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Research Gap – Types, Examples and How to Identify

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Research Gap

Research Gap


Research gap refers to an area or topic within a field of study that has not yet been extensively researched or is yet to be explored. It is a question, problem or issue that has not been addressed or resolved by previous research.

How to Identify Research Gap

Identifying a research gap is an essential step in conducting research that adds value and contributes to the existing body of knowledge. Research gap requires critical thinking, creativity, and a thorough understanding of the existing literature . It is an iterative process that may require revisiting and refining your research questions and ideas multiple times.

Here are some steps that can help you identify a research gap:

  • Review existing literature: Conduct a thorough review of the existing literature in your research area. This will help you identify what has already been studied and what gaps still exist.
  • Identify a research problem: Identify a specific research problem or question that you want to address.
  • Analyze existing research: Analyze the existing research related to your research problem. This will help you identify areas that have not been studied, inconsistencies in the findings, or limitations of the previous research.
  • Brainstorm potential research ideas : Based on your analysis, brainstorm potential research ideas that address the identified gaps.
  • Consult with experts: Consult with experts in your research area to get their opinions on potential research ideas and to identify any additional gaps that you may have missed.
  • Refine research questions: Refine your research questions and hypotheses based on the identified gaps and potential research ideas.
  • Develop a research proposal: Develop a research proposal that outlines your research questions, objectives, and methods to address the identified research gap.

Types of Research Gap

There are different types of research gaps that can be identified, and each type is associated with a specific situation or problem. Here are the main types of research gaps and their explanations:

Theoretical Gap

This type of research gap refers to a lack of theoretical understanding or knowledge in a particular area. It can occur when there is a discrepancy between existing theories and empirical evidence or when there is no theory that can explain a particular phenomenon. Identifying theoretical gaps can lead to the development of new theories or the refinement of existing ones.

Empirical Gap

An empirical gap occurs when there is a lack of empirical evidence or data in a particular area. It can happen when there is a lack of research on a specific topic or when existing research is inadequate or inconclusive. Identifying empirical gaps can lead to the development of new research studies to collect data or the refinement of existing research methods to improve the quality of data collected.

Methodological Gap

This type of research gap refers to a lack of appropriate research methods or techniques to answer a research question. It can occur when existing methods are inadequate, outdated, or inappropriate for the research question. Identifying methodological gaps can lead to the development of new research methods or the modification of existing ones to better address the research question.

Practical Gap

A practical gap occurs when there is a lack of practical applications or implementation of research findings. It can occur when research findings are not implemented due to financial, political, or social constraints. Identifying practical gaps can lead to the development of strategies for the effective implementation of research findings in practice.

Knowledge Gap

This type of research gap occurs when there is a lack of knowledge or information on a particular topic. It can happen when a new area of research is emerging, or when research is conducted in a different context or population. Identifying knowledge gaps can lead to the development of new research studies or the extension of existing research to fill the gap.

Examples of Research Gap

Here are some examples of research gaps that researchers might identify:

  • Theoretical Gap Example : In the field of psychology, there might be a theoretical gap related to the lack of understanding of the relationship between social media use and mental health. Although there is existing research on the topic, there might be a lack of consensus on the mechanisms that link social media use to mental health outcomes.
  • Empirical Gap Example : In the field of environmental science, there might be an empirical gap related to the lack of data on the long-term effects of climate change on biodiversity in specific regions. Although there might be some studies on the topic, there might be a lack of data on the long-term effects of climate change on specific species or ecosystems.
  • Methodological Gap Example : In the field of education, there might be a methodological gap related to the lack of appropriate research methods to assess the impact of online learning on student outcomes. Although there might be some studies on the topic, existing research methods might not be appropriate to assess the complex relationships between online learning and student outcomes.
  • Practical Gap Example: In the field of healthcare, there might be a practical gap related to the lack of effective strategies to implement evidence-based practices in clinical settings. Although there might be existing research on the effectiveness of certain practices, they might not be implemented in practice due to various barriers, such as financial constraints or lack of resources.
  • Knowledge Gap Example: In the field of anthropology, there might be a knowledge gap related to the lack of understanding of the cultural practices of indigenous communities in certain regions. Although there might be some research on the topic, there might be a lack of knowledge about specific cultural practices or beliefs that are unique to those communities.

Examples of Research Gap In Literature Review, Thesis, and Research Paper might be:

  • Literature review : A literature review on the topic of machine learning and healthcare might identify a research gap in the lack of studies that investigate the use of machine learning for early detection of rare diseases.
  • Thesis : A thesis on the topic of cybersecurity might identify a research gap in the lack of studies that investigate the effectiveness of artificial intelligence in detecting and preventing cyber attacks.
  • Research paper : A research paper on the topic of natural language processing might identify a research gap in the lack of studies that investigate the use of natural language processing techniques for sentiment analysis in non-English languages.

How to Write Research Gap

By following these steps, you can effectively write about research gaps in your paper and clearly articulate the contribution that your study will make to the existing body of knowledge.

Here are some steps to follow when writing about research gaps in your paper:

  • Identify the research question : Before writing about research gaps, you need to identify your research question or problem. This will help you to understand the scope of your research and identify areas where additional research is needed.
  • Review the literature: Conduct a thorough review of the literature related to your research question. This will help you to identify the current state of knowledge in the field and the gaps that exist.
  • Identify the research gap: Based on your review of the literature, identify the specific research gap that your study will address. This could be a theoretical, empirical, methodological, practical, or knowledge gap.
  • Provide evidence: Provide evidence to support your claim that the research gap exists. This could include a summary of the existing literature, a discussion of the limitations of previous studies, or an analysis of the current state of knowledge in the field.
  • Explain the importance: Explain why it is important to fill the research gap. This could include a discussion of the potential implications of filling the gap, the significance of the research for the field, or the potential benefits to society.
  • State your research objectives: State your research objectives, which should be aligned with the research gap you have identified. This will help you to clearly articulate the purpose of your study and how it will address the research gap.

Importance of Research Gap

The importance of research gaps can be summarized as follows:

  • Advancing knowledge: Identifying research gaps is crucial for advancing knowledge in a particular field. By identifying areas where additional research is needed, researchers can fill gaps in the existing body of knowledge and contribute to the development of new theories and practices.
  • Guiding research: Research gaps can guide researchers in designing studies that fill those gaps. By identifying research gaps, researchers can develop research questions and objectives that are aligned with the needs of the field and contribute to the development of new knowledge.
  • Enhancing research quality: By identifying research gaps, researchers can avoid duplicating previous research and instead focus on developing innovative research that fills gaps in the existing body of knowledge. This can lead to more impactful research and higher-quality research outputs.
  • Informing policy and practice: Research gaps can inform policy and practice by highlighting areas where additional research is needed to inform decision-making. By filling research gaps, researchers can provide evidence-based recommendations that have the potential to improve policy and practice in a particular field.

Applications of Research Gap

Here are some potential applications of research gap:

  • Informing research priorities: Research gaps can help guide research funding agencies and researchers to prioritize research areas that require more attention and resources.
  • Identifying practical implications: Identifying gaps in knowledge can help identify practical applications of research that are still unexplored or underdeveloped.
  • Stimulating innovation: Research gaps can encourage innovation and the development of new approaches or methodologies to address unexplored areas.
  • Improving policy-making: Research gaps can inform policy-making decisions by highlighting areas where more research is needed to make informed policy decisions.
  • Enhancing academic discourse: Research gaps can lead to new and constructive debates and discussions within academic communities, leading to more robust and comprehensive research.

Advantages of Research Gap

Here are some of the advantages of research gap:

  • Identifies new research opportunities: Identifying research gaps can help researchers identify areas that require further exploration, which can lead to new research opportunities.
  • Improves the quality of research: By identifying gaps in current research, researchers can focus their efforts on addressing unanswered questions, which can improve the overall quality of research.
  • Enhances the relevance of research: Research that addresses existing gaps can have significant implications for the development of theories, policies, and practices, and can therefore increase the relevance and impact of research.
  • Helps avoid duplication of effort: Identifying existing research can help researchers avoid duplicating efforts, saving time and resources.
  • Helps to refine research questions: Research gaps can help researchers refine their research questions, making them more focused and relevant to the needs of the field.
  • Promotes collaboration: By identifying areas of research that require further investigation, researchers can collaborate with others to conduct research that addresses these gaps, which can lead to more comprehensive and impactful research outcomes.

Disadvantages of Research Gap

While research gaps can be advantageous, there are also some potential disadvantages that should be considered:

  • Difficulty in identifying gaps: Identifying gaps in existing research can be challenging, particularly in fields where there is a large volume of research or where research findings are scattered across different disciplines.
  • Lack of funding: Addressing research gaps may require significant resources, and researchers may struggle to secure funding for their work if it is perceived as too risky or uncertain.
  • Time-consuming: Conducting research to address gaps can be time-consuming, particularly if the research involves collecting new data or developing new methods.
  • Risk of oversimplification: Addressing research gaps may require researchers to simplify complex problems, which can lead to oversimplification and a failure to capture the complexity of the issues.
  • Bias : Identifying research gaps can be influenced by researchers’ personal biases or perspectives, which can lead to a skewed understanding of the field.
  • Potential for disagreement: Identifying research gaps can be subjective, and different researchers may have different views on what constitutes a gap in the field, leading to disagreements and debate.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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identifying a research gap

How To Find A Research Gap, Quickly

A step-by-step guide for new researchers

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Reviewer: Eunice Rautenbach (DTech) | April 2023

If you’ve got a dissertation, thesis or research project coming up, one of the first (and most important) things you’ll need to do is find a suitable research gap . In this post, we’ll share a straightforward process to help you uncover high-quality, original research gaps in a very time-efficient manner.

Overview: Finding Research Gaps

  • What exactly is a research gap?
  • Research gap vs research topic
  • How to find potential research gaps
  • How to evaluate research gaps (and topics)
  • Key takeaways

What is a research gap?

As a starting point, it’s useful to first define what we mean by research gap, to ensure we’re all on the same page. The term “research gap” gets thrown around quite loosely by students and academics alike, so let’s clear that up.

Simply put, a research gap is any space where there’s a lack of solid, agreed-upon research regarding a specific topic, issue or phenomenon. In other words, there’s a lack of established knowledge and, consequently, a need for further research.

Let’s look at a hypothetical example to illustrate a research gap.

Within the existing research regarding factors affect job satisfaction , there may be a wealth of established and agreed-upon empirical work within a US and UK context , but very little research within Eastern nations such as Japan or Korea . Given that these nations have distinctly different national cultures and workforce compositions compared to the West, it’s plausible that the factors that contribute toward job satisfaction may also be different. Therefore, a research gap emerges for studies that explore this matter.

This example is purely hypothetical (and there’s probably plenty of research covering this already), but it illustrates the core point that a research gap reflects a lack of firmly established knowledge regarding a specific matter . Given this lack, an opportunity exists for researchers (like you) to go on and fill the gap.

So, it’s the same as a research topic?

Not quite – but they are connected. A research gap refers to an area where there’s a lack of settled research , whereas a research topic outlines the focus of a specific study . Despite being different things, these two are related because research gaps are the birthplace of research topics. In other words, by identifying a clear research gap, you have a foundation from which you can build a research topic for your specific study. Your study is unlikely to resolve the entire research gap on it’s own, but it will contribute towards it .

If you’d like to learn more, we’ve got a comprehensive post that covers research gaps (including the different types of research gaps), as well as an explainer video below.

How to find a research gap

Now that we’ve defined what a research gap is, it’s time to get down to the process of finding potential research gaps that you can use as a basis for potential research topics. Importantly, it’s worth noting that this is just one way (of many) to find a research gap (and consequently a topic). We’re not proposing that it’s the only way or best way, but it’s certainly a relatively quick way to identify opportunities.

Step 1: Identify your broad area of interest

The very first step to finding a research gap is to decide on your general area of interest . For example, if you were undertaking a dissertation as part of an MBA degree, you may decide that you’re interested in corporate reputation, HR strategy, or leadership styles. As you can see, these are broad categories – there’s no need to get super specific just yet. Of course, if there is something very specific that you’re interested in, that’s great – but don’t feel pressured to narrow it down too much right now.

Equally important is to make sure that this area of interest is allowed by your university or whichever institution you’ll be proposing your research to. This might sound dead obvious, but you’ll be surprised how many times we’ve seen students run down a path with great excitement, only to later learn that their university wants a very specific area of focus in terms of topic (and their area of interest doesn’t qualify).

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Step 2: Do an initial literature scan

Once you’ve pinned down your broad area (or areas) of interest, the next step is to head over to Google Scholar to undertake an initial literature scan . If you’re not familiar with this tool, Google Scholar is a great starting point for finding academic literature on pretty much any topic, as it uses Google’s powerful search capabilities to hunt down relevant academic literature. It’s certainly not the be-all and end-all of literature search tools, but it’s a useful starting point .

Within Google Scholar, you’ll want to do a few searches using keywords that are relevant to your area of interest. Sticking with our earlier example, we could use the key phrase “job satisfaction”, or we may want to get a little more specific – perhaps “job satisfaction for millennials” or “job satisfaction in Japan”.

It’s always a good idea to play around with as many keywords/phrases as you can think up.  Take an iterative approach here and see which keywords yield the most relevant results for you. Keep each search open in a new tab, as this will help keep things organised for the next steps.

Once you’ve searched for a few different keywords/phrases, you’ll need to do some refining for each of the searches you undertook. Specifically, you’ll need to filter the results down to the most recent papers . You can do this by selecting the time period in the top left corner (see the example below).

using google scholar to find a research gap

Filtering to the current year is typically a good choice (especially for fast-moving research areas), but in some cases, you may need to filter to the last two years . If you’re undertaking this task in January or February, for example, you’ll likely need to select a two-year period.

Need a helping hand?

identifying a research gap

Step 3: Review and shortlist articles that interest you

Once you’ve run a few searches using different keywords and phrases, you’ll need to scan through the results to see what looks most relevant and interesting to you. At this stage, you can just look at the titles and abstracts (the description provided by Google Scholar) – don’t worry about reading the actual article just yet.

Next, select 5 – 10 articles that interest you and open them up. Here, we’re making the assumption that your university has provided you with access to a decent range of academic databases. In some cases, Google Scholar will link you directly to a PDF of the article, but in most cases, you’ll need paid access. If you don’t have this (for example, if you’re still applying to a university), you can look at two options:

Open-access articles – these are free articles which you can access without any journal subscription. A quick Google search (the regular Google) will help you find open-access journals in your area of interest, but you can also have a look at DOAJ and Elsevier Open Access.

DeepDyve – this is a monthly subscription service that allows you to get access to a broad range of journals. At the time of shooting this video, their monthly subscription is around $50 and they do offer a free trial, which may be sufficient for your project.

Step 4: Skim-read your article shortlist

Now, it’s time to dig into your article shortlist and do some reading. But don’t worry, you don’t need to read the articles from start to finish – you just need to focus on a few key sections.

Specifically, you’ll need to pay attention to the following:

  • The abstract (which you’ve probably already read a portion of in Google Scholar)
  • The introduction – this will give you a bit more detail about the context and background of the study, as well as what the researchers were trying to achieve (their research aims)
  • The discussion or conclusion – this will tell you what the researchers found

By skimming through these three sections for each journal article on your shortlist, you’ll gain a reasonable idea of what each study was about, without having to dig into the painful details. Generally, these sections are usually quite short, so it shouldn’t take you too long.

Step 5: Go “FRIN hunting”

This is where the magic happens. Within each of the articles on your shortlist, you’ll want to search for a few very specific phrases , namely:

  • Future research
  • Further research
  • Research opportunities
  • Research directions

All of these terms are commonly found in what we call the “FRIN” section . FRIN stands for “further research is needed”. The FRIN is where the researchers explain what other researchers could do to build on their study, or just on the research area in general. In other words, the FRIN section is where you can find fresh opportunities for novel research . Most empirical studies will either have a dedicated FRIN section or paragraph, or they’ll allude to the FRIN toward the very end of the article. You’ll need to do a little scanning, but it’s usually pretty easy to spot.

It’s worth mentioning that naturally, the FRIN doesn’t hand you a list of research gaps on a platter. It’s not a silver bullet for finding research gaps – but it’s the closest thing to it. Realistically, the FRIN section helps you shortcut the gap-hunting process  by highlighting novel research avenues that are worth exploring.

This probably sounds a little conceptual, so let’s have a look at a few examples:

The impact of overeducation on job outcomes: Evidence from Saudi Arabia (Alzubaidi, 2020)

If you scroll down to the bottom of this article, you’ll see there’s a dedicated section called “Limitations and directions for future research”. Here they talk about the limitations of the study and provide suggestions about how future researchers could improve upon their work and overcome the limitations.

Perceived organizational support and job satisfaction: a moderated mediation model of proactive personality and psychological empowerment (Maan et al, 2020)

In this article, within the limitations section, they provide a wonderfully systematic structure where they discuss each limitation, followed by a proposal as to how future studies can overcome the respective limitation. In doing so, they are providing very specific research opportunities for other researchers.

Medical professionals’ job satisfaction and telemedicine readiness during the COVID-19 pandemic: solutions to improve medical practice in Egypt (El-Mazahy et al, 2023)

In this article, they don’t have a dedicated section discussing the FRIN, but we can deduct it based on the limitations section. For example, they state that an evaluation of the knowledge about telemedicine and technology-related skills would have enabled studying their independent effect on the perception of telemedicine.

Follow this FRIN-seeking process for the articles you shortlisted and map out any potentially interesting research gaps . You may find that you need to look at a larger number of articles to find something interesting, or you might find that your area of interest shifts as you engage in the reading – this is perfectly natural. Take as much time as you need to develop a shortlist of potential research gaps that interest you.

Importantly, once you’ve developed a shortlist of potential research gaps, you need to return to Google Scholar to double-check that there aren’t fresh studies that have already addressed the gap. Remember, if you’re looking at papers from two years ago in a fast-moving field, someone else may have jumped on it . Nevertheless, there could still very well be a unique angle you could take – perhaps a contextual gap (e.g. a specific country, industry, etc.).

Ultimately, the need for originality will depend on your specific university’s requirements and the level of study. For example, if you’re doing an undergraduate research project, the originality requirements likely won’t be as gruelling as say a Masters or PhD project. So, make sure you have a clear understanding of what your university’s expectations are. A good way to do this is to look at past dissertations and theses for your specific programme. You can usually find these in the university library or by asking the faculty.

How to evaluate potential research gaps

Once you’ve developed a shortlist of potential research gaps (and resultant potential research topics) that interest you, you’ll need to systematically evaluate  them  to choose a winner. There are many factors to consider here, but some important ones include the following:

  • Originality and value – is the topic sufficiently novel and will addressing it create value?
  • Data access – will you be able to get access to the sample of interest?
  • Costs – will there be additional costs involved for data collection and/or analysis?
  • Timeframes – will you be able to collect and analyse the data within the timeframe required by your university?
  • Supervisor support – is there a suitable supervisor available to support your project from start to finish?

To help you evaluate your options systematically, we’ve got a topic evaluation worksheet that allows you to score each potential topic against a comprehensive set of criteria. You can access the worksheet completely free of charge here .

Research topic evaluator

Recap: Key Takeaways

We’ve covered quite a lot of ground in this post. Here are the key takeaways:

  • A research gap is any space where there’s a lack of solid, agreed-upon research regarding a specific topic/issue/phenomenon.
  • Unique research topics emerge from research gaps , so it’s essential to first identify high-quality research gaps before you attempt to define a topic.
  • To find potential research gaps, start by seeking out recent journal articles on Google Scholar and pay particular attention to the FRIN section to identify novel opportunities.
  • Once you have a shortlist of prospective research gaps and resultant topic ideas, evaluate them systematically using a comprehensive set of criteria.

If you’d like to get hands-on help finding a research gap and research topic, be sure to check out our private coaching service , where we hold your hand through the research journey, step by step.

identifying a research gap

Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...

Ramraj Shiwakoti

Very useful for me, but i am still confusing review of literature review, how to find out topic related previous research.


Powerful notes! Thanks a lot.

Timothy Ezekiel Pam

This is helpful. Thanks a lot.

Yam Lal Bhoosal

Thank you very much for this. It is really a great opportunity for me to learn the research journey.

Vijaya Kumar

Very Useful

Nabulu Mara

It nice job

Friday Henry Malaya

You have sharpened my articulations of these components to the core. Thanks so much.

Mohammed Jamiyu Adebowale

It’s educative and an inspiring way of impacting research knowledge…

Thanks to the writer

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Enago Academy

Identifying Research Gaps to Pursue Innovative Research

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This article is an excerpt from a lecture given by my Ph.D. guide, a researcher in public health. She advised us on how to identify research gaps to pursue innovative research in our fields.

What is a Research Gap?

Today we are talking about the research gap: what is it, how to identify it, and how to make use of it so that you can pursue innovative research. Now, how many of you have ever felt you had discovered a new and exciting research question , only to find that it had already been written about? I have experienced this more times than I can count. Graduate studies come with pressure to add new knowledge to the field. We can contribute to the progress and knowledge of humanity. To do this, we need to first learn to identify research gaps in the existing literature.

A research gap is, simply, a topic or area for which missing or insufficient information limits the ability to reach a conclusion for a question. It should not be confused with a research question, however. For example, if we ask the research question of what the healthiest diet for humans is, we would find many studies and possible answers to this question. On the other hand, if we were to ask the research question of what are the effects of antidepressants on pregnant women, we would not find much-existing data. This is a research gap. When we identify a research gap, we identify a direction for potentially new and exciting research.

peer review

How to Identify Research Gap?

Considering the volume of existing research, identifying research gaps can seem overwhelming or even impossible. I don’t have time to read every paper published on public health. Similarly, you guys don’t have time to read every paper. So how can you identify a research gap?

There are different techniques in various disciplines, but we can reduce most of them down to a few steps, which are:

  • Identify your key motivating issue/question
  • Identify key terms associated with this issue
  • Review the literature, searching for these key terms and identifying relevant publications
  • Review the literature cited by the key publications which you located in the above step
  • Identify issues not addressed by  the literature relating to your critical  motivating issue

It is the last step which we all find the most challenging. It can be difficult to figure out what an article is  not  saying. I like to keep a list of notes of biased or inconsistent information. You could also track what authors write as “directions for future research,” which often can point us towards the existing gaps.

Different Types of Research Gaps

Identifying research gaps is an essential step in conducting research, as it helps researchers to refine their research questions and to focus their research efforts on areas where there is a need for more knowledge or understanding.

1. Knowledge gaps

These are gaps in knowledge or understanding of a subject, where more research is needed to fill the gaps. For example, there may be a lack of understanding of the mechanisms behind a particular disease or how a specific technology works.

2. Conceptual gaps

These are gaps in the conceptual framework or theoretical understanding of a subject. For example, there may be a need for more research to understand the relationship between two concepts or to refine a theoretical framework.

3. Methodological gaps

These are gaps in the methods used to study a particular subject. For example, there may be a need for more research to develop new research methods or to refine existing methods to address specific research questions.

4. Data gaps

These are gaps in the data available on a particular subject. For example, there may be a need for more research to collect data on a specific population or to develop new measures to collect data on a particular construct.

5. Practical gaps

These are gaps in the application of research findings to practical situations. For example, there may be a need for more research to understand how to implement evidence-based practices in real-world settings or to identify barriers to implementing such practices.

Examples of Research Gap

Limited understanding of the underlying mechanisms of a disease:.

Despite significant research on a particular disease, there may be a lack of understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the disease. For example, although much research has been done on Alzheimer’s disease, the exact mechanisms that lead to the disease are not yet fully understood.

Inconsistencies in the findings of previous research:

When previous research on a particular topic has inconsistent findings, there may be a need for further research to clarify or resolve these inconsistencies. For example, previous research on the effectiveness of a particular treatment for a medical condition may have produced inconsistent findings, indicating a need for further research to determine the true effectiveness of the treatment.

Limited research on emerging technologies:

As new technologies emerge, there may be limited research on their applications, benefits, and potential drawbacks. For example, with the increasing use of artificial intelligence in various industries, there is a need for further research on the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI.

How to Deal with Literature Gap?

Once you have identified the literature gaps, it is critical to prioritize. You may find many questions which remain to be answered in the literature. Often one question must be answered before the next can be addressed. In prioritizing the gaps, you have identified, you should consider your funding agency or stakeholders, the needs of the field, and the relevance of your questions to what is currently being studied. Also, consider your own resources and ability to conduct the research you’re considering. Once you have done this, you can narrow your search down to an appropriate question.

Tools to Help Your Search

There are thousands of new articles published every day, and staying up to date on the literature can be overwhelming. You should take advantage of the technology that is available. Some services include  PubCrawler ,  Feedly ,  Google Scholar , and PubMed updates. Stay up to date on social media forums where scholars share new discoveries, such as Twitter. Reference managers such as  Mendeley  can help you keep your references well-organized. I personally have had success using Google Scholar and PubMed to stay current on new developments and track which gaps remain in my personal areas of interest.

The most important thing I want to impress upon you today is that you will struggle to  choose a research topic  that is innovative and exciting if you don’t know the existing literature well. This is why identifying research gaps starts with an extensive and thorough  literature review . But give yourself some boundaries.  You don’t need to read every paper that has ever been written on a topic. You may find yourself thinking you’re on the right track and then suddenly coming across a paper that you had intended to write! It happens to everyone- it happens to me quite often. Don’t give up- keep reading and you’ll find what you’re looking for.

Class dismissed!

How do you identify research gaps? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

A research gap can be identified by looking for a topic or area with missing or insufficient information that limits the ability to reach a conclusion for a question.

Identifying a research gap is important as it provides a direction for potentially new research or helps bridge the gap in existing literature.

Gap in research is a topic or area with missing or insufficient information. A research gap limits the ability to reach a conclusion for a question.

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Thank u for your suggestion.

Very useful tips specially for a beginner

Thank you. This is helpful. I find that I’m overwhelmed with literatures. As I read on a particular topic, and in a particular direction I find that other conflicting issues, topic a and ideas keep popping up, making me more confused.

I am very grateful for your advice. It’s just on point.

The clearest, exhaustive, and brief explanation I have ever read.

Thanks for sharing

Thank you very much.The work is brief and understandable

Thank you it is very informative

identifying a research gap

Thanks for sharing this educative article

Thank you for such informative explanation.

Great job smart guy! Really outdid yourself!

Nice one! I thank you for this as it is just what I was looking for!😃🤟

Thank you so much for this. Much appreciated

Thank you so much.

Thankyou for ur briefing…its so helpful

Thank you so much .I’ved learn a lot from this.❤️

Very exciting and useful piece for researchers.

Your are awesome, it’s a great article.

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The Best Method In Identifying Research Gap: An In-depth Analysis

What is research gap.

A research gap refers to an area or topic that has not been sufficiently explored or studied, leaving unanswered questions or unresolved issues. This article will provide an overview of the research gaps concept and their significance in the research process. It will also discuss the importance of identifying research gaps and how they can be used to formulate research objectives and problem statements. Additionally, this section will explore various techniques and strategies for conducting research gap analysis and bridging the gap between existing knowledge and future research endeavors.

Identifying research gaps is vital because it highlights unexplored or under-researched areas, guiding scholars to contribute new knowledge and insights that can advance understanding within a particular field.

Background of Research Gap

In the world of research, identifying and addressing research gaps is a crucial step towards advancing knowledge and understanding in a particular field. A research gap refers to an area in the existing body of knowledge where there is a lack of research or unanswered questions. In other words, it is a gap in the literature that needs to be addressed through further research.

Research gaps can occur for various reasons, such as a lack of studies on a specific topic, contradictory findings in existing research, or the emergence of new ideas or concepts that have not been explored. Identifying research gaps is crucial for the advancement of knowledge and the development of new research questions . By filling these gaps, researchers can contribute to the existing body of knowledge and address unanswered questions.

Furthermore, research gaps provide opportunities for researchers to make significant contributions to their field by conducting innovative and impactful studies. Understanding the background of research gaps is essential for researchers to identify areas where their research can make a meaningful impact.

Significance of Research Gap

The research gap plays a crucial role in the field of academia and scientific research. It holds significant importance for researchers, scholars, and the overall advancement of knowledge.

Contributing to Knowledge and Developing New Theories

One of the primary reasons why the research gap is significant is that it identifies areas where there is a lack of knowledge or understanding. It highlights the gaps in existing research, indicating the need for further investigation and exploration. By identifying research gaps, researchers can contribute to the existing body of knowledge by filling in the missing pieces. This leads to the development of new theories, concepts, and insights that can enhance our understanding of a particular subject or field.

Fostering Innovation and Progress through Unexplored Areas

Furthermore, the significance of research gaps lies in their potential to drive innovation and progress. When researchers identify areas that have not been extensively studied, they have the opportunity to explore new ideas, methodologies, and approaches. This can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in various disciplines.

Efficient Utilization of Resources to Avoid Duplication

Moreover, research gaps also help in avoiding duplication of efforts. By identifying what has already been studied and what areas are yet to be explored, researchers can focus their efforts on addressing the gaps rather than repeating existing research. This ensures that resources are utilized effectively and efficiently.

Impacting Practical Applications and Real-World Solutions

Additionally, the significance of research gaps extends to the practical application of research findings. By addressing the gaps in existing knowledge, researchers can provide valuable insights and solutions to real-world problems. This can have a direct impact on industries, policy-making, and decision-making processes. In conclusion, the significance of research gaps cannot be overstated. They serve as catalysts for knowledge advancement, innovation, and practical application. By identifying and addressing these gaps, researchers contribute to the growth and development of their respective fields, ultimately benefiting society as a whole.

Research Gap Examples

Identifying research gaps is crucial for pursuing innovative research. There are various types of research gaps that can be found in existing literature.

Knowledge gaps

Sometimes, a research gap exists when there is a concept or new idea that hasn’t been studied at all. For example, in the field of psychology, there might be a lack of research on the effects of social media on mental health in adolescents.

Conceptual gaps

Conceptual gaps occur when there is a lack of understanding or clarity about a particular concept or theory. For instance, in the field of economics, there might be a research gap in understanding the relationship between income inequality and economic growth.

Methodological gaps

Methodological gaps refer to the absence of appropriate research methods or techniques to study a specific phenomenon. For example, in the field of biology, there might be a research gap in developing a reliable method to detect a certain type of genetic mutation.

Data gaps occur when there is a lack of available data or insufficient data to address a research question. For instance, in the field of climate science, there might be a research gap in obtaining long-term temperature data for a specific region.

Practical gaps

Practical gaps exist when there is a discrepancy between theoretical knowledge and practical application. For example, in the field of education, there might be a research gap in implementing effective teaching strategies for students with learning disabilities.

Research Gap Analysis Techniques

Carry out a comprehensive literature review.

There are several techniques that can be used to identify research gaps. One common technique is conducting a comprehensive literature review, where researchers examine existing research papers, articles, books, and other relevant sources. By analyzing these materials, researchers can pinpoint what has already been explored and identify areas that require further investigation.

Examining Limitations and Contradictions in Existing Studies

During the literature review, researchers should pay attention to the limitations and gaps in the existing studies. These limitations can include unanswered research questions, contradictory findings, methodological issues, or areas that have not been explored in depth. Researchers can also gain insights by comparing and contrasting the findings, methodologies, and conclusions of different studies within their field, which helps in building a more complete understanding of the topic.

Exploring Interdisciplinary Insights to Identify Gaps

Additionally, researchers can seek inspiration from interdisciplinary fields or related disciplines to identify research gaps. Sometimes, a research gap in one field may have been addressed in another field, and researchers can draw upon these insights to identify areas that have not been explored within their own field. It is important to note that identifying research gaps is not a one-time process. As new studies are published and the field evolves, new gaps may emerge. Therefore, researchers should continuously update their knowledge and review the literature to stay informed about the latest developments and identify new research gaps.

Utilizing Surveys and Interviews for Direct Insights

Another technique is conducting surveys or interviews . This allows researchers to gather information directly from individuals who are knowledgeable in the field. Surveys can be distributed to a large number of participants, while interviews provide more in-depth insights from a smaller group of experts. By collecting data through surveys or interviews, researchers can identify gaps in knowledge or areas where more research is needed. Focus groups are another effective technique for conducting a research gap analysis. In a focus group, a small group of individuals with relevant expertise or experience is brought together to discuss a specific topic. Through group discussions and interactions, researchers can gain valuable insights and identify gaps in knowledge or areas that require further investigation.

Employing Quantitative Analysis to Discover Data Gaps

Quantitative analysis techniques, such as statistical analysis, can also be used to identify research gaps. By analyzing existing data sets, researchers can identify patterns, trends, or gaps in the data that may indicate areas where further research is needed. This type of analysis can provide valuable insights into the gaps in existing knowledge and guide future research directions.

Applying Gap Analysis Frameworks for Structured Assessment

In addition to these techniques, researchers can also use gap analysis frameworks or models to systematically identify and analyze research gaps. These frameworks provide a structured approach to assess the current state of knowledge, determine the desired future state, and identify the gaps that need to be addressed. By using a framework, researchers can ensure a comprehensive analysis of research gaps and develop strategies to bridge those gaps.

Research Gap and Problem Statement

A research problem is a specific issue or question that a researcher wants to investigate. It is the foundation of a research study and provides a clear direction for the research process. The identification of a research gap often leads to the formulation of a research problem.

The problem statement is a constructed sentence that defines the research problem and guides the research question. It helps to clarify the purpose of the study and provides a framework for the research design and research methodology. By addressing the research gap through the problem statement, researchers can contribute to the existing body of knowledge and fill the void in the literature. The research problem becomes the focal point of the study, and the research gap serves as the motivation for conducting the research.

Identifying a research gap and formulating a problem statement are crucial steps in the research process. They ensure that the research study is relevant, meaningful, and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field. As a key component of the research framework , the problem statement integrates directly into the overall structure that guides the entire research process, ensuring that all aspects of the investigation are aligned with the identified gaps and research questions.

Bridging the Research Gap

Bridging the research gap is crucial for the advancement of knowledge and the improvement of various fields. It involves closing the divide between research findings and their practical application in real-world settings. By bridging this gap, researchers can ensure that their work has a meaningful impact on society and that it is effectively utilized by practitioners and policymakers.

Effective Collaboration between Researchers and Practitioners

There are several strategies and approaches that can be employed to bridge the research gap. One practical way is to establish collaborations and partnerships between researchers and practitioners. By working together, researchers can gain valuable insights from practitioners’ experiences and expertise, while practitioners can benefit from the latest research findings and evidence-based practices. This collaboration can lead to the development of more relevant and effective solutions to real-world problems.

For facilitating such connections and collaborations, platforms like Researchmate.net are invaluable resources, providing the tools and community needed to bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields.

