5th grade biography books

20 Biography Books For Kids To Help Them Dream Big

A collection of the best biography books for kids to help them learn about history's most fascinating people and dream a bit bigger.

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Brandie DeRusha

With her MA in English from Rutgers University-Camden, Brandie spends her days chasing around her toddlers and writing. She loves to pair wine with her reading; preferably a Brontë, or an Elliot, or a Woolf novel. Depending on the mood. She currently lives in Florida with her husband, two kids and furry beast.

View All posts by Brandie DeRusha

Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, I forgot how to dream for my life. It was in between those “you can do anything you put your mind to” platitudes from my mother, to “you’ll never make any money if you get a degree in art” realities — also from my mother. As a good child, I believed everything people would say about my potential. If I expressed interest in writing or journalism, they would scoff at me that it was “too hard” for me; if it was acting or dancing, it was “too competitive.” Clearly it was confusing and sent me into an adolescent identity crisis. Who could I be if I couldn’t be who I was?

Now, as a grown up and a mother, I realize that in order to live our truth…we must follow our curiosity. We must embrace our curiosity. We must be allowed to explore. To get things wrong. To find out how we individually interpret the world around us. That will help us make the world a better place.

Thankfully, the way has been paved before us by millions of amazing people who refused to internalize the negative messages about their dreams. People who were so into what they were doing that nothing else mattered except that one thing. Who knew that what their heart was saying was the way without someone’s expectations of them.

Here are stories of 20 people who made their own way and changed not only their lives but ours. 20 stories of people who followed their curiously, followed their love, and led the way for us to be a better society. These 20 biography books for kids can help your kids dream big.

20 of the Best Biography Books for Kids

5th grade biography books

The Story of Harriet Tubman by Christine Platt

Before she became known for her fight to free people from enslavement, she was a little girl who was sad to see her family be separated. Tubman is going to be a key person in most kids’ history classes — so this book also gives a timeline of her life, with age appropriate discussion questions. And if you love this, the series also has Barack Obama, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and Benjamin Franklin biographies, and more.

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5th grade biography books

Six Dots: A Story of Young Louis Braille by Jen Bryant and Boris Kulikov

This picture book biography tells the story of how Louis Braille lost his sight and invented an alphabet. Young Braille wanted nothing more than to be able to read after an accident causes him to lose his eyesight. His invention gave blind kids all over the world a new way to navigate a world that wasn’t made for them. This book is not only inspiring, it shows children that everyone is capable of doing good things.

5th grade biography books

Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau by Jennifer Berne and Éric Puybaret

Once there was a boy named Jacques. He loved to explore the oceans. This whimsical and poetic biography of Jacques Cousteau will inspire kids to follow their explorer natures, as well as help them realize that every person who has made history started as a kid with curiosity.

5th grade biography books

Elizabeth Leads the Way: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Right to Vote by Tanya Lee Stone and Rebecca Gibbon

From a young age, Elizabeth understood that things weren’t equal in her life. How could only a few people have the right to vote? Voting is the foundation of our democracy. So she went to college, gathered like-minded friends, and made their statements, not stopping until women in the United States won the Right to Vote. She was a girl who saw a problem, and grew up to find the solution.

5th grade biography books

Turning Pages: My Life Story by Sonya Sotomayor and Lulu Delacre

The first Latina on the Supreme Court, Sonya Sotomayor recollects her life and the steps that brought her there. For her, it was books. Books helped her cope with difficulties in her life, connect with her roots, and helped her see that her future was full of possibilities. In her autobiography, Sotomayor encourages kids everywhere to read, dream, and puzzle for themselves.

5th grade biography books

Malala’s Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai and Kera Ascoet

As a girl, Malala wished for a magic pencil. A tool she could use to make everyone happy. To make the world around her a little brighter. As she got older she realized that even if she didn’t have a magic pencil, she could still work hard to make the world a better place. Told in a way that’s appropriate to children, we learn about the struggles that Malala faced to follow her dreams and how even then she held onto a hope for a better future for herself and her friends.

5th grade biography books

Pablo Neruda: Poet of the People by Monica Brown and Julie Paschkis

Sometimes people create with paint, but for a little boy in a city in Chile, words were better. Pablo wrote poems about all the things he loved. Things he found in nature, things his friends made, and the things he found at the marketplace. He wrote about the people of Chile, their struggles and passions. It all started with a little boy who loved to paint with words.

