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112 Graphic Design Dissertation Topics For Your Perfect Assignment

112 Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Art students write about graphic design dissertation topics to showcase their impressive and creative thinking skills. As a graphic designer, your role is to plan and practice conveying messages with textual content. And this is the most effective and innovative method to connect with consumers in the current world.

Whether complex website page layouts or simple business logos, graphic design takes different forms. Other visual design examples include posters, magazine covers, and business cards. Writing a dissertation using intricate and unique graphic design topics is essential for learners that want to excel in their career in this sector. It’s also vital to research graphic design to impress potential employers.

This article lists 110-plus graphic design topics while describing the parts that a good dissertation in this field comprises.

Parts of a Good Graphic Design Dissertation

An excellent dissertation in this field comprises several parts that students should focus on when writing. Here’s a breakdown of the primary sections of a dissertation on this subject.

Introduction : A good dissertation about a graphic design topic has an opening that creates an excellent impression while encouraging the audience to read the rest of the paper. The intro should be brief to capture the audiences’ attention. Problem statement : This section highlights the research question and its background. It also tells the readers why the dissertation is essential. Objectives and aim of the paper : This section tells the readers why your topic matters. It explains the intent of your research and your desired outcomes for the project. Methodology : Here, you describe the methods you use to research the topic. Also, highlight the available techniques while comparing them to choose a viable option. For instance, you can include print media, software, and other platform media details for completing your dissertation. Literature review : This part comprises details of previous studies and the scholars behind them. It also has a theoretical framework for the dissertation, providing insights into your starting point, ideas, and concepts. Limitation : In this section, you highlight the scope, ideas, and limitations of your study. Also, you specify the objectives you attained from your research.

Writing a thesis about a graphic design topic requires relevant principles’ knowledge, and strong writing skills. If you are not interested in writing and don’t want to waste your time on a boring task from a professor, you can pay someone to do your assignment and enjoy the activities you love.

Top Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Maybe you want to write a thesis paper about a top topic in this academic field. In that case, consider the following ideas.

  • The latest trends in graphic design
  • How to use PowerPoint in graphic design
  • Subliminal messages and advertisement
  • Visual design concepts in the 20th century
  • Digital art’s evolution over the years
  • How graphic design can help online service providers generate more sales
  • How multimedia design affects the world
  • Graphic design and repetition theory- How they affect consumers’ behavior
  • Graphic design and changes in online gaming
  • Color selection, graphic design, and human psychology- What’s the connection?
  • Application and relevance of design theories
  • How consumers perceive web designs
  • How web graphics create trust among visitors
  • Using negative spacing and graphic design to affect the consumers’ subconscious minds
  • Famous graphic designers of the century
  • How does TV influence graphic design
  • How computers affect graphic design
  • Using graphic design in computer game interfaces to draw more consumers
  • Balance as a graphic design basic- How does it create impressive visuals?
  • Online graphical design tools versus conventional designing programs
  • How visual heuristics assist in segmenting the attention of the viewers
  • Graphic design and political satire
  • How graphic design tools have revolutionized the industry

These are some of the top ideas to consider for a thesis topic in this subject. Nevertheless, research your chosen title extensively to write a comprehensive paper.

General Graphic Design Dissertation Ideas

Graphic design is a growing study field with many organizations establishing departments and offices for expert designers. Here are general ideas to explore when writing a thesis paper in graphic design.

  • Understanding graphic design
  • How graphic design influence communications
  • Qualifications of a professional graphic designer
  • Is graphic design a career or a passion?
  • Similarities between conventional photographers and graphic designers’ tools
  • The essence of colors in graphic design
  • Comparison between contemporary graphic design and photographic theory
  • Understanding the visual design principles
  • How graphic designers affect their field
  • Factors influencing graphic design
  • Developmental stages for graphic design
  • The influence of technology on graphic design
  • The graphic design’s role in social media
  • Changes in graphical design tools
  • Computer graphics’ evolution in the 20th century
  • Is traditional graphic design critical in the digital age?
  • The essence of computers in the visual design evolution
  • Media forms in graphic design
  • How print styles and typefaces influence the digital age
  • Graphic design and its role in web design and development

These are general topics to consider when writing a thesis in this field. Pick any idea from this list and investigate it thoroughly before writing.

Best Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

The internet has many ideas to explore when writing a dissertation in graphic design. Here are the best titles to consider for your paper.

  • Using color psychology to trigger emotions in graphic design
  • The impact of graphical design tools on the industry
  • Graphic design and newspaper adverts- How they influence the consumers’ buying behavior
  • Graphic design and its use in promoting movie festivals
  • Graphic design and its use in street art and social commentary
  • How logos and organization branding affect sales
  • Space and its use in design esthetics
  • Color theory and its impact on graphic design
  • Typeset techniques and principles as part of graphic design
  • Creating environmental awareness using graphic design
  • Graphic design software trends
  • Cultural expectations and graphic design
  • How visual imaging improves understanding
  • Media design and new graphics
  • Is desktop publishing dead?
  • Web animation and graphic design- How they have shaped the internet content
  • Newspaper ads evolution in the digital era
  • Personality role in arts
  • How experts use graphic design to create a set in the film industry
  • Restaurants and theme design
  • Graphic design and persuasion elements
  • Commercial design- How to facilitate feedback when dealing with customers
  • How visual hierarchy helps in creating customer e-commerce stores’ perception
  • Art directors as transformational heads
  • How graphic designs help in making directories
  • How graphic design has revolutionized modern cinema
  • Colorful classroom creation

These ideas can be the basis of a fantastic dissertation. Nevertheless, each of them requires adequate time to investigate and gather relevant information.

Exciting Graphic Design Research Topics

Maybe you want to write about an interesting topic in this field. In that case, writing about any of these ideas can be fun.

  • Unique 10-minute graphic design projects
  • How animation helps in creating beautiful postcards
  • How the design language can trigger brand retention in customers’ minds
  • Classic book cover re-interpretation
  • Results and effects of graphic design in the consumer markets
  • How graphic design helps in coloring kids’ books
  • Secondary research and its use in exploring web design features
  • Traits of a successful graphic designer
  • Graphic design and its relationship with the pop culture
  • How graphic design facilitates the creation of business cards
  • Literature review of the graphic novel
  • Graphic design trends over the last decade
  • Theory application in graphic design
  • How people perceive visual communication and design education
  • How artistic sensibility affects the graphic design
  • How banners facilitate message conveyance
  • Average budget analysis in graphic design projects
  • Is graphic design education important?
  • How appealing products affect consumer choices
  • Using graphic design to retarget ads and reach the target market efficiently
  • Graphic design theory application

These are fun topics to consider for a thesis in this field. Nevertheless, perform in-depth research to write a winning paper about these titles.

Senior Thesis Graphic Design Project Ideas

Maybe you need a graphic design title for your senior thesis. In that case, select any of these ideas for your paper.

  • How to use graphic design to boost e-commerce stores’ sales
  • How graphic design can help consumers recall your brand
  • How Apple uses graphic design to influence buying behavior
  • How marketing agencies use graphic design
  • Graphic design and commercial distinctiveness
  • How limited financial plans affect graphics
  • How graphic designers use psychological triggers to boost customer loyalty
  • How video filters boost sales and customer attention in graphic designs
  • How computer graphics evolved in the 20th century
  • Graphic design and its use by clothing brands
  • Why logos and visual design matter to businesses
  • Graphic design and its use in creating a plant identifying application
  • Gradient logo designs versus flat logo designs
  • Advertisement and computer graphics- How they alter consumer behavior
  • How contrast colors affect buying behavior
  • How graphic design and brochures help businesses to attract more sales
  • Developing a graphic design career
  • The impact of graphic design on product packaging
  • Vehicle wraps evolution and graphic design
  • Exploring different techniques that graphic designers use to convey messages
  • Graphical design application in advanced technology

These are some of the best ideas to explore when researching and writing about graphic design. While this may not be a comprehensive list, it has titles college and uni students can choose for their graduate and undergraduate papers.

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Maybe your teacher or professor wants you to write a high-quality paper on a graphic design topic, but you don’t think you can write a winning essay. Perhaps, you don’t have enough time to research and write a successful thesis. In that case, our experts can help you. Our professional team provides custom research, writing, editing, and proofreading services. Our team answers any student that needs help to score the top marks in all academic papers.

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Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Graphic Design is all around us, from simple advertisement strategies that we may view on the television or in the newspaper, to complex animation designs and or interactive museum exhibitions. This helps to provide an array of different opportunities for completing an engaging and innovative graphic design dissertation, with there being a number of different topic areas that are susceptible to further analysis. Some of the most important topic areas that exist within the field of graphic design include: graphic design and its impact on culture, graphic design in business and marketing, gaming and the influence of graphic design, animation and entertainment, graphic design in historical art, and the mediating role of technology on graphic design.

Graphic Design & Culture

Graphic design in business, gaming & graphic design, animation & entertainment, historical art.

It is evident that graphic design forms a significant role in day-to-day lives, with this instantly highlighting the significance of it on how cultures are created and communicated. From native paintings to bespoke designs to represent specific cultures, it is vital to understand how graphic design is used across the world to represent different cultures.

  • The impact of graphic design on culture: A case study analysis of the works of Banksy.
  • A critical analysis of how people can use graphic design to communicate their feelings and emotions.
  • Graphic design across the globe: A critical comparative analysis of key design elements in North America and South-East Asia.
  • A picture shows a thousand words: How can graphic design be used to communicate different elements of international cultures?
  • Can graphic design be offensive: A critical analysis of offensive design elements throughout global cultures.
  • Supporting the blind: An analysis of how graphic design can be a gateway to further communication for those with visual impairments.

Organisations are investing more and more of their financial resources into graphic design and marketing to help improve the way in which they communicate with customers and promote positive internal messages. This lends itself to many new study areas that aim to explore how graphic design can be managed in the organisational setting, and what the potential return on investment is for these strategies is.

  • An analysis of how graphic design can be used in corporate advertisement strategies to influence purchasing behaviour.
  • A critical analysis of the use of graphic design in mass communication strategies.
  • Cost-benefit analysis in graphic design: A comparative evaluation between using experienced or novice graphic designers.
  • An analysis into the use of costing and budgeting methods to predict if outsourcing graphic design or managing it in-house is the most effective method for acquiring a positive return on investment.
  • The use of graphic design to promote internal communication strategies: How can health and safety be improved through innovatively designed posters and bulletins?
  • The new core component of marketing: A critical analysis into graphic design and how it can support the marketing function.
  • A critical analysis on the use of graphic design to develop innovative and engaging logos.

The gaming industry has grown significantly over the past thirty years, with this resulting in massive advancements in both technology and game development. This includes graphic design, with there being many different ways to graphically represent a game depending on the target audience and genre.

  • Graphic design within the gaming industry: A critical review of key concepts, theories, and literature.
  • How important is graphic design within the overall gaming experience: A review of graphic design against storyline.
  • Can graphic design be used to support game campaign development?
  • A critical review of different graphical design elements within the video game industry.
  • How can gaming developers use graphic design to engage with their primary target audience?

Another key industry in which graphic design is firmly rooted is animation and entertainment, with there being significant developments in this industry that has quickly evolved how graphic design is managed. This ranges from moving to more computer-based systems as opposed to drawn-out storyboards and stop-motion capture, with there being opportunity to review what the strengths and weaknesses are of these alternative animative techniques.

  • A critical comparison between the process of design animation and motion graphics.
  • Is simulated graphic design animations the future of entertainment, or does stop-motion animation still have a future in the entertainment industry?
  • An analysis of the importance of the content of an animation in comparison to how aesthetically pleasing the finished animation appears.
  • How can animations be created to have an influence on human behaviour and emotions: A review of theme, colour, and aesthetics.

The roots of graphic design can be traced back hundreds of years, with many believing cave-man drawings and hieroglyphics represents humanities first attempt at graphic design. This naturally provides numerous avenues for potential study that aims to contextualise where graphic design came from, and what the future may look like.

  • Cave-man drawings and hieroglyphics: An analysis into the most primitive and first discovered methods of graphic design.
  • A critical analysis on the history of graphic design between 1950 and 2020.
  • Learning from the past: A review of postmodernist graphic design elements and how this may shape the future of contemporary graphic design.
  • Graphic design in Roman and Greek periods: Does historical artwork influence modern day graphic design elements?

Finally, it is clear that technology forms an imperative role in both organisational and social lives, with graphic design also being influenced by the many advancements that have occurred throughout technology. Although there are many technological advancements that are relatively new into the field of graphic design, this does provide ample opportunity to conduct a critical review on the mediating role of technology.

  • How has the development of software packages influenced typical typefaces and print styles in graphic design?
  • The evolution role of graph design in the 21st century: What is the mediating role of technological advancements?
  • Is technology a requirement for innovative graphic design concepts: A comparison between computer-based design and hand-drawn design.
  • The use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools and the influence they have on the development of graphic design exhibits.
  • Designing for interacting e-books: How can graphic design be used to improve the accessibility of online books and learning tools?

How to write the perfect design dissertation

Tutors and students from top design colleges share their advice.

dissertation topics in design

Studying design is about crafting a great design portfolio that will wow potential employers, right? Well, yes. But don't discount the importance of astute creative thinking, and expressing yourself eloquently through the written word. In short, your design dissertation matters.

"I don't believe that design students should be focused entirely on portfolio work," argues Myrna MacLeod , programme leader for Graphic Design at Edinburgh Napier University. "They should also be able to demonstrate an interest in the contexts that underpin their work, and the histories and connections that have informed our practice."

  • 5 top tips for graduate designers

"Think of a dissertation as an opportunity, not a burden," urges Craig Burston , Graphic and Media Design course leader at London College of Communication (LCC). "It gives us visually-minded people an opportunity to demonstrate that we too can construct arguments and distil complex notions." 

As Burston points out, this is not just an academic exercise: the power of persuasion is often key to success as a commercial designer. "Clients seek clarity, and project concepts or proposals need to be put into context," he says.

Read on to discover some top tips from leading tutors and their students for nailing your design dissertation…

01. Treat it like a design brief

"A great dissertation should be a designed artefact, and portfolio-worthy in its own right," says Burston. And like a design brief, it should be about solving a problem: "Make sure it has clearly stated aims, strong focus, and doesn't lack opinion or rhetoric," he adds.

  • Best laptops for graphic design

"The value of a designed dissertation as a portfolio piece is that it's a holistic view of the individual," agrees Sarah James , senior lecturer in Visual Communication at Arts University Bournemouth (AUB). 

"It shows, type, editorial, research and aesthetic skill, as well as the personal interests and convictions of the individual."

For her AUB dissertation on responsive type, Maarit Koobas conducted an extensive research process

James identifies AUB student Maarit Koobas , who investigated responsive type in both her dissertation and final project, as a particularly strong example of this. "Her design version was one of the most authentic, restrained and elegantly expressive I have ever received," she enthuses.

Koobas conducted a huge amount of initial research into both the contexts in which responsive type can be seen – such as advertising, product design, science and material cultures – and the theories behind its analysis, including semiotics, philosophy and politics. "Creating and analysing ideas, before they end up in your portfolio, is what design is all about," argues Koobas.

  • 5 must-read books for design students

02. Write about your passion

"To develop essay questions, AUB students are asked to consider what they love, hate or are puzzled by in their practice – essentially, what moves them," says James. 

"A poor dissertation is inauthentically chosen for ease as opposed to interest," she adds. "It rambles and blusters, using complex language to mask insufficient research." 

"You can tell a mile off when the writer isn't interested," agrees Burston. "How can you expect the reader to care about it if you don't? Write about something that reflects your interests, focus and direction. I've read fascinating dissertations on topics as diverse as patterns in nature, and Brutalist car parks. Make me interested in what interests you."

Research by Napier graduate Fiona Winchester on typography in graphic novels

For Edinburgh Napier graduate Fiona Winchester , this topic turned out to be typography in graphic novels. "I love reading them, but I think people still don't take them seriously as an art form, which is a shame," she says. For her dissertation, she conducted qualitative interviews using modified pages with and without imagery (shown above). 

Her advice is simple: "Narrow down your idea to be as precise as possible. The smaller your question, the easier it is to research and try to answer it."

If you're struggling to get the ball rolling on the actual writing process, Winchester advocates starting with whichever bit you have ideas for. "If you're stuck, it's so much easier to write in whatever order it comes to you, and then edit it into a dissertation, than to try write straight through from beginning to end," she insists.

03. Don't be afraid to talk to people

"I always think my students get the most out of the new streams of knowledge they find from talking to people," says McLeod. "It breaks down barriers and allows them to find answers to problems. Hopefully they will adopt that approach when designing for people also."

In some cases, this can involve interviewing your design heroes. "Students are very surprised when they send a question to Stefan Sagmeister , Milton Glaser or Michael Wolff and they reply with the most precious nugget of knowledge," smiles McLeod. 

But remember: it's your dissertation, so don't get lazy and expect your interview subject to do all the heavy lifting.

Kaori Toh's CSM dissertation on Mapping as a Creative Agency: Revelations and Speculations in the Age of Infrastructure

In other cases, it could be as simple as asking friends or family to help proofread. "It is quite daunting writing such a large body of text," admits Kaori Toh , a recent graduate from Central Saint Martins, whose dissertation explored the politics of design and technology.

"I often felt I'd get lost in all that text and research," she confesses. "Therefore, I would often send my drafts to a couple of friends to have them look through, and keep my writing cohesive."

04. Reflect on your design practice 

Most of all, dissertations are an opportunity to reflect on, and develop, your creative process as a designer. "Ultimately, it's your job to make your work relevant and credible, and the dissertation helps you learn how to do this," adds Burston. 

Of course, writing doesn't always come easily to visually minded people – and Burston highlights the fact that dyslexia is not uncommon amongst designers. 

"You're not on your own – in our profession, quite the opposite in fact – so do seek academic support, and just enjoy thinking and writing about 'stuff' that informs your practice," is his advice.

Entitled New Faces, Tom Baber's thesis at LCC discusses the craft of type design in the 21st century, inspired by his own experience creating a working typeface: Elephant Grotesk

One of Burston's stand-out students from this year, Tom Baber , welcomed support from the university to help with his dyslexia. Baber's dissertation focused on type design, and particularly the extent to which the longwinded design process is worth the effort, compared to using an existing typeface.

"I saw it as an opportunity to approach other type designers and see what they thought. Turns out I'm not the first to ask the question," he smiles. "Writing my dissertation helped me change from a 'maker' mentality to a 'designer' mentality, and be more critical of my ideas."

Related articles:

  • 15 things they didn't teach you at design school
  • The skills every design graduate needs
  • 5 alternative routes into design education

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Nick is a content strategist and copywriter. He has worked with world-class agencies including Superunion, Wolff Olins and Vault49 on brand storytelling, tone of voice and verbal strategy for global brands such as Virgin, Pepsi and TikTok. Nick launched the Brand Impact Awards in 2013 while editor of Computer Arts, and remains chair of judges. He's written for Creative Bloq on design and branding matters since the site's launch.

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  • What Is a Research Design | Types, Guide & Examples

What Is a Research Design | Types, Guide & Examples

Published on June 7, 2021 by Shona McCombes . Revised on November 20, 2023 by Pritha Bhandari.

A research design is a strategy for answering your   research question  using empirical data. Creating a research design means making decisions about:

  • Your overall research objectives and approach
  • Whether you’ll rely on primary research or secondary research
  • Your sampling methods or criteria for selecting subjects
  • Your data collection methods
  • The procedures you’ll follow to collect data
  • Your data analysis methods

A well-planned research design helps ensure that your methods match your research objectives and that you use the right kind of analysis for your data.

Table of contents

Step 1: consider your aims and approach, step 2: choose a type of research design, step 3: identify your population and sampling method, step 4: choose your data collection methods, step 5: plan your data collection procedures, step 6: decide on your data analysis strategies, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about research design.

  • Introduction

Before you can start designing your research, you should already have a clear idea of the research question you want to investigate.

There are many different ways you could go about answering this question. Your research design choices should be driven by your aims and priorities—start by thinking carefully about what you want to achieve.

The first choice you need to make is whether you’ll take a qualitative or quantitative approach.

Qualitative approach Quantitative approach
and describe frequencies, averages, and correlations about relationships between variables

Qualitative research designs tend to be more flexible and inductive , allowing you to adjust your approach based on what you find throughout the research process.

Quantitative research designs tend to be more fixed and deductive , with variables and hypotheses clearly defined in advance of data collection.

It’s also possible to use a mixed-methods design that integrates aspects of both approaches. By combining qualitative and quantitative insights, you can gain a more complete picture of the problem you’re studying and strengthen the credibility of your conclusions.

Practical and ethical considerations when designing research

As well as scientific considerations, you need to think practically when designing your research. If your research involves people or animals, you also need to consider research ethics .

  • How much time do you have to collect data and write up the research?
  • Will you be able to gain access to the data you need (e.g., by travelling to a specific location or contacting specific people)?
  • Do you have the necessary research skills (e.g., statistical analysis or interview techniques)?
  • Will you need ethical approval ?

At each stage of the research design process, make sure that your choices are practically feasible.

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dissertation topics in design

Within both qualitative and quantitative approaches, there are several types of research design to choose from. Each type provides a framework for the overall shape of your research.

Types of quantitative research designs

Quantitative designs can be split into four main types.