Intermediary Organizations in Facilitating Research Application

Another approach to bridging the research gap is through the use of intermediary organizations. These organizations act as a bridge between researchers and practitioners, facilitating the translation and dissemination of research findings into practical applications. They can provide training, resources, and support to practitioners, helping them to implement evidence-based practices in their work. Intermediary organizations also play a crucial role in promoting knowledge exchange and collaboration between researchers and practitioners.

Enhancing Communication and Knowledge Transfer in Research

Furthermore, bridging the research gap requires effective communication and knowledge transfer. Researchers need to communicate their findings in a clear and accessible manner, using language that is understandable to practitioners and policymakers. This can be achieved through the use of plain language summaries, policy briefs, and other forms of knowledge translation.

Engaging with Practitioners and Policymakers

Additionally, researchers should actively engage with practitioners and policymakers, seeking their input and feedback to ensure that research findings are relevant and applicable to real-world contexts.

In conclusion, exploring the research gap is a critical step in the research process. It helps researchers identify areas where further investigation is needed, contributes to the advancement of knowledge, and drives innovation. By understanding the research gap, researchers can make meaningful contributions to their field and address unanswered questions. Bridging the research gap requires collaboration and commitment from all stakeholders, but the potential benefits are immense.

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How to Identify a Research Gap

How to Identify a Research Gap

5-minute read

  • 10th January 2024

If you’ve been tasked with producing a thesis or dissertation, one of your first steps will be identifying a research gap. Although finding a research gap may sound daunting, don’t fret! In this post, we will define a research gap, discuss its importance, and offer a step-by-step guide that will provide you with the essential know-how to complete this critical step and move on to the rest of your research project.

What Is a Research Gap?

Simply put, a research gap is an area that hasn’t been explored in the existing literature. This could be an unexplored population, an untested method, or a condition that hasn’t been investigated yet. 

Why Is Identifying a Research Gap Important?

Identifying a research gap is a foundational step in the research process. It ensures that your research is significant and has the ability to advance knowledge within a specific area. It also helps you align your work with the current needs and challenges of your field. Identifying a research gap has many potential benefits.

1. Avoid Redundancy in Your Research

Understanding the existing literature helps researchers avoid duplication. This means you can steer clear of topics that have already been extensively studied. This ensures your work is novel and contributes something new to the field.

2. Guide the Research Design

Identifying a research gap helps shape your research design and questions. You can tailor your studies to specifically address the identified gap. This ensures that your work directly contributes to filling the void in knowledge.

3. Practical Applications

Research that addresses a gap is more likely to have practical applications and contributions. Whether in academia, industry, or policymaking, research that fills a gap in knowledge is often more applicable and can inform decision-making and practices in real-world contexts.

4. Field Advancements

Addressing a research gap can lead to advancements in the field . It may result in the development of new theories, methodologies, or technologies that push the boundaries of current understanding.

5. Strategic Research Planning

Identifying a research gap is crucial for strategic planning . It helps researchers and institutions prioritize areas that need attention so they can allocate resources effectively. This ensures that efforts are directed toward the most critical gaps in knowledge.

6. Academic and Professional Recognition

Researchers who successfully address significant research gaps often receive peer recognition within their academic and professional communities. This recognition can lead to opportunities for collaboration, funding, and career advancement.

How Do I Identify a Research Gap?

1. clearly define your research topic .

Begin by clearly defining your research topic. A well-scoped topic serves as the foundation for your studies. Make sure it’s not too broad or too narrow; striking the right balance will make it easier to identify gaps in existing literature.

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2. Conduct a Thorough Literature Review

A comprehensive literature review is a vital step in any research. Dive deep into the existing research related to your topic. Look for patterns, recurring themes, and consensus among scholars. Pay attention to areas where conflicting opinions or gaps in understanding emerge.

3. Evaluate Existing Studies

Critically evaluate the studies you encounter during your literature review. Assess the paradigms , methodologies, findings, and limitations of each. Note any discrepancies, unanswered questions, or areas where further investigation is warranted. These are potential indicators of research gaps.

4. Identify Unexplored Perspectives

Consider the perspectives presented in the existing literature. Are there alternative viewpoints or marginalized voices that haven’t been adequately explored? Identifying and incorporating diverse perspectives can often lead to uncharted territory and help you pinpoint a unique research gap.

Additional Tips

Stay up to date with emerging trends.

The field of research is dynamic, with new developments and emerging trends constantly shaping the landscape. Stay up to date with the latest publications, conferences, and discussions in your field and make sure to regularly check relevant academic search engines . Often, identifying a research gap involves being at the forefront of current debates and discussions.

Seek Guidance From Experts

Don’t hesitate to reach out to experts in your field for guidance. Attend conferences, workshops, or seminars where you can interact with seasoned researchers. Their insights and experience can provide valuable perspectives on potential research gaps that you may have overlooked. You can also seek advice from your academic advisor .

Use Research Tools and Analytics

Leverage tech tools to analyze patterns and trends in the existing literature. Tools like citation analysis, keyword mapping, and data visualization can help you identify gaps and areas with limited exploration.

Identifying a research gap is a skill that evolves with experience and dedication. By defining your research topic, meticulously navigating the existing literature, critically evaluating studies, and recognizing unexplored perspectives, you’ll be on your way to identifying a research gap that will serve as the foundation for your paper, thesis, or dissertation topic .

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How to identify research gaps


Anthony Newman

About this video

Researching is an ongoing task, as it requires you to think of something nobody else has thought of before. This is where the research gap comes into play.

We will explain what a research gap is, provide you with steps on how to identify these research gaps, as well as provide you several tools that can help you identify them.

About the presenter


Senior Publisher, Life Sciences, Elsevier

Anthony Newman is a Senior Publisher with Elsevier and is based in Amsterdam. Each year he presents numerous Author Workshops and other similar trainings worldwide. He is currently responsible for fifteen biochemistry and laboratory medicine journals, he joined Elsevier over thirty years ago and has been Publisher for more than twenty of those years. Before then he was the marketing communications manager for the biochemistry journals of Elsevier.  By training he is a polymer chemist and was active in the surface coating industry before leaving London and moving to Amsterdam in 1987 to join Elsevier.

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Last Updated: Aug 26, 2024 Views: 499007

What is a research gap.

A research gap is a question or a problem that has not been answered by any of the existing studies or research within your field. Sometimes, a research gap exists when there is a concept or new idea that hasn't been studied at all. Sometimes you'll find a research gap if all the existing research is outdated and in need of new/updated research (studies on Internet use in 2001, for example). Or, perhaps a specific population has not been well studied (perhaps there are plenty of studies on teenagers and video games, but not enough studies on toddlers and video games, for example). These are just a few examples, but any research gap you find is an area where more studies and more research need to be conducted. Please view this video clip from our Sage Research Methods database for more helpful information: How Do You Identify Gaps in Literature?

How do I find one?

It will take a lot of research and reading.  You'll need to be very familiar with all the studies that have already been done, and what those studies contributed to the overall body of knowledge about that topic. Make a list of any questions you have about your topic and then do some research to see if those questions have already been answered satisfactorily. If they haven't, perhaps you've discovered a gap!  Here are some strategies you can use to make the most of your time:

  • One useful trick is to look at the “suggestions for future research” or conclusion section of existing studies on your topic. Many times, the authors will identify areas where they think a research gap exists, and what studies they think need to be done in the future.
  • As you are researching, you will most likely come across citations for seminal works in your research field. These are the research studies that you see mentioned again and again in the literature.  In addition to finding those and reading them, you can use a database like Web of Science to follow the research trail and discover all the other articles that have cited these. See the FAQ: I found the perfect article for my paper. How do I find other articles and books that have cited it? on how to do this. One way to quickly track down these seminal works is to use a database like SAGE Navigator, a social sciences literature review tool. It is one of the products available via our SAGE Knowledge database.
  • In the PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES databases, you can select literature review, systematic review, and meta analysis under the Methodology section in the advanced search to quickly locate these. See the FAQ: Where can I find a qualitative or quantitative study? for more information on how to find the Methodology section in these two databases.
  • In CINAHL , you can select Systematic review under the Publication Type field in the advanced search. 
  • In Web of Science , check the box beside Review under the Document Type heading in the “Refine Results” sidebar to the right of the list of search hits.
  • If the database you are searching does not offer a way to filter your results by document type, publication type, or methodology in the advanced search, you can include these phrases (“literature reviews,” meta-analyses, or “systematic reviews”) in your search string.  For example, “video games” AND “literature reviews” could be a possible search that you could try.

Please give these suggestions a try and contact a librarian for additional assistance.

Content authored by: GS

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How to identify gaps in the research

How to Identify Gaps in Research: Tips to Speed Up the Process

If you have ever wondered how to identify research gaps, well, you’re not alone. All researchers looking to make a solid contribution to their field need to start by identifying a topic or issue that hasn’t been tackled before and coming up with possible solutions for it. This is where learning what is a research gap, knowing about some research gap examples, and knowing how to identify research gaps becomes important. Through this article, we will try answering these questions for you.

Table of Contents

What is a research gap ?  

Research gaps are areas requiring more studies or research. 1  They can be:   

  • an unsolved question or problem within your field.   
  • a case where inconclusive or contradictive results exist.   
  • a new concept or idea that hasn’t been studied.   
  • a new/updated research to replace the outdated existing research.   
  • a specific demographic or location that has not been well studied.   

Why is it important to identify research gaps ?  

Identifying and prioritizing research gaps  is an essential part of any research for the following reasons. 2  This can help you:  

  • ensure the rapid generation of subsequent research that is informed by input from previous research studies.    
  • understand areas of uncertainty within the research problem.   
  • establish the research problem and scope of the study.   
  • determine the scope of funding opportunities.   

Identifying research gaps : A challenge for early researchers  

Coming up with original, innovative ideas in your chosen area of research can be tricky, especially if you are an early career researcher, for the following reasons: 3,4

  • Enormous information available : The introduction, discussion, and future research sections in published research articles provide information about gaps in the research field. It is easy to get overwhelmed and feel confused about which one to address. Using digital tools can help you seek out popular topics or the most cited research papers.   
  • Difficulty in organizing the data : One can quickly lose ideas if not appropriately noted. Mapping the question to the resource and maintaining a record can help narrow research gap s.  
  • Fear of challenging the existing knowledge : Beginner researchers may not feel confident to question established norms in their field. A good plan of action would be discussing such ideas with your advisor and proceeding according to their feedback or suggestions.   
  • Lack of direction and motivation : Early researchers have reported negative emotions regarding academic research, including feeling directionless or frustrated with the effort required in identifying research topics. Again a good advisor can help you stay focused. Mentors can help novice researchers avoid cases with a high risk of failure, from misunderstanding the literature, weak design, or too many unknowns. Talking with other fellow researchers can also help overcome some of the anxiety.

identifying a research gap

How to identify research gaps  in the literature  

More than 7 million papers get published annually. 5  Considering the volume of existing research, identifying research gaps  from existing literature may seem a daunting task. While there are no hard rules for identifying research gaps, the literature has provided some guidelines for identifying problems worth investigating.   

1. Observe : Personal interests and experiences can provide insight into possible research problems. For example, a researcher interested in teaching may start with a simple observation of students’ classroom behavior and observe the link with learning theories. Developing the habit of reading literature using smart apps like  R Discovery   can keep you updated with the latest trends and developments in the field.   

2. Search : Exploring existing literature will help to identify if the observed problem is documented. One approach is identifying the independent variables used to solve the researcher’s topic of interest (i.e., the dependent variable). Databases such as Emerald, ProQuest, EbscoHost, PubMed, and ScienceDirect can help potential researchers explore existing research gaps. The following steps can help with optimizing the search process once you decide on the key research question based on your interests.

-Identify key terms.

-Identify relevant articles based on the keywords.

-Review selected articles to identify gaps in the literature.  

3. Map : This involves mapping key issues or aspects across the literature. The map should be updated whenever a researcher comes across an article of interest.   

4. Synthesize : Synthesis involves integrating the insights of multiple but related studies. A research gap is identified by combining results and findings across several interrelated studies. 6

5. Consult:  Seeking expert feedback will help you understand if the  research gaps identified are adequate and feasible or if improvements are required.  

6. Prioritize : It is possible that you have identified multiple questions requiring answers. Prioritize the question that can be addressed first, considering their relevance, resource availability, and your research strengths.  

7. Enroll : Research Skills Development Programs, including workshops and discussion groups within or outside the research institution, can help develop research skills, such as framing the research problem. Networking and corroborating in such events with colleagues and experts might help you know more about current issues and problems in your research domain.   

While there is no well-defined process to identify gaps in knowledge, curiosity, judgment, and creativity can help you in identifying these research gaps . Regardless of whether the  research gaps identified are large or small, the study design must be sufficient to contribute toward advancing your field of research.    


  • Dissanayake, D. M. N. S. W. (2013). Research, research gap and the research problem.  
  • Nyanchoka, L., Tudur-Smith, C., Porcher, R., & Hren, D. Key stakeholders’ perspectives and experiences with defining, identifying and displaying gaps in health research: a qualitative study.  BMJ open ,  10 (11), e039932 (2020).  
  • Müller-Bloch, C., & Kranz, J. (2015). A framework for rigorously identifying research gaps in qualitative literature reviews.  
  • Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. (2017).  Designing and conducting mixed methods research . Sage publications.  
  • Fire, M., & Guestrin, C. Over-optimization of academic publishing metrics: observing Goodhart’s Law in action.  GigaScience ,  8 (6), giz053 (2019).  
  • Ellis, T. J., & Levy, Y. Framework of problem-based research: A guide for novice researchers on the development of a research-worthy problem.  Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline Volume 11, 2008 ). 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: How can research gaps be addressed?

Research gaps can be addressed by conducting further studies, experiments, or investigations that specifically target the areas where knowledge is lacking or incomplete. This involves conducting a thorough literature review to identify existing gaps, designing research methodologies to address these gaps, and collecting new data or analyzing existing data to fill the void. Collaboration among researchers, interdisciplinary approaches, and innovative research designs can also help bridge research gaps and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in a particular field.

Question: Can research gaps change over time?

Yes, research gaps can change over time. As new studies are conducted, technologies advance, and societal needs evolve, gaps in knowledge may be identified or existing gaps may become more pronounced. Research gaps are dynamic and subject to shifts as new discoveries are made, new questions arise, and priorities change. It is crucial for researchers to continuously assess and update their understanding of the field to identify emerging research gaps and adapt their research efforts accordingly.

Question: Are research gaps specific to a particular discipline or field?

Research gaps can exist within any discipline or field. Each discipline has its own unique body of knowledge and areas where understanding may be limited. Research gaps can arise from unanswered questions, unexplored phenomena, conflicting findings, practical challenges, or new frontiers of knowledge. They are not limited to a specific discipline or field, as gaps can exist in natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, or any other area of study.

Question: How can research gaps contribute to the research proposal?

Research gaps play a significant role in the development of research proposals. They help researchers identify a clear rationale and justification for their study. By addressing identified gaps in knowledge, researchers can demonstrate the significance and relevance of their proposed research. Research proposals often include a literature review section that highlights existing gaps and positions the proposed study as a contribution to the field. By explicitly addressing research gaps, researchers can strengthen the credibility and importance of their research proposal, as well as its potential impact on advancing knowledge and addressing critical questions or challenges.

R Discovery is a literature search and research reading platform that accelerates your research discovery journey by keeping you updated on the latest, most relevant scholarly content. With 250M+ research articles sourced from trusted aggregators like CrossRef, Unpaywall, PubMed, PubMed Central, Open Alex and top publishing houses like Springer Nature, JAMA, IOP, Taylor & Francis, NEJM, BMJ, Karger, SAGE, Emerald Publishing and more, R Discovery puts a world of research at your fingertips.  

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How to Find a Research Gap

Last Updated: February 16, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Gerald Posner and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 35,181 times.

Do you want to contribute original research and make an impact in your field? If so, it's important to look for research gaps, or areas of study that are either under-researched or currently unexplored. In this article, we'll explain in detail the best way to identify a research gap—by performing a comprehensive literature review—so you can dive deep into your research topic and analyze articles critically and effectively. For more tips and tricks on identifying potential research gaps and how to proceed when you find one, read on.

Researching Your Topic

Step 1 Start with a broad topic related to your field of interest.

  • If you start with a narrow topic, you may struggle to find a gap in research, since you’ll be focused on fewer avenues of study.
  • For instance, a broad topic for social sciences research might be "organizational development" or "human motivation." For urban planning, a broad topic might be "walkable cities" or "traffic management."

Step 2 Conduct preliminary research to explore your topic.

  • While you can't include sources like Wikipedia and news websites on your literature review, it's okay to read them to get an overview of your topic and recent developments in your field.
  • It’s okay to narrow your topic as you learn more about it. However, keep your options open until you’re sure you’ve found an area with gaps in research.
  • Let's say you were researching human motivation. You might use search terms like "motivating workers," "goal setting," and "improving worker productivity."

Step 3 Compile a wide range of articles about your topic.

  • Your research needs to be very thorough to ensure that you’re actually finding a gap. If you only read a handful of articles, you may be missing other existing research that answers your proposed research question.

Tip: Look for both quantitative and qualitative research, if applicable to your field. This will give you a broader overview of the current research.

Step 4 Talk to an adviser or mentor about the current research in your field.

  • Ask them questions like, “Which areas of research are hot right now?” “What kinds of changes are happening within the field?” “What possible avenues of research do you see?” or “Do you think this topic is a good fit for me?”

Analyzing the Literature

Step 1 Read each article at least twice to help you understand it.

  • If you decide an article is unhelpful, it’s okay to skip the second reading.

Tip: Conducting a literature review is often a very time-consuming task. However, it’s also an essential part of identifying a research gap. Additionally, you can use the notes you take during your literature review when it comes time to write your article, thesis, or dissertation.

Step 2 Check the introduction to learn why the research is important.

  • As an example, an author might identify their gap in research with a statement like: “This subject has not been previously studied,” or “This question remains unanswered.”

Step 3 Write notes and...

  • If you keep your notes in a separate document, make sure you label them with the title of the article and the author’s name. This way you won’t accidentally get your notes mixed up.

Step 4 Look for the answers to your questions about the literature.

  • Save any questions that you can’t answer because they may be a starting point for writing a research question.

Step 5 Map out the existing research using a table, Venn diagram, or mind map.

  • For instance, you might make a research gap table in a spreadsheet. Create 3 columns and label them “Author,” “Year,” and "Summary." For each article, list the authors, year of publication, and a bullet point summary of the article contents.
  • Similarly, you may make a Venn diagram to compare 1 or more articles. Look for overlapping themes and methods, as well as differences between the articles.

Using Current Research, Key Concepts, or Trends

Step 1 Check the “discussion” and “future research” sections for gaps.

  • Keep in mind that other researchers may have addressed the gaps identified in a particular article since that article was written. However, this can give you a starting point for finding a potential gap.

Step 2 Read meta-analyses, literature reviews, and systematic reviews to identify trends.

  • Don’t rely solely on these types of papers when conducting your research. However, they can make a great supplement.

Step 3 Review the key concepts listed on journal websites to find hot topics.

  • Some journals will even tell you how many articles are pertaining to that key concept. If you see a key concept that has fewer articles than the others, that might be a good avenue for further research because it’s been studied less.

Step 4 Review Google trends to find questions asked about your topic.

  • You can access Google trends here: https://trends.google.com/trends/?geo=US
  • For instance, if you look up "organizational development" on Google trends, you'll see that people are looking for information on management development, mission statements, and software framework.

Expert Q&A

  • Reading Wikipedia articles related to your topic of study may help you identify a gap in research, though you can’t use those articles as sources. Look for areas where more citations are needed, unanswered questions, or sections that are underdeveloped.

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Six Effective Tips to Identify Research Gap

Conquer Research! How to Identify Gaps & Uncover Groundbreaking Topics

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

The first step in carrying out any sort of research is identifying the research gap. Choosing an unexplored area in your research field will enable the smooth and successful completion of your research work with a good number of publications . But the big question is, how to identify the research problem from the existing literature. Some researchers have a clear idea about the research problem they want to pursue. However, some researchers, especially those who are at an early stage of their career, find it difficult to choose a research problem that is unique and novel. So, the best way to handle this is to identify the gap in existing research i.e., identifying the research gap!

In this article, iLovePhD explains the research gap and discusses six important tips to identify the gap.

What is a Research Gap?

  • A research gap is a problem or a question that has not been answered by any of the existing studies within your area of research.
  • For instance, when you read a research or review article on topics of your research interest, you may notice some areas have significant scope for more research but they have not been explored by other researchers.
  • So, a research gap or a literature gap refers to such unexplored areas that have scope for further research.

Significance of Unique Research Gap

  • Assume that you have completed all your experimental works and you are in the process of publishing your findings in reputed journals.
  • But the journal editors keep rejecting your paper stating that the research work is not unique and novel.
  • Knowing this information then would be distressing for you.
  • Therefore, it is important to find out the unique and novel research problems which have not been answered before.
  • Remember you are investing your time, knowledge, funds, and resources in the research .
  • So, invest in the right work which enables you to publish your research findings quickly.

How to Identify Research Gap?

how to identify research gap

Here are the 6 effective tips to identify the research gap.

1. Understand the Existing Literature:

1. Understand the Existing Literature:

The first step in gap analysis is to do a systematic review of existing literature relevant to your research. A comprehensive literature survey would provide a clear understanding of the existing works. Conduct a systematic review of relevant scholarly articles, books, conference papers, and other reliable sources. This will not only help you to understand the depth of work but also provide an opportunity to ask questions that can lead you to identify research gaps.

Also Read: How to Write a Literature Review ?

When you are reading research articles, focus more on the Introduction section where the authors explain the importance of their research and the gaps they have identified and attempted to fill through their research. Reading review articles on a particular area of research is more important and also it is the easiest way to understand the gap in your research in a short time. Read meta-analyses and review papers to learn more about the developments and trends in research over the years in your field of research.

Pay attention to areas where there are conflicting results, contradictory theories, or unanswered questions. These areas often indicate potential research gaps that you can explore further.

It is always a good practice to note all the questions that cross your mind while reading articles. You can use tables, charts, or tools to record this. You know, it will help you in the long run when you are developing your idea into a research problem or even when writing your manuscript.

2. Skim-read the Existing Literature

2. Skim-read the Existing Literature

Skim-reading the literature in the sense, you don’t need to read the articles from start to end. Instead, you need to focus on these three key sections. They are:

Abstract – Here you will get to know what the work is all about and their key findings.

Introduction – It will give you more detail about the context and background of the study, as well as how the researchers filled the gap with their novel and unique research work.

Conclusion – Another useful way to find a research gap is to focus on the recommendations for future research or the conclusion section in the research or review article. It will give you directions or suggestions for future research that could be highly interesting and inspiring.

By skimming through these three sections of any research and review article, you will gain a reasonable idea of what each study was about, without taking much of your time.

3. Search for “FRIN phrase”

3. Search for “FRIN phrase”

FRIN stands for “Future Research is Needed”. This is an easy method to identify the research gap. You will have to search for a few specific phrases in the articles you read. The phrases are

…investigation on this is still required/needed….

…it is important to understand this…

…have not been reported…

…the key question remains unanswered…

…it is important to address…

These expressions indicate the gaps or issues related to the main question that still need extensive scientific study. Therefore, it is important to take notice of them and use this information to develop novel research that is worth exploring.

4 . Get Feedback from the Supervisor

4. Get Feedback from the Supervisor

Discuss the issues and problems with your research Supervisor or advisor to get their suggestions. These conversations can provide valuable insights and help you to refine your research focus. They can help you to identify the blind spots in your thinking.

5. Use digital tools to Identify Research Gap

5. Use digital tools

You can use digital tools as they can save time and make your search easy. Tools like Essential Science Indicator – identify the most cited articles in your field to know which topics are considered important. You can also use Google Trends to learn more about the popular questions related to your research area. This will ease your search for an unexplored area.

6. Conduct a Laboratory-scale Study:

6. Conduct a Laboratory-scale Study:

Consider conducting a laboratory-scale study to test the feasibility and viability of your research problem. A lab-scale study will provide you with initial data and you also get an idea on how to design your experiments. It can help you to identify any potential limitations or challenges that need to be addressed before undertaking a full-scale research study.

Also Read: Comparison Between Laboratory-Scale, Pilot-Scale, and Full-Scale Studies in Research

How to Evaluate Potential Research Gaps?

How to evaluate potential research Gaps?

Once you have a list of potential research gaps that could be explored, you need to systematically evaluate them to choose a good research problem. This will help you to avoid duplication of work. The key factors to be considered are listed here.

Originality and Novel – You need to ensure that the research problem should be original, unique, and novel.

Data Collection and Analysis – You need to check whether the data collection and sampling methods are easy and feasible. Also, check the instrumentation facilities are available for the study.

Costs – Check for any additional costs involved in data collection and analysis.

Time frames – Check that you can complete the research works within the timeframe specified by your university.

Supervisor’s guidance – The most important factor is, to ensure that your supervisor is comfortable in guiding you in your chosen topic throughout your research work.

Different types of research gaps in the literature review

Different types of research gaps in the literature review

According to Robinson, Saldanhea & McKoy (2011), Muller-Bloch, & Kranz (2015), and Miles (2017), the research gap has been classified into seven categories .

Evidence gap : Little or no evidence to address the research problem.

Knowledge gap : Knowledge may not exist in the actual field. It might be the case that the result of a study differs from what was expected.

Practical-Knowledge gap : When professional behavior or practices deviate from research findings or are not covered by research.

Methodology gap : A distinction in research methods is needed to have new insights or to avoid ambiguous findings.

Empirical gap : Research findings need to be evaluated or empirically verified.

Theoretical gap : Theory should be applied to certain research issues to generate new insights; a lack of theoretical knowledge may lead to a gap in research.

Population gap : Type of research gap that deals with a population that is not adequately represented or under-researched in the prior research (Eg., Gender, age, race).

identifying a research gap

By following the above-said tips, I am sure that you can very well identify the research gaps in your area of research. Unique research topics emerge from research gaps, so it’s important to do a gap analysis before you attempt to define a topic. Once you have identified a potential research gap and resultant topic, frame your objectives, then develop a clear methodology, and carry out your experiments, and this will certainly lead to breakthrough results.

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Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

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Library Guide to Capstone Literature Reviews: Find a Research Gap

Find a research gap: tips to get started.

Finding a research gap is not an easy process and there is no one linear path. These tips and suggestions are just examples of possible ways to begin. 

In Ph.D. dissertations, students identify a gap in research. In other programs, students identify a gap in practice. The literature review for a gap in practice will show the context of the problem and the current state of the research. 

Research gap definition

A research gap exists when:

  • a question or problem has not been answered by existing studies/research in the field 
  • a concept or new idea has not been studied at all
  • all the existing literature on a topic is outdated 
  • a specific population/location/age group etc has not been studied 

A research gap should be:

  • grounded in the literature
  • amenable to scientific study
  • Litmus Test for a Doctoral-Level Research Problem (Word) This tool helps students determine if they have identified a doctoral level research problem.

Identify a research gap

To find a gap you must become very familiar with a particular field of study. This will involve a lot of research and reading, because a gap is defined by what does (and does not) surround it.

  • Search the research literature and dissertations (search all university dissertations, not just Walden!).
  • Understand your topic! Review background information in books and encyclopedias . 
  • Look for literature reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses.
  • Take notes on concepts, themes, and subject terms . 
  • Look closely at each article's limitations, conclusions, and recommendations for future research. 
  • Organize, analyze, and repeat! 


  • Quick Answer: How do I find dissertations on a topic?

Start with broad searches

Use the Library Search (formerly Thoreau)  to do a broad search with just one concept at a time . Broad searches give you an idea of the academic conversation surrounding your topic.

  • Try the terms you know (keywords) first.
  • Look at the Subject Terms (controlled language) to brainstorm terms. 
  • Subject terms help you understand what terms are most used, and what other terms to try.
  • No matter what your topic is, not every researcher will be using the same terms. Keep an eye open for additional ways to describe your topic.
  • Guide: Subject Terms & Index Searches: Index Overview

Keep a list of terms

  • Create a list of terms
  • Example list of terms

This list will be a record of what terms are: 

  • related to or represent your topic
  • synonyms or antonyms
  • more or less commonly used
  • keywords (natural language) or subject terms (controlled language)
  • Synonyms & antonyms (database search skills)
  • Turn keywords into subject terms

Term I started with:

culturally aware 

Subject terms I discovered:

cultural awareness (SU) 

cultural sensitivity (SU) 

cultural competence (SU) 

Search with different combinations of terms

  • Combine search terms list
  • Combine search terms table
  • Video: Search by Themes

Since a research gap is defined by the absence of research on a topic, you will search for articles on everything that relates to your topic. 

  • List out all the themes related to your gap.
  • Search different combinations of the themes as you discover them 

For example, suppose your research gap is on the work-life balance of tenured and tenure-track women in engineering professions. In that case, you might try searching different combinations of concepts, such as: 

  • women and STEM 
  • STEM or science or technology or engineering or mathematics
  • female engineering professors 
  • tenure-track women in STEM
  • work-life balance and women in STEM
  • work-life balance and women professors
  • work-life balance and tenure 

Topic adapted from one of the award winning Walden dissertations. 

  • Walden University Award Winning Dissertations
  • Gossage, Lily Giang-Tien, "Work-Life Balance of Tenured and Tenure-Track Women Engineering Professors" (2019). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 6435.

Break your topic into themes and try combining the terms from different themes in different ways. For example: 

Theme 1 and Theme 4

Theme 2 and Theme 1

Theme 3 and Theme 4

Example Topic Themes and Related Terms
Theme 1
and related terms
Theme 2 
and related terms
Theme 3
and related terms
Theme 4
and related terms
Theme 5 and related terms
women STEM tenure track work life balance professor 
female science or technology or engineer or mathematics tenured work-life-balance faculty

Video: Search by Themes (YouTube)

(2 min 40 sec) Recorded April 2014 Transcript

Track where more research is needed

Most research articles will identify where more research is needed. To identify research trends, use the literature review matrix to track where further research is needed. 

  • Download or create your own Literature Review Matrix (examples in links below).
  • Do some general database searches on broad topics.
  • Find an article that looks interesting.
  • When you read the article, pay attention to the conclusions and limitations sections.
  • Use the Literature Review Matrix to track where  'more research is needed' or 'further research needed'. NOTE:  you might need to add a column to the template.
  • As you fill in the matrix you should see trends where more research is needed.

There is no consistent section in research articles where the authors identify where more research is needed. Pay attention to these sections: 

  • limitations
  • conclusions
  • recommendations for future research 
  • Literature Review Matrix Templates: learn how to keep a record of what you have read
  • Literature Review Matrix (Excel) with color coding Sample template for organizing and synthesizing your research
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Steps for identifying research gaps in the literature

Your Master's thesis should make a significant, novel contribution to the field. Your thesis hypothesis should address a  research gap which you identify in the literature, a research question or problem that has not been answered in your research area of interest. This shows that you have developed expertise in the body of knowledge and theoretical issues in your chosen research area. 

Step 1: Focus Your Research Area

Before you start trying to identify gaps in the literature, you need to figure out what your area of interest is, and then focus and narrow that research area. If you don't narrow down your initial research area of interest, you'll end up wanting to research everything. You'll overwhelm yourself with all the research gaps you find because there are still a lot of unanswered research questions out there. 

  • Do some exploratory research  on your broad research idea in your course textbook, class notes, in meta-analysis, systematic, and literature reviews, and  PsycINFO  to identify more specific issues and arguments in your research area and possible relationships between them.
  • Read ebooks  to get the "big picture" about the research area you're interested in studying. Books and ebooks provide detailed information on your research area, put your research area in context, provide summaries of research, and help you identify major themes and relationships for your study.
  • Ask your advisors and other faculty  about possible topics or issues within your research area of interest. That being said, you're going to spend over a year immersed in work on your thesis, so make sure you  choose issues because you find them deeply interesting , not just because your advisor recommended them.

Step 2: Read, Read, and then Read Some More

Read (a lot of) research articles : this is going to be time-demanding, but you really do need to read through a lot of research articles in your research area to become an expert in it. That being said, what you use from the articles that you read should relate directly back to your focused research questions and hypothesis. Don't waste your time getting sidetracked by issues that don't relate to your research questions and hypothesis.

  • Go to  Start Finding Sources ,  Search Databases , and  Browse Journals  to find journal articles for your research area
  • Pay close attention to Introductions , in which authors explain why their research is important, and Suggestions for Future Research , in which authors point readers to areas which lack investigation or need future examination

Follow the research trails  of seminal articles and authors using Web of Science and Scopus:

  • In Scopus , click on Document Search , enter the article title, click on the article title in the list of search hits, then click on View all ~ citing documents link in the right sidebar for a list of articles that have cited this article
  • In Web of Science , enter the article title and choose Title from the right drop down menu , then click on the Times Cited number next to the article to see a list of articles that have cited this article
  • In Scopus , click on Author Search , enter the last name and first initial(s) of the author, click on the author's name in the list of search hits, then click on Cited By ~ documents for a list of articles that have cited this author
  • In Web of Science , enter the author name and choose Author from the right drop down menu , then click on the Times Cited number next to each article to see a list of articles that have cited this author's article

Read meta-analyses, literature reviews,  and  systematic reviews : these papers delve deep into the literature, examining the trends and changes over a long period of time in your research area and summaries of previous research findings.

  • In PsycINFO , click on literature review, systematic review, and  meta analysis  under the Methodologies heading in the sidebar to the right of the list of search hits 
  • In CINAHL , add systematic reviews to your search 
  • In Web Of Science , check the box beside Review under the Document Type heading in the sidebar to the right of the list of search hits

Step 3: Map out the Literature :

Keep track of what the authors told you and the questions that occur to you whenever you read anything - an article, a book, a book chapter, a dissertation, etc. This will also help you write your thesis introduction later on and help you avoid  unconscious plagiarism .Some more tips:

  • Use mind maps, tables, charts, pictures, post-it notes to map out the literature, whatever works for you. 
  • Research each of your questions to see if there are people out there who had the same questions and found answers to them
  • Science Direct , Web of Science , and Wiley Online Library databases help you follow the research trail by listing articles that have since cited the research article you're reading

If you find don't find any answers to one of your questions, you've probably found a research gap from which you can develop a thesis hypothesis and experimental project. Get feedback from your advisors before you get too carried away, though!

  • Get started by considering your central thesis question 
  • How do the sources you've found connect to that question and help you answer it?
  • How do the sources connect to and build off of one another?
  • << Previous: What Do Thesis Projects Involve?
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  • Last Updated: Sep 17, 2024 11:27 AM
  • URL: https://guides.umd.umich.edu/psychology

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Here's how to discover potential research gaps using Litmaps.

Marina Kisley avatar

Finding research gaps is an essential part of novel research. Identifying gaps can connect disparate fields of research and advance knowledge, as well as enable opportunities for academic growth and success.

