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122 Police Brutality Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Police brutality is a serious issue that has been a topic of discussion and debate for many years. It refers to the excessive use of force by law enforcement officials against civilians, resulting in injury or death. This issue has sparked outrage and protests across the country, as people demand justice and accountability for those responsible.

If you are tasked with writing an essay on police brutality, it is important to choose a topic that is both relevant and engaging. To help you get started, here are 122 police brutality essay topic ideas and examples to consider:

  • The history of police brutality in the United States
  • The impact of police brutality on communities of color
  • The role of race in police brutality cases
  • The militarization of police forces
  • The use of body cameras to prevent police brutality
  • The role of social media in exposing police brutality
  • The psychological effects of police brutality on victims
  • The legal implications of police brutality cases
  • The role of police unions in protecting officers accused of brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on trust in law enforcement
  • The use of excessive force in policing protests
  • The role of systemic racism in police brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on mental health
  • The role of implicit bias in police interactions
  • The impact of police brutality on community-police relations
  • The role of technology in documenting police brutality incidents
  • The impact of police brutality on victims' families
  • The role of police training in preventing brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on trust in the criminal justice system
  • The use of force continuum in policing
  • The impact of police brutality on police officers' mental health
  • The role of political rhetoric in shaping attitudes towards police brutality
  • The impact of police unions on accountability for police brutality
  • The use of civil rights laws to address police brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on the public perception of law enforcement
  • The role of community policing in preventing police brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on minority communities
  • The role of federal oversight in addressing police brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on the legitimacy of law enforcement
  • The role of the media in shaping public perceptions of police brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on the mental health of officers
  • The role of police culture in perpetuating brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on the criminal justice system
  • The role of civilian oversight boards in addressing police brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on the use of force policies
  • The role of community activism in addressing police brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on the trust between police and communities
  • The role of police accountability in preventing brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on the relationship between law enforcement and the public
  • The role of police leadership in addressing brutality
  • The impact of police brutality on officer training
  • The role of legal reforms in addressing police brutality
  • The role of community engagement in preventing police brutality
  • The role of police unions in addressing brutality

These essay topics cover a wide range of issues related to police brutality, allowing you to explore different aspects of this complex and important topic. Whether you are writing a research paper, a persuasive essay, or a personal reflection on police brutality, these topic ideas can help you get started and develop a compelling argument or analysis. Remember to choose a topic that interests you and aligns with your goals for the essay, whether that be raising awareness, advocating for policy changes, or exploring the impact of police brutality on society.

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93 Police Brutality Essay Topics

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StudyCorgi. (2022, August 27). 93 Police Brutality Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/police-brutality-essay-topics/

"93 Police Brutality Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 27 Aug. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/police-brutality-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '93 Police Brutality Essay Topics'. 27 August.

1. StudyCorgi . "93 Police Brutality Essay Topics." August 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/police-brutality-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "93 Police Brutality Essay Topics." August 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/police-brutality-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "93 Police Brutality Essay Topics." August 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/police-brutality-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Police Brutality were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 24, 2024 .

Police Brutality: Is There a Solution? Essay

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Considering that, in general, law enforcement agents must be devoted to justice, the police misconduct covered in the news outlets should be interpreted in the context of bigger socioeconomic issues and structures that place people and communities in danger. Police brutality is a stark reminder of our country’s racist history. Such a framework allocates status and shapes possibilities while favoring some and penalizing others based on cultural background and appearance. Police brutality is not a topic with several incidents but a persistent issue that has been prevalent in American society for hundreds of years. The question that concerns many Americans nowadays is as follows: Is there a way to end police brutality, if the police were established to protect the citizens, why do I not feel safe?

While some people might regard police brutality as an issue that deals with race, it is also a major physiologically and psychologically traumatizing matter. The Guardian, a British tabloid, compiled the most extensive statistics on the relationship between race and fatality during police contacts. According to the statistical analysis, in 2015, young males of color were nine times more likely than their white counterparts to be killed or abused by law enforcement officers (Alang et al., 2017). Many victims of policing violence die a slow, painful death as a consequence of continuous physical injuries while in police detention. Dondi Johnson’s story might serve as an example of such brutality (Alang et al., 2017). The man was detained for public urinating and taken to a police car in 2005. The victim entered the police car healthy but left in a quadriplegic state, subsequently dying due to injuries received in the vehicle.

Some could argue that it happened 17 years ago, and times have changed. However, police brutality still exists, and somehow, some situations that involve fatal outcomes as a result of police abuse happen to go unnoticed, and those who killed innocent citizens still enjoy the freedom and hold officers’ positions. For example, George Floyd is among a thousand police murders that are likely to occur in 2020 (Schwartz, 2020). While the murderer of Mr. Floyd is convicted, many victims never saw justice being administered for their cases. Meanwhile, female people of color also face police violence. For instance, a law enforcement officer shot Lajuana Phillips, mother of three, in 2018 (Schwartz, 2020). This year, the woman was among 996 who died from fatal police shootings, growing to 1004 in 2019 (Schwartz, 2020). The rate of deadly police shootings involving Black Americans was far greater than for any other race, with 30 shooting deaths per million of the population.

As mentioned, every act of police violence has a psychological and physiological impact on people and society. Observing or being subjected to abuse, unlawful inspections, and unjustified murders sends a message to non-white communities that their bodies are state property, replaceable, and unworthy of respect and fairness (Alang et al., 2017). Footage shows Eric Garner shouting “I can’t breathe” almost a dozen times till he loses consciousness or Diamond Reynolds telling a policeman, “You shot four bullets into him, sir” (Alang et al., 2017, p.663). Such moments may arouse past execution experiences and trigger communal rage, sadness, and helplessness. Protecting the reputation of dear ones after the police have slain them might well be agonizing, prompting even more negative sentiments. Although justified, these sentiments may harm personal psychological health and increase societal stress.

