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Average Speaking Rate and Words per Minute

November 8, 2022 - Dom Barnard

The speed at which you talk has a huge influence on how the audience perceives you and your speech. It’s important, therefore, to understand your speaking rate and how to alter it depending on the type of speech you are delivering.

In this article, you’ll learn how to calculate your speaking rate and how it compares to the average rate for popular talks to give you some context. Audio samples of speaking rates at the extremes are provided, so you can understand the difference in words per minute.

At the end of the article, exercises are provided to help you develop an adaptive speaking rate.

How to calculate your speaking rate

Speaking rate is often expressed in words per minute (wpm). To calculate this value, you’ll need to record yourself talking for a few minutes and then add up the number of words in your speech. Divide the total number of words by the number of minutes your speech took.

Speaking rate (wpm) = total words / number of minutes

You can record yourself with this  online voice recorder . Once you have the audio of your speech, there are two ways to get the number of words:

  • Manually count the words as you listen back to the audio
  • Upload the speech recording to a  speech-to-text platform

When you have the speech converted to text format, copy the text into a software package such as Microsoft Word, which provides a useful word count for the document.

Once you have the number of words, convert the time to minutes – for example, if your speech was 4 minutes 30 seconds, you need to divide the number of words by 4.5 (as 30 seconds is half of a minute).

JFK inaugural address

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address, where he slowed his usually very high speaking rate down to below 100 wpm (his average was well above 150 wpm).

What is the average speaking rate?

The average speaking rate changes dramatically for the purpose of your speech. According to the National Center for Voice and Speech, the average conversation rate for English speakers in the United States is about  150 wpm . However, for radio presenters or podcasters, the wpm is higher.

Here is a list of average speech rates for different activities.

Average speech rates

  • Presentations : between 100-150 wpm for a comfortable pace
  • Conversational : between 120-150 wpm
  • Audiobooks : between 150-160 wpm, which is the upper range that people comfortably hear and vocalize words
  • Radio hosts and podcasters : between 150-160 wpm
  • Auctioneers : can speak at about 250 wpm
  • Commentators : between 250-400 wpm

To give these speech rates some context, if the speaking pace is 130 words per minute, you’ll finish reading an A4 page (Calibri, font size 11) in 4 minutes, 51 seconds.

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Extremes of speaking rate – world record pace

Steven Woodmore  is a British electronics salesman and comedian known for his rapid speech articulation, being able to articulate 637 wpm, a speed four times faster than the average person.

Woodmore was listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s fastest talker, a title which he held for five years, taking the helm from the previous record holder, John Moschitta, Jr.

A comparison of words per minute for popular TED Talks

Let’s compare different presentation styles to show you how speech rates can vary widely. We’ll use popular TED Talks to compare words per minute for different presentations.

We’ve analyzed five TED Talks, ranging from short speeches up to 22 minutes. When we were calculating the length of the presentation, we included time when the audience was clapping and when the presenter changed slides.

We tried to pick from a wide range of speech topics to get an unbiased average.

The average speaking rate was 173 words per minute. The speaking rate ranged from 154 to 201 words per minute.

Popular TED Talk speaking rates

  • How great leaders inspire action (Simon Sinek) – 170 wpm
  • The power of introverts (Susan Cain) – 176 wpm
  • Do schools kill creativity? (Sir Ken Robinson) – 165 wpm
  • Why we do what we do (Tony Robbins) – 201 wpm
  • The power of vulnerability (Brené Brown) – 154 wpm

Average words per minute for popular TED Talks (wpm)

What influences your overall speaking rate?

Here are several factors that affect the overall speaking rate, most of which can be controlled by you.

  • Regular speaking rate  – this is the result of your environment, where you grew up, your parents, culture, friends around you, and more.
  • Nervousness  – you’ve probably noticed it yourself,  when you are nervous , you speak much quicker and take short shallow breaths as you rush through the content.
  • Saying something urgent  – understandably, we speak much quicker when there is an emergency, for example calling an ambulance or explaining an incident to the police.
  • Mental fatigue  – tiredness affects our thought process, making it harder for us to articulate ourselves, causing us to talk more slowly.
  • Complexity of the words  – longer, more complex words will take slightly longer to say, and if you are counting words per minute, it will affect speech pace slightly (although somewhat negligible)
  • Complexity of content  – if you are presenting complex content, you’ll want to speak slower than usual to give the audience time to comprehend the concepts and content.
  • Verbal pauses  – pauses are a great way to break up the content and give emphasis to what you are saying. Naturally this will slow down your speaking rate. Read  10 Effective Ways to use Pauses in your Speech .
  • Event driven pauses  – these are pauses caused by a change in slides, a demo of your product, checking your notes, and so on.
  • Audience driven pauses  – these events are caused by your audience, for example, when they laugh and ask questions.

Example audio clips of different speech rates

Example 1 – why we do what we do (tony robbins).

Sample of ‘Why we do what we do’ speech, spoken at 201 wpm.

Example 2 – We Shall Fight on the Beaches (Winston Churchill)

Sample of ‘We Shall Fight on the Beaches’ speech, spoken at 128 wpm.

Tony Robbins TED Talk - Why we do what we do

Tony Robbins giving his TED Talk, Why we do what we do, with an average speaking pace of 201 wpm.

Is speaking rate important?

In short, yes, your rate of speech does have an impact on how the audience perceive you and your message.

Generally, a slower rate is easier to understand for the audience. If you include pauses as well, you give the audience time to absorb the messages of your presentation.

However listening back to the Tony Robbins speech above, which was at over 200 wpm, you’ll probably find you were still able to understand what he was saying. This is because he clearly articulates his words and uses easy to understand language. Clarity is just as important as speech pace.