5th grade biography books

Drum Dream Girl: How One Girl’s Courage Changed Music by Margarita Engle and Rafael López

Millo Castro Zaldarriaga dreamed of drumming. However, girls weren’t allowed to drum on her little island. She dreamed of pounding tall congas and tapping small bongós. One day, she decided to follow her dream — what happened next when her bright music was heard was magic: people dancing and singing and deciding that boys and girls can make music. Showing that both boys and girls can be free to drum and dream, Millo’s story is an inspiration for children everywhere.

5th grade biography books

The Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles and George Ford

Ruby was just a normal 6-year-old until she was chosen to be the first Black person to be enrolled in an all white elementary school. A lot of people didn’t like that idea and said some mean and threatening things. Ruby did what she was told to do, and went to school anyway. How does a little girl change the world? By being brave in the face of racism and injustice.

5th grade biography books

A Voice Named Aretha by Katheryn Russel-Brown and Laura Freeman

How did a quiet and shy girl from Detroit become the Queen of Soul and the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? She stayed true to herself and her ideals by refusing to play for segregated audiences and never forgetting her roots. She stood up for what was right. Aretha Franklin proved that with passion, perseverance, and R-E-S-P-E-C-T, you can do anything.

5th grade biography books

Counting the Stars: The Story of Katherine Johnson, NASA Mathematician by Lesa Cline-Ransome and Raúl Colón

When NASA used mathematicians called “human computers,” one woman stood out among them all. Katherine Johnson was integral in getting John Glen around the world, helping men walk on the moon, and getting Apollo 13 home safely. This book is for girls who love numbers — who don’t let problems stand in the way from the work.

5th grade biography books

Vincent Can’t Sleep by Barb Rosenstock and Mary Grandpre

Vincent Can’t Sleep is the story of how one of the most beloved and creative artists found his inspiration. When Vincent Van Gogh couldn’t sleep, he’d walk during the night, giving him the inspiration for his famous painting Starry Night . With lovely poetic writing, it tells kids to follow their passion, even if they don’t see the return in their lifetime. (Maybe wait to walk outside at night alone until after they’ve grown up, though.)

5th grade biography books

Magic Ramen by Andrea Wang and Kana Urbanowicz

“Peace follows a full stomach,” thought Momofuko Ando while working in his lab to find a quick, easy, and tasty way of making ramen soup. He wanted to help those in the long daily lines for soup after WWII. This is the story of one man, his commitment to his cause, and the world’s most popular “easy soup.”

5th grade biography books

Harlem’s Little Blackbird: The Story of Florence Mills by Renée Watson and Christian Robinson

Florence was a little girl who loved to sing. She also loved her parents, who were formerly enslaved. So when her beautiful singing and dancing inspired patrons and playwrights alike, she knew that she wouldn’t be happy without standing up to the injustice that she saw daily.

5th grade biography books

I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark by Debbie Levy and Elizabeth Baddeley

“Disagreeing does not make you disagreeable” was something that young Ruth Bader Ginsberg had to learn. This book is the first picture book of Ginsberg’s life. Kids get to see how one girl who stood up for what she believed and became the most beloved Supreme Court justice.

5th grade biography books

Star Stuff: Carl Sagan and the Mysteries of the Cosmos by Stephanie Roth Sisson

“The Earth and every living thing are made of star stuff.” —Carl Sagan. As a boy, Carl Sagan loved learning about the stars. His trip to the 1939 World’s Fair opened up the universe to Carl. A boy who was captured by the wonder of the cosmos became a man who would launch satellites and teach the world about the stars.

5th grade biography books

Emmanuel’s Dream: The True Story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah by Laurie Ann Thompson and Sean Qualls

Sometimes being told you can’t do a thing gives you all the incentive to do it more, especially if EVERYONE thinks you can’t. Emmanuel Ofosu Yepoah only had one leg — and this is the true story of how he biked across the entire country of Ghana (almost 400 miles!) and went on change the way many people in his country thought about people with disabilities.