Understanding and reviewing scientific literature is essential to spotting these gaps. In this guide, we'll go over how to use Litmaps to find research gaps faster. You'll learn how to:

Comprehensively review existing literature

See where research does (and doesn't!) connect

Find inconsistencies and missing references

What is a research gap?

A research gap refers to any unexplored or unresolved area of research. It can also refer to a disconnections within the research, such as when researchers in different fields don't realize they work is connected, or a paper fails to reference important, related literature.

In the case of the former, research gaps are akin to open questions. Researchers are often eager to find unexplored areas which they can't make a novel contribution to by enhancing our understanding of that unknown topic.

In the case of the latter, many gaps happen simply because there is a huge amount of scientific literature, and even scientists themselves aren't aware of how it is all connected. One example is in how different scientific domains use different terminologies for the same concept. This results in unintentional research gaps. These gaps continue even today, because many researchers rely on keyword search, thus missing out on connections that don't match those "keywords". For example, in religious studies, scholar use the term "moral injury", which in medicine is referred to as "moral distress". Focusing on keywords alone means researchers from one field may miss important discoveries in the other.

Using Litmaps to find research gaps

Litmaps analyzes scientific literature and how it connects by using the citation network. By seeing the actual connections among articles, Litmaps let you observe how fields interact and find research gaps you'd otherwise miss.

How to find Research Gaps with Litmaps

Here's how to use Litmaps to find research gaps, by seeing where articles are and aren't connected.

1. Prepare your literature library

First, identify your topic and relevant articles. Save these articles to a Tag in Litmaps. Here's how to import papers you have into a Tag in Litmaps. If you have different subjects, save them as different Tags to stay organized.

Want to use papers you have already saved in Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley, etc? Here's how.

identifying a research gap

2 . Create a Map

Now that you have your articles in Litmaps, we'll create a Map to visualize how your articles connect. See the image below, or click here to read step-by-step instructions on how to create a Map from your Tag.

Your Litmap shows how your articles are connected via citations and references. At this point, you may already spot some inconsistencies or missing references. If you want toe expand your Map and find even more articles and potential research gaps, continue to the next step.

identifying a research gap

3 . Expand your Map

Now that you've made your Map, you can use Litmaps to discover even more related literature. Litmaps will use all the articles on your Map as an input to the search algorithm, and find other related articles.

identifying a research gap

By going through your Map, and adding additional articles, you can find related literature on your topic. For each suggested article, you can see how it connects to the existing papers you already know, so you can keep track of what parts of your field are more or less connected.

identifying a research gap

4 . Find disconnected literature

At this point, you've explored your topic and created a collection of connected articles. You may have already discovered new connections and sub-topics you didn't yet know about. However, this search has been largely limited based on connected papers. If you want to find articles you may have missed because they aren't connected at all to your existing literature, you'll need to change your search strategy.

identifying a research gap

You'll see a very different Litmap, one that likely shows many entirely disconnected articles. This is a great way to spot papers that fail to cite or reference any you already know.

identifying a research gap

5 . Future-proof your process

Now you've curated a comprehensive set of papers on your topic and spotted any potential gaps in your field. The last step is to ensure your work doesn't go out-of-date.

You can re-run this search process manually at regular intervals, to see what new literature has come out. Or, automate this process by enabling " Monitor " for your Litmap. Litmaps will automatically run your search for you as new papers are published, and let you know about any new articles on your topic.

identifying a research gap

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Title: cross-disciplinary perspectives on youth digital well-being research: identifying notable developments, persistent gaps, and future directions.

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  • Published: 18 September 2024

Recommended procedures for managing carious lesions in primary teeth with pulp involvement—a scoping review

  • Ilze Maldupa 1 ,
  • Waraf Al-Yaseen   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7071-5074 2 ,
  • Julius Giese 1 ,
  • Rokaia Ahmed Elagami 3 &
  • Daniela Prócida Raggio   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0048-2068 2 , 3  

BDJ Open volume  10 , Article number:  74 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Paediatric dentistry

Managing dental caries in primary teeth with pulp involvement is a significant challenge. Clinical guidelines offer recommendations for effective management.

To identify and analyze policies, guidelines, and recommendations for treating primary teeth with pulp-involved carious lesions, highlighting existing research gaps and setting the foundation for future research.

A comprehensive search was conducted across databases (PubMed, Scopus, Embase, GIN, and LILACS) and grey literature sources (Trip and ProQuest) to identify guidelines, consensus, policy, and position statements on primary teeth pulp therapy and extraction thresholds. Two independent reviewers screened the abstracts and titles, followed by full-text screening.

After removing duplication, of the 1098 records, 14 were selected for analysis. This review examined various treatments for deep caries lesions in primary teeth, including indirect/direct pulp capping, pulpotomy, pulpectomy, lesion sterilization/tissue restoration, and extraction. Time search was restricted to documents published from 30th January 2008 to 30th January 2024, offering insights into evolving clinical practices.

Treatment for carious lesions in primary teeth involving the pulp depends on clinical indications and may involve minimally invasive techniques. Recommended options are indirect pulp capping, pulpotomy, and pulpectomy, while direct capping and tooth removal are discouraged. Further research is needed to address gaps, improve guideline development, and enhance consistency of recommendations.


Dental caries remains a significant oral health issue affecting approximately half of the global child population, with little change in prevalence over the past few decades (Uribe, Innes, & Maldupa, 2021). Despite efforts to address the problem, complications arising from carries, including pulp damage, continue to impact a considerable number of children (Lin et al., 2019). Pulp damage resulting from caries lesions accounts for nearly 90% of cases and requires effective management strategies [ 1 ].

Primary teeth present unique challenges in the treatment of pulp pathology due to their distinct anatomical and physiological characteristics, as well as the psycho-emotional development of young children [ 2 ]. While the preservation of pulp for as long as possible is advocated as the primary approach, minimally intervention dental (MID) techniques have emerged as successful preventive measures for pulp pathologies [ 3 ]. However, there are clinical scenarios where MID cannot be applied, and immediate treatment becomes necessary for pulp-related complications.

Management of carious lesion with pulp involvement in primary teeth include pulpotomy, pulpectomy, or extraction. The choice of treatment and medications is influenced by various factors. However, pulp therapy treatments often require a child’s cooperation and may involve multiple sessions or general anaesthesia. These factors can heighten anxiety for the child and increase the time and resource burden for their family and dental staff [ 4 ]. Besides, the success rate of endodontic treatment for primary teeth remains a contentious issue [ 5 ]. Consequently, extractions are increasingly favoured as the preferred treatment for pulpal pathology [ 4 ]. Nevertheless, concerns arise regarding space loss, potential orthodontic needs, and the overall impact on the child’s quality of life following premature loss of primary teeth [ 4 ].

To guide healthcare providers in making well-informed decisions regarding the management of caries lesions involving the pulp in primary teeth, various authoritative sources have developed clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), consensus statements, policy documents, and position statements. These resources aim to provide evidence-based recommendations and standardised clinical practices. However, there is considerable variability in the recommendations due to differences in available evidence, contextual factors, and variations in healthcare systems across different countries.

Numerous systematic reviews have synthesized the efficacy of pulp therapy for primary teeth, including Cochrane reviews and other comprehensive analyses [ 6 , 7 ]. These reviews have significantly contributed to our understanding of the outcomes associated with different treatment approaches. Moreover, research has explored the factors influencing clinicians’ decision-making process when choosing between endodontic treatment and extraction for primary teeth with pulp involvement [ 8 ].

Despite these existing systematic reviews and research efforts, the optimal course of action for the preservation or extraction of primary teeth with pulp involvement remains a subject of ongoing debate. CPGs and recommendations have been developed to offer clear and evidence-based guidance. However, the variability in recommendations, based on the best available evidence and contextual factors, underscores the need for further exploration and examination of the existing documents related to the management of caries lesions reaching the pulp in primary teeth.

Hence, this scoping review aims to identify and describe documents (current CPGs, consensus, policies, clinical recommendations and position statements) for managing caries lesions that reached the pulp in primary teeth.

Protocol registration

The research protocol for this scoping review was registered on the Open Science Framework (OSF) platform to ensure transparency and adherence to the planned methodology (OSF registration: ( https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/APCKG )). The review followed the established methodology for scoping reviews outlined by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) and the report followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Guidelines for Scoping Reviews [ 9 ].

Identification of relevant studies

A comprehensive search strategy was developed in collaboration with experienced researchers and information specialists to identify relevant studies and sources of evidence. Electronic databases, including MEDLINE, Scopus, Embase, GIN, and LILACS, were systematically searched up to 30 th January 2024. Grey literature sources, such as Trip and ProQuest, were also consulted to capture unpublished documents, reports, and guidelines. The search terms and keywords were carefully selected to cover the key concepts of paediatric dentistry, dental caries, clinical practice guidelines, extraction, and pulp therapy (See Appendix  1 ).

Inclusion criteria

This study included recent clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), consensus statements, policy documents, and position statements addressing the threshold for pulp therapy and extraction in primary teeth with pulp involvement. Eligible documents had to be officially endorsed or produced by reputable organisations like government agencies, professional associations, or expert panels, using a systematic consensus approach. In the case of multiple versions, only the latest one was considered. Time search was restricted to the last 20 years (30th January 2004) as older guidelines are likely to be updated or irrelevant. No language restrictions were applied in the search strategy.

Exclusion criteria

Primary and secondary research articles, expert opinions, editorials, and letters to editors, as well as studies involving adult participants or special needs children.

Study selection process

A two-step screening process was conducted by two independent reviewers. In the initial step, titles and abstracts of the identified records were screened to assess their eligibility based on the predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Full-text articles were obtained for potentially relevant sources, and two reviewers independently evaluated them for final inclusion in the review. Discrepancies or disagreements between the reviewers were resolved through discussion or consultation with a third reviewer to ensure consensus.

Data extraction

Data extraction was performed using an ad hoc standardised form developed specifically for this scoping review. Two reviewers independently extracted relevant information from the included studies and documents, including publication year, authorship, study design, participant characteristics, methodology, key recommendations, and additional findings deemed relevant. Consistency and accuracy of the extracted data were ensured through cross-checking, and any disagreements were resolved through discussion or involvement of a third reviewer.

Data analysis and presentation

Data analysis aimed to capture the range of recommendations and approaches related to the threshold for pulp therapy and extraction in primary teeth with pulp involvement. A narrative synthesis approach was employed to analyse and present the extracted data. Key themes, concepts, and recommendations from the included studies and documents were systematically organised and summarised. The extracted data were presented using table and graphs to enhance clarity and facilitate understanding. Patterns and variations among the recommendations were identified to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing literature.

Included studies and documents

The initial search process yielded a total of 1098 records from multiple databases and organisations [American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (AAPD), European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD), Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP), Qatari, Saudi, Health Ministry of Chile, Brazilian and Iraqi Dental Association] (See Appendix  3 ). After removing duplicates, the titles and abstracts of 417 unique records were screened for eligibility. From this initial screening, 30 papers were selected for a more detailed evaluation. Finally, 14 papers met the inclusion criteria and were included in the in-depth analysis. Figure  1 provides a visual representation of the study selection process following PRISMA-ScR guidelines (See Appendix  2 ) [ 10 ].

figure 1

The process consists of four stages: Identification, Screening, Eligibility, and Inclusion. Identification: a total of 1098 records were identified from various databases, including PubMed/Medline ( n  = 120), Embase ( n  = 135), Scopus ( n  = 176), Lilacs ( n  = 84), Trip ( n  = 170), ProQuest ( n  = 26), and other sources ( n  = 387). After removing 681 duplicate records, 417 records were screened. Screening: out of the 417 records screened, 387 were excluded based on title and abstract screening, and 30 reports were sought for retrieval. Eligibility: among the 30 reports, 8 were not retrieved. The remaining 22 reports were assessed for eligibility, with 8 reports being excluded due to updated versions being available. Inclusion: ultimately, 14 studies were included in the final review.

Characteristics of included studies and documents

The included studies were primarily sourced from reputable databases, with the highest number of records obtained from the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (AAPD) (345), Scopus (176), Trip (170), Embase (135), and PubMed/MEDLINE (120). Additional sources, such as Lilacs (84), ProQuest (26), Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP) (16), European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) (14), and GIN (6), also contributed to the final selection of papers. The selected papers focused on the treatment of primary teeth with deep caries lesions and provided insights into extraction, pulpectomy, pulpotomy, and variations within these treatment options.

Treatment modalities

Most CPGs discussed both Direct Pulp Capping (DPC) ( n  = 6) and Indirect Pulp Capping (IPC) ( n  = 8), pulpotomy ( n  = 10) and pulpectomy ( n  = 9) as potential treatment options for specific cases involving deep caries lesions in primary teeth. IPC and DPC techniques were outlined concerning their indications, recommended protocols, and supporting evidence. Additionally, some papers explored the concept of lesion sterilisation/tissue repair (LSTR), albeit being mentioned in only two documents. The use of LSTR for managing carious lesions reaching the pulp in primary teeth was discussed in terms of its effectiveness, limitations, and potential application.

Variations and gaps in recommendations

While the included studies and documents shared commonalities in their recommendations, some variations were observed. These variations were often influenced by contextual factors, such as the healthcare system, resources, and available treatment options in different countries or regions. Additionally, certain aspects of the management of caries lesions in primary teeth with pulp involvement lacked clear consensus or had limited evidence, indicating gaps in the existing literature.

Summary of key findings

The reviewed literature explored various treatment options for primary teeth with deep caries lesions, including extraction, pulpectomy, pulpotomy, and their subdivisions.

Indirect pulp capping

Indirect Pulp Capping was recommended as a successful treatment for vital deciduous teeth affected by deep caries, as it is a MID approach that does not interfere with the natural exfoliation process [ 11 , 12 ]. This treatment is indicated when there is no pulp involvement [ 13 ] and is considered a standard treatment option [ 14 ]. To ensure successful IPC, it is crucial to achieve an excellent seal of the coronal part of the tooth [ 12 ]. The procedure involves selective removal of soft caries tissue, particularly from the dentin-enamel junction, using hand instruments [ 11 , 15 , 16 ]. Subsequently, materials such as zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE), hard-setting calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂), or resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) are placed and covered with a preformed crown or adhesive restoration. These procedures have received a grade B recommendation, and level III evidence, and have shown success rates of over 90% after three years [ 16 ]. Alternative approaches, including the use of slow rotary instruments and other biocompatible materials like mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), were also mentioned (See Fig.  2 ). Compared to pulpotomy treatments, IPC has demonstrated higher long-term success rates [ 11 , 15 ]. Meta-analyses did not find significant differences between bonding agent liners and Ca(OH)₂, with moderate and low evidence after 24–48 months [ 17 ]. In contrast, recommendations from 2005 suggested complete removal of caries and direct pulp capping (DPC) or pulpotomy in cases of iatrogenic pulp exposure due to higher symptom occurrence and uncertain outcomes. Before filling the cavity, Ca(OH)₂ is placed to promote secondary dentin formation (See Fig.  2 ) [ 18 ].

figure 2

This timeline summarises the evolution of IPC guidelines across various countries and regions from 2005 to 2022. It outlines the indications, recommendations, and levels of evidence in countries such as the UK, Chile, USA, New Zealand, and others. Specific recommendations range from total caries removal to selective caries removal with materials like calcium hydroxide and glass ionomer cement. Evidence levels vary from low to high across different years and regions.

Direct pulp capping (DPC)

The use of DPC as a treatment option is restricted to spot-like pulpal exposure areas due to trauma or mechanical opening during caries removal in cases of non-symptomatic and non-infectious circumstances (See Fig.  3 ), to facilitate dentine structure development [ 16 , 18 , 19 ].

figure 3

The figure displays DPC guidelines across regions from 2005 to 2022, including the UK, USA, and international recommendations. Indications include traumatic pulp exposures and materials recommended include calcium hydroxide and MTA. Evidence levels range from low to not stated, reflecting the evolving clinical recommendations over the years.

For the purpose of teeth protection from microleakage, Ca(OH)₂ and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) have been suggested [ 11 ]. Meta-analyses show no significant difference in success between Ca(OH)₂ and MTA, formocresol (FC) and dentin bonding agents after 24 months. Due to the missing discrepancy of included studies, the quality of evidence was rated as very low [ 17 ]. Prior haemorrhage control by a piece of cotton damped with saline or water has been recommended with grade C and evidence quality level IV [ 16 ].

In general, DPC is not recommended as a regular treatment option for primary teeth [ 15 ]. This might be connected to the elevated cellular density in the pulp tissue of deciduous teeth and poor prognosis [ 20 , 21 ] However, close to the physiological exfoliation time, DPC can be indicated due to less severe consequences (See Fig.  3 ) [ 16 ].

Pulpotomy is a recommended treatment option for primary teeth with profound carious lesions, boasting a 24-month success rate of 82.6% [ 22 ]. However, due to limited direct comparisons, no definitive evidence-supported recommendation can be made regarding the choice between pulpotomy, DPC, and IPC (See Fig.  4 ) [ 14 , 22 ].

figure 4

This figure highlights pulpotomy guidelines in the UK, Chile, Italy, and other regions from 2005 to 2022. Indications include symptoms of irreversible pulpitis, and materials recommended include formocresol (FC), MTA, and ferric sulfate. Evidence is rated from low to high depending on the year and location. The timeline also covers regional variations in managing pulpotomy procedures.

Pulpotomy is generally indicated for primary teeth with exposed vital pulp or irreversible pulpitis of the coronal pulp, if the underlying tissue is healthy or shows reversible inflammation [ 16 , 17 ]. It can be performed on deciduous teeth at any developmental stage [ 13 ]. Contraindications include severe root resorption, facial cellulitis, abscess history, or specific patient conditions necessitating general anaesthesia [ 23 ]. Pulpotomy for vital pulp in primary molars is a recommended treatment, while non-vital pulpotomy, which differs in procedure and indication, is considered obsolete in most current guidelines.

Some guidelines discourage the use of Ca(OH)₂ during pulpotomy due to compromised results and lower success rates compared to ferric sulphate (FS), mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), and formocresol [ 12 , 16 , 17 , 19 ].

MTA (87.8%) and formocresol (85%) have shown the highest success rates among recommended treatment choices, leading to a strong recommendation for their use [ 17 ]. Other options are conditionally recommended, and the use of formocresol may raise concerns among parents [ 15 , 16 , 17 ].

MTA, despite higher initial costs, proves to be more cost-effective in the long run due to its greater success rates and reduced need for secondary treatments compared to Ca(OH)₂ [ 17 ]. MTA preserves pulp integrity, reduces inflammation, and promotes tissue formation, while Portland cement is considered a low-cost alternative [ 24 ].

Additional research is needed to determine specific recommendations for lining materials, caution is advised regarding the combination of FS and eugenol, and control of haemorrhage is essential during treatment [ 16 , 18 , 24 ].

Stainless steel crowns are recommended as a permanent restoration after pulpotomy, while composite resin and amalgam can be used for deciduous teeth with minor structural damage [ 11 ].

Pulpectomy is a recommended treatment for restorable primary teeth with necrosis, irreversible pulpitis, root resorption, and other pathologies [ 11 ]. It is preferred over LSTR in the absence of root resorption. Pulpectomy is generally not recommended as a first-line treatment for deep caries in vital primary molars due to the effectiveness of more conservative alternatives like indirect pulp capping or pulpotomy. However, it may be used instead of extraction when tooth loss could harm dental health and long-term occlusion, or if there is no permanent successor [ 12 ].

Prior to treatment, a periapical radiograph is taken for diagnosis, and anaesthesia is administered [ 4 ]. Root canal shaping can be done with rotary or hand files, followed by irrigation using sodium hypochlorite or alternative solutions [ 11 , 15 ]. Canals are dried before using zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) cement or calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂) with iodoform paste for obturation [ 11 , 15 ].

Different approaches exist for pulpectomy depending on the condition, such as two-stage or one-stage procedures [ 18 ]. The Italian Ministry of Health recommends pulpectomy for non-vital primary teeth in specific developmental stages and with clinical signs like abscesses, fistula, and pain [ 2 ]. The use of Ca(OH)₂ combined with iodoform paste is advantageous, although ZOE is also suggested [ 2 ]. Irrigation should be performed using hypochlorite, saline, or chlorhexidine [ 16 ].

The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) recommends specific irrigation techniques and materials for obturation, such as ZOE, glass ionomer cement (GIC), or heated gutta-percha. The heated gutta-percha is used specifically to seal the canal orifice, not to fill the canals [ 25 ]. Preformed crowns are suggested for excellent coronal seal [ 16 ]. Pulpectomy success rates range from 59% to 69% for teeth with root resorption and 84% to 90% for those without [ 25 ]. Extraction may be necessary if fistula or abscess persists after Ca(OH)₂ [ 25 ]. The Dubai Health Authority limits pulpectomy to primary teeth with less than one-third root resorption and without facial cellulitis or abscess [ 23 ]. Considerations for pulpectomy include long-term retention of second deciduous molars and stable occlusion, with conservative treatments preferred for profound carious lesions (See Fig.  5 ).

figure 5

The pulpectomy timeline from 2005 to 2022 illustrates recommendations from the UK, Chile, USA, and other countries. It covers the management of irreversible pulpitis and related pathology, with recommendations including the use of zinc oxideeugenol, MTA, and root canal instrumentation. Evidence levels range from low to moderate across different regions.

Lesion sterilisation/tissue repair (LSTR)

LSTR is a possible treatment option for primary teeth experiencing clinical symptoms of irreversible pulpitis, fistula formation, and other pathologies (see Fig.  6 ) [ 11 , 15 ]. It is considered preferable over pulpectomy in cases of root resorption and teeth expected to exfoliate within one year. The treatment involves establishing access to the pulp chamber and augmenting the orifices. Phosphoric acid is used to cleanse the chamber, followed by rinsing and drying. Subsequently, a paste containing ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and clindamycin, along with macrogol and polyethylene, is placed in the affected areas. It is important to avoid the incorporation of tetracycline into the antibiotic mix. Finally, glass ionomer cement (GIC) and a stainless-steel crown are placed [ 11 , 15 ].

figure 6

This figure outlines LSTR treatment guidelines between 2005 and 2022 in regions like the USA and international contexts. The timeline reflects recommendations for disinfecting root canals using antibiotics like ciprofloxacin and metronidazole for cases of irreversible pulpitis and root resorption. Evidence is generally not stated.


Extraction is indicated for primary teeth in the following situations: teeth approaching exfoliation, teeth that are non-restorable due to extensive caries or uncontrolled pulp haemorrhage [ 16 , 18 , 20 , 26 ]. In addition, pulpectomy with repeated medication application without symptom relief or continuous exudation is also a reason for extraction [ 25 ]. (See Fig.  7 ).

figure 7

From 2005 to 2022, this figure tracks extraction guidelines in the UK, Chile, USA, and other regions. Indications include nonrestorable teeth with extensive decay or advanced root resorption. Recommendations include balanced extractions and use of chlorhexidine (CHX) irrigation. Evidence levels vary from low to not stated.

Balanced bilateral extractions may be considered for primary canines, and in cases where there is absence of the contralateral tooth, extraction may be indicated for the first deciduous molars, provided that the jaw space is not excessively crowded [ 16 , 18 ]. However, primary incisors are less frequently subjected to extraction [ 18 ]. It is important to consider the need for space maintainers when the development of permanent root formation does not exceed one-third of its completion [ 25 ].

In addition to clinical factors, such as tooth condition and stage of eruption, other factors including patient cooperation, social factors, and medical conditions should be considered when deciding on extraction [ 20 ]. Furthermore, the attitude of the patient and parents, as well as the number and complexity of required treatments, should be also considered [ 16 , 18 ]. It is generally recommended to avoid extractions during initial dental visits [ 13 , 20 ]. Whenever possible, extraction should be avoided in cases of crowding, absence of underlying permanent teeth, and situations that may cause increased stress for the patient [ 18 ].

The management of caries lesions that reach the pulp in primary teeth presents a complex challenge for dental professionals. CPGs play a crucial role in providing evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of such cases. This scoping review aimed to identify and describe documents, including CPGs, consensus statements, policies, and clinical recommendations, pertaining to the management of caries lesions that reached the pulp in primary teeth. Hence, this review provides valuable insights into the variations in thresholds and recommendations for different treatment procedures. Although our focus was on published documents, it is important to note that we could not verify whether these documents utilised the best available evidence to formulate their recommendations or if they had low risk of bias.

The analysis of the included documents revealed variations in thresholds and recommendations for different treatment procedures. These variations stem from differences in the interpretation of the available evidence, clinical judgement, and priorities of different dental organizations and professional societies.

The comparison of indications for each procedure among different CPGs provides valuable insights into the diverse perspectives and considerations when managing caries lesions that reach the pulp in primary teeth. These variations in recommendations reflect the complexities of clinical decision-making and the diverse approaches taken by different guidelines.

For instance, the AAPD guidelines recommend Indirect Pulp Capping as a standard treatment option for vital primary teeth with deep caries lesions but without pulp involvement [ 16 ]. IPC is widely practiced in the United States and has shown favourable outcomes. In contrast, the EAPD guidelines also support IPC but provide more specific indications, such as minimal pulp involvement and limited symptoms [ 12 ].

When considering direct pulp capping and pulpotomy, guidelines offer varying recommendations. The AAPD guidelines suggest DPC for spot-like pulpal exposures resulting from trauma or mechanical opening during caries removal [ 19 ]. On the other hand, the SDCEP guidelines discourage the routine use of DPC and instead recommend pulpotomy as a treatment option [ 13 ].

The indications for pulpotomy also show variations among guidelines. The IAPD guidelines recommend pulpotomy for primary teeth with exposed vital pulp or irreversible pulpitis of the coronal pulp [ 15 ]. However, specific indications provided by different guidelines may vary, taking into account factors such as clinical signs, developmental stages, and the prevalence of dental conditions.

Similarly, the indications for pulpectomy vary among guidelines. The AAPD guidelines recommend pulpectomy for restorable primary teeth with necrosis, irreversible pulpitis, root resorption, or other pathologies [ 11 ]. In contrast, guidelines from other sources may provide more specific indications based on their own research and clinical experience.

These variations in recommendations highlights the influence of context on treatment recommendations. Guidelines developed in different regions may reflect the specific needs and resources available in those areas. Furthermore, the availability of materials and resources can significantly impact the treatment options recommended in the guidelines. Different regions may have varying access to materials such as Ca(OH)₂, MTA, or formocresol. These variations in material availability can lead to differences in the recommended treatment modalities. Cost-effectiveness of materials play a key role in the treatment choices outlined in the guidelines. The review evidence highlights the departure from historical practices, with the more recent CPGs no longer endorsing complete caries removal [ 21 ]. Similarly, the reconsideration of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂) usage, previously employed for secondary dentin formation before cavity filling, reflects this evolving perspective. This shift aligns with our growing understanding of cariology, emphasising minimally invasive procedures to preserve teeth tissue whenever possible [ 27 ]. Despite these advancements, the adoption of these guideline points among clinicians remains limited [ 28 ]. Addressing this gap may necessitate broader dissemination of updated guidelines, targeted educational initiatives, and ongoing efforts to bridge the translation gap between evidence-based recommendations and clinical implementation.

Another important consideration is the publication and development process of the guidelines. While guidelines aim to provide evidence-based recommendations, the level of detail and transparency in their development can vary. Some guidelines may provide extensive information on the underlying evidence, the grading of recommendations, and the consensus process followed. An example of such comprehensive guidelines is the Guidelines for the Management of Dental Emergencies by the SDCEP, which provide clear explanations of the evidence base, and the consensus process used [ 13 ]. On the other hand, some guidelines may lack sufficient information on the level of evidence, or the specific studies considered during their development.The lack of transparency and detail in guideline development makes it challenging to understand the rationale behind certain recommendations and hampers the ability to compare and reconcile differences between guidelines. To enhance the transparency and quality of guidelines, future efforts should prioritize the adherence to established guideline development methodologies, such as those recommended by Guidelines International Network. This includes clearly outlining the process for evidence synthesis, the grading of recommendations, and the involvement of multidisciplinary experts. The reporting quality of clinical practice guidelines exhibits significant variability. A previous study assessing the reporting quality of CPGs in paediatric dentistry has indicated suboptimal adherence to quality standards, underscoring the need for future improvement in their applicability. Implementation of standardised checklists such as the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE) is imperative during CPG development processes to ensure methodological rigour and transparency in newly developed guidelines, before their adoption into clinical practice.

Among the myriad recommended treatments for various pulp conditions, a fundamental principle must remain unequivocal—treating patients based on the minimum intervention approach. In navigating the therapeutic choices, the essence of the Hippocratic principle, “primum non nocere” (first, do no harm). Thus, as practitioners, we are reminded to balance the intricacies of diverse treatment modalities with a commitment to the overarching goal of delivering care that is both effective and minimally invasive.

There are significant variations in guidelines for diagnosing and managing caries lesions that reach the pulp in primary teeth, reflecting differences in evidence interpretation, clinical judgement, and organisational priorities.

For caries with pulp involvement, guidelines differ: the AAPD advocates treating small pulpal exposures due to trauma or mechanical opening with direct pulp capping, while the SDCEP recommends more conservative approaches. The IAPD focuses on specific clinical signs and developmental stages to guide treatment, such as the extent of pulp involvement and the child’s age.

Regional needs and resources influence treatment recommendations, including the availability of materials like calcium hydroxide, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), or formocresol, and cost-effectiveness considerations. Recent guidelines favour minimally invasive procedures and reconsider the use of traditional materials like calcium hydroxide.

Transparency and methodological rigour in guideline development vary. Comprehensive guidelines, such as those from the SDCEP, provide clear evidence bases and consensus processes. Future guidelines should adhere to established methodologies to ensure transparency and methodological rigour.

Why this paper is important to paediatric dentists:

There is significant variation in guidelines for managing caries in primary teeth, influenced by regional contexts, material availability, and opaque guideline development processes. Understanding this variation is crucial for paediatric dentists to interpret and apply guidelines appropriately.

Adhering to clear guideline development methodologies and transparency about the rationale and evidence behind recommendations is needed to promote consistency and confidence in guidelines. This allows paediatric dentists to make properly evidence-based decisions.

Enhancing the quality and usability of guidelines on managing dental caries will facilitate decision-making for paediatric dentists seeking to provide optimal patient care. Reducing ambiguity supports the provision of appropriate care tailored to specific contexts.

Data availability

The data that support the findings of this study are available in the Appendix  3 .

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The study was funded by Fundamental & Applied Research Projects (FLPP), Latvian Council of Science wide no. lzp-2022/1-0047, IEVA—Implementation of the Evidence-Based Paediatric CAries Management Strategies in Latvian Clinical Practice—an Evidence Transfer Study. The Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES; Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel)—finance code 001 granting scholarships to RAE. The funders had no role in the conduct of the study, the analysis of the data or the decision to submit the manuscript for publication.

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Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health, Riga Stradiņš University Faculty of Dentistry, Riga Stradiņš University, Rīga, Latvia

Ilze Maldupa & Julius Giese

School of Dentistry, College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK

Waraf Al-Yaseen & Daniela Prócida Raggio

Department of Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Rokaia Ahmed Elagami & Daniela Prócida Raggio

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IM, DPR, and WA conception and design of the study; IM, JG, RAE, and WA data acquisition; JG, IM and DPR. data analysis and interpretation; WA, IM, RAE AND DPR drafted the manuscript; IM, WA, RAE, DPR revised and gave final approval of the manuscript.

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Maldupa, I., Al-Yaseen, W., Giese, J. et al. Recommended procedures for managing carious lesions in primary teeth with pulp involvement—a scoping review. BDJ Open 10 , 74 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41405-024-00259-8

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Received : 19 June 2024

Revised : 04 August 2024

Accepted : 07 August 2024

Published : 18 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41405-024-00259-8

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Original research

Key stakeholders’ perspectives and experiences with defining, identifying and displaying gaps in health research: a qualitative study, linda nyanchoka.

1 Universite de Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France

2 Institute of Translational Medicine, University of Liverpool Institute of Translational Medicine, Liverpool, UK

3 Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu, Center for Clinical Epidemiology, Paris, France

Catrin Tudur-Smith

Raphaël porcher.

4 Assistance Publique—Hopitaux de Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France

5 University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Split, Croatia

Associated Data



Mapping the current body of evidence including what is missing helps provide a better understanding of what research is available, ongoing and needed and should be prioritised. Identifying research gaps can inform the design and conduct of health research by providing additional context information about the body of evidence in a given topic area. Despite the commonly used term ‘research gap’ in scientific literature, little is written on how to find a ‘research gap’ in the first place. Moreover, there is no clear methodological guidance to identify and display gaps.

This study aimed to explore how key stakeholders define research gaps and characterise methods/practices used to identify and display gaps in health research to further advance efforts in this area.

This was an exploratory qualitative study using semistructured in-depth interviews. The study sample included the following stakeholder groups: researchers, funders, healthcare providers, patients/public and policy-makers. Interview transcripts were subjected to thematic analysis.

Among the 20 interviews conducted (20 participants), a variety of research gap definitions were expressed (ie, five main themes, including gaps in information, knowledge/evidence gaps, uncertainties, quality and patient perspective). We identified three main themes for methods used to identify gaps (primary, secondary and both primary and secondary) and finally six main themes for the methods to display gaps (forest plots, diagrams/illustrations, evidence maps, mega maps, 3IE gap maps and info graphics).

This study provides insights into issues related to defining research gaps and methods used to identify and display gaps in health research from the perspectives of key stakeholders involved in the process. Findings will be used to inform methodological guidance on identifying research gaps.

Strengths and limitations of this study

  • This study used qualitative methodology that provided an in-depth understanding of key stakeholders’ perspectives and experiences in identifying, describing and displaying gaps in health research.
  • The study benefited from having a variety of different stakeholders participating in semistructured interviews, which provided a wider scope of perspectives and experiences in identifying, describing and displaying gaps in health research.
  • This study could have benefited from involving patient/public perspectives to inform the design of the study to improve the importance and relevance of the findings for this population.

Identifying research gaps can help inform the design and conduct of health research, practice and policies by providing a better understanding of the current body of evidence. Healthcare decisions for individual patients, public health policies and clinical guidelines should be informed by the best available research while taking into account research gaps.

The identification of research gaps has no well-defined process, although research gaps serve as the basis in developing a new research question and informing future research, healthcare delivery and health policies. In addition, research gaps in healthcare do not necessarily align directly with research needs. Hence, research gaps are critical in that knowledge gaps substantially inhibit the decision-making ability of stakeholders such as patients, healthcare providers and policy-makers, thus creating a need to fill the knowledge gap. 1

Moreover, identifying and characterising research gaps often highlight multiple competing gaps that are worthwhile to be explored. 1 Initiatives such as the James Lind Alliance (JLA), UK Database of Uncertainties about the Effects of Treatments, Cochrane Agenda and Priority Setting Methods Group, and Evidence-based Research Network are some examples of existing efforts to identify and prioritise research gaps in health. 2

The term ‘research gap’ is not well defined, and its meaning can differ depending on the researcher and research context. A recent scoping review of methods used to identify, prioritise and display gaps in health research reported 12 different definitions related to gaps in health research, each describing research gaps differently. 2 This finding shows the ambiguity of the term ‘research gap’ and the different practices it may relate to.

