anatomy across the lifespan using over 54,000 brain scans from 132 scanning sites and identifies that patients with autism spectrum disorder, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer disease, and schizophrenia are likely to have deviations in cerebellar anatomy.

  • Esten Leonardsen
  • Torgeir Moberget

autism related dissertation

Individual differences in interoception and autistic traits share altered facial emotion perception, but not recognition per se

  • Milica Nikolić
  • Mariska E. Kret

autism related dissertation

Male autism spectrum disorder is linked to brain aromatase disruption by prenatal BPA in multimodal investigations and 10HDA ameliorates the related mouse phenotype

Prenatal bisphenol A exposure is associated with an increased risk of ASD in boys through a mechanism involving aromatase suppression. These resulting ASD-related behaviors and brain abnormalities may be reversed through postnatal intervention with 10HDA in mice.

  • Christos Symeonides
  • Kristina Vacy
  • Wah Chin Boon

autism related dissertation

Reduced excitatory activity in the developing mPFC mediates a PV H -to-PV L transition and impaired social cognition in autism spectrum disorders

  • Liangliang Wang

autism related dissertation

Zika virus vertical transmission induces neuroinflammation and synapse impairment in brain cells derived from children born with Congenital Zika Syndrome

  • Cecilia Benazzato
  • Fernando Lojudice
  • Patricia Beltrão-Braga

autism related dissertation

Low-level brain somatic mutations in exonic regions are collectively implicated in autism with germline mutations in autism risk genes

  • Myeong-Heui Kim
  • Jeong Ho Lee


News and Comment

The exclusively inclusive landscape of autism research.

People with intellectual disability are underrepresented and often actively excluded from autism research. A better understanding of autism requires inclusive research approaches that accurately represent the broad heterogeneity of the autistic population.

  • Lauren Jenner
  • Joanna Moss

Association of fluvoxamine with mortality and symptom resolution among inpatients with COVID-19

  • Guangting Zeng
  • Jianqiang Li
  • Zanling Zhang

autism related dissertation

Autistic people three times more likely to develop Parkinson’s-like symptoms

Largest study of its kind also finds increased risk in older adults with a range of intellectual disabilities.

  • Miryam Naddaf

autism related dissertation

Targeting RNA opens therapeutic avenues for Timothy syndrome

A therapeutic strategy that alters gene expression in a rare and severe neurodevelopmental condition has been tested in stem-cell-based models of the disease, and has been shown to correct genetic and cellular defects.

  • Silvia Velasco

Vasopressin deficiency: a hypothesized driver of both social impairment and fluid imbalance in autism spectrum disorder

  • Lauren Clarke
  • Neil Gesundheit
  • Karen J. Parker

Oscillatory index of speech reception deficits

  • Jean Mary Zarate

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autism related dissertation

165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Struggle with writing a research paper topics on autism? We’ve got your back covered! Below, you will find a list of 147 topics about autism as well as autism research paper examples!

