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AS and A-level Biology

  • Specification
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  • Introduction
  • Specification at a glance
  • 3.1 Biological molecules
  • 3.3 Organisms exchange substances with their environment
  • 3.4 Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms

3.5 Energy transfers in and between organisms (A-level only)

  • 3.6 Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments (A-level only)
  • 3.7 Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems (A-level only)
  • 3.8 The control of gene expression (A-level only)
  • Scheme of assessment
  • General administration
  • Mathematical requirements and exemplifications
  • AS practical assessment
  • A-level practical assessment

 Energy transfers in and between organisms (A-level only)

Life depends on continuous transfers of energy.

In photosynthesis, light is absorbed by chlorophyll and this is linked to the production of ATP.

In respiration, various substances are used as respiratory substrates. The hydrolysis of these respiratory substrates is linked to the production of ATP.

In both respiration and photosynthesis, ATP production occurs when protons diffuse down an electrochemical gradient through molecules of the enzyme ATP synthase, embedded in the membranes of cellular organelles.

The process of photosynthesis is common in all photoautotrophic organisms and the process of respiration is common in all organisms, providing indirect evidence for evolution.

In communities, the biological molecules produced by photosynthesis are consumed by other organisms, including animals, bacteria and fungi. Some of these are used as respiratory substrates by these consumers.

Photosynthesis and respiration are not 100% efficient. The transfer of biomass and its stored chemical energy in a community from one organism to a consumer is also not 100% efficient.

Photosynthesis (A-level only)


Opportunities for skills development

The light-dependent reaction in such detail as to show that:

The light-independent reaction uses reduced NADP from the light-dependent reaction to form a simple sugar. The hydrolysis of ATP, also from the light-dependent reaction, provides the additional energy for this reaction.

The light-independent reaction in such detail as to show that:

Students could devise and carry out experiments to investigate the effect of named environmental variables on the rate of photosynthesis using aquatic plants, algae or immobilised algal beads.

Use of chromatography to investigate the pigments isolated from leaves of different plants, eg, leaves from shade-tolerant and shade-intolerant plants or leaves of different colours.

Investigation into the effect of a named factor on the rate of dehydrogenase activity in extracts of chloroplasts.

Respiration (A-level only)


Opportunities for skills development

Respiration produces ATP.

Glycolysis is the first stage of anaerobic and aerobic respiration. It occurs in the cytoplasm and is an anaerobic process.

Glycolysis involves the following stages:

If respiration is only anaerobic, pyruvate can be converted to ethanol or lactate using reduced NAD. The oxidised NAD produced in this way can be used in further glycolysis.

If respiration is aerobic, pyruvate from glycolysis enters the mitochondrial matrix by active transport.

Aerobic respiration in such detail as to show that:

Students could use a redox indicator to investigate dehydrogenase activity.

Investigation into the effect of a named variable on the rate of respiration of cultures of single-celled organisms.

Energy and ecosystems (A-level only)


Opportunities for skills development

In any ecosystem, plants synthesise organic compounds from atmospheric, or aquatic, carbon dioxide.

Most of the sugars synthesised by plants are used by the plant as respiratory substrates. The rest are used to make other groups of biological molecules. These biological molecules form the biomass of the plants.

Biomass can be measured in terms of mass of carbon or dry mass of tissue per given area. The chemical energy store in dry biomass can be estimated using calorimetry.

Gross primary production ( ) is the chemical energy store in plant biomass, in a given area or volume.

Net primary production ( ) is the chemical energy store in plant biomass after respiratory losses to the environment have been taken into account,


where represents gross production and represents respiratory losses to the environment.

This net primary production is available for plant growth and reproduction. It is also available to other trophic levels in the ecosystem, such as herbivores and decomposers.

The net production of consumers ( ), such as animals, can be calculated as:

where represents the chemical energy store in ingested food, represents the chemical energy lost to the environment in faeces and urine and represents the respiratory losses to the environment.

Primary and secondary productivity is the rate of primary or secondary production, respectively. It is measured as biomass in a given area in a given time eg kJ ha year .

appreciate the ways in which production is affected by farming practices designed to increase the efficiency of energy transfer by:

Students could be given data from which to calculate gross primary production and to derive the appropriate units.