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Try to vary your speaking rate

No matter what your average speaking rate is over the entire speech, you should vary it throughout the speech. Varying your speech makes it more interesting for the audience and adds emotion to the content. Without pace variation, you’re in danger of sounding monotone.

For example, you can speak faster to convey excitement, or slower to reflect sadness or importance.

When to change your speed

  • Speaking fast  – indication of passion, urgency, excitement, and emotion
  • Speaking slow  – indication of importance, sadness, confusion, the seriousness of a point

When you’re speaking quickly, initially it is exciting for the audience, but after a minute or two, it stops being stimulating and becomes overwhelming.

When you are speaking slowly, it can grab the attention of the audience and help them process every word, but an entire talk at a slow pace will bore your audience: while waiting for you to get to the point they will lose interest.

Remember: The rate we speak at is highly individual

This is an important point to remember. If you take some well-known speeches and change the pace of their delivery, the meaning would be lost. For example, the “ I Have a Dream ” by Martin Luther King was spoken at a slow rate.

The long pauses and carefully spoken words give us time to absorb the information and plenty of time for the audience to applaud throughout. Even if you did not understand the words, the slow pace indicates that the message is important and should be taken seriously.

Cultural differences

Culture plays a big role in the pace we naturally speak at. Even locations within the  same country  can make a difference – people in London typically speak faster than people from Yorkshire for example. Also, if English isn’t the speakers first language, they usually speak a little slower as well.

How to practice: Getting the right speaking pace

Test your speaking pace.

Practice reading a transcript aloud at different paces to better understand how different speeds sound. Learn More

Here are two ways to measure and practice your speaking pace.

Use a metronome

The metronome ticks at a certain rate depending on what you set it to. If you want to speak at 130 words per minute, set the metronome to this value and practice saying a word every tick of the metronome.

This is a good start, however when actually presenting to an audience, you’ll want to vary this pace to emphasise certain points – a speech at exactly 130 wpm throughout would sound very monotone and rehearsed.

Use practice exercises

Online exercises let you practice your speech in a variety of scenarios. Practice presenting at a conference, delivering a sales pitch, answering interview questions, and more. With  VirtualSpeech practice exercises , you can get feedback on your speaking rate after your speech and adjust it accordingly for your next speech.

Example practice exercises you can use to measure your speaking pace during a speech or presentation. See all the  practice exercises here .

5 exercises to develop an adaptive speaking rate

Tips taken from  Quick & easy tips for speaking rate

1. Reading children’s stories

Read a children’s story silently several times to familiarize yourself with the flow. Go through it again, noting which passages would suit taking more quickly and which should be slower. Then read it aloud and listen carefully to how speed alters interpretation. Repeat the exercise altering your speed over particular passages, noting the differences.

Record yourself if possible doing this and all the following exercises. Save all the versions you do. You’ll then have them to refer back to. Recording takes out the guess work as you can hear exactly what you did, rather than what you imagined you did. It doesn’t lie!

2. Read factual reports

Pick an information loaded report from a newspaper or magazine.

Go through it silently to familiarize yourself with the flow of material and then read it aloud. Make a note of which passages need careful or slow reading and which can be taken at a faster rate. Re-read aloud until you feel you have the mix of speeds right.

As an extension exercise, read the report as if you were reading for an audience who knew nothing about the subject. Note what changes you made and why.

3. Experiment with one of your own speeches

Record and time yourself delivering a speech of your own at your current ‘normal’ speaking rate.

Note the time down. Now go through again having marked passages for slower or faster treatment. Note the new time and your new insights.

4. Listen to good speakers

Listen to speakers you admire. They could be radio presenters,  commencement speeches , anybody accustomed to speaking in public. Note the different rates of speech they use over the course of their presentation and the effectiveness and experiment with them for yourself.

5. Play with material you are familiar with

Read or recite part of a text you know well quickly (or slowly). If you can record yourself, do so. If not, listen and note the effect it has on you. If you’ve recorded yourself, play it back.

Ask yourself where was the speed effective? Where was it detrimental? Mark those places on your script. Read again incorporating your changes.

Average Words Per Minute Speaking: Why It Matters

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  • Last Updated On: August 14, 2024

Understanding your speaking pace can unlock new levels of communication effectiveness and personal insight. While many overlook the importance of speaking speed, it plays a crucial role in connecting and conveying our messages to others.

This exploration delves into the nuances of your average speaking rate, providing actionable advice to refine your verbal delivery and overall presentation skills.

Let’s explore the common pitfalls in speech delivery and master the art of impactful communication, backed by research indicating that influential speakers adjust their speed to match their message and audience.

📝 Key Takeaways

  • 📊 Ideal speeds vary from 100-150 WPM for presentations to 250-400 WPM for commentators.
  • 🕰️ Time yourself reading aloud to identify your average pace and areas for improvement.
  • 📈 Your cultural background, confidence, and public speaking comfort significantly impact your speaking speed.
  • 💻 Practice, feedback, and technology can help you fine-tune your speaking rate for clearer communication.

What Is The Average Words Per Minute For Speaking?

One may wonder, “How many words does the average person speak per minute?”

The average speaking rate is 150-160 words per minute (WPM) for podcasters. This can vary with context and individual differences, ranging from 110-250 WPM . Radio presenters or podcasters may speak faster than the average rate.

Average Words Per Minute (WPM) by Speaking Context:

ContextAverage WPM
Presentations100-150 wpm
Conversational120-150 wpm
Audiobooks150-160 wpm
Radio hosts and podcasters150-160 wpm
Auctioneers250 wpm
Commentators250-400 wpm

Words to Minutes Calculator – Podcast Episode Timing

Planning your podcast episode ? Use this simple calculator to determine how long your script will take to deliver. Enter your script length and choose your average speaking speed.