5th grade biography books

She Loved Baseball: The Effa Manley Story by Audrey Vernick and Don Tate

Effa Manley loved baseball. She loved to go Yankee Stadium and see Babe Ruth swing for the fences. Soon she became her own hero by becoming the manager and owner of the Newark Eagles. Effa was the first (and only) woman inducted in the Baseball Hall of Fame, because of her work with the Eagles. From a girl growing up in Philly to a Hall of Famer, Manley shows us how to swing for the fences.

5th grade biography books

Jimi Sounds Like a Rainbow: A Story of the Young Jimi Hendrix by Gary Golio and Javaka Steptoe

Can someone paint pictures with sound? Jimi was a normal kid who loved to paint and listen to music. This is the story of a kid who interpreted the world in his own unique way, and over time learned how to weave music and imagery to become one of the most influential people in the world.

5th grade biography books

The Oldest Student: How Mary Walker Learned to Read by Rita Lorraine Hubbard and Oge Mora

Mary Walker was born into slavery. She had her first child at the age of 20, lived through a Civil War and two World Wars, and worked many many jobs. Finally, at the young age of 116, Mary Walker learned how to read, proving that it is never too late to follow your dreams and also recognize how incredible life can be.

Want even more after reading this list? Check out historical fiction classics for kids and these picture book biographies of Black leaders and creatives.

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The Best biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs to get 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students interested and reading

Best Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs for Upper Elementary

Best biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs to get 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students interested and engaged

3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students don't often automatically grab biographies and autobiographies off the classroom library shelf.  But the inspiring biographies below will have your upper elementary students begging for more!

Written by guest blogger Cindy Koopmans

In my classroom I’ve often found that biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs are a bit of a hard sell.  Besides selecting only the best nonfiction books for my classroom shelves to begin with, this is how I’ve made it work...

Tips for Encouraging Students to Read Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs

When students are looking for a new book to read, I go to the shelves and hand pick a stack of books for them to peruse.  I’ll start the process by asking them what they’ve read lately and what they liked about those books.  This strategy works because it is built on choice and trust.  I’m enthusiastic about books and I never force a book on a kid.  They get to choose what to read.

5th grade biography books

And when that happens, the conversation I have with one of my lovies goes something like this: “Mrs. K.  This really happened?  This story is like, for real?” 

Me, “Yup.”   

This is the truth:  no matter who we are or how old we are, we are always looking for someone to light the way forward on this dark road called life.  

Even the most jaded of students have the propensity to be inspired by the stories of people who have survived and thrived.  

And that’s why it is so critical to give our students the gift of great nonfiction and allow them a glimpse into other people’s worlds.  When we see how other people navigate the not insubstantial bumps in their personal roads it gives us hope.  

So here you will find a nicely balanced list of great nonfiction books that are tried and true winners for upper elementary students.  There is great variety in this role call.  I’ve included books written about or by creatives, trailblazers, and a few so-called “ordinary” people, who when called upon by fate, did not back down.  They met the challenges they faced head on and triumphed.  

These people found themselves in extraordinarily difficult and, in some cases, harrowing life situations.  The stories are unique, multi-faceted and...well...true!  

As an added bonus, you can trust that these nonfiction books are incredibly well-written.  

Sometimes, just to hook some of my more reluctant student readers, I take a minute out of our precious instructional time.  I’m not doing anything too fancy, I simply introduce a new book and read the first page or two enthusiastically.

If I’m with a particularly apathetic class I’ve been known to climb up on a chair and use lots of over the top hand gestures.  Hey! Whatever it takes, right?  

Anyway, I’m never sorry about taking the time because there is absolutely nothing more exciting than hearing numerous kids blurt out an enthusiastic, “I want to read that one!” 

What just happened here? A waiting list?  Awesome.

These are good books.  Many of these books are showing the wear and tear of being well-loved in my fifth grade classroom.  Others have gotten a thorough vetting before they made this list and are now on an Amazon wish list until I get two nickels to rub together.  You and your students will find them to be deeply satisfying reads.  Get ready for a cupcake shop moment, because you are not going to know which one to pick! 

12 Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Students

Anne frank: the diary of a young girl by anne frank, b.m. mooyaart (translator), eleanor roosevelt (introduction).

It is July 6, 1942, the setting is Amsterdam, and Anne Frank has just received a diary for her birthday.  The rest is history. 