Students could carry out investigations to find the dry mass of plant samples or the energy released by samples of plant biomass.

Students could be given data from which to calculate:

Students could be given data from which to calculate percentage yields.

Nutrient cycles (A-level only)


Opportunities for skills development

Nutrients are recycled within natural ecosystems, exemplified by the nitrogen cycle and the phosphorus cycle.

Microorganisms play a vital role in recycling chemical elements such as phosphorus and nitrogen.

(The names of individual species of bacteria are required).

The use of natural and artificial fertilisers to replace the nitrates and phosphates lost by harvesting plants and removing livestock.

The environmental issues arising from the use of fertilisers including leaching and eutrophication.

Students could devise investigations into the effect of named minerals on plant growth.

A-Level AQA Biology - Energy Transfers in Organisms

Finish sign up, energy transfers & nutrient cycles, energy transfers.

In any ecosystem, plants are the producers in a food web as they are able to produce their own carbohydrates using carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or water. Between each trophic level in a food web, the majority of the energy is lost due to respiration and excretion. The remaining energy is used to form the biomass.

Energy Transfers & Nutrient Cycles, figure 1

The amount of biomass remaining in an organism can be measured in terms of mass of carbon or dry mass of tissue per given area. How productive an ecosystem is depends on the abiotic and biotic factors. Plenty of water, light, warmth, and green plants will maximize the rates of photosynthesis and therefore result in more carbohydrates being produced in the plants. This can be quantified using GPP and NPP. Gross primary production ( GPP ) is the chemical energy stored in plant biomass, in a given area or volume. It is the total energy resulting from photosynthesis. Net primary production ( NPP ) is the chemical energy stored in plant biomass taking into account the energy that will be lost due to respiration (R).


The NPP is the energy left over that is available to the plant to create new biomass and therefore available to the next trophic level in a food web. To work out the net production of consumers (N), such as animals, the formula below can be used:

N = I – F + R

I = the chemical energy stored in ingested food F = the chemical energy lost to the environment in faeces and urine R = respiratory losses.

Energy Transfers & Nutrient Cycles, figure 2

Rates of productivity are recorded using the units kJ ha–1 year–1. kJ is the unit for energy, but these units also include per unit area and per year. It is recorded as per unit area to standardize the results to enable environments to be compared- it takes into account that different environments will vary in size. The units are also per year to take into account the impact seasons will have on rain, light, and heat – it provides an annual average to allow fair comparisons between environments.

Nutrient Cycles

Nutrients are recycled within natural ecosystems, exemplified by the nitrogen cycle and the phosphorus cycle. Mycorrhizae play an important role in nutrient cycle. Mycorrhizae are fungal associations between plant roots and beneficial fungi. As a result, the fungi entwined around the plant roots provide a larger surface area for water and mineral absorption. The fungi part of the mycorrhizae acts like a sponge and can absorb and hold onto water and minerals surrounding the root. This is of benefit to the plant, as in times of drought the mycorrhizae store of water and minerals can be used. This is a mutualistic relationship because the plant provides the fungi with carbohydrates.

Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen is an important element that is needed to create amino acids/proteins, DNA, RNA, and ATP. The cycle is split into four key processes: nitrogen-fixation, nitrification, denitrification, and ammonification.


Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are able to break the double bond between the two nitrogen atoms in nitrogen gas in the atmosphere and fix this nitrogen into ammonium ions. The bacteria are either free-living in the soil or it is symbiotic (mutualistic relationship), living in the root nodules of plants. This is common in leguminous plants such as clover and beans.


The ammonium ions in the soil are converted to nitrite and then nitrate ions in the soil by nitrifying bacteria. This is a two-stage oxidation reaction.


This stage is not useful as it returns the nitrogen in compounds back to nitrogen gas in the atmosphere, so it cannot be absorbed by plants. Anaerobic denitrifying bacteria do this.


Proteins, urea, and DNA can be decomposed in dead matter and waste by saprobionts. These are bacteria and fungi that can digest waste extracellularly, this is saprobiotic nutrition, and returns ammonium ions into the soil.