Get results instantly to help manage your episode timing perfectly. This free tool is great for podcasters who want to plan their episodes and keep their audience engaged.

How to Determine Your Speaking Rate

Calculating this and adapting your average WPM can greatly enhance communication skills and ensure effective information delivery.

  • Select a passage or piece of text that is around 200-300 words long. This length is ideal because it’s long enough to get an average rate but short enough to be manageable.
  • Before you start reading, set a timer. Smartphones usually have a stopwatch function that works perfectly for this.
  • Read the passage out loud, just as you would in a conversation or presentation. Do not rush or deliberately slow down; aim for a natural pace.
  • Once you’ve finished reading, stop the timer and note down the time taken.
  • To determine your speaking rate in words per minute (WPM), divide the number of words in the passage by the time taken in minutes to read it.
  • Your speaking rate can vary depending on context, mood, or the complexity of the content. Repeating the process with different types of passages (e.g., technical content vs. casual conversation) might help you get a range of your average speaking speed.
  • If your speaking rate is too fast or slow for your intended audience or purpose, practice adjusting it. Using a metronome can help maintain a consistent pace.
  • Sometimes, we do not judge our speaking pace best. It can be beneficial to get feedback from peers or mentors. They can provide insights into whether you’re speaking too fast, too slow, or just right.
  • Several apps and online tools can automatically calculate your speaking rate by analyzing a recorded speech sample.

Remember, while determining your speaking rate is useful, paying attention to clarity, intonation, and enunciation is also essential. The goal is to communicate effectively; sometimes, that might mean adjusting your pace to ensure comprehension.

Speaking Rate (WPM) of Professional Speakers

The average speaking rate of professional speakers is 167 words per minute (WPM).

It’s important to note that while Steve Jobs’ talk isn’t from the regular TED conferences, it’s featured on the TED website. This presentation, given by the late visionary, is a masterclass in capturing the audience’s attention and delivering a poignant message.

Tony Robbins, the fastest speaker on our list, epitomizes that speed need not compromise clarity. His crystal-clear articulation and lucid language ensure his message is understood, irrespective of the brisk pace.

Speakers must adjust their speaking rate to match their audience’s listening comfort . Racing through content might lose listeners, while a languid pace could let their attention drift. The art lies in striking that perfect equilibrium.

Optimal Script Length for Podcast Episodes

As podcasting continues to gain traction as a favored medium for content delivery, understanding the ideal script length for varying episode durations can be invaluable.

The table below provides a guideline for scriptwriters and podcasters to ensure content remains engaging and concise for listeners.

By aligning the script length with the intended duration, creators can better plan, structure, and deliver their content for maximum impact. Dive in to discover the recommended word count for your next episode!

Desired Episode Duration ⏰Recommended Script Length (Words) 📜
15 minutes ⌛2000 words 🖊️
20 minutes ⌛3000 words 🖊️
30 minutes ⌛4500 words 🖊️

➡️ How Long Should a Podcast Be ?

Factors That Influence The Speed Of Speech Of The Average Person

Many factors influence the speed at an average person speaks, including:

The Culture You Were Raised In

It might sound crazy, but the culture you were raised in can significantly impact your average speaking speed. Some cultures and languages naturally speak much faster than others, which can seriously impact your average WPM.

If you grew up speaking a first language that is naturally fast-paced, such as Spanish or Italian, then it is likely that you will speak at a faster rate than someone who grew up speaking a language with slower speech rates, such as English.

Slower speakers might take two seconds to say a word, while faster speakers could say the same in half a second. This difference may not seem like much, but it can increase over time. If you speak for five minutes, you will likely say twice as many words as the slow speaker.

Additionally, if you are used to hearing the average person speak quickly, you may find adjusting to slower speech patterns difficult. Slow speakers can often be frustrating for natives who speak faster, who may find themselves impatient or lost.

The good news is that you can learn to speak slower if necessary, no matter your natural speech rate.

Just remember to take your time and focus on speaking rather than worrying about the number of words you say. With practice, you can find the perfect balance for you.

How Confident You Feel

Your confidence level also has a huge effect on your speaking speed. If you feel confident, you’ll naturally speak slower and more evenly than if you feel insecure.

If you are nervous, you are more likely to rush your speech with faster-than-average speaking speed and trip over your words. A good speaker can control their speed and use it to their advantage.

World Fastest Speaker

Stephen Peter Woodmore (13 December 1959 – 6 February 2023) was a British salesman recognized for his extraordinary speech speed, articulating at 637 words per minute (wpm) — four times faster than average.

From August 1990, he held the Guinness World Record for the world’s fastest talker, succeeding John Moschitta Jr. However, in 1995, Sean Shannon from Canada surpassed him with a speed of 655 wpm.

How Comfortable You Are With Public Speaking

Finally, your comfort level when speaking in public can significantly impact your speaking rate. If you are not used to being in front of large groups of people, you may struggle to keep up a steady pace, thus speaking faster and rushing your speech.

Good speakers, such as those from popular Ted talks, often have extensive practice and experience in public speaking , which has helped them become more comfortable and confident when addressing large audiences.

Tips To Improve The Speed Of How The Average Person Speaks

As you can see from our list above, several different aspects affect the speed of your speech. However, there are some simple things that you can do to improve your speaking rates.

Slow Down When Talking About Difficult Topics

When discussing difficult topics, such as politics or religion, it is important to think carefully about what you say. If you speak too quickly, you risk making mistakes and sounding awkward .

Instead, try to speak slowly and deliberately, and make sure that you pause between each sentence.

Practice Before Giving Presentations

Practice makes perfect, and this applies to speaking as well. If you plan on giving a presentation, practice speaking slowly and pausing frequently.