As a basis for further exploring and understanding ‘research gaps’, we start from the definition given by the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools in Canada based on the work by Robinson et al , whereby a research gap is defined as a topic or area for which missing or insufficient information limits the ability to reach a conclusion for a question. 3 Given the different meanings and definitions of research gaps identified in the scoping review, 2 we considered it important to further explore key stakeholders’ perspectives to better understand the topic area. Clearly defining the type of research gap can help determine how to better identify, characterise, prioritise and address research gaps.

Different methods for identifying research gaps reported include scoping reviews and umbrella reviews for mapping and summarising evidence. These methods have an explicit aim of identifying research gaps in a broad area compared with systematic reviews, which focus on answering a specific research question. 4–8 Furthermore, investigating experiences with practices/methods used to identify research gaps can inform explicit methodological approaches in identifying and describing research gaps. This investigation can enhance practices of different stakeholder groups (ie, health professionals, health commissioners, researchers, patients/public and decision-makers) when addressing areas of uncertainty within the research problem and topic area. 9

The specific objectives of the study were to (1) investigate key stakeholders’ knowledge and perceptions of and experiences with defining research gaps and (2) characterise methods/practices used to identify and display gaps in health research.

Methods and analysis

Qualitative study design.

We conducted an exploratory qualitative study using semistructured interviews. This method was selected to provide an in-depth understanding of key stakeholders’ perspectives, experiences and practices in defining, identifying and displaying research gaps. This method also ensured that we explored key stakeholders’ understanding and practices related to identifying research gaps through a variety of lenses from different stakeholder groups. In turn, this process provided multiple facets of research gap definitions and methodological practices to identify and display gaps. 10

Study sample and recruitment

We used purposive sampling to ensure that the perspectives of all identified stakeholder groups were represented. Purposive sampling is widely used in qualitative research to identify and select information-rich cases. The study sample included the following stakeholder groups: researchers, funders, healthcare providers, patients/public and policy-makers. The stakeholder groups were determined according to the findings of a previously conducted scoping review 2 and organised into three main categories focusing on the use of evidence to inform health policy, health practice and health research ( table 1 ). A detailed description of participant categories was given in the previously published study protocol. 11 Study participants were recruited via contacts and organisations identified in the scoping review, relevant scientific publications, existing professional networks (eg, H2020 International Training Network ‘Methods in Research on Research’) and contacts from conference attendance (eg, Evidence Live and Cochrane Colloquium).

Participant characteristics (n=20)

CategoryNo. (% of total)
Researcher9 (45)
 Methodologist5 (25)
 Data visualisation3 (15)
 PhD student1 (5)
Health practitioner6 (30)
 Healthcare provider5 (25)
 Public health professional1 (5)
Oversight bodies3 (15)
 Health policy-maker2 (10)
 Funding body1 (5)
Patients/public2 (10)

The main inclusion criteria for the study were as follows:

  • Adults aged ≥18 years (researchers, funders, healthcare providers, patients/public and policy-makers).
  • Experience with the use of evidence to inform health decisions/choices, policy, practice or research.
  • Ability to converse in English.
  • Consent for research.

The sample size for qualitative studies usually depends on the point when data saturation is reached (ie, the point when new data do not add to a better understanding of the studied phenomenon but rather repeat what was previously expressed 12 ). Considering that the point of saturation cannot be specified in advance, we planned to conduct between 14 and 28 interviews, owing to usual points of data saturation reported in qualitative studies. 11 The point of data saturation was determined based on the seven parameters identified by Hennink et al , 13 14 including the study purpose, population, sampling strategy, data quality, type of codes, code book and saturation goal, and focus retrieved from the study. These parameters were discussed throughout the study primarily between the lead researcher (LN) and the senior researcher (DH).

Data collection and recording

Semistructured interviews were used for this study. The main reason for selecting semi-structured interviews was to allow for specific areas to be addressed while giving the interviewees the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and perspectives related to defining, identifying and presenting research gaps that are relevant to them and that may not have been explored or anticipated by the researcher(s). 15

The guide was developed by focusing on exploring key stakeholders’ perspectives and experiences with the following key areas:

  • Participant background information.
  • Definitions of research gaps.
  • Knowledge and perceptions of and experiences with methods/practices used to identify and display gaps in health research to inform further health policy, practice and research.

These three categories were developed with information from the scoping review to guide the questions. The interview topic guide was piloted before data collection. It was also adapted according to key stakeholder groups to ensure that it was meaningful to their background and to gather more relevant information based on their experiences and knowledge. 16

The semistructured interview guide contained two levels of questions: main themes and follow‐up questions. The main themes covered the general content of the research gaps aimed at encouraging participants to speak freely about their perceptions, experiences and practices. The follow-up questions were used as prompts and probes aiming to follow respondents’ answers and to investigate the issues raised more in depth. The interview guide covered the main topics of the study, providing a focused structure for the discussion during the interview. 17

We conducted in-person, telephone and teleconference interviews. In-person interviews were conducted with participants residing or reachable in London, UK, and other participants were interviewed via telephone or teleconference (for the interview guide for both in-person and teleconference interviews, see online supplemental appendix ).

Supplementary data

All interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim and anonymised. The lead researcher (LN) transcribed two interviews to help inform the analytical process, and the other audio files were transcribed by a professional transcription agency licensed from the University of Liverpool.

Data analysis

We used analytical categories to describe and explain definitions, experiences and practices reported among the groups of participants. All data relevant to each category (defining research gaps, experiences with methods/practices used to identify and display gaps in health research) were identified and examined to ensure that each data item was checked accordingly.

Our approach was based on the thematic analysis outlined by Braun and Clarke. 18 The steps included the following: (1) transcription and checking transcripts with recordings for accuracy, (2) open coding from interview responses performed by two researchers independently (LN and DH), (3) agreement of initial codes discussed among the researchers and an initial codebook developed, (4) developing the code structure used for analysing the remaining responses with openness that included new codes and refined existing ones and (5) themes and subthemes identified from the final code structure and their relationships presented. 18

The initial coding framework for our analysis started from broad categories identified in the previous scoping review with which the interviews were structured. Within these broad categories (ie, defining research gaps, experiences with methods/practices used to identify and display gaps in health research), analytical categories were inductively derived from the data. In this sense, our approach includes both top-down and bottom-up development of analytical categories and themes.

QSR International’s NVivo V.12 qualitative data analysis software was used for data management and analysis.

Ensuring study quality

To further ensure rigour and trustworthiness, the study was guided by Lincoln and Guba ’s concepts for defining and investigating quality in qualitative research that can be considered parallel to quantitative research concepts of validity and reliability. 13 19 20 The concepts include credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, audit trails and reflexivity. They are interrelated, and thinking through them from the onset and incorporating them into a study improve the study’s rigour.

The main researcher’s (LN) past experience as a Public Health Advisor at a National Institute of Public Health in Europe influenced the conceptualisation and conduct of this study, including the interviews. Her previous role focused on knowledge production for the health sector and providing knowledge about the health status of the population, influencing factors and how the status can be improved. She recognised the need for evidence to inform research planning, implementation and evaluation. Therefore, the design and conduct of this study were informed by her previous role and influenced the development of the interview guide, and interpretation and reporting of study findings. Throughout the different steps of the study, she consulted a senior researcher (DH) to discuss all matters related to the study design, conduct and reporting.

Patient and public involvement

Patients and the public were not involved in the design or analysis of this study. However, we involved them as study participants and will disseminate the study findings that pertain to them using a patient/public online platform, peopleinresearch.org.

Among the 30 key stakeholders contacted, 20 agreed to participate in the study. Hence, we conducted 20 interviews with 20 participants involved in using evidence for informing health policy, practice or future research ( table 1 ).

Definitions of gaps in health research

We first explored what participants reported as gaps in health research. Given the nature of our interest, all participants’ answers were grouped under a single theme ‘Definitions of Gaps in Health Research’. However, the focus of the definitions differed, and within this main theme, we identified five subthemes related to gaps in health research described by the participants (ie, gaps in information, knowledge/evidence-related gaps, quality of evidence, uncertainties and patient-related gaps; summarised in figure 1 ). The discrepancies and similarities of terms used are further illustrated in the online supplemental appendix . Terms ranged from lack of information/insufficient information, known unknowns/unanswered research questions and evidence uncertainty to treatment uncertainty, among others.

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Reported descriptions of gaps in health research.

We identified some similarities among the participants on how they defined research gaps, for example, researchers and oversight bodies mainly defined gaps in health research as a lack of information/insufficient information, known unknowns and no primary studies (more information can be found in online supplemental appendix ). Patient/public participants defined research gaps in a much more literal manner, for example, ‘The gap is to get more patients involved in doing … clinical trials; have [someone] at the beginning introduce me, [educate me], [provide] awareness [because] I didn’t know what [a clinical trial] was. I [didn’t] know what they’re talking about’ (patient/public person, PPI01) and ‘Get me involved in co-production. That is the gap that is missing in clinical research’ (patient/public person, PPI01). The most common description research participants provided was the absence of scientific information to answer a research question, for example,

An area where there is missing or … insufficient information. And because of this … you cannot reach a conclusion for a question. So … it is a field, it is an area, a question an issue to which you don’t have an appropriate answer because there is missing … information or the research that still needs to be done in that particular area. (Funding body, F01)

One participant related research gaps to quality of evidence by use of Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE), an approach for rating the quality of evidence and grading the strength of recommendations in healthcare. 21 Another participant emphasised the importance of public and community involvement in gap identification to ensure that it takes into account their perspectives and contributions to the research ecosystem:

existing knowledge but not documented is of key importance in understanding the current body of knowledge on a particular topic area …. Evidence gaps need to be defined not only by [the] research community but also according to the key stakeholders including community members. Community knowledge is of key importance to inform the evidence base. Further evaluation on research findings to characterise the nature of research gaps can be carried out by evaluating community perspectives and local evidence to confirm scientific evidence. (Health research PhD student, R01)

We identified variability in participant responses on how to define gaps in health research; this variability was mainly observed in individual responses for the three main categories (research, practice, and policy and funding).

Methods to identify gaps in health research

Participants reported a range of applicable methods to identify gaps in health research (eg, surveys, reviews, syntheses, priority-setting partnerships and assessments) as shown in figure 2 . The methods were also characterised by the different research methodologies used (ie, primary, secondary and both). Participants also expressed their difficulty in identifying research gaps, for example,

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Methods used to identify gaps in health research.

It is really difficult to identify research gaps. Lots of people you know will try and use the discussion section from research, [whereas] other authors have asked for further research, but in my experience that has not been a very useful method because sometimes authors will write that you know without really seeing or understanding that there has been something similar done in that field. (Health research methodologist, R02)

The variety of identified methods reflected the state of the field in the sense of the wide array of methods currently used, in line with the variety of specific goals of studies on research gaps ( figure 1 ). The difficulty in identifying research gaps raised by participants, together with the plurality of definition of gaps and range of methodologies, may, however, also reflect a possible lack of consensus and guidance on what method would be best suited for a given objective.

Methods to display gaps in health research

Participants referred to a number of different methods used to display gaps in health research (ie, forest plots, diagrams/illustrations, evidence maps, mega maps, 3IE gap maps and info graphics) ( figure 3 ). Participant perspectives varied; one of the interviewees pointed out,

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is bmjopen-2020-039932f03.jpg

Methods used to display gaps in health research.

I think with the growth of technology, it is very important to use sophisticated methods to better communicate evidence for policy-making and decision-making. I think the availability of evidence is not enough on its own and finding different methods to communicate is important, not only the analysis and findings but also sharing it in different platforms online for a greater audience. (Health policy and guideline developer, P02)

Another participant highlighted that one of the key benefits of visually presenting research is being able to immediately see what information is available and missing.

The participants mainly expressed the importance of using data visualisation in research; there was a common understanding on the use of data visualisation as a whole, particularly with the growth of technology and the need to capitalise on it. The main challenges expressed were how to identify an appropriate visualisation to present the research and also how to effectively present data. We summarise these general experiences with data visualisation in health research in figure 3 and the online supplemental appendix .

This study provides insight into issues related to defining, identifying and displaying research gaps in health from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The findings indicate several definitions of gaps in health research and methods used to identify and display research gaps.

Our study confirmed the ambiguity in defining research gaps and methodological approaches to identify 3 22 and display research gaps. 2 The methods used to identify research gaps were closely linked to the definition of research gaps. For example, the JLA method of gap identification and setting priorities for research begins by clearly defining what the alliance refers to as evidence uncertainty, that is, there is no up-to-date, reliable systematic review of research evidence addressing the uncertainty or showing that uncertainty. 23 This step further informs the rest of the methodology used and is critical in identifying treatment uncertainties and determining future research priorities. This method combines both primary and secondary approaches and not only identifies research gaps but also verifies them across different relevant stakeholders, including researchers, patients, their carers and clinicians, to ensure the relevance and potential benefit to them. 23 This verification is important, given that some research gaps may be of key interest to researchers but have little relevance and importance to patients or the public, who should be the main beneficiaries of research to improve their health and well-being.

The overall method to identify research gaps involved primary, secondary or both approaches ( figure 2 ). Most of the participants mentioned the use of secondary research methods; this is in accordance with the research that has been conducted on research gaps, which has also primarily focused on the use of secondary research and developed frameworks for identifying research gaps. 2 3 8 24 25 The most commonly adopted framework involves identifying research gaps from systematic reviews using the Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome framework to characterise a research gap. 3 The other framework involves identifying research gaps in qualitative literature reviews. 25 In addition, the GRADE approach for rating the quality of evidence and grading the strength of recommendations in healthcare 21 presents the use of a prominent framework for evaluating the certainty of evidence that can inform the research gap and characterise it. 26 Moreover, scoping reviews are commonly used, and the definition includes aiming to identify research gaps by mapping the current body of evidence. These examples focus on the use of secondary research methods, but we lack studies that specifically explore the use of primary or both primary and secondary methods to identify research gaps, yet these methods equally exist and are being used. Additional exploration of applicable methods for identifying gaps can improve their usefulness and relevance in health research.

In summary, this study showed that research gaps need to be defined by researchers and confirmed by different research stakeholders such as patients and the public to ensure societal relevance and importance. 1 We also found that clearly defining research gaps can provide information on the most appropriate methodological approach to adopt in identifying and displaying gaps, for example, for exploring research gaps in a specific or broad area. For a specific area, a systematic review can be considered, and within a broad area, an umbrella review can be considered. The study also showed that the use of both primary and secondary methods (JLA method) to identify gaps is the most robust method for gap identification. The main reported advantage of this method is that it identifies gaps (treatment uncertainties) and involves different stakeholders, including patients and the public, to confirm and prioritise gaps. The main disadvantage is that it is labor-intensive (requires a team of different specialists) and expensive (administrative support, meeting rooms and catering, among others) compared with secondary methods (evidence synthesis) or primary methods (survey).

Participants mainly expressed the importance of data visualisation in communicating research; no specific methods or formats to present gaps were expressed. Thus, the use of data visualisation is desirable among different stakeholders, particularly researchers, when communicating research, although we found few examples of experiences with developing and using data visualisation. The participants mainly expressed their difficulty in finding the right tool to use to present research findings.

Finally, although scientific articles often refer to the existence of research gaps in studies, few respondents were able to define research gaps, unless contextualising them within a specific study or area, or methods of identification. Fully understanding research gaps in health research and adequately addressing them are difficult. In this study, we highlighted three key items on the topic: (1) clearly defining research gaps provides a context to understand better what the gaps are and what they are caused by; (2) a clear definition of research gaps can inform the methods used to identify research gaps, similar to how a clear research question can inform the research study methodology; and (3) on adopting the most appropriate methods to identify research gaps, finding the right visualisation to communicate them effectively is important. Last but not least, public involvement, when applicable, is needed to verify that gaps are important and relevant to the public.

To conclude, our study found that various methods can be used to identify gaps (ie, primary, secondary and both primary and secondary). Of all the methods used to identify gaps, secondary methods are the most common, specifically systematic reviews, which are considered the gold standard in that they address a highly focused question related to the existing evidence and thus present difficulties for explicitly identifying research gaps in a general area. 3 8 27 Other secondary research methods reported were overviews of reviews, also known as umbrella reviews, scoping reviews and evidence mapping. Overviews of reviews focus on a much broader area, compiling evidence from multiple reviews into one accessible and usable document and highlighting other reviews within the specified topic area. 28 29 Given the resource requirements of formal evidence reviews, topic prioritisation is needed to best allocate resources to those areas deemed the most relevant for the health system. Regardless of the topic, the prioritisation process is likely to be stakeholder-dependent. Priorities for evidence synthesis will vary depending on the mission of the healthcare system and the local needs of the healthcare stakeholders. 1 Hence, using both primary and secondary methods is the most robust because it involves the participation of patients, caregivers and healthcare and social care professionals in identifying research questions and then prioritising them using a combination of primary and secondary research. 30–49

To advance efforts in identifying research gaps, further work and different study designs are needed to take this work to the next step, to find consensus on definitions and different practices for methods in identifying research gaps. Subsequently, also assessing the best methods according to different stakeholders will be informative and important.

One of the main challenges of this study was that because the topic area is still very vague and unclear, the recruitment and interview process was challenging. Therefore, this study was primarily limited to what participants were familiar with and not necessarily representative of the full scope of the status of health researchers, health practitioners, oversight bodies and patients/public. A more generalisable understanding of this topic area would require a larger sample of participants and methodology, such as a Delphi survey, and/or a priority-setting partnership with representatives using evidence to inform policy, practice and research. This study would also have benefited from widening the scope of the stakeholder categories (use of evidence to inform health policy, health practice and health research). 2 This would have enriched our study findings and provided a wider view of stakeholder experiences outside our categories. Another limitation of this study is not including patients/public in designing the study. Including patient/public perspectives would have benefited the study design by being able to improve the importance and relevance of the findings for this population.

One of the main strengths of the study is improving the definition of research gaps and subsequently improving the accurate reporting of research gaps to elucidate the characteristics, which can help in evidence-based decisions. For example, a decision based on a research gap contributing to lack of primary research on a specific health problem can differ from the one based on a research gap related to lack of secondary research summarising the research. Hence, all these factors regarding research gaps need to be highlighted if they are known and made explicit when disseminating and communicating research. In addition, providing more information on what the gap represents may inform users of evidence of more specific information about the research gap and how it can be addressed more accurately.

Supplementary Material


The authors thank the interviewees for their time and input. They also thank Laura Smales (BioMedEditing, Toronto, ON) for editing the manuscript.

Twitter: @LindaNyanchoka

Contributors: LN and DH conceived the study with guidance and feedback from RP and CT-S. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Funding: This project is a part of an MiRoR (Methods in Research on Research)-funded PhD undertaken by LN. MiRoR received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under a Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant (agreement no. 676207).

Competing interests: None declared.

Patient consent for publication: Not required.

Ethics approval: Informed consent was obtained in accordance with the University of Liverpool Ethics Committee board requirements. Verbal consent was sought for phone interviews and written consent for in-person interviews. Confidentiality and data protection will be ensured in accordance with the University of Liverpool Ethics Committee board. All participant information will be anonymised, and hard-copy data will be stored in a locked unit. Soft-copy material will be stored in a password-protected file. On completion of the study and publication of the study results, all study material will be stored and disposed of according to the rules and regulations of the University of Liverpool. The study protocol was stored in the data repository Zenodo. The research obtained ethical approval from the University of Liverpool, UK. This research project is part of a doctoral thesis of the PhD fellow (LN).

Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Data availability statement: All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplemental information. Supporting data items can be found on Zenodo, https://zenodo.org/record/3664981%23.X4g7otAzY2y .

Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been peer-reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.

  • Open access
  • Published: 16 September 2024

Gaps in communication theory paradigms when conducting implementation science research: qualitative observations from interviews with administrators, implementors, and evaluators of rural health programs

  • Nicole L. Johnson   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-5686-2062 1 , 2 ,
  • Jennifer Van Tiem 1 , 2 ,
  • Erin Balkenende 1 , 3 ,
  • DeShauna Jones 1 , 4 ,
  • Julia E. Friberg 1 , 2 ,
  • Emily E. Chasco 1 , 4 ,
  • Jane Moeckli 1 , 2 ,
  • Kenda S. Steffensmeier 1 , 2 ,
  • Melissa J. A. Steffen 1 , 2 ,
  • Kanika Arora 5 ,
  • Borsika A. Rabin 6 , 7 &
  • Heather Schacht Reisinger 1 , 3 , 4  

Implementation Science volume  19 , Article number:  66 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Communication is considered an inherent element of nearly every implementation strategy. Often it is seen as a means for imparting new information between stakeholders, representing a Transaction orientation to communication. From a Process orientation, communication is more than information-exchange and is acknowledged as being shaped by (and shaping) the individuals involved and their relationships with one another. As the field of Implementation Science (IS) works to strengthen theoretical integration, we encourage an interdisciplinary approach that engages communication theory to develop richer understanding of strategies and determinants of practice.

We interviewed 28 evaluators, 12 implementors, and 12 administrators from 21 Enterprise-Wide Initiatives funded by the Department of Veteran Affairs Office of Rural Health. Semi-structured interviews focused on experiences with implementation and evaluation strategies. We analyzed the interviews using thematic analysis identifying a range of IS constructs. Then we deductively classified those segments based on a Transaction or Process orientation to communication.

We organized findings using the two IS constructs most commonly discussed in interviews: Collaboration and Leadership Buy-in. The majority of segments coded as Collaboration ( n  = 34, 74%) and Leadership Buy-in ( n  = 31, 70%) discussed communication from a Transaction orientation and referred to communication as synonymous with information exchange, which emphasizes the task over the relationships between the individuals performing the tasks. Conversely, when participants discussed Collaboration and Leadership Buy-in from a Process orientation, they acknowledged both constructs as the result of long-term efforts to develop positive relationships based on trust and respect, and emphasized the time costliness of such strategies. Our findings demonstrate that participants who discussed communication from a Process orientation recognized the nuance and complexity of interpersonal interactions, particularly in the context of IS.


Efficient, reliable information exchange is a critical but often overemphasized element of implementation. Practitioners and researchers must recognize and incorporate the larger role of communication in IS. Two suggestions for engaging a Process orientation to communication are to: (a) use interview probes to learn how communication is enacted, and (b) use process-oriented communication theories to develop interventions and evaluation tools.

Peer Review reports

Contributions to the literature

Communication is a vital part of implementation. Yet, predominant discussions about implementation strategies are limited to a Transactional orientation. Conversely, the Process orientation to communication acknowledges the multiple moving elements in an implementation context that influences collaboration and leadership buy-in.

Exemplars of interview segments about communication engaging a Process orientation were identified to demonstrate ways interviewers can probe to gain a deeper understanding of communication as a process.

We provide examples and suggestions for qualitatively examining communication processes to better understand the impact of implementation strategies.

Several theories with a Process orientation are identified for consideration in future research and implementation planning and evaluation.

Most implementation strategies include a communication component, particularly when evidence-based interventions are introduced and promoted throughout an organization. When implementing new programming, it is common to consider communication as simply a means through which information is imparted [ 1 , 2 ]. Implementation Science (IS) researchers have an imperative to understand the role of communication as more than a means for information exchange [ 3 ]. Yet, even as a means for information exchange, Manojlovich and colleagues recognized the lack of attention on communication in implementation research [ 1 ].

Broadly, the study of communication focuses on how messages are used to generate meanings [ 4 ], and provides perspective for moving beyond an emphasis on information exchange, thus moving beyond the task dimension and recognizing the value of the relational dimension. Despite its relatively young development both academically and professionally, the communication discipline offers valuable insight to IS research [ 5 ]. There are two predominant ways to characterize communication: (1) communication as Transaction, and (2) communication as Process. When communication is viewed as a Transaction, it is discussed as a linear one-way flow of information [ 3 ]. The materiality – the element of substantive value – of communication is found in accurate, efficient information transfer, thus putting emphasis on the task dimension and channel (e.g., phone, handout) through which information is exchanged. When practitioners focus their efforts on preparing thoughtful and detailed educational sessions intended to increase program adoption, but do not allow time for interactive questions or develop opportunities for building relationships between key personnel responsible for successful adoption, then we see a reliance on the Transaction orientation to communication. When communication is conceptualized as a Process, we emphasize its constitutive nature wherein our environments – social, organizational, political, etc. – shape and are shaped through communication [ 3 ]. From a Process orientation, the transformative properties of communication emphasize its relational dimension and bring about a materiality from the intangible elements of the process (e.g., tone of voice, relational history, contextual exigency), and concepts such as psychological safety, mutual respect, and trust foreground the mechanics of information exchange. For example, someone may schedule multiple options for the same information session to ensure real-time interactivity for questions and build in opportunities for small group breakouts and post-presentation networking for relationship-building. When understanding of communication shifts to encompass more than information exchange, we begin to recognize the role of communication in building relationships and influencing long term cultural shifts, which is often the goal for implementation scientists [ 3 ]. If the Process orientation is overlooked in favor of a Transaction orientation, we may miss opportunities for identifying evidence-based communication strategies to support implementation.

The majority of subsequent work engaging Manojlovich et al.’s assertions agree on the imperative to engage a Process orientation to communication, but they make no strides in designing approaches for exploring the characteristics of communication surrounding effective implementation strategies (e.g., [ 6 , 7 , 8 ]). As the conversation initiated by Manojlovich and colleagues about the role of communication in implementation science has progressed, recognition of communication has grown, but emphasis continues to focus on formal contexts (e.g., trainings and webinars) [ 1 ]. Further, quantitative measures that assess information accuracy like the one used in Zhao and colleagues’ work overlook the importance of informal communication (e.g., rapport-building before meetings, impromptu connections) and the nuanced influence of the relational dimension that contributes to effective implementation. Bustos et al.’s (2021) analysis acknowledges both the formal and informal strategies through which communication might occur, but the communication they refer to is discussed from a Transaction orientation (i.e., “how information… was communicated to program staff” (p. 10)) [ 9 ].

For this study, we draw on interviews with employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) who evaluated, implemented, and administered interventions focused on improving the health and well-being of rural Veterans or the clinical staff who serve them. These interviews were exploratory and wide-ranging; for the purposes of this manuscript, we treat the interviews as akin to direct observations of intervention stakeholders discussing their real-world experiences operationalizing implementation strategies. Instead of focusing on what we could learn from the communication described in the interviews, we directed our attention to what lessons could be missing because of the way participants discussed communication. In this manuscript, we provide examples of how Transaction and Process orientations to communication appear in the data when individuals described their experiences, as well as their relationships that supported IS strategies and facilitated intervention goals. We also suggest interview strategies to elicit detail about communication from a Process orientation to support ongoing learning of these informal communication processes. Though these interviews were not focused on communication, we use data from the interviews to argue that noticing communication helps us discover how to do implementation science better. Specifically, a Process orientation emphasizes the space between IS strategies and outcomes, and advances understanding of implementation challenges and solutions.

Study setting and context

The VA’s Office of Rural Health (ORH) supports the creation of Enterprise-Wide Initiatives (EWIs) to address issues facing rural Veterans from mental health and primary care access to training and education of VA staff who serve rural Veterans. As a part of the funding cycle, EWI teams must conduct annual evaluations. The Center for the Evaluation of Enterprise-Wide Initiatives (CEEWI) was created through a 2019 partnership between ORH and the VA’s Quality Enhancement Research Initiative to support EWI evaluation and disseminate best practices. The CEEWI team, consisting of implementation science experts and qualitative data analysts, reviews the annual reports and provides feedback to EWI teams on reporting standards.

Data collection

As part of the initial CEEWI project, EWI evaluators, implementors, and administrators were interviewed about effectiveness of IS strategies they used and why, in part, to assist the CEEWI team in understanding key aspects of EWI implementation and evaluation. The interview guide included questions about the participant’s role on the EWI, the core components of the EWI, implementation strategies and their impact on desired outcomes, outcome measures used for evaluation, and the evaluation process. CEEWI team members and EWI leadership identified the evaluators, implementors, and administrators to recruit for the study. While recruitment sought a purposive sample of roles from each EWI, ultimately the sample was a convenience sample based on availability and willingness to participate during the first nine months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional details about recruitment and data collection can be found in an earlier manuscript from this larger project [ 10 ]. We conducted 43 semi-structured interviews, which averaged 51 min (range 20–77 min), from April – December 2020 with evaluators, implementors, and administrators from 21 EWIs. While most interviews were conducted one-on-one, 8 were group interviews ranging from 2 to 4 participants [ 10 ]. This study uses these interviews as an example on how communication is described when discussing implementation strategies.

Data analysis

Audio-recordings were transcribed, reviewed for accuracy, and uploaded into MAXQDA, a qualitative data management software [ 11 ]. Two doctorally trained qualitative analysts (NJ & JVT) leveraged their previous IS knowledge and conducted primary-cycle inductive coding to identify IS constructs and trends in the data [ 12 ]. The analysts initially coded all transcripts together in real-time and resolved discrepancies immediately. During this first round of coding, several IS constructs were identified in participants’ discussion of their implementation strategies, including Staff Buy-in, Tailoring, Rapport, Fidelity, and Mentorship. Collaboration and Leadership Buy-in emerged as the two most discussed IS constructs among participants. For secondary-cycle deductive coding to interpret how communication was conceptualized in discussions of Collaboration and Leadership Buy-in, the lead author, a Health Communication scholar, used an iterative process to develop a codebook to identify the language representing a Process or Transaction orientation for each construct (i.e., Collaboration and Leadership Buy-in) [ 3 , 12 ]. The analysis focused on the how communication was discussed, not about the form of communication that took place.

Collaboration, a term often characterizing various levels of formal and informal partnerships between individuals, departments or organizations, is defined as a mutually beneficial and well-defined relationship between two or more parties to achieve common goals [ 13 ]. An example of discussing Collaboration from a Transaction orientation to communication would be using the term Collaboration to describe monthly meetings where the parties update one another about the status of their tasks and goals. From a Process orientation, Collaboration would be discussed in relational terms, describing the trust and rapport the team members have among one another.

Leadership Buy-in represents the role of support from individuals in leadership positions for a program’s adoption and sustainability, particularly when competing clinical and administrative demands are at play [ 7 ]. An example of discussing Leadership Buy-in using a Transaction orientation to communication would be a description of strategies for adoption that only focused on leadership education. However, someone who engaged a Process orientation to communication might: (1) discuss tailored persuasive strategies for demonstrating value to specific decision-makers, or (2) acknowledge the necessity for long-term relationships with individuals in leadership roles for sustainment.

We conducted 43 interviews with 28 evaluators, 12 implementors, and 12 administrators. We coded a total of 90 segments as Collaboration ( n  = 46) and Leadership Buy-in ( n  = 44) across all the interviews. Most segments coded as Collaboration ( n  = 34, 74%) and Leadership Buy-in ( n  = 31, 70%) discussed communication from a Transaction orientation. The following results present examples of the discussion of Collaboration and Leadership Buy-in from the Transaction and Process orientations to communication.

Transaction orientation to communication

When communication is treated as a transaction, it is discussed as a one-way flow of information traveling from one party to another during a discrete moment in time [ 3 ]. The materiality of communication is reduced to accurate, efficient information transfer, thus putting emphasis on the channel (e.g., Teams meeting, email) through which information is exchanged and the task dimension of the interaction.

Collaboration as transaction

Participants sometimes discussed Collaboration in a way that missed its nuance and treated communication as merely a means for transferring information that produced Collaboration. For example, one participant implied that communication, regardless of quality, is inherently good, thus the more there is, the better. They identified “communication across the team level” as an important strategy having the most impact on desired outcomes. “The more communication there is, the more people are able (…) to divide up [responsibilities].” (1A) In this instance, communication is synonymous with information exchange. While we do not have enough information to assess the quality of communication that Participant 1A is referring to, the fact they only discussed the parties involved and quantity of communication is an example of the Transaction orientation to communication.

In another example, a participant explained what they felt did not work as well in their evaluation process. “We have excellent communication with some, but not all members of the [EWI] (…) I’m not sure they’re always on the same page with each other, and then depending on who we’re having a meeting with, we might hear one thing but then that’s not what someone else was going to do (…) that’s one of the pieces that I think is hard for us.” (2A) Again, we see the Transaction orientation, and the barometer for effective communication is accuracy. The participant went on to discuss ways to improve this lack of alignment among team members, suggesting that “even if it’s just being invited to join calls (…) [for us] to answer questions about the [evaluation] data” would improve teamwork. (2A) This passage highlights an important aspect of communication – being present for an interaction and having the opportunity to answer questions enables information exchange.

One participant described the communication that occurred during a monthly videoconference:

The learning collaborative is focused on bringing people [together] to share their experiences and how various facilitators identify ways to shape their program, but also the way that our national team gives feedback about the data (…) One call a month is right after a report (…) they do a data review on the call where they go over the numbers with the entire learning collaborative, everyone in the program, giving them feedback from a national perspective and always reminding people of the milestones of the metrics that they’ve agreed to under the ORH grant. (3A)

Here, we see another example of a participant discussing communication in terms of information exchange.

Leadership buy-in as transaction

Participants also discussed Leadership Buy-in from a Transaction orientation. In the following passage, participant 4A described the benefits of the EWI leadership team visiting sites in-person:

They would do a site visit to all the hubs (…) and meet with the local leadership team and that’s where they confirmed if there were any issues that they might have. They would do like a 2–3 day site visit (…) so it helped create that structure where people knew exactly who to report to and how these programs were established and plenty of opportunities to address any concerns or any issues they might have.

There are substantial implications for local Leadership Buy-in through in-person visits, yet the only aspect of communication discussed here is information exchange and clarifying the information flow hierarchy (i.e., who to report to).

Participant 5A described their program’s efforts to obtain Leadership Buy-in:

Simple outreach and education, that was really the only things that we could do, and then as they continued, training kind of showed its usefulness. That had an impact on leadership buy-in.

Here, buy-in is attributed to education, which may account for some or even most of buy-in, but it does not recognize the relational dimension of communication.

For another EWI, leadership turnover at the facility presented a significant barrier to program sustainment, because Leadership Buy-in was perpetually reset, which exacerbated a “conflict between implementation and sustainment strategies” when the decision-maker for sustainment funding was not the same person to “sign off on it originally” (9A). Given the EWI provided seed-funding for specialty staff to implement the program, the expectation was that the facility would eventually incur the expense for sustainment, but the plan for funds was not made explicit at the time of application for the seed-funding. Participant 9A went on to explain how their program responded to the unforeseen challenge obtaining sustainment funding from sites:

Our clinical director worked really hard with the first cohort of sites prior to their funding ending to try to come up with strategies to pitch the program to leadership (…) Most sites had challenges with changing leadership priorities.

