B2 First Exam Preparation

Topic: Technology

Technology is a huge part of everyones lives nowadays so candidates should practice talking about technology that they use, the benefits and also negative effects of technology. Although this topic can appear in the reading, use of English and listening it most commonly comes up in the speaking and writing papers.

closeup photo of turned-on blue and white laptop computer

The Internet

Practice for part 1 of the writing paper in the B2 First exam with this sample essay question about the… read more

fce essay technology

What is Bitcoin?

Take this sample exam for Part 3 of the Reading and Use of English paper about Bitcoin. Part 3 requires… read more

person using both laptop and smartphone

The Influence of Social Media

Practice this exam style question for part one of the writing paper. This question is all about social media, which… read more

fce essay technology

Is technology a real life improvement? (fce essay)

( Or : Does Technology Really Improve Life? )

Nowadays, technology is everywhere. Has technology made people’s lives better or worse? Notes Write about: medical science the internet your own idea Technology has bec o me an important part of our life and we lear n to use it almost every day. It surely   has brought many benefits but there could be some negative effects. The Internet is a perfect example. It has been creating new ways of communicating, sharing and purchasing, making them much easier. Social network ing  and e-commerce are just two of the thousands services that the web offers.

OK : However, people are used to being connected to such an extent that they risk

Or : However, people are so used to being connected to such an extent that they risk

to   becom ing addicted to the Internet, giving more importance to the online world rather   than that the real one.

Another great improvement brought by technology is about in medical research. ( This sentence should be divided into 2 sentences: ) Indeed, many medical discoveries would not have been possible without investing on it in technology , thank s to which people's lives have become longer and we have succeeded in solving many problems to  for people affected by difficult diseases. I think that we have to keep supporting technologic al research because each next ( either : each new , or : the next ) discover y will have to pass through come from it. Technology is probably the most important resource we have. We just have to learn how to use it at the best   wisely !

fce essay technology

Breakout English

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First (FCE) Essay Questions

The essay task at Cambridge B2 First (FCE) level might be one of the first times learners encounter a truly formal writing task. At the previous level, B1 Preliminary (PET), all the writing tasks are relatively casual and informal. This is where the First Certificate writing forces candidates to prove they really know how to organise and deliver a robust formal text. However, at the end of the day, the FCE essay is a reasonably approachable task with can be overcome with a clear plan and plenty of practice. Here, we’ve got three questions on different FCE essay topics that are all common at B2 level. If you’re not sure how to write a good essay, try our how to improve an essay post.

cambridge first fce essay questions

FCE Essay topics

There are quite a range of possible topics at FCE level. However, some of them lend themselves better to writing tasks than others. Remember, a writing task always needs to have elements that can be compared to each other, which can be either complimentary or contrasting.

These are some of the FCE essay topics which a most likely to come up:

  • The environment
  • Education and work
  • Culture and customs
  • Leisure activities
  • Health and fitness

It’s a good idea to look at all of these topics in depth. Study vocabulary related to the topic and consider where you stand on different issues. In a class, you can do a vocabulary lesson followed by a class debate. Then follow up the debate with an essay question on the same topic as homework.

Common mistakes when writing an essay

At B2 level, exam candidates are often still crossing the boundary into being efficient user of English. While they may have a range of grammar and lexis to draw on, they may not always use it to good effect. As a teacher, you may encounter adult learners who haven’t written anything academic in decades. Likewise, you’ll find younger teens who haven’t yet had to produce a cohesive text in their academic careers.

In my experience, these are the biggest mistakes B2 level students make when writing an essay for the FCE exam:

  • Not including your own idea – One of the requirements of every First essay question is to include your own idea. It says it right there in the task. However, some people understand this to mean they have to include their opinion. While you should include your opinion, that’s not why is say “your own idea”. Every essay should include three content points. Two of those are provided in the question and one more must be provided by the writer.
  • Paragraphs that are too long or too short – The word limit for the FCE essay question is quite short (140-190 words). This means writers have to be quite concise and get to the point quickly. Each paragraph will probably only contain 2-4 sentences. That said, 1 sentence paragraphs are never acceptable, especially when it’s one big long rambling sentence. Neither are 6 sentence paragraphs which leave you no words for other parts of your text.
  • Over-personalisation – Your FCE essay includes an element of opinion. In fact, the task explicitly asks you if you agree with a certain statement. However, that doesn’t mean you should fill the essay with 1st person pronouns and personal anecdotes. An essay is an academic text which should use objective evidence to support your point of view.
  • Lack of conclusion – Sometimes people write an essay that perfectly evaluates 3 different content points and then finishes with a statement that says all points are equal. This is a mistake. The question asks you whether you agree with a statement. Your conclusion should clearly express where you stand on the issue. Don’t be wishy-washy!
  • Trying too hard – The best First (FCE) essays are simple, to-the-point, well-structured and cohesive. Your essay isn’t going to change the world, so don’t go overboard. Once you’ve got a structure that works, rinse and repeat with different topics until you can consistently produce a well-polished text.

The materials

Here are three First (FCE) essay questions. They have been designed using typical FCE essay topics for B2 level. Use them to practise and improve in preparation for the Cambridge B2 First exam.

fce essay technology

Cambridge B2 First (FCE): Writing

Woman writing in a notebook - FCE Writing

One of the most unpopular things to do in an English class is to do a writing task. You can almost be certain that at least one student is going to complain or simply refuse to do it. Luckily, in FCE, writing is necessary and most students understand this as well. Even though they don’t enjoy it, they bite their tongue and do what they have to do. After all, you don’t want to fail the because of your own laziness. 😉

Time management is key

Your very first takeaway from this article should be that it is super important to prepare for writing the same way you would prepare for the other exam papers in FCE. Study what the requirements are, practise as much as you can and work on your weaknesses so your skills are balanced and you can take the test with a calm mind and without feeling stressed because of your time management.

The different parts of the writing exam

2. email/letter.

The email or letter is always a reply to message that you get in the task. You have to ensure that you respond to everything mentioned in the original message, that your language is appropriate (formal/informal) depending on the reader, and that you follow the common rules for a letter or email, for example including a greeting and salutation, etc.

Don’t panic just yet 🙂

I know that this seems to be a lot for you to process all at once, so for the rest of this article I’m going to go back to more general information. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, there are more specific articles about the different writing tasks. Just pick the ones you are most interested in below and find out how to become a champion FCE candidate.

The four assessment scales

2. communicative achievement, 3. organisation.

Organisation is all about…well…organisation. Is your text written in paragraphs? Are your ideas connected? Is there a logical sequence of ideas? This is one of the parts candidates struggle with the most, but in my post on the different marking criteria you get much more detailed information with great examples, so jump over and check it out.

4. Language

How can you prepare for the writing exam.

Of course, this is easier said than done. You should always include an active element in your reading practice. This means that you should set a little task for yourself every time you sit down with a book, magazine, newspaper or in front of your computer. My recommendation is to either highlight new expressions and grammar and then to check it online or in a good grammar book, or to read and then summarise the text in your own words by writing a short paragraph. Believe me, it works.

2. Websites

Other ideas, this is just the beginning, similar posts, cambridge b2 first (fce): how to write an email/letter, cambridge b2 first (fce): reading & use of english, cambridge b2 first (fce) vs. c1 advanced (cae), cambridge b2 first (fce): how to write a review, cambridge b2 first (fce): reading & use of english part 4, cambridge b2 first (fce): reading & use of english part 1.

ESL Teacher 365

B2 First (FCE) Essay Writing Guide

The Cambridge B2 First (FCE) essay is easier to write than you think! Follow these steps to write the perfect essay.

Post Contents

What is the Cambridge B2 First Essay?