Avoid rushing through your speech and focus on getting all your points across without any mistakes. This will help you feel more confident and relaxed and allow you to speak more easily.

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Practice Reading Out Loud

Reading aloud is one of the best ways to improve your talking speed because it forces you to slow down and pay attention to how you speak, especially when reading complicated words.

It also helps you to learn to control your breathing , another factor affecting your speaking speed.

Speak Clearly And Slowly

You should always aim to speak slowly and comfortably—even if you are nervous. If you speak too fast, you are more likely than ever to trip over your words, increasing your stress levels and mental fatigue.

As we mentioned earlier, nerves can cause you to breathe faster, so take note of your breath rate and try to slow it down slightly.

Take Deep Breaths

Taking deep breaths before talking will help you relax and give you time to prepare for your presentation. People speak more quickly when nervous or anxious, so it is essential to stay calm.

If you are tackling complex content, it can be helpful to slow down your thoughts by taking a few moments to pause and think about what you want to say before speaking. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure you say what you want.

Taking deep breaths will also help you calm down, reduce the chances of you tripping over your words, and maintain a regular speaking rate.

Why Does Speaking Speed Matter?

When you are speaking publicly, the speed of your speech is important and can offer you several advantages when delivering a speech. These include:

Increasing Your Credibility

If you have a high speaking rate, you risk sounding like you are trying to convince everyone around you that you know what you are talking about.

Many speakers would want to avoid this, but if you speak at an appropriate pace, you can be seen as credible and trustworthy.

Radio hosts and TED Talk speakers are known for speaking slowly and deliberately, which helps them engage the audience and build trust .

Improving Your Audience’s Attention Span

Speaking too quickly can cause your audience to lose interest. They may find themselves nodding off or looking bored, meaning they won’t pay close attention to what you say.

By contrast, speaking slowly lets them listen carefully and absorb everything you say.

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Avoiding Slips Of The Tongue

Speaking too quickly can make you more likely to slip up and accidentally say something embarrassing.

For example, if you talk about your favorite movie and say, “I love watching movies with my friends,” you could say, “I love watching movies alone.” This slip-up is unacceptable, and it is easy to see why.

FAQs: Average Words Per Minute Speaking

How fast does the average podcaster speak.

The average podcaster speaks approximately 150 to 160 words per minute, while the average professional speaker is slightly higher at 167 WPM (words per minute).

How Fast Does the Average Person Talk?

The average person speaks at a rate of approximately 125 to 150 words per minute.

How many words is a 5 minute speech?

A 5-minute speech would be around 750 to 800 words using the average speaking rate.

Is 100 words per minute fast speaking?

Speaking at 100 WPM is slightly below the average conversational rate, so it’s not considered fast.

Is 150 wpm speaking fast?

Speaking at 150 WPM is about average for most people, especially in presentations and general conversations.

Is speaking 200 words a minute fast?

Speaking at 200 WPM is faster than average and is typically seen in enthusiastic or rapid conversations.

How long is a 700 word speech?

A 700-word speech would last roughly 4.5 to 5 minutes at an average speaking rate.

Is 150 words per minute good for a speech?

Yes, 150 WPM is a good rate for a speech as it’s comfortable for listeners and ensures clarity.

Is it possible to speak 300 words per minute?

Speaking at 300 WPM is extremely fast. While some individuals, like certain record-holders, can achieve it, it’s beyond the average speaking rate for most people and can challenge comprehension.

How long is a 2 minute speech?

A 2-minute speech is typically 300 to 320 words, based on an average speaking rate of 150-160 words per minute (WPM).

Final Thoughts On How Many Words You Can Say Per Minute

Your speaking speed isn’t fixed; it can change with time. Utilizing our guidelines, you can determine your words-per-minute rate and refine your speech to be more composed, captivating, and effective for your listeners.

Other sources :

  • Science Focus

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How Many Words per Minute is right for Professional Speakers?

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  • Professional Speaking

February 20, 2024

In the realm of professional speaking, the rate at which you deliver your words can significantly impact the effectiveness of your presentations. Understanding the optimal speaking rate, often measured in words per minute (WPM), is crucial for engaging your audience effectively. This blog post delves into the nuances of speaking rates for professional speakers and provides actionable tips and tricks to master your delivery speed.

Understanding Speaking Rates

The average speaking rate for professional presentations fluctuates widely, with a general range between 120 to 150 WPM for a conversational pace. However, certain professions, such as auctioneers or sports commentators, may speak at a rapid pace of 200-450 WPM. Notably, extremes in speaking rates exist, as evidenced by record holders like Steven Woodmore, who could articulate 637 WPM, significantly surpassing the average person’s speed​​.

The Impact of Speaking Rate on Audience Perception

The pace of your speech can convey various emotions and intentions. Speaking quickly may indicate urgency, passion, or excitement but can also suggest nervousness or a desire to rush through the presentation​​. On the contrary, a slower speech rate can help emphasize the importance of your message and ensure comprehension, particularly when presenting complex information ​​.

Finding Your Ideal Speech Rate

Determining your personal speech rate involves practice and awareness. Recording and timing your presentations can offer valuable insights into your typical speaking pace. Tools like Preply, Orai, and Ummo can assist in tracking and adjusting your speech rate as needed​​. It’s important to consider that while the average speaking rate might hover around 125 WPM, this can vary based on numerous factors, including your background, the presentation’s content, and audience engagement​​.