In response, the interviewer clarified their sources for funding, then changed topics: “Interviewer: Ok, alright. How about strategies that were intended to optimize the effectiveness outcomes for your EWI?” In this example, the interviewer seems to be approaching the participant’s description of Leadership Buy-in from a Transactional orientation. A Process-oriented approach that asked about the nature and details of pitching the EWI to leadership may have provided more information about implementation strategy.

Process orientation to communication

From the process perspective, no single interaction serves as the cause or proof of effective Collaboration. Rather, the Process orientation recognizes the value of communication lies in the cumulative outcomes of consistent, often routine, interactions.

Collaboration as process

Collaborations require shared responsibility, mutual authority, accountability, and sharing of resources and rewards for success [ 13 ]. Collaboration in implementation has focused on strategies to enhance partners’ ability to work together to achieve mutual benefits. We identified examples from participants discussing Collaboration with a Process orientation to communication. From these examples we see that Collaboration is seen as a product of long-term efforts to develop positive relationships and establish trust and autonomy to make one’s own decisions. Many participants recognized the uniqueness and value in reaching the point of Collaboration. For example, Participant 10A shared, “The partnerships, it’s like a very special kind of relationship–, where we have to trust them, we rely on each other, but we also need to be able to make independent decisions.” Participant 6A also recognized the importance of relationships, “I would say they’re collegial but they’re not fully collaborative (…) when they’re really more deeply integrated and their role is understood and recognized (…) they are more collaborative members.”

One participant on a different EWI echoed this sentiment that individuals’ intent and motivations for the work should extend beyond the assignment to be considered Collaboration, “It’s not just trying to check off a box (…) there truly is a passion behind it, on all of our parts, and that has been wonderful.” (7B) Recognizing others’ intent for their work allows one to acknowledge how interpersonal communication is influenced by more than information exchange.

In the following exemplars, we can see how interviewers were able to elicit detail about the interactions surrounding the implementation strategies they were discussing.

Exemplar for Probing Collaboration . In Table  1 , we share an exemplar for engaging the Process orientation to communication, which led to greater explication of the role of communication in the implementation process.

Through this example, we see a more nuanced treatment of communication as a process after the interviewer probed twice to understand the participant’s use of “facilitation” as an implementation strategy. We gained description of the collaborative atmosphere within a team and how individuals’ psychological safety is manifested through authentic interactions.

Leadership buy-in as process

It takes more than information-exchange to garner support (e.g., financial, staff) for facilitation and sustainment. One participant acknowledged the web of influence that contributes to Leadership Buy-in and effective implementation:

We reached out to all the rural sites their leadership… sort of advertising the program, so we would schedule a conference call with a director, chief of staff, emergency room chief, to sort of discuss the program (…) then we would follow up with an actual 1-day on-site visit (…) where we meet with again, leadership, but we also meet with the [staff from several departments] (…) It’s an all-day visit to further introduce our program, to the team on site, as well as learn more about their program, and how [our EWI] might incorporate itself, and what challenges (…) we might face in implementation. (2B)

Here, we see an acknowledgement of reciprocal relationship-building to learn about priorities and needs.

Several participants discussed how time costly it is to gain Leadership Buy-in to ease the burden of change on an organization and staff, particularly for a nationwide program. One participant reflected:

Ten years ago, it was a [regional] project, so the main kind of instruction came from a [regional] level down, you know. The site visit was just a medical director and the nurse manager telling you that, ‘Hey, this is what’s going to happen,’ and it happened. Now (…) it’s like a year-long process to get people familiarized (…) go live went from one day to four days long. (11B)

Despite its value, garnering Leadership Buy-in has its challenges. Sometimes identifying the right individuals who represent the relevant leadership roles is not clear cut.

Once we have identified that our program can go to that site, we ask the local (…) program manager to identify who (…) key local leaders are (…) It’s important to have the managers of those sites involved in this process from the beginning (…) We (…) set up an initial meeting (…) where we review the implementation process plan with everybody on that call, and answer questions about what we and [specialty care] services will provide as part of the training opportunity and clearly delineate what we need the site or the facility to commit to provide (…) we answer questions, alleviate concerns, things like that. (7B)

Participant 7B went on to describe the challenge of identifying the right leadership representative:

The only barrier that we’ve encountered is some challenges in getting the right leadership on the call to review this in real time and answer questions (…) whether it is due to leadership turnover at the site, even from the time that we set up the call to the time that we actually do the call, there have been some change-overs, and that has been a challenge.

Again, we see this participant engaging a strong Process orientation to communication as they emphasize the importance of relationship-building for Leadership Buy-in.

Exemplar for Probing Leadership Buy-in . In the following example, the interviewer engaged the Process orientation to communication with probes that led to greater explication of the role of communication in developing Leadership Buy-in (Table  2 ).

Results illustrate ways administrators, implementors, and evaluators characterized communication related to Collaboration and Leadership Buy-in. From the Transaction orientation, we saw that the term communication was used synonymously for information exchange. The problem of implementation lies beyond efficient and reliable information transfer, and instead centers on cooperative sensemaking and learning within and among teams situated in an organization that is influenced by its social, geographic, and political environments [ 2 , 14 , 15 ]. Communication necessary for effective implementation is based on improvisation and reciprocity and constitute relationships over time [ 2 , 15 ]. Our data indicate these processes are occurring in implementation, but we may not always be paying close enough attention to their occurrence. If most discussions about communication engage a Transaction orientation, then practitioners and evaluators will never have the insight necessary to maximize the impact of their communication efforts.

Participants often discussed Leadership Buy-in more as an outcome of education, and less as a byproduct of improvisational relationship-building, which demonstrates the predominant Transaction orientation to communication privileging rehearsed, often unidirectional, and mostly controlled interactions. Formal information exchange is undoubtedly an important element of effective implementation; the Transaction orientation aligns well with the goals of dissemination and implementation as a field [ 15 ]. However, our data point to the importance of thinking about communication from a Process orientation for improving effectiveness of implementation strategies—and show how members of implementation and evaluation teams too often focus on the transaction elements of communication. Previous work that engages the Transaction orientation and points to the benefits of reliable information exchange has paved the way for more exploratory naturalistic methods for studying IS from a Process orientation to communication [ 3 , 14 , 15 , 16 ]. As noted in our findings, the Transaction orientation overlooks the intricacies of processes that occur among individuals to build trust, cultivate buy-in, and influence team decision-making, all of which are markers of successful implementation.

Suggestions for engaging process orientation to communication

Given the purpose of IS is to promote the adoption of research and evidence-based practices, it would behoove implementation scientists to tap into the richness of interdisciplinary theorizing and engage a Process orientation to communication [ 17 ]. As thinking about communication has evolved from a Transaction orientation, scholars recognized the symbolic process that humans use to create meaning through informal, improvised interactions over a period of time [ 2 ]. Recent analysis of implementation strategies for behavioral health interventions called for explicit attention to the supportive role communication may play in most, if not all, strategies [ 15 ]. The Process orientation to communication enriches theorizing and elevates scholars’ and practitioners’ understanding of how to leverage implementation strategies to be meaningfully responsive to the relationships among the interested parties [ 18 ]. However, we warn against over-characterizing communication into a ‘nebulous, global process’ [ 2 , 19 ]. For gaining insight on communication processes, we suggest two strategies: 1) interviewers focused on understanding implementation strategies could probe their interviewees to learn more about how communication is enacted; and 2) IS practitioners could utilize process-oriented communication theories in developing interventions and evaluation tools (e.g., interview guides).

The supplementary material accompanying this article includes excerpts from our interview data as examples demonstrating hypothetical ways interviewers can elicit more nuanced understanding of communication processes (see Tables S1 and S2).

Our analysis identified examples of missed opportunities for interviewers to probe about communication from a Process orientation recognizing the relational dimension of communication. Interview probes like those recommended in Tables S1 and S2 could lead to valuable understanding of the processes of communication, allowing exploration of the relational dimension of communication and implementation, and insight to individuals’ attitudes and sensemaking about those experiences. This may contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the importance of communication in implementation strategies beyond a transactional information exchange. We also provided examples highlighting the constitutive role communication plays in relationship-building. Our goal is to help attune IS researchers to the value of the processes of communication as a critical component of many implementation strategies.

Probing for communication processes in interviews

Challenges to implementing any new program may be significantly varied and widespread. No single barrier serves as an intervention’s fatal flaw, but rather, implementation is affected by numerous factors shaped through informal interactions [ 17 , 20 ]. A recent study that aimed to identify which implementation strategies should be most closely considered for which determinants of practice reported one of its limitations was the heterogeneity of responses [ 21 ]. This variation in responses among administrators, implementors, and evaluators points to the value of a more nuanced understanding of the unique, context-dependent, and relationally based communication processes undergirding implementation strategies [ 21 ]. Further, in their ethnographic study on hand hygiene programs, Goedken and colleagues poignantly emphasized the importance of understanding how implementation strategies are used and defined in real-world settings for understanding determinants of practice [ 22 ]. By looking below the surface of implementation strategies and focusing on the interactions surrounding those strategies, we may begin to recognize the determinants of practices, the mechanisms for change, more precisely. Discussing communication from a Process orientation allows us to access what is happening below the surface that cannot be observed as an outsider. With greater insight on communication processes occurring throughout implementation, the field of IS would be poised to provide meaningful guidance for combining implementation strategies [ 22 ]. In a similar vein, IS researchers should consider the temporality of IS strategies and how this underscores the role of communication. The role of Leadership Buy-in at all stages of development and implementation on effectiveness cannot be overstated [ 23 ]. Albright suggests shifting away from the predominant focus of research on the active implementation period to explore activities occurring during design and preparation [ 15 ].

Most implementation strategies have a communication component representing the channel for education and promotion (e.g., workshops, webinars, brochures) [ 15 ]. Our proposed interview strategies interrogate communication in a way that recognizes the relational dimensions of interpersonal interactions, providing insight about what truly results in effective implementation. By understanding communication from a Process orientation, we may enrich our understanding of implementation strategies [ 24 ].

Utilize process-oriented theories

Theories that engage a Transaction orientation to communication often ascribe to the traditional knowledge-intention-behavior paradigm that proposes a stable, linear positive relationship between knowledge and behavior change (e.g., Theory of Reasoned Action, a predictive theory suggesting a strong relationship among individuals’ attitudes about a behavior, their intention, and their behavior [ 25 ]) and tends to overlook the nuance of communication processes. However, humans are more complicated and inconsistent than these theories acknowledge. The Process orientation to communication allows for more realistic approaches that privilege the constitutive nature of communication to co-create meaning socially. In a recent scoping review of 158 studies in implementation research on maternity care, effective communication was noted as a key factor for promoting change across the body of work, but the majority of research was atheoretical and ambiguous in operationalization of communication [ 26 ].

Health communication scholars are trained to be sensitive to the cooperative nature of establishing shared meaning, multiple interpretations of behaviors, and the challenges of coordinating interactions when studying implementation strategies. Several theories, including two that pay special attention to how meaning is created socially, Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) [ 27 ] and Structuration Theory [ 28 ], could highlight perspectives that recognize communication as a complex process and translate well to practice. CMM is a constructivist theory that provides a practical heuristic for interpreting interpersonal communication events that comprise larger conversations. As such, CMM informs practitioners’ decision-making by illuminating patterns of interactions to find ways of talking that could result in desired outcomes [ 29 ]. Structuration Theory, coined by sociologist Anthony Giddens in the late 1970s, describes the dynamic relationship between individuals and their environment that constrains and enables social practices [ 28 ]. Through its critical lens, Structuration Theory highlights the (lack of) agency individuals perceive for themselves and others, and the rules and resources perpetuated through social interactions. Lastly, Diffusion of Innovations, a framework well-entrenched in IS research and practice, also engages a process paradigm [ 30 , 31 ]. There is ample opportunity and an imperative to employ a Process orientation to better understand communication in implementation science.


This study has multiple limitations. We did not collection demographic data to describe our participants beyond the role they held on their EWI teams. The data represents a convenience sample of administrators, implementors, and evaluators working on EWIs funded at the time of data collection, which resulted in variability in representation across EWIs and staff roles. Further, because of the diversity of foci, designs, and timelines of EWIs, we cannot draw conclusions about effectiveness of strategies discussed in this paper. Lastly, the interviews were not conducted to assess communication explicitly. Despite these limitations, our analysis facilitates concrete suggestions for improving understanding of the role of communication in implementation.

Future directions for research

Research analyzing the role of communication from a Process orientation would enrich the field of IS. Similar to Fishman et al.’s work comparing measurement and operationalization of attitude among IS studies and those grounded in psychology, our work emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration [ 32 ]. The interviewees and interviewers in our study focused predominantly on a Transaction orientation to communication; more studies are needed that focus on this level of distinction, particularly how to adopt a Process orientation to communication for implementation strategy specification. There is great potential for a body of knowledge about communication processes that has been systematically developed to inform IS strategies supporting a range of aspects crucial to effectiveness including Leadership Buy-in and Collaboration. Future research may do well to conduct direct observation to characterize communication processes related to implementation strategies from a rich Process orientation. Dissemination Science, as one facet of Dissemination and Implementation Science, is firmly rooted in the mechanics of communication and would greatly benefit from engaging the Process orientation. A recent scoping review demonstrated that the field of Dissemination Science lacks insight to communication from the Process orientation; in their review of dissemination determinants, the Transaction orientation persists in focusing on imparting information from one party to the next [ 33 ].

This study described instances of two broadly accepted orientations to communication engaged by implementation scientists. The findings demonstrate opportunities – and strategies – for engaging in the Process orientation of communication to gain greater insight into the role communication plays in implementation outcomes. We hope this work inspires dialogue, new interdisciplinary collaboration, and innovative methods to highlight the utility of engaging the Process orientation to communication to undergird the value of communication theory to implementation science for improving health services. When communication is understood as a process, practitioners will be better able to prepare for the unpredictability and uniqueness of the relational dimensions of communication.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets presented in this article are not readily available in accordance with federal requirements and standards and guidelines for the protection of participants’ privacy and to maintain confidentiality. Requests to access the datasets should be directed to Dr. Heather Reisinger ([email protected]).


Center for the Evaluation of Enterprise-Wide Initiatives

Coordinated Management of Meaning

Enterprise-Wide Initiative

Implementation Science

Office of Rural Health

Department of Veterans Affairs

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We would like to thank the interview participants who participated in this study for their time and insights. We would also like to acknowledge Office of Rural Health (ORH) program analysts Dr. Kelly Lora Lewis, Karyn Johnstone, Nicole Sanchez, Maura Timm, Anthony Achampong, Richard Huang, and Janice Garland for their assistance, as well as Dr. Sheila Robinson, former Deputy Director of ORH, Dr. Peter Kaboli, Executive Director of ORH, and Dr. Thomas Klobucar, former Executive Director of ORH, for their support. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the United States government.

VA Office of Rural Health and QUERI Project #: PEC 19–456.

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Center for Access and Delivery Research and Evaluation, Iowa City VA Healthcare System, Iowa City, IA, USA

Nicole L. Johnson, Jennifer Van Tiem, Erin Balkenende, DeShauna Jones, Julia E. Friberg, Emily E. Chasco, Jane Moeckli, Kenda S. Steffensmeier, Melissa J. A. Steffen & Heather Schacht Reisinger

Veterans Rural Health Resource Center-Iowa City (VRHRC-Iowa City), VA Office of Rural Health, Iowa City, IA, USA

Nicole L. Johnson, Jennifer Van Tiem, Julia E. Friberg, Jane Moeckli, Kenda S. Steffensmeier & Melissa J. A. Steffen

Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA

Erin Balkenende & Heather Schacht Reisinger

Institute for Clinical and Translational Science, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA

DeShauna Jones, Emily E. Chasco & Heather Schacht Reisinger

Department of Health Management and Policy, College of Public Health, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA

Kanika Arora

Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, San Diego, USA

Borsika A. Rabin

UC San Diego ACTRI Dissemination and Implementation Science Center, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, San Diego, USA

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HSR, EC, JVT, NJ, EB, DJ, and JF are responsible for the concept for this manuscript. NJ drafted the initial manuscript and HSR, JVT, EC, EB, DJ, KSS, and JF contributed substantially in the form of manuscript structure and revisions. HSR developed the proposal for this project and obtained funding, with input from JVT, EB, and JM. HSR, JVT, EB, JM, and MS conducted interviews. KA and BR advised on all aspects of the project including development of the standardized evaluation reporting template and manuscript revisions.

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Correspondence to Nicole L. Johnson .

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HSR is an associate editor of Implementation Science . All decisions on this paper were made by another editor. The authors declare that they have no other competing interests.

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Johnson, N.L., Van Tiem, J., Balkenende, E. et al. Gaps in communication theory paradigms when conducting implementation science research: qualitative observations from interviews with administrators, implementors, and evaluators of rural health programs. Implementation Sci 19 , 66 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-024-01395-3

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Received : 07 May 2024

Accepted : 03 September 2024

Published : 16 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-024-01395-3

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  • Leadership buy-in
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  • Published: 18 September 2024

Clinicians’ perspectives of immersive tools in clinical mental health settings: a systematic scoping review

  • Jessica Cushnan 1 ,
  • Paul McCafferty 1 &
  • Paul Best 1  

BMC Health Services Research volume  24 , Article number:  1091 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Virtual Reality in mental health treatment has potential to address a wide spectrum of psychological and neurocognitive disorders. Despite the proven benefits, integration into clinical practice faces significant challenges. There is a critical need for research into clinicians’ perceptions of virtual reality due to the gap between rapid technological advancements and their adoption in mental health services.

A scoping review was conducted to comprehensively understand clinicians’ perspectives on the application of immersive virtual reality technologies within mental health settings. 4 data bases were searched, from inception, with the search areas of clinicians’, technology, perspectives and mental health. The scoping review followed the PRISMA-ScR checklist. All results were thematically analysed to identify and categorise themes with a focus on qualitative analyses of clinicians’ experiences and perceptions of VR applications in therapeutic contexts.

17 articles were selected, encompassing a range of mental health settings. The findings indicate that the integration of VR in clinical environments is heavily influenced by clinicians’ knowledge and experience, with unfamiliarity often leading to scepticism. Positive attitudes towards VR, bolstered by direct experience and training, were found to drive acceptance, as clinicians’ acknowledged its potential to complement traditional therapies. However, there are still gaps in understanding VR’s therapeutic applications, particularly concerning its impact on human interaction and its suitability for specific patient groups. Balancing VR’s clinical benefits with ethical and safety concerns is crucial, especially when working with vulnerable populations. Furthermore, structural and administrative support is essential to overcoming the financial and logistical challenges of VR implementation, ensuring its safe and effective integration into mental health care.

While VR holds significant potential for enhancing mental health care, its successful integration into clinical practice necessitates addressing existing gaps in knowledge, training, and structural support. By carefully balancing its clinical benefits with ethical, practical, and safety considerations, VR can be effectively utilised as a valuable tool in mental health treatment, providing innovative solutions while ensuring that patient care remains paramount.

Peer Review reports

Immersive technologies, such as Virtual Reality (VR) and game-based interventions, have made significant strides in the field of mental health, demonstrating their potential and promise in therapeutic care [ 1 , 2 ]. The research surrounding the use of VR, which is defined as a technology that creates a simulated, immersive environment where users can interact with computer-generated sensory experiences, often through visual, auditory, and sometimes tactile feedback. Using headsets or other devices that track movements, users can explore and engage with these virtual spaces in real-time, giving them the sensation of being physically present within the digital world [ 3 ]. This capability to design and manipulate these environments is fuelling the growing interest in using VR for both the treatment, and assessment of psychological and neurocognitive conditions, such as anxiety [ 4 ], post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [ 5 ] obsessive compulsive disorder [ 6 ], psychosis [ 7 ], children with autism [ 8 ], and a range of developmental and learning disabilities [ 9 ]. The application of VR offers several key benefits. Firstly, it offers a safe and controlled environment for many of the aforementioned mental health conditions, allowing patients to face their fears within the varied scenarios that VR can provide, whether these are simulated real-life situations or entirely fictional and imaginative environments. This exposure component serves as a tool that has comparable effects, if not more so, than traditional exposure therapies [ 10 ]. Due to the immersive and interactive nature, it offers new possibilities to enhance areas of traditional therapy that were previously unattainable [ 11 ], for example, the element of personalisation which allows clinicians’ to tailor contextually relevant environments to meet the specific needs of their patients safely [ 12 ]. Furthermore, the research has indicated that VR has the potential to open a more engaging and motivational therapeutic platform for patients, which could be especially beneficial for those who are sceptical about therapy or find it challenging and stigmatising [ 3 ].

This is particularly relevant given the current state of affairs within the remit of mental health services. In 2019, mental health disorders ranked in the top ten leading causes of burden worldwide, a situation that has shown no reduction since the 1990’s [ 13 ]. Moreover, there is a growing treatment gap within mental health care services, seeing an estimated 70% of people who are in need not getting access to them [ 14 , 15 ].

In addition to the benefits, there is a significant cultural shift in healthcare, reflective of global recognition of the potential of digital solutions. For instance, the World Health Organisation’s Global Strategy on Digital Health [ 16 ] sets a foundational tone for this transition, highlighting the need for better training and infrastructure to harness digital technologies to their full potential to enhance healthcare delivery. Furthermore, commitment to enhancing digital competencies are underscored within nationwide government plans such as the Department of Health’s All Ireland Digital Capability Framework [ 17 ] and the UK governments Plan for Digital Health and Social Care [ 18 ]. This paradigm shift aligns not only with the increasing evidence base of research and technological advancements, but the evolving needs and preferences of service providers and service users [ 19 ] opening the doors for a new era for mental health treatment.

To date however, there is an evident gap between the rate in which technology is advancing and the adoption in mental health services [ 20 ]. In a recent systematic review, Best and colleagues [ 21 ] highlight the implementation difficulties of implementing VR within clinical mental health settings which include perceived costs, the lack of technical standardisations, and low acceptance amongst clinicians’. Additionally, there is broader belief that the technology may impede patient engagement or replace the role of a mental health professional [ 3 ]. Currently, there is a gap in the research concerning the detailed qualitative insights of clinicians’ on the use of VR within clinical settings.

By adopting the Population, Concept, Context (PCC) Framework to define the research goal and guide the study protocol [ 22 ], this review targets clinicians’ (population), the use of immersive VR tools (concept), within the setting of clinical mental health care (context). Therefore, this review aims to combine and analyse evidence from clinicians’ qualitative feedback to answer the question ‘What are clinicians’ views on using immersive VR tools in mental health clinical settings?’ The specific aims were (i) Conduct a scoping review: Following the Joanna Briggs Institute Manual for Evidence Synthesis [ 22 ] for Scoping Reviews, research was gathered meticulously to review the clinicians’ viewpoint on the application of VR in mental health settings. This includes studies across various mental health disciplines and clinical environments; (ii) Carry out a thematic analysis and synthesis: A thematic analysis approach was applied to the qualitative data collected using the Braun and Clarke [ 23 ] six stage model to allow for the charting of key themes and insights. This method will also allow for the nuanced understanding of the clinicians’ experiences and attitudes towards VR in mental health care; (iii) Report findings and identify research gaps: To identify and report any gaps in the current body of literature. This will include aspects of the VR application in mental health care that may need further investigation or if the clinicians’ perspectives have not been understood or reflected.

Study design

We utilised an enhanced scoping review methodology, guided by the JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis [ 22 ], which explicitly details each stage of the review process: (1) defining and aligning the objectives and question, (2) developing and aligning the inclusion criteria with the objectives and question, (3) describing the planned approach to evidence searching, selection, data extraction, and presentation of the evidence, (4) searching for the evidence, (5) selecting the evidence, (6) extracting the evidence, (7) analysis of the evidence, (8) presentation of the results, (9) summarising the evidence in relation to the purpose of the review, making conclusions and noting any implications of the findings.

Search strategy and data sources

After consulting with a subject expert and the subject librarian at Queen’s University, Belfast, we undertook a search across PTSD Pubs, PUB Med, Scopus, and APA PsychInfo databases from October to November 2023, selected for their topic relevance. Initial searches in October 2023 led to further refinement, culminating in a final search in November 2023. We employed Boolean operators and truncation to accommodate different variations of the term “mental,” integrating these terms with ‘AND’ to focus the search further.:

Clinician OR Therapist.

VR OR ‘Virtual Reality’ OR VRET OR ‘Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy’.

Perspective OR View OR Attitude OR experience.

Mental* OR psychological OR disorder.

All results were imported to EndNote 21 for screening.

Study selection

To be included in this review, studies needed to meet specific criteria: (1) they must capture the qualitative perspectives of clinicians’ (population), (2) concentrate on the use of immersive VR technology (concept), and (3) be pertinent to mental health care settings (context). The emphasis on VR technology within mental health care aims to directly address the review’s specific interest area. Including studies that offer clinicians’ qualitative insights was deliberately chosen to gather practical and professional perspectives on VR’s application in clinical settings, valuing clinicians’ experiences as key to understanding VR’s real-world impact on mental health care. We opted exclusively for peer-reviewed articles to ensure the reliability and credibility of our findings. Peer review introduces an essential layer of quality control, as these articles undergo rigorous scrutiny before publication [ 24 ]. We limited our search to articles in English for practicality, acknowledging potential limitations in scope. While focusing on English-language articles might not encompass all available evidence, this constraint is unlikely to significantly affect our comprehensive findings [ 25 ]. We applied no date restrictions, recognising the importance of capturing the full research spectrum on VR in mental health. This approach ensures a broad overview of both historical and recent studies, enriching the review with diverse insights.

In the final phase, the search yield was 297 studies. After removing 41 duplicate records, the remaining 256 articles then underwent an independent screening based on their titles and abstracts in alignment with the predefined inclusion criteria. Each article was then colour coded and categorised as ‘yes’, ‘no’, and ‘maybe’ for further consideration with ‘maybe’ indicating the need for a full text review to determine if the qualitative perspectives of the clinicians’ were included in the data. To uphold the integrity and consistency of the review process a re-evaluation of 100% of articles was conducted by an independent author to ensure inter-rater reliability [ 22 ]. This approach led to the preliminary selection of 30 articles for detailed full text review. During the full text phase, any discrepancies between authors were extensively discussed until a unanimous agreement was reached. As a result, a further 13 articles were excluded for not meeting the established criteria, leaving 17 articles deemed relevant and suitable for inclusion in the review. The final step in the search process involved an independent hand search conducted by the primary author among the final 17 articles to identify any additional studies. However, this careful examination did not reveal any new studies for inclusion, solidifying the selection of the final 17 articles. The review selection process is shown in Fig.  1 , using the PRISMA diagram [ 26 ].

figure 1

PRISMA 2021 Flow Diagram

Quality appraisal

The critical appraisal of the seventeen selected articles, a step beyond the usual scope of scoping reviews, was undertaken to improve the quality of the review. While scoping reviews typically map out research areas without assessing study quality [ 22 ], appraising these articles helped to clarify evidence levels and bolster the review’s credibility [ 27 ]. This mix of 9 mixed method and 8 qualitative studies underwent appraisal using the JBI Checklist for Qualitative Research [ 28 ], following Bryman’s [ 29 ] advice for a separate criteria approach for mixed methods. Despite evaluating studies on a ten-point scale, no cutoff was used to exclude studies, aiming for inclusivity and a rich qualitative exploration [ 30 ]. To ensure inter-rater reliability, all articles were re-evaluated by an independent author, with discrepancies discussed until consensus, ensuring all seventeen articles were thoroughly and consistently appraised.

Characteristics and thematic analysis

The characteristics of the included studies are charted in Table  1 . Among the 17 studies, 3 were conducted in Australia, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Canada. 2 in the United States, and 1 study each in Spain, Germany, and Norway. All of the studies had trained professionals as their participants, however included in this, 2 of the studies also incorporated stakeholders and service managers as participants. The study design included 9 mixed method studies and 8 qualitative studies. This study employed Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA) as outlined by Braun and Clarke [ 23 , 31 ] to analyse the qualitative data collected to explore the perspectives of clinicians’ on the use of immersive VR tools in clinical mental health settings. RTA emphasises the researcher’s active role in identifying and interpreting patterns of meaning within the data, acknowledging that the researcher’s subjective position influences the analysis. This approach is suitable for an inductive analysis, which allowed flexibility in exploring themes within the data for this study. Qualitative data retrieved from the 17 studies was transferred to NVivo 12 Plus analysis software, and the process began with familiarisation, where data was read and re-read to gain a deep understanding. Initial codes were then generated directly from the data without a pre-set framework. These codes were grouped into potential themes that reflected shared meanings. Themes were reviewed and refined to ensure accuracy and coherence. Each theme was then clearly defined and named to capture the core meaning. Finally, the themes were synthesised into a coherent narrative to provide a rich understanding of the findings. These themes and sub-themes are detailed in Fig.  2 .

figure 2

Themes and Subthemes

Theme one: managing negative perceptions through experience and knowledge

The first, smallest of the three themes, demonstrates how the integration of VR into clinical settings is significantly influenced by how knowledge and experience shape perceptions. A lack of familiarity with VR often fuels negative attitudes and scepticism, creating barriers to its adoption as clinicians’ cited their insufficient skills and experience with VR as a major hurdle [ 32 ]. Studies indicate that many clinicians’ have never used VR or are unaware of its therapeutic potential [ 33 ], viewing it primarily as a tool for gaming and entertainment [ 34 ] rather than a clinical asset. This encompasses an understanding of VR’s applications, objectives, benefits, potential side effects, scenario variety, and follow-up care procedures [ 35 ]. This gap in knowledge has the potential to lead to resistance, especially with clinicians’ expressing concerns that VR might be used by private health providers to replace service provision, potentially diminishing human interactions and connections [ 33 ]. These worries were founded by the belief that people respond better to the human element, highlighting potential negative workforce attitudes towards technological advances and changes in the work place in general [ 34 , 35 ]. Furthermore, some clinicians’ have the belief that older veterans may be less inclined to engage in VR-based interventions due to unfamiliarity with the technology [ 32 ] and additionally concerns were raised that novice therapists, especially those inexperienced in trauma therapy, may face difficulties in applying complex VR-based treatments [ 36 ].

However, positive attitudes towards technology can serve as powerful drivers of acceptance, with clinicians’ recognising the importance of both staff and patient attitudes towards VR [ 34 , 35 ]. Clinicians’ were generally optimistic about the role of technology in therapy, valuing the new approaches that VR can offer [ 37 ], especially given its potential to reach patients who are less engaged with conventional treatments [ 33 ]. These positive views are further supported by the cultural popularity of technology and shifts in clinicians’ attitudes [ 32 ], perhaps influenced by media portrayals of VR’s potential [ 38 ]. Those with VR experience gained valuable insights into its therapeutic applications, as illustrated by their personal experiences with the technology [ 33 ]. Training also contributed to more positive attitudes, with clinicians’ recognising VR’s potential in skill training and safe exposure, which helped overcome their initial hesitance [ 38 , 39 ]. Familiarity with VR’s clinical applications, such as its use for PTSD treatment by Barbara Rothbaum in the USA, further deepened appreciation for its potential [ 34 ]. Once clinicians’ saw the benefits of VR as a tool for patient treatment, it increased their willingness to support and promote VR, as well as their understanding of the intervention, leading to more targeted referrals [ 40 ].

Theme two: balancing clinical benefits with practical, ethical and safety concerns

The second, more prominent theme highlighted the significant clinical benefits that VR can offer within mental health services but emphasised the need to carefully balance these advantages against various practical, ethical, and safety concerns. The results affirmed VR’s clinical benefits, with many recognising its potential flexibility to be applied across a wide array of therapeutic areas. VR is recognised as an effective addition to conventional tools, offering realistic practice settings that can expedite therapeutic interventions [ 33 , 34 , 35 ]. VR’s role as a complementary tool in enhancing traditional treatments and broadening clinicians’ skills and opportunities was emphasised [ 37 , 41 ]. Reports indicate that VR interventions are promising and well-received by both clinicians’ and end users [ 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 ]. Additionally, the effectiveness and user satisfaction of VR, particularly in interactive sessions that include therapist support, were observed [ 42 , 43 ]. The broad application and potential flexibility of VR were highlighted across various contexts, including social and daily skill training for socially isolated individuals [ 38 ], interventions for older adults with hoarding disorder [ 44 ], relaxation sessions within psychiatric services [ 40 ], and for diverse trauma-affected groups, not just the military [ 45 ]. VR has also been effectively tailored for specific uses, such as aiding individuals with fire-setting behaviours [ 46 ], and, supporting those recovering from substance abuse by providing recovery insights for family work and psychoeducation [ 47 ].

An additional benefit to using VR in therapy is driven by its perceived safety and the ability to provide controlled exposure to various scenarios [ 33 , 38 , 41 ]. VR enhances access and control over therapeutic stimuli [ 35 ], allowing therapists to monitor sessions and intervene as needed, thereby ensuring client safety [ 39 ]. This safety contributes to clients feeling more secure [ 37 ] and the structured environment of VR empowers clients by providing a safer alternative to real-life exposure [ 36 ], which is particularly beneficial in managing high-risk behaviours [ 47 , 48 ].

However, despite the benefits, this perception of safety is counterbalanced by significant concerns about the potential clinical risks and ethical dilemmas posed by VR, particularly the fear that it could exacerbate symptoms or lead to avoidance of real-world interactions if not used correctly. Concerns were raised about using VR without proper training or thorough client assessments, which could increase the risk of negative outcomes [ 33 ]. While some clinicians’ view these risks as comparable to traditional methods, others advocate for stringent protocols to ensure safe and ethical use, particularly to avoid triggering content [ 35 ]. Ethical considerations also include maintaining professional boundaries to prevent injury [ 34 ]. Additional concerns involve the potential for VR to worsen symptoms in vulnerable populations, such as veterans, and the risk of re-traumatisation or triggering trauma, which stresses the need for careful patient selection and management [ 32 , 46 , 47 ].

Concerns about the compatibility of VR with certain therapeutic philosophies also present challenges to its adoption. Some professionals are sceptical about VR’s fit with therapeutic approaches that emphasise creativity and strength-based methods, such as art therapy [ 33 ]. Clinicians’ from non-cognitive-behavioural backgrounds, particularly those practicing psychodynamic therapy, question VR’s effectiveness in addressing the underlying causes of anxiety, as it tends to focus on behavioural symptoms instead [ 42 ]. Concerns have also been raised about VR’s interaction with psychotropic medications and its potential to alter patients’ perceptions or exacerbate detachment [ 35 ]. Additionally, the appropriateness of VR for severe conditions like schizophrenia, and its challenges for individuals sensitive to VR’s sensory inputs, such as those with vision impairments, are significant concerns [ 32 , 34 , 39 , 45 ]. While VR offers substantial clinical benefits and therapeutic potential, these advantages must be carefully balanced with the legitimate, ethical and safety concerns associated with its use in mental health services.