Phosphorus Cycle

Phosphorus is an essential element for life as it is needed to create DNA, RNA, ATP, and phospholipid bilayers. The phosphorus cycle is different from the carbon (not on the specification) and nitrogen cycle because phosphorus is not found as a gas in the atmosphere. Instead, the main store is in sedimentary rocks.

Energy Transfers & Nutrient Cycles, figure 1


Fertilisers are added to soil to replace the nutrients lost nitrate and phosphate ions when plants are harvested and removed from the cycle as crops. These fertilisers can be either natural (manure) or artificial fertilisers (inorganic chemicals).

Natural fertilisers are cheaper and often free if the farmer owns animals. However, the exact minerals and proportions cannot be controlled.

Artificial fertilisers are chemicals created to contain exact proportions of minerals. Inorganic substances are more water-soluble, and therefore more of these ions dissolve in the water surrounding the soil. Whilst this is an advantage to the plant for absorbing the nitrates and phosphates, the downside is that their high solubility means that larger quantities are washed away with rainfall and therefore have a greater impact on the environment.

Leaching is when water-soluble compounds are washed away, often into rivers or ponds. If nitrogen fertilisers leach into waterways it causes eutrophication.

Eutrophication is when nitrates leached from fertilised fields stimulate the growth of algae in a pond. The excessive growth of algae creates a blanket on the surface of the water which blocks out light. As a result, plants below cannot photosynthesize and die. Bacteria within the water feed and respire on the dead plant matter. This results in an increase in bacteria, which are all respiring and using up the oxygen within the water. Eventually, fish and other aquatic organisms die due to the lack of dissolved oxygen in the water.

Energy Transfers & Nutrient Cycles, figure 1

Energy Transfer in Ecosystems

  • Understand the concept of biomass and its transfer in food chains.
  • Suggest and explain why only a small amount of biomass is transferred to the subsequent trophic level.
  • Understand how this limits the number in a food chain.
  • Calculate Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Net Primary Productivity (NPP) from provided data.
  • Evaluate the above-mentioned data effectively.
  • Be prepared to calculate the net production of consumers or percentage yield.
  • Practice all biomass related calculations.
  • Understand the difference between primary and secondary productivity.
  • In case of practical scenarios where biomass has been calculated, be sure to understand the methodology used.

A Level Biology

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3.5 Energy transfers in organisms

  • Life depends on continuous transfers of energy.
  • In photosynthesis, light is absorbed by chlorophyll and this is linked to the production of ATP.
  • In respiration, various substances are used as respiratory substrates. The hydrolysis of these respiratory substrates is linked to the production of ATP.
  • In both respiration and photosynthesis, ATP production occurs when protons diffuse down an electrochemical gradient through molecules of the enzyme ATP synthase, embedded in the membranes of cellular organelles.
  • The process of photosynthesis is common in all photoautotrophic organisms and the process of respiration is common in all organisms, providing indirect evidence for evolution.
  • In communities, the biological molecules produced by photosynthesis are consumed by other organisms, including animals, bacteria and fungi. Some of these are used as respiratory substrates by these consumers.
  • Photosynthesis and respiration are not 100% efficient. The transfer of biomass and its stored chemical energy in a community from one organism to a consumer is also not 100% efficient.

Source: AQA Spec

Included in this download

3.5.3Energy and ecosystems
3.5.4Nutrient cycles
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A-Level Biology Revision Guide Topic 5 Energy Transfers

A-Level Biology Revision Guide Topic 5 Energy Transfers

Subject: Biology

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Assessment and revision

Biologywithmorgan's Shop

Last updated

24 August 2024

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a level biology energy transfer essay

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Efficiency of Energy Transfers ( OCR A Level Biology )

Revision note.