Tips for Effective Speech Rate Management

  • Practice with Purpose : Regularly practicing your speeches and recording them can help you understand your natural speaking pace and how it fluctuates throughout your presentation.
  • Mind Your Audience : Observing audience reactions can provide cues on whether your speaking rate is effective. Disengagement may suggest a need to adjust your pace​​.
  • Vary Your Pace : A dynamic presentation often involves varying your speaking rate to maintain audience interest and emphasize key points. Fast speech can generate excitement, while a slower pace can underscore critical information​​​​.
  • Use Pauses Strategically : Effective use of pauses can enhance understanding and retention, allowing your audience to process the information presented​​.
  • Cultural and Environmental Awareness : Recognize that cultural backgrounds and the environment can influence your natural speaking rate. Adjust accordingly to ensure clarity and engagement​​.

Mastering the pace of your speech is a critical skill for any professional speaker. By understanding and adjusting your speaking rate, you can enhance audience engagement, improve comprehension, and deliver more impactful presentations. Remember, the goal is not to adhere strictly to a “perfect” rate but to find a pace that complements your speaking style, presentation content, and audience needs. With practice and mindfulness, you can develop a versatile speaking rate that resonates with diverse audiences and maximizes the impact of your presentations.

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Words per Minute Calculator

Table of contents

Have you ever wondered how long it takes to deliver a speech? Or how much time you need to read a book? This words per minute calculator (or WPM calculator for short) will help you convert between the number of words and the time taken to read or say. This way, you will not only learn how many words is a 5-minute speech but also how long it takes you to read a document with 2000 words.

If you want to know how much time you need to finish a book, head straight to our reading speed calculator !

Words per minute (speech)

In order to determine how long your presentation takes, you first need to find your speaking speed — how many words per minute of speech you can deliver. For example, the average speaking speed in English is 130 wpm (words per minute). If, however, you are frequently told that you speak very slowly or very fast, you should adjust this value accordingly.

You could also measure your speaking speed experimentally. Set a timer to one minute and start reading a passage of text aloud. Once the timer stops, count the words you managed to read. This number is your words per minute speech speed — you can input it directly into our calculator after selecting the radio button Other .

Words per minute (reading)

The same principle as your speaking speed applies to your reading speed — the number of words per minute of reading. The average reading speed for the English language is between 170 and 240 wpm , depending on the text difficulty and your English ability.

Naturally, you can measure your reading speed and input it directly into this reading words per minute calculator. All you have to do is set a timer to one minute and start reading a book (or an e-book ), this time silently. Once the timer rings, count the words you read and input the number into the respective field (below the radio button Other in the reading section).

How many words is a 5 minute speech?

Once you know your speaking and reading speed, the calculations are a piece of cake! All you have to do is input the number of words you have to say into this words per minute calculator, which will tell you how long your presentation should take.

Of course, you can also use this calculator to figure out the maximum number of words in a speech with a limited time frame — for example, 5 minutes. Let's look at how to use this tool in more detail.

Choose whether you will speak to an audience or silently read the text. In this case, we are going to choose speech.

Select your speaking speed . We will stay with the average value of 130 wpm.

Determine the duration of the speech — here, we will pick a 5-minute elevator pitch.

Multiply the reading speed by the time to find out how many words are in a 5-minute speech:

130 × 5 = 650 words

Your speech can have a maximum of 650 words.

How many words per minute in a speech?

The average speaking speed in English is 130 words per minute . However, the average speaking rate changes according to the task before a speaker — for presentations, it goes down to 100-120 wpm, while for YouTubers, it's up to 150-160 wpm. When picking the right pace, you should also consider your audience, e.g., the presence of kids or non-native speakers!

How many words per 10 minute speech?

To deliver a successful ten-minute talk, prepare between 1000-1200 words. The absolute maximum you should have is 1300 words.

How many words are in a five minute speech?

A 5-minute speech should have between 500-600 words. Be careful not to exceed 650 words, or you'll talk too fast and, as a result, lose the audience!

How do I calculate the number of words in a talk?

To determine the number of words in a talk that will last m minutes:

Decide on the speaking rate r :

  • Average: 130 wpm (words per minute);
  • Slow: 100 wpm; and
  • Fast: 160 wpm.

Multiply the speaking rate by the time you have in minutes:

The result in 2 is the number of words your talk should contain.

Number of words

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Speaking speed

Speaking time

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Reading time

Presentation Geeks

The Role That Pace Of Speech Plays In Delivering A Presentation

Table of contents.

Have you ever put an audiobook or podcast on 2x speed and tried to keep up with the speaker’s pace? Or, have you ever watched an episode of Gilmore Girls and been shocked at how fast Rory and Lorelai talk to each other?

If so, you understand how much affect speech pace can have.

Whether in conversation or in a presentation, the pace of your speech can have a huge impact on how listeners engage and respond to what you say.

In this blog, we will take a look at speech pace, what a good public speaking pace is, why it’s important, and how to find your pace.

Before we jump into the article, check out our portfolio of projects.

When We Say 'Pace Of Speech', What Do We Mean?

When we refer to the pace of your speech, it usually means how fast you are speaking, or how many words per minute you are speaking.

A normal pace – often a conversational pace – usually sits between 120-150 words per minute . Some professions, like auctioneers, professional debaters, and sports commentators’ pace of speech typically ranges from 200-450 words per minute.

The Guinness book of World Records has Sean Shannon from Canada as the current record holder for the fastest talker , with a rate of 655 words per minute.

S peech rates vary from person to person and can often be too fast/too slow depending on the person and the situation.

For example, individuals may speak faster when they want to demonstrate urgency or when they are anxious. On the other hand, they might speak slower on more somber and serious occasions, to speak for dramatic effect, or to reiterate an important point.

Why Is The Pace In Which Your Speak Important?

The pace at which you speak is important when it comes to your audience’s ability to understand what is being said. Additionally, you should vary your pace throughout in order to emphasis key moments in your information in your presentation.