Finally, clinicians’ raised practical concerns about equipment reliability, the need for software customisation, and the user-friendliness of the VR technology [ 33 , 35 , 42 ]. Issues such as the bulkiness of headsets, the lack of validated scenarios, and limitations in the realism and personalisation of VR environments stand out as main issues [ 32 , 34 , 47 ]. Additionally, the complexity of using VR for certain patient groups, particularly the elderly who often require additional training [ 43 , 44 ], has left clinicians’ at times struggling to effectively deliver interventions to patients who lack technological proficiency [ 40 ].

Theme three: the role of structural and administrative support in VR feasibility

The final theme examines the broader logistical elements and the role of structural and administrative support, highlighting how these factors are crucial in determining the feasibility of implementing VR in clinical settings. The time required for VR interventions often exceeded initial estimates [ 43 ], which poses a challenge in busy psychiatric environments where clinicians’ primarily work in groups, VR was perceived as an isolating activity, creating practical difficulties due to workload and time constraints [ 33 ], with the additional consideration that a separate room might even be needed [ 42 ]. Clinicians’ also raised concerns about access to appropriate resources and technology to address the disconnect and relationship between clinicians’ and patients during VR sessions, such as reliable Wi-Fi, and the necessity for preparatory measures like additional TV screens or mobile devices to stream and monitor client activities [ 32 , 39 , 40 , 46 ]. It was evident, however, that there was shared confidence among clinicians’ that with the right support and forward planning, challenges such as funding, space, time, and resources could be overcome [ 33 , 39 ]. Support from managers was considered crucial, as they played a significant role due to their influence over other staff members and general service operations [ 34 ]. In studies where VR interventions were successfully implemented, the quality and availability of technical support were highly praised [ 36 , 43 ], with clinicians’ at all sites feeling they had adequate support to manage in-session situations. Furthermore, clinicians’ generally felt they were able to receive support from other professionals using the technologies globally, highlighting the wider support network available [ 48 ].

Cost and the facilitation of additional training were also flagged as prominent concerns, due to the notable lack of expertise to provide adequate training for clinicians’ [ 35 ]. Managers reported that they need expert advice on the evidence base, available hardware and software, training resources, and implementation strategies [ 35 , 45 ]. Clinicians’ unanimously questioned the impact of previous investment in quality improvement activities, which could constrain resources or affect organisational stability. This concern was compounded by the additional costs associated with purchasing and maintaining VR, providing staff training, and ongoing technical assistance [ 32 , 35 , 46 ]. The financial viability of VR was also questioned, with participants perceiving that VR might not be viewed as financially lucrative enough by private stakeholders [ 33 , 34 ]. However, it was argued that this fiscal barrier might be lessened if the VR program was suitable for other clinical applications, making it more cost-effective and useful for a broader population [ 32 , 42 , 45 , 46 ].

As mentioned in the second theme, there are identified gaps in procedural knowledge, including how to select appropriate clients for VR, apply VR clinically, and manage safety risks and procedures [ 34 ], with the need for technology to be simplified for easy use [ 41 ]. This highlights the importance of access to treatment manuals, in-service training days, the development of clinical governance processes, and consultation opportunities with VR developers and early adopter services [ 33 ]. There were mixed responses to the manualised nature of a VR protocol, some clinicians’ found it helpful in guiding treatment implementation and considered it intuitive and easy to use, while others felt it limited therapy time, with deviations from the protocol being reported [ 40 , 43 , 44 ]. Additionally, similar to the first theme of managing negative perceptions through experience and knowledge, after applying guided VR interventions, clinicians’ were willing to participate in future studies or adapt their clinical practice to include this novel intervention [ 36 ]. Clinicians’ became more confident about using VR in mental health care after testing it themselves and recognised opportunities for using VR in different situations [ 38 ]. Interestingly, not all clinicians’ deemed formal training and protocols necessary, suggesting that simply being given a platform within a clinical setting to explore VR with the patient could enhance engagement [ 37 ].

Managing negative perceptions through experience and knowledge

While this study focused specifically on the use of VR in clinical settings, it is important to acknowledge the growing global trends in research, that explore the use of diverse technologies in the field of mental health [ 49 ]. This is perhaps reflected in the results of the first theme, which revealed considerable positivity and openness among clinicians’ towards integrating technology into their practice. Positive attitudes and perceptions highlight optimism about the future role of VR in therapy, particularly its potential to complement conventional therapies by offering novel approaches when other methods are less effective [ 50 , 51 ]. This move towards more technology-centric approaches is supported by research, showing that attitudes towards VR exposure therapy are no longer a barrier to its implementation [ 52 ] reflecting a cultural shift towards embracing VR within clinical settings.

There were, however, definite gaps in understanding VR’s therapeutic applications which generated certain negative attitudes and scepticisms on behalf of some clinicians’. These attitudes were likely not due to indifference but rather a lack of knowledge about the clinical applications of VR. Prior experience and familiarity with VR play a crucial role in shaping its perceived therapeutic potential as clinicians’ with direct experience in using VR in clinical settings tend to have a deeper appreciation of its benefits [ 53 , 54 ]. Research consistently shows that education and training are key to enhancing clinicians’ competence and willingness to integrate VR into their practice, helping to overcome initial hesitance [ 55 , 56 ].

Apprehensions that VR could replace traditional service provision and reduce human interaction were raised. Research emphasises that the clinician-patient relationship remains paramount when using VR interventions, which should complement rather than replace human empathy and support in therapy [ 57 ]. While there is a perception that vulnerable patients, particularly those seeking mental health treatments, may prefer human connections [ 58 ], some studies have found that some patients actually prefer using VR over traditional methods [ 11 , 59 ]. Additionally, recent studies like THRIVE—a four-session automated cognitive VR intervention—demonstrate that automated VR can be effective and offer advantages in cost efficiency and treatment accessibility [ 60 ]. However, due to the automation, it also carries risks of reduced human interaction. These findings highlight the need for further research to investigate service users’ preferences through patient and public involvement, addressing the apprehensions surrounding reduced human interaction [ 61 ].

As clinicians’ gain more experience and knowledge, the growing acceptance and optimism towards integrating VR into clinical practice also bring to light concerns about the practical, ethical, and safety implications of this technology. These concerns form the basis of the second discussion section, which explores the need to balance the undeniable clinical benefits of VR with the challenges posed by its implementation. As enthusiasm for VR continues to rise, it becomes increasingly important to critically evaluate how these tools can be safely and effectively integrated into practice, ensuring they enhance, rather than detract from, patient care.

Balancing clinical benefits with practical, ethical and safety concerns

The primary therapeutic component of VR is widely recognised to be its exposure element [ 1 ]. While VR technology offers the potential to enhance patient safety, control, and adaptability across various interventions, these features also raise concerns. Firstly, even with potentially triggering imagery, [ 3 , 5 ]. VR exposure has proven effective in increasing engagement. The controlled environment of VR provides a unique opportunity for safe exposure to various situations, allowing clinicians’ to monitor and intervene as needed [ 62 , 63 , 64 , 65 ]. This not only offers a safety net for patients but also empowers them with a sense of control and security that may not be achievable through traditional therapeutic methods. Additionally, the capacity for VR to simulate relevant stimuli for high-risk behaviours without exposing clients to actual dangers highlights its value as a therapeutic tool [ 46 , 47 ]. However, clinicians’ express concerns about using VR with vulnerable patient groups, fearing the potential for re-traumatisation, symptom exacerbation, or avoidance of real-world interactions. Despite these concerns, research has shown positive outcomes in using VR with populations such as those with dementia [ 66 ], schizophrenia and psychosis [ 53 ], Autism Spectrum Disorder [ 67 , 68 ], and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [ 69 ]. Additionally, there were apprehensions around the suitability of VR for older patients. However, this concern may be based on outdated stereotypes or as highlighted in the first theme, negative perceptions stemming from a lack of knowledge and experience with VR. Recent research specifically focusing on older adults with mental health issues challenges the assumption that older individuals cannot benefit from or are intimidated by VR technology. Studies have reported promising outcomes, demonstrating that older adults can indeed engage with and benefit from VR interventions [ 70 , 71 , 72 ].

Given the unique approach that VR offers through its immersive environments, the realism and customisation capabilities of VR equipment and software are sometimes perceived as limitations, particularly when they are not identical to the real world. However, evidence suggests that VR does not need to perfectly mimic reality to be effective for therapeutic purposes. Studies have shown that VR can successfully elicit the therapeutic responses necessary for psychological treatment, even without perfect realism [ 73 , 74 , 75 ]. In addition, one effective study demonstrated that VR was simply used to set the scene, enabling patients to engage in their own imagery exercises within the VR environment thereafter [ 76 ]. This is particularly significant considering that highly customisable VR experiences might not always be accessible for standard practice or may not yet be developed for specific types of traumas. Furthermore, a meta-analysis of attrition rates in VR exposure therapy for anxiety-related disorders found that drop-out rates were comparable to those for traditional in vivo exposure [ 77 ]. This highlights VR’s effectiveness, suggesting that if it were not a viable treatment option, we would likely see a higher rate of dropouts in comparison to traditional methods.

The juxtaposition between the potential benefits and practical challenges of using VR is a recurring theme in the literature [ 73 , 78 , 79 , 80 ]. This raises the question: do the clear clinical benefits of VR outweigh, or at least balance, the practical, ethical, and safety concerns raised by clinicians’? Reflecting on the sentiments by the pioneers of technology and mental health, Bouchard and Rizzo [ 81 ], it is crucial for clinicians’ to approach the use of VR with discernment, rather than adopting the technology simply because it is available. Essentially then, giving clinicians’ the autonomy to use VR as an additional tool to expedite interventions or as an adjunct to traditional therapies, particularly when other treatment options have been exhausted [ 50 , 51 ], would enable the development of flexible, tailored treatment plans. This approach would allow for clinicians’ to make informed decisions based on practical, ethical, and safety concerns, ensuring that the treatment aligns with the specific needs of their patients.

Nonetheless, to allow clinicians’ the flexibility to use VR within their practice, the ongoing concerns reiterated in the literature regarding the scarcity of empirically supported scenarios and evidence-backed VR programs, as highlighted by Bell et al. [ 3 ] must be addressed. Providing clinicians’ with robust evidence and guidelines will enable careful screening and preparation before integrating VR into therapy. The need for specific protocols to ensure the safe and ethical use of VR is further emphasised by Best et al. [ 21 ], who, in a systematic review, noted the lack of detailed clinical guidelines for VR applications. Moreover, integrating VR into existing treatment frameworks presents challenges, particularly outside of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). While VR aligns well with CBT’s focus on behavioural modification, its compatibility with psychodynamic approaches, which explore deeper psychological processes, remains underexplored. Addressing these concerns requires the development of detailed clinical protocols, ethical guidelines, and comprehensive training programs, which will be further explored in the third and final section.

The role of structural and administrative support in VR feasibility

The role of structural and administrative support is closely intertwined with the previous discussion sections, particularly when it comes to the cost and training challenges associated with VR implementation in mental health settings. Historically, the high costs of acquiring and maintaining VR equipment have been a significant barrier [ 54 , 82 , 83 ]. Moreover, the need for comprehensive staff training, which incurs additional expenses, creates a cycle that hinders broader implementation, as noted in theme one, the lack of training and education around VR significantly limits the uptake of VR.

Clinicians’ and managers widely acknowledge that hesitancy towards adopting VR often stems from concerns over costs and the necessary training [ 84 ]. This creates a paradox, as integrating VR into practice could lead to more efficient use of clinician time and enhanced treatment outcomes, potentially resulting in cost savings. Importantly, the costs of VR equipment have reduced significantly, making it more accessible and affordable for healthcare providers [ 21 , 83 ], however, despite these reductions, many studies still highlight cost as a significant barrier [ 85 , 86 ]. These costs, however, could be mitigated if VR is utilised for multiple applications within therapeutic settings, enhancing its overall cost-effectiveness. Additionally, recent research is offering low-cost, viable solutions [ 87 , 88 ], and demonstrating the potential of using automated VR in psychiatric care to reduce the strain on already stretched services [ 60 , 89 ].

Health and Social Care (HSC) systems are increasingly adopting digital skills strategies, like the Topol Review [ 90 ] and the All-Ireland Digital Capability Framework [ 17 ], to enhance service delivery and workforce digital literacy. While training may suffice for small, incremental changes in digital tool adoption, more significant shifts require substantial structural adjustments [ 91 ]. The implementation of VR in clinical settings, though promising, has received mixed feedback, particularly regarding its manualised protocols. Ensuring patient safety is crucial, but flexibility is also needed for patient-centred care. Addressing challenges related to funding, space, and resources through strategic planning is essential. Expert guidance on evidence-based practices, technology options, and implementation strategies is vital [ 92 ]. Successful VR interventions are supported by strong technical support and collaborative efforts, highlighting the importance of global networks [ 93 ]. Ultimately, the feasibility of VR in clinical settings hinges on overcoming technological, logistical, and financial barriers while maximising the benefits through coordinated training, education, and planning.


This scoping review has limitations, notably its exclusion of grey literature and restriction to English-language articles, potentially overlooking significant research on VR in mental health conducted worldwide. The search across four databases might have missed studies in other databases such as CINAHL and APA PsycNet, and despite a rigorous review protocol, bias cannot be completely eliminated. Additionally, not imposing date restrictions to the search strategy provided an extensive literature overview, offering a broad view of the evidence.

The integration of VR into clinical settings represents a promising yet complex evolution in mental health care. While there is growing acceptance and optimism among clinicians’ about incorporating VR into practice, significant challenges remain. These challenges are deeply interconnected with the need for robust structural and administrative support, as well as the practical, ethical, and safety considerations that must be addressed to ensure VR’s effective and safe use. Empowering clinicians’ to use VR as an additional tool in therapy involves addressing these challenges through comprehensive training, strategic planning, and the development of evidence-based guidelines. Additionally, the findings highlight the need for further research to investigate service users’ preferences, particularly through patient and public involvement. This research is essential to address apprehensions surrounding reduced human interaction, the suitability of VR for vulnerable user groups, and the overall adaptability of VR across various conditions and demographics. As advancements in VR technology continue to unfold, these investigations will be crucial in ensuring that VR is used in a manner that maximises its benefits while safeguarding patient welfare and enhancing therapeutic outcomes.

Data availability

No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.


Virtual Reality

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Population, Concept, Context

Joanna Briggs Institute

Health and Social Care

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Jessica Cushnan, Paul McCafferty & Paul Best

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Cushnan, J., McCafferty, P. & Best, P. Clinicians’ perspectives of immersive tools in clinical mental health settings: a systematic scoping review. BMC Health Serv Res 24 , 1091 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-11481-3

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Received : 30 April 2024

Accepted : 22 August 2024

Published : 18 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-11481-3

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  • Virtual reality
  • Mental health
  • Clinicians’
  • Scoping review
  • Qualitative

BMC Health Services Research

ISSN: 1472-6963

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Explainable deep learning approach for advanced persistent threats (APTs) detection in cybersecurity: a review

  • Open access
  • Published: 18 September 2024
  • Volume 57 , article number  297 , ( 2024 )

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identifying a research gap

  • Noor Hazlina Abdul Mutalib 1 ,
  • Aznul Qalid Md Sabri 1 ,
  • Ainuddin Wahid Abdul Wahab 2 ,
  • Erma Rahayu Mohd Faizal Abdullah 1 &
  • Nouar AlDahoul 3  

In recent years, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks on network systems have increased through sophisticated fraud tactics. Traditional Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) suffer from low detection accuracy, high false-positive rates, and difficulty identifying unknown attacks such as remote-to-local (R2L) and user-to-root (U2R) attacks. This paper addresses these challenges by providing a foundational discussion of APTs and the limitations of existing detection methods. It then pivots to explore the novel integration of deep learning techniques and Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) to improve APT detection. This paper aims to fill the gaps in the current research by providing a thorough analysis of how XAI methods, such as Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) and Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME), can make black-box models more transparent and interpretable. The objective is to demonstrate the necessity of explainability in APT detection and propose solutions that enhance the trustworthiness and effectiveness of these models. It offers a critical analysis of existing approaches, highlights their strengths and limitations, and identifies open issues that require further research. This paper also suggests future research directions to combat evolving threats, paving the way for more effective and reliable cybersecurity solutions. Overall, this paper emphasizes the importance of explainability in enhancing the performance and trustworthiness of cybersecurity systems.

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1 Introduction

Advanced persistent threats (APTs) represent a significant cybersecurity challenge in the digital era. (Hasan et al. 2023 ). In this study, we explore the integration of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) with deep learning models to enhance the detection of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). APTs are prolonged and targeted cyberattacks in which an intruder gains access to a network and remains undetected for an extended period. Unlike traditional attacks, APTs aim to steal sensitive data over time rather than causing immediate damage. APT attacks are conducted by highly skilled adversaries with vast resources and target organizations through IT network systems for long-term access, without being discovered. APT attacks target critical infrastructure, such as financial institutions, government agencies, energy companies, shipping and transportation companies, industrial companies, and food services, which can disrupt critical infrastructure and cause massive damage. APT attacks have major impacts on countries, organizations, and individuals, leading to severe financial losses, reputational damage, legal liability, lost productivity, business continuity issues, and disruption of critical operations (Salim et al. 2023 ). For example , the Stuxnet worm, attributed to state-sponsored actors, targeted Iran’s nuclear facilities and caused significant operational disruptions (Ahmad et al. 2024 ). Another notable example is the SolarWinds attack in 2020, which involved compromising the Orion software platform (Alkhadra et al. 2021 ). This attack affected numerous government agencies and private sector companies, leading to widespread data breaches and significant financial losses. The estimated cost of the SolarWinds breach is still being assessed, but the vulnerability of even the most secure networks to sophisticated APTs has been highlighted.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines APTs as sophisticated, resourceful adversaries that use multiple attack methods, such as cyber-attacks, physical intrusions, and deception to infiltrate an organization’s infrastructure​​ (de Abreu et al. 2020 ). APTs are particularly challenging to detect due to their stealth and persistence, blending with legitimate network traffic and activities (Salim et al. 2023 ). Unlike typical malware, which executes its payload quickly, APTs focus on long-term espionage or data theft, making detection more difficult​​ (Jabar and Mahinderjit Singh 2022 ).

figure 1

(Source: Symantec)

APT attack distribution by Leafminer group.

In August 2018, Symantec Footnote 1 reported APT attacks by the Leafminer group, known as RASPITE, in the Middle Eastern region since 2017 Footnote 2 . Figure  1 illustrates the distribution of APT attacks by the Leafminer group, across various industrial sectors. Government agencies were one of the primary targets, representing 17% of all attacks. Financial institutions were equally targeted, accounting for 17% of all attacks. The Ponemon Institute, as analyzed by IBM Security, reported that the average cost of an APT attack and data breach in 2023 was $4.35 million Footnote 3 . Large organizations experienced an average loss of $6.93 million per incident. This distribution emphasizes the need for robust cybersecurity measures across diverse industries to protect against sophisticated threats, such as those posed by the Leafminer group. In 2020, $945 billion was lost due to cyber incidents, and another $145 billion was spent on cybersecurity. These costs have surged by more than 50% since 2018, when approximately $600 billion was allocated to mitigate cybercrime (B. Ballard, 2021).

In summary, APT attack detection requires specialized techniques that go beyond the traditional detection methods. These specialized techniques must address the unique challenges posed by APTs, including their stealth, persistence, targeted nature, sophistication, advanced evasion techniques, and focus on data exfiltration. Detecting APTs often involves leveraging advanced deep-learning methods, continuous monitoring, and the use of XAI to ensure transparency and trust in the detection process (Schwalbe and Finzel 2023 ).

1.1 Paper organization

figure 2

The organization structure of the review

Figure  2 provides the organization structure for this review. It outlines the main sections and subsections of the paper and provides a clear roadmap of the content and topics covered. In Sect. 2, we introduce the background of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), including the lifecycle and characteristics of these cybersecurity threats. Section 3 outlines the research methods, detailing the search strategy and eligibility criteria for selecting relevant literature. Section 4 delves into related work, discussing the classification of APT detection, various deep learning models used, and the limitations of existing detection methods. Section 5 presents the methodology, including a comparative analysis of the deep learning and XAI approaches, the need for XAI, and relevant case studies. Section 6 focuses on explainable AI in cybersecurity, explores explanation methods, integrates XAI techniques in deep learning, and addresses the current issues surrounding black box models. Section 7 discusses the findings, providing key considerations of XAI, challenges, and recommendations for future research. Finally, Sect. 8 concludes the review and suggests future research directions at the intersection of XAI and APT detection.

1.2 Motivation

The increasing sophistication of APT attacks and the limitations of existing IDS drive the key motivation for this review. Traditional IDS methods struggle with low detection accuracy, high false-positive rates, and the inability to detect unknown or early-stage attacks. For example, signature-based IDS can detect only known threats, making them ineffective against novel APTs (Sarker et al. 2024 ). Furthermore, these methods have difficulty detecting unknown or early-stage attacks because of their reliance on signature-based detection mechanisms, which fail to recognize novel threats.

Additionally, comprehensive studies detailing the current state of interpretability in published research and the application of state-of-the-art XAI models in the cybersecurity domain are lacking (Saeed and Omlin 2023 ). Without interpretability, cybersecurity experts cannot fully trust or understand the decisions made by AI models, which is crucial for accurately identifying false positives and negatives and for adapting to new attack vectors (Brown et al. 2022 ).

This review examines a critical gap in the literature on the implementation of deep learning techniques with XAI for APT detection. Table  1 provides a summary of various studies on APT detection methods, highlighting the objectives, motivations, and key findings of each study. This comparative analysis helps to identify gaps and challenges in existing methods, providing a foundation for enhancing state-of-the-art APT detection.

By addressing these gaps, our study aims to enhance the effectiveness and transparency of APT detection systems, thereby advancing the state-of-the-art in cybersecurity.

1.3 Contribution

In this review, we address the challenges of APT detection by integrating deep learning techniques with XAI methods. The following section discusses the key contributions of our research.

Our research expands the state-of-the-art in cybersecurity by providing robust, scalable, and interpretable detection systems that can effectively combat sophisticated APT attacks.

We evaluated robust APT detection frameworks that improve detection accuracy and scalability while providing clear, interpretable insights into the model’s decision-making process. This approach ensures that cybersecurity experts can respond more effectively to threats and understand how and why specific decisions are made.

We highlight the limitations of existing detection systems, such as low detection accuracy and high false-positive rates. Our study demonstrates how integrating deep learning with XAI can address these challenges, paving the way for more robust and real-time detection capabilities.

We include case studies to demonstrate the application of XAI in combating APTs. These scenarios illustrate the potential impact of implementing XAI techniques in real-world settings, providing a comprehensive view of how these advanced methods can transform APT detection and response.

We examine various issues in the cybersecurity area and propose an improved method of APT detection on the basis of the specific attributes of such attacks. This tailored approach enhances detection capabilities and addresses the unique challenges posed by APTs.

In summary, our research provides significant contributions to the field of cybersecurity by integrating XAI APT detection systems. By addressing the current limitations and demonstrating the practical application of our methods, we pave the way for more robust, scalable, and transparent cybersecurity solutions. Our work enhances the overall resilience of network systems to APTs, ensuring better protection and response capabilities against sophisticated APT attacks.

The scope of this paper includes a comprehensive review of various deep learning techniques utilized for APT detection, the application of XAI methods to improve model interpretability and trustworthiness, and a critical analysis of existing approaches. By examining the intersection of deep learning and XAI, this paper aims to provide valuable insights and pave the way for more effective and reliable cybersecurity solutions. Our approach aligns with the need for explainability in AI models to ensure their practical application and trustworthiness.

Having established the importance of APT detection and the potential of XAI, we delve into the background study to provide a foundation for our research.

2 Background

In this section, we provide an overview of the background studies relevant to APT detection. Our focus is on the various methods that have been explored in the literature, such as deep learning and XAI approaches. This review aims to place our research within the wider scope of existing research and highlight the contributions we make to advancing the state-of-the-art in APT detection.

Deep learning approaches have gained significant attention for their ability to automatically learn complex patterns from large datasets. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks have shown promising results when applied to APT detection. These models capture temporal and spatial dependencies in data, making them suitable for detecting sophisticated attack patterns. However, the black-box nature of deep learning models poses challenges in interpretability and transparency, which are critical for cybersecurity applications. To address the interpretability challenge, XAI techniques have been developed. XAI aims to make AI models’ decision-making processes transparent and understandable to humans. Techniques such as SHAP and LIME help elucidate the contributions of individual features to a model’s predictions, enhancing trust and facilitating collaboration between human experts and AI systems.

APTs pose a unique characteristic cyber-attack problem. They target specific victims and use tricks to hide. Skilled, well-funded attackers use various TTPs to evade detection (Sharma et al. 2023 ). APTs are managed by highly skilled and resourceful adversaries, often backed by nation-states or organized crime groups (Lemay et al. 2018 ). These threat actors have clear goals, such as espionage, sabotage, and damage, and spend much of their time succeeding (Ahmad et al. 2019 ). For example, the Lazarus Group established a method for compromising common software on the Internet with Trojans. These advanced attackers use social engineering techniques to inject malicious software into a target system. This allows them to attack the supply chain via untrustworthy sources (Villalón-Huerta et al. 2022 ).

The detection of APT attacks presents several distinct challenges compared with malware. The ways in which APT attack detection differs include the following:

Stealth and persistence: APTs remain undetected for extended periods by blending with legitimate network traffic and activities (Bierwirth et al. 2024 ) (Moustafa & Slay, 2016 ). Unlike typical malware, which may execute its payload quickly, APTs focus on long-term espionage or data theft, making detection more difficult.

Targeted nature: APTs are highly targeted and tailored to specific organizations or individuals, rendering generic security solutions less effective. Additionally, APT tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) are continuously evolving (Ahmad et al. 2019 ) requiring deep learning models to be frequently retrained to detect new threats.

Sophistication and complexity: APT attacks involve multiple stages, such as initial access, lateral movement (Fang et al., 2022 ), data exfiltration, and persistence. This multistep approach necessitates sophisticated detection mechanisms to identify and correlate various stages.

Advanced evasion techniques: APTs use advanced evasion techniques,  such as encryption, obfuscation, and polymorphism, to avoid detection by traditional methods (Shenderovitz & Nissim, 2024 ). They may also use legitimate system tools for malicious activities, complicating detection.

Focus on data exfiltration: While malware might aim to cause immediate damage or disruption, APTs primarily aim to steal sensitive information, posing significant detection challenges (Sharma et al. 2023 a).

Nation-State Involvement: Many APTs are linked to nation-state actors conducting espionage or intelligence gathering, leveraging vast resources and advanced capabilities (Holt et al., 2023) (Bierwirth et al. 2024 ).

Mitigation Strategies: Addressing the threat of APTs requires a multilayered approach (Mohamed, 2023 ) that includes proactive network monitoring, continuous vulnerability assessments, user awareness training, and robust incident response plans.

2.1 APT attack

APTs follow a well-defined lifecycle that consists of several stages. Initially, attackers infiltrate the target system using methods such as phishing, spear-phishing, or exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications. Once inside, they establish a foothold by installing malware to maintain persistence within the system. Subsequently, they escalate privileges by exploiting system vulnerabilities to gain deeper access. The attackers then perform internal reconnaissance, moving laterally within the network to map infrastructure and identify critical assets. In the next stage, attackers extract sensitive data and send it to the external servers they control. Finally, attackers maintain persistence using advanced evasion techniques to remain undetected and retain long-term access to compromised systems (Bierwirth et al. 2024 ).

APTs are characterized by their sophisticated and prolonged attack campaigns, which follow a well-defined lifecycle. The APT attack life cycle can be divided into six phases, intelligence gathering, point of entry, command and control (C&C), lateral movement, data of interest and the external server. The initial phase of an APT attack is reconnaissance or intelligence gathering, in which the attackers gather information about their target organization such as network infrastructure and identify potential vulnerabilities. This phase involves passive information gathering techniques and social media analysis (Bodstrom & Hamalainen, 2019 ). Once the attackers have identified potential entry points, they move to the establish phase, where they prepare customer malware to exploit the target environment. If successful, the attackers establish a foothold in the compromised systems, installing backdoors and remote access tools (RATs) to maintain persistence. From this point, the APT actors proceed to the command and control (C&C) phase, establishing secure communication channels with their malicious infrastructure to receive updates and exfiltrate data. With a persistent presence in the target network, the attackers move to the lateral movement phase, where they seek to escalate privileges and gain access to additional systems and resources. The final stages of the APT lifecycle involve the actual achievement of the attackers’ objectives, such as data of interest, data exfiltration, sabotage, or establishing long-term access for future attacks (Chen et al., 2018 ).

In summary, APTs represent a sophisticated and persistent threat to organizations worldwide. Their ability to remain undetected and adapt to new defenses makes them particularly challenging to address. Recent high-profile cases, such as the SolarWinds (Alkhadra et al. 2021 ) and Hafnium attacks, highlight the critical need for advanced detection methods. This paper aims to explore the integration of deep learning techniques with Explainable AI (XAI) to enhance APT detection and provide more transparent, interpretable solutions for cybersecurity experts.

3 Research methods

In this section, we outline the research questions and search strategy that guided our study. Next, we explain the research process.

3.1 Research questions

We established a set of research questions to address important aspects of APT detection. These questions will guide the development of an effective detection system. They are designed to explore the performance, limitations, and potential enhancements of APT detection systems. Table  2 provides description of the research questions as follows:

This section outlines the key research questions that drive our investigation into APT detection. By addressing these questions, we aim to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of current systems, explore the benefits of integrating XAI, and identify the unique challenges in applying these advanced techniques.

3.2 Search strategy and eligibility criteria

In this review, we conducted a rigorous search strategy and defined clear eligibility criteria for the selection of relevant papers. We searched multiple academic databases, including IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, ScienceDirect, Springer Link, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. These databases were chosen for their relevance to research in computer science, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. We used specific search terms to find studies related to APT detection mechanisms. Boolean expressions such as (“Advanced Persistent Threat” OR “APT”) AND (“Deep Learning AND “Cybersecurity”) AND (“Explainable Artificial Intelligence” OR “XAI”) were used to combine search terms.

Our review aimed to include papers presenting novel methods, particularly those involving deep learning-based APT detection, the application of deep learning, and XAI techniques, along with empirical results. The inclusion criteria required papers to be published in English in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, or book chapters from 2018 to 2024. We excluded papers without abstracts, without access to full content, or not written in English.

figure 3

Overview of the search strategy and eligibility criteria

We reviewed selected articles that met our inclusion criteria, focusing on those that provided insights into the integration of XAI with APT detection. Through this process, we collected 100 articles deemed the most relevant to our study. Figure  3 provides an overview of our search strategy and eligibility criteria. To refine the search results and relevant papers, we applied the following inclusion criteria:

The paper must be written in English and published in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, or book chapters.

The study must focus on applying deep learning techniques specifically for detecting APT attacks.

The study must involve applying XAI methods in cybersecurity, specifically for APT detection.

The study must provide empirical results, such as experiments or case studies, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in real-world or simulated scenarios.

The papers must have been published between 2018 to 2024, reflecting recent advancements in deep learning and XAI research.

This section outlines the rigorous search strategy and well-defined eligibility criteria used to select relevant papers for this review. The search was conducted across several major academic databases using specific terms related to APT detection, deep learning, and XAI.

4 Related work

In this section, we review the existing literature on APT detection methods, focusing on both traditional and advanced approaches. We organize the discussion to provide a clearer understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each approach relative to our study. Current IDS and security measures face significant limitations when dealing with APTs.

4.1 The classification of APT detection approaches

Classifying APT detection approaches on the basis of data sources such as Network Traffic Analysis, Host-based Analysis, and Log and Event Analysis allows for a more targeted and efficient detection strategy. A study by (Do Xuan et al. 2020 ) analyzed network traffic into IP-based network flows, reconstructed IP information from these flows, and used deep learning models to extract features to distinguish APT attack IPs from other IPs. They introduced a combined deep learning model using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) and Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN). Meanwhile, host-based analysis focuses on the data and activities occurring on individual hosts or endpoints within a network.(Chen et al. 2024 ) proposed a hybrid Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) that combines host-based intrusion detection (HIDS) and network-based detection to enhance the detection of APTs and other network intrusions. Log and Event Analysis involves collecting and analyzing logs and events generated by various systems, applications, and devices within an organization. (Wang et al. 2022 ) presented a novel method for reconstructing APTs in large-scale networks to improve attack forensics and traceability. The proposed method addresses these issues with a low transmission cost and does not require raw data from terminal devices, making it suitable for extensive networks with numerous terminal devices. Classifying APT detection approaches based on explainability involves distinguishing between black-box models and XAI models. The black-box models will be explained in Sect. 5.4. XAI models offer transparent and interpretable insights into the detection process. These models aim to maintain a high level of accuracy while ensuring that the reasoning behind their predictions is clear and understandable to cybersecurity experts. This transparency increases trust in the detection system and facilitates a faster and more effective response to identified threats.

4.2 Deep learning models

figure 4

A taxonomy of AI/XAI based methods for cybersecurity modeling. Adapted this figure from (Sarker et al. 2024 )

Machine learning (ML) is a key component of data science, and is important in terms of its flexibility, scalability, and adaptability to new challenges. This article explores ML applications in cybersecurity, including phishing detection, network intrusion detection, spam detection in social networks, smart meter energy consumption profiling, and security concerns inherent in ML techniques. To understand this, we have added Fig.  4 , which shows taxonomies based on specific themes and deep learning (DL) methods. This structured approach will not only add more organization to our review but also increase its reference value by providing a clearer framework. This study emphasizes the methodology of collecting large datasets, extracting relevant features, and training ML models using supervised learning algorithms to achieve high accuracy and low false positive rates.

(Manoharan et al. 2023 ) addressed the challenge of detecting insider threats, which pose significant cybersecurity risks. This study evaluated various supervised machine learning algorithms on a balanced dataset using the same feature extraction method and investigated the impact of hyperparameter tuning and different conditions on imbalanced datasets. Using the publicly available CERT r4.2 dataset, the results showed that Random Forest achieved the best accuracy and F1-score of 95.9%, outperforming existing methods such as the DNN, LSTM Autoencoder, and User Behavior Analysis. (Raju et al. 2021 ) explored various ML models, including decision trees and support vector machines, to detect APT activities. Although these models offered improved detection capabilities over traditional methods, they still struggled with interpretability. Cybersecurity experts often find it difficult to understand the reasoning behind ML predictions, which hampers their trust and usability. (Stojanović et al. 2020 ) proposed the use of ensemble methods to combine multiple ML models, thereby enhancing detection accuracy. However, this approach increases computational complexity and may not be suitable for real-time applications. Our study leverages the strengths of ML while addressing its weaknesses by using deep learning and XAI to provide more interpretable and scalable solutions.