🏆 Best Research Autism Topics & Essay Examples

👍 good autism essay topics, 💡 psychology research autism topics to write about, ⭐ simple & easy autism essay titles, ❓ research questions about autism.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Autism is a serious disorder that has the potential to disrupt the success of people living with it. This is to mean that the theory of causation regarding autism is not complete as yet.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder in a Child At the moment, M.is more verbal with his parents and siblings and reacts adequately to them, especially in repeated day-to-day situations.
  • Autism: Characteristics, Prevalence and Interventions The symptoms of autism are noticeable in the early years of childhood. Occupational therapy is one of the non-educational interventions used to assist kids with autism.
  • How Does Having a Child With Autism Affects Parents’ Lifestyle? The creation of a system of psychological, pedagogical and social support can reduce the risk of a complete family life dedication to a child with autism.
  • Autism. Child and Family Assessment The other common disorder associated with autism is that of mutism whereby it also lies under the category of speech disorder and in many cases it is difficult to be diagnosed and at the same […]
  • Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism It is possible to state that the book provides rather a high-quality review of the issues about the identification, education, and upbringing of the 2e children.
  • Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism The primary subject of this study is applied behavior analysis while the secondary subject is applied behavior analysis and its effects on autism in children.
  • Critical Analysis of Published Articles: Autism It was therefore the goal of the research to find out if the negative attitude of people towards autistic children can be altered to the benefit of the parents.
  • “Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family’s Triumph Over Autism” by Catherine Maurice The book was published in 1994, and it was a success as parents of autistic children were waiting for someone to prove that autism was not an incurable disorder.
  • Inclusion Curriculum for Children With Autism In the given paper, the issue of children autism, the developmental issues that autism triggers and the educational prospects for children with autism are going to be considered.
  • One-To-One Programs: Supporting Autistic Children The purpose of conducting this essay will be to examine the educational intervention of one-to-one support programs during normal school times within a mainstream classroom and also to discuss the challenges faced by teachers and […]
  • Impact of Autism Disorder on Adolescents This essay discusses the impact of autism disorder on adolescents in the community and a nursing intervention that can be used to assist adolescents in becoming prominent society members.
  • Progression of Reading Ability in a Child Diagnosed With Autism The battery of assessments and interviews with parents on the participant’s socialization and early reading ability indicates the study applied the Psychometric and Social Contextual approaches.
  • Analysis of Behavior of Preschool Age Child With Autism The child’s behavior in the video differs from that of a mentally healthy child, and these differences lie in the child’s other emotional state and degree of interest in talking to people.
  • Autism and Disability Advocacy People with autism can contribute to the diversity of disability culture by expanding understanding of what disability is and how it can be accepted.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis According to DSM-5, to fit the diagnostic criteria for ASD, a child must have evident deficits in three major areas of social communication as well as 2 out of the 4 restricted or repetitive behaviors.
  • Thinking in Pictures: Autism and Sensory Problems The chapter “The Squeeze Machine: Sensory Problems in Autism” in Grandin’s Thinking in Pictures presents a series of life perspectives of various individuals, including her own, regarding the sensory problems they experienced. They postulated that […]
  • Therapeutic Programs for Children With Autism in K-12 Institutions In the paper, the gaps in the research of effective treatments for children with ASD are explored, after which the efficacy of a multi-system aquatic therapy and standardized equine-assisted therapy program is argued.
  • Societal Issue Research Project: Autism Spectrum Disorder The first factor is the significant risk that the genetics of siblings who had ASD diagnosis will increase the chance of the disorder.
  • Child-Centered Play Therapy and Autism The purpose of the discussed research was to investigate the effects of CCPT on the sample of children with autism, establishing and describing the connection between CCPT and social and emotional growth.
  • Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Training Program for Caregivers The latter means that many caregivers take care of children with ASD, hence the importance of equipping them with the necessary skills for effective and smooth parenting and coping with various difficulties.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder’s Impact on Child’s Learning In regards to the public-school setting, standardized testing demands youngsters to grasp and react to spoken as well as written communication at an anticipated pace and level.
  • Laboratory Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders The purpose of my study is to discover which of these methods is more accurate, with the reason being the importance of early diagnosis of ASD, which leads to better treatment outcomes.
  • Autism and Related Cognitive Concepts It has been suggested that children with autism show a general deficit of cognitive skills in multilevel planning and in the regulation of behavior.
  • Bullying and Autism Spectrum Disorder In fact, bullying as a social phenomenon can be characterized as a social and interaction issue; therefore, it is possible to analyze the connection between autism and acts of bullying and inappropriate behavior.