  • Experimental and   quasi-experimental designs allow you to test cause-and-effect relationships
  • Descriptive and correlational designs allow you to measure variables and describe relationships between them.
Type of design Purpose and characteristics
Experimental relationships effect on a
Quasi-experimental )

With descriptive and correlational designs, you can get a clear picture of characteristics, trends and relationships as they exist in the real world. However, you can’t draw conclusions about cause and effect (because correlation doesn’t imply causation ).

Experiments are the strongest way to test cause-and-effect relationships without the risk of other variables influencing the results. However, their controlled conditions may not always reflect how things work in the real world. They’re often also more difficult and expensive to implement.

Types of qualitative research designs

Qualitative designs are less strictly defined. This approach is about gaining a rich, detailed understanding of a specific context or phenomenon, and you can often be more creative and flexible in designing your research.

The table below shows some common types of qualitative design. They often have similar approaches in terms of data collection, but focus on different aspects when analyzing the data.

Type of design Purpose and characteristics
Grounded theory

Your research design should clearly define who or what your research will focus on, and how you’ll go about choosing your participants or subjects.

In research, a population is the entire group that you want to draw conclusions about, while a sample is the smaller group of individuals you’ll actually collect data from.

Defining the population

A population can be made up of anything you want to study—plants, animals, organizations, texts, countries, etc. In the social sciences, it most often refers to a group of people.

For example, will you focus on people from a specific demographic, region or background? Are you interested in people with a certain job or medical condition, or users of a particular product?

The more precisely you define your population, the easier it will be to gather a representative sample.

  • Sampling methods

Even with a narrowly defined population, it’s rarely possible to collect data from every individual. Instead, you’ll collect data from a sample.

To select a sample, there are two main approaches: probability sampling and non-probability sampling . The sampling method you use affects how confidently you can generalize your results to the population as a whole.

Probability sampling Non-probability sampling

Probability sampling is the most statistically valid option, but it’s often difficult to achieve unless you’re dealing with a very small and accessible population.

For practical reasons, many studies use non-probability sampling, but it’s important to be aware of the limitations and carefully consider potential biases. You should always make an effort to gather a sample that’s as representative as possible of the population.

Case selection in qualitative research

In some types of qualitative designs, sampling may not be relevant.

For example, in an ethnography or a case study , your aim is to deeply understand a specific context, not to generalize to a population. Instead of sampling, you may simply aim to collect as much data as possible about the context you are studying.

In these types of design, you still have to carefully consider your choice of case or community. You should have a clear rationale for why this particular case is suitable for answering your research question .

For example, you might choose a case study that reveals an unusual or neglected aspect of your research problem, or you might choose several very similar or very different cases in order to compare them.

Data collection methods are ways of directly measuring variables and gathering information. They allow you to gain first-hand knowledge and original insights into your research problem.

You can choose just one data collection method, or use several methods in the same study.

Survey methods

Surveys allow you to collect data about opinions, behaviors, experiences, and characteristics by asking people directly. There are two main survey methods to choose from: questionnaires and interviews .

Questionnaires Interviews

Observation methods

Observational studies allow you to collect data unobtrusively, observing characteristics, behaviors or social interactions without relying on self-reporting.

Observations may be conducted in real time, taking notes as you observe, or you might make audiovisual recordings for later analysis. They can be qualitative or quantitative.

Quantitative observation

Other methods of data collection

There are many other ways you might collect data depending on your field and topic.

Field Examples of data collection methods
Media & communication Collecting a sample of texts (e.g., speeches, articles, or social media posts) for data on cultural norms and narratives
Psychology Using technologies like neuroimaging, eye-tracking, or computer-based tasks to collect data on things like attention, emotional response, or reaction time
Education Using tests or assignments to collect data on knowledge and skills
Physical sciences Using scientific instruments to collect data on things like weight, blood pressure, or chemical composition

If you’re not sure which methods will work best for your research design, try reading some papers in your field to see what kinds of data collection methods they used.

Secondary data

If you don’t have the time or resources to collect data from the population you’re interested in, you can also choose to use secondary data that other researchers already collected—for example, datasets from government surveys or previous studies on your topic.

With this raw data, you can do your own analysis to answer new research questions that weren’t addressed by the original study.

Using secondary data can expand the scope of your research, as you may be able to access much larger and more varied samples than you could collect yourself.

However, it also means you don’t have any control over which variables to measure or how to measure them, so the conclusions you can draw may be limited.

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As well as deciding on your methods, you need to plan exactly how you’ll use these methods to collect data that’s consistent, accurate, and unbiased.

Planning systematic procedures is especially important in quantitative research, where you need to precisely define your variables and ensure your measurements are high in reliability and validity.


Some variables, like height or age, are easily measured. But often you’ll be dealing with more abstract concepts, like satisfaction, anxiety, or competence. Operationalization means turning these fuzzy ideas into measurable indicators.

If you’re using observations , which events or actions will you count?

If you’re using surveys , which questions will you ask and what range of responses will be offered?

You may also choose to use or adapt existing materials designed to measure the concept you’re interested in—for example, questionnaires or inventories whose reliability and validity has already been established.

Reliability and validity

Reliability means your results can be consistently reproduced, while validity means that you’re actually measuring the concept you’re interested in.

Reliability Validity
) )

For valid and reliable results, your measurement materials should be thoroughly researched and carefully designed. Plan your procedures to make sure you carry out the same steps in the same way for each participant.

If you’re developing a new questionnaire or other instrument to measure a specific concept, running a pilot study allows you to check its validity and reliability in advance.

Sampling procedures

As well as choosing an appropriate sampling method , you need a concrete plan for how you’ll actually contact and recruit your selected sample.

That means making decisions about things like:

  • How many participants do you need for an adequate sample size?
  • What inclusion and exclusion criteria will you use to identify eligible participants?
  • How will you contact your sample—by mail, online, by phone, or in person?

If you’re using a probability sampling method , it’s important that everyone who is randomly selected actually participates in the study. How will you ensure a high response rate?

If you’re using a non-probability method , how will you avoid research bias and ensure a representative sample?

Data management

It’s also important to create a data management plan for organizing and storing your data.

Will you need to transcribe interviews or perform data entry for observations? You should anonymize and safeguard any sensitive data, and make sure it’s backed up regularly.

Keeping your data well-organized will save time when it comes to analyzing it. It can also help other researchers validate and add to your findings (high replicability ).

On its own, raw data can’t answer your research question. The last step of designing your research is planning how you’ll analyze the data.

Quantitative data analysis

In quantitative research, you’ll most likely use some form of statistical analysis . With statistics, you can summarize your sample data, make estimates, and test hypotheses.

Using descriptive statistics , you can summarize your sample data in terms of:

  • The distribution of the data (e.g., the frequency of each score on a test)
  • The central tendency of the data (e.g., the mean to describe the average score)
  • The variability of the data (e.g., the standard deviation to describe how spread out the scores are)

The specific calculations you can do depend on the level of measurement of your variables.

Using inferential statistics , you can:

  • Make estimates about the population based on your sample data.
  • Test hypotheses about a relationship between variables.

Regression and correlation tests look for associations between two or more variables, while comparison tests (such as t tests and ANOVAs ) look for differences in the outcomes of different groups.

Your choice of statistical test depends on various aspects of your research design, including the types of variables you’re dealing with and the distribution of your data.

Qualitative data analysis

In qualitative research, your data will usually be very dense with information and ideas. Instead of summing it up in numbers, you’ll need to comb through the data in detail, interpret its meanings, identify patterns, and extract the parts that are most relevant to your research question.

Two of the most common approaches to doing this are thematic analysis and discourse analysis .

Approach Characteristics
Thematic analysis
Discourse analysis

There are many other ways of analyzing qualitative data depending on the aims of your research. To get a sense of potential approaches, try reading some qualitative research papers in your field.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

A research design is a strategy for answering your   research question . It defines your overall approach and determines how you will collect and analyze data.

A well-planned research design helps ensure that your methods match your research aims, that you collect high-quality data, and that you use the right kind of analysis to answer your questions, utilizing credible sources . This allows you to draw valid , trustworthy conclusions.

Quantitative research designs can be divided into two main categories:

  • Correlational and descriptive designs are used to investigate characteristics, averages, trends, and associations between variables.
  • Experimental and quasi-experimental designs are used to test causal relationships .

Qualitative research designs tend to be more flexible. Common types of qualitative design include case study , ethnography , and grounded theory designs.

The priorities of a research design can vary depending on the field, but you usually have to specify:

  • Your research questions and/or hypotheses
  • Your overall approach (e.g., qualitative or quantitative )
  • The type of design you’re using (e.g., a survey , experiment , or case study )
  • Your data collection methods (e.g., questionnaires , observations)
  • Your data collection procedures (e.g., operationalization , timing and data management)
  • Your data analysis methods (e.g., statistical tests  or thematic analysis )

A sample is a subset of individuals from a larger population . Sampling means selecting the group that you will actually collect data from in your research. For example, if you are researching the opinions of students in your university, you could survey a sample of 100 students.

In statistics, sampling allows you to test a hypothesis about the characteristics of a population.

Operationalization means turning abstract conceptual ideas into measurable observations.

For example, the concept of social anxiety isn’t directly observable, but it can be operationally defined in terms of self-rating scores, behavioral avoidance of crowded places, or physical anxiety symptoms in social situations.

Before collecting data , it’s important to consider how you will operationalize the variables that you want to measure.

A research project is an academic, scientific, or professional undertaking to answer a research question . Research projects can take many forms, such as qualitative or quantitative , descriptive , longitudinal , experimental , or correlational . What kind of research approach you choose will depend on your topic.

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McCombes, S. (2023, November 20). What Is a Research Design | Types, Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 3, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/research-design/

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Shona McCombes

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626 Dissertation Topics for Ph.D. and Thesis Ideas for Master Students

If you are about to go into the world of graduate school, then one of the first things you need to do is choose from all the possible dissertation topics available to you. This is no small task. You are likely to spend many years researching your Master’s or Ph.D. topic and writing the text. This means that choosing a dissertation topic should not be taken lightly.

No worries! Just read this article by our Custom Writing service, and you’ll find:

  • a collection of great thesis topics on finance, education, management, law, etc.
  • a range of tips on choosing a killing Ph.D. topic.
  • 👍 Top 10 Dissertation Topics
  • 🆚 Thesis vs Dissertation
  • 🔝 Top 10 Thesis Topics
  • 🎓 Thesis Topics List
  • ✅ How to Choose a Topic

👍Top 10 Dissertation Topics

  • Ethical alternatives to animal testing.
  • What’s the future of the Dead Sea?
  • Does accent affect singing ability?
  • The importance of corporate values.
  • How does inflation affect small businesses?
  • Is homeschooling the future of education?
  • How does Tourette’s syndrome affect one’s daily life?
  • How to conduct market analysis for e-commerce.
  • Has globalization affected cultural appropriation?

🆚 Dissertation vs. Thesis: Is There a Difference?

People often consider a thesis and a dissertation to be the same thing. Yet, there is an important distinction between them. The key difference is that you need a thesis to complete a master’s degree, while a dissertation is necessary for obtaining a doctorate. Keep in mind that it’s vice versa in European higher education.

Here are some other differences:

A thesis is usually shorter than a dissertation at approximately 100 pages. A dissertation is usually 200-300 pages long.
In a thesis, you build your work on an already existing idea. In a dissertation, you need to present entirely original hypothesis.
A thesis involves preliminary research. A dissertation requires deeper original research.

Despite these differences, theses and dissertations have a lot in common:

  • You need them to complete a degree.
  • Both require certain levels of expertise and writing skills.
  • You defend an argument in both of them.
  • Plagiarism is prohibited in both theses and dissertations.

🔝 Top 10 Thesis Topics for 2024

  • The consequences of obesity.
  • The influence of social media .
  • Economic development and happiness.
  • Feminism in the United States.
  • The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Racism in schools and colleges.
  • Overeducation in the labor market.
  • DNA evidence in criminal justice.
  • Sales forecasting techniques.
  • Wage difference among athletes.

🎓 Thesis Topics & Ideas

Below, you’ll find a collection of excellent topics for a thesis. To simplify the task, it’s not a bad idea to use a topic chooser. We’ve also prepared a checklist that will help you make the right choice. If you agree with the following statements, you’ve chosen a good thesis topic:

  • You are interested in this subject.  It will be easier for you to work on it if you like your area of research. Remember that you will have to spend long hours looking through various data. You need to stay motivated.
  • The topic is helpful in your career path.  Choose a topic that you can apply to further research if you plan to pursue your career in the academic field. Choose something that you can use in your CV if you decided to work in the industry.
  • There is enough available research data.  Don’t choose a topic that is too trivial or uncommon. It is essential to find enough relevant information. Consult your supervisor to understand if you can proceed with it.
  • The topic isn’t too broad or too narrow.  Otherwise, it will be harder for you to find credible sources and relevant data.
  • You already have an understanding of it . Make a list of thesis topics that include the issues you have researched before. It will save you some time and allow you to evaluate your opportunities.
  • Your topic is unique.  Make sure there are no other papers that explore exactly the same issue. The value of your work is your original contribution to the research. If somebody has already investigated the topic, there is not much sense in proceeding with it.

The picture shows the main characteristics of a good thesis topic.

Wondering where to find the most current topic for your research? We’ve collected them below.

Computer Science Thesis Topics

Computers surround us everywhere. From hospitals to home offices, it’s impossible to imagine life without them. A doctorate in computer science can allow you many career opportunities!

  • The latest developments in AI use for healthcare services . Healthcare in the US is expensive for its citizens. One way to reduce the cost is using computer algorithms. This technology research topic lets you explore how AI helps physicians with their tasks.
  • Computer security for public institutions. Several allegations about hackers stealing data from the US government emerged in recent years. With this dissertation idea, study public cybersecurity. Also, discuss ways to improve cybersecurity practices. 
  • Visual recognition system architecture: real-time object detection. Discuss a system based on neural networks capable of detecting objects. Focus on the virtual environment. You can alter this trending topic in computer science for real-life settings.
  • Blockchain application outside financial technologies. Analyze and discuss the implications of using blockchain systems outside of the fintech sector. For example, study its use for public services and in government agencies. This topic allows exploring ways of applying established algorithms.
  • Machine learning and text structures. Discuss ways of visualizing text categorization. Focus on complex hierarchical structures of texts. This topic is suitable for postgraduates. 
  • Encrypted search: security, performance, and usage. Discuss the use of encryptions to protect data. Say how we can improve it for effective information search.
  • Use of computers in education . Study how algorithms can improve learning. This topic can be altered for other fields. For example, choose AI in business or agriculture.
  • Graphics and visual computing: current state and the future. By now, CAD programs are an integral part of every engineer’s tool kit. Your thesis can analyze the potential of those programs. What would improve their performance? Is there a chance that they will become obsolete?
  • Multimedia databases parsing and indexing. Netflix and YouTube require technology to search across their multimedia databases. This dissertation can be a survey on best practices. Or, add a company name to the title and focus your research on it.
  • AI Marketing: the use of algorithms to improve advertising. In the previous list of research question examples, you can choose a narrow marketing theme. Then, discuss the implications of such algorithms.
  • Study computation of models for virtual environments .
  • Cybersecurity challenges for automated vehicles.
  • AI and vehicle automation: potential safety gaps.
  • Computer graphics: perspectives for medical imaging.
  • Research the use of computer algorithms for medical analysis.
  • Discuss the role of bioinformatics in healthcare improvement.
  • How is a computer-aided design used in creating automobile parts?
  • Review the best practices for System Level Testing of distributed systems.
  • Agile project management for software engineers.
  • Software development risks analysis for successful employment. 
  • Study the security mechanisms for WLAN networks .
  • Malicious botnets and network worms: an overview.
  • What are the best practices in ICT systems development?
  • Web-based document management systems using XML.
  • Best algorithms for cluster generation. 
  • Methods for improving Open Web Architecture.
  • Analyze software solutions for the increased energy efficiency.
  • Protection of systems against terror attacks: a case study and analysis.
  • New methods of risk management during software development. 
  • Analyze how Web space requirements are changing.
  • Analyze how e-publishing is affecting libraries. 
  • New methods for studying the behavior of malware, viruses, and worms with the use of secure programming and runtime environments.
  • Analyze redundancy and fault recovery in the 4G wireless network. 
  • Analyze the implementation and analysis of the optimal algorithm vs the heuristic algorithm for the generation of clusters.
  • Analyze how full-text databases affect search engines.

Humanities and Art History Thesis Topics

Do you want to put your passion into words? Would you like to share your ideas with the world? Then pursuing a Ph.D. in the arts or humanities is the right path for you.

  • The history of cinema : past and present. With this history dissertation topic, focus on how cinema developed. Explore the period starting from the first short films by the Lumiere brothers. Finish the discussion with modern-day Hollywood examples.
  • Art or commerce: a case study of Hollywood films. Discuss the intersection between artistic expression and profit. This exciting arts topic focuses on modern cinema. You can use examples of art-house movies and modern commercially successful ones.
  • Hollywood vs. Bollywood . Compare the two distinct film production centers for this art thesis. Next, discuss how local cultures impact Hollywood and Bollywood movies’ direction, genres, and plots.
  • The use of visual tools in interior design . This dissertation topic is an intersection between arts and computer science. The focus is on how visualization tools help to create design projects.
  • Racism in the 21st-century literature. Focus on how the narratives about racism have changed. Include examples from poetry and prose of this era. Compare it to works published in the past.
  • The cultural aesthetic of Afrofuturism in literature. This dissertation idea allows you to explore the intersection of arts. Specifically, see how culture, philosophy of science, and history manifest in Afrofuturism. 
  • The social value of ecopoetry. Analyze how literature that focuses on ecological problems. Discuss environmental consciousness and environmental issues.
  • Graphic novels: the best examples and implications for the development of literature. What does it mean when literary classics are converted into graphic novels? Incorporate the question if graphic novels can become part of the literary canon.
  • Theater of the Absurd in the 1950s and 1960s. Discuss this form of theatrical art. Examine how it emerged and why it became influential.
  • Post World War II art: cinema and literature. Use examples of films and literary works. Discuss major works of the post-WWII era and their themes.
  • Futurism and the Czech avant-garde : the artistic connection between Europe’s East and West.
  • Study the phenomenon of the hero archetype.
  • Assess dancing as a form of meditation. 
  • Review the common elements of various African dances.
  • Folk dances across Western Europe.
  • Discuss regional dances and dance as a ritual.
  • Animation as a modern art form.
  • Research the art of glass-making and its prospects for the future.
  • Analyze the cultural impact of The Beatles beyond music. 
  • Literature censorship in the US.
  • Examine the intersection of ecology and arts.
  • Heidelberg Project: is it a model for creating art in urban areas?
  • Study kinetic sculptures of the 20th century.
  • What characterizes social activism in 20 th -century rock music?
  • Jazz in the 21st century: a potential for revival. 
  • The history of design in various periods of human existence (the ancient times, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, etc.). 
  • Design as art.
  • Philosophy of design.
  • Separate branches of design ( interior design , car design, toy design, etc.).
  • Stylistic peculiarities of a certain designer.
  • Web design as a modern quintessence of design. 
  • Social significance of design.
  • The birth of Communism as it relates to Stendhal.
  • The relationship between politics and literature in the 19 th century.
  • An analysis and case study of artists and art during times of war. 
  • How contemporary art is related to American suffering.
  • Analyze of how racism relates to the family unit.

List of Science Topics for Your Thesis

A dissertation in science will probably require you to run numerous experiments. Many of them will probably go wrong. But the one that does work might be the next big breakthrough! Find a suitable research theme in the following list of topics:

  • Bacterial injections for the treatment of cancer tumors. Injecting bacteria into tumors is a fairly new approach to treating cancer. Review the mechanism of action and evaluate the potential of this method for curing cancer.
  • Computer imagining and AI for cancer detection. Examine how AI-assisted cancer screening improves accuracy. Include early detection implications and usage in hospitals.
  • Ethics of organ donations and transplantation. With this dissertation topic in science, examine the ethics of encouraging people to donate their organs. Include the implications for medical research and practice.
  • An epidemiological and molecular approach to cancer prevention. This topic idea suggests assessing the current understanding of how cancer develops as well as potential prevention strategies.
  • Ways of speeding up vaccine development and testing. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the process of vaccine development is relatively slow. It takes a long time to ensure proper testing. You may discuss these issues in your biochemistry dissertation.
  • The current state of research into ultra-fast rechargeable batteries. The topic of batteries and energy attracts lots of attention. With this topic, you can examine how to improve the design of aluminum-ion batteries. Include ways to decrease their charging time.
  • Nanotechnologies in drug delivery: electrospraying. Current research shows the great potential of nanotechnologies. In particular, the electrospraying technique makes nanoparticle delivery more efficient.
  • Prevalence of various Helicobacter Pylori virulence in a population. Conduct quantitative research and examine a sample of patients to determine the number infected with Helicobacter Pylori.
  • The relationship between gut microbiota and the person’s appetite. Your research can explore the theory that the gut microbiome has varied effects on the person’s body. Review the implications for obesity treatment for different gut microbiomes. 
  • The age of antibiotics: is it over? Examine the use of antibiotics and the reasons for its decline. Discuss the evolving nature of bacteria that require remedies other than antibiotics. Include quantitative data in this dissertation for a specific type of disease.
  • CRISPR method for studying human DNA.
  • The study of human evolution: latest discoveries.
  • Denisovans from Siberia: a new type of hominid discovered.
  • Study the use of AI in archeology. 
  • Conduct a study of the Neanderthal genome sequence. 
  • What are the ways of improving solar cell efficiency? 
  • The carbon footprint of modern production: how do companies damage the environment?
  • Research the use of cesium in solar panels. 
  • The era of supercapacitors: are we ending the use of batteries?
  • Assess the efficiency of Robot Suits for people with permanent paralysis.
  • Microscale medial robots: potential applications.
  • Look into stem cell mobilization and its mechanisms. 
  • Discuss the ethics of automated cars. 
  • Space robotics: can we design robots capable of exploring space?
  • Evaluate the efficiency and potential of lithium-based rechargeable batteries.
  • Morality and ethics of stem cell research. 
  • Is behavior controlled or affected by genetics and to what level. 
  • A look at methods of improving risk factors post-stroke.
  • Analyze of Chinese herbal practice and its relevance to conventional medicine.
  • Analyze the effect schools have on childhood obesity.