Deep learning is a widely used technique for APT detection, offering several advantages over traditional machine learning techniques. These advantages include the ability to process and analyze unstructured data, such as text, images, and network traffic, as well as high-dimensional data, which are common in cybersecurity domains. Unlike traditional methods, which often rely on predefined rules and signatures, deep learning models can automatically learn complex patterns and features from large datasets. This capability allows for more accurate and robust detection of sophisticated cyber threats, making deep learning an essential tool in the evolving landscape of cybersecurity (Alzubaidi et al. 2021 ).

(Mittal et al. 2023 ) conducted a systematic review on deep learning for detecting Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, analyzing literature from multiple sources. They categorize findings into five key areas: deep learning approaches, methodologies, datasets, preprocessing strategies, and research gaps. This study evaluates existing methods, highlights strengths and weaknesses, and identifies gaps in current research, suggesting future directions. This review offers a comprehensive overview, is organized for clarity, and emphasizes the relevance of deep learning in addressing the evolving threat of DDoS attacks. Despite its thoroughness, the study’s reliance on existing literature and the rapid evolution of attack strategies may limit its timeliness and practical application.

4.2.1 Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)

Among the various types of deep learning techniques, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) excel at handling high-dimensional data and automatically learn and extract relevant spatial features from raw data. This capability makes them particularly effective in identifying complex patterns associated with APT activities. In computer vision, researchers use CNNs to recognize APTs by extracting features from APT data (Teuwen and Moriakov 2020 ). The CNN architecture includes five block layers: convolutional layers, pooling layers, channel max-pooling layers, rectified linear unit (ReLU) layers, fully connected layers, and a SoftMax loss function (Alzubaidi et al. 2021 ). However, CNNs have limitations in converting one-dimensional traffic flows into two-dimensional flows without considering the spatial correlations between the traffic flows. (Alzubaidi et al. 2021 )

(Jayapradha et al. 2024 ) proposed an innovative intrusion detection system (IDS) that leverages deep learning algorithms to enhance phishing detection. Specifically, CNNs automatically extract sophisticated features from raw input data, whereas RNNs effectively model sequential data to recognize phishing patterns over time. This IDS adapts in real-time to new phishing variants through back propagation-based model optimization, significantly improving detection accuracy compared with traditional rule-based methods. By utilizing the KDD-CUP99 dataset for training, the study demonstrates a robust defense against evolving phishing threats. Consequently, the system enables a proactive incident response and strengthens overall network security. Despite potential challenges in terms of computational complexity and data dependency, the proposed system offers substantial improvements in protecting networks and users from sophisticated phishing attacks.

(Patel et al. 2024 ) proposed an advanced malware detection system that leverages RNNs and CNNs to enhance cybersecurity vigilance. The study highlights a pioneering capability by extending detection to unconventional formats such as GIFs and images, addressing emerging threats that exploit multimedia channels. This approach demonstrates the adaptability and comprehensiveness of the deep learning-based system. Traditional cybersecurity methods struggle to keep pace with dynamic cyber adversaries, but this research leverages deep learning’s ability to recognize complex patterns within vast datasets. By integrating RNNs and CNNs, this study aims to improve the accuracy of threat identification and the system’s resilience against emerging and previously unseen cyber threats. This study focuses on broadening the detection scope to multimedia formats and enhancing the system’s adaptability and reliability. The strengths of this study lie in its innovative approach and comprehensive coverage of diverse data formats, whereas its weaknesses include potential computational complexity and reliance on high-quality datasets for training.

(Tadesse and Choi 2024 ) proposed a novel intrusion detection system (IDS) that converts raw datasets into image datasets using the Short-Term Fourier Transform (STFT) to enhance pattern recognition. This system uses a lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Evaluated on both modern (CSE-CIC-IDS2018) and legacy (NSLKDD) datasets, the proposed methods achieve high accuracy and low false alarm rates, demonstrating high specificity and sensitivity. The study highlights the model’s excellent generalizability and avoidance of overfitting across different datasets, emphasizing the effectiveness of the dataset conversion methodology.

(Najar & S., 2024 ) proposed an innovative feature selection approach to develop a robust and reliable intrusion detection system (IDS) for detecting and classifying Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack types. Using the CICDDoS2019 benchmark dataset, the model demonstrates high performance, achieving 96.82% accuracy, 96.82% recall, 96.76% precision, and a 96.50% F1 score. It also provides rapid prediction times, identifies attacks in just 0.189 milliseconds, and outperforms existing methods and baseline models. The contributions include a novel feature selection approach, effective preprocessing techniques, and comprehensive evaluation using benchmark datasets. The strengths of this study are its high detection accuracy, rapid response, balanced performance metrics, and innovative methodology. However, weaknesses include challenges with imbalanced data handling, computational complexity, dependency on dataset quality, generalizability to other attack types, and implementation challenges.

(Korium et al. 2024 ) proposed an advanced IDS tailored for the Internet of Vehicles environment, leveraging CNNs to detect both traditional and new cyber-attacks effectively. The novel network architecture of the model at the data processing layer and the use of the synthetic minority oversampling technique significantly enhanced the detection accuracy and speed, achieving a notable 94% detection rate using the AWID dataset. The strengths of this study are its high detection accuracy, improved data processing through synthetic oversampling, innovative network architecture, and comprehensive evaluation with the AWID dataset. The model’s performance is heavily dependent on the AWID dataset, and its scalability may be limited by the computational complexity introduced by CNNs and data processing techniques.

(Sun 2024 ) proposed a novel intrusion detection system (IDS) that combines data preprocessing with four deep neural network models: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM), Bidirectional Gate Recurrent Unit (BiGRU), and Attention mechanism to identify network attacks accurately. Evaluated using the NSL-KDD dataset, the models utilize preprocessing techniques and particle swarm optimization for feature selection, with hyperparameter tuning via the BO-TPE algorithm. The study’s contributions include a comprehensive IDS framework, the introduction of multiple DNN architectures, and effective feature selection and class imbalance handling, resulting in high detection accuracy rates of 0.999158 in binary classification and 0.999091 in multiclass classification. The strengths of this study include its thorough approach, high accuracy, and advanced optimization techniques, whereas its weaknesses include dataset dependency, computational complexity, generalizability concerns, implementation challenges, and the need for further real-world application exploration.

(Yin et al. 2024 ) introduced a novel multi-scale Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and bidirectional Long-short Term Memory (bi-LSTM) arbitration dense network model (MSCBL-ADN) for detecting LDDoS attacks effectively with limited datasets and reduced time consumption. The MSCBL-ADN model integrates a CNN for spatial feature extraction, bi-LSTM for temporal relationship extraction, an arbitration network to re-weigh feature importance, and a 2-block dense connection network for final classification. The experimental results on the ISCX-2016-SlowDos dataset demonstrate that the MSCBL-ADN model significantly improves detection accuracy and time performance compared to state-of-the-art models.

(Ersavas et al. 2024 ) explored the potential of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) beyond traditional image processing, highlighting their ability to analyze high-dimensional datasets by transforming them into pseudo-images. Despite the rise of newer architectures such as Transformers, CNNs remain crucial in various applications, including Generative AI. The authors introduce DeepMapper, a pipeline that enables the analysis of complex datasets without intermediate filtering or dimension reduction, thus preserving data integrity and detecting small variations typically considered noise. They demonstrated that DeepMapper can efficiently and accurately identify subtle perturbations in large datasets with numerous features, highlighting its superiority in speed and comparable accuracy to existing methods.

Mendonça et al. (2023) proposed a new IDS using a hierarchical tree-CNN algorithm with soft-root-sign (SRS) activation (Daoud et al. 2023 ) to detect attacks in infiltrations, Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS), brute force, and web attacks. The authors reported that their proposed system could detect DDoS attacks with high accuracy and a reduced execution time of approximately 36%. Furthermore, the results showed a significant increase in the average detection accuracy of 98% when all the analyzed attacks were considered. This indicates that Tree-CNN performs better because it is less complex, requires less processing time, and consumes fewer computing resources than other current machine-learning-based IDSs do.

On the other hand, Zhu & Zu, 2022 ) implemented a fully convolutional neural network (FCNN) classifier architecture that substitutes the linear layers and correlated activation functions from prevalent CNN classifiers. They trained the FCNN classifier using SoftMax loss. The main benefits of this architecture are its simplicity and flexibility. However, it does not consider channel information. They can use SoftMax loss directly to train the network by reconstructing the number of output channels. The predefined best distribution (POD loss) of the latent features was used to improve the recognition rate performance with SoftMax loss.

Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) are essential for detecting malicious activities in modern networks. However, class imbalance in intrusion detection datasets hinders the performance of classifiers in minority classes. To address this, (Zhang et al. 2020 ) proposed a novel class imbalance processing technique called the SGM, which combines the Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) and under-sampling using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). They developed a flow-based intrusion detection model, SGM-CNN, which integrates imbalance processing with a convolutional neural network (CNN). They evaluated the performance on the UNSW-NB15 and CICIDS2017 datasets, and reported high detection rates of 99.74% for binary classification, 96.54% for multiclass classification for the UNSW-NB15 dataset, and 99.85% for 15-class classification for the CICIDS2017 dataset. The authors claimed that SGM-CNN effectively addresses the challenge of imbalanced intrusion detection and outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods.

(Tian, 2020) proposed a combination approach, the CNN algorithm, to learn the deep features of an image using CNNs and RNNs in parallel. The authors subsequently created a ShortCut3-ResNet residual module. In their study, they demonstrated that the convolutional neural network algorithm can identify various features of images, optimize the accuracy of feature extraction, and improve the ability of the convolutional neural network to recognize images.

CNNs have shown significant promise in enhancing cybersecurity measures through various innovative approaches. These studies highlight the adaptability of CNNs in recognizing complex patterns, handling diverse data formats, and integrating with other deep learning models to improve detection accuracy and resilience against sophisticated cyber threats. Despite challenges such as computational complexity and data dependency, CNN-based systems offer substantial improvements in protecting networks and users from evolving threats.

4.2.2 Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are specifically designed to handle sequential data, making them particularly suitable for analyzing time-series data in network traffic. By incorporating internal memory states, RNNs can effectively process input sequences of varying lengths, capturing temporal dependencies within the data (DiPietro and Hager 2020 ). This capability allows RNNs and their advanced variants, such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, to model the sequential nature of APT attack campaigns (Yuan et al. 2017 ). RNNs have proven effective for APT detection because they can learn from event sequences over time and predict future actions based on past observations. This makes RNNs an invaluable tool for identifying and mitigating sophisticated cyber threats (Galli et al. 2024 ).

In the current landscape of complex cyber threats, network security is of utmost importance. (Kumaresan et al. 2024 ) evaluated the efficacy of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in network anomaly detection, comparing them with traditional methods such as statistical techniques and simple neural networks. Using an extensive dataset of normal and malicious network traffic, the authors demonstrate the potential of RNNs to detect anomalies by utilizing sequential dependencies in the data. They investigated various RNN architectures, hyperparameter settings, and feature representations to improve detection performance. The paper also addresses challenges such as model interpretability, scalability, and computational resource demands, and proposes ways to increase the resilience of RNN-based systems against malicious interference.

(Yang et al. 2024 ) introduced the Hypergraph Recurrent Neural Network (HRNN), a novel intrusion detection method that leverages hypergraph structures and recurrent networks. The HRNN represents flow data as hypergraph structures to enhance information representation and incorporates a recurrent module to extract temporal features. This design integrates rich spatial and temporal semantics, significantly improving anomaly detection capabilities. Evaluations on several publicly available datasets demonstrate that the HRNN outperforms other state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating its superior performance in detecting network anomalies. However, the increased complexity due to the use of hypergraph structures and recurrent networks may impact computational efficiency and scalability. Furthermore, the performance of the HRNN may heavily depend on the quality and characteristics of the datasets used for training and evaluation, potentially requiring fine-tuning for different data forms and limiting its transferability. Integrating HRNN with existing network infrastructure might also present technical challenges.

(Saravanan et al. 2023 ) proposed a Blockchain-based African Buffalo (BbAB) scheme with a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to enhance an IDS. The method encrypts normal and malware user datasets using Identity Based Encryption (IBE) and securely stores them in a blockchain within a cloud environment. The RNN detects intrusions, using African buffalo optimization for continuous monitoring. The approach achieves 99.87% accuracy and 99.92% recall, demonstrating robust detection capabilities. While the method improves security and monitoring, it presents challenges such as high computational complexity and significant resource requirements. Overall, the model enhances IDS effectiveness in cloud environments.

(Pahuja and Ojha 2024 ) addressed the growing threat of network attacks by deploying deep learning techniques, including Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), to detect and mitigate Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. These models analyze sequential time-series data to identify patterns linked to DoS attacks. Among the techniques evaluated, LSTM achieved the highest accuracy of 92.3%, demonstrating superior capability in classifying attack traffic. This approach aims to reduce system unavailability and potential losses caused by DoS attacks, although it faces challenges in computational complexity and scalability.

(Sakthipriya et al. 2024 ) proposed enhancing IoT network security by reducing data dimensionality for efficient attack classification on memory-constrained devices. They used a Conditional Adversarial Auto Encoder (CAAE) to generate realistic botnet traffic and extract deep features, combined with a Dilated and Cascaded Recurrent Neural Network (DC-RNN) for accurate classification. The model achieves 96% accuracy, 98% precision, 97% F1-score, and 96% recall. This approach addresses deep learning implementation challenges in IoT environments, outperforming conventional methods. However, it faces issues with computational complexity, data dependency, scalability, generalizability, and implementation challenges in existing IoT infrastructures.

(Hasan et al. 2023 ) proposed an effective identification model for APT attacks by boosting-based machine learning methods combined with XAI to enhance prediction and provide actionable insights. The model, which achieves a high weighted F1 score of 0.97 with XGBoost, effectively predicts APT attacks and utilizes SHAP to make predictions understandable and actionable for cybersecurity stakeholders. While the approach demonstrates high detection accuracy and offers a promising framework for future research, it faces challenges such as computational complexity, data dependency, generalizability, implementation difficulties, and resource intensity, potentially impacting scalability and practical application in resource-constrained environments.

Furthermore, Lo et al. ( 2023 ) introduced the XG-BoT GNN and used GNNExplainer on a botnet graph dataset. Their model demonstrated impressive precision between 99.23% and 99.63%. The effectiveness of this approach relies heavily on the quality of the input data.

AlDahoul et al. ( 2021 ) developed a fusion model that combined two DNNs, trained using class-weight optimization. The main idea is to learn complex patterns from rare anomalies in the traffic data. The authors used Adam optimization algorithms with classes to train the DNNs. Their results showed that their method could achieve a higher accuracy in terms of the Fβ score and the false alarm rate when their proposed model compared to conventional single DNNs. Furthermore, their experiment used the ZYELL real-world datasetand yielded promising results.

These studies demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of RNNs and their variants in enhancing cybersecurity measures, particularly in detecting and mitigating sophisticated cyber threats. Despite challenges such as computational complexity and data dependency, RNN-based systems offer substantial improvements in network security.

4.2.3 Autoencoders

Autoencoders (AEs) are used for anomaly detection to represent normal behavior and subsequently identify deviations from this learned behavior. These neural network models are trained on datasets comprising normal activity, enabling them to compress and reconstruct input data accurately. When presented with anomalous data, autoencoders produce higher reconstruction errors, thus flagging the anomalies. They have shown significant promise in detecting APTs by highlighting unusual activities within the network traffic, such as unexpected patterns that differ from established norms, thereby providing a robust mechanism for identifying potential security breaches.

(Yashwanth et al. 2024 ) proposed a novel approach by combining Auto-encoders with Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). The study evaluates three algorithms: Auto-encoders, Auto-encoders with MLP, and CNNs, and the results demonstrate their effectiveness in detecting network intrusions. This study highlights the significance of using diverse machine learning techniques for effective anomaly detection, pattern recognition in complex network traffic, and handling imbalanced data, although challenges in computational complexity, resource requirements, and implementation in existing IDS infrastructure exist. Table  3 summarizes the deep learning-based methods used in cybersecurity.

4.3 Limitations of existing detection methods

The application of deep learning for APT detection presents several challenges. Traditional IDSs typically employ predefined signatures of known threats, which fail to detect new, unknown, or evolving APT tactics that do not match existing signatures. Anomalybased detection systems generate numerous false positives by flagging benign activities as potential threats, leading to alert fatigue and overwhelming cybersecurity experts, thereby reducing the overall effectiveness of the security operations center (SOC). Detecting early-stage attacks, such as initial compromise and establishing a foothold, is difficult because these activities often involve subtle actions that are difficult to distinguish from normal behavior. Traditional methods lack the ability to detect early indicators of compromise. APTs employ sophisticated evasion techniques, including encryption, polymorphism, and the use of legitimate system tools for malicious purposes, making traditional IDSs challenging. Furthermore, conventional methods often lack the ability to contextualize alerts within a broader network environment, failing to correlate seemingly unrelated events that together indicate an ongoing APT attack.

The limitations of the existing detection methods emphasize the need for advanced techniques that can effectively identify and mitigate APTs. Deep learning is a promising approach because of its ability to analyze large volumes of data and identify complex patterns indicative of APT activities. For example, using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to detect anomalies in network traffic data can uncover subtle changes indicative of a potential threat that traditional methods might miss. XAI can highlight the specific features of the data that led to this detection. However, the black-box nature of deep-learning models poses challenges in terms of interpretability and trust, making it difficult for cybersecurity experts to understand and act upon the model’s predictions (Hassija et al., 2024 ). XAI enhances the transparency and interpretability of deep learning models, enabling cybersecurity experts to gain insight into the model’s decision-making process. This not only improves the effectiveness of APT detection, but also fosters trust and reliability in automated security systems.

By focusing on the unique characteristics of APTs and addressing the specific limitations of current methods, this review aims to improve state-of-the-art APT detection and provide practical solutions for enhancing cybersecurity defenses. Cybersecurity experts must understand the explanations behind the model’s predictions.

4.4 Datasets

figure 5

Overview of datasets used in APT detection

In this section, we delve into datasets curated for APT detection. Figure  5 shows an overview of the most widely used methods in this field. In cybersecurity, benchmark datasets play a critical role in APT attacks (Agrawal et al. 2024 ).

We categorize the datasets based on their characteristics, such as the type of data, network traffic, system logs, presence of labeled attack scenarios, and extent of real-world applicability. This analysis helps to understand the strengths and limitations of each dataset, guiding researchers in selecting the most appropriate data for their studies. However, publicly available datasets that capture the behavior of APT attacks are lacking (Khraisat et al. 2019 ). This limitation hinders the development of effective APT detection models. Some existing datasets for analyzing APT attacks, such as DARPA1998, NSK-KDD 2009, UNSW-NB15, CICIDS2017, and ZYELL, focus on general network intrusion detection. However, they do not specifically target APT attacks.

DARPA1998 is the first dataset collection of attack traces from the internet. MIT Lincoln compiled and distributed it under DARPA and ARFL to evaluate network intrusion detection. It has seven weeks of training data and two weeks of testing data containing 38 attacks from four diverse groups: DoS, U2R, R2L, and probe (Homoliak et al. 2020 ). Another widely used dataset is the NSL-KDD (2009), which is a revised version of the KDD99 dataset. This revision reduces classifier bias and provides better detection rates (V C et al., 2023 ). Researchers commonly use the NSL-KDD for evaluation. This is an improved version of the original KDD-Cup99 benchmark. It considers 148,514 network traffic items across 41 features and five main attack types (Yang et al. 2021 ). The dataset includes denial-of-service attacks, remote access breaches, R2L, U2R, and probes from 77,054 benign samples (Barnard et al. 2022 ). The ISCX-IDS2012 dataset contains 2,381,532 data samples and is based on profiles that include intrusion details.

The UNSW-NB15 dataset was created at the Australian Center for Cyber Security (ACCS) Cyber RangeLab, using the IXIA Perfect Storm tool. It exhibits both benign and malicious attacks. The dataset included 49 features, with a single-class label indicating the connection property of each data instance (Moustafa and Slay 2016 ). The dataset contains nine types of attacks: analysis, fuzzers, generic, exploits, DoS, backdoors, reconnaissance, worms, and shellcodes. Another dataset, CICIDS2017, was created based on a large-scale cybersecurity research project that collected information from more than three million computers globally beginning in April 2016. The CICIDS2017 comprises 78 features, 168,186 normal samples, and 2,180 attack samples (Patil et al. 2022 ).

The ZYELL dataset was generated to detect network anomalies using real-world network traffic data obtained from the ZYELL security system (L. Chen et al., 2021 ). The dataset comprises both benign and malicious network traffic with a proportion of anomalies of approximately 1%. It also targets two main types of attacks: probing and DoS (AlDahoul et al. 2021 ). It has 22 features, including connection duration and inbound/outbound traffic counts in bytes, and is stored as csv files (L. Chen et al., 2021 ). The dataset includes 9,241,463 training samples and 13,290,530 testing samples. However, creating an effective APT detection system using network datasets from different sources and organizations can be challenging because of privacy concerns and the lack of a universal dataset format.

In conclusion, a lack of comprehensive datasets remains a major challenge in the research and development of deep-learning models for APT detection (Karim et al. 2024 ). Collaborative efforts among researchers, industry partners, and government agencies are needed to create large-scale, diverse, and labeled datasets that can support the advancement of deep learning models in this domain. This will help the deep learning techniques in this field move forward. While previous studies have demonstrated the promise of deep learning and XAI in cybersecurity, there remains a need for integrated approaches that enhance both detection accuracy and interpretability.

5 Methodology

We outline the methodology used in our study on how XAI techniques are integrated with deep learning models. The methodology included the following key steps; data collection, data preprocessing, deep learning models, black box models, XAI models, and model explanations. Figure  6 provides an overview of the APT detection enhancement process, illustrating the various stages from data collection to model explanation. This framework aims to provide a clear understanding of the integration of different models and techniques for effective and concise APT detection.

figure 6

Proposed XAI pipeline for APT detection

5.1 Data collection

We gathered data from various sources, including network logs, system events, and user activities. The latest dataset from the Symantec Virtual Conference (SVC) 2021, SCVIC-APT-2021 (Liu et al. 2022 ) were utilized due to their comprehensive logs of simulated APT attacks and normal network traffic.

5.2 Data preprocessing

To ensure the quality and consistency of the data, the following preprocessing steps were performed:

Data cleaning involves identifying and removing irrelevant or redundant data points to improve the quality of the dataset (Sakthipriya et al. 2024 ) (Ridzuan and Zainon 2019 ). Irrelevant data points, such as incomplete logs or noise generated by benign activities, do not contribute to APT detection. Redundant data points are duplicate records that can skew the analysis.

Normalization ensures that data values are standardized to a common scale, which is crucial for the performance of machine learning models (Davis et al. 2020 ). Different features in the dataset may have varying scales, and normalization helps bring them to a comparable range (Siddiqi and Pak 2021 ).

Feature engineering involves identifying and extracting relevant features that can distinguish between normal and malicious activities (Abbas et al. 2023 ). This process enhances the model’s ability to detect APTs by providing it with informative and discriminative attributes (Abu Bakar et al. 2023 ).

5.3 Deep learning models

Deep learning models have significantly advanced the field of cybersecurity, particularly in detecting advanced persistent threats (APTs). We utilized several deep learning models, each suited to different types of data:

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are widely employed for their ability to automatically learn and extract spatial features from raw data, making them effective for high-dimensional data (Taye 2023 ). CNNs apply convolutional layers to input data, use filters to detect spatial hierarchies and identify various patterns and structures, which is particularly useful for datasets such as images or network traffic logs (Ersavas et al. 2024 ). CNNs automatically extract spatial features through layers of convolution and pooling. This hierarchical feature extraction process enables CNNs to construct increasingly abstract representations of the input data, from low-level details to high-level concepts (Geng and Niu 2024 ). Leveraging their strengths in feature extraction and pattern recognition, CNNs effectively analyze patterns in network traffic, such as abnormal packet flows or unusual access behaviors, allowing them to detect complex and subtle anomalies that signify APTs. By using their powerful feature extraction and pattern recognition capabilities, CNNs detect these intricate patterns and enhance the detection of sophisticated cyber threats.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are another crucial type of deep learning model, that are adept at capturing temporal patterns in network traffic, such as time-series data, thereby enhancing the detection of APTs (Hewamalage et al. 2021 ). RNNs are specialized for sequential data, making them suitable for analyzing time-series data such as network traffic logs (Das et al. 2023 ). RNNs have internal memory states that enable them to retain information about previous inputs while processing current ones, effectively capturing temporal dependencies. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, a type of RNN, are designed to handle long-term dependencies by using gates to control the flow of information, preventing the vanishing gradient problem commonly encountered in standard RNNs (Smagulova and James 2020 ). RNNs and LSTMs can model the sequential nature of network activities, such as user login sessions or data transfer patterns over time (Al-Selwi et al. 2024 ). This helps in identifying unusual sequences of events that could indicate an ongoing APT attack. For example, RNN-based IDSs can detect APTs by identifying actions that deviate from typical behavior, such as accessing sensitive files at odd hours, which could indicate a compromised account (Keshk et al. 2023 ).

Autoencoders (AEs) are also extensively utilized for anomaly detection by learning to represent normal behavior and subsequently identifying deviations from this learned behavior, thus enabling the detection of potential threats (Schneider et al. 2022 ). Autoencoders are effective for anomaly detection in network traffic, as they can identify unusual patterns that deviate from the learned normal behavior (Hdaib et al. 2024 ). This makes them useful for detecting subtle and rare event characteristic of APTs (Salim et al. 2023 ). For example, an autoencoder trained on normal network traffic can flag unusual login times or data access rates as anomalies, helping security analysts identify and respond to potential threats.

5.3.1 Transformer-based approach

Transformer architectures, which were originally developed for natural language processing, have been utilized for APT detection. This model can focus on important parts of the input sequence, thus enhancing the detection of relevant events and activities within large volumes of data. In recent advancements, (Zhang et al. 2023 ) proposed an intrusion detection method that leverages the strengths of both the Transformer and LSTM models. This combination results in robust intrusion detection with high accuracy and efficient processing capabilities. However, the complexity of integrating both models may pose challenges for real-time processing. (Ullah et al. 2023 ) developed IDS-INT, a system utilizing transformer-based transfer learning specifically designed for imbalanced network traffic. This method significantly improves the detection rates for minority classes, thereby addressing a common issue in network security. Nonetheless, the requirement for large volumes of labeled data presents a notable limitation, particularly in scenarios with imbalanced datasets. (Y.Liu and Wu 2023 ) focused on enhancing the standard transformer model to increase the intrusion detection performance. Their improvements resulted in significant accuracy gains; however, the computational intensity of the enhanced model may hinder real-time detection applications.(Y. Wang and Li 2023 ) proposed an anomaly-detection method for time-series data based on transformer reconstruction. This approach offers accurate and timely anomaly detection. However, managing high-dimensional time-series data remains challenging, which may impact overall performance.

(Ullah et al. 2022 ) introduced an explainable system using transformer-based transfer learning combined with multi-model visual representation. This approach enhances interpretability and accuracy; conversely, reliance on visual representation can result in increased computational overhead. (Z. Zhang and Wang 2022 ) proposed an efficient intrusion detection model that integrates CNNs with transformer models. This hybrid approach achieved high accuracy with reduced computational costs. Nevertheless, the complexity introduced by combining the CNN and Transformer models can complicate training and maintenance processes. (Huang et al., n.d. )applied a Transformer with TSGL for Named Entity Recognition (NER) in the cyber threat intelligence domain. This method improved the accuracy of the information extraction. The limitation is that this application may be restricted to the cyber-threat intelligence domain and may not be generalizable to other areas.

5.3.2 Training and validation

The Data were split into training and validation sets. The models were trained on the training set, and their performance was validated on the validation set. Techniques such as cross-validation were used to ensure robust evaluation. These studies demonstrate the potential of transformer-based models for enhancing the effectiveness and interpretability of IDSs. Each method has unique strengths, while also presenting specific challenges that need to be addressed for broader application in real-world scenarios. ​.

5.4 Black box model

Understanding the decision-making processes of AI is important for organizations. Monitoring AI models and ensuring accountability is essential rather than blindly trusting them. XAI aids in machine learning (ML), deep learning, and neural network algorithms. Many ML models are often viewed as black boxes (Chennam et al., 2023 ), as neural networks are extremely difficult to interpret. Additionally, biases in AI models and performance drift due to different production data pose significant risks. Therefore, organizations need to continuously monitor and manage the model to promote AI explainability, build trust; and reduce compliance, legal, security, and reputational risk.

5.5 XAI models

XAI models are crucial for interpreting the predictions of deep learning models used in APT detection. Techniques such as LIME, SHAP, and LRP provide insights into the model’s decision-making process, enhancing transparency and trustworthiness. The details of this process are presented below.

5.5.1 Local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME)

LIME creates local approximations of the model by perturbing the input data and fitting a simple, interpretable model to these perturbed instances, helping explain individual predictions by highlighting the specific features that influence the decision. LIME is widely used for interpreting local predictions (Hasan et al. 2023 ) by learning local linear approximations (Ibrahim et al. 2023 ). This algorithm provides local explanations of individual predictions (Volkov and Averkin 2023 ).

5.5.2 Shapley additive explanations (SHAP)

SHAP uses Shapley values from cooperative game theory to indicate the contribution of each feature to the model’s predictions, providing a consistent measure of feature importance (Hasan et al. 2023 ). This technique determines which features are most influential in detecting APT activities and offers global explanations, thus helping cybersecurity experts understand the model’s decision-making process. For example, SHAP can highlight unusual login times or data transfer volumes that might indicate an APT attack (Lundberg and Lee 2017 ). By assigning contribution values to each feature, their importance in decision making can be demonstrated (Band et al. 2023 ). This method, which relies on Shapley’s principles from cooperative game theory, has been effective in various areas, including IDSs.

Specifically, SHAP proposes the following three methods:

kernelSHAP: A model-agnostic version of the algorithm that operates only with the inputs and outputs of the function (Remman et al. 2021 ).

treeSHAP: Computes the Shapley values on tree-based classification models (Wallsberger et al. 2022 ).

deepSHAP: Optimizes the computation for neural network architectures (Meister et al. 2021 ).

By utilizing these methods, SHAP provides a comprehensive and interpretable framework for understanding and explaining model predictions.

5.5.3 Layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP)

The LRP computes relevance scores for individual input features by backpropagating the relevance of the class output node in a layer-wise fashion down to the input layer (Bach et al. 2015 ). This propagation adheres to a strict conservation property, ensuring that the relevance received by any neuron is redistributed equally. In CNNs, the LRP carries information about the relevance of the output class from higher layers back to the input pixel space layer by layer (Gu et al. 2019 ). By assigning relevance scores to input features, the LRP aims to interpret their contributions to model decisions. This technique requires access to the neural network’s structure because it performs a backward pass through the network to compute relevance scores(Montavon et al. 2019 ). This method enhances the interpretability of neural networks by providing insight into the importance of individual features in the decision-making process of the model.

By integrating deep learning models with XAI techniques, we aimed to improve the detection accuracy and interpretability of APT detection systems. This approach ensured that cybersecurity experts could respond effectively to threats and understand the rationale behind specific decisions made by the models.

6 Explainable AI in cybersecurity

XAI is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on the study and development of techniques to enable machines to behave in smart ways that humans can understand (Gunning, 2019). The goal is to create models that are easier to understand and more accurate. This allows people to trust and control their next-generation AI partners (Capuano et al. 2022a ). The use of XAI techniques has gained significant attention in cybersecurity, especially for APT detection (Pawlicki et al. 2024 ).

XAI aims to provide transparency and explainability (Saeed and Omlin 2023 ). This shows how APT detection models make decisions so that cybersecurity experts can understand and trust the model’s prediction (Haque et al. 2023 ). Moreover, XAI systems should respond to feedback from cybersecurity experts or decision-makers and adjust their actions accordingly. By incorporating XAI methods in APT detection systems, organizations can improve their defense strategies, enhance operational efficiency, and increase transparency and accountability. However, current XAI-related work in cybersecurity still lacks sufficient comparisons of different XAI algorithms in terms of metrics such as model specificity, scope, and methodology (Yang et al. 2023 ). Improving the coverage of detection system studies that leverage modern interpretability techniques will reinforce the technical depth of APT detection.

figure 7

Timeline of XAI review papers published from 2018 - 2024

Figure  7 illustrates the timeline of the significant XAI review papers published from 2018 to 2024. This timeline provides a historical perspective on the development and evolution of XAI techniques, highlighting key contributions and advancements in the field. The exploration of XAI has garnered significant interest across various domains, particularly in enhancing the interpretability and transparency of complex machine learning models. This review delves into the contributions of researchers in advancing the field of XAI.

(Reis et al. 2019 ) developed a framework for explainable machine learning aimed at detecting fake news, focusing on both interpretability and accuracy. Their approach highlighted the necessity of transparent AI models to mitigate misinformation. (Xu et al. 2019 ) provided a brief survey of the history, research areas, approaches, and challenges of XAI, offering a foundational understanding of the field’s evolution.

Insider threats pose significant cybersecurity challenges that common security solutions do not adequately address. (Homoliak et al. 2020 ) proposed a structural taxonomy and novel categorization to organize and clarify insider threat incidents and defense solutions. They utilized a grounded theory method for rigorous literature review, categorizing incidents, datasets, analysis, simulations, and defense solutions. Their taxonomy builds on existing frameworks and the 5W1H information gathering method. This survey aimed to enhance insider threat research by providing a structured taxonomy, an overview of publicly available datasets, references to existing case studies and frameworks, and a discussion on trends and future research directions.

(Speith 2022 ) explored deep learning-based XAI concepts, proposed a taxonomy method, and created a timeline of key XAI studies. They demonstrated the need for structured approaches to navigate the rapidly growing field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). The recent surge in publications related to XAI has created a daunting challenge for those seeking to start or stay current with the latest developments. (Giudici and Raffinetti 2021 )introduced the Shapley-Lorenz method for XAI, which focuses on fairness and transparency in AI decisions. Their work emphasized ethical considerations in AI model explanations. (Fouladgar and Främling 2020 ) reviewed both the practical and theoretical aspects of XAI and proposed a framework for integrating XAI into various applications. They bridge the gap between theory and practice, highlighting the versatility of XAI methods. (Kuhn et al. 2020 ) discussed combinatorial methods for enhancing the interpretability of AI models and provided insights into advanced techniques for model interpretation. (Angelov et al. 2021 ) presented an analytical review of XAI methods, critically evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. They offered a nuanced perspective on the effectiveness of different XAI techniques in various contexts. (Linardatos et al. 2021 ) reviewed machine learning interpretability methods, categorized them and discussed their applications across different domains. Their work emphasized the importance of methodological categorization in understanding XAI techniques.