  • Face Emotion Recognition in Autism Phenotype One critical aspect of social communication is the capability to apprehend the emotions and intentions of another person. In conclusion, Autism Spectrum Disorder makes the interpretation of facial expressions difficult.
  • Misrepresentation of Autism in the ‘Music’ Film While the film was not centered on the topic of autism as its message, the stereotype-heavy portrayal and a lack of research make it a harmful piece of media.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence and Impact in Society It has therefore been impossible to determine the level of increase in autism cases that is as a result of improved diagnostic measures and that which can be attributed to the real increase in autism […]
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: Diagnosis, Impact, Treatment The main diagnostic element for ASD is the evidence of difficulties, either in the present or past, which are different across the age groups.
  • Autism and Vaccination Refusal Management Among Somalian Parents Somalian parents in their community in Minnesota refuse from their children being vaccinated, as they believe that vaccination causes autism.
  • Everyone Has the Power to Effect Positive Change Within the Autism Community This paper presents what is autism, how every one reacts to the problem, what is the difference between the rich and the poor in their response towards the problem.”Autism is one of five developmental disorders […]
  • Reducing Off-Task Behaviors Using a Token Economy System in Children With Autism Token economy is a strategy of positive reinforcement that can be provided to children in the form of tokens for completing the assigned tasks.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: Key Points The requirement to meet these needs is supported by the fact that the rate of students with ASD is high: according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, more than 83 per cent of […]
  • “Theoretical Aspects of Autism” by Helen Ratajczak On the whole, it is possible to say that the standards set by Austin Hill cannot be always met, in part because the physiological aspects of this disease have not been fully investigated.
  • Dr. Temple Grandin’s Argument on Visual Thinking and Autism A more in-depth analysis of visual activities can reveal the all imagery can be mentally processed and modified by children so that images are rotated and analyzed to make the brain map expand.
  • Intellectual Disability: Autism In their adulthood, and because of the communication issues that most individuals with autism tend to have, they will naturally have difficulty in finding and keeping jobs.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Children With Autism On the positive side, it fastens the production of different types of reactive oxygen used in the body. It is arguable that the size of the samples used in the study was small.
  • Analysis of Children Autism in “The Black Balloon” It is imperative to note that Charlie’s emotions are not regulated and as such, manifest in immature behaviors such as flapping of his hands.
  • Occupational Therapy for Children With Autism The main reason for the appearance of autism is the disturbance of the development of the patients brain which results in the appearance of various symptoms.
  • The Mitochondria and Autism – Results and Main Function The results are important in health because children with autism were more probable to have dysfunctions and abnormalities of the mitochondria such as over replication and deletion of mitochondrial DNA compared to those without the […]
  • Autism Etiology, Symptoms, Beliefs, and Management To date, debate on the cause or etiology of autism still remains divided, with extant literature demonstrating that “although many hypotheses have been proposed, a singular or specific combination of causes has yet to be […]
  • Quantitative Assessment of Neuromotor Function in Adolescents With High Functioning Autism: Critique The study authors did not give the benefits and/or risks associated with the study participation. The authors indicated that the ZNA was appropriate for collecting the data because it could measure the 11 parameters of […]
  • Critical Appraisal on the Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorders on the Family: A Qualitative Study of Mothers’ Perspectives The study researchers established the significance of the study by outlining the social and financial implications of taking care of children with ASD.
  • Autism: External Forces, Causes and Treatment The increasing prevalence of Autism in the United States and across the world is attracting great attention from the healthcare sector to design critical programs tailored to stem the disorder in terms of prevention, treatment, […]
  • The Importance of Services for Children With Autism The plea of the majority of Americans for the reverse of healthcare budget allocation is well because it is wrong to interfere with services offered to children with autism. With childcare initiative in place, the […]
  • Autism: General Information and Treatment She argues that the treatment of autism is through scientific proven medication that aids in controlling aggressive behaviors and that Trisperidone is the commonly used antipsychotic.
  • The Issue of Autism: Task-Group Project The role of B.N.in the meeting can be seen as a summarizer, providing a summary of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  • Concepts of Autism and Williams Syndrome The disorder manifests itself in the early years of a child’s life, with long-lasting effects that are not curable but controllable and easy to deal with on condition that, the concerned parties take the necessary […]
  • Autism Programs to Enhance Students’ Outcomes In addition to social and behavioral challenges, ASD typically hinders a learner’s ability to gain and process the necessary academic information.