Daniel Keys Moran Quote.

  • New methods of using existing data to gather information that is useful.
  • An in-depth look at the factors affecting the decline of the immune system with age.
  • Analyze of the potential effect of nanotechnology on health and the environment.
  • Analyze of toxicity levels of inhaled nanoparticles.
  • The usefulness of nanotechnology in curing some types of cancer.
  • An analysis and case study of the treatment of patients who have experienced a loss of memory.
  • Analyze the use of DNA typing of remains to identify missing people and the victims of crime.
  • The response of immune deficiency diseases to the activation of T-cell subsets.
  • The influence and importance of IT in the field of biomedicine.

Architecture Thesis Topics

Architecture is more than just aesthetics. That’s become especially clear ever since the doctrine “form follows function” gained traction. Whether you’re into baroque or Bauhaus, there’s plenty to discover about architecture.

  • Religious architecture in the British Empire. Research the transformation of religious buildings and how it affected architecture in general. 
  • Modernist architecture in the USSR at the beginning of the 20th century. Compare modernist architecture in the USSR with other countries.
  • Urban greening and its influence on buildings’ design. The dissertation proposal can include green roofs as the main point of research.
  • Brutalism and its history in New York. Provide historical research of brutalism in New York and discuss how it affects modern architecture.
  • Modern-day aboriginal settlements in Australia. Using examples from media and research, indicate how aboriginal settlements are perceived and handled today.
  • Transformation of the urban design in the 21st century. Using London, Hong-Kong, and New York as examples, provide an in-depth discussion of changes in the urban design.
  • The architectural history of Seattle. Conduct research and write a proposal that will compare different architectural styles seen in Seattle.
  • Integration of culture in environmental design. In this proposal, you can use large cities in Asia as primary examples of the synergy between culture and architecture.
  • The architecture of residential buildings during the second half of the 20th century. Choose one or several large cities (e.g., Berlin, Miami, Kyoto) as the basis for your research.
  • The history of Moscow Avant-Garde. Use both Soviet and modern Russian research on Avant-Garde to present the topic accurately.
  • Use of computer visuals in architecture.
  • Review the trends in modern furniture design.
  • Ecology and architecture: integration of green technologies.
  • Discuss the multiculturalism of contemporary urban architecture.
  • The history of architecture in urban areas of the US: the study of New York.
  • Modern city design case study.
  • Research ways of using wood in modern architecture.
  • Commercial architecture: aesthetics and usability.
  • Evaluate the design of municipal buildings in the US.
  • Creativity in postmodernist architecture.
  • How do we integrate smart home technology into architecture?
  • Small scale homes: a study of growing interest in small housing.
  • Discuss the use of lighting in building design. 
  • Study innovations in structural design in the digital age.
  • What are the implications of inclusive architecture?
  • Sustainable architecture: recycling spaces and materials.
  • Renewable energy in home design.
  • Assess open concept homes for American families.
  • Conduct a study of family homes design.
  • Research architecture suitable for middle-class families.

Thesis Topics in English Literature & World Literature

Was your New Year’s Resolution to re-read the 100 most influential classical works? Then you might want to consider writing a thesis in advanced higher English. Check out these engaging prompts:

  • In-depth stylistic analysis of The Trial by Franz Kafka . Explain what stylistic devices Kafka used in his story.
  • The influence of The Hound of the Baskervilles on the development of modern detective stories. Prepare several comparisons of The Hound with modern detective stories to pinpoint its influence.
  • The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum : women characters in Heinrich Böll’s fiction. Using the book mentioned in the topic, examine how the German writer depicted women in his prose.
  • Analysis of the terrorism portrayal in modern journalism: The New York Times case study. Pick several articles related to terrorism published in NYT and describe in detail how it is portrayed (keywords, images, etc.).
  • A formalist approach to Dostoevsky: analysis of The Brothers Karamazov . Provide the reader with an explanation of the formalist approach and use it to analyze the novel.
  • The depiction of sexual violence in young adult literature. Pick several YA novels published in the 2010s for your research.
  • The use of repetition in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot . Analyze how repetition is used for emphasis and other effects in the play.
  • Feminism and gender in Margaret Atwood’s Cats’ Eye . Review the book from a feminist point of view and discuss how gender issues are presented in the book.
  • How does Phillip K. Dick use intertextuality in The Man in the High Castle ? Find as many references to other literary and historical sources as you can and elaborate how Dick uses them and for what aims.
  • The influence of Steppenwolf on postmodern American literature: the contribution of Herman Hesse. Using Steppenwolf as the primary source, discuss what characteristics common for postmodern literature Hesse uses in this novel. 
  • How does racism manifest itself in classical literature?
  • Discuss the oppression of women in The Handmaid’s Tale.
  • Gender roles in The Miniaturist and A Doll’s House : a comparison.
  • Moral ambiguity in David Harrower’s works.
  • Literary techniques in the Perks of Being a Wallflower.
  • The setting in The Murder in the Rue Morgue and its influence on the detective genre.
  • Review the tropes first introduced in The Moonstone.  
  • Study the depictions of police’s work in Skinner’s Rule .
  • Assess the influence of Victorian Gothic horror on popular culture.
  • Social criticism in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
  • Analyze cyberpunk elements in Gibson’s Neuromancer.  
  • Themes of social equality in modern literature.
  • Research the views on Native American writers in Nature’s Poem.  
  • Critique of contemporary children’s literature .
  • Gothic elements in Charlotte Bronte’s works.
  • The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Dracula : a comparative analysis.
  • Terror in The Picture of Dorian Gray .
  • Examine the connection of mental health and society in J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye . 
  • Magical realism and romanticism in Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.
  • How does the cut-up technique contribute to the narration in William S. Burroughs’ Naked Lunch?

Criminal Justice Thesis Topics

Are you a forensic science student who prefers research to actual police work? In that case, a dissertation in criminology is a great idea. This way, you can work on preventing crime from the comfort of your desk.

  • Recidivism rates among underage Latino first-time offenders: a quantitative study. Research a group of first-time offenders of a particular age (e.g., 18 to 25 years old).
  • A comparative analysis of the incidents of gun violence in the USA during the 2010s. Choose several prominent examples and compare them to each other. 
  • Troublesome statements: the role of witnesses in potentially false accusations. In this dissertation, you can write about the unreliability of statements, using documented examples.

Piers Anthony Quote.

  • The patterns of drug trafficking in Germany’s largest cities: a case study of Berlin and Hamburg. Analyze the changes in these patterns in the 2010s. 
  • Money laundering and corruption in the United States in the 21st century. Using media reports, create dissertation research about corruption schemes.
  • Mental health and self-perception of second-time sex offenders. Determine if their self-perception changes.
  • School shootings in the USA: causes and risk factors. Using recent and historical data, analyze the cases of mass shootings.
  • The influence of cyberbullying on suicide rates among Australian adolescents (13-17 years old). You can base your dissertation report on various research on cyberbullying published in Australian scholarly journals.
  • Child abuse and its influence on serial killer’s perception of victims. Discuss interconnections between abuse and potential sadistic behavior. 
  • The history of forensic interviewing in the USA. Present research and practices that contributed to its development.
  • Use of artificial intelligence for forensic investigations.
  • Criminal behavior at a young age and its implications for the future. 
  • Drug use: pattern of recurring arrests among American youth.
  • Incarcerated parents: the impact on the child’s perception of crime.
  • Research the reforms of the US criminal justice system.
  • Propose strategies for improving the juvenile detention system.
  • Police officer’s abuse of power: analysis of reports.
  • Race and criminal justice: the case of War on Drugs.
  • What are the possible alternative forms of incarceration? 
  • A study of public perception of modern serial killers. 
  • Training of sniffer dogs.
  • The implications of eyewitness testimony. 
  • Abuse in Hollywood: a case study of Harvey Weinstein.
  • Bias against African Americans during investigations.
  • A study of college violence.
  • Legal implications of medical marijuana legalization .
  • Ethics of criminal justice: the problem of confidentiality.
  • Review the challenges linked with domestic violence investigations. 
  • Suggest ways of preventing crimes in schools.
  • Gender bias during crime examinations.

Geography Thesis Topics

If you enjoy unveiling Earth’s secrets, this section is for you. Here you’ll find geography dissertation ideas ranging from studies of movement to regional phenomena.

  • Species that became extinct in the 20th century: qualitative research. Address the human influence on various species.
  • Current issues in the exploration of Arctic. Discuss difficulties and specifics of such explorations.
  • A comparison of urban back gardens in the USA and the UK. You can compare their design and other features (for example, vegetation used for decoration).
  • The causes and outcomes of floodings in the USA in the 2010s. Address climate change as one of the leading causes.
  • Prevention of ecosystem changes with modern technology. Provide various examples of how technology is used to sustain ecosystems.
  • Changes in travel destinations in the 2000s: a comparison of the USA and Canada. Demonstrate what changes in preferences were documented in these countries and show what destinations were especially popular.
  • The perception of environmentally friendly technologies and their impact on the environment by citizens of large metropolitan areas: a case study of Miami. Explain how various projects based on environmentally friendly technologies are launched in Miami.
  • A negative impact of global warming on weather conditions in Iceland. Discuss how tourism in Iceland is affected by these changes.
  • The influence of industrialization on climate change. Address the causes of climate change, using industrialization and its consequences as a basis.
  • Compare Greenfield and Brownfield land use for construction projects.
  • Investigate the significance of red salmon for Kamchatka.
  • The social impact of climate change : a study of migration patterns.
  • The potential of community gardening in underprivileged neighborhoods.
  • Study the link between the strengths of hurricanes and climate change.
  • What can be done to stop gentrification in your community?
  • Evaluate coastal tourism, its effect, and implications.
  • The impact of reservoir locations on water quality.
  • How did industrialization affect the development of Chicago?
  • Study soil pollution levels in your community area.
  • Conduct an analysis of air quality in your city.
  • Eco-tourism, its history, and perspectives. 
  • Differences in soil chemistry across several locations. 
  • The impact of organic farming on water quality in your area.
  • Compare the sustainability of organically vs. conventionally farmed tomatoes.
  • Research air pollution levels and data on airborne illnesses in your area.
  • What’s the relationship between rock climbing and cliff vegetation?
  • Study the changes in soil fertility upon volcanic eruption.
  • How does the Chernobyl disaster continue to affect the surrounding area? 
  • Determine the patterns of floods in a particular area of your choice.

Sociology Thesis Ideas

Sociology studies how humans live together. A dissertation is a great way to dive deeper into a particular subject. You can get as specific as your heart desires! Check out our sociology thesis topics:

  • Single parent stigma and its influence on family’s quality of life and parent-child relationships. Present examples from recent research that illustrate how the dynamics of these relationships change over time due to stigma. 
  • Women empowerment in Saudi Arabia in 2000s: breakthroughs and challenges. Discuss how this empowerment affected legislation and women’s rights.
  • Long-term alcohol addiction and self-perception in young adults. With the help of research, demonstrate whether self-perception of these adults transforms significantly due to their addiction.
  • Adoption and its influence on parent-child relationships. Present and discuss challenges that such families face.
  • Comparison of traditions related to family dinners in the USA and the UK. What specific differences are there and how can they be explained?
  • Influence of the emo culture on suicide rates in high school students. Address the influence of such cultures on adolescents’ behavior. 
  • The rates of secularization in elderly individuals living in urban and rural areas. Compare the rates and explain why they are different.
  • Influence of forced outing on transgender individuals and concomitant changes in their quality of life. Explain the effects of forced outing and why this impact is dangerous.
  • Comparison of anti-nuclear movements in Germany and Japan in the 21st century. Explain in detail what differences and similarities are prominent.
  • Performance rates of teenagers in schools in low-income neighborhoods: a case study of Boston schools. When writing your dissertation proposal, consider various factors (poverty, limited access to technology, etc.) that affect performance rates of these teenagers.
  • Black Lives Matter movement’s immediate impact on racism.
  • Research causes of minority bias in the US.
  • Affirmative action and its impact on the perception of varied racial groups.
  • The impact of religion on people’s attitudes towards race. 
  • Review the challenges of the US LGBT community.
  • Bias towards transgender studies.
  • Social activism against gender discrimination in the 21st century.
  • The impact of social assistance in schools on a child’s future.
  • Research the changes in education after WWII.
  • Analyze scholarship policies in the US.
  • The impact of student debt on youth’s perception of education in the US.
  • Outcomes of public vs. private schools: a comparison.
  • Research the preservation of culture in American immigrant families. 
  • Applying Marx’s conflict theory to social justice movements.
  • Assess changing trends in social norms in a country of your choice.
  • Attitudes towards prejudice among people of different social backgrounds.
  • Comparison of women’s rights in Western and Middle Eastern countries.
  • The impact of capitalism on one’s social values.
  • How does capitalism benefit society across multiple post-soviet countries? 
  • Compare healthcare access in autocracies vs. democracies.

💡 Dissertation Topics for Ph.D. students

Below you’ll find a list of excellent dissertation ideas in different fields of study. They are more difficult than thesis topics and require more research. Jump to the section that interests you and find the topic that suits you best! But first:

What Makes a Good Ph.D. Topic?

Usually, universities would expect your dissertation to be original and relevant in the field of the research. Moreover, it would be worthwhile if it has the potential to make a change.

This checklist will help you see whether you’ve made the right choice. Your dissertation topic is good, if:

  • You have an opportunity to research it fully.  You need to know that there is enough data and a theoretical basis. Do some prior research to understand if you will be able to answer all your dissertation questions.
  • You can fill the gaps in the existing knowledge.  Your research matters if you can provide some new information that contributes to the field of your studies.
  • Your dissertation title is catchy.  Try to make it worth the reader’s attention from the first glance.
  • You can evaluate how much time you need.  It is vital to understand all the stages of your research and the challenges you might face to plan your work.
  • You know the subject well.  You will need to explore your topic in-depth. It’s good to have some previous knowledge about it. Starting the research from the very basics will take more time and effort.
  • You have enough resources to investigate it.  Both time and money matter in this case. You need to do high-quality research and meet your deadlines.

Dissertation Topics in Education

Learning is a lifelong experience, and the importance of schools cannot be overestimated. Research in this area is critical to improving education standards. Have a look at these topic ideas to get inspired:

  • Gamification as tools for enhancing learning abilities: theory and practice. Many studies have been conducted on different learning approaches. For young learners, engagement is as critical as the outcome. Therefore, this work focuses on gamification and its effect on children’s improvisation and learning. 
  • Studying the connection between classroom quality and the learning outcome in kindergarten. Children are strongly affected by their environment, especially when it comes to learning. This dissertation topic example is all about looking into different classroom settings and their effect on kids’ learning outcomes. 
  • Evaluating the process of implementation of inclusive education in the US. Professionals argue that inclusive education carries multiple benefits for all students (not just those with limited abilities.) However, it is quite a challenging process to implement all the changes.
  • Factors influencing the decision to transfer to the higher education abroad. In this work, you can focus on finding out the reasons for such a decision. Why do undergraduate students choose to leave their home country? What are the most important factors? 
  • Online education vs. traditional face-to-face lessons for adult learners: compare and contrast. Online courses have their own benefits. However, would adult learners prefer them to in-person classrooms? How does it affect their learning and motivation?
  • How does working as a taxi driver and navigating change a person’s brain?
  • To what extent can reality television be disempowering for students?
  • The role of homework in the lives of immigrant adolescents.
  • The impact of teachers’ shocking behaviors in fostering students’ creativity.
  • The determinants of flossing behavior in college students .
  • The classification of drinking styles in the college-age population.
  • Integrating the computer into the curriculum: why you can’t simply plug it in.
  • The preconditions for serious music-making avocation in computer science students.
  • Adult graduate difficulties with learning new technologies.
  • The effect of academic performance on the health of students. 
  • The impact of mathematic coaching on students’ self-esteem .
  • The influence of internet on the emotional maturity of students.
  • Academic achievements of students who decide to become teachers.
  • Is it true that students are more likely to do homework given by good-looking professors?
  • Informal learning in rural areas via social networks.
  • Educational blogging for professors: the social networks of educationists.
  • Does learning existentialism cause suicides?
  • Is it possible to reduce summer learning loss without students’ consent?
  • Can we reject classical math and do it at the same time? Yes, we can.
  • What are major career prospects with a degree in Liberal Arts?
  • Using electronic games in museums as an effective education tool.

Business Dissertation Topics

There are many things a business administrator should keep in mind. Finances, marketing, and development are just the tip of the iceberg. So, the choice of topics is practically endless. Check out this selection to narrow down the possibilities:

  • How are business strategies adjusted to the globalization process? Small businesses’ perspective. Globalization means huge and profitable opportunities. To seize them, all businesses and companies should make some changes in their strategies. Investigate what would be the best action plan for them.
  • Cultural changes and the effect of feedback in an international company: a case study. Choose a multinational company. Study the impact of feedback (both from the employees and customers) on its organizational culture changes. What reaction does it provoke in the company?
  • Human resource management approaches in international non-profit organizations. In this study, look into the strategies HR managers apply in non-profit organizations. One of their main responsibilities is to monitor the performance of the employees. However, at the international level it becomes more difficult. 
  • Leadership and organizational culture in making decisions about business strategies. In this research, you study the influence of the organizational culture on leaders. In the case of trying to initiate changes in the business strategy, how is a leadership decision taken? 
  • The role of “foreign direct investment” in companies in developing countries: a case study of a large business. For this paper, pick a suitable company first. Aim for large companies in developing countries. Then conduct research and find out what strategies they have for foreign direct investments.
  • COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on workplace management in small businesses . The COVID-19 pandemic caused many companies to readjust their HR policies. For instance, they allowed their staff to work from home. Research this phenomenon in your thesis.
  • Social entrepreneurship for large companies. If you want to make the world a better place, social entrepreneurship is a suitable method. We usually associate it with small start-ups. But what about large companies? With this topic, you can research how the concept works for big firms.
  • How innovation affects demand in technology-driven businesses. This MBA dissertation topic combines business studies and technology. Examine how companies create products for establishing markets.
  • Management strategies in times of COVID-19: a case study. The pandemic has forced companies to use Zoom , Skype, and messaging instead of regular meetings. Review how executives can apply traditional management models in the digital space. 
  • The impact of burnout on employees. Interview staff members and determine how burnout affects performance. Include the name of a company or industry in your dissertation’s title. 
  • Tourism management in the Middle East.
  • How do natural disasters impact the demand for essentials? 
  • Compare and contrast Asian and American leadership styles. 
  • How does fluctuation in the stock market impact business operations?
  • The art of delegation: how to do it effectively and when to avoid it.
  • How can one efficiently lead a company when unforeseen circumstances occur?
  • What factors determine employees’ work satisfaction?
  • Study the link between a company’s success and innovation.
  • What can business managers do to bridge the gap between generations?
  • Research the benefits of global and local brand management.
  • What causes changes in Chinese business culture?
  • Choose a small business and analyze its strategy.
  • Organizational changes : what factors impact transformation?
  • Internet banking : barriers to usage.
  • Create a business plan that is focused on a specific issue. 
  • Conditions necessary for quality management in MNCs.
  • The role of E-commerce for food retailers.
  • Conduct a case study with the purpose to analyze one or several social phenomena.
  • Workplace ethics in small businesses.
  • The phenomenon of remote working and how it is affecting businesses.
  • Comparison of Generation X and the Millennial Generation.
  • Managing the Millennial Generation.
  • Current trends in consumer behavior in relation to advertising.
  • Analyze which countries margin financing is effective and why.
  • Analyze the macroeconomic factors affecting exchange rates. 
  • An empirical analysis of the impact of organizational performance and leadership .