If you talk fast, your audience may have a hard time understanding what you are saying. On the other hand, if you speak at a slow pace, your listeners may lose interest or stop paying attention.

While you might vary your pace throughout your conversation or presentation, be sure to consider your audience as you set an engaging pace.

What Does Your Speech Pace Indicate?

Your speaking rate (and your body language!) can indicate different things to your audience. The art of pacing is an important skill that public speaking professionals will learn and refine over years of perfecting their craft.

Let’s look at the effects that speaking fast or slow might have.

Speaking Slowly

average presentation words per minute

Speaking slowly can indicate a somber and serious tone. It can also indicate that the speaker is unsure of what they are saying and can be paired with filler words like um, uh, or like.

Additionally, a slower pace can also happen when the speaker takes pauses for dramatic effect or to give the audience time to digest new information.

Speaking Quickly

Alternatively, if the presenter is speaking quickly, this could indicate a sense of urgency, passion, excitement, and emotion. If you speak quickly, it might also mean that you are nervous and want to rush through your presentation.

average presentation words per minute

How Can You Tell If You're Speaking Too Fast, Or Too Slow?

If you’re the one speaking, it might be difficult to figure out if you are speaking too fast, slow, or just right. As we’ve said above, your speaking rate can have an effect on how your audience perceives you and engaged with your presentation material.

Keeping an eye on your audience participants is key to determining if your speech rate is appropriate. If you’re audience looks disengaged, bored, or tired, you may be speaking too slow.

On the other side, if your audience looks confused or lost throughout your entire talk, you may be speaking faster than the average rate.

What Impact Does The Wrong Speed Have When Public Speaking?

While you might think that things like the speed of your talking voice might now matter, the wrong speed can actually have quite the impact.

Using a regular speaking rate is one of the best ways to talk to your audience. Talking too fast or slow can help make a point, but shouldn’t be used throughout the entire talk. In fact, this, along with other common presentation mistakes , can have an impact on the audience’s perception of your business.

A good speaker can leave a lasting impression on your audience and can lead to more sales, higher interest, and more connections.

You Need To Find Your Own Speech Rate

In order to become a better presenter , you will need to practice and find your speech rate.

average presentation words per minute

How Can You Find Your Pace?

You can find out whether you are talking to fast, too slow, or just right by timing the speed of your talking rate.

T he speech rate is determined by adding up the total words you speak per minute.

For example, if you record your talking voice for one minute and count the number of words you speak, you can find your speech rates.

This process may need a few tries and different lengths of time to nail down. You might even practice going through your entire speech and then determining your speech rate when listening to it. Not only will this help you practice your presentation, but it can help with finding a good pace.

There are a few apps you can use that can help you track your speech pace as you prepare for your presentation. Some of these apps include Preply, Orai, and Ummo.

How Do You Perfect Your Pace?

Like any skill, it’s all about practice. The best public speakers are skilled with words and their voice. They know how to bring excitement, build suspense with a pause, capture an audience in one word, and can hear the differences between paces of speech.

A great public speaker will master the conversational range of speech, know when to use pauses, and can speed up or slow down their speech based on what they are saying in that moment.

Through regular practice and recording your presentations, you will be able to hone the craft of public speaking and regulating your pace. You’ll also be able to determine the perfect length of a presentation, including t he number of slides you should include to keep your audience engaged.

Here Are Our Final Thoughts On Pace Of Your Speech During A Presentation

A great presentation will use various speech paces to keep audiences engaged, highlight key pieces of information, and show excitement or passion. Understanding your pace will help you become a better presenter and public speaker.

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Speech Time Calculator

Calculate how long your speech script will take

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Characters (without spaces): 0

Word count: 0

Presentation (PT)

In a business presentation, knowing how many words are in your script can help calculate the time needed for your speech. Use the speech time calculator to estimate how long it will take to deliver your presentation. This tool allows you to convert the number of words into minutes, ensuring you stay within your allotted speaking time. Test different WPM settings to see how varying speaking speeds affect your total time.

YouTube Script

When creating a YouTube script, it's crucial to calculate how long the video will be. By entering your script into the speech time calculator, you can estimate the video length based on your words per minute rate. This helps in planning and editing your content to fit your desired time frame. Whether you're speaking quickly or slowly, this tool will convert your script's word count into an accurate time estimate.

Interview Self-Introduction

For an interview self-introduction, it's important to keep your speech concise and to the point. By using the speech time calculator, you can determine how many words fit into a 30-second or 1-minute time slot. This ensures that your introduction is well-timed and impactful. Practice speaking at different rates to find your ideal pace and refine your script accordingly.

When preparing for a public speech, knowing the length of your script is essential. The speech time calculator helps you estimate the duration of your speech by converting the word count into minutes. This tool assists in planning your presentation to fit within the given time limits. Adjust the WPM settings to see how changes in your speaking speed can impact the overall time required.

Press Conference

In a press conference, managing your time effectively is key. Use the speech time calculator to estimate how long your responses will take based on your script's word count. This helps you prepare concise and clear answers, ensuring you stay on schedule. By testing different words per minute rates, you can adjust your speaking speed to deliver your message within the allotted time.

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Mastering Speech Length: Word Count for a 1-30 Minute Event

a businesswoman giving a presentation on stage in front of a seated audience

Crafting the perfect speech is an art, and timing is a crucial part of this creative process. Whether you’re preparing a professional presentation, a motivational speech, or a toast at a social gathering, it’s essential to align the duration of your speech with the right amount of content. If you’re unsure of how to go about it, you’re in the right place! 

This guide will arm you with all the information you need to ascertain the ideal word count for speeches ranging from one to 30 mins. So let’s dive in and take your speech delivery skills to the next level!