  • Autism Program’s Impact Across Contexts In other words, a detailed overview of the issues that administrators face when designing the program and which the teachers have to deal with when addressing the needs of children with autism must be carried […]
  • Autism: Teaching Plan for Taking All the Features Into Account For the first child, caregiver training was done at child’s bedroom, and for the second child it was done at living room, and for the third child with severe mental retardation it was carried out […]
  • Education Considerations for Students With Autism Two articles under consideration consider the opposite views regarding the education of students with autism; on the basis of the information obtained from these articles, it can be stated that none of the perspectives is […]
  • Developmental Psychology: Autism and Vaccination Vaccination of infants is widely used today as the pattern of endemic diseases can be explained in terms of interplay of social, physical and biological factors in an area that is conducive to a continuous […]
  • Social Work Methods to Treat the Child Who Is Suffering From Autism This is a clear indicator that alcohol intake by the family is costing the members and it is an issue that needs to be looked into.
  • Autism and Immunization: Vaccines and the Changing Epidemiology The interest and attention invoked by this paper were largely due to the fact that it appeared to provide a biological means through which MMR vaccine resulted in autism.
  • The Autism-Vaccine Debate, Arguments, and Research Autism is defined by the Autism Society of America as ” a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first 3 years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects […]
  • Autism and False Belief in Psychology The theories are found to be covering the deficits of an individuals’ mind and factors relating to autism, research further indicates that a child’s behavior may be influenced by the executive functions this, therefore, brings […]
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder and Interventions However, the negative side of it is that such an intervention is limited to those patients who are verbal and have limited vocabulary.
  • Autism: Symptoms, Forms, Diagnostic Instruments Autism is basically a developmental disorder of the human brain that its first symptoms are initially manifested in infancy and it follows a steady cause without relapse.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Features in Children One of the causes for the appearance of these issues is an inborn disability that might presuppose the need for specific methods to educate a child and guarantee a chance for integration with society.
  • Autism Occurrence by Measles Vaccine Status The organization of information in the text follows a logical format by introducing the background for the vaccine, incorporating the issue of ASD connection, and leading up to the primary research question.
  • Parental Report of Vaccine Receipt in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder In the introduction, which is the first section, the study’s research problems and their significance to nursing are stated. The discussion section covers how the authors relate the findings to the research objective and the […]
  • Teenagers With Autism Disorder Autism is seen as a spectrum disorder since its severity and symptoms vary greatly among affected individuals – from mild and occasional to persistent and interfering with all aspects of life.
  • Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorders on Life However, between the ages of two and three, his lack of verbal activity and inability to “echo” simple sounds and syllables were found to be very concerning by the family.
  • Autism Should Not Be Viewed as a Disability A good example is that the treatment of autism as a mental disorder makes it possible for pharmaceutical companies and clinics to invent new health systems or procedures that will meet the needs of the […]
  • Autist Student’s Behavior and Remedial Plan In the process of reading, I would pay attention to the student’s concentration and ability to integrate what she was reading. She also took long in doing this and did not want to stop the […]
  • Autism Treatment, Its Methods and Results It was appropriate to focus on the use of the DSE intervention and examine if addressed most of the challenges facing many ASD patients.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: Programs Effectiveness The purpose of this PE, therefore, is to evaluate and analyze the efficiency of the programs implemented by the Day Support Services.
  • Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders The main goal of this paper is to present a review of relevant literature addressing the issue of helping college students with ASD prepare for workforce readiness and job placement.
  • Association Between Vaccination and Autism The study examined whether there is a link between the toxic effects of exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines and the risk of developing ASD.
  • Olfaction and Autism Spectrum Disorder Relationship These findings reveal that the sniff test can reveal both the presence and severity of ASD in young children. The link between ASD and olfaction can be used in diagnosing young children with autism.
  • Abu Dhabi Autism Center The Abu Dhabi Autism Center has to operate within the laws and regulations of the Zayed Higher Organization for Humanitarian Care and Special Needs.
  • Applied Behavior Analysis Treatment for Autism It is the most commonly applied autism treatment remedy in the United States and several other countries in the world and the major method that schools and therapists embrace and use.
  • Inclusive Education: Child With Autism and Spina Bifida It is worth mentioning that Ted’s mother is willing to cooperate with teachers, and her participation can be of great assistance to the teacher.
  • Children With Autism’ Communication in Saudi Arabia Parents of children with autism in Saudi Arabia have complained that the government has neglected the needs of autistic children by failing to finance their education and research to detect the effectiveness of the digital […]