Law Dissertation Topics for Ph.D. Students

Legal science is not dull as one may think. It’s crucial to evaluate laws at any point in time. Do they fit the current norms? Does something or someone need more protection than before? If you want to garnish your legal education with a Ph.D., here are some topic suggestions:

  • Trust law: the circumstances when fully secret and half-secret trusts are necessary. Find out what are the principles that dictate the enforcement of the trusts. There are specific circumstances that determine whether creating trusts would be adequate and relevant. Make sure to take them into consideration.
  • Termination of employment in case of employees tested positive for HIV/AIDS. Your task would be to conduct research and see how HIV/AIDS employees are influenced in the workplace. The most common issues are discrimination and termination of employment.
  • The influence of the Global War on Terrorism on international criminal law. When the US launched the campaign against terrorism in 2001, international criminal law faced some changes. You can study the most significant changes that have been made.
  • The level of effectiveness of the US copyright law in relation to the rights of users. It’s an empirical research topic that would require collecting lots of data. Try to find some cases when the users were left cheated by copyright law. It would bring some diversity to the research and make it more interesting.
  • Study the effect that the US immigration policy has on education right now. Educational institutions are also required to adjust to changes connected with immigration. Different requirements and different curriculums are implemented to fit their needs. You are about to look into this issue.
  • Select a country and analyze its worker protection laws. Compare the rights and obligations of employees in two countries of your choice. What potential improvements can solidify employee rights? 
  • Protection of minorities, legal precedents. Minority rights are becoming more and more relevant. This topic allows you to discuss how laws can be changed to reflect it.
  • Regulation of cryptocurrency. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies allow for anonymity. Besides, they are not regulated by any state. In your thesis, you can analyze cryptocurrency regulations.
  • Fake news : legal responsibility. Review how the United States legal system approaches disinformation. Focus on false publications on news resources. Another possible topic is improvements to defamation laws.
  • Freedom of expression : a case during a pandemic. This topic is about false information in times of COVID-19. Examine how a state can balance freedom of expression with the spread of false information. Focus on this disease and the fake news about it.
  • Legal practices for preventing possible future pandemics.
  • Research ways of online journalism protection.
  • International law vs. the right to self-determination: comparative case studies of de facto states.
  • Review the history of fiscal laws in America.
  • Limits to freedom of expression in the US legal system. 
  • Enforcing regulations concerning domestic violence.
  • Study criminal responsibility for drug possession in the US. 
  • Criminalization of violence against women.
  • Review the legal framework for addressing foreign involvement in elections.
  • What was the government response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Health standards for immigrant detention centers in the US. 
  • Research the loopholes in the US immigration laws.
  • Birthright citizenship in the US: pros and cons.
  • 1951 Refugee Convention: is it obsolete?
  • Illegal immigrants and their rights in the US justice system.
  • How criminal laws have been impacted around the world by the war on terror.
  • Choose a country and analyze their policies on discrimination.
  • Evaluate the protection given to minority shareholders as dictated by company law.
  • Provide a critical analysis of the law of omissions liability. 
  • Investigate and analyze complaints filed in the criminal justice system.
  • A critical analysis of the reform of homicide laws. 
  • The morality and impact of euthanasia and how Canada sets a precedent.
  • A detailed analysis of gender and race profiling of suspects in the criminal justice system.
  • Analyze the right to bear arms relative to the context in which the law was written into The Constitution. 
  • Create case studies that represent a review of criminal negligence related to the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007.

Psychology Dissertation Topics

The mysterious ways of the human mind offer many research opportunities. Psychology encompasses sub-fields such as behavior and cognition. Whatever your area of expertise, you’ll undoubtedly find something interesting in the list below.

  • The current effect of the “price ending” method on the consumers’ behavior . Nowadays, everybody knows the most popular trick that shops pull to make customers buy the products. However, does understanding it make it easier to resist it? Is this psychological trap still working?
  • Burnout at the executive positions in massive US corporations: is it possible to prevent? The phenomenon of burnout is the most common issue that employees face nowadays. But there are ways to detected it at an early stage. Could they be used to predict and prevent this problem? 
  • Mindfulness practices and their influence on students’ learning abilities at the top universities (e.g., Harvard). Mindfulness is proved to be extremely useful in overcoming stress and anxiety issues. However, does it affect the learning outcome of the students who study at the best universities in the world?
  • The individual struggles with gender issues and their impact on global gender inequality. Everything always starts with a small thing. For this paper, study the relation between some individual cases and the global issue. How do personal struggles contribute to the worldwide movement for justice? 
  • The positive influence of irrational beliefs on mental well-being. In psychology, irrational beliefs are a set of values and opinions that people believe in despite rational evidence against them. However, what positive effect can they bring?
  • Ways of raising awareness of mental health problems. Mental health has been discussed more openly in recent years. Review how this open discussion affects views on personal mental health. As another idea for a psychology dissertation topic, research a specific illness. 
  • Student burnout and ways to prevent it. Focus on the problems students face and what strategies can reduce their stress.
  • Pandemic and mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to be in isolation from social contacts. Review the potential effects of this practice on people’s well-being. Discuss possible strategies for supporting mental health during possible future pandemics.
  • Weight, self-image, and mental health. A clinical psychology thesis can focus on the psychology behind excess weight. Discuss how weight affects a person’s perception of self. Assess implications for clinical psychologists who work with overweight patients.
  • Social media vs. reality: normalizing real people. Review current efforts of social media accounts in normalizing body image. Explain how this can reverse the damage that edited photos have on mental health. 
  • How does gender bias affect mental health in America?
  • What factors affect women’s self-esteem in the workplace?
  • Specifics of transgender mental health.
  • Research the effect of immigration on mental well-being.
  • Study the psychology of racism and ways to combat it. 
  • What distinguishes the mental health of minorities in the US? 
  • Research the psychology of dissent in the Soviet Union.
  • The connection between stress and overeating: latest developments.
  • Assess the role of social support for losing weight. 
  • What’s the role of prejudice in politics?
  • Assess the role of endurance in combating stress.
  • Developing hardiness: strategies and exercises.
  • What’s the effect of emotional resilience on mental health?
  • Helping teenagers overcome stress via relaxation techniques. 
  • Look into the perception of anger and its effect on mental health.
  • Understanding the function of the prefrontal cortex in terms of how it is connected to other parts of the brain.
  • Understanding how the prefrontal cortex makes us human.
  • How emotional and anxiety disorders are connected to social cognition that is impaired.
  • Analyze the ability of an MRI to determine brain function.
  • Analyze the relationship between emotional and episodic memory.
  • A comparison of the plasticity of the child’s brain and the adult brain. 
  • Analyze the continued relevance of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.
  • An in-depth look at the social intuitionist model and how it relates to the emotion and reason involved in moral judgement.
  • How the evolution of the human brain can be understood in terms of children cognitive development. 
  • A demonstration of the multi-dimensional nature of schizophrenia. 
  • How rational thinking and impulse contribute to decision-making.
  • A systematic analysis and review of the psychology of religion.
  • How exposure to nature affects happiness.

Nursing Dissertation Topics

A nurse’s work is hard. Unfortunately, they rarely get the credit they deserve. With a Ph.D., you could become an advocate on the problem. Or you could concentrate on optimizing their work environments.

  • Exercise, changes in lifestyle , and self-tracking for diabetes prevention and management. Center your research on different lifestyle changes (exercise, reduced smoking and drinking) and explain how and why it prevents diabetes.
  • Influence of stigma related to HIV/AIDS on representatives of ethnic minorities: a case study of Native Americans. Using research, provide compelling evidence of how Native Americans are stigmatized and discriminated against.
  • Chronic illness management at home: recommended evidence-based practices. Using current nursing and other professional research, discuss how adults and seniors manage chronic and autoimmune diseases.
  • Depression and stress and their relation to preterm births in first-time mothers. Collect several articles about the issue and using their conclusions show how depression causes preterm births.
  • Burnout in nurses: factors that cause it and practical solutions for prevention. Present outcomes of burnout (decreased performance and concentration, subpar workplace environment) and illustrate how it affects hospitals on a more significant scale. 
  • Public health: community-based measures to prevent morbid obesity. In this research, you can list various methods that include exercise and education and explain in detail how they prevent the spread of obesity.
  • Risk factors and injury rates in psychiatric nursing. Present statistics on different types of injuries in psychiatric institutions.
  • Cultural diversity and inclusion in nursing education. When researching diversity, make sure you are using examples of different minority groups’ perception of education.
  • Euthanasia legislation in the USA: ethical issues and debates. Provide a thoughtful discussion of ethical and legal issues surrounding euthanasia.
  • Organizational climate and its influence on perceived patient safety. Your study should focus on the importance of positive relationships between staff members, and its influence on the prevention of medical errors.
  • Dietary practices and their influence on the quality of life in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. SLE is a complex disease that requires a multidisciplinary approach. Describe nutritional research approaches to SLE.
  • Fluoride application training in dental nursing.
  • Describe the specifics of nursing care for patients with diabetes.
  • Assess gender disparity in nursing research.
  • Study nurse burnout prevalence in neonatal care in your community.
  • Nursing staff advising DASH diet: effects on patients’ blood pressure.
  • What are the challenges of asthma management for nurses? 
  • Nursing for autistic patients: the best strategies. 
  • Racial differences in nursing care: a case study.
  • Evaluate nurses’ role in pain management for patients with dementia. 
  • Study the connection between nursing staff turnover and burnout.
  • How is the role of a nurse changing in the modern healthcare system?
  • Review nursing practices for managing elderly patients.
  • A holistic approach to obesity management in nursing.
  • Describe the specifics of nursing in rural areas.
  • Physical activity and mental health: a nursing case study.
  • Discuss nursing pain relief strategies for general care. 
  • Determine the ethical implications of nursing malpractice.
  • Nurses consultations for spinal cord injuries.
  • Nursing in an urban setting: challenges and prospects. 
  • What are the specifics of pain management in obstetrical nursing?

Marketing Dissertation Topics

Good marketing is what made you buy that product you didn’t know you needed. Marketing needs plenty of scientific research for it to be successful. You can contribute to this effort with one of the following topic ideas:

  • Compare and contrast the effectiveness of traditional and digital marketing in the last five years. Marketing moves towards digital campaigns more and more every year. Though, traditional marketing still exists, of course. Your task is to compare every aspect of these two types in the span of the previous five years.
  • The specifics of the relationship marketing and its influence on the loyalty rates among customers: a case study of fast-food chains. Take a few fast-food chains to conduct this research. Then analyze their relationship marketing strategies. There should be a correlation between the methods they use and the loyalty of their customers.
  • Direct marketing and artificial intelligence: how do companies use it? The industry of marketing couldn’t have missed the opportunity to use the latest technologies for their benefit. Artificial intelligence helps some companies gain a competitive advantage. Find out what those benefits are.
  • Collectivism and individualism : how does culture influence supermarkets? There are some apparent differences in cultures when it comes to shopping. Each shop owner has to implement a specific marketing strategy for targeting the customers. Work on aspects that make those strategies successful in different cultures.
  • The strategies that make personalized products sell effectively. Everybody loves customized products, but it seems like not everybody is willing to share their data to get it. Therefore, businesses are forced to work it out. This research looks into marketing tools and methods they use to sell personalized products.
  • Influence of online shopping apps on impulsive buying behavior . Using prominent examples such as Amazon and eBay, elaborate how apps affect customer’s decision to purchase an item through recommendations.
  • Product design and its impact on consumer’s purchase decision. When preparing this thesis topic, consider using examples of large corporations such as Apple or IKEA to prove your point. 
  • Customer loyalty : the importance of satisfaction and loyalty programs. Conduct research using available surveys on satisfaction and draw conclusions from these statistics.
  • Ethnic differences and their impact on brand perception. This research can review the types of products that target White or Black Americans specifically.
  • Preferences for green products: analysis of the income’s influence on consumer decisions. Compare what households are more likely to prefer green products.
  • Shopping habits of Muslim consumers in the USA: qualitative research. Here, you will need to do research by engaging Muslim Americans in your study; you can use interviews or surveys for this topic.
  • Social media and its impact on the promotion of small business. Make sure your reader understands how social media can promote or negatively present small business through customers’ comments.
  • Does globalization make preferences of customers from different socioeconomic backgrounds similar? Interview people from lower, middle, and upper class and discuss the preferences of American households.
  • Social media usage by international companies: a case study of Electronic Arts. Study the influence of customers’ reviews and opinions on EA’s sales.
  • Consumers’ perception of transaction safety in online shopping applications. Discuss how consumers learn to differentiate between reliable and unreliable apps for payments .
  • Marketing high tech products: a case study.
  • Study changing marketing techniques during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The future of big data uses in marketing.
  • Conduct a comparative analysis of offline vs. online advertising .
  • Explore the relationship between marketing strategies and sales.
  • Holiday marketing strategies in the 21st century.
  • Is marketing tailed towards model devices effective?
  • Study the rise of influencer marketing. 
  • Review the newest trends in digital advertising. 
  • Brand management in 2020: an analysis. 
  • Assess the effect of advertising on consumer behavior. 
  • Targeted ads: are they efficient?
  • How did marketing change during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Assess brand management’s contribution to consumer loyalty. 
  • Impact of social media marketing on brand perception.
  • Google Analytics insights for marketing campaigns. 
  • Marketing for minority populations.
  • Youtube marketing: the effectiveness of videos for brand promotion.
  • How does partnering with influencers impact brand perception?
  • Social influencer marketing for SMEs.

History Dissertation Topics

History is written not only by the victors but also by history students. Your dissertation can shine a light on understudied cultures. Or perhaps you want to focus on how a specific event impacted the world. Find inspiration among the following dissertation questions and ideas:

  • The historical context of the creation of Guernica by Pablo Picasso . War wasn’t the only inspiration for Pablo Picasso during the process of making Guernica . In this paper, you would look into the environment of the artist and try to identify what else brought him to the creation of this masterpiece.
  • Bismarck and radical nationalism: what influenced the political state? For this research, you would study the underlying reasons for German Nazism before the beginning of World War II. What factors gave it a start when Otto von Bismarck was in charge?
  • The rise of Bollywood: historical context. This paper focuses on the success of Indian Bollywood movies in the 1930s. You would need to look into the events that made those movies famous in the whole world. Don’t forget to mention the social views of Bollywood movies.
  • The influence of secrecy in the technology intervention during World War II. You would study the role that the US Patent and Trademark Office played in the development of special war technology . Secrecy helped to keep it away from the public and enemies. How did it influence the war?
  • Italian prisons in the 19th century: how were they managed after Unification? This paper would require you to study documentation on the management system prison used in Italy at the beginning of the 19th century. You should try to find some practices that might have been socially harmful. 
  • Gender perceptions in the Middle Age. When preparing the dissertation, use both historical and literary sources to show how gender was presented.
  • Secularization in the American South during the post-war period. Provide a detailed discussion of secular societies forming in the South after the 1940s.
  • Representation of Jewish history in contemporary art: a case study of Art Spiegelman’s Maus . Using the comic book as the primary basis, explain how Jewish culture and history are presented there.

Quote by Elie Wiesel: “In Jewish history there are no coincidences.”

  • The history of medieval warfare and its influence on Modern Era warfare . When constructing this thesis, make sure you are using both historical and current research to provide details.
  • American-British relations during the Cold War Era . Explain how the Cold War Era changes these relations and what has affected it the most.
  • Germany’s foreign relations during the 1980s. Present a detailed overview of different foreign relations (e.g., with the USA, the USSR, the UK) Germany had during this period.
  • The financial crisis in the USA in 2007-2009. Using research and media sources, explain to the reader how the crisis is still affecting the USA. 
  • The development of Austrian identity after World War II. In this case, you can use both historical evidence and Austrian literature that provides personal opinions of writers and artists on the issue.
  • The impact of the Great Depression on the American involvement in the World War II. To show your understanding of historical processes, demonstrate how the Great Depression affected the USA’s perception of WWII. 
  • How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb: the development of nuclear warfare in the 20th century. Discuss the development of nuclear warfare in the USA and the USSR.
  • What was the role of China in the Cold War?
  • How did the Spanish Flu affect the pandemics that followed it?
  • Determine the influence of the stock market crash in 1929 on the World Wars.
  • First Battle of Marne’s impact on the outcomes of WWI.
  • Tool usage and creation: Aztecs vs. Mayas.
  • How did the enlightenment philosophy impact the development of the natural sciences?
  • The effects of Christianization in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Assess the role of slavery in the US civil rights movement. 
  • Study the history of LGBT rights establishment in the US.
  • What are the origins of slavery in Africa?
  • The Moon Landing and its impact on space exploration. 
  • Explore the role of the Bible in Jewish history.
  • The US’ involvement in WWII.
  • The aftermath of WWII: major historical events.
  • Research the link between the Mexican-American War and the Gold Rush.
  • Cold War insights: lessons from the Suez Crisis.
  • Explore the role of democratization in the Soviet Union collapse.
  • Global cooperation in early modern Europe.
  • Study the legacy of the arms race.
  • How did the First Ladies influence life in the 20th century America?

Dissertation Topics in Management

Companies and employees alike benefit from well-thought-out management strategies. So, a thesis in management has the potential to improve work environments even further. Kickstart your research by choosing one of the following topics:

  • Ecotourism in Canada: issues and trends in small business. Explain issues that arise in ecotourism with climate change.
  • Management ethics: how social media affects employees’ privacy and organizational climate. Present examples of negative and positive influence.
  • Leadership styles: a comparison of democratic and autocratic leadership. Discuss what leadership style should be chosen to rule various companies, depending on their business plan.
  • Political risk and its influence on emergency management. Explain how political crises affect and shape emergency management.
  • Cultural diversity and its impact on employees’ satisfaction and commitment. Show what advantages and disadvantages there are in cultural diversity.
  • Economic growth and unemployment rates in Australia during the 1990s: a historical perspective. Explain the causes of economic growth and unemployment.
  • Challenges in human resources management working with millennials: qualitative research. Discuss what particular challenges HR managers face and how they can be addressed. 
  • The significance of organizational routines in international corporations: a case study of Google. Conduct research on the importance of routine and its impact on performance. 
  • Computer skills and management: the effectiveness of computerized management information system in rural areas. Describe how digital management can be effectively applied in companies working in rural areas.
  • The history of digital rights management in the USA. Present the changes in the field during the 1990s-2010s. 
  • Analyze the best leadership styles for SMEs. 
  • Examine the changes entrepreneurship underwent in the past decades.
  • How do leadership styles relate to work satisfaction? 
  • Overview of business negotiation methods using technology.
  • Ways of integrating corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices.
  • Discuss the specifics of airline companies’ management. 
  • Choose a theory of motivation in the workplace and make a case study on it.
  • Study change management in SMEs in times of a crisis.
  • Managing diverse workforce: a qualitative analysis.
  • Use of employee voice in US companies.
  • Research the relationship between the organization’s goals and a manager’s behavior.
  • What are the best current practices in public administration?
  • Applying strategic human capital principles in practice.
  • The study of female CEOs in a country of your choice.
  • Employees’ perception of change management : a quantitative analysis.
  • A study of employees’ resistance to change.
  • What’s the correlation between a CEO’s leadership traits and employee motivation ?
  • Workplace risk management : a study of psychosocial hazards.
  • Conduct a quantitative study of the gender pay gap for CEOs.
  • Research the relationship between management style and employee productivity .

Qualitative Dissertation: Ideas for Proposals

If you want your thesis to be more practical, you’ve come to the right section. Common approaches for qualitative dissertations include researching case studies, surveys, or ethnographies. Because of this, fieldwork will be an integral part of your doctorate journey.

  • A comparison of teaching techniques that targeted children with autism in the 20th and 21st centuries. Provide a detailed overview of techniques and explain how research affected them.
  • The development of cognitive-behavioral therapy and its effectiveness in patients with eating disorders. Present the history of CBT and use recent research to demonstrate its effectiveness. 
  • Ageism and sexism in international organizations of the fashion industry. Describe how the fashion industry defines what it means to be “young and beautiful.”
  • Addressing sexual harassment at the workplace : the influence of organizational policies on targets’ decision to file a complaint. Explain what policies can support the target and what can prevent such decision.
  • Strategies to eliminate bias in self-evaluation reports of employees. Using research in HRM, outline the best strategies that are currently used to avoid bias. 
  • Post-cancer therapy: issues and trends. Present and discuss various trends, the research behind them, and the effectiveness of different types of therapy.
  • A family history of abuse and its influence on drug use in adults. Explain how abuse can provoke addiction in the future.
  • The importance of trusting doctor-patient relationships on patient’s medication adherence and management of a healthy lifestyle. Describe how such relationships negatively or positively affect a patient’s decision to take medicine as prescribed.
  • Barriers to the acquisition of social support among young men and women veterans in the USA. Discuss mental and physical disorders as major barriers.
  • Single mothers’ perceptions of breastfeeding in public places: qualitative research. Conduct interviews to find out their opinion.
  • The impact of online learning on student’s academic performance.
  • A study of the youths’ perception of learning smartphone applications.
  • Research the issue of gender bias in college education. 
  • Student’s perception of the mental health support and impact on campus.
  • Perceptions of charter school education in the 21 st century.
  • Discuss homeschooling and its effect on a child’s socialization.
  • What’s the impact of cyberbullying on teenagers’ mental health?
  • How inmates perceive alternative forms of incarceration.
  • Gun violence from the perspective of victims.
  • Research bias towards video games as an art form.
  • In what ways are minorities disadvantaged in America?
  • Evaluate cooking as a therapeutic exercise.
  • Assess the link between a principal’s leadership style and the school’s rating.
  • The effect of online counseling on patients’ mental health. 
  • Perception of mental health stigma among students. 
  • How does gig economy re-define work?
  • The implications of freelancing in the 2020s.
  • Opinions about a 6-day work week in your community.
  • Assess the process of adaptation to working from home.
  • Conduct a research study of views on the BLM movement outside the US. 