Decoding a 12-minute Speech’s Word Count

Assembling a memorable discourse, be it for a professional event or a special occasion, requires the precision of selecting an appropriate volume of content. But worry not, we’ve got your back!

Leverage our comprehensive guide to identify the perfect amount of content for your discourse, depending on your available speaking duration. We will also explore the ideal content volume for various speech durations. So let’s set the ball rolling!

Words Needed Based on Speech Duration

The standard speaking rate for an individual falls between 125 to 200 words per minute. However, this can fluctuate depending on one’s natural conversation style and the topic of discourse. Other factors like familiarity with the topic and your level of ease or nervousness can also influence your speaking speed.

In the world of oration, many are often perplexed about the perfect word-per-minute ratio. In truth, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all number. However, understanding the average word volume for different speech lengths can assist you in structuring and pacing your content effectively.

Here is an analysis of the average word volumes for various speech lengths:


Note that these are average estimates and the actual word count may vary depending on several factors such as the speaker’s pace and familiarity with the subject.

The Need for Minutes Based on the Volume of Words

If you have a written draft, you might be curious about the amount of time required to deliver it. Here is a basic guide to help you gauge the ideal duration based on your content volume:


As with the previous table, these are average estimates and the actual time may vary depending on the speaker’s pace and other factors.

Understanding Your Personal Pace

A significant aspect to consider while preparing a speech is understanding your personal pace. Each person has a unique speaking speed, influenced by factors such as cultural background, personality, and context of the presentation:

  • While the average speaking rate is around 125 to 200 words per minute, you might naturally speak a little faster or slower. It’s essential to time yourself while practicing to understand your average speaking speed better. This step will provide a more precise prediction of how much content you need for your presentation;
  • Remember, however, that quality should never be compromised for quantity. You might have a tendency to speak rapidly when nervous, but this could lead to your message getting lost. Practice conscious pacing and enunciation, and remember to take timely pauses. In contrast, if you’re a slower speaker, ensure your speech remains engaging and doesn’t drift into monotony;
  • It’s also important to note that the complexity of your content can impact the time it takes to deliver it. A speech packed with technical jargon or complex ideas may require a slower pace for effective comprehension. Conversely, a casual, conversational topic can be presented at a brisker pace.

In essence, understanding your speaking speed and adapting your word count accordingly is an indispensable part of successful speech preparation.

Crafting a speech that leaves a lasting impression entails careful consideration of many elements, with timing and content volume being paramount among them. We trust that this comprehensive guide provides a valuable resource for you to determine the ideal word count for speeches, considering various durations.

Recognizing the average word volume for different lengths of speeches and estimating the time needed for a specific word count, forms the basis for your preparation. Further refining these metrics with the understanding of your personal speaking pace adds another layer of precision to your planning process.

However, these guidelines are just the stepping stones in your journey toward mastering public speaking. They provide a structure, within which, you can mold your content to best suit your style, audience, and context.

The most vital part of preparing any speech is practice. By rehearsing, you’ll naturally become more comfortable with the content, understand your unique pacing, and deliver a more confident and impactful speech. So take these insights, plan your speech, and then rehearse until you feel ready to captivate your audience. Remember, your speech is not just about the information you provide, but the way you deliver it. So, get out there and make every word count! Thank you for reading, and here’s to your public speaking success!

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What's your speech rate?

Why a flexible speaking rate is important.

By:  Susan Dugdale  

Is your speech rate too fast, too slow, or just right?

And what is, a normal speaking pace?

The answers to both questions are not straight forward. They fall into the 'it depends' category. And what they're depending on is context. 

Context is everything when it comes to deciding whether the speed you speak at is good, extremely good, or poor.

What you'll find on this page

  • why, and when, speech rate becomes important
  • what speech rate is and how it is calculated
  • 2 ways of finding out your own speech rate
  • speech rate guidelines - what's fast or slow?
  • reasons to change your speech rate
  • exercises to develop a flexible speaking rate
  • a link to a free printable: a diagnostic resource used by speech therapists to test speech fluency and rate, The Rainbow Passage
  • a link to a quick reference guide: how many words per minute are in 1 through to 10 minute speeches .
  • links to authoritative references for more information

average presentation words per minute

Why, and when, is speech rate important? 

Speech rate – how fast, or how slowly a person talks, only becomes important when the speed of their speech becomes a barrier to effective communication.

If people listening are not able to fully take in or comprehend what is being said and a large part of the reason for that is speech rate, then it's time to take action. 

Image: boy with wide open mouth and the words blah, blah, blah floating upwards from it. Text: Understanding rate of speech

What is speech rate? How is it calculated?

Speech rate refers to a person's habitual speaking speed. It's calculated through counting the normal number of words they say per minute, and just like people, words per minute (wpm) can vary hugely.

Additionally, because all words are not equal, wpm can only ever be an approximate measure. For instance, a word can be as simple as a single syllable like "it" or a single letter like “I”, or a collection of many syllables such as “hippopotamus” or “tintinnabulation” - the ringing of bells.

One syllable is considerably quicker to say than many, just as a simple short sentence is faster to say than a complex longer one. 

How to work out your own speech rate

Here are two ways of working out your habitual speech rate.

The first is to read aloud The Rainbow Passage. This piece of text is frequently used by speech language therapists  as a diagnostic tool   to test a person's ability to produce connected speech . 

Record yourself as you read it aloud at your regular speaking rate for one minute.

How far you get through the passage will give you an indication * of your rate of speech.

Here are the first 175 words. The entire piece has 330 words.

(There's a printable pdf of the whole  Rainbow Passage for you to download at the bottom of the page.)