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders: Testing and Measurement It will begin with the rationale that explain why the issues are critical, followed by the reasons for unavailability of the solutions to the issues and the consequences of the issues.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders and Educational Interventions From this point, this paper aims to discuss the definition of Autism Spectrum Disorders, examine the etiology and incidence of the disorder, focus on the prevalence of autism, and analyze the effectiveness of the DTT […]
  • Vaccines and Autism: Separating Facts From Fiction The advocacy groups say that thimerosal, a preservative used in vaccines, is toxic to the central nervous system and responsible for an alarming rise in rates of autism among children in the United States and […]
  • Lesson for Learners With Autism: Reflection Observation The essay identifies the instructional methods used by the teacher during the exercise. The teacher also guided the learners to solve the mathematical problems using different visual objects.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Concept Besides, Temple often explores her own experiences and attempts to understand the feelings of others that are unavailable to her by visualizing herself as other creatures people and animals.
  • Dubai Autism Center’ Quality Management TQM employs strategies and effective communication within the organization to incorporate the quality principles into the culture and activities of the organization to ensure that all the activities are geared towards satisfying the customers.
  • Vaccination and Autism in Children The problem with this case is that while it may be true that the cause for the development of autism in children have yet to be fully determined, the fact remains that there have been […]
  • Video Modeling for Individuals With Autism The video model will be developed according to the needs of autistic children, with the focus on the role of visual and auditory stimuli in the teaching process.
  • The Effects of Vaccines on Autism From their study, the findings demonstrate that the presence of thimerosal is one of the causes of the disorder. It is imperative to state that they have used many studies that have indicated that there […]
  • Vaccination as a Cause Autism This paper borrows on the arguments of Monica Prasad and Washington and Haydn when they argue that the belief about vaccinations as a primary cause of autism stems from emotional, psychological, and behavioral barriers, as […]
  • Youth With Autism Disorder: Education and Employment This includes the communication patterns of the teenager, the extent of social relations and the unusual behavioral characteristics of the teenager in the environment.
  • Autism Children Education Inclusion Policy in Private Schools: Compulsory Enrollment Policy 2011 The following are the main areas will be addressed by the policy: Prohibited Private schools will be prohibited from ignoring the needs of children suffering from autism; they will be compelled by the act to […]
  • Autism: Pathogenesis and Intervention Similarly, a person with autism has to be trained on the process of communicating normally and forming a relationship with objects, events and people in their lives.
  • The Real Causes of Autism However, the main problem is that this association or correlation does not imply that autism is triggered by a vaccine. This is the main argument that can be put forward.
  • Autism. Sensory Integration. Tactile Desensitization The poor development that is recorded at the early stages in life is likely to affect the development of different skills by the individuals even in the adult stages The signs that are associated with […]
  • Autism Effect on Children It is crucial to understand the behavior of children with autism in the school set up in order to understand how autism affects children and their social interactions. It is up to the teacher to […]
  • Autism and Its Effects on Social Interaction The article “Social Impairment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” identifies the major challenges facing many people with autism. The authors wanted to examine the social problems and difficulties encountered by individuals with Autism Spectrum […]
  • Older Dads More Likely to Have Kids With Autism The author highlights autism as one of the main outcomes of late fatherhood following the release of the results of a study involving the counting of the mutations corresponding to a father’s age at the […]
  • Evidenced-Based Practice: Autism Management in Children Autism largely is connected to communication abilities of a child, a situation that later results into the child experiencing disability problems in effectively encoding and decoding communicative messages.
  • Miami Dance Project for Autistic Children For me, what the Miami dance project represents is in line with what is known as the concept of confidence building wherein through the development of certain talents children with autism will begin to have […]
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders and Family Impact One of the greatest fears of a parent with such a child is the fact that such a child would be taken care of until the advanced stages of their lives.
  • Program Models in Autism The DTT technique has been designed in such a way as to target the individual behavior of an autistic child using the available curriculum.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder in Relation to Education Attending to students having ASD in the regular classrooms requires specialized teachers and supplementary staff in order to aid in the realization of the needs of the students having ASD.
  • Autism in Saudi Arabia This support may come in the form of modification of the curriculum to cater for the special needs of the autistic children.
  • Analysis of Autism Disorder This disorder affects the brain of the child during growth so that it does not develop in the right way thus affecting the social and communication skills of the child. This is especially to the […]