Quantitative Dissertation Proposal Topics

Some scholars just love working with data. Are you one of them? Then you’ll probably enjoy quantitative research. If you’re into finding patterns and making predictions, here are some enticing topics:

  • A study of a major city’s livability index. Choose a city and assess whether it’s well-designed or not.
  • A quantitative study of biofilms in technology. Discuss methods of using biofilms in technology. Include a list of recent advances and new tools.
  • A quantitative study of teachers’ perception of online learning. This topic prompts you to use an evaluation scale. 
  • An assessment of a link between product reviews and intention to purchase. Study the effect online reviews have on potential customers.
  • Immigration and its connection to crime statistics. Analyze data on immigration to the US and the number of violent crimes. Determine the relationship between the two phenomena. 
  • The relationship between obesity and occupation. Assess the BMIs of participants of different professions. Then, test the results for a correlation and discuss its implications.
  • A relationship between nurses’ knowledge of diabetes management and patient satisfaction. Assess the nurses’ knowledge about diabetes and compare the results with patient satisfaction scores. Thus, you can determine if expertise translates into better care. 
  • A study of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on SMEs financial operations. With this qualitative dissertation proposal in business and management, choose a small company. Analyze its financial data pre- and post-pandemic. Include a discussion of financial management during pandemics.
  • A study of millennials’ pet ownership. Determine the percentage of millennials who have pets. Compare these patterns with previous generations. 
  • Economic growth and urbanization. Compare the empirical data about the state of economics and the number of people living in cities.
  • Determine how urbanization affects bacterial community compositions.
  • The economic impact of immigration on SMEs.
  • Study the rates of crimes in the US in relation to nonviolent crimes.
  • How do various teaching styles affect learning? 
  • Compare overconfidence in CEOs of SMEs and corporations.
  • How does inclusive language influence social behavior?
  • Assess consumers’ satisfaction with online banking in your area. 
  • Evaluate crude oil price prediction methods. 
  • Is there a link between smartphone use and mental illness?
  • Correlation between eyewitness identification and memory.
  • What are the attitudes towards AI development among women?
  • Determine the rates of cybercrimes since the 1990s.
  • A study of the police brutality cases across the US in the last decade.
  • Correlation between education level and employment.
  • The presence of sleep disorders in mental illnesses.
  • Assess the attitudes towards medical care in the US.
  • Determine the correlation between eating disorders and physical illness. 
  • Study the rates of cyberbullying among minority students. 
  • How various religious groups influence politics : a game-theoretical approach.
  • Does regular exercise decrease symptoms of depression in adults? 

Dissertation Topics in Educational Leadership

Educational leadership is a science focused on helping students to achieve their academic goals. It includes the motivation of staff and learners, improvement of educational programs, and creation of a healthy, productive environment in institutions. Want to dedicate your research to it? Take a look at these topic samples:

  • Fatigue among American medical students. Medical students often need to memorize and analyze big portions of information. That is why many of them don’t sleep enough, get tired quickly, and find it hard to concentrate. What can be done about it?
  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning affect students’ motivation? Online education has multiple benefits and drawbacks. Some students might find it easier to get access to various textbooks online. Others want to return to campus. What is their motivation? 
  • Creating better learning conditions on campus: the challenges in 2022. With the increasing speed of technological progress, it is hard to catch up with the latest innovations. Explore them in your dissertation. For instance, you can focus on facilities for students with special needs. 
  • How can we enhance discipline among first-year students on campus? For some younger students, it is hard to get used to living on their own. They need to accept new responsibilities, find time to take care of themselves, and organize their lives. How can we help them?
  • Development of soft skills among undergraduate students. For future employers, soft skills are as important as hard skills. That is why colleges need to pay attention to soft skills such as time management, communication, and creativity. 
  • The efficiency of workshops for enhancing students’ creativity.
  • Do nutrition habits influence the studying process?
  • The importance of mental health care in high school.
  • What leadership styles are the most efficient in college communities? 
  • Does the implementation of early childhood education lead to further academic success?
  • What is the role of school counseling among teenagers?
  • What psychological factors make students drop out of college? 
  • Developing leadership qualities among MBA students. 
  • How to help college athletes to cope with psychological and physical pressure.
  • Ways of reducing anxiety levels among criminology students.
  • Helping students to choose their majors and find a career path.
  • How to enhance communication between higher education administration and students?
  • Motivating students to succeed after graduation .
  • Why do we need psychology classes in high school?
  • How can we prevent the bullying of Latin American students in middle and high school?

✅ How to Choose a Thesis Topic: Main Steps

In case you have no idea where to start from, here is a quick guideline on how to choose a Ph.D. thesis topic:

Check every tiny detail. Sometimes the only restrictions would be time and word count. Some universities might restrict your topic choice within your field of study.
In case you don’t have to stick to a specific area, feel free to play around and find what you like. However, it is better if it’s something you’re familiar with. Starting your dissertation from scratch is not the best idea.
It will give you a boost of inspiration. Don’t forget to take notes! You might come across some unsolved issues that can interest you.
Adjust your topic so that it would be specific enough. However, be careful and don’t overdo it! Otherwise, you won’t have enough data to work with.
Consider the methods of data collection, as well as approaches for analyzing it. It’s not unusual to combine different types, so don’t worry if you can’t decide on just one.
What change can your work bring into this world? Perhaps it can contribute to the academic field or is practical enough to help with real-life issues. Or, maybe, it carries a social relevance and can change our society for the better.
Before deciding on the topic, make sure it meets your requirements. It means that you should be 100% sure you have enough time, resources, and knowledge to finish the research on the chosen topic.
Seeking some advice from your supervisor is always a good idea. You can discuss your ideas together. After that, go ahead and start the writing process!

We hope this article helped you to choose a suitable topic for your dissertation. We wish you good luck with your research!

Learn more on this topic:

  • Dissertation Critique: Examples, How-to Guide
  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing an Outstanding Dissertation
  • How to Write an Abstract: Brief Steps and Structure Example

âœïžâ€ŻDissertation FAQ

While working on a dissertation, you might deal with several types of research. The main research types are primary, qualitative, quantitative, and legal. In any case, it’s the way in which a researcher studies the subject using a particular methodology.

First of all, make sure that you are personally fascinated by the subject. This is essential for any thesis, be it master’s or an undergraduate dissertation. Besides, make sure the topic is feasible and hasn’t been studies much.

A good dissertation title is the one that represents the subject under study. To state which aspect is being studied is also important. The title should include neither a hypothesis nor a conclusion: think about it as “spoilers”—nobody likes them.

Just like any paper, a great dissertation is the one that is well-organized. The topic of the paper should correspond to the title. The text should have a cohesive structure with a definite introduction, argumentative main part, and a logical conclusion.

🔗 References

  • Dissertation Topics 1961-Present: Rudgers University
  • Completed Thesis and Dissertation Topics: University of Florida
  • Current Legal Topics: Library of Congress
  • The Right Dissertation Topic: Academics.com
  • Days and Nights at the Museum
there’s a Dissertation for that!: Proquest.com
  • Dissertation Titles: University of Michigan
  • How to Pick a Master’s Thesis Topic: Medium.com
  • How to Come Up With a Thesis Topic: Gradschools.com
  • How to Choose Your Thesis Topic: Central European University
  • How Do I Choose a Thesis Topic?: Grad School Hub
  • Senior Thesis Topics: Hamilton College
  • Arizona Research Topics: Arizona State Library
  • Dissertation Proposal: Bartleby.com
  • Dissertation Guide Essay
  • How to Start Your Dissertation: 10 Top Tips: Studential.com
  • How to Write a Dissertation or Bedtime Reading for People Who do not Have Time to Sleep: Purdue University
  • A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Ph.D. Dissertation: ThoughtCo
  • Dissertations Guide from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Developing a Thesis Statement: University of Wisconsin Madison
  • Thesis/Dissertation Writing and Editing, Formatting, and Defending: Massey University
  • Business Management Research Topics: Top Universities
  • Law Topics: Law.com
  • Psychology Topics: APA
  • Marketing Topics: Marketing Profs
  • Topics: History.com
  • Computer Science: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Humanities: Research Topics Ideas: University of Michigan-Flint
  • Art Topics: Art UK
  • Topics: American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • Nurses Topics: Medscape
  • Architecture: Research Topics: University of Washington
  • Topics in Geography: Research Gate
  • New Topics in Sociology: University of Toronto
  • Business Management Topics: The University of Maine
  • Qualitative Case Study: Science.gov
  • All Topics: Science News
  • Criminology: Science Direct
  • Topics in Literature: Sheridan College: Libguides
  • Advanced Computer Science Topics: The University of Texas at Austin
  • Application of Computer Techniques in Medicine: NIH
  • Important Leadership and Management Topics: WHO
  • Quantitative Research: University of Southern California
  • Action Research: Brown University
  • 10 Traits of Successful School Leaders: University of San Diego
  • HIST 280 Topics: Texas A&M University
  • The Relationship Between Burnout, Depression, and Anxiety: Frontiers In
  • College of Nursing: University of Missouri–St. Louis
  • All Topics: Educause
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Top 24 Great Dissertation Topics On Interior Design

One of the most amazing things about the learning environment is the fact that you can always be asked to write a paper on anything. This is a good thing in the sense that it expands your thinking capacity over and above anything that you would ever have imagined. If you are to write a paper on interior design. The following are some good topics that you can work with:

  • Discuss the benefits of using terracotta tiles together with woven rugs
  • Explain some of the basics of interior design to a newbie
  • Choose any topic in interior design and discuss how it has been influenced by contemporary design
  • Discuss how interior design of a house affects the individual’s brain
  • Provide a list of benefits in a discussion of how interior design is an impressive career choice
  • Discuss how you would go about reworking on a retirement home
  • Discuss the link between interior design and fashion, and how these two borrow ideas from one another
  • Explain how the design of a building affects the mental health of those using it from time to time
  • Cite 5 different benefits of using kitchen floor mats for design
  • Discuss how furniture in the Greenbelt have been remodeled around careful interior design
  • While giving a speech to young students, explain to them why there is so much more to interior design than theory
  • Discuss how new designs have influenced trends all over the world
  • Explain how office plants can help in improving the productivity and moral within the workplace
  • Explain how to manage distractions within the workplace through good design
  • Discuss how to make a house hot property through impressive design
  • Barbarian Group, a creative agency in New York share one gigantic desk for all their 100 employees. Discuss the feasibility of this concept with respect to saving space
  • Discuss the sweet rewards of an extreme makeover of the house
  • Discuss the impact that reality TV shows have had on retail dĂ©cor for homes
  • Explain some low cost ideas that would come in handy for a complete makeover of the interior of a house
  • Discuss the difference between an interior decorator and an interior designer
  • Explain some of the qualifications for professional designers in the industry
  • Citing relevant examples, advise a client on how long work on their house would take
  • Discuss the concept of interior design on a tight budget
  • Refute claims that interior design is only for the wealthy.

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RTF | Rethinking The Future

20 Thesis topics related to Residential Design

dissertation topics in design

A residence is one of the first projects any architecture student is asked to design as part of the curriculum , as a residence is one of the first examples of architecture we all see and so many of us are fortunate to live in. Residential projects may seem very easy to comprehend and design, but the various types of residences that are in use today and the different user groups they are targeted towards make it a vast topic, something that requires huge amounts of research to design. 

Choosing a residential project as a thesis topic in the final year of B.Arch. would be like coming full circle – applying all the knowledge you have gained in the last five years on the very first project typology you were taught to design.

So, here are 20 thesis topics related to residential typology that any architecture student can take up.

1. Mixed-Use Buildings | Residential Design

With the global pandemic forcing people to stay confined in their houses, the development of mixed-use buildings with residential, commercial and office spaces all in one place will help with similar circumstances in the future. A student would need to do extensive research on how to properly combine all different places and the purposes they serve to create a building that fulfils functionality and is also aesthetically pleasing. 

Mixed-use buildings as a thesis topic will help a student when they start working because of its huge potential as a future trend in architecture.

Mixed-Use Buildings - Sheet1

2. Vertical Housing

With the increasing population and declining availability of open land, vertical housing is one of the best solutions available to tackle the requirements of the current and future generations. Vertical housing is residential buildings where architects arrange spaces vertically instead of horizontally, to create more units in a smaller footprint. 

These buildings also contain community areas and green spaces interspersed with the residential units to encourage people to be more social and not stay confined in their high-rise apartments .  

Using this as a thesis topic will be extremely beneficial as there are high chances of designing similar projects when students start professionally practising after getting their degrees.

Vertical Housing - Sheet1

3. Community living | Residential Design

One of the first markers of human beings settling down and becoming civilized is when they started living in communities with individual houses and common spaces for gathering. Since then, human beings have always preferred to live in a society. 

Be it apartment complexes with high-rise buildings , or housing estates with horizontal, community living in urban areas are a topic that can be taken up as a thesis project related to residential use. Community living will help one understand how to design spaces that can be used by different people to live together in harmony.

Community living - Sheet1

4. Row Houses

Row houses are defined as a series of houses connected through common sidewalls. They are a great way to build individual houses in smaller areas and with lesser materials, making them cheaper. 

Row houses might already be in use in the  USA and European countries , but they have huge potential in third-world countries and in places like India where there is a space crunch issue, making them a good thesis topic under the residential typology.

Row Houses - Sheet1

5. Tiny Houses | Residential Design

These are houses that have a total area of less than 400 ft 2 or 37 m 2 and are a good alternative to traditional houses when the available open land is smaller than average. Tiny houses have a wide variety of design considerations and this leads to innovative spaces that are multifunctional and furniture that is multi-purpose. 

Compacting a whole house in an area that is less than 400 ft 2 is a challenge that will help thesis students in designing residential areas in the future, as the availability of free land is reducing every day.

Tiny Houses - Sheet1

6. Shipping Container Homes

20 ft or 40 ft steel containers that have been used to carry different types of goods in ships can be used as a readymade or prefabricated skeleton to build a house. These homes are a good way to re-purpose shipping containers that have been abandoned or thrown away and are easier and faster to build as the exterior structure is already available. 

The containers can be stacked vertically or horizontally to create everything from tiny houses to mansions. Shipping container homes are an intriguing and unique residential thesis topic for students.

Shipping Container Homes - Sheet1

Yurts are portable houses consisting of a latticework of wood or bamboo covered by a round tent and have been the traditional houses for many tribes in central Asia, especially in Mongolia. Yurts are a unique aspect of vernacular architecture that can be adapted in different climates around the world with the use of more modern materials like steel for the latticework and insulating fabrics for the tent. 

Yurts as a residential thesis topic will give students a different look in a sustainable and vernacular approach to designing. 

Yurts - Sheet1

8. Earthships | Residential Design

Pioneered by architect Michael Reynolds, Earthships are a type of passive solar earth shelter that is built with both natural and up-cycled materials. These residential units are structures built on the principle that the six human needs of energy, garbage management, sewage treatment, shelter, clean water and food can be met through environmentally sustainable building design. 

Earthships are intended to be simple, “off-the-grid” homes with minimal dependence on fossil fuels and public utilities and can be constructed by people with little building knowledge. The scope of Earthships as self-sustainable and ecological single-family residences is huge and something that can be taken up by architecture students for their final year thesis.

Earthships -Sheet1

9. Cob Houses

These are houses built of clay, sand and straw that are recyclable and non-polluting when demolished. Cob houses are inexpensive, energy-efficient houses suitable for hot climates that are also extremely durable and earthquake-resistant. 

Even though these types of houses have traditionally been user-built, an architect’s perspective will help in enhancing its ecological and sustainable features and lead to better planning and usability of spaces. Cob houses should be explored as a thesis topic in the residential typology.

Cob Houses - Sheet1

10. Cave houses | Residential Design

Caves served as the very first human dwellings – they served as a shelter against natural calamities and wild animals. In recent years, cave dwellings have made a comeback, in the form of carving contemporary houses inside existing caves. These houses contain contemporary elements like doors and windows, modern electrical and bathroom fittings and also connections to public utilities and “off-the-grid” options for the same. 

Designing cave houses is a challenge because one has to carve out different rooms in accordance with the inside of the cave and major changes cannot be done to the structure of the cave. Cave houses provide the option to utilize existing natural shelter formations instead of disrupting green areas, and hence are a good residential topic for the thesis as they are becoming more popular.

Cave houses  - Sheet1

Ipshita Seth has been in love with words for as long she can remember and now that she's studying Architecture, she's found a new love for writing about designing spaces, history of buildings, construction technologies and everything else that comes with them. She has joined RTF to give words to her dreams.

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Explore 25+ Graphic Design Dissertation Topics for 2023!

Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Crafting a graphic design dissertation can be a challenging endeavor due to the limited array of available topics. Selecting the right topic is a crucial decision that demands careful consideration. Failing to choose wisely among the graphic design dissertation topics could result in a paper that falls short of your professor’s expectations.

The process of topic selection necessitates thorough brainstorming and contemplation. Therefore, before finalizing your choice, it’s advisable to follow a systematic approach. The upcoming section will provide you with guidance on selecting the optimal topic.

How to Opt for the Perfect Graphic Design Dissertation Topic for Your Research?

Choosing a topic at random from the available options is far from ideal. It lacks the logical framework required to present your ideas coherently, often leading to a lack of in-depth knowledge. To navigate this process effectively, follow the steps outlined below, or consider seeking online dissertation assistance to avoid any roadblocks.

Delve Deep into the Realm of Graphic Design

The initial step toward crafting a compelling graphic design dissertation involves immersing yourself in various aspects of the field. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the diverse domains within graphic design is essential for selecting a standout topic.

Identify Your Passion

As previously mentioned, the realm of graphic design encompasses various domains. To compose an exceptional dissertation, it’s crucial to align with your passions and interests. Without genuine enthusiasm for the subject, selecting the best graphic design dissertation topics becomes challenging.

Evaluate the Availability of Information

Once you’ve identified your preferences, it’s essential to determine whether the chosen topic has ample information available. In cases where information is limited, consider if you can independently write with the available resources. Pose such questions to yourself to ensure the suitability of the topic.

Assess the Practical Significance

A chosen topic must hold practical relevance in the real world. If it lacks value and fails to deliver significant insights to the audience, the professor’s approval may be elusive. When making your selection from a pool of graphic design dissertation topics, opt for one that offers tangible value to the reader.

Engage with Your Professor for Topic Selection

Your perceived exceptional topic might hold minimal importance in the eyes of your educator. Prior to finalizing your decision, engage in a conversation with your professors. They can provide valuable suggestions that might alter your perspective.

These guidelines can aid you in choosing a compelling graphic design dissertation topic. Were you navigating through your research following the outlined pointers? If so, excellent! If not, consider adjusting your research approach. While studying, you’ve likely encountered numerous topics. We’ve categorised them according to subject and purpose, offering you a comprehensive collection of graphic design dissertation topics without delay.

Exploring the Finest Graphic Design Dissertation Topics for 2023

Bid farewell to the struggle of selecting impressive graphic design dissertation topics. Presented below is a comprehensive list of subjects designed to captivate your professor’s attention instantly. Peruse through them and choose the one that resonates with you.

Outstanding Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

  • Innovations Shaping the Graphic Design Industry
  • Unveiling the Interplay Between Human Psychology and Color Selection
  • Modern Icons: Exploring the Noteworthy Graphic Designers of Today
  • The Far-Reaching Impact of Graphic Design on a Global Scale
  • Digital Design Evolution: Tracing the Path of Transformation
  • Navigating Online and Traditional Graphic Design Tools
  • Consumer Perception: Decoding the Influence of Graphic Design
  • Paradigm Shift: The Transformation Brought by Graphic Design Tools
  • Television’s Role in Shaping Contemporary Graphic Design
  • Striking the Equilibrium Between Complexity and Simplicity in Graphic Design

Prominent Graphic Design Dissertation Ideas

  • Chromatic Expressions: Unraveling the Role of Colors in Design
  • Pictorial Language: How Graphic Design Shapes social media
  • Traditions in a Digital Age: Evaluating the Relevance of Classic Graphics
  • Evolution of Designing Tools: A Journey Through Shifting Landscapes
  • Typeface Dynamics: Navigating the Digital Typography Era
  • Stages of Development in Graphic Design: An Analytical Exploration
  • Influential Factors in the Dynamic World of Graphic Design
  • Vocation or Passion: Contemplating Graphic Design as a Career Choice
  • Weaving the Web: Unveiling the Integral Role of Graphic Design in Web Development

Insightful Historical Art Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

  • From 1950 to 2023: Tracing the Evolution of Graphic Design
  • Ancient Legacies: Graphic Design’s Vital Role in Roman and Greek Cultures
  • Primal Aesthetics: Exploring the Earliest Techniques in Graphic Design

Animation and Entertainment Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

  • Animation vs. Motion Graphics: A Comparative Analysis
  • Animation’s Subtle Influence: Shaping Human Behavior Through Design
  • Graphic Design in Motion: Pioneering the Future of Entertainment

Graphic Design Technology Topic Ideas

  • Reshaping Typography: The Software-Infused Evolution of Typefaces
  • Onward and Upward: The Ongoing Evolution of Graphic Design

This selection showcases a spectrum of exceptional graphic design dissertation topics. Upon finalizing your topic, remember to craft a compelling title—a critical element evaluated by your professor. A well-crafted title encapsulates numerous facets, ensuring its potency. Delve into the essentials of formulating an impactful dissertation title.”

How to Craft an Apt Graphic Design Dissertation Title for Your Chosen Topic?