  • Part 1 of the writing test – there are 2 parts total
  • 140-190 word limit
  • You have about 40 minutes to plan and write your essay
  • You must answer a question using two notes and your own idea
  • The topic requires general knowledge only
  • The essay is always formal because it is written “for your teacher”

Step One: Look at the Task (1 minute)

To begin, all B2 First essays have a similar format . This is great because you know exactly how to write the essay before seeing the question.

Read the essay question carefully and HIGHLIGHT any keywords you need to write about.

Tip: If you don’t understand the question or notes, DON’T PANIC. Try your best to write the essay. You will still get points for grammar, vocabulary, and structure.

B2 First essay writing instructions

Sample exam test from Cambridge English .

Step Two: Write a plan (5 minutes)

A lot of my students dislike writing a plan. However, a plan helps you organize your thoughts and helps you write a better B2 First essay. Your essay needs 5 paragraphs . We will use the sample task from above as an example:

Paragraph structure for an essay


  • Rivers and seas
  • Your own idea

Next, to create a plan, write a few words for each paragraph . DO NOT write whole sentences. This takes too much time. Try to focus on keywords and short phrases .

Tip: “Your own idea” DOES NOT mean your opinion. You need to think of another topic related to the question to talk about. Some ideas for this task could be: recycling, agriculture, industry, etc.

Additionally, you can prepare a list of linking words and related vocabulary . Getting these words written down before you start helps you remember to use them.

Look at the example plan below. You can draw something similar on a blank piece of paper.

B2 First essay plan

Tip: Time yourself – see how long it takes for you to write a plan. Try to reduce that amount of time as much as possible.

Step 3: Write your essay (32 minutes)

On the official test, you must write with a pen . No erasable pens or pencils are allowed. I suggest writing your plan and essay with a pen every time you practice .

Let’s take a look at each paragraph of the essay.

The introduction to your essay should be 2-3 sentences long . It introduces the essay topic in a general way .

Tip: DO NOT include your opinion in the introduction. Your opinion goes in the conclusion.

If you are unsure how to write an introduction, try this structure and look at the example :

Structure of the introduction  

  • 1 sentence about the topic in general
  • 1-2 sentences about the topic more specifically, including a question if you like.

Example Introduction

On every continent, the amount of trash and waste is increasing each year. Rubbish causes damage to ecosystems all over the world. Is there a way for countries to reduce their carbon footprint and save our planet?

Body of the essay

The body of the essay has three paragraphs . These paragraphs talk about one idea with supporting examples .

For each paragraph, you need to write a topic sentence. A topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph . DO NOT copy the notes. Instead, try to rewrite the idea in your own words. This is called “paraphrasing.” 

Your paragraphs should be 3-4 sentences .

Tip: Start each paragraph with a linking word .

Structure of a body paragraph

  • Linking word and topic sentence
  • Supporting sentences

Example body paragraph

Firstly, countries can decrease pollution and environmental stress by offering more public transportation. Cars and other vehicles which require petrol produce toxic fumes. If more electric buses and trams were available, fewer people would need to drive their cars.

Follow the same structure for each body paragraph.

Tip: Remember that “your own idea” is NOT your opinion . Write about an additional topic related to the question that you wrote down on your plan.

Finally, you get to say your opinion! In the conclusion, you need to summarize the topic and give your opinion on the question. A conclusion should be 1-2 sentences long.

Structure of the conclusion

  • Transition word and a sentence summarizing the topic
  • A sentence that gives your opinion

Example conclusion

To sum up, countries around the world must make changes in order to protect the environment. In my opinion, offering more public transport, reducing overfishing, and creating recycling programs are necessary for a cleaner planet.

Step Four: Review your writing (2 minutes)

This is another important step that students often miss. Take two minutes after writing your essay to check for spelling and grammatical errors.

Since you wrote in pen, simply cross out the incorrect word or words LIKE THIS and rewrite them.

How can I get a higher mark on the FCE essay?

Now that you know how to write an essay for the Cambridge B2 First exam, let’s look at how to get the best mark possible .

Increase your mark on your B2 First essay

  • Include 5-8 linking words – these words introduce paragraphs and connect ideas
  • Use a variety of grammatical structures – you should have both simple and complex forms. Try to use perfect and future forms, conditionals, comparatives, relative clauses and passive
  • Use formal vocabulary – do not use slang or simple words like “good, big, small, bad.” Also, do not use contractions. Write “cannot” instead of “can’t”
  • Make the essay interesting to read – the examiners read hundreds of essays so make yours easy to read and engaging
  • Use the correct amount of words (140-190) – it’s ok to be a few words over the limit, but not too many

Final Advice

The best way to improve your writing skills … is to write! Try to write a few essays each week and ask your teacher for feedback . I have had students who entered my class with very poor writing skills and with practice, they were able to pass the exam after only 10 weeks!

I help students prepare for the FCE exam with private lessons via Zoom. Email me at [email protected] or check out my private lessons page to learn more.

If you want more practice for the B2 First , try these Speaking exam tips , free writing checklist , and Reading part 1 practice.

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Home » B2 First » FCE Course » FCE Writing » FCE Essay – Pass B2 First Writing

FCE Essay – Pass B2 First Writing

Table of Contents

FCE Essay Writing

Do you want to know how to write an FCE essay which will boost your marks on the Cambridge scale ?

If the answer is “I have no idea how to get top marks”, then this page will be incredibly helpful for you.

FCE Essay Tip :  this is available for Gold members only.

To access this tip and more, register here >>

If you are a teacher, helping your students pass this exam, you will be able to use this page in your classes or for homework activities. Continue reading the page and you will see, there are worksheets for you to print out etc.

Before we continue, if you haven’t seen my page explaining how examiners mark your FCE writings, visit my FCE writing marking criteria page now.

If you have read and understood how examiners mark your writing and you are a member of this website, watch the video below:

FCE Handbook for Teachers

How To Write An FCE Essay

The next video will take you through all the information you will find on this page, including:

3:30 – Examiner Advice for FCE essays

4:48 – Example FCE essay question

7:53 – Write an Essay Plan

13:05 – Analysing An Essay

19:31 – Pass or Fail?

20:27 – You don’t need to pass the writing paper

20:53 – Essay Vocabulary

20:53 – Homework

22:46 – Send me your FCE writing

FCE Essay Advice Summary

This summary is available for Gold members only. Register here >>

FCE Essay Question 1

Part 1 – You must answer this question.

Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

You have been discussing environmental topics in a university lecture. Your professor has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using the notes below and give reasons to support your ideas.

Can we solve environmental problems globally? Notes Write about: Science Economics …………… (your own idea)

FCE Essay Plan Template

You should always plan your answer.

Can you remember how long I suggested to plan your answer for in the video above ?

If you said 2 minutes, you should go up and watch this video again now .

If you said 5 minutes, great…

Handshake, Hand, Give, Business, Man, Giving, Offer

Write An Essay Plan

Take 5 minutes (like in the exam) and write down a plan for the question above .

Write your plan on a separate sheet of paper, you can use this online template or this physical template or use your own style (it’s up to you). If you use my template, remember to add 3 body paragraphs (one for each note).

FCE Speaking Tip :  this is available for paid members only.

My B2 Essay Plan

Type of Writing : Essay .

Target Reader: University professor.

Content : Talk about all 3 notes. Good and bad points for each note.

Language : Formal. Neutral. Passive constructions. Linking words.

It’s also a good idea to write down some words which you can use in the essay (these will help you think of ideas).

Vocabulary: Pollution. Traffic. Transport. Technology. Animals. Money. Economy. Subsidies. Finance. Financial institutions. Big companies. Green technology.

Introduction (30 words) – Popular topic nowadays. Difficult question to answer.