  • Psychological Disorders and Their Treatment: An Overview of the Recent Progress and the Current Challenges in Treating Autism in Children In the given paper, the issue of psychological disorders is being addressed in reference to the ideas expressed in Chapter 11 “Psychological Disorders” in Carole Wade and Carol Tavris’s Invitation to Psychology.
  • Early Intervention for Young Adults With Autism This is due to unavailability of information on children development stages and the importance of early detection and intervention in the case of autism.
  • Different Behaviors in Children With Autism The purpose is to find out whether the co morbidity changes with the environment, and assess the influence that the environment has on the behavior of an autistic child.
  • Diagnosis and Treatment for Autism Disorder Children with autism are therefore able to reason and even interpret the feelings of other people but the challenge is to communicate the response to other people.
  • Autism: Qualitative Research Design Golafshani continues to argue that the use of the term “dependability” in qualitative studies is a close match to the idea of “reliability” in quantitative research.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder However, the reality is that the number of children with autism and having high intelligence is insignificant. It is apparent that, in autism, a disorder is found in the structure of the brain.
  • Vaccines and Autism: A Critical Analysis of Thimerosal in Relation to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella The safety and efficacy of vaccines has been the subject of many studies in the medical field. The disorder was observed in one participant from each of the cohorts in the experiment.
  • How to Recognize and Teach Students With Autism If these groups of students have to be given directions that are more than three steps, the directions have to be written down due to their inability to remember sequences.
  • Autism and Visual Thought Suprisingly the quality of visual thinking according to Bogdashina is dependent on other factors like time and the state the autistic person is in.
  • Autism and Educational Process Owing to these adverse effects that can stem from autism and the shear prevalence of the condition in the country’s population, a lot of research effort has been dedicated to the early diagnosis and treatment […]
  • Do Vaccines Cause Autism? Thimerosal is alleged to increase the exposure of mercury in the vaccine to a substantiated high amount. In fact, the amount of antigens between children with autism and without is the same irrespective of the […]
  • Language Development Problems in Children: An Indicative Characteristic of Autism This is because it is a time when it is expected that a majority of the kids should be able to talk.
  • The Disease of Autism Origin The disorder is one of the new diagnoses of the autism. Other effects of the disorder are constipation and growth failures that may be a problem to the lives of the individual.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children and Its Impact on the Family Manning, Wainwright and Bennet argue that children with autism are faced with a big challenge because of the nature of the symptoms the disorder.
  • Autism’s Teaching Tips for Children and Adults The present description is concerned with the role of teacher in the better management of Autism in children. Further, assessment of the interactive and developmental skills is on of the important component in the teacher […]
  • How Christopher’s Autism Affect His Life In spite of the fact that the issue of autism is not clearly explained in the story, the condition of the narrator is referred to as high-functioning autism or Aspersers Syndrome on the cover of […]
  • What Are Autism Spectrum Disorders?
  • How Does Autism Affect the Person With It and Those Around Them?
  • What Are the Barriers of Learning for a Learner With Autism/Aspergers in Performing Arts?
  • Does Gluten Effect Children With Autism?
  • What Are the Causes of Autism?
  • How Does Autism Affect a Child’s Educational Performance?
  • What Can Autism Look Like and Things You Can Do to Spot It?
  • Can Children With Autism Develop a Theory of Mind?
  • Which Interventions Reduce Anxiety in Autistic People?
  • What Influence Has the Development of Autism Had on a Diagnosed Individual?
  • How Does Autism Affect the Development of a Child?
  • Are Huddles the Missing Piece of the Puzzle in Implementing Clinical Innovation for the Eating Disorder and Autism Comorbidity?
  • How Does Autism Start?
  • Can Mouse Imaging Studies Bring Order to Autism Connectivity Chaos?
  • How Does ‘Fake News’ Affect Autism Policy?
  • Are There Any Relationships Between Latent Toxoplasma Gondii Infection, Testosterone Elevation, and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  • How Do People With Autism Experience the World?
  • Can Robotic Systems Promote Self-Disclosure in Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  • How Did the Media Perpetuate the Autism-Vaccine Scare?
  • Are There Cultural Differences in Parental Interest in Early Diagnosis and Genetic Risk Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  • How Can the Therapist Help Autism Children?
  • Can Vaccinations Cause Autism?
  • Does Autism Spectrum Disorder Affect People All Around the World?
  • Is There a Correlation Between Epigenetics and Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  • How Does Autism Affect Regular Brain Functions as Well as Socialization Skills?
  • What Can Responses to Music in Autism Tell Us About the Nature of Musical Emotions?
  • Why Has the Incidence Rate of Autism Increased?
  • What Are the Most Effective Ways to Support/Provide Social Care For Autistic Adults?
  • Which Interventions Are Effective in the Development of Communication/Language Skills in Autism?
  • How Can Parents and Family Members Be Supported/Educated to Care For and Better Understand an Autistic Relative?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/autism-essay-topics/