A dissertation title serves as the initial glimpse into your content for any reader. Thus, formulating it correctly is of utmost importance. The title holds considerable significance in the realm of master’s dissertation help, encompassing essential elements that merit attention. Here is a breakdown of those elements:

Spotlight the Central Issue of Your Topic

Within a graphic design dissertation, you delve into various intricacies. Condensing all of them into a single title proves impractical. Instead, focus on encapsulating the core predicament your dissertation addresses. This grants readers a preview of the content’s focal point.

Infuse an Element of Allurement

Steers clear of repetitive or lackluster titles. Infuse vitality into your headings to captivate attention. Strive for a title that piques curiosity, enticing readers to delve deeper into your content.

Strike a Balance in Word Count

Graphic Design Dissertation titles should strike a harmonious balance between brevity and elaboration. The title should furnish a glimpse into the underlying content without overwhelming the reader.

Hint at the Inquiry’s Answer

Every dissertation revolves around a central question. While the title need not explicitly provide the answer, it should hint at the content’s alignment with the primary query. Should you encounter challenges in crafting the perfect title, consider the option to buy your dissertation online.

Contextual Clarity is Key

Your dissertation encompasses a plethora of insights, yet it invariably serves a singular purpose. Hence, strive to imbue your title with contextual clarity, aligning with your content’s overarching intent. The title need not house superfluous details.

We trust these insights provide valuable guidance for graphic design thesis topic ideas and titles. If navigating chunks of information leaves you perplexed, consider turning to Academicexpert.UK for assistance. Unsure of where to proceed? Let us help you! Academicexpert.UK crafts documents tailored to your designated topic. Our researchers conduct in-depth explorations of your assigned issue, meticulously detailing the merits and demerits of pursuing that specific subject. Only after exhaustive deliberation do we reach a conclusion.

Embrace AcademicExpert.UK without hesitation; your final dissertation topic awaits selection. Should you encounter doubts or predicaments, we stand available around the clock. Opt for our exceptional dissertation proposal to help and witness transformative results.

For further insight, read: How to Compose a Literature Review? A Comprehensive 7-Step Guide with Examples

Feeling Overwhelmed by Information Clusters? Embrace Academicexpert.UK!

Now that you’ve traversed through the realm of graphic design dissertation topics , the time has arrived for your definitive selection. However, if uncertainty continues to linger or personal challenges emerge, entrust your concerns to AcademicExpert.UK . We fabricate documents meticulously catered to your needs, supported by our researchers’ comprehensive exploration of your assigned subject. Expect a nuanced evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages associated with your chosen topic. Through diligent assessment, we culminate in a well-informed conclusion.

Therefore, do not hesitate to embrace AcademicExpert.UK’s offerings. Opt for our writing services and witness a remarkable transformation in your results. Our availability spans around the clock, readily providing the finest dissertation proposal assistance. Unveil the path to academic excellence through Academicexpert.UK’s guidance.

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Education Dissertation Topics

Published by Grace Graffin at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On May 17, 2024


Education as a subject helps in understanding the various learning approaches and different types of education. When you choose education as your major subject, you will be expected to develop a critical understanding of the issues surrounding education.

To choose an education dissertation topic, you can look into a wide array of topics, including public school education, holistic education, the role of ethnicity, gender and class on academic achievements, adult education, preschool and primary school education, college and university education, child development, distance learning, politics and policy in education, teacher education, and curriculum.

To help you get started with brainstorming for education topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your education dissertation.

These topics have been developed by PhD-qualified writers of our team , so you can trust them to use them when drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review along the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

Topic 1: Investigating the impact of COVID-19 on the learning experience of the students

Research Aim: The research aims to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the learning experience of the students.


  • To analyse the impact of Covid-19 on education delivery across schools.
  • To evaluate the impact of the pandemic on teaching delivery and learning outcomes of the students.
  • To investigate how the pandemic affected the learning experience of the students

Topic 2: An analysis of the impact of classroom interaction and participation on the personality development and confidence of the students.

Research Aim: The aim of the research is to analyse the impact of classroom interaction and participation on the personality development and confidence of the students.

  • To analyse the importance of classroom interaction for the students and how it contributes to personal development.
  • To investigate the impact of classroom participation on the confidence of the students.
  • To evaluate how classroom interaction and participation impact the personality development and confidence of the students.

Topic 3: The potential use of virtual reality for educational assessment of the students.

Research Aim: The research aims to analyse the potential use of virtual reality for the educational assessment of students.

  • To analyse the technologies available for student assessment across higher educational institutions.
  • To evaluate the role of virtual reality in education delivery and assessment.
  • To investigate how virtual reality influences the educational assessment of students to improvet their learning experience and knowledge.

Topic 4: An evaluation of the impact of the rising cost of academic education on students of lower-income backgrounds in the UK.

Research Aim: The aim of the research is to evaluate the impact of the rising cost of academic education on students of lower-income backgrounds in the UK.

  • To analyse the factors impacting the affordability of higher education in the UK.
  • To understand the challenges of lower-income background students in the UK.
  • To investigate the impact of the rising cost of academic education on the lower-income background students in the UK and how the meritorious students can be supported.

Topic 5: An investigation into the impact of interactions among students of multiple ethnicities on the cross-cultural communication and behaviour of the pupils.

Research Aim: The aim of the research is to investigate the impact of interactions among students of multiple ethnicities on cross-cultural communication and pupil behaviourt .

  • To analyse the impact of student interactions among different ethnicities.
  • To determine the importance of cross-cultural communication and tolerance of the students.
  • To examine the impact of interactions among students of multiple ethnicities on the cross-cultural communication and behaviour of the pupils.

Dissertation Topics in Education Dynamics

Topic 1: the need to use information and communication technology to study in public institutions in any country of your choice. a reflection on the impact of covid-19 on the education sector in the chosen country..

Research Aim: This research will focus on the lack of good information and communication technology equipment in public institutions of study and the need to find the education sector to meet the new standard of learning in work. It will also analyse the pandemic’s impact on students in public institutions at home throughout the pandemic without any academic activities.

Topic 2: The fear of maintaining social distancing in schools

Research Aim: This research aims to evaluate the fear of maintaining social distancing in schools. It will also suggest possible solutions to minimise the fear of parents, educators, and students.

Topic 3: Online Education- Increased screen time or quality education

Research Aim: This research aims to identify whether online education exposes students to increased screen time or quality education.

Topic 4: The emergence of coding courses for young children and their cognitive development and age. A comparative study.

Research Aim: This research aims to identify how far coding education is beneficial for children. What sort of positive and negative consequences are concerned with the future of young children with their access to such kind of advanced technology?

Topic 5: Data science and growing opportunities for data scientists

Research Aim: This research will focus on identifying the emergence of degrees and courses in data science, their importance, and growing opportunities for data scientists. Who can become a data scientist? What is its career scope?

Covid-19 Education Topics 

Impacts of coronavirus on education.

Research Aim: This study aims to review the impacts of Coronavirus on education.

Online educational programs to educate students during COVID-19

Research Aim: The widespread Coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown have disrupted the education of many students, including school, college, and university levels. This study will identify the online programs offered through various platforms, schools, colleges, and universities. It will discuss how students can have access to these courses and how it will benefit them.

Impact of COVID-19 on educational institutes

Research Aim: This study will focus on identifying the impacts of COVID-19 on educational institutes. What steps can be taken to ensure a safe environment for the students and teaching staff?

Role of teachers and professors during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Research Aim: This study will focus on the contribution of teachers, professors, and institutions in providing education. What challenges are they facing? What would be the possible ways to improve the current education system?

The future of education post Coronavirus pandemic.

Research Aim: This study will collect information about current education methods during the pandemic and predict the future of education after the coronavirus pandemic.

Topic C1: How the Coronavirus pandemic is reshaping education?

Research Aim: Coronavirus has offered a stark reminder of the very human nature of schools. Students have leapt into online learning but cannot wait to get back into her building. Being online, I don’t think you really get a true sense of whether a student is really engaged and has a proper understanding. This study will aim to understand the extent to which the coronavirus pandemic is reshaping education.

Topic C2: How Coronavirus could affect the well-being of people with intellectual disabilities

Research Aim: We are all feeling more anxious than usual. We may be worried about accessing food and services, going to work, enduring self-isolation, or catching COVID-19. While some anxiety is normal, some of us may be more resilient to changes in our routines and the general uncertainty the world is experiencing. But for the 1.5 million people in the UK with an intellectual disability, these effects may be much greater. This research will aim to establish how Coronavirus could affect the wellbeing of people with intellectual disabilities.

Topic C3: The impact of the 2019–20 Coronavirus pandemic on education

Research Aim: The 2019–20 Coronavirus pandemic has affected educational systems worldwide, leading to the widespread closures of schools and universities. As of 28 March 2020, over 1.7 billion learners were out of school due to school closures in response to COVID-19. According to UNESCO monitoring, over 100 countries have implemented nationwide closures, impacting nearly 90% of the world’s student population. This research will explore the impact of the 2019–20 Coronavirus pandemic on education.

Topic C4: What actions are being taken by universities in response to Coronavirus?

Research Aim: We have seen a growing number of decisions by universities to start implementing social distancing strategies, such as moving to more online teaching delivery and increasing homework by staff. At present, there is no government advice to universities about this. Therefore any operational decision by individual universities must be based on their local circumstances, which vary for various reasons. This research will examine some of the measures we see across the universities in response to the pandemic.

Topic C5: The impact of Coronavirus on international students and the response from universities

Research Aim: This research will explore the impact of Coronavirus on international students and the response from universities.

The Best Education Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: a comparison of wonderlic tests and standardised tests as means to assess academic performance..

Research Aim: Although there are many techniques and methods for assessing academic performance, this research will focus on the comparative analysis of Wonderlic and standardised tests. In the end, the research will conclude which approach would be better in different academic situations.

Topic 2: The theory and practice of educational games as a means to promote better learning.

Research Aim: In recent times, many pieces of research have focused on identifying different learning approaches to provide quality education. This research will analyse the concept of educational games for young children to promote and improve the learning mechanisms.

Topic 3: The impact of learning ability of a child: A case study of kindergarten students

Research Aim: With the emergence of technological advancements, many organisations, including education institutes, have started embracing innovative technologies. The main purpose of these advancements is to improvise the different ways of education. This research will focus on how the use of smart technology has improved the learning ability of kindergarten students.

Topic 4: Comparing and analysing the teaching approaches and mechanisms of privately owned schools and public school: Case of developing countries

Research Aim: Due to the rise of capitalist economies, many institutions have developed unique mechanisms to improve business operations and sales. The same is the case with educational institutes. However, the teaching mechanism and approach for private schools have been more effective than public schools. Therefore, this research will critically analyse the teaching approaches and mechanisms of privately owned schools and public schools and compare and analyse their teaching approaches.

Topic 5: Analysing the current curricular development of K12 students and how it can be linked with current economic issues

Research Aim: It has been found that the curriculum of the majority of educational institutes has become obsolete and monotonous. In other words, students are not being taught current affairs and the latest knowledge with respect to technology, etc. Therefore, the main aim of this research will be to analyse the current curricular development of K12 students and how it can be moulded to reflect the true economic conditions and issues of society.

Early Childhood Education Dissertation Topics

Early childhood education in the UK and many other countries refers to any form of education that children between 2 and 6 years obtain. Some early childhood education dissertation topics are listed below:

Topic 6: The effectiveness and implementation of early childhood education curriculum interventions

Research Aim: This research will discuss how effective curriculum interventions have been in early childhood education and how they can be effectively implemented.

Topic 7: Linking theory to practice and back again: The use of collaborative enquiry and video documentation to facilitate critical thinking in preservice teacher education

Research Aim: This research will provide theoretical and practical evidence to establish how collaboration inquiry and video documentation effectively affect critical thinking in preservice education.

Topic 8: Improving early childhood literacy development and English education through the use of multiple media tools

Research Aim: This research will analyse how effective medical tools are in early childhood education.

Topic 9: Supporting emergent literacy at the preschool level through the use of technology.

Research Aim: This research will present how supportive technology can be for emergent literacy at the preschool level.

Topic 10: Merging multimodality, technology, and literacy in the era of kindergarten digital storytelling

Research Aim: This research will explore the effectiveness of multimodality, literacy, and technology in today’s era of kindergarten storytelling.

Topic 11: Computer-based reading program with at-risk pre-kindergarten students

Research Aim: This research will discuss how computer-based reading programs are at risk with pre-kindergarten students.

Topic 12: Pre-school educational settings and the nature of children’s leadership

Research Aim: This research will analyse how educational settings in preschool help develop leadership skills in children.

Topic 13: How urban students’ academic accomplishments can be influenced by a school district’s preschool education policies

Research Aim: This research will discuss the academic accomplishments of children and how educational policies influence them.

Topic 14: Investigating the relationship between kindergarten achievement and classroom quality

Research Aim: This study will investigate the relationship between kindergarten students’ achievement and education quality.

Topic 15: Creating efficient learning environments to facilitate the process of early childhood education

Research Aim: This research will understand the learning environments that facilitate the process of childhood education.

Elementary Education Dissertation Topics

In the United Kingdom and other developed regions of the world, elementary education is the first level of compulsory education that children between the ages of 6 and 13 years obtain.

Primary or elementary education helps establish history, geography, mathematics, science, and other social sciences. In some countries, basic sexual education is also part of the elementary education curriculum. Some important primary education issues to explore are listed below:

Topic 16: Establishing the factors inhibiting and enhancing elementary school children’s creativity

Research Aim: This research will discuss the factors that help enhance children’s creativity in elementary school.

Topic 17: Developing life skills in elementary school pupils in the United Kingdom (or any other country of your choice)

Research Aim: This research will explore how life skills are developed in elementary school in the UK. (Country can be changed according to your choosing)

Topic 18: Monitoring and evaluating instruction in private elementary schools in China from the perspective of headteachers and teachers.

Topic 19: including children with special educational needs in a mainstream elementary educational institute – a case study of any elementary school.

Research Aim: This research will discuss inclusive education, i.e. including special needs students in elementary school. You are free to choose the school of your choice.

Topic 20: Implementing inclusive education in elementary/primary schools in Australia – The challenges and opportunities

Research Aim: This research will discuss the challenges and opportunities of implementing inclusive education in Australian elementary schools.

Topic 21: Classroom evaluation in England – Teachers’ practices and perceptions in Maths

Research Aim: This research will evaluate a typical classroom in England. It will assess the practices adopted by math teachers in elementary school.

Topic 22: Integrating outdoor learning activities with elementary curriculum in the United Kingdom

Research Aim: This research will analyse the results of integrating outdoor learning activities with curriculum activities.

Topic 23: Investigating the use of technology in elementary school physical education

Research Aim: This research will investigate and analyse the use of technology in elementary school physical education.

Topic 24: Investigating the impact of the age of information on current courses taught in primary school

Research Aim: This research will investigate the impact of information on courses taught in primary school.

Topic 25: Should primary schools allow their students to study more independently to achieve improved performance?

Research Aim: This research will assess whether elementary school students should be allowed to study independently and its impacts.

Read More About   Elementary Education / Primary Education

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Secondary Education Dissertation Topics

Secondary school education primarily covers formal education obtained by pupils between 13 and 18 years. Secondary education is compulsory in most countries, including the United Kingdom, and it may be taught in the form of Ordinary Levels, Advanced Levels, and SSC and HSC exams.

There is a wide array of research areas to be explored in this field of study, and any of the following research topics could be selected for your education dissertation.

Topic 26: Investigating the impact of teacher education on secondary education in the European Union

Research Aim: This research will investigate how secondary education in the EU is impacted by teacher education.

Topic 27: Investigating the impact of secondary school dual enrolment course participation on pupils’ academic accomplishments

Research Aim: This research will investigate the impact of dual course enrolment and its impact on academic accomplishments in secondary school.

Topic 28: The role of sustainability in learning and teaching in secondary schools to transform the soul of education

Research Aim: This study will explore the role of sustainable learning and teaching in secondary school, and it helps transform the soul of education.

Topic 29: Investigating secondary school teachers’ thinking in a professional development project

Research Aim: This research will analyse the teachers’ thinking with the help of a professional development project.

Topic 30: Betraying the college dream: How student aspirations are undermined by the disconnected post-secondary and K-12 education systems

Research Aim: The post-secondary schooling and K-12 education systems are misaligned. Thus, this research will investigate how this adversely impacts students, and as a result, more and more students are giving up on their college dreams.

Topic 31: Analysing supply & demand in light of the rising cost of secondary education

Research Aim: This research will assess and analyse the rising cost of education and its impact on the supply and demand for education.

Topic 32: To study the use of instructional and information technologies in teacher training in secondary schools and colleges in the United Kingdom

Research Aim: This research will study the use of technologies in teacher training and how they impact secondary education in the UK.

Topic 33: Should secondary school teachers emphasise today’s demanding issues such as energy conservation, sustainability, and environmental protection?

Research Aim: This research will study whether or not teachers should emphasise current issues like energy preservation, sustainability, and environmental protection.

Topic 34: How can religious and racial tolerance increase among pupils by reintroducing religious education in the secondary schooling system?

Research Aim: This research will explore whether introducing religious education in secondary education helps decrease religious and racial intolerance.

Topic 35: To investigate the benefits of teaching business management and entrepreneurship-related courses to secondary school students over social science courses.

Research Aim:  This research will study the uses and benefits of teaching business management and entrepreneurship at the secondary schooling level.  Read More About   Secondary Education

Higher Education Dissertation Topics

Higher education or college/university education covers the formal education available to college, undergraduate and postgraduate students. Some interesting higher education dissertation topics are listed below.

Topic 36: International mobility of graduate and undergraduate students of mathematics, engineering, technology and science; Push and Pull Factors

Research Aim: This research will study and analyse the push and pull factors that impact the graduate and undergraduate students’ choice of university.

Topic 37: International graduate students and their decisions to stay or leave the US; The decisive factors

Research Aim: This study will explore the factors that lead students to decide whether they should stay or leave their universities in the US.

Topic 38: Aligning higher education to labour market requirements in the UK

Research Aim: This research will assess whether higher education in the UK should be aligned with the labour  market requirements or not.

Topic 39: Internationalisation drivers, obstacles and rationales: A case study of any higher education institute in the UK

Research Aim: This research will analyse the internationalisation drivers, obstacles, and rationales of higher education institutes in the UK.

Topic 40: An investigation into the governance systems of academic planning in both private and public sector higher education institutes

Research Aim: This research will investigate the governance systems of academic planning in both, private and public higher education institutes.

Topic 41: Higher education system: Should all universities follow the same education pattern?

Research Aim: This research will explore whether every university should follow the same educational pattern.

Topic 42: Evaluating teaching quality in higher education schools from students’ perspective

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the performance of teachers based on students’ perspectives. Suggestions will be provided as to how it should be improved.

Topic 43: Identify the factors affecting student mobility in Europe – The quality aspect

Research Aim: This research will explore the factors that impact student mobility in Europe.

Topic 44: Assessing and Evaluating the Impact of Hiring, Firing and Retiring Professors in Higher Education System on Students

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the various impacts of hiring, firing and retiring professors in the higher education system on students.

Topic 45: Do university graduates perform better than those who do not obtain formal education but have practical work experience?

Research Aim: This research will evaluate and assess the performance of two sets of students. First, university graduates, second, will be those who have no formal education but have practical work experience.  Also Read:   Fashion and Culture Dissertation Topics

Teaching Method Dissertation Topics

The role of primary, secondary or higher education teachers is highly important, particularly considering the ever-increasing need to provide a growth-oriented academic environment to students. Some interesting teaching method dissertation research topics are listed below.

Topic 46: The influence of teaching methods on students’ academic success and achievements

Research Aim: This research will explore the influence of teaching methods on students’ academic success and achievements.

Topic 47: A Transactional Method to Learning and Teaching in an English Language Arts Methodologies Conference

Research Aim: This study will explore the transactional learning and teaching method in an English language arts methodologies conference.

Topic 48: How the effect of constructivist teaching methods can largely influence the algebraic understanding of primary and secondary school students

Research Aim: This research will understand how constructivist teaching methods affect primary and secondary school students.

Topic 49: Student learning of DNA and the effect of teaching methods

Research Aim: This research will study the impact of various teaching methods on students.

Topic 50: Teaching English through conventional and direct approaches – A qualitative study

Research Aim: This will be a qualitative study that will help assess the teaching of English as a subject through direct and conventional approaches.

Topic 51: Investigating the relationships of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs, knowledge and efficiency: A multimethod approach

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between teachers’ pedagogical beliefs, efficiency, and knowledge.

Topic 52: Exploring the benefits of employing the Socratic methodology as an approach to learning

Research Aim: This research will investigate the benefits of the Socratic method of learning approach.

Topic 53: The benefits of introducing mathematics software to higher education mathematics teachers

Research Aim: This study will explore the benefits of introducing mathematics software to higher education math teachers.

Topic 54: The increasing importance of teachers training taking into consideration various threats to students such as weapons and drugs

Research Aim: This research will understand the importance of teachers’ training with respect to threats such as drugs and weapons.