Every year I have at least one student who loves Laurie Halse Anderson's historical fiction books.  If you have students like that in your class, then Anne Frank will absolutely blow their minds.  Introduce them to this classic read, then share the link to the full length movie.   

Some books introduced to students are gifts that they will remember the rest of their lives.  Be that teacher that gives that gift.  Here I just want to say thank you to Mrs. Barclay.  I still have my original copy.

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Unbroken: An Olympian's Journey from Airman to Castaway to Captive  by Laura Hillenbrand

This book begins with an excruciating description of three men who are floating on a raft in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.  Suffice it to say that sharks are predominant in the narrative of the first chapter.  Fifth grade boys?  Gotcha.  Add to the sharks stuff the fact that the main character, Louis Zabarelli, is a former Olympian and you just set the hook.

This recommendation of the young adult adaptation of Louis Zabarelli’s story, but that shouldn’t be a cause for hesitation.  This book graces the shelf of my classroom library, but it isn’t on the shelf very often.  That and it’s worn condition testifies that Louis Zabarelli’s story does hold appeal for upper elementary aged students.  I’ve included the movie trailer for you in case you want more evidence.


Hidden Figures  by Margot Lee Shetterly

5th grade biography books

This is another worn book in my classroom library.  In fact, I have three copies because it has been that popular. 

You can find some extra resources here if you’re that smart teacher that seeks to intertwine some science lessons into your literature.  If you haven’t seen the movie that was released a few years ago, you can watch the trailer here.

Hidden Figures

Save time and stress this school year with these   Nonfiction Reading Response Activities that can be used over and over throughout the school year with ANY nonfiction text.   

3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will respond through reading, writing, poetry, speaking, listening, drawing, interviewing, and more.    This is a must have   for any upper elementary teacher that does not want to have to constantly recreate the wheel.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind  by William Kamkwamba

5th grade biography books

You may want to watch the movie on Netflix, but don’t tell your students it is there until after they read the book.  (And you could use some of these questions and activity ideas for comparing movies to books.)   Another recommendation from my classroom shelves.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

I Am Malala  by Malala Yousafzai with Patricia McCormick

Look up the word inspiring in the dictionary and you may find Malala Yousafzai’s picture there.  Malala Yousafzai is internationally famous because she and her family stood up to the Taliban’s edict that girls were not allowed to receive an education.  Malala’s father taught her not to back down from what she believed in, even though she knew she was in danger, Malala continued to attend school.  As a result, Malala almost lost her life when she was shot riding the bus home from school. 

Here’s a short video about how Malala, the youngest ever winner of the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 17, continues her mission to make a difference in the lives of young women around the world.

A biography of Malala also made this list of books about overcoming obstacles.

I Am Malala

Ugly  by Robert Hoge

Do we have a choice in what we allow to define us?  Robert Hoge’s memoir answers this question with a resounding, “Yes!” 

Bullied and misunderstood because of a facial tumor and other disabilities he was born with, Robert Hoge teaches us how to live wholeheartedly and fearlessly despite how we might be judged and treated by the world.  This is the very best kind of story, honestly and simply told by the person who lived through it all. 

Robert was born with disfigurements that made him a baby only a mother could love, except his own mother didn’t want him and still, he made it.  I know I have students who need to hear his story and I’m sure you do too.


Mountains Beyond Mountains  by Tracey Kidder

I was beyond excited when I learned that Tracey Kidder’s book about Dr. Paul Farmer and his work with Partners in Health had been adapted for young readers. 

Tracey Kidder shadows Dr. Paul Farmer whose mission is to provide quality healthcare to the most economically disadvantaged people in the world’s most impoverished populations.  Dr. Farmer’s father exemplified altruism and expected his children to participate in his passion. 

Even though the family didn’t have money, Dr. Farmer made a decision to attend college and pursue medicine.  It was a high school guidance counselor that helped him take the first steps. 

This is a book that I challenge students to read, because it’s...well...challenging!  But a student who  choses to tackle it has not been disappointed.  