First paragraph (40 words) – science Science can help us resolve environmental problems. Linking word. Problem of science.

Second paragraph (40 words) – economics

Economics can help us solve problems, but it can also prevent us.

Third paragraph (40 words)

Social co-operation. This is fundamental, we also need this for science and economics.

Conclusion  (30 words) – Can I make a decision based on the 3 main paragraphs?

Sample FCE Essay Answer 1

Here is an answer that an FCE student wrote before taking the exam. You should download the answer and write any mistakes you find.

FCE Essay – Download This Sample Answer

fce essay sample answer

B2 First Examiner Assessment Scale Template

Have you written any mistakes you found on the student’s essay?

Now it’s time to complete the examiner’s assessment scale with your marks and thoughts about the writing. If you can’t remember how to do this, go back and read this page again.

Complete an online version of the template below here (it looks a bit different)

Download the physical template here, then print it off and write your thoughts on it .

Sample FCE Essay 1 My Critique

Every problem regarding ‘the’ environment and pollution can be solved. Science is always working on new solutions , ‘and’ new suggestions for alternative  means of production are frequently put on the table (good language) . The most difficult issue in this scenario is the interest s of different social groups in the world society (this is okay to mention here if it is your own idea and third point) .

The vision of profit gains must been align with environmental protecti on ve measures which is really challenging (good word) . First (why did you write ‘first’ – do you mean ‘The first’) positive changes begin with this alignment, for example, hotels proposing to clients to use the same bath towe ’l’ r while they stay s in. I t s is good for nature, and i t ( your spelling doesn’t need to be perfect in the exam, but you will lose marks if bad spelling confuses the meaning of your sentence) good for the business men (you could expand on what you mean here) .

For all other matters, conciliate (I don’t know this word. Perhaps you mean ‘finding an effective relationship between’) both aspects (does ‘both aspects’ refer to ‘the environment’ and ‘economics’)  is not a simple task, more difficult than the most high tech science. Efforts for environmental purposes should focus on changing culture, values, business perspectives of profits in global society, otherwise there will ‘not’ be not enough progress.

Examiner Assessment Scale Template With My Comments


Most of your content is relevant to the task. There is a strong introduction, however, not all the notes are addressed in the body of the essay. There are 47 extra words to use before reaching 190, so these could be used to talk about the other notes. There is also room to expand some of your points and explain why you made them, for example, in the first paragraph, how is it ‘ ’?


The overall argument is fairly easy to understand, but some of the phrases used are not specific enough, for example what does ‘ ’ refer to in the final paragraph?

The main paragraph about ‘profit’ is developed quite well, it would be good if other paragraphs existed and were developed in the same way.


The organisation of this answer is not clear. There is a clear introduction, which is good, however, there are only two more paragraphs after this. Two of the ‘notes’ are mentioned in the introduction but ‘social groups’ is not mentioned again and ‘science’ is only mentioned in the concluding paragraph. It would be better if these two points had their own paragraphs. The conclusion could be shortened to allow this.


The language used is quite good. It is written in an appropriately formal style and there are some good words and phrases, for example: ’. The writing would benefit from more linking words and phrases being used. Some effort has been made to use simple and complex grammatical structures, for example ‘ ’ and while there are a few errors, these do not impede communication.

FCE Essay Pass or Fail

This student got:

Communicative Achievement: 3

Organisation: 2

Language: 4

Total = 11/20

You need to get 24/40 in the Writing paper to pass at B2 level.

So if the student got 13/20 for their part 2 writing, they would pass this part of the exam.

You do not need to pass every exam paper but you need to have an average of 60% across all 5 exam papers to pass and get your B2 certificate.

If you want to find out more about how to calculate your scores, read page 4 of this document .

FCE Essay Vocabulary

Try to remember the words and phrases below which you can use in B2 First essays. A good way to remember is to write them down on a separate sheet of paper. Add more words and phrases to your list and write them in the comments section at the bottom of this page! If you are unsure about what language to use in an essay, you can also ask me in the comments at the bottom of the page.

Introducing an argument or point of view

Some/Many/A few people think/feel/say that… Other people disagree/argue that…. One point of view is… The general belief is that… Most people believe that… Public opinion is divided on the topic of… It is sometimes/often said/thought/claimed that….

Giving opinions

In my opinion I am of the belief that… In contrast to …. I feel that… My personal opinion is that… It is my wholehearted/sincere opinion that…

Linking Words and Phrases

However Nevertheless In addition… Firstly…Secondly On the one hand…On the other hand… In contrast… Meanwhile Whereas

FCE Essay Question 2

At school you have been talking about environmental issues. Your English teacher has asked you to write an essay on this topic.

Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons to support your view. (140-190 words)

The awareness of environmental problems has grown over the last few years. Do you think it’s possible for us to solve these problems?

Notes Write about: Plastic Transport ……………… (your own idea)

You should complete this online plan in no longer than 5 minutes. This is how long I recommend you plan for in the exam.

Alternatively, download and add a third paragraph to this FCE Essay plan template.

My B2 First Essay Plan

The plan below is available for paid members only. Register here >>

FCE blurred

FCE Essay Answer Example 2

Here is an answer to the question above which one of my students wrote.

FCE Essay – Download This Sample Answer and correct any mistakes you find.

Examiner Assessment Scale Template

If you have written down the mistakes above, you’re ready to complete the assessment scale below. If you want more help with this, check out my FCE writing marking criteria page .

Complete an online version of the template below here

Download, print and complete the template below here .

FCE Essay 2 My Critique

Compare the mistakes you found with the ones I have written below…

At school, during ‘ science and geography ’ lesson s of science and geography , everyone studies how ‘ the’ is made natural environment ‘is made’ and how we can protect it. Despite ‘the fact’ we study the importance of environment , we don’t pay much attention to this ‘in reality’ . At the moment we are attending particular and extreme phenomena, so we are very scared and worried and we want to change. It may not be as easy as it sounds. 

( I would start a new paragraph here) First ly , it is difficult to change ‘ our’ own lifestyle and habits. Change has an economic and personal cost. We don’t mind how much plastic we use every day. Plastic is everywhere: it wraps the (you don’t need ‘the’ here because we’re talking about ‘food’ in general) food, it is useful when we want to eat quickly, it is also in our clothes. The products , that don’t have plastic in their pack aging s , are more expensive ( this is a defining relative clause, not a non-defining relative clause) : . I think for example , when I buy drink s in the glass bottle s , they are very expensive. So , if I want to save money , I buy plastic bottles. Then I observe that (‘Another example that I have observed is…’) in the supermarket I can find many small food packs, also for single dose’ s/’portions’ of food’ . I don’t waste food but I pollute more ‘because of this’ . So we can find sustainable development (If you want to keep this sentence, you should explain in more detail what you mean) . 

( I would start a new paragraph here) Another problem is about transport: we are all in favor that we have to use more public transport s . The problem is that too often we don’t have a good public transport service with a capillary distribution (this term is only used in specific fields of work and is not used in everyday English) . However we can ‘make an’ effort to use ‘ our’ own car ’s’ only if it is necessary. 

‘The’ last thing it is about differentiated collection of waste: too few people do es it (You should remove this sentence . Don’t introduce too many ideas without developing them into detailed arguments).

I think that there are many ‘environmental’ problems but we have to stop to think that ‘these’ are only an obstacle. It is ‘ They are ’ also an opportunity. So it is important to change our mind’ set’ but we need also ‘need’ of more education in every where place ( ‘in’ school s , within famil ies y , at cinema s , etc.) about good (‘environmentally friendly’) behavior. Second ly, (I would only write this if I’ve written ‘firstly’ before it) , if the law and the penalties don’t work, probably we would change them in (‘people’s behaviour’?) ‘through’ incentives. For example , if the condo (what is ‘the condo’?) applies perfectly the rules about differentiated collection of waste it would have a discount in the invoice (I don’t understand this sentence) . Third ly , we need more investment ‘ in ’ for transport and sustainable development.