Topic 55: Are the teachers more prone to violence at the hands of their students as compared to the past: How the profession of teaching has evolved over the last twenty years

Research Aim: Purpose: This research will compare the teaching profession in the past twenty years and will conclude on how it has changed.  Read More About:   Teaching Methods in the UK

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Education Leadership and Policy Studies Dissertation Topics

The role of leadership, politics, and policies cannot be overlooked. Education leadership and policy studies have two main roots, including organisational theory and political science. This may be an interesting area of research for your educational dissertation.

Topic 56: Implementing educational change in failing middle schools through examination of one’s fundamental leadership procedures and processes

Research Aim: This research will explore the impact of implementing educational change in failing middle schools by examining leadership procedures at the institutes.

Topic 57: Historical background and development of co-curricular transcripts

Research Aim: This research will date back to history and explore how co-curricular transcripts were developed, and will compare them to today’s processes.

Topic 58: Evaluating the self-efficiency of high-performing first-generation university students

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the self-efficiency of high performing university students.

Topic 59: The influence of spiritual growth on leadership development of college and university students

Research Aim: This research will explore the influence of spiritual growth on the leadership skills development of university students.

Topic 60: The peril and power of globalisation: The Higher education, the World Bank, and the Global Knowledge Economy

Research Aim: This research will focus on the globalisation aspect of education and will talk about how it has been impacted.

Topic 61: The self-reported impact of instructional coaching on middle school teachers’ practices

Research Aim: This research will investigate the impact of instructional coaching on middle school teachers’ practices.

Topic 62: An investigation into the policies designed to address bullying in schools of the UK: The beliefs, opinions and perceptions of teachers and principals

Research Aim: This research will explore in-depth the policies that are designed to address and eliminate bullying in UK schools.

Topic 63: Investigating the causes of under-representation of black students in advanced placement courses in the USA

Research Aim: This research will explore the racial issues in the educational system of the US, i.e. underrepresentation of black students.

Topic 64: Lecture note-taking skills of adolescents with and without learning disabilities

Research Aim: This research will understand the note-taking skills of adolescents and how they differ with respect to learning.

Topic 65: A qualitative study to evaluate the educational policies in the UK

Research Aim:  This study will assess and evaluate the various educational policies in the UK.  Read More About:  Courses About International Education Leadership And Policy

Adult Education Dissertation Topics

Vocation-based or professional adult education has gained tremendous popularity in the academic world over the last couple of decades. Here is a wide range of research topics within this field of study to base your dissertation on.

Topic 66: Investing social and personal benefits and costs of basic adult education from students’ perspective

Research Aim: This research will investigate the social and personal benefits and costs of basic adult education.

Topic 67: The perception of adult learners regarding their satisfaction with their educational experiences

Research Aim: This research will explore the perception of adult learners regarding their educational experiences.

Topic 68: Use of bounded agency approach to promoting participation in adult education programmes

Research Aim: This research will discuss the bounded agency approach to promote participation in adult education programs.

Topic 69: A psychoanalytic investigation to explore adult teaching and learning theory

Research Aim: This research will conduct a psychoanalytic investigation in order to explore adult teaching and learning.

Topic 70: Comparing the perception of adult learners in face-to-face and online courses

Research Aim: This research will compare the perception of adult learners in online and face to face courses.

Topic 71: Use of Hatcher-Assagioli Synthesis to analyse practices, principles, and goals for community-based adult education

Research Aim: This research will utilise Hatcher Assagioli Synthesis to analyse community-based education practices, principles, and goals.

Topic 72: A review of the UK government spending on adult education over the last two decades

Research Aim: This research will review the UK government’s spending on adult education for two decades.

Topic 73: The relationship between unemployment and government funding for adult education – A quantitative analysis

Research Aim: This research will explore the relationship between government funding and unemployment for adult education.

Topic 74: The impact of entrepreneurship, wealth building and personal finance-related courses in adult education

Research Aim: This study will study the impact of courses like entrepreneurship, personal finance et. For adult education.

Topic 75: Frequent career changes over working life and the increasing importance of adult education in today’s world

Research Aim: This research will assess the importance of adult education and how it influences students to change their career choices frequently.

Private School Education Dissertation Topics

Private schools have become a large profit-making industry in both the developed and developing world. More and more parents want to send their children to private schools even though the expenses associated with private education are constantly on the rise. Following are some suggestions for your education dissertation research:

Topic 76: Evaluating the effectiveness of management in private schools in the UAE

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the effectiveness of private school management in the UAE.

Topic 77: To study the level of cooperation between home schools, public schools and private schools in the United Kingdom

Research Aim: This research will explore the cooperation level in home schools, and private and public schools in the UK.

Topic 78: A qualitative analysis to determine the causes of why parents choose to send their children to private schools in South Asian countries

Research Aim: This research will conduct qualitative analysis to determine why parents send their children to private schools in Asia.

Topic 79: Investigating the policies concerning the fee structure of private schools in Shanghai

Research Aim: This research will investigate the various policies that concern the fee structure of private Shanghai schools.

Topic 80: An empirical analysis of the impacts of the universal primary education policies on educational performances in South Asia

Research Aim: This research will conduct an empirical analysis to understand the impact of universal primary education policies on educational performance in the South Asian region.

Topic 81: Use of information technology and teaching tools in private schools in the UK

Research Aim: This research will explore the use of technology in private schools and assess its effectiveness.

Topic 82: Schooling for money – The Impact of the Profit motive on Swiss Educational Reform

Research Aim: This research will study the Swiss educational reform and its impact on the system.

Topic 83: Challenges and experiences of children with disabilities in private schools in India

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the challenges and experiences of children with disabilities in Indian schools.

Topic 84: Why are private school students considered to have the edge over public schools – A qualitative study

Research Aim: This will be a qualitative study on why private school students are preferred over public school students.

Topic 85: Emphasis on personality formation and character in private schools – Are private school students more competitive than public school students?

Research Aim:  This research will study the personality formation and character building of private school students.  Read More About   Private School Fee Increase for First Time.

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Public School Education Dissertation Topics

Most schools in the developed world are publicly funded, offering elementary, secondary, and higher education. There is a wide array of topics of research under this field of study that can be explored. Some of them are suggested below:

Exploring the Funding of Public Schools – How they can be improved. This research will explore the ways through which public schools are funded and will study what can be done to improve them.

Topic 86: Investigating the impact of teacher leadership in public schools in the UK

Research Aim: This research will study the impact of teacher leadership in UK public schools.

Topic 87: Is it true that public schools are better able to prepare their students to face the challenges of the real world as compared to private schools

Research Aim: This research will explore a common misconception that public school students are better prepared to face real-world challenges than private school students.

Topic 88: Can publicly-funded religious schools help to counter radicalisation and terrorism?

Research Aim: This study will explore an important topic, i.e. can terrorism and radicalisation be countered with public funding of schools.

Topic 89: Encouraging values and morals in the younger generation by reintroducing religious education in public schools in the UK

Research Aim: This research will study how reintroducing religious education help encourage values and morals in the younger generation in the UK.

Topic 90: Healthy eating habits and the role of public schools offering courses such as meal choice, cooking and home economics

Research Aim: This research will explore the benefits of cooking and home economic courses and promote healthy eating.

Topic 91: How public school students can be encouraged to participate in sporting activities?

Research Aim: This research will assess how public school students can be encouraged to participate in sporting activities.

Topic 92: The perception of special education administrators on the use of paraprofessionals in the education of students with disabilities

Topic 93: the perception of special education administrators on the use of paraprofessionals in the education of students with disabilities.

Research Aim: This research will discuss special education administrators and how they help offer quality education to disabled students.

Topic 94: Educating students with disabilities and the beliefs of public school principals

Research Aim: This research will explore the beliefs of public school principals and how these beliefs help offer quality education to disabled students.

Topic 95: Advanced teaching tools in public school classrooms – How they Help Improve Quality Education

Research Aim:  This research will explore how quality education is provided by implementing innovative technology in classrooms.

Read More About   Public Schools in the UK

Home Schooling Dissertation Topics

Homeschooling is a highly growing educational phenomenon in developed countries. Any form of education that children obtain within their home setting under the supervision of their parents/adults is classified as homeschooling. Some interesting home school dissertation topics are suggested below:

Topic 96: A qualitative study to understand the significance of the role of information technology in homeschooling

Research Aim: This research will assess the importance of information technology for homeschooling through qualitative research.

Topic 97: The advantages and disadvantages of home schooling – Do home children perform with the top private and public school students?

Research Aim: This research will assess the pros and cons of home-schooling. It will also assess the performance of home schooled-students as compared to private and public school students.

Topic 98: A qualitative analysis of socialisation and academic accomplishments among home schooled university students

Research Aim: This research will be a qualitative analysis with respect to socialisation and academic accomplishments with respect to home schooled university students.

Topic 99: Factors motivating students to choose home schooling over conventional schooling systems

Research Aim: This study will explore the factors that motivate students to opt for homeschooling over the conventional schooling system.

Topic 100: A qualitative study to understand the parental motivation for home-schooling

Research Aim: This will be a qualitative study to assess the parental motivation to home-school their children.

Topic 101: Are partnerships available in homeschooling? Exploring their Effectiveness

Research Aim: This research will explore whether partnerships are available in homeschooling or not and how beneficial they prove to be.

Topic 102: A qualitative analysis to understand the educational beliefs of home schooled pupils and their parents

Research Aim: This research will conduct a qualitative analysis to assess the educational beliefs of homeschooled students and their parents.

Topic 103: A qualitative analysis of the relationship between financial literacy and homeschooling

Research Aim: This research will assess whether there is a relationship between homeschooling and financial literacy or not.

Topic 104: The duties and responsibilities of parents concerning the homeschooling of their children

Research Aim: This research will explore the duties and responsibilities of parents with respect to the homeschooling of their children.

Topic 105: Do Homeschool Children Develop Personalities and Characters Like Private and Public Schooled Children?

Research Aim: This research will explore whether homeschooled children build strong character and confident personalities just like private and public schooled students or not.

Latest Education Dissertation Topics

  • A Comparative Study on the Impact of Technology Integration on Student Learning Outcomes
  • The Role of Teacher Feedback in Student Academic Achievement
  • Efficacy of Differentiated Instruction in Diverse Classroom Settings
  • Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Educational Attainment
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning in Science Education
  • Promoting Critical Thinking Skills Through Literature-Based Instruction
  • Examining the Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Student Success
  • Implementing Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Urban Schools
  • The Impact of Early Childhood Education Programs on Long-Term Academic Success
  • The Effects of Gender Bias in Classroom Interactions on Student Achievement
  • Impact of School Climate on Student Well-being and Academic Performance
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Teacher Effectiveness
  • The Influence of Motivation on Student Engagement and Achievement
  • The Impact of Peer Tutoring on Academic Achievement in Mathematics
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Student-Teacher Rapport and Classroom Behaviour

Simple Ordering Process

A system that works for everyone, important notes:.

As a student of education looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing education theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The field of education is vast and interrelated with so many other academic disciplines. That is why creating an education dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field is imperative.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation , as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best education dissertation topics that fulfils your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample education dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Education Dissertation

A well-structured   dissertation can help students   to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review :  This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic in light of research questions to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area while identifying any research gaps. A breakdown of the topic and key terms can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology: The  data collection  and  analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes  research design, research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and  data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis: The findings  of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs ,  charts, and  tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and  Conclusion: The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is to establish the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References:  Make sure to complete this in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices: Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK-based academic writing service that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject they specialise in. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find education dissertation topics.

To find education dissertation topics:

  • Research recent educational issues.
  • Explore curriculum gaps or innovations.
  • Investigate teaching methods.
  • Analyse student learning challenges.
  • Consider policy or technology impacts.
  • Select a topic aligning with your passion and research goals.

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70+ Architecture Dissertation Topics in 2024

Manali Ganguly Image

Manali Ganguly ,

Mar 4, 2024

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The architecture dissertation topics that are most relevant in 2024 are urban transport, architecture of shopping malls and restaurants, constructing of modern museums, constructing green buildings, designing ecological workspaces, and many more.

70+ Architecture Dissertation Topics in 2024

The top architecture dissertation topics for 2024 include marine park design, multimedia film city, modern art museum, architecture in restaurants, architecture in shopping malls, urban transport, peripheral park designs, etc.

Architecture is a subject that needs creative thinking. Working on a dissertation in architecture will help in a comprehensive knowledge of the subject. A high-quality dissertation also adds points to the academic result of a student. There are a wide range of topics to choose from.

Top Architecture Dissertation Topics in 2024

When writing a dissertation, the most crucial point is the selection of the right topic. There are plenty of options available. However, choosing the right topic adds value to the end result. It must be noted here that the selection must be done based on a topic of interest. There are various categories to choose from. Mentioned below are the categories and the topics under those.

  • Landscape Architecture Dissertation Topics
  • Sustainable Architecture Dissertation Topics
  • Risk Management Architecture Dissertation Topics
  • New Age Architecture Dissertation Topics
  • Naval Architecture Dissertation Topics
  • Ecological Architecture Dissertation Topics

1. Landscape Architecture Dissertation Topics

The architecture dissertation topics under this category have been provided below for the concerned students:

  • The importance of dedicated green areas or zones in a city
  • Eco-friendly architectural design
  • Green building
  • The impact of landscape architecture on modern life’
  • Making roof gardens
  • The relationship between landscape architecture and ecosystem
  • Aim of landscape engineering
  • Creating natural swimming pools
  • Creating a modern city with rain water storage and usage
  • Reusing river park
  • Building green highways
  • Importance of building parks in the society

Also Check: Top 100+ Research Paper Topics

2. Sustainable Architecture Dissertation Topics

The dissertation topics pertaining to sustainable architecture have been provided below. Students interested in writing their dissertation paper in this category can have a look at the options given below for the selection of architecture dissertation topics:

  • Sustainable architectural plan for the neighbourhood
  • Architectural differences pertaining to modernity and tradition
  • Creating an architectural design suitable for the elderly or the ageing people
  • The importance of regenerative design
  • The importance and need of urban farming
  • The rebuilding of communities after a disaster
  • The concept of responsive architecture
  • The relationship between architecture and mathematics through parametric design
  • Impact of architecture on the physical and mental well-being of man
  • The concept of biophilic design
  • Architecture behind the creation of smart cities
  • Using the old and dilapidated architectures to create new architectural designs
  • The concept of public space design
  • Conservation of heritage properties
  • Architectural designs to support sustainable transport

Also Check: NIRF Architecture Ranking 2024

3. Risk Management Architecture Dissertation Topics

Students seeking to write their architecture dissertation paper on risk management, can take ideas from the topics given below.

  • Management of risk by the architects relevant to the construction of modern and urban buildings
  • Analysing the limits of technology in architectural designs
  • Reviewing and analysing the open-home design concept in architecture
  • Analysing the benefits of buildings with high strength over low cost buildings
  • Optimization of safety within the architectural designs of buildings
  • Construction of buildings in areas prone to earthquakes
  • Planning a city based on the principles of water conservation

Also Check:  Thesis Vs. Dissertation: Meaning, Differences and Similarities

4. New Age Architecture Dissertation Topics

Students who are looking forward to working on some interesting architecture dissertation topics can find some of the best topics below:

  • The maximisation and utility of small spaces
  • Usage of technical models in the architectural designs
  • The difference in construction and design of houses in the cold and tropical climates
  • The importance of designing a house that fosters mental and physical well being of the members
  • The value of the middle class architecture in today’s world
  • Analysis of the important architects around the world
  • Discovering new architectural designs for nuclear families
  • The building of a community centre
  • Architectural ideas for places prone of earthquakes
  • Architectural designs of places prone to tsunamis

Also Check: Architecture Courses after 12th

5. Naval Architecture Dissertation Topics

The most interesting naval architectural dissertation topics have been shared below for the students:

  • Creating the model ship for future
  • The rules for controlling damage in naval architecture
  • Modernization of the naval architecture
  • Designing a Yacht
  • Layout and design of the first ship
  • Difference in the architectural designs of old and modern day ships
  • The design and architecture of a military ship
  • The design and architecture of a submarine
  • Designing of a small ship
  • Differences in architecture between a passenger ship and cargo ship
  • Architecture behind a boat without nails
  • The differences in the ship building patterns of different countries
  • The difference in the designs of a boat and a yacht
  • The architecture of a tanker
  • Naval architecture of the old times

Also Check: PhD in Architecture

6. Ecological Architecture Dissertation Topics

The ecological architecture dissertation topics are being increasingly taken up by the students. Mentioned below is a complete list of such topics:

  • How to make architecture eco-friendly?
  • Incorporation of ecological resources in the construction of buildings
  • Materials used in architecture: effect on the environment
  • Creating eco-house
  • The impact of modern and urban architecture on ecology
  • Constructing shopping malls with ecological design and materials
  • Building wood houses and its effect on the ecosystem
  • The effect of modern architectural designs on animals
  • Incorporating more greens in the construction of offices and buildings
  • The effect on skyscrapers on bird-life

While it is important to go forward with the architectural designs and styles, it is also crucial to measure the pros and cons of the same on sustainability. The students pursuing a course in architecture, such as B.Arch or M.Arch or an MTech or BTech in Architecture Engineering , must go through the above-mentioned architecture dissertation topics for writing their papers.


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117 Awesome Fashion Research Topics: Inspirational Ideas List

fashion research topics

Finding some decent fashion research topics that you can use for your next papers is not easy nowadays. You want something new, something original. Your classmates are probably scouring the Internet as we speak, so why are you still wasting time? Take a look at our long list of 117 exceptional fashion research topics and choose the best one right now.

What makes our topics different, you ask? Our experts are constantly updating the list and adding new ideas. This means you will always be able to find an original idea here on this page. We will soon be adding new topics for 2023, so stay tuned!

What Is The Fashion Research Paper?

Keep in mind that finding some great fashion topics to write about is not enough. You need to be able to create a well-organized, concise research paper. To help you do just that, we will show you the 8 main parts of a research paper:

Title page (or cover page) Start with a hook to catch the attention of your readers, then talk a bit about the background of the problem and present your thesis. Literature review. Here, you will need to demonstrate that you have analyzed the literature related to the topic and that there is a gap in knowledge that needs to be addressed. Research In this section, you will explain in great detail all the methods you have used to gather the data. Be as specific as possible. Data analysis. This is the section where you present and analyze the data. Be objective and avoid discussing the results. This is the section where you can discuss your findings and prove how your research results back your thesis. Don’t forget to acknowledge the limitations of your research. Restate your thesis and summarize your research and findings. Show your readers how your findings answer the research questions. References page. This is where you list all the resources you have used to write your research Make sure you don’t miss any.

Now that you know the overall structure of a research paper, it’s time to give you some excellent topics to write about:

Brand New Fashion Research Paper Topics

We will start our list with the brand new fashion research paper topics. These have been added to the list recently, so you can pick one right now knowing that it’s original:

  • Fashion in Ancient Rome
  • The impact of Jane Austen on the world of fashion
  • Swimwear in the 1980s
  • Using bizarre colors in fashion
  • The rise and fall of the jeans
  • Peer pressure related to fashion trends
  • Social networking and fashion
  • The life and work of Giorgio Armani
  • Talk about hippie fashion
  • Fashion in Islamic religions

Interesting Fashion Topics To Write About

If you are looking for something out of the ordinary, we have a long list of interesting fashion topics to write about. Take a look at the following ideas:

  • The rise of the Chanel brand
  • Does price reflect quality?
  • Fashion in Ancient Egypt
  • The sense of fashion in women
  • The link between art and fashion
  • Discuss ethics in fashion
  • The relationship between style and money
  • The role of clothes in your culture
  • Interesting fashion hacks

Fashion Research Topics 2023

In the fashion research topics 2023, you can find topics that were greatly appreciated in 2023. These may or may not be as appreciated in 2024 though:

  • Fashion in developing countries
  • Research smart casual fashion
  • Compare Asian fashion with American fashion
  • Fashion and aesthetics
  • Marketing a new brand of clothes
  • Fashion in vlogging
  • What are cycles in fashion?
  • The rise of the Versace empire
  • Fashion in Paris

Advanced Fashion Topics To Discuss

We also have a list of more advanced fashion topics to discuss. Just keep in mind that the following topics are not easy to write about. But as an option, you can buy a dissertation on any topic.