The Rainbow Passage

When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act as a prism and form a rainbow. The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. (51 words)

There is, according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. People look, but no one ever finds it. When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. (99 words)

Throughout the centuries people have explained the rainbow in various ways. Some have accepted it as a miracle without physical explanation. To the Hebrews it was a token that there would be no more universal floods. The Greeks used to imagine that it was a sign from the gods to foretell war or heavy rain. The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from earth to their home in the sky. (175 words)

* I've used the word 'indication' because you are reading aloud rather than giving a speech or talking to a friend. There is a difference.

You'll also need to take into account your familiarity with the text. A 'cold' reading, that is reading the passage without seeing it before hand will probably influence how much of it you get through in a minute.

Record yourself delivering a speech

The second way to test yourself is to record one of your own speeches or presentations. This will give you a much more accurate measure of your actual speech rate.

If you have the text of your speech in a word document you'll have access under the Tools tab (see image below) to the total word count.

Screenshot of word document with tools tab highlighted to show how to access total word count.

Record the speech. Then take the time you took to deliver it and use it to divide the number of words.

To give you an example I recorded the 'Hall of Fame' speech I wrote for a client a couple of years ago. I took 4.9 minutes to say it through.  The total word count of the speech is 641. 

Therefore, 641 words divided by 4.9 minutes = a speaking rate of 130 words per minute.

Speech rate guidelines

Studies show speech rate alters depending on the speaker's culture, geographical location, subject matter, choice of vocabulary and its usage (simple short sentences v complex),  fluency, use of pauses,  gender, age, emotional state, health, profession, audience, and whether or not they're using their primary, or native, language.

However, despite these variables, there are widely accepted guidelines. These are:

  • Slow speech is usually regarded as less than 110 wpm, or words per minute.
  • Conversational speech generally falls between 120 wpm at the slow end, to 160 - 200 wpm in the fast range.
  • People who read books for radio or podcasts are often asked to speak at 150-160 wpm.
  • Auctioneers or commentators who practice speed speech are usually in the 250 to 400 wpm range.

Why change your speech rate?

Generally people are not conscious of their habitual speaking speed and if they are easily understood by those listening to them there is little reason to change. Their speech could be considered too slow or too fast by people outside of their normal environment but if they are not routinely communicating with them it doesn't really matter.

However changes of audience and speech purpose can force a need to become more aware of speaking speed.

For example - a shift from one part of a country to another, from a slower speaking area to a faster speaking one, will, through audience response, make a habitually slower speaker aware of their speech rate.

Similarly someone with naturally fast speech who takes a job requiring presentations to colleagues or customers, will find themselves having to slow down in order to communicate effectively.

Having an accent makes a difference too. If the language you're using is not your first one there may be pronunciation issues which make it harder for your audience to understand you. Slowing down your rate of speech will help. 

Public speaking and rate of speech

If you're giving a speech or presentation, the concept of a normal speaking speed doesn't apply.

What does is flexibility - the ability of the speaker to mix and match pace appropriately with speech content and the audience's ability to comprehend it.

Experience and audience reaction will teach you that a one-size-fits-all approach will be far less effective than careful variation in rate.

Exercises to change speaking rate

If you know you speak either too fast, too slowly or without speed variation then exercises to develop flexibility are what you need.

Here are   Quick and Easy Effective Tips for Speaking Rate Flexibility

These six exercises specifically address the undesirable audience responses brought on by a speaker either talking too quickly or too slowly. Have fun with them!

How many words per minute in a speech?

Speaking trumpet on yellow background. Text: bla, bla, bla. How many words per minute in a speech?

When you have a speech to give with a strict time limit it's useful to have an estimate of how many words will fit comfortably into the time allocated, before you begin to write.

For more see:  How many words per minute in a speech: a quick reference guide  for 1 through to 10 minute speeches.  

Do you know what your voice says about you?

Find out about Voice Image First impressions count and they're not only about looking good, but sounding good too!

References and additional information

Miller, N., Maruyama, G., Beaber, R. J., & Valone, K. (1976). Speed of speech and persuasion . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 34(4), 615–624. 

Smith, S. M., & Shaffer, D. R. (1991). Celerity and cajolery: Rapid speech may promote or inhibit persuasion through its impact on message elaboration . Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17(6), 663–669. 

Rodero, E. (2012). A comparative analysis of speech rate and perception in radio bulletins . Text & Talk, 32 (3), pp. 391–411 

Apple, W., Streeter, L.A., & Krauss, R. M. (1979).  Effects of Pitch and Speech Rate on Personal Attributions . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37( 5), 715-727

Optimal Podcast Words per Minute Rate for Biggest Impact - an extremely thorough article by Chris Land of

What is the ideal rate of speech?   Public speaking coach Lynda Stucky 'shows and tells' about speech rate. She's made 7 variations of The Rainbow Passage so that you can hear the difference speed makes.

Speech Pace: do you talk too fast or too slow? Take this test . - a YouTube video by speech teacher  Laura Bergells.

Perfect Your Speed Talking at This Auction School  - a YouTube video showing how The Missouri Auction School teaches speed speech. ☺

Download The Rainbow Passage

Click the link to download a printable pdf of   The Rainbow Passage .

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Presentation Time Calculator

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PT Time Controller

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1. If you scroll right or left, it will calculate PT time according to corresponding speed. 2. You can consider your speech speed and the interval of your PPT pages .

140 WPM (Words Per Minute)

        Slow speech and long verval pause
Slow speech or long verval pause
Fast speech or short verbal pause
Fast speech and short verbal pause

* 매우 천천히 설명하는 발표는 330 CPM까지도 내려갑니다.

1. Read your script for 20 seconds using below stopwatch. 2. Enter the script as much as you just read and it will calculate PT time about total script. 3. If you have PPT, enter the number of PPT pages, the interval of PPT pages and the time to view materials.

2021.03.18. Modified