The writing is too long. If you write this much in the exam you will lose points because the examiners will regard the content as unimportant or irrelevant. 

In order to create more of a balanced argument, the introduction, conclusion and first body paragraph could all be shortened and more detail could be added to your own idea.


Some parts could be improved through using different expressions, for example, it would be better to say ‘ …’ rather than ‘ ’ in the second paragraph. Your main paragraphs have good structure, but sometimes the argument falls down slightly due to inappropriate word choices, e.g. ‘ ’.


The essay consists of two big paragraphs. It would be better to have 5 paragraphs in total. The overall structure within the two paragraphs is good, but some arguments should be shortened and others lengthened to create a greater balance. 


The language is a little informal for an essay. The writing would benefit from fewer first person pronouns (‘ etc).

There is attempt to use linking words, especially when developing points ‘ ’ but it is difficult to know which arguments these are addressing in the main body paragraphs. 

Some complex vocabulary has been used, e.g. ‘

The essay would benefit from a wider variety of grammar and different verb tenses.

FCE Essay Example 2 Pass or Fail

This student achieved:

Language: 2

Total = 8/20

So the student would need to get 16/20 for their part 2 writing in order to pass this part of the exam.

I can tell by reading this essay that the student has not prepared much for this part of the exam, so it is unlikely that they would get a much higher mark for their part 2 writing.

Homework Write An FCE Essay

Wow….you’ve made it this far through the page….congratulations, you should now have a good idea how to write an FCE essay!

I hope I didn’t bore you zzzzzzzzzzz…here’s a random picture 😉

Tiger, Budgie, Tiger Parakeet, Photoshop

Anyway, now it’s your turn to write an essay. You can answer the question above or answer a different question. Then you have 3 options:

  • Submit your writing via my FCE writing assessment service
  • Write your answer in the comments section at the bottom of this page
  • Write an answer and be too shy to send it to me or write it below (not a good way to learn)
  • Be lazy, don’t write an answer (the worst way to prepare for the B2 First exam)

I’ll leave the choice up to you.

Adios amigos…don’t forget to click the Next Page >> link below 😉

Class/Homework Activities For Teachers

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In Class With Computers / Homework Activities

If your students use computers in class, or you want to set them activities for homework, this is what I recommend.

Tell your students to:

  • Become a member of this website so they can access all the information. Email: [email protected] if you have many students and you’d like me to create a discount code for them.
  • Watch this video and make notes of the important points on the relevant parts of this form (they will be emailed a copy of the form which they can bring into class): https://studentlanguages.com/fcewritingtips/
  • Read this essay question: https://studentlanguages.com/fce-essay/#FCE_Essay_Question_1 and spend 5 minutes writing a plan for it here: https://studentlanguages.com/fcewritingplantemplate/
  • Compare their plan with my plan here: https://studentlanguages.com/fce-essay/#My_B2_Essay_Plan
  • Print and correct any mistakes they find on this sample essay answer >>
  • Complete the assessment scale template for the sample essay answer
  • Compare steps 5 and 6 above with my critique and my notes on the examiner assessment scale
  • Update this form during future classes.

In Class Without Computers

If your students don’t have computers in class, this is what I recommend.

  • Become a member of this website  so they can access all the information and bring all the materials they need to class. Email: [email protected] if you want me to create a discount code for lots of your students.
  • Print off this form for your students to complete while you show them  this video in class or tell them to complete the form while watching the video for homework.
  • Read this essay question: https://studentlanguages.com/fce-essay/#FCE_Essay_Question_1 , then take 5 minutes and write a plan for it here >>
  • Complete the examiner assessment scale template for the sample essay answer

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How to teach Cambridge First Certificate Writing Part One essays

How to teach Cambridge First Certificate Writing Part One essays

By: Alex Case | Category: English Language Examinations | Topic: Cambridge First (formerly FCE)

Last Updated: 12th May. 2023

Teaching tips and classroom activities for the essay task in the updated FCE exam from January 2015.

Essay questions seemed to have almost completely disappeared from Cambridge FCE until January 2015, when they suddenly became the only possibility in Writing Part One and therefore half of the writing exam and its marks. This is presumably to make FCE more of an academic exam and standardise it with the other Cambridge tests such as Cambridge Advanced, but it is likely to be a problem for both students and teachers.

One potential issues with having to write an essay in FCE Writing Part One is that it replaces the increasingly common skill of emailing. Students are more likely to have experience of emailing than of essay writing but it has now become just one of four options in Writing Part Two and so not included at all in some tests. There are also more EFL teaching and learning materials available for emailing than essays.

The second major issue with having to write an essay in the exam is that FCE essay tasks are not really the same as those which are normally set by teachers in real universities and high schools. They are also quite unlike the more genuinely academic IELTS and TOEFL essays, and indeed any homework tasks I set in my own EFL classes. This means that the tasks, tactics, language and activities used in class and for homework must be quite specific to Cambridge First.

What students have to do with FCE Writing Part One essay tasks

All the six official tests released so far for the updated 2015 FCE include these parts: 

“In your English class you have been talking about… Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all of the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

(statement) Do you agree?” or “(question asking to choose between two options)?” or “(yes/ no opinion question)?”

Write about;

3. (your own idea)

Write your essay. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate to the situation.”

Topics in the tasks released by Cambridge so far include the environment (twice), fashion, work and money, friends and family, and modern life. Question stems include “Which is more important – … or …?”, “Is it better to… or…?”, “We should… Do you agree?”, “Some people say that… has a bad effect on people’s lives. Do you agree?”, and “… Do you think these problems can be solved?”

The subtopics which students must include in their answers include “the kind/ type of… which is/ are…”, “the reasons for…”, “how much time is spent…”, “who you can… with”, “who will… you when you…”, “whether… is important”, and “the price of…” Many of these are not subtopics that I would choose if I had more freedom to write on the topic and a few are frankly even a little bizarre, so I think it is necessary to think of this part of the task as a problem that needs tackling rather than something that is likely to help students plan as perhaps was intended. Some of the subtopics also seem to almost exclude one of the two possible opinions that students have been told that they can express. For example, it is difficult to have a paragraph on “the kinds of animals which are in danger” if you disagree with the statement “We should do everything we can to save animals which are in danger of disappearing from our planet”.

Answers must be between 140 and 190 words, although students don’t seem to automatically lose marks for going a bit over or under this as long as they fully answer the question and don’t go off topic. Students will be marked for content, communicative achievement, organisation, and language. Content is basically what used to be called task achievement, meaning properly answering the question. Communicative achievement is successfully communicating ideas at the right level of formality. Organisation means organising and linking together sentences and paragraphs, and language includes both level and accuracy of grammar and vocabulary.