  • Negative effects of fashion on the environment
  • Forecasting new trends in 2023
  • Celebrities and fashion
  • Negative effects of fashion on the human psychology
  • Influencer marketing of fashion products
  • Fashion from a religious standpoint
  • The place of leather in fashion in 2023
  • Largest fashion shows in the world
  • The importance of Fashion Weeks in Eastern Europe

Fun Research Topics On Fashion

Who said a research paper can’t be fun? Choose one of these fun research topics on fashion and start writing the perfect paper today:

  • Fashion in 1990s media
  • Funny fashion mishaps
  • Men in fashion advertisements/commercials
  • Fashion in medieval times
  • Crossover fashion in 2023
  • Can you start a fashion business?
  • Fashion in the royal family (the UK)
  • Fashion and school uniforms

Important People In Fashion

One of the easiest ways to write a research paper in the field of fashion is to research an icon. Here are some important people in a fashion that you can talk about:

  • Karl Lagerfeld
  • Stella McCartney
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • David Bowie
  • Princess Diana
  • Charles Frederick Worth
  • Harry Styles
  • Kim Taehyung
  • Coco Chanel
  • Designer Paul Poiret

Fashion Research Paper Topics For High School

If you are a high school student, you need some easier topics to write on. Check out these fashion research paper topics for high school and pick the one you like:

  • Fashion in Ancient Egyptian times
  • Michael Jackson’s fashion
  • Fashion in Western Europe
  • Fashion at the workplace
  • Fashion in schools in the UK
  • Discuss fashion in North Korea
  • Luxury products and the human brain
  • Fashion trends and the science that explains them

Captivating Fashion Design Research Paper Topics

In case you want to discuss fashion design, we have a nice list of captivating fashion design research paper topics right here. All these topics are, of course, 100% free to use:

  • Fashion in the LGBTQ community
  • Fashion in Nazi Germany
  • Fun facts about beachwear
  • The role of Versace in fashion
  • New York as a fashion center
  • Effects of Tik-Tok on fashion
  • The origins of ethnic clothing
  • Mixing 3 styles the right way
  • Fashion and sexism in 2023

Fast Fashion Research Paper Topics

Don’t want to spend a lot of time working on that research paper? No problem! Simply choose one of these fast fashion research paper topics:

  • The role of politics in fashion in the United States
  • Talk about wedding ceremony fashion
  • Talk about trends in baby clothing in the United Kingdom
  • The role celebrities play in fashion marketing
  • Talk about 3 iconic fashion characters
  • An in-depth look at fashion in the punk world

Fashion Topics To Research In 2023

It’s time to think about the topics that should work great in 2023. In fact, our experts have already compiled a list of fashion topics to research in 2023:

  • Talk about the notion of “invisible branding” in fashion
  • Research women’s fashion in the 1980s
  • The role played by art in fashion trends
  • Research 3 major fashion companies
  • Talk about the low rise fashion trend
  • Discuss the women’s oversized bomber jackets trend

Fashion And Marketing Research Topics

As you probably know, fashion and marketing go hand in hand. Take a look at our latest and most interesting fashion and marketing research topics right here:

  • Fashion marketing on social media
  • Fashion marketing in the 1960s
  • Effective marketing strategies for luxury products
  • Style vs. functionality in marketing
  • Marketing and fashion cycles
  • The role of fashion in TV commercials

Fashion Ideas For College Students

College students should research topics that are more complex in nature. Don’t worry though; we have more than enough fashion ideas for college students:

  • Research the hoodies under blazers fashion trend
  • Compare Asian and European fashion
  • Research Jane Austen’s style
  • A closer look at minimalist fashion
  • The beginning of the Haute Couture
  • Fashion and the Internet

Unique Ideas Related To Fashion

This list of topics has been revised recently to make sure all ideas are unique. So, if you’re looking for unique ideas related to fashion, you have definitely arrived at the right place:

  • Analyze the cropped cardigans trend
  • Research the plus-size fashion industry in Indonesia
  • The impact of feminism on fashion
  • Social issues caused by fashion
  • Fashion and cheap labor
  • Effects of religion on fashion

Easy Fashion Essay Topics

If you want to make sure you ace that research paper, you should find an easy topic to talk about. Take a look at these easy fashion essay topics and pick one today:

  • Discuss the notion of “color blocking”
  • Fashion trends during World War II
  • The evolution of men’s suits over the last 100 years
  • Fashion and child labor
  • What is organic clothing?
  • Talk about the rise of wig fashion

Creative Fashion Research Questions

Professors really appreciate creativity, so you should definitely go through this list of creative fashion research questions:

  • A closer look at the puff sleeves trend
  • The Kardashian family’s impact on fashion
  • How did Chanel rise to fame?
  • Sustainability in the fashion industry
  • Fashion and body types
  • Interesting fashion trends in Dubai
  • Talk about fashion in the armed forces

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Home » Blog » Dissertation » Topics » Graphic Design » Graphic Design Dissertation Topics (28 Examples) For Research

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Graphic Design Dissertation Topics (28 Examples) For Research

Mark Jun 22, 2020 Jun 20, 2020 Graphic Design No Comments

A good graphic designer knows how to attract people by using appealing and innovative work ideas. When working on the thesis, it is important to choose an attractive dissertation topic. To help you out, we have prepared a list of graphic design dissertation topics, which are interesting and useful. The list of graphic design dissertation […]

graphic design dissertation topics

A good graphic designer knows how to attract people by using appealing and innovative work ideas. When working on the thesis, it is important to choose an attractive dissertation topic. To help you out, we have prepared a list of graphic design dissertation topics, which are interesting and useful.

The following list of graphic design research topics includes some of the most interesting topics to work on. You can select any research topic on graphic design for your project from this list and tweak it a bit to make it yours or you can let us help you in preparing a proposal and brief on the chosen dissertation topic in graphic design.

List of Graphic Design dissertation topics

Studying the evolution of graphic designing during different periods.

A cost-benefit analysis of investing for hiring an experienced graphic designer.

Analysing the main stages of development of the graphic design industry.

An analysis of the role of colours in graphic design: the best and worst choices.

A review of the approaches used by male and female graphic designers.

Exploring the relationship between signage and mobile map for indoor wayfinding.

To study the impact of visual information in service design.

An evaluation of designing career paths in graphic design.

Studying the graphic design theory research and application in advanced technology.

An analysis of the usage of artificial intelligence in today’s graphic design.

Studying the trends in layout design of feature articles in outdoor magazines.

To examine the graphic design as an instrument of identity assertation for indigenous people.

Evaluating the aesthetic values of the two-dimensional visual design structure.

A literature review of the basic graphic designs.

Studying the importance of artistic sensibility in graphic designing.

Analysing the role of brainstorming and mocking up design ideas.

An analysis of the projecting budgets and schedules in graphic designing.

Studying the importance of design education beyond boundaries in the 21st century.

A review of the new perspectives on visual communication design education.

An empirical study of applying narrative theory to graphic design courses.

An investigation of creativity in graphic designing education from psychological perspectives.

Studying the end-users challenge graphic designers intuition through visual-verbal co-design.

An analysis of the trends in graphic design over the past decade.

Exploring the factors that contributed to the evolution of digital art.

A literature review on the graphic novel.

Analysing the relationship between graphic design and pop-culture.

Identification of the qualities that a professional graphical designer must possess.

Exploring the distinctive features of web-design using secondary research.

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  • Information is available in Section IV.B.2 Research on Human Subjects of the  Graduate Bulletin   (from the  Resources and Policies page ).
  • Additional information and forms are available on the   IRB website . Your IRB approval number must be included on the Thesis or Dissertation Proposal Form.
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  • Additional information on copyright, publishing options and other topics is available on  Lauinger’s Scholarly Communication  website.
  • More information about the requirements for dissertations, doctoral projects and theses can be found in the  Graduate Bulletin .

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Information on the forms required leading up to a defense and also afterward appear on Submission of Thesis  and  Submission of Dissertation or Doctoral Project .

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Topics in Design: Information Design

dissertation topics in design

The goal of this course is to develop the skills to translate information from its clinical definition of ‘facts provided’ to being a source of knowledge that is engaging and understandable. We will look at a myriad of historic and modern examples of how design has helped distill raw information into clear, coherent forms. We will study the information display typologies that have evolved and develop the skills and visual vocabulary to make sense of and effectively communicate information. The students will identify an information problem to tackle visually and produce a visual narrative from it.

This seven week course will break down each week as follows: 1: History of information 2: Perception and how we process visual information 3: Information display typologies 4: Data and information narratives 5: Practical applications and identifying information opportunities 6: The relationship between information and visual design 7: Final projects review

What the History of Boston’s Harbor Can Teach Us about Its Uncertain Future

Rising tides threaten boston’s waterfront, but bu phd candidate genna kane says the city has a history of adaptation and resilience.

Photo: A picture of a woman with curly brown hair wearing a blue sweater and floral shirt smiling and posing in front of the Boston harbor.

Andrew Thurston

Cydney scott.

The Great Molasses Flood is one of history’s unlikeliest disasters. On Wednesday, January 15, 1919, a giant wave of sticky, sweet syrup ripped through the streets of Boston at 35 mph, destroying buildings, throwing vehicles, drowning animals, and killing 21 people and injuring 150.

The wave started on the edge of Boston Harbor, when a massive molasses storage tank—58 feet tall and 98 feet in diameter—burst.

“It’s sometimes regarded like a joke or punchline, or a one-off tragedy,” says Boston University historian Genna Kane.

But she views the flood as more than a gooey quirk in the history books. A PhD candidate in BU’s American & New England Studies Program, Kane (GRS’27) is researching the history of the waterfront for her dissertation and has come to see the tragedy as an important moment in Boston Harbor’s past, emblematic of its shift from a shipping hub to a base for industry. And, she says, its aftermath symbolizes the waterfront’s resiliency and ability to rebuild and adapt—traits the city may need to draw on again to take on future climate change–fueled disasters, like the rising tides that threaten to inundate coastal neighborhoods.

Photo: A black and white archive picture of the damage caused by the Great Molasses Flood in 1919.

“Even though the explosion was not a ‘natural’ disaster in the way we would think of hurricanes, tornadoes, etc., it caused horrific and unexpected damage to the North End’s infrastructure and built environment,” says Kane. “And the immediate recovery involved reconstruction in ways similar to other environmental disasters.”

In spring 2025, she’ll teach a course on the environmental history of Boston from the 19th century to the present day—and she will lead with the story of the Great Molasses Flood. “I’m using it in the course as an entry point to illustrate the environmental changes—in terms of the waterfront’s landscape, buildings, and overall use—that caused this disaster to happen, but also how the city recovered from that,” she says. 

Kane’s research traces the journey of Boston’s waterfront from its early days as a busy mercantile harbor, through its decades as an industrial center, to its present as a magnet for tourists, high-end housing, and biotech firms. She’s also surveying how the city made itself so vulnerable to sea level changes. Kane’s work was given a boost this spring when she won an Alice Ross Carey Fellowship , which comes with funding and access to the University of California, Berkeley’s Environmental Design Archives .

“I love Boston and, like many residents, I’m very worried about what’s going to happen as climate change continues to impact us—I want to know the roots of this,” says Kane. “I like to think of history as looking to the past for explanation for why we are the way we are. And that can help us better understand what we’re dealing with.”

How Paul Revere Sparked a Revolution—and a Dissertation

Kane grew up deep in rural New Hampshire, but she became fascinated by Boston Harbor’s starring role in the city’s history thanks to one man: Paul Revere.

In 1770, Revere moved his growing family into a two-story wooden house at the heart of Boston’s North End neighborhood. In just five years, the silversmith (and sometime dentist) would gallop from the home and into the history books: his midnight ride to warn his fellow patriots that the British were coming made him an icon of the American Revolution.

Photo: An archive picture of the Paul Revere House in Boston

Today, Revere’s former home is a National Historic Landmark, with lively museum interpreters spinning historical tales to tourists eager to touch the past. Before starting graduate school, Kane was one of those guides, and she would often find herself answering the same questions: Why did Revere choose to live in the North End? Why was he picked to make that famous ride?

“I found that pretty much every question I was answering led back to the waterfront,” says Kane, who recently won a BU Center for the Humanities internship award that she’ll use to advise a Concord Museum exhibition on the revolution. “Paul Revere had a lot of different businesses and his silversmithing shop was located on Clark’s Wharf [at the tip of the North End]. That’s because the engine of Boston’s growth was the waterfront—anytime someone wanted to sell something, transport it, import any good, the waterfront is the way they would do it.” Even Revere’s dash to Concord relied on access to the water: the former artillery lieutenant rushed from his home “to the North part of the Town, Where I had kept a Boat,” so he could cross the Charles River.

The waterfront is a very clear way to see what drove Boston’s economic and political growth, but also what Boston has struggled with. The harbor is what defines Boston in a lot of ways. Genna Kane

Kane’s time as a museum guide—she also had stints at the Old North Church and John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site—inspired her to learn even more about Boston’s past. “Those jobs were really why I wanted to pursue graduate education and history,” she says. And all those questions that led back to the waterfront—plus her own interest in environmental issues—helped inspire her dissertation’s focus. “The waterfront is a very clear way to see what drove Boston’s economic and political growth, but also what Boston has struggled with. The harbor is what defines Boston in a lot of ways.”

From Industry to Tourism to Biotech

Kane’s doctoral research starts with a period about 80 years after Revere moved—and when Boston’s position as a maritime power was foundering and its city leaders were scrambling for new ways to spark growth.

“They were worried the infrastructure in Boston would not provide economic opportunities,” says Kane. “So, they built Atlantic Avenue to facilitate railroad access. All of a sudden, there was this massive road that segmented the waterfront from the rest of the city.” It still does: anyone wanting to make it from downtown to the water today needs to cross four lanes of Atlantic Avenue traffic.

Over the late 19th and early 20th centuries, rail links attracted disparate industries—cold storage facilities, power plants, a molasses distiller—to the newly dislocated waterfront. But almost all of them had one thing in common: they required coal. And that became a lynchpin in Boston’s economy, says Kane.

“When Boston was struggling to find a productive export and bring in a lot of maritime traffic, one thing that was very prolific and profitable was coal,” she says. “I’m arguing that the waterfront is a major part of our current dependence on fossil fuels. If we look at the spaces that are now most threatened by climate change, they were once the major infrastructure for facilitating fossil economies, which ultimately results in the current situation we have with global warming and climate change.”

I’m arguing that the waterfront is a major part of our current dependence on fossil fuels. If we look at the spaces that are now most threatened by climate change, they were once the major infrastructure for facilitating fossil economies. Genna Kane

As those industries faded after World War II, Boston’s waterfront became a mixture of crumbling warehouses and sprawling parking lots. In the 1960s and ’70s, Boston’s leaders made another play at reinvention, turning their focus to the tourist industry—revamping Quincy Market, building the New England Aquarium. Today, hospitality is a major part of the city’s economy, but the waterfront is also going through another renewal, too, with neglected buildings and railroad lots being transformed into sleek offices for tech and biotech companies.

It’s a history Kane is compiling through archives and architectural plans, as well as by talking to city planners and other experts about how Boston and its people have shaped their waterfront—and how it has shaped them.

Photo: A black and white aerial view of Boston's Long Wharf from the 1940s.

“Other folks have either looked at different parts of the harbor or certain areas—the made land or certain architectural projects—but very few have tried to look at the entire waterfront as a whole,” says Kane, who will spend part of the summer as a Charles River Watershed Association development intern, where she’ll help with climate resiliency education and outreach. “The waterfront answers many questions about what makes Boston tick.” She hopes her research shines a particular light on the Bostonians impacted by generations of changes to the waterfront—the laborers toiling in industry, the working-class residents affected by pollution.

Rising Tides

The water lapping serenely at Boston’s harbor walls shaped the city’s past—but could swamp its future.

According to figures shared by the state , by 2030 Massachusetts could face a sea level rise of up to 1.1 feet over 2000 levels; by 2070, the rise could be as high as 4.2 feet. At that point, a kayak rather than a car will be needed to negotiate Boston’s waterfront neighborhoods, particularly the burgeoning Seaport District , built on former industrial land.

Photo: A picture of Boston's Seaport district. There are modern, glass skyscrapers in front of the Boston harbor

“In the early 2000s, the Seaport District was mostly parking lots, and Boston was looking for a new industry, a new driving source of economic growth—and that was the tech industry, especially biotech by the 2010s,” says Kane. “If you needed to build in downtown Boston, wouldn’t you want to build in an area with relatively little development? It made sense at the time.”

It may make less sense in 2070, but if the future looks uncertain for Boston’s waterfront, perhaps the past can bring some hope. After all, says Kane, the infamous dirty water of the industrial-era harbor is mostly swimmable today. “The cleanup of the harbor in the 1980s and ’90s is a massive environmental success story,” she says.

Reinvention after reinvention, Boston’s waterfront persists. And though she’s in the early stages of her dissertation, Kane says her findings already highlight the tenacious spirit of Boston and its residents.

“The past doesn’t necessarily dictate the future,” she says, “but it’s a way to say, ‘We’ve done this before, we can do it again.’”

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  • Climate Change
  • Environment & Ecology
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Editor, The Brink Twitter Profile

Photo of Andrew Thurston, a white man with black glasses. He smiles and wears a maroon polo shirt.

Andrew Thurston is originally from England, but has grown to appreciate the serial comma and the Red Sox, while keeping his accent (mostly) and love of West Ham United. He joined BU in 2007, and is the editor of the University’s research news site, The Brink ; he was formerly director of alumni publications. Before joining BU, he edited consumer and business magazines, including for corporations, nonprofits, and the UK government. His work has won awards from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, the In-House Agency Forum, Folio: , and the British Association of Communicators in Business. Andrew has a bachelor’s degree in English and related literature from the University of York. Profile


cydney scott

Cydney Scott has been a professional photographer since graduating from the Ohio University VisCom program in 1998. She spent 10 years shooting for newspapers, first in upstate New York, then Palm Beach County, Fla., before moving back to her home city of Boston and joining BU Photography. Profile

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US golf team's Olympic threads could be divisive. That's the point

dissertation topics in design

PARIS — Nobody at the Paris Olympics is going to stand out more, at least from a sartorial standpoint, than the men and women on the U.S. golf team .

Let’s call it a Scandinavian spin on the stars and stripes. American strength meets Swedish form and function. A wow factor worthy of both Stockholm and Shinnecock.

If you regularly watch the PGA Tour, you’re probably already familiar with J. Lindeberg, the Swedish clothing company that outfits world No. 7 Viktor Hovland in distinctive designs and colors that often border on the outrageous. Now, J. Lindeberg is making its next move in the sportswear space, partnering with USA Golf for the 2024 and 2028 Olympics.

You may love the uniforms that will be worn this week by Scottie Scheffler, Xander Schauffele, Nelly Korda and the rest of the Americans competing at Le Golf National just outside Paris. You may hate them. But you’re definitely going to notice – and that’s very much, pardon the pun, by design.

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J. Lindeberg’s distinctly Scandinavian style isn’t for everyone. Week-to-week on the PGA Tour, for instance, Hovland’s outfits are almost as likely to be mocked on social media as they are praised. But they’re always noticed.

And for a niche brand that has been around since the late 1990s but is starting to gain a serious foothold in the American market, the opportunity to outfit golfers at the Olympics is a whole new level of visibility that might inspire, could possibly enrage and will almost assuredly sell a whole lot of product that you’ll be seeing at your local golf club.

But why J. Lindeberg? In a sportswear industry with so many American companies, how did a Swedish brand end up getting the Team USA contract for a traditional, perhaps even staid sport like golf?

Well, there was a bidding process, of course. But within that competition, according to PGA Tour and USA Golf executive Andy Levinson, was a desire to give American golfers a bold and distinctive look that would emphasize the fact that they’re athletes when they’re walking around the Olympic Village rubbing elbows with other athletes.

"I want as many people not being happy with what we're doing as being happy with what we're doing," Scott Davis, the CEO and brand director for J. Lindeberg North America, told USA TODAY Sports. "It creates this 360 effect. If no one's talking about you, that's a lot worse. Right?"

"There’s a perception of golf being on that border between serious athlete versus, you know, some type of recreational activity," Levinson said. "And if you look at today's golfers, they're real athletes. All of these guys could probably, and probably did, at some point in their lives compete in other sports. And so when we’re at the Olympic Games and surrounded by this fabulous mix of athletes from all these different disciplines, it was very important to us that we have a partner that is going to outfit our players in a manner that makes them feel athletic all the time and as emboldened as they possibly can be."

With J. Lindeberg’s mix of European cuts, sharp-angled stripes and clean geometric patterns that has turned the American flag into modern art, it’s fair to say American golfers have already won the gold medal for style.

And even if the uniforms are a bit controversial for fans who prefer a more toward traditional look, that’s OK. Pushing boundaries is part of the strategy.  

"We always want to be sophisticated first, and disruptive second," Davis said. "That's how we see our brand. It's absolutely born and sits in that Scandinavian lifestyle field. So we want the consumer to feel cleanliness, fit, technicality, plus a little bit of disruption."

And it’s working.

Though J. Lindeberg made a bit of a golf splash in the company’s infancy with fashion plate Jesper Parnevik – yes, they were responsible for his iconic vest-and-tie outfit – the company’s visibility kind of faded a bit after he left the tour.

That all changed when Davis signed Hovland to an apparel deal in 2019.

A Norwegian who played college golf at Oklahoma State, Davis had a conviction that Hovland might be the next big thing in the sport – and not just because of his talent but because he had a personality that would translate well to an American audience.

Hovland quickly established himself as an elite player after turning pro, which meant he was on television a lot – which also meant his distinctive clothing was being seen by millions of people on a regular basis. And whether it was the famous Azalea shirt he wore at the Masters or hot pink trousers or blue tiger stripes at last year’s US Open, fans notice and talk about it online.

According to Davis, that has translated to a discernible uptick in J. Lindeberg’s business – even though he admits that not everybody is going to want to dress like Hovland.

"It’s been transformational," he said. "And it was lucky."

Now, the company’s profile is expanding. It has signed athletes in other sports such as Chris Eubanks and 2023 Wimbledon champion Marketa Vondrousova in tennis. Pickleball is a potential area of growth. But the Olympics is going to put the brand on a stage like never before – and depict American golfers in a way nobody has seen.

“For us to have our product on the best players from the United States for 250 hours and TV coverage, or whatever it is with the bridge on the right chest, and that Old Glory on the back yolk and USA on the left chest as an American and military brat, it was something that I had to bring to the finish line," Davis said. "And from a brand perspective, it’s a huge elevation for us."

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