Efficiency of Energy Transfers

  • Light falls away from plants
  • Light passes through leaves or is reflected away
  • Light is a mixture of wavelengths, and only certain wavelengths stimulate photosynthesis
  • During photosynthesis, primary producers such as plants and algae convert light energy to chemical energy in biological molecules
  • The storing of this chemical energy as plant biomass makes a certain amount of energy available to the next trophic level, the primary consumers
  • Not all the plant's biomass is eaten by the primary consumer
  • Think about the energy content of cow dung, which can be dried and used as a heating/cooking fuel, as it contains a lot of undigested biomass e.g. cellulose
  • The primary consumer converts a lot of chemical energy to movement and heat , and only a small amount to new biomass in its own body
  • The efficiency of biomass transfer from one trophic level to the next is low , typically around 10%

Calculating efficiency of biomass transfers between trophic levels

  • Given the appropriate data, it is possible to calculate the efficiency of biomass transfer from one trophic level to the next, as a percentag e
  • Biomass transferred = biomass that has passed to the higher trophic level
  • Biomass intake = biomass of the lower trophic level that has been consumed

Worked example

A blackberry bush with a mass of 35 kg is fed upon by aphids with a collective mass of 4.1 kg. Calculate the percentage efficiency of energy transfer in this step of the food chain.

Step 1: Ensure both units are the same

In this case, both are expressed in kg so the units do not need to be converted

Step 2: Substitute the values into the formula

Calculating the efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels

  • A common way of working out the efficiency of energy transfer is calculating the net productivity of one trophic level as a percentage of the net productivity of the preceding trophic level

Efficiency of Energy - Producer to Consumer, downloadable AS & A Level Biology revision notes

Net productivity of producers

  • The net productivity of producers (also known as net primary productivity or NPP) can be calculated using the following equation:


  • GPP = gross primary productivity
  • R = respiratory losses

Net productivity of consumers

  • The net productivity of consumers can be calculated using the following equation:

N = I - (F + R)

  • I = the chemical energy store in ingested food
  • F = the chemical energy lost to the environment in faeces and urine
  • R = the respiratory losses to the environment

A wheat farmer decides to use biological control against insect pests that are eating her wheat crop. The farmer introduces a species of toad. By eating the insect pests, the toads ingest 10,000 kJ m -2 yr -1 of energy but lose 2,000 kJ m -2 yr -1 of this energy in faeces and urine. They lose a further 7,000 kJ m -2 yr -1 using energy for respiration. Calculate the percentage efficiency of energy transfer from the insects to the toads.

Step 1: Calculate the net productivity of the toads

N = 10,000 - (2,000 + 7,000)

N = 10,000 - 9,000

N = 1,000 kJ m -2 yr -1

Step 2: Write out the equation for % efficiency and substitute in the known values

% Efficiency = (1,000 ÷ 10,000) × 100

Step 3: Calculate the efficiency

% Efficiency = (0.1) × 100

% Efficiency = 10%

How human activities can manipulate the transfer of biomass through ecosystems

  • Human activity can adjust the efficiency of transfer of biomass between trophic levels, usually to maximise it in the context of maximising agricultural productivity
  • Providing artificial light in greenhouses on overcast days
  • Optimising planting distances between crops
  • Irrigation to maximise growth in dry weather
  • Use of fertilisers
  • Selective breeding for fast growth
  • Use of fungicides/pesticides
  • Fencing to exclude grazers
  • Ploughing and herbicides to kill weeds
  • Plant crops that store energy in edible form e.g. seeds, fruit, tubers
  • Use of good quality feeds / food supplements
  • Use antibiotics and vaccines to reduce disease
  • Control predation with fencing or with indoor animal husbandry
  • Reduce competition for grazing e.g. rabbits, deer
  • Indoor husbandry to reduce energy loss from movement or from getting cold outside

Human activity, downloadable AS Level & A Level Biology revision notes

Human activity can increase the efficiency of biomass transfer in an arable farm setting

Exam questions can refer to biomass and energy interchangeably. Remember, the biomass of an organism is effectively a measure of how much chemical energy is stored within it!

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Author: Phil

Phil has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Birmingham, followed by an MBA from Manchester Business School. He has 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience, teaching Biology in schools before becoming director of a growing tuition agency. He has also examined Biology for one of the leading UK exam boards. Phil has a particular passion for empowering students to overcome their fear of numbers in a scientific context.

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Energy Transfer Essay

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