Mountains Beyond Mountains

My Thirteenth Winter  by Samantha Abel

Samantha Abel was a straight A student with a secret.  She couldn’t remember her locker combination or tell time.  The disconnect caused her to suffer from anxiety attacks.  In her thirteenth winter, Samantha found the strength and the courage to confront her problems.  Consequently, Samantha learned that she had a learning disability called dyscalculia.   Once the disability is discovered and addressed, Samantha’s life begins to change. 

5th grade biography books

As teachers know, learning disabilities are a discrepancy between intelligence and academic struggle.  It is in that often agonizing struggle that a learning disability is  forced to the surface.  We know what they are, but we don’t really know what causes them. 

My Thirteenth Winter: A Memoir

A Long Walk to Water  by Linda Sue Park

5th grade biography books

Linda Sue Park lays out the story in two distinct sections, intermingling fiction and nonfiction.  The book tells the story from the point of view of a young girl, Nya, as she walks all day long to procure water for her family’s needs:  hence the title.  But it is Salva’s point of view story that is truly central to the book.  Salva is one of the “Lost Boys” of Sudan who is walking to escape the violence and constant threat of being conscripted into the Sudanese army.  Spoiler...the two stories come together at the end of the book. 

I spend a lot of time convincing those kiddos who read ahead not to give away the ending and wreck the book for their classmates.  This link will take you to a short video about Salva.

A Long Walk to Water

Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina by Misty Copeland

Misty Copeland is the first African-American principal dancer in American Ballet Theatre history.  Adapted for young readers, the adult version of this book made the New York Times best-seller list.  This is another excellent autobiography I’ve had to purchase in multiples because it is in demand with my girls. 

Misty Copeland’s grit and determination, added to her passion, led her to a successful career in dance.  It all began so simply. 

She writes,  “My family didn't have very much money, so ballet wasn't even on my radar; I just found it randomly when I was 13 at a Boys & Girls Club. We were practicing on a basketball court in gym clothes with some old socks on. Even though it terrified me at first, I found that I really liked it.”  Find something you love and pursue it with all your heart.  Yes.

Check out these other inspirational biographies of African-Americans.

Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina

Lion: A Long Way Home  by Saroo Brierley

An incredible true story that just proves the point that life is often stranger than anything anyone could make up in a million years. 

5th grade biography books

His book chronicles his struggle to remember where he came from and to reconnect with his family, which he does when he is 25 years old.  You can watch a trailer for the Hollywood Version here.

Lion: A Long Way Home

Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh Brothers by Deborah Heiligman

5th grade biography books

Vincent’s younger brother Theo is the pragmatist in the relationship, but still an art lover—he works as an art dealer, which on the face of it could be immensely helpful for Vincent.  But Vincent’s artistic style, that of the Impressionist school, is simply not in fashion and Theo can’t change that fact. 

Despite their personality differences and all the drama Vincent brings to the relationship these brothers remain loyal to the core.  This is a beautiful and touching story of brotherly love and devotion. 

You’ll find it special as a direct result of Deborah Heilgman’s efforts to get the details right: she carefully gleaned information from more than 600 letters Vincent wrote to his brother Theo over his lifetime. 

Deborah Heiligman is the award winning author of Charles and Emma and many other books for children and young adults.

Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh Brothers

Find more book suggestions for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students here.  


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The Best Biography Books for Middle School

5th grade biography books

Ahh, middle school. Those awkward early teen years, brimming with angst and euphoria, are all about kids on the cusp of adolescence, trying to figure out their story and who they will be. Middle schoolers have developed a sense of their own history and are developing their passions that will shape who they are in the years to come. Middle grade biography books are a critical gateway into giving middle schoolers a chance to glimpse the coming-of-age stories of their own idols and heroes. Whether they are ballerinas, civil rights activists, inventors or foodies, there are middle school biography books for kids of all interests on this list. You’ll also find the recommended grade levels for each book on this list!

3 middle school biography books lay over each other

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20 Best Middle Grade Biography Books

Text Middle School Biography Books

The books in this section are the typical biographies, written in largely text format:

Undefeated: Jim Thorpe and the Carlisle Indian School Football Team

Undefeated: Jim Thorpe and the Carlisle Indian School Football Team

Steve Sheinkin, a three-time National Book Award finalist, writes a compelling history of one of the most impressive athletes in American history, as well as one of its most disturbing instances: the creation of Indian boarding schools in the late 1800s to early 1900s. This book highlights one athlete’s story, from his humble beginnings to his athletic triumphs over adversity on the football field to the larger contributions of Native Americans to the field of football. This is an intriguing and important must-read for many sports fans. 

Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina Young Readers Edition

Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina

There are multiple children’s biographies and picture books of Misty Copeland, the first African American principal dancer for the prestigious American Ballet Theater. This autobiography shares the details of her impressive rise from an itinerant childhood to the elevated niche in which she now finds herself. Hand this book to kids who devoured her picture books and are now ready to read the finer details of her life and the way she persevered through challenges like her stepfather’s alcoholism, frequent moves, and body image issues in a notoriously difficult environment for girls with curves. Her optimistic voice, giddy with youth yet wise with a sense of purpose, sends a strong message to teens about the importance of hard work, perseverance, and a strong commitment to family, making her a positive, yet very cool, role model to look up to. 

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, Young Reader's Edition

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind 

A nonfiction classic that weaves strands of agricultural innovation, strength in adversity, and a community coming together, this book, also the subject of multiple movies and documentaries, doesn’t get old. This book tells the fascinating story of a boy and a community. William Kamkwamba, who was born into a small village in Malawi, faces the terrible consequences of a drought that hits his village. Losing all their crops and struggling to farm their land with the rising cost of maize and faced with a government that could or would not help much, Kamkwamba ends up creating a windmill out of old, scavenged parts that helps their community pump water back into the village’s land. Told with strength, joy, humor, and energy, this nonfiction book is a great read-aloud or book to be shared between middle schoolers and adults alike.

Popular: How a Geek in Pearls Discovered the Secret to Confidence

Popular: How a Geek in Pearls Discovered the Secret to Confidence

The premise of this book is bound to appeal to middle schoolers. Written by a teen herself, Maya Van Wagenen is a shy, quiet bookworm who is having trouble making friends at her school in rural Texas and is, in her words, on one of the lowest rungs of the social ladder. Before her 8th grade year, she finds a vintage book in her parents’ collection, titled “How to Be Popular,” written in 1951 by former teen model Betty Cornell. Maya decides, as a social experiment, to follow these rules for popularity in her contemporary 2000s-era high school to a tee. What follows is expectedly hilarious, adorably awkward, sweetly poignant and unapologetically, unflinchingly beautiful and inspiring, as Maya learns the true secret of popularity – confidence in one’s own unique voice. Hand this book to every middle schooler navigating the treacherous shoals of finding their own identity during their teen years.

Amelia Lost: The Life and Disappearance of Amelia Earhart

Amelia Lost

Candace Fleming is a nonfiction author who is such an expert at characterization and tight pacing,  that her biography of this famed aviator, which could have been very run-of-the-mill (and we know there are many of those out there!), into a suspenseful thriller that will keep readers turning the pages, even though we already know how it all ends. Starting not at Earhart’s childhood but at her disappearance, Fleming’s narrative flips back and forth between the excruciating hours of her disappearance and the frantic search to find her, to snippets from her childhood, growing up years, eventual fame, and marriage, before all finally meeting up at the end. You think you know the story of Amelia Earhart, but this book writes it in a way that feels fresh and fascinating.

Unbroken (The Young Adult Adaptation): An Olympian's Journey from Airman to Castaway to Captive

Unbroken (Young Adult Adaptation): An Olympian’s Journey from Airman to Castaway to Captive 

This book is a harrowing true account of Louis Zamperini, an exuberant Italian American immigrant who gets shot down during World War 2 and survives being stranded at sea as well as nightmarish torture in a Japanese POW camp. Adapted for teen readers, the author unflinchingly describes the hope and suffering that Louis Zamperini experiences during wartime. The evocative, spare language, accompanied by the expert pacing, will leave readers racing to read each next chapter to find out what happens. Unflinching descriptions of the harsh conditions that Zamperini experiences make this book one to read before giving to younger readers, but teens will be able to read this important and classic survival epic and have a renewed appreciation for war veterans and the heavy price our veterans have paid for America’s freedom.