(Sharma et al. 2022 ) explored the application of XAI techniques in cybersecurity, and proposed methods to enhance transparency and trustworthiness. They address the critical need for interpretable AI models in securing digital infrastructure. (Zhang et al. 2022 )surveyed current literature on XAI techniques in cybersecurity, emphasizing the need for transparent and accountable models. They propose a clear roadmap for future XAI research in this domain. provided an overview of various XAI methods, summarizing their applications and effectiveness. This concise overview serves as a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners. (Capuano et al. 2022b )surveyed XAI techniques in cybersecurity, and proposed approaches to enhance interpretability and effectiveness. They highlighted the evolving landscape of XAI applications for securing digital environments.

(Rjoub et al. 2023 ) reviewed XAI techniques in cybersecurity, and proposed approaches for enhancing the interpretability of AI models. Their work focused on making AI systems more transparent and understandable. (Band et al. 2023 ) conducted a systematic review of interpretability methods in medical health applications, and proposed a framework for XAI in healthcare. They demonstrated the critical role of interpretability in clinical decision making. (Hassija et al. 2024b ) provided a meticulous review and comprehensive analysis of state-of-the-art XAI models to address their complexity and lack of interpretability.. They offer insight into overcoming the challenges associated with complex AI systems. (Shams Khoozani et al. 2024 ) discussed the challenges, innovations, and future directions of concept-supported XAI, navigating the landscape of XAI research and application.

These contributions collectively advance the field of XAI by addressing key challenges, proposing innovative methods, and highlighting practical applications of XAI across various domains. This review highlights the importance of continued research and development on XAI to ensure the deployment of trustworthy and interpretable AI systems.

6.1 Explanation methods

Before delving deeper into the potential use of XAI for APT detection, we first briefly review XAI techniques. We investigated the most prominent, state-of-the-art XAI techniques. We analyzed the explanations provided by LIME, SHAP (Galli et al. 2024 ) LRP (Bach et al. 2015 ), and the attention mechanism. XAI techniques represent a diverse range of approaches. LIME focuses on local model explanations through perturbations of input data,  whereas SHAP uses a game-theoretical approach to allocate contributions to each feature. The LRP propagates relevance through neural network layers, and attention mechanisms highlight the input features attended to by the model.

LIME and SHAP offer model-agnostic explainability, making them applicable to a wide range of models, including neural networks. Decision trees and rule-based models are inherently interpretable. (Sarker et al. 2024 ) proposed a decision tree-based model for intrusion detection, which allows for easy interpretation of detection rules.

The LRP specifically addresses layer-wise relevance in neural networks, and attention mechanisms are commonly used in neural networks for sequence data. LIME and SHAP have gained widespread acceptance in the research community due to their versatility and effectiveness in describing complex models. The LRP is renowned for its application in neural networks, and attention mechanisms have become standard in natural language processing and computer vision tasks.

6.2 Integration of XAI techniques in deep learning models

This paper thoroughly explores how XAI techniques, such as feature attribution and saliency maps, enhance deep learning models for APT detection (Lo et al. 2023 ). Specifically, it demonstrates how these approaches identify critical factors in the model’s decision-making process. By incorporating SHAP, LIME, and LRP into the deep learning framework, this paper offers a comprehensive approach to improve interpretability. This integration clarifies influential factors and helps identify potential threats, thereby increasing the efficacy and transparency of cybersecurity measures.

This paper uses feature attribution methods to determine the importance of each factor in the model’s predictions and employs saliency maps to visualize critical regions in network traffic data (Gevaert et al. 2024 ). By utilizing these XAI approaches, the interpretability of deep learning models can be enhanced. This transparency allows cybersecurity experts to understand and trust the model’s predictions, making it easier to validate and fine-tune the detection systems (Sharma et al. 2022 ). Furthermore, integrating XAI helps pinpoint the factors most indicative of APT activity, improving detection accuracy and enabling quicker response times by focusing on the most relevant data aspects.

The paper includes practical examples and case studies demonstrating the application of XAI in real-world scenarios, illustrating how its use leads to more effective and transparent APT detection systems.

6.3 Comparative analysis of XAI- based APT detection

In recent years, the integration of XAI techniques with deep learning models has gained significant attention in the field of APT detection. This subsection provides a comprehensive overview of recent advancements from 2020 to 2024, highlighting various approaches and their effectiveness in enhancing cybersecurity measures.

(Singh et al. 2024 ) introduced SFC-NIDS, a sustainable and explainable network intrusion detection approach that analyzes VM traffic at the hypervisor level. It uses a gradient descent-based flow filtering mechanism, auto-encoders to reconstruct traffic features, and a 1D-CNN to detect malicious flows. When validated with hypervisor traffic artifacts and the KDD99 dataset, it achieves 98.9% and 99.97% accuracy, respectively. The strengths of these methods include high accuracy, adaptability, and explainability, but they are difficult to implement and specific to hypervisor environments, requiring further validation with various datasets.

(Khan et al. 2024 ) presented a novel security model for biomedical data collection and transmission, addressing privacy, security, and reputation concerns in medical networks. They introduced a threat-vector database based on the dynamic behaviors of smart healthcare systems and designed an improved SRU network to mitigate fading gradient issues and enhance the learning process by reducing computational costs. This approach is parallelizable and computationally efficient, dynamically adjusting the number of participating clients to reduce the communication overhead. Additionally, the model enhances the understanding of security experts by visualizing the decision process and explaining feature relevance. Compared with existing methods, this security model thoroughly analyzes and detects severe security threats with high accuracy, reduces overhead, lowers computational costs, and enhances the privacy of biomedical data. However, the potential complexity in implementing the novel security model across diverse healthcare networks and the need for further validation and testing in real-world healthcare environments to ensure robustness and effectiveness are noted as weaknesses.

Building on the idea of integrating explainability into AI-based cybersecurity solutions. (Galli et al. 2024 ) proposed a framework that integrates XAI methodologies within AI-based malware detection processes to address the lack of interpretability in traditional machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) approaches. The framework incorporates four XAI methods, such as SHAP, LIME, LRP, and Attention mechanisms. The key strengths of the proposed system include the integration of multiple XAI methods to improve model interpretability, thorough evaluation across diverse datasets, insightful comparisons of the LSTM and GRU models, and enhanced real-world applicability due to improved explainability. However, the study also faces challenges such as increased computational complexity, the need for further validation across different types of malware and cybersecurity contexts, and potential trade-offs between model explainability and performance.

Similarly, (Hasan et al. 2023 ) developed a highly effective model for identifying APTs using boosting-based machine learning methods, with XGBoost achieving an impressive weighted F1 score of 0.97. They enhance model interpretability by integrating SHAP, providing actionable insights for stakeholders. The key strengths of their work include exceptional predictive accuracy and enhanced transparency through XAI. However, potential challenges include computational complexity and the need for broader validation across various cyber threats. This approach underscores the promise of boosting-based XAI models in cybersecurity.

Expanding on the use of XAI in cybersecurity, (Zolanvari et al. 2023 ) employed TRUST XAI using multimodal Gaussian distributions and the TRUST Explainer technique. They evaluated their model on multiple datasets, including WUSTL-IIoT, NSL-KDD, and UNSW, and achieved 98% accuracy. A limitation of this study is that they did not address the computational resources necessary to implement their models.

(Khan et al. 2022 ) proposed a novel explainable deep learning framework for cyber threat discovery in Industrial IoT (IIoT) networks, addressing the critical need for data integrity and accuracy. They used an autoencoder-based detection system with convolutional and recurrent networks, employing a two-step sliding window technique to enhance feature extraction from raw time series data. Fully connected networks classify and explain attack events using temporal and spatial features. Empirical results demonstrated robust performance, with the framework outperforming contemporary methods. However, its complexity might limit scalability, and further exploration is needed for generalizability, real-time adaptation, and explainability depth.

(Khan et al. 2024 ) focused on bidirectional simple recurrent units (SRUs) and developed the XSRU-IoMT method, which was tested on the ToN_IoT dataset. Their model achieved 98% accuracy, but was validated on only a single dataset, limiting its generalizability. (Zhou et al. 2022 ) used an M&M Decision Tree model with prime implicant explanation techniques on various DDoS attack datasets, and achieved perfect recall and F1 scores. This method, which is based on an artificial immune system, may not be suitable for all intrusion-detection scenarios.

Another approach by (Patil et al. 2022 ) implemented an ensemble method using voting classifiers and LIME for interpretability on the CICIDS2017 dataset, achieving 96.25% accuracy. Reliance on a black box model may limit its transparency. (Barnard et al. 2022 ) combined extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) with autoencoders (AEs) and utilized SHAP for interpretability, achieving 93% accuracy on the NSL-KDD dataset. However, this framework was assessed using only this dataset.

(Houda et al. 2022 ) applied deep neural networks (DNNs) with RuleFit, LIME, and SHAP on the NSL-KDD and UNSW NB-15 datasets, achieving 88% accuracy. However, their framework evaluation on only two datasets may not be generalizable to other datasets. Le et al. (2022) used ensemble trees (DT and RF classifiers) and SHAP on NF-BoT-IoT v2 and NF-ToN-IoT-v2 datasets, and achieved  100% accuracy. However, the method’s long training time might render it unsuitable for real-time IDS systems.

(Kuppa and Le-Khac 2021 ) explored autoencoders with counterfactual explanations on the Leaked Password Dataset, achieving 96.7% accuracy. Their study did not cover the broader aspects of machine learning or AI beyond cybersecurity. (Liu et al. 2021 ) proposed FAIXID using Boolean Rule Column Generation (BRCG) with data cleaning methods on real-world datasets, which achieved 87% accuracy. In this study, they did not provide detailed information on the size and diversity of the datasets used for the evaluation. Wali et al. ( 2021 ) utilized a primary Random Forest Classifier (RFC) with SHAP, achieving 98.5–100% accuracy on the Hop Skip Jump Attack and CICIDS datasets. The proposed framework requires significant computational resources.

(Antwarg et al. 2021 ) employed autoencoders with kernel SHAP on the KDD Cup 1999 and Credit Card datasets, focusing on explaining anomalies with a mean MSE of 0.0006. However, this method may not be applicable to APTs. Wang et al. ( 2020 ) used one-vs-all and multiclass classifiers with SHAP on the NSL-KDD dataset, achieving accuracies between 80.3% and 80.6%. The proposed framework was assessed using an outdated NSL-KDD dataset, which limited its relevance. Table  4 summarizes the XAI-based methods employed in cybersecurity.

This review of XAI-based APT detection methods highlights the diversity and advancements in the field while also identifying specific shortcomings that need to be addressed. These insights pave the way for future research to develop more robust, interpretable, and effective APT detection systems.

6.4 Case studies

This section presents various case studies that demonstrate the application of XAI techniques for combating APTs. These scenarios provide a comprehensive overview of how XAI can enhance the detection and mitigation of APTs.

Figure  8 compares different attack scenarios with the corresponding XAI techniques applied to improve detection and interpretation. The figure shows how techniques such as SHAP, LIME, LRP, and attention mechanisms enhance the interpretability of models in various attack scenarios such as phishing, insider threats, DoS attacks, and malware.

figure 8

Attack scenarios vs. XAI techniques

To address various attack scenarios, recent studies have applied XAI techniques to improve the detection and interpretation of cyber threats. (Adebowale et al. 2023 ) proposed integrating CNN and LSTM models with LIME to enhance the email classification model for phishing attacks. This hybrid XAI approach effectively addresses the challenges posed by large datasets and significantly improves classifier prediction performance.

(Homoliak et al. 2020 ) utilized SHAP to explain the global behavior of a detection model. Their study emphasized the diverse nature of insider threats and demonstrated how SHAP can identify common patterns and unique contributing factors across different clusters, such as fraud, IP theft, and sabotage. For DoS attacks, (Hariharan et al. 2021 ) applied Permutation Importance, SHAP, LIME, and Contextual Importance and Utility algorithms to provide a unified measure of feature importance and contribution to model predictions. Their case study revealed key insights into the impact of various features on IDS prediction performance, highlighting the most influential features for detecting DoS attacks.

A downloader, a type of Trojan horse, downloads and installs malicious software without user consent. The explanation provided by the LRP highlights the Image 4 call, which attempts to copy files from one part of the file system to another, as discussed by (Galli et al. 2024 ). Finally, for malware attacks, (Galli et al. 2024 ) integrated the SHAP, LIME, LRP, and Attention mechanisms with robust deep learning models (e.g., LSTM and GRU) trained on labeled datasets. Their findings demonstrated that these XAI techniques significantly enhance the interpretability of malware detection models, ensuring that they remain effective and understandable in real-world applications.

Beyond cybersecurity, XAI has significant applications in other domains, such as the following:

Healthcare providers have observed an increase in phishing attempts and suspicious activity in their networks. Given the sensitivity of patient data, they sought to improve their security measures by using an advanced detection system that combines deep learning and XAI techniques (Kalutharage et al. 2024 ).The data used include email traffic data collected from the providers’ email servers, encompassing metadata and content analysis, as well as network logs from firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDSs) that capture network activity and possible intrusions. CNNs can analyze email traffic and detect phishing attempts (McGinley and Monroy 2021 ), whereas RNNs can analyze sequential network logs for signs of APT activity. XAI techniques, such as SHAP, explain the phishing detection of CNN models, while LIME provides interpretability for network activity anomalies. The explanations provided by SHAP and LIME helped security teams identify specific email campaigns targeting employees and unusual data streams that indicated an APT in progress. This facilitated immediate corrective actions, including email filtering and network segmentation (Jia et al. 2021 ).

A major financial institution experienced unusual network activity, suggesting a potential APT attack. The institution’s security team decided to use an integrated approach that combines deep learning models and XAI techniques to identify and mitigate the threat. The data used included network traffic data collected from the institution’s internal network, encompassing packet headers, payloads, and flow data over a six-month period. Additionally, system and application logs from critical servers and endpoints were analyzed, providing insights into user activities and system changes. SHAP values indicated that unusual login times and connections to known malicious IP addresses were significant factors in these detections. The LIME explanations for specific alerts revealed that certain endpoints repeatedly communicated with suspicious external servers, suggesting a potential APT foothold. These insights allowed the security team to prioritize these alerts and initiate a targeted investigation. The integrated approach not only detected the APT early but also provided clear explanations that helped the security team understand the attack vector and take swift action. As a result, the financial institution was able to isolate the affected endpoints, mitigate the threat, and prevent data exfiltration.

These use cases demonstrate how XAI techniques can be applied to various aspects of APT detection, from email classification and insider threat detection to network anomaly detection and malware identification. By examining these case studies, cybersecurity experts can better understand the practical applications of XAI and see how they can enhance their ability to investigate and mitigate APT attacks. These examples also highlight the potential benefits of XAI in real-world APT detection scenarios.

6.5 Role of XAI in APT detection

To effectively integrate XAI with deep learning for APT detection, several enhancements are necessary to address the unique challenges posed by sophisticated threats. (1) Handling sparse data is critical because traditional methods struggle with sparse datasets. Integrating XAI with anomaly-detection techniques, such as autoencoders, can help identify and explain anomalies in sparse data. (2) The high-dimensional nature of APT data requires dimensionality reduction techniques, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), to simplify data complexity while retaining essential features, thereby improving interpretability. Moreover, APTs are characterized by evolving tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). To adapt to these changes, XAI techniques must be dynamic and capable of real-time updating through continuous learning frameworks. This allows models to refine their understanding of new attack patterns and provide explanations that highlight these adaptations. (3) In terms of high-dimensional space, advanced feature importance techniques, such as Integrated Gradients, should be used to attribute importance across different layers of neural networks, offering a deeper understanding of model decisions. Finally, the implementation of a real-time feedback loop, in which cybersecurity experts can interact with the XAI system to refine explanations is crucial. This can be achieved using reinforcement learning to adapt models based on analyst feedback, ensuring that explanations remain accurate and relevant (Kute et al. 2021 ). To address sparse data, high-dimensional space, evolving tactics, and the need for real-time adaptation, this review aims to provide a more robust framework for explaining AI models used in APT detection, thereby advancing state-of-the-art models in cybersecurity.

In the discussion section, we explore the implications of these findings and how they contribute to advancing APT detection. Specifically, we discuss how the enhanced interpretability provided by XAI techniques can lead to more effective threat mitigation and greater trust in AI-driven security solutions.

7 Discussion and recommendations

This section delves into the need for explainability, challenges, and future directions in APT detection using deep learning and XAI. Traditional anomaly detection techniques are effective for known threats but struggle with new, evolving threats and large-scale data. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) show promise in detecting complex and sequential patterns in network traffic, but they face challenges in interpretability and computational demands. XAI offers potential solutions by making model decisions transparent and understandable, adopting trust and collaboration between human experts and AI systems. This integration aims to increase the effectiveness and robustness of APT detection systems.

7.1 Key considerations for XAI

7.1.1 the need for explainability.

XAI is crucial in making deep learning models interpretable and transparent, especially in cybersecurity where trust and reasoning are essential. Various techniques have been developed to enhance model interpretability. Feature importance methods, such as permutation importance and SHAP, determine the significance of each feature in the decision-making process (Hariharan et al. 2021 ). Partial Dependence Plots (PDPs) visualize the marginal effect of a feature on the predicted outcome (Ding et al. 2021 ). Activation Maximization identifies inputs that maximize the activation of specific neurons, revealing what each neuron “wants to see” (Zeltner et al. 2021 ). Saliency Maps highlight parts of the input most relevant to the model’s decision (Brunke et al. 2020 ). LIME explains the predictions of any classifier by learning a simple model locally around the prediction (Houda et al. 2022 ). Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) backpropagates the output through the network to assign a “relevance score” to each input feature (Seibold et al. 2021 ). These techniques collectively enhance the transparency and trustworthiness of AI models, facilitating their adoption in critical cybersecurity applications.

7.1.2 Need for trust

Trust is essential in cybersecurity, and XAI methods enhance this by providing clear, understandable explanations of AI model predictions. The SHAP and LIME techniques help experts determine which features influence decisions, fostering confidence in AI systems [1]. Transparent models reduce perceived risk and ensure fair, accurate operations by identifying and correcting biases (Saeed and Omlin 2023 ). This increased trust leads to better decision-making and faster response times, which are crucial in mitigating APTs. By integrating XAI, cybersecurity experts can confidently use AI systems, resulting in more robust and effective threat detection and response strategies (Sourati et al. 2023 ).

7.1.3 Need for reasoning

XAI enables cybersecurity experts to understand and validate model reasoning. This leads to better human-AI collaboration. This makes the detection of APT threats more effective. When security teams understand how the model works, they can better mitigate the potential vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks. This can enhance the robustness of the APT detection system more effectively. By seeing how the model makes decisions, security teams can identify and fix errors more efficiently. This helps improve the APT detection system.

XAI enables cybersecurity experts to understand and validate AI model reasoning, enhancing human-AI collaboration and APT detection (Sarker et al. 2024 ). By revealing how models arrive at their conclusions, XAI helps identify and mitigate vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks, improving system robustness. Understanding model decisions allows security teams to correct errors efficiently, maintaining detection accuracy (Došilović et al. 2018 ). XAI also fosters a shared understanding between AI systems and human operators, promoting the trust and effective use of AI in cybersecurity, ultimately leading to better detection and response strategies. The next subsection addresses the current issues associated with black-box models.

7.2 Current issues surrounding black-box models

One problem with using deep learning models for APT detection is their black box behavior, which makes it difficult to interpret and explain their decisions. (Kute et al. 2021 ). For example, when dealing with APT incidents, cybersecurity experts must understand why a particular event is deemed malicious. The lack of transparency in black-box models can lead to several issues. Cybersecurity experts may not trust a model’s predictions without understanding the reasoning, especially when false positives or false negatives can have severe consequences. (Galli et al. 2024 ). When a model makes an incorrect prediction, identifying the root cause and making the necessary adjustments becomes challenging without insight into the model’s decision-making process (Samek et al., 2017). During a security incident, organizations may face difficulties in explaining and justifying actions based on the model’s predictions, potentially leading to legal and regulatory issues.

Additionally, black-box models are vulnerable to adversarial examples (Jia et al. 2024 ), which are carefully crafted inputs that deceive a model and lead to incorrect predictions. Without a clear understanding of how the model works internally, detecting and mitigating such attacks is more difficult (Ali et al. 2023 ).Therefore, promoting AI explainability is imperative to ensure the reliability and robustness of AI systems in critical applications such as cybersecurity.

Black box models pose significant challenges because of their opaque nature, making it difficult to interpret and explain their decisions. This lack of transparency can lead to issues such as biases, performance drifting, and vulnerability to adversarial attacks. In cybersecurity, the inability to understand and justify model predictions can undermine trust, complicate incident response, and lead to legal and regulatory challenges. XAI is essential for enhancing model transparency, building trust, and mitigating various risks, ensuring the reliability and robustness of AI systems in critical applications.

7.3 Research challenges and recommendations

figure 9

Research challenges for APT detection

Figure  9 shows that APT detection is technically challenging for several reasons. To address the challenges identified in APT detection using deep learning and XAI, several practical solutions are recommended.

Highly imbalanced datasets can hinder the performance of AI models in detecting minority class events. We address this issue using data augmentation techniques, such as the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), to generate synthetic samples for the minority class(Y. Liu and Wu 2023 ). Employing unsupervised or semi-supervised learning techniques specifically designed to handle imbalanced data can also be effective (Zhang et al. 2020 ), (Kute et al. 2021 )

The rapidly evolving threat landscape requires the continuous adaptation of detection models. To address this problem, continual learning approaches allow models to adapt to new data without forgetting previously learned information. Automated pipelines for data collection, model retraining, and deployment ensure that the detection system remains updated with the latest threat information (Khoozani et al., 2024 ). APT tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) are continuously changing, making it difficult for static models to remain effective. By integrating XAI with deep learning models, we enhance understanding and adapt to new attack patterns. This integration improves the robustness of the system against evolving threats, ensuring that it remains effective in detecting and mitigating APTs.

Comprehensive datasets for effective APT detection are lacking. This problem can be addressed through collaborative efforts among academia, industry, and government agencies to create large-scale, diverse, and labeled datasets. Promoting data-sharing initiatives encourages organizations to share anonymized threat data for research purposes, thereby enriching the pool of available datasets (Ferrag et al. 2020 ).

Integrating XAI techniques into APT detection systems is challenging because of the complexity and scale of operational environments. (Kuhn et al. 2020 ) developed modular XAI frameworks that can be easily integrated into existing cybersecurity infrastructures. In addition, providing training and resources for cybersecurity experts to use XAI tools effectively enhances their practical applicability.

Deep-learning models are often criticized for their difficulty in interpretation and lack of transparency (Liang et al. 2021 ). XAI techniques, such as SHAP and LIME, highlight the features that most influence model predictions and provide visual explanations that are easy to interpret. AI models must provide clear, understandable explanations for their decisions to build trust and enable cybersecurity experts to make informed decisions (Galli et al. 2024 ).

Black-box models can be tricked by adversarial examples, which can lead to incorrect predictions. Understanding the internal operation of the model is crucial for detecting and mitigating such attacks. The development of XAI systems that reveal the decision-making process of the model can help identify and counter adversarial inputs effectively (Kenny et al. 2021 ).

Our discussion highlights the strengths and potential of integrating XAI with deep learning for APT detection. The enhanced interpretability provided by XAI techniques allows cybersecurity experts to understand and trust model predictions, leading to more effective threat mitigation. In conclusion, we summarize our contributions and suggest directions for future research, emphasizing the need for continued innovation in this critical area of cybersecurity.

8 Conclusions and future research directions

figure 10

Future research directions for APT research

Our research addresses the challenges in APT detection by integrating XAI with deep learning models. As illustrated in Fig.  10 , future research directions for APT detection focus on several key areas. First, examining the potential of deep feature extraction methods is essential for enhancing detection capabilities. Second, integrating XAI techniques with deep learning models is crucial, as it offers transparent and effective explanations for APT detection. Additionally, optimizing automatically extracted features can enhance detection accuracy, reduce human bias, and improve resource efficiency. Furthermore, augmenting existing datasets by generating synthetic examples of APT activities and benign behaviors can enrich the data available for training. Moreover, it is important to evaluate detection models using comprehensive evaluation metrics and scenario-based security testing to ensure robust performance. Finally, maintaining privacy and security is essential when robust detection models that safeguard data privacy are constructed, thus ensuring the overall integrity of the system.

This review provides a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art models for dvanced persistent threats (APTs) detection. Through extensive analysis, we found that deep learning-based techniques, especially those incorporating XAI methods are increasingly prevalent. These approaches address significant challenges in traditional IDSs, such as low detection accuracy, high false-positive rates, and difficulties in detecting unknown or early-stage attacks. By incorporating XAI techniques such as SHAP, cybersecurity experts can understand the contribution of each feature to the model’s prediction, such as unusual login times or unexpected IP addresses, allowing for quicker verification of alerts and reduced false positives. Moreover, the transparency provided by XAI models enhances trust and accountability in detection systems. Users and stakeholders can audit and validate the decisions made by the models, ensuring that the detection process is transparent and reliable. Empirical evidence from recent studies further supports the effectiveness of integrating XAI with deep learning, demonstrating improvements in detection accuracy and a significant reduction in false positives. This not only validates our approach but also underscores its practical benefits in real-world applications.

Our review also highlights the strengths and weaknesses of various APT detection methods across different datasets, techniques, and experimental results. By identifying gaps and challenges in current methodologies, we propose integrating XAI with deep learning models to advance the state-of-the-art. This integration not only improves detection accuracy and scalability but also provides clear, interpretable insights into the model’s decision-making process, ensuring effective threat response. The impact of our findings is substantial for cybersecurity. By enhancing the transparency and interpretability of APT detection systems, we can enable more effective and timely responses to sophisticated threats. This research contributes to the development of advanced security measures that adapt to evolving cyber attacker tactics.

In conclusion, our research paves the way for more robust, scalable, and interpretable APT detection systems that effectively combat sophisticated APT attacks. By addressing both technical and interpretability challenges, we advance the state-of-the-art in cybersecurity and enhance network resilience to APTs.

Data availability

No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.

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This work is funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia (JPT(BKPI)1000/016/018/25(58)) through Malaysia Big Data Research Excellence Consortium (BiDaREC), via the research grant managed by Universiti Malaya (Grant No.: KKP002-2021).

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Department of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, 50603, Malaysia

Noor Hazlina Abdul Mutalib, Aznul Qalid Md Sabri & Erma Rahayu Mohd Faizal Abdullah

Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University Malaya, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, 50603, Malaysia

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Mutalib, N.H.A., Sabri, A.Q.M., Wahab, A.W.A. et al. Explainable deep learning approach for advanced persistent threats (APTs) detection in cybersecurity: a review. Artif Intell Rev 57 , 297 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-024-10890-4

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Accepted : 25 July 2024

Published : 18 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-024-10890-4

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  1. Research Gap

    identifying a research gap

  2. What is a Research Gap

    identifying a research gap

  3. Research Gap| Types of Research Gap| How to identify Research Gap| 5Minutes Information Episode # 91

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  4. How to identify research gaps and include them in your thesis?

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  5. How To Find A Research Gap (Quickly!): Step-By-Step Tutorial With Examples + Free Worksheet

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  6. A Framework for the identification of the research gap literature

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  2. Identifying Open Research Problems Efficiently

  3. HOW TO FIND A RESEARCH GAP 📚💡 #research #medicalstudent #writing #USMLE #journal #foryou #foryoupa

  4. Research Gap እንዴት መለየት ይቻላል(How to identify research gap)

  5. Literature Gap and Future Research

  6. What is the Aveksana research gap score


  1. Research Gap

    Here are some examples of research gaps that researchers might identify: Theoretical Gap Example: In the field of psychology, there might be a theoretical gap related to the lack of understanding of the relationship between social media use and mental health. Although there is existing research on the topic, there might be a lack of consensus ...

  2. What Is A Research Gap (With Examples)

    Here are the key takeaways: A research gap is an unanswered question or unresolved problem in a field, which reflects a lack of existing research in that space. The four most common types of research gaps are the classic literature gap, the disagreement gap, the contextual gap and the methodological gap.

  3. How To Find A Research Gap (Tutorial + Examples)

    Step 1: Identify your broad area of interest. The very first step to finding a research gap is to decide on your general area of interest. For example, if you were undertaking a dissertation as part of an MBA degree, you may decide that you're interested in corporate reputation, HR strategy, or leadership styles.

  4. Methods for Identifying Health Research Gaps, Needs, and Priorities: a

    BACKGROUND. Well-defined, systematic, and transparent methods to identify health research gaps, needs, and priorities are vital to ensuring that available funds target areas with the greatest potential for impact. 1, 2 As defined in the literature, 3, 4 research gaps are defined as areas or topics in which the ability to draw a conclusion for a given question is prevented by insufficient evidence.

  5. What Is A Research Gap

    These are gaps in the conceptual framework or theoretical understanding of a subject. For example, there may be a need for more research to understand the relationship between two concepts or to refine a theoretical framework. 3. Methodological gaps. These are gaps in the methods used to study a particular subject.

  6. What is Research Gap and how to identify research gap

    Though there is no well-defined process to find a gap in existing knowledge, your curiosity, creativity, imagination, and judgment can help you identify it. Here are 6 tips to identify research gaps: 1. Look for inspiration in published literature. Read books and articles on the topics that you like the most.

  7. The Best Method In Identifying Research Gap: An In-depth Analysis

    A research gap refers to an area in the existing body of knowledge where there is a lack of research or unanswered questions. In other words, it is a gap in the literature that needs to be addressed through further research. Research gaps can occur for various reasons, such as a lack of studies on a specific topic, contradictory findings in ...

  8. How to Identify a Research Gap

    Identifying a research gap has many potential benefits. 1. Avoid Redundancy in Your Research. Understanding the existing literature helps researchers avoid duplication. This means you can steer clear of topics that have already been extensively studied. This ensures your work is novel and contributes something new to the field.

  9. How to identify research gaps

    About this video. Researching is an ongoing task, as it requires you to think of something nobody else has thought of before. This is where the research gap comes into play. We will explain what a research gap is, provide you with steps on how to identify these research gaps, as well as provide you several tools that can help you identify them.

  10. Identifying Research Gaps and Prioritizing Psychological Health

    Methods are needed to identify and prioritize evidence synthesis needs within health care systems. We describe a collaboration between an agency charged with facilitating the implementation of evidence-based research and practices across the Military Health System and a research center specializing in evidence synthesis. Methods: Scoping ...

  11. 34 Methods for identifying and displaying research gaps

    Of the 139 studies, 91 (65%) aimed to identify gaps, 22 (16%) determine research priorities and 26 (19%) on both identifying gaps and determining research priorities. A total of 13 different ...

  12. Frameworks for Determining Research Gaps During Systematic Reviews

    Methods. We used multiple resources and sought different perspectives to develop a framework for the identification of research gaps. We carried out six steps. We first attempted to identify, enumerate and describe frameworks that have been used (steps 1 to 3). We then developed, tested and refined a framework (steps 4 to 6).

  13. FAQ: What is a research gap and how do I find one?

    A research gap is a question or a problem that has not been answered by any of the existing studies or research within your field. Sometimes, a research gap exists when there is a concept or new idea that hasn't been studied at all. ... Many times, the authors will identify areas where they think a research gap exists, and what studies they ...

  14. How to Identify Gaps in Research: Tips to Speed Up the Process

    How to identify research gaps in the literature More than 7 million papers get published annually. 5 Considering the volume of existing research, identifying research gaps from existing literature may seem a daunting task. While there are no hard rules for identifying research gaps, the literature has provided some guidelines for identifying ...

  15. 3 Ways to Find a Research Gap

    1. Start with a broad topic related to your field of interest. A broad topic allows you more opportunities to find a research gap. Pick a topic that interests you and that you already know something about. As you learn more about your topic, you can narrow it down further to help you find your focus.

  16. (PDF) A Framework for Rigorously Identifying Research Gaps in

    Identifying research gaps is a fundamental goal of literature reviewing. While it is widely acknowledged that literature reviews should identify research gaps, there are no methodological ...

  17. Six Effective Tips to Identify Research Gap

    Here are the 6 effective tips to identify the research gap. 1. Understand the Existing Literature: The first step in gap analysis is to do a systematic review of existing literature relevant to your research. A comprehensive literature survey would provide a clear understanding of the existing works. Conduct a systematic review of relevant ...

  18. Find a Research Gap

    Finding a research gap is not an easy process and there is no one linear path. These tips and suggestions are just examples of possible ways to begin. In Ph.D. dissertations, students identify a gap in research. In other programs, students identify a gap in practice. The literature review for a gap in practice will show the context of the ...

  19. Framework for Identifying Research Gaps for Future Academic Research

    Thus, to identify the research gap, the researcher needs to prune down his area of interest as identifying research gaps requires a lot of reading and analyzing of materials from various literatures.

  20. Introduction

    The identification of gaps from systematic reviews is essential to the practice of "evidence-based research." Health care research should begin and end with a systematic review.1-3 A comprehensive and explicit consideration of the existing evidence is necessary for the identification and development of an unanswered and answerable question, for the design of a study most likely to answer ...

  21. Identify Research Gaps

    Steps for identifying research gaps in the literature Your Master's thesis should make a significant, novel contribution to the field. Your thesis hypothesis should address a research gap which you identify in the literature, a research question or problem that has not been answered in your research area of interest.

  22. Find Research Gaps with Litmaps

    Here's how to use Litmaps to find research gaps, by seeing where articles are and aren't connected. 1. Prepare your literature library. First, identify your topic and relevant articles. Save these articles to a Tag in Litmaps. Here's how to import papers you have into a Tag in Litmaps. If you have different subjects, save them as different Tags ...

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    Title: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Youth Digital Well-Being Research: Identifying Notable Developments, Persistent Gaps, and Future Directions Authors: Katie Davis , Morgan Anderson , Chia-chen Yang , Sophia Choukas-Bradley , Beth T. Bell , Petr Slovak

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    Identifying research gaps can inform the design and conduct of health research by providing additional context information about the body of evidence in a given topic area. Despite the commonly used term 'research gap' in scientific literature, little is written on how to find a 'research gap' in the first place. ...

  26. Gaps in communication theory paradigms when conducting implementation

    Background Communication is considered an inherent element of nearly every implementation strategy. Often it is seen as a means for imparting new information between stakeholders, representing a Transaction orientation to communication. From a Process orientation, communication is more than information-exchange and is acknowledged as being shaped by (and shaping) the individuals involved and ...

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    This study evaluates existing methods, highlights strengths and weaknesses, and identifies gaps in current research, suggesting future directions. This review offers a comprehensive overview, is organized for clarity, and emphasizes the relevance of deep learning in addressing the evolving threat of DDoS attacks. ... By identifying gaps and ...