To at least pass this part of the exam students must:

-       Think of one more subtopic to include in their answer before they start writing (in addition to the two which are given)

-       Decide before they start writing whether they are going to give their opinion in the introduction and then support it, or if they are only going to give their opinion at the end

-       Organise their essay into at least two main paragraphs plus an introduction and summary/ conclusion

-       Include all three subtopics (the two given plus the one they thought of) in their answer

-       Support all their arguments

-       Use a neutral or formal level of language

-       Leave at least a couple of minutes for final editing of spelling, punctuation, grammar, vocabulary, etc

-       Finish in about 40 minutes, and no more than 45 minutes max, to leave enough time for Writing Part Two (which is an equal length and has equal marks)

Students should:

-       Underline important words in the question and its instructions, to make sure that they answer the question properly

-       Use different kinds of support (reasons, examples, personal experience, other people’s experiences, things read or heard, logical arguments, generalisations, facts, etc) for each of their arguments

-       Make sure that the things that they add to each opinion do actually support their arguments (meaning they aren’t just vaguely on the same topic, don’t actually support the opposite side of the argument, and aren’t just phrases they’ve learnt which don’t really link to what they are trying to prove)

-       Avoid repeating words, instead rephrasing or using referencing expressions (including in the final summary/ conclusion)

-       Make sure that the essay is neat enough to be understood without needing to be read again (but see below for limits to how much they need to worry about this)

-       Start writing as soon as they can think of one reasonably suitable third subtopic (rather than wasting time brainstorming better options)

-       Be ambitious with the language that they use, showing the examiner that they have a high language level and making up for their inevitable weaknesses in other areas such as accuracy

-       Also add more ambitious language at the editing stage

Students should probably:

-       Choose to express and support whatever opinion seems easier to write about, e.g. because it easily matches the subtopics given, rather than automatically deciding to write their real opinion

-       Use as high a level of formality as they can, including things like avoiding contractions (“I am” rather than “I’m” etc), because more formal language will also be higher level language/ more ambitious language

-       Show the strength or weakness of their opinions

-       Use longer versions of basic phrases, e.g. using “I strongly believe” rather than “I believe”

-       Give some background to the question by describing how it is important, interesting and/ or topical in the introduction (making sure that what they say is believable, not just a recycled phrase from a model answer)

Students can:

-       Use rhetorical questions (unlike in some genuine academic writing)

-       Make up their own personal experiences etc to support their arguments (as long as they are believable)

-       Write their opposite of their real opinion (if that is easier to support)

-       Do Writing Part Two first if they have a mental block with the Writing Part One essay, coming back to the first task later

-       Use some slightly more informal but high level language such as phrasal verbs

-       Use Latin abbreviations such as “e.g.” and “etc”

-       Cross things off and use little arrows to insert missing words (rather than overusing their eraser, if they have an erasable pen)

-       Add whole missing sentences to the middle of the text, by putting the sentence in a box at the top or bottom of the page and drawing a long arrow to show where it should go

Students mustn’t

-       Skip Part One and do two tasks from Part Two instead (they will only be credited for Part Two and so be limited to a failing 50% mark at best)

-       Use very informal language such as textspeak or Twitter abbreviations (“gr8” for “great”, “lol”, etc), exclamation marks, “…”, words all in capitals, underlined words, or slang

Students shouldn’t:

-       Try to look at both sides of each of the three subtopics (as there is neither the time nor space within the word limit)

-       Waste time brainstorming lots of ideas for the best third sub-topic

-       Waste time brainstorming lots of support for their arguments before they start writing (unless perhaps they really can’t decide whether to look at both sides or just one side in their essay)

-       Use academic conventions which aren’t suitable for a school setting such as avoiding personal pronouns, using “The author”, and giving academic references

-       Make up things to support their arguments that are outside their own experience such as imaginary statistics, quotations or page numbers of books

-       Use multipurpose phrases like “This is a controversial topic nowadays” in all the essays that they write (as they will often not match the situation in the question and so will negative proof of their real language level)

-       Start paragraphs with multipurpose phrases like “Secondly” and “On the other hand” (rather than “The second argument for… is…” and “Turning to the arguments against…”)

-       Leave editing Part One until they have written Part Two too (as they will almost certainly run out of time first)

-       Assume knowledge that the examiner might not have (such as detailed knowledge of their hometown)

-       Waste time counting every word

-       Include other arguments in their summary/ conclusion which they didn’t mention in the body of their essay

-       Stick to basic language in an attempt to make sure that they don’t make mistakes (ambitious language being at least as important)

-       Waste time editing the essay down if they go over 190 words

-       Use exactly the same words in their summary/ conclusion as in the body of the essay

-       Use paragraph headings (as these will be used in Writing Part Two reports and Cambridge like students to show a distinction between the two writing genres, even if that doesn’t really match real life)

Students don’t need to:

-       Produce incredibly neat work (because Cambridge and the examiners know how unrealistic a handwritten essay is nowadays)

-       Think of an interesting title (or indeed any title)

-       Worry about how clever their ideas are (as it doesn’t affect their marks one way or the other)

-       Worry too much about British and American English (just not spelling the same word two different ways is probably enough at FCE)

-       Deal with the subtopics in the same order as they are given on the question sheet

-       Necessarily look at both sides of the argument (if they have a strong opinion on one side or the other)

The students have free choice whether they want to give their opinion in the introduction and then support that argument related to the three sub-topics or give both sides of the argument and then give their own opinion in the conclusion. If students don’t think they can support their position related to all three topics and so want to take the latter approach, they could give reasons for their conclusion related to two topics and give the other side related to the other one. Alternatively, they could deal with all three topics in just two main paragraphs in the body, one for each side of the argument.

I would recommend that in the introduction students rephrase the question, give background to the topic etc, but most of the student answers provided by Cambridge just start by answering the question, so that seems to be acceptable. I also strongly recommend against one-sentence paragraphs, including in the final summary, but again this doesn’t seem to be a big issue with Cambridge so students could stop and move onto the Part Two question if they have reached the word limit and are already over 40 minutes into the exam. If they do want another sentence it is fairly easy to add consequences of their conclusion such as “Because of this, governments/ families/ companies/ bosses should…”

Language that the students are likely to need in FCE essays includes phrases for different ways of supporting their opinions, giving weak and strong opinions, weak and strong agreeing and disagreeing, summarising, concluding, giving reasons, and looking at both sides (advantages and disadvantages, etc). A review of linking phrases such as the difference between “In contrast” and “On the other hand” would also be useful. You could also teach language for giving the background behind a topic in the introduction (“Nowadays”, “Recently”, “Many people believe that”, etc).

Lesson ideas for FCE Writing Part One essays

First lessons including FCE Writing Part One essay questions

Given the importance of this part of the exam and how it can be very useful to get some idea of students’ strengths and weaknesses in writing right at the beginning, I highly recommend bringing this topic into the very first lesson of the course and giving an essay task for the first homework. Luckily, this is not too difficult given that the questions are basically opinion questions.

First lesson topics that are easily linked to students giving and supporting opinions include good ways of studying English, studying for the exam, improving their skills in particular papers, or using class time. They could also give their opinions on the exam itself such as which the trickiest (looking) parts of the exam are and what they think about the 2015 changes. Opinions on language learning can be made amusing by giving them a mix of sensible and crazier ways of improving their English, including things like “I think it’s a great idea to listen to English radio while you are asleep” and “In my opinion, you should describe everything that you are doing around the house in English as you are doing it”. This is even more fun if students have to choose the ideas at random and then support whatever opinion they are given. If you give students statements starting with opinions language like “I really think the story task was the easiest”, after the speaking activity students can try to remember those phrases, then brainstorm similar ones for agreeing and disagreeing, supporting arguments, etc.

All the topics just mentioned follow on quite naturally from a needs analysis stage where students interview each other about their reasons for taking the test, their previous FCE studies, their previous English studies, their strengths and weaknesses etc. Other Writing Part One-style topics that can lead on from a needs analysis stage include education and work in their country, and the position of English in modern life.

Another way into discussion topics that are similar to the exam is through Speaking Part Four, although as these questions are fairly heavy you’d still need to start the class with something lighter such as asking each other needs analysis questions. Another possibility is to start with some kind of Speaking Part One (asking personal questions) game or activity, moving onto Writing Part One questions on the same topics like family and hometowns to discuss, plan one or more of, and write one of for homework. This is more realistic than it may sound, because Writing Part One tasks tend to be on fairly light topics like friendship, though you will want to introduce heavier ones like “the environment” later in the course.