Free Lunch

Free Lunch 

This searing true account of the author’s personal experiences as a 6th grader experiencing hunger will have middle school readers poring over every page and when the book is done, seeing their world with new eyes. For privileged readers, this will help them better understand the unseen hardships of their fellow students. For those who are struggling, this book will help them feel seen and hopefully, understood. Ogle’s writing is direct, honest and sympathetic and will go straight to the heart of all readers, whether they are fantasy readers who often reject nonfiction in favor of new worlds to explore, or reluctant readers who get overwhelmed by too much descriptive text on the page. Ogle’s short, spare, evocative language will appeal to all readers.

Becoming Kid Quixote: A True Story of Belonging in America

Becoming Kid Quixote

A sweet, authentic nonfiction biography narrated by a ten year old girl, who finds inspiration and a way to share her story and her voice in the after school program she attends. Sarah Sierra, a daughter of Mexican American immigrant parents, studies the Spanish classic Don Quixote and together with a group of other young theater students, reimagine the play in modern day Brooklyn, New York. A slim, accessible volume, suitable for younger readers who will relish the opportunity to see and hear the words of one of their own and be inspired by her creativity themselves.

The Plot to Kill Hitler: Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Unlikely Hero

The Plot to Kill Hitler

A sobering, heroic biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a quiet, bookish pastor who saw the rise of Hitler and fought in a conspiracy to stop it. Although his actions ended in tragedy, his words continued to live on and inspire other activists, such as Martin Luther King Jr. This young reader’s adaptation is text-heavy but worth the time, especially for readers interested in this time period and the actions of those who resisted Nazi thinking and atrocities.

The Boys Who Challenged Hitler: Knud Pedersen and the Churchill Club

The Boys who Challenged Hitler: Knud Pedersen and the Churchill Club

A more hopeful story of another band of World War 2 resisters, this biography of a group of schoolboys in Denmark who end up fighting back against the Nazis in Occupied Denmark, will be sure to delight middle schoolers who are history buffs and enjoy reading about the part children can play in history as well. We often tell the story of battles from the general’s point of view, but it is invigorating and inspiring to read how even small actions can have a powerful impact, to shape and motivate an entire community to act for the greater good.

Middle School Graphic Memoirs

There’s been a growing trend in middle grade nonfiction publishing for graphic memoirs – or autobiographies in a graphic novel format. These books are highly appealing for middle school readers, especially those who are reluctant readers. These graphic memoirs can seem deceptively simple but offer layers of emotional resonance, encouraging middle school readers to read text as well as visual cues of these biographies of authors who often share anecdotes and insights about their own teen years. 

Dare to Disappoint: Growing Up in Turkey

Dare to Disappoint: Growing up in Turkey 

This funny, heartrending graphic memoir tells the story of Ozge, a girl growing up in 1980s Turkey. Readers will laugh along with Ozge as she describes her childhood growing up in Turkey and be intrigued by the differences between her childhood in newly industrializing Turkey and our modern-day American experience. As the book progresses, more complicated forces come into play and we notice, like the author as she gets older, the contradictory tug between loyalty,  faith, Muslim traditions and Westernized values. Hand this book to older middle schoolers who love art and who are ready for the harder questions of politics, economy and history.

Diary of a Tokyo Teen: A Japanese-American Girl Travels to the Land of Trendy Fashion, High-Tech Toilets and Maid Cafes

Diary of a Tokyo Teen

This short, sweet graphic memoir was written by the author when she was just seventeen years old. Interspersed with drawings and photographs, this book traces the author’s first solo trip as a sixteen-year-old to stay with her grandparents in Japan for one summer. Told with a vivacious, authentic energy, this rises up above the mere travelogue and explores the thoughts and feelings a teenaged girl would experience, from the touristy (visiting golden Buddhist temples and feeding the Nara deer) to the mundane (like riding the bullet train by herself). This book will appeal to armchair travelers, artists and foodie teens alike.

Akim Aliu: Dreamer (Original Graphic Memoir)


For the sports fan especially during hockey season, this memoir tells the story of Akim Aliu, a Nigerian-Ukrainian-Canadian professional hockey player who charts his fascinating personal story of his childhood and how he discovers ice hockey. Aliu shares his personal experiences with racism on and off the ice, his engrossing candor and compelling stories will make this a surefire hit with middle school readers. There are some visually depicted scenes of violence and swearing, just as a warning to parents who want to explore this before handing this book to their younger readers.