Reviewing such situations, it might appear that the issue of police brutality will continue to become more acute. Still, some measures can help mitigate officer abuse and even decrease its levels. As assessed by verified allegations per law enforcement agents, a rise in the number of ethnic minority policemen is substantially related to a reduction in police abuse (Hong, 2017). Additionally, black residents file fewer complaints against racially diverse police officers. Moreover, other scientists have sought to modify the police recruitment process in order to address the problem of unconscious prejudice. Forensic psychiatrist David Corey has recommended agencies include cultural awareness as a qualifying parameter for law enforcement employees (Abrams, 2020). Screening applicants for enforcement positions based on subconscious biases is impractical due to measurement problems. However, research demonstrates that certain personality traits might assist policemen in mitigating their prejudices (Abrams, 2020). Individuals with excellent executive functioning, emotion-focused coping qualities, and metacognitive skills, in particular, are more likely to avoid hidden biases from influencing their conduct (Abrams, 2020). Such screening can allow enforcement agencies to decrease the number of biased employees.

Hence, police brutality is not a one-time occurrence but a recurring problem that has plagued American culture for hundreds of years. While some may consider police brutality to be a racial issue, it is also a huge physiological and psychologically damaging matter. Many victims of police brutality die slowly and painfully due to ongoing physical injuries while in police custody. Police brutality not only exists, but certain incidents with deadly results go unacknowledged, and officers who killed innocent persons continue to enjoy freedom and occupy positions of authority. Some steps, such as screening law enforcement applicants for prejudice and hiring more people from diverse cultural backgrounds, can help attenuate and even reduce police abuse.

Abrams, Z. (2020). What works to reduce police brutality . American Psychology Association, 51(7). Web.

Alang, S., McAlpine, D., McCreedy, E., & Hardeman, R. (2017). Police brutality and black health: Setting the agenda for public health scholars . American Journal of Public Health , 107 (5), 662-665. Web.

Hong, S. (2017). Does increasing ethnic representativeness reduce police misconduct? Public Administration Review , 77 (2), 195-205. Web.

Schwartz, S. A. (2020). Police brutality and racism in America . Explore , 16 (5), 280. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 21). Police Brutality: Is There a Solution? https://ivypanda.com/essays/police-brutality-is-there-a-solution/

"Police Brutality: Is There a Solution?" IvyPanda , 21 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/police-brutality-is-there-a-solution/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Police Brutality: Is There a Solution'. 21 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Police Brutality: Is There a Solution?" March 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/police-brutality-is-there-a-solution/.

1. IvyPanda . "Police Brutality: Is There a Solution?" March 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/police-brutality-is-there-a-solution/.


IvyPanda . "Police Brutality: Is There a Solution?" March 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/police-brutality-is-there-a-solution/.

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Essay On Police

500 words essay on police.

In this world, we must have laws to maintain peace. Thus, every citizen must follow these laws. However, there are some people in our society who do not follow them and break the laws . In order to keep a check on such kinds of people, we need the police. Through essay on police, we will learn about the role and importance of police.

essay on police

Importance of Police

The police are entrusted with the duty of maintaining the peace and harmony of a society. Moreover, they also have the right to arrest and control people who do not follow the law. As a result, they are important as they protect our society.

Enforcing the laws of the land, the police also has the right to punish people who do not obey the law. Consequently, we, as citizens, feel safe and do not worry much about our lives and property.

In other words, the police is a saviour of the society which makes the running of society quite smooth. Generally, the police force has sound health. They wear a uniform and carry a weapon, whether a rifle or pistol . They also wear a belt which holds their weapons.

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Role of Police

The police play many roles at police stations or check posts. They get a posting in the town or city depending on the crime rate in the area. When public demonstrations and strikes arise, the police plays a decisive role.

Similarly, when they witness the crowd turning violent during protests or public gatherings, it is their responsibility to prevent it from becoming something bigger. Sometimes, they also have to make use of the Lathi (stick) for the same reason.

If things get worse, they also resort to firing only after getting permission from their superiors. In addition, the police also offer special protection to political leaders and VIPs. The common man can also avail this protection in special circumstances.

Thus, you see how the police are always on duty round the clock. No matter what day or festival or holiday, they are always on duty. It is a tough role to play but they play it well. To protect the law is not an easy thing to do.

Similarly, it is difficult to maintain peace but the police manage to do it. Even on cold winter nights or hot summer afternoons, the police is always on duty. Even during the pandemic, the police was on duty.

Thus, they keep an eye on anti-social activities and prevent them at large. Acting as the protector of the weak and poor, the police play an essential role in the smooth functioning of society.

Conclusion of Essay On Police

Thus, the job of the police is very long and tough. Moreover, it also comes with a lot of responsibility as we look up to them for protection. Being the real guardian of the civil society of a nation, it is essential that they perform their duty well.

FAQ on Essay On Police

Question 1: What is the role of police in our life?

Answer 1: The police performs the duties which the law has assigned to them. They are entrusted to protect the public against violence, crime and other harmful acts. As a result, the police must act by following the law to ensure that they respect it and apply it in a manner which matches their level of responsibility.

Question 2: Why do we need police?

Answer 2: Police are important for us and we need it. They protect life and property, enforce criminal law, criminal investigations, regulate traffic, crowd control, public safety duties, search for missing persons, lost property and other duties which concern the public order.-*//**9666666666666666666666+9*63*

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