Combining essay writing with Use of English

The easiest way to combine other parts of the FCE exam with Writing Part One is for students to do Use of English exercises that have been designed to test and expand their knowledge of useful language for the essay task. For example, you can have multiple choice cloze tasks like “I _______________ think that is a good idea” with the options “strongly”, “surely”, “really” and “very”, open cloze tasks like “To ____________ another example”, word formation tasks like “_____________, that argument has no merit at all” with the key word “frank”, or key word sentence transformation tasks like “In my personal experience, this rarely works” with key word and gapped sentence “_________________ it rarely works. FIND”.

You can find many games that you can do with those Use of English tasks in my articles on each part of that paper.

Other classroom activities for FCE Writing Part One essays

There is virtually no limit to the number of possible classroom activities that could help with this task, but most of them fit into one of these categories:

-       Error correction

-       Discussing/ analysing model answers

-       Looking at other students’ answers

-       Planning answers

-       Brainstorming suitable language

-       Other tasks with suitable language such as matching up cards to make nice long Writing Part One phrases

-       Giving and discussing tips on what they should and shouldn’t do before and during the exam

-       Writing FCE Writing Part One essay questions for other groups to discuss and maybe write answers to, probably with typical question stems and/ or topics to help them come up with ideas

-       Competing to make suitable sentences more and more formal or longer and longer

-       Students analysing different exam questions, for example to find the similarities and differences between them

-       Discussing their opinions on the questions given (“…. Do you agree?” etc), probably before they write about the same topic for homework

-       Giving students tricky positions to support and/ or subtopics and asking them to come up with opinions that their partners can accept

These can also be combined in one lesson. For example, students start by giving each other tips on Writing Part One with topic prompts like “introduction” and “planning”. They then identify the bad tips in a list that they are given, before brainstorming suitable language to do the good things, such as “I totally agree with this idea” for the tip “Show the strength or weakness of your opinions”. Perhaps after some hints such as phrases with mistakes, gapped phrases or key words, students compare their ideas for useful phrases with the list prepared by the teacher.

Correction tasks for FCE Writing Part One

FCE used to have an error correction task in the Use of English paper, but perhaps because of an emphasis on communication they have both done away with that and put less and less emphasis on grammatical accuracy in the writing test. Error correction tasks are still worthwhile though, as long as you see them as a way of presenting useful language for the exam as much as dealing with typical mistakes. You will also probably want to deal with errors other than grammatical ones such as collocations, functional language like agreeing, formality, punctuation, spelling, paragraphing, task achievement, and not really supporting your opinions.

Possible classroom tasks with such typical errors are the same as with non-exam classes, including:

-       Students racing to find mistakes in sentences, paragraphs, or complete texts

-       Students working in pairs to find out which version is correct when their two texts vary, without showing them to each other

-       Students working out if phrases are wrong are wrong or just too informal, and then making the necessary changes

Making FCE Writing Part One exam practice realistic and useful

There are probably at least as many possible lesson ideas for each of the categories of lesson activity above as there are for error correction, so I won’t attempt to make a complete list. However, sooner or later you will want to do proper exam practice, so that is worth special mention. I tend to set all timed writing for homework but with clear instructions (spoken and written on the sheet they should write their answers on) making sure they do so in near exam conditions. Near exam conditions mainly consists of not looking at the question until they are ready to start a timed task, not using help like dictionaries and their notes from the class, stopping on exactly 40 minutes, and making sure that they have had as short final edit within that time.

I then allow them to do extra work with their help of their textbooks, model answers etc. However, I tell them to change colour pen, not use an eraser, write down what kinds of changes they made, and tell me how much extra time they spent on it. These two stages help them actually expand their language knowledge at the same time as getting useful exam practice, as well as giving me loads of useful information about their present strengths and weaknesses.

Copyright © 2015 Alex Case

Written by Alex Case for UsingEnglish.com

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How to Write an Essay for B2 First (FCE) Writing

Luis @ kse academy.

  • noviembre 24, 2019

As you probably know already, Cambridge English exams usually have some or all of the following parts: Reading, Writing, Use of English and Listening. In this post I am going to talk about the FCE Writing B2 part and, more specifically, about how to write an essay for FCE Writing . We will see a good example of an essay for FCE and you can check out a full FCE Writing Guide where you can find more examples of emails , letters and other types of writings.

Essay Sample Answer

Este artículo también está disponible en castellano.

The Ultimate B2 First Writing Guide: 15 B2 Writing Sample Tasks and 300+ Useful Expressions (Guías de Writing para Exámenes de Cambridge)

What are the parts of the FCE Writing?

The First (FCE) Writing has only two parts. For each part, you must write a composition which will depend on the instructions you receive for each task. For the  first part , you will always be asked to  write an essay , as it is the only option provided. However, in the  second part , they allow you to choose one out of 3 options. These include  different types of writing , which are : letters/emails ,  articles ,  reviews and  reports . Each piece of writing must have between 140 and 190 words , approximately.

Since they are different types of writing , the language and structures to use will also differ. But that’s what I’m here for, to explain to you exactly how to write each part. And today, I’m starting with  how to write an essay .

How to Write an Essay for FCE Writing

An  essay is an opinion writing with which we analyse a topic , a situation or an issue from different points of view , providing different arguments and expressing our opinion about it. For this reason, an  essay must have the following features:

  • Purpose: What we usually do with an essay is to analyse and assess a topic, situation or issue which, in some way, is interesting or controversial. It is normally set as a writing task after a class debate. In the exam, you have to imagine the debate, obviously.
  • Tone and style: Given that you’re writing about a  serious or controversial issue , an essay is written in a formal style, so we must stick to an objective tone and style . Our language must be formal, thus avoiding words that are simply too common or generic (E.g.:  things, stuff, get,   etc.) and contractions (E.g.:  can’t, don’t, won’t,  etc.).
  • Structure: Like every piece of writing,  an essay must present a defined structure . For starters, we can choose either to give it a title or not. Personally, I would say that it is more appropriate to have an essay with title . Then, the body must be divided into introduction, idea 1, idea 2, idea 3 and conclusion. This means that, in general,  essays must have 5 paragraphs ,   although it is not entirely necessary.
  • Opinion:  There are countless ways of expressing your opinion in an essay, so you must choose the one that suits you best. However,  it is advisable to remain impartial throughout your writing and give your opinion only in the last paragraph , as a conclusion. But, as I say, it is optional. The most important thing is that you justify everything you say in your essay.
  • Coherence: Coherence is essential in every type of writing, but especially in an essay. As it tends to be an argumentative text, you must avoid writing incoherent paragraphs that have nothing to do with one another. Your ideas must  follow a logical order and be well connected with appropriate linkers .

FCE Writing Essay Example

Now that we are familiar with the  characteristics of an essay for First (FCE) Writing , let’s take a look at an  example of an essay at B2 level , both at the task and at a sample answer.

Instructions of an Essay

In the following image you can see the instructions of an essay which involves a typical topic, that of the environment:

How to Write an Essay for FCE sample task / cómo escribir un essay para Fce ejemplo actividad

In these instructions, we must pay attention to the following:

  • The  first paragraph introduces the topic: … different ways in which you can protect the environment.
  • The  second sentence is usually the same in every task:  Write an essay using  all the notes…
  • In the box , you are given the main topic as a question and they give you something to talk about:  recycle, using bicycles and walking, your own idea . As you can see, you have to come up with the third idea, something connected to the topic which is not provided in the exam task.