"165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/autism-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/autism-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/autism-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "165 Autism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/autism-essay-topics/.

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Autism Dissertation Topics (27 Examples) For Your Academic Research

Mark May 9, 2020 Jun 5, 2020 Autism No Comments

Autism is a complex developmental disorder. As many children are diagnosed with having autism, it has become a topic of interest for researchers. It is an interesting and sensitive issue, which has caught a lot of attention in the past few years. A list of autism dissertation topics is presented below, which can help you […]

autism dissertation topics

Autism is a complex developmental disorder. As many children are diagnosed with having autism, it has become a topic of interest for researchers. It is an interesting and sensitive issue, which has caught a lot of attention in the past few years. A list of autism dissertation topics is presented below, which can help you in deciding on the topic for your dissertation and project.

We would suggest choosing a research topic on autism or a project topic on autism that you find interesting. We have narrowed down a list of few autism dissertation topics. You can select any topic from the autism dissertation topics list to carry out your academic research.

List of autism dissertation topic

A review of who is suffering more, a child with autism or the child’s family?

The silent treatment and the scrutiny that a person with autism goes through – an explorative analysis.

A literature review of the best and worst stereotypes that can destroy the life of an autistic person.

Studying the legalisation of the experimental drugs that can help people suffering from autism.

Exploring approaches to support young people with an autism spectrum disorder.

To examine the diagnostic tests for autism spectrum disorder in preschool children.

An analysis of transitioning to adult life for the people with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

A review of the neurobehavioral characteristics of children with autism disorder.

Evidence of the rates of autism in studies of gender diverse individuals.

Exploring the relationship between body perception and autistic behaviour.

Strategies to help parents in coping with children with an autism spectrum disorder.

Estimating the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder in the UK population.

A study of the animal-assisted interventions for children with autism spectrum disorders.

Identifying, assessing, analysing, and diagnosing autism spectrum disorder in adults.

Examining the knowledge and attitude of families and health care providers towards autism.

What is autism spectrum disorder? – A literature review.

Studying the non-verbal communication skills of children with an autism spectrum disorder.

The importance of an educator’s knowledge and beliefs about teaching children with autism.

Comparing the perspectives of autistic adults, parents and professionals related to autism diagnosis in the UK.

Studying the lived experiences of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders.

Strategies to encourage parents to get their child screened for autism.

Exploring the fun and innovative ways to work with autistic children.

The importance of treating autism with drug medications.

Identifying the methods to encourage autistic children to interact with other children.

Analysing the advancements in the effective screening of autism.

To study the approaches for meeting the learning needs of children with an autism spectrum disorder in elementary education.

Exploring the child-centred play therapy to deal with young children with autism.

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  1. Thesis

    autism related dissertation

  2. 53 Best Autism Dissertation Topics & Autism Dissertation Ideas

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  3. autism

    autism related dissertation

  4. A summary of my dissertation defense on Autism Spectrum Disorder

    autism related dissertation

  5. Thesis

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  6. Study of Children with Autism : Report

    autism related dissertation


  1. Lived Experiences of Parents With Children With Autism Spectrum

    Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection 2021 Lived Experiences of Parents With Children With Autism Spectrum ... Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that presents with varied levels of communication, social, behavioral, and sensory challenges ...

  2. Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Literature Review

    Abstract. This paper is a literature review of some of the popular treatments for autism spectrum disorder. (ASD). It begins with an overview of ASD, the common symptoms, and comorbidities. It. includes a review of pharmacological treatments, behavioral treatments, and dietary treatments. Some treatment options in each of those categories are ...

  3. Top 100 Autism Research Paper Topics

    Strong Autism Dissertation Topics . With so many children being diagnosed with autism, more learners are writing dissertations on this subject. And there are many autism research topics from which a learner can choose. ... How celebrities and pseudo-scientists have caused serious damage by claiming that autism is related to vaccinations ; How ...