Almost American Girl: An Illustrated Memoir

Almost American Girl: A Memoir

Middle schoolers who loved Raina Telgemeier’s Smile will be immersed in Robin Ha’s memoir. She came to Kansas on what she thought was a vacation with her single mother. However, once she landed in the United States, a teenage Robin was astounded to learn that they were no longer returning to Seoul, Korea, but living in the Southern US with a Korean-American man whom her mother had just met and planned to marry. Empathetic tween readers will shudder with sympathy as they follow Robin’s years through an American education, not speaking the language or being able to read her beloved comics. Artistic readers will relish the solace she ends up finding in drawing.

A First Time for Everything

A First Time for Everything

Awardwinning graphic novelist Dan Santat pulls off a hat trick of a book – a personal story of his own awkward middle school years seen through the prism of one trip to Europe. This book hits all the right notes – the travelogue aspect, a chance to see Santat’s incredible illustrations of Europe in the 1980s, and his realistic, humorous depiction of his own experiences with friendship, first love and…Fanta, the European soda. Middle school readers will come for the drawings and stay for the thoughtful, poignant and thoroughly engaging musings of the brilliant Dan Santat.

Mexikid: (Newbery Honor Award Winner)

Picture this: a Winnebago full of your EIGHT siblings, as you travel into Mexico, where you have barely been, even though you are a Mexican-American family, to find your abuelita and bring her back with you to the United States. This reads like the best premise of a novel, but is the true story of Pedro Martin, describing his own journey! Told in a poignant yet hilarious fashion, Martin’s graphic memoir (which won a Newbery Honor), shares family misadventures and anecdotal insights into Mexican-American culture that everyone will appreciate.

Anne Frank's Diary: The Graphic Adaptation

Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation 

The trend of graphic novel adaptations of classic middle grade books continues to grow. This book, one of the early adaptations, is a haunting, powerful and compelling version that stays true to the original text and portrays Anne Frank’s words and experience in elegant yet ominous detail.  The subdued color palette sets the atmosphere but the finely rendered ink drawings bring sophistication and dignity to this important story. Recommended for older middle grade readers, who will not be able to gloss over the realities of Anne Frank’s tragedy since it is rendered in visual detail, rather than in nuanced text.

Relish: My Life in the Kitchen

Relish: My Life in the Kitchen 

The first of author/illustrator Lucy Knisley’s graphic memoirs, this book traces Lucy’s origins as a child of culinary parents, chefs and gourmets, in New York. From fine dining restaurants to farmers’ markets, this book has complex but beautifully illustrated recipes, detailed explanations and comic drawings, all of which will appeal to any young readers who love cooking shows. Whether you love creme brulee or cupcakes, this book has something for each palate.

Dragon Hoops

Dragon Hoops

One of the best graphic biographies out there – since it combines the biography of Gene Luen Yang himself, as he struggles to write another book after his bestselling graphic novel, American Born Chinese. As he shares his writerly struggles, we learn more about his role as a teacher and his unexpected interest in his school’s varsity basketball team, which is making waves as they move towards the unprecedented goal of making the California State Championships. As Yang finds himself drawn to tracing their journey and their biographies, as individuals and as a team, he begins to see how this impacts his own history and view of himself. A must-read for middle schoolers who love comics, history, basketball, who didn’t think they liked comics, history or basketball. This book has it all.

5th grade biography books

March: Book One

A powerful graphic memoir about the beginnings of the civil rights movement, told through the eyes of Congressman John Lewis, one of its key figures. The first in a trilogy, the first book tells the story of Lewis’s childhood in Alabama, the life-changing moment he met Martin Luther King Jr, and his growing involvement in the sit-ins and other non-violent protests against segregation and discrimination. Readers will want to continue observing his journey in the following books in the series, that will take us up to the powerful March on Washington.

There they are: 20 fantastic middle school biographies! Which one of these have you read and enjoyed? What did I miss?

More Middle Grade Nonfiction

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About Evelyn Schwartz

Evelyn is a school librarian/fifth grade teacher who loves board games, bird watching and most of all, being buried in a good book! Preferably while sipping hot cocoa on a slouchy couch with her family.

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