Given the model task above, each paragraph will correspond to a different idea, apart from the introduction and conclusion. Again, it is only natural to have 5 paragraphs. So, the best way to know how to write an essay for FCE Writing is to take a look at an  example of an actual essay for FCE Writing :

How to Write an Essay for FCE sample answer / cómo escribir un essay para Fce ejemplo respuesta

At first sight, the essay has  a title and 5 paragraphs (introduction + idea 1 + idea 2 + idea 3 + conclusion). And if we stop to read the essay more carefully, we’ll notice the following things:

  • The paragraphs are visual and well defined , which is very important.
  • The title summarises the topic  of the essay. Another option is to use the question ( What can people do to help protect the environment? ) as title. However, it usually tends to be too long, so I prefer to summarise it into a shorter heading.
  • Introduction: it introduces the topic in a general way and it leads to the second paragraph (first idea).
  • Paragraph 2: it deals with idea 1.
  • Paragraph 3: it deals with idea 2.
  • Paragraph 4: it deals with idea 3.
  • Conclusion: we express our opinion to conclude and summarise the essay.
  • It uses connectors to define the development of the essay:  firstly, second, finally, etc.
  • It doesn’t use many contractions or pet words.
  • One of the things that
  • In the last few decades,
  • For this reason,
  • First, / Second, / Third,
  • By doing so,
  • For example,
  • In conclusion,

This is a good example of an essay for FCE Writing . By the way, you must bear in mind that it has been written to simulate a strong B2 level, without reaching C1.

FAQ: Do I get penalised for writing over 190 words?

This is the most typical question in this part of the exam and the answer is « yes and no «. Let me explain myself. Cambridge English examiners don’t count the number of words and penalise you based upon that fact alone. There’s a rumour going around among teachers and pupils that says that for every 10 words over 190, they take «this many» points off, but it is not true. However, think about this: if you’ve written 50 or 100 words more than asked, you are probably including irrelevant information to the task , right? Now that’s a reason for losing points. In the same way that if you  write under 140 words you are probably missing essential information , don’t you think?

For this reason, I always recommend writing up to 10 or 20 words over the limit. In this way, you won’t lose any points for including irrelevant information.

FCE Writing Guide with examples (pdf)

Although I intend to write more posts on how to do each piece of writing for FCE, if you don’t want to wait any more, simply download the official KSE Academy FCE Writing Guide . In this guide you will learn:

  • How to write an essay  and 3 examples.
  • How to write an article  and 3 examples.
  • How to write a review  and 3 examples.
  • How to write a report  and 3 examples.
  • How to write an email or letter  and 3 examples.
  • Over 300 useful expressions for every FCE Writing .

Would you like to see a sample of this guide? Here it is!

Did you find this useful?  Why not share it with other teachers and students of English? Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, y YouTube. 🙂

Picture of Luis @ KSE Academy

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How to write a review? | B2 First (FCE)

fce essay technology

You always have to do two things describe and discuss something, for example, a film , a book , a restaurant , an experience or whatever the task might require you to talk about. Also, you have to make a recommendation at the end of your text.

Unlike an essay a review should be written in an informal or neutral register, this means:

  • you CAN use phrasal verbs ,
  • you CAN use idioms
  • you CAN use contractions
  • you CAN be creative!

Check our Writing Guide below – to see how to write an FCE review in detail.

B2 First (FCE) Review: Structure

Use the name of the , or .

Identify what you are reviewing ( , ).
Try to catch the reader´s attention (ask a question).

Describe the book, film, restaurant
Comment on the questions you have been asked
Summarize your review with a recommendation


Practice, write & improve, b2 first (fce) review: writing guide.

We will use the example FCE review topic below:

You see this announcement in your college English-language magazine.

Book reviews wanted Have you read a book in which the main character behaved in a surprising way?

Write us a review of the book, explaining what the main character did and why it was surprising. Tell us whether or not you would recommend this book to other people.

The best reviews will be published in the magazine.

Write your  review (140-190 words)

Step 1: Briefly analyse the given topic…

The first thing you need to do is to underline a description part -in other words, just find what needs to be described.

Secondly, find a discussion part   – in other words, try to find the specific points you need to comment on in your text.

Finally, find the  target reader so you know exactly who you are writing for and who is going to read your review.

You see this announcement in your college English-language magazine. (our readers)

Book reviews wanted Have you read a book in which the main character behaved in a surprising way? (to describe)

Write us a review of the book, explaining what the main character did and why it was surprising. ( to comment) 

Now we have all three elements we need to write a great review:

You need to describe: Book in which the main character behaved in a surprising way

You need to answer/discuss:

  • What did the main character do?
  • Why it  was surprising?

Who is the target reader: college English-language magazine.

We know now that the target readers are students, teachers and probably parents so the writing style should be neutral or informal.

We don’t need to be too formal because after all some of the readers are students, but we also don’t want to be too informal as some of the readers are teachers and parents.

Now we can start building our structure and writing a review.

Step 2: Title

The review should start with the title, and there are few simple ways to write it:

  • imagine you’re reviewing a book you can write:  [Title] by [Author]
  • if you were reviewing a restaurant you could write: [name of the restaurant] – a review

Title (book): Dark Souls by Stephen King (by) Title (restaurant): Taco Bell in London – a review (a review)

We will use this title in our guide : TITLE : Time Machine by Adam Smith

Tip : Nothing prevents you from writing something more unique but it has to point to what you are going to review.

Step 3: Introduction

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The other function of your introduction is to engage the reader .   You can do it by asking a question.

Make your introduction at least 2 sentences long.

INTRODUCTION: What would you do if you could travel back in time? Most people would probably meet their great-great-grandparents or watch how the amazing pyramids in Giza were built, but Tom Lee, the main character of the novel Time Machine by Adam Smith finds himself in a completely unexpected situation and he has to make a very difficult decision that will change history as we know it.

                  – question

                  – details about the book and main character

Step 4: The body paragraphs (main content) 

The body paragraphs are the main parts of your review so they should be the longest and carry most of the information.  Also, here you describe the points you’ve found in (Step 1)

You can use idioms , and phrasal verbs   –  neutral/informal language is appropriate for your target reader – students and teachers.

See the example below, in which we dedicated one paragraph to one   point.

[Who is the main character and what did he do? – describe]

Tom, a teacher in a little town in Rotherham, finds a mysterious time portal in the back of a ragged diner which takes him back to the year 1935. He soon realises that every time he goes through the portal he gets to the exact same point in the past. Eventually, he makes the unexpected decision to stop Michael James Newton  from brutally killing President John F. Kennedy on 22.11.1963.

[Why it was surprising? – comment]

It seems to me that Tom could choose many other and more personal things to do, but he decides to try and change history to a degree that he cannot predict . In my opinion , that came definitely unexpected an d if I were in his position I probably wouldn’t even consider a task this far-reaching.

                      – own opinion

                   – descriptive/interesting vocabulary

                    – relevant details about the main character and book

TIP:  What if you don’t read books?

Don’t waste your time looking for a to match your review. it doesn’t have to be real!

And yes that may sound difficult: you have to invent a book and then write a review about your invented book!

So instead take a you like, take a you like and transform them into books. That’s simple!

Step 5: Conclusion / Recommendations

Finally, we need to make a recommendation because after all, that’s the only reason why anyone would read a review they want to know what the reviewer thinks about the book ,   film or restaurant .

A good final paragraph of a review does exactly two things 

  • it includes a recommendation
  • and a final sentence to round off the review

CONCLUSION: I definitely recommend “Time Machine” to everyone who has already read some of Adam Smith’s novels as well as to those who like stories with twists and turns around every corner plus you get some modern history on top of that. For me, it was absolutely worth reading and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. 

See full review…

Full review.

Time Machine by Adam Smith

What would you do if you could travel back in time? Most people would probably meet their great-great-grandparents or watch how the amazing pyramids in Giza were built, but Tom Lee, the main character of the novel Time Machine by Adam Smith finds himself in a completely unexpected situation and he has to make a very difficult decision that will change history as we know it.