  4. PDF The inclusion of autistic children in the curriculum and assessment in

    A thesis submitted to the University of Birmingham for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Autism Centre for Education and Research Department of Disability Inclusion and Special Needs School of Education College of Social Sciences University of Birmingham July 2017 . University of Birmingham Research Archive ...


    Running Head: AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER TOOLS AND ASSESSMENTS AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER: EXAMINING CURRENT DIAGNOSIS STRATEGIES AND ASSESSMENT TOOLS M. A. Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Education Biola University La Mirada, California USA By Amy Marie Wormald December 2011 Approved by: Committee Chair: Date:

  6. Childhood adversity, resilience, and autism: a critical review of the

    Despite the potentially confounding effects of the interaction between autism and adversity on the manifestation of trauma-related symptoms, there is a clear correlation between adversity and anxiety, depression, and suicidal behaviour in adolescents on the autism spectrum (Storch et al. Citation 2013; Taylor and Gotham Citation 2016; Wood and ...

  7. A Critical Review of Academic Literature Constructing Well-Being in

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  8. PDF Educational discourse and the autistic student: a study using Q-sort

    A thesis submitted to the University of Birmingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Reference Number: ERN 13-0875. ... The Autism Education Trust and related partners, Research Autism, and the National Autistic Society. Thanks also to my colleagues from the Theorising Autism Project: Susy Ridout, Lyte Moon, Dinah Murray and ...

  9. Understanding the Lived Experiences of Autistic Adults

    Although there is a plethora of autism-related research, research related to transition and support needs for autistic adults remains limited. The purpose of this study was to understand the hopes, dreams, aspirations, challenges, and lived experiences of autistic adults. Academic literature has largely emphasized autism as a medical deficit, and use of first-person narratives to understand ...

  10. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

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  11. (PDF) Doctoral Thesis "Quality of life in children and young people

    Doctoral Thesis "Quality of life in children and young people with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability ... this is a construct that includes not just health-related aspects like ...

  12. Autism and Social Interaction: A Discursive Psychological Study

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  14. PDF Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents With Autism

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  15. Full article: Inclusivity in education for autism spectrum disorders

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  17. (PDF) Autism Spectrum Disorder

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  18. 53 Best Autism Dissertation Topics & Autism Dissertation Ideas

    Here is the list of Autism dissertation Topics: How do encourage children with Autism to live a better life? A study on Autism children and their families sufferings using a case study. To study the experimental drugs for Autism Patients. A survey of the characteristics of Children with Autism. To examine the need for the test for Autism ...

  19. Autism and Developmental Disabilities

    The Autism and Developmental Disabilities (A&DD) Doctoral Program provides students with cutting-edge training for conducting research. Students engage in hands-on practice with individuals with autism and developmental disabilities. In this concentration, we strive to provide students with teaching, research, and clinical training experiences ...

  20. Strategies in supporting inclusive education for autistic students—A

    A recently published systematic review investigated the effectiveness of school-related outcomes of interventions for autistic students (Macmillan et al., 2021). In Leifler et al. (2020) , which included quantitative studies, accommodations to the learning environment were at focus, concluding that it is a promising area, but one that needs to ...

  21. Autism spectrum disorders

    Autism spectrum disorders are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that are characterized by impaired social interaction and communication skills, and are often accompanied by other behavioural ...

  22. 165 Autism Topics to Write about & Free Essay Samples

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Autism is a serious disorder that has the potential to disrupt the success of people living with it. This is to mean that the theory of causation regarding autism is not complete as yet. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 183 writers online.

  23. Autism Dissertation Topics (27 Examples) For Your Academic Research

    Undergraduate: £30 (250 Words) Master: £45 (400 Words) Doctoral: £70 (600 Words) Along with a topic, you will also get; An explanation why we choose this topic. 2-3 research questions. Key literature resources identification. Suitable methodology with identification of raw sample size, and data collection method.

  24. 'I'm not giving up. We can no longer wait for the adults in the room

    The teenager meets Simon Harris tomorrow in the latest round of her fight to advocate for her brothers 13-year-old autism campaigner Cara Darmody vows to keep pressure on Simon Harris for change ...