Tom, a teacher in a little town in Rotherham, finds a mysterious time portal in the back of a ragged diner which takes him back to the year 1935. He soon realises that every time he goes through the portal he gets to the exact same point in the past. Eventually, he makes the unexpected decision to stop Michael James Newton from brutally killing President John F. Kennedy on 22.11.1963.

It seems to me that Tom could choose many other and more personal things to do, but he decides to try and change history to a degree that he cannot predict. In my opinion, that came definitely unexpected and if I were in his position I probably wouldn’t even consider a task this far-reaching.

I definitely recommend “Time Machine” to everyone who has already read some of Adam Smith’s novels as well as to those who like stories with twists and turns around every corner plus you get some modern history on top of that. For me, it was absolutely worth reading and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

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Check your (FCE) Review

B2 first (fce) review: model answers, model answer 1.

You have seen this notice in your school library:

REVIEWS NEEDED We want to buy some new books for the library. Have you read a good book in English recently? Write us a review of a book you enjoyed, explaining why you liked it and why you think it would be a good choice for the school library.

We will use your reviews to help us decide which books to buy

Model answer


„The thieves of Ostia‟ by Caroline Lawrence is the first in a series of books entitled„The Roman Mysteries‟ and I think it‟s an absolute must for the school library.

The book is set in the Roman port of Ostia nearly two thousand years ago. It tells the story of Flavia and her three friends, and their attempts to discover who has been killing the dogs of Ostia and why. It‟s full of mystery and excitement, and the plot has many twists and turns, which make you want to keep reading.

The book is aimed at ten – to twelve – year  – old native English speakers, but it is very popular with older children and would be ideal for teenagers studying English. What‟s more, it gives a fascinating insight into life in Roman times, so readers learn about history as well as improve their language skills.

After finishing „The Thieves of Ostia‟, students will want to borrow further books from the series. By buying it, then, the library would be doing a lot to encourage students to read more in English

Model Answer 2

You have found the following advertisement online:


Have you been to a great restaurant lately? If so, send us an honest review of the restaurant explaining what you liked and disliked of the place as well as its location, staff and how it looks on the inside.

We will publish the first 20 decent reviews we get!

Foster’s Hollywood

Being a huge fan of traditional American fast food and restaurant styles, it’s no wonder that my favourite restaurant in Granada is Foster’s Hollywood.

Located smack in the middle of the city, this fast-food chain serves a wide variety of mouthwatering, American dishes at a reasonable price. These range from typical Tex-Mex nachos or French fries to more elaborate meals like traditional, homemade Bourbon steak. And if you’re hungry, it’s the perfect place to go, as their servings are absolutely huge!

Another cool thing about this place is its magnificent decor. If you’re a film buff, you will quickly fall in love with this place, since all the walls are covered in famous movie posters! Apart from that, it’s got a spacious dining hall, super friendly staff and an outdoor terrace which is absolutely fantastic on summer nights!

The only negative thing I can say is that it is right next to a gym, which sometimes makes me feel guilty for eating so much!

Nevertheless, Foster’s Hollywood offers delicious meals in an unbeatable atmosphere, so you should definitely give it a try. I promise you won’t regret it!

B2 First (FCE) Review: Example Topics

Example topic 1.

Your teacher has asked you to write a review for a book you have read recently. The best reviews will go in the school magazine. Review the book giving your opinion and say whether or not you would recommend it.

Example Topic 2

Your teacher has asked you to write a review for a film you have seen recently on DVD or at the cinema.The best reviews will go in the school magazine. Review the book giving your opinion and saying whether ornot you would recommend it.

Example Topic 3

At school, you are building a tourist website in English. Your teacher has asked you to write a review of arestaurant you have eaten at in your town. Review the restaurant giving your opinion and saying whetheror not you would recommend it.

B2 First (FCE) Review: Writing Checklist

fce essay technology

After writing your text, you can check it yourself using the writing checklist below.

How to do that? Simply check your text/email by answering the questions one by one:

  • Have I covered all the key information required by the task?
  • Have I written only information which is relevant to the task?
  • Have I developed the basic points in the task with my own ideas?

Communicative Achievement

  • Have I achieved the main purpose(s) of the text (for example, explaining, persuading, suggesting, apologising, comparing, etc.)?
  • Have I communicated a balance of straightforward and more complex ideas?
  • Have I used a suitable style and register (formal or informal) for the task?


  • Have I used paragraphs appropriately to organise my ideas?
  • Have I used other organisational features appropriately for the genre of the text (for example, titles, headings, openings, closings, etc.)?
  • Is the connection between my ideas clear and easy for the reader to follow? (For example, have I used appropriate linking words, pronouns, etc. to refer to different things within the text?)
  • Are the ideas balanced appropriately, with suitable attention and space given to each one?
  • Have I used a wide range of vocabulary?
  • Have I avoided repeating the same words and phrases?
  • Have I used a range of simple and more complex grammatical structures?
  • Have I correctly used any common phrases which are relevant to the specific task or topic?
  • Is my use of grammar accurate?
  • Is my spelling accurate?

More than Practice Tests

B2 first (fce) review: tips.

fce essay technology

  • Make sure you have at least 4 paragraphs.
  • Choose an appropriate title.
  • The introduction will talk about what’s being reviewed.
  • Use a relaxed , friendly , chatty style.
  • You can use contractions such as I’m, I’ve etc..
  • Use a new paragraph for each point you want to make.
  • In the concluding paragraph give your opinion.

B2 First (FCE) Review: Grammar & Vocabulary

The grammar and vocabulary that you need unfortunately depend heavily on the type of question you get.

One thing you can do though is to make sure your grammar and vocabulary are related to the tasks . So for example, if you are writing a review about a film make sure your vocabulary is related to films.

So include words like “s cripts, director, cast, plot, setting, special effects, and stunts”

If you want to mention who directed the film or who played the part of a certain character then make sure you use the passive  “The film was directed by Y”. “The the protagonist was played by X”.

If you are talking about an experience and you need to describe the experience then make sure you use narrative tenses because obviously this experience happened in the past.

This means you need to use the past simple, the past continuous and the past perfect. For example “I checked into the hotel at 10 am. I had been travelling all night and was feeling exhausted. The hotel staff were very welcoming and made me feel at home”.

B2 First (FCE) Review: Useful Phrases & Expressions

We will finish it with some useful vocabulary mostly used to organize information. Although it is taking a shortcut, if you learn several expressions for each paragraph in each type of text that could be on your exam, you will certainly be able to create a very consistent and well-organized text.

Giving background

This show stars…  The play is directed by… The film is about…  It‟s set in……….  The story is based on (a book…)  It‟s about…..  There are many memorable characters including ….  The main theme of the film is…..

Expressions that introduce a contrast

On the plus side,…  On the down side,… On the one hand,…  On the other hand,…


Overall, I‟d recommend…  All in all, the film was…  I wouldn‟t hesitate to recommend…  I wouldn‟t encourage anyone to …  I would recommend this film to anyone.  Although I enjoyed it, I would not recommend it for….  It‟s one of the best (shows) I’ve ever seen.  Although I am not normally keen on (musicals),I am glad that I decided to go.  The (film) lifts you out of your everyday life

B2 First (FCE) Review: Frequently Asked Questions

Who will read the review.

Your review will be read by readers of a magazine.

What is the purpose of the review?

The review is intended to give information to the reader which will help them decide whether to attend the event themselves.

What style should I use?

Use a style similar to an article that is likely to interest the reader.

What information should I include?

Give essential information about the story, cast, band members, etc. Say what you like and didn‟t like about the performances. Make a recommendation to the reader about whether or not they should go.

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